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"NADEX 5 Minute Binary Trading Course - LEVEL I to III"
"I have created a simple to understand straight-forward approach to get you started trading Nadex 5 minute binary options. This is a no nonsense approach that is easy to learn and will help you setup your own trading strategy. This course will help you from basic setup to learning winning strategies. Cut down your learning time and approach the market sooner with pre-designed algorithm strategies ready for you to test out. This is course is not a get-rich-quickly strategy. Trading takes a lot of time, effort and practice to be successful. This course is focused on trading the 5minute binary options but could also be applied to other markets. What this course offers: Introduction to NadexNadex Demo Account Setup GuideIndicators - MACD, Bollinger Band, Stochastic, RSI, TDI, EMAPrice Action StrategiesProfitable StrategiesRisks, psychology, etcBonus Materials and ResourcesI have included everything in this course from Level I - III. Complete guide from start to finish. Learn more with my three tiered system that will hopefully help you learn the basics and more advance trading system. Level I - Beginner to Intermediate. Understanding basics and learning most common indicators that work well to get you started trading.Level II - Intermediate to Expert. I bring you more technical indicators in addition to the more commonly used indicators that I outlined from my Level I course. Level III - Intermediate to Expert. Strategy focused course based on Level I and II course. This will guide you in creating your own trading criteria and help you find your niche in the market. Disclaimer: Trading is very risky. You could lose some or all of your money when you trade. This course is for educational purposes only and not a financial advice."
Price: 54.99

