Vivry |
Price: 6000.00 |
"The Fundamentals of Project Management" |
"Welcome to the Fundamentals of Project Management!Project Management is an essential skill-set for many careers and in many contexts in our lives. This Crash Course is the ultimate starting point if you need to manage projects at work or at home, while not necessarily being a formally trained project manager. It will help you if you are considering undertaking a project or if you are seeking to learn and apply essential project management knowledge and skills.The Objectives of this course are:- To understand the critical role of project management in contemporary organizations.- To develop a working knowledge of the basic concepts and tools of project management.- To understand the role of the project manager- To understand how the types of business organization facilitates or deter the application of project management- To understand the steps necessary to plan and organize business initiatives into projects.- Apply project management Good PracticesThis course will require a great deal of time management and self-motivation from you. Any time you need assistance, please contact me so I can assist. In the online environment, communication with your instructor is critical to your success. If you run into trouble, I am only an email away. Please contact me via the course email, and I will respond to you within 48 hours, usually sooner.I wanted to create a course that is entertaining to watch and easy to understand.Thank you for choosing this course! Good luck!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Introduccin a la Teora de la Gravedad Modificada MOND" |
"Ante la falta de resultados positivos en los ltimos experimentos para encontrar la materia oscura, los cientficos estn comenzando a cuestionarse la existencia de la misma. Contamos con cientos observaciones que no hacen sentido, y no podemos explicarlas con la gravedad que conocemos. La teora de la Dinmica Newtoniana Modificada (MOND), introducida en los aos 80s, por el fsico israel Milgrom, est empezando a ganar ms notoriedad dentro de la comunidad cientfica. A estas alturas, es muy posible que tengamos que reevaluar todo lo que conocemos de la gravedad.En este curso se explicar de manera concisa la controversial teora de la Gravedad Modificada.Primero, evaluaremos el gran problema de la fsica y la inferencia de la materia oscura. Analizaremos las observaciones, y se explicar de manera comprensible el rol de la teora de la Gravedad Modificada para brindar una explicacin aproximada de estos fenmenos universales."
Price: 34.99 |
"Hello! My name is Mariam and I will be your strategic planning instructor for this brief course.Why is it important to have a personal strategic plan?Have you ever wonder why some things dont work out, where and when you missed the point, and more importantly when you missed your goal?It is well known in developing programs that what cant be measure, doesnt exist. Based on that philosophy I will show you how to make a successful personal plan, I will give you the step by step, all the templates for you to start planning TODAY, and I will show you how to measure your steps toward your ultimate goal."
Price: 19.99 |
"ADR para novatos" |
"Curso te explica todo lo bsico del ADR.El ADR es el Acuerdo Europeo sobre el transporte internacional de cargas peligrosas por va terrestre. El siglas ADR se debe se debe al nombre del acuerdo en Ingles y en Francs.European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road.Accord Europen Relatif au Transport des Marchandises Dangereuses par RouteEl ADR se encarga de regular: Las mercancas se puede transportar por carretera y en qu condiciones. Los envases y embalajes necesarios para el transporte de estas mercancas La documentacin necesaria de debe acompaar a la mercanca La sealizacin de la mercanca y los vehculos. Tipos de Vehculos y su equipamiento La capacitacin de los conductores Otros.Cada uno de estos puntos y algunos otros ms los trataremos a lo largo de este curso."
