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"Sylenth Secrets: Advanced Techniques For Sylenth"
"A course that will teach you the secrets to achieving amazing sounds in Sylenth1 with clever and advanced techniques to take your sounds to the next level.Sylenth1 is one of the most popular and basic synths out in the market with thousands of users, but just because Sylenth1 isn't as complex as other software synthesizer it doesn't mean that great sounds can't be achieved in it.Like any other person I learned how to utilize Sylenth1 by learning online throughvariouscourses that taught me what each knob did and how to make simple sounds.I never got taught how to make crazy sounds through those courses though, in fact i got taught how to make standard supersaws, basslines, and sounds that didn't sound professional at all.For years I tried to make my own sounds but I always resorted back to using presets because my sound design wasn't there. Yes I knew how utilize the synth but I didn't know the secrets to using it to make crazy sounds.Fast forward 6 years and Now I'm a master at Sylenth1, in fact I have made over 200+ Videosusing Sylenth1 to recreate famous sounds.Learning how to recreate famous sounds really showed me how complex Sylenth1 is through it's modulation, and effects. Each new sound I recreated I learned new techniques that I have compiled into Sylenth1 Secrets for you guys.Now what do you get out of this program?First you get 30+ High Quality videos showing you every technique up front and in person so you can get the most out of this course.You are going to get every sound we make in this course as a resource to learn from so you have access to a free 30+ soundbank for free.And finally you get access to asking me questions about various sounds you have been trying to create."
Price: 19.99

Price: 10800.00

"C Programming For Beginners"
"Hey I am Junaid, your instructor. I have created the best and featured course for you after which you able to do any programming activity by your own.Thefastest, easiestway to learn to program is to take this course. This course will teach you to program the C language from top to bottom. You will learn everything from the very fundamentals of programming right through to the complexities of pointers, addresses and File IO. Maybe you've tried to master C before but failed. Or maybe you are new to C or new to programming. If so, this is the course for you!. The best Option you are looking for.C is one of the most important of all programming languages. It is used to program desktop applications, compilers, tools and utilities and even hardware devices. The C language is fast and efficient but it can be hard to learn. Unless you use this course. This course begins with a gentle introduction to C but quickly moves on to explain some of its most confusing features: everything from C's 'scoping' rules to the curious connection between arrays and memory addresses. By the end of the course you will have a deep understanding both of the C language itself and also of the underlying 'architecture' of your computer."
Price: 19.99

"Complete & Practical SAS, Statistics & Data Analysis Course"
"You should take this course! If you need a complete and comprehensive package that covers SAS programming, intuitive statistics interpretation, data analysis, and predictive modeling, and If you would like to learn by doing various practical use cases fitting in the positions in different business portfolios, and Whether you are a job seeker or beginner intending to start a data science career Then this around18 hours course is right for you! This complete SAS course includes more than 150lectures and contains 11 real world case studies/projects in different applied areas such as banking and marketing. After this intensive training, you will be equipped with a powerful tool for the most sexy data analytics career path!"
Price: 89.99

"A Cincia da Felicidade"
"Um curso reflexivo, apresentando um olhar diferente na busca de uma vida plena e feliz, utilizando uma abordagem filosfica e cientifica com dados daUniversidade de Berkeley. Apresentoteorias, estudos, tcnicas e seteexerccios prticosa serem aplicados no seu dia a dia que vo elevar suaqualidade de vida.Espero voc para ir nessa incrvel jornada de autoconhecimento comigo !"
Price: 84.99

"CompTIA Linux+ LX0-101 & LX0-102"
"LPIC-1 is a junior level certification for Linux administrators. You should be able to perform maintenance tasks with the command line, install & configure a workstation and be able to configure a basic network. The Linux footprint continues to grow. In addition to its significant presence in the server room, all the major public cloud providers offer Linux images as a way of speeding up virtual instance creation. Large organizations such as the U.S. Navy, Dell, HP, BAE Systems, Northrop Grumman and the U.S. Department of Defense employ CompTIA Linux+ Powered by LPI certified IT professionals. IT professionals who earn their CompTIA Linux+ certification can receive the LPIC-1 from LPI. Earning a Linux+ certification is the beginning of a path that will lead you to advanced, distribution-specific Linux certifications such as SUSE Certified Engineer."
Price: 199.99

