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"Google My Business Video Kurs - Experten Wissen 2020"
"Der Google My Business Video Kurs richtet sich an Anfnger wie auch an Fortgeschrittene. Alle Tipps und Tricks rund um den Google My Business Eintrag werden erlutert und beantwortet. Der Kurs ist in mehrere einfache und leicht verdauliche Lektionen gegliedert. Man kann gezielt zu bestimmten Themen springen, wie auch nach seiner eigenen Lerngeschwindigkeit diesen Kurs bearbeiten. Der Kurs vermeidet Fachbegriffe und ist leichte Kost um mglichst schnell und einfach alle wichtigen Aspekte des Google My Business Eintrages zu meistern. Der Autor Fabian Knopf ist ein Urgestein in der IT Welt und bietet mehr als 20 Jahre IT Erfahrung in seinem Umfeld."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende Prestashop 1.7 de cero a experto"
"Hola a todos y bienvenidos a este curso completo de Aprende Prestashop 1.7 de cero a experto donde, sin necesidad de conocimientos previos en el sector del ecommerce aprenders a crear y gestionar tu tienda online.En este curso aprenderemos:Requisitos necesarios para realizar la instalacin de Prestashop.Configurar entorno de desarrollo para instalar Prestashop y realizar las pruebas oportunas para aprender el funcionamiento de nuestra tienda antes de lanzarla a produccin.Configuracin bsica de la tienda. Donde aprenderemos a establecer los datos de contacto de nuestra empresa, as como direcciones, nmero de telfonos, etc , para que nuestros clientes puedan ponerse en contacto con nostros.Gestin de Proveedores.Creacin de marcas.Creacin y gestin de productos. En esta seccin abarcaremos todo lo relacionado con la creacin de productos donde realizaremos varios ejemplos de creacin de productos, ya sean simples o productos combinados. Aprenderemos ha realizar combinaciones con estos productos para falicitar al cliente la eleccin de su producto (talla y color).Configuracin de pasarelas de pagos. Configuracin de PayPal.Creacin de varios modelos de transportistas para ponerlos a disposicin de nuestros clientes.Creacin y gestin de clientes. Gestin de pedidos. Abarcaremos todo lo relacionado con la logstica de nuestra empresa. Empezaremos con la llegada de los pedidos a nuestro panel de administracin hasta el cambio de estado, devoluciones, facturacin y gestin de la mercanca.Gestin de stock.Servicio de atencin al cliente.Instalacin de mdulos.Edicin de temas y logotipos.Traducciones.Y mucho ms ...Para quin va dirigido este curso?Este curso est dirigido para el siguiente perfil de persona: a) Personas que quieren emprender su viaje en el mundo del ecommerce para crear su propia tienda online.b) Aquella persona que tiene unos ciertos conocimientos sobre Prestashop pero que quiera ampliar ms los conocimientos sobre esta materia.c) Personas que quieren engordar su currculum para encontrar un hueco en el mundo laboral."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a Crear Pginas Web Desde Cero en HTML 5"
"Te has planteado alguna vez como se crea una pgina web?Quizs en alguna ocasin te hayas planteado como se crean pginas web o bien te hayas planteado crear tu propia web pero no sabes por donde empezar.Te felicito por que acabas de encontrar tu solucin con este nuevo curso que he trado de HTML 5 donde te explicar de primera mano que es HTML y como est formada una pgina web.Qu aprenders en este curso?Conforme vallas avanzando en el curso, te irs encontrando en distintas etapas donde te ir enseando nuevos conceptos y trminos que podrs ir aplicando sobre la marcha. Los conceptos de los que hablaremos sern los siguientes:- Para comenzar el curso, explicaremos cuales son los conceptos bsicos que debes de aprender sobre este lenguaje e instalaremos las herramientas necesarias para poder escribir nuestras pginas.- Descubriremos la importancia de utilizar una herramienta especificada para lenguajes de programacin o marcado en vez de un bloc de notas.- Seguidamente nos introduciremos en materia y comenzaremos a disear la estructura bsica que debe de contener cualquier documento HTML que se encuentre disponible en internet y aprenderemos a validar nuestro cdigo.- Tras haber aprendido la estructura, comenzaremos a dar formato al texto que presentaremos a nuestro cliente final, enriqueciendo el mismo y comprendiendo la importancia de utilizar los elementos de encabezado en nuestros proyectos.- As mismo, al finalizar nuestra primera etapa conoceremos la importancia de los enlaces en nuestra pgina web y la introduccin de elementos multimedia en nuestros proyectos, es decir, imgenes, vdeos y audio.- A continuacin trabajaremos con listas y determinaremos los tipos de listas que podemos encontrar y el uso que se puede dar en cada momento.- El siguiente punto que nos encontraremos ser el uso de tablas, donde ensearemos como crear tablas en nuestra pgina y aprenderemos a estructurarla segn nuestras necesidades en cada proyecto. - Para finalizar esta etapa, trabajaremos con formularios y explicaremos todos los elementos que pueden contener los mismos que como veremos ser un punto muy importante en nuestras pginas para que nuestros clientes puedan comunicarse con nosotros o realizar cualquier funcin que tengamos que determinar.Por si fuera poco, todos estos conceptos irn acompaados de prcticas muy sencillas y tiles que podrs ir resolviendo conmigo sobre la marcha y por si fuera poco ... * Recuerda que me tienes aqu para cualquier duda que te pueda surgir. Estar dispuesto a ayudarte en lo que sea! *Digo esto ya que mi mayor deseo con este curso es que aprendas todo lo que yo se y puedas llevarlo a la prctica, con el fin de conseguir el objetivo que te hayas propuesto a la hora de decidir de comprar este curso. Para quien va dirigido este cursoEste curso est pensado para todas aquellas personas que quieran iniciarse en el mundo del desarrollo de pginas web  o quiera crear su propia pgina corporativa para su negocio.Prueba el contenido del curso antes de comprarloNo quiero que te lleves una desilusin a la hora de comprar el curso bien por que no cumpla con tus objetivos, o bien descubras que mi forma de explicar las clases no son como esperabas. Te prometo que intento poner todo mi esfuerzo posible por conseguir que mis clases sean lo ms claras y precisa para todo el mundo, aunque a veces no sea acertado para algunos alumnos, por lo que te invito a que visites mi perfil de instructor y adquieras antes el curso GRATUITO de Introduccin a Crear Pginas Web desde Cero en HTML 5 donde descubrirs como imparto las clases y te introduzcas en la materia. Nos vemos en clase!"
Price: 199.99

