"VFX for ArchVIZ" |
"If you FEEL like your renders need a High-Quality boost?Phoenix FDIs the magic your renders need!Stop trying to Photoshop good looking water it will never look real Unless you use the Real DealWork Smart Be a Pro Learn Phoenix FDOur class will teach you how to make realistic water, fire, and smoke from scratch.You can use Phoenix FD for FREE for 30 days This is as much as you need to do the class!So take next month to work on YOUR REEL!This class designed to teach you in the most efficient way with STEP-by-STEP video tutorials. From basics to advanced realistic-looking simulations with Phoenix FD for 3Ds Max and VRay NEXT.Yes, you do need to have V-Ray NEXT if you want to render faster and noise-free. Im not sure how it will work with older versions of V-Ray, so its up to you if you want to experiment. You can also use V-Ray NEXT for FREE for 30 days. So I guess you covered on the rendering side.The post-production (rendered sequence assembly) is made with Premiere Pro, you can use any other software for editing, that as well comes with a free trial.ADVANCED KNOWLEDGEIn order to do this class at its best Youll need to have a basic knowledge of 3Ds Max and V-Ray these are essential to know. Ill be covering rendering settings of V-Ray and you will have access to all my demo files, but I will not be covering basics this is an advanced class that requires skills and hardware to work.COMPUTER SPECSi7 Six-Core 16 GB RAM NAVIDIA GTX 1060 200 GB free spaceThese are the least and you need to have in order to do this class, slower computer will take more time to render., Also a lot of free space 100GB at least to render heavy waves or ink in water.EXCLUSIVE CONTENTAs Ive mentioned this is an exclusive content, specially produced to help you get fast results as a sneak peek into the heart of the industry. I know you always wondered how they do those amazing water (or fire) effects? Yup, Phoenix been around just nobody teaches it thats why this class is so exclusive.What will be covered?Phoenix FD had many presets we are going to cover those that related ArchVIZ. So mainly fluids and some fire effects. This like:Water: Tap water, Waterfall, Shower, Kitchen, Swimming-pool, Fountains, and interaction with multiple water sources, Caustics, Ocean, Sailing Boat, Clouds, Ink in Water.Fire: Fireplace, Candle, Gas Stove, Smoke, Fume, Light Strobe and Basic Explosions with Burning Objects.Who this class good for?Architects / Interior DesignersWe are going to have 10 videos for Exterior and 10 Video for interior fire/water simulations. Or anyone that wants to learn VFX with 3Ds Max and VRay. 3D Artist that want to step up to Senior position can showcase those in their reel. This is a high-end studio production quality that you finally can be proud of.BEST REEL WILL BE FEATURES ON OUR WEBSITE & NEWSLETTERIll be also working on my reel, and will be adding more cool VFX shots so youll get the over the shoulder experience and see how I produce and render my scenes. So I guess you can get it, the BEST WINNING PRICE of this class is your new AMAZING REEL. You are more than welcome to bring your projects and add those effects in order to make YOUR RENDERS look AWESOME!ARE YOU READY TO WORK ON YOUR REEL?If the answer is YES! Then go ahead and take that chance to be the first to learn the most advanced ArchVIZ skills in the industry! This class is limited to 25 users so make sure to get in before everyone else. This is as much as I can help right now, and I do want to dedicate enough time for every reel e-critique.TRAINING WORKFLOWHow does training go?After signing in to VFX for ArchVIZ online workshop