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"The Basics of Business Accounting"
"The Basics of Business Accounting starts at the very beginning introducing the student to essential accounting principles and concepts that apply to any business or industry. Through thiscourse, the student will learn to interpret the key sections of the Four Main Financial Statements: the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement, the Cash Flow Statement, and the Statement of Owners' Equity.Students will learn to apply the Fundamental Accounting Equation, andother vital accounting concepts such as depreciation, revenue recognition, accrual accounting, cash flow,and many others.The Basics of Business Accounting will add the crucially important skills of understanding,interpreting and building financial statements to your existing business and management skill base."
Price: 34.99

"Microsoft Excel: From Zero to Hero in 58 Minutes"
"Microsoft Excel: From Zero to Hero in 58 Minutes will give you the foundation you need to advance your skills in Microsoft Excel. In this course, you will learn how to navigate Excel workbooks, enter and format data, make your presentations look sharp, an introduction to formulas and data models, and much more. I even give you a look at moreintermediate tools like Data Validation and VLOOKUP.This course is the starting pointyou need. After taking this course, you will be well-prepared to use Excel for your home or business projects, and to further advance your Excel skills. You will NOT be an expert at the end of this course, but you will have some essential skills that you can put to use immediately.Thousands of students agree thatMicrosoft Excel: From Zero to Hero in 58 Minutes is an AWESOMECOURSE. Here's just a sampling of what student said:Very satisfied with this course and I highly recommend it Yves L. Very interesting insight of Excel! J Very brief but great introduction into Excel. Would very much consider more courses from this teacher. :-) Sandy J. the instructor was throughout and explained everything very well, with good real-life examples and the necessary amount of information. Sofia M. There was a lot of important information covered in the short time span. Jeanine P. A short, yet easy and descriptive course with really important techniques. Ivana B. This is a very good course for people, who want improve their knowledges in Excel. Dmitri H. A good course for beginners. Barcan D. Quite Awesome - Mxolisi N. I just wanted to thank you for this zero to hero course, I already had some knowledge on it but I did get a couple of more useful tips and they will come very handy. Thank you again! Monica C. The trainer was very clear and concise. Ronald D. Everything so far has been explained very clearly and at a good pace, not too quickly and not too slowly. By the end, I had a great overview of how Excel can be used in everyday life. David S."
Price: 19.99

"Business Finance: A Complete Introduction"
"As its titles suggests, ""Business Finance: A Complete Introduction"" is the first course you need in understanding the financial activities and constraints of an organization.The first section titled ""The Basics of Business Accounting"" lays the groundwork for understanding business finance. Accounting is calledthe ""language of business"", and in order to understand business finance, you must speak thelanguage. This section explains the essential accounting terms and concepts such as assets, liabilities, equity, revenue recognition, accrual accounting and so much more. This course will also teach you how understand andinterpret the FourMain Financial Statements of any business: the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement, the Cash Flow Statement and the Statement of Owners' Equity.In section two titled ""Financial Ratio Analysis"", you will learn how to draw informationfrom an organization's financial statements and use it to measure a company's performance in four key areas:Profitability, Liquidity, Solvency and Efficiency.You will then learn touse those calculations to make comparisons year over year andbetween companies. You can then use the includedExcel templates to perform you own financial ratio analysis.In the third and final section ""Return on Investment"" analysis, you will learn how to determine if a major capital purchase such as a new factory or piece of equipment will be financially beneficial to your organization. This class will teach you how to identify and estimate the key financial inputs for a Return on Investment financial model that we will build together inExcel. A complete ROI model will estimate all relevant costs and revenues over the life of aproject,then convert those estimate into a single Net Present Value thataccountsfor risk and the time value of money.Once you have completed this course, you will have a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts of business finance. With the purchase of this course, you will receive all the slides for your reference, all of the Excel templates used during the video, LIFETIME ACCESS to all of the material, and a 30-day money back guarantee,Take you business knowledge to the next level today!"
Price: 74.99

"The Ultimate AWS Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exam"
"You've learned all about AWS and have mastered the knowledge for the AWSSolutions Architect Associate certification. Now you're ready to take the exam.But wouldn't it be great if you knew you'd pass the exam on your first try?Of course it would.That's why Icreated ""The Ultimate AWS Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exam"" course.It has practice exams that represent just what you'll encounter on your big day when you take the official certification exam.Each practice exam has 60 questions with a time limit of 90 minutes. The questions are just like those you'll see on your exam day, and are drawn on the official AWS preparation materials. If you successfully pass these practice exams, you can be confident you're ready for the real thing.You'll walk into your certification exam fully prepared to pass with flying colors!Please note: These questions represent certification exam questions, but are not the actual certification exam questions themselves. And while these practice exams (and my Ultimate AWSSolutions Architect Associate course itself) prepare you to pass the exam, I can't guarantee you'll pass -- that's up to you. But this is the best preparation for the certification exam you can get!"
Price: 99.99

"Yoga fr alle"
"Sicherlich kennst du auch das Gefhl von verspannten Schultern, Stress und du weit nicht womit du anfangen sollst auf deiner ToDo Liste und mit gestreckten Beinen kommst du schon gar nicht auf den Boden....Wenn du dich hier wieder findest, dann bist du in meinem Kurs genau richtig. Denn es ist mglich, hier Abhilfe zu verschaffen :)In diesem Kurs findest du verschiedene Yogasequenzen sowohl zum dehnen um beweglicher zu werden als auch zur Krftigung des Krpers. Du kannst dir die Sequenzen aussuchen, die fr dich am wichtigsten sind.Der Kurs ist sowohl fr Anfnger als auch leicht Fortgeschrittene geeignet und die einzelnen Module sind zwischen 10 und 20 Minuten lang. Ideal fr Menschen die wenig Zeit haben.Es ist ein Kurs mit 9 Modulen die wie folgt aufgebaut sind:Video 1: Einleitung ins YogaVideo 2: Atmung und MeditationVideo 3: Der SonnengruVideo 4: Schulter und Nacken YogaVideo 5: Beine und HftenVideo 6: Vinyasa FlowVideo 7: Vinyasa Flow inkl RumpfkrftigungVideo 8: Happy Hips Vol. 2Video 9: Vinyasa Flow Krftigung"
Price: 34.99