"Social Media ROI, Goal Setting, and Budgeting Course"
"DIDYOUKNOW... 90% of social media marketers can't confidently measure ROI?And 60% of them will actively avoid talking about ROIwith their bosses and colleagues?Sound familiar?These stats mean that MOST Social Media Marketers feel doubtful about ROI and other essential skills.So if youve everAbsolutely dreadeda meeting discussing social media budgetsProcrastinatedstarting your strategy because youre unsure what your social media goals should beThought about calling in sickwhen its time to present the results of your latest campaignThen you might haveSocial Media Spending-Phobia: the irrational fear of anything to do with the technical, numbers-oriented, money-focused side of social media.Hey, I get it.Im Dasia, the creator of this course and the Founder of Critical Social.And as a social media strategist who started off as a bright-eyed, hopelessly optimistic copywriter, I also got into social because its a fun and creative field.But the truth isTheres a LOT of social media marketing where numbers rule, and hard facts matter more than big ideas.In fact, you NEED strong Social Media Spending skills to unlock the true power behind your creative concepts!And yes, you CAN learn the three Social Media Spending skills you need to skyrocket your career...Calculating Social Media ROIBudgeting For SocialSetting Social Media GoalsYou dont need to suffer from Social Media Spending Phobia anymore, there ISa cure!YES, YOU CANbe in thetop 10% of marketerswho can clearly measure their ROI without breaking a sweat.YES, YOU CANbravely showcase the value of your workto your boss, your clients, and your colleagues with clear statistics they can understand.YES, YOU CANdiscuss goals and budgets with straight-backed confidence, knowing that the numbers are on your side!Iknow Ican help you, because I've done it before.For the past THREEYEARS, I've been training marketers just like you!""Dasia is really interesting, freaking smart and engaging.I cant believe Im excited about doing actual work!"" - Kiera Millar, Digital Marketing Manager""Dasia makes working through the strategic elements of your brand a mentally stimulating joy. I learnt so much about my own brand!"" - Tshego Senne, Founder Mbongo Media""Dasia not only strives for perfection, she also inspires others to do the same. Her passion for social has made her indispensable."" - Rego Mamogale, Digital MarketerFACT: When you know the Social Media Spending numbers are on your side you wont just FEEL better, youll DO better.Your ROI calculation skills let you see the real value of every campaign, and every month of content, showing which tactics are the most profitable, so you canreplicate success over and over again.Suddenly, your clear goal-setting skills makeevery creative decision ten times easierto make.Your budgeting skills help you feel calm and in control, asmoney works for you to create amazing social media successes.And these three skills TOGETHERare a POWERFULCAREER-BOOSTER!After all, every agency, business and brand wants their social media efforts to translate into profit!And if you can reliably, calmly, consistently create brilliant results with your Social Media Spending skills, youre suddenly super valuable in your company, and in the job market!So if you wouldnt mind a raise, a promotion or a sweet new job (corner office, anyone?) then this course is for YOU."
Price: 64.99

