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"Learn Guitar Repair - Module 2, Setting Up Your Guitar"
"Learn how to repair guitars, today.Module 2, Setting Up Your Guitar, is the second in the Guitar Repair Technician series (the first being Maintaining Your Guitar, and the third being Making New Bone Nuts). Together, these award winning modules teach you how to repair electric and acoustic guitars and basses.Please do check for discounts and coupons before purchasing this course.Learner reviews:""Thanks, Kevin. Your courses are helping me a lot to take care of my guitars insightfully and now I know what I'm doing.""""I wanted to learn how to set up my own guitars, both acoustic and electric. This course was great! It provided the detailed how-to information I was desiring, made especially clear through the videos, and provided great information on the proper tools to use and have on hand! Thanks, Kevin!""""Very good and informative I enjoyed the detailed explanations and videos.""""Pretty good fit for me,""""Thank you for this course. There are many people who can play guitar like a champ, but there are very fewer people who know how to set up the guitar. As a guitarist, our playability depends a lot on the setup. So if you love playing, then you should know how to set it up. So again THANK YOU for this course.""Module 2, Setting Up Your Guitar, is the perfect module to take you to the next level in your journey for learning how to professionally carry out guitar repairs on your own and customer guitars. Other Guitar Repair training courses are expensive, long and often not easily accessible. This module of the UK government approved training course would cost in excess of 250 per day - here, you can often save over 90% of the cost.Follow step by step with videos, downloads, quizzes and tasks.  Ask questions.  Once youve completed this module, youll be ready to confidently and accurately conduct a full four-part setup on guitars and bass for other people, and youll also save a fortune being able to work on your own instrument.  This module focuses on the four main tasks that a Guitar Repair Technician would undertake with guitar setups; specifically, adjusting the truss rod, nut action, bridge action and intonation.  It also explains how to check for 'dead' notes on the guitar's fretboard, how to set the strings to preferred action and camber, and how to set up the pickups for a balanced volume.  Essentially, this course is ideal whether youre working in the Guitar and Music industry, following a hobby or simply maintaining your own guitar to keep it in great shape.The Guitar Repair Technician Training Program has been a preferred choice within the Wales Employability Sector for guitar repair training, and was entered onto the Careers Wales database of approved courses in 2013.  The problem for many, however, was access to the guitar repair workshops i.e. many people simply were unable to attend workshops  to learn how to repair electric guitars and other types due to time constraints, geographic location and transportation.  The solution:  Finally, the Guitar Repair Technician training program is now available here through Udemys online learning platform for you to learn how to fix your own guitar and customer guitars in your own time, and without needing to leave home.   With a 30-day money back guarantee, rewind to relearn, and a certificate of completion to show future employers or to add credibility to your technical know-how and services, there's no better time to sign up to the course.  So click on the button and I'll see you there!"
Price: 24.99

"Learn Guitar Repair - Module 3, Making a New Bone Nut"
"There may be discounts and coupons for this course, please ask if unsure .. a great Vhristmas present !!Learner reviews""It is very good for me. I took the first two courses also."" (Module 1, Guitar Maintenance, and Module 2, Guitar Setups)..""As with other modules, I've seen this done before but always good to get another perspective and focus on one step of the process at a time.""Benefits of the courseModule 3 of the award-winning Guitar Repair Technician program focuses on improving the tone and quality of the guitar notes by hand making and refitting a customised bone nut. When you know how to replace your cheap plastic or broken guitar nut with the more substantial, fuller toned bone nut, your guitar or bass will be transformed by improved sustain, depth and warmth of your notes - it's all in the nut. In this module you'll measure, make, refit and groove a bone nut from start to finish, from a blank block of bone. These essential skills take you to the next level as a Guitar Repair Technician, with a Certificate of Completion to demonstrate credibility, competence and high standard training from a previous member of the National Association of Music Instrument Repairers.By the end of this module you'll be able to replace old damaged and cheap plastic guitar and bass nuts with well-fitting rich-sounding customised bone nuts that not only look professional, but sound great also.It's another service you can now offer, turning low-cost guitars into something of quality or replacing damaged nuts with new and better. Other Guitar Repair training courses are expensive, long and often not easily accessible. This module of the UK government approved training course would cost in excess of 250 per day - here, you can often save over 90% of the cost; it's very worth it.Follow step by step with videos, downloads, quizzes and tasks. Ask questions.  Revisit any lecture whenever you need to remind yourself. Once you've completed this module, you'll be ready to confidently and effectively tackle the bone nut on your own and on customers' guitars.  And if you can't find a replacement for that unusually-shaped damaged nut, no worries - make your own.The award-winning Guitar Repair Technician Training Program has been a preferred choice within the Wales (UK) Employability Sector for guitar repair training (electric, bass, acoustic, classical), and was entered onto the Careers Wales database of approved courses in 2013.The problem for many, however, was access to the guitar repair workshops i.e. many people simply were unable to attend workshops to learn these great guitar repair skills due to time constraints, geographic location and transportation.Finally, here's the solution.  The Guitar Repair Technician training program is now available here through Udemy's online learning platform.  This means that you can now learn how to fix your own guitar and customers' guitars in your own time, and without needing to leave home.  You can even learn while on holiday wherever that may be - mine's in a camper van; you really can do this job anywhere!With a 30-day money-back guarantee, anytime repeat-access and a certificate of completion to display on your wall for credibility or to show future employers, there's no better time to sign up to Module 3, Making New Bone Nuts.  So click on the button now and let's get started.  See you inside!"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Guide To IELTS Academic Writing Task 1"
"If you need IELTS to move abroad, improve your career, earn more money, or enter the university of your choice. Our comprehensive and highly detailed IELTS video course is for you! Let me show you how to answer every single question type in a simple step by step manner, so that you force the examiner to give you a band 7 or higher. Our comprehensive sections on grammar and vocabulary will help you write answers that examiners will love and that will improve your English for your future career. Study in the comfort of your own home and maximise your band score in the shortest possible time using our step by step system that anyone can follow!"
Price: 69.99

