"How to become a much better & safer driver & avoid accidents" |
"- The fullcourse consists of two parts. This isPART 1 -WHY SHOULD YOU SERIOUSLY CONSIDER TAKING MY ONLINE COURSE?99% of people, that means most people who drive, are not good drivers at all. Most road accidents happen due to these people making mistakes, or being careless.Thousands, if not millions, of road accidents happen every day around the world. The chances of the average driver getting involved in a road accident over a period of 2 to 5 years is very high.But youll be happy to know that there are many people who never have accidents on the roads. Never. How do these drivers manage to always stay safe on the roads? Hint: Luck does not play a role.Taking my online course you will learn some of the most important skills and knowledge that you need to become a much better and much safer driver, so that you too can have a much better chance of never having an accident on the roads."
Price: 99.99 |
"Hayatnda Batan Sona Java -1-" |
"Java'da uzmanlap profesyonel bir programc olmaya hazr olun .Bu kursta sfrdanJava ile Nesne Ynelimli Programlamann tm arka plann renerek Javada uzmanlaacaz ve kurs bitiminde profesyonel bir java gelitirici olacaz.Kursun leyii:- Ezbere deil kod yazarken niye yazdmz,nasl altn renerek gideceiz.- Java alannda gireceiniz tm mlakatlarda kesinlikle sorulacak sorular daha ncesinde bu derslerimizde size sorulup cevaplar verilmi olunacaktr.- Kolaydan zora doru, Mantktan uygulamaya doru, Sorulardan zme doru eklinde bir ileyiGncellemelerEitim serimiz sizlerin tamamen JAVA platformuna hakim olabilmeniz ve bu konuda Trkiye'de nitelikli yazlmclarn daim olmasn istemem sebebiyle kursumuzu srekli gncellemeye devam edeceim.Bu gncellemeleri aada bulunan Son Gncellemer ksmnda bulabilirsiniz.Son GncellemelerHenz gncelleme yok.YAKINDA ......!!!!Proje 4 (Yaknda)Proje 5 (Yaknda)Proje 6 (Yaknda)Singleton ClassNetwork DersleriJDBC DersleriJava 8 ve Java 9 ile gelen yeni zelliklerArtk nereden balayacan kendine sormak yerine Doru yerde Doru adm atmaya bala. Haydi daha fazla durma nk Doru YERDESN..."
Price: 399.99 |
"Programme Complet de Musculation, de Force et d'Endurance" |
"Bienvenue dans l'un des programmes les plus complets de Sport, pratiquer chez soi ou n'importe o !Ce cours est pens et conceptualispour vous permettre, quelque soit votre niveau, dbutant, coach, Professeur, passion,d'amliorer vos paramtres physiques. Si vous pratiquez un sport, vous serez mme d'augmenter vos performances. Si vous dbutez ou re-commencez pratiquer une activit physique, vous allez sentir rapidement d'normes progrs quant votre nergie, votre dynamisme, votre esthtisme.Le cours comprend des vidos explicatives, et des entranements complets, par partie du corps, ou pour l'ensemble du corps ( ""Full body"") pour dvelopper votre Force, votre Endurance et les Muscles que vous dsirez.En pratiquant ce cours, vous prendez plaisir :Connatre les principes d'entranementqui vous donneront les moyens d'tre puissant physiquementIntensifier votre ForceCrotre votre EnduranceAugmenter votre Flexibilit, votre souplesseDvelopper le corps harmonieux que vous dsirezVous sentir mieux, plus nergiqueDe-stresser en vous recentrant sur l'effort physiqueDvelopper votre capacit pulmonaire, cardiorespiratoireAvoir des Fesses bien fermes, bien galbesPossedez des abdominaux non seulement marqu, mais fonctionnels et puissantsRappelons galement que le Sport est l'un des meilleurs (peut-tre le meilleur?)traitements contre la dpression.Nous travaillerons ensemble les paules, les bras, les avants bras, les poignets, les pectoraux,le coeur, le dos, les abdos, les lombaires, les fesses, et les jambes.Nous intgrerons de nouveaux exercices rgulirement. La plupart des exercices sont films et les autres sont en dition vido, ou en train d'tre tlcharg sur Udemy,avec la mention bientt disponible.Vous aurez le dtail de chaque exercice, que vous pourrez combiner selon vos besoins personnels.Ce programme est conu pour vous permettre de vous amliorer quelque soit votre niveau, nous vous dirons comment procder.Des exercices seront ajouts rgulirement ainsi que de nouvelles routines !N'hsitez pas poser des questions et demander des routines plus personnalises selon vos besoins.NB: Veuillez pardonner la qualit de certaines vidos : le tournage a t ralis en Argentine, dans desconditions non optimales, dans un lieu confin et trs ""vent""."
Price: 199.99 |
"Aromaterapia Veterinaria - Aceites Esenciales en el Perro" |
"Bienvenidos a este curso de Aromaterapia Veterinaria Canina!El uso de aceites esenciales en medicina veterinaria esta en pleno auge. Muchas preguntas surgen acerca de la posibilidad de su empleo en el perro: cmo, cunto, cundo y cules aceites se pueden eligir. Este curso pretende contestar a esas preguntas, proponiendo un uso racional y medido de los aceites esenciales en el perro.Dedicado a veterinarios, estudiantes de veterinaria, criadores y dueos responsables de mascotas, este curso permite resolver los casos ms comunes con la ayuda de la aromaterapia.Las patologas virales son de importancia clnica critica en el perro. Como la medicina aloptica convencional tiene un arsenal teraputico limitado para eliminar los virus, los aceites esenciales pueden jugar un rol importante.En este curso, se dictarn clases sobre:- Por qu y para qu usar aceites esenciales en la teraputica del paciente canino- Qu dosis, vas de administracin y precauciones son adecuadas- Cmo prevenir las parasitosis caninas (sarnas, piojos, garrapatas, etc.)- Cmo tratar las virosis respiratorias y las infecciones bacterianas del sistema respiratorio- Cmo abordar patologas locomotoras, como la artrosis, con aceites esenciales- Cmo aliviar al animal de sus dolores con aromaterapia- Cmo actuar frente a una herida o un trauma, con la ayuda de los aceites esenciales- Cmo temperar un animal agresivo, miedoso, o estresado utilizando aceites esenciales- Cmo estimular la inmunidad de un perro- Como tratar los casos clnicos de parvovirus, moquillo, y otras dolencias- Cmo tratar de manera sintomtica la tos y la diarrea en el canino- Cules son los problemas vinculados con la intoxicacin con aceites esenciales y las pautas de su tratamiento- Cules son los libros y autores de referenciaInmediatamente despus de la compra de este curso, los beneficios sern:- Acceso completo a todas las clases en su totalidad - Podr realizar preguntas y solicitar consultas personalizadas - Acceder a las actualizaciones frecuentes del curso con nuevos casos clnicos, y documentos cientficos publicadosAl finalizar el curso, podr exigir su Certificado, luego de haber rendido un examen online."