"CompTIA PDI+ PD0-001"
"CompTIA PDI+ Certification validates the knowledge and skills necessary to support printing and document imaging devices including printers, copiers, scanners, multi-functional devices and fax machines. It is a vendor-neutral certification that recognizes a technician's understanding of basic electromechanical components and tools, print engine and scan processes and components, color theory and connectivity/networking. The exam also covers soft skills such as customer service, professionalism, safety and environment. While there are no prerequisites for the certification exam, it is recommended that entry-level candidates have foundation-level knowledge or hands-on experience working with printing and document imaging devices. CompTIA PDI+ is also relevant for more seasoned technicians in the printing and document imaging industry interested in an industry-accepted credential that validates their knowledge and skills."
Price: 199.99

"Fundamentals of Change Management"
"Change management is a structured approach for ensuring that changes are thoroughly and smoothly implemented, and that the lasting benefits of change are achieved.When anorganization or businessundertakes projects or initiatives to improve performance, seize opportunities or address key issues, they often require changes; changes to processes, job roles, organizational structures or other modes of operation that significantly reshape a company or organization.This course gives you the insights into change management andexplores the approaches, techniques,and pitfalls that change managers faceas they drive organizational change.We'll start this course by examining how to scaleand deploy change management techniquesto different levels of an organization,ranging from a project, business area,or an entire corporation.Next, we'lldescribe the stages of managing changewithin a project or as part of a separate change initiative.We'll then explore the various components of change.Finally, we'll discuss the different stages of changefor individuals.In an increasingly volatile business world,it's vital to have the right tools and techniquesto maximize your ability to change and enhance your career."
Price: 19.99

"Success through balance"
"Whats the use of having wealth, knowledge, training, influence or even power when one's life is a mess? Learn to practice balancing rest, race (work), recreation & relationships now!Powerful tips, practices and tools to live a successful, prosperous and happy life.Some of the benefits of the course:Laying the foundation for a balanced lifeWhat destroys balance?Setting Vision-Mission-ValuesSelf Finder toolSetting Strategic and tactical goalsIncrease the quality of your lifeHave more time for yourselfLearn the secrets to charging your batteries fastLearn the roles of a leader and a managerDealing with peopleHandling tasks & projectsDeveloping the right habitsGetting rid of bad habitsDecision making 101The foundation to productive meetingsThe elements of the course:50+ lectures6 exercisesBlueprints andmuch much more"
Price: 19.99

"5 Ways to be a Powerful Leader"
"In this course your gonna learn what it means to be a powerful leader. After we discuss what it means to be an powerful=effective leader we're gonna look at 5 traits you can apply to your leadership that will enable you to be powerful and effective as a leader. The five traits were gonna discuss are:LoyaltyStrengthTenacityActivePlayfulAs we talk about each topic were gonna look at some benefits and effects of applying the traits to our leadership. These traits are powerful characteristics to have as a leader and they willallow you to lay a strong foundation for healthy, effective leadership."
Price: 24.99