"Curso Preparatrio para Certificao RHCSA Red Hat Linux"
"Qual o diferencial desse curso Red Hat Linux RHCSA dos demais?Nossos instrutores so administradores certificados RHCSA pela Red Hat Linux.Eu deveria me preparar com um instrutor que no tenha certificao?No. Recomendamos um instrutor certificado RHCSA pois este provou ter as qualificaes necessrias para passar no exame, e tambm ter conhecimento do material exigido em um ambiente de exame. Eu tenho pouca experincia com Linux, deveria procurar outro curso?No. Apesar do RHCSA ser um exame de Linux de nvel intermedirio/avanado, nossa proposta tornar todos alunos interessados aptos a fazer o exame, inclusive aqueles que so iniciantes do Linux. Estamos dedicados a tirar todas as suas dvidas.Porque eu deveria ter uma certificao (RHCSA) Red Hat Linux?A Red Hat foi comprada no final de 2018 por USD$34 bilhes pela IBM, mostrando ainda ser muito relevante no mercado hoje. Agora parte do IBM, a Red Hat tem como objetivo explorar o potencial de computao Hbrida na nuvem, mercado avaliado em torno de 1 trilho de dlares. um mercado com enorme potencial de trabalho e um conhecimento relevante para o profissional de TI.Em adio, aprender a configurar e manter o SELinux (Linux Melhorado para Segurana), desenvolvido pela NSA junto com a Red Hat, um requerimento para o administrador de sistemas Linux em um ambiente corporativo. Esse curso aborda todos os tpicos do Exame RHCSA?Esse curso consiste de vdeos abordando cada tpico de acordo com o edital publicado pela Red Hat para o exame da RHCSA. Nossas aulas so bem especficas e objetivas, focadas nos requerimentos da prova, e feitas para serem assistidas mais de uma vez a medida que o exame se aproxima. Alm disso, um outro recurso valioso o frum de colaborao onde dvidas e colaborao podem ser feitas com outros instrutores e estudantes. Tambm oferecemos 2 simulados onde poder praticar o que aprendeu, junto com mais de 100 perguntas e testes para reforar o contedo."
Price: 399.99

