"Curso de Design Patterns com C# - Desenvolvimento Avanado" |
"Neste curso, voc ir aprender a usar e aplicar no desenvolvimento de suas aplicaes Design Patterns. Com isso, voc ser capaz de desenvolver cdigos mais enxuto, limpo, organizado e principalmente aumentar a qualidade e diminuir a complexidade do seu cdigo. Ou seja, desenvolver de forma profissional, alm de dominar prticas avanadas."
Price: 54.99 |
"Front-End profissional completo HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JS E MAIS" |
"Nesse curso, voc ir aprender a desenvolver um Front-End moderno do zero usando recursos e abordagens atuais passo passo. Ainda, ir ganhar de quebra, um curso de Adobe XD. Voc ir criar, desde a concepo do projeto at o desenvolvimento da Interface, aprender a usar bibliotecas, repositrios e frameworks para aumentar sua produtividade, alm de recursos e ferramentas para tornar o visual atrativo, incluindo animaes e interatividade em seu Front-End. Voc tambm ir aprender a desenvolver um Front-End responsivo, ou seja, que se ajusta a qualquer tamanho de tela (celular, tablet, computador, televiso, etc). E muito mais!Espero por voc!"
Price: 54.99 |
"Curso de Mindfulness: Atencin Plena, Vida Plena" |
"El Mindfulness te abre la puerta a una nueva forma de sentir y vivir cada instante. Sientes que tu vida podra ser mejor? Quieres crecer como persona, aumentar tu bienestar y mejorar tus relaciones personales?En este curso de Mindfulness, vamos a aclarar conceptos y descubrir ideas nuevas. Pero sobre todo, vas a dar tus primeros pasos para practicar el mindfulness, o atencin plena.Comprenderemos qu es y cmo se practica la Respiracin Consciente (considerada el corazn o la esencia del mindfulness).Diseccionaremos paso a paso las etapas de una sesin de meditacin de mindfulness clsica, a partir de la cual, cada uno puede hacer sus propias adaptaciones y variaciones.Haremos juntos una primera meditacin guiada, seguida por una actividad de reflexin grupal de todos los estudiantes.Resolveremos las principales dudas y preocupaciones que surgen cuando uno empieza a meditar.Aprenderemos 3 mtodos para crear y afianzar cualquier hbito; en nuestro caso, el hbito de la meditacin diaria.Descubriremos cmo plantar en nuestra rutina numerosos recordatorios para volver al presente y actuar con plena libertad.Elegiremos actividades cotidianas en las cuales aplicaremos los principios de la meditacin y del mindfulness.Reflexionaremos sobre algunos conceptos y valores que nos transmite la prctica del mindfulness.Desarrollaremos nuestra curiosidad con herramientas para continuar caminando por el sendero del mindfulness.El mindfulness, y la meditacin que la nutre, entrenan nuestra atencin. En el mundo frentico, hiperactivo y distrado de hoy, no es poca cosa. Slo esto ya justificara el inters creciente que despierta en mucha gente.Pero la importancia y la belleza del mindfulness yacen en otro lugar:No es la a-tencin sino la in-tencin.Y la intencin, al practicar el mindfulness, es ante todo ser: ser quien soy realmente, libre de historias y cuentos ficticios, en cada momento, viviendo plenamente, con toda la grandeza que ello implica. Lo haremos cultivando la serenidad, la ecuanimidad, lacuriosidad, la compasin, la sonrisa y la bondad.As es cmo la Atencin Plena abre la puerta a una Vida Plena."