"Yoga for athletes"
"Yoga ist nicht einfach nur sitzen und Ohmm singen sondern weitaus mehr. Durch Yoga verbesserst du deine Beweglichkeit und dein Krper regeneriert schneller. Die Einheiten sind nicht zu lang gehalten, damit du sie optimal in deinen Alltag integrieren kannst.Wenn du sonst noch nie Yoga gemacht hast, dann ist dies der ideale Einstieg um mit Yoga zu beginnen.In diesem Kurs erwarten dich verschiedeneYogasequenzen mit unterschiedlichenSchwerpunkten wie z. B. Hften und Beine, Schulter, Nacken und auch Ganzkrperflows zur Krftigung. am ende des Moduls erwartet dich noch eine Bonussequenz: ein 45 mintiger FlowViel Spa beim Kurs"
Price: 34.99

"Facebook Bot Expert"
"Cze, z tej strony Mirosaw Skwarek,podobnie jak ty byem sfrustrowany niedocierajcymi e-mailami, coraz nisz otwieralnoci i czasem, ktry mija od wysania mailingu do pierwszej reakcji klientw.Z drugiej strony znaem potencja Facebooka i Messengera ( W Polsce uywa ich 90% internautw). Zauwayem, e coraz wicej rozmw i sprzeday, ktre finalizuj prowadziem za pomoc Messengera.Gdy zaczem si zastanawia, dlaczego jest to coraz bardziej popularne narzdzie, odpowied zawieraa si w dwch sowach szybko i wygoda. Smartfona mamy cay czas przy sobie, laptopa czy komputer stacjonarny nie towarzyszy nam w kolejce, czy podczas stania w korku. Za pomoc Messenger moemy byskawicznie odpisa klientowi i dopi transakcj.Dochodzi do tego jeszcze inny argument. Polacy uwielbiaj Messsengera. W obecnej chwili ponad 90% polskich internautw w wieku15-54 lat korzysta z Facebooka, a co za tym idzie moesz napisa do nich na messengerze.Co, gdyby mc zbudowa list mailingow na Facebooku i mc dociera do ponad 90% polskich internautw bez filtrw, blokad i ogranicze, ktre nakadaj serwisy pocztowe?Pomyl co stao by si z Twoj sprzeda gdybyTwoje e-maile nie ldoway w spamieGmail nie wrzucaby ich do OfertOtwieralno twoich e-maili skoczyaby do 98%Mgby w cigu 60 sekund dotrze do 30% odbiorcwW atwy sposb mgby zmienia fanw w subskrybentwBudowaby list 2x razy szybciej ni dotychczasKoszt pozyskania leada mgby spa nawet o 70%To tylko cz korzyci, ktre daj boty na facebooku. Ja uywam narzdzia Manychat i gdy pierwszy raz wysaem mailing do swojej listy messengerowej, nie mogem uwierzy w statystyki otwar. Przecieraem oczy i pisaem do znajomych marketerw o 23.00 cieszc si jak dziecko. Oto statystyki moje i moich klientw."
Price: 384.99

"Digitale Marketing Strategie mit XING 2020"
"XING ist die B2B Social Media Plattform im deutschsprachigen Raum mit ungefhr 14 Millionen Mitgliedern und vielen vertretenen Unternehmen. XING sollte deshalb ein Teil jeder digitalen Marketing Strategie sein um sein Produkt- oder Serviceangebot bekannter zumachen, gezielt neue Kontakte aufzubauen und einen zustzlichen Kanal zur Traffic Generierung auf die eigene Webseite zu etablieren. Zielsetzung von Social Media ist nicht vordergrndiger Verkauf sondern Prsenz zu zeigen und den Bekanntheitsgrad zu erhhen. Mit hochwertigem Content werden potentielle Interessenten ""angelockt"" und Vertrauen aufgebaut.In meinem Kurs zeige ichDir wie Du mit XING einen Kanal fr Deine digitale Marketing Strategie aufbauen kannst. Du lernst die digitalen Bausteine von XING kennen und wie Du sie umsetzen kannst: Portfolio und persnliches ProfilFr Dich geeignete XING Gruppen finden und Sie fr Dich nutzenArtikel verffentlichen und Traffic auf Deine Webseite umleitenGezielt Kontakte herstellen, die Dich weiterbringenEine eigne Business Seite auf XING aufbauenEine Eventseite mit Deinem Angebot bauenAktuelle Bewertung: ""Ein Ideales Beispiel das Werbung und Marketing nicht immer tausende Euro kosten muss! Ich werde die Tipps umsetzen. Danke hierfr!"""
Price: 49.99

"Linux Super Cert Prep: Get Certified as a Linux System Admin"
"Have you ever sat down with RedHat, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu or openSUSE and thought it was difficult? Are you an otherwise competent computer user that understands some of the nuts and bolts of using and maintaining a computer that is lost when faced with the Linux command line? This course is for you.Linux is different. Once you learn it, though, it makes a lot of sense. Some of the complexity can be a little intimidating at first -- but once you know how the system is organized, why things have been done the way they are, and how to search for answers to your questions you will be a lot more comfortable using any GNU/Linux-based operating system."
Price: 179.99

"How To Dunk! (Improve Your Vertical) Full Exercise Library."
"The full exercise library and step by step process on how to jump higher, dunk, increase your vertical jump, and become a better athlete!If you haven't seen the first free course on the knowledge on how to dunk and jump higher, CHECKITOUT, that was part one, and this is part two. This is the actionable plan to get you serious gains to your vertical jumpand athleticism.This course is for all levels but can be rigorous. It's important to eat a good diet and complete the warm-ups before every workout session. All you need is 4 days a week to work out. Each session can last anywhere from 1-2 hours. Not only great for jumping higher, but becoming healthier and living a better lifestyle.An object at rest, stays in rest. An object in motion stays in motion. Get movin the first week, the rest is a BREEZE!"
Price: 39.99

