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"Become a Machine Learning Mobile Product Guru"
"We guide the student to understand business drivers and technical trade offs typically necessary to build intelligent mobile applications. This is a course for product managers and aspiring product managers, engineers that are interested in building products, product marketing managers, engineering and innovation managers and strategy leaders with a taste for understanding system level product concepts. We describe how machine learning is used in mobile native functions and applications in a simple way that does not require math or coding."
Price: 19.99

"Become a Bitcoin + Blockchain Programmer"
"How does a bitcoin wallet work? How to create a bitcoin transaction? How to design a coin distribution schedule?Give yourself an advantage as a bitcoin & blockchain developer by taking this courseBy the end of this course, you'll know how to create & customize your own cryptocurrencyThis course is taught by Jordan Baczuk, who's written cryptocurrency articles read more than 50,000 timesThis is the course you've been looking forThis is the best course for getting a solid understanding of blockchain and the only one that focuses on Bitcoin Core and creating your own cryptocurrency based on the original blockchain application, Bitcoin. The instructor is very responsive and open to one-on-one consultation during and after the course to help you understand and use blockchain in your career. Blockchain is going to change the way the world does business, you don't want to miss this great opportunity to dive deep and invest in your future. Don't skip out on understanding Bitcoin from the ground up using free blockchain development tools that are included with the purchase of the course. This is 6 courses for the price of 1 covering topics from blocks and mining to addresses and transactions. This covers all the basics you need to know, sign up today!Who is the Instructor?Jordan Baczuk, Entrepreneur and professional blockchain developerWrote thought leadership article on ""How to Generate a Bitcoin Address"", ""How to Create a Raw Bitcoin Transaction"", ""How to Fork Bitcoin"" that has more been read more than 50,000 times on Medium Pitched on Shark Tank & raised over a half million dollarsActive contributor on Bitcoin Stack Exchange (jbaczuk)Open source contributor on eccrypto, Bitcoin Core, and others (jbaczuk on github)Q&A and one-on-one consultation at course signupFeel free to contact me on twitter if you have any questions before taking the course: (@jbaczuk on twitter)Why choose this course?Simple, concise and straight to the pointPractical, hands onTechnology is the focus rather than the hype around price speculationFoundational concepts using Bitcoin as a practical applicationProfessional application to help you become a blockchain developer whether you work on a blockchain itself, or supporting applications like explorers and wallets.Why focus on Bitcoin?The original blockchainNo premine/ICO or risk of being a scam and going awayMost dominant blockchain and cryptocurrency application by far. Volume-adjusted market cap is around 90% of all cryptocurrencies.You can be sure your time invested will not be outdated or obsolete years into the future.Has had over a decade of the worlds brightest developers refining and making improvementsCan I really make my own cryptocurrency?Absolutely, but this will only get you started. Because this is the original Udemy course on forking Bitcoin, it is setup to help you make a cryptocurrency that is actually production ready. This course does not focus on developing a blockchain from scratch, simply because it is not practical in a single online course to make one ready for production. Also, there is a lot of tedious work to do that is distracting from understanding the important distinguishing concepts of blockchain, which is what you really need to learn.This course will help you understand design tradeoffs and common pitfalls of cryptocurrency development. It focuses on designing the coin distribution schedule, customizing the network parameters, and mining your own genesis block. Your actual coin design is up to you, but the instructor is here to help you decide how you want to do it. Finally, the course doesn't show you how to actually get users, do marketing, or get listed on an exchange, that is up to you.WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? PUT BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY IN YOUR TOOLBELT TODAY!"
Price: 99.99

"Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals"
"Welcome to Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals course! In this course, all aspects of reinforced concrete design and analysis are covered through numerous solved example problems in every section. After completing all the lectures and sample problem solutions, you will have a thorough understanding of the behavior and properties of reinforced concrete as an engineering material. Furthermore, you will have a strong foundation to analyze and design reinforced concrete beams and columns."
Price: 34.99

