"How to sell your knowledge" |
"Online learning and training have become an essential part of our society. Join the industry of eLearning with me step-by-step. Share your knowledge and i'll help you to find the platform, topic and to become an expert. I dont want you to get stuck with this topic and thats why I decided to this course for you."
Price: 19.99 |
"Make Professional Music Videos Easy and Fast in 2019" |
"Are you looking to increase your filmmaking productivity?Are you a beginner and wonders how to get from Ato B in the filmmaking process of music videos?This is a formula that I have used for a long time with great success. A process that has never failed me once.We have for the first time made a step by step video guide to help other filmmakers.This process is all about working smarter, not harder, so that you can get to your desired filmmaking level faster!Lets begin and let's get you to your next filmmaking level!"
Price: 1390.00 |
"Earn Money with Filmmaking" |
"In this video course I give you all of my best advice and tips on how to get those high-ticket projects. I've made a 4-step process you can follow to get to your dream without all the years and money wasted:1. Change Your Mindset: Think Like A Business Filmmaker & Know The Value Of Video2. Find And Connect With The ""Good"" Clients3. Sell High-Ticket Projects 4. Incorporate A Few Cooperation HacksLet Me Help You Understand How Your Life Can Change Within A Short Time Period... THE DREAM THAT BECAME YOUR PASSIONI did not have any ambitions when I started my filmmaking career. I just wanted to make films. However the thought about the 9-5, a grumpy boss and strict routines I needed to follow until the day I finally died, was not very me. And I bet it's kind of similar for you. I said F-it, and lets give my passion a try.Like many of us do.BUT IT DIDN'T END UP AS YOU PICTURED IT...Suddenly I ended up working day in and day out. Nights even. Trying to fulfill on the wishes of my clients. MY schedule was full, if not from projects, then from trying to find and convince clients to work with me. All this but still not earning more than barely enough... Family, friends, travel... that had to be put aside. The time, the freedom and the money was still just a dream...I worked more then 9 - 5, I had several grumpy bosses, and my filmmaking was becoming a routine hell.THAT WAS MY LIFE FOR YEARSI know exactly how it feels to work your ass off for clients that neither value your work or you as a person. For about 6 years I worked for next to nothing. They wanted fast Hollywood quality, but they weren't willing to pay for it.I was stuck and had several thoughts about quitting filmmaking and just get a day job, like most of my filmmaking friends had done.Then one day I snapped and mymindset changed. And that changed everything. I did lots of research and testing before I discovered the secrets... The solution, the result of all this pain and suffering, and now... I am on a mission to help others just like myself!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Educando a Emoo" |
"Esse curso enfoca a Inteligncia Emocional aplicada na sala de aula. Pra voc que Professor, Educador, Estudante de Magistrio, Pedagogia ou Licenciaturas, esse curso tem como objetivo trazer recursos tericos e prticos para voc aplicar em sua sala de aula. So mais de 15 tcnicas ldicas para voc desenvolver com a sua turma, e tambm com seu filho e filha se assim desejar. Atravs da brincadeira e ludicidade a criana desenvolve a sua gesto da emoo trazendo muito mais qualidade para o seu dia a dia e seus relacionamentos. Alm disso voc, adulto, tambm poder colher muitos benefcios para si prprio atravs desse curso."
Price: 129.99 |
"Building an All in Culture with Chester Elton" |
"Organizations with high levels of employee engagement, enablement and energy report 3x higher financial results.There are many benefits of developing agility in a culture. Your people will be more able to deal with change, they will have clarity about the direction of the organization, and they will help you find the answers to meet market needs.If you want a great culture, you have to take an active and ongoing role in clarifying avenues to learn, grow and develop. Managers can help their people grow and develop by giving them stretch assignments, etc. Some of your people may want to move up the ladder, while others might simply want interesting, solid work. No matter employees goals, managers can help develop their people.The last competitive difference is culture. And if your culture works, then everything works better."
