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"Mothers-to-be Pregnancy Academy Conception to 12 Weeks"
"This firstMothers-to-be Pregnancy Academy course conception to 12weeks starts you on the journey through the thoughts and minds of fathers who developed these phenomenal pregnancy skills.We at Common Knowledge Trust are committed to passing these skills on as part of Birthing Better childbirth preparation and birth and birth-coaching skills.As a pregnant woman you want your partner (male or female) to keep up with the rapid and unexpected changes that pregnancy brings. Now you get a chance to learn what men felt they needed to learn for themselves.Course:Each of the 10 skills is discussed as an overview and then to yourself, baby and baby's parent. There are alsoassignments that take about 10-15 minutes so you deepen your use of these skills.By taking this course, you are starting on your own unique Heroine's Journey with the help of all the wonderful men who cared enough to create skills that permit both of you to grow together.Benefits:You get a secret peek into the mind of Men.You'll also be able to grow these 10 skills together.Learn how to morph each skills in every phase of pregnancy and beyond.You'll discover the benefits of having a Continuity of Self from pre-conception through 'becoming' to 'being' a mother as a skilled woman."
Price: 34.99

"Fathers-to-be Pregnancy Academy 12 to 24 Weeks"
"This second Fathers-to-be Pregnancy Academy course 12-24 weeks is a continuation of the Fathers-to-be Pregnancy Academy conception -12 weeks. You do NOTneed to have taken the first if that phase of pregnancy has passed you by!We at Common Knowledge Trust are committed to passing on the 10 skills men developed within the Birthing Better childbirth preparation method.For too long fathers-to-be have literally been left in the dark as soon as conception occurs no matter how involved your baby's mother wants you to be.Course:Each of the 10 skills is discussed as an overview and then to yourself, baby and baby's mother. There are assignments that take about 10-15 minutes so you deepen your use of these skills.Pregnancy, birth preparation, The Birth and newborn period is unique from the viewpoint of father/other. This course focuses on your role, job, task and relationship during these Life transforming period.Benefits:'Keeping up with the Jones' is not the message of this course. It's keeping up with your growing baby and your baby's mother. They are growing and changing at the speed of Light in the larger frame of Time. Grow or get left behind!Feeling left out is no longer the norm. As you grow as a human being, man, father-to-be and perhaps a husband or partner, you will gain confidence most men never feel. You now will have a Continuity of Self from prior to conception right through pregnancy, birth preparation, The Birth and newborn period. In other words ... no more gap!Knowing there are common sense and common knowledge skills that fit into your unique life means learning these 10 skills is simple.Discovering how to use these valuable skills toward yourself as well as your baby and baby's mother means you aren't drained by the constant needs of your pregnant partner."
Price: 34.99

"Mothers-to-be Pregnancy Academy 36 weeks to Birth"
"This is theMothers-to-be Pregnancy Academy course from 36 weeks to The Birth ... the 4th Phase of Pregnancy. We'll continue your journey through the 5 phases of pregnancy. We'll dig down more into some of the practical skills you should practice now so you can use them during birth as it unfolds.You do NOTneed to have taken the previous threecourses if you're pregnant between 36 weeks to The Birth.The 10 pregnancy skills and birth skills begin to merge during this phase. We'll explore how they come together.Our Trust is leaving a global legacy of all these skills on the Udemy platform.This Course:We'll explore Where you'll birth, Type of birth, Pelvis Overview, Teamwork, Staying in the NOW and Working With Pain and how to use your skills no matter where the birth unfolds or the type of birth experienced. These skills will make common sense and all are easy to learn. Your goal in Birth is to use skills to work through the ACTIVITY of birthing your baby.Benefits:You'll grow confidence in your own ability to actively 'do' Birth.If you've taken any ofthe previous courses, you continue to mature and feelmuch more confident as you get closer to becoming a mother.If this is your first Mothers-to-be Pregnancy Academy course then you'll fill in your gaps expressed by the question: 'What exactly should I be doing now or in birth?'You're way ahead of your friends and relatives in how you are approaching your coming birth. There is NOsocietal expectation that all pregnant mothers-to-be should become skilled. You're stepping up!All your skills will make sense as your birth unfolds. By using skills, you will have a positive birth even if it's unlike anything you imagined."
Price: 34.99

"(42 Saat) Python : Sfrdan leri Seviye Programlama (2019)"
"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Pythonve Programlama renmenintadn karn.Bu kursta sfrdanPython ve programlamann temellerini renerek , ileri seviyelerekadar Python'n tm gzelliklerini beraber grmeye balayacaz. Eer programlama hakknda hibir fikriniz yoksa bu kurs tam size gre!Kursun YapsKurs boyunca her blmde;Blmlerde rendiimiz bilgilerin kalc olmas iinkodlama egzersizlerimizigerekletireceiz.Blmlerdeki konularn hepsini kapsayan devlerimiziyapacaz.Daha nceden rendiimiz bilgilerleprojelergelitireceiz.Ayrca her konuyla ilgili alma dokmanlarnasahip olacaksnz.Kurs eriiKurs boyunca u konular renmeye alacaz.Temel Python Objeleri ve Veri YaplarKoullu Durumlar ve Koullu Durum BloklarDng Yaplarn KullanmaFonksiyonlar ve MetodlarModller ve Modl KullanmNesne Tabanl ProgramlamaHatalar,stisnalar ve Hata Yakalama BloklarPython ile Dosya lemleriPythondaki Gml Fonksiyonlarleri Seviye Veri Yaplar ve ObjelerVeritaban lemleri ve Sqlite VeritabanFonksiyonlarn leri Seviye zellikleri ve Decorator FonksiyonlarIteratorlar ve GeneratorlarPillow, Os, Requests, BeautifulSoup gibi leri Seviye ModllerPyQt5 ile Arayz GelitirmeKurs boyunca yardma ihtiyacnz olduundaSlack takmmza girerek insanlarla tartabilirveya bu platform zerinden sorularnz sorabilirsiniz.Ayrca, kurs boyunca tm sorularnz, grlerinizi ve eletirilerinizi hi ekinmeden bana bildirebilirsiniz. Bunlara elimden geldiince cevap vereceime emin olabilirsiniz.Haydi ne bekliyorsunuz ? imdi Python ailesine katln ve Python'n gzelliklerini hep beraber grmeye balayalm."
Price: 399.99

