"How to Generate B2B Leads, Prospects & Sales on Autopilot" |
"A sales lead is a potential sales contact, individual or organization that expresses an interest in your goods or services. Leads are typically obtained through a referral or through a direct response to advertising. Here is how to generate them on autopilot step-by-step!Catch me on Instagram @yaswanthnukasani to get free exclusive insider content ??OVERVIEWWhy is This So Powerful?Imagine Reaching Out to 500% More Clients Daily in a Personalized MannerWhat is Cold Emailing? What is Not Cold Emailing?Who is this right for?When can you start doing this for your business?What you need to understand to get these results?MindsetStrategyProcess to ExecuteBuilding Your Ideal Customer ProfileBUILD Your Ideal Customer Profile & ActionsBuild Your Ideal Customer ProfileBuild Your Ideal Response from CustomerBuild Your Ideal C.T.A.FIND Your ProspectsLinkedInGoogle MyBusiness > Website > Capture InformationOnline DirectoriesUse ProspectGrind to Have the Work Done for YouCRAFT Your MessageCraft Your Initial TouchpointDesigning Your Touchpoints StructureCraft Your Follow Up TouchpointsFinding CTAsGetting Help - Hire me to write your CampaignAUTOMATE Your OutreachUse YeswareGetting Help - Hire me to build your CampaignSCALE Your OutreachIdentify More NichesUse ProspectGrind to Have the Work Done for YouADVANCED: Having Your House In OrderDomain ReputationMore Advanced KeypointsPage Authority, Trust Flow, Citation Score, BacklinksSender ReputationADVANCED: Cold Email Success TIPSSend TimesSales Are Made in the Follow UpJab-Jab-Right HookHave a strong online presence - Use MerchnDigitalFinal WordYouTubePodcastSocialIn marketing, lead generation (/lid/) is the initiation of consumer interest or enquiry into products or services of a business. Leads can be created for purposes such as list building, e-newsletter list acquisition or for sales leads. The methods for generating leads typically fall under the umbrella of advertising, but may also include non-paid sources such as organic search engine results or referrals from existing customers.[1] Leads may come from various sources or activities, for example, digitally via the Internet, through personal referrals, through telephone calls either by the company or telemarketers, through advertisements, and events. A 2015 study found that 89% of respondents cited email as the most-used channel for generating leads, followed by content marketing, search engine, and finally events.[2] A study from 2014 found that direct traffic, search engines, and web referrals were the three most popular online channels for lead generation, accounting for 93% of leads.[3] Lead generation is often paired with lead management to move leads through the purchase funnel. This combination of activities is referred to as pipeline marketing. A lead is usually allotted to an individual to follow up on. Once the individual (e.g. salesperson) reviews and qualifies it to have potential business, the lead gets converted to an opportunity for a business. The opportunity then has to undergo multiple sales stages before the deal is won.A lead usually is the contact information and in some cases, demographic information of a customer who is interested in a specific product or service. There are two types of leads in the lead generation market: sales leads and marketing leads. Sales leads are generated on the basis of demographic criteria such as FICO score (United States), income, age, household income, psychographic, etc. These leads are resold to multiple advertisers. Sales leads are typically followed up through phone calls by the sales force. Sales leads are commonly found in the mortgage, insurance and finance industries. Marketing leads are brand-specific leads generated for a unique advertiser offer. In direct contrast to sales leads, marketing leads are sold only once. Because transparency is a necessary requisite for generating marketing leads, marketing lead campaigns can be optimized by mapping leads to their sources. An investor lead is a type of a sales lead. An investor lead is the identity of a person or entity potentially interested in participating in an investment, and represents the first stage of an investment sales process. Investor leads are considered to have some disposable income that they can use to participate in appropriate investment opportunities in exchange for return on investment in the form of interest, dividend, profit sharing or asset appreciation. Investor lead lists are normally generated through investment surveys, investor newsletter subscriptions or through companies raising capital and selling the database of people who expressed an interest in their opportunity. Investor Lead lists are commonly used by small businesses looking to fund their venture or simply needing expansion capital that was not readily available by banks and traditional lending sources.Source: Wikipedia.I have to apologize for the background noise, our audio engineer could not remove the background noise. I feel really bad but we spent hours trying to fix this and could not. :( I promise to get the audio fixed on the next one. Thanks for all the love and support guys :)"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Tap Into Your Abundant State of Mind (POWERFUL)" |
"Catch me on Instagram @yaswanthnukasani to get free exclusive insider content ??Originally, A business concept in which a person believes there are enough resources and success to share with others, when looking at optimistic people.How to Tap Into Your Abundant State of Mind (POWERFUL)Tap Into Your PhysiologyPractice Conscious Breathing- Hands Up Pull Breathing - Tony RobbinsBlue-Light BlockersFun Exercise - yoga, cross-fit, cryotherapy, float-tanksEatingTap Into Your SubconciousJournal For GratitudeWrite Your Thoughts/Feeling - Joe DispenzaPractice Voluntary HardshipsCold ShowersSleep on the floorWalk vs. DriveCap Your SpendingBREAK: Powerful Beliefs to CultivateYou get out of life exactly what you think you deserve. Before trying to change results in anything, you need to calibrate your mindsetComing to Terms With & Work on Your PastTo hit your goals, Become the person capable of achieving your goalsTap Into Your MarginTime - the space between your responsibilities and available timeParettos 80/20 - EffectivenessDelegationLawnmowing, Other Tasks which is not your specialization - Try not to do everything and anythingAutomationAutomated Credit Card PaymentsTap Into Your LanguageYour Words - I AMYour Affirmations - I WILL - I AM GOING TODeveloping Self-EfficacyTap Into Your GrowthImprove Your Inputs of InformationAsk People About ThemTheir Goals, Plans. Simply Listening. .Tap Into Something Bigger Than YouChurchLaw of AttractionWrite yourself a check to the amount which you desire and date it.Practice being conscious -Mental Spending"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Build Your Influential Network Step-By-Step" |