you will get access to the training portal, where you can watch videos and download 3Ds Max scenes. You will have unlimited access to UDEMY FORUM and VRAYSCHOOL PRIVATE FB Group where you can post your video sequences for critique and questions. Ill be answering questions within 24 hours. If there is something complicated we can do screen sharing if needed. And we will meet every Saturday for a weekly review.All Set? Ready to GO!I think Ive covered all the necessary information here, please let me know if something unclear? OR you have other questions regarding the upcoming training. Use our contact form to reach out for any other information.Im Here to Assist YouJOIN US TODAY LIMITED to 25 USERSWe are ready! Locked and Loaded to create Your NEW Demo REEL. This is the BEST time of the year to start advancing your skills to the PRO LEVEL. With VFX for ArchVIZ reel, your work will stand out in front of everyone else.This is a rare opportunity and Im gonna take it Im gonna use that time to make my future better!USE VFX REEL TO GET COOL JOBSDONT MISS THAT CHANCEJOIN US TODAY"
Price: 99.99 |
"Sfrdan En ince Ayarlarna Kadar Profesyonel Wordpress Site" |
"""ndirim kuponlar"" iin abdullahalagoz.aa@gmail.com zerinden iletiime geiniz.Ho geldin :) Wordpress ile ""harika infografik tasarmlar"" yapmak iin kendine gzel bir ans vermenin zaman! Gn getike teknoloji ilerliyor. lerledike, zellikle eitim alannda takip etmemiz gereken, bizi son derece ilgilendiren gelimeler oluuyor. Ben sana, bu eitim seti ile web sitesi yapmann yan sra, web uzmanlarnn sklkla kulland seo aralarndan bahsedeceim. Bilakis pek ok kiinin yaam olduu web sorunlarnn banda gelen CPanel ve FTP konfigrasyonunu ok rahat biimde kavramana yardmc olacam. Yalnzca bahsi geen nitelikler deil ayn zamanda farkl bir hostta yapm ve bitirmi olduun web sitesini baka bir hosta nasl tayp ayarlar aktif edebileceini de reneceksin. Herkesin ""ilgi eken sayfalar"" yaparak elindeki imkanlar kullanmasnn adresi bu eitim seti olacak. * Wordpress kurulumundan balayarak kendi web siteni rahatlkla karabileceksin.* Eer kendi kendine wordpress nedir?,wordpress nasl kullanlr? diye soruyorsan, cevaplarn bulman ok zor deil.* Web programlama ve yazlm bilginizi artrmak, hem i bulmanz kolaylatracak hem de kendinizi gelitirmi olacaksnz.* Elde ettiiniz bu mebrem bilgileri profesyonel i hayatnda kullanmaman iin hi bir neden yok.* XAMPP gibi hazr apache ve mysql paketlerinin bir arada bulunduu programlar kullanarak, localhost zerinde almalarn genileteceksin.* Milyonlarca wordpress eklentileri ile nasl alman gerektiini bir klavuzluk yaparak sana anlatacam.* HTML ve CSS konularna yabancysan, gerekli videolarm da onlar da anlayacaksn.* Wordpress'e yeni balayn veya orta kullanc olun, fark etmeyecek biimde her trl bilgi kapmaya ak olun.* Wordpress derslerini benimle birlikte uygulayn ki renesiniz :)Eer azmin varsa dostum, her ey senin elindedir. Unutma, hi bir okul ve kurs senin geliimine katk yapmaz. Sen bakarsn ve renirsin. Uygularsn ve geliirsin. Sonra elde ettiin tecrbelerini, herkese retirsin. SONUNDA KAZANIRSIN."
Price: 299.99 |
"Head Drawing + Portrait Drawing 101" |
"You draw like a 4-year old kid? It doesn't matter. By the end of this course you'll be able to draw a complete photo-realistic portrait. You will also have a solid understanding of structure of the head, its proportions, how to draw it in perspective, and how to shade your drawings to get a solid 3D looking. Plus you learn how to illustrate expressions, different emotions or feelings on the face. Your friends and family will be amazed what you're capable to draw. Have some fun with me and enroll this course now."