"Sfrdan Modern JavaScript Kursu - ES6+ (2020)"
"Sizleri Javascript ekosistemine salam bir ekilde dahil edecek ve iin arkaplann kavratacak yepyeni ve Modern Teknikler barndran (ES6+) Modern Javascript Kursuna hogeldiniz. Yazlm ile uzaktan yakndan alakas olan herkesin bildii gibi Javascript 2015 ylndan itibaren ES6, ES7 vs. gibi srmleriyle beraber gelen zelliklerle byk bir geliim gsterdi. Javascriptin bu geliiminden ve NodeJs'in de hayatmza girmesinden sonra gelen konseptler (Webpack,Babel, ES6, ES7 vs. ) ve zellikler(Promise , Async, Await, ES6 Snflar vs. ) gittike nem kazanmaya balad. Ayrca, JS'nin bu geliiminden ve glenmesinden kaynakl olarak React, Vue, Angular gibi frameworklerle de ortaya kt. Ancak bildiiniz gibi bu frameworklere dahil olmak isteyen yazlm gelitiricilerin ncelikle Javascript'i iyi bir ekilde renmesi gerekiyor. te bu kursun genel olarak amac, sizleri Javascript hakknda iyi bir noktaya getirmek ve bu frameworklere iyi bir ekilde hazrlamaktr.Kurs eriiKurs boyunca u konular renmeye alacaz.Javascript Temelleri Part - 1 - Veri Tipleri , Objeler, DeikenlerJavascript Temelleri Part - 2 - Koullar , Dngler, Fonksiyonlar , Window ObjesiJavascript ile DOMManipulasyonuJavascript - DOM EventleriTarayclarn Depolama Alanlar (SessionStorage ve LocalStorage)Dom Manipulasyonlaryla Todo List ProjesiJavascript - OOP - Prototype Javascript - OOP - ES6 Snflar ve KaltmES6+ ile gelen yeni zelliklerOOP ile Film ProjesiAjax ve Callback ile Asenkron ProgramlamaES6 Promiseleri ile Asenkron ProgramlamaAsync ve Awaitler ile Asenkron ProgramlamaYandex Translate API ile eviri ProjesiExchange Rates API ile Dviz evirici ProjesiGithub Rest API ile Github Projesi Node ve NPMKullanm, Javascript PaketleriBabel , Webpack ve ModllerWebpack Dev Server ile alanlar Projesirencilerin Kurs Hakknda Fikir Verebilecek Baz Deerlendirmeleri****Yusuf Ylmaz****Tam da Vue.js'e gemeyi dnrken yaymlanan dolu dolu bir kurs! Bu kursu bitirerek daha donanml bir ekilde geeceim artk. Hocamzdan bahsedecek olursak ise her zaman en iyisini yapyor! :)**************************Ali Emir Zilyas****Udemy'de ki en iyi Javascript kursu diyebilirim. Gereksiz bilgilerden uzak, gerekten renilmesi gereken bilgilerle dolu bir eitim. Eitmeni dinlerken, anlayamayacanz herhangi bir nokta olmayacak nk ayrntsna kadar anlatlyor. Bu kursu tamamladnz zaman kafanzda bir soru iareti kalmayacak ve js yazabilecek hale geleceksiniz. Ayrca react, node, vue gibi popler frameworklere temeliniz salam bir ekilde start verebileceksiniz. imdiden baarlar :) **************************Ali Osman zen****Kapsaml mfredat, gerek hayat uygulamalar, elenceli bir anlatm..ncelikle makine mhendisi olarak, kod yazmaya Murat hocamn Python kursuyla baladm ve 3,4 ayn sonunda Python biliyorum diyebilirim.Belki yzlerce kurs var burda ama Murat hocann kurslaryla hi bir ey bilemden bile ok ksa bir srede (kendinizde aba gstermesiyle) sfrdan ok iyi seviyelere gelebilirsiniz. Bunun canl rnei benim ki ""0"" programlama altyapsna ramen.**********************Kurs boyunca her konuyu kapsayacak 6 proje gelitirerek rendiimiz konular aklda kalc hale getirmeye alacaz. Kurs boyunca herhangi bir sorunuz olursa Udemy soru cevap blmnden sorularnz sorabilirsiniz. Sorularnza 24 saat iinde cevap vermeye alacama emin olabilirsiniz."
Price: 409.99

