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"Ekipman ve ekim"
"Bu kursumuzda, ekipman ve ekim lekleri gibi film ekerken bilinmesi gereken noktalara deindik, bunlar detaylandrdk ve renebilmeniz iin yardmc kaynaklara bavurduk. ok yaln bir dille ve sade bir ekilde bilinmesi gereken detaylar retici ekil ile anlattk. Umarm keyifli vakit geirirsiniz ve bu kursun size yardm dokunur. Bu kurs ile sinemaya adm adm yaklam olacaksnz. imdiden iyi dersler."
Price: 49.99

"Contabilidade Geral"
"Nesse curso o aluno ser capaz de compreender o objetivo dos relatrios contbil-financeiros. Entender a estrutura do Patrimnio, assim como a estrutura das duas principais demonstraes contbeis: Balano Patrimonial e Demonstrao do Resultado do Exerccio.Ir tambm aprender na prtica o mtodo das partidas dobradas, e escriturao contbil. Efetuando exerccios prticos para auxiliar na absoro do contedo."
Price: 99.99

"ALES 2018 - 3 Saysal Yetenek Matematik zmleri"
"ALES'e katlacak adaylar iin 30 Eyll 2018 tarihinde gerekletirilen ALES2018-3 oturumu Saysal Yetenek Testi (Matematik & Geometri ) Pratik Yntemlerle, Aklamal Soru zmleri. ALES Saysal Testi Hangi Tip Sorulardan Oluur, En Ksa Yoldan Matematik Sorular Nasl zlr. ALES'e katlacak adaylar iin 30 Eyll 2018 tarihinde gerekletirilen ALES2018-3 oturumu Saysal Yetenek Testi (Matematik & Geometri ) Pratik Yntemlerle, Aklamal Soru zmleri. ALES Saysal Testi Hangi Tip Sorulardan Oluur, En Ksa Yoldan Matematik Sorular Nasl zlr."
Price: 49.99

"Learn HTML and CSS by building your first website"
"To become a web developer or software engineer you first need to learn HTMLand CSS. Hopefully, Ican teach you the basic principles of each and help you build your first landing web page. This course is very basic and is not intended to help you land you a job."
Price: 19.99

"Making Shamballa Browbands"
"If you have ever looked at a sparkly, shiny browband and wondered how to make them, then this course is just what you need. You'll learn how to make single row Shamballa browbands, flashy double row ones and then use those skills to make lovely Shamballa bracelets too. These are not hard to make, but getting it right first time will save your hours of trying to work it out yourself. Each lesson is taught step by step in an easy to follow way."
Price: 19.99

"Making ribbon covered show browbands"
"This course is designed to teach anyone how to make ribbon covered browbands suitable for showing horses at any level. From simple weaves, to more complicated designs, you will learn in an easy-to-follow format. Each lesson is broken down and split up so that you can re-visit any part you need to easily and quickly."
Price: 34.99

"O poder das leis da vida"
"Este curso especialmente destinado a pessoas que esteja passando por dificuldades e estejam procurando por solues para seus problemas. As leis da natureza esto aqui desde sempre, mas s so teis para quem as conhece e as aplica em suas vidas. Voc est tendo a chance de aprende-las e aplic-las e o melhor que este curso grtis! Mas aproveitar ou no esta oportunidade depende exclusivamente de voc. Educao transformao e transformao evoluir nossos comportamentos. Oque voc sabe no tem valor algum, o valor est no que voc faz com o que sabe. A imagem de abertura diz tudo sobre este curso, voc, VOC MESMO, acendendo sua prpria luz. Venha brilhar. Seja bem vindo!"
Price: 144.99

"Finanas Pessoais o Modo Fcil"
"Um curso objetivo, recheado de exemplos prticos para solues financeiras rpidas mesmo sem dispor de recursos financeiros para iniciar seu prprio negcio. Apresenta novos caminhos para aumentar ganhos financeiros e encontrar ganhos paralelos mesmo trabalhando em um subemprego. Ensina um modo de pensar especialmente focado em resultados e fundamentado em seis Critrios Superiores que facilitam tomadas de decises e a transformao de crenas e opinies em atitudes prticas fundamentadas em fatos."
Price: 99.99