Price: 199.99 |
"Accounting Crash Course" |
"DescriptionThe training course will provide students with the necessary skills to understand the basic accounting principles and to compile financial records and interpret the financial statements.Students, financial clerks and entrepreneurs will be able to apply the basic accounting principles in their studies/work place/business.The course consists of 9 videos with examples and explanations.At the end of the training students should be able to:Understand the basic accounting principlesCompile financial recordsCompile financial statementsAnalyse financial statementsCourse OutlineWhat is accountingAccounting is mathematicsDouble entry systemExamplesValue Added Tax & Accounting CycleWhat is Value Added TaxCalculate VATExamplesAccounting cycleSales Journal, Purchase Journal & Petty CashSales journal, debtors ledger & general ledgerPurchase journal, creditors ledger & general ledgerPetty cash journal & general ledgerCash Book & Bank ReconciliationCash book journals, debtors ledger, creditors ledger & general ledgerBank reconciliationJournals & LoansGeneral journalDebtors journalCreditors journalLong term loansCalculate interestAccount for loansFixed AssetsAcquiring of assetsDisposal of assetsDepreciation calculationTrial Balance, Income Statement & Balance SheetPost from the general ledger to the trial balanceCompile and Income statement / statement of incomeCompile a balance sheet / statement of financial positionComprehensive ExerciseDetail discussion on how to account for transactions in an accounting system and to compile an income statement and balance sheet"
Price: 350.00 |
"Curso de Productividad Personal" |
"Este curso permitir a cualquier persona descubrir conceptos profundos y desarrollar habilidades competitivas de planificacin que ayudarn a perfeccionar la productividad personal, mediante vdeos explicativos de cada uno de los conceptos la productividad se ir incrementando de manera progresiva en los participantes para llevar de la mano camino al xito personal y profesional."
Price: 49.99 |
"Tcnicas de estudio de un Super Estudiante" |
"Este curso est diseado para todos los estudiantes que desean elevar su comprensin del estudio; utilizando tcnicas y estrategias que mejoren la calidad del tiempo de estudio, la velocidad y las habilidades cognitivas de cada estudiante con el fin de despertar el Super Estudiante que llevan dentro.Aprenders los factores clave que todo super estudiante conoce para:Mejorar tus calificacionesAprender ms rpidoComprender mejorDesarrollar tus habilidades cognitivas.En un mundo competitivo se necesitan de estudiantes competitivos."
Price: 49.99 |
"Msica Descomplicada" |
"Est cansado de ficar sem entender a teoria musical e pra que ela serve?J tentou sair da sua zona de conforto e ficou preso nos mesmo acordes que voc j conhecia e por fim desistiu de tentar novas possibilidades?J sentiu vontade de compor e fazer arranjos diferentes dos originais mas achou complexo demais e no conseguiu sair do lugar?Muita calma nessa hora!Tenho a soluo definitiva pro seu problema!A teoria musical serve para nos ajudar a alicerar nossas canes e jamais deve ser vista como vil.Fiz esse curso pra voc aprender de forma definitiva, rpida e eficaz, tudo o que a teoria pode oferecer para a msica que voc faz todo dia, de forma prtica e direta!Vale para qualquer instrumento!As aulas so demonstradas no piano digital, podendo ser facilmente adaptadas para violo, guitarra, baixo e ate mesmo a voz.Est esperando o que para entrar no seleto rol dos que compreendem o que fazem dentro da msica e que tocam a vida das pessoas atravs da sua arte.Unir sua intuio com o conhecimento apresentado nessas aulas faro voc alar voos cada vez mais altos!No perca tempo e seja mais um aluno desse mtodo que tem revolucionado a viso de muitos novos amigos que tenho feito na msica!Vale para iniciantes e para quem j toca .Nos vemos dentro do curso!So 30 vdeos + uma apostila de 50 pginas em pdf.Alm da introduo e preparao, os vdeos abordam os seguintes temas:Tom e SemitomSustenido e BemolSistema Universal de CifragemAcordes Maiores e MenoresAcordes DiminutosInversesEscalas MaioresEscalas MenoresCampos HarmnicosIntervalosModulaoAcordes Relativos e AntirrelativosEmprstimo ModalFormao de Acordes DiminutosDominantes Secundrios e EstendidosProgresso II - V - IResoluo DeceptivaAcorde de Sexta NapolitanaDicasCom explicaes claras e demonstraes diretamente no instrumento, foi possvel tratar todos estes temas de uma forma muito mas fcil de entender e, principalmente, colocar em prtica.Nosso objetivo fazer com que voc tenha uma relao mais divertida e prazerosa coma msica.Aproveite!"