"Passez au JavaScript moderne ! Apprendre ES6, ES7 et ES8"
"Apprenez enfin l'essentiel des nouvelles fonctionnalits JavaScript, en Franais !Chaque vido reprend l'ancienne syntaxe avant d'introduire les modifications et nouvelles fonctionnalits, afin de vous aider dans votre transition vers ES6/7/8.Toutes les fonctionnalits que vous vous devez de connatre sont ici prsentes, de quoi tre au courant des dernires nouveauts du langage.19vidos, plus d'une heure au total +4exercices pratiques +un QCMfinal.L'ensemble des cours sont tlcheargables gratuitement, en cas de besoin d'une piqure de rappel ! Quel est le rel objectif ?Ce cours a pour but principal de vous faire comprendre l'ensemble des nouveauts syntaxiques qui s'offrent vous.Il s'agit d'une vritable invitation utiliser celles-ci pour vos projets actuels et futurs.Je ne serait trop vousrecommander ce cours si vous vous apprtez partir sur un projet nouveau, sur lequel vous aimeriez adopter les dernires normes JavaScript ! Est-ce vraiment jour..?Oui, j'utilise ces fonctionnalits au quotidien dans mes nouveaux projets (dont certains sont en accs sur mon github). Je cherche vous rendre accessible l'ensemble des nouveauts, ds qu'elles sont rendues publiques et stables. Est-ce difficile aborder ?A comprendre ?Non, et non ! J'ai l'habitude d'expliquer ces nouvelles notions mes camarades par-ci, par-l depuis quelques temps dj.Ils ont toujours fini par comprendre, puis s'y mettre dans leurs projets personnels. Si vous avez la moindre hsitation ou incomprhension, n'hsitez surtout pas me contacter sur Udemy, ou bien sur Twitter directement si a vous tente (@eveningkid)! Quelles sont tes motivations pour faire ce cours ?J'ai simplement constat l'absence d'un cours simple, en franais, qui reprend l'ensemble des dernires fonctionnalits JavaScript.Le but tait aussi ici d'aider les dveloppeurs qui savent dj programmer enJS. Il ne s'agit absolument pas d'une question d'argent, mais tout travail mrite salaire comme on dit ! A noter qu'Udemy rcupre 50%sur les revenus, histoire d'tre tout fait transparent avec vous.:) Pour en revenir la question, j'ai toujours ador aider les autres.La plupart de mes projets en cours de dveloppement se concentrent justement sur l'apprentissage de la programmation et des langues trangres.Ce cours tait aussi un dfi personnel, l'envie d'aider le plus grand nombre sur internet. Avant de commencer...un petit motBon courage tous, et puis surtout, n'hsitez pas tre critique.J'accepte toutes les remarques, c'est ncessaire pour avancer.Ce sera bien entendu galement l'occasion d'amliorer ce cours ainsi queson contenu et ce, pour l'ensemble des apprenants.Enfin, n'oubliez jamaisde prendre plaisir dans ce que vous faites, quoi qu'il arrive.Je ne saurais que saluer votreenvie, votre motivation d'apprendre. Bonne russite!"
Price: 19.99

"Comprendre et crer votre application React"
"S'il y a bien une librairie dont on parle beaucoup ces derniers temps, c'est bien React.js ! Mais alors, pourquoi apprendre React ?React vous permet de facilement crer des applications dynamiques. C'est l'outil numro un pour raliser des projets professionnels et au got du jour !React est utilis par les grands de l'internet : Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, Deezer, Dropbox, eBay, j'en passe. Il y a bien une raison pour laquelle cette librairie est autant apprcie !React permet de venir bout du ""code spaghetti"". Fini les morceaux de jQuery par-ci, par-l : aujourd'hui, vous pouvez crer l'intgralit de vos interfaces et ses interactions avec React uniquement.Apprendre React c'est s'ouvrir de nombreuses opportunits dans le monde du travail. C'est donc l'occasion de prendre du plaisir en apprenant, puis facilement trouver de quoi l'appliquer dans vos travaux personnels mais aussi professionnels !Me concernant, cela va bientt faire 3 annes que j'utilise React pour l'ensemble de mes projets web. Ce cours cherche donc rassembler tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur le sujet pour vous viter de perdre du temps dans les mandres de l'apprentissage en gnral. Je reprends donc les recommandations de la part des crateurs de React, ainsi que mes propres conseils personnels.Si vous rencontrez tout problme durant votre apprentissage, ou bien si vous souhaitez simplement me joindre : @eveningkid sur Twitter, par e-mail.En vous souhaitant un bon apprentissage ! :)"
Price: 94.99

"Understanding Layers and Layer Masks In Photoshop"
"Together, layers and masks make up a large portion of the work most photographers do in Photoshop, both for subtle and complex edits. However, if you are just beginning to work in Photoshop, these two irreplaceable tools may not be completely intuitive. In this tutorial, I will cover the basics of using layers in Photoshop and discuss layer masking laying the groundwork for far more advanced post-processing adjustments.This tutorial consists of six segments:IntroductionNew Transparency LayerAdjustment LayerText LayerDuplicate LayerLayer Masks"
Price: 19.99

"Why Shoot In Raw Format - Camera Profiling & White Balance"
"In this course I will give you ten reasons why you should be shooting RAW to render better quality images, how to create camera profiles and white balance for every lighting situation, andhow to batch process your color profile and white balance in Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw so that you can achieve accurate color in every lighting situation."
Price: 19.99

"Digital Blending Dispensary In Battleship North Carolina."
"This is an image photographed at the Battleship NC, a worldwarII ship opened to the public, on thedeck below the main deck. The room light was a shop type fluorescent light which created a dramaticdifference between bright and shadow areas. I had to shoot seven exposures on a sturdytripod to cover detail in all areas betweenbrights and darks todigitally blend them in photoshopto recover detail in brights and darks for a normal overall exposure using Luminosity Masks. (I first photographed the Checker Passport for white balance and camera profile.)This is a fivesegment tutorial:Prepare images for blending.Working on brights.Working on darks.One more bright.Finishing adjustments."
Price: 19.99

"Five To Ten Minute Portrait Retouching"
"In most portraits you want to make someone look good, but you don't want to spend a tremendous amount of time especially when you have many to do. This course will give you the tools to make someone's portrait look really good and natural, without having to spend a whole lot of time, but in some cases you may want to spend a little more time. With practice and repetition you can make a big difference in five to ten minutes."
Price: 19.99

