"Aprende Latex de cero a experto" |
"Necesita o quiere aprender Latex para escribir algn documento acadmico, reporte o libro? Este es su curso! Aprender con ejemplos prcticos desde los fundamentos de Latex hasta las opciones avanzadas.En cada video no solo se desarrolla la habilidad prctica, sino que se dan breves explicaciones para que adquier un conocimiento global de la escritura y uso de Latex. Este curso est diseado para que personas que an no cuenten con conocimientos de Latex aprendan de la manera ms sencilla y sin frustracin. Al contar con videos enfocados a funciones avanzadas, tambin el curso resulta til para aquellas personas que cuenten con experiencia previa en el uso de Latex.Una de las ventajas ms importantes de este curso, es que si algo no est incluido dentro del curso usted puede preguntarlo en la seccin de preguntas y har un video explicando paso a paso su duda.COMIENCE A APRENDER LATEX AHORA!"
Price: 2445.00 |
"Mtodos Numricos en Python. Teora y Programacin" |
"Hola!Los mtodos numricos son de gran importancia para dar solucin a diferentes problemas de matemticas, ciencias e ingeniera. Su importancia radica en que, a diferencia de los mtodos analticos, nos permiten aplicar un mismo procedimiento a una gran cantidad de problemas. Por qu en Python?Como sabrn, Python es un lenguaje de programacin gratuito. Adems, en los ltimos aos ha tomado gran importancia y se espera que dentro de unos pocos aos se convierta en el lenguaje de programacin ms utilizado en el mundo. Tambin, la gran cantidad de libreras que posee genera que cada vez sea ms utilizado en las diferentes ingeniera y ciencias.Este curso contempla en su primera versin mtodos numricos de:InterpolacinAjuste de curvasDerivacinIntegracinEcuaciones diferencialesA medida que ustedes nos hagan saber sus comentarios y preguntas, iremos agregando material nuevo.Este curso incluye en su compra un libro de mtodos numricos escrito por el equipo de Danlara Learning.Que disfrutes el curso!"
Price: 2220.00 |
"Incrementa tu Inteligencia Financiera" |
"Permteme hacerte un pregunta Quieres tener xito financieramente hablando? Todo el mundo quiere vivir mejor, tener dinero en abundancia y llevar el nivel de vida que siempre deseo.Para alcanzar ese objetivo necesitas desarrollar ciertas habilidades que te hagan ver oportunidades donde la gran mayora de personas solo ven problemas, eso es lo que hacen las personas que han alcanzado sus propsitos financieros.En este curso aprenders a aumentar tu inteligencia financiera, adquirir las capacidades necesarias para que tu mente te genere los hbitos que te harn llegar a tus objetivos financieros"
Price: 199.99 |
"Retrate Joven y Rico - Alcanza la Libertad Financiera" |
"En este curso encontraras un contenido super valioso, Quieres retirarte joven y con el nivel de vida que desees? Debes aprender a crear activos que te den ingresos pasivos para de esta forma crear un flujo de dinero constante en tu cuenta, de esta manera consiguen los ricos retirarse prontoLas claves son muy sencillas, la frase ""Haz que el dinero trabaje para ti"" Nunca cobro tanto sentido, puedes crear riqueza ilimitada si sabes como construir activos financieros. Te espero dentro del curso!"