Price: 339.99 |
"The Acne Truth: Get Clear Skin Forever The Solution" |
"I'm so confident you'll find immense value with course and full satisfaction with the information provided. Information you really can't find anywhere else. You will discover the truth and impact your skin health!This course is designed to help anyone struggling with acne. This is the only course that exists that goes into the science behind acne and explained thoroughly, so you can take control of your skin health. The truth is if your struggling with acne you can EASILY reverse this chronic skin condition. Have you ever wondered why people in industrialized worlds tend to only struggle with chronic acne? I outline the best strategies to tackle acne once and for all, and include a detailed break down of what steps you need to take in order to achieve clear skin.I myself have suffered from acne and was able to naturally and holistically reverse this skin condition permanently. Stop wasting your hard earned money on products that simply don't work! Discover what insidious secrets the the cosmetic/beauty industry are withholding from you. Whether you're male or female I show you everything you need to know and what is truly behind your persistent acne problems.I reveal the dirty industry secrets and most of all the truth in treating ANY type of acne you may have. If your tired of feeling hopeless and seeing blemishes everyday when you wake up in the morning, than I strongly recommend you take this course and impact your skin health forever.I personally walk you through step by step and help you identify the different types of acne you may struggle with, and provide a solution to each one.Clear skin is only a few lessons away. Enroll now! - This will be one of the greatest decisions you will ever make!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Mastering Kindle Self Publishing With Amazon For Beginners" |
"INTRODUCTIONWelcome to the beginner's self publishing course with Amazon. In this course I teach you the proper foundation and ropes of Kindle Self-publishing with Amazon. The goal of this course is to help you understand how to monetize your books on the Amazon publishing platform.Did I mention you don't even have to write books yourself? - That's right! I teach you where to properly outsource books through ghostwriters, niche research, importance of keywords, marketing on Amazon, business insider tips, and much, much more!You will learn how to diversify your income streams from 1 book alone!That's right potentially make 3 sources of income from Amazon self-publishing and be one step closer to financial freedom.WHO IS THISCOURSEGEAREDTOWARDS?Self-publishing with Amazon is one of the greatest opportunities that exists for ANYONE!All you need is have a secure internet connectionNo highly technical skills required. You don't even have to write your own books!I will teach you how to outsource (hire other people) to complete ALL publishing related tasks for you!Whether your a student, single parent, budding entrepreneur, business owner, or want to escape the 9-5 rat race this beginners course is made is just for you! 3. LOW BARRIEROF ENTRY - BETTERTHANDROP-SHIPPING, SOCIALMEDIAAGENCY, ETCYou don't have to worry about inventory, logistics or even customer service!- All of this is taken care of for youPOD model - Amazon self-publishing works on a print on demand service; All you need to do is upload your manuscript and hit publish!This is personally one of my most favorite ways to make money online because Amazon does all the heavy lifting for youI've generated over thousands of dollars month after month consistently through Amazon self publishing4. FASTEST WAY TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE PERIOD! This is not a get rich quick scheme, however this is the FASTEST way to generate money online passivelyWithin 48 hours of publishing your books you can start making sales! - Make $$ while you sleepI don't know of any other business models that you can scale on this level and start making money in less than 48 hours of publishing your first bookWhat are you waiting for buy your kindle publishing with Amazon beginners course right now. Open your eyes to a world of massive opportunity that you can easily take advantage of through Amazon's global market.Did I mentionsigning up and publishing your books is completely 100% FREE!There's no excuse. There are NO sign up fees or fees associated to having your books listed on Amazon. - Absolutely FREEIt doesn't get any better than this! So hurry now and join the course. Open your eyes to a world of opportunity. I've had days where I've made over $400+ USD in a single day net profit from books I didn't even write myself! JOINNOW!!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Intermittent Fasting For Beginners" |