"Lightroom 80/20 - Der effektivste Lightroom Workflow"
"Hast du zum Thema Post Production und Fotobearbeitung schon jemals YouTube Tutorials angesehen oder Bcher gelesen und dir danach gedacht ""Okay, ganz schn viel Information, aber was davon brauche ich fr meine Fotos? Und wo soll ich anfangen?""Du hast vielleicht schon gesehen, wie man Fotos schner bearbeitet oder im Detail verschiedenste Funktionen erklrt werden, die die Software beherrscht. Aber dir fehlt der kompletten Arbeitsfluss, wo du anfangen und aufhren sollst und welche Einstellungen und Techniken du wirklich brauchst.Ich habe die Erfahrung gemacht, dass die besten Kurse und Trainings - egal zu welchem Thema - den Inhalt in kleine Schritte zerlegen. Sodass man sie sofort umsetzen kann.Und genau das macht Lightroom 80/20 aus.Nach diesem Kurs brauchst du dir keine Gedanken mehr machen, wie du die Fotos aussortierst, benennst, bearbeitest, sicherst und so archivierst, dass du sie jederzeit schnell findest.Lightroom 80/20 ist Online Kurs, der aus 6 Modulen besteht. Ein Modul besteht aus mehreren Lektionen, die wiederum aus Videos, schriftlichen Zusammenfassungen und Arbeitsblttern bestehen.Ob du erst am Anfang deiner Fotografenkarriere stehst, die Fotografie als leidenschaftliches Hobby betreibst, oder ob du schon mehrere Jahre professioneller Fotograf bist - mit Lightroom 80/20 wird sich dein Workflow auf jeden Fall um ein Vielfaches verkrzen.Ist dieser Kurs richtig fr mich?Der Kurs ist nicht fr jeden geeignet, daher lies dir diese Auflistung bitte aufmerksam durch.JA, WENN...du bereits erste Erfahrungen mit Lightroom und Fotobearbeitung gemacht hastFotografie dein (Wunsch)Beruf ist oder ein leidenschaftliches Hobbydu lngere Shootings hast, viele Reportagen oder Hochzeiten fotografierstdich die Post Production zu viel Zeit kostetdu einen einfachen und zeitsparenden Ablauf fr deine Post Production brauchst, den du jederzeit anwenden kannstdu Themen wie Archivierung und Sicherung schon seit lngerem aufschiebstdir die Ladezeiten von Lightroom zu langsam sinddu dich beim Bearbeiten und Sortieren von Foto zu Foto durchringst und hoffst, dass du bis zur versprochenen Deadline den Auftrag fertig kriegstdu fokussierter arbeiten willstNEIN, WENN...du bereits ein schnelles Workflowsystem hast und damit zufrieden bistdu nur wenige Fotos je Auftrag machst und nur eine Hand voll davon bearbeitest und ablieferstdu nur ab und zu im Urlaub Fotos machstdu sehr perfektionistisch bist (und bleiben willst) und lieber jedes Foto einzeln bearbeitest, archivierst,etc.bestimmte Bearbeitungstechniken lernen willst (LR 80/20 ist kein umfassendes Lightroom Kompendium, sondern konzentriert sich darauf die wesentlichen Schritte zu systematisieren)du keine Motivation versprst, etwas Neues zu lernen / etwas zu ndernKURSINHALTModul 1 GrundlagenWie du deine Festplatten effizient organisierstWieviele Festplatten du brauchst und wohin du deine Fotos speichern sollstBackuplsungen, die einfach, sicher und vllig automatisch funkionierenWarum eine durchdachte Ordnerstruktur viel Zeit spart und wie sie aussehen kannEine einheitliche Fotobenennung, die aber flexibel genug ist, um die Fotos fr mehrere Zwecke zu nutzen (Kunden, Website, Archiv, Portfolio,etc.)Ablaufplan vom kompletten Workflow zum AusdruckenComputerhygiene - wie du deinen Computer schnell hltstModul 2 Der ImportDer richtige und der falsche Weg Fotos zu importierenWie du Lightroom Kataloge richtig nutzt, wieviele du brauchst und welche Einstellungen du vornehmen solltestDie wichtigsten Einstellungen, die du bereits im Importfenster vornehmen kannst, um danach schneller zu arbeitenComputerhygiene - wie du deinen Computer schnell hltstModul 3 Die BildselektionWarum eine optimale Arbeitsumgebung mageblich zu einer schnelleren Bildselektion beitrgt und wie sie aussiehtDie schnellste Methode Fotos auszusortierenKeywords - wie du deine Fotos mit geringstem Zeitaufwand verschlagwortestModul 4 Die BearbeitungDie ""Kamerakalibrierung"" - der erste Schritt der Bearbeitung und warum diese wichtig istMit der perfekten Bearbeitung hebst du dich ab, richtig? FALSCH! Sieh dir an, worauf es wirklich ankommt!Wie du mehrere Fotos gleichzeitig bearbeitstWie du Presets richtig einsetzt uns selber erstellstWie du Photoshop und sonstige Software in den Workflow einbindestModul 5 Lieferung & VerffentlichungErfahre den richtigen und den falschen Weg, um Fotos zu exportierenWelche Einstellungen du beim Export setzen solltestWie du Sammlungen nutzen kannst, um Fotos zu vergleichen, dein Portfolio zu erstellen,u.v.m.Hast du dich schon mal gefragt, wofr es ""Verffentlichungsdienste"" gibt? Kaum ein Fotograf nutzt es und doch kann es so ntzlich sein.Der eleganteste Weg, um Kunden Fotos zu bermittelnModul 6 PortfolioWie du Lightroom nutzt, um dein Portfolio zu managenErfahre den Fehler, den fast alle Fotografen bzgl. ihres Portfolios begehen und was du stattdessen tun solltestWelche Fotos ins Portfolio aufnehmen? Und welche nicht? Erfahre einfache Kriterien, nach denen du dein Portfolio gestalten kannst, sodass es jedem Betrachter eine Freude sein wird, deine Fotos durchzusehenGrundlegende Regeln fr dein Website Portfolio"
Price: 194.99

"Lightroom 80/20 - The most efficient Lightroom Workflow"
"After completing this course you will not have to worry about how to cull, tag, edit, save and archive your photos so that you can find them easily and quickly at any time.Lightroom 80/20 is an online course consisting of videos, written summaries and work sheets.No matter if you are at the beginning of your career as a photographer, if you are a hobby or a professional photographer - with Lightroom 80/20 you will be able to reduce the time of your post production significantly."
Price: 199.99

