"Blog para Professores:" |
"J pensou em criar um blogpedaggico de forma simples, prtica, profissionale gratuita?Este curso destinadoa professores,formadores, instrutorese educadores que acreditam no potencial dos blogs como uma ferramenta de ensino equeremcriar umpara trabalhar contedos relevantes com seus alunos.Nestecurso eu vou te ensinartudo que aprendi durante todos esses anos criando blogs para uso pedaggico. Voc vai compreender que possvel utilizar essa ferramenta para motivar seus alunos e ampliar ainda mais o conhecimento da turma.E para finalizar,irei apresentarprticas educativas com blogs que foram realizadas por mim com alunos de uma escola pblica.Voc irAprender:A origem dos blogs e suas contribuies na sala deaula;Como criar, gerenciar e utilizarseu blog para diversos projetos educacionais;Como incorporar textos, imagens e vdeos em seu blog;Como integrar atividades ldicas com osjogos educativos;Como organizar pesquisas sobre os assuntos vistos em sala de aula tais como: sites, vdeos, imagens, msicas, textos e slides;A usar o blog como umaferramenta deapoio aaula presencial;Criar um banner para divulgar projetos, atividades e trabalhosdos alunos ou dasua Instituio e inserir em seu blog;Como integrar as redes sociais noblog.Criar o seu portflio profissional professorUtilizar o seu blog como um repositrio de objetos de aprendizagemCriar um blog Institucional, ou seja, da sua escolarea para tirar suas dvidas:Alm do espao que o prprio curso oferece para voc tirar dvidas comigo,teremosumGrupo no Facebookpara trocas de experincias e sanar dvidas,mesmo apso curso ser concludo.E tem mais:Este curso aindaest em desenvolvimento.A cada mssero disponibilizadas novas aulas sobre a criao epersonalizao deBlogs Pedaggicos.Aproveite, uma excelente oportunidade para vocdominaresta ferramenta e utilizar melhorem suas aulas,atividades e projetos pedaggicos!A aprendizagem deve ser como uma condio no individualizada mas construda na interao socialFreire 1996Com os Blogs Pedaggicos,as aulas se tornam mais dinmicas, interativas e os alunos mais participativos e colaborativos. ( professora Clarice Menezes)"
Price: 39.99 |
"Aprenda Falar Chins Mandarim em 10 dias - Chinese do zero" |
"Partiremos do Bsico ao Avanado!Te ensinarei estudar convergindo sua ateno somente paraos 15% que garantem os 85% de resultado na fala do idiomaChins.Neste Curso de 10 dias meu foco ser ensinar vocs como comear estudar corretamente e como pronunciar as palavras na entonao correta, ecomo j citei tero condies de viajar para china e voltar com segurana.Para isto criei um plano infalvel se executadofarvoc aprender mandarim de forma fcil eficiente e efetiva em 10 dias."
Price: 99.99 |
"Curso Completo de Gesto de Produtos (Product Management)" |
"Junte-se aos mais de 9 mil alunos inscritos no curso ""The Complete Product Management Course"", disponvel em trs lnguas, sendo esta a verso mais vendida de Gesto de Produtos da Udemy Brasil.Esta verso apresenta legendas (BR), exerccios e toda a sesso de perguntas e respostas em portugus. So mais de 5 horas de vdeos e 76 aulas com um metodologia de idealizao e lanamento de produtos validada por startups e grandes corporaes do Sillicon Valley.Desenvolva as principais habilidades que iro otimizar o seu processo de Gesto de Produtos passando pela ideao, pesquisa de mercado, construo de wireframes, prototipao, histrias do usurio e liderana. Esse curso foi idealizado para ser facilmente compreendido por pessoas que j atuam na rea de produtos ou que tambm desejam ingressar.Esse curso ideal para:Startups e empreendedores em geral;Desenvolvedores ou designers que querem atuar com produtos;Profissionais que desejam concorrer a uma vaga de Gerente de Produto (Product Manager);Product Owner ou Scrum Master que deseja assumir uma vaga de Product Manager;Analistas ou Gerente de Produtos Jr. que querem ser promovidos para cargos mais altos;Gerente de Produto (Product Manager) Sr. que quer se atualizar e otimizar os seus processos com nova metologias de mercado. Alm das habilidades principais, voc tambm ir aprender com aplicar as ferramentas mais utilizadas em Gesto de Produtos como Popplet, Axure e Pivotal Tracker. Voc ter a chance de desenvolver a sua prpria ideia de produto atravs de um passo a passo com 10 fases, exerccios e templates. No final do curso, voc estar apto a criar uma Especificao de Produto com backlog de funcionalidades, wireframes e um prottipo interativo.J se perguntou como as organizaes como Apple, NASA e Ticketmaster projetam seus produtos? Voc saber depois de fazer este curso! Voc receber todo o conhecimento organizado de um especialista em Product Management, que por 8 anos liderou equipes nessas organizaes de ponta e lanou mais de uma dzia de produtos usados por milhes de pessoas diariamente.Voc ter acesso a segredos prticos que ficam escondidos nos bastidores das empresas mais inovadoras do Sillicon Valley. Tudo isso com exemplos reais de produtos muito bem sucedidos nos seus mercados de atuao."
