"How To Make Real Money From YouTube - The No Bullshit Guide" |
"If you are serious about Making money online from home or anywhere then you have come to the right place. In this course I am gonna teach exact step by step method to make money online from YouTube. I am sharing all my Strategy which will help you to fetch $20 to $35 per day from YouTube.There is no Bullshit guide in this course. I will explain all strategy with LIVE case study and Real Earning PROOF."
Price: 19.99 |
"Tableau Tutorial in Hindi - Tableau" |
"! Tableau . Starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples. Hands On Training In Tableau.Tableau , , , Tableau Prerequisites: , . SQL Tableau !Disclaimer: The course presentation is in English and Delivery is in Hindi language."
Price: 19.99 |
"A Beginner's Guide to Lean" |
"PROCESS COMPLEXITY has been the Number One issue for decades that all businesses share and is what differentiates the failing businesses from the ones that thrive and succeed.Lean is a quality methodologythat advocates PROCESS SIMPLICITYandhas been widely recognized to driveimprovements and achieve tangible business results: reduce costs, boost results, focus on creating value, and have satisfied customers. The reason for the success ofLean is itsfocus on the customers and creatingloyal customers who value the products or services and want to buy more.PROCESS SIMPLICITY is the way to improve your business! *downloadable material included"
Price: 29.99 |
"A Beginner's Guide to Six Sigma" |
"PROCESS COMPLEXITY has been the Number One issue for decades that all businesses share and is what differentiates the failing businesses from the ones that thrive and succeed.The combination of Lean and Six Sigma has been widely recognized as the way to manage quality improvements and achieve tangible business results: reduce costs, boost results, focus on creating value, and have satisfied customers. The reason for Lean and Six sigma success is that these two methods focus on the customers and create loyal customers who value the products or services and want to buy more. *downloadable material included"
Price: 34.99 |
"The 8 Types of Waste in Lean: Your Guide" |
"PROCESS COMPLEXITY has been the Number One issue for decades that all businesses share and is what differentiates the failing businesses from the ones that thrive and succeed.The combination of Lean and Six Sigma has been widely recognised as the way to manage quality improvements and achieve tangible business results: reduce costs, boost results, focus on creating value, and have satisfied customers. The reason for Lean and Six sigma success is that these two methods focus on the customers and create loyal customers who value the products or services and want to buy more.WASTE in processes is the major reason why processes do not work as desired. Studying the Wastes is the first step to managing them! *downloadable material included"
Price: 34.99 |
"How to Become a Memory Master with Idriz Zogaj" |
"What if you could remember anything you want, when ever you want? This is an ability that many dream to have. But did you know that taking control of how you remember is much like deciding to take control of your body. And just as you can train your body to do many unbelievable things you will se that with training you can get a memory that is even better than what you dreamed of!One part is understanding your brain and that we all have this ability. Another is understanding the techniques and applying them in everyday life. The last part is to practice and use the techniques as often as you can. You can speed up the last part significantly if you train like memory athletes.How to master your memory shows you how to get that memory you thought you could only dream of. So, invest in your self and take this course, it will most likely be one of your best investments in life"""
Price: 99.99 |
"Excel 2016 desde lo bsico hasta el nivel avanzado" |
"En este curso tendrs lo necesario para que puedas empezar a trabajar en Excel y tener la confianza inicial para que puedas seguir avanzando en el curso, adems te garantizar adquirir las competencias necesarias para que pongas en prctica tus habilidades en tu trabajo y tengas mayores destrezas a la hora de realizar un trabajo, facilitando as la toma de decisiones y una mejor produccin.AL seguir este proceso aprenders a usar funciones de alto nivel, las cuales te servirn para aumentar las funciones y procesos llevados en tus libros de Excel, tu nivel creativo y de soluciones; Todo esto permitir aumentar tus competencias tecnolgicas y tu pensamiento computacional. Posteriormente en el nivel intermedio de tu curso, tu como estudiante culminarscon habilidades suficientes para desenvolverte en cualquier situacin laboral en donde requiera de Microsoft Excel"
Price: 19.99 |
"Premium Cryptocurrency Course: Become the Whale! Part 1" |
"Would you like to take your skillsto the next leveland take advantage ofthis once in a life time Cryptocurrency opportunity?This Udemy course will getyou there.This course will briefly go over the beginner information onhowto get you started in Cryptocurrency. Provide you the reasoning for the potential trend in this market. Teach you the mindset you need to have. Dive deep into strategies and concepts that you won't find elsewhere. Now is the perfecttime for Cryptocurrency trading. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are a new technology that is just being discovered. There isvery little information on what is the right way of doing things... You will see all star investors and wall street professionals make the wrong call in Cryptos all the time. Pronouncing bitcoin dead, calling alt coins are short lived fad, but that attitude is slowly starting to change around as they can tell they are wrong. Lucky for you, I have been watching this market for a long time and found continued successwith strategies that I can undoubtedlycall an EDGE.I am a person who only talks about results. Even though I knew that my strategies worked early on, I had to hit numbers that Iknew would make my peer's drop jaw before sharing. I have turned$50,000into $600,000+ in just half of year. It has not been a steady grind up, but rather a compounding and more explosive profit each and every month. Trust me when I say I am just getting started with this. You Won't Find These Results From Any Other Instructor!In this course, Iwill go in depth and provide you with the deep foundation you need to understand about the history andpower of Cryptocurrency. The more information you have the better you are equipped to make money. Then I willshare with you Allmy strategies and insights on both entering and exiting coins. Examples would include short term breakout trades based off bull cycles, long term investments for retirement, maximized entries on hyped ICO's, hedge strategies.You will see why this is a premium course!This opportunity and return will not be here forever.Join quick and start making enough to surpriseyour loved ones!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Premium Cryptocurrency Course: Become the Whale! Part 2" |
