"Learn Source Control With Git Today!" |
"Source control can seem like modern day magic -- Incredibly powerful, but impossible to learn. That's not true at all. While many tutorials on source control and git focus on how it works, this course focuses on how to use it. I've been using Git for years, have developed a workflow, and want to teach you how you can start using it today.It doesn't have to be mysterious or impossible. Git is an awesome, powerful tool, that only takes moments to get set up and running. With my course, you'll learn exactly what you need to get started, and then how to figure out what else you need in the future.Are you ready?Let's get started!"
Price: 119.99 |
"6 Powerful Leadership Styles" |
"This course intends to help youngprofessionals to build their unique and powerful leadership approach by trainingthemon 6 leadership styles. The instructor presents each leadership style in detail, when and where to use them and the impact of it on business results and people. The learnings are supported by differentcases, quizzesand videos."
Price: 19.99 |
"Professional lighting techniques - from a working pro" |
"Get started (or more up-to-speed) on lighting for professional stills and video with this ""hands on"" course. This course is drawn from a best-selling dvd created by Victor Milt for sale at the NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) in Las Vegas. Thousands were sold at $99 dollars and we received dozens of thank yous from working corporate cinematographers."
Price: 99.99 |
"Interview Success: Get A Job Offer Every Time You Interview" |
"Do you want to get a job offer every time you interview? Then this course is for you!Hi, my name is Larry Warren and Iteach people how to get a job offer every time they interview. I will take you from where you are now to someone with rock-star interviewconfidence that can land their dream job!Here is what you are going to gain from enrolling in this course...Our Masterclass course starts out by teaching you the 1 thing you should always do, but nobody does to develop rock-solid interview confidence. Afterwards I'll show you how to use preparation to position yourselfas the problem solver to the hiring managers biggest needs.You'll also learn how to develop your very own Unfair Advantage to set you way apart from your competition. Then, I'll show you how to master the toughest interview questions along with the dreaded ""money question.""Lastly, you will receive my Complete Interview Guide (21Pages!) and several cheat sheets to download that will help you master your interviews and get a job offer!When youfinish this course, you will be able to:Develop rock-solid interview confidence.Master any interview question thrown at you.Position yourself as the solution to the hiring managers biggest needs.Confidently answer the ""money question"" and negotiate a higher salary.Stand out from your competition by developing your Unfair Advantage.Ask the right questions to gain insider information that yourcompetition won't have.And much more!While other courses either give you basic, common-sense information (or even worse confuse you!),my course is easy to understand andfollows anA to Z, step-by-step process.Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase. That's why I am offering you a 30 day money back guarantee.YOU HAVE NOTHING TO RISK, BUT EVERYTHING TO GAIN!It's time to take action. This offer won't last forever.Go ahead and click the take this course right now button and I'll see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!To your success!Larry Warren-Your Instructor-"
Price: 199.99 |
"Cigars - From novice to expert in one course" |
"""A good Cuban cigar closes the door to the vulgarities of the world.""- Franz Liszt, ComposerWhile many first timers often believe you can simply, cut light and smoke a cigar, there is a specific process that needs to be followed and a few tools youll need to acquire.This course will bring any novice to an expert, in an amazingly short amount of time.WARNING:THISCOURSEGETSTECHNICALATTIMES! I have tried to be as detailed as possible.Some reviews have stated the course istoo technical at times, but I think better to give too much info than not enough.This course reviews:Standards, sizes and shapes of cigarsTobacco types, growing regionsHow a cigar is constructedCutting, lighting and smoking cigarsService of cigars to othersFlavors found in CigarsPairing cigars with Beer, Wine, Spirits and SakeAnd for full rounded education, the history of cigarsCigars truly are one of the finest things in the world, not reserved for thestereotypical rich, so no matter who you are, sit back, relax and light one up now."
Price: 49.99 |
"Videos subtitulos disponibles en EspaolGIN ORIGINS, STYLES, FLAVORS,PAIRING & STANDARDSWith so many styles and flavor profiles, there are plentiful samples of Gin to choose from. And therein lies the problem. With so many varieties to select from it is often difficult to make a selection at that bar or restaurant, or to know what to mix it with.This course is aimed at fixing all that!This course will bring any novice to an expert, in an amazingly short amount of time.WARNING:THISCOURSEGETSTECHNICALATTIMES! I have tried to be as detailed as possible.Some reviews have stated the course istoo technical at times, but I think better to give too much info than not enough.This course reviews:Standards of GinGin typesProductionregionsGin production methodsFlavors found in GinGin botanicals and how they effect flavors and types for mixing cocktailsPairing Gin with Food and CigarsAnd for full rounded education, the History of GinWith knowledge on the many different types and flavors of Gin, one can be confident in making a selection, recommending Gin for others to enjoy or blend with other ingredients to make wonderful cocktails.Here we explain, clearly & concisely, all thats needed to fully understand these types of Spirits and how to serve them properly.For those not in the bar or restaurant field, well give you a solid understanding to make the best selection for personal preference or learn how to pair a Gin with food or a cigar. Well help you make better choices and be able to differentiate options, without having to personally try everything out there. Class is in session. Drink Up!"
