"PHP and MySQL Web Development Certification" |
"In this course you'll learn all the things you need know for you to become a great backend developer, operating with PHP & MySQL, the most commonly used yet fundamental technologies since the creation of the internet. You'll understand programming concepts through actual lectured mini real life examplesYou'll learn about MySQL injection and how to protect your website from itHow you should prepare you statements and your overall architecture Design patterns and programming conventions that let you code clearlyHow to setup DB interactions using OOP (Object Oriented Programming)How to create a Login/Sign up system from scratch using the OOP modelWork with sessions to keep users active even when they're not present in the websiteYou'll learn about the Model - View - Controller design pattern via a rather unique and simplistic reviewThis course represents an abstract prototype of PHP web development methodologies, which you can use and build upon them once you've acquired the proper grasp. Once you learn about the basics, you can move forward to more intermediate concepts such as working and interacting with a basic MySQL database and performing the absolute necessary queries. The moment you can do this, you can build your code logic to present the information to the user. You can build forms, subscription logic, login systems, fetch records and display them in any way you deem fit, building projects such as e-shops, blogs and even your own CMS systems. Because this is when you truly know how to use and create interactive content. Creating interactive content, it means the user can perform even more tasks and thus stay and interact with your application longer. Upside to this is that you can further build the user's experience (UX) by introducing new concepts when otherwise wouldn't be possible on a static web page.The rule of thumb states that the websites you create should have ideal design and be articulate for the user, but even if a website is perfect to these aspects if you have a non-properly working backend, or poor server architecture, you'll going to hit the wall really soon and hard. So make sure you know your PHP back-bone and make proper implementations by always consulting your documentation and design document. This course is for beginners who are eager to move to the next level but they don't know how. The material is well organized and easy to follow, so don't be afraid to write code, make mistakes or ask questions. I'm always open and ready to answer anything you may wish to learn and offer the proper guidance so you can advance to the developer you wish to be!!Best regards,Your instructor.#php_web_development #mysql_development #learn_php #learn_to_code_with_php #object_oriented_programming_php #crud_operations_php #php_login_system #php_mysql_login #mysql_injection #learn_mysql_injection #php_mysql_login #php_mysqli_sign_up #user_experience #ux #mvc #mvc_design_pattern #model_view_controller #themvc"
Price: 19.99 |
"On the Path of the Arcana - Self Development & Tarot Wisdom" |
"For the first time, the secrets of the Tarot are unveiled through The Arcana of the Threshold, a unique representation of the secret pages of the Book of Thoth. The 22 Arcana of the Tarot are not only a powerful tool for readings, but an incredible instrument that helps to achieve presence and alignment with your best possible future. It is a guide to understanding the connections between your inner world and the external, to help you practically take the steps towards the expression of your resources and the achievement of your desired results. By approaching and studying the Arcana we can gain insight and clarity: on where we are showing up on our personal journeys; on where we are heading; on what are the obstacles we are unconsciously creating, and; on the means to overcome them. The Arcana of the Threshold are a unique representation of the Major Arcana of the Tarot, ""channelled"" by Monica Canducci as a powerful, transformative tool to achieve practical knowledge on the path to integration, healing and self-realization. They seem belonging to a dimension of existence transcending space, time and any specific Tradition. They resonate with our consciousness as messengers in order to help us activate our own potential and hidden resources. As true gates to imagin-action, through the universal language of numbers, symbols and archetypes they give you access to the secrets of the Tarot by enabling you to embody the meaning and functions of the 22 Major Arcana. The 22 Arcana of the Threshold work as a guiding system to support us in every aspect of our lives.When the 22 Arcana of the Threshold are looked at together in sequence, they represent the journey through life which every human being takes over and over again, in every area of their lives. Integrating