"Would you like to take your skillsto the next leveland take advantage ofthisonce in a life timeCryptocurrency opportunity?This Udemy course will getyouthere.This course will briefly go over the beginner information onhowto get you started in Cryptocurrency. Provide you the reasoning for the potential trend in this market. Teach you the mindset you need to have. Dive deep into strategies and concepts thatyou won't find elsewhere.Now is the perfecttime for Cryptocurrency trading. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are a new technology that is just being discovered. There isvery little information on what is the right way of doing things... You will see all star investors and wall street professionals make the wrong call in Cryptos all the time. Pronouncing bitcoin dead, calling alt coins are short lived fad, but that attitude is slowly starting to change around as they can tell they are wrong. Lucky for you, I have been watching this market for a long time and found continued successwith strategies that I can undoubtedlycall an EDGE.I am a person who only talks about results. Even though I knew that my strategies worked early on, I had to hit numbers that Iknew would make my peer's drop jaw before sharing. I have turned$50,000into $600,000+ in just half of year. It has not been a steady grind up, but rather a compounding and more explosive profit each and every month. Trust me when I say I am just getting started with this.You Won't Find These Results From Any Other Instructor!In this course, Iwill go indepthand provide you with thedeep foundationyou need to understand about thehistory andpowerof Cryptocurrency. The more information you have the better you are equipped to make money. Then I willshare with youAllmy strategies and insights on bothenteringandexitingcoins. Examples would include short term breakout trades based off bull cycles, long term investments for retirement, maximized entries on hyped ICO's, hedge strategies.You will see why this is apremiumcourse!This opportunity and return will not be here forever.Join quick and start making enough to surpriseyour loved ones!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Aprende After Effects de principiante a intermedio." |
"Te te has preguntado cmo se hicieron algunas de las escenas de tu pelcula favorita?After Effects es un poderoso software donde puedes crear asombrosas animaciones, fantsticas colorizaciones, Matte Painting, Motion Graphics, pantallas verdes, efectos especiales para tus producciones y mucho ms!Para quin es el curso?Este curso es perfecto para cualquier persona que quiera aprender After Effects desde cero para crear sus propios grficos y mejorar sus videos, el curso esta diseado para ser dirigido a personas principiantes que recin abren este programa o aquellos estudiantes de nivel intermedio que desean perfeccionar sus habilidades dentro de l.Por qu estamos calificados para ensearte sobre After Effects?Sixteen Nine Films es una productora Ecuatoriana fundada hace 5 aos que junto a su fundador y tutor de este curso, Kristofh Pozo - Productor Audiovisual; ha realizado videos corporativos, videoclips musicales, cortometrajes, comerciales, adems de haber ganado premios internacionales y haber recibido su conocimiento de grandes escuelas como la Universidad del Sur de California en Los ngeles.Parte del equipo de SNF lo conforma Danilo Lanas, que ha desarrollado su carrera como productor audiovisual desde el ao 2013, encontrando su vocacin audiovisual en la Universidad Alemana de Rhein Wahl - Kleve. A partir de all ha desempeado su carrera creando comerciales, spots publicitarios para algunos de los canales ms importantes del pas, videos corporativos, entre otros.Ha realizado piezas audiovisuales internacionalmente y recientemente pasantas realizadas en Boston - USA. Durante todo este tiempo After Effects ha sido nuestra principal herramienta para realizarla gran mayora de nuestros efectos visuales y motion graphics que han sido destacadas muestras de trabajo para nuestros actuales y futuros clientes.Cmo es la dinmica de las clases?Las clases empiezan explicando de manera clara y motivadoralo ms bsico decada men y herramienta, crearemos nuestros propios proyectos, dentro de ellos nuestras composiciones hasta crear pequeas animaciones con fotogramas clave y expresiones, manejaremos capas en tres dimensiones, mscaras, texto, figuras y crearemos una cmara 3D digitalmente para navegar dentro de este espacio, hablaremos de como mejorar el rendimiento del programa en tu computadora y al final como exportar tus creaciones.Nuestra promesaComo chicos que tuvimos que pasar por esa misma curva de aprendizaje, vivimos la propia experiencia de no encontrar un curso que fuese claro y directo al punto, por lo que hemos tomado en cuenta cada uno de esos detalles para desarrollar este curso y tenemos como prioridad principal el que sea loms perfecto posible, pero para lograrlo contamos contigo. Siente libertad de comentar tus preguntas o escribirnos un mensaje directo, atenderemos tu duda lo ms inmediato posibley te seguiremos en cada paso que des de este curso.Si todo esta claro para este punto inscrbetey empezaremos inmediatamente con tus clases!-El Equipo Sixteen Nine Films"
Price: 19.99 |
"Reputation Management 101 - Reviews for Google, Yelp, Etc" |
"Have you received a negative review want to get more reviews this crash course will help you. To understand reviews, influencers and how to get more reviews.I will show you why reviews matter, how to get influencersto work with you what isan influencer.Platforms to avoid when recruiting,How to negotiate where everyone wins.So A to B on basic reviews."
