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"Create Websites with the WordPress Gutenberg Editor 2019"
"In this course you will learn everything about the Gutenberg Editor and how to handle the blocks. Since Wordpress 5.0 the Gutenberg Editor is the default Editor for Wordpress and became more popular.Gutenberg can be confusing.For some people Gutenberg might be quit confusing but once you have learned how to handle the Editor it will save you much time to create awesome websites. In this course you will learn how to create an awesome looking Websites."
Price: 49.99

"Wordpress Shop und Blog in Elementor WooCommece erstellen"
"Mchtest lernen wie du einen Wordpress Shop in Elementor erstellen kannst? Hast du schon ein Geschft und mchtest deine Waren Online verkaufen? Hast du vor in naher Zukunft Produkte zu verkaufen und vorher deinen Online Shop mit einem Blog berhmt machen? Ich zeige dir, wie du einen rechtssicheren Online-Shop und Blog erstellen kannst, in sehr kurzer Zeit.In diesem Kurs lernst Du:WordPress lokal oder auf die Domain installiertEin kostenloses Theme installierenWie man mit dem Elementor Plugin die Webseite designen kannKostenlose Plugins benutzen: Woocommerce ElementorDeinen Online-Shop rechtssicher machenDeine Produkte erstellen und in den Shop einbauenEinstellungen fr den Kassenbereich, die Zahlungsmethoden und Steuern Baue dein eigenes Shop-System mit einem kostenlosen ThemeSchritt fr Schritt wirst du lernen wie die einzelnen Einstellungen funktionieren und was du beachten musst.Fr wen eignet sich dieser Kurs:SelbststndigeUnternehmerFreelancerBloggerAlle, die einen Onlineshop erstellen mchten!Alle, die ihre Produkte auch online verkaufen wollen!"
Price: 99.99

"Elementor - Build an awesome Wordpress Website 2019"
"In this Wordpress Elementor course I will teach you exactly how to build a fully-functional Wordpress websites using the Elementor Page Builder you don't need to buy anything to follow the course.In this online course you will master the Elementor Page Builder and will learn how to build awesome Websites in a few hours.Would you like to learn how to instantly create an amazing WordPress website for your business or blog?Would you like to make money charging over your clients?Would you like to learn how to build a website from scratch with the Elementor Page Builder?Would you like me to teach you each and everything that are needed to create a professional WordPress website?If You answered YES~ to every question given above, Congratulations. After taking this course you'll have a unique, professional and easy-to-use WordPress Elementor website to be proud of - and you'll have created it yourself without buying any theme or plugin!"
Price: 99.99

"Create a Hotel Booking Website with Wordpress like Airbnb"
"In this course you will learn how to create a real estate Wordpress website with a similar function as Airbnb.I will explain how to you how to create taxes, fees, add payment options and much moreYou don't need to know how to Codeou don't need to be a programmer because we will won't programm in the backend. We will only use the plugin Hotel booing plugin and a Theme from Motopress. Both are for free. So after this course you will be able to create this website on your own without spending a single penny"
Price: 49.99

"Create Your Own Wordpess Website To Sell Courses"
"In this course I will teach you how to create a beautiful Wordpress Website to sell your Online Courses. You don't need to code a single Line because I will teach you how to change your content with the Elementor Page Builder. I will also explain how to create Quizzes, Blog posts and much more. After this course you will be able to create the same Website as you saw in the introduction within a small amount of time. Promo Codes I will show you how to create your own Promo CodesQuizzes Test the knowledge of your students by some Quizzes.Lessons Creation Add some video lessons"
Price: 19.99

"Build an Affiliate Marketing Blog with Wordpress, Elementor"
"In this course you will learn how to create an affiliate Blog using Wordpress and the Elementor Page Builder. Together we will design pages and setup the newsletter. You will learn how to use the Elementor Page Builder and how to integrate Amazon affiliate links in your website.After this course you will be able to run your own Blog and manage the content."
Price: 99.99

"WordPress Speed Optimization Course 90+ google page speed"
"In this course you will learn how to optimize the speed of your Wordpress website. I will show you some plugins, so you will be able to minify your image size, css/js/html code. You will learn more about AMP and much more. You have also a 30 days money back guarantee."
Price: 19.99

