"All You Need to Know About ServiceNow Administration" |
"This is a beginner level training course for ServiceNow. With a duration of more than 10 hours, split into 10 sections, the course covers the topics which are required for ServiceNow admin certification.For the instructions in this training course, latest Jakarta Version is used and whole training will be in latest UI 16.All topics starting from table creation to building a workflow is covered in this course. An in-depth knowledge is provided at places wherever required, like Service Catalogs.After completing this course and having good knowledge over the topics taught in this course, i believe, you will be able to complete the admin certification in ServiceNow with little preparation.I have started the training from the basics, so, even if you are not aware of all the ITIL concepts, you will be able to understand this course on ServiceNow. But, having knowledge of IT principles would be helpful.Once you successfully complete this course, you should be able to:Get knowledge on configuring processes from scratchHave Knowledge on ServiceNow platform to complete the ServiceNow System Administrator Certification ExamComprehend the Admin activities in ServiceNowUnderstand Basic ITSM ProcessesUnderstand the Basic User Interface and Navigation in ServiceNowCreate Tables, Fields, Form Layouts, ViewsUnderstand the core working of ServiceNow - Tables and RecordsCreate and Administer Users, Groups and RolesUnderstand Different Types of Dictionaries/FieldsImport Data into ServiceNow TablesConfigure Application Menus and ModulesUnderstand Basic Configurations - UI Policies, Client Scripts, UI Actions, Business RulesCreate Security rules (ACL) to restrict user accessDefine Service Level Agreements in ServiceNowBuild Service Catalog Items, Record Producers and Order GuidesBuild Workflow to automate processes.Create different Reports and add them on to Dashboards in ServiceNowHave a clear idea on Knowledge ManagementTrigger Email Notifications and EventsMigrate Customizations from one instance to Other through Update SetsI always believe in student satisfaction, if you have any question on ServiceNow, feel free to post your Question in the Q&A section, I will surely respond :)"
Price: 5760.00 |
"All You Need to Know About REST Integration In ServiceNow" |
"This is an Intermediatelevel training course for ServiceNow. With a duration of more than 3hours, split into 5sections, the course covers the topics which are required for REST integrationFor the instructions in this training course, latest Kingston Version is used and whole training will be in latest UI16.All topics starting from table creation to building a RESTMessages and triggering them is covered in this course. An in-depth knowledge is provided at places wherever required.After completing the course, you will be able to configure REST integrations between two systems fro the scratch, via Table API or import API.Basic knowledge on scripting is recommended.I highly recommend that the student has basic knowledge on Administration, especially table creation, Business rules, UIActions, Import sets and Transform Maps."
Price: 5760.00 |
"ServiceNow Certified System Administration Test - CSA -Oct18" |
"This course is mainly for giving the students an idea on how the ServiceNow admin exam is. This is not the real certification exam, but, just a mock test.This course contains 315 questions on ServiceNow Administration covering almost every topicrequired in the CSA exam.Real ServiceNow Certified System Administration consists of 60 questions delivered in a 90-minute period. 70% is required to pass the exam.In this mock test, each mock test has 63 questions, which have to be completed in 90 minutes. The minimum percentage to pass a test is 75%.Remember - real exam will have 60 questions to be completed in 90 minutes. Pass percentage is 70.This course is purely focused on the Mock Test, but not the Admin Training. If you are looking for ServiceNow Admin Training, I have a special course for it. Check that outThe topics which are covered in thesemock tests areSection 1: User Interface & Navigation1) Understand the key UI components of ServiceNow2) Know how users are organized in ServiceNow, including how they are added to the platform and access different areas3) Explore lists and forms, as well as their respective features4) Identify the importance of branding, as well as how to apply it to the platformSection 2: Collaboration1) Identify practices related to task management, including features/functionality available to leverage2) Know what notifications are and what they are used forSection 3: Database Administration1) Understand the database schema2) Know how to protect data in ServiceNow with Access Control Rules3) Know how to populate the database by using Import Sets4) Identify how to utilize a configuration management database and why Section 4: Service Automation1) Identify how Service Level Agreements are used2) Explore the Service Catalog and its components3) Understand what the Flow Designer and Workflows are and why they are used4) Know about the Knowledge Base and its content creation process5) Understand basic reporting and the benefits of performance analytics Section 5: Intro to Scripting & Application Tools1) Identify various script types available in the platform and what they enable2) Know what Update Sets are and how they are used3) Understand an overview of application development and general guidelines"
Price: 19.99 |
"Herbalism: How to Create Tinctures, Salves, and Poultices" |
"Have you always been fascinated by the healing power of herbs? Are you interested in learning the basics of plant medicine and how to make your own herbal concoctions? Then this course is for you!In this course you will learn:The history of HerbalismIntroduction to HerbalismSpecific naturalmedicine making techniques used by herbalist world wideBasic skills and techniques for incorporating herbs into your daily routineBy the end of this course you will be able to make your own herbal tinctures, salves, poultices,glycerites and more. You will have a generalunderstanding of the basis of herbal medicine and where to obtain quality herbs and roots for your medicine making."
