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"All You Need to Know About ITSM Processes In ServiceNow"
"We will be starting from the basics of ServiceNow. So, even if you are not aware of creating records in ServiceNow, its fine. You will learn it.In this course, core ITSMprocesses are covered - Incident, Problem, Change, Service Catalogs, CMDB, Knowledge.Technical concepts of ServiceNow are not discussed in this course. You can look at my SerivceNow Admin course if you are looking for knowledge on Admin activities."
Price: 2240.00

"All You Need to Know About Service Portal in ServiceNow"
"A detailed course on configuring Service Portal in ServiceNow.All the key components of a ServicePortal are explained in detail.Scripting in the widgets is also covered in rigorous sessions. Almost 60% of this course deals with scriptd in widgets.Scripting part of this course majorly deals with AngularJS, JavaScript and HTMLSo, it is recommended to have knowledge on them, but it is not mandatory. If the student is ready to learn new scripting languages, this course will be useful."
Price: 9920.00

"Natural Beauty: How to Make Lotions,Creams and Body Butters"
"This online natural skincare and beauty class will teach you the process of makingyour own lotions, creams and body butters by harnessing the power of nature.We will focus on how to use the moisturizing oils and butters from plants and trees to make lotions creams and body butters.This course is designed for peoplewho wants to learn to create their own natural skincare products.In this course I discuss everything from choosing carrier oils to how to formulate your own recipes to secrets about store bought skin care moisturizing products that the cosmetic industry would prefer you did not know.What will I Learn:You will know how tochoose the rightcarrier oil for making lotion specific to your skin's needs.You will know how to select the correct equipment for creating your lotions creams and body butters.You will learn how to formulate your own lotion, cream and body butter recipes based upon the formulas provided in this class.You will learn the correct techniques for creating lotions creams and body butters of your own.You will know how to choose natural butters for creating your own skincare formulasYou will understand the benefits of choosing and making natural skincare and homemade beauty products that nurture your skin.Learn how to make your own skin-loving natural lotions, creams and body butters for a fraction of the cost of many store-bought cosmetic brands.About the Instructor:Jennifer Schroeder is a practicing herbalist, natural beauty formulator and entrepreneur with a passion for teaching. she has been studying and practicing natural medicine for over 20 years.She owned her own studio where she taught herbalism and natural skincare classes for many years. In addition she is an dedicated entrepreneur and natural beauty advocate.Who is the Target Audience for this Course?This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to make their own natural skincare products, lotions, creams and body buttersThis course is for beginners who what to learn how to formulate their own recipes for lotions, creams and body buttersThis course is for anyone who wants to understand the benefits of creating homemade and natural skincare productsThis course is for anyone curious about how easy it is to create natural beauty products that benefit your skin by using simple plants and other ingredients provided by nature."
Price: 64.99

"Herbalism:How to Make Love Potions - Tonics,Elixirs and More"
"This online herbal aphrodisiac class will teach you how to make your own herbal tonics, elixirs and infused honey by harnessing the power of nature.We will focus 12 natural, herbal aphrodisiacs, their properties and how to make herbal tonics, elixirs and infused honey with these little gifts from nature!This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn to create their herbal and wellnessproducts for health and longevity.In this course I discuss everything from which herbs are natural aphrodisiacs totheproperties they each have, andhow to incorporate these and other herbs into daily herbal tonics, elixirs and infused honey.What will I Learn:You will know what the most popular and easy to find herbal aphrodisiacs are on the market today.You will know how to select the correct equipment for creating your herbal tonics, elixirs and honey.You will learn how to make your own herbal tonics, elixirs, and infused honeybased upon the information provided in this class.You will know how to choose natural herbal aphrodisiacs for creating your own herbal tonics elixirs and infused honeyYou will understand the benefits of choosing incorporating these and other herbs into your regular wellness routine.Learn how to make your own herbal tonics, elixirs and infused honey for a fraction of the cost of many store-bought brands.About the Instructor:Jennifer Schroeder is a practicing herbalist, natural beauty formulator and entrepreneur with a passion for teaching. she has been studying and practicing natural medicine for over 20 years.She owned her own studio where she taught herbalism and natural skincare classes for many years. In addition she is an dedicated entrepreneur and natural beauty advocate.Who is the Target Audience for this Course?This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to make their own herbal tonics, elixirs and infused honeyThis course is for beginners who what to learn how to formulate their own recipes for herbal tonics, elixirs and infused honeyThis course is for anyone who wants to understand the benefits herbal aphrodisiacsThis course is for anyone curious about how easy it is to create wellness products that promote health and vitality by using simple plants and other ingredients provided by nature."
Price: 64.99