Price: 99.99 |
"Laravel 5 ile Sfrdan 2019 Web Tasarm Eitim Seti" |
"2019 En Gncel Laravel 5 Eitim Seti ve nstagram Projesi Kursuile yeni nesil mobil , tablet , pc , mac , ios , android vb.tm iletim sistemleri ile uyumlu kendi kendine otomatik ekran znrlklerine gre boyutlanabilir yani responsive web sitesikodlamann en temel ve pf noktalarn Bootstrap 4 ve Laravel 5 ile ierisinde yer alan tm snf ve aralar kullanarak reneceiz.Laravel 5 Sfrdan Eitim Seti eitimimizde dier kurslardan farkl olarak Laravel 5 Service Provider yani Laravel 5 Servis Salaycs veya bir baka deyile Laravel 5 Eklenti Gelitirme'yi reneceksiniz.Tm bunlara ilaveten rnek Projemizi Bootstrap 4 ile yaparak daha nceden hibir bilginiz olmasa dahi size bu kavramlar ve kod yazmann temellerinihzl bir ekilde kazandryoruz.Laravel 5 Nedir ve Neden Laravel 5 ?-----------------------------------------------------Laravel , MVC (Model - View - Controller) yapsnda web siteleri ve uygulamalar gelitirmek iin kodlanm cretsiz PHP Frameworktr. Hzl , sade , basit kod yazmanza ve projenizi en ksa srede aya kaldrmanza imkan salar.Kullanmaya balamak iin zor srelerden gemenize gerek yoktur son derece anlalrdr.leklenebilir bir yapdadr ve en ufak projeden en byne kadar kullanlabilir.OOP yapsna ve tasarm kalplarna yatkn bir yaps vardr.Blade template motoru , Elaquent , Db snf gibi bir ok avantaj vardr.Bu Eitim Setinde Neler reneceiz ?----------------------------------------------------------Temel Kurulum Aamalarrnek Temel Php DersleriLaravel 5 KurulumuLaravel 5 DizinleriBlade Template MotoruRoutes yani Rota KullanmMiddleware KullanmController KullanmQuery Builder Snf KullanmEloquent ORM KullanmGithub - Packagist - Gitbash KullanmLaravel'e Harici Paket YklemekLaravel'de Kendi Service Provider'mz GelitirmekLaravel ile nstagram Projesi Gelitirmek"
Price: 259.99 |
"Short Hair Hairstyles for Wedding & Prom" |
"""What can I do with short hair for a special look?""Well, I am here to tell you,""Plenty!""This course on short hairstyles, images and videos will get your creative ideas flowing. You will be inspired to try out something new on all of your short hair clients, your friends or yourself!Are you aProfessional?Don't lose your clientsto the blow-dry bars! Get them back in your chair inbetween haircuts for their date nights, special occasions or that next interview they need to shine for. Be their champion!Novice?These steps can be followed by you on yourself, or you can learn them to ""bring the joy"" to someone else.Plus!4 extra videos:An inspiring video of make-overs! Ask your clients to be your model and show off your work! Photo tips!A tutorial on best practices for Velcro rollers, hot rollers and curling iron for short styles.No hair brush blow drying?Yes! Watch the video:How to blow dry your hair without using a brush.Plus, How to use hairspray and gel to make your shorthair sizzle! ~~~ Be sure to check out my bonus section containing all of my contact information! I am here for you in life and career!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Three Easy Half up Hairstyles for Bridal or Prom" |
"Half up Hairstyles are very popular and a great option for the young as well as the older clients. Brides and Bridesmaids love them too. You will learn three different half up styles to add to your learning portfolio. Once you see how creative and diverse half up updos and hairstyles can be you will go to them over and over again."
Price: 19.99 |
"Three Updo Hairstyles for Curly Hair" |
"In this course Three Updo Hairstyles for Curly hair you will learn fun and easy ideas that are perfect for your curly hair, your clients and your friends.My experience with curly hair clients is that some are real experts with their own curls and some need your professional guidance with their curls and how best to maintain them. If you can win over your curly hair clients with care, concern and patience they will be faithful to you. Watch these videos with someone in mind that you can practice on right away. I hope you find these looks a great addition to your current skill set."
Price: 19.99 |
"Braided Hairstyles for Teens" |
"Welcome to Braided Hairstyles for Teens!This course is two fold. Learning hairstyles is one thing, but pleasing and getting the right style on the right client is another. Especially with teens. Once they trust you they will stay with you all the way up until their wedding and beyond. Earning that trust is a simple process I teach in my winning with teens video. That video is gold and free for you here as a add in bonus!The styles in the main tutorials are a lot of fun to add to your skill set. Also, enjoy my skill training videos if you are still new to braiding.See you in another course and please tell your friends!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Super Easy & Fast DIY Hairstyles anyone can do!" |
"When you learn how to break down updos into sections, it makes trying these hairstyle less scary. These three looks are quick and easy yet soft, modern, and flexible. Using my ponytail system, you will be well on your way to trying out your own original designs on others.I would love to see your images and special events you attend using these hairstyles! Let's connect over social media. My links are in the last bonus lecture."
