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"Como Utilizar Gatilhos Mentais Para Aumentar Suas Vendas"
"Voc j deve ter visto uma campanha de marketing matadora, certo? Ou ento j deve ter negociado algo com um profissional que tinha argumentos incrveis e grande poder de convencimento, no mesmo?Aposto que voc j comprou algo por impulso. Aposto tambm que voc j comprou algo que nem precisava tanto assim...Acontece que muitas pessoas que elaboram campanhas de marketing e muitos negociadores utilizam tcnicasde persuaso para ativar uma emoo em voc, facilitando assim o seu processo decisrio de compra.Muitos desses profissionais utilizam o que chamamos de Gatilhos Mentais.Na prtica, podemos dizer que alguns elementos presentes na comunicao que voc recebe de algumas empresas, fazem com que alguns pontos do seu crebro sejam ativados automaticamente. Muitas vezes sua vontade excessiva de comprar algo surge desse tipo de comunicao.Logo, podemos concluir que utilizar gatilhos mentais pode potencializar (e muito!) as suas vendas!Quer descobrir como? Ento se inscreva nesse curso agora mesmo!"
Price: 129.99

"Excel VBA(Makro) Eitim Seti - Sfrdan Zirveye 2020"
"Kursumuz Gncel eriklerle Srekli Olarak Yenilenmektedir.Bu kursu neden almalym? Dierlerinden fark ne?ncelikle bu eitim canl ve interaktif bir eitimdir. Sizden gelen sorular iin video ekiyorum ve bunu sizlerle paylayorum. Bu eitimin sonu yoktur.Ayrca ben sadece bir eitmen deilim. lgili sektrlerde alanlarn nelere ihtiyac olduunu biliyorum. Bu eitimi izlerken aklnza bir soru geldii anda hemen cevabn alacaksnz. nk sizlerle ayn perspektife sahibim. Eitim bittiinde ise imdiye kadar merak ettiiniz tm sorulara cevap bulacak ve kazanm olduunuz yetkinlie inanamayacaksnz.Bu eitimde gereksiz bilgi yok. Zaman kayb yok. Eitimin her saniyesi nemli bilgilerle ve kimsenin kolay kolay sizlerle paylamayaca detaylarla dolu.Herkes size Excel retebilir. Bense, onunla neler yapabileceinizi..."
Price: 199.99

"Excel(VBA) Userform-Access Veritabanl"
"Bu kursu neden almalym? Dierlerinden fark ne?Bu kursun muadili bulunmamaktadr.nternet ve hatta kitap ortamnda dahi bu bilgilerin belli bir ak ierisinde ve yntemleri ile anlatld ""Tek Eitim"" dir.Eitimde hem temel Access hem de ileri dzey makro kullanarak userformlar aracl ile Paket Program gelitireceiz. Bu eitimde reneceiniz bilgilerle; evrak takibi, hasta kayd, renci kayd, mteri hizmetleri kayd, stok takibi, cari hesap takibi gibi bir ok program gelitirebileceksiniz.Her zaman olduu gibi; bu eitimde de gereksiz bilgi yok, laf kalabal yok, zaman kayb yok. Sadece neye ihtiyacnz varsa o var.Herkes size Excel retebilir. Bense, onunla neler yapabileceinizi..."
Price: 199.99

"Build Amazing Android Libraries And Publish It"
"before anythingafter this course you will be able to build any amazing android application for you customers in short time.Welcome to the online Android Tutorial Course.Are you Looking to boost your income as a AndroidDeveloper? Maybe you have a lot of app ideas but don't know where to start? Or you are seeking a career in Androidthat will finally give you freedom and flexibility you have been looking for?Build a strong and amazingAndroid libraries and apps in this course.Whether you are an experienced Android or not, this completeAndroid course is intended for everyone who wishes to build Android applications in short time.Have you ever seen a course which will make you professional in just Tenweeks? Yes, you heard it right. You will be able to build your Android appsin short time. In this course you will learn a lot of things like how to build complete real Android application, how to write a documentation for your libraries, how to deal with android studio, how to use library in design to make it better, how to publish your libraries."
Price: 114.99

"Windows Server 2016 Active Directory DNS DHCP File Server"
"Become a specialist in Windows Server 2016!This online course contains multimedia animations to teach theory and demonstrations of Windows Server 2016 to teach practice!Contains 9 lessons that teach theory.Contains 10 lessons with hands-on demonstrations that include step-by-step of Windows Server 2016 configurations!Learn wherever and whenever you want!Full lifetime access!Compatible with IOS and Android!Certificate of Completion!It is ideal for those who are starting or for those who already have experience!The author of the course is a Microsoft Certified Trainer and has extensive experience in training, solutions achitecture, deployments and support of Windows Server in medium and large companies!"
Price: 169.99