"Business Growth Strategies: Diversification Strategy"
"A very important question coming frequently to the minds of companies' managers and policy makers is ""should I start a new business line beside the current one? If yes, which opportunity would be the right alternative for me?"".This question raises due to various reasons. Some managers are frustrated of their current market and think that it doesn't have the potential to bring them success. Others, in contrast, may think about growing their business based on the resources they have gained by their current successful business line.Mostly managers choose an alternative which they intuitively think is better and after being involved in the business they start to assess its performance. If so, many resources would be wasted due to a probable incorrect choice. Essentially managers need to evaluate precisely their alternatives based on their current business specifications before getting into real actions. Today, business strategy theories help managers to conceptualize their alternatives based on different criteria and pick the right option. In this course, we review the related theories and give practitioners a comprehensive understanding on how to evaluate their potential growth opportunities in relation to their current business situation. Precise criteria and variables are developed for managers to evaluate their choices on that basis.This course, based on a real case, is presented by interactions between Shayan (as consultant and researcher) who tries to conceptualize the problem and its related issues and Hamed (as CEO and practitioner) who raises his own issues and challenges in answering correctly the diversification conundrum.Shayan and Hamed, both having the background of academia, are practically experienced with around two decades of high level management and entrepreneurship in different businesses. Hamed as graduated of Executive MBA is the entrepreneur and CEO of an engineering company and Shayan as graduated of M.S.c in Entrepreneurship acts as business development advisor of various companies."
Price: 19.99

"Drawing and Analying BCG Matrix"
"Companies allocates resources to different product that the develop, produce and deliver to the market. But how much this allocation of resources to different products are efficient. In many cases, products which consume considerable proportion of firm's limited resources, are not generating proportionate revenues. This will create bleak and unpromising present and future for the company.One of the most reputable and widely-used tools for managing the combination of a firm's activities is BCG Matrix which is developed by Boston Consulting Group. BCG Matrix is useful for analyzing and managing corporate portfolios. It gives C-Level managers deep insights of the current and future situation of the company in general as well as proper strategies to be developed for each product individually. Benefiting from BCG Matrix, managers and decision-makers strategically find how to allocate organization's resources to each product more efficiently.In this course we discuss about:An introduction of BCG Model and what benefits it provides for our strategic decision makingsHow to draw BCG Matrix for a hypothetical companyStrategies recommended by BCG for each category of productsReview the insights BCG Model gives us for current and future state of the company as well as each product individuallyAn excel file is included that upon inputing the data of your companys products, BCG Matrix will be drawn automaticallyThis course, in addition to providing general introduction of BCG Matrix and its benefits and outputs, is designed based on practical examples and gives you the real skill to draw and analyze a BCG Matrix for your own organization.By the end of this course youll be able to:Draw a BCG Matrix and locate each product on itDevelop suitable strategies for each business unit in an organizationAnalyze the current situation of a company how healthy is the cash flow systemPredict the future situation of a company how promising is the futureDefine what combination of products in a company is the bestQuantify a companys missionsAn excel file is included in the course which draws BCG Matrix automatically for your organization upon inputting the data of your products. Also a presentation including the topics discussed is available as course's resources."
Price: 19.99