"Chrome Extension Development For Everyone"
"I was dedicated to design a course with respect to your time. This means that videos get to the point and deliver core knowledge that you can use straight away. This is not another 3 hour boring course, rather you'll find snack-sized videos that pack wealth of information in a fraction of the time.Join me for a fun and approachable look at what Chrome Extension development has to offer and add a new skill set to your professional toolbox for a future career.What Will YOU Learn?The goal of this course is simple: teach you how todevelop a chrome extension in the short amount of time, while still covering necessary topics.Here is a list of what you can expect to learn:Core fundamentals of extension developmentStructure of Chrome extensionMain attributes of the manifest fileUnderstanding of Chrome API and listenersA user interface for interacting with extensionDeveloping with real examplePublishing your extension to Chrome Web Store... And be ready to develop your own RIGHT AWAY!"
Price: 29.99

"Aprende a Dibujar Cartoon desde Cero"
"Un curso dirigido tanto a aquellas personas que quieren iniciarse en el mundo del dibujo como a ilustradores que deseen aprender a dibujar con ste estilo.El curso est en continua expansin. Cada cierto tiempo, se irn publicando nuevas clases con lo ms demandado por los alumnos.Aqu aprenders a crear un personaje Cartoon desde cero; pasando por el boceto, el entintado, el color, sombras, luces y detalles finales.Conseguirs un documento con cientos de referencias para tus dibujos.Instructor disponible para responder y ayudarte con cualquier duda que tengas."
Price: 19.99

"Android Responsive Layout Designing: Multiple Screen Sizes"
"Is your app /game compatible with different screen sizes in android ? Is it compatible with tablets ? If not  then by using this formula you can boost your app installs by more than 100% by listing in category of phones as well as tablets. When we develop any application then its necessary to achieve screen compatibility for better user experience. This course contains different techniques such as - Creating multiple layouts for different resolutions  including tablets- Providing dimensions which are flexible- Using resizable images- Compatibility formula for all your appsusing which we can achieve screen compatibility. All concepts are explained with the help of practical examples. In this course you will learn the most efficient formula for screen compatibility which saves lot of time in app development process."
Price: 1280.00

"Complete Firebase Tutorial for Android App Development"
"Do you want to develop apps without server side coding?This is the best tutorial for learning how to use all firebase services in Android App Development.In this complete course you will learn about - 1. Set up firebase in android app.2. Authentication process using firebase - Signup,Login,Forgot password,OTP login functionalities.3. Real time database. (Read,Write,Update and Delete operations on data.)4. Firebase cloud messaging. (Send push notifications for all users.) - for increasing user engagement.5. Crashlytics - How to track errors and issues in live application and improve app stability.All concepts are explained with the help of practical examples. One simple note application with creating notes,listing all saved notes for specific user."
Price: 4800.00

"Firebase Push Notifications & Android Notification Styles"
"This course primarily focuses on push notifications. Now push notification has two sides.1. Formatting message & sending from server end. Now in our case the server end is firebase i.e Firebase Cloud Messaging.2. Receiving message and displaying it using different notification styles on client side.Firebase Cloud MessagingIn this part of the course you are going to learn about following topicsSending messages to all users from FCM dashboardSending messages to topic based users from FCM dashboardConfiguring request data for FCM rest apiSending messages to individual users using FCM rest apiSending messages to topic based users using FCM rest apiSending messages to group of users using FCM rest apiThis part of course is useful for indie developers to send notifications to specific users. Also it is useful for back end developers to configure push notification in their project.Android Notification StylesYou might have seen applications sending notifications with different styles to engage their users or to make them take action. In this part of the course you will learn different styles of displaying notification.BigText NotificationBigPicture NotificationNotification ActionsDirect reply NotificationInbox Style NotificationMessage Style NotificationYou can use these different styles as per your requirement."
Price: 1280.00

"Apresentao de Simulao por MEF"
"Tem o objetivo de apresentar os fundamentos de modelagem e obteno dos resultados para a anlise estrutural esttica atravs do software ANSYS Workbench. Sero demonstrados os fundamentos de modelagem juntamente com os recursos de lanamento da geometria, gerao de malha, introduo dos carregamentos e apoios. Apresentar os fundamentos de modelagem e obteno dos resultados para a anlise estrutural esttica atravs do software Ansys Workbench."
Price: 39.99

"Java Code Cleanup with SOLID Principles and Design Patterns"
"When you develop software, you encounter with some unwilling code. For example, these codes can be long method, long class or dirty code. In this cource, you will learn basic solutions about such kind of problems. Also, you will learn SOLID priencibles and some design patterns. We will mention about these topics in this cource:Nested condition cleanupLong methods cleanupLong class cleanupModel/Entity cleanupCode cleanup with command pattern.Code cleanup with builder pattern.Code cleanup with visitor design patternCode cleanup with Single Responsibility PrincipleCode cleanup with Open/Closed PrincipleCode cleanup with Liskov's Subtitution PrincipleCode cleanup with Interface Segregation PrincipleCode cleanup with Dependency Inversion Principle"
Price: 19.99

