"The What, Why, and How of Powerful Project Charters" |
"Ever wonder how great project managers launch their projects successfully? In this course, we will build a project charter, step-by-step, that allows you to get your stakeholders on the same page. Whether you are new to project management or just want a refresher, this course will give you all the basics and more.You will learn to create, refine, and share your project charters in the shortest time possible. You will also learn to improve the understanding and agreement between you, the project sponsor, the project team, and other high-impact stakeholders.What are the results? Less rework and surprises. Fewer missed deadlines and blown budgets. Happier team members. What's there not to like about this approach?What will I get?Step-by-step instructions on how to create project charters quickly. Sponsor collaboration tips. Charter template and example. And much more.What will I learn?What is a project charter (and what it's not)?Other names for a project charterSelecting the project sponsor and project managerWhy is a project charter needed?Why some project managers fail to create project chartersThe project charter recipeThe four project charter checkpointsWho should write the project charter?When should the project charter be created?Getting stakeholders involved in the project charter processWhat should the project charter include?How to right-size your project chartersHow to write clear project goals that get resultsReduce project reworkThe capstone for this course is a business case study. After downloading and reading the study below, please create a project charter for the project. Once you've completed the charter, download the project charter example in the next lesson and compare.What people say about Harry...Harry has been a very influential person in my career. When first venturing into the world of project management, he provided me with the guidance and education I needed from day one. DAN JONES, PMPIntelligent leadership, creative communication and depth of technical skill all describe Harry Hall. JOHN BARTUSKA, SPHR, SHRM-SCPHarry does a great job of boiling down the complex issues facings PMs today and presents solutions in a way that even a novice project manager can understand and apply. JEREMY CAUSEY, PMPHarry is a wealth of knowledge and experience. ALISON MILLS-LONG, PMPHarrys interactive approach is very entertaining and conducive to learning. JODI WISOR, PMP"
Price: 19.99 |
"Writers' Preparation Handbook" |
"You want to write a book, but you don't know the first thing about getting started. Will it cost you money to create a book? How should you begin? Maybe you're not thatcomputer savvy.This course helps you get everything organized so when you sit down in front of that computer you will not be intimidated by the setup and mechanics of getting started. You will be able to dive into writing your book content and, you will make great progress as you challenge yourself to write more and more each time you sit down at your computer. The great thing is, you will learn some neat tips and tricks along the way to make your book dream come true.Some of the things you will learn are:Why you should test the waters with an eBookOrganize your newwriting businessMake project folders and subfoldersProtect your work and your computer equipmentResearch characters professionsKnow your locationsSetting up your working fileLearn and useStylesDon't do that manually!Where is that thing?Critique Groups"
Price: 164.99 |
3DCGBlender3D |
"CGBlender3DCGUdemy blenderBlender3DCGBlender3DCG3DCGCG"
Price: 24000.00 |
"Eliminate Stress and Anxiety From Your Life!" |
"Eliminate Stress and Anxiety From Your Life!Stress, Stress, and Less StressIts Friday and your boss comes in and gives you a bigassignment that he needs before the end of the day. You were planning on leaving early to getyour child to the dentist for the appointment that you already missed once. Youdont have a clue as to what you are going to prepare for dinner and one childhas a birthday party to attend and you havent even bought a gift.Yourspouse wants to go out to dinner and but you really had an extremely stressful day.And lets not even think about balancing tomorrows activities. Or, theholidays are near and you can't even imagine family, food or fun! Perhaps youve been putting off re-organizing that closet forlong enough and now you find out that you are going to have guests for theweekend that you had set aside to finally organize that closet.Bills must get paid.Schedules must be adhered to.Work inside and/or outside the home must be completed, so what do youdo??Scream? StressOut? Cry?NO!! Instead, youlearn to eliminate and manage your stress!Learn the skills necessary to eliminate stress and anxiety from your life."
Price: 39.99 |
"Tarot als Coachingwerkzeug - Psychologisches Kartenlegen" |
"In diesem Kurs erlernen Sie den Umgang, sowie die Bedeutung derTarotkarten des Rider-Waite-Deckskennen. Mit Hilfe dieser Kenntnisse, sind Sie in der Lage, andere Menschen in spirituellen Fragestellungen zu beraten und zu begleiten. Der angebotene Videokurs mchte hierzu das bentigte Rstzeug an die Hand geben. Er versteht sich als Einfhrung in die spirituelle Lebensberatung und richtet sich in erster Linie an Menschen mit psychologischen Grundkenntnissen, dieihr berufliches Angebot erweitern wollen.Sie knnen ganz privat oder auch haupt oder nebenberuflich spirituelle Beratungen mit Tarot anbieten. Ein spannender Weg, der zur Berufung werden kann.Kartenabbildungen mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Knigsfurt-Urania-Verlages."
Price: 59.99 |
"Hacking thique : Le Cours Complet" |
"Bienvenue dans ce cours vido sur le hacking thique ! travers celui-ci, vous allez apprendre beaucoup de concepts fondamentaux en scurit informatique.Le cours se veut la fois pratique et interactif, vous aurez de quoi vous entraner sur vos systmes sans rien casser et vous pourrez poser vos questions tout moment si vous en avez.Les cyberattaques les plus populaires seront traites dans ce cours, de faon vous enseigner les bases de la scurit dans les grands domaines informatiques (web, rseau, systme, etc). Le tout dans le respect des lois et de l'thique du hacking.MISE JOUR : Vous tes plus de 17 000 tudiants avoir rejoint le cours ! Merci d'tre si nombreux ! Pour marquer le coup, le cours a t mis jour avec des vidos supplmentaires, de nouveaux exemples et challenges, et des explications plus compltes !Le cours est divis en 12 sections : 1. IntroductionVous dcouvrirez ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours et ce que vous saurez faire l'issue de celui-ci.2. Dmarrer en Scurit InformatiqueVous allez acqurir les fondations de la scurit informatique et les bases que tout hacker thique doit connatre.3. Le hacking thique : fondamentaux et prparation du labVous allez crer votre propre ""labo de test"" pour tester les outils que vous utiliserez travers ce cours sans rien casser et en toute lgalit.4. La reconnaissanceVous comprendrez comment se droule la premire phase d'un test d'intrusion travers diverses mthodes (Google Hacking, adresse e-mail...etc) et outils (Maltego, whois, dns...etc) permettant de dcouvrir beaucoup (trop) d'informations.5. Le Scanning Rseau & WebVous saurez comment dcouvrir des services faillibles dans vos serveurs ou des vulnrabilits dans vos sites web. Nous utiliserons des scanners de vulnrabilits comme Nikto et NMap pour identifier et scuriser les failles.6. Gagner l'accsVous dcouvriez comment gagner l'accs sur l'une de vos machines en vous basant sur les informations et vulnrabilits dcouvertes dans les tapes prcdentes. Nous en dduirons des moyens de protection ralistes et efficaces.7. Le Social EngineeringLa faille humaine n'aura plus de secret pour vous, vous dcouvrirez les principales attaques qui VOUS visent directement, et saurez vous en protger.8. Les failles WebVous passerez en revue le top 10 des failles web les plus populaires. Vous saurez comment elles fonctionnent et vous saurez les corriger.9. Les failles rseauVous passerez en revue les failles rseau les plus populaires et vous saurez mettre en place des moyens de prvention et de protection efficaces.10. Les logiciels malveillantsVous dcouvrirez les ""malwares"" (trojan, keyloggers, backdoors...etc) les plus populaires et vous apprendrez vous en dfendre l'aide de divers outils et mthodes antimalwares.11. Cryptographie & StganographieVous apprendrez les concepts de base en Cryptographie et en Stganographie. Vous aurez des notions de SSL/TLS, PGP, etc...12. Conclusion & PerspectivesVous obtiendrez mes derniers conseils pour bien continuer dans ce domaine, et vous pourrez bnficier d'une rduction avantageuse pour obtenir plus de produits vous permettant de vous spcialiser dans un domaine de votre choix.Le cours s'adresse aux dbutants et initis en priorit. Vous saurez la fin de chaque session comment dtecter et corriger concrtement les diverses vulnrabilits. Vous aurez galement un quiz de fin de section et diverses ressources additionnelles pour complter les vidos. Certaines parties avances et post-exploitation ne sont pas traites dans ce cours.Ce que vous saurez faire la fin de ce cours : Scuriser des systmes et des sites web Comprendre les mthodes et les outils des pirates pour vous en dfendre et ne plus tomber dans leurs piges Mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des systmes, des rseaux et de l'informatique de manire gnrale Crer votre propre laboratoire de test pour pratiquer sans casser Rutiliser voire mme enseigner les bases de la scurit informatique que vous aurez apprises Vous prparer aux mtiers ou tudes dans la scurit informatique Dcouvrir un monde nouveau, la face mystrieuse de l'informatique, et mettre vos comptences aux profits d'autres personnes, ou de vous-mme. NOTES IMPORTANTES: - Les systmes, mthodologies et programmes cits dans ce cours sont utiliss but ducatif et prventif uniquement, et dans le cadre d'une utilisation titre priv. Toutes les autorisations ont t reues au pralable et toutes les prcautions ncessaires ont t mises en place pour assurer un apprentissage lgal et sans risque pour autrui. Cependant, Il VOUS incombe de vrifier toutes les lois applicables votre situation et toutes les rgles ou contrats en vigueur, notamment avec des prestataires/hbergeurs utiliss. En rejoignant ce cours, vous vous dclarez ainsi seul(e) responsable de vos actions, et aucune responsabilit de la part de l'instructeur ne sera engage quant la mauvaise utilisation du contenu enseign. En d'autres termes, ce cours n'est pas destin aux apprentis PIRATES informatiques, qui n'auront pas ce qu'ils cherchent et qui seront carts du cours s'ils contreviennent cette ligne de conduite.- Ce cours n'est affili aucun autre cours sur le Hacking dont je ne suis pas l'auteur. Attention au contenu recopi/similaire dont je ne pourrai fournir aucune approbation ni support.Un cours by Le Blog du Hacker et Cyberini.Crdits image : shutterstock."