Price: 19.99 |
"End to End Software Testing" |
"This course will give you idea of real software testing world. It will go through the basics of each concept and explain what happens when you are working on a project. Things are little different from what is mentioned in books and what happens in reality. Idea to prepare this course is to make all aware about activities that take place, challenges faced by a tester and how to address those situations. As we will cover whole day of a tester so it will also touch base on examples of manual testing as well. There are multiple exercises at each level based on what is explained and solution for same is also discussed.I can guarantee that you will have in-depth knowledge of Software testing world after covering this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Best Course for learning Web Testing using JMeter" |
"This course will give you idea of real performance testing world. It will go through the basics of each concept. End to End Performance testing using tool - JMeter is discussed. This course goes from basic to advanced level. You can learn some key concepts which are not explained with good examples at other places. I have tried to keep examples basic so that everyone can understand. At the end there is a final project that can help you to learn all the components learnt in the course in single test suite. This gives you close understanding of real world projects. Join to enhance your skills and get an edge by learning some tools in easy manner."
Price: 19.99 |
"Stock Market: Profitable and Easy Trading Strategies" |
"LEARN HOW TO TRADE STOCKS WITH THE BEST STRATEGIES AND TRADING PATTERNS,FOR FREE!!!Profitable and Easy Trading strategies is designed to teach you some of the best strategies for day-trading,swing-trading and long-term investing,in a simple and very understandable manner so that you can apply what you learn right away.You will learn the technical analysis and the charting patternsinvolved in each strategy while understanding how to handle not only the good trades but the not-so-good trades as well.Gain the confidenceto identify trading patterns with a high-success rate, manage the risk, and most importantly how to know when you should get out of the trade with your profits in hand. Go beyond just buying and selling stocks and learn the methods that successful traders use to consistently profit in the stock market.Here is what other traders are saying about this course:""Finally a course that teaches traders real-life trading strategies that goes beyond the textbook and applies it to real trading conditions. Ihave applied these strategies and instantly saw an improvement in my trading.""~ Gregory Harris""It really blows my mind that this course is offered for free, it is worth hundreds of dollars as it has resulted in more than that in profits for my trading account. The lessons were explained in simple terms that anyone could understand and benefit from.""~Vivian Nelson"
Price: 199.99 |
"#Paxliber #curso #oratria #emprego #online #liderana PBLICO ALVO Todos que desejam tornar sua comunicao inesquecvel, seja com amigos, no emprego ou apresentaes pblicas. A PARTIR DESTE CURSO VOC PODER: Melhorar o resultado de suas apresentaes, no importa o tamanho do pblico ou situao do dia-a-dia; Atravs da confiana e da mudana em como as pessoas lhe percebem, conquistar novas oportunidades pessoais e profissionais; Vencer seus medos e inibies ao falar publicamente; Desenvolver histrias e roteiros inesquecveis; Compreender as melhores tcnicas e tticas para se sobressair em qualquer debate, incluindo entrevistas de emprego, vendas ou reunies; Entender como o pblico recebe sua mensagem e quais as melhores tcnicas para entregar essa mensagem; Tornar-se uma pessoa que todos queiram ouvi-lo. PROGRAMA: O Curso Discurso Inesquecvel a soma do que eu aprendi de prtico nos livros e cursos em que estudei com teorias que desenvolvi sobre a produo de contedo, posicionamento do Emissor e entendimento do pblico. O curso est organizado em trs sees distintas, tal qual os elementos da comunicao: Emissor, Mensagem e Receptor. Em Emissor apresento as tcnicas para voc se tornar um comunicador memorvel. Em Mensagem falaremos de roteiro, histria e dos elementos para que sua mensagem se torne inesquecvel. Ao final, em Receptor, eu mostro como seu pblico, seja ele pequeno ou grande, recebe sua mensagem e quais so as tcnicas mais adequadas para entregar sua mensagem para todo tipo de pblico. Considerando o ambiente em que estamos, a internet, o curso foi pensado para ser didtico e objetivo,trazendo elementos realmente prticos para a produo de um discurso inesquecvel. Assim sero 4 horas e 17 minutos de curso, distribudos em 11 aulas que vo de 18 a 31 minutos, dependendo do contedo. Por fim, quero ressaltar que este um curso elaborado para todo tipo de pessoa, para qualquer situao, afinal, a todo momento precisamos nos comunicar e a forma como o fazemos pode ser a chave do seu sucesso, pessoal ou profissional. Alm disso ele foi elaborado para ser prtico e objetivo, desenvolvido por algum que conviveu com a timidez por mais de uma dcadae hoje leciona, fala para pequenos ou grandes pblicos com grande confiana e desenvoltura, sejam os discursos previamente preparados ou no. Com todo o meu carinho, espero que estas lies possam ajud-los assim como tm me ajudado. Felicidades a todos."