Price: 49.99 |
"VODKA - Essentials in Bartending and Cocktails" |
"Videos subtitulos disponibles en EspaolLegendas em vdeo disponveis em PortugusVODKA ORIGINS, STYLES, FLAVORS,PAIRING & STANDARDSVodka's lack of flavor allows it tobe mixedwith many numbers of other spirits, juices, and mixers forhighversatility. The neutrality, or lack offlavor allows Vodka tobe easily flavoredwith other ingredients and has helped to make Vodka as popular as it is today.With so many styles and flavor profiles, there are plentiful samples of Vodka to choose from. And there's the problem. With so many brands to select from it is often difficult to make a selection at that bar or restaurant, or to know what to mix it with.This course is aimed at fixing all that!This course reviews:Vodka TypesOld World RegionsOriginal Vodka TypesVodka Flavors ProfilesVodka base ingredients and how they effect flavors Learn what Vodka is best for specific cocktail recipesProduction methodsPairing Vodka with Food Legal Standards And for full rounded education, the History of VodkaWARNING:THISCOURSEGETSTECHNICALATTIMES! I have tried to be as detailed as possible.But I think better to give too much info than not enough.With knowledge on the many different types and flavors of Vodka, one can be confident in making a selection, recommending Vodka for others to enjoy or blend with other ingredients to make wonderful cocktails. How to be a bartender... This is a component. The more information you have the better you'll be. Here we explain, clearly & concisely, all thats needed to fully understand these types of Spirits and how to serve them properly.For those not in the bar or restaurant field, well give you a solid understanding to make the best selection for personal preference or learn how to pair a Vodka with food or what brand or type would be great in each type of cocktail. Well help you make better choices and be able to differentiate options, without having to personally try everything out there. Class is in session. Drink Up!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Python Web Automation testing Python Selenium Webdriver" |
"Python installationPython configuration with seleniumIntroduction to Python ShellHow to Create a PythonfilePython BasicsNumbersStringsListTuplesDict'sPycharm IdleEclipse Configuration with pythonPython Basic ProgramConditional StatementsLoop Statement*****Before going to test scripts please read the article if you get any errors related topython configuration with eclipse please check that document******First test scriptSecond test scriptTaking ScreenshotFacebook example(part1, part2, part3)How to update your status in Facebook using python seleniumGmail Example(part1,part2)Navigating URL'sHandling Web Page ElementsHow to open a new tab or new window inside a browserHandling two windows, Switching two windowsAction ClassesCross Browser TestingInstallationRobot Framework (Ride)Important points you need to remember while doing AutomationHow to import Selenium library in RIDEHow to use Scalar?How to use List variable?How to use Dict Variable?How to create your own User Keyword?How to create tags and how can we execute test cases using tags?How to use Setup?How to use Setup and Teardown?***Introduction to Web Scraping is updated *** stay tuned more modules :)End of the course------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No knowledge is required.If you don't know anything related to python, selenium Webdriver, no problem you can learn it from beginning heream created this course only for beginners, and job-seekers, who wants to start their career in Automation,(python selenium)***I can say this is the Best Course for you*** Because you can easily understand the concepts and you can execute the programs in easy ways if you follow this course correctlyLearn Python selenium, Trust me It's a cake for Beginners*** Once you connected to my course Don't get disconnected because i had i will update robot frameworks, Data driven frameworks in this course only it will be very simple and easy for you :) ****Still now Robot framework is updated you can easily understand from beginning***Robot Framework Module is Updated ********Introduction to web scraping module updated ***** **more modules i will be updating stay tuned**If you're looking for ****Python selenium testing course****, Then this course is only for you, codes are designed in different way According to requirements i had changed***Not always required to follow traditional coding method***Python web automation testing, python selenium testing, if you are interested to join in python selenium course, Trust me this is the best course, ***you will not find real time examples *** which is covered in this courseReal time Examples we are using in day to day life :)One thing before you need to do, Once you enrolled if you get any doubts whatever it may be related to course, just drop me a message i will respond you back with in 24 hours....Anyone can learn this course, if they doesn't know anything about Automation Testing also they can understand from beginning in this courseYou need to have passion then only you can reach your goal,Just practice and execute code in new way :) Trust me you can do it, if you follow this course content correctly and Once you Enrolled stay connected more modules are coming i will update as soon as possible****Trust me I had given my best to you*******If you wants to start your career in Automation(Selenium with python) This course for you only***If you're a beginner also no problem you can easily understand the concepts, coming to selenium it will be very easy trust me i had simplified the coding part too***After this course they can know what i have learn and what we can do from it....Completely you can do website testingyou will able to do automate websites,Try to implement it in many different ways then only you can know what you learnt from thisOnce you enrolled Stay connected to my course because i will update other modules like Hybrid Framework, Data driven framework...all things will updated as soon as possible in this course only****Robot Framework is Updated ****Even if you don't know about python, and selenium also no problem you can learn it from basics onwards in this course only ***Best course for beginners*** trust me the examples are very clear just practice it and grab the knowledge ********Python selenium Testing**** if you're completed this course, if hope so you will gain knowledge from this---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As a beginner this will help you and more examples you can do also, in next sessions i will discuss about frameworks but before going to this you need to have basic knowledge about this which we had discussed and you need to practice well then only in our next sessions you will get understand easily.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Don't go directly to robot framework section*** without completing the basics, if you do that nothing you gain....Once you enrolled don't get disconnectedStill now Covered python selenium, Robot frameworkNext modules will be updated as soon as possible stay connected, Don't get disconnect from the course,If you need anyhelp, just pingme :)---------------------------I had given one assignment don't google it and you need to create your own example and send it to me"
Price: 19.99 |
"Adobe Creative Cloud: il corso che mancava!" |
"Il corso stato aggiornato, ed ora include anchelo ""Speed Training"" di Adobe Dimension,Il nuovo prodotto di Adobe per grafici e designer che vogliono utilizzare oggetti 3D nei loro progetti di design!Mi chiamo Alberto Comper, e da sempre sono stato un entusiasta di tutte le tecnologie che permettono alle persone di esprimere la propria creativit nel campo della comunicazione visiva e delle arti grafiche in generale. Questa passione mi ha portato a lavorare per pi di 16 anni per Adobe, la software house che ha creato programmi come Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat e tante altre applicazioni che hanno rivoluzionato il mondo della creativit digitale.5 anni fa Adobe ha introdotto Creative Cloud, un servizio che mette a disposizione del creativo un arsenale formidabile di strumenti per produrre progetti di design per qualsiasi media, dalla carta al web, al video ed al mobile.La grande potenza di Creative Cloud risiede non solo nelle singole applicazioni, ma soprattutto nei servizi basati sulla rete che permettono di espandere e potenziare le possibilit produttive e creative dellabbonato. Questo corso si prefigge proprio di mettervi in grado di conoscere e sfruttare al meglio questi servizi, e tutti gli strumenti accessori ad essi collegati, spesso poco conosciuti ma non meno importanti degli applicativi come Photoshop che i creativi utilizzano abitualmente.Al termine di questo percorso formativo, che siate un designer, un fotografo professionista, un video producer o semplicemente un appassionato di arti figurative digitali, diventerete dei Power User di Adobe Creative Cloud, e la vostra creativit ne trarr degli enormi benefici in termini di libert e possibilit espressive, oltre che a raggiungere unincremento sensibile della vostra produttivit nel lavoro di design di tutti i giorni."