"Intermittent Fasting For Beginners - Discover the lost art of true sustainable weight lossAre Your Struggling With Belly Fat?Are you trying to lose weight but no matter how hard you try it seems you can't get rid of those unwanted pounds?Have you tried new diet fads, workout routines and magic pills but have had no long term results?If your tired of those misleading infomercials making empty promises and desire to have that ideal ""beach body"" your going to want to takethis course and unlock the power of true long term rapid weight loss. Intermittent fasting isn't some new fad, but has existed since the dawn of time.Learn the insidious secret food manufacturing companies are hiding from you and main stream media. Discover how they use habitual forming addictive ingredients to get you hooked, and how the masses in society are falling for their schemes front-line and center.The ""Food Empire"" have their own vested interests and its not your health!Empower Yourself With Actionable Information!What You'll Learn....Learn the truth about junk, refined and processed foodsUnlock the power of fasting Discover this lost ancient art that has existed since ancient timesFind out what's causing our worldwide obesity epidemicGet that beach body you've always wantedHow to keep your unwanted pounds off permanently What are you waiting for? Buy Intermittent Fasting For Beginners right now!Make the greatest investment you can make and invest in your health and wellness.Being overweight opens up the door to many other chronic degenerative disease states and makes you more susceptible to them.You don't need any expensive gym memberships, coaching programs, fancy diets, or equipment. You can start losing weightas soon as you start implementing whatIteach you in the course. Intermittent fasting is backed up by concrete science and really works!Buy Now!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Job Interview Skills : What You Need To Know!" |
"Job Interview SkillsAre you having trouble finding your ideal job? Do you find yourself working for much less than your worth?Is finding full time employment at your desired ""dream job"" something you struggle with?Discover how to become a top job prospect within your industry specific job market.Make employers chase after you! Have you ever wondered how some people always seem to successfully nail their job interview and get the job they want?They are able to do this because they are interview savvy! Whether your having trouble finding your dream job or being paid less than what your worth this crash course on job interview skills is just what you need to equip yourself with the right strategies, knowledge and techniques to nailing your job interview every single time!What you will learn in this course are universal rules and are applicable across all job markets & industries.You're learning from an instructor who is an insider and has past experience working for an employment agency, and understands the ""system"". On top of that I have ample experience hiring people as a business owner and did much of the HR ( human resource) component of the company myself. I will tell you specifically what employers are looking for, how to conduct yourself, and how to answer questions that are critical to your job success! Course Overview Mastering Job Interview SkillsCrafting a Professional Resume & Cover Letter ( template included)The Art of Salary Negotiation How to Create a Lasting First ImpressionCreating Rapport & Influencing Your EmployerReal Case StudiesAnd, much, much more!If your tired of working at a ""dead end job"" and desire more meaningful employment, feel like your not being paid your true worth, and want to sharpen your salary negotiation skills, than I would recommend taking this crash course.You will learn how to take control of your own destiny, become a top job prospect, win favor with your employer, and ultimately develop a permanent skill set for job search and long term employment.Enroll Now!What are you waiting for? Become a top job prospect and stand out from the crowd!"
