"CATIA V5 course for beginners" |
"This Course will help you to acquire CAD skill set in CATIA -V5 by:1. Understanding CATIA V5 user interface2. Learning sketch tools to create 2D profiles3. Learning part design feature tools to create 3D geomtery from 2D profiles4. Learning assembly tools and constraints to assemble the 3D part files in a spatial relationship to function as a single product5. Learning Drafting tools to create Engineering 2D Drawings to convey important manufacturing information"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Keys to Winning at College" |
"Students go to college to earn an education so that they can eventually enter the workforce and become self-proficient adults. However, less than HALF of today's high school students feel prepared for this monumental endeavor. In fact, ""many believe that their schools arent helping them develop the skills theyll need to succeed after graduation"" (Mr. Fermin Leal). It is for this reason that I have brought you a course that gives you the knowledge that most high schools are not."
Price: 184.99 |
"How To Love On Purpose" |
"This course is for people who consistently find themselves attracted to and in relationship with, unavailable people. Students will gain insight into these unhealthy attractions and learn strategies for overcoming them in order to transform the quality of their relationships. Students will be able to determine the quality of their current and/or previous relationships based on a Relationship Spectrum. Students will participated in several Self-Awareness exercises to develop insight into their own ways of navigating relationships."
Price: 29.99 |
"Design a grid tied solar photovoltaic system" |
"A practical DIYers guide to understand and design your first solar photovoltaic system.Wether you want to start a career in the solar industry, have a system installed, or install your own system yourself, this course is a great resource.We go through the process that professionals use to design solar PV systems and the explain the fundamentals along the way in order to give you a working understanding of the mechanics of solar PV.Solar Energy Simplified has been professionally installing solar photovoltaic systems for over 10 years. We are now focused on having the biggest positive impact possible by teaching as many people as possible how to install their own solar energy systems.We have spent a lot of time simplifying the process in order to provide you with a unique, straight forward way to learn practical solar energy knowledge."
Price: 169.99 |
"pre - MBA" |
"Dersler zellikle ksa tutulmaya allm, bilinmesi gereken konulara odaklanlm, dersi alanlarn ksa srede belli seviyede yetkinlie ulatrlmas amacyla hazrlanmtr. En bata MBA yapma dncesindeki kiilerin mutlaka grmesi gereken pre-MBA derslerinin yine kendi iinin sahibi ya da ynetici adaylar ve yneticiler tarafndan alnmas fayda olacaktr. pre- MBA dersleri sonunda micro-MBA yetkinliine sahip olacak, gerekli altyapy kazanm olacaksnz. Sunulan kaynaklar ile birlikte tm micro-MBA mfredat elinizin altnda olacak"
Price: 49.99 |
"Bee NGLZCE -imdiye Dek Anlamadklarn Anlayacaksn !" |
"***** LTFEN OKUYUN *****imdiye kadar uyguladnz renme sistemlerinin ie yaramadn dnmeye baladysanz HAKLISINIZ! Bize srekli, henz konuamadmz, anlayamadmz, doru dzgn bir cmle kuramadmz bir dilin ""DLBLGS -GRAMER - KURALLARINI"" retmeye alyorlar.Eer hala 20- 30-40 saat ngilizce Eitim Setleriyle NGLZCE RENEBLECENZ dnyorsanz sizi tutmak istemeyiz ama MLYONLARCA NSAN bunu hali hazrda deniyor ve ne yazk ki baaramyor.Eer amacnz TOEFL, IELTS gibi kurslara girmekse yine nce dili konumaya balamalsnz. O DLN KURALLARINI daha sonra renmelisiniz. Bu tpk imdi konutuumuz Trke nin niversite snavlarnda sorulmas gibidir. Konumay bilmediimiz bir dilin KURALLARINI renemeyiz, olsa olsa ezberleriz.DL BYLE RENLEMEZ ! nce konumaya HTYA duyarsn Sonra konumak istediin dili renme ARZUSU ve STENE sahip olursun Tm bunlar sonrasnda renmek iin gerekli MOTVASYONA sahip olursun Sonra konumaya ALIIRSIN Bu esnada srekli GZLEMLERSN, DNLERSN, ZLERSN Ve bir yandan da DENERSN, SAMA SAPAN CMLELER KURARSIN Sonrasnda BEYNN dile adapte olmaya balar, tpk BSKLET SRMEK gibi.GEREK YOK !-Kullanmayacanz binlerce kelime ezberlemenize GEREK YOK-Resimli kelime kartlarna GEREK YOK-Konuurken ihtiya duymayacanz Tense Kalplarn almanza GEREK YOK-renme srecinizde PARA HARCAYIP DURMANIZA GEREK YOK-Saatler sren ve ayn eyleri tekrar edip duran zel derslere, kurslara GEREK YOKKENDNZE SORUN-Gerekten bu dili KONUABLMEK istiyor musunuz? Bunu ltfen samimiyetle kendinize sorun.-Yoksa sadece bir snav gemek, yada altnz ite dil tazminat alabilmek iin mi renmek istiyorsunuz?-DL RENMEK ile Fizik, Kimya, Matematik renmek arasnda byk fark olduunun farknda msnz?-Bir DLN derslerle deil, tpk BSKLET SRMEK gibi YAANARAK ve DENEYMLENEREK renilebileceinin farknda msnz?**** Kendinizden eminseniz, ve gerekten ngilizce konumak istiyorsanz bu kurs size retmeyecek ! ******** Nasl almalsnz, ne yapmalsnz, hangi yoldan ilerlemelisiniz, onu gsterecek. ****Unutmayn ""Dil retilemez"" ancak ve ancak ""RENLR""RENMEK STYORSANIZ TE YOLU !Kursta sizi ne bekliyor?Gramer mfredatna bizde bakacaz, daha anlalr seviyede tabiGramer konularnda amacmz ezber deil neyin ne olduunu bilmek, aina olmak olacakSrekli ark dinleme aralar vereceizKendimize ngilizce alma alan (blgesi) hazrlamay reneceiz.rendiklerimizle ilgili arklar ve dizi sahneleri greceiz.ngilizce canlandrma yaparak reneceiz.ve dahas.."