"Hiperconvergencia con Nutanix: instalacin y configuracin"
"Aprende a instalar y configurar Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform desde cero!El curso ha sido diseado para facilitar el arranque inicial a las Infraestructuras Hiperconvergentes (HCI)y Centros de Datos Definidos por Software (SDDC), proporcionando bases muy slidas en hiperconvergencia con Nutanixtanto para el despliegue y configuracincomo para la administracin y gestin.El curso da accesoa profesionales de TI y partners de Nutanix a alcanzar la certificacinNutanix Platform Professional (NPP).Tras completar el curso ""NutanixHiperconvergencia: Instalacin y configuracin""el alumno habr adquirido los siguientes conocimientos:Conceptos sobre arquitectura hiperconvergenteQu es Nutanix?Identificacin de bloques y nodosModelos y soluciones (fabricantes)en NutanixArquitectura de NutanixTodo sobre Prism, Prism Central y AcropolisAlmacenamiento distribuido (DSF)Los componentes del Cluster NutanixCreacin de un Cluster NutanixInstalar y configurar NOScon VMware vSphereDesplegar un vCenter Server para gestin de ESXi y mquinas virtualesCrear Storage Pool y Contenedores NFS para almacn de mquinas virtuales desde PrismConfiguracin de Cluster VMware, Alta disponibilidad, DRS, vMotion y Storage vMotionInstalar y desplegar Prism Central para gestin y administracin deClusters NutanixUpgrade de Nutanix, hipervisor, NCC, firmwarey hardwareMonitorizar y revisar el estado de salud del cluster NutanixTroubleshooting y resolucin de problemas comunesMantenimiento de un Cluster y mejores prcticas para elloTe animo a que veas cualquiera de las clases que estn accesibles antes de comprar el curso y seguro que desears ver el resto del curso.Todo el curso se desarrolla en una plataforma real con unbloqueNutanixmodeloNX-3060 G4.En el curso comenzamos desplegandoun bloque Nutanix, aprenders a pre-configurar tu sistema y a reunir todo lo necesario para poner en marcha un bloque Nutanix desde cero.Una vez configurado el bloque yCluster de Nodos con NOS, aprenders a crear unDistributed Storage Fabric(Software Defined Storage) para ser presentado a VMware vSphere y disponer as de un almacenamiento compartido de alta disponibilidad para mquinas virtuales.Aprenders a gestionar tu entorno Nutanixdesde un navegador con Prism y a disponer de servicios de alta disponibilidad con VMware vSphere y vCenter Server.No slo aprenders Nutanix, tambinVMware vSphere!Reno ms de 15 aos de experiencia en el mundo TI, en los ltimos 7 aos me especialic en la Virtualizacin de Sistemas y los complemento desde hace 3 aos, con la docencia de cursos oficiales de VMware (ms de 35 cursos oficiales yms de100 alumnos).El formato de los vdeos de alta definicin (ms de 8 horas de curso)es muy didctico y ameno, vers la pantalla del ordenadorya m el instructorcomo si estuviera frente a ti explicndote paso a paso todoel contenido del curso.nete al curso ysube tu nivelprofesional con latecnologiahiperconvergente de Nutanix."
Price: 29.99

"Entenda os fundamentos 3D com Cinema 4D : introdutrio"
"CINEMA 4D um programa multiplataforma para modelagem 3D, texturizao, iluminao, animao, Maquetes eletrnicas e renderizao 3D.Neste curso voc aprendera os fundamentosdo Cinema 4D dando base tcnica para voc conseguir criar projetos no cinema 4d para animaes e mdias impressas, suas principais ferramentas de modelagem, textura, animao e render, alem de um conhecimento tcnico de como planejar e executar estes projetos de forma mais eficiente.Criaremos pequenos projetos para compreender o funcionamento de cada ferramentae ao final ainda produziremos um projeto em low-poly comuma cena completa, passando portextura, iluminao, animao e render."
Price: 249.99

"Various Homemade Food and Beverage Recipes for your love one"
"We share all Healthyrecipes ofany countryfoods, beverages, cakes, cookies, andsnacks with easy and fastest way without need to spend more times to make a favorite meal you wantany directions,guidance, ingredients are explained and shown clearly inside the courseall the contentsare served like aprofessional chef that you can follow eventhough for a basic level cooking capability, you will can follow to make a delicious meal like what we show in the video easilyand we will update any various food and beverage for you anytime in this courseLet's see you inside and have a Meal - Time in your warmest home"
Price: 19.99

"How to have an amazing year in 2020"
"Spend one single day with you! Yes, thats right. A day with yourself where you become aware of what you really want and put together a specific plan to achieve what you want this year.Do you need a program for that? No, not if you are completely aware of what you want in all the areas of your life and have a helicopter perspective on how these areas influence each other.The New Years Compass helps you get perspective and clarity within all the important areas of life. Watch the video below for an explanation of the process.Nobody plans to fail but many fail to plan!I believe this program will help you get clarity on what you want as well as a traveling plan that will get you to your destination."
Price: 74.99