"AWS: Cloud-Native com Terraform & Serverless Framework"
"<ESTE NO UM CURSO PARA INICIANTES>____________________________________________0. Por qu eu deveria comprar este curso?R: Serverless um conceito que veio para ficar. As empresas (pequenas e grandes) esto adotando este paradigma cada vez mais, principalmente pela escalabilidade e facilidade de uso que este conceito fornece. Por ser algo relativamente novo (cerca de 5 anos), muitas pessoas ainda no sabem como resolver problemas simples com Serverless, tais como deploy em diferentes ambientes, gerenciamento de dependncias, ambiente de execuo, como manter aplicaes Stateless de verdade, etc. A ideia que voc consiga dar um grande passo ao terminar este curso e esteja pronto para gerenciar aplicaes Serverless do incio ao fim.E por ltimo, mas no menos importante: eu me preocupo com o seu tempo! Por isso, minhas aulas so sempre mo na massa e, quando possvel, eu utilizo a famosa tcnica de copy/paste para que os vdeos fiquem mais curtos, porm, eu SEMPRE explico tudo que est sendo criado nas aulas, e o copy/paste s utilizado quando j fizemos algo parecido e podemos simplesmente alterar alguns parmetros. Em hiptese alguma comearemos uma aula com cdigo que no foi gerado em aulas anteriores, garantindo que, se voc seguir as aulas, o contedo estar sempre alinhado.Caso voc tenha dvidas, estarei sempre a disposio para respond-las na seo de Perguntas & Respostas. Caso deseje, voc pode tambm mandar uma mensagem privada.1. Este curso para mim?R: Este curso para voc somente se voc possui interesse em algum(ns) desse(s) tpico(s):aplicaes serverlessinfraestrutura imutvelAWSdesenvolvimento, mas tambm infraestruturaDevOps, mas tambm desenvolvimentotecnologia de pontaAlm, de claro, ter a fora de vontade de replicar o contedo das aulas no seu prprio ambiente. A prtica a nica maneira de  memorizar e aprender todo o contedo passado nas aulas. J te adianto que o curso no fcil, mas com calma e perseverana ser possvel extrair muitos resultados positivos.Se voc no tem interesse nestes tpicos ou j sabe absolutamente tudo sobre eles, ento este curso NO para voc.2. Qual o nvel tcnico que eu preciso para realizar este curso?R: Para tirar o mximo proveito deste curso, voc precisa ter familiaridade com desenvolvimento de software (no curso utilizaremos Node.js) e conceitos de sistemas distribudos e desacoplamento de sistemas.3. O que eu vou de fato aprender?R: Voc aprender a criar o backend (e somente o backend) de aplicaes 100% Serverless utilizando uma stack pra l de moderna. Criaremos um sistema genrico (e simplista) de reservas e notificaes. A cada reserva agendada, uma notificao ser enviada para um e-mail pr-configurado por ambiente (dev, prod), assim como uma mensagem SMS usando MessageBird! Voc aprender a proteger suas funes Lambda com autenticao e autorizao com JWT, assim como a salvar dados no DynamoDB. Alm disso, as notificaes sero disparadas assincronamente e iro reagir a eventos de INSERT no DynamoDB . Tambm usaremos tpicos SNS e filas SQS para conseguir desacoplar os producers dos consumers. assim como DLQs (DeadLetterQueue) para analisar mensagens que possam vir a falhar. Todos os recursos sero acessados usando o Princpio do Privilgio Mnimo, o que significa que as permisses de acesso entre recursos na Cloud sero restritas ao mnimo necessrio, garantindo uma camada extra de segurana.Em cima de tudo isso, voc criar infraestrutura imutvel com Terraform. Os recursos criados pelo Terraform sero:IAM RolesIAM PoliciesDynamoDB TablesDynamoDB IndexesDynamoDB StreamsTpicos SNSFilas SQSalm de exportar todos este parmetros para o AWS Systems Manager para que possam ser consumidos pelo Serverless Framework e, aproveitando a deixa, criaremos os seguintes recursos este framework:Endpoints API GatewayFunes LambdaVoc executar comandos como:Terraform:terraform initterraform planterraform apply (-auto-approve)terraform destroy (-auto-approve)e ir entender como usar templates, interpolao de variveis , condicionais e trafegar variveis entre mdulos no Terraform  2. Serverless Framework:sls deploy (--stage x --region x)sls remove (--stage x --region x)alm de criar arquivos .yml dinmicos que buscam valores do AWS SSM, deixando-os, assim, preparados para a replicao entre ambientes.No fim do curso, replicaremos todo o ambiente criado durante as aulas em um ambiente completamente novo, justamente para mostrar que a infraestrutura criada imutvel e facilmente replicvel. E o melhor de tudo: criaremos um script .sh que vai criar toda a nossa infraestrutura na Cloud. Ou seja, com um simples comando voc conseguir subir mais de 50 recursos na AWS. E para finalizar, criaremos um outro script .sh para derrubar todo o ambiente e voltar para o estado original da nossa conta na AWS.4. O que este curso no ensina?R: Este curso NO ensina:programao bsicaconceitos de async/await em Node.jsshell scriptingcomandos bsicos Unixconceitos bsicos de Cloud Computing (o que Cloud, o que um servidor, etc)VPCsFrontend5. Sou iniciante e quero fazer o curso mesmo assim. Posso?R: Tecnicamente, no h nada que eu possa fazer para lhe impedir de comprar este curso. Porm, para tirar proveito do mesmo, ideal que voc tenha vivncia no mundo de desenvolvimento de Software. Voc precisa ter passado por problemas suficientes para conseguir entender porque infraestrutura imutvel relevante e porque processamento assncrono importante. Se voc ainda assim tem interesse, eu tenho um curso completamente gratuito e introdutrio sobre aplicaes Serverless que voc pode fazer sem investir um centavo. Ao finaliz-lo, talvez este curso consiga atender mais suas expectativas. Para ver este outro curso, basta clicar no meu perfil aqui no Udemy e se inscrever gratuitamente.6. Comparado aos outros cursos do Udemy, eu achei este um pouco caro.R: Eu entendo. No entanto, este um material pioneiro em portugus e muito tempo foi investido para trazer um contedo profissional, que utilizado no mundo real. Alm disso, meu suporte para alunos com dvidas excelente (se nenhuma tragdia acontecer, eu sempre respondo em at 24 horas). O valor do curso tambm serve para filtrar alunos desinteressados e que saem comprando cursos devido ao baixo preo. Eu quero que voc aprenda arquitetura Serverless de verdade, por isso, sei que se voc fizer o investimento, voc ter retorno. Outro motivo que a maioria dos alunos que compram cursos muito baratos no os finalizam, j quando o curso tem um valor um pouco mais elevado, os alunos tendem a finaliz-lo para poder recuperar o investimento. E eu tenho certeza que se voc finalizar este curso, realizar os desafios e exerccios, o investimento ser recuperado rapidamente.____________________________________________</ESTE NO UM CURSO PARA INICIANTES>"
Price: 84.99