"Curso edio de videos no celular (Android/IOS)"
"Sou o nico Brasileiro a receber a certificao de instrutor pela Kinemaster da Coria  do Sul, e nesse treinamento, voc vai aprender o passo a passo de como editar vdeos profissionais pelo celular usando o aplicativo KineMaster para Android e IPhone com IOS.O KineMaster uma poderosa ferramenta de edio que produz vdeos de alta qualidade para uso pessoal ou profissional, pois um editor de vdeo completo com o qual voc pode criar produes de alto nvel utilizando fotos, filmagens e msicas; permite gravar vdeo e udio em tempo real; editar com preciso quadro a quadro; fazer corte e colagem; controlar a velocidade dos clipes, adicionar msica entre muitos outros recursos.O grande destaque vai para a possibilidade de adicionar mltiplas camadas de vdeo, imagem, adesivos, texto, anotaes mo e muito mais e o principal de forma intuitiva. (nvel Intermedirio).O KineMaster est disponvel para Android e iOS.  E suas funcionalidades so bastante completas e em pouco tempo de utilizao j suficiente para perceber como tudo funciona. Este treinamento fornece uma viso das ferramentas, dos recursos disponveis e, oferece dicas prticas e fceis para aprimorar seus vdeos.Este treinamento destinado a iniciantes, reprteres, jornalistas, educadores, gamers, youtubers, profissionais da rea e principalmente para voc. Esse treinamento fruto de muito trabalho, pesquisa e dedicao! Tem como finalidade proporcionar um curso prtico, completo e eficiente que possa contribuir de forma satisfatria para a construo de algo que voc procura e queira realizar!"
Price: 129.99

"Learning for Kids 3-6: Learn Reading, STEM, Chinese, Arts"
"Are you looking for a wholesome early learning program thatwill bring joy to you and your child?Are you seeking stories, activities, and simple creative art projects that will challenge your child?Would you like your child to have the opportunity to learn theirFirst Chinese (Mandarin) Words before they turn 6?PandaParents M.E.S.S.Y. Learningmay be just what you are looking for! Designed with preschoolers and busy parents in mind, this program is perfect for children ages 3-6. By following along with videos, storybooks, and workbooks, step-by-step, your child will have the opportunity to learn and build essential skills that will last them a lifetime.There are three steps to this program:Step 1: Read the story books, watch the learning videos, and listen to the audio recordings with your childStep 2: Guide your child through the workbooksStep 3: Help your child create art projects and share it with friends and familyThe process used to teach this course is a kid-tested, step-by-step method that will both inspire and delight your child into learning, exploring, and creating! The learning process involves reading, watching, listening, observing, following instructions, and creating."
Price: 194.99

"SSB Interview Online Coaching - Become an Officer in Defence"
"This course is designed by the expert team of Magadheera Academy, who is a pioneer in training students for SSB interviews and personality development. SSB interview is considered as one of the toughest interviews in India. Yet there is only very less guidance available to students on how to improve their qualities to get recommended in SSB. We provide deep insights and practical approach to improve their qualities to give better performance during the interview. Our experience of teaching 1000s of students will reflect in this course and will definitely be useful to the students to upgrade them."
Price: 4800.00