Price: 199.99 |
"La nueva forma de hacerse RICO - Secretos de Nuevos Ricos" |
"El secreto de los Nuevos Ricos ha cambiado por completo las normas del juego, antes si una persona tenia que prosperar deba abrir una fabrica o una mega empresa, que lo tenia atrapado de lunes a domingo con jornadas de trabajo infinitas.Hoy todo eso ha cambiado... Quieres convertirte en un Nuevo Rico?En en este curso aprenders a crear un negocio que facture en piloto automtico, sin necesidad de que estes trabajando horas y horas detrs el y con la capacidad de escalarlo hasta el mximo nivel"
Price: 199.99 |
"Los 6 NEGOCIOS ONLINE ms rentables" |
"Crear un negocios y emprender hoy por hoy es muy sencillo y rpido, aprovecha esta oportunidad de trabajar para ti, sin depender de nadie mas ni tener que cumplir ordenes, tu seras tu jefe, tienes un montn de posibilidades en el mundo digital, sea con sea tu idea de negocio siempre habr alguien dispuesto a pagar por tu producto o servicio"
Price: 199.99 |
"GANAR DINERO por Internet 2020 [ Sales Funnel ]" |
"Los Negocios Digitales no abren la puerta a un nuevo mundo, emprender es mas fcil que nunca y en este curso quiero demostrrtelo.Quieres tener tu propio negocio online que genere ingresos en automtico?Puede sonar muy fantstico pero es real, gracias a los Embudos de Venta podemos tener un negocio en Internet que nos de Ingresos pero esto no acaba aqu, todo ese proceso se puede automatizar, desde la captacin de posibles clientes hasta enviar el producto al cliente. Tu nica preocupacin ser que todo siga funcionando correctamente.Como consegu generar mas de 4.500 euros mensualesPara demostrarte que esto no es falso, en el propio curso tendrs un modulo donde te ensear uno de mis proyectos emprendedores que he conseguido escalar y automatizar gracias a los embudos de ventas-Y eso no es todo...Emprender para mi fue un camino muy largo y duro, asi que en este curso te doy a dar todo mi conocimiento, todo lo que me hubiera gustado saber cuando empece"
Price: 199.99 |
"Landing Page Profesional con Elementor PRO" |
"En este curso aprenders a crear Landing Page profesionales con Elementor PRO [ Va incluido GRATIS en el curso, ya solo este pluggin cuesta 49$]- Replicaremos paso a paso las Landing Page de los Marketers mas reconocidos del mundo- Podrs descargar las plantillas de Elementor PRO ya listas para poner en tu negocio, as iras mucho mas rpido y no tendrs que pararte a disear ni crear nadaLas Landing Page son imprescindibles para nuestro proyecto o negocio, tienen que ser de calidad, ordenadas y con un objetivo claro."
Price: 199.99 |
"Facebook Ads 2020 - Convirtete en un experto" |
"Quieres hacer publicidad que funcione?Ya sea conseguir mas ventas, tener mas alcance o conseguir mas seguidores, no importa cual sea tu objetivo lo nico que necesitas es saber utilizar el Bussines Manager de Facebook de forma profesional.Este es el problema...Si has hecho algn curso lo mas seguro es que ya tengas aprendida toda la parte terica... Pero, Y la practica?- EN LOS CURSOS NO TE ENSEAN CAMPAAS REALESNo ves donde fallan, como analizan los datos de las campaas, los anuncios, no ves como crece una cuenta publicitaria, que problemas surgen y como solucionarlos en definitiva el dia a dia de un traffickerEsto es para ti si....Si lo que quieres es ir un paso mas, ver de cerca como funciona una campaa publicitaria, que estrategias utilizo, los resultados que dan etc , este es tu curso."