Price: 34.99 |
"Aromaterapia Veterinaria - Aceites Esenciales en el Gato" |
"Bienvenidos a este curso de Aromaterapia Veterinaria Felina!El uso de aceites esenciales en medicina veterinaria esta en pleno auge. Muchas preguntas surgen acerca de la posibilidad de su empleo en el perro: cmo, cunto, cundo y cules aceites se pueden eligir. Este curso pretende contestar a esas preguntas, proponiendo un uso racional y medido de los aceites esenciales en el gato.Dedicado a veterinarios, estudiantes de veterinaria, criadores y dueos responsables de mascotas, este curso permite resolver los casos ms comunes con la ayuda de la aromaterapia.Las patologas virales son de importancia clnica critica en el perro. Como la medicina aloptica convencional tiene un arsenal teraputico limitado para eliminar los virus, los aceites esenciales pueden jugar un rol importante.En este curso, se dictarn clases sobre:- Por qu y para qu usar aceites esenciales en la teraputica del paciente felino- Qu dosis, vas de administracin y precauciones son adecuadas- Cmo prevenir las parasitosis felinas (sarnas, piojos, garrapatas, etc.)- Cmo tratar las virosis respiratorias y las infecciones bacterianas del sistema respiratorio- Cmo abordar patologias locomotoras, como la artrosis, con aceites esenciales- Cmo aliviar al animal de sus dolores con aromaterapia- Cmo actuar frente a una herida o un trauma, con la ayuda de los aceites esenciales- Cmo temperar un animal agresivo, miedoso, o estresado utilizando aceites esenciales- Cmo estimular la inmunidad de un gato- Como tratar los casos clnicos de coryza, otitis, y otras dolencias- Cmo tratar de manera sintomtica la tos y la diarrea en el felino- Cules son los problemas vinculados con la intoxicacin con aceites esenciales y las pautas de su tratamiento- Cules son los libros y autores de referenciaInmediatamente despus de la compra de este curso, los beneficios sern:- Acceso completo a todas las clases en su totalidad - Podr realizar preguntas y solicitar consultas personalizadas - Acceder a las actualizaciones frecuentes del curso con nuevos casos clnicos, y documentos cientficos publicadosAl finalizar el curso, podr exigir su Certificado, luego de haber rendido un examen online."
Price: 34.99 |
"Programa 6-PACK : Abdominales Potentes y Esculpidos" |
"Bienvenido a una clase de abdominales, diseados de la A a la Z para que puedas ver y tener los abdominales que sueas.No hace falta ningn material para beneficiar de esta clase. En tu casa, en un parque, en un hotel : puedes completar el programa porque las rutinas son realmente muy buenas.Es muy simple : cada da de la semana tienes 1 o 2 vdeos para hacer, segn tu nivel.Ineludiblemente, vas a tener mayores resultados de lo que puedes imaginar ahora, ya hay centenas de alumnos que lo pudieron comprobar, por lo que lo anuncio con seguridad.Si puedes dedicar 10 a 20 minutos por da durante 5 a 7 das en la semana, este curso es optimo para ti.En este curso, se te propondrn rutinas diarias y peridicamente se agregarn nuevas rutinas para que pueda progresar sea cual sea su nivel actual.Ahrrate miles de horas de bsqueda del mejor programa para tener abdominales, porque he sintetizado aqu todo lo que puedes imaginar encontrar en la web o dentro de un gimnasio. Adems, este curso sera actualizado cada ao con ejercicios cada vez ms variados y pertinentes.Para decir la verdad, este programa no solo funcionar con tus abdominales: forjar tu Voluntad, te dar las claves para la Determinacin y la Perseverancia.Los resultados siempre exceden los esfuerzos provistos.En esta clase, podrs construir y refinar tu tableta:- Con el Peso corporal- Con una mancuerna- Con una barra de traccin- Con una rueditaLas Rutinas tienen en cuenta la Anatoma de sus abdominales (los Grandes Derechos, los Oblicuos, el Transversal) y la parte lumbar. Trabajars tus abdominales en modo velocidad, cardio, fuerza, de resistencia, isometra y mtodo explosivo.Se beneficiar del trabajo total y de los mejores ejercicios.Todo el programa de entrenamiento est disponible en el momento de la inscripcin.1- Entrena a tu propio ritmoEste curso permite construir tu fuerza y tu definicin abdominal con varios entrenamientos. Los ejercicios dados son progresivos, lo que te permite mejorar constantemente tus performancias, con rutinas adaptadas a tu nivel.2- Videoteca completa con gua de ejerciciosEl programa de entrenamiento contiene ms de 40 demostraciones de entrenamientos y ejercicios, motivndote a travs de todos los logros con una forma perfecta para maximizar la ganancia muscular, la fuerza y la resistencia.3- Mvil y tabletaEl sistema Udemy se ha optimizado para todos los dispositivos, incluidos los dispositivos mviles. y tableta, lo que lo convierte en su compaero ideal cuando deseas entrenar a tu cuerpo en cualquier situacin4- Revisa y vuelve a visitar todo lo que quierasUna vez que hayas adquirido el curso, estar disponible continuamente, incluidas las actualizaciones futuras y los nuevos vdeos regulares.Let's go !"
Price: 24.99 |
"Viral Blogging 101: Blogging & Content Writing Masterclass" |
"DISCOVER THE SECRET SAUCE TO WRITING VIRAL BLOG POSTS THAT SPREAD LIKE WILDFIRE. THE MOST PRACTICAL, STRAIGHTFORWARD BLOGGING COURSE ON UDEMY.Taught by a Udemy Best-Selling Blogging Instructor and Huffington Post ContributorWRITE VIRAL BLOG POSTS FROM SCRATCHLEARN HOW TO WRITE AND EDIT LIKE A BLOGGING PROGenerate Viral-Ready Content IdeasJOIN 20,000 HAPPY STUDENTS!!Practical and methodical teaching bringing more clarity and confidence regarding the whole blog post writing process. LAURENT, UDEMY STUDENT""Tyler breaks down his thought process right from choosing a blog post angle, one thing that most writers struggle with. It packs tons of great tips and tricks you can use to make your blog post viral."" YUYU SALEM, UDEMY STUDENT""Tyler has a relaxed friendly style..."" DIANNE WILLIAMS, UDEMY STUDENT""The information is shared step by step & explained in such a way that it's easily consumed & retained. This is going to then make the new information easy to apply for my needs."" BOBBIE OAKLEY, UDEMY STUDENT""As a seasoned copywriter and now blogger, I found Tyler's coverage informative, well-organized, and practical. He explored points particularly relevant to writing in the online community which I will put to immediate use."" JACKIE, UDEMY STUDENTIn recent years, the blogging and content writing world has exploded. There's now more opportunities than ever, but have you ever wondered what's the secret to getting your blogs read and seen by the masses? Do you want to know the criteria for an effective, shareable blog post? How to keep the ideas flowing? How to find the time to stay up with the competition?If you have any of those questions, this course is FOR YOU. As a blogger and professional writer, Ive written for some of the worlds largest publications (places like the Huffington Post, The Blaze, etc.) over the past several years and after much trial and error Ive discover a blogging template that will save you tons of time and frustration.With this course, youll learn the keys to faster blogging, writing, and editing. In no time, youll know how to go from blank page to viral blog post FAST. If youve ever wondered what the blogging process is supposed to look like, heres your chance! Go behind the scenes with me and see exactly how I build out my blog posts step-by-step. Watch my computer screen and discover exactly...How to brainstorm new blog postsHow to create an outlineHow to build out a rough draftHow to revise your rough draftHow to polish your postHow to craft killer headlinesAs you watch this step-by-step blog writing tutorial you'll discover a repeatable method for writing blog posts specific to your niche and gain access to a re-usable template that you can employ time and time again. This isn't your typical, hypothetical online writing course. This is as actionable and as practical as it gets!With my proven blog writing formula you'll be able to churn out fresh blog posts and keep up with the competition. Never worry about publishing a ""dud"" again by following my step-by-step blogging template.By the end of this course, you'll know exactly how to write clear, effective copy for your blog, website, or clients. If you're still questioning if this course is for you, I want you to answer the following questions honestly...Do you want to (quickly) gain confidence as a copywriter, blogger, or freelance writer?Do you want to grow your platform as a writer or blogger?Do you want more people to read your content?Do you want your content to be as polished and as professional as possible?If you just said YES, then I think you should take advantage of this opportunity to invest in yourself. This course contains the kind of practical insights you can take action on immediately. Instead of drowning under the pressure of your next assignment or project, youll have a proven formula to put into action.Enroll now and stop letting your competition have the advantage.""This course was so helpful. I know it seems like a simple subject but its something every blogger has to go through. No matter how much I try I just couldn't figure out how to make my blog posts not look cluttered and confusing. I totally recommend this course, Great Job Tyler! I feel like I'm ready to start writing more engaging blog posts for my readers."" KAREN FORGY, UDEMY STUDENT"