Price: 69.99 |
"Remarkable Memory in 21 Days" |
"Imagine never losing your keys again...Remembering Names, Dates, Facts and Figures...Reading a Book Faster and Having Better Recall...Staving off Dementia...Having HYPER-FOCUS and getting More Done!In Remarkable Memory in 21 Days, you'll learn key techniques to improve your overall memory. Youll be immersed in fun and engaging activities training your brain to increase your visual memory, auditory memory and even your muscle memory! Youll learn how to use everyday objects, like a deck of cards, to train your brain and working memory. Youll learn exciting tricks to show off your new memory master skills. You want to see results from your investment in Brain Training.You want to be able to feel the differenceYou want to see the improvements in your life, in your productivity. You want your brain to be processing at PEAK Performance! I'll show you how to achieve those goals! I will guide you step by step in improving your WORKING MEMORY (that's your everyday, every way memory). I'll teach you how to hone your VISUAL MEMORY (that's remembering what you see). And I'll train you how to heighten and enhance your AUDITORY MEMORY (remembering everything you hear)."
Price: 34.99 |
"The Complete HTML5 & CSS3 Course In Arabic" |
" "" """
Price: 99.99 |
"Fun Spanish for Beginners! - COURSE 1" |
"Hola and Welcome to Fun Spanish for Beginners! - Course 1 I'm you're instructor, Jack! I am a Spanish language graduate who knows exactly what it's like not being able to speak Spanish. I also know what it's like overcoming the hurdles and achieving your goals! I will help you, step by step to help you speak Spanish with confidence and make the experience enjoyable, easy, and most importantly, FUN!This course is aimed at complete beginners who are looking to get started with Spanish with quick, fun and easy lessons! I will walk you through all of the lessons and get you speaking Spanish in no time at all!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Curso completo: Arbitragem e Regulamento do Karate WKF" |
"Aprenda ARBITRAGEM & REGULAMENTO WKF em um curso completo, com explicaes detalhadas e exemplos prticos sobre de todos os Artigos de KATA e KUMITE.Curso em vdeo aulas EAD para assistir no Computador ou no Celular (Aplicativo Udemy)CURSO COMPLETO de Regras de KATA e KUMITE!CERTIFICADO de concluso;Explicaes didticas com ilustraes;Exemplos prticos de Arbitragem em Competies;Acesso livre s vdeo aulas para assistir quantas vezes desejar;Curso atualizado Regras WKF 2019;Aberto a Karatecas de todas as Graduaes, de qualquer escola ou federao;rea VIP para dvidas;Bnus: vdeos extras exclusivos para os alunos do curso!PRINCIPAIS DVIDAS SOBRE O CURSO EAD:COMO TEREI ACESSO AO CURSO?Aps a confirmao da sua inscrio, voc receber um E-MAIL contendo o LINK e a SENHA para entrar na sala de aula virtual;POSSO ACESSAR O CURSO DE QUALQUER LUGAR?Sim, qualquer computador, notebook ou at mesmo Smartphone pode acessar o curso.COMO FUNCIONAM AS AULAS ONLINE?O curso composto por cerca de 40 vdeo-aulas rpidas (entre 5 e 15 minutos cada), que so divididas entre 6 mdulos.QUEM PODE FAZER ESTE CURSO?Qualquer praticante de Karate pode fazer, desde que tenha um mnimo de conhecimentos bsicos sobre Karate.COMO FAO PARA IMPRIMIR O MEU CERTIFICADO?Voc precisa clicar em finalizar todas as aulas aps assisti-las. Ao final do curso, o Certificado estar disponvel para voc baixar no formato PDF..QUAL A DIFERENA ENTRE O WORKSHOP E O CURSO COMPLETO?O Workshop uma srie de vdeos e artigos que disponibilizamos grtis no Youtube e Facebook sobre alguns temas diversos do Karate de Competio. O Curso Completo exclusivo aos alunos que realizam a sua inscrio e passam a ter acesso a todas as aulas de forma integral.POSSO SER UM RBITRO OFICIAL APS REALIZAR ESTE CURSO?Ao concluir o curso, voc saber como funciona toda a competio de Karate WKF e ter qualificao tcnica para atuar como rbitro em Torneios e Copas regionais. Porm, para poder se credenciar como rbitro Estadual ou Naional, voc necessita verificar os requisitos e provas na sua federao exige. Em nosso canal do Youtube, disponibilizamos um vdeo explicando como se credenciar ""rbitro Nacional CBK"" (Entrevista com professor Ennio Cardoso - comisso de arbitragem CBK).O CURSO TM AUTORIZAO DA CBK?Sim. A CBK recebeu o projeto do nosso curso EAD e autorizou o seu funcionamento como curso educativo para o desenvolvimento do Karate.COMO FAO PARA PEDIR MEU DINHEIRO DE VOLTA, CASO EU QUEIRA DESISTIR DO CURSO?Dentro do prazo, aps a inscrio, caso voc queira realmente desistir, basta entrar em contato co o SUPORTE UDEMY solicitando a devoluo do seu dinheiro."
Price: 39.99 |
"Kumite 1: Os Segredos e Atualizaes do Karate WKF" |
"Neste Curso Online, voc vai aprender os detalhes mais importantes na maneira atual de lutar Karate.Como desenvolver golpes mais efetivos e uma movimentao dinmica na rea de luta.Descubra como treinam os atuais Campees de Karate.Aprenda os SEGREDOS para que os RBITROS marquem os PONTOS de maneira justa, dentro dos critrios do Regulamento da WKF (e tambm da maioria das demais Federaes).E se voc um Karateca tradicional das antigas, vai entender como adaptar os seus golpes e posturas para obter melhores resultados nas competies atuais do Karate.Para os praticantes de MMA e demais Artes Marciais, o contedo desse curso pode servir como um valioso conhecimento e ser facilmente adaptado para as demais regras de lutas de Contato ou Semi-Contato.Se voc deseja ser um atleta vencedor, vai conhecer os detalhes mais importantes das tcnicas, na maneira de socar e se movimentar, que fazem toda a diferena no resultado de uma luta.E se voc professor, poder utilizar os ensinamentos deste curso para formar Atletas Campees."