and embodying specific Arcana may help you to create: an awareness and recognition of a potential blocka discovery or understanding of hidden connectionsan activation of one's potentiala transformationa completion an awakeninga healing facilitationa creation of a new pattern (e.g. a new belief)a closure of an old pattern (e.g. an old way of ""being"" or moving through life)a manifestation (a desire coming to fruition)a change occurring within and/or in the external environmenta clearly understood direction or guidance revealed.Immersing ourselves in the images of the Arcana of the Threshold, we will discover that they enable us to communicate with the dimension of the consciousness, as a real access point to the Inner world.An incomparable instrument that helps us activate our inner potential, enabling us to embody the energies and functions the Arcana represent, and to manifest them into the world around. "
Price: 24.99 |
"Fundamentos da Anlise de Crdito" |
"Objetivo: Apresentar as melhores prticas de mercado para quem deseja consolidar seu conhecimento numa das reas que faz a economia girar. O curso traz uma viso ampla e sistmica do Processo e da Poltica de Crdito. Seja crdito para pessoas fsicas ou jurdicas. Seja crdito bancrio ou mercantil.Pblico Alvo: O curso destina-se a Analistas de Crdito e de Cobrana, mas pode ajudar bastante profissionais das reas de Gesto de Riscos, Auditoria, Compliance e Governana Corporativa"
Price: 219.99 |
"Fsica Moderna para Ensino Mdio e vestibulares I" |
"Esse curso voltado para alunos de Ensino Mdio que pretendem ampliar seus conhecimentos em Fsica e tambm para vestibulandos que necessitam desse contedo por exigncia de seus respectivos vestibulares.Ocurso inclui, nesse primeiro volume: Relatividade Restrita, uma pequena introduo qualitativa a Relatividade Geral e cosmologia. O curso possui material de apoio com exerccios e algumas indicaes de leituras."
Price: 39.99 |
"Create a Python Powered Chatbot in Under 60 Minutes" |
"This course is designed to be accessible to brand new Python programmers but also worthwhile for more experienced Pythonistas who want to get started with AI and Natural Language processing.You do not any previous experience with Python or programming to be successful in this course.You can use a Windows or Mac computer to complete the course (or Linux for that matter).This course will cover the following:Setting up your development environmentDownloading and installing PythonDownloading and installing a free IDE to work with our codeInstalling the ChatBot packageCustomizing and training your ChatBotSharing your ChatBot with the world"
Price: 19.99 |
"ok Boyutlu Pencere: letiim Beceri Kazanma" |
"Hayatmzda byk bir yer edinen, ilkel alarda jest ve mimiklerden, el kol hareketlerinden, ekiller ve grsel ifadelerden balayp, gnmz dnyasna kadar halen gelimekte olup, ierisinde birok anlam barndran, bir aa gibi byyp dallanp budaklanan, ac tatl meyvesi olaniletiim nedir? yi bir iletiim becerisine sahip olmak iin neler yaplabilir? letiimde empatinin ve n yarglarn yeri nedir? Bireysel farkndalklar bize ne gibi donanm salar? Bu ve bunun gibi birok soruya yant bulacanz eitim kursumuzda keyifli ve de her eyden nemlisi verimli bir zaman geirmeniz adna tm artlarmz seferber ettik.Satn aldnz kurs iin ltfen bizlere her trl konuda dilek, istek ve ikayetlerinizle geri bildirimde bulununuz."
Price: 189.99 |
"1 The Physics Toolbox" |
"Cowboy Joe introduces basic skills needed to learn physics. He reviews the SI unit prefixes and unit conversions and then introduces the idea behind significant figures and how to maintain them after calculations. This is followed by how to use physics equations to solve for unknowns and base units. This course ends with instruction on taking measurements with accuracy and precision and graphing data. "
Price: 19.99 |
"2 Representing Motion" |
"This chapter begins with the study of vectors and scalars. Then an explanation of representing motion by with motion diagrams, followed by particle models. This is followed by a discussion of how to create and read position-time graphs. Finally, deriving the first equation from the position-time graphs which is used to describe uniform motion."
Price: 19.99 |
"3 Accelerated Motion" |
"Cowboy Joe starts his discussion on velocity-time graphs, also known as vt graphs. Velocity, time, displacement and acceleration can all be derived from a vt graph. Combining the acceleration (slope) and displacement (area under the curve) equations, 2 more equations are derived. Cowboy Joe explains that the knowns and unknowns of a constant acceleration equation can be organized in a ""Big Box"" which also determines which equation is needed to solve the problem. Finally, this section mixes uniform and nonuniform motion and ends with the discussion of the acceleration due to gravity and free fall problems."