"Learn how to develop the strong personal relationships that you'll need to achieve your goalsCatch me on Instagram @yaswanthnukasani to get free exclusive insider content ??IntroductionOverview of CourseMindsetApplicationWhy networking is crucialWhat will you get from this course? How is the course structured?Local NetworkingConnect through Local Chamber of Commerce MeetingsConnect through through Entrepreneurs OrganizationConnect through through Lobby GroupsConnect through through MeetUpConnect through through Your Existing NetworkNetworking Through SocialConnecting through LinkedInConnecting through InstagramConnect through TwitterMindsetWhat is Networking OverviewDetermine Your Goal & Desired OutcomesCreate Win-WinsThe Law of 33% - Tai LopezDeveloping Genuine Interest in Others (Make Friends)SkillsetDeveloping Listening SkillsHearing vs ListeningInterview PeopleBecoming a SuperconnectorFinal Word"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Step-By-Step Guide to Launch a iPhone Resale Business" |
"The used smartphone business is booming, on its way to surpassing $30 billion of the annual smartphone market. Theres a lot of money to be made reselling phones for people passionate about technology.Whether youre an iPhone or Android phone user, the market for used phones is huge. You might even know friends who have a stack of old used phones sitting in a drawer somewhere.If youre looking for an extra revenue stream and love tech, you should consider repairing or reselling phones.It can be challenging to figure out where to enter the market or how to get started. Thats why weve put together a guide on how to sell used phones for profit.In this course, me and Danish Azim walk you through what we learned over the years in flipping phones.You will learn the following:How Danish sold over 200k worth of phones in the last 3 yearsHow to buy phones at a discount & checking conditonHow to find the market value of the phonesHow to communicate with buyers/sellers efficientlyTips to organize your inventorySet up your seller accounts to sell onlineHow to inspect a phone properlyTechnical aspects of phonesIf you want to build a profitable side hustle to replace your income & cover your bills, join the course and get your piece of this $30 billion market."
Price: 19.99 |
"Cmo Vender sin Vender: 7 Secretos para Vivir de las Ventas" |
"Las Ventas son la opcin nmero 1 que he encontrado para tener tiempo. Tiempo para mi familia, para mi comunidad, para mis pasatiempos, para desarrollar mis habilidades, y, en fin, para SER LIBRE.COMPROBADO. Este Curso no te convertir en un mejor vendedor, pero s te convertir en el hombre o la mujer, a la cual las personas, le querrn comprar. Porque VENDER, tiene mucho ms que ver con quien eres, que con lo que haces.Aprenders, en 7 sencillos pasos, la valiosa informacin que yo mismo recib, y que, en menos de 2 semanas, me ayud a triplicar mis ingresos. Con estos 7 Secretos, logrars:Una mejor comprensin de cmo piensan tus clientes.Aprender cmo vivir de las ventas.Aumentar tus ingresos, dentro de los prximos das y semanas.Conocer la manera ms eficaz de cuidar los detalles de tu negocio o producto. Porque recuerda, vender est en los detalles.Obtener la gua y apoyo de los mejores mentores.Utilizar una herramienta de liderazgo increble para leer a las personas inmediatamente, a fin de poder saber qu les motiva a tomar accin inmediata.Y, POR LTIMO, y ms importante, deseo que ganes LIBERTAD. Libertad para lo que T quieras. Quiero que no tengas que pedirle permiso a nadie para estar con tu familia o amigos. Quiero que tengas el tiempo y entusiasmo para desarrollar tus talentos y habilidades al mximo. Sinceramente, eso es lo que deseoOJO. Tu tiempo es ms valioso que el dinero. As que revisa bien los vdeos de prueba y, si lo deseas, lee con detenimiento las siguientes opiniones de mis clientes, sobre las herramientas que comparto en este curso, a fin de que sepas si esto es realmente para ti. Adems, no pierdes nada y ganas demasiado. Recuerda que tienes 30 das para pedir tu devolucin, en caso de que este curso no sea el indicado para ti en este momento. Lo que piensan mis clientes:""Me pareci como una amena charla con un buen amigo, lleno de consejos tiles para poner a la prctica inmediatamente"". -Luis""Le agradezco al autor por haber aclarado y acomodado mis ideas. Haba cosas que ya estaba haciendo, ahora es tiempo de pulir, hacer y crecer. Es un tesoro econmico que devolver 10X"". - Csar Guerrero""Excelentes secretos. Tiene una manera muy sencilla de hacer ver las cosas. Es un curso que realmente recomiendo a personas de ventas"". -ngel Mrquez""Acabo de emprender un negocio, y me encanta documentarme y que mejor tomando excelentes cursos como ste que te impulsa a seguir adelante. Me encant porque el punto de vista del autor es muy humano. No te ensea a vender por vender como el ttulo lo deja ver, sino que te da excelentes recomendaciones de cmo lograrlo cambiando aspectos personales, pero muy significativo para lo que ests emprendiendo en la vida! Felicitaciones Sr. Manuel y muchas gracias!"". -Sarai Rivera""Maravillosos consejos.. sin duda sper recomendado! Gracias Manuel por compartir tan extraordinarios consejos.. me motivaste a leer ms de tus libros. Gracias, gracias"". -Ricardo DazMi Objetivo Principal es Aadirte Valor. Valor para tu Vida, Resultados, y XITO como Profesional. Es por eso que, al adquirir este curso, tambin obtendrs 5 Maravillosos Bonos:Liderazgo y Personalidad (Gemas). Una herramienta que vale 10 veces la inversin que ests realizando al comprar este curso. Videos: Si deseas aumentar tus ventas y resultados, aumenta tu frecuencia y energa. La gente compra vitalidad y energa. Video:Multiplica tus Resultados y Vulvete Extraordinario(a).Video: El Pndulo de la Vida. Elimina tus Miedos y recorre el camino hacia la abundancia y felicidad.Recibe Gratis Hoy Mismo 5 de mis libros relacionados con los temas de este curso. 1-Cmo Vender sin Vender:7 Secretos Para Vivir de las Ventas y No Morir en el Intento2-Cmo Vender sin Vender: Persuasin, Los 7 Secretos3-Obligado a Emprender: Oro Molido para convertirte en un Emprendedor Exitoso4-Liderazgo sin Lmites:5 Principios de xito5-Aprendizaje Va Osmosis:El Mtodo Comprobado y Rpido para ProgresarTe Felicito por tu decisin! Veo a futuro y s que juntos llegaremos muy lejos. Te veo adentro del curso."