Price: 119.99 |
"ASP.NET BSICO C#. Para iniciar de cero." |
"""LO DIFCIL, LO HACEMOS FCIL!""Reduccin en alrededor del 70%de lneas de cdigo!de procedimientos y funciones normalmenteusadas y registradas en cientos de tutoriales Web.Nosotros asumimos lo complejo y te entregamos cdigo bsico y potente!.... esto es parte de la metodologa GIL!Por qu por niveles?Apreciado estudiante,Existen dos razones fundamentales:El curso completo est distribuido en 4 niveles por lo extenso de la tecnologa .NET.Son autnomos y facilita a los estudiantes ms avanzados o que necesitenprofundizar temas especficos, iniciar cualquiera de los niveles y adquierirlos de modo independiente. Para los niveles Avanzados I, II, debes tener conocimientos en algoritmos con C#, y POO.> N I V E L B S I C OMs de 50 Video Tutoriales - laboratorios y material terico de alta calidad.Aprende SIN RELLENOS!, con laboratorios sencillos, ASP punto Net con C#Las lecciones de cada captulo proporcionarn unRESUMENde alto nivel de los conceptos clave para niveles posteriores. >> N I V E L I N T E R M E D I OMs de 47 Video Tutoriales - laboratorios(4captulos y 47 video tutoriales!) : ADO.NET con SQL Server, tcnicas de conexin,modosConectado&Desconectado,Diseo de Seguridad etc.OBSEQUIO !! LABORATORIO DE INGENIERA DE SOFTWARE8 CON UML>>> N IV E L E S A V A N Z A D O S - DOMINA LA ARQUITECTURAMVC! Teora completa y laboratorios para el examen70-486de Microsoft Ms de 100 Video Tutoriales - laboratorios, avanzados!Diseo y Desarrollo deExperiencia de usuario (CSS),Testing, Globalizacin, Seguridad, Estrategias de diseo con WebSocket, SignalR, Fomularios Modales, Diseo Responsive, etc.Programando con RAZOR!, Entity Designer!Usos prcticos de HTML5, CCS3, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, BOOSTRAP Y MUCHO MS...Desarrollo del modelo (Modelo, Vistas, Controlador),Probar y depurar aplicaciones Web ASP.NET MVC ,> NivelAvanzado I: Teora y prcticas para el examen70-486de Microsoft!Disea la arquitectura de la aplicacin Disea la experiencia del usuario> NivelAvanzado II: Teora y prcticas para el examen70-486de Microsoft!Desarrolla la experiencia del usuarioSolucionar problemas y depurar aplicaciones webDisea e implementa seguridadBienvenidos!CSAR"
Price: 29.99 |
"Le Bonheur au Quotidien" |
"Vous allez apprendre changer votre vie en utilisant les principes de la loi de l'attraction. Vous allez changer votre tat d'esprit pour voir le bon ct des choses. Ce cours est bas sur les principes de la loi de l'attraction, l'hypnose conversationnelle et crite, ce qui fait de ce cours quelque chose de puissant et durable. Vous n'aurez aucun mal intgrer ce que vous apprenez. Il faut nanmoins rpter pour obtenir un rsultat plus poustouflant."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learning to Say No" |
"Saying no is never easy - for a number of reasons! You may be anxious about how the other person will react, you may worried about damaging your relationships or you may have FOMO (the fear of missing out).Whatever be your reason, if you've reached this page, you know, deep down, that sometimes, you just need to put your foot down and say no. And we'll help you do that. Without upsetting the other person, damaging relationships or missing out on anything important!Through a series of videos and exercises, we'll take you through a practical journey of learning to say no, one small, systematicstep at a time."
Price: 2560.00 |
"Practical and Easy Hungarian 1. - for beginners" |
"This lecture is designed to aid foreigners who are beginning to learn Hungarian as a second language. Many of the available textbooks and lectureshave been madefor use in a college Hungarian language program and thus are ill-suited for self-study. Other lectures either have exceedingly long explanations or teach limited phrases for travel situations, which make it harder for the students to maintain interest.To make the study of Hungarian easier and more enjoyable, as well as to acquaint students with the most practical and useful Hungarian grammar, vocabulary and expressions, I put as much information as possible in to this lecture.To foreigners who have accepted the challenge of learning Hungarian, my only hope is that this lecture may bring you closer to the living and breathing language."