"Arquiteto de Solues Certificado da AWS - Associado"
"Esse curso um preparatrio para passar no exame de Arquiteto de Solues Certificado da AWS - Associado (SAA).Qual o diferencial desse curso?Nossos instrutores so Arquitetos de Solues Certificados da AWSDeveria fazer algum outro curso antes desse?No. Esse curso tem como objetivo preparar todos aqueles que esto dispostos a trabalhar duro para o seu prprio sucesso. Alguns tero mais facilidades que outros dependendo do background, mas acreditamos que todos so capazes, e estamos aqui para ajud-lo(a).Nossa equipe se compromete com voc a estar sempre presente e dar o nosso melhor para tirar todas as suas dvidas.Porque estudar a nuvem AWS?A Nuvem AWS revolucionou o paradigma de como a Tecnologia da Informao funciona. O conceito de pague pelo que voc usa fez explodir o nmero de APPs e empresas bem sucedidas na web. O que antes necessitavam de custos milionrios em servidores, infra estrutura, centros de dados, hoje se atinge com um custo mnimo, ao alcance de todos que tenham uma idia e conhecimento para implant-la.No modo tradicional de se fazer operaes em TI, demorava dias, ou at mesmo meses preparando para a tentativa de um negcio online. Hoje se faz em minutos, possibilitando o investimento em desenvolvimento e pesquisa, ao invs de tentativas frustradas que muitas vezes foram mal sucedidas. Com a nuvem AWS, quando bem gerenciada, possvel realizar diversas tentativas com custos mnimos, possibilitando o investimento na direo certa e comprovada.Quem deveria aprender sobre a nuvem AWS?Devido a abrangncia de servios, todos deveriam aprender sobre a nuvem AWS. O futuro do mercado de trabalho certamente ser reservado apenas para aqueles que sabem como operar, gerenciar, e navegar em sistemas de computao na nuvem.Se voc tem 1 dia ou 10 anos de programao, ou trabalha na rea de TI, a necessidade a mesma: voc tem que aprender de como funciona computao na nuvem.O que esse curso abrange?A Nuvem AWS exibe uma enorme quantidade de servios, e nosso objetivo fazer um corta caminho e apresentar os servios principais para sua iniciao como um Arquiteto de Solues da AWS. Ns cobrimos a grade principal para o exame de Arquiteto de Solues Certificado da AWS - Associado.Quanto tempo tenho que estudar para passar nesse exame?Ns recomendamos voc assistir todos os vdeos, fazer atividades, exerccios e leituras recomendadas. Aps completar o curso, voc deveria se preparar por 21 dias fazendo um intensivo imerso no contedo apresentado, participando no frum e revendo o material. Tenha o propsito de limpar a mente de tudo que no for relevante ao exame, pois ser necessrio.Administrator Red Hat Linux e Arquiteto de Solues de Computao na Nuvem(AWS)Confira o nosso pacote de 20 horas para se tornar um Administrator Linux e Arquiteto de Solues de Computao na Nuvem:1- Shell Script (Curso Gratuito): Aprenda conceitos de Shell Script e bote a mo na massa.2- Administrator Red Hat Linux: Se torne um administrador Linux e busque uma certificao Red Hat Linux para continuar a sua capacitao profissional.3- Aprenda fazer o Design de Computao na Nuvem(AWS): Tenha conhecimento e prtica de como funciona o paradigma de computao na Nuvem."
Price: 399.99

"Arquiteto de Solues Certificado da AWS Associado Simulados"
"Esse curso so simulados como suporte para nosso curso de Arquiteto de Solues Certificado da AWS - Associado (SAA).Qual o diferencial desse curso?Nossos instrutores so Arquitetos de Solues Certificados da AWSDeveria fazer apenas esse curso?No. Esse curso tem como objetivo preparar e dar suporte para o nosso curso Arquiteto de Solues Certificado da AWS - Associado (SAA). Voc deveria se matricular em ambos os cursos para aproveitar ao mximo o material aqui apresentado. Porque estudar a nuvem AWS?A Nuvem AWS revolucionou o paradigma de como a Tecnologia da Informao funciona. O conceito de pague pelo que voc usa fez explodir o nmero de APPs e empresas bem sucedidas na web. O que antes necessitavam de custos milionrios em servidores, infra estrutura, centros de dados, hoje se atinge com um custo mnimo, ao alcance de todos que tenham uma idia e conhecimento para implant-la.No modo tradicional de se fazer operaes em TI, demorava dias, ou at mesmo meses preparando para a tentativa de um negcio online. Hoje se faz em minutos, possibilitando o investimento em desenvolvimento e pesquisa, ao invs de tentativas frustradas que muitas vezes foram mal sucedidas. Com a nuvem AWS, quando bem gerenciada, possvel realizar diversas tentativas com custos mnimos, possibilitando o investimento na direo certa e comprovada.Quem deveria aprender sobre a nuvem AWS?Devido a abrangncia de servios, todos deveriam aprender sobre a nuvem AWS. O futuro do mercado de trabalho certamente ser reservado apenas para aqueles que sabem como operar, gerenciar, e navegar em sistemas de computao na nuvem.Se voc tem 1 dia ou 10 anos de programao, ou trabalha na rea de TI, a necessidade a mesma: voc tem que aprender de como funciona computao na nuvem.O que esse curso abrange?A Nuvem AWS exibe uma enorme quantidade de servios, e nosso objetivo testar o seu conhecimento adquirido e apresentar as respostas para pesquisa adicional nos tpicos principais para sua iniciao como um Arquiteto de Solues da AWS. Ns cobrimos a grade principal para o exame de Arquiteto de Solues Certificado da AWS - Associado.Quanto tempo tenho que estudar para passar nesse exame?Aps completar ambos os cursos, voc deveria se preparar por 21 dias fazendo um intensivo imerso no contedo apresentado, participando no frum e revendo o material. Tenha o propsito de limpar a mente de tudo que no for relevante ao exame, pois ser necessrio.Se torne um Administrator Red Hat Linux e Arquiteto de Solues de Computao na Nuvem(AWS)Compre agora o nosso pacote de 20 horas para se tornar um Administrator Linux e Arquiteto de Solues de Computao na Nuvem:1- Shell Script (Curso Gratuito): Aprenda conceitos de Shell Script e bote a mo na massa.2- Administrator Red Hat Linux: Se torne um administrador Linux e busque uma certificao Red Hat Linux para continuar a sua capacitao profissional.3- Aprenda fazer o Design de Computao na Nuvem(AWS): Tenha conhecimento e prtica de como funciona o paradigma de computao na Nuvem."
Price: 24.99