Price: 19.99 |
"4 Forces in One Dimension" |
"Cowboy Joe starts the discussion with defining forces. He then applies Newton's Laws of motion to solving problems involving forces. He then discusses the relationship between mass and weight and applies this to solve problems. The tension force in ropes and strings are explained and the normal force is introduced."
Price: 19.99 |
"5 Forces in Two Dimension" |
"Cowboy Joe starts the discussion with vector addition. He explains how to calculate the sum of two or more vectors in two dimensions algebraically by using the Pythagorean Theorem and the Law of Cosines. He also explains how to do this graphically using a ruler and protractor. Static and kinetic friction are talked about and how they affect problems involving friction. He then discusses the equilibrant and how to calculate it. Finally he ends with a discussion on analyzing the motion of an object on an inclined plane with and without friction."
Price: 19.99 |
"6 Motion in Two Dimension" |
"Cowboy Joe begins by illustrating that the vertical and horizontal motions of a projectile are independent which leads to analyzing and solving projectile motion problems. He then explains why an object moving in a circle at a constant speed is accelerating. He talks about identifying the force that causes centripetal acceleration and solves centripetal acceleration problems. Finally, he analyzes and solves relative velocity problems."
Price: 19.99 |
"9 Momentum" |
"Cowboy Joe starts with combining Newton's 2nd Law and the acceleration equation from the slope of a vt graph to derive the momentum, impulse and the impulse momentum theorem. He then analyzes the momentum of an object and the impulse given to an object. He then mixes Newton's third law and the impulse momentum theorem to derive the conservation of momentum and uses it to solve problems."
Price: 19.99 |
"10 Work and Simple Machines" |
"Cowboy Joe starts this discussion with combining the third constant acceleration equation and Newton's second law. He derives work on one side of the equation and the change in kinetic energy on the other which is called the Work-Energy Theorem. He then uses this to solve work and energy problems. He then develops a knowledge of the usefulness of simple machines, differentiates between ideal and real machines in terms of efficiency and solves problems dealing with machines."
Price: 19.99 |
"12 Thermal Energy" |
"Cowboy Joe starts with distinguishing temperature from thermal energy and then defines specific heat. This leads to solving problems involving heat transfer and calorimetry. Using calorimetry, he explains how to calculate the final temperature of a system and the specific heat of a metal. Then he explains the heats of fusion and vaporization and calculates heat through state changes. Finally, Cowboy Joe ends with the first and second laws of thermodynamics and solves energy transfer problems."
Price: 19.99 |
"13 States of Matter" |
"Cowboy Joe starts his discussion with describing how fluids create pressure and solves problems dealing with pressure. He then explains the gas laws and explains how to calculate the volume, pressure and the number of moles of a gas. This is followed by a discussion of Pascal's principle, Archimedes' principle and Bernoulli's principle and solving problems that deal with this. He then explains how cohesive forces cause surface tension and discusses the evaporative cooling effect. Finally, he explains the importance of thermal expansion, explains why solids expand and contract and calculates the expansion of solids."
Price: 19.99 |
"14 Vibrations and Waves" |
"Cowboy Joe starts his discussion by making the connection between a pendulum and a spring with waves. He explains how to calculates the force and energy in an elastic spring. He also relates the period and length of a pendulum. He then identifies how waves transfer energy without transferring matter and contrasts transverse and longitudinal waves. The relationship between a wave speed, wavelength and frequency are discussed followed by a review of example problems. A discussion of what affects the wave's speed is followed by reflection and refraction. Finally he ends with a discussion of the principle of superposition."
Price: 19.99 |
"""Viver e poupar, sim isso possvel"" - Finanas pessoais" |
"Neste curso qualquer pessoa que tenha interesse em mudar de vida, aprendendo a lidar com sua vida financeira, como eu aprendi, ser muito bem-vindo.Neste curso voc aprender a controlar seus gastos e assim sabendo em que gasta, analisar o que realmente importa para viver com dignidade e alegria. Aprender tambm como se planejar para a to sonhada liberdade financeira - quando o seu dinheiro poupado ao longo da vida te dar a segurana de uma vida tranquila.Em uma linguagem simples e direta partilhando a experincia conquistada.Quem adquirir o curso ainda ter acesso se quiser a um grupo de whastapp para partilha de dvidas e troca de experincias com outros alunos.Linguagem simples e direta.Algumas perguntas que so respondidas nesse Curso:1) Como posso acompanhar melhor meus gastos cotidianos?2) Como fazer uma planilha de planejamento financeiro (modelo)?3) O que reserva de emergncia?4) Quais tipos de investimentos existentes alm da tradicional Poupana?5) Bancos Digitais (sem tarifas)?6) Corretoras de valores? O que so e porque preciso de uma para investir?7) Metas de curto, mdio e longo prazo? Porque metas?8) possvel poupar com pouco dinheiro?9) possvel viajar gastando pouco?10) Liberdade Financeira? Porque?Entre outras..."