Price: 199.99 |
"Facebook Ads - Retargeting de Alto Rendimiento" |
"El * RETARGETING * es la estrategia de marketing mas efectiva que existe Si no estas utilizando esta estrategia a da de hoy estas dejando pasar muchas oportunidades, conseguir mas ventas en tus negocio, mas clientes, tener mas impacto con tus seguidores, mas eficacia en tus publicaciones, leads a un precio mucho mas bajo para tu embudo de ventas.En este curso aprenders:A crear campaas de Retargeting de Forma totalmente practica y las mejores estrategias para llevar a cabo cada uno de los objetivos"
Price: 199.99 |
"Embudos de Venta con Facebook Ads" |
"La estrategia de Marketing mas utilizada para conseguir ventasSu propio nombre lo indica, los Embudos de Ventas o Sales Funnel son estrategias de ventas, lo que conseguimos con ellos son captar Leads y ""madurarlos"" hasta que se convierten en clientes.Todo este proceso se puede AutomatizarLo que hace que esta estrategia tengas tanto exito es que se puede automatizar, convirtindose en un herramienta de ingresos pasivos...Hay mucho tipo de embudos de ventas, utilizando email marketing, webinar, paginas de conversin , lanzamientos etc, en este curso vamos a ver cada uno de ellos y as encontraras el que mas se adapte a ti y a tu producto"
Price: 199.99 |
"Anlisis del Terrorismo" |
"Desde hace varias dcadas la comunidad internacional ha tenido que enfrentar retos cada vez ms complejos en materia de seguridad, violencia y combate a la criinalidad. Esto ha generado un inters creciente por el estudio del fenmeno del terrorismo, por ello, el propsito central de este curso es acercar a sus participantes a un estudio puntual y ordenado de aquellas tendencias en el terrorismo que tienen un impacto real sobre el entendimiento y combate a este fenmeno. Buscando as que los participantes, una vez concluido el curso, puedan apoyar la toma de decisiones en el mbito privado o en el pblico para combatir este delito."
Price: 1545.00 |
"El Terrorista no nace...se hace" |
"Comprender el terrorismo slo en trminos polticos, nos condena a quedar desconcertados por los extremos cambios que los terroristas han tenido a lo largo de los aos. Por ello, este curso es nico por que ayudar+a a todos los especialistas interesados en el anlisis de este fenmeno, en comprender los pasos que una persona seguir para convertirse en terrorista. Especficamente, analizaremos el perfil del terrorista, el contexto que lo influy para abrazar las causas extremistas, y por supuesto las primeras seales que mostrar cuando este cerca de convertirse en terrorista."
Price: 79.99 |
"The Accidental Counsellor: The Art of Helpful conversations" |
"Responding to people who disclose sensitive or distressing information in the workplace or in your personal life and how to respond in a respectfuland appropriate manner. When and how to refer someone to appropriate professional services and help when someone is in crisis/distress and how to maintain boundaries and respect confidentiality.How to communicate better and manage difficult and aggressive people and conversations."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn 5 Helpful Steps to Make A Lifestyle Change After 40" |
"The Learn 5 Helpful Steps to Make A Lifestyle Change After 40 Course is for those aged 40 and over who are unhappy and unfulfilled in their current career and life. The emphases of the program is developing an all-new outlook on life. This course will meet the needs of any person with the interest in making a change to begin to work and live inside their purpose and follow their passion, but is intended for those aged 40 and over. Participants should know it is never too late to transform their lives, by embracing change and creating an effective plan to successfully transition for greater success and better holistic health and balance. I use my R.A.P.I.D. Change Program as the basis for this course. R.A.P.I.D. stands for Recognize, Acknowledge, Plan, Implement and Do. Dont be misled by the name, R.A.P.I.D.; there is nothing fast or easy about change. As a matter of fact, we are on a never-ending quest for success and better health. But you should no longer procrastinate and act now on committing and dedicating yourself to change. No more excuses!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn The Steps to Getting A Job After Age 40" |