Price: 39.99 |
"Aprenda Karate! Arte Marcial para Defesa Pessoal e Sade" |
"- Voc gostaria de praticar uma Arte Marcial, mas nunca teve a oportunidade?Se no h uma Academia prxima, voc no tm tempo para frequentar as aulas, ou qualquer outro motivo...Essa a sua chance de fazer aulas de Karate sem sair de casa!Isso mesmo!""APRENDA KARATE 1.0"" um programa desenvolvido para que uma pessoa como voc possa fazer AULAS ONLINE de 10 a 20 minutos por dia, diretamente no CELULAR ou COMPUTADOR.So aulas prticas com os exerccios mais simples e fceis de aprender, mesmo que voc nunca tenha praticado nenhuma luta antes.E se voc j praticante de Karate, vai aproveitar para repetir e aprimorar as suas tcnicas bsicas de DEFESAS, SOCOS e CHUTES.O Karate proporciona melhoria da sade, emagrecimento, terapia contra o estresse, equilbrio, disciplina, tranquilidade e uma Defesa Pessoal eficiente.E voc pode aprender agora, para viver melhor e com mais segurana. No importa onde voc est ou em quais circunstncias. Nunca tarde para comear e se tornar aquilo que voc poderia ter sido!Outra vantagem de voc fazer esse CURSO ONLINE na internet o BAIXSSIMO INVESTIMENTO. Ele custa muito MENOS do que uma mensalidade em nossa Academia!E se eu fosse cobrar por toda a experincia, um treinamento desses custaria muito dinheiro! Mas o meu objetivo ajudar as pessoas descobrir os benefcios da prtica e tambm ajudar o Karate a crescer cada vez mais.Clique no boto e faa a sua matrcula. Essa pode ser a sua nica oportunidade.Te vejo na aula.Observaes:1. Se voc ja praticante de Karate: Esse um programa de Kihon Bsico do estilo Shotokan, que vai te auxiliar a praticar sozinho, com comandos de voz e imagem, para que voc possa se motivar e aprimorar cada vez mais os fundamentos tcnicos.2. No oferecemos Graduaes de Faixas na forma online. Se aps repetir diversas vezes esse Curso, voc desejar continuar no caminho do Karate, obter orientaes tcnicas, graduaes de faixas e/ou participar de competies desportivas, voc dever procurar uma Academia/Professor de forma presencial. Para isso, entre em contato com a Federao de Karate do seu estado e pesquise as Academias mais prximas.OSS!Andre Maraschin"
Price: 39.99 |
"Kumite 2: Os Segredos dos Chutes do Karate" |
"Este curso rene as melhores tcnicas e estratgias dos chutes do Karate.Ensino tudo o que aprendi em 30 anos de experincias no Karate e Artes Marciais.Participei em mais de 100 Cursos e 200 Competies como atleta, alm de muito treinamento no tatame.Se voc seguir as dicas deste curso, ser um excelente chutador, nas regras do Karate WKF, e tambm poder utilizar esses segredos em qualquer regra de luta, seja por pontos (Semi-Contato) ou na luta de Contato e MMA."
Price: 54.99 |
"Auto-Defesa e Segurana Pessoal" |
"Defenda-se de todo tipo de agresso fsica ou ameaa psicolgica!Nas primeiras aulas rpidas voc j vai aprender as principais defesas e golpes de Karate, Muay Thai, Boxe, Jiu Jitsu, Jud, Aikido para se tornar uma pessoa CONFIANTE e SEGURA.Nunca mais tenha medo de andar na rua, na escola, na balada ou em qualquer lugar. Voc sempre estar em SEGURANA, pois sabe utilizar o seu corpo como uma ARMA poderosa de DEFESA e ATAQUE!Esse curso vai te mostrar os golpes mais eficientes utilizados nas Artes Marciais e nas Polcias.Ensinamos passo a passo, especialmente para INICIANTES, que no tm a mnima mnima ideia de como lutar e se proteger.Mas se voc j tm alguma experincia em Artes Marciais, vai aproveitar esse treinamento para melhorar a qualidade das suas tcnicas.Selecionamos aqui somente os golpes mais contundentes para que, mesmo algum lento, fora de forma e com zero experincia em tcnicas de autodefesa possa, em algumas aulas, aprender a sobreviver a ataques brutais de bandidos, gangues, brigas de rua, confuses na escola ou at mesmo agresses na sua prpria casa.Eu sou o Professor Andre Maraschin. Pratico Karate desde os 12 anos de idade e tambm tenho experincia em outras modalidades como Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Aikido, Boxe, MMA. Sou Faixa Preta 4 Dan pela Confederao Brasileira de Karate, possuo centenas de lutas em Campeonatos e j formei muitos alunos, dentre eles, vrios Faixas Pretas. Em nossa Academia ministramos Cursos de Defesa Pessoal para Agentes de Segurana, Policiais e tambm pessoas leigas que simplesmente querem aprender a se proteger da violncia.Nesses 30 anos de experincia em lutas, observei que a maioria das tcnicas ensinadas nas Artes Marciais e tambm em alguns Cursos de Auto-Defesa, so muito complicados e difceis de executar. Outros golpes, embora eficientes, no podem ser aplicados em situaes extremas na rua ou em lugares fechados.Por isso, escolhi para esse curso somente as tcnicas mais rpidas, eficientes e fceis de fazer por qualquer pessoa, mesmo se voc tiver pouca fora, poucas habilidades fsicas e seja menor em tamanho do que seu agressor.E esses golpes principais so os SOCOS, CHUTES, JOELHADAS, COTOVELADAS e outras tcnicas com as partes do seu corpo, sendo utilizadas como Armas de combate corpo a corpo e aplicadas em PONTOS VITAIS dos agressores.Todo mundo (no importa qual seja seu tamanho, fora ou nvel de habilidade) tem exatamente os mesmos pontos vulnerveis em seus corpos. Essas reas - h muito conhecidas por antigos guerreiros orientais, assassinos ninjas e samurais de elite - so como ""fendas"" em uma armadura ... onde no importa o quo forte com msculos ou drogado com entorpecentes, algum est...Eles podem ser gravemente feridos ou at mortos!E, se voc simplesmente sabe onde esto esses pontos ""vitais"", e como atac-los (usando movimentos brutos e