"Recruitment 360-a new exciting way of recruiting - beginners"
"In this course you will be taught how to change your recruitment process and learn a whole new way of recruiting. This is a beginners course that covers all the basics of changing the way you recruit and the way you make your money. For this course you need to have a open minded approach to how the new recruitment process will work. You need to very target driven, money driven and hungry to succeed. If this is the course is completed you will have alot of influence and the ability to make things happen"
Price: 250.00

"21 Day Mindfulness & Meditation Course"
"The context of the courseIn this course, the very core intention is for you to use these techniques to help you recognise the deeper essence of who you are. This is sometimes called Self realisation or enlightenment. The course is also open to those who want to use meditation to assist them in alleviating some issue such as stress, anxiety, depression or other issues. Whether this course and meditation alleviate these issues or leads to enlightenment depends upon you. The techniques come from a wide variety of traditions and religions. However, I have tried to present the techniques in ways which are practical without being dogmatic.This course should be taken from the perspective of performing an internal investigation into who you truly are. In this process, many false assumptions of who you are seen and released until your true essence is all that remains.The structure of the courseThe course has been developed through the use of the technique I have used in my own meditative journey within. The techniques are from many different traditions but have been integrated in a way to assist you along your path. This has come from my own insights made whilst practicing these techniques and understanding how they can be used to create different shifts within.The program has been structured in a way to take the beginner from the basics of meditation to the deepest realisations. The course starts with making an intention and commitment to the course. It then leads on to basics of posture and abdomen breathing. Correct posture and breathing is essential not only for meditation but also will positively impact your physical and mental health in daily life. Abdomen breathing will move into Dantien Breathing. This is a ancient practice of awakening the life energy at the point under the naval. This will help you to consciously awaken and develop this life energy.One of the core meditations on this course is the mindfulness of the breath. We will cover the different variations of the technique which come from different traditions.We will also present a new way of working with the mindfulness technique to awaken the life energy and direct it towards the third eye. I have personally found that awakening the third eye is a missing step to really go deeper into insight based mindfulness practices.The Third eye technique awakens the third eye, a energy centre which opens us up to deeper insights and a clarity to see things as they are. The awakening of this centre will then allow us to proceed to contemplation of the impermanence of experience, on the cause of our self created suffering, the nature of I as a individual and I as existence itself. We will conclude with self inquiry based practices , where the attention is focused upon the question Who am I? and then into the recognition of our essence as unchanging awareness itself.We will discover that true meditation is nothing but the recognition of who we are.There will be also be the popular AUM or Om Mantra meditation, to awaken the energy centres and concentrate the attention.This course would be incomplete without incorporating a heart based technique. A heart centred practice will help to balance emotions which may be stirred and awakened through this course. It will also empower you with the energy of love and compassion as you progress on the inward path.Bonus meditations have been included in the course. You may wish to use these bonus techniques, outside of your main daily practice. Bonus meditations include Yoga Nidra, which is a Yogic Sleep, a technique to deeply relax and integrate all aspects of oneself. There is also a Sound Meditation included.The flow of the program will also allow advanced students to practice techniques they know of, in a completely unique way. The course integrates different techniques from different traditions, all to create a conducive atmosphere within oneself for self realisation.The techniques used are nothing but aids to assist in recognising your own true essence.A comprehensive course with 15 different meditation techniques covering the following;Setting your Intention through Gong Intention ProcessPosture for MeditationAbdominal BreathingLower Dantien/Hara Breathing (Energy Breathing)Mindfulness of the breath meditation on abdomen areaMindfulness of the breath meditation on nostril areaMindfulness of the breath meditation on the whole body breathThird Eye MeditationHeart Centre Meditation On Emotional Body With Crystal Singing BowlsAum Mantra MeditationMeditations on ImpermanenceSelf Inquiry, Who am I?Resting as AwarenessBONUS: Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep)BONUS: Gong Bath Sound Meditation (15mins)EACH MEDITATION CAN BE DOWNLOADED IN MP3 FORMAT."
Price: 24.99

