"PHP v.7+ MySQL" |
", PHP . , , , PHP. ,5 . 6- CMS, ."
Price: 199.99 |
"Teacher of Me Myself and I (TOMMI)" |
"The Teacher of My Myself and Icourse was developed for people to understand that they are teachers of themselves. This connection will be made through understanding how their brain and body connects to process experiences through their thoughts and emotions. In the process students will develop self- confidence and identify through understanding themselves. This enables people to connect and learn life skills of resilience, success and the ability to achieve their life goals."
Price: 49.99 |
"Python -" |
"Python Python Google, Youtube, Dropbox Python PyCharm PyCharm Jetbrains Python IDEIntegrated Development Environment)ORM SQLAlchemySQLAlchemy Python ORM Flask Flask ExtensionsFlask Python Python web Pinterest API Flask 120Flask-WTF : WTForms Flask-Bcrypt : Flask-Login : Flask-login Flask-Uploads : Flask-Uploads debug web web"
Price: 4200.00 |
"Hiking with dogs" |
"This course is about hiking with dogs in the mountains . Hiking with dogs requires more than just walking out. You need to pack the right things, train on the right stuff and prepare both you and the dog for the challenges it entails. This course goes through preparation from packing to health check and food. It is a basic course and only takes into account the dog perspective."
Price: 19.99 |
"The everyday dog" |
"This course is for those who want to understand your dog better and create a good everyday life together. This course addresses what a dog is, where it comes from and what it needs. Everything from the adult dog's perspective and it specially aims at those who have taken care of a rescue dog and who want to understand your dog better."
Price: 19.99 |
"Beginner noseworks" |
"This is a course for those who want to activate their adult dog. You may want to compete in the future and in this course we lay the groundwork, but above all, this is an activity for adult dogs who need mental training and perhaps increased self-confidence. Extra good for so-called rescue dogs"
Price: 24.99 |
"Business E-Mail Writing Skills" |
"Complete this proven program and you will;Learn why you need to re-program your writing approach for the business worldImprove productivity by spending less time writing professional business e-mailsEnsure your business e-mails get read and acted onTransform your professional business writing image Practice many real business e-mail case studies with answersGain templates and tools which can be immediately applied to future work emailsNote:This is a professional communication skills program. Not suitable if you are looking to improve your English grammar, spelling or punctuation skills.What is in this program?4 x core section modules with activities +reflection 2 x practice section modules with multiple exercisesSome of the communication topics included on the program;- High +low context communication, rule of 23, curse of knowledge, flexing communication, signalling and more.......Bonus: Shared examples + assignment e-mails +practice exercises- Downloadable PDF workbook & answer book, vocabulary bank with templates + sample sentenceFeedback from other users on different platforms;""Wish i had taken this program earlier"" ""Extremely practical +useful"" ""Extremely helpful program"""
Price: 104.99 |
"An Introduction to Everyday Business English" |
"This interactive course covers the six most popular topics in Business English. These topics are:-Talking about your job-Small talk in the office-Making and Receiving phone calls-Writing emails-Writing a great CV- Going to a job interviewEach lesson contains: Vocabulary, Grammar and Reading Comprehension questions as well as links to websites related to each topic. Worksheets on Listening, extra Vocabulary and Grammar also accompany the lessons and can be considered as the homework a teacher would give you in class to practice more on what you have learned during the lesson.During the lectures the students can actively participate by doing a variety of exercises based on the theory learned. It really makes the students feel like they are actually doing an online lesson instead of just sitting there and listening to endless amounts of information without doing anything."
Price: 39.99 |
"Decode JSON into Elm" |
"Any non-trivial Elm app will have a need to translate between JSON and Elm, as the Elm app communicates with JavaScript libraries through ports, or consumes JSON from a server API. Elm has the important and somewhat intimidating concept of ""decoders"" that translate dynamically typed JSON into statically typed Elm values. This course will teach you to write your decoders and tackle many common decoding scenarios, including optional and nullable fields, decoding JSON into Elm union types, and decoding recursive structures."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Chess Openings:The Grunfeld Defense" |
"This course is designed for people who are interested in learning the Grunfeld defense with black.It will help you in preparing for rating and non-rating tournaments.It also covers diferent aspects of the opening and has tactical positions that may arise from the Grunfeld defense opening.I hope it helps you in your progress and all the best for your tournaments."