"Domina el Marketing en Redes Sociales"
"Est mas que clara la importancia de las redes sociales en la actualidad, pues hemos aprendido a incluir este nuevo canal en nuestras vidas de forma natural, estaban diseadas inicialmente con el objetivo de conectar a personas individuales a travs de sus perfiles personales pero estos medios masivos de comunicacin han experimentado un gran xito en el mbito empresarial y por esta y muchas otras razones se han convertido en un gran aliado para las empresas como herramienta de marketingMuchas empresas han visto su potencial y han decidido gestionar su presencia en estas plataformas, con la finalidad de generar comunidad, fidelizar y realizar ventas, en un sentido mas amplio crear una relacin entre la marca y el cliente, pues si tomamos en cuenta el efecto red de las redes sociales los usuarios pueden ser los mayores embajadores de nuestra empresa o marca.Quiero acercarte al mundo del marketing digital, estos conocimientos son muy valorados hoy en da tanto por pymes, como por las grandes empresas, en este curso de marketing en redes sociales 2017 que incluye todas las implementaciones/mejoras que han incluido dichas plataformas y con mi ayuda aprenders a gestionar la presencia de tu empresa o marca de forma efectiva.En este curso trataremos temas como:- Etapas y transicin del marketing.- Nuevos paradigmas que dan lugar a la e-comunicacion.- El nuevo consumidor.- Mobile marketing.- Como realizar un plan de marketing.- Estrategias de marketing.- Modelos de costes en el Marketing digital.- Herramientas de medicion en Redes sociales.- ROI (Retorno de la inversin).- ORM (Gestin de la reputacin online).- Mtricas y KPI's.- Origen y evolucin de las redes sociales.- Que son redes sociales y como han irrumpido en nuestras vidas?- Caractersticas de las redes sociales.- Tipos de redes sociales.- Por que nuestra empresa debera estar presente en redes sociales?.- Marketing en Facebook.- Marketing en Instagram.- Marketing en Twitter.- Marketing en Google+.- Marketing en Linkedin.- Marketing en la plataforma de vdeo Youtube.- Configurar una campaa de publicidad en cada una de las plataformas."
Price: 69.99

"How to Get a Raise or Promotion"
"Do you feel undervalued in your current job? Either in pay or position?Are you having these kinds of questions?How do I ask for a raise or promotion?Whats the process?Is it just going to happen?Do I just need to ask?How much should I ask for?Youre not alone. In fact, only half of U.S. workers ask for a raise from their employer. And of those that ask, less than half of them actually receive the raise they request?Its not as simple as asking. But you have to ask.Its not as simple as being great at your job. But you have to be great.Its not enough to make a list of your accomplishments. But you have to make a list.Successfully asking for and receiving a raise or promotion is an art and a science.It takes work in order to know what matters to your boss, how to prove your value, and how to make the case for why your raise or promotion is warranted. But it takes a mindset and a certainapproachto really make a compelling case, and then follow through from start to finishYou can Google yourself to death trying to learn the secrets. Or you can take an immediate crash course in how to get a raise or promotion and get right to what matters. There are a lot of great courses and resources out there but if you're looking for one that gets right to the point without draining your brain, this is the one for you.This course is as simple as it gets. If you're looking for an easy-to-understand, practical, and straightforward program then this is where to start. If you're early on in your career or just looking for some valuable insights (and a kick in the pants) on how to chase after your raise, then get let's get started!No-nonsensequick videos that get right to the pointDownloadable worksheets (PDF fillable)Solid balance of mindset/measurement approach""I'll get you started, you take it the rest of the way. Now go get your raise!"" - Jon Barnes"
Price: 19.99

"Master Personal Finance: Build Wealth, Save & Invest Money"
"Course descriptionHave Better Finances To Save & Invest Money Building Wealth, Clear Loans, Debts & Credit Cards ToReach Your Financial Goals ! Note: This course includes straight forward techniques, worksheets and tips to master budgetingand achieve your financial goals with benchmarks and discipline.This requires time and effort to successfully learn how to budget.--> If you are serious about your financial situation, this is for you. What Is In This Course? This is crucial. If you're looking to get out of debts,. I will show you the key to easily budget and manage your money so you can save more, use your money how you really want and build wealth. Do you have goals or things you would like to accomplish in your life? Being low on capital will not only reduce your odds to be open to opportunities, but it also increases your level of daily stress you handle on your shoulder. As William Feather said: ''A budget tells us what we can't afford, but it doesn't keep us from buying it. '' This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In Money talks, you'll learn: Why Should You Have A Budget To Establish The Goals You Want To Accomplish To List Down Your Priorities How To Differentiate Your Needs And Wants To Determine Your Income To Determine Your Monthly Expenses To Determine Your Yearly Expenses The Importance Of Tracking ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? This course is essential to anyone dealing with money., which means all individuals needs it. Most people have debts and financial insecurities because they never learned to budget! Did you know that 50% of Americans have less than one months income saved? Do you feel money is controlling you? Are you stressed about your financial situation? Do you think your financial goals are only dreams? Then this course will definitely help you. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why Should I Have A Budget? Let me show you why you need a budget: You make sure your money goes where your priorities are. As humans, we consumes what is available to us. It is easy to spend our money on restaurants, activities, and what isn't necessary. Overdoing it definitely lead you the wrong way. You mentally prepare yourself to reach your goals. Having a budget is setting a plan on how you will reach your goals. Put the work needed and the plan will be accomplished sooner that you think. You build wealth. It is freedom for you and your family. Depending of your ambition, you can ensure that your kids will live a comfortable life and won't have to go through the difficulties you endured. You prepare yourself for emergencies. Without a budget, you need to get that money elsewhere. It also allows you to keep your lifestyle without any problem. Often, an unexpected event needs an important of money immediately and since most don't have emergency savings, they use credit cards."
Price: 184.99