Price: 44.99 |
"Natural Beauty: How to Create Natural Skincare Face Oils" |
"Have you always wanted to make natural skin-loving face oils? Are you interested in learning the foundation skills and techniques of making natural skincare? Do you want to know how to use carrier oils and essential oils to create these valuable natural beauty products? Then this course is for you! In this course you will learn:Differences between natural face oils and serumsUnderstand the different skin personalities and how to determine your skin personalityChemical structure of carrier oils and how to formulate targeted healing face oils In depth understanding of fifteen carrier oils and their healing propertiesIn depth understanding of sixteen key essential oils and their healing properties Understand how to create face oils specific to your skin's personalityStep by step Instruction on creating your own targeted face oils for your skin personalityBy the end of this course you will be able to make your own face oils using essential oils, and carrier oils for everyday health and wellness. You will have a general understanding of the how to create face oils that are perfect for you skins' unique needs.Basic equipment needs for the coursePipetteBeakersMeasuring Cups (Glass)Measuring Spoon SetGlovesFunnelAmber Glass Bottles w/pipette"
Price: 114.99 |
PPT(PowerPoint) |
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso de desenho realista volume 1 - Aprendendo do ZERO" |
"Aprenda a fazer Desenho Realista do zero sem sair de casa. Curso voltado para quem no tem conhecimento na rea do desenho realista, e tambm para quem j trabalha com desenhos.Neste volume o contedo dividido em 5 aulas, o contedo passado de forma simples direta e didtica para facilitar a aprendizagem.acompanhamento do seu desenvolvimento e espao parasanar suas dvidas. Com um Frum exclusivo para tirar dvidas dos participantes do curso, assim voc apoderar ter acesso a dvidas de outros participantes.Os participantes podero contar com exerccios prticos, e uma apostila exclusiva. O acesso vitalicio, ou seja voc poder acessar quando quiser, o contedo do curso est disponvel para celular tambm!Durao: 2 Horas Aulas:1 Os materiais,2 Esboo,3 como fazer dentes,4 Como fazercabelos pretos5 fazendo um desenho passo a passoNa aula 5 foi feitoum desenho Passo a passo mostrando como trabalhar luz, sombra, profundidade e textura, Falando os pontos mais importantes e mostrando como esfumaar e trabalhar com o lpis para seu desenho ganhar realismo."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de desenho realista volume 2 - Trabalhando texturas" |
"Durao: 3 horas.Aulas:1 Os materiais2 Esboo3 Desenhando passo a passo.Na aula 3 foi feito um desenho de uma criana de pele negra, Sendo explicado como fazer algumas texturas na pele, E como trabalhar a sombra e luz de forma que o desenho fique realista, Ainda explicado como usar o Boleador e como fazer cabelos crespos. Nesta aula a principal funo foi mostrar como fazer o esfumaado de forma correta, E como trabalhar com os lpis para que o desenho tome uma proporo realista. Tocando em pontos de alta importncia para que o desenhista aprenda a fazer Desenhos Realistas."
Price: 39.99 |
"Como publicar seu aplicativo ou jogo na Apple Store do zero" |
"Aprenda como publicar seu aplicativo ou jogo na Apple Store sem precisar de terceiros. Mtodo super simples.Aprenda a criar uma renda passiva de R$9000 que nem Claudio Souza Mattos conseguiu publicando seus aplicativos e jogos na Apple Store.Trabalhe de casa, no confortode seu home office ou cama e seja dono do seu prprio negcio.Eu lhe ensinarei desde cadastrar seu apple id, se filiar Apple como desenvolvedor a como configurar o projeto a fim de poder submete-lo a Appstore.Tudo isso passo-a-passo, bem auto-explicativo. Compartilho na tela segredos que eu uso e sites que iro lhe auxiliar muitissimo bem!Step by Step1- Pre-requisitos para submeter seu aplicativo2- Como se criar o seu apple id e Como se filiar como desenvolvedor3- Como gerar os certificados digitais4- Como baixar os programas necessarios5- Como buscar codigos fontes j criados e modifica-los6- Como configurar o jogo para publicar na Apple Store7- Hora de publicar seu jogo ou aplicativoSe voc quer submeter seu primeiro app ou game para a AppStore, este curso ser pea chave em seu sucesso.Aproveite!!!"