Price: 29.99 |
"JAVA- Spring Boot2 - Angular7 Uygulama Gelitirme Eitimi" |
"Bu kurs ile bir grev ynetim uygulamas (Issue Management) tm sreleriyle gelitirilmektedir. Proje FullStack olarak utan uca Frontend (TypeScript - Angular 7.2) ve Backend (JAVA - SpringBoot - PostgreSQL) gelitirmeleri yaplmaktadr. Bu kurs ile teorik detaylarda boulmayacak ve best practise ler ile profesyonel bir projeyi gelitirebilmeniz iin tecrbe edineceksiniz. Projede gncel ve gerek hayatta kullanlan teknoloji ve altyaplar kullanlmtr. Kursun daha verimli olabilmesi iin temel dzeyde Java, Spring bilgisi gerekmektedir. Kurstan maksimum verim alabilmek iin kursta yaplan gelitirmeleri siz de gerekirse video dan takip ederek gelitirmeniz nemlidir.youtube : haydikodlayalim"
Price: 49.99 |
"Dijital Sinyal lemenin Temelleri ve Matlab Uygulamalar" |
"Merhaba!Ben Aybars. Bu kursta sizlerle dijital sinyal ileme (DSP) ile ilgili bildiklerimi paylaacam. Toplamda 13 saatten fazla sren bu video serisinde DSP'nin temelini oluturan konular hem teorik olarak ele alacaz hemde MATLAB'te uygulama yaparak pratik anlamda incelemi olacaz. Bunlara ek olarak Kursun 1. ve 2. blmlerinde Sinyaller ve Sistemler dersinin kapsaml hatrlatmasn yapmaktaym. Her blmde videolarda anlatlanlar ile ilgili devler, quizler var. ster mhendislikte okuyan bir renci olun, isterseniz DSP'ye merakl bir lisansst rencisi, bu kurs ile sinyal ilemenin temellerini hzl bir ekilde reneceksiniz!"
Price: 229.99 |
"A'dan Z'ye Sinyaller ve Sistemler" |
"Merhabalar, Ben Aybars, bu kursta sinyaller ve sistemler dersi ile ilgili bildiklerimi seninle paylaacam. Videolarn ounun dkmann pdf olarak kaynaklar ksmnda bulabilirsin. Ders konularnn sras Oppenheim'n Signals and Systems kitabndaki srayla ayn. zleyecein her bir videonun uzun sren n hazrlk aamas oldu. Her bir konuyu olabildiince sadeletirerek ve nereden geldiini, ne ie yarayacan elimden geldiince anlatmaya altm. Senden sadece kursu deerlendirmeden nce olabildiince fazla video izlemeni rica ediyorum. Bunun yannda deerlendirme esnasnda eer puan kracaksan hangi sebeplerden dolay puan krdn belirtirsen mutlu olurum. devleri soru zm dersleri olarak dnebilirsin nk hepsinin cevaplar ksmnda videolu aklamalar var. Ekstradan daha fazla soru zm eklenmesini istediin blm varsa mesaj yoluyla bunu bana ltfen bildir. Dier derslere kayt iin indirimli promosyon kodlarn websitemde bulabilirsin.ehit, gazi yaknlar ve ekonomik durumu uygun olmayan tm renciler yine websitem zerinden iletiime geip cretsiz kayt iin promosyon kodu alabilir. Yeniden grmek zere:)"
Price: 199.99 |
"Mhendisler iin : OLASILIK" |
"Merhaba, Ben Aybars, doktora eitimim boyunca altm konulardan dolay olaslkla fazla har neir olmu biriyim. Bu kursta sizlerle olaslk teorisi hakknda bildiklerimi paylaacam. ster okuldaki hocann anlatn beenmeyen bir lisans rencisi, isterseniz bilgilerini tazelemek isteyen lisansst rencisi veya mezun olun bu kursun sizin iin faydal olacan dnyorum. u anki hali 4 saat olan kursun yapm halen devam etmektedir. Tamamlanmam olan her blmn yanlarnda tahmini biti tarihlerini yazdm.zellikle lisans rencileri en ok soru zm istedikleri iin her konudan sonra dev ekledim. Her bir devin hem indirip daha sonra kendiniz de alabilin diye pdf formatnda dkman ve videolu anlatm bulunmaktadr."
Price: 319.99 |
"Moroccan best cooking: How to cook a traditional tanjia" |
"Do you have an idea about Morocco Cuisine? flavors, ingredients ? do you have the chance to taste one of the best popular recipe in Morocco? have you think how you can prepare it? But what is the recipe ? : It's, Moroccan traditional delicious ""tanjia""Do you want to learn how to cook a delicious Moroccan Tanjia recipe by the traditional andhealthyway ? Now it's your right place.In this course youll discover : tanjia beef and other ingerdients .Type of tanjia .The way how to combine ingredients .Cooking methodIn each section, you will take step by step cooking the Tanjia.Have fun with healthy food."