Price: 39.99 |
"Crowdfunding: Deine Kampagne perfekt vorbereiten (Kurs 1/2)" |
"Crowdfunding kann die Welt besser machenaber machmal wei man einfach nicht, wo man anfangen soll.Als ich im Jahr 2012 meine erste Crowdfunding Kampagne startete, hatte ich erst ganz wenig von Crowdfunding gehrt. Am Anfang las ichalles, was ich finden konnte und schaute mir viele gute und schlechte Kampagnen auf den unzhligen Plattformen an. Ich wollte lernen, wie ich sicherstellen kann, dass meine eigene Kampagne wirklich erfolgreich wird.Unzhlige Stunden spter war ich leider noch nicht viel schlauer.Es gab selbst damals schon zu viele Informationen, statt der einen, die mir mein Leben wirklich erleichtert htte...Im Folgenden machte ich mich auf und fragte zunchst die, die sich mit der Materie wirklich auskannten. ErfolgreicheKampagnen-Starter*innen gaben mir unzhlige wertvolle Tipps mit auf den Weg, die ich dann in meiner eigenen Kampagne beherzigen sollte. Dennoch: Auch dieser Prozess nahm mehrere Wochen in Anspruch undteilweise widersprachen sich meine Gesprchspartner in ihren Aussagen.Crowdfunding blieb eine Art ""Blackbox""und mehrere Wochen der Planung und Vorbereitung waren vergangen.Am Ende war eins klar: Ich musste einfach selbst eine Kampagne starten und damit meine eigenen Erfahrungen machen. Und diese Erfahrung war wertvoll undich habe unglaublich viel dabei gelernt, was ich jetzt hier mit dir teilen kann.Unddamit auch deine Kampagne erfolgreich wird, habe ich das diesen Kursfr dich geschaffen.Warum deine Kampagne mit dem diesem KursSchritt fr Schritterfolgreichwird...1.)Wertvolle Video LektionenIm zweiteiligenCrowdCamp Expertenkurs erwarten dichber 31 Video Lektionen, die dich Schritt fr Schritt zu deiner eigenen Kampagne fhren. Und sollte doch mal etwas unklar bleiben, kannst du zu jedem Video direkt Fragen stellen. Antwort garantiert!Hinweis: Bei diesem Kurs, handelt es sich um den ersten Teil eines zweiteiligen Crowdfunding-Kurses. Der erste Teil des Kurses beschftigt sich mit Vorbereitung und Kommunikation der Kampagne.Der zweite Teil des Kurses, beschftigt sich mit Durchfhrung und Nachbereitung der Kampagne. Alle Materialien fr den zweiten Teil des Kursessind bereits erstellt und werden in Krze online gehen.Fr die Erstellung beider Kurs wurden fnf super erfolgreicheCrowdfunder*innen interviewt, die ihre wertvollen Erfahrungen aus der Praxis des Crowdfunding mit dir teilen.2.) Umfangreiches ZusatzmaterialZwei Arbeitsbltter helfen dir deine Kampagne perfekt vorzubereiten und die Kommunikation deiner Kampagne individuell und strategisch zu planen. Zudem gibt es fr jede Lektion eine Zusammenfassung, die du dir herunterladen kannst und dir hilft den berblick zu behalten. Wertvolle Links und Tipps zu erfolgreichen Kampagnen und ntzlichen Tools inklusive.3.)Crowdfunding CommunityIn unserer exklusiven Crowdfunding Communitykannst du dich optimal mit Gleichgesinnten austauschen. So kannst du schnell Feedback einholen, Probleme ansprechen und sogar erste Follower und Multiplikator*innen gewinnen."
Price: 169.99 |
"Crowdfunding Success Guide for Kickstarter & Indiegogo 2020" |
"ONLY COURSE ON CROWDFUNDING WHERE YOU CAN ASK YOUR INDIVIDUAL QUESTIONS ONCE A MONTH IN A FREE GROUP-CONSULTING-LIVECALL !! JOIN NOW. Do you have a dream but no money to make it happen? Do you want to learn how to create and run a successful crowdfunding campaign, which tools to use and about the most important dos and don'ts? If so, youre in the right place - and I'm happy to have you here! Start learning how to run your own successful crowdfunding campaign today! In 2012, I started my first crowdfunding campaign and raised 11,800 on Indiegogo. Just 6 months after that, I did 208,000 with my second campaign for the same project. You can imagine the joy and excitement my team and I felt. Shortly after that, I started my own crowdfunding consulting business in Germany, where until now, I've been part in over 200 campaigns raising over 1.5 million Euros on a national and international platform like Kickstarter & Indiegogo. Because crowdfunding can make the world a better place, I put this new course together in English and included everything you need to know to run and create your own campaign successfully soon. Key learnings in my Crowdfunding Success Guide for Kickstarter & Indiegogo are: Where every successful crowdfunding campaign startsHow to prepare and run a successful crowdfunding campaignThe best tools for your promotional and marketing outreachHow to choose the right crowdfunding platform for your project (When to use Kickstarter and when Indiegogo!)Which social media platforms you should useTHE No. 1 Facebook feature not to missHow to find and recruit the best influencersWhy you ought to have your own email listHow to write most effective crowdfunding emails The best free tool for your email list and how to use itHow to create a great pitch video FOR FREEWhere to find free music for your crowdfunding videoHow to determine your optimal funding goalKnow crowdfunding reward tiers that convertWhy early bird rewards are hurting your conversionHow to hack the Kickstarter & Indiegogo ranking algorithmsWhat to do after your campaign endsAnd so much more! As a student of this course, you'll get: Easy-to-follow video tutorials without fluffTools, templates, and my Crowdfunding Success Trello BoardSpreadsheets for your research and influencer reach-out activitiesEditorial calendar templateProfessional video script templatePremium support from an instructor who caresMost up to date course on UdemyThese are the things I hand out to my consulting clients on a regular basis. If you think something else could help you even further, please let me know, and I'll check how I can help you with that. My Happiness GuaranteeI want you to be happy with your purchase. If you're not learning anything new about crowdfunding, or you're just not happy with the course, I have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee. No questions asked, so create and run your first successful crowdfunding campaign now! What other students are sayingErnst is very thorough when it comes to explaining and the resources makes the whole process less overwhelming. This whole course is filled with extremely helpful information. 100% worth the money. I am going in more confident into crowdfunding. I know this is specifically for crowdfunding but this is a great way to build your online network as well. I have about 50% of the course left but I am going to rewatch it as I go step by step.-NormanI bought various crowdfunding courses here on Udemy (f.e. Angela Yu , Eli Regaldo , etc.) but have to say: This is the real deal. If you want to learn how to create and run your very first successful crowdfunding campaign, look no further. -MariaEnroll now and start using crowdfunding successfully to fund your projects on Kickstarter & Indiegogo! Cheers, Ernst"