"Learn Ansible and master DevOps automation"
"This course is aimedat total beginners. I don't assume any prior Ansible knowledge.We start by explaining why automation is needed in the age of virtual machines and cloud instances. Then we move to configuration management tools and where Ansible stands against other similar-purpose tools like Chef and Puppet.In the second part, we build the infrastructure needed to run our labs. We use Vagrant for this. Again, I don't expect that you've used Vagrant before as I briefly explain it.Later on, we build our first application stack using Ansible. It's a web application using Apache, PHP, MySQL (the LAMP stack). I chose Laravel fora PHP framework. On top of this we deploy an Nginx reverse proxy load-balancer. The Ansible topics you learn through this project are numerous:playbooks, vars, changed_when conditionals, among others. We also cover a number of useful Ansible modules like apt, file, copy, and composer.The second project in this course is deploying another web application stack using NodeJS (the MEAN stack), we'll uncover some more Ansible terminologies and best practices.The last part of the course handles Amazon AWScloud services. Ansible has a ton of modules for managing virtually all sorts of AWScomponents. Since this is an introductory course, we'll cover how to create, start, and configure an EC2 instance from scratch using Ansible only. Thenwe'll see how to stop it and finally terminate it,"
Price: 49.99

"Master Linux administration using the secure shell"
"Whether you are a UNIX/Linux administrator, a casual user, a macOS owner, or even a Microsoft Windows user, you've probably used SSH (secure shell) in some way or another. This course is going to uncover some of the less-known features of SSH. Yes, it will teach SSH for the total beginner, but it will also show SSH veterans some tips and tricks that perhaps they don't know they ever existed.I tried to make this class as modular as possible. This means that you could skip lectures whose topics you already know, and watch only what want to gain knowledge about. You can view the lectures in any order you want because they are largely non-dependent on each other.Have a quick look at the lecture titles, watch the free preview and enroll now to become an SSH wizard!"
Price: 19.99

"Construction Delay Analysis Techniques (Incl. TIA)"
"This Master Course & Offer Won't Last Forever.....Act now!WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR AND WHY DO YOU NEED IT?This course is essential for all construction professionals who are interested in learning how to carry out a forensic delay analysis of a construction Programme in order to prove extension of time claims. You could be an engineer who wants a step-by-step demonstration or a construction lawyer who would like to have a big picture understanding of this specialist topic; either way, this is the course for you. One important thing to remember is that, as a construction professional, you can no longer afford to be complacent. You need to diversify your professional skillset in order to compete with a new generation of professionals who can work as a claims consultant, delay analyst, Project manager, a commercial manager or Project QS. On completion of this Master Course, you will take a major step towards becoming a delay analyst and, as you are probably aware, this is a very lucrative career. Delay analysts are high value targets and are regularly head-hunted by top construction companies and consultancies. As a delay analyst, you have the potential to work across the globe and earn salaries anywhere from 20 to 40 thousand dollars, a monthtax-free in some countries. COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis Master Course on delay analysis will give you a holistic view and detailed practical knowledge about this complex specialism.One of the critical topics is a comprehensive presentation of Time Impact Analysis in MS Project. Time Impact Analysis is not a methodology that can be taught in 5 minutes, it is a relatively complex technique. So, I have dedicated almost 25 minutes on a step by step demonstration of Time Impact Analysis.I will also provide you with a delay analysis table in Excel that has to be used in tandem with your impact analysis. The other delay analysis methodologies covered in detail are Impacted As-Planned, collapsed as-built and As-Planned v As-Built. Additionally, there are several critical topics you need to be aware of in relation to forensic delay analysis including the right way to create a dynamic programme from a static as-built programme, creation of fragnets, analysis of concurrent delays, management of constraints, negation of logical errors and many more important issues. COURSE OUTCOMEThis Master Course will provide you with the knowledge, expertise and practical tools to carry out a delay analysis of construction programmes in order to prove extension of time claims. So, please review the course curriculum, watch the sample videos and challenge yourself to make a decision that will positively disrupt your life and elevate your career to a whole new level. I hope to see you in my classroom, thank you for your time."
Price: 199.99

"Construction Claims: Pricing Extension of Time Claims: Vol 1"
"Give ME LESS THAN 90MIN OF YOUR TIME and I will show you how to prepare a professional quantum calculations(s) for Extension of Time Claims on your project. Key Course Information: Step by step explanations on how to price key extension of time claim headings There are 17Excel based workshops on EOT claims, which will cover all key aspects related to EOT claimsI will provide you with the exact same Excel templates I use to price prolongation costs and submit claims quantum calculations for my clientsI will also carry out an in in-depth review and analysis of relevant case law from around the world. This could be used to provide judicial backup for your claim headings during dispute resolution This course includes a full MS word sample template of an extension of time claim. You could use this template as a prototype or source document to create EOT claims on your projectFinally, I will provide you with key advice on how to avoid critical errors which may seriously jeopardise your EOT claim This Master Course on pricing EOT Claims is a practical, workshop based intensive tutorial, which will look at all key aspects related to EOT claims. This course will also serve as a comprehensive and practical resource centre for professionals who are looking for templates in Excel and Word to create EOT claims. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR AND WHY DO YOU NEED IT? This course is essential for all construction professionals who are interested in learning how to prepare quantum calculations for EOT claims;in other words, a detailed assessment of prolongation costs and associated claim headings. On completion of this Master Course, you will take a major step towards becoming a claims quantum consultant and, as you are probably aware, this is a very lucrative career.Top construction companies and consultancies are always on the lookout for professionals with claims expertise. As a claims quantum expert, you have the potential to work around the world and earn salaries anywhere from 20 to 50 thousand dollars, a monthtax-free in some countries. Outcome This Master Course will provide you with the knowledge, expertise and practical tools to prepare quantum calculations for Extension of Time Claims. So, please review the course curriculum, watch the sample videos and challenge yourself to make a decision that will positively disrupt your life and elevate your career to a whole new level."
Price: 199.99