simples que voc pode fazer sem sequer pensar), voc pode vencer qualquer luta, contra qualquer pessoa (at vrias pessoas ao mesmo tempo).Por isso, esse treinamento perfeito para pessoas como voc, que no tm tempo para fazer aulas normais, no tm uma Academia prxima, no quer praticar dezenas de movimentos e tcnicas, ou que simplesmente quer aprender a lutar o mais rpido e humanamente possvel.Na verdade, para aprender as tcnicas ensinadas nesse Curso, voc precisaria fazer o equivalente a um ano de aulas em uma escola de Artes Marciais e isso lhe custaria um valor muito mais alto de tempo e dinheiro! Talvez voc tivesse que investir mais de R$ 2.000,00 em mensalidades, transporte, uniformes e equipamentos...Mas agora, graas a tecnologia da internet e ao contedo organizado desse Curso Online de Defesa Pessoal, voc tm a oportunidade de aprender no conforto da sua casa e gastar menos do que uma s mensalidade de Academia!- Sabe porque decidi fazer esse Curso??Eu senti muito medo na minha infncia e juventude. Os garotos maus da escola sempre queriam me bater. E para piorar, eu era muito fraco, tinha as orelhas enormes e era desengonado... Por causa disso, sofria bullyng todos os dias. E ningum podia me ajudar...Ento, certa vez, o principal malvado da 5 srie estava me perseguindo, ele queria me bater. E eu fugia correndo para casa todos dias. Ento comprei atravs de Via Postal aquelas revistas antigas de ""Aprenda a se defender""... E pratiquei algumas vezes os golpes em minha casa.Lembro como se fosse hoje, naquele dia que eu sai da aula e fui atacado pelo garoto mau. Eu no queria lutar, mas ele insistiu. A escola toda estava na rua me olhando, e todos sabiam que aquilo era injusto, que eu no no merecia apanhar...Ento, ele correu na minha direo, e consegui desferir alguns golpes simples, porm eficazes. Ele tentou mais algumas vezes, mas eu o derrubei com um chute lateral e um soco direto. Enfim, a ameaa havia acabado! Recebi palmas de todos os colegas da escola e agradecimentos pelo resto do ano. Ningum mais aguentava ser ameaado por aquele cara mau carter... E pela primeira vez, eu me senti orgulhoso, por saber me defender na rua!Tempos depois, ele me pediu desculpas pelas ameaas e brigas e acabamos ficando amigos (coisas de criana n...rsrs).Porm, na 6 srie, o problema foi mais grave! Nos mudamos para uma cidade maior, e eu estava agora em uma nova escola de periferia.Eu era uma garoto inocente, ainda no conhecia os perigos da cidade grande... Ento, um dia, falei alguma bobagem sem querer para um menino na escola. Ele prometeu que eu iria sofrer uma ""surra"" na sada ou em qualquer outro lugar da cidade. Nesse momento, eu descobri que havia me metido com o chefe de uma Gangue!!!E l estava eu, mais uma vez fugindo na sada da escola. Sair de casa, nem pensar! Lembro que certa vez olhei pela janela do meu quarto e avistei vrios membros dessa ""Gangue"" me aguardando na esquina de casa e gritando palavras de ameaa...E talvez por obra do destino... havia uma Academia de Karate prxima da minha casa. Eu j sonhava em praticar uma Arte Marcial, era f dos filmes de Bruce Lee e Kung Fu... Mas esse acontecimento foi decisivo para que eu me matriculasse no Karate naquele ano. Ento, em 1992, comecei a aprender os meus primeiros golpes sob a superviso de um professor.Felizmente, alguns dias depois, consegui transferncia para outra escola, localizada na regio central da cidade e consegui evitar o ""confronto"" com os caras daquela Gangue. Talvez eles devem ter me esquecido ou encontrado outro cara para infernizar...Mas o Karate, esse eu nunca mais parei! E ento eu vi acontecer uma INCRVEL REVOLUO NA MINHA VIDA!!! uma longa histria de treinamentos, participao em campeonatos, cursos, muito aprendizado e principalmente MUDANA DE MENTALIDADE. Foi onde conquistei auto-confiana, segurana e conhecimento sobre as lutas e principalmente sobre eu mesmo! Fazendo uma anlise, hoje agradeo a todos aqueles ""inimigos"" da minha infncia. Eles ajudaram a me tornar mais forte e talvez tenham me motivado ainda mais a seguir profissionalmente no caminho do Karate. Hoje sou professor e muito feliz em ajudar as pessoas a adquirir habilidades que vo desde o conhecimento de tcnicas de luta e auto-defesa at a melhoria da auto-confiana, auto-estima e da sade atravs da prtica das Artes Marciais.Por isso, resolvi usar a tecnologia da internet para ajudar mais pessoas. Eu fico imaginando quantos estudantes so frenquentemente ameaados como eu j fui um dia. E quantos acabam apanhando todo ano na escola... Quantas mulheres so agredidas na sua prpria casa... Quantas outra injustias so praticadas todo o dia, e bastaria, talvez, a pessoa agredida levantar a sua voz e dizer: CHEGA! Eu no sou um saco de pancadas. Eu sei me defender!!!Obviamente que eu no posso prometer que voc se tornar um MESTRE FAIXA PRETA da noite para o dia apenas fazendo um treinamento online...Mas, POSSO garantir que voc desenvolver maiores habilidades, confiana e capacidade de se defender e proteger a sua famlia de uma possvel ataque ou ameaa.Porm, o tempo curto e voc precisa se apressar.A qualquer momento eu poderei encerrar o DESCONTO incrivelmente baixo, e o curso poder voltar ao seu valor original na plataforma da Udemy (R$ 189,99).Portanto, se voc estiver interessado(a) em aprender isso, no deixe para mais tarde.Ah, e lembre-se:A plataforma da Udemy oferece a voc 100% de GARANTIA de devoluo do dinheiro, caso voc, por qualquer motivo queira desistir do curso.Risco zero. Simplesmente voc no tm nada a perder!Clique no boto ""Comprar agora"" e espero voc na aula."