Price: 19.99 |
"Blog didattici e digital education a scuola" |
"Un corso base ma completo per chiunque voglia apprendere nuove nozioni di didattica digitale e creare una classe virtuale per i suoi studenti, aggiungendo articoli, post, video, immagini, forum e attivit didattiche. Il corso ha un taglio pratico e ha come obiettivo quello di mettervi subito nella condizione di utilizzare gli strumenti proposti. Tuttavia faremo anche importanti riflessioni sulla valenza pedagogica di un blog, sulle tante e possibili attivit da proporre ai ragazzi e approfondiremo i principali aspetti relativi a netiquette e media education. Vi mostrer inoltre come creare dei podcast e una webradio didattica da aggiungere al vostro blog, come creare giochi didattici con semplici app web based e utilizzare alcuni archivi digitali per reperire risorse in rete e fare tour virtuali. Alla fine del corso sarete anche in grado di creare e gestire un sito web."
Price: 69.99 |
"Tecnologie didattiche e nuovi ambienti di apprendimento" |
"Un corso di formazione on line per insegnanti della scuola primaria e secondaria di primo grado che vogliono approcciarsi alluso del digitale nella didattica in modo critico e consapevole e utilizzando strumenti pratici , intuitivi e alla portata di tutti, insegnanti e allievi. Il corso ha un taglio pratico e ha come obiettivo quello di mettervi subito nelle condizioni di utilizzare le risorse mostrate nei videotutorial, tuttavia faremo anche delle importanti riflessioni sulluso del digitale nella didattica e sul ruolo dellinsegnante nel nuovo paradigma educativo che si va a configurare."
Price: 69.99 |
"Crea e pubblica un corso on line - Udemy unofficial" |
"Un corso pratico per creare un corso on line partendo da zero, nell'ordine vedremo quali sono i principi e criteri che regolano la creazione di una videolezione efficace e la struttura di un corso per poi passare alla parte pratica dove ti mostrer come utilizzare gli strumenti indispensabili per creare tecnicamente il tuo corso on line. Infine ti mostrer come caricare il tuo corso su Udemy e quali sono i migliori strumenti per promuoverlo sul web. Gli strumenti che ti mostrer sono tutti completamente gratuiti, facili da utilizzare e web based, questo significa che non dovrai scaricare alcun software sul tuo computer."
Price: 69.99 |
"Mit Google Ads (AdWords) mehr Umsatz machen" |
"Lerne jetzt, mit Google Ads mehr zu verkaufen: fr dich, deine Kunden oder deine eigene Firma. In meinem Webinar mit Google Ads mehr Umsatz machen profitierst du direkt von meiner umfassenden Webinarerfahrung!Du lernst bei mir nicht nur die Theorie, sondern auch die Praxis. Durch praktische Einblicke in die Konten unserer Kunden siehst du, wie Google Ads in der Realitt aussieht.Als Lernuntersttzung bekommst du: Alle PDFs Checklisten Fallstudien Viele Updates, an denen wir schon arbeiten Einen direkten Draht zu uns fr alle deine FragenHabe ich dich neugierig gemacht? Dann schreib dich schnell ein - nach dem Webinar kannst sofort mit Google Ads anfangen!Update History:Google ndert kontinuierlich etwas an der Oberflche, seit 10/2018 gibt es ein vllig neues Interface. !!!Ein kleiner Tipp: Achte beim Buchen eines Google Ads / AdWords- Kurs darauf, dass der Dozent schon das neue Google Ads verwendet, sonst schaust du in die Rhre. Seit 10/2018 sieht nmlich alles anders aus!!!01/2020: Lektionen 4-7 neu eingesprochen11/2019: berblicksquiz zum Einschtzen des Kenntnisstands10/2019: Abkrzungsverzeichnis aktualisiert07/2019: Zusammenfassende Lektion: Schritt fr Schritt zu deiner ersten Kampagne07/2019: Bessere Sortierung der Kurs-Slides, Korrekturen von Fehlern06/2019: Abschlussquiz erstellt, um zu schauen, ob ihr aufgepasst habt02/2019: Neue Lektionen: (The Long Tail for Keywords)01/2019: Neue Lektionen (Frequency Capping, AdBlocker)01/2019: Neuer Sound fr alle Lektionen der Display Ads"
Price: 139.99 |
"Create Android Apps without coding + Affiliate Marketing" |
"Have you been wondering whether it is possible to make money using Mobile Apps + Affiliate Marketing ( Affiliate Products or CPA Offers ) without having to pay for advertising?The good news is - YES!So, Welcome to the course, where I will teach you How I made over $5,000 USD every month using only Mobile Apps with Affiliate Marketing .In this course, you will learn how to use a Mobile Application Building Platform to create and publish your own mobile apps. You don't have to be a programmer, you don't need to have specific knowledge.We will first learn how to add pages to our application. We will then add a personalized page, which you can build with your own images, your own text. You can add your own videos.We will customize the icon and the splash screen.After I will show you the method I used to create my online Passive income and generate a good profit everyday."