"Spring Boot, Hibernate and Liquibase Implementation"
"Hibernate:- Advantages and disadvantages- Basic CRUD operations and how can we use them effectively.- Mapping relations- One-to-One- Many-to-One- Many-to-Many- Creating id from multiple field with embeddable.- Use interface effectively with hibernate.- Caching- Batch insert and how does hibernate have disadvantages about batch and how can we handle it.- Annotation meanings.Transaction ManagementInterceptorInheritanceACIDNative QueryHQLNamed QueryLiquibase:- Effective usage.- Supported formats.- Changeset, changelog...Example project will be implemented and all steps will be reachable from github."
Price: 19.99

"QR Code Login With Spring Framework, AngularJS And Ionic 4"
"In this cource, we will learn QR Code Login with mobile + web application.Mobile application will be constructed with Ionic 4 hybrid (IOS and Android) framework.Web application will be constructed using with Java, Angular and Spring Framework.Important Topics:QR Code LoginIonic 4 Mobile ApplicationAngular Web ApplicationSpring Framework MessagingHibernateMysqlTomcatJava 1.8Model-view-controllerJSP (Java servlet page)I hope that cource will be so helpful for all developers."
Price: 19.99

"Tasarm Kalplar ve SOLID Prensipleri ile Temiz Kodlama"
"Temiz kodlama.Kirli kodlardan kurtulma.Kodu refactor etme. (Refactoring)Kod StandartlarSOLID PrensipleriTasarm KalplarEtkili kodZiyareti tasarm kalbKomut tasarm kalbBuilder tasarm kalbLombok ktphanesi kullanarak getter ve setter metotlardan snf bykl satr baznda ne kadar metot bykl satr baznda ne olmal. ie anonim snflarda kod temizleme nasl olur.Bu kursumuzda temiz kod nasl yazlr. Kirli kodlardan nasl kurtulabiliriz. Kodlama standartlar nelerdir ve nasl uygulayabiliriz bunlar reneceiz. Bunlar anlatrken rnek bir daha nceden tecrbesiz, yeni mezun arkadalar tarafndan yazlm olan bir projeyi kullanacaz. Amacmz bu projeyi batan sona temiz kodlama ve kod standartlar ile tertemiz hale getirmek olacak. Tabii bunu yaparken ister istemez SOLID prensipleri ve tasarm kalplarn da kullanm olacaz."
Price: 19.99

"Spring Boot + Angular 7 + Docker Resumable Chunk File Upload"
"In this cource, we will learn resumable parallel chunk file upload. To do it, we will implement it on Spring Boot and Angular 7 application. In our lectures we will talk and learn about these topic:Normal file uploadChunk file uploadConcurrent file uploadVideo file uploadVideo processingCapturing screenshot from videoResumable file uploadResume and pause file uploadIf there is a problem on uploading process, how can we resume our file uploading...File hashingFinding file metadata and displaying it.Docker implementationAngular 7 client sideSpring boot server sideDocker commands definitionAll infrastructure with just one command.Lombok pluginEclipseIntellijI hope this cource will be so helpful for all level developers and learning skills will be used everytime..."
Price: 19.99

"Spring Boot, Angular 7, SQL, Docker Faster Performance Code"
"In this cource, we will learn basic and advance optimization codes. We will implement faster codes and we will compare before and after. The common topics which is learned in this cource can be listed like below:Spring Boot implementatin on example project.Angular 7 implementation on example project.SQL optimization. As database, MySQL will be used.Docker implementation: Dockerfile, docker-compose, docker commands...Hibernate implementation.Liquibase implementation with example code blocks.Abstract hibernate template interface and implementation.Faster code blocks.Code optimization.String vs StringBuilderFile download optimization.LiquibaseLombok @Data AnnotationCachingSecond Level Caching in HibernateQuery Caching in HibernateParallel processing in Java Lists.SQL Query Execution Order"
Price: 19.99