Price: 19.99 |
"Gvenlii Uzmanl ve Yeri Hekimlii Snav Hazrlk" |
"Yeri Hekimlii ve Sal ve Gvenlii Uzmanl Snavna hazrlk ile ilgili taleplerinize cevap verebilecek bu eitim seti, on yl akn i sal ve gvenli tecrbesiyle hazrlanmtr.Bu eitim setindeki anlatmlar, uzun ve skc video kaytlar yerine her kanun, ynetmelik veya teknik konu kendi iinde alt balklara ayrlarak dersler oluturulmutur. Eitim videolar renmeyi kolaylatran ve algy zorlamayacak bir ekilde ksa videolar olarak hazrlanmtr. Bu sayede istediiniz konuyu izleyebilir ve tekrar izlemek istediiniz ksmlara yer iareti brakarak kendi video not kaytlarnz oluturabilirsiniz.Bu eitim setindeki konular, SYM tarafndan sorulabilecek sorular dikkate alnarak hassasiyet ile hazrlanmtr ve soru yaplar SYM formatna uygun ekilde oluturulmutur. Video derslerinden sonra pekitirmeyi salayacak sayda test zebileceksiniz.Snava hazrlanrken ihtiya duyulmayan bilgilerden syrlm kanun veya ynetmeliklerde size yardmc olacaktr.Her yeni konunun ncesinde konu analizi yaparak, konun nemi noktasnda fikir sahibi olacaksnz. Konu ierikli deien teknik artlar veya ynetmelikler dorultusunda srekli gncellenecektir. gvenlii konusunda n lisans, lisans yada yksek lisans eitimi alan renciler iin de bir kaynak olarak video dersleri yararl olabilecek dzeydedir. Ayrca bu eitim setini snava hazrlk dnda alma hayatnda da rehber olarak kullanabilmeniz mmkndr. Bu eitim kurslarndaki videolar, yazl ve grsel materyalleri indirip oaltan, paylaan veya yaynlayan kiiler hakknda yasal ilem balatlacaktr!Korsan olarak izlettii kii saysnca veya yaynlad eser miktar zerinden cret talep edilecektir!Eitim ile ilgili konu balklarna yaplan aramalardan u ekilde de ulaabilirsiniz. i sal ve gvenlii eitimi 2019 2020 stanbul Anadolu Avrupa yakas, zmir Ankara Adana Antalya Kayseri Samsun Diyarbakr Bursa. i gvenlii uzmanl eitimi kursu. i gvenlii uzmanl snav ne zaman. i gvenlii uzmanl snav sorular. i gvenlii isg snav sorular ve cevaplar 2019 2020. Mehmet hakan Ali erdogan kitap. i sal ve gvenlii snavlarna hazrlk. isg snavlarna hazrlk platformu. isg snava hazrlk video. i sal ve gvenlii snavlarna hazrlk kitab."
Price: 69.99 |
"TS ISO 45001 Sal Ve Gvenlii Ynetim Sistemi" |
"ISO 45001 standard; yasal ve dzenleyici artlara uyumun arttrlmas, alanlar iin srdrlebilir, gvenli ve salkl alma ortamnn salanmas, meslek hastalklarnn nlenmesi, i kazalarnn minimize edilmesi, tehlikelerin doru ekilde tanmlanarak risklerin tespit edilmesi, proaktif nlemler ile srekli iyiletirmenin salanmas ve organizasyonel yapnn glendirilmesi amac ile Uluslararas Standardizasyon Organizasyonu tarafndan yksek seviyeli yapda hazrlanan, corafi, politik, ekonomik, ticari ve sosyal snrlar gzetmeksizin oluturulan ve uluslararas platformda geerlilii olan bir i sal ve gvenlii ynetim standarddr.ISO 45001 maddeleri eitimi ohsas 18001 ile 45001 arasndaki fark nedir gstermekle birlikte, eitim fiyat avantaj ile stanbul veya Ankara yada zmir de olmadan Dnyann her yerinden kaliteli bir eitim almanz salar. Bu eitim ISO 45001 ba deneti / tetkiki konusunda da yardmc kaynak durumundadr."
Price: 59.99 |
"Sal ve Gvenlii Uzmanl Snav Soru Bankas" |
"Bu soru bankas her dzeyde (A B ve C) i sal ve gvenlii uzmanl aday, i yeri hekimi ve dier salk personellerine gelebilecek sorular dikkate alnarak hazrlanmtr.Aklama gerektiren sorulara ynelik gerekli izahat bulunmaktadr. Konular ncesinde konu hakknda ksa bir bilgilendirme videosu da bulunmaktadr.Sorularn kaynaklarna ait kanun veyahut ynetmeliklerde revizyon olduu zaman, ilgili sorularda gerekli dzenleme yaplmaktadr."