"Many who are aged 40 and over do not know what it takes to have a successful career or how to land that dream job and are becoming discouraged every day with their current job status.The emphases of this program is learning how to stand out from the competition and provide you with the necessary career and job seeking tools necessary to not just get a J.O.B., but to have the career you want, the position you desire at the salary that will allow you and your family to live life the way you want and deserve in any job marketYou will receive:career and job search tools & techniquesencouragement motivation claritydirectionThis course will challenge you, the career and job seeker looking for fulfillment in your professional and personal life by working and living inside your purpose and following your passion.But you should no longer procrastinate and act now on committing and dedicating yourself to your career and job search. No more excuses!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Gua para negociar con nimo de lucro" |
"Hay quien cree que el objetivo de una negociacin es lograr un acuerdo.Pero no es as.Lograr acuerdos es bastante fcil. Basta con que aceptes las condiciones que te ofrezcan tus contendientes y ya est, acuerdo logrado.El objetivo no es alcanzar acuerdos, es alcanzar acuerdos que te dejen en mejor situacin que la que tendras sin ellos.Para lograrlo, es necesario que enfoques tus negociaciones de un modo profesional. Y exactamente eso es lo que aprenders a hacer en el curso Gua para negociar con nimo de lucro.Prctico, claro y divertido, el curso Gua para negociar con nimo de lucro te permitir encarar tus negociaciones conociendo las tcticas, las tcnicas y algunos de los trucos psicolgicos usados por los grandes negociadores profesionales. Directo al grano y sin eufemismos.Descubrirs el modo de preparar correctamente una negociacin, aprenders la forma de manipular los tres elementos principales de todo proceso negociador (tiempo, informacin y poder), comprenders cules son los errores psicolgicos que no debes cometer, conocers las tcticas ms eficaces (y cundo utilizarlas) y muchas otras cosas ms.No conviene que te engaes. En el mundo de la negociacin profesional no predominan la generosidad, la buena voluntad ni el afn de entendimiento. Al revs. Es un territorio donde abundan la (necesaria) competencia, el (sano) egosmo y el (legtimo) deseo de obtener la mayor ganancia posible de cada acuerdo.No hay nada malo en ello. En eso consiste el trabajo del negociador.Te lo contamos con un lenguaje claro y directo. Sin eufemismos ni cuentos de hadas.Por qu? Porque as son las cosas en el mundo real."
Price: 29.99 |
"The Etheric Double by Arthur E Powell- A Book Study Session" |
"This course is a book study session on the bookThe Etheric Double by Colonel Arthur E Powell, first published in 1925. It is the first book in the 5-part series namely (in the same order) the Astral Body, The Mental Body, The Causal Body and The Solar System by Powell.Principles of energy healing:You would have heard of energy healing techniques like Pranic healing, Crystal Healing or Magnetic healing (note: Reiki / Invocative / Affirmative healing works on a different principle). At the end of this program, you will become familiar with theunderlying principles of energy healing. Principles of Energy shields:In this program, you will learn about vitiating influences in your surroundings, and how it impacts you as person emotionally, physically and mentally. Fortunately, there are also techniques that one may employto protect oneself and ones loved ones from such influences. Principles and making of powerful talismans:This course will give you a detailed understanding of how powerful talismans can be created and will familiarise you certain techniques which have been discussed. After taking this course you will be able to graspwhy and how certain objects can be utilised as powerful talismansand also why you feel a sense of peace and calm in various religious placesPrinciples behind certain rituals and phenomena:In this course you will also learn the esoteric universal principles behind various rituals like cremation, tonsure, etc. as well asphenomena like the souls journey at and after death, at and before birth, mediumship at seances, etc. You also get to study the several interesting types and applications of clairvoyance as well as familiarise with what a clairvoyant can see and how they can develop clairvoyant sight.Principles and workings of the Etheric Chakras:You will learn theworkings and significance of each of the etheric chakrasand how they impact our day to day life. Each chakra has an important role corresponding to our physical as well as astral body and this program will help you understand its importance from the vitality and astral point of views"
Price: 4160.00 |
"Thought Forms" |
"You will be introduced to the various kinds of thought-forms and their appearance in this course, with colourful illustrations from the book on Thought Forms by Annie Beasant and C W Leadbeater. You are sure to love the images of several thought-forms created by various emotions and even some musical notes!"