"The Groundwork transforming your love life from within"
"The Groundwork is an alternative way, a roadmap to reset your love life and propel you towards a new chapter. You get to see whats been blocking you, understand the patterns underlying your past and present experience. See your unique relationship blueprint so that you can dismantle your old habits.Transform the aspects of yourself that have been holding you back. Get tools and support to trust more fully and really move on. Make different decisions with more confidence and clarity.Connect to yourself in new ways - your needs, your feelings, your potential. Open up to the relationship you want, get ready. Discover practical tools to create a new story and live it. The Groundwork is for you if you want to...Access your confidence, increase self-awareness and compassion, so you can truly trust yourself and other people Move on fully and get unstuck even if you feel a lack of confidence when it comes to relationshipsCreate healthy new habits, see why youve attracted certain 'types' - and make choices that work better for youKnow your own strength, find emotional independence, better communication and less drama! Meet someone who's right for you and discover that certain glow that comes with clearing out the old and feeling different in yourself"
Price: 19.99

"Leilo de Imveis da CAIXA"
"Aprenda a arrematar um imvel nas diversas modalidades de leiles, licitaes e vendas de imveis da Caixa. Voc conhecer as vantagens e desvantagens de cada uma das modalidades de venda de imveis da Caixa.Atravs dos conhecimentos adquiridos no curso voc poder economizar at 90% na compra de um imvel retomado pela Caixa."
Price: 579.99

"Learn Georgian"
"Welcome to the Learn Georgian course. Over the past 10 years Georgia has become a more popular travel destination. As a result, the Georgian language ( ) has become more popular to learn.Georgian is spoken by more than 4 million people. Its a very ancient and unique language.Learning it is like traveling through time.Unfortunately, there are few resources to learn Georgian. For this reason, I decided to make this course for beginner Georgian learners. In this course you will learn how to read in Georgian, count in Georgian, and useful Georgian vocabulary and expressions. You will also become familiar with basic Georgian grammar. To assist you with this, this course has many different exercises to help you integrate the material. Most importantly though this course will bring you closer to Georgia. Ive included some information regarding Georgian geography which you will find very useful if you are planning a trip to Georgia.At the end of this course you can check your knowledge by taking practical and final tests. Good luck!*I advise you to watch videos with subtitles on."
Price: 24.99

"Building Management System (BMS) For Elec. ,Mech. Engineers"
"Building Management System ( BMS ) Course English language (From zero To Hero )For (beginners, and professional) is your way to be a professional in BMS with a professional instructor 18 years of experienceas an Electrical (consultant and contractor) Engineer with projects at any country at the world.10 lectures 7 HoursThe Course contents and description:-1. Introduction and learning How to connect all building low current systems to integrated data network?. Recognizing Building Management System construction.Introduction to Building Management System 2.Recognizing Building Management System riser diagram construction and old , New protocols and most common use protocols , Recognizing some HVAC equipment to be controlled by BMS.3.Part 1 Direct digital controller panel (DDC) details and how to connect it With HVAC equipment (Air handling units AHU, exhaust fans,.etc.) , field devices, High voltage switch gear . Part 1 , including control diagram (Input /Output points) for HVAC equipment (Air handling units AHU, exhaust fans,.etc.)4.Part 2 Direct digital controller panel (DDC) details and how to connect it With HVAC equipment (Air handling units AHU, exhaust fans,.etc.) and field devices. Part 2 (More deep details) ,including control diagram (Input /Output points) for HVAC equipment (Air handling units AHU, exhaust fans,.etc.)5. Part 3 Direct digital controller panel (DDC) details and how to connect it With lighting control panel LCP ,Motor control centers MCC (including variable speed drives VFDs) ,fire pump, Jockey pump, Including control diagram (Input /Output points) for LCPs ,MCCs, Fire ,jockey pumps6. How prepare Shop or construction drawings for building management system to be easy and coordinated for execution at the site including conduits cable trays for motor control centers, Fans,.etc7.More advanced Control diagrams for HVAC equipment (Air handling units AHU, exhaust fans,Fan coil units FCUs ,Variable Air volumes VAVs.etc.) , MCCs,LCPs and input output list part 18.A Real advanced Example For design Building Management System on building 40 th floors and how to connect it to integrated system networks and how to calculated size of DDC as per number of Points (I/O) points contains(Air handling units AHU, exhaust fans, CCTV , CCTV , lighting control panels ,Fire alarm system ,Access control system ,CCTV system, IP PABX system , Medium voltage switchgear , main distribution board,etc)9.More advanced Control diagrams for HVAC equipment (Air handling units AHU, exhaust fans,FCUs,VAVs.etc.) , MCCs,LCPs and input output list part 2 and how to make construction drawings at 3D space by BIM technology By REVIT10. Advanced wiring and Details of Connecting DDC to electrical switchboard contents with using Breaker modules ,gateway, MODBUS protocol,.etc"
Price: 184.99