Price: 49.99 |
"German Language Course - Authentic Dialects and Accents" |
"Get used to different accents of German. This video course highlights dialects and accents being spoken in Southern Germany - since the video material comes from authentic persons living in Munich. 4 High Quality Video Sound Slides will train you in your listening comprehension. Before starting the videos I will make sure you get the vocabularies needed in order to answer the questions.You gonna get worksheets from beginners to advanced questions to the video-slides. The questionnaire is orientated on the European reference framework an range from A1 - beginners till B1 - intermediate students. At the end of every lecture/Video Sound Slide you gonna find a literal transcription in order to see the dialects/accents in written form to fill you 5 blanks. The videos contain not only German natives but also fluent German speaking people from different nations with their corresponding accents since those accents you hear on a daily bases in the streets of Munich."
Price: 19.99 |
"Astronomie fr Einsteiger" |
"Der Mini-Kurs Astronomie fr Einsteiger vermittelt die astronomischen Grundlagen um sich am Nachthimmel ohne Hilfsmittel orientieren zu knnen.Neben den bekannten Tierkreisbilder erfhrst du ber die 2 Bewegungsarten unserer Erde welche primr die Bewegung des Nachthimmels verursachen.Weitere Themen:Wie erkenne ich den Nordstern?Welche Sternbilder sind fast immer zu erkennen?Welche Sterne kann ich leicht mit freiem Auge erkennen?Die TierkreisbilderDer Groe Wagen- Anzeiger der Jahreszeituva.Mit den Astro Apps Stellarium und Solarssystemscope simuliere ich in den Lehreinheiten den Nachthimmel, sodass du schnell den Dreh raus hast und kinderleicht nach dem Kurs am Abend deine ersten Sternsichtungen machen kannst"
Price: 19.99 |
"Rmische Astrologie 1" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die Grundlagen der hellenistischen- rmischen Astrologie. 2000 Jahre alte Prognostische Techniken werden seit ca. 20 Jahren wiederbelebt. Hier geb ich dir das Werkzeug in die Hand, damit du selbst bei dir die erste Technik anwenden kannst um in deinem Horoskop deine Lebensaufgabe zu erkennen: Die verrt dir der Herrscher deines Aszendenten - der Kurios"
Price: 19.99 |
"Astronomie mit Handy Apps superleicht!" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du 5 Apps kennen, die du auf dein Handy/Tablet kostenlos bzw. fr wenig Geld laden kannst. Damit kannst du schnell dein Wissen ber Astronomie erweitern:Du lernst:Sterne und Planten am Nachthimmel bestimmenWie sich Planeten im Sonnensystem bewegenWo bei dir wann die Sonne auf- und untergehtDie Jahreszeit anhand der Sonnenlinie bestimmenDie Sternenkonstellation zu deiner Geburtszeitwie Heilige Sttten ausgerichtet sindin welchen Tierkreiszeichen die Planeten stehendie Umlaufbahn der Planeten in unserem Sonnensystem bestimmenuvm.Schlussendlich sollen dich die Apps animieren den Nachthimmel mit bloem Auge zu selbst zu erkunden und zu bestaunen!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Hand Lettering and Personal Branding by Lise Hellstrm" |
"The course language is English. German, Italian, Spanish and French captions are available.When it comes to strengthening professional brands and communications, hand-drawn letters and symbols could be just the element needed to boost a unique brand expression.With our hand lettering Creators Box and online course, our creative expert Lise Hellstrm will guide you through the process of using hand lettering to develop your own personal brand.This course contains everything you need to get started:Basic hand lettering techniquesPractical hand lettering applications to enhance your personal brandDevelop your very own logo from the first idea to the final resultDistinctive and personal: Learn how to apply hand lettering techniques to give your logo a personal characterUse moodboards to build and visualize your personal brandHow to use Social Media to enhance your personal brandHow to deal with the struggles you may face on your journey to building your personal brandPractice sheets for hand letteringColour wheel chart"
Price: 19.99 |
bezkonfliktov |
"26 , , , , . , . . - , , , , - ."