Price: 19.99 |
"Hairstyles & Updo's for Tweens (young teens)" |
"Girls just want to have fun! Especially tweens! Young teens love doing hairstyles and experimenting with makeup! Whether these hairstyles are for a gymnastics events, special occasions, or just fun time with mom, these courses make it easy. You will be taken through step by step ways of putting hairstyles together. Take these skills into school plays, Halloween, dress up birthday parties or the holidays!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Updo And Hairstyles Half up for Wedding or Prom" |
"Half up hairstyles are for everyone. They can be dressed up or down depending on the special occasion they are being created for. All ages love wearing them and they are a great skill to have in your updo tool kit!I have labeled these styles Intermediate because they have more steps and require a bit more skill. BUT! This is not to say anyone with the determination and patience can handel them. Is that you?As always, I love teaching and meeting others passionate about styling hair for family, friends and clients! I would love to hear from you and see your styles! Let's connect on social media and in other courses. All my best to you!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Hairstyles & Updo's for Quiencerata, Weddings, & Prom" |
"Not every client wants what everyone else has or the latest trend on Instagram! You, as the professional should be able to listen to your client and hear what she wants, even if she does not know what she wants! Yes, really.She speaks through her clothing choice, is she high fashion or more BoHo?Her event speaks. Is it a garden party luncheon, or a new years eve party in five star hotel?Her dress or gown tells you what updo will look best. Does her gown have a low back? Then allow one curl to descend between her shoulder blades, sexy right? She will love you for it and she will be willing to pay for your expertise and care.This course may stretch your skills and challenge your assumptions about the style of updos you do or are used to doing. Good!If you desire to be a master in updos I applaud your desire to push and train yourself!Just doing as the client requests will put you are their mercy and keep your skills small as well as your wallet."
Price: 19.99 |
"Classic & Contemporary Chignon Hairstyle Tutorials" |
"Everyone loves Chignons! They are classic and easy to do!In this course you will learn four different ways to create a chignon.As always my tips, tricks and ideas will enhance your own creativity and help you to become an updo and hairstyling pro. Watch and interact with the videos. Practicing these methods and skills will grow your clients list and impress your friends and family.Do you love hairstyles?Do you want to learn and gain confidence doing hairstyles?Then this is the place to come back to over and over!I hope to see you inside!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Fabulous Fringy Updo hairstyles anyone can do!" |
"In this course you will enjoy learning all about these modern and funky fringy updos. They are perfect for the unconventional bride and prom girls who wants something a little fun and different. There is also a separate tutorial on how to make the hair knots for these looks as well as a coiling tutorial. I am always available to talk to regarding this course or any of my courses. Once you see how I put these looks together you will be able to grow and learn in your skills and impress your clients and friends. Creating special occasion hair is so exciting as you are taking part in someones life event!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Half Up Half Down Hairstyles for Curly Hair" |
"Welcome to Half Up Half Down Hairstyles for Curly HairYou may have been interested in one or all of these styles but the biggest take away from my training's is how a style is broken down into steps. If you can focus on the steps and see how they build, then you can apply this method to all of your updos. Half up half down looks are very popular with all ages and fit for all style preferences. My steps will allow you to alter the finished look for your and your clients personal tastes. These are great to follow and learn while doing but the training will also grow your creativity and confidence too. I hope to see you inside and always feel free to reach out to me on social media!"
