"Learn Blockchain Programming with Hyperledger Fabric" |
"Prerequisites for this courseClear grasp on Blockchain concepts.Knowledge about Hyperledger Fabric.Familiarity with any one of the programming languages.Familiarity with Certificates and Identity Management.Basic understanding of Containerization like Docker.Basic understanding of Certificate Authorities and How they work?Learn from the industry experts!Learn how to use Hyperledger Fabric and create extensive private Blockchain applications in the most simplest terms.Welcome to the Blockchain Development with Hyperledger Fabric Course. Hyperledger Fabric is a blockchain framework implementation and one of the Hyperledger projects hosted by The Linux Foundation. Hyperledger Fabric consists of a set of collaboration tools that help in the development of the private Blockchain networks. Hyperledger Fabric provides you a modular framework that can be utilized to build applications for multiple domains. This course has been designed in such a way that you will get a thorough understanding of how the build Blockchain network and applications using Hyperledger Fabric. This course will also take you through the development walk-through for chaincode over the Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain. This is a particular course that explains how to use Hyperledger Fabric tools to build up a Private Blockchain solution with the help of a Capstone Project.This is a Developer's course, and this course is created to give a clear understanding of how to create Blockchain applications using Hyperledger Fabric. In 2018, the rise in jobs in the Blockchain sector had been 7000%. For every 14 jobs in the USA, there is only one person who is available to take up a position in Blockchain Technology. Hyperledger Fabric is a solution that is at the top of the curve for governments and enterprises. Industries like Walmart, McDonald's, Nestle, Dole, etc. have already implemented Hyperledger Fabric, and many more are seeking the help of the Hyperledger Platform to solve their problems and get an efficient solution.What you will you get with this course:To make this course more interactive, we have provided various quizzes as a part of the modules. You will get more clarity and will be able to master all the essential topics related to the usage of Hyperledger Fabric and it's key concepts.What we cover in this course: Introduction to Distributed Ledger TechnologyOverview of different projects under the Hyperledger UmbrellaIntroduction to Hyperledger FabricKey Functionalities offered by Hyperledger FabricKey Concepts of Hyperledger FabricTransaction FlowSetting up Hyperledger Fabric Development EnvironmentOverview of YAML LanguageOverview of Docker and Docker ComposeLearning to work with Cryptogen toolGenerating Cryptographic Material for the Peers and Orderers.Learning to work with Configtxgen toolDefining Genesis Block and Channel ConfigurationsSetting up Kafka and EtcdRaft Ordering Service Nodes.Learning to work with Docker Compose to compose containers for Blockchain networks.Setting up CLI and Chaincode Bash for Chaincode DevelopmentChaincode Libraries and Development Suite.Learning to Develope Chaincode using Go LanguageHyperledger API and Command Line ToolsYou will learn to Interact with Hyperledger Fabric Network.You will learn to setup Kafka and EtcdRaft Ordering Nodes.We2Blocks is a Blockchain Consultation and Training Company having a global presence. With this course we aim to promote Blockchain and create an environment for people interested in Blockchain to learn and expand their knowledge."
Price: 199.99 |
"Introduction to Automotive Design" |
"This is the most basic automotive course. In this course I'm trying to clear all the basic concept of automotive design specially the ergonomics and have introduced to all the other sub system of automotive basics which will help you clear all the concepts of automotive. Main topics of this course is -1. Introduction to Vehicle Design Process2. Sizing & Proportion3. Ergonomics4. Powertrain5. Wheels & Tires6. Suspension & Chassis7. Bodies"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering" |
"Aerospace Engineering is that branch of Engineering which imparts skills and knowledge of designing, manufacturing and maintenance of spacecraft, aircraft, missiles and weapons systems. A large part of Aerospace Engineering consists of Mechanical Engineering. The branch covers a wide range of topics including computer application, structures, mathematics, physics, drafting, electricity, robotics, aeronautics etc. It covers two aspects of engineering Aeronautical Engineering and Astronomical Engineering.Aerospace Engineering is one of the toughest branches of Engineering. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication to be able to make it big in this field of study. In India, Aerospace Engineering is one of the niche engineering branches among students. It offers lucrative and a fulfilling career.In this course you will learn and enhance all the fundamentals require for Aerospace Engineering"
Price: 6400.00 |
"Complete Electric Vehicle Course" |
"Electric vehicles are the future of transportation. Electric mobility has become an essential part of the energy transition strategy and will result in significant changes for vehicle manufacturers, governments, companies and individuals.In this program, you will be given a comprehensive view of electric mobility. You will gain knowledge of the most important aspects of this new market, including state-of-the-art technology of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure; profitable business models that can work for enterprises in this market; and effective policies for governmental bodies, which will accelerate the uptake of electric mobility. This series of lectures will deliver expertise you can apply to all aspects of electric mobility as its importance grows. It will help policy makers, engineers and fleet managers to make sound strategic decisions about e-mobility products and their implications.What You'll Learn:The role of electric vehicles in the energy transition strategy.Fundamental understanding of the technology behind electric cars and charging technology and infrastructure.Fundamental understanding of future potential and profitable business models for electric cars.TCO models, lean mass productions, value chain thinking and business integration.Fundamental understanding of policy objectives and instruments to support electric mobility and the role of government in transition management and effective public policy interventions.Fundamentals of Battery development, battery management system etc."