Price: 159.99 |
"Atitudes De Sucesso Mindset de Sucesso" |
"Voc quer se tornar mais confiante, aumentar a sua auto-estima e realmente vencer voc mesmo (a) e fazer o que precisa ser feito? Voc gostaria de aprender a definir e atingir metas que realmente te empolgam? E que tal desenvolver a capacidade de perceber o lado positivo de todas as coisas (Inclusive dos fracassos e decepes)?Finalmente, voc gostaria de desenvolver a capacidade de conquistar tudo o que sempre quis?Bem-vindo ao ATITUDES DE SUCESSO NA PRTICA! Um guia de como comear do zero, vencer voc mesmo e alcanar o que voc sempre quis usando estratgias comprovadas de sucesso!Pode parecer um pouco fcil demais, mas a verdade que o sucesso previsvel. A forma como voc pensa, o que voc faz todos os dias, como encara as coisas e as pessoas que voc escolhe para estar com voc tem um enorme impacto sobre o seu nvel de sucesso atual e futuroMuitas pessoas olham para aqueles que conquistaram o sucesso e dizem: ""aquele empresrio teve sorte, aquela modelo tem boa gentica, aquele investidor nasceu em famlia rica"". Deixe-me dizer uma verdade: a realidade que este tipo de pessoa est simplesmente criando desculpas em vez de trabalhar duro em seus objetivos, a verdade que preferem, mesmo sem saber, focar em encontrar as ""desculpas"", asrazes pelas quais eles no podem ser bem sucedidos.No entanto, existem certos padres que as pessoas de sucesso fazem em cada situao que a vida lhes apresentam e que a maioria das pessoas simplesmente no esto dispostos a fazer OU elas no tm idia de que deveriam faz-las.Sua vida est passando minuto a minuto e no h motivos para reinventar a roda. Neste curso voc aprender estratgias e atitudes comprovadas usadas por milhares de pessoas bem sucedidas e te apresentar no s O QUE FAZER, mas tambm COMO FAZER, para sair do Local Seguro (Tambm conhecido como zona de conforto) e COMEAR A SUA TRAJETRIA DE SUCESSO PESSOAL E CONQUISTAR O QUE SEMPRE QUIS!Ps.: Esse curso NO DE AUTO AJUDA e no pense que ser fcil, mas garanto que valer a pena!Estou animado para t-lo (a) a bordo e deixar a nossa jornada comear!Lets Go?Alex Oliveira"
Price: 579.99 |
"Life Coach & Hypnosis Online Training" |
"Message Giovanni Maccarrone to find out how to get yourFree E-Book ""5 Best Ways To Achieve Your Goals""Learn the best tools, strategies, and tips from Top Tony Robbins TrainedLife Coach Giovanni Maccarrone B.A., C.L.C.If you like Dale Carnegie's book ""How to Win Friends and Influence People"", you'll find this course extremely helpful.Giovanni Maccarronestep-by-stepwalks you through the ideas, philosophies, and psychological approaches to help your clients make change fast.Learn how to find the underlying causes,limiting beliefs, physiological patterns, focus patterns,language patterns and more.Learn how to persuade your clients to health and happinessby speaking their language.Learn what to charge your clients and how to market your business. Creating a genuine connection is the first step.This tutorial is for life coaches, psychologists, therapists, and every professional in the mental health field."
Price: 204.99 |
"Interior 3D Rendering with 3ds Max + Vray : The Quickest Way" |
"Course UpdatesLecture 30: Pivot Points3ds Max scene file download is now included!Lecture 26: How To Use Batch RenderLecture 27: Create a Walkthrough CameraLecture 28: Noise in your depth of field renderTake the guess work out of 3D visualisation.Designed for all levels of 3ds Max and Vray users, you'll learn how to master 3D rendering and useful techniques used in 3ds Max to create amazing images. Here's more detail about what you'll learn in this best selling 3ds Max and Vray Class... 3D Rendering with 3ds Max and Vray.Do you want to make better 3d renderings, but don't have a spare 14 hours? You're here because you want to create photo realistic renders with 3ds Max and Vray, right?Are you having trouble achieving photo realistic results?In this project based course I am going to walk you step by step through how to create photo realistic images every time, no more hoping for a good result. You can follow along with your own project or use the example scene. By the end of this 90 minute tutorial series you will haveMastered the 3D Rendering WorkflowHave the knowledge to create photo realistic images every time.Know the secrets the professionals use to stand out from the crowd.It's great to have you here. I LOVE 3D RENDERING ESPECIALLY 3DS MAX AND VRAY!The Interior 3D Rendering with 3ds Max + Vray course is the highest quality course I've ever put out! And I'm proud to invite you to join us in the course today. It's the course about 3d rendering I needed 10 years ago!TAKE YOUR 3D RENDERING TO THE NEXT LEVELThis course is perfect for anyone that wants to learn the quickest way to make high end images that sell, win awards and get published in international magazines. These are the exact steps I have used when working with world famous companies and featured in countless international publications.Whether you're an Interior Designer, Architect, 3D Generalist, 3D Visualisation Artist, 3D Artist, 3Ds Max User or just want to be able to make world class 3D renders - this course will help you make better 3D images.COURSE BONUSES:Free download of my preview and final render setting presents 3ds Max scene start files so you can just open and startFollow along to the step by step guideWhat scripts to use speed up workflowAccess to pre made assetsWhat makes me qualified to teach you?10 PRIVATE JETS - 15 SUPER YACHTS - 11 AWARDS - 100+ PUBLICATIONS, 3D ARTIST MAGAZINE EXPERT PANELThese are just a few projects I have worked on, not to mention the hotels, cars, apartments and homes. I have spent the last 10 years figuring out how to make world class renders. I did this through a Bachelors and a Masters of Arts from Universities in the UK, working for some of the best design teams in places like Monaco, USA and UK. You can get all my knowledge . Seriously, I will teach you the most important things that will get you making remarkable 3D images.Great Reviews Already! This is the quickest way to get results, just check out some of the course feedback below!""After finishing this course i feel very confident working with VRAY. It just takes like 90 minutes but i learned so so much about render setup, materials, etc. So I absolutely recommend this course to anyone who wants to get started with VRAY!"" - Pascal Brkle""Fast no BS. Quick to the point!""- Joonas Thtinen""Straight to the point from someone at the top of their game. Look no further, this is the one!""- Donnie ToddMy Promise to YouI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message. I want to make this the best course on how to create photorealistic images with 3ds Max and Vray. So if there is any way I can improve this course, just tell me and I'll make it happen.What's this course all about?Get ready to create images that will improve your confidence, clients and pricing. If you've always wanted to learn how the professionals create remarkable images and land the best contracts, you can learn 3ds Max and Vray right now.Practice lessons will get you motivated and moving to your goals.The lessons are meant to teach you how to think like a 3D Visualisation Artist. 3ds Max is a robust tool that is capable of creating almost any 3d graphics out there. Don't be intimidated, you will learn everything you need to know to create photo realistic renders and then apply slick post production in Photoshop. All of this in under 90 minutes!Key things you will learn:How to model from plansHow to copy and paste between 3ds Max scenesHow to quickly find 3D AssetsHow to add furniture and accessoriesAdding windows, doors and curtainsHow the pros create wooden floorsCamara CreationLights set upsHow to create fast preview rendersHow to create materials with VrayHow to use the UVW map modifierHow to use Multi Sub objectsAdding materials to your 3ds Max sceneCreating a Final render with VrayPost production in Adobe PhotoshopKnowing 3ds Max is a great skill to have that is in demand and highly marketable. These are the exact steps I use to deliver remarkable work to dream clients. I've landed many jobs with the skills that I teach you in this course.With a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and click the enrol button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Jake"
Price: 64.99 |
"ABC do Photoshop CC" |
"Se voc j um professional criativo(Designer, Publicitrio, Fotografo e afins) oualgum que recentemente comprou uma cmera, ou est iniciando seus estudos dentro do mundo do design grfico, fotografia entre outros e precisa do Photoshop ao seu lado, esse o curso correto.Visando facilitar o entendimento da ferramenta, fazendo o que antes era um bicho de sete cabeas, se torne algo simples e fundamental nos seus trabalhos."