Price: 39.99 |
"Ser el mejor Community Manager" |
"El trabajo de Community Manager se ha convertido en uno de los perfiles ms demandados en el mercado laboral. Es la persona encargada de gestionar, moderar y desarrollar las Redes Sociales en nombre de una empresa o una marca. En la actualidad muchas empresas necesitan relevancia en Internet, para crecer o continuar existiendo, las redes sociales permiten escuchar y conversar de forma directa con los mismos usuarios, consumidores y clientes potenciales. En este curso genrico te voy a ensear como ser un buen Community Manager estudiando primero las tipologas de Redes Sociales para ms adelante crear un Plan de Medios Sociales y un Calendario Editorial. Adems te voy a ensear estrategias especficas para dinamizar cada Red Social. Por ltimo veremos Mtricas y medicin de Resultados que nos permiten evaluar si estamos consiguiendo los objetivos marcado en el Plan de Medios Sociales.Despus de estas tres horas de videos an te quedar un largo camino por recorrer, la idea es que despus del curso tengas unas bases slidas de las acciones que debes realizar, los comportamientos y la constancia necesaria para alcanzar el xito. Sin embargo la formacin en las redes sociales es continua, as que una vez empieces debes seguir profundizando por tu cuenta, quiz con cursos ms especficos para cada Red Social. Piensa que para empezar necesitas poco, ni si quiera necesitas un ordenador, con un mvil lo tienes todo!En todo caso, con todos estos conocimientos ya podras empezar como Community Manager Freelance! Si tu cartera de clientes crece, considera contratar a alguien para seguir creciendo y crea una imagen de marca y una web para ofrecer tus servicios!Puedes trabajar desde cualquier parte del mundo con conexin a Internet y puedes ser tu propio jefe! T te organizas y t decide que camino te interesa ms escoger para t futuro profesional!BIENVENIDO A AULA DE ORO!Temario:SECCIN 1 - INTRODUCCIN SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT1.1 Presentacin1.2 Resumen del CursoSECCIN 2 - NUEVAS FORMAS DE COMUNICACIN2.1 El mundo de la web Concepto Web Qu abarca la web 2.0?2.1.3 Community Manager2.2 Definicin de Redes Sociales2.3 Tipologa de redes segn su utilidad 2.4 Pros y contras de la web social2.5 Marketing ViralSECCIN 3 - ESTRATEGIA Y CREACIN DE PLAN DE MEDIOS SOCIALES3.1 Fijar objetivos de un Proyecto Online 3.2 Plan de Medios Sociales3.3 Estrategia de Medios Sociales3.4 Anlisis DAFO3.5 Calendario Editorial3.6 La figura del Community ManagerSECCIN 4 - ESTRATEGIA PARA CADA RED SOCIAL4.1 LinkedIn4.1.1 Gestionar contactos en LinkedIn4.1.2 Cmo elaborar y optimizar un CV en Linkedin4.1.3 Crear una pgina de empresa en LinkedIn4.1.4 Actividad LinkedIn: Como conseguir un perfil All Star 4.2 Twitter4.2.1 Lenguaje especfico de Twitter4.2.2 Funciones comunicativas de Twitter4.2.3 Cmo aumentar el nmero de followers4.2.4 Buenas prcticas en Twitter4.3 Youtube4.3.1 Buenas prcticas en YouTube4.3.2 Consejos Youtube4.3.3 Block Surprise. Mi canal de YouTube4.3.4 Ventajas YouTube4.4 Instagram4.4.1 Consejos para crecer en Instagram4.4.2 Ventajas Instagram4.5 Facebook4.5.1 Caractersticas principales Facebook4.5.2 Cmo conseguir engagement en Facebook?4.5.3 Facebook Fanpages4.6 Herramientas en Redes Sociales4.6.1 HootSuite y TweetDeck4.6.2 MailChimpSECCIN 5 - MTRICAS Y MEDICIN DE RESUTADOS5.1 Mtricas y KPIs en Social Media.5.2 Analtica i monitorizacin 5.3 Da valor a tus conocimientos y lnzate!"