"Construction Claims: Pricing Extension of Time Claims: Vol 2"
"This Master Course is meant for professionals with anintermediate knowledge of claims quantum.Give ME LESS THAN 2hrs OF YOUR TIME and I will show you how to prepare ADVANCED professional quantum calculationsfor Extension of Time Claims.COURSE CURRICULUMAdvanced Quantum Workshop(MS Excel):Comprehensive itemised prelims quantum analysis of prolongation costs when there is compensable and inexcusable delaysAdvanced Quantum Workshop(MS Excel):In-depth analysis of Prelims Thickening, allocating liability for concurrency within various prelims items, the correct way to claim for additional prelims costs arising from non-critical delays et al. Step-by-Step HD Video Tutorials:Creation of A Full EOT Claims Quantum in Excel (Includinga Dashboard & Visually Stunning Charts) Head Office Overheads Calculator:A review of all major techniques to successfully claim for this heading (includes reference to case law). A Head Office Overhead claims calculator in excel is included with seven built-in internationally recognised formulae. Sub-Contractor Claims: Advice on how to manage and submit Sub-Contractor claims under the Main Contract. Sequential v Non-Sequential Extension of Time: Is the start date of an EOT flexible? A legal review of this complex topic, which was the subject of a major dispute. Ancillary claim headings: A review for several key claim headings, which are usually, not included in most claim submissions. Under-certification of the Works - Full Claim Document: A comprehensive claims narrative (In MS Word) and quantum calculation (In Excel) for a claim related to under-certification of the works. Advanced Workshop Assignment(MS Excel) Quantum:Calculation of prolongation costs for delays caused by the employer.WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR AND WHY DO YOU NEED IT?This course is essential for all construction professionals who are interested in learning how to carry prepare ADVANCEDquantum calculations for EOT claims, in other words, a detailed assessment of prolongation costs and associated claim headings. On completion of this Master Course, you will take a major step towards becoming a claims quantum consultant and, as you are probably aware, this is a very lucrative career.Top construction companies and consultancies are always on the lookout for professionals with claims expertise.As a claims quantum expert, you have the potential to work around the world andearn salaries anywhere from 20 to 50 thousand dollars, a monthtax-free in some countries.COURSE OUTCOMEThis Master Course will provide you with ADVANCED knowledge, expertise and practical tools to prepare quantum calculations for Extension of Time Claims.So, please review the course curriculum, watch the sample videos andchallenge yourself to make a decision that will positively disrupt your life and elevate your career to a whole new level."
Price: 199.99

"Construction Claims: Proving And Pricing Acceleration Claims"
"GIVE ME AROUND 90MIN OF YOUR TIME and I will show you how to prepare ADVANCED professional quantum calculationsfor Acceleration Claims.COURSE CURRICULUM Contractual Strategy:Unlike other claims, asignificant amount of advance planning is required in order to submit an acceleration claim. We will review all critical contractual/legal strategies that have to be adopted in order to successfully prove and price an acceleration claim Advanced Workshop: Quantum(MS Excel):Additional costs associated with non-productive utilisation of labour Advanced Workshop: Claim Quantum (MS Excel):Acceleration claim foradditional and unforeseeable utilisation of tower cranes on a project Acceleration Claim: Full Quantum(MS Excel):A detailedcalculation of additional prelims costs(additional resources et al) Advanced Workshop (MS Excel):Preparing an EOT v Acceleration cost comparison for the Employer Sample Acceleration Claim:A detailed template in MS Word which can be used asa basis to create acceleration claims on your projects Acceleration & Terminal Float:The theoretical aspect(s) related to this issue has been discussed ad nauseam. In the real world, how can you correlate rate of progress on site to terminal float and successfully prove an acceleration claim? Key Errors to avoid: If an acceleration claim is not planned, calculated and claimed in the right manner, it may be rejected during dispute resolution and the Contractor may suffer substantial losses Strategies for Acceleration Claims: Preparation and Defence Acceleration Claims:Detailedanalysis of international case law WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR AND WHY DO YOU NEED IT? This course is essential for all construction professionals who are interested in learning how to prepareADVANCEDquantum calculations for Acceleration claims. On completion of this Master Course, you will take a major step towards becoming a claims quantum consultant and, as you are probably aware, this is a very lucrative career. Top construction companies and consultancies are always on the lookout for professionals with claims expertise. As a claims quantum expert, you have the potential to work around the world andearn salaries anywhere from 20 to 50 thousand dollars, a monthtax-free in some countries. COURSE OUTCOME This Master Course will provide you withADVANCEDknowledge, expertise and practical tools to prepare quantum calculations for Acceleration Claims. So, please review the course curriculum, watch the sample videos andchallenge yourself to make a decision that will positively disrupt your life and elevate your career to a whole new level."
Price: 199.99

