"How to apply Relaxation Exercises with your patients" |
"Most therapeutic models today allow for the inclusion of relaxation techniques to assist patients in learning how to self-reduce stress. Every therapist should have in their ""therapist toolbox"" a set of Relaxation Techniques they can offer patients to assist in stress management. *In fact, sometimes therapy cannot proceed until the therapist helps the patient relax in the therapy room!This practical course will teach you the rationale behind - and the practical application of - several universally effective relaxation techniques: Guided Imagery Breathing Exercise Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) For each technique you will receive: Rationale for each technique Video demonstration for each technique Downloadable narration for your personal use After completing this course, you will have the tools needed to incorporate these techniques with your own patients."
Price: 19.99 |
"Knitting from Start to Finish" |
"Knitting from Start to Finish provides basics of getting started with yarn and a pair of needles. This course is intended for students who have never knitted before to those who want to refresh this skill. This course is an introduction to knitting, purling, casting on, binding off techniques. It also helps you understand how to read a pattern and starts you off on creating a scarf and/or a blanket."
Price: 19.99 |
programming-education-01 |
"2020 Scratch ScratchScratchScratchScratchScratchWebWebScratch"
Price: 2400.00 |
"Twink Gold Making in Wow Battle of Azeroth" |
"Are you bored and poor in World of Warcraft? I will teach you aspect of twinking and gold making in Battle of Azeroth!In this guide, I will teach you how to start twinking and making gold, so you don't have to be poor ever again!Required for this guide:World of Warcraft: Battle of Azeroth expansionGeneral knowledge of the gameAt least 1 max level character"
Price: 19.99 |
"Voc organizado!" |
"Voc tem muitos compromissos ou tenta resolver muitas atividades ao mesmo tempo, e, no fim, descobre que acabou esquecendo de realizar tarefas importantes, com prazos pr-determinados?A vida de quem tem muitas tarefas no fcil, sem contar o tempo que se perde simplesmente porque no existe muito controle sobre a prpria rotina. E isso vale para todos os aspectos, seja na vida pessoal, escolar ou at mesmo no trabalho.Se este o seu caso, este curso foi criado especialmente para voc! Aqui, voc encontra informaes importantes sobre a organizao pessoal, com dicas bsicas para administrar melhor seu tempo, suas atividades etc.O curso mostrar como a organizao pode trazer benefcios imediatos para seu dia a dia, e como o planejamento essencial para mudar o jeito de voc lidar com suas tarefas.Ateno:Expectativa X Realidade:->Este curso voltado para hbitos e dicas de organizao pessoal com o objetivo de se tornar mais produtivo no seu dia a dia.->Este curso no voltado para arrumao de casa. Caso voc procure algo assim, sugiro o curso da Marie Kondo ;)-> Nos materiais complementares, disponibilizei vrios materiais para downloads, videos sobre os sites citados. Mas ateno: a planilha de organizao da casa apenas um exemplo de como voc pode formata-la, pois humanamente impossvel formatar uma de acordo com a necessidade de cada aluno. Por isso disponibilizei uma que apenas um exemplo. Alinhadas a Expectativa x Realidade, terei imenso prazer em recebe-lo (a) como aluno neste curso. Fique vontade para me contatar, enviar suas dvidas ou sugestes. Criticas construtivas so muito bem vinda para constante melhoria do curso."