Price: 1280.00 |
"The Etheric Double by A. E. Powell - Book Study in Hindi" |
"1925 5- ( ) , , 1. : , (: / / ) , 2. (shield) : , , - , , 3. : , 4. : , , , - , : (astral)"
Price: 4160.00 |
"The Etheric Double by A.E. Powell - Book Study in French" |
"Ce cours est une session dtude de livre sur le livre Le Double thrique par Colonel Arthur E. Powell, publi pour la premire fois en 1925. Il sagit du premier livre de la srie en cinq parties, savoir (dans le mme ordre) le corps astral, le corps mental, le corps causal et le systme solaire de Powell.Principes de gurison nergtique: Vous auriez entendu de techniques de gurison nergtique telles que la gurison pranique, la gurison cristalline ou la gurison magntique (note: la gurison Reiki / Invocative / Affirmative fonctionne sur un principe diffrent). la fin de ce programme, vous vous familiariserez avec les principes sous-jacents de la gurison nergtique. Il existe des programmes hors ligne qui vous apprennent fournir une gurison nergtique efficace et en toute scurit. Pour en savoir plus leur sujet, cliquez iciPrincipes des boucliers d'nergie: Dans ce programme, vous dcouvrirez les influences ngatives sur votre environnement et leur impact en tant que personne - sur les plans motionnel, physique et mental. Heureusement, il existe aussi des techniques que lon peut utiliser pour se protger et protger ses proches contre de telles influences. Ce programme vous aidera vous familiariser avec les principes de dploiement de tels boucliers. Pour des cours hors ligne sur la cration et le dploiement de tels boucliers pour des personnes, des biens et des projets, cliquez ici.Principes et fabrication de talismans puissants: Ce cours vous donnera une comprhension dtaille de la manire dont des talismans puissants peuvent tre crs et vous familiarisera avec certaines techniques qui ont t discutes. Aprs avoir suivi ce cours, vous serez en mesure de comprendre pourquoi et comment certains objets peuvent tre utiliss en tant que talismans puissants et pourquoi vous ressentez un sentiment de paix et de calme dans divers lieux de culte.Principes de certains rituels et phnomnes: Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez galement les principes universels sotriques sous-jacents divers rituels tels que la crmation, la tonsure, etc., ainsi que des phnomnes tels que le voyage de l'me et aprs la mort, sances, etc. Vous avez galement la possibilit dtudier plusieurs types et applications intressants de la clairvoyance, ainsi que de vous familiariser avec ce que le voyant peut voir et comment il peut dvelopper une vision clairvoyante.Principes et fonctionnement des chakras thriques: vous apprendrez le fonctionnement et la signification de chacun des chakras thriques et leur impact sur notre vie quotidienne. Chaque chakra a un rle important correspondant notre corps physique et astral et ce programme vous aidera comprendre son importance du point de vue vitalit et astral."
Price: 4160.00 |
"The Astral Body by A.E. Powell - Book Study in English" |
"This course is a book study session on the book The Astral Body by Colonel Arthur E Powell, first published in 1926. It is the second book in the 5-part series, namely The Etheric Body, Astral Body, The Mental Body, The Causal Body and The Solar System by Powell. Course on the Etheric Double is already available for purchase on the website. This is the second book study course in the series of study by Arthur Powell.Here are the 6 reasons you should be doing this courseYour money is important, and so is your time. Hence, it is important for you to understand what you will gain by doing this course.While this content is rich in principles and insights, we will cull out 6 most important takeaways from this online spiritual education course!1. Principle of Elementals: Spread across various chapters of the book, the study course begins with a section on the Elemental Essence. It has a very large bearing on how we think, act & behave. The substance that acts as persuader of temptation is the astral elemental essence. It is a combination of the Divine Outpouring. The study of elemental essence is fundamental for understanding all other concepts related to the Astral body.2. Concept of Thought Forms: You will be introduced to the various kinds of thought-forms and their appearance in this course, with colourful illustrations from the book on Thought Forms by Annie Beasant and C W Leadbeater. You are sure to love the images of several thought-forms created by various emotions and even some musical notes!3. Dream life: Drawn from the study of CW Leadbeater, in this course you will learn the function of Astral Body in dream life. Know how dreams are produced, what are its types, and how one can maintain continuous consciousness in the astral plane while sleeping!4. Principle of After-Death Life: We know that we are the architects of our own heaven and hell. Our emotions, thought-forms and habits determine the nature of our astral body. In this course you will come across factors affecting after-death life, experience upon awakening on the astral plane, and how we can live a blissful astral life.5. Astral Entities: It talks about all kinds of entities present on the astral plane! From ordinary humans and animals, to Devas, Nature Spirits, & artificials, all have existence on the astral plane. Learn about vampires, black magicians and the role of pupils in serving on the astral plane in detail!6. Mastery of Emotions: This course greatly emphasizes on the importance of controlling and training the astral body. The Science of Emotions, The Crowd in Peace and War & Law of Psychic Phenomena are the 3 books recommended by Arthur Powell for training and developing the astral body. A summary of each of these books have been covered in the course."