Price: 39.99 |
"How to deploy an app or game on Apple Store in less than 2h" |
"Learn how to publish your application or game to the Apple Store without needing a third party consultant support, learn by yourself. Super simple method.Learn to create a passive income of $ 7000 dollars per monththatClaudio Souza Mattos achievedmanagingto publish their applications and games on the Apple Store since 2010.Work from home from yourhome office or bed and start your own business.I will teach you how to register your apple id, join Apple as a developer, and how to configure the project so that you can submit it to Appstore.All this in astep-by-step, easy to understand videos...self-explanatory.I will give you valuable tips to earn money publishing apps on AppStore.Step-by-Step:1- Introduction: Pre-requisites2- How to create your apple id3- How to join as a developer4- How to generate the digital certificates5- How to download the necessary programs6- How to search source codes already created and modify them7- How to set up the game to publish to the Apple Store8- Time to publish your game or applicationIf you want to submit your veryfirst app or game to the AppStore, this is course will be key part in your success.Enjoy!!!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Oracle Applications R12 Advanced Pricing" |
"Oracle Advanced Pricing is a rules-based application with an engine component to accommodate or serve the pricing requirements of Oracle applications to price customer transactions. Like pricing calculation in Sales orders, Service contracts etc., Creation of Price lists, Qualifiers, Modifiers and applying these in transactions and pricing engine calculation of final unit price in detailed will be explained in this session. Having Knowledge of Pricing concepts we can create or get the business requirements and implement the solutions in the system. This course will have detailed demonstration will lab sessions and also the same document will be attached in each session. You can download the session video and also the setup lab document for your reference."
Price: 19.99 |
"Oracle Application R12 iProcurement Training" |
"Oracle iProcurement functionality provides the essentials for the ordering portion of the procurement process that is catalog content management, requisitioning, purchase order creation, and receiving orders.Oracle iProcurement gives employees an intuitive web-shopping interface that is instantly familiar to anyone who has shopped online. Powerful search features and logically grouped online stores lead users to the products and services they need. Requesters can place and track orders from any web browser. Procurement card (or P-Card) is a corporate credit card issued to an employee or a supplier P-Card issued against a supplier. The purpose of either the employee or supplier P-Card is to enable the employee to purchase items directly from a supplier. P-Cards can be assigned to requisitions in iProcurement only. After the requisition is created in iProcurement, a purchase order or release is generated in Purchasing by either the PO Create Documents workflow or by you using AutoCreate in Purchasing.P-Card purchase orders are approved and transmitted to the supplier like any other purchase order Upon receiving the purchase order, the supplier transmits the procurement card details to the procurement card issuer. The credit card issuer then sends transaction files back to Oracle Payables, which automatically generates accounting details and creates invoices to pay the issuer."
Price: 19.99 |
"Oracle Applications R12 Receivables Training" |
"Receivables will generate transactions from manually and data imported using AutoInvoice from some applications like OM, Project etc., These transactions can be Invoice, Credit Memo, Debit Memo, Deposit, Guarantee and Charge back. Once the transaction is created it has to be completed and then recognize the revenue, This will be performed by scheduling Revenue Recognition program by scheduling it are running it separately. Then we can create receipts in batches are individually, these can be applied against an invoice."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn everything you need to playdrums like a pro in a simple, correct and fast way.You'll learn to play the most essential grooves (Pop, Rock, Funk, Blues Shuffle, Jazz),drum rudiments (Single & Double Stroke Roll, Paradiddles, All the rolls chart, Flam, and many others), read and write a drum score (It's very important for a musician to be able to read and write a drum score), play in a drum track (It's a good way to aplly the rhythm that you study and check if it worksfine)and much more."
Price: 19.99 |
"Automao de Testes com Selenium WebDriver em Java" |
"Neste treinamento te ensinarei como criar seus scripts usando a biblioteca Selenium WebDriver usando a linguagem de programao Java.Voc aprender o que o Selenium WebDriver, como configur-lo em seu computador,quais so os desafios e prticas relacionadas a atividade de automao de testes e, de fato, automatizar testes em uma aplicao real, criada exclusivamente para este treinamento.Veremos tambm caractersticas bem atuais, como, por exemplo, a forma de execuo dos testes via linha de comando e a execuo deles na nuvem. um treinamento bastante enxuto e que vai diretamente ao ponto principal que a sua compreenso da biblioteca e a mentalidade de algum que sabe o que e o porqueautomatizar algo.Criaremos nossoprojeto em JavausandoIntelliJIDEA e Maven em um computador com sistema operacional Mac OS X, mas todos os passos que diferem entreesse sistema operacional e outros comoWindows e Linux sero apresentados em cada vdeo."