"Gesto de competncias com DISC"
"J teve a experincia de ter uma pessoa aparentemente boa na equipe, mas que no gera resultado? Pode ser que essa pessoa de fato tenha muito talento, mas est em uma funo que no a potencializa. Neste curso voc aprender os 4 tipos comportamentais: ComunicadorPlanejador ExecutorAnalista Como lidar com cada tipo comportamental? Qual a funo que essa pessoa melhor se encaixa? Com esse curso voc ser capaz de: Compreender quais so os principais medos que impedem a performance de cada perfil Como motivar cada tipo de perfil para que produzam mais Pontos fortes e pontos de melhoria de cada perfil Quais funes mais se afinizam com cada tipo comportamental Como corrigir comportamentos da melhor forma"
Price: 279.99

"No vou te ensinar gatilhos mentais, perguntas abertas e fechadas ou como colocar presso no seu cliente. Voc e eu sabemos que essas tcnicas no funcionam para produtos de alto valor agregado como o seu. Aqui vou te ensinar como seu cliente pensa e como gui-lo no processo decisrio para que ele perceba que voc possui a melhor soluo para os problemas dele. Vem comigo!"
Price: 294.99

"Branding com Google Trends"
"Branding muito mais do que o design de uma logomarca. Ele o cerne de uma estratgia de marketing consistente, que comea com uma compreenso profunda do pblico e dos consumidores.O Google Trends pode ser muito til nesse processo, ajudando ainda na anlise de marcas concorrentes e na identificao de oportunidades de mercado.A ferramenta no serve, no entanto, para qualquer um. preciso entender antes como funciona o planejamento e a gesto de marcas, alm de compreender o papel da publicidade e da propaganda em sua construo.Nesse curso, voc aprender princpios essenciais de branding enquanto usa o Google Trends para analisar os seus concorrentes e posicionar melhor sua marca na batalha pela mente do consumidor.O seu aprendizado ser til no somente no trabalho com marcas de consumo, mas tambm na gesto de sua marca pessoal (personal branding) e no campo do employer branding."
Price: 69.99

"PHP 7 - A Simple Guide to Database Connections with PHP PDO"
"Upon completion of this course you should be able to:Summarize the steps involved in using PHP to accomplish basic database queries.Have a solid foundation to take other courses involving PHP and database connections.The purpose of this course is to empower you by preparing you to move forward in your web development studies.Why PHP?PHP is one of the most widely used open-source server-side scripting languages that exist today and it makes sense learning it the right way for two reasons: You can build more stuff quicker; the job market is widely open.According to W3techs statistics, as of February 2019, PHP continues to outnumber other server-side technologies in their new-websites daily list. The other competitive language that comes close to PHP in new-websites is Ruby, but in overall, PHP is still the shiny star with a 79% of the web market , and that means that more maintenance jobs are available for new web developers looking for employment.If you have taken other PDO (PHP Data Objects) courses and still feel as something is amiss, this course is for you.You will feel safer when connecting to a database using this proven method. Your code will be more readable and simpler to understand, but not simplistic. You will reuse the simple code you'll master in this short course because it will make sense to you. You will have a solid foundation of a battle-tested method to connect to a database. After finishing this short course, you will grasp other project-building curriculum with ease because you will have a solid foundation. Your PDO training starts here.The course informs and teaches and that is great for reviewing concept as well.How is this course different?This course was written in 2019 using PHP 7.3, the latest PHP version heading toward PHP 7.4.Have you ever gone back to a course a few days later and realized that you needed to start from the beginning because, the explanation to that session-code happened only once and so, you couldn't proceed without a full review? That will not happen here; each section is independent from another.Course featuresCURRENT: this tutorial was written and published on February 2019 and it will be updated again when it becomes necessary. PRACTICAL: although lectures are built sequentially each section is independent from another; code does not carry over. This frees you from having to start over each time you take a break.REUSABLE: topic independence gives you the opportunity to pick up any section on its own for a later review. METHODICAL: the course material starts from scratch (assuming you already know basic PHP syntax). You will feel empowered.DYNAMIC: supplementary news will be added at the end to keep you informed and updated. Add it to your reference collection.Subscribe today, even if you want to start at a later date."
Price: 179.99