Price: 19.99 |
"5 Hairstyles ! Step by Step for Medium Length Hair" |
"Let's master some mid Length hairstyles for you, your friends and clients. There are subtle important steps that make these look clean and professional. Teasing in just the right spot! Soft braiding that makes them hug the side of the face. A way to work with hot rollers you can try again and again! Don't let these seemingly simple looks fool you. Dig in and enjoy all that you will learn!! Wait, there's more! I have added many extra tutorials that will give you an inside look at important skills for anyone who loves hairstyles. These are not fast running videos but clear step by step real time teaching to easily follow along!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Updo Hairstyles fit for the Princess in Everyone!" |
"Updos fit for the Princess in Everyone! If you are a stylist these are simply important skills to master. A professional can be called upon at any time to do any form, or style the client needs. Fashion shows, princess birthday parties, high-end formals and balls, theme weddings or quite simply - a beautiful classic updo. There are four here for your learning pleasure! Anyone can create these looks, it only takes a commitment and a ""not giving up"" attitude! See you inside! Everything is figure-out-able!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Updo's & Hairstyles for Children and Flower girls" |
"In this course you will learn Four styles you can use on children. The trick when working with children is keeping the mood fun and light, working fast and carefully watching for grabbing hands. This course and its material will help you keep smiling and your nerves at bay! Kids are so perceptive! All you can hope for is a cooperative child and an understanding bride! Other wise you've got this! These four styles can be used on all types of hair and hair length. Enjoy!But wait there's more! I have also included three braiding videos to hone your skills, as well as another video on how to create three types of curls using one curling iron."
Price: 19.99 |
"Updos and Hairstyles for Curly Hair!" |
"In this course for Curly hairstyles and updos you will learn fun and easy ideas that are perfect for your curly hair, your clients and your friends. These styles work with natural curly hair allowing you or your client to feel that they are themselves.My experience with curly hair clients is that some are real experts with their own curls and some need your professional help with their curls and how best to maintain them. If you can win over your curly hair clients with care, concern and patience they will be faithful to you. Watch these videos with someone in mind that you can practice on right away. I hope you find these curly looks a great addition to your updo portfolio."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn these Retro & Vintage Inspired Hairstyles!" |
"Welcome to Retro & Vintage Inspired Hairstyles~~and I snuck in a Renaissance style too!These timeless styles are very popular! And, as a stylist, most clients assume all hairdressers are able to create them! Well, now you can and with ease. The process that all of my hairstyling courses employ breaks updos and hairstyles down into repeatable steps. It was in working with weddings on limited time lines plus the necessity of on the spot decision making, that I developed this step by step system. Retro and Vintage Inspired hairstyles are a lot of fun to recreate for weddings, school plays, theme parties and events. This course is full of the classic designs inspired by the past favorites for today's client. Enjoy trying out these fun looks."
Price: 24.99 |
"Hairstyle: Flower Girl hairstyles for Weddings and Events" |
"Welcome to Hairstyle: Flower Girl hairstyles for Weddings and EventsFollow along and learn three different hairstyles for flower girls. These updos are designed to stay in the hair! Tips and tricks for quick work, minimal bobby pins and dealing with kids and teens is included!The steps can very easily be transferred to older girls and women once learned. There is also an extra hairstyle video for a young tot as well as a live video showing the pinning process that creates these looks. Enjoy!!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Modelagem de um carro cartoon no 3DS MAX 2019" |
">>>>>>>>>>>>>>DESCONTO POR TEMPO LIMITADO COM O CUPOM >>>>>>BLACKFRIDAYDIEGO<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<S COLOCAR AO LADO>>>>>>>>>>>BLACKFRIDAYDIEGO <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<CORRA, POIS POR TEMPO LIMITADO!!Curso completo de modelagem, textura e render no 3ds max 2019 do bsico ao avanado!, Aulas dinmicas, sem chatice, sem enrolao, sem tcnicas obsoletas e falando direto ao assunto! Professor que no esconde o jogo, e revela tudo o que sabe! Software atualizado, com o curso j em 3ds max 2019,com as tcnicas mais modernas de modelagem.Veja a aula bnus, com cursos com desconto!Professor com anos de experincia e que sabe realmente o que est ensinando! Neste curso qualquer pessoa consegue aprender modelagem, e sair com um modelo muito legal para o portflio. Curso vai desde o bsico, pegando o aluno desde o zero, e guiando passo a passo, at o resultado final como no vdeo de apresentao! Voc j vai completar a modelagem de um modelo simples e interativo j nos primeiros 50 minutos do curso! Contm dicas preciosas, praticamente em cada aula, com segredos profissionais, para melhorar o trabalho tanto de quem est do zero, como para quem j tem experincia com o 3ds max 2019! So dicas e tcnicas, que dificilmente voc vai encontrar por a em tutoriais, livros, ou