"Time, Price And Opportunity: Learn To Trade Market Profile" |
"This course has been developed for anyone who wants to go straight into the world of Prop trading and doesn't necessarily want to waste time with the retail trading strategies that are archaic and used only by the vast majority of non-professional traders that have proven largely to be unable to make a return, yes not even 0.0001%rather they lose money. So you have to ask yourself, why?The TPO course focuses on giving you a clear understanding of the auction process that happens in all market places regardless of the asset class or derivative. So you can stay in the hear and now.What is TPO?It is the starting point for developing market profiles and graphically represents the market as separate auctions allow the trading to have a more dynamic and current picture of value perception without any other information. Time Price Opportunity, simply means Time regulates price, thus presenting opportunity. The concept is also known as Market Profile.Developed by Peter Steidlmayer in the 1960's for Traders in the Chicago Board Of Trade,to have an easier graphic representation. It is the number oneprofessional tool used by 95% of professional traders. Available in all professional platforms, including Ninja Trader and CQG. Pros don't play without it.This superior approach to trading is endorsed by The CME and other futures exchanges. Retail FX brokers and the likes will not publicise this method through their traders because they know they will stand to lose a lot more if you start trading like a professional prop trader.What to Expect?The course will give you a know holes barred approach to learning market profile and presents you with a more than foundation knowledge on true technical analysis. You will expect to delete all indicators and ignore all forums and switch off all educator emails as you immerse yourself in the world of professional trading.This course creates the foundation you need to finally learn how to develop your own trading style using the concepts you learn that are shockingly straightforward and jargon busted. It is possible you may have doubts but the reality is, that if all the professionals trade with market profile, then you are clearly on the wrong path following anything else. When one deals with money in speculative markets, a certain degree of absolution of path is necessary, it only takes one mistake.I hope you enjoy this short course, I also hope I change your life if you are struggling in this field or you are completely new. Thank you all. Please remember to check out our other courses, especially our follow on advanced market profile courses, DOM central order book for futures and stock traders and our volume courses that compliment what you learn here. Any questions you can DM or talk to us on Discord, please check the resource section of the first module for access. Note: Those downloading the free MT4 Market Profile tool should check the resource page, you can also get the tool on our Discord server. You may have to wait for password activation, please email your MT4 number for activation, on installation please ensure allow DLL is checked or the validation won't work till it is. Thank you..."
Price: 199.99 |
"Harmonic Trading: The Art Of Trading With Low Risk" |
"Harmonic trading often seems like a magic bullet tradings system based on its geometrical approach. It is also quite accessible by all types of traders. This has of course led to a lot of different modifications and different schools of thought but as you know the Traders Club loves authenticity so we go back to the roots of this one and aim to start beginners with what works rather than what is popular.You will notice that we have focused on the important aspects of harmonics and cut out the things that are not so important to deliver a practical based course that gets you in the driving seat as fast as possible. In the course you will learn to spot harmonic patterns before they complete, something most traders find difficult so often start buying predictive software. This is not wise, knowledge is power in the end. In this course we hope to help you achieve the skills you need to see your own patterns and execute trades on the most viable.Make no mistake, this is no magic battle as some would have you think but this is a low risk approach that will ensure steady growth. Have fun and don't forget to ask questions. An advanced Harmonics will be coming soon."
Price: 179.99 |
"Volume Price Analysis: Day Trading Made Simple" |
"As this is not my first course, a lot of you know my direct style. In this course you will see a continuation from my first Volume price analysis instalment. You will find some practical chart work and ideas on day trading based on Volume price analysis. This is the course I wish I had when I first became an investor many years ago. I hope you enjoy it and it provides the necessary foundation.Often we find daytrading challenging as markets are very unforgiving. This course manages to give you a simple framework for using demand and supply principles to pick out the most profitable trades and the ability to track the behaviour of the market movers. You will find concepts based on Wyckoff and Elliot as a compliment. Volume price analysis has been used by professionals the world over dating back to the late 19th century. Jesse Livermore being the most famous of them all. This concept will not only start you off on the right foot but will help you achieve in investing. Day trading does not need to be hard, this course proves that all you need is discipline and structure. Welcome once again to this course on day trading with volume price analysis.- You will learn structure and how to execute against that structure without ever changing frames, you will see all frames in one meaning quick decisions.- You will learn to with confidence anticipate what will likely come next, meaning low risk on all trades.- You will learn to day trade both stocks and Forex taking into account leverage and non-leveraged markets.- Most of all you will gain confidence. 9 out of 10 investors bottom because of a confidence beating, this even could lead to violent outbursts and blaming.- You will learn to trade responsibly."