Price: 279.99 |
"How to Become a UK Police Officer" |
"This course will give you the most up-to-date information and tactics that one day course providers struggle to achieve. From the best selling author of: How To Pass The Police Officer Selection Process - Available via Amazon WHY THIS COURSE WILL HELP YOU PASS! This course is proven to help better candidates chances of becoming a police officer. Our instructor has helped 1000s of aspiring police officers to date - no more need to attend an expensive one day course and then lose the valuable information. How to complete the application form the correct way (and the only way you should do it), in order to ensure success the first time around.The key and little-known areas of the pre-release material that you need to study and what most applicants miss when using it to prepare. The new core competencies and how you MUST use them to match the assessment criteria THROUGHOUT the police selection process.Examples of the Police Tests learn how to pass each assessment with ease using proven methods.Role play exercises, how to approach and pass them, key information from an ex police officer.The Competency Based Police Interview, including real sample questions that you can use to secure your role in the police service.Candidates who pass the police officer selection process have a thorough understanding of how they are going to be assessed. They have an exact understanding of how to match the core competencies at every stage of the process.If you want to pass the application process, then this intensive police course will demonstrate how to succeed. Unlike 1 day courses offered by some competitors this course allows you to progress at your own pace, review and replay key information and return to it time and time again. Having delivered courses for a major provider of ""How To Become"" style recruitment information courses, our instructor has taught in excess of 3500 people over a 10 year period with great success. This course teaches the new updated police officer core competencies and shows all candidates what they MUST be doing to PASS"
Price: 34.99 |
"The Onion Routing (TOR) Inside In Arabic" |
"Ever been curious about the Darkweb & Deepweb ?Want To learn How To Access The Deep Web?Want To Secure Your System and Protect Your Privacy On the Deep Web?Whatever you want to get out of the Deep Web/Dark Net. This Course Has Impressive things You Will Ever Need To Know About The Deep Web/Dark Net.This course is designed to clarify you how the tor network actually works, how the circuits are designed inside the tor network, how the tor network is safe. These questions are what people wonder about most.The Course will help you with tips to surfing securely, either surfing legally or illegally.This course will ensure your safety and security from the threats posed on the Deep Web Dark NetThis course is targeted at anyone who wants to get started with using the Deep Web in a safe,and secure manner. Even if you are a complete beginner, or someone who has a little experience with the Deep Web but no confidence or have a sense of insecurity, You are in the right place."
Price: 34.99 |
"Learn Laravel 5.5 From Scratch" |
"We will beusing version 5.5 of laravel, covering a couple of features, the easiest ones as we go, until you cope with the framework, then at last there will be a whole section which consists of all available features of 5.5 versionWhy to use laravel ?Using a framework like laravelis obligating you to follow a predefined standard of coding and structure which is MVC, So it's saving time for you if you are working on a team it will be one simple structure to code easier.each lecture touches on a new feature of the Laravel technology, we will be diving into the laravel core . We will build a basic blog website where you will learn how routing works, how database is integrated, forms, authentication, security and much more. most of the documentation is within the course. You will also benefit by taking the information I teach and try to apply it to your own custom website. Start small and if structured correctly, you will be able to keep adding more to your application easily."
Price: 129.99 |
"Advanced Blogger With Sentinel & Laravel 5.5" |
"If you're ready to take your web development skills to the next level, then you have come to the right place!In this course we'll learn Laravel 5.5 by building an advanced blogger , we will be using Sentinel to control all of the authentication process. This course is using a project driven approach to learn Laravel and here what we'll learn in this course.Learn how to setup application layout . Display all published posts with pagination- Show the blog post with SEO friendly url, show the users's profile , user's posts ,and update your profile as well. Display the tags that assigned to the posts ,assign multiple tags to one post and display popular tags . you will learn how to assign posts /comment/reply likes,approve posts ,edit and delete posts ,comments and replies -listing archives at the sidebar by using composer-reset users password using email or security question -change users password -two factor authentication -users and admin middle wares-users' account activation -In this course you'll learn about database migration, eloquent relationship, route model binding and much more. Who is the target audience? This course is meant for students already familiar with the basics of HTML, PHP and have basic understanding of MVC and want to level up their development skills by building real life projectThis course is ideal for students who has basic of Laravel or other MVC Framework"
Price: 199.99 |
"Spring Boot Microservices with JPA" |
"This course is a practical course which explains how to realise a microservice infrastructure in order to realise a full-stack web application composed by a ""framework-less"" Single Page Application and two restful Spring Bootmicroservices interacting with each other and with two different databases thanks to the implementation of the JPA (Java Persistence Api).You'll have the basis to generate fastly a microservice infrastructure, to organise your application using different layers according to the ""SOLID"" principle and following the MVC pattern.You will have the instrument to organise your communication protocols using simple and effective rules, to implement restful web services which communicate with Json Messages.This is course has the same topic of the italian course Sviluppo Web a Microservizi con Java Spring Boot e Ajax"" so it can easily considered as its English version. The example developed is different but with the same topics: microservices, Spring Boot, JPA and Rest calls."