Price: 34.99 |
"YOUTUBE y sus SECRETOS. Aprende a ser YouTuber!" |
"Ser Youtuber es una de las profesiones ms divertidas y gratificantes. Puedes escoger algo que te apasione y compartirlo con tu audiencia o quizs eres la persona encargada de gestionar, moderar y desarrollar las Redes Sociales en nombre de una empresa o una marca. En todo en caso en este curso aprenders tcnicas para hacer crecer tus suscriptores y triunfar en Youtube.En la actualidad muchas empresas necesitan relevancia en Internet, para crecer o continuar existiendo, las redes sociales permiten escuchar y conversar de forma directa con los mismos usuarios, consumidores y clientes potenciales. En este curso te voy a ensear a crear un canal de YouTube desde 0 usando el nuevsimo Youtube Studio. Las clases se irn actualizando para que siempre dispongas de una gua actualizada de los pasos que debes seguir para triunfar en Youtube. Algunos piensan que en Youtube solo hay videos virales de cadas y de gatitos pero en realidad hay muchsimo ms. Youtube es una plataforma inmensa de video en streaming que pertenece a Google y que da la posibilidad a gente de todo el planeta a convertir su creatividad en carreras exitosas. Podis convertir vuestras pasiones, hobbies o actividades profesionales en en ingresos.Porqu video? Seguro que habis escuchado que una imagen vale ms que mil palabras...Los estudios demuestran que un mensaje se entiende mucho mejor cuando hay un soporte visual sobre las explicaciones. Pero, Porqu YouTube y no otra plataforma de video? Pues porque es segundo sistema de bsqueda ms visitado del mundo, (el primero es Google). Aunque Facebook, Twitter o Instagram ahora tambin incluyen video, no tienen un algoritmo de bsqueda tan potente y perfeccionado. Youtube actualmente tiene una audiencia de 1500 millones de usuarios activos cada mes. Hay mucha gente all para ver vuestros videos, adems podis subir videos Full HD o incluso en 4K sin restricciones.Con YouTube podis ganar dinero a travs de la insercin de anuncios en vuestros videos. Pero s acabis de empezar vuestro canal no tengis prisa por empezar a monetizarlo, ya que al principio se necesitan unas cuantas visitas. A lo mejor pensars que es demasiado tarde para empezar en esto de YouTube que ya hay demasiada competencia. Eso me dijeron a m cuando empec mi canal hace 2 aos, sin embargo consegu hacerme un hueco y monetizar. ;DDespus de realizar este curso te dars cuenta que en YouTube hay espacio para todos, slo necesitars: aplicar lo aprendido, mucha pasin y constancia!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Workshop Shutterstock" |
"! Workshop Shutterstock !! ! 23 Shutterstock Step by Step : ! ! DSLR Shutterstock Shutterstock : 1 1. 2. 3. Shutterstock 2 4. 5. 3 Shutterstock6. 7. 8. Shutterstock 9. 10. FTP 11. 12. (Model release) 13. (Property release) 14. (/) 15. Shutterstock 4 Workshop 16. Workshop Camera Raw 17. Workshop 18. Workshop 5 Shutterstock19. 20. 21. 6 22. 23. 30"
Price: 1200.00 |
"Simplistic Business Breakthrough Framework for Super-Success" |
"This course is designed to teach you exactly what you need to manage any business.The aim of this course to present an unique business breakthrough framework to achieve super-success. As a first prerequisite, a theoretical and conceptual analysis is undertaken of how the framework looks like and dimensions are described within the context of organizational theory, mainly based on so-called breakthrough prescriptions. The primary and supportive dimensions are identified and integrated into a framework, which is called the Simplistic Business Breakthrough Framework for Super-Success for the purposes of the programme. This framework is formulated for use in the development of an appropriate methodology to implement Excellence in any organization. The Simplistic Business Breakthrough Framework for Super-Success is meant to provide a mechanism for the adoption of a systematic and ordered approach for the implementation of Excellence in organizations. To achieve this objective, a framework will be presented which will identify primary and supporting dimensions of the framework for the implementation of Excellence. This course is to help you as individual and the type of business you involved with, to growth and achieve business mastery. I will help you and the business you involved with to transform yourself whether you part of top management, middle management or a worker, to achieve super-success. At the end of this course, you will have a powerful one-page simplistic business breakthrough framework, based on the Oschman Telescopic Theory, which includes 14 dimensions to achieve Business Excellence on all areas of your business environment. This framework is a Down-to-earth