Price: 199.99 |
"Market Profile: Learn To Trade Professionally" |
"Market Profile is a trading revolution that started in the 1960's and today is still a revolution as so many traders are still following archaic indexing methods to trade. In this intermediate course I follow on from the first course. Time, Price Opportunity. AMarket Profileis an intra-day charting technique (price vertical, time/activity horizontal) devised byJ. Peter Steidlmayer, a trader at theChicago Board of Trade(CBOT), ca 1959-1985. Steidlmayer was seeking a way to determine and to evaluatemarket valueas it developed in the day time frame. The concept was to display price on a vertical axis against time on the horizontal, and the ensuing graphic generally is a bell shape--fatter at the middle prices, with activity trailing off and volume diminished at the extreme higher and lower prices. In this structure he recognized the 'Normal',gaussian distributionhe had been introduced to in college statistics Learn some of the methods that professional traders the world over use in some of the largest derivative markets in the world. I will take you on a journey releasing several courses to build on your understanding of market profile. Get ready and enjoy the journey with market profile. - Learn to respond to market generated data not signals- Learn professional trading concepts and strategy- Learn to control risk and identify opportunity faster than most tradersRemember to access the resource link in your first module to our Discord server for Questions if you need to ask."
Price: 199.99 |
"Spanish course: Determiners" |
"En este curso ofrezco la oportunidad de aprender los distintos determinantes que existen en espaol, as como su utilizacin en los distintos contextos.Con este curso se aprender: 1. Identificar el gnero y nmero de los sustantivos. 2. Distinguir cualquier determinante. 3. Escribir cualquier determinante en concordancia con el gnero y nmero del sustantivo. 4. Colocar correctamente los diferentes determinantes en las oraciones. 5. Utilizar el correcto determinante dependiendo del contexto en el que se encuentre. 6. Saber pronunciar cada tipo de determinante. 7. Tipos de determinantes: 7.1. Determinantes artculos. 7.1.1. Determinados. 7.1.2. Indeterminados. 7.2. Determinantes demostrativos. 7.2.1.Cerca. 7.2.2. Distancia media. 7.2.3. Lejana. 7.3. Determinantes posesivos. 7.3.1. Un poseedor. 7.3.2. Varios poseedores. 7.4. Determinantes numerales. 7.4.1. Ordinales. 7.4.2. Cardinales. 7.5. Determinantes indefinidos. 7.6. Determinantes interrogativos. 7.7. Determinantes exclamativos."
Price: 29.99 |
"Minha Vida Meu Negcio" |
"O seu negcio est indo de mal a pior? Com apenas 10 pequenos passos voc pode colocar o seu pequeno negcio na direo que voc tanto sonha.O Minha Vida Meu Negcio um curso que ajudar o pequeno(a) empresrio(a) a retomar o controle do seu empreendimento, seja ele um loja, uma lanchonete, uma vendinha, uma marcenaria, uma costureira ou uma carrocinha de cachorro quente."
Price: 39.99 |
"Android - od kompletnego zera do zaangaowanego developera" |
"Przegldajc sie, nie napotkaem si na kurs, ktry tumaczy tajniki androida od kompletnych podstaw do przystpnej wiedzy, pozwalajcej samodzielnie tworzy aplikacje mobilne. Z racji na moje dowiadczenie w nauczaniu i powizaniami z Androidem, pragn przedstawi Ci kurs, ktry pomoe zrealizowa Ci Twoje cele naukowe i rozpocz przygod z jednym z najpikniej napisanym frameworkiem - Androidem.Dowiesz si jak tworzy kompletne aplikacje, od banalnie prostych po mocniej zoone. Chc otworzy Ci drzwi do dalszej edukacji i rozwoju w kierunku programowania aplikacji mobilnych - mam mocn nadziej, e mi si to uda.Powodzenia!"
Price: 29.99 |
"How To Raise Your Own Salary At Your Job!" |
"This program is designed to stimulate your mind and help you find money making opportunities in your job.Your companywas once an idea, tiny and weak. Then itgrew into an organizationwith hundredsor thousandsof employees.Everything you do is connected to that idea. But that originalidea keeps evolving and changing every day, and thats where you can find your greatest salary raises. Change is constant,the only constant inthe universe.WARNING:This Information Will Upset You and Then Make You Happy!Dear Friend,TODAY,Ifyou'restrugglingto make ends meet withyour salary, you are not alone. Maybe youasked yourbossfor araise only to find out that it's not happeningthis year.It's not your faultthat many companies aren'traising their employees' salaries. You're doing your job!However, deep down you know that your company ismaking enough money to give you that deserved raisethat you need to make ends meet.Even in 2008, duringthe economic crisis, many companies made millions.Your failure to get a raise at your job is due to the factthat many companies simply don't want to share theirwealth withthe very people who create it. They wantto keep it all. Corporations have been depriving us ofour sweat equity wealthfor a verylong time. Enough!Your companymakes 15/25times what you make foryour sweat equity. We take for granted that we coulddomore at work to raise our own salary, and get out ofthehamster-wheel-salarythatthe Industrial Age andthecurrent educationalsystem forced us into. Afixedsalarythat doesn't grow or evenkeep pacewithinflationisunnatural. It's demoralizingbecause we arealways growing with ourdesires and wishes,but if ourpaycheckdoesn't grow with us, we die a little every day.I have experienced this pain myself. Thousandsof timesI haveaskedmyself: ""Why am InotwhereI know in myheart that Ishould be financially?What the heck's goingon?!Why me?Whymy family? Many peopletry to findanswers to thesequestions in a part-time or full-time job.If you're not making the amount of moneyyou wantat your job,it's 'cause you're playing your employer'sgame.Thatgame is rigged against you.You can notmake more money at your job whileyou continue toplay with the traditional job rules of engagement. This is what it's all about:When you come out on the other end of this course,1- You'll start to get raises, promotions & recognition2-You will get ownership and/or residual income3- You'll better protected against lay-offs/job cuts4-You will experience greater career satisfaction5- Your job will become your risk-free testing lab6- You'll start using your expertise for your benefit too7- If your workplace is toxic, this will not affect your