"Develop Service Desk/Help Desk KPIs"
"In this course You learn how to align Service desk (Help desk) goals and activities to business goals; develop multi-level metrics (KPI) for Service desk as a team, and individual KPI for team members.In the second part of the course you learn on an example how to calculate financial bonus for Service desk staff according metrics achieved, and motivate help desk operators and engineers.You learn how to develop a balanced KPI system for a Service desk team and its individual members!"
Price: 39.99

"Software requirements specification: develop fast and clear"
"In the course you learn the full cycle of collecting, prioritizing, balancing and agreeing on IT product/service requirements.You learn and try the software specification document and UML models.At the course our you learn:How to engage stakeholders and develop a Stakeholder registerHow to create and agree on Business - technical requirements matrixTo develop Software requirements specificationPrioritize and balance requirements using MoSCoW priority matrixDevelop use cases, states diagrams, consequence diagrams.The course contains four assignments which help you to learn the topics practically.At the course you can consequently develop your own package of software requirements, share it with the expert trainer (PgMP, PMP, ITIL Expert, DevOps Product Owner), and receive expert-level feedback."
Price: 39.99

"DevOps and traditional ITSM in IT service management"
"Fast changes in a business environment lead to creating a DevOps model of IT service/product delivery to a customer in addition to a traditional ITSM model.At our course students learn advantages and challenges of both models, and learn how to implement both traditional ITSM approaches and DevOps in ITSM lifecycle model and deliver value to their customers in the best possible manner.During the course students improve their skills by preparing three individual assignments and discussing them with the trainer."
Price: 34.99

"IT service operations and Service Desk management"
"The course material is based on the ITSM best practices, MOF(r), and also my on 15 years experience as an ITSM consultant.In this course You learn a lot of  tips & tricks to make Service Desk performance better. You learn Incident and Request classification, specific features of performing major Incident resolving. You learn and practice on creating Incident and Request models for certain types of user calls.While Monitoring/Event management studies You learn the best practices of building-in monitoring tools in an IT service, types of events, and management of them.Problem management is mostly an expert area. At the course students learn and practice best practices of expert analysis such as mind maps, Kepner Tregoe analysis, Five Whys, and others.Students will carefully examine different types of Service desk, and best practices of their implementation based on a company and its IT department characteristics. You learn how define 5x8, 24x7 and other work regimes, and develop a Service desk structure.You learn and try the MoSCoW prioritizing matrix to define requirements for a Service desk and supporting software systems.During the course You practice in assignments, which are supported by the ITIL Expert trainer.And after you learn all the previous items you become better prepared for professional ITSM intermediate level certifications."
Price: 49.99

"Mastering Your Mac : 10x Your Productivity (Catalina 10.15)"
"******************Includes all major Catalina 10.15 updates******************More updated videos are coming soon...***** Review from other students : *****""Presenter was very clear and easy to understand. I learned many useful tips and understand now much more about the functionality on my Mac."" Derek Crummy""Excellent course. Very thorough and detailed. Lots of interesting tips. Well done"". Thank you.  Jackie Miller""I thought I was quite confident with my mac knowledge but within just a few videos I found myself learning several useful tips that I never knew about. Very simple and clear explanations and well presented. I can see myself returning to this course as a reference for many years. A huge amount of useful info for people just beginning on macs and plenty more for those looking to sharpen up their existing knowledge to a higher level."" Shilendra Selvan""With just one class, I learned way more about my MAC than any other person taught me in my school...where I needed a MAC. Great course, very needed right now since I don't want to broke or do anything wrong with my MAC. Thank you.""  Mayra Guadalupe Gonzalez Vazquez""An excellent course for understanding my Mac. I learnt many new and useful features I never knew existed. This course will elevate you to the next level of Mac user. Highly recommended!"" James Steele******************IMPORTANT: What you'll learn in this course is perfectly fine from machines 2012 forward. ******************COURSE DESCRIPTION:Hi there, Are you overwhelmed by thousands upon thousands of videos on youtube about how to use your Mac with tips and tricks?Learn your Mac in under an Hour? Learn tips and tricks in 10 minutes or less? Sounds familiar? I know because I have been there too.Are you frustrated with the fact that you can't find a comprehensive and interactive Mac course that will help you learn the basics and intermediate skills to be a bright star with your computer? A course that will allow you to ask questions, to request additional videos on everything regarding your Mac, it's not easy to find. There's a lot of noise. It is simply too much to take in.You need one course that will set you aside from everyone else. No more wasting time researching for the perfect course, because there is no such thing than the perfect course unless it is looked after by its teacher. No more hundreds of tabs on your browser to try to find an answer. That's why I created: Mastering Your Mac 2017: 10x your Productivity You might be thinking: Yeah, right, another of those courses! I saw other courses out there, some are indeed awesome, but they still lack one common thing: Interactivity with the teacher. I saw hundreds of unanswered questions, unresolved issues from students who could not get their questions answered.  Mac basics is not a topic many are looking for online, and that's why I felt this gap needed to be filled with a trustworthy ongoing course. You hear me right: Ongoing.  It will be ongoing because We are committed here, with your help and feedback to update this course periodically and make it remarkable for you to reference and to get inspired from, over and over for life.Benefits of the course: Fully understand the essential functions to operate your computer  Become incredibly faster and more efficient in executing basic tasks  Feel confident in using the Finder and customise it for your needs. Being able to organise your files, Music, Work documents, Video clips and more using internal, external and virtual drives.  Full understanding of iCloud and Apple ID  Capable of using all the main apps that come standard with your Mac  Feel confident connecting through wifi and setup accessories  Full understanding of the Photos appComfortable using Mail  Description: Mastering your Mac is a complete course that will show you everything you need to know about your Mac. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned user, I designed the curriculum for self-tailored learning. It does not assume prior knowledge. However, you are free to skip, fast forward and pick the class that most suits your needs. The course will cover the foundations of all the main apps and will guide you through the most critical features without getting too technical. There is an entire section dedicated to iCloud and Apple ID. By the end of this Section, you will have a full understanding of the Apple services and how to use them with your devices. No matter what OS (Operating System) you have, you will be comfortable using any Mac. Safari, Mail and Photos are covered thoroughly By the end of the course; you will know the How What and Why of your Mac and you will increase your productivity by 100 folds.Requirements for the course:  An Apple Mac with at least Mountain Lion. (Click on the top Left Hand Corner on the Apple Logo and click on About This Mac).  Here you can check what system you have. Who is this course for?Beginners and new to Mac  Windows users using Mac  Windows users who hate MacsWindows users who want to love MacsBusiness owners who wish to improve their skills on their Mac and get things done quickly and efficiently Professionals who want to start their own business  If you want to cut the fluff and get into the meat of the content and learn at your pace in a short period, this is the course for you. We will update the course to the latest software and changes in the Mac world.  Get this lifetime access ongoing course with an incredible discount. I'll see you inside.Can't wait to get started!Fran"
Price: 99.99