Price: 1280.00 |
"acquerello avanzato" |
"La tecnica dell'acquerello molto appassionante. Dopo avere appreso le tecniche base dellacquerello con il corso per principianti sono sicura che avrai voglia di progredire la tua tecnica e le tue conoscenze dellacquerello per realizzare dipinti sempre pi complessi.QUESTO E UN CORSO PRATICO.Come mia abitudine anche le tecniche avanzate dellacquerello le imparerai mettendole subito in pratica nei dipinti che realizzeremo assieme step dopo step. Questo perch sono convinta che la teoria vada sedimentata subito sul campo.Per ogni dipinto avrai il disegno da stampare e ricalcare, cos se il disegno a mano libera non il tuo forte non ti devi preoccupare.Per qualunque dubbio o problema mandami un messaggio, sar felice di parlare con te."
Price: 59.99 |
"acquerello effetti speciali" |
"La tecnica dell'acquerello molto appassionante e ricchissima di cose da imparare. Dopo avere appreso le tecniche base dellacquerello con il corso per principianti questo corso ti spiegher come creare degli effetti e delle texture particolari. Ma ricorda, QUESTO E UN CORSO PRATICO.Quindi, come mia abitudine, metteremo queste tecniche subito in pratica nei dipinti che realizzeremo assieme step dopo step. Questo perch sono convinta che la teoria vada sedimentata subito sul campo.Per ogni dipinto avrai il disegno da stampare e ricalcare, cos se il disegno a mano libera non il tuo forte non ti devi preoccupare.Per qualunque dubbio o problema mandami un messaggio, sar felice di parlare con te."
Price: 39.99 |
"pittura acrilica per principianti" |
"Molte persone vorrebbero imparare a dipingere ma pensano di non averne le capacit o il talento.Altre persone non sanno proprio da che cosa iniziare o hanno letto molta teoria o fatto alcuni tentativi poi si sono scoraggiate.Se ti riconosci in una di queste descrizioni allora QUESTO il corso che fa per te!QUESTO E UN CORSO PRATICO.Avrai da subito la soddisfazione di creare dei veri dipinti da appendere o regalare.Ti spiegher la tecnica senza fare esercizi ma mettendola subito in pratica realizzando immediatamente due vere opere. Ti guider passo passo nella loro realizzazione. Ti assister lungo tutto il tuo percorso! Parleremo nel mio gruppo o per mail. Potrai farmi vedere i tuoi lavori e parlare con me dei problemi che mano a mano incontrerai. Non ti sentirai pi solo e abbandonato.Adesso rilassati e goditi il piacere di imparare questa tecnica meravigliosa dalle mille possibilit che l'acrilico."
Price: 59.99 |
"acquerello di Natale" |
"Questo un corso sul Natale in cui utilizziamo la tecnica dell'acquerello,ecco che cosa realizzeremo:1 biglietto natalizio : Dipingeremo con l'acquerello per realizzare questo biglietto. Il disegni lo troverai nei file da scaricare. Poi vedremo come confezionarlo e troverai il file della busta da scaricare e il tutorial di come assemblarla.1 quadretto natalizio : Dipingeremo con l'acquerello per realizzare questo quadretto. Il disegni lo troverai nei file da scaricare. Poi vedremo come confezionarlo, le possibilit sono varie.4 segnalibri : Dipingeremo con l'acquerello questi 4 segnalibri. I disegni li troverai nei file da scaricare. Poi vedremo come rifinire il retro e come confezionarli per regalarli. Troverai il file di una scatolina da scaricare e il tutorial di come assemblarla e utilizzarla.Segnaposto, chiudi pacco e stella da appendere : Dipingeremo con l'acquerello questi pezzi. I disegni li troverai nei file da scaricare. Poi vedremo come rifinire il retro."
Price: 24.99 |
"Teoria del Colore" |
"Questo un corso teorico molto completo su come mescolare i colori, come si scuriscono e si schiariscono i colori.Imparerai a vedere, riconoscere e creare i contrasti e gli accordi cromatici.Inoltre capirai cosa serve per creare tridimensionalit nei tuoi dipinti.Il corso per lo pi teorico ma ricco di esempi pratici, di tabelle riassuntive e di spiegazioni semplici.Cos sarai in grado di capire e applicare."