Price: 194.99 |
"Writing Tools & Hacks: Copywriting/Blogging/Content Writing" |
"ASIMPLE, STRAIGHTFORWARDGUIDE TO THE INTERNETS BEST WRITING TOOLSTaught by a Udemy Best-Selling Instructor and Huffington Post BloggerSAVE TIME AND BOOST YOUR WRITINGPRODUCTIVITYWRITE BETTER AND MORE EFFICIENTLYGenerate Viral-ready Content IdeasJOIN OVER 40,000HAPPY STUDENTS!!""The course and the tools in here are just a gold mine for any one doing online marketing/blogging/copy/ghost writing."" HEIKO BECKMANN, UDEMY STUDENT""This is the great course to start blogging."" SUFIAN, UDEMYSTUDENTTyler, the instructor was knowledgeable and easy to understand...SABRINA BOOTHE, UDEMY STUDENT""Tyler has a relaxed friendly style..."" DIANNE WILLIAMS, UDEMY STUDENT""As a seasoned copywriter and now blogger, I found Tyler's coverage informative, well-organized, and practical. He explored points particularly relevant to writing in the online community -- which I will put to immediate use."" JACKIE, UDEMYSTUDENTTheres no shortage of opportunities when it comes to writing online. Whether youre wanting to dive into the copywriting world, start a blog, or create engaging content for a website or online business writing is a skill thats in high demand.But how do you beat out the competition? Whats the secret to rising to the top of your niche?Simply working harder isnt the answer. To get ahead, you need to work SMARTER.Thats where this course comes in. As a professional copywriter and freelance writer, Ive scoured the internet over the past several years looking for the best free writing tools.Tools that will help you...Brainstorm better ideasWrite more persuasive marketing copyCreate killer headlinesWrite more efficiently avoiding common mistakes and errorsOrganize your ideas and workflowAll of the tools in this course are absolutely, 100% free. But not only am I going to show you how to access them, Im going to hold you by the hand and show you exactly how to use them. And on top of that,you'll get the inside scoop on some helpfulhacks for making the most of them!This course is perfect for...CopywritersBloggersFreelancersContent WritersAnyone wanting to improve their writing productivity""Really, really helpful for bloggers and writers.He has amazing knowledge about internet marketing."" SABTAINHAIDER, UDEMY STUDENT""I immediately created a bookmark folder for ALL of the incredibly resourceful sites and apps in Tyler's toolbox. These tools will keep me organized, become a better and more effective writer, and keep me from ever getting the infamous writer's block.'Hacks to take your copywriting, blogging, & content writing to the next level'..Delivered!!!"" JANDY, UDEMYSTUDENT""I did not know many tools that he introduced. Well structured and easy to understand."" ANDY, UDEMYSTUDENT""This course is THE BOMB DOTCOM! Within the first few lectures you are already given tools that will significantly impact the success of your writing! This course is dope and necessary for anyone who is tired of the fatigue that comes with content creation and inspiration! Don't cheat yourself- TREAT YOURSELF! GET THIS COURSE NOW! Thank you Tyler!""LARNICE, UDEMYSTUDENTBy the end of this course you'll know all of the best writing tools that will help youstart writing clear, effective copy for websites, email, and blogs.If you'restill questioningifthis courseisfor you, Iwant you toanswerthe following questions honestly...Do you want to (quickly)gain confidenceas a copywriter, blogger, or freelance writer?Do you want togrow your platformas awriter orblogger?Do you wantmore people toread your content?Do you want your content to be as polished and as professional as possible?If you saidYESto any of them,then Ithink you should take advantage ofthisopportunity to invest in yourself.This course contains the kind of practical insights you can take action on immediately. Instead of drowning under the pressure of your next assignment or project, youll have an arsenal of tools in your toolbelt.Enroll now andstop letting yourcompetition have the advantage."
Price: 194.99 |
"3-Step Writing System: Blogging & Writing Secrets [2020]" |
"LEARN HOW TO BLOG WITHTHE ULTIMATE BLOGWRITING COURSEA proven3-step system for learning how to blog and become a freelance writer...TAUGHT BY A PROFESSIONAL WRITER, BLOGGER,&HUFFINGTON POST CONTRIBUTOR...SAVE TIME AND BOOST YOUR BLOGGING &WRITINGPRODUCTIVITY...Improve your writing and blogging andget your content shared more...Become a PRO blogger and contentwriter...**FEATUREDASATOPUDEMYBLOGGINGCOURSE**JOIN THOUSANDS OFHAPPY STUDENTS!!""An excellent course! Well structured, easy to follow and understand!"" SARAH SMITH, UDEMY STUDENT""This is a premium guide for beginners to pros. If you want to becomea pro blogger just enroll and thankme later.""UDEMY STUDENT""Instructor knows what he is talking about, explains each and everything in detail."" UDEMYSTUDENT""Interesting and actionable advice delivered in short clips. You won't get bored..."" BOGDAN MARINCU, UDEMY STUDENT""It's anamazing course. I want to write blog and there are so many courses I took on this subject but mostly they are about how to build the blog website, niche, SEO tips and setup wordpress but not a single thing how to write on the subject. I love this course and recommend it.""M.Q. FAISAL, UDEMY STUDENT""Great presentation. The course is informative and inspirational. It was just the motivation I needed to take action.""DIANE BELL, UDEMY STUDENTTyler, the instructor was knowledgeable and easy to understand...SABRINA BOOTHE, UDEMY STUDENT""The 3-Step Writing System: Secrets for Better Blogging and Writing delivered as promised. It provided a clear, actionable process complete with real world examples and tool options. As a seasoned copywriter and now blogger, I found Tyler's coverage informative, well-organized, and practical. He explored points particularly relevant to writing in the online community which I will put to immediate use."" JACKIE, UDEMY STUDENTWant to startbloggingbut don't know where to start? Are you alreadyblogging but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere?Let's be honest, nobody wants to start a blog thatnobody reads. We write because we want to connect. The question is, how do you write in a way thatgets noticed(and actually gets read)?The online blogging and writing world is more crowded than its ever been making it harder to stand out and get noticed. That's why you need a system to help youwork smarter, not harder.Im a professional copywriter and freelance blogger andI'vespent the last three years writing and publishing articlesat some of the worlds largest online publications places like the Huffington Post and The Blaze.During thattime Ilearned some writing and blogging secretsthat will save you tonsoftime andfrustration. Those secrets are in THISsystem and I'm now making itavailable to you,exclusively throughthis Udemycourse.In this course I'm going to teach you...A 3-step proven plan that will make you a PRObloggerHow to