Price: 39.99 |
"O Cdigo da Dieta - Saiba como emagrecer" |
"Voc j pensou em iniciar uma dieta?Talvez essa seja uma pergunta muito comum, porque hoje existe uma preocupao muito grande em cuidar do corpo e da sade, sendo ""fit"" no dia-a-dia. Mas voc j conseguiu, de fato, seguir o planejado?E aqui o ponto de Aquiles de todo mundo: muito fcil falar em dieta, vontade de emagrecer e de melhorar o condicionamento fsico, mas pouqussimas pessoas tem a garra e a fora de vontade necessrias para aguentar o processo.Isso se deve uma srie de fatores:Falta de disciplina;Crenas que limitam seu foco e sua determinao;A ideia (errada) de que o processo desgastante e estressante;As tentaes da nossa vida diria: doces, comidas bem elaboradas, confraternizaes, festas, etc.;As milhares de dietas diferentes que pipocam na mdia e mais servem para confundir do que ajudar as pessoas a, de fato, conquistarem transformaes nicas na vida.O que voc precisa ter em mente :No existe pilula mgica nesse processo. Est enganado quele que acredita que existe um atalho. Se voc deseja mudar seu corpo ou seus hbitos de maneira natural e saudvel, estar sendo enganado se acreditar em promessas de ganho rpido e sem esforo.Mas estou aqui para provar que possvel e, pode sim, ser prazeroso!Eu consegui, em 3 meses, perder cerca de 20kg sem passar fome, raiva ou ficar desmotivado. E, alm disso, conquistei resultados incrveis em minha vida:Aumentei meu condicionamento fsico;Alcancei um fsico agradvel, forte e definido;Me senti mais vivo e disposto;Perdi aquela vontade incontrolvel de doce que eu tinha;Adquiri novos hbitos saudveis;Pude me olhar no espelho com orgulho;E muito mais!E o que irei aprender neste curso?E a partir de toda essa minha experincia, consegui reunir tcnicas, dicas e mentalidades para tornar esse processo muito mais fcil, simples e prazeroso. Alm disso, com meus conhecimentos da faculdade, pincelei temas que iro trazer um grande conhecimento de todo o funcionamento do nosso corpo.Acredito que, com tudo isso reunido, voc ter em mos um verdadeiro cdigo dos princpios que regem a perda de peso e o ganho de massa e assim, ter autoridade e controle na hora de montar a sua dieta, sabendo ter um senso crtico sobre o funcionamento do nosso corpo.Abaixo, algumas das coisas que voc ir aprender neste curso:Saber montar uma dieta do zero;Entender todos os princpios que regem a perda de peso e o ganho de massa;Entender porque a gentica um fator muito importante e deve sim ser levada em conta;Ter a capacidade e o senso crtico de avaliar as milhares de dietas que pipocam na mdia e saber se fazem sentido na hora de aplic-las em sua vida;Como potencializar os seus resultados;Como se manter fiel em sua dieta;Ler rtulos de alimentos e nunca mais ficar em dvida sobre o que e o quanto est ingerindo;E muito mais!"
Price: 84.99 |
100-gauo |
"1001001. ?2. ?3. ?4. ?5. ?6. , ?7. ?8. ?9. ?10. ?11. ?12. 1/601/1251/2501/1201/240?13. 1/14. 15. 16. 18%17. 18. PS19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 1/800025. 26. 27. 28. 29. 50mm30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. ?43. ?44. (GN)?45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. ?52. ? 53. ?54. 55. 56. 57. PS58. 59. 60. 61. ?62. ?63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. CCDCMOS69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. RAW75. RAW?76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. ISO 102,400204,80083. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. JPEG91. ND92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100."