"Aromatherapy - Essential Oils for Health Certificate Course"
"Have you always been fascinated by the healing powers of essential oils? Are you interested in learning the basics of aromatherapy and how to make your own essential oil blendsand use this valuable element of natural medicine? Then this course is for you!This course is fully accredited by the International Association of Therapists. You will receive a certificate diploma upon completion of this course from the Online Wellness School.In this course you will learn:The history of AromatherapyIntroduction to Essential Oils and AromatherapySpecific essential oil blendingtechniques used by herbalistsandaromatherapists worldwideBasic skills and techniques for incorporating essential oils into your daily routineIn depth understanding of twenty key essential oils and their healing propertiesInstruction oncreating your own essential oil blends with free blend recipesBy the end of this course you will be able to make your own essential oil blends and use essential oils for everyday health and wellness. You will have a generalunderstanding of the basis of aromatherapy and where to obtain quality essential oils for your own use."
Price: 94.99

"Curso de desenho realista Volume 3 - Desenhando cabelo preto"
"***Ateno!!! Utilize o cupom: QUERODESCONTO e ganhe desconto***Curso voltado principalmente para iniciantes de desenho realista. As tcnicas apresentadas nesse curso estaro ajudando voc a desenhar cabelos com mais realismo, O cabelo utilizado nessa aula um Cabelo preto e liso. O curso tem mais de 2 horas de aula, de inicio mostrado os materiais usados, em seguida mostro como foi feito o esboo do desenho (Mesa de Luz), em seguida fao passo a passo o cabelo explicando e trazendo dicas e macetes para facilitar o processo de aprendizagem."
Price: 39.99

"Entdecke Dich selbst - jeden Tag mehr vom Leben!"
"Der Begriff Selbstbewusstsein ist ein oftmals verwendeter Begriff voller Missverstndnisse.Erinnert Dich der Satz an einen alten Werbeslogan? Was sagt das ber Dich aus, dassDir das vielleicht gerade bewusst wurde?Wie uns so viele Dinge im Laufe eines Tages und in unserem Leben bewusst werden -- wir verarbeiten dennoch den Groteil der Informationen um und in uns unbewusst. Uns diese selbst bewusst zu machen, macht uns...?Genau: Selbstbewusst!Das heit auch, dass wir Selbstbewusstsein durch Selbstwahrnehmung erreichen. Die wiederum hngt mit dem etwas sperrigen Begriff unserer kognitiven Fhigkeiten in unserem Gehirn zusammen. Aus diesem Grund arbeitet dieser Kurs gezielt an der Erhhung unserer kognitiven Leistung, um unser Selbstbewusstsein zu strken. Die sich daraus ergebenden Effekte: Mehr Selbstwertgefhl, Selbstsicherheit und Selbstvertrauen in allen Lebensbereichen.Folgende kognitive Funktionen lernst Du in diesem Kurs zu beherrschen und zu verndern:Wahrnehmung (Sinne, Intuition und Vorstellungskraft)Aufmerksamkeit (Fokus und Achtsamkeit)Erinnern und Lernen (Gewohnheiten und Verhaltensweisen)Selbstbeobachtung (Persnlichkeit und Identitt)Planen und Organisieren (Entscheidungen, Ziele und Motivation)Wille (Bewusstsein)Glaube (berzeugungen und Glaubensstze)Auch wenn wir hufig den Begriff Selbstbewusstsein mit seinem Resultat (dem Selbstwertgefhl) gleichsetzen, ist das eine derWeg zum anderen.In diesem Kurs lernst Du gezielt, Dein Selbstbewusstsein zu trainieren, hin zu mehr Selbstwertgefhl.Dabei wnsche ich Dir viel Spa und eine spannende Reise durch unsere Wahrnehmung von Wirklichkeit."
Price: 79.99