"Lightroom CC Mobile fr Fotografen"
"Du hast von Lightroom CC Mobile schon gehrt, aber hast dich nie wirklich damit auseinander gesetzt?Du nutzt Lightroom am Desktop/Laptop bereits seit Jahren fr die Bearbeitung deiner Fotos, weit aber nicht ob du es jetzt auch am Tablet/Smartphone brauchst?Du weit nicht recht wie und ob du LR CC Mobile in deinen bisherigen Workflow einbauen sollst?In einer Welt, in der mobile Gerte immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen hast du das Gefhl, dass du dich mit LR CC Mobile zumindest mal beschftigen solltest?Du mchtest Lightroom CC Mobile kennenlernen und beherrschen, dir fehlt aber die Zeit und Mue, dich damit eingehend zu befassen?Lightroom 8020 Mobile ist ein Videokurs, der dir in mehreren 5-7min Videos alles Wissenswerte zu LR CC Mobile beibringt."
Price: 199.99

"Smartphone Fotografie - Mit den Augen eines Fotografen"
"In diesem Kurs erfhrst du wie du mit deinem Smartphone schne Fotos machen kannst.Nach einer kurzen Einfhrung begleitest du mich und mein Smartphone durch die Stadt und ich zeige dir anhand von Fotos und Videos von Real Life Situationen wie du gute Fotos hin bekommst.Insbesondere geh ich dabei auf Urlaubsfotografie ein, d.h. Sehenswrdigkeiten, Landschaften und das Fotografieren deiner Mitreisenden stehen dabei im Vordergrund.wie du auch ohne Vorkenntnisse schne Fotos machen kannstwie du Ordnung bei den Fotos auf deinem Smartphone hltstGrundlagen Bildaufbau und Licht (Richten nach der Sonne)wo die Grenzen der Smartphonekamera liegenwie du Sehenswrdigkeiten postkartentauglich fotografierstwie du atemberaubende Landschaftsfotos erstellstEinfache Tipps wie du Fotos von Menschen/ deinen Liebsten erstellst Real Life Situationen - du ""begleitest"" mich beim Fotografieren und nimmst am Prozess meiens Fotografierens teilAnhand von Videos erklre ich, wie ich das jeweilige Bild aufbaue, von welcher Perspektive, wie ich das Licht nutze, etc."
Price: 199.99

"Aprenda Qlik Sense do Zero sem Programao"
"Curso de Qlik Senses Para Iniciar do Zero, sem programaoDashBoards Completos e prticos do Agrupamento mximo aos mnimos detalhes de Informao.ver neste curso:Instalao do SoftwareCadastro e Ativao de ContaImportando DadosFiltros InterativosGrficosGrficos com Multi EixosGrfico de MapasItens MestreDrill DownCalculos como MoM e Acumulado YTDAggr - Tabela Virtuale muitas dicas.Extremamente completo para Iniciar do zero o seu DashBoard com a Melhor ferramenta do mercado"
Price: 34.99

"Curso de Set Analysis em Qlik Sense - Avanado - Expert Mode"
"Aprendas as combinaes e Filtros mais Avanados em Qlik Sense usando Set AnalysisModelos rpidos e 100% Prticos, sem enrolaoIntroduoConhecendo Expresses de ConjuntoIdentificadoresOperadores Unio ou junaoOperadores ExclusoOperadores InterseoDiferena simtrica (XOR)ModificadoresOperaes em Conjunto implcitosModificadores com Pesquisas avanadasDefinies de valor de campo implcitasQVF para DownloadAnlise de conjunto e expresses de conjuntoA anlise de conjunto oferece um meio de definir um conjunto (ou grupo) de valores de dados que est diferente do conjunto normal definido pelas selees atuais.Geralmente, quando voc faz uma seleo, funes de agregao, como Sum,Max,Min,Avg e Count agregam sobre as selees que voc fez: as selees atuais. Suas selees automaticamente definem o conjunto de dados para agregar por cima. Com a anlise de conjunto voc pode definir um grupo que independente das selees atuais. Isso pode ser til se voc quer mostrar um valor particular, por exemplo, participao de mercado de um produto em todas as regies, independentemente das selees atuais.Anlise de conjunto tambm til quando se faz diferentes tipos de comparao, como produtos mais vendidos comparados com os produtos menos vendidos, ou esse ano comparado ao ano passado.Imagine um exemplo no qual voc comea a trabalhar em um aplicativo selecionando o ano de 2010 em uma caixa de filtro. As agregaes so ento baseadas nessa seleo, e as visualizaes mostram apenas valores para aquele ano. Quando voc faz novas selees, as visualizaes so atualizadas de acordo. As agregaes so feitas sobre o conjunto de registros possveis definido pela seleo atual. Com a anlise de conjunto, voc pode definir um conjunto que de seu interesse e no depende dessas selees."
Price: 114.99