bliss8- And a lot more...This is not aGUARANTEE, I don't know what you'll dowith this information. This is all possible, if you followwhat's described in the course and takeMASSIVEaction,because...A Hamster-Wheel-Salarythat stays the same week afterweek and month after monthwill never get you outwhereyou are today. It's highly improbable to grow & make moremoney at your jobwhenrent,insurance, clothes, education,weddings,food, and transportation continue to increasewhile your paycheck stays the same.In a moment,I will share something exciting and incrediblewith you. Whatif you could raise your own salarywith a fewsimple skills you use every day? What if you could use thesein a different wayto transform your job and your life?What if you changed the way you lookat your job today,from something thatcontrols your paycheckand your lifetosomething that you could control? And what if you already possess99%ofwhat you need toraise your own salary -your mind, desires, and intellectand allyou need is a tiny1%-a proven system?Think about it. You have everything youneed to raise yourown paycheck at yourjob.Your jobis a platform full ofvaluableresources: people, money, products andservices,machinery, insights, problemsto solve, connections andideas, raw material, and more.Right now, All you need isa tried and proven system to access all those resources. It's time to turn the tables on your employers, it's time tostart using them to increase your salary and wealth. Butwe need to wake up, we need to stop parking our brainswhen we get to work. We need to use our intellect andskills beyond the everyday job activities.Please UnderstandThis:The only 3 factors of value to make money or createwealth on this planet are:1- People2- Nature3- IdeasIf you have have a job today, you can increase yoursalary. It doesn't matter what you do, believe me!You have ideas everyday, I'll show you how to do it. I'll grab you by the hand and show you how to developideas, packageyour ideas, protect them & introduce themto your bossor employer.You won't be alone during in thisprocess.I'll be with you all along. Trust me on this one myfriend, I want you to win because your win is my win.If I can do it, you can also do it. I am not more special thanyou are, not more intelligent or have more ideas than you.It's a matter of following a system. That's it!I am proof that you can raise your ownpaycheck at work.I earned $30,000 dollarsa year at my job, and inonly onemonthI doubled mysalary. I showed a project to my bossthat she couldn't resist. I made$25,000,in one month.I had only $46 in my bank account. My wife was not happy!Here's a copy of my check and deposit!Here's my 25K check, deposit slip & online banking image. This isn't tobrag, it's to show you it's possible!HOW DID I DO IT?!I used 4 simple skills that you everyone has andare super easy to apply. I share these skills andstrategieswith you in a resource I created for you.I was in debt. I owed $20,000 & I was paying highinterest every month. I was paying almost$1,000every month in interest to a shark lender. It was amiserable situation. Debt can really mess up withyour mind.But I couldn't give up!I had to find a way. That'swhen I decided tolook at my jobin a different way.I was able to raise my paycheck atworkbecauseImade a conscious decision to start looking atmy jobina totallydifferent way.I startedlooking at problems, recurrent pains for myboss and co-workers, I didbecame a sponge. I started tosee problemsin a different light.I started to see thatif I could come up with ideas to help the business growI could also grow my income with my ideas.In the process,I created an easy system.Everythingthat I did to raisemy own paycheckandgetmyselfoutand my family out of debt,I put it all in this course...You have my personal email to help you in your new journey to become a:Jobpreneur, an employee who doesn't wait for her boss to raise her salary, she raises it herself.carlos@thejobpreneuracademy.com"
Price: 34.99 |
"Crea da zero e pubblica app per Android con B4A senza Java" |
"Android oggigiorno uno dei sistemi operativi pi usati al mondo.Se hai sempre sognato di diventare autonomo e ottenere un'entrata mensile lavorando con il tuo computer e sviluppando app per smartphone con sistema operativo Android questo il corso che fa al caso tuo!Imparerai a svilupapre app per Android utilizzando la piattaforma Basic For Android (B4A), in modo semplice e immediato, senza bisogno di imparare il linguaggio Java. Questo corso adatto a tutti, anche a chi non ha esperienza di programmazione di alcun genere, i temi e gli argomenti vengono esposti in maniera semplice e diretta con esempi pratici e immediati.Durante il corso verranno sviluppate varie app di varia utilit, ad esempio verr creato un Quiz di Matematica che proporr calcoli random agli utenti e registrer i risultati ottenuti dai giocatori. Poi verr sviluppata una app per calcolare il Bioritmo degli utenti, questa app sar in 3 lingue, italiano, spagnolo e inglese e gli utenti potranno scegliere la propria lingua. Inoltre svilupperemo anche una app per eseguire vari test, impareremo il funzionamento e la gestione dei test e voi potrete sfruttarla per creare i vostri test personalizzati.Il corso adatto sia a chi gi ha esperienza di programmazione (per Windows, iOS, Android, Java, ecc.) e sia a chi alle prime armi, nessuno viene lasciato indietro. Verrai guidato passo dopo passo in ogni fase fino a raggiungere un livello che ti permetter di creare autonomamente app di vario genere per i dispositivi con Android. Potrai sviluppare app per smartphone e tablet e sarai in grado di pubblicarle nel Google Play store.Ti verr insegnato come implementare gli annunci di AdMob all'interno delle tue app per Android in modo di ottenere un guadagno costante mensile.Un corso davvero completo che ti insegner ogni aspetto e ogni trucco di questo tipo di lavoro. Oggi giorno sempre pi persone stanno entrando nel mercato delle app e riescono a crearsi la propria indipendenza economica grazie alle nuove possibilit che offre l'enorme mercato delle app e il vasto universo di Android. Si stima che entro pochi anni il mercato delle applicazioni potr addirittura triplicare, non perdere l'occasione di ricavarti una tua fetta in questa incredibile opportunit.Inoltre avrai la sicurezza del rimborso totale entro 30 giorni se il corso non sar di tuo gradimento... che chiedere di pi?"