Price: 99.99 |
"Understanding Hidden Messages of Body Language" |
"The popular belief is that words are the main source of communication and accordingly little attention is paid to non-verbal body signals. In fact, only 7% of information is transmitted through words and phrases; 55% is transmitted via facial expressions, gestures, poses and visual contact with the remaining 38% channeled through voice and intonation. The success of any interaction is largely based on one's ability to correctly understand body language. This understanding allows a more accurate interpretation of the interlocutor's thoughts, helps to shape your own message, controls the flow of the conversation and even separates the truth from distortion.Knowledge of body language facilitates communication with others, improves comprehension without words and helps to successfully influence people.This Body Language lesson is based on scientifically proven research and includes a range of practical cues that you will be able to implement immediately. As well, you will be introduced to the most recent models of building rapport.LESSON PLAN:Four basic rules of interpretation; Micro-expressions for lie-detecting; Five powerful shades of voice; Reading of facial expressions; Decoding gestures and postures; Technology of influence; Signals of flirtation and sexuality; Self-regulation through body5 Practical exercises4 Detailed mini-lectures7 Educational video clips29 Educational charts and pictures (attached accordingly to each lecture)ADDITIONAL BONUS:* Technology of Influence** Signals of Flirtation and Sexuality The lesson is a part of the Genius of Communication Course created for the Academy of Social Competency which includes seven fundamentals of effective communication:Secrets of Body LanguageThe Art of Verbal CommunicationEffective Listening TechniquesBuilding Successful RelationshipsConflict Resolution StrategiesPersonal Image and BrandingGood Manners & Etiquette"
Price: 29.99 |
"The Art of Verbal Communication" |
"Conversation is a unique art with its subtleties and nuances. A person who skillfully applies this art is shrouded in a halo of special charm, always knowing how to make the right impression and communicate effectively in any situation, be it a first acquaintance, party, interview or business negotiations. The formula of successful verbal communication comprises special methods of establishing contact and conducting conversations that subconsciously prepare others for a positive reception.During the lesson, you will learn special techniques of verbal communication which will assist you in acquiring new contacts and feeling comfortable in any circle. This lesson will also provide you with the tools to feel comfortable in any sphere and to become an influential speaker, capable of changing your life and the lives of others.LESSON PLAN:Positive verbal feedback signals; Correct and inappropriate compliments; Words that change lives; Small talk essential strategies; Six rules of verbal etiquette; Transformation of black & white thinking; Conversation openers and closers; Four basic functions for success5 Practical exercises4 Detailed mini-lectures14 Educational video clips7 Educational charts and pictures (attached accordingly to each lecture)ADDITIONAL BONUS:* Handcuff and wing words**Verbal Phrases that Destroy Our HealthThe lesson is a part of the Genius of Communication Course created for the Academy of Social Competency which includes seven fundamentals of effective communication:Secrets of Body LanguageThe Art of Verbal CommunicationEffective Listening TechniquesBuilding Successful RelationshipsConflict Resolution StrategiesPersonal Image and BrandingGood Manners & Etiquette"
Price: 29.99 |
"Effective Listening Skills for Better Relationships" |
"Talking and listening make up two of the most important skills in verbal communication. In one famous parable, it's been stated that we were given two ears and one mouth for a certain reason. Statistics imply that the ability of the general population to listen with concentration and understanding is at the 10% level, while executives and top-level CEOs have a level of 25%. Do you think that a level of 25% is adequate enough?As a prerequisite, listening skills support a correct understanding of the other person's position, assist in navigating through disagreements and help to maintain successful negotiations. Developing an effective listening skill-set improves relationships with others, enhances professional competence when working with clients and develops an ability to grasp the motives of what has been said.At the end of this lesson, you will be able to implement the four levels of listening and mastery the art of asking questions.LESSON PLAN:Four modules of listening; Building rapport and trust; Non-verbal signals of listening; Empathetic engagement; Three techniques of active listening; Developing skills of silence; Barriers to effective listening; Effective questioning skills4 Practical exercises4 Detailed mini-lectures9 Educational video clips6 Educational charts and pictures (attached accordingly to each lecture)ADDITIONAL BONUS:* Step-by-step Guidance for Effective ListeningThe lesson is a part of the Genius of Communication Course created for the Academy of Social Competency which includes seven fundamentals of effective communication:Secrets of Body LanguageThe Art of Verbal CommunicationEffective Listening TechniquesBuilding Successful RelationshipsConflict Resolution StrategiesPersonal Image and BrandingGood Manners & Etiquette"
Price: 29.99 |
"Build Long-Term Relationships and Network with Success" |