"Garageband for Songwriting and Music Production"
"Is Garageband considered for professional audio production?Garageband isnt less powerful than Logic Pro just because its free; People dont pay attention to the things that are free in life. Just because its easy to get, it doesn't mean its not worth getting it.I have been using Garageband since its release in 2004, and back then I used it to compose music fortheatre.With the continuesimprovements to Logic Pro throughout the years, Garageband hasinherited some of the best features from its older brother. Tempo changes, Key changes, and some significant plugins for mixing and mastering, just to mention a few.GarageBand is a fully equipped music creation studio inside your Mac with a complete sound library that includes instruments, presets for guitar and voice, and an incredible selection of session drummers and percussionists as well as a vast selection of Synthesizers.Can you make a professional recording with Garageband?We can safely answer with a resounding YES!!Garageband for Songwriting and Music ProductionGarageBand is your swiss knife for music creation and audio production. Here you can record ideas, get your instruments blend with others available in the library in seconds.Learn how to navigate the interface and create your first project by using one the available templates. If you have never composeda song, Apple Loops can help you in doing that. You'll find thousands of loops to add to your songand hundreds of instruments to play. All these tools willhelp you shape your compositions without the need for expensive equipment.If you are a musician and wants to record your instrument and yourvoice ortwo instrumentssimultaneously, Garageband helps you do just that with ease.You will learn how to record, edit, mix and master your music whether you are a beginner or not.Get to play different instruments from around the world by using your computer keyboard or a midi keyboard.If you have a guitar, bassor piano, you'll get to try a vast array of professional sounding effects and include them in your composition.You will learn what equipment is best to get according to your needs without breaking the bank.Learn the 11 essential elements of mixing and mastering that every professional soundengineer use foramajorrelease.Garageband is your Music laboratory where your creations will start to take shape and make your ideas available to the world.I can't wait to see you on the other side and start to compose today!Frank"
Price: 199.99

"MasterClass HTML5 & CSS3 (+Atelier Cration site Responsive)"
"Vous souhaitez devenir un dveloppeur web et ne savez pas o commencer ? Vous souhaitez crer un site web en toute autonomie sans trop savoir quoi faire ?C'est ici qu'il faut commencer car dans cette formation Intgration Web, vous allez apprendre les notions fondamentales du web et des langages HTML et CSS.Cette formation s'adresse tous car elle est conue en partant du principe que vous n'avez aucune connaissance technique. Donc vous tes un(e) vrai(e) dbutant(e).Plan de la formation :Plus de 13h de formation en vido regroupant 7 modules (dont 6 modules de cours + 1 atelier) :Le 1er module (Bien commencer en HTML) aborde les aspects du web, les rles de langages HTML et CSS, les outils de dveloppement et la diffrence entre les sites web statiques et dynamiques.Le 2me module (Comment crer votre 1re page web) aborde les bases thoriques du langage HTML : Crer une page avec un diteur de texte, les notions de balises et attributs, les principales balises d'un document HTML et la structure de base d'une page HTML5, etc.Le 3me module (Bien organiser son texte) aborde le langage HTML : comment crer des paragraphes, des titres, des listes, des liens, insrer les images et les miniatures cliquables dans sa page, etc.Le 4me module (La mise en forme avec CSS) aborde les bases du langage CSS : son rle et son historique, o crire son code, comment formater son texte, insrer les couleurs, les images de fond, les niveaux de transparence, crer les ombres, les bordures standards et arrondies, les apparences dynamiques, etc.Le 5me module (La mise en page du site) : Comment structurer sa page avec les balises structurantes de HTML5, redimensionner les blocs, les couper, leur attribuer les marges, les positionner et assurer la compatibilit du site avec Internet Explorer.Le 6me module (Les fonctionnalits volues) : Comment crer les tableaux simples et complexes, les formulaires interactifs, insrer les vidos et les lecteurs audio dans ses pages, afficher son site sur les appareils mobiles avec les media queries et grer la compatibilit du site entre les navigateurs. Ce module marque la fin du cours. En annexe, vous allez apprendre envoyer votre site sur le web, vous aurez un mmento des balises HTML, un mmento des proprits CSS et nous verrons quelques pistes pour aller plus loin dans votre apprentissage.Et enfin, le 7me module porte sur un atelier de cration pas--pas d'un site responsive. L'atelier est reparti en 6 grandes tapes : Le maquettage du Design, l'dition du site en HTML, sa mise en forme en CSS, assurer sa compatibilit sur Internet explorer et son affichage sur les petites rsolutions d'cran et les navigateurs mobiles, tester sa validit et le mettre en ligne. Cette formation complte comprend :Plus de 13 heures de cours thoriques avec tutorielsY compris 1 gros atelier (de 4h30) pour mettre en pratique les connaissances acquises pendant le cours6 QCM de plus de 200 questions pour tester vos connaissances sur les notions fondamentalesDes ressources utiles : rfrences de lecture, liens, fichiers sources de latelier et des exercices abords pendant le cours. Et si vous avez des questions, je reste votre disposition.Bon apprentissage !"
Price: 19.99