"How To Generate Mass Achievement"
"4 Ways To Generate Mass Achievement is taking the luck out the equation. A popular misleading quote that you may have heard before goes like this, If you work hard, dont give up, and have a little bit of luck, then youll be successful. But you see, luck is created through opportunity. If you can create more opportunity, the luck percentage goes way up. Then, if youre prepared for when that situation becomes a reality, you ARE ready for it. This course teaches you: skill development, how to grow at a quicker rate to be your 10 year success goal, how to optimize your sleep to produce MASS energy and creativity, and a simple way to develop all the clarity to get your life goals on track so you dont feel overwhelmed. You feel a purpose.Ive felt plenty of self doubt in my life. What I came to realize is that, if you have a vision for your life youre either going to strategically make it there or hope as the years go by. I wasted plenty of years thinking i was ATTRACTING success. You want to attract success? You attract opportunities. This is YOUR opportunity. Get this training now, at a low cost for a very LIMITED time, and most of all enjoy your life BREAKTHROUGH. See you on the other side!"
Price: 99.99

"RAID1 com Debian"
"Neste curso o aluno ir aprender tcnicas de como utilizar de uma forma profissional e manipulao do RAID em ambientes Linux. Iremos ver ferramentas Opensource prticas e funcionais para administrao de um desastre em Infra Estrutura. Com esses conhecimentos o aluno estar apto para conduzir uma estrutura com RAID e administrar incidentes na TI."
Price: 99.99

"KVM com LVM em Ambientes Corporativos"
"Um pouco do contedo do curso:Este curso possibilitar o aluno a administrar e controlar um ambiente com servidores KVM.Abordaremos assuntos pontuais e atuais em ambientes corporativos. Aprendero a instalar e administrar ambientes com LVMAprender na prtica como utilizar as ferramentas de administrao do KVM, Libvirt.Fazer backup's das mquinas virtuais.Interface de Rede NAT e Bridge.Criao dos LVs no LVM - LVCREATE Redimensionando discos com LVM.SnapshotsRestauraes"
Price: 399.99

"Ferramentas Para SysAdmin & Administradores De Redes"
"Este curso demonstra a utilizao de ferramentas para administrao de servidores Linux. O curso destinado a todos os estudantes de TI, Administradores de Redes, SysAdmin e aqueles que so amantes por contedos de TI. Aqui voc ir aprender a utilizar algumas ferramentas para administrao de um ambientes com servidores Linux, utilizar aplicaes ao seu favor, identificar problemas com mais agilidade e direto ao ponto do problema. Aprender a pensar diferente dentro de um ambiente empresarial, tcnicas e manuseio em ferramentas Opensource. Aprender algumas ferramentas de projetos."
Price: 99.99

"How To Whistle Loudly - Two Handed, One Handed, and No Hands"
"Hello! My name is Kevin, and in this course you'll learn three types of loud whistles - a two handed whistle, a one handed whistle, and a fingerless whistle. I'll teach how how to perform each whistle, how to practice, what to avoid, and how to overcome challenges.When is the last time you needed to get somebody's attention? Like your kids, students, pets, team members, or even someone you don't know? Whistling is one of the quickest ways to get someone's attention, and in this course I'll teach you three different ways to whistle loudly."
Price: 19.99

"Instagram: Gagnez des Followers de manire AUTOMATIQUE!"
"Bonjour,J'ai cr ce cours dans l'ide de vous partager ma mthode (Mthode Unique) pour gagner des followers Instagram de faon AUTOMATIQUE.Qu'est-ce que cette mthode vous apporterai? Rien de plus que:Une forte Crdibilit envers des ProfessionnelsUne Meilleure Estime de soiDes potentiels Contrats en tant quInfluenceursUne Assurance indniableUne Influence sur une Audience (intressant pour les businessmen)Une Communaut Active (Likes + Commentaires)PS: Pour ceux qui se posent la question, la mthode nentrainera en aucun cas votre compte vers un bannissement ou autre problme! Les followers sont de relles personne vous suivant de leur plein gr."
Price: 29.99

"Contabilidade do Zero a Profissional Mdulo Essencial"
"O curso de contabilidade ESSENCIAL abrange os niveis bsico e intermedirio, o que significa que o aluno ter um aprendizado mais COMPLETO. Mesmo que o aluno no tenha experincia ou no conhece CONTABILIDADE, ter condies de aprender, pois a linguagem acessvel a todos os publicos. Alm disso, todas as as aulas possuem exemplos prticos para melhor fixao do contedo. O aluno ir conhecer a aplicao da contabilidade, no somente nas empresas, mais como uma cincia social e no esttica, podendo  usar as tcnicas no prprio cotidiano.   "
Price: 159.99