"Shortest and powerful Tai chi flow"
"This Shortest Tai chi Chuan flow gives you a beautiful way to practice your body and mind, in a short and percise way. This 8 steps flow is designed for you to quickly memorize, and start practicing Tai-chi , the most esoteric art of movement.You will gain so much from this course, on the physical level to the mental and spiritual levels.The course has basic stretching modality attached to it as a bonus, and a step by step guide to learn the form, recorded also from different angles, with clear instructions.The names of the movements will remind you how to move, and if you need, take notes on the flow of the steps , so you can remember it better.Tai Chi chuan is also considered a Self defense form, and once you learn the movements to completion and follow them in a fast way, you will see how they can be applied as a self defense mechanism.I willupload a short course on Tai-Chi Chuan applications for all of you to learn this art in a deeper way.Enjoy, learn, be persistent with practice, and you will gain the real benefits of Tai chi.Blessings."
Price: 99.99

"Automao de Testes Desktop com TestComplete"
"Se voc trabalha em um time que desenvolve aplicaes desktop, com certeza conhece a dificuldade em encontrar ferramentas de automao de testes que realmente funcionem bem e tenham o custode licena no to elevado. Pois , o TestComplete vem para sanar esse problema!Com TestComplete possvel automatizar testes de forma bastante simples em aplicaes desktop atravs da gravao das etapas de teste e reconhecimento dos elementos atravs da rvore da aplicao, ou seja, os testes NOso feitos com base em posio na tela ou com base em imagens.A partir da gravao podemos refatorar os scripts, reaproveit-los e melhorar a forma com que eles so armazenados e interpretados.Esse curso tem foco em aplicaes desktop, por isso, escolhemos uma aplicao Delphi como exemplo e a linguagem pascal pra escrita de nossos scripts de teste. Vale lembrar que o TestComplete tambm suporta automao em muias outras linguagens e d suporte a automaonde testes de aplicaes desenvolvidas em Java, C#, Visual Basic, e muitas outras!Aprenderemos aautomatizar testes de forma prtica, direta e objetiva. Aprendendo apenas o necessrio para criar uma suite de testes com as melhores prticas e funcionalidades da ferramenta.Veremos exemplos reais e aprenderemos na prtica como criar um projeto saudvel e fcil de dar manuteno.Inscreva-se agora mesmo!"
Price: 399.99

"Preparando-se para Entrevistas de Teste de Software"
"Participar de entrevistas de teste de software sempre uma preocupao para profissionais da rea. Os motivos so incontveis, dentre eles: a forma com que o recrutador compreende as atividades de teste de software, as ferramentas usadas, o contexto de teste, a metodologia, as tcnicas, a avaliao das habilidades interpessoais, etc.Nesse curso, Jlio de Lima te d dicas sobre como seprepararpara as entrevistas de testes de software com base em anos de experincia como entrevistado e tambm como entrevistador. Entre os temas abordados no curso, esto:como escolher a empresa para a qual quercandidatar-se, preocupaes relacionadas a vaga escolhida, como modelar seu perfil e curriculum, como secomportarem entrevistas, entre outros.Aprenda na prtica como seprepararpara entrevistas de teste de software de forma clara e objetiva!"
Price: 69.99

"Vuex mastery"
"Vuejs Laravel PHP framewokfor . . CRUD Vuejs Vee-validate Vue-router . Getters . Vue .. VuejsES 6 HTML & CSS"
Price: 199.99

"Arduino passo dopo passo"
"Arduino passo dopo passo un corso adatto a chi si approccia al mondo Arduino per la prima volta: capiremo come funziona la scheda Arduino, conosceremo i suoi componenti fondamentali, installeremo l'ambiente di sviluppo Arduino e creeremo degli esempi via via pi articolati, per permetterti di imparare a programmare la scheda Arduino in semplici passi. Costruiremo dei circuiti in grado di interagire con Arduino e utilizzeremo sensori e attuatori. Questi concetti saranno le fondamenta che ti permetteranno di partire verso una conoscenza pi completa dell'internet delle cose e ti permetteranno di costruire prototipi via via pi complessi."
Price: 29.99