"Qlik Sense do Bsico ao Avanado com Extras de Especialista"
"Curso Completo de Qlik SenseDo Bsico ao Avanado para se Tornar EspecialistaInstalao, Configurao e ApresentaoPasso a passo de como baixar, cadastrar uma conta e configurar em sua mquinaBsico - Criando sua Primeira AplicaoComo Inserir Dados, Tratar, Fazer Filtro, Construir Grficos e fazer seu primeiro DashBoard InterativoFunes, Operaes, AgregaesDemostrao de vrias funes que utilizaes e aplicaes.ETL Carga via Script de DadosPara fazer qualquer tipo de transformao e tratamento de dados que precisar antes que sejam colocados em seus painis.Extenses e MapasComo turbinar sua ferramenta com grficos que so disponibilizados por desenvolvedores do mundo todo.Expert - Set AnalysisComo utilizar recursos de filtros avanados possibilitando qualquer calculo agregado, Criando Extenses e MashUpsPersonalizando seus Painis com elementos exclusivos de sua criao"
Price: 189.99

"Fundamentals of Routing & Routing Information Protocol (RIP)"
"If you are experiencing issues in understanding topics in Routing and you want something to help you passing Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching 200-125, and college/university networking paper, and you are fresh recruit in world of IT and face problems in understanding network infrastructure in respect of Routing, then this course is for you! .This course equips students with an easy to understand, structured approach to learning routing topics popping up in Cisco exams, college/university papers of networking and fresh recruits in world of IT.This course is full of activities. All slides in the course have been included in supplemental flashcard format with expanded bullet points clearly explaining the technologies.Why Learn from Me In this course, you wont merely get the book stuff to pass the exam. Youll also enhance your experience to succeed as a network engineer in world of IT. I am holding Bachelors degree in Computer Science and Masters degree in Network Security from Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, United Kingdom. I am holding certifications of Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) and Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP). I worked on different network designations in so many national and multinational companies over a decade. Currently, I am working as Director (IT) in Health Department, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan."
Price: 19.99

"The Course for the Basics of kotlin programming language"
"-This course has been done for everyone want to begin in programming with kotlin programming language, whether have programming experience or beginner and this in easy and fast way with simple examples about every the lectures- this course explains the basics of kotlin and how use the intellij IDEA to write programs-After this course you will be able to use android studio and using it to build applications"
Price: 39.99

"SPI Interface in an FPGA in VHDL and Verilog"
"This course will take you through the basics of SPI communication. I will explain how the interface works, what each signal does, and talk about how master to slave communication is possible. I then go through both the VHDL and Verilog code for an SPI Master controller and show how to communicate with a peripheral device."
Price: 29.99

"UcanCRISPR online: CRISPR/Cas9 master class"
"Visit our platform page in my bio to get information on free live classes, a discount code for this course, and more.This course will be an in-depth study of CRISPR/Cas9 as a natural phenomenon, applications, and implications, this course is unique in covering the latest understanding and engineering of CRISPR reported in scientific literature. Four sections to cover the major areas of CRISPR include:1. Introduction of the basic components and function of the most widely utilized CRISPR system, Cas9. The CRISPR adaptive immune system protects bacteria and archaea from pathogenic DNA, and has evolved from from several interesting genes into a number of variants. 2. An exploration of the applications of this technology. You will learn about gene disruption by targeted nucleases, and applications of modified non-cutting systems for making other types of modifications. The section starts by introducing the major types of screening procedures used to identify changes made by CRISPR.3. Implications of the rapid developments and deeper understanding of CRISPR currently taking place. Starting with using protein structure models to engineer the Cas9 protein. CRISPR can store new sequence in a genome and respond to alterations in cell state in novel ways. Since this technology is becoming very widely available the ramifications of different use cases will be considered. 4. A final section will discuss designing CRISPR systems for different use cases, including in vivo expression and use of purified complexes. Two demonstrations of identifying target sites in genes of interest, with methods to produce the customized sgRNA are made.Learning objectives:Develop understanding of CRISPR as a natural phenomenon.Learn the different technologies built on the CRISPR platform.Be able to assess approaches to different CRISPR experiments in a variety of host organisms.Use the knowledge to design custom guide RNAs and determine how to obtain the materials."
Price: 99.99

