"AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty certification practice" |
"The AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty exam validates technical skills and experience in designing and implementing AWS services to derive value from data. The examination is for individuals who perform complex Big Data analyses and validates an individuals ability to:Implement core AWS Big Data services according to basic architecture best practicesDesign and maintain Big DataLeverage tools to automate data analysis *** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 125 questions ***"
Price: 19.99 |
"AWS Certified Developer Associate practice exams" |
"Candidates for the Amazon Web Services Certified DeveloperAssociate have one or more years of hands-on experience designing available, cost efficient, fault tolerant, and scalable distributed systems on AWS. Amazon recommends candidates have in-depth knowledge of at least one high-level programming language, ability to identify and define requirements for an AWS-based application, experience with deploying hybrid systems with on-premises and AWS components, and capability to provide best practices for building secure and reliable applications on the AWS platform. *** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 201 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"AWS Advanced Networking Specialty practice exams" |
"Obtaining this certification will put you amongst the first engineers world-wide to gain a specialist certification with AWS. On its own it demonstrates your Ninja-level Networking skills - showing any employer you are capable of being lead engineer on complex AWS and Hybrid cloud integration projects. Or maybe you are working towards the coveted 7/7 AWS Certification Achievement - either way, this course will deliver.OverviewIn this course we will cover all of the major areas of AWS networking and associated services you'll need to know to become an AWS networking specialist and obtain the certification, including:Refresh core networking - IPv4, VLANS, DNS, BGP and the 7-Layer OSI ModelPlan and Implement pure-cloud AWS NetworksDesign and Implement Complex and Scalable Hybrid networksPlan and Implement appropriate Network Security ControlsIntegrate AWS Advanced network services with your applicationsDesign and Implement compliant networksAdvanced Operational and Troubleshooting Skills & Techniques *** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 175 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) practice exams" |
"Validate your cloud expertise with an industry-recognized credential and fast track your career.The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) examination is for anyone looking to learn and understand the core offerings of the Amazon AWS Cloud. It is intended for individuals who have no prior knowledge on Amazon AWS and who wish to progress their career by effectively demonstrating an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud, its services and how it can help deliver cost-effective IT solutions to meet the demands of the business.Exam ContentIntroduction to AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01 and Cloud Computing.AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Storage Gateway and Snowball.AWS Networking and Content Delivery.AWS Compute Services.AWS Database Services.Amazon Route53.Application Integration Services.Analytics.Management & Governance.Security.The Well Architected Framework.Billing & Pricing.Book Your AWS Exam.Bonus Lecture. *** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 400 questions ***"
Price: 39.99 |
"AWS Certified security specialty practice exams" |
"The AWS Certified Security Specialty is intended for individuals who perform a security role with at least two years of hands-on experience securing AWS workloads. Abilities Validated by the CertificationAn understanding of specialized data classifications and AWS data protection mechanismsAn understanding of data encryption methods and AWS mechanisms to implement themAn understanding of secure Internet protocols and AWS mechanisms to implement themA working knowledge of AWS security services and features of services to provide a secure production environmentCompetency gained from two or more years of production deployment experience using AWS security services and featuresAbility to make tradeoff decisions with regard to cost, security, and deployment complexity given a set of application requirementsAn understanding of security operations and risk *** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 194 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"All You Need To Know About ECG exam review" |
"After taking this course you will learn the basic anatomy and physiology of the heart.By the end of his course you will be able to talk confidently about ECG waves with professional individual.By the end of this course you will also know how to diagnose the common arrhythmias confidently and discuss their different treatment plans with your professional peers. Thanks"
Price: 34.99 |
"Certified natural medicine Diploma / Course #1" |