"Positive Thinking: Happiness, Willpower & Successful Mindset"
"Feel Better And Achieve More In Less Than 1 Hour!Note: This course hasstraight forward techniques on positiveand mind tips to change your mindset, become happyandreach a successful positivemindset building self-esteem and self-confidence. This requires practice and motivated people to change their behaviors. If you are serious about changing, this is for you. What Is In This Course? This will change you. If you're looking to be positive,have a happy and successfulmindset for a happy life,it's all possible with a bit of willpower and motivation which you will develop. I will show you the key to reach this high level of appreciation, determination and happiness in your daily life. You are in control of your brain, but everyone affects it. Being able to control what comes in your mind is controlling what happens in your life. Can you be positive if everyone is negative? Most likely not, but if you control what comes in, you can! As what Lyndon B. Johnson says Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In Positive Thinking: The Complete Guide For A Happy Life, you'll learn: How To Appreciate The Results When and How To Reward Yourself For Your Accomplishments Learn To Turn Problems Into Challenges Drop Your Ego and Admit Youre Wrong Capacity To Control Your Reactions Determine What You Like and Dislikes From Your Days Increase Daily Happiness and Confidence ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? This course is essential to all human being but it is not everyone whos willing to do the extra effort to apply it. All entrepreneurs, sales persons, business owners, investors and anyone with huge work load and big ambition needs it. Did you know the average person only likes 15% of his day? Do you feel accomplished at the end of your day? Are you wondering why you are not happy? Do you think you will be happy only when you reach your life goals? Then this course will definitely help you. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Think Positively? Let me show you why you need a positive mindset daily: 1. You will be happy, more often. By thinking and living positively, everything becomes more enjoyable and you see things around you with a different eye. Just move on and look forward to the future. 2. You will feel more satisfied about yourself. This is caused simply by being happy, this is why we say that being rich doesnt make you happy. Positive thinking makes you feel proud about your results and gives you confidence about making more. 3. You will discover life. You will have opportunities you never had before and people who went through that process can testify. Worrying takes time and it causes stress, leave that alone. 4. You will attract good to you. People wants to do good to you if you do good to them! By giving them a smile, they want to give a smile. Its the law of reciprocity, use it!"
Price: 184.99

"iPhone: Push Notifications & Social Media (Swift 5 & iOS 13)"
"Learn the fundamentals of Firebase, Social Media & Push Notifications. We will create a simple version of Instagram to test Push Notifications and see how projects with server connection works. We will create this project in the latest technology with Swift 5, XCode 11 & iOS13.For right now, this is one of the best guides for push notifications you can ever find online! 30+ lectures and more than 4 hours of content!You will learn useful skills about topics below:Push NotificationsFirebaseParseOne SignalCocoapodsSwift 5iOS 13Tab Bar ApplicationsSign In - Sign Up ProcessInformation Uploading to ServerAWS Server SetupYou will learn a new skill that will take you far far away than where you are right now!If you are learning Swift & iOS 13 techniques and you are just in the beginning of your journey, you will love this course.The most influential applications ever written for Iphone are social media applications. And we will learn how to do that. You can use these skills to apply into any app which you can think of later on!Content and Overview This course is great for people with some basic experience on Swift or other programming languages. I will not explain basic concepts like ""Arrays, Variables, TableViews, Constants, Loops"". But i will teach you how to connect your project to a server, how to send an information to that server and how to receive and present that information. We will send texts, images etc.After learning how to connect with server you will step into whole new brand world in the name of development. You will write social media apps, internet connected apps, push notification enabled apps from now on!This will be a real-time coding experience. You'll see an actual debugging and have a valuable coding content. You will be provided with final project file and codes at the end of the lesson."
Price: 49.99