make your blogstand out& get noticedThe secret to keeping new ideas flowing so you never run outHow to organize your blogging ideasHow to craft killer headlines2 secret ways to start ANYarticleHow to revise your writing like a professionalHow to optimize every blog postHow to makeyour writing asshareable, scannable, and readable as possibleA practicalplan forwriting one killer article every single weekHave youve ever wondered why some people seem to attract thousands of readers with their blog? Wonderhow theyget published at places like Huffington Post and Buzzfeed?These writers know something you dont but the good news is there'snothing stopping you from learning theirsecrets.In this course, I'm going to show you how to ""catch up"" and ""get ahead"" with your blog and writing. Thispractical,3-stepprocess is a systemyoucan startusingimmediately tosee a difference. Instead of dreadingyour next blog posts,you'll be excitedto sit down and execute the ideas you've curated.By the end of this course you'll have everything you need to start generating a constant stream of viralideas for your blog,website, or even books. This3-Step Writing Systemwill give youtheconfidence you need tobuildand growanaudience.If you'rewonderingifthis courseisfor you, Iwant you to answerthe following questions honestly...Do you want to (quickly) gain confidence as a writer and ablogger?Do you want to build a following and grow your platform as awriter andblogger?Do you want more people toread and visit your blog orwebsite?Do you want your content shared more on social media?If you saidYESto any of them,then Ithink you should take advantage ofthisopportunity to invest in yourself...Instead of having your best ideas die inside your head, we're going to create aplan for getting them out and into the world. No morefeeling overwhelmed by your blog or website.This is the practical system you needin orderto take your writing and blogging to the next level.ALSO... RECEIVE THESEFREE BONUSES AS SOON ASYOU ENROLL:THE 3 QUESTIONS TO ASK BEFORE PUBLISHINGULTIMATE BLOG POST TEMPLATETHE SECRET TO CRAFTING KILLER HEADLINES CHECKLIST 7 WRITING BOOKS EVERY SERIOUS WRITER MUST READPDF10 FREE BLOGGING TOOLS LINK LIST"
Price: 194.99 |
"Social Media Management Tools & Hacks (Digital Marketing)" |
"THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO THE INTERNETS BEST FREE SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT TOOLSPractical hacks & tools for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Podcasting, and more.Tools for taking your social media marketing to the next levelA simple social media marketing strategy for increasing your followers and networking with influencersUDEMY BESTSELLING INSTRUCTOR OF OVER 60,000 STUDENTSThe popularity of social media and digital marketing is exploding. Its obvious that social media outlets like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are crucial for growing your blog, business, and brand. But how do you beat out the competition? Whats the secret to rising to the top? And how do you manage it all?Simply working harder isnt the answer. To get ahead, you need to work SMARTER.Thats where this course comes in. With ""Digital Marketing Tools & Hacks"" I take you by the hand and introduce you to the ins and outs of the internet's best FREE digital marketing tools. As an online writer and blogger, Ive spent the past several years growing my blog and online network, while facing the same challenges you face.Thats why I guarantee that youll find this course helpful, even if youre just getting started even if youve already tried social media and content marketing and it didnt work even if you feel like youre behind. This practical, straightforward course is filled with tools to help you get ahead and make the most of your online platform.These FREE tools and apps will help youBrainstorm killer social media content ideasOptimize your social media performance Become an expert at marketing on Facebook, Instagram, and TwitterDiscover tools and hacks for growing your YouTube channelStart a podcast using only your mobile phoneAll of the tools in this course are absolutely, 100% free. But not only am I going to show you how to access them, Im going to hold you by the hand and show you exactly how to use them.WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING:""I really like how Tyler explains the thought process clearly in a transparent way for the student. It helps so much to be able to see and hear the ""why"" of the decision making process."" ELISHEVA, UDEMY STUDENT""This is my 3rd course created by Tyler Speegle. This guy knows his stuff."" JILL HORTON, UDEMY STUDENT""I have taken a few of Tyler's course and he never disappoints."" GRETCHEN, UDEMY STUDENTThis course contains the kind of practical insights you can take action on immediately and is perfect for...BloggersNewbiesSocial Media ManagersSocial Media InfluencersSmall Business OwnersOnline MarketersAnyone wanting to grow their blog, business, or online platformBy the end of this course, you'll have everything you need to start generating excellent content ideas and mastering the social media landscape."
Price: 99.99 |
"High Performance Leader: Success Secrets & Leadership Skills" |
"DISCOVER THE SECRETS TO SUCCESS AND HIGH PERFORMANCE""Motivating and practical tips to take you to the next level, not only in business but in life!"" -VANGIE, UDEMY STUDENT""The course is so simple to understand, and encouraging to learn success is more than a title or money. I would recommend this course to people of all ages."" -CHERIE, UDEMY STUDENT""Allen Speegle hits on all the right topics to give a well-rounded approach to being a successful leader!"" -KRISTEN, UDEMY STUDENTNOVEMBER 2018 - UDEMY'S FEATURED LEADERSHIP COURSE *****If youre wanting to grow your influence, become a leader, and achieve success in life and business you may be wondering where you should start. You might even be a little nervous about the idea of stepping up and stepping out in the unknown.The good news is that acheiving success and discovering your purpose doesnt have to be complicated. Whether you want to grow a business, grow your leadership skills, or just grow yourself this course will help you get to the heart of what you were created to do and teach you the practical skills and principles you need to accomplish it. Allen Speegle has spent the past 30 years helping people from all over the world achieve success in life and leadership. In this course, he provides practical advice, timeless wisdom, and motivational stories that you can easily apply to your life.*****WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING...""I found that the course engaging and that it covered many thoughts, which when implemented, will improve an individuals likelihood of success."" -CHARLES, UDEMY STUDENT""This course, if applied properly can transform the way you see your life and grow you, your family and practically anyone you come in contact with."" -LEVI, UDEMY STUDENTThe information is both applicable and informative. It is presented in a way that makes me excited to start applying the principles to my life and business! -BARBARA, UDEMY STUDENT*****If youre ready to break out of your comfort zone, leave the fear of failure behind you, and grow into the leader you were made to be then youre the perfect student for this course. By the end of this course, youll know the key principles that all great leaders live by and you'll have a clearer picture of your unique purpose.This includes learning about...SUCCESS: Define what true success looks like for youPURPOSE: Learn how to live on purposeATTITUDE: Learn how to develop a successful attitude OPPORTUNITIES: Discover the key to seeing and seizing opportunitiesPERSISTENCE: Discover the key to bouncing back after a bad dayTIME: Learn how to manage your time so you can get more doneOVERCOMING FEAR: Discover how to break out of your comfort zone and overcome your fear of failureWhether youre just starting out in your career, or youre more advanced and wanting to take things to the next level, by the end of this course you will have a proven path to success in life, leadership, and business."