Price: 59.99 |
"Complete AI Course with Real-world Business Applications" |
"Interested in the field of Artificial Intelligent? Then this course is for you!This course has been designed to learn complex theory, algorithms and coding libraries in a simple way.We will walk you step-by-step into the World of AI. With every tutorial you will develop new skills and improve your understanding of this challenging yet lucrative sub-field of Data Science. This course is fun and exciting, but at the same time we dive deep into different aspects of AI.Moreover, the course is packed with practical exercises which are based on real-life examples. So not only will you learn the theory, but you will also get some hands-on practice building your own models.This course includes Python code templates which you can download and use on your own projects."
Price: 179.99 |
"Ensino Hbrido - Revolucione sua aula!" |
"Este curso aborda as metodologias hbridas. Estas esto em voga pela sua capacidade de considerar as habilidades individuais e conhecimentos prvios dos estudantes, alinhado ao uso de tecnologias de informao e comunicao (TIC). Alm disso, esto totalmente alinhadas ao perfil do aluno do sculo XXI, gerando engajamento, inovao e melhoria na qualidade escolar."
Price: 69.99 |
"Crie seus jogos: Scratch 3.0 Bsico para Educadores!" |
"Aprenda a usar a plataforma Scratch para criar seus prprios jogos e tambm para ensinar os seus estudantes a criar. Inove em sala de aula: estimule o pensamento criativo e o desenvolvimento do raciocnio lgico, habilidades essenciais no mercado de trabalho do futuro. O Scratch uma plataforma online que permite a criao de jogos e animaes 2D de forma simplificada por meio de blocos de ao. Criado inicialmente para ensinar programao para crianas e adolescente de 10 a 16 anos, o Scratch conquistou pessoas de todas as idades!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Sistema Web de Inventario y Facturacin con PHP Y PostgreSQL" |
"Te gustara aprender a implementar sistemas FACT-MASTER y venderlo a cualquier empresa que necesite administrar su inventario y facturacin?En este curso aprenders a implementar un sistema Web desde cero utilizando el lenguaje de programacin PHP en su versin 7 e integrando varios recursos que te permiten proporcionar caractersticas tiles para cualquier empresa que desee crear un punto de venta. Este es un curso prctico donde te llevar de la mano paso a paso para que aprendas a la implementacin del sistemas, el cual cuando lo termines, lo podrs vender entre tus clientes.Caractersticas del Sistema:La gestin del inventario.Gestin de ventas con diversos medios de pago.Impresin de facturas en PDF.Informe de los productos ms vendidos.Informe de los mejores vendedores.Control del Stock de productos.Reporte diario.Reporte mensual.Reporte por rangos de fechas.Lector de cdigo de barras.Herramientas que aprenders a usar:SERVIDOR LOCAL: XAMPPEDITOR DE TEXTO: SUBLIME TEXT 3BASE DE DATOS: PostgreSQLCUNTO SE TARDA EN COMPLETAR EL CURSO?Depende de ti. Estimo que menos de tres dias puedes completar el curso, pero depender de tu ritmo de trabajo y de tu disponibilidad.Para quin es este curso?Este curso va dirigido a personas que buscan implementar sistemas complejos con PHP y PostgreSQL y venderlos a clientes o empresas en su entorno de trabajo."
Price: 19.99 |
"Crea el Sistema Web FACT - MASTER Inventario y Facturacin" |
"Te gustara aprender a crear sistemas de Inventario y Facturacin desde cero para venderlo a cualquier empresa que necesite administrar su inventario y facturacin?En este curso aprenders a crear un sistema web FACT - MASTER desde cero utilizando el lenguaje de programacin PHP en su versin 7, Angular e integrando varios recursos que te permiten proporcionar caractersticas tiles para cualquier empresa que desee crear un punto de venta. Este es un curso prctico donde te llevar de la mano paso a paso para que aprendas a crear sistemas con PHP, el cual cuando lo termines, lo podrs vender o re disearlo para realizar mas mdulos. Caractersticas del Sistema:La gestin de EmpresaGestin de parmetros ""Facturero, Tipo comprobante, forma de pago, porcentaje iva"".Generales ""TIPO DE PRODUCTOS, CATEGORAS, MARCAS, PRESENTACIN, ALMACENES"".Gestin de Clientes y ProveedoresGestin de ProductosControl del Stock de productos.InventarioMovimiento de productosGestin de Proformas.Impresin de facturas en PDF.Reportes de ventas en PDF.Informe de los productos ms vendidos.Informe de los mejores vendedoresReporte diario.Reporte mensual.Reporte por rangos de fechas.Adaptado para usar en cualquier pantalla y dispositivo.Lector de cdigo de barras.Herramientas que aprenders a usar:Plantilla ICE: Excelente plantilla para la creacin de software responsivos.jQuery DataTable: Plugin para la creacin de tablas dinmicas.MorrisJS: Plugin para realizar grficos dinmicos y estadsticas.ChartJS: Plugin para realizar grficos dinmicos.Date Range Picker: Plugin para realizar seleccin de rangos de fechas.Input Mask: Plugin para enmascarar entradas de formularios.TCPDF: Extensin creada en PHP para la impresin en formato PDF.Muchas ms herramientas: jQuery Number, iCheck, SweetAlert2, Fast Click, Ionicons, entre otras."