Price: 234.99 |
"Microsoft Excel 2016 Course for Beginners" |
"This course assumes you've never worked with Microsoft Excel in your life, or you are upgrading from a previous version. Your professional trainer will start you from the very beginning by creating your first Workbook and entering data. Before you know it, you're using Excel 2016 like a pro with advanced functions. You will have the expertise you need to impress the boss at work. You can also use this essential application to accomplish all kinds of tasks for your personal life or business.If most Excel courses seem to be designed for people who already have experience with the program, this course will be a breath of fresh air. The videos keep things simple and carefully step you through each process."
Price: 199.99 |
"Understanding Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency : A 30 min Overview" |
"Understanding Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency : A 30 min Overviewis the only online course that lets you learn about Bitcoin right from the grassroots level, to actually getting involved with it by getting some Bitcoin of your own.More About TheCourseYou will be gaining a whole host of experience with Bitcoin, both practicalas well as theoretical within this course, and thats going to start from the very first section. So youll be jumping straight into the deep end within the first part of this course.Why Should You Get Involved With Bitcoin?1.Bitcoin has become a global phenomenon in the short time it has been around, it serves many purposes with the main one being it is a currency that isnt issued by any central governing body.2.Bitcoin is an alternative investment which offers exponential returns, however the markets are volatile. It has a distinct advantage over other markets, that being its a 24/7 liquid marketplace.3.By getting involved with Bitcoin youre joining an ever growing ecosystem, which is at the cutting edge of technology. Remember Bitcoin can be used as both a currency, and an investment.Whats Holding You Back?Just to put it out there, by the end of this course you will have a full theoretical and practical understanding of Bitcoin and Blockchain. This is the only course on Udemy that lets you learn about Bitcoin right from the grassroots level, to actually getting involved with it by getting some Bitcoin of your own. You can be assured youll have access to me throughout the course on-demand, and can contact me anytime even after the course is complete and I will happily resolve all your queries.I just want you to be aware that as the Bitcoin ecosystem evolves, so will this course. This course will give you so much ROI, as once you enroll itll always stay updated.Remember, youll gain lifetime access to this course which includes all future updates free of charge, and theres a 30 day money back guarantee with no questions asked.Nothing Is Holding You Back From Joining The Bitcoin Ecosystem!Go ahead, and click that Enroll Now button! Grab this totally risk free opportunity to join the Bitcoin ecosystem. I will see you inside the course!Who is the target audience?Anyone Who Wants To Get Involved With Bitcoin practically as well As Theoretically And Learn Further About How This Cryptocurrency systemWorks.As Bitcoin Is A Globally Based Currency.You Can Be From Any Country, Of Any Age, And Any Ability To Gain Maximum Value From This Course.The ideal student for this course is someone who wants to quickly understand and expand their knowledge of how Bitcoin works as well as how they are applied in business.Business people who want to learn more about how Bitcoins are impacting the world of business.This course does not include any code sampling elements, as such it is not meant as a course for developers who wish to learn how to program Blockchain applications."