Price: 194.99 |
"Seja Full-Stack com Asp.NET Web API 2 e Javascript + SQL" |
"Utilizando tecnologias web, apresentovoc odesenvolvimento back-end e front-end de uma aplicaocom as linguagens HTML, CSSeJAVASCRIPT no front-end e no back-end vamos utilizar principalmente C#.Em relao aframeworkvamos utilizarBOOTSTRAP entre outras bibliotecas javascripte ASP.NET WebAPI 2. Tenho mais de 12anos de experincia com anlise edesenvolvimento de software, mais de5 anos de experincia como professor universitrio. Contudo, venho percebendo o que os alunos gostariam e o que o mercado precisa. Vamos utilizar diversas IDE's eVisual Studio 2017, Sublime Text Editor 3 e Visual Studio Code entre outros."
Price: 19.99 |
"BOOTSTRAP 4 - Todos os segredos da melhor framework CSS." |
"Nesse curso voc contar com um super repertrio de todos os componentes e suas explicaes passo a passo. Alm desse detalhamento, voc entender o porque e como utilizar cada um deles. Ento, desenvolveremos o layout de um site de uma Cervejaria que est na BAHIA TOTALMENTEDOZERO!!!Nada de template encontrado na internet, vamos realmente focar em um cliente e suas necessidades. Utilizaremos Visual Studio Code, Node e GIT, alm de outras tecnologias... At um pouco de AngularJS vamos aprender para desenvolver o projeto Cervejaria!Vem comigo?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Javascript e Bootstrap - Projetos Completos de Verdade!" |
"Este um treinamento para desenvolvimento webjavascript, onde voc comear do absoluto ZERO em javascript ao nvel PROFISSIONAL. Durante o treinamento, criaremos vrios projetos, porm como dito acima, sempre comeando do absoluto zero at a integrao com o lado do servidor, tudo que voc aplicar no seu dia a dia profissional.1 Temporada - Do bsico validao de formulrio2 Temporada - Criando um Sistema Simples - 1 PROJETO3 Temporada - O AJAX na cabea4 Temporada - Jogo da Seleo - 2 PROJETO5 Temporada - Evoluo do Projeto e o ES6 (Em Desenvolvimento)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Interrogatrio Eficaz" |
"A produo de provas no processo judicial e, talvez principalmente, a produo da prova oral, consistente no depoimento pessoal do adversrio e na oitiva das testemunhas, so matrias bastante negligenciadas nos nossos cursos de Direito e mesmo em cursos de extenso ou ps-graduao. Consequentemente muitos advogados acabam aprendendo a interrogar a partir da prtica o que conduz a muitos erros advindos da falta de uma metodologia para esta atividade.A partir de mais de 20 anos de experincia em sala de audincias verificando erros e acertos, alm de um estudo aprofundado em farto material principalmente internacional relacionado ao Direito, Psicologia e Neurocincia, desenvolvi este curso que tem por objetivo capacitar os seus estudantes a interrogar com preciso, obtendo a prova necessria para o sucesso nos processos judiciais."
Price: 99.99 |
"Make Visual Novels with Ren'Py" |
"Have you ever wanted to tell a story with a game? Consider making a Visual Novel. This course is perfect for beginners, as I'll take you step-by-step through what you need to know to make a Visual Novel in Ren'Py.If you already feel that you have a grasp on the basics, then there is no need to take this course, but keep an eye out for more advanced ones that are on their way!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Composio Digital e VFX com Blackmagic Fusion" |
"Neste curso completo, voc ir aprende de forma prtica, com vdeos e imagens a criar composies digitais com tcnicas usadas pelos estdios que fazem os blockbusters do cinema, usando um software que pode ser usado gratuitamente para fins comerciais.VFX uma carreira em alta demanda no Brasil. Ento obter essa skill sinal de trabalho.Ele usa dos mesmos princpios do Nuke, ento se voc tem interesse em aprender a tcnica de composio baseada em nodes, esse curso pra voc."
Price: 39.99 |
"India Pharma Industry Course: Basics + Relevant Concepts" |
"Introducing a Pharma Course for Pharma/B.Sc students, graduates, industry professionals.This course will help you with basic concepts related to the functioning of the Pharma Industry. The focus is on Indian market but we have given global touch so that the understanding is complete. Some of the features of the course are: First and Only Course in India Market Relevant Course Content Pre-recorded Video Format (330 minutes / five and a half hours) Explanation through pictures Simple and easy to understand language 24-hour access online from any device mobile phone, computerTwo video access - free -preview of the coursePLEASEGOTHROUGHTHEFOLLOWINGCOURSECONTENTBEFOREENROLLINGFORTHECOURSE! THISWILLGIVEYOUANIDEAINTERMSOFWHATTOEXPECTINTHECOURSEVIDEOS!Thank you,Vikas,PharmaC2CCourse Content:Chapter 1: Terminology &ConceptsBrief summary on the various basic topics.Topic 1: Drug - What is drug, API, Formulation...Topic 2: Drug Types - chemical and biologicalTopic 3: Drug Discovery to Market - introduction to Pre-clinical,Clinical trialsTopic 4: Regulatory Agencies - India, US, Europe, JapanTopic 5: Patents - product, processTopic 6: Innovator vs Generics Drugs - with examplesTopic 7: Companies: Business Models - Innovator, generic, Hybrid with examplesTopic 8: Major CurrenciesTopic 9: Major UnitsChapter 2: Key NumbersTopic 1: Sales: Global,India &14 key Countries - country wise salesTopic 2: Sales Growth: Historical & Expectations (historical five years, expectations till 2021)Topic 3: Top Company & Top Drug (Global & India)Topic 4: Companies: Global & Indian Generics Market (List)Chapter 3: Companies Based Out OfUS, Europe, Japan: Brief History of 30 companies,One drugfrom each companyrelevant to the Indian market, other brands of the same drug in the Indian market.India: List of companies (50+), brief history of companies: 25Topic 1: USA Based Companies (10 Companies & 10 Drugs)Topic 2: EuropeBased Companies (12 Companies & 11Drugs)Topic 3: JapanBased Companies (8 Companies & 8 Drugs)Topic 4: Other GeographiesBased Companies (4 Companies & 2 Drugs)Topic 5: IndiaBased Companies (List of 50+ Companies, Brief History of 25 Companies)Chapter 4: Companies in Specific Geographies (Only List)Topic 1: USA (List)Topic 2: Europe (List)Topic 3: Japan (List)Topic 4: India (List)"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Hacking Web Applications and Penetration Testing: Fast Start" |
"Welcome to the ""EthicalHacking Web Applications and Penetration Testing: Fast Start!"" This course is for the beginners, so you dont need to have a previous knowledge about hacking, penetration testing, or application development. Youll learn how to ethically hack websites from scratch.Since free tools and platforms are used, you dont need to buy any tool or application. You will have the hands-on practices to find out and exploit the most common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, XSS (Cross Site Scripting) and CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery). Before starting to learn how to ethically hack a website, youll learn how to set up a lab environment and install the needed virtual machines such as Kali Linux and OWASP Broken Web Applications. This will allow you to practice and hack safely without affecting your main systems. Then, youll learn the basic terms, standards, technologies and protocols of web applications: HTML, URL, HTTP etc. When youre ready to start hacking, youre going to start with information gathering. In addition, you will learn how to use search engines to find out if there are known-vulnerabilities in the website. While discovering the website, youll analyse the configurations to understand if they cause any vulnerability. Then, youre going to learn the most important part of hacking web applications: how to manipulate input fields and the outputs produced by the application. Youll see the most famous and dangerous vulnerabilities including SQL injection and Cross Site Scripting (XSS) in this section. You will not only learn how to find out the vulnerabilities, but also learn how to exploit and hack those weaknesses. In addition, the methods to prevent hacking of these weaknesses will be taught. After that, youre going to learn how to discover authorisation, authentication and session management flaws. Youll learn how to find usernames and passwords using brute force attacks, how to fix a session, how to escalate a privilege, how to discover and exploit Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and more. In this course, you will find the clean and pure information. When preparing the training, we especially avoided unnecessary talk and waiting; we have found these parts for you and gotten them out. When you finish the course, youll understandthe reasons of vulnerabilities, how to find/discover the vulnerabilities, how to exploit/hack them, and how to prevent them IMPORTANT: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learnedshould be used when the attacker is authorized."