Price: 69.99 |
"El Inconsciente y los Sueos- Cmo Interpretarlos?" |
"Los Sueos son mensajes de nuestra mente inconsciente que no logramos captar durante la vigilia y es durante la fase REM del sueo que se nos muestra el mensaje bajo un argumento y personajes, que nos producen diferentes emociones hasta un punto que nos hace confundir la realidad con el sueo. Descifrar estos mensajes es clave para nuestra salud mental y claridad en nuestras decisiones presentes que marcarn nuestro futuro."
Price: 19.99 |
"El Inconsciente y su lenguaje Numrico- Cmo decodificarlo" |
"El curso se enfocar en: ensear a calcular el perfil numerolgico de cada persona. Cmo la mente inconsciente lee el lenguaje numrico y de que manera podemos sacar provecho del conocimiento de nuestro perfil numerolgico y el de otras personas.La mente inconsciente utiliza muchas veces abstracciones para comunicarse con nosotros, el comprender estas abstracciones nos favorece enormemente en la consecucin de nuestros objetivos personales.Los nmeros son ms que simples simbolos para hacer clculos matemticos y esto ya lo saban en la antiguedad filsofos como Pitgoras, psiclogos como Carl Jung y cientficos de la talla de Nicols Tesla y Einstein."
Price: 24.99 |
"Venciendo tus limitaciones Financieras" |
"Los estudiantes aprendern como nuestra mente inconsciente fija rangos financieros que determinan luego la mxima cantidad de dinero que tendremos y la mnima. Es decir, si a nuestra vida llega ms dinero que el aceptado por nuestra mente inconsciente, debido a patrones mentales y creencias limitantes, ese Exceso terminar inconscientemente siendo desechado de diferentes formas, para as cumplir con el programa mental que nos controla a nivel financiero. Pero existen tcnicas a nuestro favor que pueden ayudarnos a cambiar esta situacin."
Price: 24.99 |
"Aprende Cmo transformarte en un Neuro-Lder" |
"el curso es muy diferente a los cursos standard de liderazgo, porque se basa en herramientas de programacin Neurolingstica ( PNL) que te ayudarn a autoconocerte, para luego poder conocer y liderar tu vida. Recuerda si lideras tu vida, lideras el mundo.Aprenders herramientas para flexibilizar los patrones mentales.Conocers tu Agudeza sensorial de uso frecuente y cmo integrar todas tus agudezas, aun las de uso menos frecuente de acuerdo a la situacin y al interlocutor para lograr una comunicacin exitosa.Te ensear sobre el Rapport que es un concepto muy importante en PNL, pues se trata de cmo armonizar con el inconsciente de la otra persona para crear un ambiente favorable en las negociaciones o comunicaciones que tengas en tu da a da.Aprenders a gestionar tu mente inconscienteTe hars ms estratgico y menos tctico para lograr tus objetivos.Una vez aprendas estas 5 herramientas, tu lider interno y por ende tu lder externo, cambiarn significativamente y de forma favorable."