"Lighting Design"
"Learning Lighting Design for Supermarket  by Dialux evo and preparing Design ,Construction drawings   with Good analysis10 lectures Exposing for codes ,standards ,catalogs and manufactures websites 3D modeling inside the Dialux Evo with real example for Supermarket including fish areas , fruits areas ,vegetables area and all recommended spaces and merchandise inside the supermarket"
Price: 104.99

"Revit () Revit 18 - .5 ( 3 ) ( ) . ( Revit . : - PVC . EMT . () EMT PVC . ( ) ."
Price: 109.99

"Minimalist Cave Photography Mastery Course"
"Tired of returning from a cave trip with sub par images that are washed out and not even close to reflecting what you actually experienced underground?The Minimalist Cave Photographer Course will show you how to create stunning images of the underground world of caves using minimal equipment. Students who follow the simple techniques outlined in this course will walk away with stunning images every trip - or your money back. In fact if you are not completely satisfied with the course after 30 days, just ask for a refund, no questions asked, and your investment will be returned. For those who are new to photography, by signing up for this course you will also receive, at no additional cost, access to the Minimalist Basic Photographer course. This course will take you from ""I know nothing about photography"" to ""basic photography mastery"" so that you are creating stunning photographs above ground and are prepared to take it to a whole new level underground. So whether you know a lot about photography or virtually nothing you'll walk away from this course will an unbelievable skill set to CRUSHIT underground.So what else is in it for you?Did you also know that 50% of the profits from this course will be donated to the National Speleological Society to further advance cave protection and conservation? That's right! Not only are you walking away with a powerful skillset to inspire others to protect these beautiful places, but you will also be helping to protect these places through your donation to the National Speleological Society.So heres what you get with this 6 week course:First you'll learn how to master exposure underground using manual camera controls so that your shots are neither too dark nor too light. Next youll learn how light direction can dramatically impact the emotional impact of your shot and how to control that to craft your vision.Once you've mastered light and exposure we will go through how to fill in the shadows so that your images aren't missing important details that throw your shot off. At that point we'll start tapping into the power of using multiple lights and some things you need to be aware of to avoid potential pitfalls.Then we'll really start to have fun with light painting and experimenting and avoiding problems with colored lights underground.Finally, we'll take a deep dive into compositing both stills and video, to light of massive chambers with minimal equipment.What else will you get?Personal contact with me, the course instructor. I'm in the course every week or so responding to questions that come up.Lifetime access to course materialsInterviews with some of the top cave photographers in the world, revealing some of their secrets to great cave photography.Assignments that will help you develop the skills you will learn in each lesson.So what are you waiting for? Sign up now, contribute the the National Speleological Society, and give back to world by helping us document these fragile and irreplaceable places!"
Price: 94.99

"Twitter Mastery - Promociona tu Producto, App o Vdeojuego"
"En este curso tu mismo podrs automatizar la operacin de tu cuenta de twitter, aprenders a utilizar tu cuenta de twitter como una poderosa arma de promocin y mercadeo, para conectarte y hacer networking con colegas, clientes, medios y periodistas. Es un curso practico que te ensea a desatar el poder de twitter y ponerlo a tu servicio. Esta pensado para desarrolladores de videojuegos, apps, programadores y emprendedores de cualquier tipo."
Price: 19.99

"Introduo a Iconografia Crist"
"Porque fazer este curso?As artes esto presentes a todos os momentos de nossas vidas. No s em uma visita a um Museu, se voc for a uma Igreja l tambm ter obras de artes. Tenho certeza que depois deste curso j ser uma visita diferente, j que vou abrir as portas dos estudos de smbolos para voc.Neste curso voc vai aprender a analisar a simbologia das esculturas e pinturas dos Santos. Tenho certeza que se voc um entusiasta das Artes ira gostar muito do contedo do curso."
Price: 69.99