"On a daily basis, communication is prevalent the average person speaks 16,000 words a day. Unfortunately, even this amount of spoken words does not necessarily guarantee mutual understanding and togetherness. Happy relationships with others, i.e. friends, colleagues, partners, relatives, and even acquaintances, are not a result but a process that demands attention and effort.Extroverts or introverts each group has inherent mistakes that prevent them from desired relationships. Interaction with other people starts with our own Self. Meeting others who are unlike us may produce tension, rejection or fear. Relationships begin with our ability to separate our Self from others and then establish a common ground, precisely what we will practice during this lesson.Effective relationships are based on self-acceptance and embracing the differences of others, which is not connected to a level of intelligence or education. It's the emotional component that transforms occasional encounters into long-term relationships, something that we will also explore.LESSON PLAN:Three levels of communication; Foundations of healthy relationships; Strength and priorities assessment; Origins of misunderstandings; Subconscious family patterns; Strategies of safe coexistence; Benefits of effective networking; Room for improvement4 Practical exercises5 Detailed mini-lectures10 Educational video clips8 Educational charts and pictures (attached accordingly to each lecture)ADDITIONAL BONUS:* Algorithm of Personal Transformation** Your Personal Action PlanThe lesson is a part of the Genius of Communication Course created for the Academy of Social Competency which includes seven fundamentals of effective communication:Secrets of Body LanguageThe Art of Verbal CommunicationEffective Listening TechniquesBuilding Successful RelationshipsConflict Resolution StrategiesPersonal Image and BrandingGood Manners & Etiquette"
Price: 29.99 |
"Conflict Resolution Strategies" |
"Conflict in our lives is inevitable, given that contradictions between people are omnipresent. Most often, the cause of discord is a difference of interests multiplied by the inability to control one's self.How we choose to react in a conflict situation is entirely our choice to be productive and meaningful or destructive and harmful. By mastering conflict resolution skills, we learn how to effectively de-escalate conflicts, manage emotions and situations, and be congruent with our own needs.At the duration of this lesson, participants will acquire the practical skills necessary for recognizing ""conflictogens"", safely preventing destructive conflicts in all spheres of life, and the appropriate use of resolution strategies within existing conflicts.LESSON PLAN:Rules and pre-conditions of negotiations; Common stimulus of conflicts; Constructive versus destructive conflicts; Five strategies of managing conflicts; Techniques of de-escalation; Emotional ways of reacting; Three levels of communication; Effects of collaborating strategy3 Practical exercises4 Detailed mini-lectures6 Educational video clips13 Educational charts and pictures (attached accordingly to each lecture)ADDITIONAL BONUS:* Step-by-step guidance for managing your emotionsThe lesson is a part of the Genius of Communication Course created for the Academy of Social Competency which includes seven fundamentals of effective communication:Secrets of Body LanguageThe Art of Verbal CommunicationEffective Listening TechniquesBuilding Successful RelationshipsConflict Resolution StrategiesPersonal Image and BrandingGood Manners & Etiquette"
Price: 29.99 |
"Personal Image for Successful Communication" |
"Image is an impression actualized in the minds of other people, which remains with them even when we are not around. It's the so-called aftertaste of Who we are, What and how we live and What is special about us. It has been proven that the first impression of us is formed during the initial 7-17 seconds of contact, after which there is still up to four minutes to change this thought before it becomes embedded. Personal image consists of many external details, consonant with the inner qualities of a person, their character and even their temperament.During this lesson, you will learn the technologies of creating a successful personal image, explore your own strengths and weaknesses and learn the basics of formal and informal dress code.The purpose of this lesson is to teach the basics of branding and to equip you with the practical tools of taking control of your personal image.LESSON PLAN:Concept of personal image; Effects of social perception; Three levels of the first impression; Key elements of personal image; Seven rules of self-presenting; Dress codes for men and women; Power of personal beliefs; Visibility of positive thinking2 Practical exercises4 Detailed mini-lectures7 Educational video clips16 Educational charts and pictures (attached accordingly to each lecture)ADDITIONAL BONUS:* Formula of Developing Your Confidence** Secrets of EleganceThe lesson is a part of the Genius of Communication Course created for the Academy of Social Competency which includes seven fundamentals of effective communication:Secrets of Body LanguageThe Art of Verbal CommunicationEffective Listening TechniquesBuilding Successful RelationshipsConflict Resolution StrategiesPersonal Image and BrandingGood Manners & Etiquette"
Price: 29.99 |
"Good Manners & Etiquette for Daily and Business Settings" |
"There are many situations in life that require special mannerisms, be it in private or public settings, business receptions, presentations or high-end events. Good manners are woven from small details and have a pronounced situational character, knowledge of which makes us feel confident everywhere and with everyone. When behaving appropriately and with elegance, we automatically create a favorable impression and add value to our personal and professional status.During this lesson, you will learn the difference between daily and business etiquette, practice the basics of American and European table behavior, explore the art of giving and receiving gifts, and learn the rules of hosting.LESSON PLAN:Greeting, introduction and farewell rules; Art of the handshake; Hosting and gifting; Dining etiquette; Silent service codes; American and European cutlery options; Business etiquette; Usage of a linen napkin3 Practical exercises5 Detailed mini-lectures5 Educational video clips2 Educational charts and pictures (attached accordingly to each lecture)ADDITIONAL BONUS:* The secrets of creating the ""right impression"" The lesson is a part of the Genius of Communication Course created for the Academy of Social Competency which includes seven fundamentals of effective communication:Secrets of Body LanguageThe Art of Verbal CommunicationEffective Listening TechniquesBuilding Successful RelationshipsConflict Resolution StrategiesPersonal Image and BrandingGood Manners & Etiquette"
Price: 29.99 |
"Spinning the Matrix-A quick way to change your life" |
"In this course you will learn how to change what you hold inside of you, so that you can create the change you need for a better life.You will have an assignment to do, that e will be using through out the course.You will begin to change your own life through real time experience of the technique during the courseAnd you will see real time demonstrations of use of this technique on real people just like you who came to me to help improve their lives."