"International Law (The Best Practice Tests)"
"* The Practice tests consists of severalquestions ofInternational Law, and it will be great helpful topass MCQs exams of International Laws* After Successful practice of all tests, you can easily pass the MCQs exams for Jobs, and Entrance Tests (Phd / Mphil / LLM Admission tests ofworld class universities) and other international law exams* The Series ofpractice tests covers all subjects of International Law (Law ofTreaties, Law of Seas, Environmental Law, International Court of Justice, UN Charter, International Humanitarian Law and etc)"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle SQL Certification Exams"
"The course covers all topics and real practical MCQs ofOracle 12c SQL certification exams.Practice tests are really challengeable.After successful practice of all questions, you can easily pass the Oracle SQL Certification Exam.The following main topics and othersare included:Introduction to DatabaseSELECT statementRestricting and Sorting DataSingle-Row FunctionsDisplay data from from multiple tables (Joining)Group FunctionsSub-queriesManipulating DataConstraintsViews, Indexes and other objectsControlling User AccessSET operatorsand etc* You can take help from my courseOracle 12c SQL video lectures, the course is free of cost."
Price: 19.99

"CISA Exam Preparation Practice"
"This practice course is one source of preparation for the examination, after successful practice of all tests you can find your knowledge strength and weakness and will be an indication of area in which you will need to seek reference sources to study more about the exam.The questions are meant to familiarize you with question structure and may be similar to questions that will appear on the actual examination."
Price: 19.99

"Bar Transfer Test (BTT) Bar Exam"
"The Bar is a demanding profession. The purpose of the Bar Transfer Test(BTT) is to enable candidates who are qualified lawyer to have the opportunity to transfer to the Bar of England and Wales, without having to undergo the full course of education and training as required.These practice tests contain MCQs of the Bar Exam (Civil litigation, Evidence, Remedies, Criminal Litigation, Evidence, Sentencing and Professional Ethics).These practice tests are also very helpful for QLTS Exam(Solicitor Exam MCQs Part) for foreign lawyer scheme.The series of practice test is also helpful for others Bar Exams of jurisdiction of common law practice countries."
Price: 44.99

"Journalistic Writing: How to write great journalistic copy"
"Hello and welcome to this course on Journalistic Writing!Many people write. Novel authors do it. Secretaries do it. Journalists do it. But every text type is very different. Writing is way more than putting word after word to get a sentence. Different texts have different target groups and different purposes. A novel should entertain you. A business email should lead to a contract or to another form of business relationship. And a journalistic copy should inform you in a way that you are able to form a solid decision about an event or a situation. When it comes to journalism, there are even different kinds of copy types with different purposes and forms.Solid writing techniques are absolutely essential for professional journalists. And in this course, we will teach you everything you need to know about professional journalistic writing.First, we will cover all the basics. Youre going to learn the 5 Ws and 1 H-questions a journalistic copy has to cover, and you will learn what news values are.Second, youre going to learn the different sections of a text. What is a lead? What are nutgraphs? And what are kickers? You will be able to answer that in detail. Then were talking about text composing. There are three composing methods: The Inverted Pyramid, the Hourglass, and the Five Block story form.In the third section of the course, youre going to learn more about different purposes of texts, namely about news, features, and opinion writing. Then we will take a closer look at reporting and interviewing.Finally, we will talk about the differences you have to pay attention to when writing for print, online, radio, or TV.You see, there is a lot to know about journalistic copies, and professional writing required an in-depth knowledge about all this.See you in the course!The course is based on a script by Kathryn Quigley. Kathryn is an associate professor of journalism at Rowan University in New Jersey, United States. She earned her BA degree in Communications from Villanova University and her MA degree in Journalism from the University of Maryland.She worked as a reporter at daily newspapers in Philadelphia, North Carolina and Florida. She is a freelance writer and author of the textbook Introduction to News-Writing: The Real Scoop, published by Kendall-Hunt in 2012."
Price: 79.99