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduccin a Nuke" |
"Aprende a manejar el software mas potente dentro de la industria audiovisual. Con los conocimientos adquiridos en este curso aprenders a la perfeccin como se trabaja en planos de efectos visuales y sers capaz de aumentar la calidad y el realismo de tus trabajos de composicin de vdeo.Al finalizar el curso podrs aplicar estas tcnicas en planos de pelculas, anuncios de televisin, o en diferentes soportes publicitarios."
Price: 19.99 |
"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye C programlama ve Algoritma Eitimi" |
"Bu kurs ile programlamann ne ve nasl olduunu, detayl ve ileri ekilde yazlm aklamal anlatmlar ile algoritma kurmay, C dilinde konsol uygulamalar yapmay bu konsol uygulamalarnn zerinde dilediimiz ekilde ilem yapmay, dosya eklemeyi, karmay kopyalamay ve daha nice yntemleri reneceksiniz. Programlama renmek isteyen arkadalarma, rencilerime temel rnekler ve konu anlatmlarndan balayarak ileri seviye rneklere kadar eitli rnekler ile C dilinde temelden ileri seviyeye program yazmay ve sfrdan algoritma oluturmay retmeye alacam. Oluturduum kursta yazdm kodlarn mantn, neden yle yazdm, konularn detayl anlatmlarn ve yazdmz kodlar videolarla daha anlalr klarak anlattm. Eitim setimdeki tm kodlarn daha anlalr olmasn salamak iin sfrdan ve aklayarak yazmaya zen gsterdim. Programlama hakknda edindiim baarlar, rendiim ve renmeye devam ettiim yeni konularla sizlere yararl olabilecek bir eitim seti hazrladm.niversitede programlama derslerinde gsterilen C dilini derste renmekte glk eken, konuyu anlayp kod yazamayan ya da snavlarda baarl olamayan arkadalarma bu yollardan gemi biri olarak sizlere ders iin yardmc olabilecek ve size konuyu daha iyi kavratmay salayacak eitim hazrlamaya altm. renmesi dier dillere kyasla zor olan C dilini ve programn alma mantn ve algoritmamzn aamalarn basit bir seviyeden balayarak ileri seviyeye anlatarak size sundum. Yazdmz kodlardaki problemleri nasl kurduumuzu anlamanz salayarak sfrdan balayarak algoritma mantn kavramanz salayacak bir eitim seti oluturdum.renci arkadalarma fiyat konusunda yardmc olmaya alrm Bana ulaabilirsiniz. Sizler bizim geleceimizsiniz.yi renmeler dilerim.Ege"
Price: 89.99 |
"Vdeo Curso de Access - Criando um sistema de venda completo" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender a criar um sistema completo no Microsoft Access passo a passo do zero. O curso completo contm 39 vdeos com mais de 12 horas de durao. Voc no precisar ser um expert no Access para acompanhar, mesmo algum que nunca trabalhou com Access e no tem nenhum conhecimento na rea vai poder acompanhar sem problemas. Voc receber tambm o arquivo exemplo completo criado durante o curso. O curso pode ser acompanhado com todas as verses do Access, adquira j o curso e domine o Microsoft Access."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de Access - Criando um sistema de Ordem de Servio" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender a criar um sistema completo no Microsoft Access passo a passo do zero. O curso completo contm 17 vdeos com mais de 6 horas de durao. Voc no precisar ser um expert no Access para acompanhar, mesmo algum que nunca trabalhou com Access e no tem nenhum conhecimento na rea vai poder acompanhar sem problemas. Voc receber tambm o arquivo exemplo completo criado durante o curso. O curso pode ser acompanhado com todas as verses do Access, adquira j o curso e domine o Microsoft Access."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de Access - Criando um sistema PDV completo" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender a criar um sistema completo no Microsoft Access passo a passo do zero. O curso completo contm 27 vdeos com mais de 16 horas de durao. Voc no precisar ser um expert no Access para acompanhar, mesmo algum que nunca trabalhou com Access e no tem nenhum conhecimento na rea vai poder acompanhar sem problemas. Voc receber tambm o arquivo exemplo completo criado durante o curso. O curso pode ser acompanhado com todas as verses do Access, adquira j o curso e domine o Microsoft Access."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de Access - Projeto Modelo" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender a aplicar diversos mdulos prontos essenciais para o seu projeto AccessCONTEDO:- 5 vdeo aulas- Arquivo Access do projeto no modelo= Contedo das aulas- Mdulo Importando seu projeto- Mdulo Restrio de usurio- Mdulo Expirar o sistema ao atingir o limite de dias- Mdulo Anti-cpia - Mdulo Bloqueio da tecla shift- Mdulo Vinculao automtica das tabelas- Mdulo Colocando o sistema em rede- Mdulo Convertendo de ACCDB para ACCDE"