Price: 19.99 |
"Invata sa dansezi Blues - Partea a 2 a" |
"Acest curs , este pentru persoanele care doresc sa invete sa danseze la un nivel intermediar si chiar mai mult de atat . Acestea sunt doar o parte din lectiile demonstrative pentru cursul de dans , acest curs este dedicat tuturor care doresc sa invete sa danseze stilul de dans blues pentru inceput , ca apoi sa urmeze alte stiluri de dans . Acest curs este o continuare - Partea a 2 a a cursului de dans ON-LINE Blues . Va recomandam sa accesati acel curs , ca apoi sa puteti continua cu partea a 2 a."
Price: 29.99 |
"Facelifting with massage 2019 Look younger New method" |
"You want to look better? You want to look younger? You want shining skin? You hate your double chin? You want to get rid of your eye wrinkles? You want strong facial features? You want your muscles to be on point? Smaller nose and sharped cheekbones with sexy jawline? Then this course is absolutely for you! You can see the improvment with your own eyes. The only thing which you need to do is to but the course and don't forget that you can return it and get your money back within 30 days if you are not okay with the information given here. So no risks? Only self improvment and better confidence. Let's do it together!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Music history. Culturing in 30 minutes." |
"Music is everywhere. Music is life. Music is an antridepressant. Music is an emotion. Music is a reaction. And we know almost nothing for it. It saves our lives but we still don't know how the things started and came to nowadays. The course is for everyone who wants to be more knowledgeable and responsive. For everyone who respects the music culture and is inlove with the art. For everyone who wants to know everything from A to Z."
Price: 199.99 |
"How I beat my panic disorder only for 3 days." |
"Hey, are you done with antidepressants, with the fear of going in public places or maybe you even can't do your favourite activies anymore because of that ""little problem""? This course may help you. I'm gonna share with you my own experience and how I beat my panic disorder for only 3 days. I'm not telling that you will have the same success but who knows? Maybe you'll do even better because I'm just a human being like you. If I can, you can too. Just give it a try, if nothing you'll learn some personal tricks that I used for ""healing"". I hope you'll enjoy it and get out of your comfort zone. Here is my instagram address if you need some additional guidelines - @shuleyashar . Wish you the best."
Price: 89.99 |
"Face yoga for skin lifting and antiaging 2019" |
"The course is about series of Facial Exercises designed to exercise every major muscle group in the face. Each one of the these muscles can be exercised and this will improve your look. It is really hard to target these muscles, especially when we get older and older but I've put together a collection of exercises that when used together can radically improve your face. Your facial muscles are the smallest group in your body. This means that you'll be able to see visible results for a couple days if you do the exercises properly. You'll learn how to clean your face before the exercises and how to relax it with lifting massage."
Price: 199.99 |
"11 tricks which made me 6-figures for 1 year. Aliexpress." |
"Do you really think that being successful happens just by chance? All successful people have something in common - mindset. You need to be really obssessed with the thing that you are working for. But this is not enough. You need to have knowledge about it. More than anybody. In this course, I share everything that I know as an entreprenuer and also people's opinions who made million dollars with aliexpress dropshipping. You can ask yourself, why do you even make courses for Udemy if you know so much things, because mindest rule number 1 - successful people never underestimate the resources. If you tell them that you have an idea which will bring them 1000$, they'll ask you how, even if they are making milliones . You know, Rome wasn't built in one day and if you don't make the first step, you'll never get to the step number 100. You need to start from somewhere."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Power of the Prophetic Proclamation" |
"This course is a Biblical study of prophesying in general, and of personal prophesying in particular. After the scriptural foundation is laid, descriptions of fulfilled prophecies are given from the teacher's personal experience. Scripture, Old and New Testament, is the boundary, but also the springboard for prophetic ministry. This course is an invitation to a lifetime of exploring Acts 2:17,18, in ancient understanding and current application."