"Scrum Master Sertifika Snavlarna Hazrlk Deneme Snavlar"
"Gnmzde mteri isteklerinin hzl deimesi ve youn rekabet koullar mteri ihtiyalarna hzl cevap vermeyi gerektirmektedir.Bununla birlikte teknolojik ilerlemelere paralel olarak yazlmlar kurumsal srelerin ynetiminde vazgeilmez bir unsur hale gelmitir. Kurumsal srelerin ynetiminde kullanlan bu yazlm zmlerinin oluturulmas ve gelitirilmesi, hzl zm retebilen yazlm gelitirme metodolojilerine olan ihtiyac tetikledi. Scrum, mteri isteklerine daha hzl cevap verebilen, esnek, kalitesi yksek yazlmlar retilebilmesine olanak salayan, yazlm gelitirme altyapsdr. Scrum, karmak rn gelitirme srelerini ynetmek iin kullanlan bir sre altyapsdr. Bir rn gelitirme teknii veya sreci deildir. erisinde farl sreleri ve teknikleri kullanabileceiniz bir erevedir.Bu eitimin amac sizi Scrum Master sertifika snavlarna hazrlamaktr.Eitim, 40 soruluk 2 tane deneme snavndan olumaktadr. Toplam 80 soru bulunmaktadr. Snavlar ngilizce'dir. Tm sorularn doru yantlar aklamal olarak verilmektedir."
Price: 49.99

"Foundations of Tonic Herbalism"
"Why I created this course?I created this course with the goal of sharing some of the powerful insights and strategies what Ihave learned over the past decade going deep into herbalism, Chinese medicine, and Daoism.These herbs and modalities have truly transformed my life and provided a deep sense of empowerment.Unfortunately, there too much misinformation about there about Chinese medicine and tonic herbs. Too many people have jumped into this industry with out any real training, background, or in depth, embodied experience with in these arts.Basically the vast majority of terms and philosophies were lost in translation from East to West and Chinese to English. I don't want to get into it right now, but let's just say people have been diluting these ancient teachings down for quite awhile now.But honestly that has never really worked for me and I think you deserve better.That's why I've been that past decade of my life seeking out world class teachers and practitioners of these arts.So with this course Ihope to educate and inspire you to use these amazing herbs ANDprovide actual embodied experience, in a simple and direct manner.Now is the right time to get into tonic herbalism.Modern life seems to be getter more and more complicated and more rife with stress and overwhelm.The fact of the matter is that stress and anxiety are the plagues of modern times. Peoples minds are running at overclocked speeds, often times 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Fortunately tonic herbs can help build our bodies resiliency and adaptability towards stress.Reishi mushroom for example, has been used for thousands of years to help calm the mind, anchor the spirt, and provide a sense of centeredness. It's been doing this for me for over a decade now.So now is a great time to learn about these herbs and empower yourself with a stronger immune system and a greater sense of ease. You know what they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure...YOU WILL LEARN:The most important and foundational philosophies behind tonic herbalismWhy you need to stop making smoothies right nowWhy you need to start making elixirsHow to create delicious and potent herbal elixirsThe 3 main energetic substances that sit behind physical realityHow Qi Isn't actually ""energy"" and why most people totally misunderstand this conceptThe true meaning of Shen and how you can use this to improve your health and sense of selfHow the mind is the biggest cause of stress in modern timesThe number 1 thing that is hindering and undermining blood circulation, causing things like chronically cold extremitiesReal practical and in depth understanding of using tonic herbsand much, much more...This course is backed by Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee.If you're not happy for any reason you will be refunded in full!I'm confident that you'll find this is the best foundational tonic herbalism course out there and that the unique insights found in this course you won't find anywhere else.I'm excited to watch you take your first step going deeper into the amazing world of tonic herbs and I hope to see you on the inside!- Brandon"
Price: 19.99