"Interviewing: Professional Journalism Techniques"
"Hello and thank you for your interest in this course! Interviews are a major instrument in journalism. They play two different roles.First, interviews are a certain journalistic copy form. You know these question and answer conversations from print and online newspapers and magazines and also from radio and TV. Also talk shows are a special form of interviews.Second, journalists use interviews as a specific investigation method. In this case, the conversation isnt published or broadcasted, but provides important insights a report is based on.Interviews are an essential part of a journalists toolkit. So, its important for a journalist to master interview techniques.Interviews are way more than a nice chat. They require a clear method and solid planning. This is what youre going to learn in this course.We will take a close look at the roles and functions of both the interviewer and the interviewee also called interlocutor.You will learn different kinds of questions and when to use which.We will talk about subjectivism, about politeness versus aggression in interviews, about closeness versus distance, and about cooperation versus competition. You need to know when to use which tactic.Thank you and see you in the course!"
Price: 79.99

"Building Financial Dashboard in Google Data Studio"
"Learn from a Financial business intelligence analyst for a Group of more than 10 companies.Create Powerful Interactive Financial Dashboards from Google Sheets Data from scratch.No VBAor SQL coding require, just drag and drop, copy and paste.Analyze Google Sheets in minutes using powerful visualizations.Learn powerful visualizations such as Time Series Charts, Scorecards, Pie Charts, Stacked Area Charts.Display comparisons to Previous Period, Previous Year, in one scorecard.Create Financial Year to Date Calculations.Create filters to easily create interactive dashboards, graphs and reports.Create date range selectionto easily manage the display range in the charts.Share Reports and Updating Data.Create pages navigation to make a report look like running in aprofessional financial software.Learn how to Fix error.Free access to the report anytime, anywhere by signing in Google Account."
Price: 99.99

"Foundational Techniques for Watercolor"
"Do you want to create powerful and vibrant watercolor paintings? I will show you! I have been painting watercolor since I was a child and for the past 20 year I have been teaching students of all levels. The primary reason I see people struggle with it is because they mix too many colors together, producing dull and muddy pictures. With watercolor, less is more. Brightness comes from the whiteness of the paper, and to preserve it you must use nice clear colors sparingly and effectively. In this course I will show you easy step-by-step techniques for mixing colors, directing water and paint and creating textures. By the end of this short course you will be able to convey a sense of transparency, delicacy and subtlety. We will go over these techniques in real time as you see me paint a picture of my cat from start to finish, explaining each step along the way. As well as learning from the lecture materials, I will reply to all messages and will give feedback for any of your artwork in order to help you improve!"
Price: 29.99

"Further Number and Ratio for GCSE (9-1) / IGCSE Mathematics"
"A good understanding of theNumber and Ratio parts of the GCSE(9-1)/IGCSEsyllabus is key to getting a good grade in theseexams, as these subjects together form a significant portion of the syllabus. Unfortunately some students struggle, as although some might consider these subjects simple from a mathematical point of view, there not always easy to understand. Hopefully after taking this course you wont be one of them...This course will teach you how to:Find the Highest Common Factor(HCF) and Lowest Common Multiple(LCM) of two numbersEstimate answers to problemsExpress numbers to a certain number of Decimal places or Significant FiguresThe formula for Compound Growth or Decay and how to apply itKnow how to work with numbers in Standard FormTackle GCSE/IGCSElevel exam problems in Ratios and ProportionThis course is a follow up to my courseIntroduction to Number for GCSE(9-1)/IGCSE Mathematics."
Price: 29.99