Price: 19.99 |
"ClickBank Affiliate Marketing Without Website Crash Course" |
"ClickBank Affiliate Marketing Without Website Crash CourseFaceless Business Model - Make Money Off Products You Don't Own!The ultimate beginners guide for affiliate marketing is here!Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to start making money online FAST.Why Learn Affiliate Marketing:Low start up costsMake money by promoting products you don't own!No dealing with inventory, logistics or even customer serviceScalability No website requiredLocation mobility - travel the world while you run your affiliate marketing businessTime mobility - leverage pre-existing systems to free up your time and create freedom Over 1000+ offers to choose from and there is no limit to how many affiliate programs you can partner withMake money work for you - passive incomeWith such a low barrier of entry and many other advantages why wouldn't you want to start your affiliate marketing business? This is a business that works like ""clockwork"". You will discover how to make systems work for you!*As an added bonus I give you my top 12 affiliate program offers inside the course that I've personally found success with and generated over thousands of dollars online! These are my personal handpicked affiliate product offers..Whether you want to make this your full time income, side hustle, or passion project.... affiliate marketing is a business model that's right for you!Once you set everything up correctly you can run a profitable self-sustaining and automated online business that generates you passive income recurring month after month for consistent cash-flow. What are you waiting for? Learn how to harness the power of the internet so you can design the lifestyle you always wanted, obtain financial freedom, and live life on your terms!The truth is making money online in this day in age is easier than ever before! All you need to do is to implement the right proven strategies, techniques, and follow my step by step blueprint for success.Escape the ""9-5 rat race"" now.Change your life today and start making passive income online.BUY NOW"
Price: 29.99 |
"Merch By Amazon Crash Course" |
"Merch By Amazon Crash Course: T-Shirt Selling BusinessHave you ever wanted to get into selling your own clothing line and other merchandise? What if you could easily create your own unique brand, style, fan base and be able to sell to a global market online?Well, than you're in luck! Selling clothing online couldn't be easier and is one of the most rapidly growing businesses online that exists..That's right, you can begin to create your own designs, get them printed by Amazon and have them sold to customers worldwide!The beauty of Merch By Amazon is it operates through a print on demand service meaning, you don't have to worry about inventory, printing t-shirts, storage or logistics, shipping, handling, and not even customer service!Amazon takes care of all of that for you!This is a done for you system. All you need to do is upload a design, get it approved and start selling your t-shirt online. Simple, right?What if your not an artist or graphic designer? Don't worry I got you covered there too! In this crash course I teach you how to outsource logo designs for your t-shirts.I will show you where to get other graphic designers to make your designs and logos for dirt cheap. All of this means you can enjoy passive income, have your money work for you, location mobility, and time freedom.You can make money while you sleep! - 24/7 365 days a year. Once you built up your system the right way you can have your online business run on auto-pilot. Reap the benefits of passive income, design your ultimate life style and live out your dreams.WHAT'S INSIDE THE COURSE:How to get approved account by AmazonWhere to outsource graphic design ( T-shirt designs) How to do your Niche researching I reveal my own successful T-shirt designsCase studiesRules & terms of service - how to keep your account in complianceHow to do niche research and what resources to useExpanding your clothing business outside of Amazon!Advanced strategies and techniques to generate more salesHow to build a long term brandAnd, much, much more!You will discover how to build a profitable online business, leverage systems to work for you, generate passive income, create a sustainable long term brand, and how to expand your clothing business outside of Amazon. - I show you how to sell on up to 10 online clothing platforms!You will learn everything you need to know how to get started and become an expert quickly.I show you everything from A-Z. No smoke and mirrors. This is the REAL deal!What are you waiting for? If you want to learn how to make money FAST with arguably one of the most easiest businesses online, I highly recommend you start off with selling t-shirts online! Start your own clothing business now!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Philosophy: Think Critically" |