"Foundational QiGong Theory"
"WHYI CREATED THIS COURSEQiGong is only as good and useful in direct proportion to the amount of skill and detail that you put into it.With out a solid theoretical basis, there is no possibility for real skill.With out understanding what actually gives a practice potency, no potency will be achieved.Too often people think QiGong is kind of a wooly, new age, and intuitive art. This is dead wrong.In reality QiGong is a lot like engineering or mathematics. Specific variables and specific equations will produce specific results.This is the Gong, in QiGong.Also we need to understand that Qi in QiGong does not mean energy. This is a tremendous mistranslation and misunderstanding.I created this course as a simple, clear, and direct way to start to understand many of these most important and basic concepts underlying authentic internal training.Please understand that this is a theoretical and education course, but I am not teaching any movements or sets of exercises. Ido not believe it possible to convey the subtle and detail of such a practice via such a limited medium. Real internal teaching can only take place with a skilled teacher, in person. This course will help you, regardless of your experience as it contains many keys that the vast majority of internal arts practitioners are completely in the dark about. You will learn:What does Qi actually mean in the context of QiGong?What gives a practice potency?What is the most important aspect of internal training?What is the Lower Dan Tien?What is the Du Channel?What is the Kua?What are the specific mechanisms that give QiGong healing power?What is the difference between QiGong, Nei Gong, Nei Dan, and Dao Yins?And much, much more.This course is backed by Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee.If you're not happy for any reason you will be refunded in full!I'm confident that you'll find this is the best foundational QiGong Theory course out there and that the unique insights found in this course you won't find anywhere else.I'm excited to watch you take your first step going deeper into the amazing world of QiGong and I hope to see you on the inside!- Brandon"
Price: 24.99

"DIY -Weight Loss, Art and Science of ""Fat Burning"""
"Participants will learn how to implement  a user friendly, safe weight loss program on their own. By learning the energy metabolism during weight gain and weight loss, the course will optimize their effort for sustainable weight loss. This course will reveal the appropriate amount of carbohydrate and protein need for safe weight loss.  Participants  will have opportunity to combine nutritional, behavioral, physical activity and medication interventions which may unmask their potentials for success in weight loss and maintenance. There will be one page handy guideline for DIY weight program which is easy to follow."
Price: 24.99

"Learn How to Read English Literature: Elements of Drama"
"Do you want to master Drama? I have tried in this course to give you a detailed discussion on the steps you take in the analysis of a play with critical reading skills. This is very important because they are tools you need to possess before you can appreciate, understand and criticize any play. I have also tried to show you how to analyze plays by identifying the dramatic elements and other devices used and how appropriate they are.The reading of a play may be for an examination, entertainment or even for a job. If, for instance, you secure a job as a literary editor in a print or even an electronic media, you need to know these techniques very well to aide you in your job. Who knows you may aspire to write a play, so the knowledge you will acquire in this course will be of immense benefit to you."
Price: 59.99

"Dana do Ventre Estilo Tribal"
"Popularmente conhecida como uma vertente moderna da Dana do Ventre,o estilo Tribal uma dana de fuso tnica contempornea que agrega conceitos e elementos de danas de culturas diversas, tais como a Dana Indiana, Flamenca e danas urbanas. Rica em dramaticidade, as aulas de dana tribal visam aflorar o estilo pessoal de cada danarino, melhorar a tcnica e estimular o pensamento crtico na dana. Trata-se de um processo profundo de autoconhecimento e empoderamento artstico."
Price: 39.99

", ? - ? ? , , ? , . ? , , ? , . , . . , . , , . . , . , . , , , , , . , . !"
Price: 24.99