Price: 199.99 |
"iPhone Fotografie - So machst du Fotos, die begeistern" |
"In diesem Kurs wirst du alles lernen, was du wissen musst, um richtig gute Fotos mit deinem iPhone aufzunehmen. Das Schne daran: mobile iPhone Fotografie ist kein Hexenwerk, wenn du einmal die wichtigsten Dinge verstanden hast. Denn: Die Fotos, die dein iPhone aufnimmt, sind schon von Haus aus von berragender Qualitt. Um deine iPhone Fotos auf's nchste Level zu heben, musst du lediglich die im Kurs behandelten Grundlagen verinnerlichen. Dazu gehren zum einen die richtigen Einstellungen fr dein iPhone, ohne die es nur schwer mglich ist, gute Fotografie zu betreiben. Des Weiteren solltest du die wichtigsten bildgestalterischen Mittel und die verschiedenen Perspektiven der Fotografie kennen, um bei deinen Fotos bewusst die richtigen kreativen Entscheidungen treffen zu knnen. In diesem Kurs ber iPhone Fotografie lernst du u.a.Wie du tolle Fotos aufnimmst, die deine Freunde begeistern und lange in Erinnerung bleiben. Wie du Fotos mit deinem iPhone so aufnimmst, dass sie so aussehen, als wren sie mit einer professionellen Kamera gemacht.Wie du deine Bilder mit dem iPhone schnell, einfach und kostenlos bearbeiten kannst. Wie du dein iPhone richtig einstellst, um wirklich gute Fotos zu machen.Die wichtigsten Grundlagen der Bildgestaltung, die deine Bilder auf das nchste Level heben.Fotografie Grundlagen zu Perspektive, Belichtung, Fokus und Tiefenschrfe.Fr den Kurs gilt eine 30-Tage-Geld-zurck-Garantie, sodass du dich jetzt anmelden kannst und dein Geld zurck bekommst, sollte der Kurs wider Erwarten am Ende doch nichts fr dich sein.Melde dich also jetzt an und gehe gleich den ersten Schritt, um zuknftig richtig tolle Fotos mit deinem iPhone aufzunehmen, die deine Freunde begeistern. Liebe Gre und bis gleich im Kurs!Ernst"
Price: 49.99 |
"Master PTE-A English Test in 1.5 Hours" |
"Ever wonder what's the best way to prepare forPearson Test of English - Academic (PTE-A)?Stuck with a bad score in PTE-A and want to improve your result? In this course, I will teach you how to achieve a good score in all modules of PTE-A.Master your Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening skills and prepare yourself for the PTE-A. Following the tips and tricks of English Test Experts (ETE) in this course, you will equip yourself with the capability to get your desired score in PTE-A. At the end of the course, you will be ready to appear for PTE-A exam.Ihave designed this course to be easily understood by everyone. This course entails the best methods and practices for improving your English language skills.Many students have used my methods, tips and tricks for PTE-A test, and passed the exam with flying colours. Having a goodPTE-A score allows you to apply for many university programs, jobs, and immigration opportunities.Join us and build a future of endless possibilities for yourself."
Price: 19.99 |
"Refreshing Relationships: Powerful Foundations" |
"Refreshing Relationships: A Series consisting of 10 workshops. Each workshop has a minimum of 5 sessions and each session contains at least:2 videos, an online discussion, a participation manual, homework assignments and the opportunity to join a weekly call for support and connection. The workshops may be completed in any order desired. Call information is listed in our Facebook Group and is FREEto all enrolled Udemy students.Powerful Foundations:Healthy relationships are built from the ground up and require a solid and powerful foundation. Thiscourse covers 5 key concepts that will get your relationships off to an amazing start.In this Workshop our sessions are:Workshop IntroductionSession 1: RespectSession 2: CompanionshipSession 3: Intimacy Session 4: Sex & Sexuality Session 5: Self Care Workshop Wrap up"
Price: 49.99 |
"The Zen Art of Texting." |
"Hello! I am Kyle, and what you about to discover is THE ZEN ART OF TEXTING. The only step by step system that is designed to flip a switch in a girls mind and get her addicted to your texts. It will help you get any girl you want, and yeah am talking about hacking right into a womans emotional mind and Brutal forcing her to develop affection for you. This text guide will literally work on any girl. You will finally have that female friend confessing how badly she wants it, you will be surprised when that hot chick you always wanted is suggesting date plans and wondering why you dont want to invite her to your place. You will shock your friends when that hot girl at the party who everyone had their eyes on is flirting with you and begging to come to your place. The Zen Art of texting will even have that girl who got away, stalking you on social media and sending you endless texts like, Dont you have any plans, Did I do anything wrong And I personally promise that any girl will be temptingly moved by the power of Zen Art of Texting, No matter her opinion of you, No matter how shy or reserved you are around ladies and no matter how many times you tried to seduce her and you failed. And yes! It works even if you think yo too old or to hopeless of a situation to fix. As a matter of fact if you follow the simple steps that I will give you, then boom! She will be out of control She will have to respond. Isnt that something you would love to know? Let me ask you this question; Did you know that over 80% of guys turn women off with just their first text? Yeah, with what you and me know as the conventional ways of starting up a conversation. But lets say that they manage to get her attention, okay thats fine. But are you aware that over 90% of guys out there dont know how to maintain a conversation with women, over texts. As a matter of fact, the few guys who manage to get her laughing, sooner than later are often ignored. This could be your friend, or relative or even YOU! Now the Zen Art of Texting solves all those problems, below is a list of things you will learn from Zen Art of Texting. The first kind of Text to send her, to get her attention before you do anything else. The