"Construction Delay Analysis (Incl. TIA) - Asta Powerproject"
"This Master Course & Offer Won't Last Forever.....Act now!WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR AND WHY DO YOU NEED IT?This course is essential for all construction professionals who are interested in learning how to carry out a forensic delay analysis of a construction Programme in order to prove extension of time claims.You could be an engineer who wants a step-by-step demonstration or a construction lawyer who would like to have a big picture understanding of this specialist topic; either way, this is the course for you.One important thing to remember is that, as a construction professional, you can no longer afford to be complacent. You need to diversify your professional skillset in order to compete with a new generation of professionals who can work as a claims consultant, delay analyst, Project manager, a commercial manager or Project QS.On completion of this Master Course, you will take a major step towards becoming a delay analyst and, as you are probably aware, this is a very lucrative career. Delay analysts are high value targets and are regularly head-hunted by top construction companies and consultancies.As a delay analyst, you have the potential to work across the globe and earn salaries anywhere from 20 to 40 thousand dollars, a monthtax-free in some countries.COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis Master Course on delay analysis will give you a holistic view and detailed practical knowledge about this complex specialism. The Delay Analysis techniques covered in this Master Course are as follows:Time Impact AnalysisImpacted As-Planned AnalysisCollapsed As-Built AnalysisAs-Planned v As-Built AnalysisOne of the critical topics is a comprehensive presentation ofTime Impact Analysisin Asta Powerproject. Time Impact Analysis is not a methodology that can be taught in 5 minutes, it is a relatively complex technique.So, I have included an extended video tutorial which hasa step by step demonstration of Time Impact Analysis.I will also provide you with a delay analysis table in Excel that has to be used in tandem with your impact analysis.Additionally, there are several critical topics you need to be aware of in relation to forensic delay analysis including the right way to create a dynamic programme from a static as-built programme, creation of fragnets, analysis of concurrent delays, management of constraints, negation of logical errors and many more important issues.COURSE OUTCOMEThis Master Course will provide you with the knowledge, expertise and practical tools to carry out a delay analysis of construction programmes in order to prove extension of time claims. So, please review the course curriculum, watch the sample videos and challenge yourself to make a decision that will positively disrupt your life and elevate your career to a whole new level.I hope to see you in my classroom, thank you for your time."
Price: 199.99

"Construction Claims: Quantifying Disruption Claims (Vol 1)"
"GIVE ME AROUND 90MIN OF YOUR TIME and I will show you how to identify, prove and price Disruption Claims.This Master Course will provide you withADVANCEDknowledge, expertise and practical tools to prepare quantum calculations for Disruption Claims. INTRODUCTION Proving and pricing disruption claims can be incredibly challenging and complex. For example, lets assume that a construction company loses $10,000 on a construction activity due to a disruptive claim event. Assuming that the project has a profit margin of 5 %, the company would have to generate an additional turnover of $210,000 just to offset this loss. A few disruptive events, like the one described above, could wipe out the projects profit. Without adequate recovery through Disruption Claims, sustained losses like this could result in companies going bankrupt. This Master Workshop will train you on how to use internationally recognised principles to monitor, track & create disruption claims in order to successfully recover the above losses. COURSE CURRICULUMIntroduction: A review of the contractual basis behind disruption claims and demonstration of real world case studies/workshops in MS ExcelMethodologies: An in-depth review of various recognised methodologies used to prove disruption claims Advanced Quantum Workshops (MS Excel): Several workshops on proving and pricing disruption claims including: 5 comprehensive/advanced workshops on how to prove and price disruption claims Isolating labour, plant and material elements to prepare independent and mutually exclusive quantum for disruption claims Advice on how to defend your analysis against expert opposition Practical methods on how to calculate the future impact of disruption to construction operations Delay Analysis: Preparation of a non-critical delay analysis (In MS Excel) which would demonstrate the impact of a Disruption Claim to the project Programme. Strategies for Disruption Claims: Preparation and Defence Case Law/Published authoritiesAnalysis:Areview of international case law and published authorities related to disruption Template for Quantifying Disruption Claims (MS Excel): Attendees will receive several fully detailed workshops on disruption claims in MS Excel which they can use as a template to create new disruption claims on their projects Template for Claims Narrative (MS Word): Preparing the claims narrative for a disruption claim; a sample Disruption Claim will be provided WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR AND WHY DO YOU NEED IT? This course is essential for all construction professionals who are interested in learning how to prepareADVANCEDquantum calculations for Disruption Claims. Top construction companies and consultancies are always on the lookout for professionals with claims expertise. As a claims quantum expert, you have the potential to work around the world andearn salaries anywhere from 20 to 50 thousand dollars, a monthtax-free in some countries. COURSE OUTCOME On completion of this Master Course, you will take a major step towards becoming a claims quantum consultant and, as you are probably aware, this is a very lucrative career. So, please review the course curriculum, watch the sample videos andchallenge yourself to make a decision that will positively disrupt your life and elevate your career to a whole new level."
Price: 199.99

"Construction Claims: Advanced Disruption Claims (Vol 2)"
"IMPORTANT: Please complete Construction Claims: Quantifying Disruption Claims: Vol 1 prior to enrolling on this Master Course.In less than 90MIN, I will train you to identify, quantify and present complex disruption claims by using specialised techniques and Big Data software. This Master Course will provide you withADVANCEDknowledge, expertise and practical tools to prepare quantum calculations for Disruption Claims. INTRODUCTION In this advanced Master Course, we will build on the principles learned from Volume 1 (Construction Claims: Quantifying Disruption Claims: Vol 1). You will learn how to cut losses on projects arising from hidden/latent disruption claims, use baseline productivity analysis (an alternative to Measured Mile Analysis covered in Volume 1) and, finally, how to present disruption claims by using Big Data software. COURSE CURRICULUM Introduction:A detailed analysis of the logic behind latent disruption claims, baseline productivity analysis, heat mapping and using Big Data to visualize/present disruption claims. Methodologies:An in-depth review ofbaseline productivity analysis to prove and quantify disruption claims Advanced Workshop(MS Excel):Latent Disruption Claims:A comprehensive method to identify, price and prove losses arising from hidden disruption claims with a detailed master workshop case-study in MS Excel (including a graphical analysis) Advanced Workshops & Assignments(MS Excel):Proving and pricingloss of productivity disruption claims on building projects Heat Mapping Projects:A visual technique to identify, very quickly, areas of disruption Disruption Claims: Presentation Using Big Data:Over the coming years, there is going to be a paradigm shift in how construction claims are visually demonstrated. We will carry out an in-depth exercise on the analysis of a disruption claim by using Big Data software. The following topics are covered: Creating a Big Data compatible dataset in Excel from normal disruption claims related spreadsheets Exporting the disruption claim datasets to Big Data software and modelling/creating relationships between various spreadsheet datasets for cross-data analysis Interactive Dashboards: Preparing graphical, visually stunning and dynamic reports using Big Data software Creating queries to filter and view construction claims data in various ways WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR AND WHY DO YOU NEED IT? This course is essential for all construction professionals who are interested in learning how to identify, prove and present complex disruption claims. Top construction companies and consultancies are always on the lookout for professionals with claims expertise. As a claims quantum expert, you have the potential to work around the world andearn salaries anywhere from 20 to 50 thousand dollars, a monthtax-free in some countries. COURSE OUTCOME On completion of this Master Course, you will take a major step towards becoming a claims quantum consultant and, as you are probably aware, this is a very lucrative career. So, please review the course curriculum, watch the sample videos andchallenge yourself to make a decision that will positively disrupt your life and elevate your career to a whole new level."
Price: 199.99