Price: 44.99 |
"MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals C# Exam Prep" |
"This course is part of the MTA - Beginner to Certification Ready International Exam Prep Q&A series from a Software Development Instructor with 16+ years experience in successfully getting students certification-ready.Take your first steps towards becoming a Programmer/Software Developer!Benefits and Features:Prepare yourself for the Software Development Fundamentals Exam MTA 98-361 with realistic questions with accurate answers and thorough explanation of each Q&A concept.The focus of explanations is understanding and insight - understand why answers are correct or incorrect so you are not taken by surprise with unexpected exam questions.Use this Q&A and approach your exam with confidence, expecting to succeed!You won't need expensive additional preparation Q&A's.6 Practice tests with 200+ questions in total.Each test covers one Exam Objective - ideal for learning per Objective!For each test you have completed, you can review the answers and study explanations aimed at understanding concepts. Links are also provided for more in-depth information about concepts.All Exam Objectives are thoroughly covered:Understanding Core ProgrammingUnderstanding Object-Oriented ProgrammingUnderstanding General Software DevelopmentUnderstanding Web ApplicationsUnderstanding Desktop ApplicationsUnderstanding DatabasesBonus:Access to the following resources after you have signed up:How to book your exam and taking your exam - Step-by-step. (with Exam tips).Downloadable Objective 1&2 Study Guides with summaries, explanations, exercises and Review questions.Links to other downloadable guides and documents to assist you in preparing for the exam, e.g.: MTA 98-361 Summative Guide - C# Types Access to more detailed explanations to student questions so far in pdf format. Application Life Cycle Management Summary Page Life Cycle in ASP.NET and ASP.Net MVC Summary"
Price: 19.99 |
"Zend Framework Certification (100-500 ) practice exams" |
"The Zend Framework Certification is an industry-wide standard that recognizes the attainment of a professional level of expertise in using Zend Framework . This certification is also a measure of distinction that employers use to evaluate prospective employees.Zend Certification exams follow accepted industry standards to test technical knowledge and skills needed in todays job market and are recognized as the Industry Standard for PHP exams.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 130 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 |
"Zend Certified PHP Engineer (200-550) practice exams" |
"The Zend Certified PHP Engineer is created and monitored by an independent advisory board whose members contribute heavily to PHP and Zend Framework open source projects. Zend Certification exams follow accepted industry standards to test technical knowledge and skills needed in todays job market and are recognized as the Industry Standard for PHP exams.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 198 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"Web Development Fundamentals (MS 98-363) practice exams" |
"Candidates for this exam are seeking to prove core knowledge and skills in creating web-based applications by using Microsoft Visual Studio, the .NET Framework, and C# or Microsoft Visual Basic .NET. It is recommended that candidates be familiar with the concepts of and have hands-on experience with the technologies described here either by taking relevant training courses or by working with tutorials and samples available on MSDN and in Microsoft Visual Studio.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 112 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 |
"Magento Certified Associate Developer Certification Practice" |
"Experienced Magento professionals can validate their real-world skills by earning a Magento Certification. Magento Certification Exams are geared toward professionals who want to differentiate themselves from the competition with the ultimate Magento credential.The Magento Certified Associate Developer exam is for a developer who is beginning their career as a Magento Developer. The exam is designed to validate the skills and knowledge of Magento in the areas of: UI modifications, database changes, admin modifications, customizations, catalog and checkout structure, and functionality changes.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 108 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 |
"Magento Certified Professional Developer practice exams" |
"Experienced Magento professionals can validate their real-world skills by earning a Magento Certification. Magento Certification Exams are geared toward professionals who want to differentiate themselves from the competition with the ultimate Magento credential.The Magento Certified Professional Developer exam, a primarily scenario-based exam, is designed to validate the skills and knowledge needed to customize Magento in the areas of: UI modifications, database changes, admin modifications, checkout process customizations, order management integrations and customizations, catalog structure and functionality changes.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 130 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 |
"Magento Certified Professional Front End Developer exams" |
"Experienced Magento professionals can validate their real-world skills by earning a Magento Certification. Magento Certification Exams are geared toward professionals who want to differentiate themselves from the competition with the ultimate Magento credential.The Magento Certified Professional Front End Developer exam, a primarily scenario-based exam, is designed to validate the skills and knowledge needed to understand Magento's theming components and the ability to modify the user interface according to best practices.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 100 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 |