Price: 39.99 |
"Cmo Identificar y Sanar las Heridas de la Infancia." |
"Existen 5 heridas emocionales en nuestra mente Inconsciente que han sido producidas durante nuestra infancia e incluso algunas de ellas en el vientre materno. Conocer cuales son las heridas que llevamos enmascaradas desde nuestra infancia y aprender a sanarlas, nos proveer de una liberacin emocional tan necesaria para lograr una vida ms armoniosa con nosotros mismos y con los dems."
Price: 19.99 |
"El inconsciente Los Nmeros y El Tarot" |
"En este curso los estudiantes que ya tienen conocimientos de numerologa o tomaron el curso : El Inconsciente y los Nmeros como Decodificarlos, ampliarn sus conocimientos an ms conectando la Numerologa con el Tarot, es importante entender que el Tarot no es usado en numerologa como una forma de adivinar, sino a travs de sus imgenes y posicin aporta significados que matizan el analisis numerolgico bsico, para llevarlo a un contexto ms completo.Elestudiante entender que una persona con camino de Vida 3, es matizada por el escenario que nos lleva a ese 3, es decir un 12 o un 21, etc. Es pre requisito haber cursado El Inconsciente y los Nmeros- Como decodificarlos, para sacar provecho de este curso."
Price: 19.99 |
"Die Speedreading-Formel - 2x schneller lesen in 2 Wochen" |
"Die Speedreading-Formel ist die Knigsklasse der Lese-Schulungen. Du lernst in 18 aufeinander aufbauenden Lektionen tglich in einem Theorie und einem Praxis Teil, wie du deine Lesegeschwindigkeit und dein Verstndnis effizient steigern kannst. Ich zeige dir auerdem Methoden, um gelesenen schneller in dein Langzeitgedchtnis zu bekommen und wie du dein Gehirn aktiv und fit hltst"
Price: 99.99 |
"Aprenda Illustrator do zero" |
"O Curso de Adobe illustrator ensinar a voc, de forma simples e didtica, a dominar e utilizar facilmente as ferramentas essenciais deste fantstico software de design grfico e ilustrao.Com linguagem de fcil entendimento, sem termos tcnicos ou dificultosos, far voc utilizar o Adobe Illustrator com muita facilidade e a dominar rapidamente seus recursos essenciais e, assim, poder criar seus projetos e desenhos da forma que sempre sonhou.Faremos um logotipo profissional do zero e aplicaremos nosso logo em um carto de visitas prontinho para ser enviado para a grfica.A seguir, com as ferramentas dominadas, faremos alguns belos trabalhos de efeito no Illustrator. Vamos desenhar Mandalas, aplicar efeitos 3D em textos e tornar fotografias em estilo mosaico."
Price: 39.99 |
"How to Become a Truck Dispatcher- Online Business Model" |
"Welcome to the Complete Truck Dispatcher Training Course 2.0Its my most current, in-depth and exciting truck dispatching courseto date.In this course, you will learn step by step how to become a dispatcher with interactive video lectures, quizzes and jam-packed with high-quality tutorials. This training course will include everything you need to become a successful truck dispatcher, and this packet will also include lifetime email support.Very easy to follow along with how the course has been divided into small consumable topics. - Andrea Pricka LeeThis training course is designed for?The newbie that wants to learn how to become a truck dispatcher and start generating income.The individual that has the basic knowledge of the industry and wants learn more about tools that are used by professional dispatchers in the industry, negotiation tactics, marketing strategies and more.Home-stay-mom that wants to support the family with an additional income that is generated from homeWives of owner operators that want to support their husbands with booking high paying loads and bringing them home on time.College students who want to earn a substantial income by dispatching loads part time from their dorm room to cover their costly tuitionTake a peek at my bio below, to see how I built successful career in trucking and now eager to teach others to dispatch trucks part time or full time. Since making that decision, my life has changed beyond compare.I guarantee that ANYONE can benefit from taking this course, whether its earning some extra money or changing your career altogether. 100% Money Back Guaranteed!So, what are you waiting for? Start learning how to dispatch trucks and join me on this exciting journey TODAY!"