"R sper bsico para sper principiantes"
"Curso bsico de RStudio, paso a paso, aprende desde cero los aspectos fundamentales de R. No te convertirs en experto programando en R, pero si tendrs las bases necesarias para que por tu cuenta te puedas convertir en experto, o a su vez entender con facilidad un curso avanzado.Generalmente un curso bsico requiere de mucho tiempo, pero te vamos a ensear lo que se usa con mayor frecuencia, porque algunas funciones tal vez nunca vas a usar. Luego t, automticamente tendrs la curiosidad de buscar nuevas funciones y cdigos para adaptarlos a tus datos locales, y esa es una de las mejores formas de aprender. Le damos un toque forestal, pero lo puedes adaptar a tus propios casos."
Price: 114.99

"Dibujar los datos de un levantamiento topogrfico en ArcGIS"
"Este minicurso solamente te proporciona las indicaciones para poder dibujar las coordenadas UTM, obtenidas de un levantamiento topogrfico (realizado con una estacin total). Posteriormente se exporta las curvas de nivel en formato CAD.Antes de matricularte, considera que solamente se procesa los datos, NO se aborda el manejo de una estacin total. En general es un curso sencillo, conciso y prctico."
Price: 24.99

", 7"
Price: 194.99

"Les 5 piliers du bon marketeur Facebook"
"Plus de 20 millions d'utilisateurs franais actifs sont prsents sur Facebook.Il s'agit du rseau social le plus utilis pour promouvoir son business. Toutefois, une bonne majorit des entrepreneurs prsentent de difficults pour exploiter correctement Facebook, surtout depuis les mises jour des algorithmes et fonctionnalits du rseau social de ces derniers mois et dernires annes.Pages, groupes, vnements, publicit Facebook Ads, profil, storys, Messenger... De nombreuses possibilits existent pour communiquer et provoquer de l'interaction sur Facebook.Le problme rencontr par bon nombre de webmarketeurs utilisant Facebook est le mme pour tous : la recherche de visibilit pour promouvoir correctement leurs services.Il faut savoir que chaque fonctionnalit Facebook dispose d'un algorithme diffrent pour grer les audiences.Grce cette formation, vous saurez quelles fonctionnalits privilgier pour bnficier de la meilleure audience moindre cot, comment exploiter les algorithmes Facebook pour optimiser votre audience et surtout auprs des BONS PROSPECTS."
Price: 59.99

"Drop Your Belly Fat Now"
"Most guys say that they want to lose their belly fat and would like to get a flat stomach. While this is an understandable aim however, it is also a rather unambitious one. Because surely what most guys would really like is to have a ripped set of six pack abs!A six pack is one of the best indicators of overall health and fitness. Its a look that the opposite sex finds highly attractive and that is most often sported by Hollywood actors, cover models and top actors.It also happens to be functionally very useful and able to improve your performance in just about every movement and sport.Inside this course we will talk about losing belly fat, get our set of six pack and work our look."
Price: 24.99

"Detox Your Brain, Then Reprogramme It For Success"
"We are sheltered by so much technology and for the most part, life has become much easier. Our childhoods have also become extended to a massive degree and especially in the current generation of youths. Moreover, it means that you don t have any power over your life and it means that you can't choose to change things. Its not up to you, it's to chance! It gets worse too. If you are too used to avoiding responsibility, then chances are that you will avoid taking responsibility for other things in your life too. It means you get to spend the evening on the couch with a bag of chips watching your favorite trashy TV, but in the long term it means you lack the stimulus for growth. And guess what? Growth is perhaps the most important thing we need to be happy, this was exacerbated by the economic crash of the last decade. Many people leaving college struggled to find work, which left them without workplace responsibilities and very often still living with their parents. These days many of us will stay at school until we are 18 and will then attend college for 3, 4 of 6 years after that depending on the amount of qualifications we obtain. Throw in a gap year and some time finding our feet and many of us dont begin our careers until we are in our mid-to-late-twenties, because you are never still and stable. If you are not going forward, you are going backward.If you are not growing, you are regressing. If you dont exercise, then your muscles atrophy, but likewise, if you dont use your brain and if you dont challenge your mind, then your brain physically shrinks, but if its not, or if it could be working better, then something needs to change. This change is BRAIN REPROGRAMMING see in this course how you can do it."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Camtasia 9 from zero to a professional video producer"
"Camtasia is the best all-in-onescreen recorderand video editing software in the market, the software is user-friendly and the cost is affordable compared to the features available. In the last version Camtasia 9, we noticed that Techsmith added a lot of functions specifically for digital marketers and. In this series of videos your will learn how to use Camtasia 9 from 0 to hero. Each aspect is clearly involved and explained.If you have any technical problems, you can open ticket on Techsmith site.Envoy"
Price: 19.99

