"Aprenda a falar bem: dico" |
"comum que a timidez e o nervosismo bloqueiem a boa dico, mas isso somente se voc no treinado. Com o treino e o passar do tempo, a boa dico vira algo automtico, como um hbito ruim que voc consegue modificar. Se voc evita se expor em conversas, em rodas de amigos, em leituras, em sala de aula ou no trabalho; ou se voc uma pessoa buscando por melhora na comunicao com os outros, este curso para voc.Atravs do curso aprenda a falar bem: dico, voc ser capaz de articular palavras com clareza e falar com fluidez, quebrando barreiras que te atrapalham para ter uma boa comunicao. Vamos conversar a respeito dos cuidados com a voz; a pronncia das vogais e consoantes; a pronncia das acentuaes; a articulao de palavras e frases; o controle da respirao; a projeo vocal; e ampliar o vocabulrio com inmeras palavras!Melhore suas habilidades de comunicao em pblico com exerccios para uma boa dico e eleve o nvel da sua oratria!"
Price: 129.99 |
"Aprenda a falar bem: expresso e dinmica da fala" |
"O curso Aprenda a falar bem: dinmica da fala e expresso, tem como objetivo orientar pessoas para que sejam melhor compreendidas ao falar, pessoas que desejam ter mais expressividade em sua fala ou leitura. Aqui voc vai aprender a dar mais dinmica s suas frases e mais expresso s suas palavras, tornando sua fala muito mais cativante e de interessante ao ouvinte.Se voc evita se expor em conversas, em rodas de amigos, em sala de aula ou no trabalho, porque acha sua voz montona, ou que sua leitura no to boa; ou se voc uma pessoa buscando por melhora na comunicao com os outros, este curso para voc!Aumente sua expressividade ao se comunicar em pblico e traga mais emoo sua oratria!Vamos juntos aprimorar essas tcnicas e transmitir mais emoo na comunicao com os outros!"
Price: 129.99 |
"Artesanato com papel: painel floral e unicrnio de parede" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a confeccionar variados tipos de flores grandes para montar um lindo painel floral e tambm um unicrnio de parede! Um curso para quem quer iniciar no ramo de decorao com papel ou aprimorar sua arte com novas ideias. A decorao ensinada aqui verstil, com materiais de fcil acesso e pode ser utilizada em casamentos, formaturas, festas de 15 anos, aniversrios adultos e infantis, chs de cozinha e chs de bebs, entre outros eventos!Voc precisa apenas de alguns materiais bsicos, vontade para aprender e criatividade para desenvolver essa arte!Produza suas prprias decoraes para festas, e com o que aprender aqui crie suas prprias artes para venda ou uso pessoal!"
Price: 84.99 |
"Artesanato com papel: bales, nuvens e chuva de coraes" |
"Ol! Se voc gosta artes, e deseja trabalhar com artesanato e decorao, este curso pra voc!Aqui voc ir aprender a confeccionar nuvens de papel com chuvas de corao, alm de bales para montar uma linda decorao de festa infantil, ou chs de beb e chs revelao, entre outros eventos!Este curso para quem quer iniciar no ramo de decorao com papel ou aprimorar sua arte com novas ideias! A decorao ensinada aqui verstil, com materiais de fcil acesso e pode ser utilizada em inmeros eventos! Voc precisa apenas de alguns materiais bsicos, vontade para aprender e criatividade para desenvolver essa arte!Desejo que neste curso voc possa se encantar pela arte com papel assim como eu, e participe comigo deste maravilhoso universo do artesanato e da decorao.Produza suas prprias decoraes para festas, e com o que aprender aqui, crie suas artes para venda ou uso pessoal!"
Price: 84.99 |
"Aprenda a cantar com emoo: canto e expressividade vocal" |
"No curso Aprenda a cantar com emoo, voc vai receber orientaes para uma performance mais expressiva e dinmica. Vamos falar sobre como transmitir emoo sua platia, expressar sentimentos com clareza, e sobre outras questes tcnicas que iro te ajudar a desenvolver sua identidade no canto e na cano. Venha aprender mais sobre interpretao e performance e traga mais sentimento e expressividade para suas canes, encantando e emocionando seu pblico!"
Price: 144.99 |
"Aprenda a falar em pblico: oratria e desenvoltura" |
"Este curso rene um compilado de informaes e tcnicas que iro te ajudar na preparao para realizar um bom discurso. Com as orientaes que voc receber aqui, poder aumentar seu nvel de conhecimento sobre oratria, solucionando questes e se capacitando ainda mais como palestrante! Nunca demais corrigir hbitos ruins e aprimorar nossas habilidades em comunicao."