Price: 49.99 |
"Paint, Refinish, and Reupholster Furniture: Table and Chairs" |
"In this course I want to show you how easy it is to refinish a dining set or complete a bigger project. We will go over painting, staining, striping, sanding and all of your options when it comes to refinishing a table. Then we will go over how to reupholster dining chairs. After you complete this course you should feel ready to refinish and reupholster your own project!"
Price: 74.99 |
"TOCFL (The Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language) Practice" |
"How long have you learned Mandarin (Chinese)?Would you like to pass this exam with higher scores?Would you like to check how much you have learned?We highly suggest you take the test without pinyin first. It will test how many vocabularies you have remembered.This test is based on about 300 high-frequency words and uses abundant pictures to illustrate authentic situations, with the aim to evaluate the ability of recognition and comprehension of words/phases.This Reading test contains two parts, totally 25 questions.If you got 39 correct, you have reached Novice 1 level.If you got 61 correct, you have reached Novice 2 level.The full scores are 80. Test time is around 25 minutes.Novice 1 level:Can recognize everyday, high-frequency words which are immediately relevant to oneself, with backtracking allowed, and meaning supported by context.Novice 2 level:Can understand high-frequency words and phrases related to daily life with backtracking allowed, and meaning supported by context."
Price: 19.99 |
"TOCFL (The Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language) Practice" |
"How long have you learned Mandarin (Chinese)?Would you like to pass this exam with higher scores?Would you like to check how much you have learned?**We highly suggest you take the test without pinyin first**. It will test how many vocabularies you have remembered.This test is based on about 300 high-frequency words and uses abundant pictures to illustrate authentic situations, with the aim to evaluate the ability of recognition and comprehension of words/phases.This Reading test contains two parts, totally 25 questions.If you got 39 correct, you have reached Novice 1 level.If you got 61 correct, you have reached Novice 2 level.The full scores are 80. Test time is around 25 minutes.Novice 1 level:Can recognize everyday, high-frequency words which are immediately relevant to oneself, with backtracking allowed, and meaning supported by context.Novice 2 level:Can understand high-frequency words and phrases related to daily life with backtracking allowed, and meaning supported by context."
Price: 19.99 |
Price: 19.99 |
"Articulate Studio 13 Training for Beginners" |
"At the end of the course, you will have developed your own Articulate-based e-Learning course using Presenter and Engage. You will be directed through a rapid e-Learning course development process while creating your own e-Learning course.In this course of Articulate Studio 13 you will be learning how to download and install Articulate Studio 13, concept of presenter, engage and quiz maker, you will be also learning about graphics, web objects along with that you will also learning about types of interactions such as bulletin board, circle diagram and many more. The course will also highlight about player design, slide properties, how to make use of audio & video files, and lastly about publishing options too."
Price: 114.99 |
"UDUTU - Course Authoring Tool" |
"The tutorials will help you learn about getting started with the Udutu tool right from scratch, you will learn in detail about understanding their highly interactive interface, screen familiarization, understanding sequence and a lot more interesting stuff in this software. This course provides you with everything you need to create compelling e-Learning content with Udutu Tool. At the end of the course, you will have developed your own Udutu based e-Learning course. You will be directed through a rapid e-Learning course development process while creating your own e-Learning course."
Price: 144.99 |
"Zenler Studio LMS Tutorials" |
"Zenler Online is a Learning Management System (LMS) on the cloud. With a few clicks you can publish your Zenler Courses online. Zenler easily blends into PowerPoint Presentations to create intuitive and professional educational programs. Without much of programming knowledge you can use PowerPoint then Zenler Studio with ease.Through this tutorial we are exploring the features Litmos SAAS/Cloud platform for e-learning, also known as a learning management system (LMS) has to offer. The tutorials will help you learn about getting started with the Zenler tool right from scratch, you will learn in detail about understanding their highly interactive interface, screen familiarization, and a lot more interesting stuff in this software."
Price: 119.99 |
"Android 5.0 Lollipop - Mobile App Development" |
"Android is a new operating system which is based on Linux kernel. It has user interface based on direct manipulation, touch screen mobile phones, tablets and computers. This operating system takes input from touch screen with the help of human finger or touch stick.We can swipe, tap, and pinch the screen to manipulate objects on screen. Now a Day we have multi touch option in android phones. This technology is also used in devices like televisions, digital cameras, game console and some other electronic devices.As we all know, now a day android applications are very much popular in current trend. We just have to make an application with the help of software development tool. If the application is famous on Google store we can earn millions of dollars in few months. There are many apps available in Google store which are free to use. This course is a complete package, a comprehensive detailed course on Android App Development using the Android version 5 which is lollipop."