"The Go Programming Language Tutorial - Volume 1"
"This course will help you grasp the rudiments of the Go language without rushing your learning experience. By the time you finish this course, you will be empowered with a solid foundation to study advanced Go elsewhere.Do subscribe and let's begin now.  Everyone is welcome.What you will learnTo be more effective, this course is purposefully limited in scope.  Attempting to cover everything about Go would not be practical, and it would do you a disservice. However, you will learn quite a lot in a very short time. ""The Go Programming Language Tutorial - Volume 1"" covers the fundamentals of Go  in plain language and offers exercises in the following topics:Basic syntax introduction.Variables.Data types and their purpose.Control flow with if, else, and switch.Basic functions, arguments, parameters.Passing data by value. Passing data by reference with pointers.Loops.How to install and test Go locally.Basic command line or terminal skills.How to get input data from the keyboardHow to create files and folders via the terminal.How to create a Go file. How to run a Go file. How to create an executable file from Go source code.Introduction to input output in Go and how to write to a file.Some advanced concepts that need to be covered early on.(Data structures will be covered on a separate volume. you will not need them for the Go exercises discussed in this project).Learn to code in less than 10 minutes a dayI know, it is really hard to return home after a long day's work and still try learning something new. You want to study a programming language, perhaps your very first one, but at the end of the day, your energy  is just not there. So, what can you do? Choose a programming language that matters in 2020 and beyondWith so many languages to choose from, what if you pick the wrong one  and only discover your mistake months later? Should you go with JavaScript, Python, C#, or C?  Should you select a more modern one, like the Go language from Google? So many decisions and so little time.Welcome, this project was designed for you.My friend, if you feel overwhelmed but still want to learn something new, this course series is for you. First, you will be learning one of the hottest languages in the planet, the Go language or Golang.Learning Go will put you ahead of the game.But even if you don't care about language popularity and demand,  the Go language is a great tool to work with because  it is simple, very powerful, and contemporary. Go is well written, and studying it may clear up any confusion you have  about older languages you already know.You see, other languages offer a variety of ways to accomplish a similar outcome. In contrast, Go offers a one-way to write code and write it well,  and that makes the language easier to learn and easier to program with. It also makes you a better programmer because you have more energy to think about solutions rather than syntax.For example, when it comes to loops, why should you learn so many keywords,  such as while, do, until, for, and so on? The creators of Go decided that we only need  a single keyword to declare a loop, the for keyword. When programmers know what they're doing, they avoid unnecessary abstractions  that bloat the language. You can write any other loop outcome by just using FOR.  As a benefit, you will not have to memorize unnecessary commands that lead to the same outcome. That's simplicity at its best.In addition, this course  series takes in consideration your limited daily study time. Here, topics are written recursively and with plenty of self-contained exercises  so that you don't have to start afresh when you forget things after taking a few days off.And every concept is explained in plain language, avoiding industry jargon.  If you are present for a few minutes a day, you will learn how to program in Go.And that's it, my friend. I was thinking of busy people like you when I designed this course.  If you invest a few minutes a day with it, you will learn and grow, and you'll still have  enough of your evening to enjoy quality time with your family and friends.Subscribe now, and let's get started.Why this course?As the quantity-of-data that humans and machines post on the Internet grows, so does the need to intelligently process it and extract several types of knowledge from it. The instructions in this course are recursive and designed for deep learning. Each topic is essential to assist you on mastering the Go language, and every aside comment reinforces the subject matter, avoiding unnecessary complications. Why the Go language?Go is a minimalist language and that helps writing correct, clear and efficient code.If taught properly, the Go language is simple and easy to start.Go provides high performance like C/C++, super efficient concurrency handling like Java, and fun to code like Python/PHP/JavaScript.Go is a modern language but with 60 years of experience under its belt.General interest in the Go language has been going up steadily, unlike other popular languages such as JavaScript and PHP (see Google Trends for details).Go was designed at Google in 2007 to improve programming productivity in an era of multicore machines. The creators wanted to address shortcomings of other languages used at Google, but keep their useful characteristics.Here are some of the languages that influenced and informed the design of Go, making it a better language:C: statement and expression syntaxPascal: declaration syntaxModula 2, Oberon 2: packagesCSP, Occam, Newsqueak, Limbo, Alef: concurrencyBCPL: the semicolon ruleSmalltalk: methodsNewsqueak: <-, :=Plus lessons good and bad from all those, as well as the following:C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, LISP, Python, Scala, and other languages.Go is the future, but don't wait...Subscribe now, even if you intend to start learning later."
Price: 199.99