"Developing ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Applications" |
"Prepare for Microsoft Exam 70-486and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of developing ASP.NET MVC-based solutions. Designed for experienced developers ready to advance their status, Exam Ref focuses on the critical-thinking and decision-making acumen needed for success at the Microsoft Specialist level.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 112 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 |
"Developing Mobile Apps (MSCA 70-357) practice exams" |
"This Certification Exam Prep session is designed for people experienced with Developing Mobile Apps who are interested in taking the 70-357 exam.This exam contains : Develop a XAML page layout for an adaptive UI (1015%)Implement page navigation and lifecycle events (1015%)Implement data access and data binding (2025%)Implement feature detection for adaptive coding (1015%)Manage user input and custom user interactions (1015%)Manage authentication and identity management (1015%)Implement notifications, background tasks, and reusable components (1520%)*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 51 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"Magento 2 Front-end Developer Certification Practice Exams" |
"The Magento 2 Certified Professional Front End Developer exam is designed to validate the skills and knowledge needed to understand Magento's theming components and the ability to modify the user interface according to best practices.A Magento 2 Front End Developer creates and customizes Magento themes including: templates, layouts, CSS, JavaScript, and other components of the front end, including translations, of a Magento site. A Magento 2 Front End Developer uses the Admin Panel to implement design-related system configuration and modify the appearance of specific pages.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 148 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 |
"How to secure easy PR across TV, Radio and Print" |
"Public Relations is all about building relationships to raise awareness and promote and enhance the reputation of you, your business and your industry. PR for small businesses is especially powerful because it helps you gain exposure and places you directly in front of your target audience.However, what if you dont have a huge PR budget or cant afford to hire an expensive agency? This course will teach you how to get stared with your PR for NOTA PENNY!In this course, Rachael Taplin, PR expert, Media Matchmaker and founder of BlueBoo Media, explains why, in todays day and age, there is no longer the need to spend thousands of pounds on establishing contact with the media and how you can do it yourself to position yourself as an industry expert, influencer and thought leader. Rachael will share with you all her PR insider secrets and will show you how she generated over 32 000 to her business from one press release. Rachael has appeared on hundreds of radio interviews, across most of the national TV channels and featured in most of the UK's national press and magazines and her story was nothing special!By the end of this course, you will know:why you should be using PR to raise your profile, build credibility for your business and attract the right type of customerhow to easily connect with journalists so that they rely on you to provide them with newsworthy contentthe importance of social media and how to use it to its best advantage to ensure that journalists are aware of your expertisethe top tools and insider tips needed to capture the attention of the media and secure valuable publicity for your business"
Price: 19.99 |
"Potenciao e Radiciao 9 ano Unidade 1" |
"Este curso sobre Potenciao e Radiciao tem mais de 4h de videoaulas e 147 exerccios resolvidos pelo professor, sendo 40 de aplicao e mais 107 propostos para os alunos.Todos os exerccios que propomos para os nossos alunos so tambm corrigidos em videoaulas pelo prprio professor. Assim o aluno esclarece as suas dvidas que podem ter surgido durante a resoluo do exerccio.Neste curso sobre Potenciao e Radiciao o aluno aprender sobre potncias e suas propriedades, notao cientfica e potncia de 10, raiz de um nmero real, Teorema de Pitgoras, radicais com expoente fracionrio, adio, subtrao, multiplicao e diviso de radicais e racionalizao. Esta sem dvida uma das unidades mais importantes de todo o curso do 9 ano. Muitas provas de concurso exigem os conceitos e conhecimentos detalhados nesta primeira unidade.Para saber mais detalhes sobre o que dado neste curso, veja a sesso ""Contedo do curso"".Este curso cobre todo o contedo programtico sobre potenciao e radiciao do nono ano do Ensino Fundamental II definido pelo MEC, ou seja, o mesmo contedo programtico que dado nas melhores escolas de todo o Brasil.Em cada um dos tpicos o aluno ver a teoria, como aplic-la na resoluo de problemas e far diversos exerccios para a fixao do aprendizado.Metodologia de Ensino (TAE)Todas as videoaulas so baseados nos trs pilares da metodologia de ensino desenvolvida pela Matemtica Resolvida. So eles:Teoria: o professor apresenta a parte terica do assunto;Aplicao: o professor aplica a teoria na resoluo de problemas; eExerccios: o aluno faz sozinho os exerccios propostos e depois assiste as correes feitas pelo professor.Esta metodologia, alinhada com a otimizao da apresentao do contedo, sedimenta o conhecimento no aluno e o ajuda a entender mais rpido e fcil cada tpico apresentado."