Price: 4800.00 |
"Astral Elemental Essence" |
"Elemental Essence. It has a very large bearing on how we think, act & behave. The substance that acts as persuader of temptation is the astral elemental essence. It is a combination of the Divine Outpouring. The study of elemental essence is fundamental for understanding all other concepts related to the Astral body.Elemental Essence. It has a very large bearing on how we think, act & behave. The substance that acts as persuader of temptation is the astral elemental essence. It is a combination of the Divine Outpouring. The study of elemental essence is fundamental for understanding all other concepts related to the Astral body."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Dreams & Continuity in Consciousness" |
"Drawn from the study of CW Leadbeater, in this course you will learn the function of Astral Body in dream life. Know how dreams are produced, what are its types, and how one can maintain continuous consciousness in the astral plane while sleeping!Why should you study this course with us? Well give you 4 Reasons Why!Easy to understand audio-visual tutorials: We understand that old esoteric textbooks are difficult to grasp and so we have simplified it for you in all our courses, word by word, page by page to ensure that you can grasp it easily and smoothly without any obstacles of semantics. The course is provided in an audio-visual format which makes learning easier to understand.Self-paced learning: The course is self-paced, so you can take your time in the online learning process and can rewind, pause to take notes and refer back to it any number of times in a duration of 3 months, without any constraint to finish it on time.Learn from the comfort of your own home: Since you get access to the entire course online, you can study it from the very comfort of your own home without any hassle. Our deep spiritual education courses are always available at your fingertips.Well organised into short, easy-to-understand clips: We have clubbed relevant chapters module-wise, each containing several short videos so that you can learn these concepts one step at a time minus the long, overwhelming and monotonous lectures."
Price: 1280.00 |
After-Death-Life |
"We know that we are the architects of our own heaven and hell. Our emotions, thought-forms and habits determine the nature of our astral body. In this course you will come across factors affecting after-death life, experience upon awakening on the astral plane, and how we can live a blissful astral life.Why should you study this course with us? Well give you 4 Reasons Why!Easy to understand audio-visual tutorials: We understand that old esoteric textbooks are difficult to grasp and so we have simplified it for you in all our courses, word by word, page by page to ensure that you can grasp it easily and smoothly without any obstacles of semantics. The course is provided in an audio-visual format which makes learning easier to understand.Self-paced learning: The course is self-paced, so you can take your time in the online learning process and can rewind, pause to take notes and refer back to it any number of times in a duration of 3 months, without any constraint to finish it on time.Learn from the comfort of your own home: Since you get access to the entire course online, you can study it from the very comfort of your own home without any hassle. Our deep spiritual education courses are always available at your fingertips.Well organised into short, easy-to-understand clips: We have clubbed relevant chapters module-wise, each containing several short videos so that you can learn these concepts one step at a time minus the long, overwhelming and monotonous lectures."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Astral Entities" |
"This course talks about all kinds of entities present on the astral plane! From ordinary humans and animals, to Devas, Nature Spirits, & artificials, all have existence on the astral plane. Learn about vampires, black magicians and the role of pupils in serving on the astral plane in detail!Why should you study this course with us? Well give you 4 Reasons Why!Easy to understand audio-visual tutorials: We understand that old esoteric textbooks are difficult to grasp and so we have simplified it for you in all our courses, word by word, page by page to ensure that you can grasp it easily and smoothly without any obstacles of semantics. The course is provided in an audio-visual format which makes learning easier to understand.Self-paced learning: The course is self-paced, so you can take your time in the online learning process and can rewind, pause to take notes and refer back to it any number of times in a duration of 3 months, without any constraint to finish it on time.Learn from the comfort of your own home: Since you get access to the entire course online, you can study it from the very comfort of your own home without any hassle. Our deep spiritual education courses are always available at your fingertips.Well organised into short, easy-to-understand clips: We have clubbed relevant chapters module-wise, each containing several short videos so that you can learn these concepts one step at a time minus the long, overwhelming and monotonous lectures"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Video Game Addiction: Quitting and Living to the Fullest" |
"In this course we will be talking about breaking away from our video gaming addiction and breaking free from the toxic environment that we plunge our-self's into. We will get straight to the point and explain how and why we play video games in a addictive matter, then explain thoroughly on how we can stop our-self's from the addiction."