Price: 39.99 |
"Anlisis y diseo de infraestructura con AutoCAD Civil 3D" |
"Que aprenderas en este curso?Este curso cubre las habilidades bsicas y los conceptos necesarios para comenzar a usar AutoCAD Civil 3D para disear proyectos de desarrollo de tierras. Los conceptos incluyen los relacionados con Civil 3D, as como los relacionados con la ingeniera civil y la topografa en general. No abarca todos los temas o todas las caractersticas de Civil 3D, pero proporciona una base slida que puede utilizar para realizar tareas bsicas. Estos fundamentos pueden servir como un punto de partida para aprender ms habilidades avanzadas y trabajar hacia una comprensin mas profunda de Civil 3D. Quin debera tomar este curso?Este curso esta orientado para cualquier persona que necesite o quiera comenzar a aprender AutoCAD Civil 3D. Es apropiado para edades que van desde estudiantes de ingeniera civil, arquitectura o topografa, hasta la jubilacin en cualquiera de estos mbitos relacionados con infraestructura y construccin, y aunque es para aquellos que no tienen experiencia o habilidad con Civil 3D, tambin puede servir como gran recurso para refrescar su base de conocimiento y/o complementar las bases que se tienen de este programa.Algunos ejemplos especficos de individuos que se beneficiaran al tomar este curso son:Estudiantes que siguen una trayectoria educativa relacionada con el diseo en infraestructura urbanaLos estudiantes universitarios que aprenden a ser diseadores o ingenierosLos empleados que se han incorporado recientemente a una empresa que utiliza Civil 3DLos empleados que trabajan para empresas que han implementado recientemente Civil 3DPersonas que buscan certificarse en el uso de esta herramienta. Usuarios experimentados de Civil 3D que son autodidactas y que quieren optimizar el uso de este programa.Que se cubre en este curso?Este curso est organizado para proporcionarle los conocimientos necesarios para dominar los conceptos bsicos de AutoCAD Civil 3D:Seccion 1: Introduccin breve explicacin sobre alcances, objetivos, temas y formas de trabajar en este curso.Seccion 2: Puntos Como importar puntos topogrficos a Civil 3D y crear grupos de puntos a partir de ellos.Seccion 3: Superficies demuestra cmo crear un modelo del terreno existente del proyecto mientras que se centra en las funciones de superficies de Civil 3D. Este captulo cubre la creacin de una nueva superficie y la adicin de datos a ella para formar un modelo 3D de la condicin antes de la construccin del proyecto(terreno natural, condiciones existentes).Seccion 4: Alineamientos demuestra cmo realizar diseos bsicos en 2D mientras que se centra en las funciones de alineamientos de Civil 3D. Este captulo cubre la creacin de alineamientos, la aplicacin de criterios de diseo y la edicin de alineamientos.Seccion 5: Perfiles demuestra cmo disear el aspecto vertical de una caracterstica lineal mientras que se centra en las funciones de perfiles de Civil 3D. Este captulo cubre la creacin de perfiles, la aplicacin de criterios de diseo y la visualizacin de perfiles en las vistas de perfil.Seccion 6: Corredores demuestra cmo disear un modelo 3D de una caracterstica lineal mientras que se centra en las funciones de corredores de Civil 3D. Esta seccin cubre la creacin de ensambles, creacin y edicin de corredores y superficies de corredores.Seccion 7: Secciones transversales demuestra cmo generar y mostrar secciones transversales de su diseo mientras se centra en las funciones tanto de lneas de muestreo como de secciones de Civil 3D. Este captulo cubre la creacin de lneas de muestreo y crear vistas de seccin con varias fuentes (comparar seccin de diseo con seccion de terreno natural).Seccion 8: Parcelas demuestra cmo disear una lotificacin para un proyecto de desarrollo residencial mientras que se centra en las funciones de parcelas de Civil 3D. Este captulo cubre la creacin y edicin de parcelas.Seccion 9: Redes de tuberas por gravedad demuestra cmo disear sistemas subterrneos de tubera por gravedad (drenaje) para un proyecto, centrndose en las funciones de redes de tuberas de Civil 3D. Este captulo cubre la creacin y edicin de redes de tuberas.Seccion 10: Redes de tuberas a presin demuestra cmo disear sistemas subterrneos de tuberas a presin para un proyecto, centrndose en las funciones de redes de tuberas a presin de Civil 3D. Este captulo cubre la creacin y edicin de redes de tuberas a presin.Seccion 11: Nivelacin de terrenos demuestra cmo disear un modelo de terreno para un proyecto de desarrollo residencial, centrndose en las funciones de lneas caractersticas (feature lines) y de nivelacin (grading) de Civil 3D. Este captulo cubre la creacin y edicin de lneas caractersticas y objetos de nivelacin.Seccion 12: Anlisis de Superficies demuestra cmo realizar anlisis de superficies y como mostrar los resultados, as como acotar diseos de superficies. Este captulo cubre la gestin de mltiples superficies, etiquetado de superficies y anlisis de superficies como hidrolgicos y/o de pendientes."