"Portraits bearbeiten professionell und schnell DE"
"Lerne professionelle Portraitretusche ohne Photoshop: Fotos anpassen, Nachschminken, Licht und Schatten anpassen, Models retuschieren Ohne Vorkenntnisse lernst Du atemberaubende und professionelle Ergebnisse in kurzer Zeit zu erstellen. Die schnellste Methode mit Fotoretusche Geld zu verdienen.Schnelle Methode: fr Anfnger und ProfisProfessionelle Bearbeitung in kurzer ZeitWerde zum gefragten Portrait RetuscheurErweiter Dein Angebot fr Deine KundenDu kennst das Problem, wenn nach stundenlanger Berabeitung eines Portraits, der Kunde sich dann doch fr ein anderes Foto entscheidet? Oder beim Erstellen einer Webseite der Kunde nicht das Budget fr eine aufwendige Portraitretusche hat? Vielleicht mchtest Du aber auch die Familienfotos auffrischen oder professionelle Modelfotos nachbearbeiten. Du erzielst atemberaubende Ergebnisse in einer sehr viel krzeren Zeit ganz ohne Photoshop. Ich zeige Dir den Einstieg in Portrait Professional."
Price: 19.99

"Professional Photo Retouching EN"
"To do professional portrait retouching can be a time consuming work. Especially if you also need to know how to handle a graphic program. You need to know the basics of the graphic program as well as special ways to use all the complex tools to achieve the best result. In a graphic program it is also difficulty to make later changings and to go back to a earlier version if the customer wants to make corrections.In this course I will show you a fast and easy way to do portrait retouching in minutes. After this course you can offer a new service to a great variety of industries from photographers to advertising agencies or directly to your customers. With the first job you will get back the small amount of this one time paid program and you do not need to learn how to use photoshop or other complex graphic programs. This course will also show you how to create perfect model portraits like you are seeing everyda in real world e.g. on magazines. And all in a very easy intuitive way."
Price: 19.99

"Build iOS Apps with Swift, Learn to Code & Be Happy!"
"In this course we'll learn iOSDevelopment from scratch working with Swift and Xcode. We'll go from knowing nothing to building fully-fledged iOSApps running on your device! We learn by covering concepts topically:building mini-games, even apps to help you study on Udemy and ones which you can show your friends and family. The best part is that it will be fun!Motivation is woven throughout this course with encouraging lessons, clear descriptions and useful skills that you can actually use to build apps. Best of all is that our apps will look fantastic and have a clean, attractive design.We cover foundational concepts by building a 'Nuclear Launch Code Simulator', move onto creating our own Types by building an 'Evil Kitten Mini-Game' and then build our first full app: 'Study Buddy' to help you study this course on Udemy and keep track of your effort. We then move onto building the main app of the course:'Dream Goals'. In this app we'll use all of the skills that you've learned up to that point and learn more including: Beautiful, elegant User InterfacesTable Views that we can add to and interact with, just like apps you're used to seeing all the timeNetworking code to download images and data from the web straight into your appMultiple screens to navigate to and interact withStoring information on your deviceBy the end of this course you will have built a great portfolio of native iOS apps, have learned to code in Swift and be confident enough to build your own apps. You'll even have the skills to be able to find solutions on your own if you ever get stuck and I'll always be here to help.This course also has 4 encouraging videos to keep you inspired and on track when learning. They also contain insights into how to transition into a career as a developer: it's a lot easier than you think!The demand for iOSskills is so incredibly high that there aren't enough people with the skills to fill the positions. There has never been a better time to learn to code with iOSdevelopment. Come and learn to code with me, Laurie!"
Price: 199.99

"Growth Team: Tools and Processes to Boost your Business"
"The course Growth Team: Tools and Processes to Boost your Business will allow you to successfully launch products craved by your potential customers, enter new markets, provide a multifold increase in sales (of new and old products), attain team success by building associate work processes, and test marketing and product hypotheses without reading tea leaves.After finishing this course youll be equipped to succeed in these 4 endeavors: to organize a Growth Team,to formulate data-driven hypotheses,to find an aha moment in your product, and to build a pipeline that tests growth hypotheses.Are you experiencing growth problems? Has your business plateaued? Or, even worse, do your users churn? Do new ones arrive but, after looking around, leave without committing any target action? More generally, has the success rate of your planned objectives dropped far below 30%? Our course will help you overcome these difficulties. Growth Team: Tools and Processes to Boost your Business will help you reach your personal goals by boosting your resume and your career. If you are a digital marketer, you will be able to achieve a multifold salary increase by taking this course and becoming a growth marketer."
Price: 199.99