Price: 99.99 |
"SAP VMS - Vehicle Management System" |
"SAP VMS - Vehicle Management System necessary SAPConfiguration and Business Process mapping. This Course shall enable users to map and run VMSsystem in SAPSystem. This Course not only Covers configuration and business process but it also covers concepts about vehicle manufacturing and distribution network or we may say it covers complete vehicle life cycle. Please watch and provide your constructive feedback in comment section."
Price: 4160.00 |
"SAP PP - Learn Production Planning Simplified" |
"This Course is about SAPsoftware Production Planning module which primary handle Production Planning, production execution, Material Tracking and Finish Product Costing. Prerequisites to learn this course - SAPsoftware , understanding of basic Production Planning Process Like Demand Planning, Product Manufacturing Cycle, Manufacturing Industry experience will be added advantage.This Course is designed and beneficial for following Persons.SAP End usersSAPCore Team MembersERPFunctional or technical consultantSAP consultantsProduction or Procurement PlannersSAP Production Planning Professional All sessions contain andintroductory theoretical overview and with real time industry specific scenario.For a better understanding asimple case studyhas been created where we simulate theplan of the manufacturing of a Pet Water Bottles in SAP.SAPPackage is divided into three parts Master data , transaction data and reporting, here introduction and general overview, in the second section we see all involved Master Data and other production planning mindset related details."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Learn SAP Project System (PS) - Guide for Complete PS" |
"This Course is about SAPsoftware Project System module which primary handle Project Planning, Project execution, Material Tracking and Budgeting and Costing controls. Prerequisites to learn this course - SAPsoftware , understanding of basic Project system, Costing and Budgeting concepts. This Course is designed and beneficial for following Persons.SAP End usersSAPCore Team MembersERPFunctional or technical consultantSAP consultantsProject or Procurement PlannersSAP Project System Professional All sessions contain andintroductory theoretical overview and with real time industry specific scenario."
Price: 3200.00 |
"SAP S4 HANA MM (Material Managenment) Course Simplified" |
"This Course is about SAPsoftware Material Management which primary handle Supply chain ,Procurement, Inventory Management, Special Procurement, Material warhousing and tracking.Prerequisites to learn this course - SAPsoftware , understanding of basic Purchase Process Cycle, Inventory Managment Industry experience will be added advantage.This Course is designed and beneficial for following Persons.SAP End usersSAPCore Team MembersERPFunctional or technical consultantSAP consultantsBuyersSupply Chain Professional All sessions contain andintroductory theoretical overview and with real time industry specific scenario.For a better understanding asimple case studyhas been created where we simulate theone procurement cycle with different aspects.SAPPackage is divided into three parts Master data , transaction data and reporting, here introduction and general overview, in the second section we see all involved Master Data and other production planning mindset related details."
Price: 1280.00 |
"SAP Asset Accounting New and Simplified" |
"This Course is about SAPsoftware Asset Accouting which primary handle Asset Creation, Depreciation Calculation , And Settlement of Assets and other necessary Topics. Prerequisites to learn this course - SAPsoftware , understanding of Basic Accounting process and basic sap knowledge.This Course is designed and beneficial for following PersonsSAP End usersSAPCore Team MembersERPFunctional or technical consultantAccounting ProfessionalsSAP consultantsSAP FICO Professional All sessions contain andintroductory theoretical overview and with real time industry specific scenario.SAPPackage is divided into three parts Master data , transaction data and reporting, Course Covers Configuration, Business process Set up and Business Cycle and reporting."
Price: 1600.00 |
"SAP MM- Material Management Purchasing Hands on Crash Course" |
"This Course is about SAP software Procurement which primary handle Supply chain ,Procurement, Inventory Management, Special Procurement.Prerequisites to learn this course - SAP software , understanding of basic Purchase Process Cycle, Inventory Management Industry experience will be added advantage.This Course is designed and beneficial for following Persons.SAP End usersSAP Core Team MembersERP Functional or technical consultantSAP consultantsBuyersSupply Chain Professional Store Team Purchasers All sessions contain and introductory theoretical overview and with real time industry specific scenario.For a better understanding a simple case study has been created where we simulate the one procurement cycle with different aspects.SAP Package is divided into three parts Master data , transaction data and reporting, here introduction and general overview, in the second section we see all involved Master Data and other production planning mindset related details."
Price: 1280.00 |