"Learn to Trade Digital Assets Successfully"
"Thinking of trading for income or growing your wealth? A smart way is to make full use of investment opportunities in the crypto markets. Mitigate risks and increase trading success at the end of this course.Learn from technical trader, JJ Andy, and certified bitcoin professional, Ryan, as they show you their own tips/ hacks for Technical Analysis, Fundamental Analysis, and Risk Management.Bonus!Students will also be added to an exclusive Discord group where they can continue honing their skills and engage in discussion in a community of new traders as well as experienced traders to guide them. Enrol with us now!If you are still lost about the terms we use, or want to learn the basics of trading and getting started, check out our FREE COURSE now!*Disclaimer*The information provided by CryptoGrinders Pte. Ltd. is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered legal or financial advice. You should consult with an attorney or other professional to determine what may be best for your individual needs. CryptoGrinders Pte. Ltd. does not make any guarantee or any other promise as to any results that may be obtained from using our content. No one should make any investment decision without first consulting his or her own financial advisor and conducting his or her own research and due diligence. To the maximum extent permitted by law, CryptoGrinders Pte. Ltd. disclaims any and all liability in the event any information, commentary, analysis, opinions, advice and/or recommendations prove to be inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable, or result in any investment or other losses.Content contained on or made available by CryptoGrinders Pte. Ltd. is not intended to and does not constitute legal advice or investment advice and no attorney-client relationship is formed. Your use of the information on the website or materials linked from the Web is at your own risk."
Price: 199.99

"The OCaml Crash Course"
"Whether you are aCollege studentlearning the fundamentals of OCaml or anIndustry level professionalusing Ocaml to build your next project this course will help you accomplish your goals. This course will hand hold you through the basics and show you everything you need to get started with OCaml. Ocaml is a functional programming language and don't stress if you have not worked with them before. We will guide you through every step of the way, right up to making your own game. This course will give you a great understanding of all the major concepts of Ocaml programming. You will be pro before you know it. Let us get started!What will you be leaning in the course: Master the Features ofOCaml Language Install OCaml and theEclipse IDE(OcalIDE) - Our editor of choice, we will show you how to set it up on Windows as well as Macintosh. Execute your first ocaml program - We will show you how to write basic statements and compile them and then use the editor to do the same. Learn various simple types as well as collection types - Learn the basic types used in OCaml like int,decimal and data structures Define logic usingconditional statements - Learn how to implement if/else statements in OCaml Learn print statements in OCaml - Print statements form the basis of a lot of testing, we had to get this covered! Use the different types of operators - Learn how to add, subtract and a lot more! Understand recursion - Not only essential to a functional programing language like Ocaml but a universal concept you should know. Create and use functions - the basis of any functional programming language, learn how to create your functions. Learn how to create user defined types in OCaml - essential as you start making your own projects. Learn how to use anonymous functions in OCaml - an Ocaml feature you have to have in your arsenal. How to apply pattern matching in practical situations with Ocaml - another OCaml feature that is used extensively. Build your own project - the Snake Game!"
Price: 19.99