Price: 1020.00 |
"Crear bloques, tablas y atributos con AutoCAD" |
"Que aprenders en este curso?Este curso cubre las habilidades bsicas y los conceptos necesarios para comenzar a usar AutoCAD para disear proyectos de construccin o manufactura. No abarca todos los temas o todas las caractersticas de AutoCAD , pero proporciona una base slida que puede utilizar para realizar tareas bsicas. Estos fundamentos pueden servir como un punto de partida para aprender ms habilidades avanzadas y trabajar hacia una comprensin mas profunda de AutoCAD . Quin debera tomar este curso?Este curso esta orientado para cualquier persona que necesite o quiera comenzar a aprender AutoCAD. Es apropiado para edades que van desde estudiantes de ingeniera civil, arquitectura, ingeniera industrial o similares, hasta la jubilacin en cualquiera de estos mbitos relacionados con construccin y manufactura y aunque es para aquellos que no tienen experiencia o habilidad con AutoCAD, tambin puede servir como gran recurso para refrescar su base de conocimiento y/o complementar las bases que se tienen de este programa.Algunos ejemplos especficos de individuos que se beneficiaran al tomar este curso son:Estudiantes que siguen una trayectoria educativa relacionada con el diseo en construccin o manufactura.Los estudiantes universitarios que aprenden a ser diseadores o ingenierosLos empleados que se han incorporado recientemente a una empresa que utiliza AutoCADLos empleados que trabajan para empresas que han implementado recientemente AutoCADPersonas que buscan certificarse en el uso de esta herramienta. Usuarios experimentados de AutoCAD que son autodidactas y que quieren optimizar el uso de este programa.Que se cubre en este curso?Este curso est organizado para proporcionarle los conocimientos necesarios para dominar los conceptos bsicos de AutoCAD:Seccion 1: Herramientas de Dibujo explica los comandos de dibujo bsicos 2D dentro de AutoCAD.Seccion 2: Herramientas de Edicin explica los comandos de edicin bsicos dentro de AutoCAD.Seccion 3: Textos, Anotaciones y Capas explica como agregar textos y anotaciones y como gestionar elementos que comparten el mismo espacio por medio de capas dentro de AutoCAD.Seccion 4: Tablas explica como crear tablas y modificar el formato tanto de las celdas como del contenido de cada celda dentro de AutoCAD.Seccion 5: Bloques explica los conceptos bsicos de bloques, los cuales son un conjunto de objetos que podemos reutilizar dentro de AutoCAD.Seccion 6: Bloques Dinmicos y Atributos explica los conceptos de bloques dinmicos, los cuales son un conjunto de objetos que podemos reutilizar dentro de AutoCAD con parmetros que nos permiten utilizarlos y visualizarlos de forma inteligente."
Price: 1020.00 |
"Anlisis y diseo de infraestructura urbana con InfraWorks" |
"Que aprenders en este curso?Este curso cubre las habilidades bsicas y los conceptos necesarios para comenzar a utilizar InfraWorks 360 para disear y presentar propuestas de proyectos de infraestructura urbana. Los conceptos incluyen los relacionados con InfraWorks 360, as como los relacionados con ingeniera civil y topografa en general. No abarca todos los temas o todas las caractersticas de InfraWorks 360, pero proporciona una base slida que puede utilizar para realizar tareas bsicas. Estos fundamentos pueden servir como un punto de partida para aprender habilidades ms avanzadas y trabajar hacia una comprensin ms profunda de InfraWorks 360. Quin debera tomar este curso? Este curso puede ser tomado por cualquier persona que necesite o quiera comenzar a aprender InfraWorks 360. Est diseado para ser utilizado en un ambiente de clase formal, en su oficina u hogar aprendiendo por su cuenta y en todos los lugares intermedios. Es apropiado para edades que van desde estudiantes de alguna carrera relacionada con el rea de construccin hasta personas que ya estn jubiladas en este mbito, y aunque est destinado para aquellos que no tienen ninguna experiencia o habilidad con InfraWorks 360, tambin puede ser til como un gran recurso para actualizar o complementar la base de conocimiento que se tenga de este programa. Aqu hay algunos ejemplos especficos de personas que se beneficiaran al tomar este curso: Cualquier persona involucrada en las etapas de planificacin o diseo preliminar de proyectos de infraestructura o desarrollo de tierras.Estudiantes de arquitectura, ingeniera civil, sistemas de informacin geogrfica o de algo relacionado al rea de construccin que estn en busca de una pista educativa relacionada con el diseo.Empleados que se han unido recientemente a una empresa que utiliza InfraWorks 360Empleados que trabajan para empresas que han implementado recientemente InfraWorks 360Usuarios experimentados de InfraWorks que son autodidactas y que desean llenar vacos en su base de conocimientoUsuarios de Civil 3D ya que ambos programas son compatibles y complementarios entre s.Que se cubre en este curso?Este curso estorganizado para proporcionarle los conocimientos necesarios para dominar losconceptos bsicos de InfraWorks 360:Seccin 1: Introduccin breve explicacin sobrealcances, objetivos, temas y formas de trabajar en este curso.Seccion 2: Creacin de modelos demuestra cmo construir un modelo 3D de las condiciones existentes de terreno dentro del rea de rea de proyecto utilizando el generador de modelos (Model Builder) o datos geoespaciales a los que se tiene acceso. Aprenders sobre sistemas de coordenadas y sobre importacin y configuracin de datos de diversas fuentes.Seccin 3: Creacin de diseos demuestra cmo desarrollar un modelo de InfraWorks agregando elementos y propuestas. Estudiars el diseo de caractersticas principales de InfraWorks como carreteras, coberturas y edificios.Seccin 4: Detallar modelos demuestra cmo agregar detalles y realismo a modelos de InfraWorks al incluir ms elementos. Estudiars puntos de inters, rboles, componentes de agua, barreras, tuberas y mobiliario urbano. Seccin 5: Estilos de visualizacin demuestra cmo aprovechar los estilos para hacer que los elementos de modelos de InfraWorks aparezcan de la manera en la que desamos que se visualicen. Se estudiarn los estilos de material, grupos de materiales, estilos de cobertura, estilos de autopistas, estilos de fachada y reglas de estilo. Seccin 6: Presentacin de modelos demuestra el uso de las herramientas de InfraWorks para presentar ideas de diseo. Se estudiar la parte de visualizacin, configuraciones, capturas de pantalla, representacin de escenas y construccin de guiones grficos. Seccin 7: Anlisis demuestrael uso de herramientas de InfraWorks para responder preguntas sobre su diseo.Se estudiarn las herramientas de medicin, tcnicas de anlisis visual,anlisis de terreno, anlisis de caractersticas y anlisis de luz y sombras. Seccin 8: Colaboracindemuestracmo usar InfraWorks 360 para configurar un entorno de colaboracin y comopublicar informacin para compartir con otros usuarios. Vas a practicar comoconfigurar grupos de InfraWorks 360, publicar modelos y compartir escenarios."