Price: 99.99 |
"What About the Kingdom?" |
"In this course, students will learn the basic truths of the Bibles teaching about the Kingdom of God. Special attention will be given to the ways that the Kingdom of God provides the foundation for our understanding of end-time teaching. Students will learn the difference between the reign of the Kingdom and the realm of the Kingdom."
Price: 99.99 |
"Don't Give Up on the Second Coming" |
"In this course, student will learn the basic truths of the Bible's teaching about the Second Coming. Attention is given to literal vs figurative language; the purpose of Daniel's seventieth week and how authors present and past have used timelines, date setting and sensationalism to predict the Second Coming of Christ."
Price: 99.99 |
"Curso Bsico de Acstica para igrejas." |
"Quem nunca teve problemas com a acstica de sua igreja, ou teve um problema por conta do som que vaza para fora incomodando a vizinhana.Com esse Curso bsico de acstica voltado a aprendizagem de tratamento e isolamento acstico para igreja. O aluno aprender como fazer de forma simples mas eficaz um isolamento e o tratamento acstico em uma igreja."
Price: 39.99 |
"Entrena en casa. Quema grasa y gana musculo." |
"En este curso obtendrs 8 semanas de entrenamiento planificado el cual esta basado en el trabajo con el peso corporal. Tiene la gran ventaja que lo puedes hacer en cualquier lugar, en tu casa o en el parque sin la necesidad de material. Tendrs acceso a informacin complementaria para ayudarte a conseguir los objetivos del programa. Cuentas con semanas de acondicionamiento fsico general, donde buscamos restablecer la funcionalidad de tus msculos a travs de ejercicios bsicos que incrementaran la velocidad de tu metabolismo. En las semanas de transicin encontraras trabajos mas exigentes para trabajar todas las zonas de tu cuerpo. Entrenamientos para piernas, brazos y zona abdominal estn compilados en este programa.Una semana de descarga donde realizaremos recuperacin activa y respetaremos los principios de entrenamiento mediante la super-compensacion. Lo que buscamos con este tipo de trabajos es hacer una semana de descanso activo, dando tiempo necesario para que el cuerpo continu con su proceso de adaptacin al entrenamiento.En la semana de cardio realizaremos ejercicios que incrementaran un poco mas tu frecuencia cardaca, contribuyendo con la movilizacin de cidos grasos de la mano de los ejercicios de fuerza realizados en semanas anteriores.Y por ultimo tienes una semana de movilidad y flexibilidad, donde buscamos mejorar los rangos de movimiento para prevenir posibles lesiones y contracturas que se dan por tener un estilo de vida sedentario. Adicionalmente contribuye a mejorar nuestra postura y rendimiento fsico.Encontraras la planificacin de los entrenamientos por cada semana, adicionalmente de la planificacin tendrs los vdeos donde te explicamos los ejercicios y la manera correcta de ejecucin.Las sesiones tienen una media de duracin entre 35-45 minutos cada una, solo debes disponer de este tiempo para realizarlo a la hora que prefieras, desde tu ordenador o mvil.Es la oportunidad perfecta para lograr los resultados que haz querido, reducir el porcentaje graso y tener mejores sensaciones contigo mismo. Ademas, no puedes olvidar que el entrenamiento fsico es una necesidad para todas las personas, no solo por temas estticos, por tu salud fsica y mental, tambin debes realizaros.Olvdate de desplazarte hasta un gimnasio para poder entrenar, esperar que una u otra maquina este libre para su uso. En muchas ocasiones excedemos el tiempo de descanso entre un ejercicio u otro por este tema. Tienes una gran herramienta para poder trabajar y es tu propio cuerpo. Solo necesitas conocer los cientos de ejercicios que se pueden desarrollar sin la necesidad de contar con material."