Price: 19.99 |
"ebook Cover mit Canva und Boxshot4 erstellen- schont Nerven" |
"Hallo Leute,Dies ist mein zweiter Kurs. Schon 980 Teilnehmer!! Darauf bin ich Mega stolz.Danke!Du lernst in diesem Kurs, wie Du Canva und Boxshot bedienst und welche Funktionen zur Erstellung eines 3D Buchcovers gehren.Canva und Boxshot tragen einen wichtigen Teil zu meiner Erstellung eines 3D Buchcovers bei. Die Softwaren Boxshot und Canva sind einfach zu bedienen, und wenn Du die richtigen Tricks und Weichenstellungen kennst, dann kannst Du Dein Potential schnell und sicher ausschpfen. Denn Du solltest Dich auf Dein Produkt konzentrieren knnen.Denn nichts ist rgerlicher,als wenn du merkst es geht nicht so wie du es Willst.Ab dem zweiten Abschnitt gebe ich sehr viele praxisrelevante Tipps, konkret fr die 3D Buchcover Erstellung. Anhand von mehreren Beispielen zeige Ich dir wie es funktioniert. Wir sehen uns im Kurs!DeinMatthias FuchsDas wirst du lernenDer Kurs ist konsequent auf die Erstellung eines 3D Buchcovers ausgerichtet, er zeigt dir alle wichtigen Funktionen und Tricks aus meiner langjhrigen Erfahrung mit 3D Buchcover Erstellungen.Du wirst schnelle Erfolge erreichen! Du wirst schnell lernen, Canva und Boxshot zu beherrschen und gewinnbringend fr dich einzusetzen.Nach dem Kurs wirst Du wissen, wie Du ein 3D Buchcover erstellst, und in hoher Qualitt auf deiner Webseite einbringen kannst.Du wirst auerdem wissen, wie man mit kleinen Designtricks die Werbung gestaltet.Bestehen fr den Kurs bestimmte Anforderungen oder Voraussetzungen?Du bentigst Canva das Tool ist kostenlos , Boxshot ist einmalig kostenpflichtig. Schau dir den Kurs an , und du wirst sehen , dass sich Boxshot lohnt, es sind ungeahnte Mglichkeiten, die so nicht mglich sind.Du brauchst einen Computer.Fr wen eignet sich dieser Kurs:Wenn Du deine Conversion -Rate mit deinem Buchcover um bis zu 30% erhhen willst.Der Kurs richtet sich an Menschen, die schnell Infos zur Gestaltung eines 3D Buchcovers suchen -ohne lange rum zu stbern. Du bist hier richtig, wenn Du direkt mein Wissen anzapfen und von meinen Fehlern und Erfolgen lernen willst.Viel Erfolg.Ich freue mich,auf deine Fragen."