Price: 1020.00 |
"How to become a professional trader for a firm" |
"Do you have a passion in trading?Have you ever thought of trading professionally as a trader at a firm like a bank or a fund? Have you ever thought of putting on million dollar trades in the firms name and making million dollar profits? I am Richard and I am currently working as atrader at an intentionalbank. I have five years of experience and that number of years is just nice for me to teach you how to break into this competitive industry and how to survive your first few months on the trading floor to secure a permanent role as these experiences are still fresh in my memory. I will share with you my own experience as a junior in breaking into the industryand surviving, as well as observing the juniors I have encountered and mentored as I move on to middle management. This course is suitable for you if you are in high school or university and wondering how to break into trading professionally as a trader. Or perhaps you have graduated and working in some other job for a few yearsand realized that you would like to be a trader. Or perhaps you have been trading successfullyas a retail trader and rather than putting on thousand dollar trades, you want to put on million dollar trades. Or perhaps you have ayoung relative like ason or nephewand would like your relative to consider a career in trading.My disclaimer is that my course cannot do wonders. I cannot guarantee that you will get a trading job after taking this course but I can assure you will definitely gain skills and insights that will make you stand out in your jobapplication as a trader. This is not a course which I will teach you trading basics liketechnical or fundamental analysis.You can get that in other courses.I believe that courses should be straight to the point and not waste the audience's time. How much a course charges should be related to how important the content is, and not how long the course is.Hence I have compressed what I feel is important into a one hourcourse. If you want to ask further questions on the content, you are free to send an email to thetraderrichard@gmail.com and I will reply to you within days. There is also a 30 day money back guarantee as per Udemy guidelinesso your downside on signing up for this course is really quite limited. The lecture notes in PDF form can be downloaded at the end of the last lecture."
Price: 19.99 |
"Practicing Architecture in USA" |
"If you are a Foreign Architect who is planning to moveor already moved to the United States, this course will be perfect foryou to understand how to plan for your journeyto work as an Architect inUSA.If you are a Studentwho is studying Architectureor a Graduatewho studied Architecture and is dreaming to pursue yourcareer in Architecture,this course will help you to shape your future.Being a Foreign Architect myself, I was searching forasimilar course while I wasrelocatingto the U.S., to help me to plan for my life, but I did not find the information and I actually lost time & money struggling with understanding how the system works.I spent the last 2 years learning and collecting the informationincluded in this course which I trust thatit will shorten your way andwill save you time &money!!I hope you enjoy the course.I included my contact details at the end of the course ifanyone has a specific query related to a specific situation orneed any furtherclarification for the course contents.Thank you and good luck."
Price: 19.99 |
"Alfabeto de deletreo para RADIOFONIA" |
"El alfabeto de deletreo para RADIOFONA, es un lenguaje de desambiguacin alfabtica utilizado internacionalmente en las radiocomunicaciones de transmisin de voz en la marina y la aviacin, por los servicios civiles de todos los lugares y/o militares en todo el mundo.Profesionales, opositores a los diferentes cuerpos de POLICA, personal de emergencias sanitarias, Vigilantes de Seguridad Privada, Guardas de seguridad de todos los pases, Ambulancias, Cruz Roja, PROTECCIN CIVIL; voluntarios, amateur de las emergencias y seguridad utilizan de mayor o menor manara este alfabeto de deletreo internacional. Los marineros, personal de AVIACIN civil y las empresas de seguridad privada.Demuestra tu nivel de conocimiento del alfabeto de deletreo en tu CV., tu dominio, son tus conocimientos extras y aptitudes que a la empresa sin duda le interesa."
Price: 149.99 |
"IT Networking Fundamentals - Packet Switching" |
"IT Networking or Computer Networks is an exciting field to work, they use Packet Switching for information communication, but have you ever wondered how exactly Computer Networks or IT Networking actually works on Packet Switching ?This course teaches you outside the conventional 'text book teaching' of one of THE important foundations in IT Networking / Computer Networks, that is Packet Switching. The same underlying technology that runs the Internet and its networks.IT Networking / Computer Networks is the dominant communication technology in our connected world, their use of Packet Switching replaced the legacy switching technologies like Circuit Switching ( Telephone Networks ) and Message Switching ( Telegraph Networks ), with that move, IT Networking / Computer Networks evolved to a state where they have become an integral part of our lives.Information travels in the form of IP Packets in Computer Networks, all core concepts of Packet Switching are explained with simple animations and scenarios showing traffic flows in sample Computer Networks. Care has been taken to ensure the concepts can be understood with ease, even students without IT Networking / Computer Networks background can find this course engaging and simple.Also, you'll be introduced to the information encoding standards, binary systems and briefly to the TCP/IP Model."