Price: 149.99 |
"Adios Anxiety: A Video Series Course" |
"Education, Research-Based Theory, Coping Skills, and Practice to Manage AnxietyAdios Anxiety: A Video Series Course incorporates education, research-based theory, coping skills, and -in-course practice of newly learned stress and anxiety management techniques. , stress reduction, teaches mindfulness meditation , builds coping skills, and offers in-course relaxation exercises. It is designed for those who would like to learn about psychological principles from a real licensed psychotherapist apply easy-to-learn skills right away. The course focuses on material that would be best helpful for anyone struggling with stress, anxiety, and panic attacks.Please note that this course is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease, mental disorder, or illness. Always seek consultation from a physician should you have any questions about stress, anxiety, or curiosity if this course may be right for you. Do not operate a motor vehicle while viewing this course, as it applies strategies for stress and anxiety-reduction that may promote drowsiness.#AnxietyCopingSkills #DealWithAnxiety #ManageAnxiety #AnxietyManagement #DealingAnxiety"
Price: 29.99 |
"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Komple Uygulamal Wordpress Eitimi" |
"Hayalinizdeki websiteyi kod bilmeden, profesyonel olarak hazrlamak m istiyorsunuz ?Cevabnzn ""Evet"" olduunu duyar gibiyim..""Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Komple Uygulamal Wordpress Eitimi"" sayesinde wordpress'i ileri dzey seviyesinde renecek, hayalinizdeki websiteyi kurumsal, kiisel, blog ya da haber farketmeksizin istediiniz ekilde hazrlayp ynetebileceksiniz.Bu kursu satn alp, Wordpress eitimine balamak iin herhangi bir kod bilgisine ya da bu konuda herhangi bir tecrbeye ihtiyacnz yoktur. Kursumuzda balang seviyesinden balayarak adm adm profesyonelleen ve uygulamalarla salamlatrlan eitimlerimiz ile tm dzeydeki renciler bu kursumuzdan faydalanabilmektedir.Kursa baladnzda ncelikle kurs boyunca gerekli olan programlar pc ya da mac bilgisayarlarnza kurup, kullanmay reneceksiniz. Ardndan website oluturmamz iin gerekli olan Domain ve Hosting kavramlarn renecek, nereden ve nasl alnacan bileceksiniz.Bu ekilde kursumuza giri saladktan sonra Wordpress kurulumlar ile devam ederek btn Wordpress ynetim panelini ve ayarlarn detayl ve uygulamal olarak reneceksiniz.Ardndan Kurumsal - Kiisel - Blog/Haber temalar ile website oluturmay greceksiniz. Ayrca kurs boyunca +20 Wordpress Eklentisine de deiniyoruz. Bu eklentiler ile websitelerinize sosyal medya ikonlar ekleme, ziyareti istatistii gibi birok zellie eriim salayabiliyorsunuz.Gerek Premium (cretli) gerekse de cretsiz temalar kursumuzda kullanyoruz ve sizlere tm temalarn hangi yntemlerle kurulabileceini detayl olarak aktaryoruz.Ayrca ""Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Komple Uygulamal Wordpress Eitimi"" kursunu satn alan bireyler; Wordpress'te leri Seviye Gvenlik nlemleri, Wordpress'te SEO gibi konularda profesyonel bir ekilde renecek. Bu sayede hem websitenizi oluturabileceksiniz, hem websitenizi zelletirip hzlandrabileceksiniz, hem de seo ilemleri uygulayarak Google'daki sralamasn ykseltebileceksiniz.Bu Kursumuzda Neleri reneceksiniz ?Alan ad ve hosting nedir ? Nasl alnr ? Sorularn detayl olarak reneceksiniz.Hayalinizdeki websiteyi oluturabileceksiniz.Websiten iin gerekli SEO ayarlarn ""tm arama motorlar iin"" nasl yapabileceinizi reneceksiniz.""Wordpress"" ve ""Wordpress Ynetim Panelini"" uygulamal olarak detayl ekilde reneceksiniz.Tm Wordpress temalarn rahatlkla ykleyip zelletirmeyi reneceksiniz.Wordpress websitende sosyal medya paylam ikonlarn kullanarak geni kitlelere ulaabilmeyi reneceksiniz.Ziyareti yada mterilerinizden ""iletiim formlar"" zerinden bilgi alabileceksiniz.Websiteniz iin gerekli olan btn gvenlik nlemlerini uygulamal ve detayl ekilde reneceksiniz.Websitenizin hzn nasl arttrabileceinizi reneceksiniz.Bilgisayarnza cretsiz olarak wordpress'i kurup, uygulamalar yapmay reneceksiniz.Kurumsal websitenizi profesyonel olarak oluturmay reneceksiniz.Kiisel, Blog, Haber, Magazin Portal websitenizi profesyonel bir ekilde kurup, ynetmeyi reneceksiniz.Dier Wordpress sitelerini analiz etmeyi (Kullanlan tema ve eklentileri bulmak gibi) reneceksiniz.Ziyareti istatistiklerinizi ve ziyaretilerinizin zelliklerini (ya,konum,ilgi alan,cinsiyet,ip adresi vb.) grmeyi reneceksiniz.Btn cretli ve cretsiz temalar kurup zelletirmeyi reneceksiniz.Wordpress eklentilerini kurup, doru ekilde kullanmay reneceksiniz.Websitenizin yedeini alma / geri ykleme ve farkl domaine tama ilemlerini reneceksiniz.Wordpress Tema ve Eklentilerinin dillerini profesyonel olarak istediin ekilde evirebileceksiniz.Hi kod kullanmadan st dzey websiteler oluturmay reneceksiniz.Kursumuzda Yer Verdiimiz Wordpress Eklentilerinden Bazlar:Yoast SEOiThemes SecurityWP Fastest CacheSmush mageKingKomposerSlimstatYasr Yet Another Stars RatingHashBarSassyEverest FormDuplicate Page And PostLimit Login AttempsContact Form 7Wp Mail SMTPFontawesome 4 Menus"
Price: 34.99 |
"Complete MS Excel (in Hindi) - Master Base to Advance" |