"RESTful API Testing with Postman"
"Postman is a great tool for testing APIs, which helps building APIs faster. If you are new to Postman, this course will help you to get started with the software and test your APIs in no time.I have divided this course into several sections. I will start by showing the overview of Postman. Then I will discuss about sending API requests & responses. I will show how to manage APIs into collections and share with anyone. Then I will cover variables, environments & how to write test scripts. Also I will show you how to automate your testing with combination of all these tools & collection runner. Final topic will be showing you a complete testing workflow with Twitter API."
Price: 19.99

"Achieving Powerful Goals - The Maverick's Goal Setting Guide"
"Have you given up on setting big powerful goals for your life? I don't blame you if you have, there's a lot of nonsense advice floating around on the Internet that would discourage even the most confident individual. What you may need is a totally different approach. A system that destroys the old dogma's on goal setting that no longer apply in the 21st century. Perhaps you will find more use in a goal setting system that is fresh, unique and combine many different strategies to help you on your journey.I this is the case, then my new course 'The Maverick's Guide to Achieving Difficult Goals' is exactly what you need. In this course, I combine goal setting with NLP, positive visualization, brainstorming, and other powerful techniques to help you not only achieve your goals, but also to help you get past some of your biggest obstacles to achieving your goals.So if you're ready to take control of your life, enroll now and get ready to learn some new strategies for setting powerful goals for your life!"
Price: 29.99

"Earn Big Profits With Web Development, Simple and Easy!"
"This course will not teach you how to become the world's best web developer. This is not a 'total/completeweb developmentbootcamp 4.0 super course';nor is it particularly a complicated course - anyone with moderate computers skills will be just fine.This course has just one very simple goal - to teach you how to build simple websites that will earn you big profits.Whether you decide to build the websites yourself, or to hire someone else to do all of the work for you, the end goal is the same minimal effort for maximum profit.This does NOT mean that you cut corners and produce second-rate websites. But what you WILL learn is how to focus on the simple important steps that make all the difference.This course will be free for 1-2 months only, so enrollnow!"
Price: 89.99

"foundation of photoshop 10 digital painting digital painting photoshop retouch digital painting digital painting workshop dvd photoshop 15 photoshop ! photoshop photoshop digital painting ui(user interface) photoshop"
Price: 7800.00

"Forex Trading Like Banks Step by Step with Live Examples"
"This course is vital for every serious trader who wants to take his trading into professional level. This course will teach you skills and techniques necessary for profitable forex trading. This course is different from any other Forex course that you have seen or taken before. You will learn the skills of reading charts at bar level. You will be able to analyze the psychology of the market which will enable you to avoid tricks and traps that most ordinary traders could not understand. Most beginners think that practicing trading alone would give them the knowledge and the skills to be professional traders. The hard fact is that they are totally wrong. They waste their time, and probably also their money trying by themselves to figure out how to be consistently profitable. While the truth that is known by almost all successful traders, is that the skills to be profitable in the long run need to be learned. This course is giving you this opportunity to learn important skills and techniques that I have learned and developed through my extended experience trading Forex in the last fifteen years. By taking this course, your understanding of price action and chart patterns will change forever. You will understand thatmost of your past losing trades were so obvious to avoid if you had the chance to use the knowledge provided by this course. Taking this course is a chance that will open up for you new opportunities and new successful and profitable future.And... you will also receive:Full, free lifetime access & supportAll future extra lectures & upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee.Regular free updates to increase your learning even more."
Price: 194.99

"Introduction to Restorative Yoga Styles"
"Relax and unwind with yoga - anintroduction to the gentle yoga practises of restorative, yin and gentle hatha poses. I'll take you through an introduction to the practise of yoga and the specific benefits of restorative yoga styles. Including how movement and breath can move us into a calmer state of being, Then we'll move onto how to use restorative yoga to relieve common areas of tension in the body, we'll look at some keyposes and the benefits they bring. From here you'll be guided through putting the poses together allowing you to create your own yoga practise at home, or feel more confident heading to a class."
Price: 69.99

"Grow Your Wellness Business"
"In this course Iprovidea framework for everyone whowantsto grow his or her business, in an easily digestible format.Well look at the importance of setting goals and how to reach those goals. Well also explore how to create and brand your business and then promote your brand. Whether you are just starting out, or have already taken your first steps into sharing your wellness business; this course will help you gain more clients by sharing your offerings with a wider audience. You'll leave this course with actionable ideas and practicalknowledgeon: Setting Goals - and how to achieve themOutlining your goals - and keeping them visible!Branding - defining and creatingyour brandBuilding brand awareness - sharing your brandStyle guides -what they are and why they matterWebsite creation - why websites matter and how to create oneSocial Media - how to make it work for youChoosing your social media platforms - there are so many!"
Price: 69.99