"How To Release Fear And Other Blocks To Your Success"
"This is an experiential course where you will release the emotion of fear. Fear blocks us from moving forward and succeeding in life. It is sometimes cloaked as hesitation and self doubt. This is especially true when you receive inspiration about a great idea. You are all excited about it, then moments later you hesitate, then begin to doubt whether you can achieve. You may even spiral downwards into thinking it's a stupid idea. None of that is true. The only reason you thought of it, is because you can do it. Fear is what snatches that inspiration away.Once identified and attended to, fear and other negative emotions lose their power and dissipate and you are free to move forward. We all have dreams of becoming. We have a dreaming faculty. If dreams weren't achievable, that creative, dreaming faculty wouldn't even exist. This course puts you on the path to use it again.This course will help you identify fear and you will learn simple techniques to release it on the spot. I also work with a high level of Spirit Mentors of the highest level of love and light that, with your permission will cleanse any shadow energies, malevolent energies associated with the fear you chose to release from your electro-magnetic field which is also known as your aura or auric field.This is a multi-dimensional release and healing this is taking place in this course!"
Price: 199.99

"Como reduzir os desperdcios no canteiro de obras."
"Curso rpido e com exemplos prticos de casos reais para voc monitorar os processos (execuo de servios) no canteiro de obras. Voc vai aprender um mtodo simples para identificar desperdcios no fluxo de produo, como transportes, movimentaes excessivas, inspees ineficientes e perodos de ociosidade. O mtodo pode ser utilizado para planejar obras que ainda vo iniciar ou para avaliar e modificar processos que j esto em andamento. Aplicvel para todo tipo de obra e no requer a compra de nenhum software especfico. Se quiser, voc consegue traar o mapeamento dos processos no excel, no Autocad, no Power Point ou at mesmo usando apenas papel e caneta.Se o mtodo for aplicado em obras que j esto em execuo, s funciona se houver observao dos processos no canteiro, ou seja, dedicao de tempo para um levantamento inicial de como os servios j esto funcionando. como se voc precisasse fazer um diagnstico inicial do seu canteiro.O curso NO aborda os desperdcios puramente de materiais, como excessos no consumo ou resduos gerados. O foco est nos desperdcios de fluxo de trabalho, nas aes e etapas para execuo dos servios."
Price: 69.99

"Contracepo natural"
"Neste workweb (Workshop online) voc ir descobrir que existem mtodos naturais de contracepo que tem a mesma eficcia da plula anticoncepcional. Iremos saber que mtodos so esses e como utiliz-los.Contedo Programtico:1) Embasamento terico2) Ciclo menstrual3) Observaes importantes4) Percepo de fertilidade5) Temperatura basal6) Passo a passo para uma vida sem hormnios contraceptivos7) Mtodo SintotermalAcompanhe o nosso trabalho nas redes sociais:Instagram: @projetoflorarFan Page: Projeto Florar"
Price: 39.99

"Controle Emocional Para Uma Vida Feliz"
"Voc gostaria de ter o controle das suas emoes? Evitar aquelas brigas por impulso, o estresse e at aumentar a sua autoestima? Pois esse curso para voc.No curso Controle Emocional Para Uma Vida Feliz voc aprender a desenvolver sua inteligncia emocional e assim conseguir ter a vida que sempre quis, tendo conscincia de suas emoes e de como us-las para potencializar sua jornada.Alm de alcanar a felicidade verdadeira."
Price: 189.99

"Zend Framework 3 na prtica"
"Ser abordado desde a instalao at algo mais complexo, como autenticao, disparo de e-mail, salvar registro no banco de dados, validao de formulrio e filtros.Voc ir ver como funciona na prtica alguns dos melhores recursos comoListenerseFactorydo Zend Framework 3, e aprender como trabalhar comInjeo de dependncia.Ser explicado e demonstrado passo a passo tudo que voc precisa saber para dar seus prprios passos, no final do curso voc ter todo o cdigo fonte do projeto que iremos desenvolver juntos.Para quem j conhece as verses anteriores do Zend Framework, irei falar e mostrar as diferenas e explicarei passo a passo como migrar para a verso 3 do framework."
Price: 39.99