"MS Excel- Base to Advance Course:MS Excel is a dynamic tool which has lots of functionality. We can express all that in just 4 Functions : PASS (Presenting, Analyzing, Summarizing and Sorting). The course has been meticulously designed to provide candidates with a deep understanding of most widely used and important features and functions in MSExcel. More importantly, the lectures bridge a wide gap between the knowledge of MSExcel as tool and its application in the real world scenarios.Who are we?White Knight Ventures EDU is a leading global training company which has trained over 10000+ professionals and students. We conduct training for MSExcel, R Programming, SAS, VBA, SQL, Python, Analytics, Machine Learning, Finance, Risk Management, Actuarial Science, Sales & Marketing, Operations, Soft Skills and much more.Such a broad and deep expertise has been distilled into this meticulously designed course. So when we say we know how to apply MSExcel to various real world scenarios, we know what we are talking about. Structure of Course:The course is actually a combination of 5 courses:MSExcel 101: BasicsMSExcel 102: IntermediateMSExcel 103: AdvanceMSExcel 104: VBA &MacrosExtra Resources To Get AheadWhat do you get out of this course?Master Microsoft Excel from Beginner to Advance LevelLearn functions which are essential for work like Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations, and for Class Room and Research WorkWork efficiently with dynamic formulas like SUM, COUNT, IF, VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, DATE TIME functions and many moreSail faster by learning to create Nested Functions which save lot of time and painMaster Formatting along with Tables, Charts & PivotTables to impress your boss, co-workers and clients Harness the power of automation with MS Excel in your day to day tasks through Macros and VBALearn to conduct What If Analysis & Goal Seek to boost your analysis prowessLearn advance topics like Amortization Tables and Trendlines & Candlestick ChartsAccess to Articles & BlogsSpecialized Cases Built -into the lecturesSo, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and take the next step in mastering Excel. Go from BEGINNER TO EXPERT! Always remember that EVERY EXPERT WAS ONCE A BEGINNER."
Price: 2560.00 |
"Complete authentication system with PHP MYSQL and Bootstrap4" |
"Include Bootstrap 4.1.3!Hi! Welcome to the PHP Login, Registration System with MySQL and Bootstrap 4. This course will teach you how to create fully secured:user login & registrationprofile managementforgot/reset passwordemail account verifycationremember me functionalityupload files such as profile imagesThis is a fast-paced course. This means that the instructor explains the flow of the work behind the scenes without writting any code. This benefits you by:Saving you alot of time watching me writting codeYou will learn really fastYou won't be boredYou are going to learn each concept step by step. You will not only learn to build a simple login system. Course major topics includes:Login/Logout/Register/Profile ManagementUploading file securelyYoull learn how to implementform validation and verification. You'll learn how to implementingForget/Reset Password. Delete youraccountEmail verificationwith SMTP server in PHPSecure testingof SQL INJECTION, XSSThis course comes with a30 day money back guarantee!If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back.So what are you waiting for?Learn the concepts about authentication in PHP & MYSQL,advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!I am excited to see you in the course!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Master PowerPoint for All Levels - PowerPoint 2019 & 2016" |
"JOIN THE MOST UP TO DATE POWERPOINT COURSE! BECOME A 2019 POWERPOINT PRO!HALVE THE TIME YOU SPEND ON POWERPOINT! ACHIEVE YOUR PROFESSIONAL GOALS QUICKLY!Should you invest in yourself through this course?Are you sick of wasting hours at work trying to format PowerPoint slides to look perfect?Do you wish you had more time to actually study the content that you put into your slides or work towards your professional goals?Are you a recent graduate or moving to a new job that will require PowerPoint knowledge?Are you a competitive person with a drive to improve and succeed? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this course was designed specifically with you in mind. My main goal throughout this course is to halve the time it takes you to create PowerPoints so you can spend that time in areas of your life that you care more about! For example, learning how to easily remove picture backgrounds, the 2019 morph transition, and creating a personalized template have specifically saved me over half the time I spent on PowerPoint. You will also learn to design efficient and impressive PowerPoints to stand out against your competition and impress your audience.Benefits of this course include:Additional daily time to focus on the things most important in your lifeImproved confidence when preparing to present your informationIncreased chances for promotion or pay raisesStrong sense of accomplishment after seeing what you can create with new skillsIncreased respect from both superiors and peersHundreds of new PowerPoint tips and tricks for designing, running, and presenting your presentationsThis course is specifically divided into 8 content packed sections to teach you the most important PowerPoint skills so you can quickly learn how to excel at PowerPoint and easily achieve the many benefits listed above. What you will learn in the course:- KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS: Learn to quickly and easily save time with keyboard shortcuts for the basic tasks you already use regularly. Take the time to practice using these shortcuts and you will be able to perform basic tasks in PowerPoint mindlessly and effortlessly. These shortcuts are the foundation for more advanced topics- STANDARD TOOLS: Gain the skills required to use all of PowerPoint's powerful tools from shapes and text boxes to pictures, charts, and smart art to really supplement and draw attention to the content you fill your PowerPoint with. You will understand how to edit every tool in PowerPoint's inventory to really customize your slides in a professional way. - NEW FEATURES: Discover the newest features in PowerPoint 2019 that will allow you to stand out against your competition and impress your audience. This is the most up to date course on PowerPoint in the market. Don't miss out on this opportunity to lead by example!