Price: 199.99 |
"Excel: guida completa e facile alle Tabelle Pivot di Excel" |
"Le tabelle pivot di Excel sono una componente molto importante ed essenziale conoscerle se nel curriculum alla voce Excell abbiamo messo un segno di spunta! Il loro funzionamento non affatto difficile sono per uno strumento molto particolare che va appreso per gradi e il miglior modo farlo tramite un corso in cui sarai guidato e gradualmente portato alla conoscenza approfondita di esse.In qualsiasi ufficio si utilizzi Excell ormai dato per scontato che si conoscano anche le tabelle pivot, sopratutto per via della loro grande duttilit e di tutte e informazioni che si possono estrapolare se ben impostate e comprese.Con questo corso sarai in grado di conoscere approfonditamente questo argomento e alla fine del corso i tuoi progressi verranno messi alla prova da un challenge finale in cui dovrai sviluppare un intero progetto da solo.Una volta terminato il corso potrai aggiungere questa importante voce nel tuo curriculum ""conoscenza delle Tabelle Pivot"" e avrai quindi una marcia in pi su chi non le conosce. Otterrai anche un attestato di fine corso da poter aggiungere ai tuoi titoli da inserire nel curriculum. Se vuoi imparare le tabelle pivot e approfondire cos la tua conoscenza di Excel questo il corso che fa per te, inoltre hai la garanzia del ""Soddisfatti o Rimborsati""! Che chiedere di pi? Iscriviti adesso!"
Price: 94.99 |
"Beginners Guitar Course: guitar lessons, learn the easy way" |
"WELCOME TO THE MAGICAL WORLD OF GUITAR!The guitar is a complete and flexible instrument, easy to learn and easy to carry, this is why it has always been the most played musical instrument in the world!COMPLETE BEGINNERS GUITAR COURSE:This is the english version of the Italian Best Seller Guitar Course on Udemy lessons to learn guitar the easy way.WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING:Gregory H. says: ""This is like traveling to Italy and getting a lesson from my uncle. I love this man. This is the best guitar on all of Udemy.""Bobbie S. says: ""Excellent course. Great details and easy to follow. Thank you.""Gourav S. says: ""Atleast instructor is telling what I am looking for""ABOUT THIS COURSEThis is a useful course with a lot of lessons for anyone who wants to learn how to play guitar in order to play their favorite songs. The course gradually bring the student from scratch to complete control of the instrument. At the end of the course you will be able to play your favorite songs, you will know how to find the chords of each song, you will know all the main chords of the guitar, you will know how to tune a guitar, you will know some musical scales, you will know the differences between the various types of guitar, you will know how to use a sound card and a mixer to record your songs and much more!If you've always dreamed of learning how to play the guitar and until today you have not found what is right for you ... you can stop looking, this is the course for you!The course is also ideal for those who already know how to strum some chords but would like to further study the instrument.During the course you will learn many songs and over time new songs will be added, all with detailed explanations of picking and chords and with visual aids for chords and strummings.If you want me to add a song that you particularly like you can ask me to add it via a personal message, I will carefully evaluate each request and the songs that will fit the course will certainly be inserted.Stop wasting time with random tutorials taken on the net and start following a capable teacher and a course designed specifically for newbies, a course with various targeted exercises, with check points to avoid main errors and that can gradually leads the student to optimal levels in a short time.SONGS YOU WILL LEARN:Diana (Paul Anka)Stand by me (Ben King - singed by John Lennon)Blowin' in the wind (Bob Dylan)Don't Worry Be Happy (Bobby McFerrin)Where The Streets Have No Name (U2)Knockin' On Heaven's Door (Bob Dylan) Wonderful Tonight (Eric Clapton) Peacefull Easy Feeling (Eagles) I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (U2)House Of The Rising Sun (The Animals)Let it be (The Beatles) New songs every month!"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Ultimate Guide to Sell More Udemy Courses (Unofficial)" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.You have worked hard to create your course and now you would like to have the right recognition and more sales, but you are having difficulty getting this.If you find yourself in this description then this is the right course for you!With this course, created specifically for Udemy instructors by a Udemy instructor, you'll know all the things you need to do to get more sales and become a successful instructor.My name is Massimiliano Alfieri, I have been in HiTech and Communications for over 20 years and have been Udemy's instructor for about one year. In just one year I got a 4-digit salary thanks to my experience in SEO and Technological Communication and my research and experiments.I have 15 active courses on Udemy, some of which are best sellers.I can not say I have all the answers ... no one could ... but I can say with certainty and knowledge that if you follow my course your sales will increase and you will see the first results already from the first month.Also, as you know, you have the guarantee of money back, so why not give a chance to this opportunity? You will not regret...Music:""Lobby Time"" Kevin MacLeod (incompetec(dot).com)""On the Ground"" Kevin MacLeod (incompetec(dot).com)""Street Party"" Kevin MacLeod (incompetec(dot).com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Licensehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/"