Price: 39.99 |
"WordPress fr Macher und Anwender - vom Anfnger zum Profi" |
"Du willst mit Deiner eigenen WordPress Webseite oder Blog durchstarten, bist aber noch Einsteiger? Du willst Schritt fr Schritt in die WordPress Praxis eingefhrt werden? Du willst Dir von der Installation ber die tgliche Arbeit bis hin zur Erweiterung Deiner WordPress Webseite echtes Praxiswissen von Profis aneignen? Einfach und nachvollziehbar erklrt, so dass Du jeden Schritt direkt nachmachen kannst? Dann ist dieser 11-stndige Praxiskurs genau das Richtige fr Dich um direkt praktisch durchzustarten.Der gesamte Kurs ist so aufgebaut, dass Du Dein erlerntes Wissen schnell und direkt in die Tat umsetzen kannst. Kein wichtiger Schritt wird bersprungen. Du wirst Stck fr Stck zu Deinem eigenen Blog bzw. Webseite gefhrt. Von der Buchung des Webspace, ber die Installation von WordPress bis hin zur Einrichtung - Du erhltst Profi WordPress Wissen direkt aus der Praxis.Um gleich perfekt mit Deiner eigenen WordPress Webseite durchzustarten, bekommst Du zustzlich ein WordPress Premium-Theme. Kostenlos!Zustzlich gibt es einen Gutschein fr 6 Monate kostenloses WordPress Webhosting & Domain + 5 Rabatt auf die erste Webhosting-Rechnung.Dein WordPress Kurs im berblick:Der einfache Einstieg in das beliebteste CMS der Welt - praktisch Schritt fr Schritt erklrtInstallation, Administration, Content Management, Themes, Plugins und SicherheitWordPress SEO - so wirst Du gefunden und stehst bei Google ganz vornKeine Programmierkenntnisse notwendigTipps zur Monetarisierung; Geld verdienen mit der eigenen WebseiteE-Mail Marketing mit eigenem Newsletter, kostenlos auf WordPress-BasisUmsetzung einer WordPress-Webseite von A bis ZPraxisnaher Video-Kurs mit vielen realen Beispielen, beliebten Themes und wichtigen Plugins zur Erweiterung der WebseiteDer Kurs wird laufend aktualisiert, sodass du immer up-to-date bistbersicht ber Themen und Inhalte:1. EinleitungZum Start bekommst Du grundlegende Informationen zum Kurs, zu Deinem Dozenten und einige WordPress Basics, die Du unbedingt wissen solltest.2. Vorbereitungen und InstallationSo bestellst und konfigurierst Du Deinen Webspace und installierst darauf WordPress. Dabei fhre ich Dich Schritt fr Schritt durch die Installation.3. Die WordPress Oberflche und die FunktionenDu lernst alle Basics um WordPress bedienen zu knnen und fr die tgliche Arbeit gerstet zu sein.4. ThemesIch erklre Dir was Themes sind, zeige Dir die besten Bezugsquellen und wir installieren gemeinsam eines der meistgenutzten Premium-Themes fr WordPress.5. Webseite mit Leedeo erstellenDas WordPress-Premium-Theme Leedeo bekommst Du gratis mit diesem Kurs. Wir erklren Dir wie Du es installierst, bedienst und zeigen Dir die wichtigsten Funktionen.6. Plugins & SEO WissenIch zeige Dir die 8 wichtigsten Plugins um WordPress zu erweitern und vermittele Dir grundstzliches WordPress SEO Wissen um bei Google & Co. ganz vorn zu stehen.7. WordPress-Webseite von A bis ZGemeinsam wenden wir das bisher erlernte an und setzen eine komplette Webseite um. Zustzlich zeige ich Dir hilfreiche Tipps und Tricks aus der Praxis.8. E-Mail Marketing mit eigenem NewsletterNewsletter knnen eine wertvolle Hilfe im Marketing sein. Ich zeige dir die komplette Einrichtung bis hin zum Versand der ersten E-Mail.9. Backups und SicherheitDu lernst wie Du Backups fr den Notfall erstellst, wie Du wichtige Updates installierst und wie Du Deine WordPress Webseite sicher gegen Angriffe schtzt.10. Geld verdienen mit der eigenen Webseite & Bonus-InhalteIch gebe dir Tipps, wie du deine Webseite monetarisieren kannst, um damit erste Einnahmen zu erzielen. Zustzlich erhltst du einige Bonusinhalte.11. Vernetze DichAuch nach Abschluss des Online-Kurses lasse ich Dich nicht allein. Du bist jetzt Teil einer Gemeinschaft und kannst Dich mit anderen Kursteilnehmern und mir vernetzen.12. Inkl. UpdatesDer Kurs wird laufend aktualisiert und beinhaltet bereits Informationen ber WordPress 5.x und den neuen Gutenberg Editor.Die Updates werden allen Teilnehmern der Kurses kostenfrei zur Verfgung gestellt."