Price: 4800.00 |
"Kettlebell Strength Training 101 For Runners and Triathletes" |
"Keep it simple, master the basics, and reap the benefits with this powerful Kettlebel program starting today.As a Triathlete youre probably deeply in love with the Sports.Coming to think about it, you could probably swim, cycle and run the entire day and consider it a day great spent.Im the same way.A beautiful day of cycling as wind breezes over my skin in the nature is what Id always choose over a boring gym sessionHowever, as a Coach committed to your best interests, Im fully aware of the fact that strength training is crucial.Running with a painful knee is no fun, and if youre serious about longevity and vitality my Kettlebell strength program presents the perfect solution uniquely tailored to your specific needs and requirements.Its so simple it will only take 30 minutes of your time per session, with 3 trainings per week required in order to enjoy the immense, powerful benefits!Oh and did I fail to mention youll require minimum equipment and that the Program is extremely easy to follow?Forget all about wasting money on gym membership and start saving those pennies for aero wheels with my top quality course that will provide you with everything you need in order to succeed! JWhy would you follow my Program?Frankly, we can all agree that most strength programs are highly complicated. A huge number of exercises, technicalities and lack of real action is one of the things that come to mindWe all want something we can do anytime, anywhere, without having to do too much thinking.In order to assist you in getting the most fun, benefits and enjoyment out of your Exercise program while minimizing your expenditures I have utilized the full extent of my experience and cherry picked the best, easiest to learn and most beneficial exercises for you to follow.Enjoy feeling powerful benefits of exercising every major muscle, including: lats, chest and shoulders for swim, quads, glutes, hamstrings and calves for run and cycle as well as the core to assist you in transferring the power efficiency and keep a good form.The best of all is the exercises are incredibly easy to learn and incredibly beneficial at emphasizing your core stability and posture that will improve your endurance and stamina during sport specific performances.I look forward to growing together with you.Regards,Leszek"
Price: 19.99 |
"Excel para negocios: Bsico hasta avanzado" |
"Alguna vez te has preguntado cmo empresas usan excel en el manejo de sus datos?Este curso persigue que los estudiantes adquieran destrezas en el uso de Excel, pero con un enfoque orientado a los negocios.Al finalizar el curso, podrs crear archivos tales como: Nminas, informes financieros, grficos estadsticos, presupuestos y todo documento relacionado con hojas de cculo . Este curso va desde los conocimientos ms bsicos del programa hasta llegar al nivel avanzado. He diseado este curso de Excel para que todo principiante pueda crear archivos de hojas de calculo, por lo que te garantizamos un aprendizaje amplio y rpido.Al final de curso tendrs disponible una serie de repositorios web para que puedasalcanzar el nivel avanzado de este programa. Vamos!"
Price: 69.99 |
"Adobe Photoshop CC para PrincipiantesBsico hasta EXPERTO" |
"Sin duda alguna photoshop es el programa de retoque y manipulacin de fotografa digital ms usado en el mundo. En este curso podrs dominar esta potente herramienta de diseo y fotografa de una manera fcil y sencilla. Ms que un recopilatorio de videos tutoriales sacados de youtube, este curso persigue que domines en su totalidad la interfaz grfica del programa y las herramientas de photoshop. Cada seccin del curso incluye casos prcticos, enlaces de inters y recomendaciones aplicadas al mundo real. A modo de bonificacin en el curso conocers las principales plataformas en lnea para generar ingreso como fotgrafo o diseador FreeLancer (diseador/ fotgrafo independiente). Como Adobe certificado experto conozco muy bien el poder de photoshop y te invito a que me acompaes en esta aventura donde te convertiras en experto de photoshop. Nos vemos en clase . :)"
Price: 199.99 |
"QlikSense Developer Data Visualization Analytics Certificate" |
"Learn the essentials of QlikSense through this step-by-step tutorial. This course takes you through the basics of QlikSense, how to integrate your application with different data sources, manage data, build visualizations and sheets and share your insights with visual Data Stories!..Learn to build a QlikSense App from scratch!..Learn some of the most common mistakes made when building building sheets and visualizations....Forget about reports and presentations, learn more about Data StorytellingThe course contains training materials, where you can practice, apply your knowledge and build an app from scratch. The training materials are provided in an Excel file that you can download to your computer. Each module also ends with a short quiz and there is a final quiz at the end of the course.After completion of this course, you will receive a certificate of completion.Good luck and hope you enjoy the course.Pre-requisites:Basic knowledge of Business Intelligence and Visualization.Some experience with Visualization tools would be helpful, but not required.Course content:The course consists of the following modules:Introduction, Installation and SetupData Loading - Basic Concepts (Data Load Editor, Data Manager, Data Model Viewer)Data Loading - Exercise 1-2Sheet Visualizations - VisualizationsSheet Visualizations - Expressions and variablesSheet Visualizations - Best practices sheet designSheet Visualizations - Exercise 1-10Data Storytelling - Presenting InsightsData Storytelling - PublishingData Storytelling - Exercise 1-2Final QuizWho should follow this course?Students that want to learn the basics of QlikSenseBusiness Analysts and Designers who are already familiar with other visualization tools and want to learn QlikSense.Managers considering using QlikSense within their organization."