Price: 174.99 |
"Kumite 1: The secrets and updates of WKF Karate" |
"In this online course, you will learn the most important details in the current way to fight karate. How to develop more effective attacks and a more dynamic movementation in the fighting area.Find out how current karate champions train.Learn the secrets for the referees to score the points in a fair way, within the WKF regulamentation criteria (and also for most of the other federations).And if you are an old school karateca, you will understand how to adapt your blows and posture to obtain better results in current karate competitions.For MMA practioners and other martial arts, the content in this course may be a valuable knowledge, and easily adaptable for several rules in contact or semi-contact fighting.If you wish to be a winner athlete, you will know the most important details of the techniques for punches and movement, that make a huge difference in a fight result.*Audio in Portuguese Brazil with English Subtitles."
Price: 19.99 |
"Otimizando a Edio com Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"Aulas repletas de sugestes envolvendo mtodos de trabalho e tcnicas pra voc se tornar mais eficaz na edio. Aprenda a corrigir imagens, amenizar rudos no udio, automatizar processos e se organizar para ser muito mais produtivo.O curso indicado para usurios iniciantes, que dominam o ato de cortar e montar, mas que ainda possuem dificuldades em se organizar, fazer pequenas correes e automatizar certos processos."
Price: 39.99 |
"Uso criativo de ferramentas no Premiere Pro" |
"Nesse curso, voc vai aprender a criar composies grficas arrojadas apenas no Premiere Pro. So 10 mdulos principais, nos quais falaremos sobre o uso combinado de ferramentas como track matte key, lighting effect, gradient wipe, titles e muito mais, do tradicional ao obscuro! Esse curso ideal pra quem ainda no se sente seguro em trabalhar com o After Effects. indicado para usurios iniciantes, mas que j dominam um pouco do workflow, ou seja, do fluxo de trabalho, de um modo geral."
Price: 39.99 |
"Prepare-se para ser policial em 5 passos simples" |
"Existem vrios cursos, preos variados e muita enrolao, mas voc s precisa mesmo estar focado e preparado psico, fisica e educacionalmente para encarar as etapas dos concursos, o que a maioria dos cursos no te ensinam! Assim, mesmo prestando um timo servio de material de estudos, os cursinhos vendem sonhos e muitos ficam apenas nos sonhos mesmo! Aqui voc vai aprender a se desenvolver de forma simples, clara e eficiente para que sua preparao no precise durar anos e centenas de reais. Aprenda a estudar de graa utilizando ferramentas simples que voc j possui mas no sabe usar! Contedo com base terico-cientfica de alta performance para voc obter o melhor de voc hoje!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Flutter - Aprendendo tudo sobre Design" |
"Bem-vindo ao mais completo curso focado em Design para o Flutter!Aqui iremos aprender a desenhar lindas telas para o framework mobile da Google.AVISO: Contedo extremamente viciante!!!Os temas que iremos abordar:Conhea todos os Widgets PrimitivosAprende a modelar widgetsCrie seus proprios widgets e reutilize em outras aplicaesAprenda tudo sobre material Design.Seja um mestre em animaes."
Price: 309.99 |
"Machine Learning, incl. Deep Learning, with R" |
"Did you ever wonder how machines ""learn"" - in this course you will find out. We will cover all fields of Machine Learning: Regression and Classification techniques, Clustering, Association Rules, Reinforcement Learning, and, possibly most importantly, Deep Learning for Regression, Classification, Convolutional Neural Networks, Autoencoders, Recurrent Neural Networks, ...For each field, different algorithms are shown in detail: their core concepts are presented in 101 sessions. Here, you will understand how the algorithm works. Then we implement it together in lab sessions. We develop code, before I encourage you to work on exercise on your own, before you watch my solution examples. With this knowledge you can clearly identify a problem at hand and develop a plan of attack to solve it.You will understand the advantages and disadvantages of different models and when to use which one. Furthermore, you will know how to take your knowledge into the real world.You will get access to an interactive learning platform that will help you to understand the concepts much better. In this course code will never come out of thin air via copy/paste. We will develop every important line of code together and I will tell you why and how we implement it.Take a look at some sample lectures. Or visit some of my interactive learning boards. Furthermore, there is a 30 day money back warranty, so there is no risk for you taking the course right now. Dont wait. See you in the course."
Price: 199.99 |
"Probabilistic Programming with Python and Julia" |
"You want to know and to learn one of the top 10 most influencial algorithms of the 20th century? Then you are right in this course. We will cover many powerful techniques from the field of probabilistic programming. This field is fast-growing, because these technique are getting more and more famous and proof to be efficient and reliable. We will cover all major fields of Probabilistic Programming: Distributions, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Gaussian Mixture Models, Bayesian Linear Regression, Bayesian Logistic Regression, and hidden Markov models.For each field, the algorithms are shown in detail: Their core concepts are presented in 101 lectures. Here, you will learn how the algorithm works. Then we implement it together in coding lectures. These are available for Python and Julia. With this knowledge you can clearly identify a problem at hand and develop a plan of attack to solve it.Mastering this course will enable you to understand the concepts of probabilistic programming and you will be able to apply this in your private and professional projects."