Price: 114.99 |
"Aprenda a cantar com afinao" |
"Voc busca por uma voz mais afinada?Gostaria de cantar e ter mais controle da sua afinao vocal?Este curso traz tcnicas e orientaes para obter melhora na afinao da sua voz, alm de mais de 16 exerccios* pensados para o seu desenvolvimento vocal e auditivo. Isso resultar em um maior controle da sua voz e, consequentemente, da sua afinao.*Todos os exerccios esto disponveis em mp3 para voc praticar quando e onde quiser! Venha treinar seu ouvido e aprimorar sua afinao!"
Price: 174.99 |
"Working Remotely: How to Build Trust with your team" |
"Whether you're leading a remote team or you're part of that remote team, you need to be trustworthy so that you can have a team based on trust. Your ability to build trust can make or break your career's success. Trust is the foundation for everything we do. Facing increasingly complex challenges and demands for greater transparency and performance, how can today's remote teams build trust?In this course, you will develop the insights and practical skills needed to build trust with your team and your peers, so that you can work more effectively, make better decisions on the spot, and consistently deliver results.This course is addressed for anyone who is part of a remote team and for managers who lead remote teams as well."
Price: 24.99 |
"Profitable Email Marketing" |
"""The money is in the list"".... they sayWRONG!The money is in your RELATIONSHIP with the list!Think about it; you need to make them trust you enough to give you their money or buy stuff based on your suggestions....Otherwise it's like walking up to a stranger and asking for their credit card.And that's why most people fail...So I'll show you step by step how to make people trust you, to help maximise your revenue.Then you can make money from practically every email you send, as often as you like.That's because you've never seen anything like this.Introducing...The email conversion methodI've made it simple, you just copy me and you'll:Build your list X6 faster And avoid the common mistakes that hold people backThe secret to making people like, admire & respect youSo they feel confident to buy from youTurn visitors into customers & profit from day 1 Use the proven to work system - it's practically a scienceIt's true... subscribers ONLY buy from people they like, know & trust... So grab all my highest converting emails right now and use them for yourself to dramatically boost your profit today.You won't find these profitable email frameworks anywhere else because I developed them myself through years of testing to find what works.Save yourself years of struggle and guesswork, just copy what works.Now ask yourself; are you likely to you make MORE money with this, or without it?You could instantly recoup your investment many times over from the next email you send.That means this immediately pays for itself and is almost guaranteed to create ongoing revenue for you, for as long as you want to use it.Video OneDiscover the 6 essentials to building your list faster than on your ownVideo Two9 quick ways to build rapport with anyone so they feel like they know youVideo ThreeLearn the 9 easy ways to get people to like youVideo FourGet the 6 simple ways to make your list trust you and buy from youVideo FiveQuickly build the most profitable email funnelVideo Six3 page elements guaranteed to get leads that anyone can doVideo Seven6 ways to ethically turn visitors into subscribersVideo EightThe 5-day campaign that makes profit on autopilotVideo NineGet my 14 highest converting email subject linesVideo 10How to quickly and easily write captivating emails that do the selling for youVideo 11My most profitable emails of all time, just copy my frameworks and get resultsThis offer won't be around for ever, so when it's gone, it's gone."