Price: 119.99 |
"Crea un 3D Runner Game x Android con Unity, corso per tutti" |
"Ciao e benvenuto!Con questo corso ho voluto approfondire in maniera seria e completa lo sviluppo di un gioco 3D di tipo runner mantenendo per il livello didattico fruibile da tutti, quindi apprezzabile da programmatori esperti ma anche da persone alle prime armi con la programmazione e il mondo del 3D gaming.I giochi di tipo runner 3D sono molto in voga ormai da qualche anno, un esempio il classico Temple Run o l'ormai famosissimo Subway Surfer.Si tratta in sostanza di pilotare un personaggio con una visualizzazione in terza persona lungo un percorso che cambia continuamente e che presenta una serie di ostacoli e difficolt oltre che di gemme per raccogliere punti.Passo dopo passo, lezione dopo lezione, costruiremo un perfetto e complesso sistema per la creazione delle piattaforme che andranno a formare il percorso per il player.Ci occuperemo di tutti quegli aspetti necessari al buon funzionamento del gioco, come la gestione del player, i salti, le scivolate, le oscillazioni destra sinistra, le svolte, le collsioni con gli ostacoli e tutto ci che serve a rendere il gioco piacevole e giocabile.Grazie alle varie dinamiche del gioco riusciremo ad approfondire temi importanti e spesso non perfettamente spiegati o compresi come i collider e la loro gestione e tanti altri componenti disponibili in Unity 3D.Alla fine del corso ci sar una parte interamente dedicata alla pubblicazione del gioco nel Google Play Store.Questo un corso completo che da zero ti porter fino alla creazione e alla pubblicazione di un 3D runner game in modo semplice e diretto.Inoltre avrai la garanzia del soddisfatti o rimborsati, se per qualsiasi motivo entro 30 giorni non sarai completamente soddisfatto del tuo acquisto potrai richiedere ""facilmente"" un rimborso che ti verr dato al 100% senza nessun tipo di domanda o questione da parte di Udemy!Che chiedere di pi? ;)Music:""Tech Live , On The Ground, Robobozo Kevin MacLeod (incompetech(dot)com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Licensehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/"
Price: 199.99 |
"Unity 3D Game Development: Create an Android 3D Runner Game" |
"Hello and welcome to this Unity 3D Android Game Development!With this course, you will have the chance to enter for the first time or deepen, in a serious and complete way the art of 3D Game development. You will find out that the educational level of this Unity 3D course is usable by everyone, and thus appreciable by expert programmers and also by absolute beginners.With this course, you will create and publish a complete 3D Infinite Runner Game with Unity for Android PlayStore!3D runner games have been very popular for a few years now, an example of these type of games are the classic Temple Run or the famous Subway Surfer.Basically, you'll have to pilot a character in third-person along a continuously changing path that presents a series of obstacles and difficulties as well as gems to collect points.Step by step, lesson after lesson, you will build a perfect and complex system for creating the platforms that will form the path for the player.We will take care of all those aspects necessary for the proper functioning of the game, such as player management, jumps, slides, left-right oscillations, turns, collisions with obstacles and all that is needed to make the 3d game enjoyable and playable.Thanks to the various dynamics of the game you will be able to deepen important issues that often are not fully explained or understood as colliders and rigid body and their management and many other components available in Unity 3D.At the end of the course, there will be a part entirely dedicated to the publication of the game in the Google Play Store, you'll be guided through all the process till the publication of your game.This is a complete course that will take you from scratch to the creation and publication of a 3D runner game in a simple and direct way.You will also have the security of a money back guarantee. In fact, if for any reason within 30 days you won't be completely satisfied with your purchase, you can ""easily"" request a refund that will be given to you without any kind of question from Udemy!What to ask more? ;)Music:""Tech Live , On The Ground, Robobozo, ""Surf Shimmy"" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech(dot)com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Licensehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/"
Price: 199.99 |
"Crea facilmente un e-commerce per WordPress con WooCommerce" |