"Philosophy: Think Critically Crash CourseAre you ready to make your journey of self-discovery?Do you want to understand yourself better?Do you want to know the secrets to true lasting happiness? Transform your life now. Invest in your knowledge and become better equipped to think critically and ascertain some of the most complex question and themes in life.What You'll LearnUnderstanding Yourself Develop Critical Thinking SkillsLearn Different Aspects to PhilosophyHow to Stay MotivatedHow to Maintain True HappinessSelf-ReflectionConcept of TimeFree will VS Predeterminism (Destiny)Law of CausalityPsychology of MemoriesFreedom IllusionPerspective & PerceptionWisdom & KnowledgeParadoxesFallacies - How to construct proper argumentsYou will learn both abstract concepts and practical real world applications to philosophy that will impact the quality of your life profoundly.The truth is philosophy has shaped, influenced and molded the world in which we live for the better. Through philosophy we have derived our moral ethics and conduct, charters of rights and freedom, laws and our way of reasoning which directly corresponds to our scientific and mathematical achievements as well!Without philosophy humanity would be lost and stuck in the dark ages.Philosophy is all around us. But most people aren't aware and consider philosophy to be more of an intellectual's sport and is exclusively reserved for those prestigious university scholars, as this is their realm of expertise.... Right? But that couldn't be further from the truth! The fact is we have all been influenced and use philosophy in real life situations routinely whether we are aware of this or not.So, why not find out the everyday practical uses philosophy can help us with from problem solving, finding happiness, how to form arguments and seeking enlightenment.Change your life for the better. Invest in yourself. Remember to always think critically.Buy Now. "
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Create A Profitable Udemy Course Fast Unofficial" |
"Learn How to Create Your Own Course Fast!E-learning has taken the world by storm. Every single year millions of students enroll into at least one online course. You don't need any fancy qualifications, degrees or designations to get started. You can start teaching on Udemy as soon as possible and I'm going to walk you through step by step and show you how to create a profitable video course on Udemy and even beyond on other platforms too.The information product industry is an extremely lucrative one. By the end of this course you will have all the tools and knowledge necessary to create your own information products, brand and have your own teaching portfolio. I will teach you the insider secrets to creating, designing and marketing a profitable course.The beauty of selling courses is they work like digital assets. Once you've created them they can start generating you passive income!Meaning you can travel the world, earn money while you sleep and potentially become financially free. I will show you step by step my personal strategies that I've used to generate over thousands of dollars online through course sales alone! I reveal everything.I am going to show you how to monetize your craft. You don't need any fancy designations or degrees to teach online. Anyone with a secure WIFI connection, willingness to learn, and a little creativity can become an instructor ASAP.You're probably thinking this is to good to be true? Making thousands of dollars online from courses is only reserved for those ""internet gurus"" driving their fancy sports cars right? - Absolutely not! In fact you don't even need to be a huge authority figure to make money online through courses! That's right I show you how I've made thousands of dollars online through a small yet profitable following. You don't need a large audience. -Udemy has most of your customer base!What You'll Learn..How to earn thousands of dollars in passive income from course sales every monthPersonal case studies from my experienceNiche ResearchWhat to TeachMonetization StrategyHow to create your own followingUp-sells, value ladders, marketing funnels, etcAnd, much, much more! Live life on your terms and obtain location mobility, time freedom and potentially financial freedom through teaching. Teaching is a profession that has existed since the beginning of civilization. We can see this in different forms today from tutoring, mentoring, and of course our current schooling systems. But online teaching changes things where you have the freedom to teach what you want, when you want, and to whom you want on a global scale!So...what are you waiting for? Change your life today. Invest in yourself.Buy Now!This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc"
Price: 29.99 |
"Instagram Social Media Marketing" |