"Vorbereitung zum Kenntnisnachweis nach 21d LuftVO"
"Der Kurs informiert ber alle wichtigen Bereiche wenn man mit seiner Drohne/UAV bzw. seinem Modellflieger im deutschen Luftraum unterwegs sein will. Besonders interessant ist dieser Kurs wenn das Fluggert ber 2 kg Abfluggewicht hat oder kommerziell eingesetzt werden soll.Die abgedeckten Bereiche sind orientiert an den Inhalten der Kenntnisnachweis Prfung wie sie vom Luftfahrtbundesamt vorgegeben sind."
Price: 89.99

"Easy Thai Cooking Class with Chef Poo"
"Food is considered to be one of the essential factors for living there is no doubt that manyOf us search for the new and variety menus of tasty foods.Talking of the variety menus of foods, you might definitely think of Thai Foods as many people around the world have infected to their tastes and, even some have come to Thailand for tasting the original taste of exotic Thai foods.Nowadays, you do not have to travel to Thailand for that purpose anymore as we are offering the online cooking courses which explain you on a step-by-step basis and usually take less than 20 minutes for each menu . The instructions are quick, easy and you can even do it on your own at home , no matter whether you are Thai or notFor more information, please do not hesitate to email us the inquiries or comments you may have.We do hope that our courses would benefit and inspire you to start DIY cooking on your own."
Price: 24.99

"Wordpress Shop und Blog mit WooCommerce 2019"
"Mchtest lernen wie du einen Wordpress Blog erstellen und diesen dann in einen Online Shop umwandeln kannst? Hast du schon ein Geschftund mchtest deine Waren Online verkaufen? Hast du vor in naher Zukunft Produkte zu verkaufen und vorher deinen Online Shop mit einem Blog berhmt machen? Ich zeige dir,wie du einen rechtssicheren Online-Shop und Blog erstellen kannst, in sehr kurzer Zeit.In diesem Kurs lernst Du:WordPress lokal oder auf die Domain installiertEin kostenlosesThemeinstallierenWie man mit dem Gutenberg Editor einen Blogeintrag bearbeitetKostenlosePluginsbenutzen:WoocommerceDeinenOnline-Shoprechtssicher machenDeine Produkteerstellen undin den Shop einbauen Einstellungen fr denKassenbereich, dieZahlungsmethoden,SteuerundVersand konfigurierenPayPalintegrieren und testenBaue dein eigenes Shop-System mit einemkostenlosen ThemeSchritt fr Schritt wirst du lernen wie die einzelnen Einstellungen funktionieren und was du beachten musst.Fr wen eignet sich dieser Kurs:SelbststndigeUnternehmerFreelancerBloggerAlle, die einen Onlineshop erstellen mchten!Alle, die ihre Produkte auch online verkaufen wollen!"
Price: 19.99

"Moderne Wordpress Webseite mit Elementor erstellen 2019"
"In diesem Kurs lernst du wie du deine eigene Webseite ohne auch nur eine Zeile Code zu schreiben erstellen kannst.Du lernst alle Einzelheiten die Wordpress & Elementor betreffen in nur wenigen Stunden!Du wirst keine Zeit verschwenden mssen, um rauszufinden wie man Elementor und Wordpress konfiguriert.Alles wird ausfhrlich erklrt ohne Abschweifungen.Folgendes wirst du lernen:1. Local Host einrichten, wodurch du unendlich viele Wordpress Webseiten erstellen kannst2. Die ntigen kostenlosen Plugins herunterladen3. Webseite konfigurieren4. Alle Mglichkeiten und Optionen von Elementor werden anhand vieler Beispiele werden erlutert5. Alles wird schrittweise erstellt vom Anfang bis zum Ende6. Du wirst mit dem ntigen Wissen ausgestattet, um deine eigene individuelle Webseite nach deinem Geschmack zu erstellenUnd vieles mehr! Du hast nichts zu verlieren.Warum solltes du diesen Kurs belegen?In kzester Zeit lernst du eine vollfunktionsfhige Wordpress Webseite zum laufen zu bringenDie Webseite wird mobilfreundlich (responsive) seinDu wirst lernen die unzhligen Icons und Animationen zu verwendenDu wirst ein kostenloses Wordpress Theme verwendenDu wirst Wordpress und Elementor vllig verstehenDu wirst lernen einen wundervollen Blog zu erstellenDu wirst viel Geld sparen diese Dinge selbst zu lernen anstatt einen Webentwickler anzuheuernDu wirst die neuste Version von Wordpress und Elementor verwendenWordpress und Elementor sind sehr benutzerfreundlich und hast du erstmal die Basics drauf, kannst du unzhlige wundervolle Webseiten fr dich und deine Klienten erstellen, ohne auch nur eine Zeile Code zu schreiben.Ob nun Blogger, Geschftsinhaber, Webdesigner oder einfach jemand der eine Webseite erstellen mchte, diese Kurs wird alle deine Fragen bezglich Wordpress und Elementor beantworten."
Price: 99.99