Price: 19.99 |
"Desenvolvimento Sexual Crianas NEE (Ensino Especial)" |
"O conceito de Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE), engloba no s alunos com deficincias, mas todos aqueles que, ao longo do seu percurso escolar possam apresentar dificuldades especficas de aprendizagem.No sentido de nos ajudar a entender todos os desafios que nos possam ser colocados na interao e/ou educao destas crianas, convidamos o Dr. Timteo Camacho. Nas linhas abaixo partilhamos parte da sua experiencia profissional e acadmica, que dispensa outro tipo de apresentao.Dr. Timteo AreosaLicenciado em Psicologia pelo Inst. Sup. de Lnguas e Adm. de Leiria (ISLA)Mestre em Psicologia Clinica - Ramo Cognitivo-Comportamental pelo Inst. Sup. Miguel TorgaDoutorando em Psicologia - Especializao em Neuropsicologia na Univ. CoimbraMembro efetivo da Ordem dos Psiclogos Portugueses (CP 22911)"
Price: 69.99 |
"ndirimli fiyatlardan yararlanmak iin ''11DA8B39EEB2FF97A5FC''kodunu youtube arama ksmna kopyalayp yaptrmanz ardndan videonun aklama ksmndaki linke tklamanz yeterli olacaktr. Deerli Arkadalar aslnda YouTuber yada Twitch Yayncs olmak sanld gibi zor deildir.nemli olan hayal gcnz serbest brakmak ve bkmadan,pes etmeden bu platformlarda paylam yapmaktr.Size kk bir tyo belli zaman aralklar ile paylam yapn eer yapabiliyorsanz belli saat aralklar ile paylam yapn. O zaman emin olun byme hznzn artna siz bile aracaksnz. nk siz bu platformlara sadk kalrsanz onlarda size sadk kalr. Zor olan ksm bu paylamlar nasl,neyle,hangi aralarla yapmanz gerektiidir.nk yaynlarnz ve videolarnz dzenlemek gerekten zaman alc ilerdir.te biz tam da bu ihtiyacnza ynelik bir eitim seti hazrladk.Artk hzl bir ekilde tm yaynlarnz ve videolarnz yapabilecek hatta dzenleme ilemlerini de ayn hzda gerekletirebileceksiniz.stelik Hepsi Tek Bir Eitim Setinde.Kurs erii Hakknda: Bu kursta en temel konulardan balayarak aamal bir ekilde ilerleme kaydedeceksiniz.Her bir video zamannz en etkili ekilde kullanabilmeniz iin bilgi kirliliine yer verilmeden hazrlanmtr.Kendi yaynlarnz rahata yapabilmeniz ve kendi videolarnz kolayca hazrlayabilmeniz iin tasarlanm bir kurstur.Adm adm nasl canl yayn gerekletirilir,nasl ekran kayd alnr ve video klipler hazrlanr,sonrasnda montajlama ilemleri nasl gerekletirilir tamamn tek bir eitim setinde reneceksiniz. Her bteden kiinin kursumuzu uygulayabilmesi amalanmtr.Kurs boyunca tm sorularnz, grlerinizi ve eletirilerinizi hi ekinmeden bana bildirebilirsiniz.Bunlara elimden geldiince cevap vereceime emin olabilirsiniz. "
Price: 59.99 |
"Modern Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with PyTorch" |
"Dear friend, welcome to the course ""Modern Deep Convolutional Neural Networks""! I tried to do my best in order to share my practical experience in Deep Learning and Computer vision with you.The course consists of 4 blocks:Introduction section, where I remind you, what is Linear layers, SGD, and how to train Deep Networks.Convolution section, where we discuss convolutions, it's parameters, advantages and disadvantages.Regularization and normalization section, where I share with you useful tips and tricks in Deep Learning.Fine tuning, transfer learning, modern datasets and architecturesIf you don't understand something, feel free to ask equations. I will answer you directly or will make a video explanation.Prerequisites:Matrix calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability theory and StatisticsBasics of Machine Learning: Regularization, Linear Regression and Classification,Basics of Deep Learning: Linear layers, SGD, Multi-layer perceptronPython, Basics of PyTorch"
Price: 19.99 |
"Generative Adversarial Networks A-Z: State of the art (2019)" |
"I really love Generative Adversarial Networks. These amazing model can generate high-quality images (and not only images). I am an AI reseacher, and I would like to share with you all my practical experience of GANs.Generative Adversarial Networks were invented in 2014 and since that time it is a breakthrough in the Deep Learning for generation of new objects. Now, in 2019, there exists around a thousand of different types of Generative Adversarial Networks. And it seems impossible to study them all. I work with GANs for several years, since 2015. And now I can share with you all my experience, going from the classical algorithm to the advanced techniques and state of the art models. I also added a section with different application of GANs: super-resolution, text to image translation, image to image translation and others.This course has rather strong prerequisites:Deep Learning and Machine LearningMatrix CalculusProbability Theory and StatisticsHere are tips for taking most from the course:If you don't understand something, ask questions. In case of common questions I will make a new video for everybody.Use handwritten notes. Not bookmarks and keyboard typing! Handwritten notes!Don't try to remember all, try to analyse the material."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso de Lumion 8.0" |
"Esse curso composto por vdeo aulas online que podem ser assistidas a qualquer momento, ele foi criado para voc aprender de forma mais prticae objetiva as principaisferramentas do Lumion, nele voc ser capaz de criar imagens e animaesinternas eexternasde altaqualidade em minutos.Alm disso com este curso voc poder prestar servios para Arquitetos, estudantes de arquitetura,designer de interiores, engenheiros, construtores, designer de produto."