Price: 199.99 |
Docker |
"DockerDockerDocker HubLinux Docker HubDocker. 2. DockerDocker3. DockerDocker4. DockerDocker5. Automated BuildDocker6. Docker MachineDocker MachineDockerAmazon Web ServiceAWSGoogle Cloud Platform7. DockerDocker8. DockerDocker9. Docker ComposeDocker ComposePythonDjangoRubyRuby on Rails 10. Swarm ModeSwarm Mode11. KitematicKitematicGUIDocker"
Price: 10800.00 |
"Amazon Web Service VPC" |
Price: 8400.00 |
"Amazon Web Service EC2" |
"AWSAmazon Web ServiceEC2Elastic Compute CloudAWSEC2EC2EC2EC2EC290%75%EC2LAMPWordPressAWSAWS. 2. EC2 EC2EC23. EC2EC2EC24.EC25. AWSAWS6. WordPressWordPressLAMPLinuxApacheMySQLPHP7. EC2EC2Amazon8. 90%9. 75%10. Dedicated Host11. AMIAmazon Machine ImageEC2AMIAMIAMI12. EBSElastic Block StoreEBSEBS13. Web14."
Price: 10800.00 |
"Kill Bed Bugs Like a Pro" |
"You will learn how to Exterminate Bed Bugs in your home the same way that the professionals do using the same equipment and supplies that the professionals use. This will save you hundreds of dollars. The national average for bed bug removal is between $1200 and $5000. You will learn what supplies you will needand where you can purchase them. The training is broken intoshortvideos to make it easy to watch when you have time. In most videos the knowledge isexplained first and themdemonstratedso you can see it in action. Enjoy the course!"
Price: 49.99 |
"ISACA Certified Information Security Manager - Practice Test" |
"This training is a comprehensive reference guide designed to assist individuals in preparing for the ISACA CISM exam and individuals who wish to understand the roles and responsibilities of an information security manager. It is a current, comprehensive, peer-reviewed information security management global resource.CISM Domain 1Information Security GovernanceEstablish and/or maintain an information security governance framework and supporting processes to ensure that the information security strategy is aligned with organizational goals and objectivesCISM Domain 2Information Risk ManagementManage information risk to an acceptable level based on risk appetite in order to meet organizational goals and objectives.CISM Domain 3Information Security Program Development and ManagementManage information risk to an acceptable level based on risk appetite in order to meet organizational goals and objectives.CISM Domain 4Information Security Incident ManagementPlan, establish and manage the capability to detect, investigate, respond to and recover from information security incidents to minimize business impact."
Price: 19.99 |
"Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI) Beginner Level" |
"CHFI certifies individuals in the specific security discipline of computer forensics from a vendor-neutral perspective. The CHFI certification will fortify the application knowledge of law enforcement personnel, system administrators, security officers, defense and military personal, legal professionals, bankers, security professionals, and anyone who is concerned about the integrity of the network infrastructure.By attaining this Course, professionals can prove their skill and knowledge in the following fields.Investigation processes in Computer forensicsLegal issues involved in investigationsSearching evidence and digital handprintsMethodologies of Acquisition and seizingRecover deleted files and hard dusk partitions and Many More.."
Price: 19.99 |
"Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI) Expert Level" |
"CHFI certifies individuals in the specific security discipline of computer forensics from a vendor-neutral perspective. The CHFI certification will fortify the application knowledge of law enforcement personnel, system administrators, security officers, defense and military personal, legal professionals, bankers, security professionals, and anyone who is concerned about the integrity of the network infrastructure.By attaining this Course, professionals can prove their skill and knowledge in the following fields.Investigation processes in Computer forensicsLegal issues involved in investigationsSearching evidence and digital handprintsMethodologies of Acquisition and seizingRecover deleted files and hard dusk partitions and Many More.."