"Con questo corso potrai imparare a creare e gestire il tuo e-commerce online! L'ecommerce che useremo WooCommerce, un plugin di WordPress per il commercio elettronico totalmente gratuito e davvero funzionale!Se non hai un sito WordPress non ti preoccupare, all'inizio del corso installeremo insieme un sito WordPress e partiremo da zero.Ti baster avere uno spazio web con l'accesso al Cpanel o ad un pannello di controllo alternativo che ti dia la possibilit di creare un database (da usare poi per l'installazione di WordPress) o di installare direttamente una versione di WordPress nel tuo spazio web. Avrai bisogno anche di un software FTP per inserire alcuni file che andremo a modificare.Il corso rivolto a tutti, sia a chi gi ha delle conoscenze di WordPress e sia a chi parte da zero, l'unica condizione per poter usufruire del corso sar di avere uno spazio web (con il proprio dominio), l'accesso al Cpanel e un software FTP (come ad esempio FileZilla) impostato.Durante il corso vedremo come impostare il nostro sito web e renderlo professionale e accattivante, vedremo come renderlo funzionale e come farlo diventare una ""macchina da vendita"".Molto spazio sar dato al SEO e all'ottimizzazione per i motori di ricerca e sopratutto per Google, vedremo quali plugin utilizzare, come impostarli e come creare le pagine e gli articoli in modo che possano apparire nelle ricerche degli utenti di internet.Oltre all'impostazione del sito e dell'e-commerce vedremo anche tutte le pratiche necessarie a rendere il nostro sito web sicuro e affidabile, vedremo come installare un certificato SSL di sicurezza che sapr trasmettere un senso di sicurezza e affidabilit ai nostri clienti e vedremo come difenderci dallo spam e dalle minacce in generale.Vedremo anche come eseguire un completo backup del nostro sito con tutti i prodotti inseriti in modo di avere sempre la certezza di essere subito online e pronti a vendere anche in caso di problemi al server o di attacchi hacker.Un corso completo e in continua evoluzione, infatti aggiunger costantemente nuovi contenuti per rendere sempre pi utile e indispensabile questo corso su WooCommerce e l'e-commerce per WordPress.Inoltre avrai sempre la garanzia del ""Soddisfatti o Rimborsati""!Perch attendere oltre? Iscriviti e comincia sin d'ora a costruire il tuo Sito di E-commerce con WooCommerce!"
Price: 154.99 |
"Canzoni di natale con la chitarra, corso per principianti" |
"Questo corso dedicato a chiunque abbia cominciato a suonare la chitarra, chiunque gi sappia strimpellare qualche canzone e voglia aumentare il proprio bagaglio di canzoni conosciute inserendo nel proprio arsenale dei classici di Natale come Jingle Bells e Silent Night.Per ogni canzone che affronteremo troverai una versione semplificata e una versione avanzata, per inoltrarsi gradualmente nella magia delle canzoni natalizie ed arrivare a saper suonare in maniera perfetta e approfondita i pi bei classici di Natale di sempre.Per alcune canzoni troverai anche lo studio della melodia della voce con la chitarra, studieremo infatti le parti soliste per ricreare il cantato con la chitarra e io ti accompagner con la mia chitarra durante tutto questo viaggio.E' ormai da decenni che insegno chitarra e so bene come portare un allievo da 0 a un livello di pratica sufficiente a godere appieno del piacere di suonare, non a caso il mio corso base di chitarra per principianti ormai un best seller di Udemy!Lasciati andare alla magia delle feste natalizie e immergiti nelle melodie del Natale imparando a suonare con me le pi belle canzoni natalizie con la tua chitarra... non te ne pentirai!"
Price: 54.99 |
"Adobe XD:UI/UX Design & Prototypage d'App Mobile et Site Web" |
"Dans la mme veine que Sketch pour mac Adobe XD est un outil de conception et de prototypage conu par Adobe, entirement ddi aux concepteurs UI / UX.Dans ce cours, je vais vous apprendre les basesde ce logiciel et vous montrerai tape par tape comment vous pouvez concevoirune application mobile Android et un site web magnifique et moderne. Parla suite nous aborderons aussi la conception dapplication IOS.Comment le cours va til se dcouper? Dans les premires parties nous aborderons les bases du logiciel et ses fonctions spcifiques. Par la suite nous procderons par des CAS PRATIQUES dans lesquels nous crerons un design dapplication mobile Android et un site web tape par tape.Les ressources tel que les couleurs et images utiliser et autre seront fournis. Les fichiers source (.xd) de l'application que nous avons conue sera inclus, ainsi que les autres ressources que j'ai utilises.Ce cours a une approche par la pratique. Il n'y aura pas beaucoup de thorie, il s'agit de vous apprendre concevoir un produit mobile et web du monde rel et vous montrer tout le potentiel d'Adobe XD. la fin du cours, vous serez en mesure de comprendre la faon dont Adobe XD fonctionne et vous pourrez appliquer les techniques de conception et toutes les comptences que vous avez appris dans vos futurs projets de conception mobile ou web."
Price: 149.99 |
"Aprenda a programar em Java do zero" |
"Quer aprender a programar, mas no sabe por onde comear? Ento acabou de achar o lugar certo!Nesse curso, so ensinados passo a passoos conceitos bsicosde programao, utilizando a linguagem Java para aplic-losna prtica.Ao final de cada aula, so propostos e resolvidos exerccios de programao, mostrando cada detalhe da elaborao da soluo.E o melhor: voc no precisa ter NENHUMconhecimento de programao para acompanhar o curso.Aprenda hoje mesmo a programar!"