- DESIGN PRINCIPLES: Use the psychology of learning to your advantage by optimizing your slides with professional and effective design principles. Take actionable steps to draw your audience in and make it easy for them to remember your content. Develop your own personalized optimal slide to really make your next PowerPoint project efficient!- PERSONALIZED TEMPLATE: Create your own personalized template with any slide imaginable so you can quickly start to fill in content during your next PowerPoint project. Never have to worry about slide formatting again. This is a ""set it and forget it"" sort of investment in your time.- CRUSH YOUR FINAL PRESENTATION: Understand the many tools PowerPoint offers that allow you to prepare for and deliver the best presentation possible. Grow your confidence to present your information and impress your audience with your knowledge. Quickly become the most competent and respected person in your office or community.These course learning points are for any skill level - from beginner to advanced. You will learn something new and valuable in this course. The course is laid out to start with a beginner section and finish with an advanced section on presenting well. There are many assignments and quizzes throughout the course to show off and practice the new skills you've acquired with your classmates. I understand that you may still have some questions, and I fully respect that this is a big commitment of both your time and hard earned money. With this in mind, I have created some FAQs to help answer any additional questions you may have.What if I have a question during the course that you don't properly answer in the normal lectures? - If there is an issue I did not address in my lectures, then feel free to post your questions on the Q&A board. Many other students will be active in those boards, sharing knowledge and showing off their work. If you have a question, chances are someone else also has that question. I will be active in the Q&A board to answer any questions students will have! Additionally, for frequent questions I will create a new section of the course with video tutorials on the questions asked most in the Q&A boards. I am a complete beginner, or I consider myself to be an expert in PowerPoint, will I still get something out of this course? - I designed this course for all skill levels from beginner to expert. I personally have been using PowerPoint for a decade and I still learn something new every week when I use PowerPoint. It's impossible to know everything, so if you are an expert, I am sure you will learn at least one tool you did not already understand. Conversely, if you are a beginner, the course automatically allows you to build a nice foundation so you can move from beginner to intermediate to advanced quickly and easily.I am still unsure if I want to invest in myself through this course. What if I spend my money and don't like it? - To begin, the course promo video and free previews should give you a decent understanding of how the course will run and if it will be valuable to you. Even if you read everything about the course, decide to buy it, and still are not happy with your investment, then you are protected by Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee. If you don't like the course for ANY reason in the first 30 days, simply request your money back from Udemy and they will return the money with no questions asked. STUDENT FEEDBACKThis course helps dozens of people across over 10 countries worldwide to improve their PowerPoint skills. Take the leap and start learning today! Just listen to the feedback from real students!Brian Mihaljevich: Like most people, Ive used PowerPoint for various presentations throughout my career. Ive tried to learn some helpful tips and tricks in the past, but every resource Ive found seems either too comprehensive or not detailed enough. Tyler strikes a nice balance of teaching the tools you need to dramatically improve your presentation without getting bogged down in the countless features PowerPoint offers. I thoroughly enjoyed the design section where he explains how to create specific slides in order to effectively communicate with your audience. It completely changed how I think about structuring my presentations. Ive recommended this course to several friends and will definitely follow Tyler to see if he creates any more courses in the future.Lisa Kelly: This course is amazing and I would highly recommend to anyone wishing to take their PowerPoint skills to the next level. Thank you Tyler for making it so easy and fun!DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER. INVEST IN YOURSELF AND YOUR FUTURE BY ENROLLING IN THIS COURSE. SAVE COUNTLESS HOURS IN YOUR FUTURE BY LEARNING THE TOOLS YOU NEED TO SUCCEED IN POWERPOINT!"
Price: 49.99 |