number one principle about texting that will revolutionize your game with Texts. The key emotions to target in her, while Texting her. Best ways to reply to her Texts and make her mind hooked to you. How to intensify the Attraction she has developed for you when she is getting too excited (this is where most guys lose it). How to navigate the barriers she creates for you to overcome. The pull and push Technique, this is a very advanced seduction technique that is know to steer a womans emotions to ten folds. How to know whether she is into you or not. Let me ask you a honest question, do you still want to be in the same old rut, running from ignore to ignore with every text you give send a girl? Or you want, to be the fun exciting guy that every woman yearns to texts? What does it cost, to take control of your dating life and reap the joy and fun that you deserve from? I want you to imagine having, 4 to 5 girls sending you, good morning sweetie texts, nude photos and begging to come over to your place. Think of the joy, this will add to your life, think of all those amazing things you would do when you have girls chasing after you, because they just so addicted to your texts. The choice is yours, you can either choose to not click the Buy Button now and remain in your old boring life where the girls you texts, either ignore you or utmost send you,K, M, ya, and good for you messages or you choose to get this ultimate guide and become the guy that women are just so addicted to. If thats you, then click the Buy Button Now."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Zen Art of Banter." |
"Unveiled at last, a simple proven system to help you move from a frustrated, unloved single man to getting a woman of your dreams. This is a system that flips a switch in a girls mind and get her obsessed with chasing you. You will finally have that female friend Butt-naked on your bed confessing how badly she wants it, you will be surprised when that bartender or waitress you have a secret crush on is slipping her phone number on the receipt. You will shock your friends when that hot girl at the party whom everyone has their eyes on is flirting with you and begging to go back to your place. And I personally promise that any girl will fall for the Zen Art of Banter.No matter her opinion of you now, No matter how shy or nervous you are around girls you like. And No matter how many times you tried and failed to approach and seduce some girl you so desperately wanted.And it will work even if you think you too old or youre too hopeless of a situation to fix.In fact if you follow the step by step process to the ladder, it will be completely out of her control. She will have to respond!Isnt that something you would love to know? Before you click the Buy Button, there is one thing I want to make absolutely clear to you; The Zen Art of Approach is only for a specific type of guy. If you have already got a cool sexy girlfriend you are crazy in love with or maybe you are secretly into dudes, if thats the case then this isn't for you.This course is for the guy who is tired of hot young women choosing other guys over him. If you are tired of feeling needy and powerless. If you feel clueless around girls you are attracted to and dont know how to act and what to say. If you cant keep a girl interested long enough to make her your girlfriend or get her into bed. If you have never had the pleasure of waking up in bed next to a girl you are completely in love with.Then you may go ahead to click the Buy ButtonThese are some of the things you will learn from this course.Ho to start a conversation with any woman you meet and how to keep it going.How to approach women and not get rejected.The first statement to come out of your Mouth when yo meet with a woman.How to make women horny and turned on right before your eyes by use of killer banter lines.Pitfalls to avoid while starting conversation with any woman.How to maintain a flirty conversation with her and take things to the sexual level.What you should do when she is getting interested in you, to increase her attraction for you. . In 2 month, youll be 2 month old.where will you be?Will you be in the same old rut, scared of talking to women, desiring the girl you saw at the coffee here will you be in 2 months?Or will you be a man of purpose. A man who doesn't hesitate when he sees a woman he desires, and has a calendar packed with dates with attractive women.Its up to you for only $20 or less if all this course did was finally make you a confident grounded man who goes for what he wants in life, help you overcome the fear of approaching women and have weekends packed with adventurous social activities with fun and attractive women.Let me ask you a question, what does it cost to take charge of your dating life and reap the joy that you deserve?What does it cost to be that guy that women always want to be round because you know how to handle them?What does it mean to you, when all your friends, relatives are seeing you as the man in their cliques because you alone can date the hot sexy girls they only dream of, can you imagine your level of of confidence?Click the buy button Now"
Price: 19.99 |
"Compose Smooth Yoga Meditation spa Music with FL STUDIO 12" |
"This course will help you to creat relaxation music and gives u an idea how this music works and show you WHY YOU HAVE A CHANCE IN THIS TYPE OF MUSIC .This course is very simple and i tried to make it so easy to you guys in order to understand the basics without complicated lessons .i also will show you HOW TO PROTECT YOUR SONGS & Get your copyright over all the social medias including Youtube . so you can generate your benifits from your songs even if SOMEBODY UPLOADED YOUR TRACKS ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Overcoming Stress & Anxiety with Herbs & Flower Essences" |
"What you're about to learn will save your life (it saved mine)This class will focus on patterns of disharmony associated with stress and anxiety as it is experienced in both the mind and body. We will explore various Herbs and Flower Essences that have been shown to ease stress and anxiety and symptoms such as head and neck tension, nervous stomach, shortness of breath, rapid pulse, fear, cyclic thoughts, and general uneasiness.Studentswill gain with an understanding of each herbal remedy presented and the confidence to manage their own personal stress and anxiety whenever the need arises."