Price: 69.99 |
"Writing a Bestseller Series" |
"Welcome to Writing a Bestseller Seriesby #1 bestselling author, Paul Hollis.The first of these clinics, Getting Started, is intended to help those of you who are readyto kick off a writing careerin a grand way, but just dont knowwhere or how to begin. Today, were going to start your novel. In this course,students will learnto apply planning techniques to their writing, understand the advantages of planning, identify what's important in planning, determine who is the audience of the novel, understand outlining techniques, effectively detail the 5 major novel components, and how to use each of them in planning."
Price: 49.99 |
"Learn MS SQL Server in 2018" |
"In this course we will learn the basic-intermediate level about Structured Query Language A.K.A ""Sequel"" or SQL. We will use Sql server 2017 version but we will make a quick comparison between with it's predecessor. Since this is the first course that I created, bare with my deep accent and the way I pronounce the words. But the good thing is while I'm teaching and talking in front of my computer, It will improve my English proficiency. Happy programming :-)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Digital Marketing Course for Beginners" |
"In this course your will learn how to create the website, how to bring traffic to the site through Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and how to convert the incoming traffic into paying customers. You will also learn how to analyze and improve your digital marketing efforts."
Price: 19.99 |
"React Native iOS / Android" |
"2018/12/02 54 - 58 -2018/11/23 Expo 78-React Native iOS / Android77HTML / CSS / Javascript Javascript iOS / Android Expo Expo &Git Github React NativeExpoHTMLCSSJavascriptFirebaseCloud FirestoreUSD $99App Store Apple USD $25Play Store Google Course thumbnail is Designed by Freepik"
Price: 24000.00 |
Web |
"WebWebWebWebWeb Sketch WebSketchWeb Sketch Adobe Photoshop Web Sketch Sketch 30Sketch Udemy Sketch HTMLCSSWebHTMLCSSHTML & CSSWebWebWebWeb1Google Maps Instagram Course images: Design vector created by Freepik"
Price: 24000.00 |
"Data Structures & Algorithms !" |
"Hey Friends,This course is for all those people who want to learn data structure and Algorithm from absolute basic to Intermediate level. We don't expect you to have any prior knowledge on Data Structure or Algorithm, but a basic prior knowledge of Java will be helpful.Thanks for stopping by !"
Price: 149.99 |
"Agile Product Strategy Business Model Canvas" |
"Why Should I Take This Course?Do you want to create products that actually make money? In theory, the recipe for successtakes onlytwo ingredients:a product and customers who want to buy that product. Unfortunately, these two ingredients arenot that easy to find in practiceMany product managers, entrepreneurs and innovators focus on engineering really awesome products and then struggle to find customers who want to buy them. One missing piece on the road to success is the business model. But writing business models has traditionally been hard andtaken weeks or months to do.The Topic of this CourseThis course will teachyou a simple, but powerfultool to quickly sketch business models: the Business Model Canvas.The Business Model Canvas (a tool invented by Alexander Osterwalder in his influential book ""Business Model Generation"")allows you to draft new business models in hours or even minutes! It is a visual representation of a business and is thus much easier to understand than traditional 100-page-business-plans. It also helps you to think about the important parts of your business model in a structured way.There are countless applications of this tool in various practical methods.What You Will LearnThis course will teach you what the canvas is and how to sketch a business model with it. It willbuild a foundation, so you'll bewell equipped to take advantage of further courses diving deep into certain applications and methods (these applications and methodsare not part of this foundation levelcourse). Here is what you will learn in this course:What is the Business Model Canvas?Why do we Need It?How does it compare to More Traditional Business Models?How to Fill in Each of the 9 Building Blocks?How Do the Parts Fit Together?How toDo a Rough Revenue Estimate?What doesa Full Business Model LookLike as a Canvas?How to Sketch Your Own Business Model?What do You need to Take this Course?You need very little this is a beginner's course. You should bring some curiosity for business models. Also abasic knowledge of business model terms like ""customer"", ""revenue"" or ""distribution"" will be very helpful. Other than that, you need no prior knowledge of the Business Model Canvas or other business modelling methods. Should you ever feel lost during the course, feel free to send me questions I will do what I can to bring you up to speed!Your InstructorMatthias Orgler is an experienced consultant on business model generation andproduct innovation.In his job heensures that ideas earn revenue and become a market success. From scouting innovations in Silicon Valley he got a feeling for business models and markets. He has advised international companies large and small and applied a broad variety of methods that turn ideas into successful businesses."
Price: 79.99 |
"Number Theory:Convert Decimal,Binary,Hexa-Decimal,Octal" |
"Number System:Convert Decimal,Binary,HexaDecimal,OctalDescription :In this course you will learn how to convert numbers between different numbering systems.This is a crash course for learning conversion from one number system to another number system.Understand the different numbering systems (Decimal , Binary , Octal , Hexa Decimal ) Learn how to convert :1) Decimal to Binary2) Decimal to Hexa Decimal3) Decimal to Octal4) Binary to Decimal5) Binary to Hexa Decimal6) Binary to Octal7) Octal to Binary8) Octal to Decimal9) Octal to Hexa Decimal10) Hexa Decimal to Binary11) Hexa Decimal to Decimal12) Hexa Decimal to OctalIt is very difficult to imagine number system other than decimal number system. Over the years I am evolving best way to make it understand. I will help you to understand conversion with examples. After you understand the conversions , attempt hand-ons at the end of lecture which will make your concept more clear.Thinking about different numbering systems can be intimidating.At the end of this course you'll know all of the basics of understanding and converting between different numbering systems . This crash course will help you to appear in any certification course or will help you in digital electronics course."