practical business application framework which including usable methods and techniques for continuous business-development to be more competitive, productive and reliable.The question I want to ask you: What does it takes to achieve Business Excellence? I will answer this question in the course and secondly my personal crusade is to make a difference in the lives of others by presenting a powerful business achievement philosophy, which I will present in the form of a simplistic business breakthrough framework.I will show you systematically how you can manage any type of business irrespective your job title or age. This training is appropriate for top managers, middle managers, workers, general managers, educators, organization development trainers, students, health care professionals, supervisors, social workers, coaches, mentors, personal growth facilitators, entrepreneurs, for big industries (aerospace/automotive), non-profit organizations, government institutions and much more. If you think, it is difficult to manage or lead any business, then let me prove you wrong. I applied this breakthrough framework for the last 25 years and it worked, I achieved one success after the other, by applying this framework and in different work environments. I will show to you by using a simplistic business breakthrough framework how you can transform any business achieving excellent results in all business areas. You will learn exactly how this framework was developed with the various dimensions, how the dimensions relate and depend on with each other, and how to implement the framework through three phases. At the end of the course, you will have a one-page framework to manage or lead any business. You wont believe you eyes when you see this simplistic mind blowing framework that you even can apply in all areas of your life, namely your work, family, finances, mind, spiritual, health, social and recreational, but with the main emphasis on business.If you want to be successful in your business, then this course is for you. I lived this framework with passion since 1996. I apply the framework in all the businesses I was involved with and apply the framework in the most complex working environment, namely in the aerospace industry by managing highly-based technological aircraft systems based on Industry 4.0, successfully. I received 11 prestige awards since 1997 by helping institutions implementing this breakthrough business framework.You will build a business for yourself or help your business you involved with by getting extraordinary business results in all operational areas, namely customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, marketing results, financial success, continuous growth, sustainability, maintainability and much more.Here now is the simplistic breakthrough framework, I will share my secrets and show you how to manage and lead any business environment successfully.When you are finished with the course, then you must apply the framework daily and you must learn more how to implement and work with each dimension within the framework to achieve continuous grow the an development achieving at the end of the day super-success. This course is a fantastic structure and this framework will have a major impact on your business. This is my flagship course and many courses will flow out of this course in the future.You are going to feel comfortable with this course because it is simplistic and I will guide you how to implement the framework and give you enough support resources to do it.There are nothing to risk, everything to gain. Thanks for taking time to check out the course. Feel free to preview the FREE lectures to learn more.It is time now to take action!Go ahead and click to take this course and I will see you in the course. Thank you for enrolling."
Price: 69.99 |
"Managing Human Factors in Quality Management Systems" |
"Human Factors discovers and applies information about human behavior, abilities, limitations, and other characteristics to the design of tools, machines, systems, tasks, jobs, and environments for productive, safe, comfortable, and effective human use. Understand the preconditions, underlying causes, contributions of supervision and management, and organizational issues such as organizational culture which contribute to human error."
Price: 19.99 |
"Adulting for Generation Z and Millenials" |
"In this course, you will learn the responsibilities, benefits and problems associated with adulting for Millenials and Generation Z, the generation that defined ""extended adolescence"". We look at essential skills, problems and solutions to navigating this in the modern era. This is mostly focused on young people in the US."