Price: 34.99 |
"Sviluppo web a microservizi REST con Java Spring boot e AJAX" |
"Questo corsofornisceuna panoramica generale sui microservizi e permette allo studente di effettuarel'implementazione pratica di una web application composta da due microservizi utilizzandoSpring Boot, il design pattern MVC,i servizi REST e l'accesso ai database.L'applicazione sar messa in sicurezza utilizzandoi Json Web Token, una nuova tecnologia che sta lentamente sostituendo i cookies per l'implementazione degli accessi con credenziali.Nel corso sono utilizzatele Java Persistence Api (JPA) che utilizzano Hibernateper l'accesso al database.Impareremo come implementare il Data Binding con Spring e come validare i dati in due modi, sia con Spring Validator che attraverso lavalidazione JSR-303.Impareremo a strutturare le nostre applicazioni attraverso un packaging corretto che tenga conto dei vari layer di cui composta l'applicazione.Impareremo a strutturare correttamente le nostre applicazioni, utilizzando i controller, i service, i dao e le utility,attraverso una suddivisione dei compiti, secondo il""Single Responsibility Principle"".Testeremo il funzionamento dei microservizi passo passo durante lo sviluppo utilizzando Postman.Verr sviluppata un'interfaccia front-end per la fruizione integratadi tali servizi, utilizzando AJAX e JQuery, sviluppando in tal modo una Single Page Application ""framework-less"", spiegando come gestire i messaggi JSON ottenuti in seguito alle chiamate asincrone ai microservizi realizzati.I microservizi saranno in ascolto su porte di comunicazione differenti, risponderanno a specifici url-path e saranno in comunicazione tra di loro grazie all'oggetto RestTemplate.Realizzeremo quindi, un sistema intercomunicante: l'interfaccia comunicher con i microservizi tramite chiamate REST e i microservizi comunicheranno tra di loro tramite le stesse chiamate REST malato back-end.I microservizi possederanno ciascuno una base di dati: il primo utilizzer un in-memory database (H2), il secondo utilizzer un databaseMySQL realizzato nel corso attraverso lo stack opensourceXAMPP.Useremo le application.properties per configurare la porta di comunicazione e la connessione al database dei nostri microservizi.Impareremo ad utilizzare l'interfaccia CommandLineRunner() di Spring Boot per effettuare delle operazioni preventive lato server."
Price: 34.99 |
"Adobe Photoshop CC- MASTERCLASS for aspiring professionals" |
"The true MASTERCLASS of Photoshop with 24 Hours of videos for serious learners.You must consider the length of the course, everything is explained in details and you will need the patience to complete this course.This course is designed for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS, but only those who want to learn it with great details, and I strongly believe that at the end of this course you want to use these skills as a Professional.What will you learn? 1. The basics of Photoshop, Navigation, Brushes, Selection 2. To use 25 main tools and over 60 variants of the same 3. Camera Raw Editing - The true professionals do 50% of editing with Camera Raw. 4. Adobe Bridge, complete guide - Save over 30% time in organising and maintaining 1000s of images5. Layers - The details of layers will give you a cutting edge as a Photoshop artist 6. Non Destructive Image Adjustment methods7. To create special effects with actual PSD files for better understanding.8. Masking, women's hair or a furry soft toy; you can make it transparent9. Add Text effects that challenge even the professionals 10. Edit videos and add all the magical colour correction to videos too. (Needs Photoshop CC for this) 11. Type - you will be able to create layouts from business card to a newspaper page. 12. You will get the benefits of my 20+ years of experience to add efficiency to talent. Simple Retouching imagesIn this section you will learn special techniques to retouch portraits, Removing spots from the face, making skin silky smooth without losing natural texture, add makeup, change the colour of eyes. Bleach yellow teeth.The techniques and sequence of the topic are arranged to transform you from a Student to a Professional. The length of this course is massive compared to most of the other courses, it's over 24 hours, but that should not bother you, You can choose how far you want to go, what level of expertise you want to achieve, You want to learn to have fun with image editing for your Facebook post, or you want to develop skills as a creative professional and charge good money for your skills, or super shine at your job interview. Moreover, you will need this course even in future as a reference guide, all professionals need that, Anyone claiming that you will learn Photoshop in x days is an absolute lie. There are over 20 challenging PSD project files included - All those are backed up by video explanations layer by layer. Initially, these projects look like an impossible task, only to surprise you to see that it's just a magical secret that very few are aware of. You will need Adobe Photoshop CC installed on your system. CS6 can be used with very few limitations The course is recorded on Windows-based PCYou need to understand the basics of computer as a common user You do NOT need Any 3rd party plug-ins Any prior experience with Photoshop Any other software than Photoshop"
Price: 199.99 |
"Practical Hands-on Guide for Amazon Alexa Skill Development" |