"Independncia Financeira: O Guia para Iniciantes"
"O curso,Independncia Financeira:O Guia para Iniciantes(Mais vendido da categoria na Udemy)o primeiro da trajetria para Independncia financeira que tem como continuidade:2) Independncia Financeira:Tesouro Direto para Iniciantes3)Independncia Financeira:Tesouro Direto intermedirioO objetivo principal que voc consiga aprender o que preciso para alcanar seus objetivos financeiros.O cursotem como funo principal ser a porta de entrada para o mundo dos investimentos (pra quem nosabe nada mesmo!)atravs da educao de forma prtica e terica. Tirar as pessoas do 0 para o 1 a principal entrega, onde o primeiro passo a mente, criando assimum propsito para ao deinvestireservir deguia para a busca daindependncia financeira e liberdade de escolha com ferramentade gesto que ir ser o veculo que conduzir a esse objetivo."
Price: 189.99

"Tesouro Direto para Iniciantes (IF)"
"O curso Independncia Financeira: Tesouro Direto para Iniciantes a continuidade da trajetria para Independncia financeira que comeou com o curso:1) Independncia Financeira: O Guia para Iniciantes (Mais vendido da categoria na Udemy);Ele ensinar qualquer pessoa a investir em ttulos do Tesouro Nacional, o produto mais seguro de qualquer pas, com rentabilidades superiores poupana e aos planos de Previdncia Privada.O curso mostrar todas vantagens de um produto acessvel (com APENAS30 REAIS voc investe) e democrtico, do rico ao pobre todos conseguem a mesma taxa e rentabilidade atravs do Tesouro Direto.O Tesouro Direto ideal para quem est comeando no mundo dos investimentos, ou para quem possui pouco dinheiro para investir. O objetivo principal que voc consiga aprender o que preciso para alcanar seus objetivos financeiros."
Price: 189.99

"Tesouro Direto Intermedirio (IF)"
"O curso Independncia Financeira: Tesouro Direto intermedirio a continuidade da trajetria para Independncia financeira que comeou com o curso:1) Independncia Financeira: O Guia para Iniciantes (Mais vendido da categoria na Udemy);2) Independncia Financeira: Tesouro Direto para IniciantesEste curso tem como objetivo te ensinar a interpretar melhor as suas escolhas no Tesouro. um grande compilado das principais dvidas que tive no meu processo de entendimento mais profundo deste ativo financeiro. Minha misso esclarecer isso para voc, o que deixar voc ainda mais seguro ao comprar um ttulo pblico.Uma forma do investidor refinar a sua avaliao sobre as estratgias de compra do Tesouro Direto."
Price: 189.99

"Construct 2 - Construindo um clone do jogo Timberman"
"O curso tem como objeto ensinar de maneira prtica e dinmicaos conceitos necessrios para se criar jogos na ferramenta Construct 2.O curso abordartodos os conceitos bsicos da ferramenta, como criao de cenrios, movimentao, coliso, uso de sons, criao de eventos, comandos de input e muito mais.Ao final do curso o aluno ter construdo um jogo estilo infinity runner baseado no game Timberman.Timberman um jogo casual no qual o jogador um lenhador e tem como objetivo cortar os galhos da rvore para evitar que os mesmos batam em sua cabea.O curso tambm ter uma sesso com contedos extras."
Price: 39.99

"Construct 2 - Do bsico ao multiplayer"
"O curso tem como objeto ensinar de maneira prtica e dinmica os conceitos necessrios para se criar jogos na ferramenta Construct 2. O curso abordar todos os conceitos bsicos da ferramenta como criao de cenrios, movimentao, coliso, uso de sons, criao de eventos, comandos de input e muito mais. Ensinar a exportar seus jogos criados para a plataforma Web e Android. Alm disso, ser abordado as tcnicas de criao de jogos multiplayer (conceitos bsicos e intermedirios). Para ensinar todo o contedo proposto, sero desenvolvidos os seguintes jogos:Save The Cat: Jogo estilo corrida infinita, em que voc deve salvar os gatos evitando que as bombas o matem. FISH GAME (AGAR.IO): Jogo no qual voc controla um peixe que tem como objetivo fugir dos peixes maiores e devorar os peixes menores.Chat Room: Jogo que simula uma sala de chat onde cada pessoa conectada consegue trocar mensagens com outros participantes (Jogo Multiplayer).Pong: Jogue o famoso jogo Pong on-line (Jogo Multiplayer).TimberMan: Jogo onde voc deve cortar uma rvore evitando colidir com os galhos que esto caindo.Alm dos jogos que sero implementados no curso, voc tambm encontrar uma sesso com contedos extras."
Price: 219.99