"FIDIC (1999) Master Course - Drafting Particular Conditions"
"IMPORTANTNOTE- PLEASE READ BEFORE ENROLLING:This Master Course comprehensively covers all major Clauses/Sub-Clauses related to the FIDIC Red Book'sParticular Conditions, however, itdoes not contain a downloadable file for the""Particular Conditions"".This was doneto minimise issues related to piracy;I hope you understand. In any case, you have lifetime access to the videos, so, you could always revisit pertinent tutorials in the future.IntroductionDrafting The ""Particular Conditions"" Is ASpecialised Task That Requires Years Of Experience. In This Premium Master Course, N.M. Raj WillTrain Attendees On How To Amend Key Clauses From The FIDIC General Conditions(Red Book 1999) In Order To Facilitate Risk AllocationTopics Covered UnderstandingRisk Allocation:Logicand rationale associated with risk transfer this knowledge is crucial forEmployers and ContractorsEmployersand Contractors:Amendmentsto clauses from the FIDIC General Conditions will significantly affect bothparties; therefore, it is crucial to gain knowledge on how to quickly identifyand peruse changes to key clausesEstablishingPrime Controls:Eightkey sample contractual provisions(Articles)areincluded which would ensure that critical contractual issues are adequatelygovernedGuidanceOn Amendments To ca. 100 Contractual Provisions:A comprehensive review of all key clauses including (1)Substitution of existing FIDIC clauses with new clauses (2) Amendments toexisting clauses (3) Deletion of clauses and advice on how to correctly do itKeyCase Law Reference:Criticalcase law references are included - This would enable delegates to understandthe contractual/legal rationale behind key amendmentsChecklistFor Identifying Onerous Contracts:A detailed checklist is supplied which wouldenable delegates to quickly identify contracts that are too one-sidedWhoshould enrol in this course?QuantitySurveyors, Lawyers & Other Professionals Involved In Drafting/ReviewingContracts On Behalf Of Employers/Contractors/Sub-Contractors Will SignificantlyBenefit From This CourseLegal Disclaimer:FIDIC is the only Copyright owner of FIDIC publications. Copyright 2014 FIDIC, World Trade Center II, 29 route de Prs-Bois, Geneva Airport, CH-1215. Geneva, Switzerland (All rights reserved). This Master Course is an objective, unbiased and independent review, critique and analysis of the FIDIC Red Book for educational/teaching purposes and complies with the requirements of fair use and other pertinent international copyright laws.This course is not affiliated with the FIDIC organisation."
Price: 199.99

"Time Slice Windows Analysis (Construction Delays): Primavera"
"TIME SLICE WINDOWS ANALYSIS METHOD (SCL Protocol And AACE MIP 3.4) This Delay Analysis Technique Strikes Fear And Confusion, In Equal Measure, Into The Hearts Of Professionals Dealing With Construction Claims!The Time Slice Windows Analysis Method Is One Of The Most Preferred Techniques To Prove Extension Of Time Claims. This Intensive Workshop Oriented Master Course Was Created Due To Countless Requests From Students And This Offer Won't Last Forever.....ENROL NOW! COURSE DESCRIPTION This Master Course will give you a holistic view and detailed practical knowledge about theTime Slice Windows Analysis Methodwhich would enable you to prove Extension Of Time claims. Unlike other training courses, your valuable time will not be wasted on theory heavy delay analysis subjects, which you can read on the SCL and AACE websites. The primary focus of this workshop oriented Master Course is to transfer practical knowledge which will significantly enhance your delay analysis knowledge and professional skill set. Time Slice Windows Analysis is not a methodologywhich can be effectively taught in 5 minutes, it is a relatively complex technique. Therefore, over 40 minutes is dedicated to a detailed step-by-step demonstration of this technique in Primavera P6 on a real-world building project. The key topics covered in this Master Course are as follows: Instructions For Downloading And Installing Primavera P6 (V17) Delay Logic And Rationale Associated With Time Slice Windows Analysis Method Time Slice Delay Analysis: 11 Steps To Follow Real-World, In-Depth Workshop Ca. 40min Step By Step Demonstration Of Time Slice Windows Analysis in Primavera (P6) For A Building Project Comprehensive Delay Analysis Table In MS Excel That Can Be Used On Your Project Concurrent Delays Case Law Analysis Alternative Method To Determine Windows For Time Slice AnalysisWHO IS THIS COURSE FOR AND WHY DO YOU NEED IT? This course is essential for all construction professionals who are interested in learning how to carry out a Time Slice Windows Analysis in order to prove extension of time claims. You could be an engineer who wants a step-by-step demonstration or a construction lawyer who would like to have a big picture understanding of this specialist topic; either way, this is the course for you. One important thing to remember is that, as a construction professional, you can no longer afford to be complacent. You need to diversify your professional skillset in order to compete with a new generation of professionals who can work as a claims consultant, delay analyst, Project manager, a commercial manager or Project QS. On completion of this Master Course, you will take a major step towards becoming a delay analyst and, as you are probably aware, this is a very lucrative career. Delay analysts are high value targets and are regularly head-hunted by top construction companies and consultancies. As a delay analyst, you have the potential to work across the globe and earn salaries anywhere from 20 to 40 thousand dollars, a monthtax-free in some countries. COURSE OUTCOME This Master Course will provide you with the knowledge, expertise and practical tools to carry out a Time Slice Windows Analysis of construction programmes in order to prove extension of time claims. So, please review the course curriculum, watch the sample videos and challenge yourself to make a decision that will positively disrupt your life and elevate your career to a whole new level. I hope to see you in my classroom, thank you for your time."
Price: 199.99