Price: 149.99 |
"Yoga For Your Belly- Nutrition For Pregnancy & Postpartum" |
"Discover symmetry through simple, effective and delicious foods, preventing preeclampsia, anemia and gestational diabetes, while balancing your hormones, staying fitand supporting your babys development. An integral guide to EATINGMOREPLANT-BASEDFOODS, in a simple and easyway to apply.Uncover your INTUITIVEGUIDE to eating and feeling amazing in your unique body.The""Bumpsprotocol"". How to BUMPUPYOURNUTRITION x 1000%in 5 minutes a day.BALANCEHORMONES, support your body in PREVENTINGPREGNANCYRELATEDILLNESS and build healthy adrenal function.Discover the ""Three C's"" and learn to be guided by YOURBODIESCUES towards food in needs versus what it wants.Learn to FOODCOMBINEfor winning protein,vitamin and nutrient rich meals.Move through your pregnancy WITHOUT MORNINGSICKNESS, sore joints or muscles.Create HEALTHYGUTFLORA for the best digestion.MAINTAIN A HEALTHYBODYWEIGHT perfect for you and LOSEEXCESSWEIGHTduring postpartum with less struggle.Create a POWERFULVISIONfor your postpartum phase.The Yoga For Your Belly course comes with:1.5 hour's in total video content to watch at your leisure broken into easy to use segments.A workbook of exercises to do during the courseArecipe book full of amazing recipe and tipsA kitchenequipment list""The Bumps"" protocol. A guide toelevating your nutrition and whatfoods do what.""The Feels"" guide to intuiting your bodies cravingsBONUSassets include:The Kitchen Spa - turn your food into face masks and bath soaksMaven Recipes - master recipes for cooking grainsMavenWarrior Recipes - Georgia's fav recipes ever inventedFood combining list"
Price: 54.99 |
"The Ultimate Intermittent Fasting & Fast Weight Loss Course!" |
"In this28videocourse, you'll learnEVERYTHINGyou need to know toloseweight, FOREVER! I've lost 100 pounds,andI have revised over four thousand routines changing people's lives every day. You can be next to experienceall of the information and support you need to succeed.Going in with the RIGHT information is key! In this course, you will learn: (More like what WON'T you learn!) How to Fast the correct way forlong-term leanness! In-depthstrategiesI use every day to employ to maximize your weight loss experience; including when and what to eat BEFORE and AFTER working out! I will answer any questions you ask on the course thread. There is so muchvalue packedinto this one course;it's a one-stop shop for weight loss! You will understand how the fatloss process works because I break it down super simple so anyone can understand! Understanding not only how the hormones work, but learning how to use them to our advantage for maximum weight loss. How to lose weight without a scale and never counting calories! Eat whatever foods you want;its not WHAT you eat, it's WHEN you eat it! This course is the holy grail of fasting and how to utilize it for weight loss. Go from not know what fasting means, to an expert on the subject. Any experience level can use this course and achieve the results me, and so many of my clients have seen. Always have motivation for the situation, keeping your spirits high on a daily basis is my recipe for success! And so much more!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Linux Practical Security" |
"This video series ""Linux Practical Security"" is for users who want to learn Linux security in a very practical manner and are fed up of the old ways of learning. The course is full of examples and hands on training and also this course starts from very basics and slowly progresses to an advanced level of Linux securityin a very easy to learn system.This course covers:1) Linux Security Basics2) AiDe (Advance Intrusion Detection Environment)3) SELinux ( Security Enhanced Linux) 4) Pam ( Pluggable Authentication Module)5) AuditD ( Audit Daemon)6) Cryptography7) Bonus Videos which includes:8) Firewalld , Find Command and SFTPWith so much examples and good explainations I am sure that by taking this course you will be able to make your Linux environment more secure."
Price: 24.99 |
"Alexa Echos and Dots For Beginners" |
"In this course Ill take you step by step into the new and exciting world of Amazon Alexa devices. In the only course of its kind you follow along with me andthe iPhone companion app displayed along side the Amazon Alexa devices. Well get you setup and connected to your homes WiFi. Well talk about Bluetooth and grocery lists and the built in intercom system that comes when you have multiple devices. Come and check out one of the hottest devices on the market today. This course is sure to be just the ticket for beginners, andthe advanced users will be pleasantly surprised as well!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Supercharge Your Sleep" |
"Need to inject more energy into your day?Ever wish you hadmore time to get stuff done andfocusthe things you love?How is it that some peopleare incredibly productive with their time, yetseem to operate on far less sleep than you?Join Supercharge Your Sleep now and find out how you can claim backhours of valuabletime each week, without sacrificing energy levels!I used to spend around8-9 hours asleep each night... Which despite being 'technically'like a sufficient amount, left me feeling groggy and energyless each day.Time to make a change!Over the past few years, I've put countless hours of research into studying and optimising sleep, and successfully slashed my sleep down to roughly 6 hours anight! And I feel better than ever!!Those couple of extra hours add up big time, and if compounded over the course of a year, equates to over a month of extra time to spend doing the things you love!What could you achieve with a whole extra month everyyear!All my findings are right here in this course, including:Achievequality sleep and finally feel well-restedUse light to aid sleep and supercharge your energy levelsHow to utiliseexercise, consumption, and sleepenvironment for maximum effectHacks for fallingasleep, napping, and staying asleep throughout the nightThe course is made up of easy to follow, bite-sized videos so you can dip in and out whenever you want.***Disclaimer***If you suffer from insomnia or other related medial conditions, this course will only get you so far!I would instead highlyrecommend seeking professional guidance.What are the requirements?Just a place to sleep, and the willingness to commit to the practices!What willIget from this course?You will discovermethods and tactics to help you tailer your lifestyle to achieve optimal sleep.You will learn specific practices relatingto diet, exercise, morning and evening habits, and sleep-environment design that will aid you in achieving restfulsleep.What aboutthe target audience?People who don't have a comprehensive understanding of how to achieve optimal sleep.People interested in boosting energy levels andfreeing up more time.This course will be less valuable for people who are already very well read and practiced in how to optimise their sleep."
Price: 59.99 |
"Sales Psychology - Busting Buyer Beliefs That Stop Sales" |
"Hi and welcome to your Sales Psychology Busting Buyer Beliefs That Stop Sales course, here on Udemy.If yousellormarketproducts orservices; andyou're looking for a ""straight-to-it"", practicaltraining designed to get your buyers buying, because you'remarketing andselling to the very mindsof your customers, then read on, as this course was createdjust for you! Or as justone of out students, Sara Niesen put it:""This course was wonderfully grounding & clear; andIreally appreciated theno fluff no hype approach. The information in the course is actionable and the exercises extremely helpful.""In this 2 hour, 65lecture training, Ill be sharing with you The truth behind why buyers dont buy, even if your product or service is fantastic! The role your buyers subconsciousand consciousmindplays in making a buying decision! The 7 Key Subconscious Beliefs & Questionsbuyers applywhich you MUSTovercome before theyll buy form YOU! What you MUST include in your sales scriptsand marketing messages to preempt and overcome negative buyingbeliefs! Why focusing on the opportunityoutcome far out ways the offer ofproblem fixing! How to Create your Ideal Customer Avatar, and use it to get your sales scripts and marketingmessage ""spot on"".With this training, you will be able to Review your existing sales scripts and marketing messages for missed emotional barriers that could be scuppering your sales, Build a Highly Effective Customer Avatar, that gets to the Heart & Mindof Your CustomerCreate new sales scriptsand marketing messages that speak to your buyers subconscious fears, and overcome hidden objections, Build greater connection and rapport with your target market, by demonstrating deep empathy, Develop strong and highly effective emotional avatars of your ideal customer, providing laser targeting. Deal with and overcome live objections, knowing the personal reasons behind them. Once understood and adopted, this will allow you to Feel far more confident that you know your buyer at a deeper level, Have greater clarity around who your market is at an emotional level, Be more creative in writing and preparing sales scriptsand marketing messages, and Be better able to connect with your buyers and gain their support. Using a combination of proven psychology, a hint of theosophy and over 15 years personal experience leading and growing multi-million pound/dollarprofit businesses, Ive developed this course with the essentials in mind. Focusing on tackling the emotional source of thebuying decision, my goal for you is deeper understanding and practical application, that makes a difference to sales. Through video training with me personally; workbooks, mind-maps and cheat-sheets for you to refer to after the course, I keep the science simple, the insight deep, and the practical application highly relevant. At the end of the course, youll also be able to download a complete audio mp3 version, to listen to any time you choose. So, simply click on the Buy Course button on this page, and youll be guided by me every step of the way from introduction through to completion, and even beyond through on-line communication and regular updates, because I am committed to you not just learning, but benefiting from what you learn. You see, while I have over 20 years experience working at a close and personal level with both high-value clients, and high volume customers, it was always the deep pocketedcorporates who benefited from my services, givingthem an unfair advantageoverindependent business owners and theindividual sales and marketing staff who work for them. But, now its time to level the playing (or rather selling) field! After many years and tens of thousands of personal investment in learning from and working with some of the top teachers, coaches and trainers in personal psychology, I am now sharing with YOU, the MOST effective wisdom, knowledge and techniques I have found in building anddemonstrating deep empathy, engaging rapport, and sense of connection with buyers. Knowledge normally reserved for high paying one-to-one clients, butwhich I want you to have NOWfor a mere fraction of the cost, through this Udemy course! So, if youre a business owner, leader, manager or employee committed togrowing your business through deeply understating whats stopping your market buying from you, (or know someone who is), and you want to breakthrough the beliefs you buyer has, beliefsthat create barriers to them buying from YOU Just Click on the Buy Course button on this page Now and lets get YOU started on the road to a solution! With an average rating of 4.95,Here's what a justfew of our students had to say about the course:""I've always believed that I'm not good at sales but this course has encouraged me to look at the subject with new eyes. The lectures are engaging and interesting and Darren's delivery is very professional but friendly at the same time . Thank you."" - Elaine Hildes""I found this Sales Psychology course a very enjoyable and informative experience - it's full of valuable information and sound, proven advice that is actionable. The concepts were explained clearly and the instructor's delivery was extremely engaging (the instructor is obviously very knowledgeable about the topic). The content provided was above my expectations - I've bought sales psychology courses with half the content for ten times the price. Highly Recommended."" - Dr Richard Lewis""Great online training course! Informative and well structured with a friendly approach from someone who knows what he is talking about. Essential tips to help boost sales for any size of business. Very useful!"" - Lynnette FouracreSee the reviews page for evenmore...STOPTHEPRESS...*** COURSEUPDATE***:New FREE Bonus Section Added, to include additional relevant material, starting with a Free downloadcopy of Amazon kindle Ebook - ""Breaking Though Business Growth Barriers"", This 60 minute guide, explains how to structure your offerings to attract leads, quickly convert to buyersand maximise their value, through a series of ever increasing engagement opportunities, called Customer Value Optimisation.Just Click on the Buy Course button on this page Now and lets get YOU started on the road to a solution!"