"Prior to turning to natural medicine, you should be well aware of the reasons for doing so. Natural therapy is not just a passing fashion, it has always existed. But today, it has become an efficient, scientifically recognized solution and also overcomes the failings of allopathic medicine. When faced with the bacteria and virus resistance, dehumanization of the patient in mass medical practice, natural medicine emerges as a veritable asset for creating a symphony of therapies in todays world.Thanks to the involvement of numerous researchers and physicians throughout the world, natural medicine has entered the age of science. It is no longer just an old wives cure ; today it has become a medicine whose results have been validated through studies and university protocols.Pr. Roch Domerego is one of those scientists who has devoted his entire life to laying the basis of natural medicine. A standing guest professor at the Calixto Garcia faculty of medicine in Havana, he has conducted several clinical studies which have led to the application of such techniques. He has thus been able to set down certain protocols guaranteeing the replication of results on the various patients. As Director of the API-AR International laboratory in Brussels for 11 years, he has pursued his work on medication of natural origin with a view to strengthening its efficiency and systematizing its production process.Today, in numerous countries, scientific protocols applied to natural medicine make render it more efficient and reproducible.But, Pr. Roch Domeregos research has gone even further. It has highlighted the superiority of natural substances as opposed to allopathic medication for various pathologies. In many fields of interest, natural medicine hence displays its advantages.Pr. Roch Domerego has taught in several universities or has presented lectures in over 20 countries the world over. He is author and co-author of 14 books, some of which are benchmark publications.Our Academy endeavours to share the knowledge it has acquired over the years with the general public. Other instructors, all international experts, will be joining his team and offering you their expertise for optimal use of an excellent quality of Natural Medicine."
Price: 99.99 |
"Finding Your Inner Musician on the iPad" |
"There is a revolution going on in the music world that started with the introduction of the iPhone in 2007 and took flight with the introduction of the iPad in 2010. The intuitive, visual, gestural interface of the iPad has allowed developers to break down the barriers to musical expression and build a whole new world free of the limitations imposed by physical instruments, hardware, conventional computers and software. It has allowed them to upend the conventional approach to music and let you start by playing and then learn as much or as little as you want as you go. It allows you to have a world of musical possibilities literally at your fingertips, at a fraction of the cost of conventional musical apparatus.No matter what genre interests you, no matter your level of musical ability or experience, you can find your inner musician on the iPad. The biggest challenge may be sorting through all those possibilities, and thats where this course is uniquely valuable. Unlike other resources that focus on one app at a time without much context, Finding Your Inner Musician on the iPad surveys the entire landscape of iPad music apps. Thats over 600 apps, organized into 22 categories. Youll get a complete list of those apps with links to their listings in the App Store, youll see color screenshots of half of them and be treated to a mini demo of over 30 of them, at least one in each category. And then, if youd like to explore a category further with in-depth tutorials and reviews, youll get a list of external resources. This goes way beyond whats offered in the Dummies book you might otherwise use as a starting point. Plus, unlike that book this course is up to date, including several game-changing apps and utilities that were introduced after it was published in 2015."
Price: 59.99 |
"Desenvolva a sua Concentrao" |
"So 13 Exerccios Diferentes. Faa Em Seu Prprio Tempo e RitmoPratique Apenas 10 Minutos Por DiaMdulo 1 - Criando FocoO primeiro passo para ter mais concentrao, saber o que deseja conseguir. E alinhar o seu objetivo com sua inteno mais elevada.Objetivos ClarosLongo / Mdio / Curto PrazoIntencionalidadeCrculo de ExcelnciaMdulo 2 - Exerccios de AquecimentoComeando a aquecer a mente para desenvolver a habilidade de se manter concentrado.Silenciando sua MenteAquecendo Sua MenteCorrida Contra o RelgioDesafiando Seu CrebroChart NeuroligusticoMdulo 3 - Exerccios Avanados de ConcentraoUm srie de exerccios mais avanados para lhe ajudar a ficar concentrado na atividade que desejar.ndice de Distrao de EinsteinDescrevendo um ObjetoContando em Sincronia com o RelgioConcentrao e VisualizaoBnus - Introduo ao Estado de FlowUma apresentao do estado de maestria e absoro que os gnios conseguem acessar com facilidade.Introduo ao Estado de Flow (Fluir)Exerccio de MetaestadoAutoliderana - Acessando Seu Gnio Pessoal"
Price: 99.99 |
"240 Questions - ITIL 4 Foundation Practice Exams (Official)" |
"This is an Official Course and Practice Exams (ATO - PMG Academy Brasil) Do you need to earn your ITIL 4 Foundation certification? After passing these sample exams, you will be fully prepared for what it is like to take the ITIL 4 Foundation Certification Exam.This practice exam course is designed around the official exam guide for ITIL 4 Foundation from Axelos, weighting the 12 Knowledge Areas properly, so you can pass the actual ITIL 4 Foundation Certification Exam with confidence! ITIL - ""ITIL is a (registered) Trade Mark of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.""IT Infrastructure Library - ""IT Infrastructure Library is a (registered) Trade Mark of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.""The ITIL 4 Foundation ExaminationExamination Duration: 1 HourInstructions1. You should attempt all 40 questions. Each question is worth one mark.2. There is only one correct answer per question.3. You need to answer 26 questions correctly to pass the exam.4. You have 60 minutes to complete this exam.5. This is a closed book exam. No material other than the exam paper is allowed."