"Angular 7 + Spring Boot and Cloud Microservices(Inc. Docker)"
"In this course, we will learn Microservices With Spring Boot and Spring Cloud on server side. In Client Side, we will learn Angular 7. Our project template goes on Github project so you can reach every component of project from Github repository. You know that Microservices is a popular topic for current years. Microservices - also known as the microservice architecture - is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of services that areHighly maintainable and testableLoosely coupledIndependently deployableOrganized around business capabilities.The microservice architecture enables the continuous delivery/deployment of large, complex applications. It also enables an organization to evolve its technology stack.Spring Cloud which builds on top of Spring Boot, provides a set of features to quickly build microservices. Its very smart to know how to get them working together, can quickly setup services, with minimal configurations.Spring BootSpring CloudSpring ZuulSpring EurekaAngular 7Spring Netflix service discoveryClient servicesServer servicesCassandraMySQLLiquibaseNoSQL"
Price: 19.99

"Full Stack Development With Cassandra,Spring Boot, Angular 7"
"In this course, we will create an application with Spring Boot (server side), Angular 7 (Client Side) and Cassandra (Database). In our course, we will create an online e-education application. In this application, we will implement Cassandra for some statistical parameters...With Spring Boot 2, We can use reactive modules like Cassandra, MongoDB... in Spring Boot. So we will learn how we can use them together...In Angular 7, we will implement bootstrap and Angular material components...We won't need any infrastructure as prerequest because we will implement our system with Docker..."
Price: 19.99

"Step By Step Angular With Spring Boot Full Stack Development"
"We will create a new project in this course.And we will implement this project with using Spring Boot, Angular, MYSQL, Liquibase and Docker.In our project, we will implement CRUD operations. And these CRUD operations will be requested from Angular.Then This requests will be handled from Spring Boot.Our project goes on User operations. Our main operations will be user login, register, profile and user list.And this all things will be provided with secure way in both Angular and Spring Boot side.We will have three main components to implement our project.These are server side, client side and infrastrure side.In Server Side:Spring Boot will be main thing.Model View Controller structure will be implemented with using Spring Boot.Our MVC structure will work like that:First of all, the entity classes will be created under model package.Later, if model class is permanent, we will create a repository for it.Then we will call repository from services.Finally, we will call services from from controllers. In Spring Boot, Data will be presented to client as API call so Spring Rest Controller will be used to handle it.We will use MySQL as Database.We will also use Object Relational Mapping with Java Persistence API and Hibernate.You know, We can map our database tables to objects with hibernate.We will use JPA Repository and Crud Repository in Spring Boot. So these repository templates will handle common database operations like save, update, find, delete.With Spring Boot, we will also use Lombok library to clear code.You know that we don't want to implement getter, setter, equals and hash code. So we can escape it using Lombok @Data or @Value annotation.We will use Gradle To handle all dependencies on server side.That's all about Server side.Let's talk about Client Side.Angular will be the main client controller.Angular works on nodeJS.In angular, we have also MVC structure.In service: We can connect to server side and we can send requests or we can get responses from server side with http.In controller:We can call service methods and get responses.In View: we can implement UI interface.On Client side, we will also use NGINX To use some benefits of it like caching and security, we will use it as angular presenter.The last main component of our project will be Docker.We will use Docker for Infrastructure:All infrastrure will be handled with docker composer.We will create Dockerfile for each Client And Server side. Then we will call them with docker composer.Ok. That's all about our project architecture.Thank you."
Price: 19.99

"Step By Step Ionic 4 And Spring Boot Application"
"We will create a new project in this course.And we will implement this project on server side with using Spring Boot, MYSQL, and Liquibase.On mobile side, we will use Ionic.In our project, we will implement CRUD operations. And these CRUD operations will be requested from Ionic Mobile side.Then This requests will be handled from Spring Boot.Our project goes on User operations. Our main operations will be user login, register, profile and user list.And this all things will be provided with secure way in both Ionic and Spring Boot side.We will have two main components to implement our project.These are server side and mobile side.In Server Side:Spring Boot will be main thing.Model View Controller structure will be implemented with using Spring Boot.Our MVC structure will work like that:First of all, the entity classes will be created under model package.Later, if model class is permanent, we will create a repository for it.Then we will call repository from services.Finally, we will call services from from controllers. In Spring Boot, Data will be presented to client as API call so Spring Rest Controller will be used to handle it.We will use MySQL as Database.We will also use Object Relational Mapping with Java Persistence API and Hibernate.You know, We can map our database tables to objects with hibernate.We will use JPA Repository and Crud Repository in Spring Boot. So these repository templates will handle common database operations like save, update, find, delete.With Spring Boot, we will also use Lombok library to clear code.You know that we don't want to implement getter, setter, equals and hash code. So we can escape it using Lombok @Data or @Value annotation.We will use Gradle To handle all dependencies on server side.That's all about Server side.Let's talk about Mobile Side.Ionic will be implemented for mobile application.Ionic works on nodeJS and Angular.In Ionic, we have also MVC structure.In service: We can connect to server side and we can send requests or we can get responses from server side with http.In controller:We can call service methods and get responses.In View: we can implement UI interface."
Price: 19.99