"Get Meta & Practical Knowledge on Building Voice Interfaces (VUIs) / Conversational InterfacesSuitable for Beginners & Power UsersDevelopersProject ManagersMarketersCourse HighlightsGet an understanding of Lambda, Lex, Polly, S3 & moreUtilize Alexa Skills Kit v2 using Node.js 8.10Build an Introductory Skill (for Reading out Quotes)Create an Advanced Skill using Third Party APIs (Google Maps)Get the fundamental understanding of how all pieces fit together and how a Virtual Personal Assistant works--Why this course?There is a shift happening in the way we as a species communicate with machines. With the advent of Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple Siri, and Microsoft Cortana, the focus on Voice User Interfaces or Voice Activated Conversational Interfaces is rapidly increasing.This ever changing world presents a threat to the way we operate, especially when we do not understand it. A more AI aware world might be years away, but if we learn how to talk to and control the machines then we grow collectively.--The ""Real"" Goal for this courseYes, Amazon Alexa and similar voice activated interfaces look and sound pretty cool. You can use the extensive documentation available with each interface to build out the skills.However, just learning the syntax of a particular system is not enough. To mature as an individual, you need to gain the foundational skills on how these interfaces operate, and be technology agnostic when it comes to building these conversational interfaces.The real goal of this course is to get you competent enough to understand the complexities that go behind designing and creating the voice user interfaces, so that you can immediately assess how different pieces of the puzzle fit together.--Practical Implementation of the Real GoalNo matter how much of the fundamental knowledge you have, if you are unable to put it to practice, then usually it is of no real value.This course not only focuses on getting you ahead of others in understanding how a voice user interface works, but helps you build your very own uber cool personal assistant using Amazon Alexa, that can do what you can make it do.Building a personal assistant using Alexa Custom Skills is just one of the techniques, and you will learn very soon that you can design a variety of interfaces through the knowledge that you gain.Amazon has always been ahead of the game in terms of building voice interfaces, and you will be able to understand how you can leverage what Amazon has to offer to get you to communicate with machines effectively.--What will you learn?By using Amazon Alexa, and building a Voice Activated Personal Assistant, you will gain the following:Understand what is Amazon Alexa and its ecosystemWhat are Voice Interaction Models, and how they can help you build a better and reliable voice interfaceKnow the technologies that work behind a voice activated interfaceUse Amazon Services such as Lambda, S3, CloudWatch, & IAM and how they interact with each otherDeconstruct an Alexa Skill, and get clarity on what are Intents, Slots, and UtterancesDevelop with Node.js 8.10 and Alexa Skills Kit SDK v2 to build a personal assistant that responds to your queriesConnect with Third Party APIs and process information, use asynchronous requests, promises, and await expressions in async functionsMaintain data persistence within an Active Alexa SessionIntroduce errors, and Test Alexa Skills through 4 different modes including simulators and physical devicesLeverage the Amazon Web Services to build a Consistently Reliable ArchitectureYou will get a complete checklist on what all you will be achieving, with code that is available on GitHub for easy access. The lectures will have links, files, and diagrams attached to them wherever relevant.Even if you do not have the knowledge of Node.js, you will be able to fundamentally understand how you can build custom skills, and implement it in your own preferred language.The sooner you get into building the voice interfaces, the faster you will be able to mould the machines to your liking.Enroll Now, and begin to shape the brand new voice activated world!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Data Science A-Z : Machine Learning with Python & R" |
"Learn Data Science & Machine Learning by doing! Hands On Experience Data Scientist has been ranked the number one job on Glassdoor and the average salary of a data scientist is over $120,000 in the United States according to Indeed! Data Science is a rewarding career that allows you to solve some of the world's most interesting problems!This course is designed for both complete beginners with no programming experience or experienced developers looking to make the jump to Data Science!This course is for those :1. Who wants to be Data Scientist2. Who wants to learn machine learning 3. Who are working as analyst / software developer but wants to be Data ScientistWhat is Data Science ?Data science is used to extract patterns or insights from data to predict future or to understand customer behavior and so on.Data science is a ""concept to unify statistics, data analysis and their related methods"" in order to ""understand and analyze actual phenomena"" with dataMining large amounts of structured and unstructured data to identify patterns can help an organization to reduce costs, increase efficiencies, recognize new market opportunities and increase the organization's competitive advantage.Some Data Science and machine learning ApplicationsNetflix uses data science & machine learning to mine movie viewing patterns to understand what drives user interest, and uses that to make decisions on which Netflix original series to produce.Companies like Flipkart and Amazon uses data science and machine learning to understand the customer shopping behavior to do better recommendations.Gmail's spam filter uses data science (machine learning algorithm) to process incoming mail and determines if a message is junk or not..Proctor & Gamble utilizes data science (machine learning ) models to more clearly understand future demand, which help plan for production levels more optimally.Why Programming Won't Work in some Cases??Have you ever thought of the scenario where all the cars will be moving without a driver that means something like automated machines say for example automatic washing machine.But there is a difference.1. For automatic washing machine,we can write programs for the washing machine functionality.2. For automated cars without drivers in high traffic.Just imagine ,how complex and dangerous it will be when someone starts coding /programming for such functionalities.For cars to automate we would require something which is called ""Machine Learning ""COURSE DETAILS AS BELOW :DATA