Price: 109.99 |
"A histria da sexualidade" |
"A histria da sexualidadeEste curso tem por objetivo apresentar e explicar de que maneira os conceitos de sexualidade e gnero (masculino e feminino) entraram no debate pblico, ou seja, na sociedade, nas universidades e em que ponto da histria passou a ser, tambm, uma preocupao da justia, da sade e dos governos na modernidade ocidental.Como ponto de partida iremos tomar conhecimento dos debates apresentado pela filsofa Simone de Beauvoir com o livro O segundo sexo, que um divisor de guas no sculo XX e marca a entrada das questes de gnero e sexualidade nas universidades e tambm entender porque a obra se tornou to importante para os movimentos feministas. O livro de Beauvoir importante para entendermos a historicidade dos conceitos de sexualidade e gnero.Posteriormente, as nossas aulas tero como base os trs volumes da A histria da Sexualidade, de autoria do filsofo Michel Foucault, que at hoje considerado um dos principais pensadores sobre o assunto no Ocidente. A partir das teses de Foucault vamos estudar os conceitos de biopoltica, ou seja, a poltica dos corpos e de que maneira ela se torna instrumento de praticamente todos os governos ocidentais no sculo XX e at os dias atuais.A partir disso, este curso busca responder e problematizar algumas questes: o que sexualidade? Por que alguns comportamentos passaram a ser classificados como normais e outros como anormais? Em que ponto da histria surgiu a ideia de homens e mulheres de verdade? Em que momento da histria a vida privada se tornou interesse dos governos? O espao pblico , de fato, para todos os corpos?Por fim, faremos um breve percurso sobre as discusses a respeito das sexualidades no Brasil e como este campo de pesquisa tem se desenvolvido nas ltimas dcadas. O curso dividido em cinco videoaulas com durao total de 1h30. BibliografiaBEAUVOIR, Simone de. O segundo sexo. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 2009.FOUCAULT, Michel. A histria da sexualidade vol. 1: A vontade de saber. Rio de Janeio: Edies Graal, 1988.FOUCAULT, Michel. A histria da sexualidade vol. 2: O uso dos prazeres. Rio de Janeiro: Edies Graal, 2012.FOUCAULT, Michel. A histria da sexualidade vol. 3: O cuidado de si. Rio de Janeiro: Edies Graal, 2011.TREVISAN, Joo Silvrio. Devassos no paraso: a homossexualidade no Brasil, da colnia atualidade. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2007."
Price: 54.99 |
"Interpretao dos Sonhos" |
"Alguma vez j se interessou em compreender melhor os seus sonhos? Essa pode ser sua oportunidade para aprender o bsico da tcnica Junguiana de Interpretao dos Sonhos! O curso abordar conceitos chaves da Anlise Junguiana, como Sombra, Self, Inconsciente Coletivo, entre outros tpicos tericos essncias compreenso de nossa psiqu profunda e o mundo onrico. Tratar de tcnicas de ampliao de imagens onricas, anlise e contextualizao dos sonhos no dia a dia do cotidiano. Alm de oferecer tcnicas e sugestes para auxiliar a como recordar e anotar melhor seus sonhos."