Price: 19.99 |
"Understanding chess tactics" |
"This course will boost your understanding of chess and will sharpen your tactical vision. By the end of the course you will truly understand why chess tactics appeared in the position, what were the signs that triggered the combination, what exact steps does it take to find most of chess combinations. Spoiler alert: I am going to take away a little bit of mystery out of chess and replace it with some logic!Learn and Master Chess Tactics with Successful Grandmaster Find chess combinations efficiently Recognize the signs that trigger tactics Learn typical tactical patterns Build up understanding of chessThis course will get your calculation abilities to the next levelThe course is for Beginner to Intermediate chess players. I also put several examples that would be interesting even for grandmasters but I explained them in the fashion that anyone with basic understanding of how chess pieces move could get it. In the final section, I am going to show an opening combination that many grandmasters do not know (including yours truly until year 2014).After you finish the course, you will be able to understand most of chess combinations that you will see on a much deeper level.The course is broken into 5 sections.Section 1: I explain what are 4 main questions to ask during the game and how they help you find chess tacticsSection 2: I use relatively simple puzzles to show how my method is working. You will learn additional helpful questions besides the four main ones.Section 3: I show how to use my method to crack much harder puzzles.Section 4: Covers most important tactical motifs and the signs that trigger those motifs.Section 5: You will find GM games and one tricky opening tactics that many high class GMs do not know! You will find short summary of the course at the end.Each section has downloadable pdf and pgn files with previously analyzed positions.Who this course is for: Beginner/hobby chess players who want become better at chess in general and in tactics specifically Chess enthusiasts that want to take a glimpse into how grandmasters calculate variations"
Price: 29.99 |
facebook-ads-101-arabic |
" facebook ads : facebook Business Manager * * ( )"
Price: 19.99 |
"Software Testing de aplicaciones. Postman. Testing de API" |
"En este curso aprenders la herramienta Postman. Es la herramienta lder del sector de testing para peticiones a una API. Podrs conocer todos los secretos y utilidades que tiene el software adaptado a la ltima versin. Si no lo has probado nunca o ya lo conoces pero intuyes que podras aprovecharlo ms, este es tu curso. Una vez realizado el curso, el testing de back-end y API's no volver a tener misterios para ti. Adems, si eres programador de front-end (Android, IOS, Angular...) y quieres saber comunicarte con los servicios web, Postman es la herramienta que andabas buscando. Es la herramienta imprescindible para que tu valor como informtico aumente considerablemente. Adems conocers como ejecutar tus colecciones por lnea de comandos con Newman y como se relaciona con una herramienta de integracin continua como Jenkins."
Price: 129.99 |
"Programacin Android con App Inventor 2. De cero a experto." |
"En este curso aprenders la herramienta creada por el MIT llamada App Inventor 2. Con ella es posible crear aplicaciones mviles para Android sin necesidad de programacin, ya que todo se hace mediante una herramienta visual. Se crearn unas primeras aplicaciones que ayudarn a formarte para que puedas crear nuevas aplicaciones mviles."
Price: 199.99 |
"Content Marketing Blueprint: Blog Posts That Build Authority" |
"Would you like to demonstrate your authority with written words in the form of blogs and articles? If Yes...Then this course is for you!I will show you step by step how to plan, write, edit and refine your own authority building blog post.Maybe, you've already spent hundreds buying courses that teach you how to setup a Wordpress site or Medium publication...The problem with them is that they spend little or no time explaining how the process of writing high value content works!According to hosting facts:There are over 4 million blog posts published every single dayThis is in addition to 500 million tweetsSo...How do you stand out in this noisy world with your writing?This course will help you write high value content even if you have never written before!For the past three years I have been working as a Chief Marketing Officer, and while working with a lot of content writers and copywriters I found that a lot authority building is actually done in the way the post is structured.In this course, youll learn the secret of the 1% of people who build their thought leadership the right way.This course is presented in a five day challenge where every day youll grasp