Price: 249.99 |
"Temel Network Eitimi - A Temelleri" |
"A Temelleri derslerimizde bilgisayar alarna ilgi duyan, konu hakknda almalar yapmak isteyen ve bu alanda kendini gelitirmek isteyen herkes iin temel bir kaynak oluturmay hedefliyoruz. Bu kursumuzda tamamen cretsiz ve srekli eriilebilir olacak A Temelleri derslerini tamamladnzda a, bilgisayar alar, a ynetimi, a servisleri, a protokolleri ve dier temel a konularnda balang seviyesinde yetkinlik kazanacak ve temel bir birikime kavuacaksnz."
Price: 49.99 |
"Last Minute Chinese - Ready for China in 2 Hours!!" |
"Practical Mandarin Chinese Words and PhrasesAre you planning a trip to China and are worried about the language barrier? Afraid of being stranded in the middle of China, unable to speak Mandarin Chinese? Last Minute Chinese is here to help! Take this course and, in just 2 hours, get PRACTICAL Mandarin Chinese to help you survive and thrive in the Middle Kingdom! This course is specifically designed for people planning to visit China. You will learn : - Key Chinese Culture Tips- Key Survival Words and Phrases- Greetings- Choosing and Ordering Food - Traveling around (taxi, train, subway)- Numbers and Money- Haggling- Buying/returning tickets- Emergencies (hospitals, lost valuables) - Restaurants - Hotels- How Mandarin Chinese Works (Characters, Tones, Pinyin)There are SO MANY great reasons to study Mandarin Chinese before your trip to China. Nelson Mandela said, ""If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."" Nowhere is that truer than in China, where most native speakers of Mandarin Chinese can't speak English. I've been in China and speaking Mandarin Chinese for many years, and I'm still amazed by what a different reaction I get from people here when I speak to them in Chinese. People are so much more willing to open up and be friendly with you if you have taken the time to learn basic Mandarin Chinese and you use your Chinese to speak to them. Learning Mandarin Chinese is one of those skills that can be a little scary, and so it's avoided by most people. That means opportunity! Even if you learn basic Chinese, you'll still be ahead of 99% of the people who travel to China, work with Chinese people or do business in China. So few people know how to speak Chinese that if you can speak basic Mandarin Chinese, you'll be ahead of the rest! Learning Mandarin Chinese has opened so many doors for me in my career, and I'd love you to have the same experience. Speaking Chinese is also a really good way to train your brain for learning other languages. Because Mandarin Chinese is quite different to English, once you know how to speak Chinese, learning languages like Spanish, German and French will seem very easy compared to learning Mandarin Chinese! Take this course, wow your Chinese hosts with your Mandarin Chinese, and make the most of your time in China! #chinese #learnchineselanguage #speakchinese #learnmandarin"
Price: 24.99 |
"Abstract Posters with Wavy 3D shapes - Photoshop Tutorial" |
"On this class you will learn to create two abstract Posters with wavy 3d shapes using only photoshop.We will start by creating some patterns that we will need to create those wavy 3D shapes.Then we will start working with the first poster where we will learn some adjusements techniques.After we finish the first poster, we will work with some other elements on the second poster.During the following of the class you can experiment with different levels as the process is more experimental and it gives you the freedom to explore and get different results."
Price: 34.99 |
"Learn to Create a Retro Poster using Photoshop" |
"On this class you will learn some simple techniques to create a vaporwave lo-fi iridescent artwork using only Photoshop.You will learn to create colorful gradients, trippy stripes and noisy textures.During the following of the class you can experiment with different options or levels as the process is more experimental and it gives you the freedom to explore and get different results."