"Instagram Social Media Marketing : Building Your Personal BrandThe most up to date and extensive social media marketing course.I show you how to build your personal brand from scratch from the ground up without ads!I teach you the proper techniques, engagement strategies, and how to leverage the Instagram algorithm to maximize your reach.You will learn how to organically grow your social media without paid advertising.Social media is the biggest disruptor to conventional marketing in the 21st century. So don't sleep on it!It doesn't matter what profession you find yourself in, whether, you're a lawyer, dentist, doctor, or content/course creator you need to learn how to use Instagram to help acquire more leads and close sales.This course will teach you how to specifically target the right demographic, set up your account properly, and how to implement a good monetization strategy. If your serious about growing your business and getting an edge over your competitors than I highly recommend you enroll in this crash course where you will learn everything you need to know about Instagram and grow your social following without paid advertising.What You'll LearnSetting up account profileMonetization strategy - how to make money $ from your social mediaInstagram algorithm Formula for personal branding success Sales funnel Avoiding ""Shadow-ban""Best PracticesContent posting strategy Case StudiesOther featuresAnd, much, much more!""Money follows attention."" Most businesses in today's modern world realize attention precedes the money!Attention is considered the new currency. Therefore, the importance of using the power of social media to reach your audience in a way never before seen in human history. We have the ability to globally connect worldwide with our audiences through the push of a button through our smartphones.If you want to be apart of this new wave of ""social media disruptors"" impacting businesses on a global scale and achieving massive success, than I would recommend enrolling into this crash course, Instagram Social Media Marketing - Building Your Personal Brand.Develop your own personal brand with my insider secrets to social media and reap the enormous benefits of this powerful tool (social media) many years down the road.The greatest investment you can make is an investment in yourself. Take control of your life now and build your own personal brand.Buy Now!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Oracle ve MySQL Veritabanlar iin Java ile JDBC Programlama" |
"Oracle ve MySQL Veritabanlarnn kurulumlarnn anlatm,Oracle ve MySQL Veritabanlarnn Java projelerinde kullanmlarnn anlatm,JDBCMimarisinin anlatm,JDBC arayzlerinin kullanmlarnn anlatm,JDBCAamalar'nn anlatmJDBC Programlama Temelleri'nin anlatm,JDBC ile CRUDilemleri'nin Oracle ve MySQL Veritabanlar iin yaplmas iin izlenilmesi gereken yollar,JDBCile Store Procedure kullanmnn anlatm,PrepareStatement ve Statement Snflarnn kullanmlar ve farklarnn anlatlmas,Java ile Veritabanna bal uygulamalar gelitirmenin temel mant"
Price: 59.99 |
"Hibernate/JPA ile Java Programlama" |
"Hibernate Srmlerindeki Farkllklar ve KullanmlarHibernate Framework ile CRUD yaps,Farkl Hibernate Versiyonlarnn kullanmlar,Annotation ve XML based Hibernate Projelerinin Uygulamal kullanmlar,JPA Criteria API kullanmProjections ile Criteria Kullanm,Restrictions ile Criteria Kullanm,Hibernate Query Language (HQL) Kullanm,POJO Kavram,ORM Kavram,Hibernate Framework'nn MySQL Veritabanna balanmas,Hibernate Framework'nn Avantajlar ve Dezavantajlar,One to One Bidirectional ve One to One Unidirectional KullanmlarMany to One ve One to Many Bidirectional ve Unidirectional Kullanmlar,Many to Many Unidirectional ve Bidirectional KullanmlarCascade kullanmlar,Fetch Type kullanmlar"
Price: 89.99 |
"MongoDB Veritaban ile Java Programlama" |
"Eclipse IDE ile MongoDB ve Java EntegrasyonuMaven Aracnn kullanmMongoDB Veritaban ve Compass Community kurulumuMongoDB Veritaban Nedir?MongoDB Veritaban zellikleriNoSQL Kavram ve RDBMS FarklarJava ile MongoDB Find lemiJava ile MongoDB Find ve Comparison lemiJava ile MongoDB Find ve Logical AND lemiJava ile MongoDB nsert, Update,Delete lemleriJava ile MongoDB oklu Insert lemiMongoDB Veritaban Bamllklarnn Java Projesine Dahil EdilmesiDocument, Collection, Field Kavramlar"
Price: 69.99 |
"The course consist of yoga poses and exercises that challenge your body and overall strength. Build muscle endurance in areas that we don't usually put to use.- 2 Step by step instructional videos- Available for all levels- Quick and effective if you don't have a lot of time- Full body strength class- Bonus Core Class"
Price: 19.99 |
"Master di Logo Design ""Logo Designers""" |
"Questo un corso completo di graphic design online che ti insegna principalmente come creare un logo. In questi video corsi sono raccolti per te gli insegnamenti appresi dai migliori graphic designer al mondo. Imparerai le tecniche e i segreti dei professionisti che hanno fatto del logo design e della brand identity la loro principale professione."