Price: 39.99 |
"Envie de vous crer un emploi gratifiant et altruiste ?D'apprendre des techniques pour faciliter votre quotidien, votre entreprise ?Cette formation sadresse tous ceux et celles qui veulent apprendre la sophrologie et se tourner vers soi et vers les autres. Il sagit dune vritable technique daccompagnement vers le bien-tre et le dveloppement de ses capacits au service de soi ou de tiers.Particuliers et entreprises : A l'issue de votre formation, vous serez en mesure d'amener vos proches, vos collaborateurs, vos clients tre plus serein, plus efficaces dans leurs objectifs.Futurs professionnels : A lissue de votre formation, vous serez en capacit de vous installer comme professionnel, grce un certificat de formation, garantissant la matrise des outils relevant des enseignements en sophrologie."
Price: 199.99 |
"Design For Six Sigma White Belt Training & Certification" |
"Although many companies use Six Sigma, there are few companies that know DFSS methodology. It is the logical addition or part of a Six Sigma strategy to secure the development process for products and processes. This is today even more relevant, since our experience the goal of many companies is to stabilize the time to market without sacrificing robust, cost-effective and innovative products / processes.In the future, companies which will be able to transfer robust and innovative products into robust and innovative production processes while complying to the time to market deadlines, will be able to increase their productivity significantly. The goal of bringing products to the market with short ramp-up times, allowing them to start products at different production sites at the same time, and the goal to reduce the production and product costs will only be achieved with a methodology that makes the goal comprehensible and measurable. This will be achieved with Design For Six Sigma (DFSS).""New Generation Design For Six Sigma"" (DFSS) method leads to a higher degree of certainty in terms of time and to a significant increase in the productivity of the development process. By deliberately reducing the variation in product properties during the utilization phase, variation in the production process and the component variation, as well as the errors in the field and in the production process, the new generation DFSS helps to secure customer satisfaction.The focus of the ""New Generation Design For Six Sigma "" (DFSS) is on the safeguarding of the fundamental and generic functions of the products and processes. It is one of the most effective methods available to reduce product / process costs, improve product / process quality while minimizing development cycles.Studies show that the development quality affects more than 70% of the product costs over the product life cycle.The Six Sigma goal leads to unusual successes in eliminating problems encountered in manufacturing or in the administrative processes. The robustness strategy and the innovative design tools iTools supplement ""New Generation Design For Six Sigma"" in error prevention and optimize the product design and the manufacturing process."
Price: 19.99 |
"Six Sigma White Belt Training & Certification" |
"Welcome to SSI - Six Sigma & Innovation Six Sigma White Belt online trainingNo other consulting firm has the intellectual pedigree, the managerial experience and the operational expertise to deliver similar results tailored to your needs:Our approach is extremely flexibleAll projects are customized to the specific needs based on data and analytics we do not use any pre-cut solutions but rather rely on a systematic approachRapid, measurable resultsWe do not simply provide training or consulting, we deliver knowledge transferImprovement is continuous and self-sustainingApproach is focused, well organized, and measured against key business goalsAt the end of this Six Sigma White Belt Training certified professionals:Are trained to understand problem solving in any processAre capable of supporting process improvements in the organizationAre familiar with Six Sigma Methodology and RoadmapAre able to prepare high level Six Sigma deployment concepts to implement Six Sigma in any organization"
Price: 19.99 |
"Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training & Certification with Minitab" |