Price: 24.99 |
"LINQ mit C# und .NET - Das volle Programm" |
"In diesem Kurswollen wir uns mal ganz intensiv mit der in .NET eingebetteten ""LanguageIntegrated Query"" LINQ beschftigen. Darber hinaus wollen wir uns auchmit verschiedensten Datenquellen und deren LINQ Providern auseinander setzen.Obwohl LINQ seinDebt bereits mit der .Net Framework Version 3.5 hatte, ist es so aktuell wienoch nie. Speziell die die Beherrschung der Varianten LINQ to Objects und LINQto Entities in Verbindung mit dem Entity Framework sind das tglicheHandwerkzeug eines jeden C# Entwicklers. Mit dieser deklarativen Sprache lsstsich aber auch wirklich viel Komplexitt in wenig Quelltext verpacken. Trotzdem ist LINQ dabei noch bersichtlich und verstndlich. Kein Wunder dass dieEntwickler LINQ lieben.Trotz dem stoe ichimmer wieder auf Wissenslcken, was sehr schade ist. Das volle Potential vonLINQ bleibt dadurch sehr oft ungenutzt, oder durch falsche Interpretation derFunktionen von Linq entstehen unerkannte Performance Engpsse.Zeit also, LINQ undseine Funktionen mal von ganz von Anfang an zu beleuchten. Als Erstes sehen wir uns mal an, wie unsere Beispiele aufgesetzt sind. Wir starten bei den Voraussetzungen, die man zum Verstndnis von Linq bentigt. Lambda Expressions, Extention Methodes, anonyme Methoden und dergleichen. Danach sehen wir uns den grundstzlichen Aufbau und die Funktion von LINQ einmal genauer an. Weiter geht es mit LINQ to Objects und seinen vielen Befehlen. Danach sehen wir uns LINQ to XML einmal genauer an. Und natrlich werden wir uns mit Parallel Linq beschftigen, der multi threading Variante von LINQ. Ganz zum Schluss werfen wir noch einen Blick auf das Entity Framework und verbinden uns mit LINQ auf eine Datenbank.Dieser Kurs ist sehrstark Beispiel getrieben. Dabei lernst Du LINQ an ganz konkreten Beispielenkennen, die auch alle zum Download bereitstehen.Mein Name istHarald, Ich bin Fachinformatiker und Wirtschaftsinformatiker und ichbeschftige mich jetzt schon seit ber 10 Jahren sowohl Haupt-, als auchnebenberuflich mit IT.Nun liegt es an Dir.Du brauchst Dich nur noch fr den Kurs anzumelden. Wenn er Dich nichtweiterbringt, kannst du immer noch von der 30 Tage Geld zurck Garantie Gebrauch machen. Aber ich bin mir sicher, dass das nicht ntig sein wird. :)"
Price: 99.99 |
"Tunisian Recipes : How To Cook a Tunisian Ojja with Sausage" |
"How to prepare a Ojja with sausage:- First clean the caraway beads and peel the garlic cloves and then pounding them with a little salt.We heat up the oil and add tomato paste in a cup of water, cayenne pepper,caraway;pepper and garlic.Leave the sauce boiling on the fire for 10 minutes and then add the soft sausage and continue cooking for about 15 minutes and stirring from time to time. When the broth is cooked, add the eggs , as soon as it is frozen,finally adjust salt.-note : remember tp catering this Ojja hot. --have a good meal--"
Price: 24.99 |
"Shopify Dropshipping Masterclass" |
"Welcome to the Shopify Dropshipping Masterclass Course, where you will learn how to create a successful Dropshipping Website using Shopify and AliExpress.Ive designed this course to cut out all the methods that failed me in the past, and get straight to the point using tips and tricks Ive learned over the years that have proven to be successful. By the end of the course, you will be able to pick a product niche, open a Shopify drop shipping website, and drive traffic to the website in as little time as one day.Throughout this course Ill be teaching you the tools, tips and tricks needed to bring your drop shipping website to the next level. We will cover:Setting Up your Shopify websiteUsing AliExpress and Oberlo to import your productsTools for graphic designFacebook ads to help drive traffic to your websiteAs well as apps to improve your conversions and manage and automate your customer emails."
Price: 34.99 |
"Master Solidworks 2015 - 3D CAD using real-world examples" |
"Progressfrom complete beginner to Solidworks master in one single course!Solidworks is one of the popular and powerful 3DCAD programs in the world. Millions of people use it to design everything from 3D-printed toys allthe way up to fully-working mechanical vehicles. Now you can join the rank of Solidworks users, and learn to create your own models completely from scratch!This course focuses on Solidworks 2015. It can be used with any version but if you have a newer version (2018, or newer) then my updated course - ""Master Solidworks 2018 3D CAD using real-world examples"" will be more helpful! If you have purchased this version by mistake please send me a message and I'll swap you over!Why this course is differentThere are many Solidworks courses online, but none quite like this one:We use real world examples during learning! This allows you to relate to your lessons more easily and so remember and understand them better!Taught by a Solidworks professional! The instructorbeen using Solidworks since 2006 and even taken a range of official Solidworks-certified training courses. The instructorcurrently works as a Product Design Engineer and uses Solidworks every day to design all sorts of things for real clients - no academic-only experience here!No prior knowledge needed.This course is designed to take you from having never used any CADprogram before to being able to model almost anything you can imagine!Understand the wider context of CAD use. As well as explaining the basic CAD techniques this course also details how they relate to real world uses, such as 3D Printing and injection molding.About this courseThis courses includes:Over 12 hours of high-quality original video.All sections contain additional resources such as downloadable models and drawings, made specially for the course.Increasing content over time. New exercises and videos are constantly being added.On-hand support.Have a question? We are always here to support any questions and take a look at your progress.No prior knowledge needed. We take you from complete beginner all the way to mastering Solidworks!You will learnOver the course of twelve detailed modelling you'll learn the entire range of Solidworks skills, including:Circuitboard - Solidworks Basics, Sketching, Extrudes and CutsPencil - Multi-Body Parts, Revolved Boss/Base and CutsPencil Sharpener - AssembliesHeadphones - Swept Boss/Base, Splines and 3D SketchesCoke Bottle - Swept Cuts, Helixes and ThreadsComputer Mouse - Lofted Boss/Base and Splitting PartsKey Fob - Modelling from PhotographsLego Figure - More Complex Assemblies and Advanced MatesDrawer Box - Configurations and DrawingsRaspberry Pi Enclosure - Importing Parts and Draft AnglesBicycle Fork - 3D Curves and SweepsGamepad Controller - Ribs and an Entire Recap of the Earlier TechniquesCourse Conclusion and Future Learning!The course is taught using Solidworks 2015 but the models and resources used will work with any version newer than that - all the way up to Solidworks 2018.The techniques used are also common to many different CAD programs - so you can learn on Solidworks then easily transfer these skills if needed.So sign up today, and begin your first steps in the exciting world of 3D modelling!"