Price: 199.99 |
"WordPress For Beginners - Create Website Without Coding 2019" |
"Warning, Web Professionals - You May Find This Course Too Basic. We do not cover creating custom themes or working with codes. This Course is intended for a beginner who wan't to get a job as Wordpress Designer, this course is not for developers.You're here because you want to create your own website right?This is the perfect place to start. This complete course is designed for beginners like you who have never built a WordPress website (or any website for that matter). While WordPress might seem scary from the outside, once you get started, it's fairly intuitive. Everything from hosting to installing a theme, then actually building your first pages can be learned in the first few lessons of this course.Why learn from my course?I've been building WordPress websites for years. Just like you, there was a time when I was a complete newbie! I was honestly scared of starting a WordPress website because it seemed so daunting. Now I like WordPress! I wouldn't recommend using any other web-building tool.Why Take This Course ?Learn To Create A WordPress Website in Less Than 1 HourThe Wordpress Website Will Be Fully Responsive (Mobile Friendly)Learn To Create A Logo For Free!USING A FREE Wordpress themeMaster wordpressLearn All the ins And outs of WordpressLearn how to Create a website with WordpressLearn From a new Instructor in Wordpress Find out why!"
Price: 74.99 |
"SQL Server 2019: Whats New" |
"In this course, you will learn all about the new major features and enhancements in SQL Server 2019, in an understandable and interactive way, via a rich set of video lectures and step-by-step live guides and demonstrations. Moreover, besides SQL Server 2019 on Windows, we are going to install and use SQL Server 2019 on Linux.WHAT IS THIS COURSE ALL ABOUT?SQL Server 2019, is the latest release of the powerful SQL Server. This is an exciting new version of the SQL Server Data Platform, with a plethora of new features, as well as with enhancements to existing features. In this course, we will go through all the new features and enhancements in SQL Server 2019, talk about it, as well as see many live demonstrations and guides that will help get hands on knowledge on how you can use these features. Moreover, we are will work with SQL Server 2019 on Linux. AFTER THE COURSE:You will know the below:How SQL Server evolved over the years and the different main features shipped with each versionWhat are the new Performance enhancements in SQL Server 2019 What are the new Security and Compliance enhancements in SQL Server 2019What are the new High Availability enhancements in SQL Server 2019What are the new Development-related enhancements in SQL Server 2019What are the new and enhanced built-in tools in SQL Server Management Studio 18.0 and how to use them such as:Vulnerability Assessment ToolData Classification ToolOther significant enhancements in this new release of SQL Server How you can use many of these new features and enhancementsHow to install and use SQL Server 2019 on LinuxPREREQUISITES:Basic SQL Server knowledge in prior versions of SQL ServerBasic database principlesTHIS COURSE OFFERS:2 hours of high-quality video lectures with live demonstrations and guides6 useful quizzes for testing your knowledge on each sectionUseful downloadable resourcesA practice test in the end of the courseAbility to ask the instructor questions related to the course via the Q&A sectionCertificate on course completionWHAT ARE PEOPLE SAYING ABOUT THE COURSE:""This course greatly helped me to understand the new features of SQL Server 2019. Very detailed and well presented course !!"", Andreas Josephides""Great course, very understandable, very well constructed!! Worth my time absolutely!"", Doros Demetriou""The instructor makes it really easy to understand the new features in SQL Server 2019."", Rena Leandrou"
Price: 49.99 |
"Learn How to Install and Start Using SQL Server in 30 Mins" |
"This course, is a quick-start for SQL Server database, SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and Azure Data Studio. The course contains lectures and comprehensive live demonstrations.Within 30+ minutes, we will talk about SQL Server, SQL Server Management Studio and Azure Data Studio.Via 3 live demonstrations, we will install SQL Server on Windows, as well as install SQL Server Management Studio and Azure Data Studio, connect to the SQL Server instance and navigate through database objects.AFTER THE COURSE:You will know how to install SQL Server and perform basic configuration during installationYou will know how to download, install and use SQL Server Management Studio for connecting to SQL Server and working with itYou will know how to how to download, install and use Azure Data Studio.It will be easier for you to attend other, more in-depth courses on SQL ServerPREREQUISITES:No prior knowledge of SQL Server is required.Willingness and excitement to learn!THIS COURSE CONTAINS/OFFERS:30+ minutes of high-quality videoLive demonstrations and guides that illustrate the basic concepts and functions and how to perform different tasks in SQL ServerUseful quizzes for testing your knowledge on each sectionAbility to ask the instructor questions via the Q&A section"
Price: 19.99 |
"Entity Framework: Getting Started (Complete Beginners Guide)" |
"In this course, you will learn all about Entity Framework and Entity Framework Core on both Windows and Linux, what it is, how it works, what are its available workflows and their pros and cons. Entity Framework is an Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) development tool, that enables the Software Developer to write less data code faster, and focus more on the software logic instead of the underlying database. Via this course and its large set of live demonstrations/guides, you will learn step-by-step, how you can efficiently build data applications using Visual Studio with C# and the different workflows of Entity Framework such as: Code First, Model First and Database First. Moreover, you will learn how to easily get started with Entity Framework Core on Linux.AFTER THE COURSE:You will know what Entity Framework and Entity Framework Core are and how they workYou will be able to create .NET Console and Windows Forms GUI data apps, using any of the available Entity Framework workflows:Code First with Existing DatabaseCode First with New DatabaseModel FirstDatabase FirstYou will be able to design .NET data applications much faster and you will be more productive.You will be able to easily use Entity Framework when developing .NET data appsYou will be able to start working with Entity Framework Core on both Windows and LinuxPREREQUISITES:Basic Programming PrinciplesBasic C# Programming Language KnowledgeGood to know: Microsoft Visual StudioIn this course, we will be working with .NET Framework (C#) on Windows and Entity Framework 6 via Microsoft Visual Studio 2017Also, we will be working with Entity Framework Core 2.2 SDK on Ubuntu Linux.THIS COURSE CONTAINS/OFFERS:5 hours of high-quality videoStep by step live demonstrations