Price: 54.99 |
"Vdeo Curso de Access Bsico Para Iniciantes" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender as principais funes do Microsoft Access passo a passo do zero. O curso completo contm 30 vdeos com 02:34:01 de durao. Voc no precisar ser um expert no Access para acompanhar as aulas, mesmo algum que nunca trabalhou com Access e no tem nenhum conhecimento na rea vai poder acompanhar sem problemas. No curso voc ir aprender a criar tabelas, consultas, formulrios, relatrios, macros, controles do Access e noes bsicas de VBA. O curso pode ser acompanhado com as verses do Access 2010 ou superior. Adquira j o curso e domine o Microsoft Access sem mistrio."
Price: 39.99 |
"Toma de decisin usando la tecnologa disponible." |
"Hoy en da se debe ser muy minucioso a la hora de tomar decisiones. Por esa razn, al momento de tomar decisiones es importante sumar. Un (1%) porciento que nos acerque al xito puede inclinar la balanza a nuestro favor. Se evalan modelos para mejorar la toma de decisin usando Data Mining"
Price: 19.99 |
"Python desde cero hasta analisis estadisticos Pandas y Numpy" |
"Comienza hoy lo que has procrastinado durante mucho tiempo. Aprende a programar usando Python 3. Este curso est orientado a aprender a usar rboles de decisin y mostrar los mejores resultados. Variables, operadores, condicin, bucles, excepciones, mdulos y clases. Resuelva problemas, estudie anlisis de datos, con un lenguaje que est en pleno crecimiento."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso Completo de Google Ads (AdWords) do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"APRENDA na teoria e prtica - SEMENROLAO - como utilizar a ferramenta de publicidade Google Ads (AdWords) para trabalhar com mdia digital e alcanar novos clientes.O sucesso das campanhas do Google Ads vai muito alm de criar uma conta e sair publicando anncios. Por trs de uma campanha de alto impacto existe muito planejamento e tcnica na elaborao de estratgias.Alguns depoimentos dos meus alunos de turmas presenciais:""O curso de Google Ads para quem quer melhorar as formas de gerenciar receita no MKT Digital e tantas outros recursos que a ferramenta oferece. Alm disso, os insights fornecidos por Thiago possibilitaram um melhor entendimento do assunto. Como Mdia OFF de agncia de Publicidade, me ajudou a ampliar os meus conhecimentos para Mdia ON."" Anna Christina, Diretora de Mdia na DA/DPA Comunicao""O curso extremamente bem estruturado e esclarecedor. Foi atravs dele que dei o primeiro passo para tirar todas as certificaes do Google Ads e me tornar um Google Specialist. O Thiago um profissional de muita vivncia nesse mercado, trazendo todo conhecimento necessrio para que se possa compreender a ferramenta."" Caio Guerra, estudante no Ibratec. ""Na Seaway eu gerencio todas as campanhas digitais, mas cheguei num ponto em que era necessrio entender a fundo a ferramenta para melhorar a performance e os gastos, por isso procurei o Thiago. Agora, estou mais preparado para montar estratgias e campanhas mais otimizadas, alm de entender muito melhor todo o processo. Recomendo o curso pra quem quer dominar o Google Ads."" Eduardo Fernandes, Diretor de Marketing na Seaway""O curso muito bom! Entrei com pouqussima noo de Google AdWords e sa preparada para criar campanhas e analisar relatrios. O modo como Thiago combina a teoria e a prtica muito positivo. Recomendo!"" Kaline Ximenes, Marketing no Espao Jurdico""Contedo, didtica, dinmica e utilizao prtica da ferramenta; sem dvida o melhor curso que j tive oportunidade de participar! Thiago conseguiu trazer toda sua experincia em AdWords para o curso nos fornecendo um material incrvel e mais que suficiente para alcanar meu objetivo."" Rennan Alcntara, Marketing na Scriptcase"
Price: 579.99 |
"Logic Pro X Drummer: Produce Great Custom Drum Tracks" |