Price: 29.99 |
"Liquid Trippy Animation using Photoshop and Premiere Pro" |
"On this class you are going to learn how to first Create a dreamy simple artwork on Adobe Photoshop and then go to Adobe Premiere Pro to create the artwork and make it more trippy.What do you need to create the artwork:Adobe PhotoshopAdobe Premiere ProNo need to be a professionist on any of these softwares."
Price: 29.99 |
"Design an Abstract Poster using Cinema4D and Photoshop" |
"What do you need to create the artwork:Adobe PhotoshopCINEMA4D ( WITHOUT EXTRA PLUG-INS)This artwork or poster, is like a practise for you to get started with cinema4D and learn some great tools on photoshop.You will have the possibility to experiment with the tools and get some unique results.You can apply that technique on different projects or client works that you may have, like posters, backgrounds, wallpapers, cover artworks or whatever you like.Please share your project too, I would love to see it."
Price: 34.99 |
"Photoshop and Cinema 4D - Design 3 Abstract Posters" |
"On this class you will learn to Design 3 Freestyle Abstract Posters using Photoshop and Cinema4D.We will start by creating a simple gradient on Photoshop and then move to Cinema4D.On cinema4D we will create geometric 3D objects ( black&white and colorful ones )Then we will come back on photoshop and create our first poster.After that we will start doing a similar process, by going on cinema4d to create abstract geometric 3D shapes and come back on photoshop to do the composition and color adjusements.This way we will create 3 experimental posters."
Price: 24.99 |
"Design a Modern Poster using Photoshop" |
"On this class you will learn to Design a modern Poster using Photoshop. Lately, abstract posters with geometric shapes and colorful gradients are in trend and I have been experimenting with it a lot, lately.I see it more like a poster Art, where you can experiment with the tools to create something unique, artistic and trendy.The Statue is an element that we are going to use as a photo reference, so you will learn more about the color adjusements, contrast and composition.So it is a fun project to learn Photoshop by creating a trendy poster art."
Price: 19.99 |
"Respiro - Breath & Movement Training for Better Health" |
"Reconnecting with the true power and hidden health benefits of your breath is something that all of us should do. Respiro has been created by Marco Tesi who is a highly experienced Exercise Physiologist and health practitioner. Marco helps people that have fallen foul of the modern day lifestyle of sitting, poor diet and poor exercise. And now he is going to help you to quickly and easily retrain yourself and in the process you'll discover a permanent solution for preventable challenges of our modern world and lifestyles.As you would know the modern world is full of all types of unnecessary health problems, chronic diseases and preventable illnesses. The first symptom of many of these preventable problems often shows up in a the way that person breathes.On this course you will discover that deliberate, structured and focused attention to your breath, and the way that you move, can create health benefits that were previously never experienced, or even totally unknown, to the person practising these simple techniques.Absolutely any one can follow these steps, and with some practice, and a very short amount of time the health benefits will show up. Usually after the first session of deliberate reconnection with your breath you will feel a whole lot better than you did before you started.The good news about this course is that it creates an incredible positive feedback loop in your life. The more you practice it the better you will feel and that will make you want to learn more and practice more because it leaves you feeling just so good!Reconnecting with your breath is not something that a person would necessarily ever think about. Why would they? After all they are already living so they must be breathing right? They are all natural questions, however once you discover the many ways you can alter the chemistry of your body with deliberate and focused breath, you will be awakened to the incredible possibilities that this can do for you.This course is not about meditation, although there seems to be some parallels, it is totally different and nothing like meditation. This course is about the connection between your breath, your body, your brain and your emotions. This is much deeper than mediation and the physical health benefits are far easier to measure than emptying your mind or contemplating upon something that you cannot measure physically.Once you master the daily rituals that are taught to you in this course youll see fast and noticeable changes to your physiology, it will reframe your nervous system and it will reintroduce your senses and invigorate your life in ways you may never have experienced before. Now let's get you started and reconnected to the very essence of your life, your breath..."