"PHP: Complete Login and Registration System with PHP & MYSQL"
"THE MOST UP-TO-DATE AND COMPREHENSIVE PHP REGISTRATION AND LOGIN SYSTEM COURSE ON THE INTERNET.PHP Login and Registration system step by step -> One of the skill-set that is a must have for any PHP web developer is the ability to code a secure registration and login system. This course is designed to equip you with the fundamental skills needed to create a registration and login system using PHP and MYSQL Database.You will not just learn how to write a PHP login and registration script but how to build and secure a PHP web application piece by piece.Some Main Features:1. PHP Remember me functionality2. Secured Password hashing with PHP hash algorithm3. Custom Functions in PHP (A lot)4. Deactivate Account in PHP11. Constantly update mostly based on genuine request from studentsAfter completing this step by step PHP Login and Registration system course, you would have gained some useful and practical skills that will help you in your goal to become a web developer or give you an edge in your current job.What other students are saying:""After spending countless hours searching for a course or tutorial and purchasing two other courses that quite frankly were deep disappointments I am glad I didn't give up and found this course. Within a few hours I was able to create a basic login system for a website I'm launching for our department. I appreciated the fact that the content had been recently updated. The problem with the other courses and tutorials I viewed previously were using deprecated functions and it took me a while to figure out why things didn't work! As someone with little to no experience in coding php, the course was easy to understand and follow. I also appreciated the simplicity of the code so troubleshooting was easy to do. I am very happy with this course."" - Rosa Davis""The course is very well structured and clear to understand and learn. The instructor is extremely knowledgeable and helpful. He even troubleshooted my code. Gladly recommend this course and the instructor."" Timely Support !If you ever encounter any problem why taking this course, don't worry I am always here to help and guide you through.Who this course is for:This course is for anyone interested in understanding how user authentication works in PHPWant to enhance your PHP skill set as a web developerThose who know the basic of PHP and wants practical skills to develop real world application"
Price: 199.99

"Master Chemistry Regents Exam with Practice & Explanations"
"In this Practice Test course, students will have the best, most exciting, most convenience, and most rewarding Regents prep experience ever. Here are the reasons why.4 Multiple Choice Practice Tests.200 Questions for a comprehensive practice that covers questions in every Regents chemistry topic.Reference Table, when needed, is inserted into the question for super convenience.Correct answer explanations to all questions to help students learn more.In some questions, wrong choices are also explained to help students learn from a mistake.Learn and review additional materials as you practice with ""Learn More"" section in the explanations.With my test format, all chemical formulas are written out the way it should be.      You get these: NaSO and HO      Instead of these: Na2SO4 and H3O+ Practice on, and good luck on your test."
Price: 24.99

"Master Vocabulary Sentence Completion Before Taking SAT, ACT"
"Learning and memorizing high level vocabulary terms and their definitions is great. Knowing when to use one or more of these words to complete a sentence is more exciting, more engaging, more challenging, more practical, and very rewarding, especially when preparing for a standardized test such as the SAT, ACT or GMAT.This practice test course will help you achieve both. First: Take The Practice Tests3 Sets of Single Blank Sentence Completion; 25 Questions in Each Set5 Choices of a Single Vocabulary Term; Choose one that best fits in the blank.3 Sets of Double Blank Sentence Completion; 25 Questions in Each Set5 Choices of Two Vocabulary Terms; Choose one that both terms best fit in the blanksSecond: Learn Definitions to Nearly 1000 Vocabulary Terms in the Explanation SectionAfter completing each test, review each question and learn definition/antonym of each vocab term given as a choice.  This will greatly help you improve your vocabulary knowledge of some very hard and not so common words.Third: Download your FREE Bonus Vocabulary Study SlidesWe created highly visual, fun, exciting, and engaging vocabulary slides in PowerPoint for students in my partner's SAT prep courses. Hundred of students have used this awesome vocab list, and they all loved it.  Over 600 vocab words with visual images, definitions, synonyms and antonyms. If you chose to study vocabulary word list, use this for easier learning and memorization. When you purchase this lecture, you'll get a link in the welcome message to access this incredible vocab list for free.I created this practice test six years ago for my partner to use in her SAT tutoring courses. The format of this practice test is that of the old SAT Sentence Completion. She's still using it today to prepare students for the  new format SAT test. Her students always loved it. You will too."
Price: 39.99