STRUCTURES ,etc. in R & PYTHON as follows :1. Vectors2. Matrices3. Data Frames4. Factors 5. Numerical/Categorical Variables6. List7. How to convert matrix into data framePROGRAMMING IN R &PYTHONDATA VISUALIZATIONIMPLEMENTATION OF MACHINE LEARNING MODELS as follows:1. Linear Regression & Logistic Regression2. Decision Tree3. Random Forest4.Neural Networks5. Deep learning 6. H2o framework7. Cross validation /How to avoid Over fitting8. Dimensionality Reduction Techniques LEARN FROM SCRATCH [HOW TO DO ML IN PYTHON] SEE IN REAL TIME HOW OPTIMIZATION WORKS TO GET A MACHINE LEARNING MODELAll the materials for this data science & machine learning course are FREE. You can download and install R & Python, with simple commands on Windows, Linux, or Mac.This course focuses on ""how to build and understand"", not just ""how to use"".It's not about ""remembering facts"", it's about ""seeing for yourself"" via experimentation. It will teach you how to visualize what's happening in the model internally. THE COURSE IS DESIGNED IN SUCH A WAY WHICH GIVES MORE OF PRACTICAL SENSE FOR MACHINE LEARNING & DATA SCIENCE IN VERY LESS AMOUNT OF TIMEEnroll in the course and become a data scientist !"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Python Data Structures for Machine Learning" |
"In this course you will learn about the top most used language in the world for different applications.One of the most important use of python programming language is in data science and machine learning.Python is an object oriented programming language.We will learn about object and classes and types of data structures in python.These concepts are mostly used in machine learning and data science."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Markdown: Learn to Write HTML-Ready Content in ANY Web Tool!" |
"Learn the ins and outs of the Markdown writing format - a syntax that helps you produce HTML ready content in an easier and more efficient manner. This course will introduce you to the world of Markdown and its background. It will then dive into the conventions of the writing format itself, including the various ways of publishing markdown content. All of this can be done with just a simple text editor. We'll be running through the A-Z of Markdown, showing you how to create headers, images, links and more.In this course, I also use the Ghost CMS tool to illustrate how Markdown worksin a real-world environment. Ghost is a CMS that uses Markdown to create posts.You can follow along using Ghost or anyother Markdown-to-HTML conversion tool of your choice such asDillinger. You can also use the Atom text editor, which has a built-in Markdown live viewer."
Price: 19.99 |
"Investigative Journalism" |
"Hello and welcome to this course on Investigative Journalism!Before a journalist can write a copy, he or she has to gather the required information that the text will be about. This is called investigation or research.However, investigation is not only a method, its also a philosophy. Why? Because a solid investigation is what distinguishes quality journalism from bad journalism. Today, many criticize that journalism has become churnalism written with ch which is a bad expression for the fact that many journalists dont invest time in information gathering. Theres also the expression of bandwagon journalism which means that one journalist just copies and rewrites a text by a colleague again: without an own research on the topic. All this is very bad. Its bad because the very task of journalism is to properly inform the recipient that is the reader or the radio or TV audience about facts. It is obvious that the journalist has to know everything about these facts before he or she writes about them. And the journalist has to make sure these are really facts that means they are true.Now, when it comes to investigation as a method you might first think about using a search engine and just type in what youre looking for. But as an investigative journalist you definitely have to dig deeper. Everybody can look something up in the internet. Your task as a professional journalist is to find the things that arent obvious.Our course has four main sections. In the first section, we will talk about strategies to find good stories. This is a hard task. Without a good story, there is no investigation, and no writing.Second, youre going to learn how to phrase minimum and maximum hypotheses. These will guide your further investigation efforts. Your hypotheses can be true or false. The purpose of the investigation is to find out which one is the case.Third, we will cover the research process. How can you find sources? What kinds of sources are there? How can you build a timeline? How do you look for documents or for people?Finally, we will talk about how to tell a story, that is: how to outline the masterfile and which narrative principles to follow. You will get some writing tips and you will learn how fact-checking and bulletproofing is done.You see: Investigation is an essential part of a professional journalists toolkit maybe even the most important one. In this course, we will teach you everything you need to know for your solid investigation.See you in the course!This course is based on a script written by Margo Smit. Margo is an independent investigative journalist, journalism teacher, and (part-time) director of the Dutch-Flemish Association of Investigative Journalists (VVOJ). She is a lecturer for TV reporting and investigative reporting at University of Groningen, The Netherlands. She produces documentaries in Dutch and English, both for Dutch public television and for international companies. Smit teaches investigative and TV journalism at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, and is a guest lecturer at many international journalism schools. Smit sat on the Global Shining Light Award jury (2010), the jury of the Daniel Pearl Award (2010, 2011, 2013), and the M.J. Brusseprijs (2013). She received her Master's degree in Communication (specialization journalism) from Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA."