"Six Sigma Projects: Charter and Teams"
"This course focuses on how to manage successfully aproject thatdrives improvements. Six Sigma methods are widely used for improving processes but these methods can not be used in isolation. In order to use them in project mode you need to have the knowledge and skills to structure a project.Section 1 of thecourse focuses on structuring your project by defining a successful project charter that is the basis for your project andstep by step guideto build the charter; we also look atthe main criteria for project success, theimprovementproject roadmap, the process flow for six sigma projects.Section 2 of the course is about structuring your team, knowing the roles and responsibilities of six sigma projects, how to structure an improvementteam, what are the typical phases of team development, what to expect and how to manage challenges helps you manage this effort successfully. *downloadable slides included"
Price: 49.99

"Value Stream Mapping"
"This course has been specially designed for those who wishdrive process improvements in a structured way. Process mapping is about understanding your process and isthe first step to improving it. Value Stream Mapping is a special process mapping tool that challenges us to look at theprocess in terms of how each process stepadds or does not addvalue from the point of view of our end customers. The focus onnon-value adding activities and waste removal strategies help drive efficiency and speed. As a resultwe spend less time and efforts!The course is practically based on a realcase study which develops as we progress through it. Webuildand analyze togethera Value Stream Map step by step. Theory gets highlighted through the case study examples. Apart from its practical focus, we explore both predictable and non-predictable designs, i.e. strategies for bothstable and unstable processesas the reality isthat processes do not exist in isolation and level of process maturity varies largely even within smaller departments. Content also covers line balancing, one-piece flow production design, pull system, Just-in-Time principles, Kanbans.The course also includes fourActivities with answers included, so that you are able to practice the main concepts."
Price: 49.99

"Grficos estadsticos creativos e impactantes en excel 2016"
"El curso tiene como finalidad ensear a los profesionales a comunicar de manera apropiada los datos obtenidos en los diferentes momentos de su proceso laboral, a prender a mostrar y a crear graficas estadsticas muy creativas, diferentes e impactantes para mostrar en tus reportes y as poder comunicar de manera asertiva y no aburrir en tus informes."
Price: 19.99

"Diseo Arquitectnico BIM con Revit"
"Que aprendersen este curso?Este curso cubre las habilidades bsicas y los conceptos necesarios para comenzar a usar Revit para disear proyectos arquitectnicos. Se revisar cmo crear y modificar los componentes principales en un diseo de construccin, as como tomar un modelo preliminar y agregarle capas de inteligencia para ayudar a analizar y optimizar sus diseos. No abarca todos los temas o todas las caractersticas de Revit, pero proporciona una base slida que puede utilizar para realizar tareas bsicas. Estos fundamentos pueden servir como un punto de partida para aprender ms habilidades avanzadas y trabajar hacia una comprensin ms profunda de Revit. Quin debera tomar este curso? Este curso est orientado para arquitectos, diseadores, ingenieros civiles, estudiantes o cualquier persona que necesite o quiera comenzar a aprender Revit, aunque es para aquellos que no tienen experiencia o habilidad con Revit, tambin puede servir como gran recurso para refrescar su base de conocimiento y/o complementar las bases que se tienen de este programa. Algunos ejemplos especficos de individuos que se beneficiaran al tomar este curso son: Estudiantes que siguen una trayectoria educativa relacionada con el diseo arquitectnico. Los estudiantes universitarios que aprenden a ser arquitectos o ingenieros civiles. Los empleados que se han incorporado recientemente a una empresa que utiliza Revit. Los empleados que trabajan para empresas que han implementado recientemente Revit. Personas que buscan certificarse en el uso de esta herramienta. Usuarios experimentados de Revit que son autodidactas y que quierenoptimizar el uso de este programa. Que se cubre en este curso? Este curso est organizado para proporcionarle los conocimientos necesarios para dominar los conceptos bsicos de Revit: Seccion 1: Introduccinintroduccin a la interfaz de usuario donde te familiarizaras con las herramientas y la tecnologa (flujo de trabajo) detrs del software. Seccion 2: Muros y muros cortinate ayuda a construir ese conocimiento inicial de Revit estableciendo algunos de los componentes bsicos de la arquitectura: los muros. Seccion 3: Suelos, cubiertas y techoste presenta los otros bloques bsicos de la construccin: pisos, cubiertas y techos. Al final de los primeros tres captulos comenzar a ver lo fcil que es crear los elementos centrales de un edificio. Seccion 4:Escaleras, rampas y barandillasexplica los conceptos bsicos de las escaleras, rampas y barandillas. Estos componentes bsicos son verstiles, y su uso puede ser un poco complicado, as que te guiaremos a travs del proceso de creacin de varios tipos de escaleras y barandales. Seccion 5: Agregar familias muestra cmo agregar un elemento central a su proyecto: familias. Se utilizan familias para crear la mayor parte del contenido dentro de este software y Revit (Arquitectura) por defecto viene con un suministro amplio de familias. Seccion 6: Edicin de familiasabarca como crear una familia de puerta desde cero, haciendo uso de plantillas de familia en Revit para crear elementos personalizados con las mismas propiedades que los elementos que se incluyen por defecto en Revit.Seccion 7: Diseo esquemticote presenta flujos de trabajo de diseo conceptual utilizando archivos de Autodesk FormIt y Autodesk Sketchbook Pro para generar bocetos de diseo. Usando esos bocetos, podemos tomar un diseo de construccin y modelarlo en Revit. Seccion 8: Habitaciones y esquemas de coloresmuestra cmo agregar elementos de habitacin a sus espacios, asignarles informacin y crear diagramas de colores basados en espacio, departamento o cualquier otra variable que necesite.Seccion 9: Anotaciones y Detallesrevisa como agregar lineas de modelo, regiones y texto para crear planos de detalle de modelo ms completos."
Price: 1020.00