an important key concept with a video lesson, and finish creating something with it with an exercise video and a workbook.Once youve gone through the material, its virtually impossible to forget its structure.Eventually youll be able to crank out high quality content using this formula with your intuitions.The structure you will learn here, can even be used to create podcast or video scripts that build your authority. It's that powerful!So if you want to be seen as a benchmark of authority in your niche or industry, then this course is for you!If for any reason it doesnt, you are fully covered by my 30 days money back guarantee.Ive designed this course to be finished in under 5 days with less than 30 minutes of your time every day.Join me now, enrol on this course today and take on this challenge!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Etik Hacker Olma Kursu" |
"Udemy'nin koyduu kurallardan dolay %95 indirimli kuponu burada paylaamyorum, bu kuponu edinmek iin bana twitter zerinden mesaj atn. Yine kurallardan dolay linki buraya koyamadm, o yzden twitter hesabma udemy profilimden ulaabilirsiniz.Platform zerindeki En Detayl Etik Hacker Olma Kursu'na Hogeldiniz!Bu kurs ile sfrdan balayarak siber gvenlik ve etik hacking alanlarnn temellerine inerek daha fazla bilgiye nasl ulaabileceinizi renmi olacaksnz. Yani bu kurs ile renmeyi renip, edinebileceiniz bilgi birikimi potansiyelini geniletmi olacaksnz. Kurs YapsDier kurslarn aksine sadece ara kullanmn deil, bilginin kaynan, nereden geldiini renerek gerek siber gvenlik eitimi deneyimini yaam olacaksnz. Var olan aralarn kaynak kodlarn inceleyerek ve kendimiz ara yazarak en temelde nelerin gerektii ve ilerin nasl yrdn kavram olacaz. Yaplan her ilemi nedenleri ile birlikte ele alarak kalc olmayan ezber bilgi birikimini nlemi olacaksnz.Siber gvenlii gerek anlamda renmek ve size deer katmayacak kurslar ile zaman kaybetmek istemiyorsanz, bu kursa kayt olarak kendinize deer katabilirsiniz.erikBilgi gvenlii, a gvenlii, yazlm gvenlii alanna giri yapmak isteyen hemen herkes iin bu kursu hazrladm. Kurs haritasndan da grebileceiniz zere video isimlerinde zellikle spesifik olmaya alp ""WIFI Hacklemek"" ya da ""WPA Krmak"" gibi balklar koymadm. Akas kendim de bir eyler renmeye alrken bu gibi tk tuzaklar(ClickBait'ler) hevesimi krmt ve sinirimi bozmutu. Bu gibi ilemler dier kurslarn iddia ettii gibi 3-5 videoda mmkn deil arkadalar, eminim ki siz de bunun farkndasnzdr. Zira yle olsayd herkes 3-5 videoda bu ii yapard ancak gerekten ie yarar bir saldr-savunma iin ok daha detayl bilgi gerekiyor.Yine ayn ekilde bu kursta Linux zerinde zellikle Tool/Program kullanmay retmemeyi hedef aldm. Aksine program yazarak ya da var olan programn kaynak kodunu inceyelerek bir eyler yapmaya altm. nk ara(tool) kullandmz zaman bir bakasna muhta oluruz, fakat kendi aralarmz nasl yazacamz bildiimiz zaman istediimiz eyi yapabiliriz. Elbette shell zerinde kullandmz onlarca ara(tool) olacak; fakat ou ziyadesiyle basit programlar. Bu iki olay piyasada grdm videolarda rastladm eylerdi: Clickbaitler ve Hunharca Tool kullanmak. Bu ii gerekten yapmak istiyorsak, bir programn en kk parasna kadar inmeliyiz. Bu sebepten, eitim boyunca programlarn en kk paralarna kadar inerek derinlemesine incelme yapmaya ve Assembly Dili'ne ok fazla nem vermeye altm. Eitim iin balang seviyede herhangi bir dili bilmeniz yeterli olacaktr. Kurs boyunca bu temel kullanlarak C Programlamaya deindim. Fakat C dilinin semantik ve syntax'na hi deinmiyorum. Zira farkl bir dili giri seviyesinde biliyorsanz bu konuda ekstra bir aba yapmanza gerek kalmayacak. Basit kontrol ve koul yaplarnn renilmesi en fazla 1-2 gn alr diye dnyorum. Giri blmnde C dilinde deindiim birok ey oldu, fakat geribildirimlerden sonra duruma gre eitimi C'ye dair zenginletirebilirim diye dnyorum. Eer niyetiniz size deer katacak siber gvenlik bilgileri edinmekse kesinlikle doru kurstasnz.Market ve Pazarlama Ortaklk iin iletiime gein."
Price: 19.99 |
"Xamanismo: Animais Totmicos e de Poder" |
"Muitas pessoas j ouviram falar em Animais de poder, mas muitas auras de mistrio j foram criadas sobre esse assunto. O que so eles? Para que servem? Como posso acessar?Esse curso visa trazer respostas para essas perguntas e ainda trazer o conhecimento ancestral do xamanismo unindo a sua filosofia ancestral para os tempos modernos, de forma que todos possam conhecer cada aspecto dessa linda filosofia, assim como todos os princpios que guiam a jornada pelo caminho vermelho.O que a Roda de cura? O que so os caminhos xamnicos? Como posso ter o meu Espao Sagrado?So outras questes que vocs conhecero as respostas aqui neste curso, que visa trazer essa linda filosofia de reconexo com a natureza todos vocs com muito respeito e carinho.Ahow! Permita-se conhecer e desbravar esses lindos mistrios."