Price: 84.99 |
"Equao do 2 grau 9 ano Unidade 2" |
"Este curso sobre Equao do 2 grau tem mais de 2h de videoaulas e 52 exerccios resolvidos pelo professor, sendo 17 de aplicao e mais 35 propostos para os alunos.Todos os exerccios que propomos para os nossos alunos so tambm corrigidos em videoaulas pelo prprio professor. Assim o aluno esclarece as suas dvidas que podem ter surgido durante a resoluo dos exerccios.Neste curso sobre equao do segundo grau o aluno aprender sobre a forma normal e incompleta da equao, resoluo por fatorao de uma equao completa, frmula de Bhaskara, relao entre razes, equaes redutveis ao 2 grau, estudo do discriminante Delta, equaes irracionais e sistemas de equaes.Esta sem dvida uma das unidades mais marcantes, pois apresenta a frmula de Bhaskara e o estudo do discriminante Delta. Assuntos que acompanharo o aluno at depois da faculdade.Para saber mais detalhes sobre o que dado neste curso, veja a sesso ""Contedo do curso"".Este curso cobre todo o contedo programtico sobre equao do segundo grau, definido pelo MEC, que dado no nono ano do Ensino Fundamental II, ou seja, o mesmo contedo programtico ministrado nas melhores escolas de todo o Brasil.Em cada um destes tpicos o aluno ver a teoria, como aplic-la na resoluo de problemas e far diversos exerccios para a fixao do aprendizado.Metodologia de Ensino (TAE)Todas as videoaulas so baseados nos trs pilares da metodologia de ensino desenvolvida pela Matemtica Resolvida. So eles:Teoria: o professor apresenta a parte terica do assunto;Aplicao: o professor aplica a teoria na resoluo de problemas; eExerccios: o aluno faz sozinho os exerccios propostos e depois assiste as correes feitas pelo professor.Esta metodologia, alinhada com a otimizao da apresentao do contedo, sedimenta o conhecimento no aluno e o ajuda a entender mais rpido e fcil cada tpico apresentado."
Price: 84.99 |
"Funes 9 ano Unidade 3" |
"Este curso sobre Funes tem mais de 3h de videoaulas e 128 exerccios resolvidos pelo professor, sendo 54 de aplicao e mais 74 propostos para os alunos.Todos os exerccios que propomos para os nossos alunos so tambm corrigidos em videoaulas pelo prprio professor. Assim o aluno esclarece as suas dvidas que podem ter surgido durante a resoluo dos exerccios.Neste curso sobre Funes o aluno aprender o que uma funo, o que o domnio e a imagem de uma funo, funo polinomial do 1 e 2 grau, grficos de uma funo, zero da funo, esboo da parbola, valor mximo e mnimo da funo do 2 grau e estudo do sinal.Esta a unidade base para o aprendizado sobre funes que todo aluno do 9 ano precisa saber.Para saber mais detalhes sobre o que dado neste curso, veja a sesso ""Contedo do curso"".Este curso cobre todo o contedo programtico sobre funes que dado no nono ano do Ensino Fundamental II e definido pelo MEC, ou seja, o mesmo contedo programtico ministrado nas melhores escolas de todo o Brasil.Em cada um desses tpicos o aluno ver a teoria, como aplic-la na resoluo de problemas e far diversos exerccios para a fixao do aprendizado.Metodologia de Ensino (TAE)Todas as videoaulas so baseados nos trs pilares da metodologia de ensino desenvolvida pela Matemtica Resolvida. So eles:Teoria: o professor apresenta a parte terica do assunto;Aplicao: o professor aplica a teoria na resoluo de problemas; eExerccios: o aluno faz sozinho os exerccios propostos e depois assiste as correes feitas pelo professor.Esta metodologia, alinhada com a otimizao da apresentao do contedo, sedimenta o conhecimento no aluno e o ajuda a entender mais rpido e fcil cada tpico apresentado."