Price: 119.99 |
"CloverETL Data Integration" |
"CloverETL in particular is a rapid data integration tool focused on to get your job done quickly. It is also a visual tool for developing, debugging, and running data transformations. Through these tutorials we shall explore Clover ETL, its component with the help of demonstration.The training will include the following;1. Steps to Analyse Data2. Gathering and Cleaning the Data3. ETL process4. Introduction to clover5. Clover ETL components with demonstration6. Basic example"
Price: 119.99 |
"Tableau - Business Intelligence and Analytics using Tableau" |
"Customer Analytics using R and TableauLearn how to effectively work around customer data to find out answers to key questions related to business analysis. We are using sophisticated statistical tools like R and Tableau to analyze data. This training is a practical and a quantitative course which will help you learn customer analytics with the perspective of a data scientist. The learner of this course will learn the most relevant techniques used in the real world by data analysts of companies around the world.The training includes the following;Introduction to Customer AnalyticsDescriptive AnalyticsPredictive AnalyticsPrescriptive AnalyticsApplication in Real WorldPricing Analytics Using R and Tableau:Learn how to effectively work around pricing to find out answers to key questions related to business analysis. We are using sophisticated statistical tools like R and Tableau to analyze data.This training is a practical and a quantitative course which will help you learn pricing analytics with the perspective of a data scientist. The learner of this course will learn the most relevant techniques used in the real world by data analysts of companies around the world.The training includes the following;Introduction to Pricing Analytics and Pricing in businessDescriptive Pricing AnalyticsPredictive Pricing AnalyticsPrescriptive Pricing AnalyticsPricing ResearchApplication in real world.Business Intelligence with Tableau:Business intelligence (BI) is essentially the collection of tools and processes that are used to gather data and turn it into meaningful information that people can use to make better decisions. Using Excel, you can create powerful reports, scorecards, and dashboards. You can bring data into Excel, sort, and organize data, and use it to create reports and scorecards. You can also use powerful analytic capabilities in Excel to visualize and explore data.Through these tutorials we are going to understand the business intelligence and data visualization using Tableau tool.This training will help you learn about:Business Intelligence(BI) Introduction, Significance & ToolsIntroduction to TableauEvaluation of TableauTableau ArchitectureInstallation of TableauData ConnectionsDashboard and Story TellingSharing DashboardsData Visualization with Tableau Project"
Price: 199.99 |
"Fraud Analytics using R & Microsoft Excel" |
"Learn how to effectively work around pricing to find out answers to key questions related to business analysis. We are using sophisticated statistical tools like R and Tableau to analyze data.this training is a practical and a quantitative course which will help you learn fraud analytics with the perspective of a data scientist. The learner of this course will learn the most relevant techniques used in the real world by data analysts of companies around the world.The training includes the following;Introduction to FraudDifferent Types of FraudFraud Analytics & ImportanceTraditional Fraud Detection MethodFraud Detection BIG Data ApproachFraud Detection, Prevention & AnalyticsCase Study : Credit Card Fraud Detection"
Price: 59.99 |
"Marketing Analytics Using R and Excel" |
"Learn how to effectively work around marketing analytics to find out answers to key questions related to business analysis. We are using sophisticated statistical tools like R and excel to analyze data.this training is a practical and a quantitative course which will help you learn marketing analytics with the perspective of a data scientist. The learner of this course will learn the most relevant techniques used in the real world by data analysts of companies around the world.The training includes the following;Introduction to MarketingWhat is Marketing Analytics?Marketing MetricsMarket Research and Conjoint Analysis OverviewCase Study : Market ResearchCase Study : Conjoint AnalysisApplication of Machine Learning to Marketing"
Price: 99.99 |
"The Complete Blockchain Professional Course" |
"Learn Blockchain from the industry experts!Learn the key concepts of Blockchain in depth and in the most simplest terms.Welcome to the Complete Blockchain Professional Course. People have heard about Blockchain but they don't know what it is. This course has been designed in such a way that you will get a thorough understanding of how the Blockchain Technology is being used as a solution to various problems being faced by the industries. This is a very comprehensive course which explains all the basics and fundamentals of Blockchain explained in the simplest way. In 2018, the rise in jobs in the Blockchain sector has been 7000%. For every 14 jobs in the USA, there is only 1 person who is available to take up the job in Blockchain.What you will you get with this course:In order to make this course more interactive, we have provided various quizzes as a part of the modules. You will get more clarity and will be able to master all the important topics related to Blockchain.What we cover in this course:What is Blockchain? The difference between Blockchain & other technologiesHow a Blockchain transaction worksTypes of Blockchains present in the market Consensus mechanisms being used in Blockchain Industry challenges being faced by BlockchainBlockchain ArchitectureVarious Blockchain solutions like Ethereum, Hyperledger, Bitcoin, Cords, Quorum, Multichain and EOSDifferent types of Blockchain consensus Algorithms like Proof of Work, Proof of Stake and Delegated Proof of Stake.Steps to form your Blockchain solutionBlockchain smart contracts Smart contract use cases and smart contract applications in order to explain how they are being used in the real world scenariosCryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and much moreIntroductions to DAG, Hedra Hashgraph and future developmentsBonus material we provide:Various use cases have been provided to understand how Blockchain works in practical scenariosWe have provided various quizzes at the end of each module for a better understanding of BlockchainWe have also provided various sophisticated attacks which could happen over your Blockchain solutionA peek at the future developments in the Blockchain technologyGuide to create your own Blockchain ecosystemWe2Blocks is a Blockchain Consultation and Training Company having a global presence. With this course we aim to promote Blockchain and create an environment for people interested in Blockchain to learn and expand their knowledge. We will be coming out with various blockchain tutorials related to fundamentals of the blockchain technology, practice questions related to blockchain certifications, Hyperledger Fabric fundamentals, Hyperledger Fabric Composer as well as courses related to blockchain development."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Complete Guide to Blockchain Use Cases" |
"Learn from the industry experts!Get an in-depth explanation as to how Blockchain is being used by the industry experts in the real world scenarios.Welcome to the Complete Guide to Blockchain Use Cases. People have heard about Blockchain but they don't know how it is being implemented in the different industries. This course has been designed in such a way that you will get a thorough understanding of how the Blockchain Technology is being used as a solution to various problems being faced by the industries. In 2018, the rise in jobs in the Blockchain sector has been 7000%. For every 14 jobs in the USA, there is only 1 person who is available to take up the job in Blockchain.What you will you get with this course:In order to make this course more interactive, we have provided various quizzes as a part of the modules. You will get more clarity and will be able to understand how to use Blockchain as a solution.What we cover in this course:30+ Use cases provided to give you an in-depth understanding of how Blockchain is being used in the industriesHow Blockchain can be implemented as a solution in the real world scenarios A quick introduction to Blockchain TechnologyLearn about when to use Blockchain and when not to use BlockchainUnderstand Blockchain Decision TreeImplications of Blockchain over traditional technologies Learn about various blockchain applicationsBlockchain applications in healthcare, Government Sector, Real Estate Sector, Transportation Sector, Finance Sector, Media and Entertainment Sector, Telecom Sector, Agriculture SectorBonus material we provide:We have provided various quizzes at the end of each module for a better understandingWe2Blocks is a Blockchain Consultation and Training Company having a global presence. With this course we aim to promote Blockchain and create an environment for people interested in Blockchain to learn and expand their knowledge. We will be coming out with various blockchain tutorials related to fundamentals of the blockchain technology, practice questions related to blockchain certifications, Hyperledger Fabric fundamentals, Hyperledger Fabric Composer as well as courses related to blockchain development."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Complete Hyperledger Fabric Fundamentals" |
"Learn from the industry experts!Learn the key concepts of Hyperledger Fabric in depth and in the most simplest terms.Welcome to the Complete Hyperledger Fabric Fundamentals Course. People have heard about Hyperledger Fabric but they don't know what it is. This course has been designed in such a way that you will get a thorough understanding of how the Hyperledger Fabric Technology is being used as a solution to various problems being faced by the industries. This is a very comprehensive course which explains all the basics and fundamentals of Hyperledger Fabric in the simplest way.This is not a Developer's course, this course is created in order to clear all the basic concepts and fundamentals of Hyperledger Fabric. We will be coming out with a Hyperledger Developer's course soon which will explain how Hyperledger Composer works.In 2018, the rise in jobs in the Blockchain sector has been 7000%. For every 14 jobs in the USA, there is only 1 person who is available to take up job in Blockchain Technology. Hyperledger Fabric is a solution which is at the top of the curve for the governments and the enterprises. Industries like Walmart, McDonalds, Nestle, Dole etc. have already implemented Hyperledger Fabric and many more are seeking the help of Hyperledger Platform to solve their problems and get an efficient solution.What you will you get with this course:In order to make this course more interactive, we have provided various quizzes as a part of the modules. With this Hyperledger tutorial, you will get more clarity and will be able to master all the important topics related to Hyperledger Fabric.What we cover in this course: Overview of different projects under the Hyperledger Umbrella Introduction to Hyperledger Habric Key Functionalities offered by Hyperledger Fabric Key Concepts of Hyperledger Fabric Certificate Authorities and Membership Service Provider Committing Peers, Endorsing Peers and Orderers Channels and Private Data Collections Transaction and Endorsement Flow Hyperledger Fabric Architecture Endorsement Polices Gossip ProtocolBonus material we provide: Various examples have been provided to understand how Hyperledger Fabric works in the practical scenarios A peek at the pros and cons of Hyperledger FabricWe2Blocks is a Blockchain Consultation and Training Company having a global presence. With this course we aim to promote Blockchain and create an environment for people interested in Blockchain to learn and expand their knowledge. We will be coming out with various blockchain tutorials related to fundamentals of the blockchain technology, practice questions related to blockchain certifications, Hyperledger Fabric fundamentals, Hyperledger Fabric Composer as well as courses related to blockchain development."