Price: 19.99 |
"TIBCO Cloud Spotfire Data Visualization and Analytics" |
"Learn the essentials of TIBCO Cloud Spotfire 7.13 through this step-by-step tutorial. This course takes you through the basics of TIBCO Spotfire, how to integrate your application with different data sources, manage data, build visualizations and sheets and share your insights in TIBCO Cloud!..Learn to build dashboards with TIBCO Spotfire 7.13 from scratch!..Learn some of the most common mistakes made when building building sheets and visualizations....Share your insights with your team and publish your dashboard to TIBCO Cloud!The course contains training materials, where you can practice, apply your knowledge and build an app from scratch. The training materials are provided in an Excel file that you can download to your computer. Each module also ends with a short quiz and there is a final quiz at the end of the course.After completion of this course, you will receive a certificate of completion.Good luck and hope you enjoy the course.Pre-requisites:Basic knowledge of Business Intelligence and Visualization.Some experience with Visualization tools would be helpful, but not required.Course content:The course consists of the following modules:Introduction, Installation and SetupData Loading - Load Data from a Local File/Database ConnectionData Loading - ExercisesBuild Dashboards- VisualizationsBuild Dashboards - ExercisesSharing Insights - Presenting Insights with TIBCO CloudSharing Insights - ExercisesFinal QuizWho should follow this course?Students that want to learn the basics of TIBCO SpotfireBusiness Analysts and Designers who are already familiar with other visualization tools and want to learn TIBCO Spotfire.Managers considering using TIBCO Spotfire within their organization."
Price: 19.99 |
"Narrative Cinema For The Startup Filmmaker" |
"Want to be a filmmaker, but dont know where to start? Thats perfectly alright! When I started, I didnt either! Now, five years and about 50 shorts later, Ive had the honor of having my work screened in the Chinese Theater in Los Angeles, and at Times Square in New York City! My name is Matthew Manyak, a short filmmaker with a dream, and the drive to pursue that dream.In this course, I will teach you the fundamentals of what you need to know to get started, as well as go into detail about the various elements of the filmmaking process. Starting with how to bring the idea of a cinematic story from your head to a fully-fledged script, to translating that script to a cohesive production shoot, curtailing it through the process of post-production, and getting it to your target audience."
Price: 29.99 |
"SAP Analysis for Office, plug-in Analysis para Planificacin" |
"En nuestro curso Analysis for Office, plug-in Analysis para Planificacin explicamos detalladamente,para que como consultor en SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation SAP BPC 10.1 Embedded o SAP BW-IP (Integrated Planning) domines el procedimiento para crear soluciones basadas en estas plataformas. En esta formacin no tan solo abordamosel plug-in Analysis, tambin explicamos lo que debesdefinir y revisar en SAP BW, SAP BW-IP y en el diseador de consultas Query Designer.Al finalizar la formacin, el usuario ser capaz de construir formularios en Analysis for Office y definir los objetos necesarios en la capa SAP BW/IP para desarrollar un proyecto de planificacin o similares, que requieran vas de entrada de datos."
Price: 39.99 |
"Ultimate step-by-step survey creation guide for all levels" |
"So you have been tasked with creating a survey for your company, course or community! You want to get the most out of it and impress everyone on how quickly you managed to deliver something powerful! Before you go on to buying a subscription on SurveyGizmo and SurveyMonkey, you should take a step back and think what you want to do as a business/group, what you want to learn, and then how you can learn (which method to use) to get the best knowledge which you can then share with others and action upon!Why? Because if you dont think about these things, you will end up making a whole lot of errors that will give you less respondents, bad quality of responses or even answers to questions that dont help you or are irrelevant and misleading, and then you will have done all this effort for nothing, wasting time and money and possibly missing out on important deadlines!Let me help you get trustworthy data from as many respondents as possible, with as less hassle and stress as possible!Enrol in this course to get professional advice and knowledge accumulated from hundreds of challenging survey projects for the worlds leading organisations!I will teach you how to structure the perfect survey, use the appropriate questions, collect as many responses as possible, and receive quality responses to uncover actionable insight!Need to learn how to build a survey within a day to keep up with a looming deadline? This course is perfect for you as it can get you there in a day! The pace of the course is not slow, no useless gaps between useful stuff, Im not faffing to just make the videos last longer without offering any value!Please not that this course is about building surveys, rather than filling them out to make money!VERY QUICKLY and WITHOUT WASTING ANY TIME you will be able to:Use the right research methods (DOING THE RIGHT THING) and perfectly structure a surveyAsk the best questions using the most appropriate formatMake it easy for people to fill in your survey and minimise drop outsGet as many participants as possibleGet quality responses that lead to useful, meaningful, ACTIONABLE insightMake your survey as cost-effective as possible, streamlining incentive costsBe confident you are DOING THE THING RIGHT and avoid wasting time in useless activitiesImpress your manager / colleagues / team members / fellow studentsand you can always jump into specific parts of the course to jog your memory on specific lessons that you might need when designing/launching your survey!WHO will benefit from this course:Working for a startup or a larger organisation, you have been tasked for the first time ever to create and manage a survey for customers/employees/the general public and you want to quickly know the survey best practices to be able to deliver the best results that will take your company forward.You are a student or member of team/club/community, and you want to learn how to design and execute a survey without falling for any of the common pitfalls and make everyone happy.You have already run some survey(s) and want to improve the quality of data, your response rates, learn how to keep people filling in your surveys through time, increase the value of collected data (i.e. get more relevant, actionable results)."
Price: 44.99 |