"Journey Through The Chakras"
"Lets take a journey through the body, using the ancient system of chakras. Learning how to maximise energy flow through the body for abundant energy, wellness and balance. During this enlightening course you will learn: Introduction to whatnadi, prana, andchakras are An outline of each of the 7 major chakras How the chakras can affect you and your wellbeing How yoga can affect the chakras How to apply your yoga practise to benefit the chakras Designing your yoga practise with the chakras in mind How to further your chakra study and other techniques for energizing the chakras Embrace the rainbow of the chakras!"
Price: 69.99

"Learn Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Best Practices for VLDB"
"The at the end of this course youwill know how use Microsoft SQL Server 2016 with Very Large Databases, how its been improved from earlier version and getyears of experience in this short course.Understand the Best Practices for databases for growth across files.Create file groups and move Data between file groups.Partition tables and create Memory optimized tables.How to use Mount Points.Use SQL Profiler to find improvements in database designs."
Price: 19.99

"Le Front-End: Formation Complte"
"Salut ! Bienvenu dans le cours complet Front-Endvous permettra de devenir trs facilement intgrateur web. Fort de monexprience de formateur web, j'ai conu ce cours afin qu'il soit le seul dont vous aillez besoin pour devenir dveloppeur front.Ce cours a t conu par unformateur professionnel indpendantVous apprendrez tous ce que j'utilise tous les jours en tant que dveloppeur Front-endLe cours contient seulement des technologie Front-End donc pas de PHP et autres approches serveur.Chaque section contient un exercice rcapitulatif.Chaque mois, le cours sera mis jour pour ajouterun projet projet Front-End Complet.Ce cours est en cours d'criture etvoluera vers une cours de Dveloppeur Front-End.A venir, j'ajouterai le Jquery et un projet professionnel corrigGRATUITEMENT pour ceux qui ont dj achet ce cours.."
Price: 149.99

"Become A Craigslist Bully!"
"Are You Sick And Tired Of Seeing Everyone And Their Mother Dominate Damn Near Every City On Craigslist, While You Struggle Just To Get A Single Ad Live?It's sucks right?There is a dirty little secret that has been kept amongst a select few Craigslist professionals, that no amateur ever learns on their own... and THEY (the professionals) like it that way so they can make more money quietly in the comfort of their homes.Unitl Now!I AM BLOWING THE WHISTLE! This dirty little method is incredibly simple... yet it'll allow you to ""lock into"" the glamourous world of Nationwide Craigslist posting and allow you to generate massive leads on demand! - But how can this be ?How can you suddenly, and I do mean SUDDENLY, start playing like the top dogs at their peak ?It's very simple, actually. Much more simple than you could ever guess. The only difference between you and the professionals is a dirty little method that they KNOW and YOU DON'T!That's right. You've probably wasted a lot of money on Craigslist courses throughout the years trying to obtain some bit of new information that would make all the I have myself! I understand your frustration....I feel your pain.Although some of these courses did provide some good information, they fell short on the very thing that matters most when dealing with Craigslist!Quality IPs!There are several IP solutions out there.....I've tried them all!HMA (back in the day)ProxyRental (Good Source, but so expensive)Vip72InstantProxiesVipmoneymachine (best out)...but who in the hell wants to pay $300 a month?etc...etc...etc...Let me show you a better way - Let me show you how to create an Unlimited Pool of the highest quality IPs that you can use for Craigslist at a fraction of the price, while also having the ability to post NATIONWIDE in any category!The method I am teaching is the exact method that the guys over at VIPMoneyMachine are using, but they charge $300 per month to rent their IPs.Is it worth $300 per month? Absolutely! Especially when you have the ability to post in every U.S. city and category.Is it necessary to pay $300 per month? Not anymoreIf you want to take your Craigslist marketing to the next level, just sit back, shut up, listen up and learn something that hasn't been taught in any other course to date!As a bonus, you will also learn how to create unlimited PVAs, so you will no longer have to pay $2.50 -$3.00 a phone number!"
Price: 199.99