outros cursos sobre 3ds max, pois fazem parte da vivncia e experincia do professor. Ao comprar, voc vai ver que a quantidade de conhecimentos e contedos em cada aula simplesmente impressionante! D uma conferida nas aulas gratuitas disponveis e veja a descrio detalhada de cada aula, onde pode conferir o que aprender! Voc no pode ficar de fora deste curso!Pode ser realizado no 3ds max 2018, caso no tenha o 3ds max 2019! At pode ser realizado em outras verses do 3ds max , como 3ds max 2017, porm o 3ds max antes da verso 2018 no possui o Arnold, podendo fazer a modelagem, e texturizao, mas no o render.Curso focado em modelagem, mas tambm aborda mapeamento, texturizao, iluminao e render!Se voc curte design, jogos, animao e computao grfica, esse curso para voc!3DS MAX 2019 um poderoso software para criao de vinhetas, animaes, modelos 3d, modelagem orgnica, modelagem hard surface, modelos arquitetnicos e efeitos para cinema e TV!Neste curso voc vai aprender:-Modelagem orgnica e hard surface!-modelar seguindo referncia!-Pinturas de texturas!-Mapeamento de objetos, com pintura de texturas direto no 3ds max 2019!Dicas e truques no photoshop para trabalhar com as texturas que pintou!Dominar as principais e mais atuais tcnicas de modelagem!-Conhecer a interface e ferramentas do 3ds max 2019!Conhecer as luzes, materiais e configuraes bsicas do Arnold! Preparar um render com qualidade profissional no Arnold!Ajustar e resolver problemas de modelagem nos seus modelos!Muitas, vrias, ferramentas de modelagem!Como exportar seus modelos no sketchfab para uma apresentao de outro nvel para suas modelagens!E muito, mas muito, mais!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Oracle Veritaban Ynetiminin Temelleri" |
"Bu kursu hazrlamaktaki temel amacm Oracle Veritaban Ynetimi nasl yaplr, bir Oracle DBA ne ileri yapmakta sorumludur sorularna cevap vermektir.10+ yldr altm bu alanda edindiim tecrubeleri bir eitmen olarak deilde gerek hayat rnekleriyle vermek istedim.Siz de kariyer seenekleri arasnda OracleDBA'lii koyduysanz veya bir Oracle DBA ne i yapar konusunda ayrntl bilgi edinmek isterseniz bu eitim tam size gre."
Price: 49.99 |
"MailChimp for Ecommerce Email Marketing Master Class" |
"Get Step-by-step instruction on how to use Mailchimp to Drive more Traffic and Sales to your E-commerce SiteDesign More Effective E-commerce Emails using MailChimpUnderstand the key principles for designing effective e-commerce emails and get step-by-step instruction on building the 6 most common email types.Grow Your List with Compelling Opt-InsLearn highly effective techniques for building your list, including little-known tricks that multiply e-commerce opt-in rates and subscribers.Automate Your Email MarketingBuild a system that markets your products while you sleep, including in-depth instruction on creating 3 essential automation sequences."
Price: 24.99 |
"Easy, Effective Google Grant Adwords for Non-Profits" |
"Google Grant Ads (also known as Adwords) are one of the absolute best digital promotion channels for charities and non-profits - Google provides a Grant of up to US$10,000 per month, which charities can spend on highly targeted digital ads. If a Google Grant Ad account is set up correctly and maintained well, it can drive highly engaged visitors and donors to your charity's site.However, many charities struggle to use their Google Grant Adwords Accounts correctly, and Google introduced new compliance rules in 2018 which have led to many charities losing their Grants.Maximise your Google Grant Adwords account, and learn a time-efficient technique for managing them, through this course from Digital Charity Lab.In this course, you will learn:How Google Adwords work, and their power as a digital marketing channelAbout the Google Grant and how to applyHow to correctly set up your Grant Adwords account3 key concepts that will help you understand Google Grant AdsHow to research which of your services and campaigns you can usefully promote through Google Ads, and how to prioritise your campaignsHow to write ad copy that makes searchers want to clickAbout Google's rules for Grant Adwords accounts, and how to stay compliant with themHow to fix a non-compliant accountHow to rescue a Google Grant Adwords account that's not performingSpecific skills and techniques that are crafted for non-profits and your particular business goals and challengesYou will get:Multiple articles and downloadable guidesA checklist and plan of action for keeping your account performingA checklist for fixing a non-compliant Google Grant accountTemplates for brainstorming Ad campaign ideas, and for creating a campaign planThis course is suitable for:Anyone working for a charity who'd like to explore the very effective digital marketing channel that is Google Grant AdsAnyone who needs to set up a new Google Grant Ads accountAnyone needing to fix an existing Google Grant Ads account that isn't performing, or is not complying with Google's rulesFundraisers, campaigners, communications staff, information officersPeople with Google Ads experience who'd like to learn skills specific to non-profits and Google Grant Ads accountsTestimonial""The clear and easy to follow advice from Digital Charity Lab enabled me to double our click throughs from Google Grants with just a couple of hours work. If you're not following their advice you're almost certainly not getting the best out of your grant.""- Justin Moran, Age ActionNB:this course does not cover Google Adwords Express - my recommendation is that you do not use it as its functions are too limited. See the section on Adwords Express for more information."