Price: 74.99 |
"The Confident Mind - Change your beliefs, change your life!" |
"You are, what you are, because of the beliefs that you hold in your mind today. Change beliefschange life. But what is a belief actually? Wellbeliefs are those unconscious (and sometimes even conscious) thoughts that mechanically drive you to take decisions andactions in response to situations in life. Almost uncontrollablylike a robot. Are you going through repeated patterns of procrastination avoiding certaindecisions and activities because you are surrounded by fears andnegative thoughts? Do you find it difficult to open up easily with people? Is this affecting your work or relationships? Are you scared of taking important decisions or even take actions, because in the past they have always gone wrong? Are you feeling hopeless or helpless in solving certain problems?Are you finding it difficult to close deals because you feel customers dont like your products/ price/ capabilities or perhaps that you are not getting the right support? Do you worry that you are a failureor a victim of failed relationship that is preventing you from getting into another one? Do you get angry all the time on yourself?The fact is, since we are 3 years old, our mind is constantly programmed by family, parents, teachers, books, friends, TV and events about what we can and cant achieve in life. And these beliefs unconsciously soak into our psyche andmake sure that we achieve exactly thatand nothing else. Interestingly, beliefs are not the event itself, but mere interpretation and meanings from that event. That is why, anevent thatcan scare a person forever canspur another person into limitless motivation and determination to win. Since our beliefs and fears are our own creation, it is equally possible to alter or squash them. As we go through the course, we will explore various methods to identify and changeundesired beliefs. And once youunderstand these methods,you can even help others in changing their beliefs and hence, unlock their hidden potential. In this course you will learn: How beliefs are formed and what is their structure How negative beliefs build unproductive behavioralpatterns that steal away crucial opportunities from our life. The intricate layers of beliefs that safely hide away the core-belief. How to unpeelthe layers andtrace yourcore belief, in easy steps. Step by step precise practical methods to eliminate negative thoughts and beliefs blocking your success and help you unleash your full potential. I will teach you three different methods, each very unique and simple to blow away any unproductive belief that is causing repeated patterns of negative behaviour in your life. The techniques you will learn are based on proven psychological concepts that have come through years of research. I have personally used them on hundreds of people over past 15 years and led them to incredible freedom from self-sabotaging thoughts and patterns."
Price: 84.99 |
"This Course is designed specifically for people who want to start their business online and who are willing to grow sales and growth of their existing business.The live events project in this course will help students better understanding of creating their own web portal from scratch.The approach used in this course is the no coding method to facilitate the beginners get the concepts in an easy way!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Italian Language: Complete Italian Course - Beginners" |
"The #1 Italian Course Highlights: 8 Hours - FULLHDCourse / Exercises after each lesson / Subtitles inEnglish, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Romanian / Interactive Board / Downloadable .pdf Files for each Lesson / Best Value for Money / Full Lifetime access / 30-DaySatisfaction or money back guarantee+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the Language category. Our language courses have been taken by over 120,000 happy students from 192 countries.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Complete ItalianCourse - Beginners (A1, A2, A2+)In this course theteacher covers the following topics: Italian Alphabet, Italian vocabulary for beginners, Italianspeaking, Italian pronunciation, Italian writing, Italian grammar rules and patterns including Italianverbs and tenses, Italian conversation and communication skills. The interactive board helps the visual learners andthe immersion method used for teaching accelerates the learning speed, the comprehension of the spoken Italian and the fluency.It includes free .pdf support and many exercises /practice tests /quizzes.This course includes:This Italiancourse includes:FULLHDVideoLessons presented on an Interactive BoardThis Italiancourse includes: Downloadable .pdf Files for each LessonVideo Captions inEnglish, French, Spanish, Italian, German,RomanianThis Italiancourse includes:Everyday situationspresented in Italian languageThis Italiancourse includes: Listening and speaking practiceThis Italiancourse includes: Aneasyway to understand theItalian beginnersgrammarComing soon: Testing andimprovingyour knowledge usingquizzesafter each lessonThis Italiancourse includes: Future UpdatesThis Italiancourse includes: Full Lifetime accessThis Italiancourse includes: 30-DaySatisfaction or money back guaranteeThis Italiancourse includes: Access on computer,mobile and TVOver50.000 peoplefrom175countriesenrolled in ourcoursesfrom December 2016 It is detailed, love this course! Of course at the ed it will get harder, so gotta teach yourself a little. Listen to the teacher multiple times plus take notes. I love that the teacher is Italian so that also helps know how they pronounce. Me esta gustando mucho el curso! la profesora explica muy bien !, estan todos los temas separados como corresponde, por lo que se puede seguir el curso de manera fluida y ordenadamente. Los ejemplos son muy buenos, ya que es lo que se usa generalmente en la vida cotidiana. Mi calificacion 10 This course was great. I could not have chosen a better class to learn Italian. I am not yet confident enough to talk to anyone in Italian, but I am confident enough so I can begin to read books and blogs in Italian. I will definitely go into the Intermediate course, but when I will be more comfortable with my Italian. The teacher explains very well and the course is well-structured. If you truly want to profit from this course, at least read every course notes twice (a course note is given for every lecture). It has helped me a lot. It is a great match so far. I was struggling with pronunciation and this is an excellent example. I can see myself referring to lesson 2 often as I move forward in learning the language. Because the course was conducted entirely in Italian, it forced you to listen carefully at all times, and I think this helps a student to pick up the language faster. For the first few lectures, I was able to go through them once without having to review the lectures. For the later, more advanced lectures, I reviewed them a second time to make sure I understood everything. This instructor did an outstanding job! I'm going to take the intermediate class next. Maybe she can do an intermediate-advanced class as well? I`m loving it. Great teacher with an excellent method! She is very passionate in teaching us, so far i love the course, looking forward to new lectures. Lectures are a good amount of time and well organized. There are written materials to support the video lectures.We recommend you to check our other Italiancourses too:Complete ItalianIntermediate Course (B1, B2)In this course theteacher covers the following topics: Italianspeaking, Italian pronunciation, Italian writing, Italian grammar rules and patterns including Italianverbs and tenses, Italian vocabulary, Italian conversation and communication skills. The interactive board helps the visual learners andthe immersion method used for teaching accelerates the learning speed, the comprehension of the spoken Italian and the fluency.ThisItalian courseintegrates the innovative and up-to-date teaching techniques with the valuable help of our expert teachers, who designed the lessons as short and intense e-learning sessions.Each Italian lesson is taught in the native language, with the visual support perfectly integrated in the context, creating the perfect environment to learn Italian.Downloadable .pdf file and quizes for the lessons will beincluded in this Italian course.ThisItalian course for beginners offers youvideo courses that are tailored to incorporate various methods into teaching and accommodate different learning styles, so that they can be a perfect fit for each student.If you still wonder why this Italiancourse?For at least 3 reasons:1. First and foremost, each lesson is taught in the native language, with the visual support perfectly integrated in the context. The communication is adapted to each student and to real-life situations, in a friendly and easy manner.2.Second, the students can learn Italian at their own pace, and in order to enhance their concentration and comfort level.3. And last but not least, the students will be able to measure their performance and progress by doing multiple choice tests, an extremely efficient technique to review vocabulary and refine grammar for anyone who decides to take this Italian course for beginners.8 Hours - FULLHDCourse / Interactive Board / Downloadable .pdf Files for each Lesson / Quizzes after each lesson / Video Captions inEnglish, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Romanian/ Full Lifetime access / 30-DaySatisfaction or money back guarantee"