"(Beginner level)"
"- . . , , . . . . , , . ."
Price: 1799.00

"Everyday Makeup - Complete Step by Step Makeup course"
"Want to learn how to apply makeup on yourself?Want to deepen your makeup understanding?Want to apply makeup with confidence? Watch the promo videoto see the makeup look we are going to recreate.Then this course is for you!Click ""Take This Course Now""For Instant Life-Time Access!__________________________________________________________________________Hi my name is Frankie and through this Complete Step by Step Makeup video course I will teach you how to achieve an everyday makeup look.The following course is taught using screencast presentations and video demonstration on myself (as the purpose of the course).__________________________________________________________________________What will you learn?Students that complete the course will learn how to apply makeup on themselves, related makeup theory and many tips and tricks.Furthermore, at the end of each lesson I will address 3 of the most common questions associated to that particular topic.Here is a list of the modules that we will cover:PrimerFoundationConcealerSetting PowderContouring BrowsBlushHighlighterEyesMascaraLips__________________________________________________________________________Who is this course for?This course is for Newbies and Beginners who are curious about makeup and would like to learn how to apply makeup on themselves or improve their makeup skills.It's also for those who would like to repolish their makeup skills. __________________________________________________________________________What I can't do in this CourseI can't guarantee your success, makeup is also a matter of exercise. The more you practice, the better you will get.I can't guarantee that what works best for me, will work for you. Remember it's always subject to trial and error.Through the makeup theory and application process, you will be able to figure out what will work best for you.__________________________________________________________________________Hope to see you in the course and to walk you through.xoxo,FrankieDisclaimer - CreditsSpecial thanks to who made and released these awesome resources for free: Presentation template by SlidesCarnival- royalty free music by Bensound"
Price: 24.99

"Professionalism 101"
"Hi there!Do you want to get your dream job? Are you eager to excel in your career?Do you want to win customer business?Then being the professional best version of yourself will help you achieve these benefits.I will teach you best practices in Professional Appearance, Professional Behaviour, and Professional Ethic, to put you at the top of your professional game.This course will put you on the path to getting the best jobs, excel in your career, and win customers over.Let's begin."
Price: 19.99

"CRUD application using C# and SQLite"
"This course will give you the knowledge how to use C# to create a full CRUD application using Windows Forms. We are going to use Visual Studio 2017/2019 Community and create this CRUD application with SQLite. We will also be using supporting tools for SQLite that is called, DB Browser. Tools and development environment can be downloaded for free full instructions inside this course regards to installation and configuration.You can find more detailed information at my BLOG. See my instructor page for the link."
Price: 24.99

"Up and Running with Machine Translation through RIAN"
"When the term globalization comes to mind, we get the image of leaving one country and reaching another distant one to deliver goods or services. In the last couple of decades the definition of globalization has completely changed. And to add to that digitalization has brought people and business even more global. We have now entered into the world where unprecedented global flow of information is occurring and to be effective you have to be abreast of all the latest happenings.In efforts to help you stay current with the latest innovations in the language industry we created this course to help you understand the quick overview of machine translation and application of it to help you go global effectively.As you already know, the machine translation field has come a long way since the times of extremely inaccurate online translation tools in early 2010s, most notably Google Translator. This low quality of MT was primarily because of generic translation tools which were not customized for a specific purpose/domain.Recent advances in Machine Learning and its application to Machine Translation are proving to be much better at the job of translation and slowly becoming more and more accurate and user friendly. However, similar to human translators, machines need to train (practice/learn) themselves with a huge amount of domain specific data to provide high quality output, thus making customization a requirement.From business perspective, a MT tool can increase the business productivity due to possibility of faster communication in multiple languages. The MT system can be trained for a certain language pair and specific domain for specific business objective. MT systems are cheaper and have more capacity. As the volume of information grows, it supersedes the human capacity and economical constraints. MT is the possible solution to translate the material that cant be otherwise translated.This course covers the basics of Machine Translation and its use in Translation.THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU IFYou are dealing with more than one language.You are doing or planing to do global businessYou want to interact and learn from other cultures and languages."
Price: 49.99