"Daytrading: Der komplette Daytrading Meisterkurs A-Z"
"Wir werden uns Schritt fr Schritt in diesem praxisorientiertem Kurs Deinem Tradingerfolg nhern. Du wirst viele wichtige Plattformen kennen lernen. Du wirst hier einiges ber Forex, Aktien,PennyStocks und Kryptowhrungen Trading lernen. Ich habe den Kurs fr Dich so aufgebaut, dass wir jeweils mit den Grundlagen beginnen und dann Schritt-fr-Schritt zu den Strategien bergehen. Auerdem wirst Du hier nicht nur das Trading kennen lernen, sondern auch wichtige ""Nebenschlichkeiten"" wie z.B. denWirtschaftskalenderdas richtige MINDSETEigenkapitalbrokerFremdkapitalbroker Desweiteren stehen Dir einige Merkbltter zum Download zu Verfgung und ein Support, um alle deine Fragen schnell zu beantworten."
Price: 199.99

"Investieren als Margin-Investor + LIVEINVESTMENT"
"In diesem Investmentkurs gebe ich dir eine Strategie an die Hand mit Du tglich eine kleine Rendite erwirtschaften kannst. Wir werden uns Schritt fr Schritt in diesem praxisorientiertem Kurs Deinem ersten Investment nhern. Du wirst alle wichtigen Investment-Plattformen bis ins Detail kennen lernen. Dieser Videokurs richtet sich an alle, die eine alternative zum P2P oder ETF Investieren suchen. Die Krnung des Kurses ist unser LIVE INVESTMENT mit echtem Geld, hier werden wir alles gelernte in die Tat umsetzen und Du wirst nochmal genauestens sehen wie es in der Praxis funktioniert."
Price: 199.99

"Investing like a Margin-Investor + LIVE INVESTMENT"
"In this investment course, i will give you a strategy on the hand by which you can earn daily interest rates. We will approach your first investment step by step in this practice-oriented course.You will learn all important investment platforms in detail. This video course is for everyone who is looking for an alternative to P2P or ETF investing.The highlight of this course is our LIVE INVESTMENT with Real Money, here we will put everything learned into practice and you will see exactly how it works."
Price: 199.99

"Price Action: The complete Price Action Masterclass A-Z"
"We will approach your trading success step by step in this practice-oriented course. You will get to know many important platforms. You will learn about Forex, Stocks, PennyStocks and Cryptocurrencies trading. I have structured the course for you in such a way that we start with the basics and then move on to the strategies step by step. In addition, you will not only get to know trading, but also important ""trivialities"", such as the economic calendarthe right MINDSETequity brokerHow to get TRADING-CAPITAL Furthermore you can download some sheets and get support to answer all your questions quickly."
Price: 199.99

"Elliott Wave Theory: Trade the Elliott Wave Theory from A-Z"
"We will approach your trading success step by step in this practice-oriented course. You will get to know the Elliott Wave Theory from A-Z!You will learn about Elliott Wave Theory, Trends, Fibonacci Retracement in combination with Trendtrading and much more.I have structured the course for you in such a way that we start with the basics and then move on to the Live Examples. In addition, you will not only get to know trading, but also important ""trivialities"", such as the economic calendarthe right MINDSETequity brokerHow to get TRADING-CAPITAL Furthermore you can download some sheets and get support to answer all your questions quickly."
Price: 199.99

"Fibonacci Trading: The complete Course to Fibonacci Trading"
"We will approach your trading success step by step in this practice-oriented course. You will get to know the Fibonacci Retracement Trading from A-Z!You will learn anything about Fibonacci Retracement Trading, Trends, the Tradingplatforms and much more.I have structured the course for you in such a way that we start with the basics and then move on to the Live Examples. In addition, you will not only get to know trading, but also important ""trivialities"", such as the economic calendarthe right MINDSETequity brokerHow to get TRADING-CAPITAL Furthermore you can download some sheets and get support to answer all your questions quickly."
Price: 199.99