Price: 79.99 |
"Online Journalism: How To Write Great Copy For Online Media" |
"Hello and welcome to this course on writing for online media!As you know, there are different text types. There are news, features, and opinion writing. There are also different ways to compose texts. Now, there are not only different kinds of journalistic copies in general. It also depends on the medium youre writing for. Online journalism isnt just print journalism brought to the screen.First, the internet offers technical possibilities that go beyond what print can do. Second, the reading habits of your online readers are quite different from those of print readers.There is no doubt that journalists are required to be able to write for online media. Cross media skills are needed if you want to work as a professional journalist.Let me explain to you what were going to cover in this course:First, we will cover the basics of writing for the web. How do online readers read? You have to know that to be able to write for them properly.Second, we will look at the technical possibilities of the internet, namely multimedia elements in online journalism. What is possible and how should it be used?Third, you will learn why and how to present data. Especially, we will cover visualization techniques.Fourth, we will talk about participatory journalism. The great thing about online media is that this is the first time in journalism history when a real dialogue and a collaboration between journalists and readers are possible. Sure, in print newspapers, there are readers letters. But the concepts of participatory journalism go much, much further.Fifth, youre going to learn how to build your audience. The great thing about online journalism is that you can establish your own online magazine or blog. But how do you get your readers? Were going to talk about this in detail.See you in the course!This course is based on a module script by Megan Knight and Andrew Duffy.Megan Knight is senior lecturer in International Journalism in the School of Journalism and Media at the University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom. She is the author of Social Media for Journalists: Principles and Practice (Sage: 2013) and teaches interactive and data journalism, as well as theory and practice of news. She holds an MA in Media Studies from Rhodes University in South Africa, and a BGS from Simon Fraser University, Canada. She has worked extensively as a journalist and webmaster for news organizations ranging from alternative weeklies in Vancouver to the Daily Star, the Sunday Independent and the South African Broadcasting Corporation in Johannesburg.Andrew Duffy is an assistant professor at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He was a practicing journalist and editor on newspapers and magazines in the UK and Singapore for 15 years, before moving into academia in 2005. His research areas include travel journalism, user-generated content in tourism, and how the next generation of journalists are re-imagining the profession. He teaches courses in public affairs reporting, online journalism, travel journalism and magazine publishing."
Price: 79.99 |
"The Complete Guide To Activating High Performance" |
"This course begins with transformational tools to design your ideal life and map out milestones to take you from where you are now to where you want to be.As you gain access to the tools that will upgrade your performance on every level, you will realize this program provides you with the opportunity to create the life, career, or business you have always envisioned.Youll learn from an international all-star lineup of high performing experts including: Decorated Performance Coach and Best-Selling Author of LIVE IT!, Jairek RobbinsAward-Winning Personal Trainer and host of the Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast, Ben GreenfieldFamed nutritionist and host of The Model Health Show Podcast, Shawn StevensonHolder of 26 world records including longest ice bath and often referred to as The Iceman,Wim Hof.Theyll walk you through the exact research-backed tools theyve shared with over 2.5 million people around the world to achieve unbeatable results. Whether you want to make more money, lose weight, increase your energy, improve your mental clarity or experience more happiness, its all in this course. Each short lecture provides intriguing action-based content to revamp your life. Youll benefit greatly by eliminating energy draining, stress inducing, illness provoking habits and replacing them with the high performance habits taught in this course to help you achieve even your loftiest goals with confidence.Throughout the course, you'll have the opportunity to complete exercises that will help you forge a path you can easily follow, including breathing exercises, workout plans, meal plans, and high performance hacks as you continue to build momentum. By the end, youll have a complete high performance action plan and a 30 day challenge that puts it all together so you can pave your way towards a rewarding career, healthy body and fulfilling life. You'll absolutely get as much out of this course as you choose to put into it.The most rewarding part of this course will be the leveling up of your mental and physical strength as well as exploring the deep sense of meaning, purpose, and happiness youll experience throughout it. Whether youre an entrepreneur, employee, student or parent, youll learn how to become a high performer in every major area of life. Lets get started!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Intro to Trifacta: Clean Your Data Quickly and Easily" |
"In this course, you'll walk through Trifacta *basics step by step. We'lltakeyou through not only how to use **Trifacta and itstransforms and functions, but also what common pitfalls you might encounter along the waywhile cleaning data. You'll seethe real experience of data cleaning. Data cleaning isn't always clearcut, and this is why we'll show you what it looks like to iterate changes on your dataset as new information presents itself during the data preparation/data munging process.*This is a very basic course geared toward people who have little experience with data cleaning.**Please note that in this course, we use an older version of Trifacta Wrangler.Note: Data analysts and scientists spend up to 80 percent of their time preparing andcleaning their data. This is a lot of time that could be used in more important phases of the data life cycle, sosaving time at the data preparationstagegives you a competitive edge in the data space because you canuse saved time toward more important things, like analyzing yourdata.Forrester research identifies data preparation tools as must haves."" Trifacta Wrangler is one of those tools and the product is guided by a board of advisors that has the likes of DJ Patil and Jeff Hammerbacher, among other notables. The company has designed the product to guide you through the data prep, requiring less coding skills."
Price: 19.99 |