Price: 199.99 |
"Complete English Course: Learn English Language Beginners" |
"The #1 Interactive English Course Highlights: 9 Hours - FULLHDCourse / Exercises after each lesson / Subtitles inEnglish, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Romanian, Chinese, Hindi and Turkish/ Native Teacher/ Interactive Board / Downloadable .pdf Files for each Lesson / Best value for money / Full Lifetime access / 30-DaySatisfaction or money back guarantee+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the Language category. Our courses have been taken by over 120,000 happy students from 192 countries.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Complete English Course - English Speaking - English GrammarEnglishBeginner to IntermediateCourse(A1,A2,A2+)In this course the native English speaking teacher covers the following topics: Englishspeaking, English pronunciation, English writing, English grammar rules and patterns including English verbs with accent on English tenses, English vocabulary, English conversation and communication skills. The interactive board and the subtitles help the visual learners andthe immersion method used for teaching accelerates the learning speed, the comprehension of the spoken English and the fluency.The available subtitles make it the best choice for Spanish, Italian, French, German or any other nonnative English speakers.It starts from basics and includes free .pdf support and practice tests / quizzes.This course includes:This Englishcourse includes: FULLHDVideo Lessons presented on an Interactive BoardThis Englishcourse includes: Downloadable .pdf Files for each LessonThis Englishcourse includes: Video Captions inEnglish, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Romanian, Hindi, Turkish and Chinese This Englishcourse includes: Everyday situations presented in EnglishThis Englishcourse includes: Listening and speaking practiceThis Englishcourse includes: An easy way to understand the English grammarThis Englishcourse includes: Testing and improving your knowledge using quizzes after each lessonThis Englishcourse includes: Future UpdatesThis Englishcourse includes: Full Lifetime accessThis Englishcourse includes: 30-DaySatisfaction or money back guaranteeThis Englishcourse includes: Access on computer,mobile and TVOver5,200 peoplefrom120countriesenrolled in ourcoursesfrom December 2016Student Testimonials""Superb, It is an opportunity for the non-native to learn from the native speaker. It is one of the great course on udemy. The Instructor is very knowledgeable about the subject. He taught complex topics in a simple and easy way which is beneficial for a non-native speaker. Well, organized course and having great contents. This course is very helpful in the long run.""-Faisal Q""Great course, great teacher. The instructor was clear and easy to understand. The audio and video quality was good.""-Csaba""I gave this rank because of being visual support and using pictures for words and actions and etc. , and also the teacher completely speaks his/her own native language to train people, this is the most important thing for teaching a foreign language""- Ali Taghinejad""This course give me a chance for me to check many detail information in my English learning. After each lecture, I will review the related contents by searching related items on internet, or writing down some articles.""- Lawrence""Excellent English course!""- MattThis English course integrates the innovative and up-to-date teaching techniques with the valuable help of our expert teachers, who designed the lessons as short and intense e-learning sessions.Each English lesson is taught in the native language, with the visual support perfectly integrated in the context, creating the perfect environment to learn English.Downloadable .pdf file and quizes for the lessons included in this English course.ThisEnglish course for beginners offers youvideo courses that are tailored to incorporate various methods into teaching and accommodate different learning styles, so that they can be a perfect fit for each student, regardless of their knowledge level or of what they have learnt in schools.If you still wonder why this Englishcourse?For at least 3 reasons:1. First and foremost, each lesson is taught in the native language, with the visual support perfectly integrated in the context. The communication is adapted to each student and to real-life situations, in a friendly and easy manner.2.Second, the students can learn English at their own pace, and in order to enhance their concentration and comfort level,the subtitles are available either in the students native language or in the language they want to learn.3. And last but not least, the students can measure their performance and progress by doing multiple choice tests, an extremely efficient technique to review vocabulary and refine grammar for anyone who decides to take this English course for beginners."
Price: 199.99 |
"Complete Spanish Course: Learn Spanish Language Beginners" |
"Highlights: 14.5 Hours - FULLHDCourse / Exercises after each lesson / Subtitles inEnglish, French, Spanish, Italian, Romanian / Interactive Board / Downloadable .pdf Files for each Lesson / Best Value for Money / Full Lifetime access / 30-DaySatisfaction or money back guarantee+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the Language category. Our language courses have been taken by over 120,000 happy students from 192 countries.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++SpanishBeginner to IntermediateCourse (A1, A2, A2+)In this course the native Spanish speaking teacher covers the following topics: Spanishspeaking, Spanishpronunciation, Spanish writing, Spanishgrammar rules and patterns with accent on verbs and tenses, Spanish vocabulary, Spanish conversation and communication skills. The interactive board and the subtitles help the visual learners and the immersion method used for teaching Spanish accelerates the learning speed, the comprehension of the spoken Spanishand the fluency.The available subtitles make it the best choice for English, Italian, Frenchor any other non native Spanishspeakers.It starts from thebasics and includes free .pdf support and practice tests / quizzes.Aprender espaol!This course includes:This Spanish course includes: FULLHDVideo Lessons presented on an Interactive BoardThis Spanish course includes:Downloadable .pdf Files for each LessonThis Spanish course includes: Video Captions in Spanish, English, Italian, French, RomanianComing Soon:Video CaptionsinGerman, ItalianThis Spanish course includes:Everyday situations presented in SpanishThis Spanish course includes:Listening and speaking practiceThis Spanish course includes:An easy way to understand the Spanish grammarThis Spanish course includes:Testing and improving your knowledge using quizzes after each lessonThis Spanish course includes:Future UpdatesThis Spanishcourse includes: FullLifetime accessThis Spanishcourse includes: 30-DaySatisfaction or money back guaranteeThis Spanishcourse includes:Access on computer,mobile and TVWe recommend you to continue with our other Spanish course:Learn Spanish Language: Spanish Course - Intermediate LevelSpanish Courses, Intermediate level- Learn Spanish Language with anative teacher - Spanish Speaking, Spanish Grammar, Spanish VocabularyDuring the course ""Learn Spanish Language: Spanish Course - Intermediate Level"" (B1) the native Spanish speaking teacher covers the following topics: Spanish speaking, Spanish pronunciation, Spanish writing, Spanish grammar rules, Spanish vocabulary, Spanish conversation and communication skills (intermediate toadvanced level). The interactive board helps the visual learners and the method used for teaching accelerates the learning speed, the comprehension of the spoken Spanish and the fluency. It includes free .pdf support and practice tests / quizzes. Upgrade your Spanish! Aprender espaol!Over7,000 peoplefrom130countriesenrolled in ourcoursesfrom December 2016Student Testimonials""This Spanish course is a good way to learn the language. The teacher talks like a native speaker and the videos are filled with pictures so you can visualize the lesson better. You can also use subtitles in many languages and download a PDF file with the information you saw on the video. This way you can take better notes and there is also a test you can do. It's almost like being back in school and it makes everything easier. If you missed something you can watch the video again and you learn how to talk Spanish like a native speaker. I am looking forward to watching all the videos.""- Andreea Ioana DumitrescuThis Spanish course integrates the innovative and up-to-date teaching techniques with the valuable help of our expert teachers, who designed the lessons as short and intense e-learning sessions.Each lesson is taught in the native language, with the visual support perfectly integrated in the context, creating the perfect environment to learn Spanish.Downloadable .pdf file and quizes for the lessons included in this Spanish course.ThisSpanishcourse for beginners offers youvideo courses that are tailored to incorporate various methods into teaching and accommodate different learning styles, so that they can be a perfect fit for each student, regardless of their knowledge level or of what they have learnt in schools.If you still wonder why this Spanish course?For at least 3 reasons:1. First and foremost, each lesson is taught in the native language, with the visual support perfectly integrated in the context. The communication is adapted to each student and to real-life situations, in a friendly and easy manner.2.Second, the students can learn Spanish at their own pace, and in order to enhance their concentration and comfort level,the subtitles are available either in the students native language or in the language they want to learn.3. And last but not least, the students can measure their performance and progress by doing multiple choice tests, an extremely efficient technique to review vocabulary and refine grammar for anyone who decides to take this Spanish course for beginners."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Beginners" |