Price: 39.99 |
"Werde Deiner Selbst Bewusst" |
"Schn das du da bistIch freue mich dich hier von Herzen begren zu drfen. Hier findest du alle Informationen zu diesem Kurs. Vorab mchte ich sagen, das dieser Kurs vor allem etwas fr dein Herz ist. Nimm dir Zeit und schau dir alles in Ruhe an. Jetzt wnsche ich dir viel Spa. Warum gibt es diesen Kurs?Diesen Kurs gibt es, da ich die Menschen von meinem Wissen und meiner Erfahrung profitieren lassen will. Mein Ziel war und ist es eine friedvolle, zufriedene und glckliche Zukunft zu schaffen. Der Kurs lsst dich an diesem Ziel Anschluss haben. Der Kurs wird dich befhigen dasselbe in die Welt zu tragen. Diese eine Erde auf der wir Leben wartet nur auf eine neue Menschheit. Dieser Kurs setzt einen Impuls, dass du beginnst mit dir und deinen Gedanken in die Freude zu kommen.Dieser Kurs zeigt dir wie du deine alten Muster aufbrechen kannst um Raum fr neues zu schaffen. Du wirst am Ende erlernt haben friedvoller mit dir und deinen Gedanken um zu gehen. Es ist ein Geschenk an dich selbst, auf das du Teil einer friedvolleren, zufriedeneren und Glcklicheren Zukunft wirst. Wie mache ich das?Ich zeige dir, wie du bewusst mit dir umgehst. Der Prozess der Bewusstwerdung ist durch aktive Selbsterfahrungen begleitet. Wenn du den Kurs in seinem vorgeschriebenen Zeitablauf absolvierst wirst du sehr schnell Vernderungen in dir bemerken. Solltest du lnger brauchen, ist das auch kein Problem. Der Kurs wird durch Meditationen und bungen im normalen Leben begleitet. Die bungen sind so konzipiert, dass du sie umsetzen kannst ohne, dass ein anderer Mensch es in erster Linie bemerkt. Dieser Kurs fhrt dich zu deinem inneren Selbst. Er befreit dich von dem emotionalen und gedanklichen Ballast deines Lebens. Die Inhalte des Kurses basieren auf meiner eigenen Lebenserfahrung, sowie Inhalten der Achtsamkeits-, Spirituellen- und Psychologischenlehrern und meinen Erfahrungen als studierter Sozial Arbeiter.Was ist der Vorteil dieses Kurses:Wenn du dich dazu entscheidest diesen Kurs zu absolvieren, dann erhlst du einen Teil meines Wissens. Dieser Kurs enthlt zudem verschiedene Gefhrte Meditationen, die dir nach Kauf permanent zur Verfgung stehen. Diese Meditationen fhren dich zu einem tieferen Bewusstsein im Leben. Der Effekt ist, weniger Drama und mehr Freude und Glck. Da ich aber mchte, das wirklich jeder Zugang zu meinem Wissen hat biete ich diesen Kurs hier gnstiger an. Natrlich gibt es einen Unterschied zwischen Kurs und Coachings, doch solltest du nach dem Kurs das Verlangen verspren mit mir in Kontakt treten zu wollen ist dies kein Problem. Neugierig?Dann schau doch einfach rein. Hole dir jetzt deinen Zugang und werde deiner Selbst bewusst. Befreie dich vom gedanklichen Ballast und ffne dein Herz fr das Leben.Ich wnsche dir viel Spa beim Kurs und alles GuteMarco Breuer"
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduction to Accounting: Double Entries" |
"The course on Introduction to Accounting is designed in a non-traditional format to help you grasp the accounting essentials in a fun, animated and user-friendly way. Our primary objective was not to allow you feel bored at any stage throughout the lectures and yet walk out of the course with decent level of confidence, therefore did our best to elaborate a truly interesting and compelling video content to make sure to convey you otherwise tiresome topics in the most exciting and connecting way. Whether you are a beginner to the world of accounting and don't know anything about it, or you have gone half way through, or an accountant working in your specific area and always have some questions in the background of your mind about accounting entries and impact of your work on overall financial picture of your company, this course is just for you. The course will shed light to many aspects of your accounting experience and help you get a profound understanding of accounting concept. The design of this course is fun and extremely user-friendly. With this course, you do not need any books, notepads, pens or pencils. All you need is just to set aside some time and listen with focused attention. The illustrative, interactive and animated format of the lecture will ensure that you don't get bored and visualize actual processes which will help to comprehend concepts discussed easily and deeply. This inexpensive budget course will definitively strengthen your confidence in your accounting experience and will equip you with necessary underpinning knowledge to progress further with your accounting journey confidently."