Price: 149.99 |
"Bootstrap 4 ile Sfrdan 5 Gerek Web Tasarm Projesi Yeni" |
"ndirim kuponu ii bana ulaabilirsiniz: cihankoc41@gmail.com Bootstrap 4 eitimi sonunda sizlere vadettiim ve hayal kurmanz saladm her eyi yapabilmeniz iin sadece kursa kayt oluncaya kadar deil kurs renme sresi boyunca da sizlere destek olmak iin buradaym.Bu Kursta Neler Yapacaz? Bu kurs sayesinde Bootstrap 4 veya Bootstrap 4.2 srmleri hakknda hibir ey bilmeseniz bile sizlere sfrdan harika responsive yani tm platformlara duyarl (telefon, tablet, bilgisayar) Web Tasarmlar / Temalar yapabilmeniz iin Bootstrap 4.2 'nin kullanmn reneceksiniz. Bu kursa balamak iin Bootstrap 'in nceki srmleri hakknda bilgi sahibi olmanza gerek yok. Kurs ierisinde Bootstrap 4.2 iin temel CSS ve HTML5 bilgisi de sunulduundan sadece temel bilginiz olmas yeterli.Bu kurs, Bootstrap 4'n (4.2.1) son srmn kullanan en gncel kurstur.Gerek Projeler / Tasarmlar Gelitirmeyi renin Tm kurslarnda nce retip sonrada gerek projelerde bu bilgileri harmanlayan eitmeniniz ile birlikte sfrdan 3 farkl projeyi yaparak bilgilerinizi pekitireceksiniz. Bu projelerin ounluunun dosyalar uan kursta hazr ve yklenmi durumda dier eksiklerde hazrlanarak yklenmeye devam etmektedir. Dilerseniz eitmeniniz ile birlikte uygulayarak yada annda indirerek projeleri inceleyebilir ve gerek hayatta kullanmaya balayabilirsiniz.Bu Bootstrap 4 kursu html5 css3 vs JS (javascript) frameworklerini iermektedir. Bootstrap 4 Kursu, Yazlm Gelitirme kategorisi ierisinde bulunan Web Gelitirme kategorisinin ierisinde yer almaktadr. Bu kursu satn almanz durumunda frontend olarak da bilinen n yz web tasarm gelitirmeyi reneceksiniz. ngilice kaynaklarda web design olarak da gemektedir. #html5 #css3 #JS (Javascript) #bootstrap #bootstrap4 #web #tasarm #design #responsive"
Price: 49.99 |
"SEO Management" |
"This course will provide you with world-class guidance on establishing a presence online, enabling you to know how to get the most out of your SEO optimization. we will be covering many aspects of SEO management, step by step, to ensure the full lectures are absorbed per lesson . We will be offering the opportunity to Learn best practices and a few tips and strategies you can use to maximize your search engine friendliness."
Price: 19.99 |
"Professional Facebook Monetization" |
"In this course, well be discussing a method of monetization in Facebook that you will be able to implement, while at the same time, youll be able to allow it to run without you being present.This means that once youve automated your traffic, youll be free to replicate this cycle in multiple niches.We will primarily be talking about executing a content membership.The reason wed do it in Facebook is that you dont need software and it is easy to administer, which means youll be able to turn a schedule over to an outsourcer.The most important aspect of this membership strategy is keeping paid members entering at the top of your funnel.In most cases, due to the ongoing maintenance, youll want to have ongoing income to accompany it; however, there are more monetization methods to consider."
Price: 19.99 |
"JVZoo Funnel Simplified" |
"There is nothing wrong with the other shopping carts out there, but really what it comes down to is choosing something that will fit you. And merchants and digital entrepreneurs feel like JVZoo definitely provides enough features and options for you to go different routes.But most internet marketers really want you to focus on the simplicity, just getting your products and services up and running, and selling is the first thing."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Wordpress Advanced Strategies" |
"If you have been using WordPress in building stunning websites for a while, then upgrading your skills is indeed necessary. As the technology upgrading so fast, you need to cope up to it.If you are having to find Advanced WordPress resources to help you upgrade your ability, then a good news is inside this product package.What you are about to get is a series of step-by-step Advanced WordPress tutorials that you can use today."
Price: 19.99 |
"Professional E-commerce Conversion Management" |
"What is traffic if those traffic will not turn into at least a one time customer. You see, traffic is said to be the life-blood of a website or an online business but if you are not good at converting those leads into customers, then your marketing effort is not enough.The thing that, many internet marketers have been experimenting some marketing strategies and psychologies on how to make those leads to buy what you offer.Inside this course series, you are about to learn the essential information on you can convert those website visitors as far as turning them into returning to loyal customers."
Price: 19.99 |
"Lean world-class online business strategy secrets" |
"Striking out to be the boss of your own business may seem like an adventure with its own excitements attached to it. And for the less experienced and excited individuals jumping in a head-on, thinking that all will work itself out for the best is to be expected, with this course we will have you prepared for the unexpected."
Price: 19.99 |