Price: 89.99 |
"Cyber Security: Network Fundamentals & Network Layer Attacks" |
"Welcome all to my cyber security course Cyber Security: Network Fundamentals & Network Layer Attacks course. To become Ethical Hacker and to learn hacking my Network Layer Attacks and Network Fundamentals course is a perfect start for you. This one gets kind of fun because we get to actually look at data going on the networks like: how to sniff the network and gather information from the network. Were going to use some tools such as TCP Dump and Wireshark. We will also be doing a deep dive into the Subnetting, ARP Spoofing and MitM attacks and Password Cracking. This course ishighly practical just like my other courses. But which also does not mean that I will neglect the theory. That`s why this course is formed in two parts. First part, The Network Fundamentals is for the beginners to explore the Network Fundamentals but also could be also a good refresher for advanced level students.In Network Fundamentals section I will introduce you tothe fundamental concepts of data networking operation including IPaddressing and subnetting, ethernet operation, ports and protocols,and the OSI model .By the end of this course,you will understand the relationship between IP addresses and MACaddresses, as well as the difference between a router and a switch.After learning theoretical background ( I promise that second part is totally fun ), in Network & Data Link Layer ( Layer 2 ) Attacks part you will first learn how toset up a lab and install needed softwareto practice penetration testing on your own machine. Then were going to use some tools such as TCP dump and Wireshark and well see some attacks and techniques to expand the sniffing surface:MAC Address Table Overflow attack, also known as MAC flooding,ARP Cache Poisoning attack, also known as ARP spoof,DHCP Starvation attack and DHCP spoof, And VLAN hopping techniques.The next topic is what else can be done on network devices in penetration tests: Gathering information, cracking passwords of the communication channels, compromising SNMP, etc.And finally, well check the configurations of network devices: Password creation methods, Identity Management, Access control lists, port security, etc.This course will take you from a beginner to a more advanced level. Please enjoy and if you have questions do not forget to get in touch with me.IMPORTANT!!!: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learned should be used when the attacker is authorized."
Price: 99.99 |
"Free Tools for Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking" |
"Hello,Welcome to my ""Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing with Free Tools""course.My name is Muharrem Aydin (white-hat Hacker), creator of thethree best-selling Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testingcourses on Udemy.This time Ive designedmy ""Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing with Free Tools""course, for YOU! This course is for everyone! If you dont have any previous experience,not a problem! This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners, right through to pro hackers.You'll go from beginner to extremely high-level and I will take you througheach step with hands-on examples.In this course, I have listed the websfavoriteethical hacking /pentestinghacker tools as used by hackers, geeks, ethical hackers and security engineers (as well as black hat hackers).All tools arefree.So you dont need to buy any tool or application. You will learn the theory, background and trendy free tools used to leverage the most updated attacks in the hacking world withreal-world examples and demos. In this course, you willfirst learn how toset up a lab (Kali Linux )and install needed softwareon your machine. Then you will learn;Network Scan ToolsWireshark,Hping, Nmap, ZenmapVulnerability Scan ToolNessusExploitation ToolMetasploit FrameworkPassword Cracking Tools Hydra, CainandAbel, John The RibberInformation Gathering Over the Internet ToolsSearchDiggity, Shodan, Maltego,Web Hacking ToolsBurp Suite, ZAP,Beef, SQLMapSocial Engineering and Phishing ToolsVeil, Fatrat, Empire Project &Network Layer & Layer-2 Attacks ToolsYersinia for DHCP StarvationHere is the list ofwhat youll learn by the end of course, Setting Up The LaboratorySet Up Kali Linux from VM ImageSet Up Kali Linux from ISO FileSet Up a Victim: Metasploitable LinuxSet Up a Victim: OWASP Broken Web ApplicationsSet Up a Victim: Windows SystemNetwork Scan ToolsWireshark: Sniffing the Network TrafficWireshark: Following a StreamWireshark: Summarise the NetworkTCPDump in ActionHpingfor Active Scan and DDoS AttacksNetwork Scan Tools - NMAPPing Scan to Enumerate Network HostsIntroduction to Port ScanSYN ScanPort Scan DetailsTCP ScanUDP ScanVersion DetectionOperating System DetectionInput & Output Management in NmapIntroduction to Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE)Nmap Scripting Engine: First ExampleNmap Scripting Engine: Second ExampleSome Other Types of Scans: XMAS, ACK, etc.Idle (Stealth) ScanVulnerability Scan Tool: NessusNessus: IntroductionDownload & Install NessusCreating a Custom PolicyScanningReportingExploitation Tool: Metasploit Framework (MSF)MSF Console: Search Function & Ranking of the ExploitsMSF Console: Configure & Run an ExploitMeeting with MeterpreterMeterpreter Basics on LinuxMeterpreter Basics on WindowsMeterpreter for Post-ExploitationIncognito Extension of MeterpreterMimikatz in MeterpreterPost Modules of Metasploit Framework (MSF)Managing Post Modules of MSFPassword Cracking ToolsHydra: Cracking the Password of a Web AppHydra: Online SSH Password CrackingCain and Abel: Install & RunCain and Abel: Gathering HashesCain & Abel: A Dictionary AttackCain & Abel: A Brute Force AttackJohn the RipperInformation Gathering Over the Internet ToolsSearchDiggity: A Search Engine ToolInformation Gathering Over the Internet ToolsSearchDiggity: A Search Engine ToolShodanFOCA: Fingerprinting Organisations with Collected ArchivesThe Harvester & Recon-NGMaltego - Visual Link Analysis ToolWeb App Hacking ToolsBurp Suite: Intercepting the HTTP TrafficBurp Suite: Intercepting the HTTPS TrafficZed Attack Proxy (ZAP): A Web App Vulnerability ScannerZAP: Installation & Quick ScanZAP: As a Personal ProxyZAP: Intercepting the HTTPS TrafficZAP: An Advanced Scan - Scanning a Website that Requires to LoginSQLMap: Leveraging an SQL Injection ExploitSocial Engineering and Phishing ToolsVeil: IntroductionVeil: In ActionFatRat: IntroductionFatRat: In ActionEmpire Project: InstallationEmpire in ActionSocial Engineering Toolkit (SET) for PhishingNetwork Layer & Layer-2 Attacks ToolsGNS3: Let's Create Our Network - Download & InstallGNS3: Setting Up the First ProjectGNS3: Tool ComponentsGNS3: Building the NetworkGNS3: Attaching VMware VMs (Including Kali) to the NetworkGNS3: Configuring Switch & Router (Cisco) and creating VLANsMacoffor MAC FloodEttercap for ARP Cache PoisoningYou'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadEnroll now to become professional Ethical Hacker!IMPORTANT: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learnedshould be used when the attacker is authorized."