and guides that can help you get started with Entity Framework and Entity Framework Core in no timeDownloadable resources with useful information and linksDownloadable infographics that will help you better understand the main concepts of Entity FrameworkUseful practice tests/quizzes for testing your knowledge on each sectionA major practice test in the end of the courseAbility to ask the instructor questions via the Q&A sectionCertificate on course completionAlso: This course is being updated with new educational material on a regular basis.WHAT ARE PEOPLE SAYING ABOUT THE COURSE:""Highly impressed and fully satisfied. The author explains clearly and in detail the concept of ""Entity Framework"", allowing novice users to comprehend it. The discussion on the fundamental concepts such as classes and inheritance of OOP was extremely useful. The extensive reference to programming has been extensively beneficial helping the user to correlate theory with practice. WELL DONE."", Andreas Nestorides""I like that he addresses each topic with substantial depth. Entity Framework is an interesting topic and an important one as well. Thank you."", Eleana Spyris""It was just as expected. Very informative and elaborate."", Giannis Hadj""Great learning experience, addressing the areas I expected to cover."", George Georgiou"
Price: 99.99 |
"How to Import and Export Data in SQL Server" |
"This course will teach you how to import and export data in SQL Server, using all the available built-in tools. SQL Server is one of the world's leading data platforms. It allows you to store, organize and retrieve data, as well as transform raw data into useful knowledge. One of the major functions that every database developer and administrator need to know, is how to import and export data in SQL Server.Via video lectures and step-by-step guides and live demonstrations, with this course, you will learn how to efficiently perform data import and export operations in SQL Server.AFTER THE COURSE:You will know about all the available built-in methods and tools in SQL Server, that enable you to perform data import and export operations.You will know how to import and export data in SQL Server:Using the Import Flat File Wizard in SSMSUsing the BULK INSERT T-SQL StatementUsing the OPENROWSET FunctionUsing the SQL Server Import and Export WizardUsing the BCP UtilityUsing SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) PREREQUISITESBasic knowledge of SQL Server and DatabasesTHIS COURSE CONTAINS/OFFERS:1.5 hours of high-quality videoStep by step live demonstrations and guides, that will help you get started with the built-in data import and export techniques and tools in SQL ServerDownloadable resources with useful information and linksA major practice test in the end of the courseAbility to ask the instructor questions via the Q&A sectionCertificate on course completionAlso: This course is being updated with new material on a regular basis."
Price: 49.99 |
"Introduction to Azure SQL Database" |
"Cloud Computing is the future and Azure SQL Database is major part of it. That's why possessing this skill, is essential in the modern computing Era that we live in.This course does exactly that: it helps you get started with Azure SQL Database (PaaS) and Azure SQL Server VMs (IaaS) in no time!With my course, among other, you will learn how to create and manage Azure SQL Databases and VMs, and access them from your on-premises tools, such as SQL Server Management Studio and Azure Data Studio.WHAT IS THIS COURSE ALL ABOUT?Cloud Computing is the future and databases are the backbone of just about everything in Computing, because data is everywhere. Imagine knowing how to fully manage data in a powerful Cloud Computing platform such as Microsoft Azure. Such knowledge is a must, not only for your personal development as an IT Engineer, Database Administrator or Developer, but also for staying up to date with the latest trends and technologies when it comes to database systems.This course has been carefully designed, in order to help you getting started with Azure SQL Database fast and easy. Via a well-structured curriculum, it starts with the very basics of Azure SQL Database, and then it moves to a more intermediate-level of knowledge on how you can manage your Azure SQL Database Servers both as a platform (PaaS) and Virtual Machines (IaaS).So join me into a 2-hour journey and learn all about Azure SQL Database!AFTER THE COURSE:You will be able to navigate in Azure Portal and create, manage and use resources and services.You will be able to create and configure your first Azure SQL Database Server and database (platform as a service PaaS).You will be able to configure and manage firewall settings.You will be able to access your Azure SQL Database using your on-premises tools such as SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and Azure Data Studio.You will be able to manage your Azure SQL Database Server.You will be able to create and configure Azure SQL Server Virtual Machines (infrastructure as a service - IaaS)You will be able to connect to your Azure SQL Server virtual machine via:RDP (Windows access)SQL Server Management Studio (SQL access)Azure Data Studio (SQL access)PREREQUISITES:Basic knowledge of SQL Server and DatabasesWillingness and Excitement to learn something new!THIS COURSE CONTAINS/OFFERS:2 hours of high-quality video lectures and guidesStep by step live demonstrations and guides that can help you get started with Azure SQL DatabaseDownloadable resources with useful information and linksUseful quizzes for testing your knowledge on each sectionA major practice test in the end of the courseAbility to ask the instructor questions via the Q&A sectionCertificate on course completionAlso: This course is being updated with new educational material on a regular basis.WHAT ARE PEOPLE SAYING ABOUT THE COURSE:""Excellent course with useful live demonstrations."", Rena Leandrou"
Price: 49.99 |
"The Philosophy and Fundamentals of Computer Programming" |
"This course, will help you get started with C++, C, Python, SQL, Java, C# and learn more about Programming and the Programmers Mindset. Moreover, it will help you learn more about the main phases of the Software Development Lifecycle.Programming is everywhere. In almost every aspect of our lives, we interact with software applications. From mobile apps and Operating Systems, to sophisticated Enterprise-scale applications and Artificial Intelligence, all of these, and even more, are created with Programming. This makes Programming, one of the most important skills on the technical field.This course, is definitely a must for beginners that are just starting out with computer Programming, but it is also useful for any technical level, since besides the main principles of programming, it also talks about the Programmer's Mindset, that is the required skill set every great Programmer must have.WHAT IS THIS COURSE ALL ABOUT?I have carefully designed this course, in order to help you achieve the below:Define your relationship with Computer Programming.Learn the ingredients, that is the required