Price: 19.99 |
"EC - Council Certified Security Analyst Practice Test" |
"The ECCouncil Certified Security Analyst Practice Testprogram takes the tools and techniques you learned in the Certified Ethical Hacker course (CEH) and elevates your ability into full exploitation by teaching you how to apply the skills learned in the CEH by utilizing EC-Councils published penetration testing methodologyFocuses on pentesting methodology with an emphasis on hands-on learningThe exam will now have a prerequisite of submitting a pentesting reportThe goal of these changes is to make passing ECSA more difficult; therefore making it a more respected certification"
Price: 19.99 |
"ISACA (CRISC) Certified Risk and Information Systems Control" |
"ISACA (CRISC) Certified Risk and Information Systems Controlis the only certification that prepares and enables IT professionals for the unique challenges of IT and enterprise risk management, and positions them to become strategic partners to the enterprise.The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has accredited the CRISC certification program under ISO/IEC 17024:2012, General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification Systems of Persons. ANSI, a private, nonprofit organization, accredits other organizations to serve as third-party product, system and personnel certifiers. ISACA is proud to be recognized with this international standard of performance.In accordance with the ISO standard, ISACA understands the importance of impartiality and commits to act impartially in carrying out its certification activities, managing conflicts of interest and ensuring the objectivity of its certification activities."
Price: 19.99 |
"SAS Base & Advanced Programming - Practice Test" |
"SAS(Statistical Analysis System"") is a software suite developed by SAS Institute for advanced analytics, multivariate analyses, business intelligence, data management, and predictive analytics. SAS was further developed in the 1980s and 1990s with the addition of new statistical procedures, additional components and the introduction of JMP. SAS programs have DATA steps, which retrieve and manipulate data, and PROC steps, or perform analysis automatically and does not require SAS programming experience to use."
Price: 19.99 |
"Red Hat Linux System Administration - Practice Test" |
"An IT professional who has earned theRed Hat Certified System Administrator(RHCSA) is able to perform the coresystemadministration skills required inRed HatEnterprise Linux environments. The credential is earned after successfully passing theRed Hat Certified System Administrator(RHCSA) Exam (EX200). A Red HatCertified System Administrator (RHCSA) is able to perform the following tasks:Understand and use essential tools for handling files, directories, command-line environments, and documentation Operate running systems, including booting into different run levels, identifying processes, starting and stopping virtual machines, and controlling services Configure local storage using partitions and logical volumes Create and configure file systems and file system attributes, such as permissions, encryption, access control lists, and network file systems Deploy, configure, and maintain systems, including software installation, update, and core services Manage users and groups, including use of a centralized directory for authentication Manage security, including basic firewall and SELinux configuration"
Price: 19.99 |
"Project Management Professional - Practice Test - Part 1" |
"PMP can provide a significant advantage when it comes to salary and earning potential. Among survey respondents to PMIs Earning Power Salary Survey, those with a PMP certification garner a higher salary(23% higher on average)than those without a PMP certification. Employers benefit as well. When more than one-third of their project managers are PMP-certified, organizations complete more of their projects on time, on budget and meeting original goals.The PMP signifies that you speak and understand the global language of project management and connects you to a community of professionals, organizations and experts worldwide. Become a PMP and become a project hero."
Price: 19.99 |
"Project Management Professional - Practice Test - Part 2" |
"PMP can provide a significant advantage when it comes to salary and earning potential. Among survey respondents to PMIs Earning Power Salary Survey, those with a PMP certification garner a higher salary(23% higher on average)than those without a PMP certification. Employers benefit as well. When more than one-third of their project managers are PMP-certified, organizations complete more of their projects on time, on budget and meeting original goals.The PMP signifies that you speak and understand the global language of project management and connects you to a community of professionals, organizations and experts worldwide. Become a PMP and become a project hero."