"Construct 3 -Crie jogos de maneira prtica, fcil e dinmica"
"O curso tem como objeto ensinar de maneira prtica e dinmica os conceitos necessrios para se criar jogos na ferramenta Construct 3. O curso abordar todos os conceitos bsicos da ferramenta, como criao de cenrios, movimentao, coliso, uso de sons, criao de eventos, comandos de input e muito mais. Para ensinar todo o contedo proposto, ser desenvolvido os seguintes jogos: Turret Defender: Jogo estilo defenda a torre.Tower Defense war: Impea o avano dos soldados criando armas para proteger o seu castelo.TopDawn Tank attack: Salve o mundo matando todos os zumbies e suas bases de spawn. Durante o desenvolvimento desses jogos, o aluno ir utilizar a maioria dos objetos e comportamentos presentes na ferramenta, como:Componentes: Local storage, Button, Text, Function, Particles, Sprite, Sprite font, Text, Tiled Background, Tilemap, Touch, Keyboard, AdmobAds, dentre outros.Behaviors (Comportamentos): Bound to layout, Fade, Line of sight, Pin, Scroll to, Bullet, 8 Direction, Pathfinding, Turret, etc.Alm dos  jogos que sero implementados no curso, voc tambm encontrar uma sesso com contedos extras."
Price: 234.99

"Crie sites ASP.NET (webforms) utilizando C# e JavaScript"
"O cursoASP.NET (Web Forms) com um toque de Javascrip tem como objetivo capacitar os alunos no desenvolvimento de sitescom acesso a banco de dadosutilizando a tecnologia Web Forms presente no ASP.NET.Durante o curso o aluno ira aprender:Conceitos relacionados a tecnologia ASP.NET.Utilizar os principais componentes presentes no Visual Studio como Button, TextBox, DropDownList, ListBox, Table, PlaceHolder, Calendar, Panel, RadioButton, Panel, MultiView, View, Image, ImageButton, HiperLink, LinkButton e muito mais.Uso de junes JavaScript juntamente com os componentes ASP.NET.Conceitos sobre Cookie,Session e acesso a banco de dadospor meio da criao de uma agenda (CRUD) com acesso as suas funcionalidadespor meio de uma tela de login.Criar uma conta de hospedagem para sites ASP.NET e banco de dados Sql Server gratuita.Criar, gerenciar e utilizar um banco de dados Sql Server local e on-line.Criar um sistema on-line de controle de frases com o acesso ao banco de dados via cdigo evitando ao mximo o uso de componentes visuais.Contedo extraComo contedo extrao aluno ganhara um curso sobre a linguagem Javascript para auxiliar no desenvolvimento de suas pginas ASP.NET. O curso tmcomo objetivo ensinar todos os conceitos bsicos da linguagem Javascriptcomo, lao de repetio, comandos de deciso, funes, variveis e eventos.Alm do curso de javascript o aluno tambm ter acesso a uma gama de materiais que o auxiliaro no aprendizado da linguagem de marcao HTML5 e a linguagem de formatao de pginas CSS."
Price: 204.99

"Srie jogos icnicos: Campo Minado e Arkanoid"
"Que tal se tornar um desenvolvedor de jogos e criar vrios jogos icnicos como o jogo campo minado e Arkanoid para brincar com seus familiares e amigos? Com o curso Srie jogos icnicos: Crie seus prprios jogos 2D voc conseguir iniciar no incrvel mundo do desenvolvimento de jogos.O curso tem como objetivo ensinar os principais conceitos sobre a Engine Unity por meio do desenvolvimento de vrios Jogos. Cada jogo que implementado voc aprende/revisa um novo recurso da ferramenta. Os jogos que sero implementados no curso so:UFO GAME: Jogo estilo Top Down no qual o player dever capturar pepitas de ouro. Campo Minado: O jogo campo minado foi inventado por Robert Donner em1989e tem como objectivo revelar as minas de um campo sem que as mesmas sejam detonadas. Arkanoid: Arkanoid umjogo eletrnicoparaarcadedesenvolvido pelaTaitoem1986. O jogo baseado emBreakout, jogo daAtaritambm para arcade lanado em1976. O que aprenderei nesse cursoDurante o curso voc aprender: Conceitos bsicos da Engine.Deteco de colises.Triggers (gatilhos).Entrada de dados (Capturar comandos do jogador).Interao com objetos.Controlar a cmera do jogo.Asset Store.Efeitos sonoros.Animao.Cenas, objetos de cena, prefabs e controladores de jogos.Construo de jogos paraa plataforma PC.Por que aprenderdesenvolvimento de jogos com Unity?A indstria de jogos uma indstria que vale$100 bilhes de dlares a nvel mundial. At 2020, esse nmero dever chegar prximo a$120 bilhes de dlares. ComoUnitysendo o motor mais utilizado para desenvolver jogos em vrias plataformas, nunca houve um momento melhor para entrar na rea. tambm uma carreira emocionante e gratificante, onde muitos desenvolvedores bem-sucedidos, incluindo eu prprio, aprenderam os fundamentos do desenvolvimento de jogos atravs de cursos como este e no na sala de aula tradicional."
Price: 99.99

"GDevelop - Crie jogos de maneira prtica, fcil e dinmica"
"O curso GDevelop - Crie jogos de maneira prtica fcil e dinmica foi idealizado para todas as pessoas que querem aprender a criar seus prprios jogos.O curso tem como objetivo ensinar os principais conceitos sobre a Engine GDevelop por meio do desenvolvimento de vrios Jogos. Cada jogo que implementado voc aprende/revisa um novo recurso da ferramenta como por exemplo, utilizar sons nos jogos, utilizar partculas, interagir com objetos em cena e muito mais.O curso GDevelop ideal para quem esta iniciando no mundo do desenvolvimento de jogos, pois todo o contedo apresentado ao aluno de maneira prtica, fcil e dinmica. Durante o curso voc aprender:Criar projetos.Configurar a engine de desenvolvimento.Criar objetos nos jogos (Naves, inimigos, etc).Implementar eventos para os objetos em cena.Emitir sons e reproduzir musicas nos jogos.Trabalhar com coliso de objetos;Exportar os jogos para plataformas Windows e Web.Uma grande vantagem no curso a ferramenta adotada para o desenvolvimento dos jogos, pois o GDevelop uma engine de desenvolvimento de jogos gratuita e sem restries."
Price: 204.99