"Evitar ser vctima de una agresin."
"Si usted tiene miedo al salir a la calle por cualquier tipo de amenaza, si usted tiene una hija o familiar cercano y teme por su seguridad, sobre todo al salir de fiesta el fin de semana, aqu encontrar consejos para principiantes, en los que descubrir mltiples pautas de comportamiento evitando ser vctima de una agresin en la calle. Esto no es un curso de defensa personal ni de artes marciales; en este curso aprender pautas de comportamiento a la hora de salir a la calle:Pautas de comportamiento al salir a la calle, a la hora de tomar un taxi;si va a una entidad bancaria laspautas de comportamiento en los cajeros automticos. Las tarjetas de crdito.Las pautas de comportamiento en los interiores de los aparcamientos, al subirse a su vehiculo, entrar a los garajes pblicos y las medidas de seguridad durante sus recorridos en coche.Pautas de comportamiento en zonas peligrosas, zonas de alto riesgo, andar por la noche.Pautas de comportamiento sobre el secuestro virtual y todo lo que debe usted saber y hacer en ese tipos de situaciones.Conocer las actitudes sospechosas del comportamiento de posibles atacantes.Conceptos de peligro, agresiones y amenazas.Pautas de comportamiento que debe tener presente al entrar y salir de casa.Una colaboradora nos va relatando sus experiencias vividasal mismo tiempo que usted va adquiriendo conocimientos."
Price: 124.99

"Primeros auxilios para salvar la vida de los que amas."
"Conocimientos minimos imprescindibles que debe poseer cualquier persona para que, en el DEBER DE PRESTAR AYUDA, sea eficaz la labor de auxiliar a la victima hasta la llegada de los servicios de asistencia sanitaria, basados siempre en la conducta P.A.S.Las emergencias pueden ocurrir en cualquier momento, tambin a tu seres queridos, y en cualquier lugar y afectar a cualquier persona. En emergencias, personas como usted salvan el 90% de vidas. Aprende a prestar ayuda en una situacin de peligro o necesidad:Aprende a Salvar Vidas!."
Price: 124.99

"Apache Cordova - Build Hybrid Mobile Apps with HTML CSS & JS"
"""Apache Cordova is an open-source mobile development framework. It allows you to use standard web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for cross-platform development, avoiding each mobile platform native development language. Applications execute within wrappers targeted to each platform, and rely on standards-compliant API bindings to access each device's sensors, data, and network status.""By Cross-Platform, we mean that the application code base can be written once using HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript and it can be run across multiple target mobile platforms such as Android, iOS, Windows, Firefox, Ubuntu mobile.The web development community has been continually innovating and with the recent development of frameworks such as Angular, IONIC, jQuery and React, the traditional web applications have now almost become indistinguishable from their native platform-specific peers in terms of functionality.Apache Cordova can be extended with native plug-ins, allowing developers to add more functionalities that can be called from JavaScript, making it communicate directly between the native layer and the HTML5 page. These plugins allow access to the device's accelerometer, camera, compass, file system, microphone, and more.However, the use of Web-based technologies leads some Apache Cordova applications to run slower than native applications with similar functionality.And the most important thing is: Cordova is free and open source. Heres how to get started with Apache Cordova.Use Apache Cordova if you are:a mobile developer and want to extend an application across more than one platform, without having to re-implement it with each platform's language and tool set.a web developer and want to deploy a web app that's packaged for distribution in various app store portals.a mobile developer interested in mixing native application components with a WebView (special browser window) that can access device-level APIs, or if you want to develop a plugin interface between native and WebView components."
Price: 199.99

"Fotografa bsica con Adobe Lightroom CC"
"Quieres aprender a tomar tus propias fotos y retocarlas?Fotografa + lightroom es un curso pensando para que los amantes de la fotografa puedan sacarle todo el provecho a su cmara profesional y posteriormente mejorar sus fotografas a travs de un programa editor fotogrfico como lo es Lr. Tenemos como objetivo que una vez terminesel curso puedas dominar la cmara en modo manual, conocer diferentes tipos de encuadres , composicin, esquemas de iluminacin , normas estticas de fotografa, guardar fotografas en el ordenador, clasificarlas, mejorarlas e incluso subirla en lnea.Espero verte realizar las metas propuestas en este curso, estar contigo para ello as que Vamos!"
Price: 199.99

"Business Intelligence with Microstrategy 10 Analytics"
"Learn the essentials of Microstrategy 10 through this step-by-step tutorial. This course takes you through the basics of Microstrategy , how to integrate your application with different data sources, manage data, build visualizations and sheets and share your insights with visual Data Stories!..Learn to build dashboards with Microstrategy 10 from scratch!..Learn some of the most common mistakes made when building building sheets and visualizations....Forget about reports and presentations, learn more about Data StorytellingThe course contains training materials, where you can practice, apply your knowledge and build an app from scratch. The training materials are provided in an Excel file that you can download to your computer. Each module also ends with a short quiz and there is a final quiz at the end of the course.After completion of this course, you will receive a certificate of completion.Good luck and hope you enjoy the course.Pre-requisites:Basic knowledge of Business Intelligence and Visualization.Some experience with Visualization tools would be helpful, but not required.Course content:The course consists of the following modules:Introduction, Installation and SetupData Loading - Basic ConceptsData Loading - ExercisesBuild Dashboards- VisualizationsBuild Dashboards - ExercisesData Storytelling and Sharing Insights - Presenting InsightsData Storytelling and Sharing Insights - ExercisesFinal QuizWho should follow this course?Students that want to learn the basics of Microstrategy 10Business Analysts and Designers who are already familiar with other visualization tools and want to learn Microstrategy.Managers considering using Microstrategy within their organization."
Price: 44.99