"WordPress Ecommerce: Build online stores with Elementor 2019"
"In this Wordpress eCommerce course I will teach you exactly how to build a fully-functional e-commerce (online store) websites using the Elementor Page Builder you don't need to buy anything to follow the course.In this online course, you will not only build an eCommerce site with wordpress, but you will also master the Elementor Page BuilderWould you like to learn how to instantly create an amazing WordPress eCommerce website for your business, blog?Would you like to make money charging over your clients?Would you like to learn how to build a website from scratch with the Elementor Page Builder?Would You like me to teach you each and everything that are needed to create a professional online ecommerce WordPress website?If You answered YES~ to every question given above, Congratulations. After taking this course you'll have a unique, professional and easy-to-use WordPress eCommerce website to be proud of - and you'll have created it yourself without buying any theme or plugin!"
Price: 99.99

"Wordpress Gutenberg Editor:Meister den Gutenberg Editor 2019"
"In diesem Kurs bringe ich dir bei mit dem Gutenberg Editor zu arbeiten und die vielseitigen Blcke zu verwenden. Seit dem Wordpress Update 5.0 wird der Gutenberg Editor als standard Editor verwendet und gewinnt immer mehr Popularitt. Gutenberg kann verwirrend seinDem einen oder anderen scheint das Arbeiten mit dem Gutenberg Editor schwer zu fallen. Hat man sich jedoch eingearbeitet wird man merken warum hinter dem Gutenberg Editor die Zukunft steht. Ich werde dir behilflich sein dir alle Bausteine des Gutenberg Editors aufzuzeigen. Du wirst lernen welche Themes man fr den Editor verwenden kann, wie man mit Plugins mehr Blcke bekommt und vieles mehr."
Price: 19.99

"Wordpress Theme Development with Redux Framework 2019"
"Every day businesses, professionals and entrepreneurs realize how profitable is to have a website. WordPress is a powerful tool for creating dynamic. Using the Redux you will be able to creat a powerful optional panel.As a web developer who wants to create your own custom themes, you can use WordPress to start up your own website, or help your clients with their own projects. Or maybe you're daring to dream your highest dream and want to sell your own custom theme on marketplaces such as Theme Forest.Learn How to Build Your Own WordPress Theme Master the Redux Framework Learn how to use the Wordpress loop Work with taxonomies to creat a galleryMaster the creation of a WordPress ThemeIf you already develop websites, you will see how fast it is to create with WordPress. You will also understand why it has created a passionate community of followers around it.There are several benefits for those who know how to build a custom WordPress theme. In addition to knowing how to solve problems more easily, learning how to create a theme from scratch literally puts you in control of your layout. The only limit will be your own creativity."
Price: 99.99

"WordPress Themes entwickeln mit Redux und ACF 2019"
"In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen wie man aus einer statischen HTML Webseite ein dynamisches Wordpress Theme erstellt. Dabei wirst du viele verschiedene Wordpress Funktionen lernen, das Redux optional Panel meistern und unter anderem ein Kontaktformular und eine Gallerie in das Theme eingliedern. Nach diesem Kurs wirst du die Fhigkeit besitzen eindrucksvolle Themes zu erstellen."
Price: 99.99