"Stellar Blockchain Tutorial -Complete Beginner Training"
"Course DescriptionWelcome to the Stellar blockchain introductory course. Blockchain is a very essential technology that is being adopted more and more nowadays. Stellar is one of the many applications of the blockchain technology. Stellar can act like a decentralized money exchanger and used for crowd funding applications. Stellar can also be used create smart contracts which are programmed to be implemented based on the conditions and pre requisites in the code, removing the need for middlemen altogether. This helps with the issue of honesty since the concerned parties don't have to trust each other. The logic of the smart contract coupled with the fact that its on a decentralized blockchain network ensures immutability in contracts.In this course we'll be giving you an introduction to the blockchain network and the basics of stellar. We'll go through the stellar laboratory used as a test network of stellar, and the code for the transactions in stellar which amalgamated together along with the conditions make up a smart contract. We'll explain smart contracts in detail and touch on a few advanced topics in stellar. By the end of this course you should learn the concept behind the blockchain network and why it is trending nowadays, you should learn the basic and some advanced concepts of the stellar network. You should be able to code the multiple transactions we can perform in stellar and make a basis of a smart contract and a decentralized exchange. About the AuthorMy name is Mohammad Naeem, Ive completed my masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Queens University, Kingston Ontario in 2018, before that I did my bachelors in Electrical engineering from Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). Ive been working for Allied consultants for over 3 months now as a software engineer, My key area is the development of a product that uses blockchain technology, Stellar, which is one of the many blockchain technologies available. My job includes developing the front end as well as the back end of the application and linking them together. I am also working on building our own private blockchain which employs hyperledger fabric, which itself is a development tool for blockchain framework implementation. During the duration of my undergraduate and graduate studies, as well as during my job I have developed skills in several computing languages such as C++, JavaScript, HTML, and Python, C, Java, C# and MATLAB. Ive worked with numerous other softwares as well such as PTC Creo, PSIM, ISIS, ARES and Arduino. I also work well in a team and have good communication skills, but I am adept at leadership as well, since I lead my team during their senior project and we performed exceptionally well."
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft Power Bi Introduction - Basic Level Tutorial"
"PowerBI is a very important tool used to create reports for various industries that require easy to understand visuals that convey statistical information in a precise manner. This course is a short introductory course on the basics of PowerBI and is relevant to both first time users (who have no idea of working with any type of datasets or any application that involves data, such as SQL or excel) and also those users to wish to visualize their excel or SQL data in a much more appealing manner. Youll be able to construct and publish aesthetically charts in just a few minutes. This course describes the basics of how to use PowerBI desktop, including how: Number of various data sources are shown which can be used in order to import data into powerbi Data modelling of data once its imported Relationships between data tables and how they can created, deleted or modified How to filter imported data to our needs How to make PowerBI reports using different visualizations Looking how to edit the visualizations in detail How to buy PowerBI using different techniques"
Price: 19.99

"Balangtan Uzmanlk Seviyesine Google Ads (Adwords) Kursu"
"Tamam Yeni Arayz ile Hazrlanm, Google Adwords/Ads EitimiGoogle Adwords Kursu ya da Yeni Ad ile Google Ads KursuGoogle Adwords ya da yeni ad ile Google Ads, Dnya'nn en byk dijital pazarlama aracdr. Google Ads ile rn ve hizmetlerinizi istediiniz lke veya blgeye, istediiniz gn ve saatte pazarlayabilirsiniz. stelik tamamen kontrol sizde.Eitimimizde bu karmak arayze sahip olan platformu en iyi ekilde renmenizi salayacak bilgiler ile basit bir anlatm yaplmtr. Balang seviyesinden uzmanlk seviyesine ilerlediimiz bu eitim sonunda isterseniz kendi adwords hesabnz, isterseniz freelance adwords ynetimi yapabilir ya da bir irkette adwords hesap yneticisi olarak alabilirsiniz.Google Adwords/Ads hakknda en ince ayrntsna kadar olan tm bilgiler bu eitim ierisinde.Hesabnz zerinde kampanya ayarlar, reklam metni optimizasyonu, anahtar kelime bulma ve eleme trleri, kampanya optimizasyonu, reklam uzantlar gibi saysz zellii tm detaylar ile eitimimiz ierisinde bulabilirsiniz."
Price: 409.99

"Aprende a registrar operaciones en el Diario y en el Mayor"
"Es un curso bsico que trata de apoyar a los estudiantes de Contabilidad Financiera en la comprensin del Registro de los asientos contables tanto en el libro Diario como en el libro Mayor. Uno de los elementos ms importantes de la contabilidad es saber anotar los hechos contables en el Diario y en el Mayor para, a partir de aqu, poder avanzar con todo el resto de esta bonita y extensa materia.Con este curso no quedar ninguna sobre los movimientos en los libros contables tanto de las cuentas de activos, pasivos y netos como de los gastos e ingresos."
Price: 19.99

"Introdcete en la Contabilidad Financiera"
"Es un curso bsico de contabilidad. Se trata de introducir los conceptos iniciales y hacer que los alumnos se interesen y disfruten con esta materia. El objetivo es aclarar e introducir al estudiante de contabilidad en la materia de forma sencilla, til y prctica. Se trabajar qu es la contabilidad, los diferentes tipos de contabilidad y usuarios a los que va dirigido, se explicar las partes del Plan General de Contabilidad y nos centraremos en los Principios de Contabilidad Generalmente Aceptados, las Masas Patrimoniales y el uso del Cuadro de Cuentas para manejar el vocabulario contable."
Price: 19.99