": :- - - - - - :- - - - - :- - :- - - :- -"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Solfeo para Cantantes N3"
"REQUISITOS:Haber tomado el curso de Solfeo Basico completoHaber tomado el Curso de solfeo Intermedio Mdulo N1Tener conceptos basicos de Msica y teoria, vistos en el curso basico de Solfeo.Leer y entender la Clave de Sol. Si tienes dudas ver el contenido Completo de Solfeo bsico.Hey queridos Amigos, es un gusto poderles ayudar con el proceso del Solfeo, como lo aprendimos en el Curso de Solfeo Bsico que adquiriste anteriormente. El solfeo es el arte de convertir la VOZ en un instrumento Musical. El solfeo sin lugar a dudas es una herramienta maravillosa para poder desarrollarte a plenitud en tu instrumento, cualquiera que este sea. No importa a que Familia de Instrumentos perteneces, Vientos, Cuerdas o Percusin, el solfeo es una herramienta que no puede faltar para poder interpretarlo con fluides.Recuerda que este es el Curso de Solfeo intermedio Modulo N2, recuerda que es esencial haber tomado el Modulo N1. Tener todos los conceptos y clases vistas completamente claras. Te recomiendo sobretodo repasar, interiorizar y llevar a la practica todos esos conceptos aprendidos.No Olvides que el Modulo N1 ENFATIZO en la importancia del Oido, un msico no puede ser Msico si primero no desarrollaEL ARTE DE OIR, es necesario oir - escuchar para que realmente puedas desarrollarte como Msico, como cantante y para poder ser excelente en esta area.En este Mdulo N2 nos enfocaremos 100% en la lectura de Clave de Fa. La clave de fa es necesaria en el entrenamiento Musical. Asi que manos a la Obra!.Este Curso tiene una caracteristica y es que las lecciones son mas cortas para que tengas mas Entendimiento y Fluidez en los temas.As que estamos listos para Comenzar.DESCRIPCINFortalecimiento de la Clave de FA, DO Y CLAVE DE PERCUSINMtricas Binarias y TernariasRitmos y subdivisionesDesarrollar el Arte de EscucharHistoria MusicalEjerciciosActividadesPartiturasAudios de AyudaAsesoras"
Price: 59.99

Price: 24000.00

"Create a NEW programming Language from scratch"
"In this course you would learn fundamental concepts, tools to make a programming language. You would learn with practical working examples by defining your own grammar for new language and build your own compiler and deploy your new language. You would be able to print stings, perform operations on variables, etc. further we would learn to implement loop and conditional operations, and much more."
Price: 39.99

"Develop your own CHROME Extension and FIREFOX Plugin"
"The complete Browser extension development series from Beginner to Expert Developer. Here you would learn howto make your ownCHROME Extension and FIREFOX plugin from simple to Advanced. Andhow to PUBLISH it on chrome webstore and firefox marketplace.This course would be enlightening as it explores further into various ideas with popular extensions and would also cover HTML, CSS, Javascript and other topics from beginner to advanced level."
Price: 39.99

"Develop your OWN Operating System from SCRATCH"
"With this course you are going to Develop you own Custom Operating System with SUSE andlearn few fundamental concepts related to working and development of an OS. We would use Linux Kernel, add some utilities and applications, with configurations, and finally deploy and test it. We would also create an user and set permission. We would generate .iso file at the end."
Price: 39.99

"Cloud Computing with IBM Bluemix"
"In this course, we would explore IBM Cloud- Bluemix. Learn all the available services under catalog, and what we can do with each service provided with platform and Infrastructure categories. This course covers-Storage, Network, Boilerplates, DevOps, Mobile, Analytics, Watson, CloudFoundry, Kubernetes, etcAt later parts we would develop and deploy our test applications on Bluemix."
Price: 49.99

"Fastrack WEB DEVLOPMENT: Learn HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript"
"This course is about fastrackweb development where we would cover 3fundamental languages HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScriptrequired for Client-side Static web development. We would cover all the three languages and test them by writing html, css, and javascript files.After learn all the key Scripting Languageswe would develop our website and would then deploy it on the internet."
Price: 39.99

"Application Development with IBM WATSON"
"This course is focused learning and exploringIBM Watson services with practical approach and demonstration of each services available on cloud. You could integrate these services in your Web, Android, IoT, Desktop Applications like Face Detection, ChatBot, Voice Detection, Text to custom Speech (with pitch, emotions, etc), Speech to text, Sentimental Analysis on Social media or any textual data.Watson services include:1. Conversation2. Discovery3. Personality Insight4. Text-to-Speech5. Speech-to-Text6. Tone Analyser7. Visual Analyser8. Natural Language Understanding9. Language Translator10. Knowledge Studio11. Natural Language Classifier"
Price: 34.99