"Welcome to SSI - Six Sigma & Innovation Six Sigma Yellow Belt online trainingNo other consulting firm has the intellectual pedigree, the managerial experience and the operational expertise to deliver similar results tailored to your needs:Our approach is extremely flexibleAll projects are customized to the specific needs based on data and analytics we do not use any pre-cut solutions but rather rely on a systematic approachRapid, measurable resultsWe do not simply provide training or consulting, we deliver knowledge transferImprovement is continuous and self-sustainingApproach is focused, well organized, and measured against key business goalsAt the end of this Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training certified professionals:Are trained to understand problem solving in any processAre capable of supporting process improvements in the organizationAre familiar with Six Sigma Methodology and RoadmapAre able to execute or support Six Sigma projects in any organization"
Price: 89.99 |
"Curso de SketchUp - Do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"O curso de SketchUp do Professor Jorge vila, tem como principal objetivo a apresentao das principais ferramentas do software ao aluno. Se voc da rea de arquitetura, edificaes, mobilirio ou interiores, com certeza vai ter um timo aproveitamento do SketchUp em seus projetos. Mais do que mostrar ferramentas, o curso capacita o aluno a fazer um projeto a partir de uma planta baixa. Com isso, nos primeiros mdulos do curso voc vai conhecer as ferramentas bsicas do programa. Nos mdulos dois e trs, avanamos em ferramentas complexas e em seguida o foco na ferramenta de materiais. No ltimo mdulo do curso, um projeto final vai fazer com que voc utilize todos os conhecimentos aprendidos durante o curso sejam colocados em prtica. E o melhor, aps a finalizao do curso, voc receber um certificado com essas horas de treinamento. Aproveite e compre agora mesmo.Confira o contedo dos 4 mdulos abaixo e saiba o que voc vai aprender na prtica."
Price: 84.99 |
"Tackle 25" |
"This system will help prepare you to trade Covered Calls. The modules are designed to teach you the mechanics of how to build a covered call and the proper mindset behind good Covered Call trading and investing.The videos are laid out in a 7-module process. Each module will end with a quiz for you to test your knowledge and understanding."
Price: 99.99 |
"comprehensive anger management" |
"Emotional Regulation (Anger Management)- Learn how to regulate yourself when your emotions are attempting to hijack your logic- Understand your emotions and the neural circuitry of the brain that produces emotions- Learn the unique origins of your particular anger and heal the wounds that cause your anger- Gain skills to remain calm under stressful situations- Learn how to enlist others in your quest for emotional regulation- use practical accountability tools to keep you on track with your emotional regulation"
Price: 199.99 |
"Kurulumundan Profesyonel Kullanmna kadar MATLAB" |
"MATLAB (Matris Laboratuar), mhendislik ettik fen rencileri Tarafndan sklkla Kullanlan saysal bilgi ilem Ortam Sunan Drdnc nesil programlama dilidir. Bu derste, MATLAB' sfr seviyede renmeye balayacaz ve kademeli olarak ileri konulara geeceiz. Bu ders, rencilere MATLAB grerektirecek onu alan faydal bir ekilde tasarlanmtr. Belirli bir aamada getiinizde, kesinlikle MATLAB programlamadan keyif alacaksnz. MATLAB'n en nemli faydas, programlamay herkese ak hale getirmesi ve Java, C, C ++, grsel temel ve dierleri gibi genel programlama dillerinden bazlarna kyasla fikirleri alma rnlerine dntrmesinin ok hzl olmasdr.___________________________________________________________________________Detayl tasla verildi.Blm 1: Ders Klavuzu ve MATLAB KurulumuBlm 2: Deikenleri Kullanma ve Komut(Script) Dosyalar OluturmaBlm 3: MATLAB'da Temel Matematik lemleriBlm 4: MATLAB ProgramlamaBlm 5: MATLAB'de Grafik lemleri(2D, 3D)Blm 6: Verileri MATLAB'a AktarmaBlm 7:MATLAB Sonularn Raporlama___________________________________________________________________________Faydalarnz ve Avantajlarnz:Kursun kulland bulmazsanz, 30 gn para iadesi garantisi, tam geri deme! Kursa hayat boyu eriebilirsiniz. Kursuma eklediim gncellemeleri annda ve cretsiz eriebilirsin. Dier rencilerin balatt tm Sorulara ve tartmalara eriebilirsiniz. Kursla ilgili herhangi bir konuyla ilgili olarak destek alacaksnz. Hzl bir igr iin mfredat ve Serbeste mevcut dersleri gzden eritebilir. ___________________________________________________________________________Harekete gemenin tam zaman!Sa stteki ""imdi Kaydol"" butonuna tklayn!Onun zamanlamasn ve her gnn saniyesi iin deerlidir.Kursumuzda sizi grmek hey heyecan verici!Sayglarmla,Mustafa Demiraslan___________________________________________________________________________"
Price: 99.99 |
"Capacitacin para aprobacin de examen APS - Bolivia" |
"El objetivo principal del curso es aprobar el examen exigido por la APS (Bolivia) para poder ejercer como agente de seguros. En este curso encontrars informacin sobre teora general de seguros, situacin actual del mercado de seguros en Bolivia, principios bsicos de seguros, ramos generales, humanos, SOAT y fianzas adems del cdigo de comercio y la ley de seguros."