Price: 69.99 |
"This is a compilation of the actual questions and answers from the Certified In the Governance of Enterprise IT(CGEIT) test. These are complete, comprehensive and guarantees to prepare you for your Certified In the Governance of Enterprise IT(CGEIT) exam.Passing this certification exam has never been easier, but with use of our preparation material, it is simple and easy. You have lifetime access to this course once purchased. You can practice it multiple times to get the answers correct . Give it a try, All the Best!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Beginner's Guide to Garden Design" |
"This course is for people that wish to acquire a good basic knowledge of garden design using professional techniques and handouts that are easy to understand.The course uses the Principles of Garden Design and is presented by Dean Blunkell a qualified Garden Design Tutor, the methods he uses are comparable to learning Garden Design in a classroom space with all the extra resources and knowledge you will need to achieve this."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Create a Sucessful Planting Scheme" |
"This course will take you through putting together you own garden planting scheme using basic butprofessional industry methods with basic equipment.It is set out in easy to follow sections with full support using handouts video lectures and assignments to getyou familiar with how garden design works in a real gardenspace."
Price: 19.99 |
"Previdncia Privada - PGBL e VGBL" |
"Esse o primeiro curso sobre Previdncia Privada brasileira na Udemy !O curso vai te ajudar a avaliar os investimentos em previdncia privada aberta. Voc vai aprender quando escolher PGBL, VGBL ou nenhum dos dois! Muitos bloggers e youtubers do dicas sobre Previdncia Privada, mas tome cuidado ! Eles falam de forma muito genrica, e o seu caso pode ser diferente! Com esse curso, voc vai poder fazer a sua prpria anlise, levando em conta as suas particularidades.Para isso, o curso apresenta uma srie de comparaes e simulaes englobando PGBL, VGBL, Fundos de Investimento e Tesouro Direto. Assim, voc mesmo pode avaliar qual so as alternativas de investimento e previdncia mais adequadas ao seu caso especfico, dependendo de variveis como a sua renda tributvel, modelo completo ou simplificado de declarao de Imposto de Renda, etc.Ocurso no trata de Previdncia fechada (fundos de penses)."
Price: 39.99 |
"Beginners Acrylic Techniques with Geoff Hutchins" |
"This course is aimed at anybody who wants to create their first successful acrylic paintings at home.English professional artist and tutor Geoff Hutchins guides you through four exercises, each filmed clearly and in real-time.The course is designed to quickly give you confidence in using acrylic paints, while helping you to avoid the problems and confusion so often faced by people new to this medium.Each exercise demonstrates various basic elements such as trees, buildings, skies and so on, and extends to producing a completed painting within an hour. Geoff works through each exercise step by step using easy to understand methods.Materials required for this course have been carefully chosen in order for the beginner to get started without overspending.The accompanying PDF contains helpful illustrated information on these materials, including paints, palettes and brushes, as well as other useful advice.The total running time of this course is around 3 hours. Geoff's udemy courses have now sold in over 70 countries, with very positive student feedback.Enrol now to benefit from these easy to follow and rewarding techniques, all at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home."
Price: 39.99 |