Price: 19.99 |
"Revenue Recognition - IFRS 15 & ASC 606" |
"This course explains and provides deeper insight into the new revenue standard, namely, ""Revenue from Contracts with Customers"" issued jointly by IASB and FASB as IFRS 15 and ASC 606, respectively. Delivered in a fun, user-friendly and animated video format, the complex subject becomes interesting and clear as students progress throughout the course content. The course consists of 3 main sections. The first section consisting of 5 lectures devotes each lecture to one of 5 steps of 5 step revenue recognition model. The second section delivers a quite interesting video content explaining accounting entries for types of revenue recognized over time. And the last section is all devoted to practical questions and their solutions, treatment and recognition matters of concern to wider accounting and finance audience, including but not limited to all level of accountants, finance experts and professionals, ACCA and CPAstudents in their pursuit of revenue topic."
Price: 24.99 |
"SEGUNDA PARTE - Fundamentos de la Pintura al Oleo" |
"SEGUNDA de 5 PARTES DEFUNDAMENTOS DE LA PINTURA AL OLEOEl mejor curso en espaol sobre la pintura al leo con el artista puertorriqueo Alejandro De Jess. La Segunda Parte incluye: la prctica de la pintura al leo, el manejo del pincel, la luz y la sombra, los 5 tonos bsicos, los contornos, la textura, demostracin de un bodegn con pintura monocromtica."
Price: 19.99 |
"PRIMERA PARTE - Fundamentos de la Pintura al Oleo" |
"PRIMERA de 5 PARTES DEFUNDAMENTOS DE LA PINTURA AL OLEOEl mejor curso en espaol sobre la pintura al leo con el artista puertorriqueo Alejandro De Jess. Esta Primera Parte del curso incluye: el estudio en su casa, el caballete, los pinceles, los colores, la paleta, los mdiums, los soportes, la teora del color y mucho ms."
Price: 19.99 |
"TERCERA PARTE - Fundamentos de la Pintura al Oleo" |
"TERCERA de 5 PARTES DEFUNDAMENTOS DE LA PINTURA AL OLEOEl mejor curso en espaol sobre la pintura al leo con el artista puertorriqueo Alejandro De Jess. La Tercera Parte incluye: elementos y conceptos del color, la temperatura de la luz, la vibracin de los colores, la paleta premezclada, la paleta libre, las mezclas de colores, demostracin de un bodegn, la paleta de colores bsica."
Price: 19.99 |
"CUARTA PARTE - Fundamentos de la Pintura al Oleo" |
"CUARTA de 5 PARTES DE FUNDAMENTOS DE LA PINTURA AL OLEOEl mejor curso en espaol sobre la pintura al leo con el artista puertorriqueo Alejandro De Jess. Esta Cuarta Parte del curso incluye: La Perspectiva Lineal y Area, El Manchado, Transicin hacia el Color y los Detalles, El Restregado, La Composicin, El Terminado, Los Opuestos, El Concepto, La Variedad de las Formas, Los Tonos y Colores, La Pintura Suelta vs. Pintura Rgida, La Esttica, La Composicin y Jerarqua y mucho ms."
Price: 19.99 |
"QUINTA PARTE - Fundamentos de la Pintura al Oleo" |
"Quinta y ltima de 5 PARTES DE FUNDAMENTOS DE LA PINTURA AL OLEOEl mejor curso en espaol sobre la pintura al leo con el artista puertorriqueo Alejandro De Jess. Esta Quinta Parte del curso incluye: 1. IMPORTANCIA DEL DIBUJO2. ACERCAMIENTO GENERALCambiando la manera de ver las cosas3. SEGREGANDO TONOS Y COLORES4. MANCHADO INICIAL5. LA SOMBRA PROPIA6. LA SOMBRA PROYECTADA7. LA TEMPERATURA DEL COLOR DE LA PIEL8. LA UNION ENTRE LUZ Y SOMBRALos Contornos9. PATRON DE TONOS Y COLORES10. ESQUEMAS DE COLORES11. LOS PLANOS12. EL IMPASTO EN LA LUZ13. LOS OJOS14. DEMOSTRACIONy mucho ms."