Price: 99.99 |
"Hands-on: Complete Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking" |
"Welcome to my ""Hands-on: Complete Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking!"" course.My name is Muharrem Aydin (White-Hat Hacker), creator of thethree best-selling Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testingcourses on Udemy.This time Ive designed""Hands-on: Complete Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking!, for YOU!My""Hands-on: Complete Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking! is for everyone! If you dont have any previous experience,not a problem! This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners, right through to pro hackers.You'll go from beginner to extremely high-level and I will take you througheach step with hands-on examples.And if you are a pro Ethical Hacker, then take this course to quickly absorb the latest skills, while refreshing existing ones.Good news is: All applications and tools recommended arefree.So you dont need to buy any tool or application.My course, just as my other courses on Udemy, is focused on thepractical side ofpenetrationtestingandethical hackingbut I also will share with you the theory side of each attack. Before jumping into Penetration Testing or other practices with Ethical Hacking tools youwill first learn how toset up a lab and install needed softwareon your machine. In this course, you will have a chance keep yourself up-to-dateandequip yourselfwith a range of Ethical Hacking skills.When you finish this course you will learn the most effective steps to prevent attacks and detect adversaries with actionable techniques that you can directly apply when you get back to work.I am coming from field and I will be sharing my 20 years experience with all of you. So you will also learn tips and tricks from me so that you can win the battle against the wide range of cyber adversaries that want to harm your environment.Here is the list ofwhat youll learn by the end of course, Setting Up The LaboratorySet Up Kali Linux from VMSet Up Kali Linux from ISO FileSet Up a Victim: Metasploitable LinuxSet Up a Victim: OWASP Broken Web ApplicationsSet Up a Victim: Windows SystemPenetration TestPenetration Test TypesSecurity AuditVulnerability ScanPenetration Test Approaches:Black Box toWhite BoxPenetration Test Phases: Reconnaissance to ReportingLegal Issues Testing StandardsNetwork ScanNetwork Scan TypesPassive Scan With WiresharkPassive Scan with ARP TablesActive Scan withHpingHpingfor Another Purpose: DDosNmap for Active Network ScanPing Scan to Enumerate Network HostsPort Scan with NmapSYN Scan, TCP Scan, UDP ScanVersion &Operating System DetectionInput & Output Management in NmapNmap Scripting EngineHow to Bypass Security Measures in Nmap ScansSome Other Types of Scans: XMAS, ACK, etc.Idle (Stealth) ScanVulnerability ScanIntroduction to Vulnerability ScanIntroduction to a Vulnerability Scanner: NessusNessus: Download, Install & SetupNessus: Creating a Custom PolicyNessus: First ScanAn Aggressive ScanNessus: Report FunctionExploitationExploitation TerminologiesExploit DatabasesManual ExploitationExploitation FrameworksMetasploit Framework (MSF)Introduction to MSF ConsoleMSF Console & How to Run an ExploitIntroduction to MeterpreterGaining a Meterpreter SessionMeterpreter BasicsPass the Hash: Hack Even There is No VulnerabilityPost-ExploitationPersistence: What is it?Persistence Module of MeterpreterRemoving a Persistence BackdoorNext Generation PersistenceMeterpreter for Post-Exploitation with Extensions:Core, Stdapi, Mimikatz...Post Modules of Metasploit Framework (MSF)Collecting Sensitive Data in Post-Exploitation PhasePassword CrackingPassword Hashes of Windows SystemsPassword Hashes of Linux SystemsClassification of Password CrackingPassword Cracking Tools in Action: Hydra, Cain and Abel, John the Ripper...OSINT (Open Source Intelligent) & Information Gathering Over the InternetIntroduction to Information GatheringUsing Search Engines to Gather InformationSearch Engine Tools: SiteDigger and SearchDiggityShodanGathering Information About the PeopleWeb ArchivesFOCA - Fingerprinting Organisations with Collected ArchivesFingerprinting Tools: The Harvester and Recon-NGMaltego - Visual Link Analysis ToolHacking Web ApplicationsTerms and StandardsIntercepting HTTP &HTTPS Traffics with Burp SuiteAn Automated Tool: Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) in DetailsInformation Gathering and Configuration FlawsInput & Output ManipulationCross Site Scripting (XSS)Reflected XSS, Stored XSS and DOM-Based XSSBeEF - The Browser Exploitation FrameworkSQL InjectionAuthentication FlawsOnline Password CrackingAuthorisation FlawsPath Traversal AttackSession ManagementSession Fixation AttackCross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)Social Engineering & Phishing AttacksSocial Engineering TerminologiesCreating Malware - TerminologiesMSF VenomVeilto Create Custom PayloadsTheFatRat - Installation and Creating a Custom MalwareEmbedding Malware in PDF FilesEmbedding Malware in Word DocumentsEmbedding Malware in Firefox Add-onsEmpire Project in ActionExploiting Java VulnerabilitiesSocial Engineering Toolkit (SET) for PhishingSending Fake Emails for PhishingVoice Phishing: VishingNetwork FundamentalsReference Models:OSI vs. TCP/IP Demonstration of OSI Layers Using WiresharkData Link Layer (Layer 2) Standards & ProtocolsLayer 2: Ethernet - Principles, Frames & HeadersLayer 2: ARP - Address Resolution ProtocolLayer 2: VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks)Layer 2: WLANs (Wireless Local Area Networks)Introduction to Network Layer (Layer 3)Layer 3: IP (Internet Protocol)Layer 3: IPv4 Addressing SystemLayer 3: IPv4 SubnettingLayer 3: Private NetworksLayer 3: NAT (Network Address Translation)Layer 3: IPv6Layer 3: DHCP - How the Mechanism WorksLayer 3: ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)Layer 3: TracerouteIntroduction to Transport Layer (Layer 4)Layer 4: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)Layer 4: UDP (User Datagram Protocol)Introduction to Application Layer (Layer 5 to 7)Layer 7: DNS (Domain Name System)Layer 7: HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)Layer 7: HTTPSNetwork Layer & Layer-2 AttacksCreating Network with GNS3Network Sniffing: The Man in the Middle (MitM)Network Sniffing: TCPDumpNetwork Sniffing: WiresharkActive Network Devices: Router, Switch, HubMAC Flood Using MacofARP SpoofARP Cache Poisoning using EttercapDHCP Starvation & DHCP SpoofingVLAN Hopping: Switch Spoofing, Double TaggingReconnaissance on Network DevicesCracking the Passwords of the Services of Network DevicesCompromising SNMP: Finding Community Names Using NMAP ScriptsCompromising SNMP: Write Access Check Using SNMP-Check ToolCompromising SNMP: Grabbing SNMP Configuration Using MetasploitWeaknesses of the Network DevicesPassword Creation Methods of Cisco RoutersIdentity Management in the Network DevicesACLs (Access Control Lists) in Cisco Switches & RoutersSNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) SecurityYou'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadEnroll now to become professional Ethical Hacker!IMPORTANT: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learnedshould be used when the attacker is authorised."