"Aktienhandel: Der komplette Aktienhandel Meisterkurs A-Z"
"Wir werden uns Schritt fr Schritt in diesem praxisorientiertem Kurs Deinem Tradingerfolg nhern. Du wirst viele wichtige Plattformen kennen lernen. Du wirst hier Aktien Trading lernen. Ich habe den Kurs fr Dich so aufgebaut, dass wir jeweils mit den Grundlagen beginnen und dann Schritt-fr-Schritt zu den Strategien bergehen. Auerdem wirst Du hier nicht nur das Trading kennen lernen, sondern auch wichtige ""Nebenschlichkeiten"" wie z.B. denWirtschaftskalenderdas richtige MINDSETSteuernFremdkapitalbroker Desweiteren stehen Dir einige Merkbltter zum Download zu Verfgung und ein Support, um alle deine Fragen schnell zu beantworten.Wenn du Dich fr das gesamte Daytrading interessiert, dann schaue Dir meinen Daytrading Meisterkurs an dort findest du erweitert auch noch Forex Trading, PennyStock Trading und Kryptowhrungen Trading."
Price: 199.99

"Fixed Income Securities: Tax Lien as Fixed Income Securities"
"We will approach your investing success step by step in this practice-oriented course. You will get to know many important platforms for research the best tax lien certificates. You will learn about Tax Lien Investing and how you can earn a guaranteed return on your investment . I have structured the course for you in such a way that we start with the basics and then move on step by step. Furthermore you can download some sheets and get support to answer all your questions quickly."
Price: 199.99

"Persnliche Finanzen: Wie man Persnliche Finanzen meistert"
"Wir werden uns Schritt fr Schritt in diesem praxisorientiertem Kurs Deinen Persnlichen Finanzen widmen. Du wirst viele wichtige Dinge im Umgang mit Geld kennen lernen. Du wirst hier einiges ber ETF, P2P und generelle Investments lernen. Ich habe den Kurs fr Dich so aufgebaut, dass wir jeweils mit den Grundlagen beginnen (Geld verstehen) und dann Schritt-fr-Schritt zum Investieren bergehen. Auerdem wirst Du hier nicht nur das Thema Geld kennen lernen, sondern auch Investmentmglichkeiten wie z.B. P2P KrediteETF SparplneInvestieren als ein Margin-InvestorInvestieren in Nachrangdarlehen Desweiteren steht dir mein Support zu Verfgung, um alle deine Fragen schnell zu beantworten."
Price: 199.99

"Investieren: Der komplette Investieren Meisterkurs A-Z"
"Wir werden uns Schritt fr Schritt in diesem praxisorientiertem Kurs Deinen Investitionen widmen. Du wirst zu Beginn viele wichtige Dinge im Umgang mit Geld kennen lernen. Danach geht es auch schon Los, mit einzelnen Investmentmglichkeiten! Du wirst hier einiges ber Tax Liens, Anleihen, Aktien, ETFs, P2P und andere Investmentmglichkeiten lernen. Ich habe den Kurs fr Dich so aufgebaut, dass wir jeweils mit den Grundlagen beginnen (Geld verstehen) und dann Schritt-fr-Schritt zum Investieren bergehen. Auerdem wirst Du hier nicht nur das Thema Geld kennen lernen, sondern auch:Warum investieren wichtig istFehler, die einige Investoren machenWie du automatisiert investieren kannstInvestieren in Nachrangdarlehenund vieles mehr...Desweiteren steht dir mein Support zu Verfgung, um alle deine Fragen schnell zu beantworten."
Price: 199.99

"Derivatives Trading: The complete Derivatives Trading A-Z"
"We will approach your trading success step by step in this practice-oriented course. You will get to know many important platforms. You will learn about Derivatives Basics, Trading Basics, Technical Analysis and Forex. I have structured the course for you in such a way that we start with the basics and then move on to the strategies step by step. In addition, you will not only get to know trading, but also important ""trivialities"", such as the economic calendarthe right MINDSETequity brokerHow to get TRADING-CAPITAL  Furthermore you can download some sheets and get support to answer all your questions quickly."
Price: 199.99

"Stock Trading: The complete Stock Trading Masterclass A-Z"
"We will approach your trading success step by step in this practice-oriented course. You will get to know many important platforms. You will learn about General Trading Basics, Stock Basics and of course Stock Trading. I have structured the course for you in such a way that we start with the basics and then move on to the strategies step by step. In addition, you will not only get to know trading, but also important ""trivialities"", such as the economic calendarthe right MINDSETequity brokerHow to get TRADING-CAPITAL  Furthermore you can download some sheets and get support to answer all your questions quickly."
Price: 199.99