Price: 29.99 |
"Mit Canva und Gimp 2.10 Bilder bearbeiten - Schont Nerven" |
"Mit Canva 2020 Profikurs,und Gimp 2.10 Bilder gestalten Spart Zeit und schont NervenKennst du das Gefhl ? , man hat ein kostenloses Programm runter geladenund merkt nach zwei Minuten ""ups"" man kommt nicht mehr weiter oder verzettelt sich ?Dieses ungute Gefhl mchte ich dir hier nehmen , Ich erklre dir alles Schritt fr Schritt.Schont Nerven - und spart Zeit-Mit diesem Canva Programm hast du schon die richtige Entscheidung getroffen, es ist Mega einfach zu bedienen und du hast eine rieige Auswahl an vorgefertigten Designsund der Erfolg lsst nicht lange auf sich warten.Das kostenlose Canva Tool erklre ich dir in einfachen Schritten, somit bist du in der Lage bist, schne Bilder(oder sonstiges) zu designen damit du erfolgreich dein Unternehmen prsentieren kannst.Und der groe Bonusteil Kommt !!Mit Gimp 2.10 lernst du Bilder fr Canva so zu gestalten, dass du sie Individuell fr dich nutzen kannst.Du lernst in diesem Kurs:1. Das Installieren von Canva2. Die Dashboard Eigenschaften3. Die einzelnen Eigenschaften der einzelnen Icons4.Wir erstellen einen kleinen Facebook Post ( hier kannst du mir ber die Schulter schauen)5.Anhand mehreren Beispielen mit vielen Tipps-bleiben keine Wnsche offenBonusteil:5.Wo bekomme Ich kostenlose Bilder her,und worauf muss Ich achten.6. Den Colorsnapper2 kurz vorgestellt7. Eine Pdf - Datei ber die Zusammenfassung der Kostenlosen Bilder mit Tipps und Tricks8. Gimp2.10 kurz erklrt9.Farblehreund vieles mehr.........erfreue DICH AUF NEUES !!Ich freue mich jetzt schon auf deine Fragen.Also, worauf wartest du noch? Freue dich jetzt schon auf die ersten Erfolge.Melde dich einfach an und innerhalb von einer Stunde weit du mehr als vorher.Du bist auf niemanden mehr angewiesen und hast es selber in der Hand Deine eigenen Posts zu erstellen.In diesem Sinne wnsche Ich dir viel Erfolg.Von Zeit zu Zeit werde ich den Kurs mit neuem Wissen erweitern.Da sich die Canva Oberflche von Zeit zu Zeit ndert und neue Gizmos dazukommen, werde Ich den Kurs immer auf dem Laufenden halten.Nichts rgert mehr, als ein Kurs,den man absolvierte und den Anschlu verpasst.Man kann nichts mehr nachvollziehen, da sich das Programm so stark nderte.Dein Matthias Bereits ber 350 Teilnehmer!PS : Sollte der Kurs Dir nicht gefallen , hast du bei Udemy immer noch das 30tgigen Rckgaberecht ohne jegliche Begrndung."
Price: 34.99 |
"Learn Python 3 Programming with an easy Text Adventure Game" |
"Learner reviews:""I thought that this was an excellent course. All of the explanations and examples were easy to follow, and I felt that the course built upon itself in a way that was easy to follow along. I never felt lost, and I feel much more confident trying to develop my own text adventure now.""Computer Science and Computational Thinking are now being taught to learners of all ages, and Python has become the popular choice in schools for learning text-based programming. Many learners and teachers, however, struggle with the curriculum requirements beyond the more simple Scratch, Flowol and Small Basic block programming. Python is the perfect next step, and you don't need to purchase or download the software, as it is available for free online.The fun Text Adventure Game is designed to help you, the learners and teachers / trainees, understand the concepts of text-based computer programming and the Python computer language, using simple, easy to follow steps. You can now learn in your own time, and in the comfort of your own home through Udemy's online learning platform, how to program using the most essential commands in the Python programming software. The ideas from this course can even be taken into the classroom for the to use, making life so much easier.This Python course focuses specifically on helping you to get up and running with real practical skills and understanding. Follow step by step with videos, downloads, quizzes and tasks. Once youve completed this course, youll have a working Text Adventure Game that can be used by others and developed further with more intricate features when you're ready. Most importantly, you'll be ready to confidently teach these skills and / or create simple programs effectively using Python programming language. You'll soon be ready to progress onto more advanced programming skills with a better understanding."
Price: 24.99 |