Price: 199.99 |
"Master Python Regular Expressions" |
"Regular Expressions are strings thatdefine text matching patterns. This course explains all the concepts ofregular expressions in Python through simple and multipleexamples so that it will be easy for you tounderstand.Each case study consists of exercises . By solving these exercises, you will be able to write regular expressions for different kinds of text data.This course consists of three parts.Part I1.Introduction to regular expressions2.RE Module Basics3.RE Module Functions4. Groups5. Special Characters6. Matching Repititions7. Greedy and Non-Greedy Matching8. Character Classes9. Back References10. Look Ahead and Look BehindAssertionsPart II (Case Studies with Exercises)UrlsDatesNumbersEmailsPart III(Projects)1.Build a Simple Password Checker"
Price: 19.99 |
"100+ C Programs for Beginners" |
"This course is an early bird release. More programs will be added in the coming daysIf you are familiar with C programming, but you are not able to understand or write C program for a given problem, then this course helps in improving your coding skills. In this course, 100 + C programs of different levels are explained clearly with pseudo code and tracing with sample inputs . After solving 100+ C programs, you will get a solid foundation in Coding. Each program is explained clearly in four stepsConcept behind the problem is explained with examples Pseudo Code is explained Pseudo Code is traced for sample input Finally, complete C code is explained"
Price: 19.99 |
"Python 3" |
"Python 1 Python Python Python Web Python PythonPythonPythonPythonPython ()14020 Python"
Price: 15000.00 |
"Der groe Kurs der Webentwicklung: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP und Co" |
"Der groe Kurs der Webentwicklung: Erstelle eigene Webseiten""HTML ist was auf einer Webseite steht, CSS sorgt dafr, dass es aussieht, wie es aussieht, und Javascript bestimmt, wie sich die Inhalte verhalten."" - Vereinfachte Beschreibung der WebentwicklungDeshalb starten wir in dem neuesten deutschen Kurs zur Webentwicklung mit der Sprache, die das Web mageblich prgt: HTML. So kann jeder sein Wissen von Beginn an in einer Reihenfolge aufbauen, die Sinn ergibt. Fortsetzen werden wir unsere Reise zum Webentwickler mit CSS. Der Sprache, die den Inhalten ihren Look verleiht. Im Anschluss daran betrachten wir die responsive Webentwicklung unter Einsatz von Grids und Media Queries.Erste Funktionalitten wie einfaches Verhalten, Animationen und Co. einzusetzen lernen wir durch JavaScript und jQuery. So knnen wir beispielsweise Elemente ein- und ausblenden oder Animations-Effekte zu unserer Seite hinzufgen.Aufbauend auf diesem Grundwissen der Webentwicklung schauen wir uns ein Frontend-Framework in Form von Bootstrap 4 an. Solche Frameworks stellen bereits viele vordefinierte Elemente, Klassen und Funktionen zur Verfgung. Bootstrap selbst ist einer der am weitesten verbreiteten Standards fr die responsive mobile-first Webentwicklung und dementsprechend ein tolles und einfaches Hilfsmittel, um moderne Webseiten zu bauen.In ber 30 Stunden und mehr als 160 Lektionen knnt ihr so alles lernen, um eigene Projekte in der Webentwicklung umzusetzen. Sei es zum beruflichen Einsatz, privaten Gebrauch oder nur zum Spa; dieser Kurs lsst dich selbstbewusst in die Webentwicklung starten!ber den gesamten Kurs verteilt werdet ihr viele Projekte selbststndig und/oder gemeinsam mit mir Lsen knnen. Diese Projekte beinhalten:Eine einfache informative Webseite (ber das Sonnensystem)Einen Klon der Airbnb-WebseiteEine moderne Startup-WebseiteHinweis zu den fortlaufenden Erweiterungen und Updates des Kurses:Aktuell wird der PHP-Teil des Kurses aufgenommen und zuknftig erweitert.Die folgenden Themen sind als feste Erweiterungen des Kurses geplant:- MySQL (Kurze Einfhrung)- Abschlussprojekt"
Price: 199.99 |
"All you must know to spend a great holiday in Morocco" |
"is it your first time in morocco or in any arabic country ? if the answer is yes that`smeans that you are in need to this course ,so let me tell you something , many tourist in my country told me that they wish that they knew many things before they come here , because they spent much money and this prevent them to enjoy many other things , or when they get in troubles from time to time , but it is ok because it happen everywhere , but it will be better to learn this things before coming , so please watch the video to know more...."
Price: 24.99 |
"U.S. Student Visas: A Complete Guide to Application Success" |
"Thousands of internationalstudents earndegrees from U.S. schools each year. For many prospective students, however,their dreams are dashedafter beingadmitted by a school butthen notreceiving a student visa.This course is designed to prevent that from happening. Developed by former U.S universityinternational admissions staff, itprovides up-to-date and accurate information about U.S. immigration andvisas, plus everything you need to know and do to prepare for your student visa interview. Its recommended for anyone interested in studying at a U.S. high school,college, or university, or for international students who have already applied toand been accepted by a U.S. school.Course lessons are organized intothree sections:In the U.S.Immigration Basicssection, you will learn about:Important U.S. immigration agenciesWhata visa isThe Student Exchange Visitor Information System, known as SEVISPassportsImportant immigration documents: I-20, DS-2019, and I-94Immigration regulation complianceLessons in the Understanding Student Visassection focus:Types of U.S. student visasWhat information is on a student visa?Getting a student visaUsing a student visaRenewing a student visaFinally, the Mastering the Visa Interviewsection covers important issues related to the actual process of applying and interviewing for a student visa. Lessons include:What to do to prepare for the visa interviewWhat to expect at the interviewInterview success tipsInterview topics and possible questionsWhat happens after your interviewSign up for this course now to learn how toimprove your odds of receiving a U.S.student visa!"
Price: 19.99 |
"U.S. College Admission: A How-To Guide for Non-U.S. Citizens" |
"If youre a non-U.S. citizen whos always dreamed of completing a university degree in the United States, this course is for you. It includes EVERYTHING you need to know to about how the U.S. college admission system works and how to successfully apply and be admitted. Whether you are interested in an undergraduate or graduate degree, this course has you covered. Its lessons are easy to follow and include loads of pro tips and supplemental resources.In 2015-16, international student enrollments at U.S. colleges and universities topped 1 million for the first time, and the number is rising. Thats because schools across the country LOVE international students and are seeking to enroll more of them. As a result, its getting easier to be admitted and earn financial assistance than ever before, if you know what youre doing.Our lessons will guide you all the way and are organized into the following sections:the features and functions of the U.S. higher education system;different types of colleges and universities;researching schools and deciding where to apply;preparing to apply (the most important step in admission success);how to apply at different types of schools; andwhat to do, after being admitted, to prepare for the start of school.Watch the lessons in order or skip around. Everything you need to know about getting into the college or university of your dreams is here. And because this course was created by a team of former university international student admissions experts, you can count on the lessons being accurate and comprehensive.So what are you waiting for? Sign up for this course today and take the first step in toward your dream of studying in the United States. There is no other course, on Udemy or elsewhere, that compares.Your journey starts here!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Innovacin y Design Thinking en 5 pasos 2019" |
"** Actualizacin Septiembre 2019: Agregamos 1.5horas de contenido, 1 caso real de aplicacin por etapa para que tengas ejemplos sobre cmo aplicarlo, herramientas, templates y un nuevo ejercicio con feedback individual. Escuchamos a nuestros alumnos y mejoramos aplicando este modelo. Te esperamos!!Innov aplicando el modelo Design Thinking. En este curso, cubriremos desde la innovacin hasta cmo aplicar efectivamente el modelo. Tendrs teora, templates de aplicacin y ejercicios. Este programa no es slo terico, te brindaremos herramientas y ejemplos para que una vez completado el curso puedas aplicar el modelo sin problemas. "
Price: 79.99 |