Price: 84.99 |
"Semelhana 9 ano Unidade 4" |
"Este curso sobre Semelhana tem mais de 3,5h de videoaulas e 119 exerccios resolvidos pelo professor, sendo 31 de aplicao e mais 88 propostos para os alunos.Todos os exerccios que propomos para os nossos alunos so tambm corrigidos em videoaulas pelo prprio professor. Assim o aluno esclarece as suas dvidas que podem ter surgido durante a resoluo dos exerccios.Neste curso sobre semelhana o aluno aprender sobre razo de segmentos, segmentos proporcionais, comensurveis e incomensurveis, teorema de Tales, teorema da bissetriz interna e externa, polgonos semelhantes, tringulos semelhantes, teorema da semelhana de tringulos, clculo da medida da diagonal do quadrado e da altura de um tringulo equiltero.Para saber mais detalhes sobre o que dado neste curso, veja a sesso ""Contedo do curso"".Este curso cobre todo o contedo programtico sobre semelhana do nono ano do Ensino Fundamental II definido pelo MEC, ou seja, o mesmo contedo programtico que dado nas melhores escolas de todo o Brasil.Em cada um desses tpicos o aluno ver a teoria, como aplic-la na resoluo de problemas e far diversos exerccios para a fixao do aprendizado.Metodologia de Ensino (TAE)Todas as videoaulas so baseados nos trs pilares da metodologia de ensino desenvolvida pela Matemtica Resolvida. So eles:Teoria: o professor apresenta a parte terica do assunto;Aplicao: o professor aplica a teoria na resoluo de problemas; eExerccios: o aluno faz sozinho os exerccios propostos e depois assiste as correes feitas pelo professor.Esta metodologia, alinhada com a otimizao da apresentao do contedo, sedimenta o conhecimento no aluno e o ajuda a entender mais rpido e fcil cada tpico apresentado."
Price: 84.99 |
"Relaes Trigonomtricas nos Tringulos 9 ano Unidade 5" |
"Este curso sobre Relaes Trigonomtricas nos Tringulos tem mais de 2h de videoaulas e 61 exerccios resolvidos pelo professor, sendo 26 de aplicao e mais 35 propostos para os alunos.Todos os exerccios que propomos para os nossos alunos so tambm corrigidos em videoaulas pelo prprio professor. Assim o aluno esclarece as suas dvidas que podem ter surgido durante a resoluo dos exerccios.Neste curso sobre relaes trigonomtricas nos tringulos o aluno aprender sobre trigonometria, seno, cosseno, tangente, relaes mtricas num tringulo e a natureza dos tringulos.Para saber mais detalhes sobre o que dado neste curso, veja a sesso ""Contedo do curso"".Este curso cobre todo o contedo programtico sobre relaes trigonomtricas nos tringulos do nono ano do Ensino Fundamental II definido pelo MEC, ou seja, o mesmo contedo programtico que dado nas melhores escolas de todo o Brasil.Em cada um desses tpicos o aluno ver a teoria, como aplic-la na resoluo de problemas e far diversos exerccios para a fixao do aprendizado.Metodologia de Ensino (TAE)Todas as videoaulas so baseados nos trs pilares da metodologia de ensino desenvolvida pela Matemtica Resolvida. So eles:Teoria: o professor apresenta a parte terica do assunto;Aplicao: o professor aplica a teoria na resoluo de problemas; eExerccios: o aluno faz sozinho os exerccios propostos e depois assiste as correes feitas pelo professor.Esta metodologia, alinhada com a otimizao da apresentao do contedo, sedimenta o conhecimento no aluno e o ajuda a entender mais rpido e fcil cada tpico apresentado."
Price: 84.99 |