Price: 99.99 |
"Seguros Humanos -Capacitacin para aprobacin de Examen APS" |
"El objetivo principal del curso es aprobar el examen exigido por la APS (Bolivia) para poder ejercer como agente de seguros en los ramos humanos o de personas. En este curso encontrars informacin sobre teora general de seguros, situacin actual del mercado de seguros en Bolivia, principios bsicos de seguros, ramos humanos y de personas y SOAT adems del cdigo de comercio y la ley de seguros."
Price: 99.99 |
"Instagram Domination Acadmie : La Formation Complte" |
"C'est Quoi Au Juste Instagram Domination Acadmie?Instagram Domination Acadmie c'est tout simplement une formation complte qui vous dvoile de A Z les toutes dernires stratgies pour dominer Instagram, gagner des Abonns cibls et booster vos ventes !Dans cette formation en vido, je vous montre tape par tape comment crer et optimiser correctement votre compte Instagram, comment crer du contenu de haute qualit qui forcera les gens interagir avec vos publications et a vous suivre ainsi que comment montiser votre audience.Je suis pass de 0 20k+ abonns sur mon compte @Millionaire_Bigdreams en peine 12 mois, sans acheter de faux abonns ni recourir d'autres stratgies douteuses. @Jose_Quimfumu ; un autre de mes comptes, compte plus de 5600 abonns et mes comptes ddis au sport et au fitness avoisinent dj les 10.000 abonns fidles. Voir vos ventes augmenter grce Instagram, ou vous btir votre propre communaut dabonns qui vous suivent, cest bien ce que vous voulez, nest-ce pas ?Dans cette formation, je vais vous montrer tape par tape comment jai russi atteindre les rsultats ci-dessus mentionns et comment vous pouvez les atteindre aussi, si vous y mettez les moyens.Mon objectif est de vous aider apprendre utiliser Instagram pour atteindre votre public cible, le maintenir intress par vos produits ou vos services, et ensuite l'amener devenir des clients potentiels qui achteront ce que vous avez vendre. Il existe de nombreuses faons d'utiliser Internet pour le marketing, mais Instagram possde des qualits uniques qui en font un outil particulirement efficace.Cette formation vous montrera tape par tape ce que vous devez savoir pour dominer le marketing sur Instagram, de la manire la plus simple possible, en utilisant les outils les plus efficaces et dans les plus brefs dlais.Voici Ci-Dessous Un Bref Aperu Des Modules Que Nous Allons Couvrir Dans Cette formation : Module 1 :Instagram 101 : Comprendre Instagram, son fonctionnement et son histoireComment choisir votre nicheComment dfinir le type de compte parfait pour votre audienceComment crer votre compte Instagram pas--pas (Partie 1)Comment crer votre compte Instagram pas--pas (Partie 2)Module 2 :Dcouvrir les fonctionnalits caches d'Instagram et bien les utiliserComment dfinir votre stratgie de contenuStratgies avances pour crer du contenu de haute qualit (Partie 1)Stratgies avances pour crer du contenu de haute qualit (Partie 2)Comment publier du contenu sur Instagram (Partie 1)Module 3 :Comment gagner rapidement et gratuitement vos 100 premiers abonns30 Stratgies gratuites pour gagner plus d'abonns (Partie 1)30 Stratgies gratuites pour gagner plus d'abonns (Partie 2)Gagnez coup sr entre 50 et 100 abonns par jour gratuitement grce cette stratgie (Partie 1)Et bien plus encore...Est-Ce Que Toutes Ces Stratgies Fonctionnent Encore En 2019?La Rponse Est ""Oui""! Pour de m'en assurer par moi-mme, j'ai cr un nouveau compte afin de tester ces stratgies. Mon objectifs tait de voir combien de nouveaux abonns je peux gagner en 1 mois en appliquant les stratgies contenus dans Instagram Domination Acadmie. A ma grande surprise, en seulement 3 semaines, j'ai russi gagner plus de 2250 nouveaux abonns sur ce nouveau compte."