"Master Logic X Drummer - Create Amazing Beats and Produce Great Music With DrummerIn this course students will understand and master all of the windows, effects, and tools to create amazing drum tracks in Drummer. Each video covers a different aspect of the Drummer program and students are encouraged to utilize the lessons learned to create a new drum composition and drum track with the new skills they have learned.Most of the courses on Logic X discuss editing and recording in Logic. This course is different. Rather than cover the program with a short overview, this course is a deep dive that everything you can do in Drummer. Once you have taken this course, you will be an expert in every window, editor, drum kit designer, mixing application, and effects which will allow you to create professional sounding mixes and drum tracks.What does the Logic X Drummer course cover?Starting with some of the basics to get you up and running quickly, the course builds from the interface and region editor, how to create an entire song's drum track quickly with the arrange window, the drum editor window and controls, editing with MIDI to customize your fills and beats, changing drummers and drum sets, and advanced mixing tips with the stereo, multi-outputs, and producer kits. By the end of the course, you will be able to perfect a drum mix that is customized for your music and genre.Each lesson shows you the exact check boxes, knobs and controllers, to customize your drum tracks.Lessons include:* Creating your first track* Using the arrange window to create a drum track for an entire song with different beats for each verse, chorus, bridge, intro and outro* The Drum Region Editor* Using the Follow Button* Using Swing* Details in the Drum Editor - including fine-tuning the feel, ghost notes, and the hi-hat* Editing and Creating Your Own Presets in the Drum Editor* Editing beats and fills with MIDI* Adding Percussion* Building A Custom Intro from Scratch* Changing Drummers* Changing Drummers On the Fly While Looping* Changing and Customizing Drum Kits* Drum Kit Designer* Keeping the Drummer but Changing the Drum Kt* Stereo Kits with Advanced Multi-Outputs for better mixing* Two detailed lessons on Producer Kits and everything you can do with them** And much, much more!"
Price: 49.99 |
"How to Build a Profitable Business You Can Sell" |
"Learn how to build a profitable business you can sell. This course provides a step-by-step blueprint that has been tested and proven successful by over 1000 clients. Most how to build a business courses teach you what you need to do to build your business. This course is no different, well, actually this course is wildly different. You see, in addition to teaching what you need to do, we provide you with a blueprint for what steps you should take and in what order you should take them. We guide you through exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it.In this course you will be provided with actionable exercises that have the student actually do the work as you progress through the course. Each module builds on the last, as you advance through the modules you will be building your business plan, a workable plan. You don't just learn how to build and grow your business, you actually build it.Are you working really hard but your bank account doesnt reflect it?Are you in a state of overwhelm? Lots to do, not enough time?Have you been working your business for years but not where you thought youd be?Are you just contemplating the idea of starting a business but dont know where to start?If any of those sound like you, youre not alone. The good news is, youve found a better way.Entrepreneurs and small business owners arent lazy, they work hard. However, 50% of them still fail within the first year. Why is that, you might ask. Its because they are spinning their wheels doing lots of activities that dont move them forward. They are working really hard doing the wrong things.Well, NO MOREIn this course, master business coach, international instructor and speaker and best-selling author Janet K. Fish shares the blueprint she has developed by personally coaching over 1000 people through this process. This blueprint is designed to help you achieve specific results in the following areas:o Determine what business you want to start (if you are just starting a business)o What is the mindset of a successful entrepreneuro What products do you sello How to forecast revenueo Develop a strategic marketing plano Networking to build your listo Email marketingo Saleso Systemso Building your teamo Analysis and revisionThe proven real world tactics and strategies youll discover inside How to Build a Profitable Business You Can Sell might just be the key youve been missing to help you grow your business."