Price: 199.99 |
"Blockchain Programming with Hyperledger Composer and Fabric" |
"Learn from the industry experts!Learn how to use Hyperledger Composer with Hyperledger Fabric in order to create extensive applications in the most simplest terms.Welcome to the Blockchain Development with Hyperledger Composer Course. Hyperledger Composer consists of set of collaboration tools which help in development of the Blockchain business networks. Hyperledger Composer is a application development framework which helps us to simplify the creation of Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain applications. This course has been designed in such a way that you will get a thorough understanding of how the build Blockchain applications and deploy over the Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain. This is a very specific course which explains how to use Hyperledger Composer for developing Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain applications with the help on a Capstone Project.This is a Developer's course, this course is created in order to give a clear understanding as how to create Blockchain applications using Hyperledger Composer. In 2018, the rise in jobs in the Blockchain sector has been 7000%. For every 14 jobs in the USA, there is only 1 person who is available to take up job in Blockchain Technology. Hyperledger Fabric is a solution which is at the top of the curve for the governments and the enterprises. Industries like Walmart, McDonalds, Nestle, Dole etc. have already implemented Hyperledger Fabric and many more are seeking the help of Hyperledger Platform to solve their problems and get an efficient solution.What you will you get with this course:In order to make this course more interactive, we have provided various quizzes as a part of the modules. You will get more clarity and will be able to master all the important topics related to usage of Hyperledger Composer and the key concepts of Hyperledger Fabric.What we cover in this course: Overview of different projects under the Hyperledger UmbrellaIntroduction to Hyperledger FabricKey Functionalities offered by Hyperledger FabricKey Concepts of Hyperledger FabricTransaction FlowIntroduction to Hyperledger ComposerWorking model for Hyperledger ComposerHyperledger Composer ArchitectureLearning to build Business Networks using a Capstone ProjectWorking with Hyperledger Composer PlaygroundSetting up Hyperledger Fabric Development EnvironmentLearning to work with Modelling LanguageCreating Transaction Processor FunctionsLearning to work with Access Control LanguageCreating Queries using Bespoke Query LanguageDeploying Blockchain Applications over Hyperledger FabricHyperledger API and Command Line ToolsBonus material we provide:You will learn to run REST servers for generating APIs for the Business Networks.You will learn to create/generate Angular 4 application over the Business Networks.We2Blocks is a Blockchain Consultation and Training Company having a global presence. With this course we aim to promote Blockchain and create an environment for people interested in Blockchain to learn and expand their knowledge."
Price: 199.99 |
"Enterprise Blockchain Architect Course" |
"Learn Blockchain Architecture from the industry experts!Learn the key concepts of designing Blockchain Architecture and Design Patterns in the most simplest terms.Welcome to the Enterprise Blockchain Architect Course. Blockchain saw tremendous growth in the past three years, but there is still a gap present in Enterprise adoption of Blockchain. This gap arises due to differences between the Blockchain solution from the traditional software solution. This gap has also made software architects think in a distributed way to adapt and integrate Blockchain with enterprise and legacy systems. Setting up an adaptive and flexible solution is a prime requirement for any growing industry and this lead to new wave of software architects and consultants, who are also known as ""Blockchain Architects."" The prime goal for a Blockchain Architect is to:Represent a common abstraction of the system, which all the stakeholders can use beneficially.Setup design decisions, integration consideration, implementation strategy, deployment models and maintenance life-cycle.Provide abstraction with continuous integration for the system. Bring in an adaptive model for Blockchain, which is well integrated with the current system but can also be utilized with other similar structures. This course has been designed in such a way that you will get a thorough understanding of how to design Enterprise Architecture with regards to different business and technology considerations. This is a very comprehensive course which will take you through the Blockchain Design Patterns and Enterprise graded projects in the simplest way. In 2018, the rise in jobs in the Blockchain sector has been 7000%. For every 14 jobs in the USA, there is only 1 person who is available to take up the job in Blockchain. With a limited talent pool, blockchain techies are in huge demand, primarily at banks, non-banking financial companies, global in-house centers and public sector firms. Blockchain skills will get you double, or even triple, the salary of a software engineer or architect. What you will you get with this course:This course will help you setup a Distributed design thinking and model enterprise Blockchain Architecture. After taking this course you will be able to answer:How organizational goals influence requirements and development strategy for the Blockchain solution?How requirements lead to a Blockchain architecture?How different Blockchain architectures are analyzed?How sustainable Blokchain architectures yield systems that suggest new organizational capabilities and requirements?Moreover, we have provided various quizzes as a part of the modules to make the course more interactive and help you test out your knowledge. You will get more clarity and will be able to master all the important topics related to Enterprise Blockchain Architecture.What we cover in this course:What is Blockchain?History of Blockchain How Blockchain worksBlockchain Architecture FundamentalsBlockchain Decision TreeBlockchain Architecture Support Tools: Lighting Network, Coco Framework etcUnderstanding Blockchain Internal ArchitectureVarious Blockchain solutions like Ethereum, Hyperledger, Bitcoin, Cords, Quorum, Multichain and EOSBusiness and Technical components factoring into Blockchain ArchitectureBlockchain platform analysis: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger and CordaBlockchain Platform differentiation and selection criteriaSteps to form your Blockchain solutionBlockchain implementation strategyBuilding Enterprise Blockchain Architecture: Conceptual, Deployment and Enterprise ViewsBlockchain Integration Considerations.Blockchain Security Concerns and Risk ManagementBonus material we provide:Various design patterns have been provided which help you in easily integrating Blockchain with legacy systems.We have provided various quizzes at the end of each module for a better understanding of Enterprise Blockchain Architecture.External World Patterns, Data Management Patterns, Security Patterns and Contract Structural Patterns are included to help in making quick and effective design decisions.Additional Blockchain concepts and tools are included which help in making much more granular decisions.This course is structured to provide you a complete guide in designing the Enterprise Blockchain projects.We2Blocks is a Blockchain Consultation and Training Company having a global presence. With this course we aim to promote Blockchain and create an environment for people interested in Blockchain to learn and expand their knowledge. We will be coming out with various blockchain tutorials related to blockchain technology, practice questions related to blockchain certifications, Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Composer, Hyperledger Sawtooth, Ethereum, Corda and as well as courses related to blockchain management and architecture."
Price: 199.99 |