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"ngilizce Konu Anlatm isimli, 200.000den fazla abonesi olan YouTube kanalmda yaynladm videolarm Udemy zerinden de sizlerle paylamaya baladm. Udemy videolarmn 4 byk avantaj var: 1) Videolar ""yakn ekim"" haline getirildii iin tahtadaki yazlar mobil cihazlardan da okunabiliyor. 2) YouTube'un yasakl olduu, MEB hatt gibi internet hatlarnda Udemy'e girilebiliyor. 3) Videolar indirilebiliyor. 4) Videolar reklam iermiyor. Bu videolarn tmn izleyip bitirdiinizde, A1 dzeyinden C2 dzeyine kadar gelmeniz mmkn. Her gn, gerek Trkiyeden gerekse dnyann dier yerlerinden binlerce kii bu videolar izleyerek yeni eyler reniyor. Hatta yeni eylerle de snrl kalmayp, gittikleri ngilizce kurslarnda anlamadklar pek ok konuyu bu videolarda anlyorlar. Sebebi ise ngilizceyi ezberci bir ekilde deil, kurallarn ve mantn aktararak retiyor olmam.Konu Anlatm videolarmda ncelikle o derste reneceimiz gramer konusunu detayl bir ekilde anlatyorum. Hemen ardndan, o gramer konusunun aktif olarak kullanld film alntlar geliyor. Son olarak da eviriyle ren isimli kitabmdan, en etkili renme yntemlerinden biri olduunu dndm, Trkeden ngilizceye cmle evirileri yapyoruz.Bonus videolar serisi ikinci srada yer almasna ramen, bence konu anlatmlarndan da nce izlenmesi gereken baz videolar ieriyor. zellikle bu serinin ilk iki dersi olan, ngilizce Kelime Ezberleme Yntemleri ve ngilizceye Nasl almalym? videolar izleyeceiniz ilk iki video olmal. Benden tavsiye isteyen abonelerime bireysel olarak cevap vermeye yetiemediim iin tm bu taktik, yntem ve tavsiyelerimi bonus videolarda toplamaya altm.Listening & Speaking video serisinde, yabancyla konuturan uygulamalar kullanarak, anadili ngilizce olan kiilerle yaptm sohbetler yer alyor. Bu ksmda da gzel konularda hazrladm, elenceli videolar bulabilirsiniz.Kitaplarm serisinde ise u ana kadar yazm olduum kitaplarm tantyorum ve bu kitaplardan maksimum verimi alabilmeniz iin nasl kullanmanz gerektii konusunda bilgiler veriyorum.Bugn kendinize bir iyilik yapn ve ilk videomu izleyerek, ngilizcenin aslnda ne kadar kolay bir dil olduunu ve sizde bir sorun olmadn grn!"
Price: 409.99

"EC-Council Certified Secure Programmer (ECSP) practice exams"
"A Secure Programmer is a professional with essential and fundamental skills to develop secure and robust applications. Secure programmers have mastery and skills to code securely, identify common application flaws, and debug the errors. EC-Council Certified Secure Programmer lays the basic foundation required by all application developers and development organizations to produce applications with greater stability and posing lesser security risks to the consumer. The Certified Secure Application Developer standardizes the knowledge base for application development by incorporating the best practices followed by experienced experts in the various domains. *** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 100 questions ***"
Price: 24.99

"EC-COUNCIL Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator practice"
"Computer hacking forensic investigation is the process of detecting hacking attacks and properly extracting evidence to report the crime and conduct audits to prevent future attacks. Computer crime in todays cyber world is on the rise. Computer Investigation techniques are being used by police, government and corporate entities globally and many of them turn to EC-Council for our Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator CHFI Certification Program. Computer Security and Computer investigations are changing terms. More tools are invented daily for conducting Computer Investigations, be it computer crime, digital forensics, computer investigations, or even standard computer data recovery, The tools and techniques covered in EC-Councils CHFI program will prepare the student to conduct computer investigations using groundbreaking digital forensics technologies.**** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 310 questions ****"
Price: 39.99

"ECSS EC-Council Certified Security Specialist practice exams"
"EC-Council Certified Security Specialist (ECSS) is an entry level security program covering the fundamental concepts of information security, computer forensics, and network security. It enables students to identify information security threats which reflect on the security posture of the organization and implement general security controls. This program will give a holistic overview of the key components of information security, computer forensics, and network security. This program provides a solid fundamental knowledge required for a career in information security.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 278 questions ***"
Price: 34.99