Price: 19.99 |
"International Software Testing Qualifications Board ISTQB -1" |
"ThisPractice Test covers topics from the below mentioned headings:1)The Fundamentals of testing:(K2)Why is testing necessary? (K2)What is Testing? (K2)Testing Principles (K2)Fundamental Test Process (K1)The psychology of Testing (K2)2)Testing throughout the life-cycle:(K2)Software development models (K2)Test Levels (Eg. Unit testing, Component testing, Integration testing,etc.) (K2)Test types (Functional, non-functional, structural, change-related testing) (K2)Maintenance testing (K2)3)Static testing:(K2)Reviews and the Test process (K2)Review Process (K2)Static analysis by tools (K2)4)Test design techniques:(K4)Identifying test conditionsand designing test cases (K2)Categories of test design techniques (K2)Specification based or Black Box techniques (eg. BVA, Equivalence Partitioning) (K3)Structure based or white Box techniques (K4)Experienced based techniques (Error guessing and Exploratory guessing) (K2)Choosing a Test techniques (K2)5)Test Management:(K3)Test organization (K2)Test Plans, estimates and strategies (K3)Test progress, monitoring and control (K2)Configuration management (K2)Risk and testing (K2)Incident management (K3)6)Tool support for testing:(K2)Types of test tools (K2)Effective use of tools (K2)Introducing a tool into an organization (K1)"
Price: 19.99 |
"International Software Testing Qualifications Board ISTQB -2" |
"ThisPractice Test covers topics from the below mentioned headings:1)The Fundamentals of testing:(K2)Why is testing necessary? (K2)What is Testing? (K2)Testing Principles (K2)Fundamental Test Process (K1)The psychology of Testing (K2)2)Testing throughout the life-cycle:(K2)Software development models (K2)Test Levels (Eg. Unit testing, Component testing, Integration testing,etc.) (K2)Test types (Functional, non-functional, structural, change-related testing) (K2)Maintenance testing (K2)3)Static testing:(K2)Reviews and the Test process (K2)Review Process (K2)Static analysis by tools (K2)4)Test design techniques:(K4)Identifying test conditionsand designing test cases (K2)Categories of test design techniques (K2)Specification based or Black Box techniques (eg. BVA, Equivalence Partitioning) (K3)Structure based or white Box techniques (K4)Experienced based techniques (Error guessing and Exploratory guessing) (K2)Choosing a Test techniques (K2)5)Test Management:(K3)Test organization (K2)Test Plans, estimates and strategies (K3)Test progress, monitoring and control (K2)Configuration management (K2)Risk and testing (K2)Incident management (K3)6)Tool support for testing:(K2)Types of test tools (K2)Effective use of tools (K2)Introducing a tool into an organization (K1)"
Price: 19.99 |
"International Software Testing Qualifications Board ISTQB -3" |
"ThisPractice Test covers topics from the below mentioned headings:1)The Fundamentals of testing:(K2)Why is testing necessary? (K2)What is Testing? (K2)Testing Principles (K2)Fundamental Test Process (K1)The psychology of Testing (K2)2)Testing throughout the life-cycle:(K2)Software development models (K2)Test Levels (Eg. Unit testing, Component testing, Integration testing,etc.) (K2)Test types (Functional, non-functional, structural, change-related testing) (K2)Maintenance testing (K2)3)Static testing:(K2)Reviews and the Test process (K2)Review Process (K2)Static analysis by tools (K2)4)Test design techniques:(K4)Identifying test conditionsand designing test cases (K2)Categories of test design techniques (K2)Specification based or Black Box techniques (eg. BVA, Equivalence Partitioning) (K3)Structure based or white Box techniques (K4)Experienced based techniques (Error guessing and Exploratory guessing) (K2)Choosing a Test techniques (K2)5)Test Management:(K3)Test organization (K2)Test Plans, estimates and strategies (K3)Test progress, monitoring and control (K2)Configuration management (K2)Risk and testing (K2)Incident management (K3)6)Tool support for testing:(K2)Types of test tools (K2)Effective use of tools (K2)Introducing a tool into an organization (K1)"
Price: 19.99 |
"International Software Testing Qualifications Board ISTQB -4" |