"Smart Data Collection with Excel UserForm"
"SHORTSummary:You got it right! I am not teaching you Excelor VBA, I will tryto Save Your Time by using Excel and VBA. Get the example with explanations and try to apply the course idea to your situations!***This course explains how very simple and freeExcel UserForm can be usedto improve work withverybasic and simple excel workbook.UserForm provides the advantage to have all relevant information in one place that helps to concentrate on taskand be productive when dealing with information.Course is not focused to teach basics of the VBA coding by doing abstract coding exercises. Focusis made on understanding on how VBA code is applied for this particular situation. You will learn coding by re-using provided examples infun case studies.The course plan will be the following: Introducing you to the typical data collection decision reporting situationUnderstanding and quantifying advantage of UserForm using a funny competitionUnderstand mechanics of UserForm Case study on adding inputs to the UserForm How to deal with Images in UserForm Write information from UserFormCase study to add second UserForm and reuse the code How to create reports in PowerPoint from Excel data Case study to practice sending data to the PowerPointslideBONUS: Archiving/Saving to SharePoint LibraryDrafting Outlook EmailsAt the end of the course you should be able to reuse given template to the data collection andreporting situation YOU have. You will be also able to pick other pieces of code to be more productive when dealing with Office DocumentsIn *summary*, this relatively short course is providing very simple solution that can be applied for easier data collection, decision making and reporting. In cases where instant online collaboration is not required but we want to be efficient - then this course will very likely be capable to solve the problem"
Price: 199.99

"Pizza Cooking at Home, Easy!"
"Learn how you can make pizza at home using pizzeria alike oven.Get all you want to have to cook crispy Italian Pizza in one placeHardware and ingredientsTips and techniquesfor cooking pizza alla ItalianaHow to organize spaceComplete tutorial from dough preparation to pizza assemblyLearn by copying pizza making techniquesDetailed SummaryThis course, created in one Sunday morning, will guide you through the process of pizza making at home. In fact you will see exactly what should be done in very smallest detail. You can just copy, improve and improvise and you will get the best result ever.You will have a fulloverview of all the Kitchen Hardware you may need. To make your job easier we will look on how to organize space in the Kitchen. We talk on which ingredients you may need and how to prepare pizza base in a simple and lean way. You will see that it's actually possible to cook nice pizza without cumbersome operations to spend minimum time possible with excellent results.By reviewing how to cook several popular Italian Pizzas you can make start to improvise and prepare your own best style pizza of your choice.Every section of the course contains simple quiz that can help you in case of doubts.Enjoy this simple and quick course! And can do it too!p.s.[edited] Please consider that course was recorded ""As is"" without any staging and preparation. It was just filmed during my usual ""Pizza cooking day"" 20 August 2017. I don't believe one need to watch 2 hours videos to make pizza at home:)"
Price: 199.99

"Identify Problems with Artificial Intelligence - Case Study"
"Inspired by Albert Einstein [1879-1955]Course summary:Learn how to identify anomaly within several similar objects with Artificial IntelligenceWorking withtime-seriessensor generateddataUnderstand how Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithmworks using real life datasetLearn developing in R and ShinyApp with a possibility to better explore the data, instantly deploy your projectExplained use of Version Control to be organized and save timePractice with real life generalized Dataset coming from Manufacturing!Versatile method is presented using a Case Study approach.This method helped to discover real life inefficiency and to solve the problem!Start with R here! Step by step introduction with examples and practiceBasic understanding on Time-Series data manipulation in RMore approaches of Anomaly Detection including Deep Learningon h2o frameworkiscovered in the coursePractical Developing the idea of IndustrialProcess Control with Artificial Intelligence with DEMO ShinyApplication includedCourse video captions are translated to[Chinese-Simplified, Hindi,German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, Spanish, Malay, Indonesian, Russian] languagesDescribed:Problem-solvingin Manufacturingis usually perceived as a slow and boring activity especially when many possible factors involved. At the same time it's often common that problems going on and on unobserved which is very costly. Is it possible to apply Artificial Intelligenceto help human to identify the problem? Is it possible to dedicate this boring problem solving activity to computer? Apparently yes!!!This course will help you to combine popular problem-solving technique called ""is/is not"" with Artificial Intelligence in order to quickly identify the problem.We will use data coming from four similar Machines. We willprocess it through the Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithmk-means. Once you get intuition understanding how this system work You will be amazed to see how easy and versatile the concept is. In our project you will see that helped by Artificial Intelligence Human eye will easily spot the problem.Course will also exploit different other methods of Anomaly Detection. Probably the most interesting one is to use Deep Learning Autoencoders models built with help of H2O Platform in R.Using collected data and Expert Knowledge for Process Control with AI:In this course we will build and demo-try entire multi-variablesprocess supervision system. Process Expert should select dataset coming from the ideally working process. Deep Learning model will be fit to that specific pattern. This model can be used to monitor the process as the new data is coming in. Anomaly in the process then can be easily detected by the process operators.Ready for Production:Another great value from theCourse isthe possibility to learn usingShinyApp.Thistool will help you to instantly deploy your data project in no time!!!In fact all examples we will study will be ready to be deployed in real scenario!Additionally:You will learn R by practicing re-using provided material. More over you can easilyretain and reusetheknowledge from the course-all lectures with code are available as downloadable html files.You will get useful knowledge on Version Control to be super organized and productive.Finally:Join this course to know how to take advantage and use Artificial Intelligence in Problem Solving"
Price: 199.99