"Bitcoin Trading: The Bitcoin Trading Course A-Z + Strategies"
"We will approach your trading success step by step in this practice-oriented course. You will get to know many important platforms for Bitcoin Trading! You will learn a lot about Bitcoin and Altcoin trading. I have structured the course for you in such a way that we start with the basics and then move on to the strategy step by step. In addition, you will not only get to know trading, but also important ""trivialities"", such as the right Softwarethe right MINDSETBitcoin-Future TradingHow to get TRADING-CAPITAL and much more!Furthermore you get support 24/7 to answer all your questions quickly."
Price: 199.99

"Futures Trading: The complete Futures Trading Masterclass"
"We will approach your trading success step by step in this practice-oriented course. You will get to know many important platforms for Future Trading! You will learn about Futures, Stocks and Cryptocurrencies trading. I have structured the course for you in such a way that we start with the basics and then move on to the strategy and LIVE TRADING step by step. In addition, you will not only get to know trading, but also important ""trivialities"", such as the right Softwarethe right MINDSETequity brokerHow to get TRADING-CAPITAL and much more!Furthermore you get support 24/7 to answer all your questions quickly."
Price: 199.99

"Volume Analysis: The Volume Analysis Course for Trading"
"We will approach your trading success step by step in this practice-oriented course. You will get to know many important platforms for Future Trading and how create trade opportunities with helpf of Volume Analysis!You will learn about Futures and how to create the perfect Volume Analysis.  In addition, you will not only get to know trading, but also important ""trivialities"", such as the right Software and ToolsCurrency Future AnalysisStock Volume Analysisand much more!Furthermore you get support 24/7 to answer all your questions quickly."
Price: 199.99

"Fundamental Analysis: The course for Fundamental Analysis"
"We will approach your trading success step by step in this practice-oriented course. You will get to know many important platforms. You will learn about Fundamental Analysis and how to trade with News. I have structured the course for you in such a way that we start with the basics and then move on to the strategies step by step. In addition, you will not only get to know trading, but also important ""trivialities"", such as the economic calendarthe right MINDSETequity brokerHow to get TRADING-CAPITAL  Support 24/7 to answer all your questions"
Price: 199.99

"Penny Stocks: The course for Penny Stocks Trading A-Z"
"We will approach your trading success step by step in this practice-oriented course. You will get to know many important platforms. You will learn all about PennyStocks trading. I have structured the course for you in such a way that we start with the basics and then move on to the strategies step by step. In addition, you will not only get to know trading, but also important ""trivialities"", such as the economic calendarthe right MINDSETequity brokerHow to get TRADING-CAPITAL  Furthermore you get support to answer all your questions quickly."
Price: 199.99

"Veeam Backup and Replication Zero To Hero"
"Veeam Backup & Replication is a software product developed by Veeam Software to back up, restore and replicate data on virtual machines (VMs). Veeam Backup and Replication was first released in 2008 and is part of the Veeam Availability Suite. Veeam was among the first vendors to develop backup software tailored to VMs. Before Veeam, backup applications failed to recognize the difference between protecting physical and virtual machines. Veeam Backup and Replication software is compatible with a variety of backup targets and can be used with VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V. Veeam Backup product works on the virtualization layer and is agentless. According to the vendor, the software has a recovery time objective of fewer than 15 minutes for all applications and uses built-in WAN acceleration to replicate data off-site up to 50 times faster than a raw data transfer. Veeam Cloud Connect: Get backups off-site without the cost and complexity of building and maintaining an off-site infrastructure; fast and secure cloud backup to a service provider. SureBackup: Automatically test and verify every backup and every virtual machine for recoverability. Scale-out Backup Repository: Create a single virtual pool of backup storage to which backups can be assigned, offering the freedom to easily extend the backup storage capacity. Image-level VM backups: Create application-consistent backups with advanced application-aware processing. Built-in management for Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows and Veeam Agent for Linux : Get reduced data-protection management complexity and improved usability through the addition of agent-based backup capabilities in the Veeam Backup & Replication console NEW, including a single pane of glass for Availability of virtual, physical and cloud workloads, centralized backup agent deployment, and Windows Server Failover Cluster support. Veeam Backup tutorial, Veeam backup course"
Price: 19.99

"PRTG Network Monitoring Course"
"Monitor all the systems, devices, traffic, and applications in your IT infrastructure.  Everything is included with PRTG; there is no need for additional plugins or downloads. PRTG is a powerful and easy-to-use solution, which is suitable for businesses of all sizes. PRTG monitors your entire IT infrastructure. prtg network monitor tutorial and prtg network monitor videoAll important technologies are supported: SNMP: ready-to-use and custom options WMI and Windows Performance Counters SSH: for Linux/Unix and Mac OS systems and Storage Devices Like Netapp, EMC, HPE Traffic analysis using flow protocols or packet sniffing HTTP requests REST APIs returning XML or JSON Ping, SQL, and many more"
Price: 19.99