Price: 149.99 |
"Learn to Play the Musical Saw" |
"Learn to make music with a handsaw! Two-time world champion of the musical saw Caroline McCaskey will show you how to create beautiful melodies on the saw, even if you don't play any other instrument! Get out to the garage, dust off the saw, and let's make some music! (Oh, and please be careful; it's sharp.)"
Price: 29.99 |
"Conhecendo os Perfis do Comportamento Humano" |
"Nosso curso, Conhecendo os Perfis do Comportamento Humano, tem como base as orientaes dos 4 (quatro) perfis comportamentais obtidos atravs da ferramenta de coaching chamada: DISC. Dentro das informaes desse curso, o aluno far o teste do DISC para que ele possa, inicialmente, entender qual (ais) o (s) perfil (is) predominantes. Isso, vai permitir que o aluno entenda as demais informaes que sero transmitidas no decorrer desse curso."
Price: 99.99 |
"Coaching Espiritual - Exercite a sua Espiritualidade" |
"Aplicar a espiritualidade em sua vida. Um contedo com abordagens nos campos da religio e cincia, como forma de ajudar o aluno a compreender como essas duas esferas do conhecimento humano podem ter pontos de congruncia. Essas informaes trazidas nesse curso, ira mostrar como a cincia e a religio podem conduzir a humanidade a um melhor nvel de maturidade intelectual, sem contudo, esquece sua principal origem: a espiritual."
Price: 84.99 |
"Princpios Emocionais Poderosos" |
"Os princpios emocionais poderosos tem a proposta de oferecer ao aluno (a) 10 (dez) princpios, onde o instrutor luz das informaes extradas de um dos melhores coaches do mundo - Anthony Robbins, alm de outros contedos que venham reforar o mesmo princpio.Todo contedo visa trazer as melhores tcnicas para o aprimoramento do controle emocional, com ferramentas testadas cientificamente, para que o aluno possa ter o melhor desempenho durante nosso curso.Sem dvida, as informaes aplicadas nesse curso tem o propsito primrio de inspirar nossos alunos, em vrias reas de sua vida, a fim de desenvolver o autoconhecimento das emoes."
Price: 99.99 |
"ABC's of weight loss how I lost 34 Kg's, start your journey!" |
"In this course I will guide you step by step on how you can start your weight loss journey.Through examples of my own journey and activities Ive designed this course to challenge and motivate you to take the first steps in changing your life for the better.Most people would spend hundreds of dollars on food every week, but are they willing to spend a few dollars and learn how to lose weight the RIGHT way?Cant wait to see you in there."