"EC-COUNCIL Ethical hacking and countermeasures practice"
"The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH v10) program is a trusted and respected ethical hacking training Program that any information security professional will need. Since its inception in 2003, the Certified Ethical Hacker has been the absolute choice of the industry globally. It is a respected certification in the industry and is listed as a baseline certification on the United States Department of Defense Directive 8570. The CEH exam is ANSI 17024 compliant adding credibility and value to credential members.CEH is used as a hiring standard and is a core sought after certification by many of the Fortune 500 organizations, governments, cybersecurity practices, and a cyber staple in education across many of the most prominent degree programs in top Universities around the globe. Hundreds of Thousands of InfoSec Professionals as well as Career Starters have challenged the exam and for those who passed, nearly all are gainfully employed with successful careers, but the landscape is changing. Cyber Security as a profession is evolving, the barrier to entry is rising, the demand for Skilled Cyber professionals continues to grow, but it is being refined, demanding a higher level of skill and ability. EC-Council raises the bar again for ethical hacking training and certification programs with the all new CEH v10!*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 338 questions ***"
Price: 39.99

"EC-COUNCIL Disaster Recovery Professional Practice Test"
"EC Council Disaster Recovery Professional (EDRP) is a compressive professional course that teaches students how to develop enterprise-wide business continuity and disaster recovery plans.It teaches professionals various methods of identifying vulnerabilities and taking countermeasures against the said vulnerabilities. The professionals will learn how to secure their data by putting policies and procedures in place, and how to recover and restore their organizations critical data in the aftermath of a disaster.EDRP provides the professionals with a strong understanding of business continuity and disaster recovery principles, including conducting business impact analysis, assessing of risks, developing policies and procedures, and implementing a plan.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 206 questions ***"
Price: 34.99

"EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) practice exams"
"The ECSA program offers a seamless learning progress, continuing where the CEH program left off.Unlike most other pen-testing programs that only follow a generic kill chain methodology; the ECSA presents a set of distinguishable comprehensive methodologies that are able to cover different pentesting requirements across different verticals.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 100 questions ***"
Price: 34.99

"Certified Ethical Hacker CEH v10 practice exams"
"A Certified Ethical Hacker is a skilled professional who understands and knows how to look for weaknesses and vulnerabilities in target systems and uses the same knowledge and tools as a malicious hacker, but in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system(s). The CEH credential certifies individuals in the specific network security discipline of Ethical Hacking from a vendor-neutral perspective.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 393 questions ***"
Price: 24.99

"ISSEP Information Systems Security Engineering Professional"
"The ISSEP is one of the CISSP concentration certification exams. ISSEP stands for information system security engineering professional. ISC2 and the NSA collaborated on the creation of content for this certification, which is used to provide security engineers with an opportunity to prove their ability to apply security engineering principles into the business processes they support. This test helped to created usable methodologies and best practices within the industry. It is partly based on the Information Assurance Technical Framework (IATF), which was written in 2002 by the NSA to define proper technical requirements to protect information, in particular critical DoD or government information.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 213 questions ***"
Price: 34.99

"ISSAP Information Systems Security Architecture Professional"
"As technology is evolving and organizations face new challenges to secure information from the ever increasing threats, there are certified professionals who are trained and specialized to help us achieve our security goals. CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) is one such highly acclaimed certification focused on computer system security.ISSAP, which stands for Information Systems Security Architecture Professional, is an application of CISSP. Both certifications are directed by the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC). 2 This certification is for network security experts with a minimum of two years of architecture experience. Only those with an outstanding CISSP compliance record are able to sit for the exam. It can be considered as a formal recognition of high expertise in Information Security Architecture. These professionals are placed at key roles and generally design, develop and analyze a complete security plan.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 248 questions ***"
Price: 34.99

"CSSLP: Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional exam"
"Earning the globally recognized CSSLP secure software development certification is a proven way to build your career and better incorporate security practices into each phase of the software development lifecycle (SDLC).CSSLP certification recognizes leading application security skills. It shows employers and peers you have the advanced technical skills and knowledge necessary for authentication, authorization and auditing throughout the SDLC using best practices, policies and procedures established by the cybersecurity experts at (ISC).*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 336 questions ***"
Price: 34.99

"ISSMP - Information Security System Management Professional"
"The ISSMP certification encompasses areas of security project management and planning. Designing continuity, resiliency and response plans may be one task an ISSMP engages in. Developing and implementing an organizations security awareness and training initiatives might be another.Typically, ISSMPs have a much broader, but not as deep an understanding of specific security issues than other IT professionals.Who should earn the ISSMP?The ISSMP is geared towards management roles. The certification is ideal for either acting or aspiring Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Chief Technology Officers (CTOs), or any other management position tasked with overseeing IT security initiatives.To qualify for the ISSMP, candidates must have a minimum of two years of professional experience in management of IT security for a large organization.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 393 questions ***"
Price: 34.99