Price: 99.99 |
"HTML Codes-Basic Elements Tags Attributes-Beginners guide" |
"This course is created for those students who want to start their career as Front End Developers.You donot need to pursue Computer Science or IT degree to learn HTML. HTML can be learned and adopted by anyone.Learning HTML is very much important in today's world as everyone is becoming online and HTML is the basic of any website.Donot just rely on Site builder tool blindly. These drab and drop tools has very much limited options . Learning HTML will gain you more knowledge about webpage designing.In this course basic tags , elements and attributes are described."
Price: 34.99 |
"UiPath-Robotic Process Automation RPA Training Academy" |
"DescriptionUiPath-Robotic Process Automation RPA Training AcademyNext Most happening thing in IT Industry will be RPA (Robotic Process Automation)... Yes Robots or bots will change the industry massively .It will create a BOT Evolution , where most of the repetitive/daily jobs will be performed by set of trained bots.Now a days , in car industry robotic arm has been introduced for faster and error free production ,, which replaces Human arm in many cases. Similarly RPA will be introduced in Software Industry to do tedious day to day work.That is what is ""Robotic Process Automation"". UiPATH is a software which enables you to create process and flows required for automation. To learn more about UiPATH just enroll and get access for lifetime.RPA tools have strong technical similarities to graphical user interface testing tools. These tools also automate interactions with the GUI, and often do so by repeating a set of demonstration actions performed by a user. RPA tools differ from such systems including features that allow data to be handled in and between multiple applications, for instance, receiving email containing an invoice, extracting the data, and then typing that into a bookkeeping system.Following things you will able to learn after successful completion of the course :RPA Introduction.Market Leading RPA Tools.Downloading UiPath Community Edition.Installation of UiPath.Overview of UiPath Tool.Structure (Flowchart,Sequence,State Machines ).Control Flow (Decisions, Loops, Switches).Error Handling and Debugging.Excel/csv Automation with UIPath.PDF Automation with UIPath.Automating Email Activities with UiPath.Real Time Case StudiesUipath Practice Set (Helpful for Global Certification Exam.)Target audience :-Anyone , who wants to learn new technologies or start their career as Automation engineers , Business Leaders , Digital Ninjas WHY THIS COURSE IS SPECIAL This course provides you a great knowledge of frequently used Activities in UIPath.Not only standalone activities. This course helps you to learn real time case studies.Most importantly , if my course does not met your expectations , you are free to ask Refund. *****************DO NOT BE LATE ,TECHNOLOGY CHANGES EVERYDAY***********************"
Price: 199.99 |
"A'dan Z'ye Adobe Premiere Pro Eitim Seti" |
"Sizde kendi zgn videolarnz hazrlamak ve sfrdan video retmek istiyorsanz bu kurs tam size gre. Artk Youtube olsun, Instagram olsun, bu gibi platformlarda artk ierik reterek herkes para kazanp, dncelerini videolar ile insanlara aktarabiliyor.Bu kursta sizlere sfrdan Adobe Premiere Pro'nun kullanmn anlatacaz. lk olarak sizinle baz videolar paylap, bu videolar kurs sonuna kadar dzenleyip, ortaya bir hikayesi olan videolar kartmaya alacaz. lk srada Adobe Premiere Pro'nun ara ve gerelerini, alma yapsn anlatmakla balayacaz. Sonrasnda genel video dzenleme nasl yaplr bu konular zerinden rnek videolar dzenleyip ktlar alacaz. En son olarakta sosyal medyada Youtube, Instagram, Vimeo ve Facebook gibi platformlarda bu videolar nasl paylaabileceimizden bahsedip kursumuzu sonlandracaz.nallah beendiiniz bir kurs olur. Hepinizi kursa bekliyoruz."
Price: 409.99 |
"Writing Enterprise Level PHP Code" |
"Are you creating more bugs than you're fixing?Do you feel uncomfortable receiving feedback on your code?Are you stuck with complex software that needs refactoring?Do you want to improve your skills to keep up with best practises?During this course, you will be introduced to the many techniques and best practices that I've learned throughout my coding journey. Together we will work on refactoring a legacy project, building a new one from scratch and designing complex architecture. We will focus on using simple, practical models and processes that are applicable in any software application.Through every step of this journey, we will critique what is the right path to take to solve technical problems such that you are adequately equipped to take on complex of software projects.Your courseroadmap to enterprise level software engineer:You will start with complete fundamentals of clean code.Then you will learn how to write SOLID code regardless the framework.You will explore design patternsand find out how to directly solve some of themostcommon business requirements with ease,without re-inventing thewheel and learn how you can developyour knowledge even furtherwithout any other course!At the end you will be able todesign anarchitecture of ANY system, software, regardless it's complexity in a practical manner so your colleagueswill be impressed every time you draw a diagram without getting lost in it."
Price: 149.99 |