Price: 49.99 |
"Curso de SAS do ZERO em 35 AULAS" |
"Voc quer comear a aprender a programao SAS com facilidade e rapidez? Este curso o mais completo de programao SAS para iniciantes com explicaes detalhadas.Destaques do curso:Todos os cdigos explicados com muitos exemplos. Afinal, a prtica faz a perfeio!Contedo atual do curso:Instalao de software (SAS University Edition): o guia completo e passo-a-passo; explicao detalhada sobre o caminho do arquivo / diretrio no SAS studioNavegue / trabalhe no ambiente SASCriar conjuntos de dados SAS temporrios e permanentes (instruo SET, instruo LIBNAME, SAS libraries)Execuo condicional de instrues SAS: IF-THEN / ELSETrabalhe com dados e formatos (use instrues de atribuio na etapa DATA; use a instruo FORMAT para modificar atributos em uma etapa DATA; defina o tamanho de uma varivel usando a instruo LENGTH; controle quais observaes e variveis usando DROP, instrues KEEP e DROP =, KEEP = opes)Gere relatrios de lista usando o procedimento PRINT (usando as instrues WHERE, ID e BY)Use PROC FREQ para tabela de frequncia, PROC SORT para ordenar os dados com NODUPKEY E NODUP para tirar duplicadas. Referncias:The little SAS book: a primer / Lora D. Delwiche and Susan J. Slaughter"
Price: 39.99 |
"Crea un Blog profesional 2020- Incluye plan de negocio" |
"Siempre te has preguntado cmo han logrado algunas personas abandonar sus trabajos, viajar por el mundo y vivir mediante un blog que les genera ingresos mes a mes?Hace unos aos me hacia exactamente la misma pregunta y por esto decid averiguar. Cuando empec, le muchos artculos sobre Blogs, compr diferentes cursos, v videos y webinars, pero la verdad es que tanta informacin me agobiaba. No saba por dnde empezar, cul de la informacin que lea era la correcta o cules eran los softwares y cursos en los que deba invertir. Durante el da hacia 100 tareas diferentes, correga errores, arreglaba una cosa, y luego la volva a cambiar...Con mi trabajo de oficina apenas me alcanzaba el tiempo para todo lo que quera hacer, y al principio no tena la disciplina para sentarme al menos una hora al da para trabajar en mi Blog, lo que caus que el proceso de crear el blog durara varios meses. Este es el camino que recorren la mayora de bloggers cuando comienzan. En mi caso siempre desee que hubiera una forma de saber qu paso debera tomar cada da o tener un tutor que me guiar por todo el proceso. Es por esto que decid crear este curso que te ensear paso a paso lo que tienes que hacer cuando empiezas un blog y las estrategias para crear un negocio a partir de el. BIENVENIDO A LIBERTAD DIGITALEn este curso, aprenders TODO lo que necesitas saber para escapar del sistema actual que tiene a la mayora de la poblacin descontenta.Se trata de un curso interactivo en video y hojas de trabajo, en el que encontrars lecciones con el paso a paso para crear tu negocio digital, adems de ejemplos, ejercicios para cada etapa del proceso, y mucho ms!Soy consciente de la sensibilidad de este tema, y por lo mismo me he esforzado enormemente en entregarte un curso completo donde voy a ensearte absolutamente TODO lo que he aprendido mediante un proceso inteligente y con pilares slidos que te permitirn pavimentar el camino hacia la autonoma y satisfaccin laboral que tanto deseas.Es el curso que me habra gustado hacer, cuando me encontraba en la misma situacin en la que t te encuentras ahora.Lo que obtendrs con este curso:Un curso en video compuesto por 15 clases valorado en $497Tutoriales grabados con explicaciones tcnicas y acompaamiento para que crees tu negocio digital.Cuadernillos de ejercicios y hojas de trabajo prcticas con las tcticas que debes seguir.Acceders a BONUS especiales con informacin til.Tendrs acceso de por vida a este curso y a las actualizaciones que se realicen.Durante este camino he aprendido a base de prueba y error (y mucho estudio), y por lo mismo hoy quiero compartir contigo algunas de las mejores tcnicas y aprendizajes para que te ahorres MUCHSIMO tiempo y dinero.EN LA VIDA HAY MOMENTOS EN QUE TODO CAMBIAEn este momento tienes dos posibilidades: 1. Seguirte quejando de cuanto odias tu trabajo, de lo mucho que te gustara viajar por el mundo o tener ms tiempo para tus hijos. 2. Empezar a construir tu propio camino. Nos vemos adentro!"
Price: 24.99 |