"Get sexual desire back into your relationship!"
"Do you feel lonely and rejected in your relationship? Do you fear that your partner may cheat on you, because you have lost sexual desire? Do you fear that you may not be able to withstand the fact that your partner ignores sex and cheat on him. Do you fear that it may destroy your relationship?You love your partner. You dont want to lose him, but the lack of sex drives you crazy.Many problems arise in a relationship, when one of the partners loses his sexual desire.Are you advised to diversify your sex life? How can you diversify something that you or your partner doesnt want to do?In fact, ignoring sex is only the tip of the iceberg of the problems that exist in a couple.We will find out what problems in a couple can hide behind the unwilling to have sex and what causes them.We will learn how to solve these problems. You will have some practical tasks to improve your relationship with your partner.Each couple is unique, but there are some problems that are typical for all the couples who have problems with sex. We will study them in our course. Moreover, you can always ask me questions about your relationship and your situation with the partner. I am always happy to help and solve your problems.This course is based on my personal experience and the experience of many scientists. I have developed it to help you to save your relationship and improve them, to avoid adulteries and break-ups and to get passion, desire and joy back into your relationship.I have prepared a maximum of useful information and effective methods that will help each of you to improve your relationship with your soulmate and to make things the better. Join the community of happy people!"
Price: 24.99

"Practical Approach to Performance Improvement"
"This course is first in the series of courses designed to practically implement Human Performance Improvement Plans. Whether you are currently working on improving your own performance or are in a professional environment responsible to improve someone elses performance, this course will help you understand some of the underlying principles you will need to set the improvement expectations right."
Price: 54.99

"Instructional Design Techniques and Tools"
"If you are searching for course creation tools and methods or finding it difficult to narrow down on what instructional techniques to use for developing your next course, then this course is for you!! In this course we will be sharing instructional design strategies, templates and other useful resources to help you organize content and meet learning objectives."
Price: 59.99

"Trading Robot Development in MQL5"
"Hello!This course is a beginners course in coding trading programs and technical indicators for algorithmic trading. This could be in futures, stocks, commodities, crypto currencies and Forex. This course teaches you how to code in MQL5 for the Metatrader 5 platform, this is a free platform with a huge support base and you don't even have to have a broker account to get started (it comes with it's own demo account!). But crucially, the MQL5 network allows you to create products and sell them, trade and be followed (copy trading)or act as a freelancer (this is very well moderated!). So you don't have to have some magical all winning strategy to earn money, not if you know how to code in MQL5. Despite the large support network, filled with tons of help, if you are new to programming it can all be a bit overwhelming. This course is designed to give you some basic programming skills to bring you up to speed (if you need it)and then to move on and create some programs!Enjoy!Sam"
Price: 19.99

"Emagrecer em Casa programa de treinamento"
"Mais que um curso um programa de treinamento onde te ensinara o funcionamento correto de seu corpo, aps esse modulo cientifico e terico vamos para 2 modalidades de treinamento com cronograma completo de exerccios eficazes e super rapido. voc estar pronto para ter excelente resultados alimentando-se corretamente e treinando em casa."
Price: 39.99

"Todd Lammle's CCNA R/S 200-125 Certification Practice Tests"
"""Todd Lammle, The Name You Trust!""Get the best, from the best!Todd Lammle is world famous for his amazingly high quality Cisco CCNAStudy guide - the best selling networking book in the world! In this product, you will receive over 400 of the Todd Lammle authored Cisco CCNA200-125 questions!Todd Lammle has been in the Cisco Network world since 1986 and started on the CLIin 1989!Todd Lammle knows his Cisco!"
Price: 24.99

"Todd Lammle's ICND1 100-105 Certification Practice Tests"
"""Todd Lammle, The Name You Trust!""Get the best, from the best! Todd Lammle is world famous for his amazingly high quality Cisco CCNA Study guide - the best selling networking book in the world! In this product, you will receive over 300 of the Todd Lammle authored Cisco ICND1 100-105 questions! Todd Lammle has been in the Cisco Network world since 1986 and started on the CLI in 1989! Todd Lammle knows his Cisco!"
Price: 19.99

"Todd Lammle's ICND2 200-105 Certification Practice Tests"
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