"The #1 German Course Highlights: 17 Hours - FULLHDCourse / Exercises after each lesson / Subtitles inEnglish, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Romanian, Turkish and Hindi / Interactive Board / Downloadable .pdf Files for each Lesson / Best Value for Money / Full Lifetime access / 30-DaySatisfaction or money back guarantee+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the Language category. Our language courses have been taken by over 120,000 happy students from 192 countries.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++CompleteGerman Beginner to IntermediateCourse (A1, A2, A2+)In this course the native German speakingteacher covers the following topics: Germanspeaking, German pronunciation, German writing, German grammar rules and patterns, German vocabulary, German conversation and communication skills. The interactive board and the subtitles help the visual learners and the immersion method used for teaching German accelerates the learning speed, the comprehension of the spoken German and the fluency.The available subtitles make it the best choice for English, Spanish, Italian or any other non-native German speakers.The course starts from basics and includes free .pdf support and practice tests /quizzes.Deutsch lernen!This course includes:This German course includes:FULLHDVideoLessons presented on anInteractive BoardThis Germancourse includes: Downloadable .pdf Files for each LessonThis Germancourse includes:Video Captions inEnglish, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Turkishand Romanian (new: Hindi subtitles available starting from 20.12.2018)Coming Soon:Video Captions in other languagesThis Germancourse includes:Everyday situationspresented in GermanThis Germancourse includes: Listening and speaking practiceThis Germancourse includes: Aneasyway to understand theGerman grammarThis Germancourse includes: Testing andimprovingyour knowledge usingexercises and dictationThis Germancourse includes:Testing andimprovingyour knowledge usingquizzesThis Germancourse includes: Future UpdatesThis Germancourse includes: Full Lifetime accessThis Germancourse includes: 30-DaySatisfaction or money back guaranteeThis Germancourse includes: Access on computer,mobile and TVWe recommend you to continue with our other German courses:Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Intermediate (B1)In this ""Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Intermediate"" (B1) course the native German speaking teacher covers the following topics: German vocabulary,Germangrammar rules (intermediary-advanced), German pronunciation, German syntax, famous Germans, a brief history of Germany, German dialects, German writing and many teaching Germanexercises. The interactive board helps the visual learners andthe method used for teaching accelerates the learning speed, the comprehension of the spoken German and the fluency. The course is ideal for learning German (intermediate level B1) and includes free .pdf support and practice tests /quizzes. Deutsch lernen!andGerman Language: Complete German Course - Upper Intermediate (B2)In this ""German Language: Complete German Course - Upper Intermediate"" (B2)course the native German speaking teacher covers the following topics: German vocabulary, writing a personal / formal / business letter, writing an application, writing a CV, conducting a job interview, interview tips and questions, etiquette at the workplace, house order, German states, cultural particularities in Germany / Austria / Switzerland.Deutsch lernen!Over50,000 peoplefrom150countriesenrolled in ourcoursesfrom December 2016ThisGerman courseintegrates the innovative and up-to-date teaching techniques with the valuable help of our expert teachers, who designed the lessons as short and intense e-learning sessions.Each German lesson is taught in the native language, with the visual support perfectly integrated in the context, creating the perfect environment to learn German.Downloadable .pdf file for the lessons included in this German course.ThisGermancourse for beginners offers youvideo courses that are tailored to incorporate various methods into teaching and accommodate different learning styles, so that they can be a perfect fit for each student, regardless of their knowledge level or of what they have learnt in schools.If you still wonder why this Germancourse?For at least 3 reasons:1. First and foremost, each lesson is taught in the native language, with the visual support perfectly integrated in the context. The communication is adapted to each student and to real-life situations, in a friendly and easy manner.2.Second, the students can learn German at their own pace, and in order to enhance their concentration and comfort level,the subtitles are available either in the students native language or in the language they want to learn.3. And last but not least, the students can measure their performance and progress by doing tests and dictation exercises, helping you review thevocabulary and refine yourGermangrammar."
Price: 199.99 |
"Become a Master of Time Management" |
"In this course you will learn how to be more productive by getting key tools that can be applied together or individually based on your needs. The course will touch upon Sleep, daily planning, long term goals, short term goals, study habits and workout routines. You will also get links to planning tools that can be used beside the concepts learned within the course for you to further fine tune and improve the concepts even further yourself"
Price: 99.99 |
"Java Memory Management" |
"This is a course for Java professionals (or aspiring Java professionals)who need an in depth understanding of how memory works in Java. In this course you'll learn what kinds of memory leaks are possible in Java, and how to avoid them. In addition I'll show you tools you can use to analyse how your applications are performing, anddetect inefficient memory use, suchasobjects which are taking uptoo much memory, or problems causing inefficient garbage collection. And we'll see how to fix these.You don't need to be a Java Expert to do this course, but you should be able to confidentlycreate basicJava code before you start.Important note about Java Versions:This course is aimed at users of Java 7 and 8. There's a separate course covering more recent versions of Java (8 and 11+)called ""Java Application Performance and Memory Management""- this other course includes almost all the content from this course, upgraded for newer versions of Java, together with other topics around application performance. If you are using newer versions of Java you may wish to take the ""Java Application Performance and Memory Management"" course."
Price: 39.99 |
"Physician Recruiter Success" |
"Physician candidates are receiving, on average, 25 inquiries per week, including emails, phone calls, direct mail from your competitors. How do you stand out from the crowd? How do you make a connection, especially when Candidates have their guard up? From the Candidates respective they know that you benefit from accepting your job, so how do they know they can trust what you are saying? The recruiters who share in the philosophy to become an advocate to all candidates and provide unbiased guidance, support, and resources for each candidate to make the right decision regardless whether they accept the opportunity they represent will be able to build additional value and create a differentiating experience with Medical Residents and their respective candidates. And... In this course, Physician Recruiter Success - How to leverage the Workbook and Stand Out in the Crowd, you will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for simple, powerful strategies that will be your go-to-resource to build trust and credibility with prospective candidates by integrating the Workbook into: Career Fairs and Conferences Interview process Residency Presentations This session will help you create a differentiating experience, build trust, and impact each candidate regardless whether they accept your opportunity."