"QR Code Login Like Whatsapp Webapp With Angular 7 + Ionic 4"
"In this cource, we will learn QR Code Login with mobile + web application.Mobile application will be constructed with Ionic 4 hybrid (IOS and Android) framework.Web application will be constructed using with Java, Angular and Spring Framework.Important Topics:QR Code LoginIonic 4 Mobile ApplicationAngular Model View ControllerSpring Framework MessagingHibernateMysqlSpring Boot 2.1.4Java 1.8Model-view-controllerAngular 7I hope that cource will be so helpful for all developers."
Price: 39.99

"Full Stack Web (Angular) and Mobile (Ionic) App Development"
"In this course, we will develop web and multiplatform mobile application. With this application, we will use and learn a lot of technologies. These technologies will be:Spring Boot 2Angular 7Ionic 4HibernateLiquibaseGradleIntellijWe will have three main components for our application. These components are:Server side We will implement Spring Boot.Client SideWe will create new pages and components with Angular 7.Mobile SideWe will create multiplatform mobile application with ionic 4."
Price: 19.99

"Step By Step Create Admin Panel With Spring Boot And Angular"
"In this course, we will create admin panel. With this admin panel, we will learn and implement a lot of new things. Our system will be based on user and product management system. So we will go on with users and products. The basic operations will be like below:For users:loginregisterprofileto see all productsto purchase productFor admin:manage users (CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations)manage products (CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations)All operations will be implemented step by step.In this course, we will use below tools, frameworks and languages: Spring Boot 2.1.4MySQLHibernateLiquibaseGradleLombokSpring SecurityAngular 7IntellijJson Web Token (JWT)"
Price: 19.99

"React Full Stack Web Development With Spring Boot(Inc. JWT)"
"In this course, we will implement example project step by step with using Spring Boot and React. We will create a product management system. And products can be seen and bought by users.There will be two roles of users. Admin and User.So we will also go on with role based authentication. To imlement it, we will use Json Web Token (JWT).To secure login, authentication and authorization, we will use Spring security.We will go on with two main components. These are client side and server side.On client side, we will implement example react project. - Admin Panel and user operations will be implemented.On server side, we will implement example spring boot project. - Model view controller will be implemented. - Liquibase will be implemented for database changesets. - Mysql will be used for Database. - Json Web Token will be used for role based authentication.Our examle project will be product management system."
Price: 19.99

"Step By Step React Native Hybrid Mobile App With Spring Boot"
"In this course, we will create a multiplatform hybrid mobile application. This application will support many basic concepts.Our application will be product management system. In this system, we can manage products. Also, we will go on with user components like login, register, user list, user update, user delete...All system will be implemented step by step so you can easily follow all lectures.In our application, we will use:Spring Boot: Spring Security, Model View Controller architecture, Rest Controllers, REST API...Hibernate: Java Persistence API, Object Relational Mapping...Liquibase: We won't implement to database changes manually...MySQL: We will use it but we can migrate to other databases easily.React-Native: We will use it for mobile application. We will consume server side data on React-Native with API calls."
Price: 19.99

"Full Stack Web and Hybrid Mobile App Development With React"
"In this course, we will develop full stack web and multiplatform(ios, android) application. Whole development will be implemented step by step.We will create a product purchase system. This sytem will include basic CRUD operations like:Create product,Update productDelete productList productCreate UserUpdate UserDelete UserList User...We will go on with three main components on our development:Server Side: Spring Boot, Spring Security, MySQL, Liquibase...Client Side: React, User Interface (UI), Javascript, npm, nodejs...Mobile side: React-Native, Android, IOS..."
Price: 19.99

"React + Spring Boot And Cloud Microservices (Inc. Cassandra)"
"In this course, we will learn microservices. Microservices can be implemented with different strategies and different frameworks. We will implement it with most popular framework (Spring Cloud).There will be a lot of services on our application. We will implement our services step by step. Each of them will be implemented with Spring Boot. They can communitace with each other by Spring Cloud.In addition, for microservices gateway is the one of the most important thing so to do it we will use Spring Zuul.Our all services will be used on client side. So we will test them one by one with React UI.In our course, we will learn lots of new frawemorks, tools...- Spring Boot- Spring Cloud- Eureka Discovery- Spring Zuul- Liquibase- Mysql- Cassandra- React..."
Price: 19.99