skill set for becoming a great Programmer.Get started and then deep dive into the exciting world of Computer Programming.Learn the basic Computer Programming Principles and Fundamentals such as: abstraction, algorithms, data structures, functions, inheritance, and more.Learn more about Programming Languages; what are the factors that define a Programming Language as popular, how to choose a Programming Language, types of Databases, and more.Learn about the main phases of the Software Development Life Cycle which can help you efficiently design and develop robust enterprise-scale applications.Learn how to start writing computer programs in the below Programming and Scripting Languages:C#SQLJavaCC++PythonVia the Special Topics section, learn how to read and write to text files using any of the above Programming Languages.So join me into a 4-hour journey into the exciting world of Computer Programming.AFTER THE COURSE:You will know what is the required skill set in order to become a great Computer Programmer.You will know the main programming principles and fundamentals.You will know the main phases of the Software Development Life Cycle.You will be able to start working with: C#, SQL, Java, C, C++ and Python.You will know the philosophy behind the Art of Computer Programming.You will know more about the Programmer's mindset.PREREQUISITES:No prior technical knowledge is requiredThis course is very useful for all technical levelsTHIS COURSE CONTAINS/OFFERS:4 hours of high-quality video lectures and guides.Step by step live demonstrations and guides that can help you get started with C#, SQL, Java, C, C++ and Python.Downloadable resources with useful information and links.Useful quizzes for testing your knowledge on each section.A major practice test in the end of the course.Ability to ask the instructor questions via the Q&A section.Certificate on course completion.Also, the course is updates with new educational material on a regular basis.WHAT ARE PEOPLE SAYING ABOUT THE COURSE:""This course is amazing. Besides the introduction to different programming languages such as C++, C, Python, C#, Java, etc., it helps you build step by step a mindset someone needs to have in order to become a better programmer...would definitely recommend it!"", Giannis Hadj""Very understandable, a complete guide!"", Doros Demetriou""Awesome course on the fundamentals of programming!!"", George Georgiou""Well organised, clear goals/objectives set. Well structured course with many useful live demos. Comfortable to follow and understand instructor."", Andreas Nestorides"
Price: 99.99 |
"Essential SQL Server Administration Tips" |
"In this course, you will learn many SQL Server administration hands-on tips, that will help you efficiently administer SQL Server within the context of SQL Server maintenance, performance, security, integration and error handling.SQL Server is one of the world's leading Data Platforms. It is full of features that enable you to store, organize, retrieve and transform your data into useful business insights and knowledge. Like in all Database Management Systems, in order for your SQL Server instances to operate to the best possible level in terms of stability and performance, you need to properly administer and maintain them. I have carefully designed this course, in order to help you with your SQL Server journey. With many live demonstrations and step by step guides, via my course, I will help you learn how to perform many SQL Server administration tasks, as well as, get a deeper understanding about critical SQL Server topics that all modern SQL Server Administrators, Engineers and Architects needs to know.Via my course, among other, you will learn how to patch standalone and failover cluster SQL Server instances, how to enable Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) for data at rest and encrypt database backups, how to enable SSL encryption for data in motion, how to tune SQL Server instances via indexes, CPU, RAM and storage monitoring, how to protect your data with Dynamic Data Masking and Row Level Security, how to use Unicode, how to troubleshoot common error messages in SQL Server and much more.AFTER THE COURSE:You will know how to efficiently perform different SQL Server administration tasks on the below SQL Server knowledge areas:MaintenancePerformanceSecurityIntegrationError HandlingYou will have a deeper understanding on many SQL Server administration topics that fall under the above knowledge areasYou will be able to download a rich set of downloadable resources, mainly T-SQL scripts, that will help you better understand all tips provided via the course.PREREQUISITES:At least basic knowledge of SQL Server is required.It would be helpful to know some basic database-related concepts (i.e. what is a database, a table, etc.) but is not a prerequisite, since we will talk about it as well.Willingness and excitement to learn!THIS COURSE CONTAINS/OFFERS:6 hours of high-quality videoLive demonstrations and hands-on guides that will help you perform many essential SQL Server administration tasksUseful quizzes for testing your knowledge on each sectionMany downloadable resources such as T-SQL scripts and linksA practice test in the end of the courseAbility to ask the instructor questions via the Q&A sectionCertificate on course completionWHAT ARE PEOPLE SAYING ABOUT THE COURSE:""Very useful and well organized course. The knowledge gained will be actively used in practice."", Andreas Josephides""The demonstrations and provided SQL scripts will definitely help in becoming a better SQL Server Administrator and make SQL Server instances perform faster which was very important for me."", Giannis Hadj""A very interesting and useful course for database professionals. I can directly apply it at my work and believe it will resolve difficulties regarding the administration of our SQL server."", Andreas Nestorides""Great course! Live demonstrations make it really easy for me to understand how to perform important tasks in SQL Server."", Rena Leandrou"
Price: 99.99 |
"How to destroy anxiety in tennis" |
"As a teenager I myself suffered from anxiety and used to argue, throw my racquet and never understood why I lost all the time. I embarrassed my dad when I played and he tried to make excuses for me. I was having tennis lessons, so my strokes were good, especially my backhand but I was never taught how to handle my temper and to develop mental toughness.How do I package 35 years worth of coaching into one course? Gradually, by using small steps. That's what I want you to do. As you go through this course I want you to take a brake in between each section. Go and get a soft drink or a coffee. Yeah, lets have some fun.I don't want you to think about how this won't work, but take everything on board and do everything I say. Wow, sound like a control freak. Perhaps, but I'll be sad if it takes you 5 years to become mentally tough, and I'll be over joyed if you can do it during the length of this course.Enjoy the ride with me!P.S. It's like learning a new language, ""oh no"", but we do one word at a time."
Price: 19.99 |