Price: 199.99 |
"Convirtete en un Ganador" |
"""Desarrollar una mente ganadora no es cosa del otro mundo"" - Andrs MurilloA lo largo de mi vida me he dado cuenta de que la mayora de las personas no viven su vida como les gustara; y hasta no hace mucho tiempo, yo era una de ellas. Afortunadamente a una corta edad decid tomar control de mi vida y empezar a disear mi futuro para podercumplir todas las metas que me haba propuesto. Para mi sorpresa, la vida es mucho ms retadora y complicada de lo que haba pensado, por lo que tuve que desarrollar ciertos hbitos para poder sobre-pasar todos los obstculos que la vida fue poniendo en mi camino. Al principio fue un camino lleno de miedos y frustraciones pero conforme adaptas la manera de pensar de un ""ganador"", te das cuenta que tu vida se transforma en toda una aventura.En este curso te enseo todo lo que he aprendido (y sigo aprendiendo) en mi lucha por cumplir mis metas gracias a algunos libros, conferencistas, mentores, mis socios y evidentemente: a la experiencia que me ha dado la vida. Con todo esto quiero que te des cuenta deque luchar por tus metas, no es tan complicado como parece; y que al final de todo, vale la pena. Si ya tienes tiempo harto de ser una persona promedio, te aseguro que este curso tiene el poder de cambiarte la vida... solo si tu se lo permites. Adems, te aseguro que te vas a divertir pues no es la tpica presentacin de Power Point. Este curso fue diseado con presentaciones dinmicas para que sea menos tedioso y que sea un curso ms ameno para todos.Eso s... tengo que aclarar que NOes un curso de motivacin. Es decir, muy probablemente uno de sus efectos secundarios sea que te sientas ms motivado, pero realmente ese no es su principal objetivo.Para lo que fue hecho este curso es para hacerte despertar y ponerte en accin; porque definitivamente la motivacin no sirve de nada si no va acompaada da la accin.Te deseo xito, y que disfrutes del curso!"
Price: 270.00 |
"The Pleasure Trail" |
"I want to let you in on a little secretFULFILLING LOVE.SUPPORTIVE RELATIONSHIPS.FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE.ENDLESS JOY.LIVING THE LIFE YOUVE ALWAYS IMAGINED.YOU NAME IT. IT IS ALL YOURS FOR THE TAKING.The truth is your natural ability to attract EXACTLY what you desire in life is powerful and limitless.And the best part isthere is nothing you need to change about yourself to have the love & life youve always imagined.Because the only thing standing between what you want and what you have right now ishow much you are willing to love and give yourself permission to shamelessly own, embrace and express what truly gives you pleasure!If you are ready to honor that internal calling to love yourself on a deeper level than ever before so you can attract the love and life you truly desire, then I invite you to check out The Pleasure Trail e-course.WHAT IS THE PLEASURE TRAIL?The Pleasure Trail Course is a 30-day video and email courseto helpyou uncover and follow what gives you pleasure, joy and excitement and keep you aligned with your inner truth and worth so you can attract the love and life you desire.Its a journey that starts with you feeling unworthy, frustrated, confused and lacking energy aroundyour biggest dreams but also a deep knowing theres a way to reclaim your worthinessand attract the love and life you desire.It ends with you feeling lighter, happier, extremely clear, full of energy and the drive you need to get things done and be an attraction magnet. Plus it gives you the insights and tools you need to stayon the path toyour next level of success of fulfillment.THIS PROGRAM IS FOR YOU IF:Tired of feeling broken or like you need to be fixed and are ready to own your worthWant to easily attract fulfilling love and/or more money into your lifeAre ready to stoplooking to everyone else for approvalJust want to have fun, play and enjoy an abundant lifeAre tired of toxic relationships and are ready to attract amazing relationshipsthat inspire and support the best version of youDone working hard, overachieving and proving your worth to everyoneReady to live your life in state of joy and blissReady to say F*ck it to anything that doesnt make you happy or feel goodTHIS PROGRAM INCLUDES:Personalized techniques you can use to quickly and effectively begin toto tap into your true pleasure and use this power to manifest your desiresVideo tutorials to walk youthrough the concepts and exercises to help you tap into your joy and start living an exciting life full of joy, pleasure and funExercises that include insights about how to release yourself from the low-energycycle that keeps you from attracting what you desireHow to recognize when you are using fear versus intuitionwhen making decisions around the best action to takeWHAT THIS PROGRAM WILL DO FOR YOU:Increase your energy and excitement for lifeHelp you attract more money and opportunities that will allow you to serve yourself and others in a bigger wayFree you from the fear that blocks you fromfollowing your intuition and excitementDeepen the connection in your current relationships or help you let go of relationships that no longer serve youImprove your confidenceHave the people you desire to be surrounded by naturally gravitate towards you without having to work for itAllow you to let go of what is no longer making you happy and quicklymove forwardBe able to give more back to the people you care about the mostAllow you to love and maintain a deep connection to yourself like never before"
Price: 49.99 |
"Crowdfunding Tactics and Strategies" |
"This course will provide students with a basic understanding of what components go into a successful crowdfunding campaign. It will also present an overview of how to create winning social strategies that will engage the right audience at the right time, thus laying the foundation for a well-executed roll-out. The materials contain outlines for campaign strategies, as well as, a week-to-week activity list that must be performed for a successful campaign. Students will exit the course with the knowledge of what it takes to run a successful campaign, as well as, tools needed to accomplish that task should he/she/they wish to implement the plan alone.Some of thevoice over work done on theexplainer videoswasdone byJeffrey Machado a professional voice artist."
Price: 24.99 |
"Songwriting & Music Production In GarageBand- A Total Guide!" |
"Is this course for you?? Check outthese reviews fromrecentstudents-""Wow. I just learned more in 15 minutes than I did in an entire semester of a digitalmusicclass I took in college."" -Jordan Miller""I rarely leave reviews for anything but I had to leave one for this course! I've always wanted to record my music but thought it was too complicated...This course helped me get past those misconceptions and I am now recording all the time with ease... This instructoris easy to follow and really funny which makes it fun to watch. And the quality of these video lessons are incredible...I would recommend it to anyone looking to grow in recording their own music through GarageBand."" -Austin St.Laurent""Very informative, practical, easy to understand, funny and it's getting me excited to write music!"" -Sam Masterson""Great course on Garageband and thorough introduction to modern music production techniques."" -GeorgeTheotokis""Hands down the best introduction to GarageBand out there. Dean takes it from the basics, but fills in enough detail to keep the course engaging and inspiring even if you have a little experience with the program already. He has a really fun teaching style, which makes for an entertaining as well as informative course. Probably the best thing about it is the fact that there are lots of examples of real songs Dean has written and produced in GarageBand. These aren't just great for demoing GarageBand techniques, but they're also pretty inspirational as jump boards for your own songwriting too. Really happy with the course - recommend it wholeheartedly for anyone just starting out, or returning to GarageBand after a long time away!"" -Richard West-SoleyAre you a SONGWRITER whois eagarto write, record, and mix your music in GarageBandbut you have no idea howto get started?! This course is designed to take you on a step by stepjourney through the entire lifecycle of your song. We'll learn how to write, record, edit, mix, andmaster your music with high quality!In section 1, we'll start by mastering the basics of theGarageBand interface and thendiscoverthe powerful songwriting tools that GarageBand offers you for creative, dynamic songwriting. In section 2,we'lldive into the tools that GarageBandoffers for producing-recording, editing, mixing, & mastering-your music with high quality (andhavea lesson on how to share &sell your music online for free)!In Section 3, we'll look athow to build your own home studio from scratch using budget friendly equipmentand then we'lllearn how toset everything upstep by step! Thiscourse finisheswith a CHALLENGE to take what you've learned and put it into practice by writing and producing anoriginal song! You will thenhave the opportunity to share yoursong with our Udemy student community for encouragement and feedback!Now, don't worry! If any of these topicsintimidateyou, we are going to break down eachone of them in detailand make them easy to understand and simple to execute in your projects. You doNOThave to have any prior knowledge of GarageBand or music production to master the content in this course!"
Price: 199.99 |