Price: 99.99 |
"Live Stream Like a Boss for Home-Based Entrepreneurs" |
"Broadcast your fascinating story, inspiring message or educational information to your engaged audience and potential clients through live stream video. Increase your visibility and credibility to achieve trust and transformation from your viewers for your coaching or consulting business.Lead Your Tribe Daily on the Path to Success Through Live Streaming VideosGet tips on sales and marketing using live video to promote and grow your businessTurn your small desk space into a home studio with our recommendationsImplement simple solutions to professionally live stream your story onlineQuickly learn and get started with step-by-step instructions that empower even the least tech-savvy business owners to achieve their live streaming goalsNo More Networking When You Become the NexusEngage and connect with your potential clientsLead your team toward amazing growth and successShare your story to inspire and transform your audience into a loyal tribeOffer personal development advice to help others transform their livesIncrease your visibility to reach around the worldEvery home-based entrepreneur, coach and consultant needs two things:more time and more clients. When you add live streaming videos to your business, you combine online networking with your value-based offers that build loyalty in your viewers and potential clients. Save time by meeting daily with your community online while you avoid wasting time on uninterested, unqualified prospects or editing for hours to create videos that impress and influence your audience.We'll show you how to create high-quality, branded videos that connect, engage and enlist your audience members in the quickest, most efficient way possible.Get started today! Begin live streaming your message to the world and soon you will experience spectacular growth in your business as you positively impact your audience by giving them hope for a brighter future."
Price: 24.99 |
"English Grammar & Pronunciation: Mastering If Sentences" |
"Do you find it difficult to use all the 4 different types of if sentences correctly? You are not alone!The if sentences in English are difficult for many students and even many advanced students make a lot of mistakes with them.I'm here to help you :) This English grammar course specifically focuses on the different 'if' sentences because many English learners have trouble using the 4 different types of 'if' sentences correctly.In this course you will study all the 4 different 'if' sentences, learn the pronunciation, practice speaking, and practice listening. You will be fluent in these grammar points by the end of the course. In this course, you will get:lectures that focus on the grammar and pronunciation of the target grammarlistening test for the target grammarspeaking practice specifically in the target grammarPDF transcriptsand lessons to downloadMy name is Luke and I am a native British English speaker. I have a Master's Degree in English Education, I have taught English for over 10 years, and I have taught over 8,000 students on Udemy. English Grammar & Pronunciation: Mastering If Sentences is a course for intermediate English learners.This course will help you improve English grammar, pronunciation, speaking fluency, and listening skills."
Price: 19.99 |
"Sales skills : A complete sales training to increase sales" |
"Making a sale is not just about talking to your prospects doing blah blah blah and getting money out of their pocket. Thats not a sale.The sale is a blend of many things, your converting sales presentation, powerful delivery of your message, using persuasion, getting the product planted in your prospects mind, knowing your audience, their different personalities and how to deal with it, controlling the conversation, asking the right questions and identifying the pain points of your prospects and then how you craft your offer that is irresistible and makes people take fast action, which all has the ultimate effect on your close and thus the sale.Closing sounds like stopping but we are here to initiate a relationship, a long-lasting one.Getting a customer is not an end but the beginning of a relationship. To increase sales you need to learn and work on every aspect that the sale is associated with and thats what Im going to take you through in this course.Youll learn 1) Powerful delivery techniques2) Mass persuasion strategies3) How to craft a sales presentation that converts?4) Knowing your audience- The DISC personality system and how to deal with it.5) How to create an irresistible offer?6) What all materials to be included in your offer to make it a hot offer that no one can refuse.Always be an Encore, under promise and overdeliver. You are in the business of serving people not selling, and you are an entertainer, not a teacher. This complete sales course with strategies that work in todays generation of 2019-2020, will not only help skyrocket your sales but also teach how to influence people and touch their lives and contribute your share to make the world a better place."