"ThisPractice Test covers topics from the below mentioned headings:1)The Fundamentals of testing:(K2)Why is testing necessary? (K2)What is Testing? (K2)Testing Principles (K2)Fundamental Test Process (K1)The psychology of Testing (K2)2)Testing throughout the life-cycle:(K2)Software development models (K2)Test Levels (Eg. Unit testing, Component testing, Integration testing,etc.) (K2)Test types (Functional, non-functional, structural, change-related testing) (K2)Maintenance testing (K2)3)Static testing:(K2)Reviews and the Test process (K2)Review Process (K2)Static analysis by tools (K2)4)Test design techniques:(K4)Identifying test conditionsand designing test cases (K2)Categories of test design techniques (K2)Specification based or Black Box techniques (eg. BVA, Equivalence Partitioning) (K3)Structure based or white Box techniques (K4)Experienced based techniques (Error guessing and Exploratory guessing) (K2)Choosing a Test techniques (K2)5)Test Management:(K3)Test organization (K2)Test Plans, estimates and strategies (K3)Test progress, monitoring and control (K2)Configuration management (K2)Risk and testing (K2)Incident management (K3)6)Tool support for testing:(K2)Types of test tools (K2)Effective use of tools (K2)Introducing a tool into an organization (K1)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Python Best Parts: Standard Library (Beginner to Advanced)" |
"This is the number #1 Python 3 Standard Library tutorial on Udemy!ENROLLNOW! (on DISCOUNT!)Hi. My name is Zoli, Im a python programmer. Im looking for the best python practices for years.I want you to know them so I created this mini course about Python3 Standard Libraryto help being a more advanced programmer.And have some fun. :)Ive gathered the best parts: which are easy to learn, but also very useful at the same time!Surprisingly often people with years of experience are not aware of these.You will learn about:advanced data structurescustomized sortingvisualizing similarities and differences in textsshortcuts to make your code simplertricks to write terse and readable coderandom number generation & random choosingpythons truth testing procedurehandling csv filesfinding common elementsand many more.The course comes with full udemy approved 30 days money back guarantee, so you can feel safe.Enroll now, lets get it started!We haveDISCOUNT!"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Ultimate Swing Trading Guide." |
"THE DILEMMA OF TRADING THE FINANCIAL MARKETSTrading the markets can be a daunting task. First, you need an edge, you must have a trading method with positive expectancy, this is crucial. This method must be consistent with your own personality and comfort level. The approach you use must make you feel comfortable.Then comes the problem of emotions. All human emotions play a huge roll in the final outcome of this business endeavor. Greed and fear are powerful enemies not easy to control when there is real money involved. News, colleagues comments, TV experts and even family members can supply additional doses of adrenaline that can make you take wrong trading decisions. After a series of bad trades and some money lost then you become ill, and this illness is called Fear of Losing, what happens next? you are afraid of pulling the trigger to make a new trade again.How to avoid all those emotions to trade successfully by yourself, not using an automated system to trade for you? It is impossible or very hard to detach a human being from emotions when trading with real money. What you can do is to control or minimize those emotions. The answer to this dilemma is to learn how to control RISK.Once you learn how to manage risk you will enter a state of mind that will control emotions and will let you take trading decisions with the best odds of becoming profitable. After a while, you learn that losing is part of the game and when loses are in control then fear of losing disappear from your mind and you will begin to trade successfully.This course is set for students that want to have a valid edge and to learn how to control risk to build a sustainable trading business.Students will find here the necessary tools to improve their trading plan to a new level of mastery. With simple step by step instructions, they will optimize their skills to take high probability trades reducing risk using any time frame (Day Trading or Swing Trading).In this course you will learn:How to acquire the mindset to achieve higher levels of mastery trading the Emini S&P 500 or any other financial instrument.How to improve your Risk and Money Management Plan.How to upgrade your trading methodology to read correctly price action for identifying the strongest trend in place.How to apply the right skills and tools to increase the probabilities of making winning trades while reducing risk.How to integrate risk control, money management and price action to have a successful trading business.This course foundation is based on endless hours of studying price charts and money management. Risk reduction is the cornerstone of trading the financial markets, if you focus your trading plan on caring for minimizing risk, then profits will take care of themselves. During this course, you will make an in-depth analysis of implementing risk reduction into your trading plan, which is the highway to becoming a profitable trader.UPDATES: This course will be updated as any new improvements are made to my trading methodology."