Price: 59.99 |
"Master Solidworks 2018 - 3D CAD using real-world examples" |
"Progressfrom complete beginner to Solidworks 2018 master in one single course!Solidworks is one of the popular and powerful 3DCAD programs in the world. Millions of people use it to design everything from 3D-printed toys allthe way up to fully-working mechanical vehicles. Now you can join the rank of Solidworks users, and learn to create your own models completely from scratch!Why this course is differentThere are many Solidworks courses online, but none quite like this one:We use real world examples during learning! This allows you to relate to your lessons more easily and so remember and understand them better!Taught by a Solidworks professional! The instructorbeen using Solidworks since 2006 and even taken a range of official Solidworks-certified training courses. The instructorcurrently works as a Product Design Engineer and uses Solidworks every day to design all sorts of things for real clients - no academic-only experience here!No prior knowledge needed.This course is designed to take you from having never used any CADprogram before to being able to model almost anything you can imagine!Understand the wider context of CAD use. As well as explaining the basic CAD techniques this course also details how they relate to real world uses, such as 3D Printing and injection molding.About this courseThis courses includes:Over 11 hours of high-quality original video.All sections contain additional resources such as downloadable models and drawings, made specially for the course.Increasing content over time. New exercises and videos are constantly being added.On-hand support.Have a question? We are always here to support any questions and take a look at your progress.No prior knowledge needed. We take you from complete beginner all the way to mastering Solidworks!You will learnOver the course of twelve detailed modelling you'll learn the entire range of Solidworks skills, including:Circuitboard - Solidworks Basics, Sketching, Extrudes and CutsPencil - Multi-Body Parts, Revolved Boss/Base and CutsPencil Sharpener - AssembliesHeadphones - Swept Boss/Base, Splines and 3D SketchesCoke Bottle - Swept Cuts, Helixes and ThreadsComputer Mouse - Lofted Boss/Base and Splitting PartsKey Fob - Modelling from PhotographsLego Figure - More Complex Assemblies and Advanced MatesDrawer Box - Configurations and DrawingsRaspberry Pi Enclosure - Importing Parts and Draft AnglesBicycle Fork - 3D Curves and SweepsGamepad Controller - Ribs and an Entire Recap of the Earlier TechniquesCourse Conclusion and Future Learning!The course is taught using Solidworks 2018 but the models and resources used will work with any version newer than that. If you have a previous version (2015-2017, or earlier) then my earlier course - ""Master Solidworks 2015 3D CAD using real-world examples"" will be more helpful! The techniques used are also common to many different CAD programs - so you can learn on Solidworks then easily transfer these skills if needed.So sign up today, and begin your first steps in the exciting world of 3D modelling!"
Price: 59.99 |
"Core java Practice Test Set" |
"Core java Practice Test SetThis course in pre-launch mode.We are adding more question soon.There will be more than 100 question covering all the topics.This course cover entire core java topics in form of small Quizzesand assignments.It cover topics likeData TypesConditional StatementsLoops (while,for,do...While)Library FunctionsConstructorsObject Oriented Programming concepts (Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction,EncapsulationString functionsI/O FunctionsException handlingArraysData Structure (Stack,Queue,Linked list,Tree)Collections (Array list,Hash Table)Maths Library functions"
Price: 99.99 |
"Radical Self Love: Daily Practice" |
"Self-loathing is an epidemic. It can look like low self-esteem, overwhelming anxiety, financial struggles, a cycle of bad relationships Or all of the above! These issues affect our lives, and can make us want to numb out, neglect our self-care, indulge in harmful perfectionism, or self-sabotage. This class will show you how to explore self-love and bring it into every area of your life.Ive been teaching women the elements of radical self-love for a decade. My turning point came when I overcame depression and an eating disorder, and Ive been obsessed with showing people how they can do the same ever since!This course is for anyone who wants to learn tools to make their life happier. There are no prerequisites, other than a desire to take responsibility for your own life and a willingness to look at whats not working.This course will help you understand, appreciate, and love yourself more. Youll also learn how to create daily rituals and routines in your life that will bring you greater joy."
Price: 119.99 |
"Understanding the Basics of C Programming" |
"This course will teach you the fundamentals in C Programming. Before we begin to write the complex C programs, it will be interesting to know what really C is. C is the most popular and widely used programming language. This course makes learning the language easier and more interesting. We focus on the elementary C language features like constants, variables, keywords and how these interact with each other in C instructions. This course explains you about the step-by-step creation of programs through the IDE. You can learn about the data types and how it accomplishes the input and output. Then we have covered the basic control structures of C like decision control, loop and switch..case statements. You can learn and practice the C program hands-on. We have also covered the concept of the self-contained block of statements the functions. By the end of the course you will have a good understanding of the fundamental concepts in C programming and write the C programs."
Price: 1280.00 |