Price: 19.99 |
"Blockchain: Crea tu ICO y recauda fondos" |
"BienvenidoEn nuestro curso iremos desde lo basico hasta como listarlo en casas de intercambio, si estas buscando fondos para tu proyecto, este es el curso ideal!Vas a entender el concepto de MVP, aprenderas a usar y CONFIGURAR LOS PROCESADORES DE PAGOS, de esta manera los fondos iran a tu billetera.Vamos a crear un excelente whitepaper con la correcta estructuracion paso a paso.Tambien te enseare a viralizar tu proyecto por medio de airdrops, bounty programs.Iremos paso a paso usando tu idea de la A a la Z.Este es el nico curso que combina todos los aspectos del proyecto: un ICO completo de principio a fin!Crearemos nuestro propio Token en la red Ethereum utilizando los estndares ERC-20.Veremos la cadena de bloques en general junto con los contratos inteligentes y cmo se relacionan con todo esto."
Price: 19.99 |
"Bitcoin: 9 maneras de generar ingresos en el 2019" |
"Este curso ha sido especialmente diseado para las personas que deseen generar ingresos extras por medio del bitcoin y diferentes modelos de negocios del ecosistema de criptomonedas.Hoy en dia las personas piensas que el trading es el unico modo para generar ingresos y esto es totalmente falso, por eso he creado este curso, aprenderas 9 metodos secretos que te daran dinero si los aplicas, estos metodos los he probado a lo largo de los ultimos dos aos y estoy seguro que te servira 100%El criptomercado apenas se esta desarrollando y es nuestra labor empezar a posicionar nuestras empresas, de esa manera obtendremos buenas fuentes de ingresos.Te espero en clase!!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Blockchain: 5 metodos para ganar bitcoin este ao" |
"Este curso ha sido diseado para todas aquellas personas que deseen construir un proyecto en base al bitcoin y el ecosistema de criptomonedas.Para arrancar el curso debes entender que el comercio y el mundo de las criptomonedas apenas esta creciendo, lo cual significa una gran oportunidad para posicionarnos en el mercado con algun proyecto y generar grandes ingresos a corto y largoplazo.Debes tomar este curso por varios razones, sera un curso actualizado es decir se subira contenido con frecuencia, te hare un claro seguimiento de tu proyecto personal y por supuesto respondere a todas las preguntas que se planteen en el curso."
Price: 19.99 |
"Change Your Life: It's the Small Things That Truly Matter" |
"Don't let the small things ruin your life!This course will teach you how to reflect, utilize, and change the small things in your life to change your life. Whether you're a student, a professional, or wanting to make some changes in your life, you are forced to sift through all the unnecessary to reach your goals. You may not realize it but the small things in your life add up to a significant total, and that could be what is stopping you from reaching your potential.Anyone can change their life with these skills!This course is about improving your ability to taking the little bad things in your life and reverse engineering them to create a positive impact. By taking a hard reflection at their life, they will be able to see that life isn't a grand scheme of several big things, rather a compilation of many, many small things. You'll learn how the small things in your life can really add up and make a significant difference.The core of this Simplified Minimal Habits course involves 5 Sections:Realizing how the small things affect your life in Finance, and how the small purchases really add up.Seeing how the little distractions every day in your life is what makes up an unproductive day. Going to eat something small every day is worse than one big thing every so often.How to Destroy any bad habit that is holding you back, as a result of the small things. Create good habits, using little baby steps, the universal formula for creating habits.How this new course will change your life and propel you to your goals: This course teaches how to create good habits, destroy bad habits, and reflect on your life for the future of the habits. By implementing the concepts in this course, students will be able to change their lifestyle into the one they truly want. The course will require 1 hour of watching, taking notes, and reflecting on the videos for the first week, and 2-3 weeks for the course exercise of jotting down the bad habit. It won't be easy - but if you put in the work, you are guaranteed to succeed."
Price: 29.99 |
"Digital Marketing - Why it's not working for you!" |
"Brand new start-up? Business slowing down? Competition eating away at your customers? Or if youre just looking for a change of scenery or are still in school and dont know what you want to do.Whatever the reason, chances are you know that you need to be online, and you need to be more visible to your customers."
Price: 19.99 |
"Node JS + Rest API" |
"Curso de Node JS + Rest onde voc aprender a utilizar Rest em Node JS.Vamos fazer um cadastro de usurios utilizando recursos como Sequelize e Express.Conexo com banco de dados MySql.Implementao dos recursos de Rest como GET, POST, DELETE e PUT (Select, Insert, Delete e Update).Utilizar o Postman para realizar os testes nos mtodos implementados."
Price: 19.99 |