Price: 99.99 |
"New Year's resolutions: from vague ideas to actionable steps" |
"A workshop to make resolutions you can actually stick to. This is a journey of self discovery as well as a technique that will help you make a plan of concrete, actionable steps out of fluffy and vague ideas.You will start by reviewing your past year:what has worked well, what hasn't and you will try to understand what happened. You will then gain clarity on what you want to achieve next year and make a concrete action plan to get there."
Price: 34.99 |
"Getting Started with the Red Tea Detox Diet" |
"Based on more than a decade of research spanning over500 medical studiesas well as almostthree yearsof real-world testing, this program has the results and the science to back it up.Liz Swann Miller, creator ofThe Red Tea Detox, is a six-time best-selling author with over 10 years of experience as a practicing Naturopath (ND).She discovered the unique recipe for this energizing tea, the foundation of the program, during her travels deep into the heart of Africa. And best of all, the ingredients are so common they can be found in virtually any store.Reproduced here for the first time in the Western world,The Red Tea Detoxpasses on the recipe for this incredible tea in the form of a fully digital product, making it available to customers instantaneously.This comprehensive book is broken down into three different sections:Diet:This portion ofThe Red Tea Detoxoutlines the importance of detoxifying the body before weight loss efforts, why toxins can hold your metabolism back, and the overall benefits of a red tea cleansed system for both the body and mind. Whats more, it outlines in detail which energy-rich foods can help your burn fat faster than ever before.Exercise:The exercise section is designed to complement the diet portion ofThe Red Tea Detox. It consists of a variety of supercharged exercises that will help melt body fat even faster. Coupled with the metabolism-boosting diet, these quick and effective routines have the potential to almost double the weight loss results."
Price: 19.99 |
"Demystifying the secrets of Blood Types" |
"As per World Health Organisation, 96% of the world population is unhealthy. Inflammation is believed to be the cause behind the top 2 causes of deaths which are Cardiovascular and Cancer. The course is explaining the reasons 1) Why such a huge population is suffering on the health front ?2) Why some of advanced countries are struggling with high mortality rate due to Cardiovascular and Cancer diseases ?"
Price: 29.99 |
"Videotraining Social Media Starter" |
"Du hast bereits eine Facebook Seite oder ein Instagram Profil, weit aber nicht so richtig, wie du dort mehr Reichweite und mehr Interaktionen bekommst? In diesem 30 Minuten Videotraining erklre ich dir wie du mit Facebook, Instagram und anderen Plattformen neue Kunden, neue Mitarbeiter und treue Fans generierst.Trainingsbersicht:1) Intro2) Profile auf Vordermann bringen3) Social Media Mindset4) Fotografie Tipps5) Die AIDA Struktur6) Beitragsideen7) Aktivitt im Netzwerk8) Unterschied organische & bezahlte Reichweite9) Wie viel Reichweite brauche ich?10) Der perfekte Social Media BeitragDieser Kurs ist ideal fr alle Unternehmer die Ihre Social Media Kanle selbst managen wollen und eine Hilfestellung fr Ihre Marketingroutine bentigen. Denis Sandmann ist seit ber 7 Jahren im Bereich Online Werbung selbststndig und betreut hauptschlich die Facebook & Instagram Kanle seiner Kunden."
Price: 49.99 |
"Powerful ideas for a remarkable career" |
"From this course you will learn: five characteristics to look for when looking for a job, five things to consider when setting your career goals and how to manage your time to achieve them, six character traits that make the difference between failure and success and how you can use it in your favor, the most important principle in relation to money, three strategies to control money, six techniques by which you can differentiate yourself from competition and get the job you want."
Price: 19.99 |
"Faturando Alto com Assessoria de Marketing Digital" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender como aproveitar a oportunidade do mercado atual e faturar alto prestando assessoria/consultoria em marketing digital na sua cidade ou regio.Eu vou te ensinar a prospectar potenciais clientes para o seu servio, agendar suas reunies e fechar seus primeiros contratos.E tambm, como gerar os primeiros resultados para o seu cliente atravs de tcnicas simples e eficazes que eu aplico pessoalmente para mim e meus clientes."
Price: 39.99 |