Price: 199.99 |
"Curso de Fotografia Sua Histria e Cmera" |
"Ol, tudo bem?Esse curso tem como objetivo principal, estimular os alunos a trabalhar com fotografia deuma forma diferenciada do mercado tradicional. Nessa grande jornada vamos falar dequestes externas que nos leva a ter imagens relevantes. Se voc est buscando algo diferenciado, acredito que vai se surpreender com o contedo do curso, pois temos como grande objetivo, mostrar o caminho mais seguro e correto para obter resultados incrveis."
Price: 99.99 |
rkejeymg |
Price: 19.99 |
"Party Wall etc. Act 1996 for Building Owners and Developers" |
"An Everyday Guide for Property Owners to The Party Wall etc. 1996(""the Act""). Anyone who owns any type of property in England or Wales needs to have an understanding of the Act. Whether you own a commercial or a residential property, if your thinking about undertaking any type of building or development work you need to find about the issues involved."
Price: 199.99 |
"Building a Successful Agile Programme in Financial Services" |
"Requirements There are no specific requirements that one has to fulfil in order to sign up for the course. It is designed for beginners and intermediate Scrum Team members in mind but will be a perfect fit for those with basic understanding of Agile methodology and wants to enhance their understanding in successfully implementing agile methodology in a regulated environment, like the bank. The course can also serve as an introduction to agile in general because it covers all basic concepts and key documents to be produced at various stages in the Agile journey. Description Are you a business analyst, project manager or a member of a scrum team who is frustrated in learning only theories of Agile without a case study for explanation? Are you looking to understand how to implement Agile methodology in a regulated environment, like the bank? Are you interested to understand in details the key concepts of Agile and all the necessary documents required to be produced during an Agile implementation? If your answer is Yes to any of the above questions, then this course is for you. In this course you will learn: What is Agile? Why Agile in Financial services and its benefits. The Agile Wheel designed by the authors. An overview and fundamentals of Agile Understand the roles in an Agile Team Understand how to start an Agile project Understand the various phases within the Agile journey Understand the various artifacts/documents that are needed for each phase of the Agile journey Understand the various Scrum ceremonies and their expectations. Understand how to build a product backlog using the case study Understand how to write Epics, User Stories, Acceptance Criteria, & Definition of Done using a case study to explain. How to perform estimation, prioritization, define your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) using the case study. Target Audience Business Analysts interested in understanding how to implement Agile in financial services. Project Managers interested in understanding how to implement Agile in financial services. Scrum masters who need to broaden their understanding in implementing Agile in a less flexible environment. Product Owners/Accountable Executive who need to have a good understanding of the Agile lifecycle and all artifacts/documents that are required in each Agile Phases. Anyone who is interested in understanding how Agile can be successfully implemented."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn To Code by Making Video Games - No Experience Needed!" |
"If you've ever wanted to make a game, or start programming, but have been intimidated by the process, this is the course for you! We're going to make a game from scratch using GameMaker Studio 2 Trial - $0, and 0 experience required.This course will walk you through the basics of game development, game design, programming fundamentals, and more. GameMaker Studio 2 is an awesome engine for creating 2D and 3D games with ease. Throughout this course, you'll learn to use Sprites, create Objects, change Rooms, and create your own Scripts. We'll go step by step, explaining everything along the way.The best part is that, by the end, you'll be ready to create your own games, or branch into software development in general. You'll learn real coding, terminology, logic, and more that will help you be a great programmer and game designer."
Price: 149.99 |
"Learn To Use APIs With Visual Studio, C#, ASP.Net" |
"APIs are the backbone of building rich, engaging applications. But they're not always simple or easy to use. We're going to walk through how to use real APIs like Giphy and YouTube, get their JSON data, and display in our web application.If you've ever wanted to learn about APIs, how to use them, or even just how they work, this course is for you.We'll be using all free software, so you just need this course. We'll be using Visual Studio 2017, C# as the programming language, and ASP .net MVC as the architecture."
Price: 119.99 |