Price: 19.99 |
"Filosofa para la felicidad" |
"Mi nombre es Luca Morcillo y soy Graduada en Filosofa y Profesora de Educacin Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato en Espaa, as que este curso, aunque sea de filosofa, va a ser entendible, divertido y didctico. Pienso que la filosofa debera ser ante todo algo prctico y algo que nos sirviese a todos para vivir mejor, conocernos ms y ser ms felices, que como dira Aristteles esto es al final lo que todo ser humano busca. Por eso, en este curso vamos a ver cules son las ideas o las claves que Epicuro nos dara para ser felices y para vivir mejor, trataremos la filosofa como una teraputica del alma. Es realmente sorprendente la vigencia que tiene hoy en da esta filosofa de hace ms de 2000 aos y cmo al ser humano siguen preocupndole las mismas cosas y sigue hacindose las mismas preguntas.Con este curso pretendo ayudarte a conocer mejor la filosofa de Epicuro, uno de los representantes ms importantes de la filosofa helnica y de la historia de la filosofa, y que conocindole a l y conociendo las claves y las ideas que l da para ser feliz, consigas, aplicando stas en tu vida, empezar a vivir de una manera mucho ms serena, calmada y feliz."
Price: 19.99 |
"Como se Relacionar com as Pessoas com Deficincia" |
"Este curso prope uma orientao para famlias; profissionais e estudantes (futuros profissionais) que lidam, ou iro lidar algum dia, com pessoas com deficincia. Com uma durao breve e um valor acessvel, o objetivo que qualquer um possa gozar dos conhecimentos que o curso trs e no fim do curso esse conhecimento possa agregar tanto na vida dos alunos do curso, quanto na vida dos que esto ao seu redor, em especial s pessoas com deficincia."
Price: 39.99 |
"CorelDraw para Sublimao" |
"Trabalha com sublimao? Voc quer ter independncia nas criaes das suas artes? Quer parar de depender dos outros para conseguir entregar ao seus clientes, estampas de qualidade? Nesse curso voc ir aprender a desenvolver artes incrveis e finalmente ter sua independncia.Voc aprender: Dominar as ferramentas essenciais do CorelDRAW; Trabalhar com imagens e edita-las;Desenvolver suas artes do absoluto zero;Redesenhar imagens para construir do seu jeito;Vetorizar imagens;Criar seu mockup para apresentao das suas estampas;Tratar imagens no Photoshop (Bnus)Criar artes para Datas Comemorativas e outras.H algum requisito ou pr-requisito para o curso?Voc precisa de uma conexo internet para assistir as aulas!Para quem este curso:Empreendedores e Futuros Empreendedores que querem ou trabalham com Sublimao."
Price: 69.99 |
"Work From Home Jobs: Online contracts that pay!" |
"Learn how to work from home as an online contractor and how to start a potential business. This course will covers varies online freelance contract positions that you can work in most cases with little on no experience. Get paid cash from these companies weekly, bi-weekly and monthly. We also cover responsibilities of a contract worker. As well as needed identification for tax purposes and resources for starting your own home business. This course will also give insight on companies that have been verified as legitimate contract employers . The key to being an online freelancer is balance. This course will show you how!"
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Launch Your Blog For Beginners" |
"Are you interested in starting your very own blog? Not sure where to start? This 7 part course will teach you everything you need to know about blogging. By the end of the first 2 lectures you will be able to identify your target audience and select a domain name for your blog. The rest of the course looks at designing your blog, how to come up with content and more."
Price: 19.99 |
"Break your Mental Barriers & Complete your Goals (set goals)" |
"Break your Mental Barriers & Learn How to Achieve your Goals (set goals)This course is meant for everyone who wants to jump start their way from confusion and Chaos to planning and achieving goals. If you are tired of procrastination or stuck in life seeming to have no direction then this course is just for you. This course will teach you -How to remove chaos through planningHow to define your purpose and goalsHow to see them accomplished till the end.How to set and achieve goalsAt the end of the course I guarantee that you will have an experiential learning on how to be more organised and achieve your goals. When faced with doubt and fear you will know what to do and where to turn to build self confidence and faith.No More Procrastination and Self-Doubt. Learn How to Achieve goals and Jump-Start on your goals and your way to success!Resources :You will get a 30 page Workbook & Journal An Excel sheet goal planner and action takerQuick win worksheetThe program helps in overall personal development and personal transformation as well.No More Procrastination and Self-Doubt. Learn goal setting via smart goals, mindtools and 5 hacks.Slay Procrastination, Break your mental barriers and complete your goals, goal setting via smart goals, unofficial udemyGoal Setting, goal achievement , focus mastery, Personal Development, Personal Transformationofficial udemy"
Price: 19.99 |