Price: 149.99 |
"Active Bystander Intervention" |
"The Goal of this course is to expose the student to the concepts of active bystander intervention, Committee of Tactical Emergency Causality Care (C-TECC) first care responder guidelines, and familiarize the student with broad concepts of trauma care. The Objective of this course is to teach guidelines of care based upon the (C-TECC); First Care Providers. Further, to expose the student to the terms, equipment, and justification for Active Bystander Intervention.At the Outcome of this course, the student will be able to explain -The influence of Hartford Consensus on Active Bystander Intervention-Key terms associated with C-TECC First Care Provider Guidelines-Difference between Hot and Warm zone environments-Basic concept of care for trauma victims"
Price: 19.99 |
"Canto y Vocalizacin para todos" |
"En Internacional Tercera Llamada A.C. estamos conscientes de que puede ser complicado asistir a clase presenciales de canto. Por ello nos dimos a la tarea de crear un curso altamente profesional dirigido a estudiantes principiantes, intermedios y avanzados, que tengan la intencin de aprender mediante tcnicas simples pero efectivas para una correcta vocalizacin."
Price: 270.00 |
"Conquering Bootstrap 4" |
"With the knowledge from this video series you have the ability to quickly build beautiful responsive websites that conform to proper html structuring and take advantage of the industrys most trusted css framework.Bootstrap is undoubtedly one of the most popular front-end css frameworks. With more than 135k stars and 66k forks on Github, this CSS Framework will greatly improve your overall speed, skill, and competency as a Front-End Developer."
Price: 24.99 |
"Web Servers with Nodejs" |
"Node.js, Express & MongoDB are quickly rising in the development world, and having the skills to build web-servers with them can help you accelerate your career as a software developer. In this course we will cover all three of those, as well as help you learn how server communication works between your client and your server.We will discuss API's, Routing, ORM's and much more as we dive into this great technology stack. We not only will cover the concepts surrounding the server, but in this course we will build a real world application that could be used to advertise products for an e-store."
Price: 24.99 |
"Dotnet Core 101" |
"Are you ready to follow in the footsteps of many great developers before you and enter into the world of writing C# using the DotNet framework?This course is intended for students who are looking to step into C# for the first time, and build a solid foundation of understanding, to tackle complex application challenges. We will introduce you to the framework, talk about how to create and manage data, and build several fun applications along the way.This course is your complete guide to C# 101."
Price: 24.99 |
Price: 24000.00 |
"Modelado y animacion de producto en 3D Max y VRAY" |
"En este curso practico aprenderas a crear un modelo profesional en referencia al famoso parlante de la marca Beats Pill, utilizaremos diferentes tipos de programas, 3D MAX, VRAY, PHOTOSHOP, PREMIERE PRO y lograras obtener varios renders profesionales y un video de promocion del curso, asi que animate y eleva tus conocimientos convirtindote en un crack del 3D."
Price: 19.99 |
"3D Max + Vray: Profesional en ArchViz - Hybrid Wooden House" |
"En este curso recrearemos el proyecto "" Hybrid Wooden House"" completamente, interior y exterior, as como las casa de los alrededores en LowPoly, tambin todo el mobiliario, utilizaremos solo herramientas de 3Ds Max sin recurrir a plugins externos dejando como resultado 11 render dignos de un portafolio profesionalEl objetivo es modelar completamente esta escena exterior interior, modelando mucho para ganar agilidad, tambin enfrentaremos el proyecto de forma profesional as que tendremos cuidado en cada etapa de la creacin de la casa, obteniendo un WorkFLow fluido y ordenado, La mayora de las texturas sern de madera por tanto veremos varias formas de crear el material tanto las sencillas como las ms complicadas. Con esto ganaremos destreza para enfrentar cualquier tipo de escena de este estilo - Tambin utilizaremos vray RT por Cpu para el chequeo de materiales dejando atrs los mitos de que si no tenemos una Gpu de ultima tecnologa no se puede usar Vray RT y optimizaremos la escena para los render finales"
Price: 109.99 |
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Price: 24.99 |
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Price: 19.99 |