"U&P AI - Basics of Computer Vision with Python using OpenCV"
"This course is a part of a series of courses specialized in artificial intelligence : Understand and Practice AI - (Basics of NLP, Recommendation System, Speech Recognition, Computer Vision, OpenCV, Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Network, Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning, Building Games with AI, Genetic Algorithms)This course is focusing on computer vision with python using OpenCVlibrary, the first section is for absolutely beginners, the concepts that you will learn: Basics of image processingFeaturesExtracting Features from an Image.DescriptorsEdge DetectionContour Detection2D convolution.Blurring.Motion Blur..Sharpening.Embossing.Haar cascade dataFace DetectionFace RecognitionSome Algorithms to Detect Features.Feature Matching with ORBBrute Force Matching and FLANNMatching between Images.HOGDescriptors.People Detection.Bag of Words in Computer Vision.SVM and Sliding windows.Detecting Cars.Basic Motion Detection.Background Subtractors.Kalman Filter.Tracking Visually Objects.I have tried to make the length of the videos as short as possible, so you would not get bored.So in this course, we are going to learn about computer vision.And we will build some real world projects such as :Image Filtering.Cartoonizing Your Image.Detecting Body Parts.Recognizing Your Face!Searching Images Using Image Descriptors (Search for a specific image in some images)People Detection.Cars Detection.Tracking Visually Objects.TIPS (for getting through the course):Take handwritten notes. This will drastically increase your ability to retain the information.Ask lots of questions on the discussion board. The more the better!Realize that most exercises will take you days or weeks to complete.Write code yourself, dont just sit there and look at my code.You don't know anything about computer vision? let's break it down!I am always available to answer your questions and help you along your data science journey.See you in class!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn FUN-DAMENTALS of C++"
"This course teaches you the very basics of the programming language C++.You will be made familiar to each and every keyword, in an interactive way. Functions like if else, if else if, for loop, while loop, do while loop, switch statement etc, will become a cake walk for you.This Course covers various functions like rand, srand and many more with their uses.A powerpack course which will broaden your vision about c++."
Price: 24.99

"LEARN VHDL by designing a PWM controlled LED"
"This course will teach you how to create a project from writing a VHDL code through simulation to hardware implementation. I explain step by step how Pulse Width Modulation works, how we can implement it on the FPGA board controlling LED's brightness andhow to write a testbench that simulates created system. All of that is done using only Vivado software."
Price: 24.99

"Build Video Course Teasers That Sell Your Video Products!"
"Discover How to Build Video Teasers That Sell Your Video Products!These methods have been working for the last decade. There's no theory here!Note: This does not include other products that are not video coursesIts a fact that selling information in the form of video courses is very profitable.Theres so much demand for different topics and there so many problems that need solutions.So perhaps you created your very own video course, or you bought private label rights to a video course and you have no idea how to sell it.You also dont have weeks or even months to create a full-blown video course teaser (AKA video salesletter) Maybe you tried to create a video sales letter and you got stuck and never created a video to sell your course.Or perhaps the thought of creating a video is daunting and even overwhelming because you dont know where to start?- Do you want something fast and easy that you can create within less than a day?- Do you want something powerful enough to get people curious about buying your video course?- Do you want to know how to create a best-seller video course teaser?Answered YES? let's start!"
Price: 199.99

"Generate Targeted Leads That Wants to Buy From Your Business"
"Discover How to Generate Targeted Leads That Are Ready To Buy Your Products & Services, Starting Today!These methods are based on a working system. There's no theory here!Imagine if you could generate targeted leads that are ready to buy from you!If youve ever wondered what the easiest way to convert your prospects into sales is, then heres the secret.Give people what they want.While I know that sounds too simple and like duh, common sense, the reality is that implementing this is actually harder than it sounds.This is simply because most of your customers dont know what they want. Some do, but most dont.How much easier would it be to get leads and sales if people TOLD YOU what they most desired?Then all youd have to do is simply point them in the right direction and theyd buy.You dont have to spend hours trying to beg them to buy either.How much easier would it be and how much faster could your business grow?Heres how to do itThrough segmentation, or in other words creating very specific email lists that cater to a very specific need and demographics.Youre essentially helping the person move closer and closer to the next steps your products & services.And you can generate targeted leads and achieve this goal is through surveys.Let's get started and find out this AMAZING way to generate targeted leads and make more money!"
Price: 199.99

"Pinterest Marketing: Grow Your Business With Pinterest"
"Discover How to Generate Traffic With Pinterest & Get More Clicks With This Simple and Easy to Follow System!Its easier to convert traffic from Pinterest than other social media platforms and heres whyIts a fact that Pinterest is huge and has tons of prospects waiting to find you.According to Shopify - from their analysis of over 25,000 online stores - they found that the customer who initially comes to Pinterest, via Facebook or Twitter, will spend about twice as much as those who dont. These are just some of the countless amazing statistics from Pinterest. If you're a business, then you'll want to tap into this market.According to new research, Roughly 25% of consumers reported purchasing a product or service after discovering it on Pinterest.Compared to most social media sites, Pinterest decreases the number of steps users take from discovering something interesting to a conversion. But heres the problem.Most people are marketing on Pinterest WRONG!In fact, you may have tried it and not gotten any results and thought, This doesnt work.However, you have to do it properly and provide what we call, Pin Worthy images. Youre competing against thousands of other images, so how do you survive?What should you put in your images?How should you lay out your funnel?Is there a blueprint or a formula to this madness?For the answer to all those questions and more, enroll in this smart Pinterest course and start to enjoy the fruits of success."
Price: 199.99

"Launch a Product: How to Create the Big Successful Launch"
"Discover How to Launch Your Product Through A Series Of Videos Thatll Generate The Buzz You Need.You Will Get Access to This Step by Step Video Blueprint That Shows You How to Do Product Launch The Right Way Using Real Experience And Not Theory.You may have a great product, but if you launch it wrong, youre leaving money on the table.Every day, product launches are happening. Some do enormously well, and some don't even make a couple of dollars.You could spend months or even years to get a product developed, but if the product launch planning is done incorrectly, you won't get the results you want. You see... our goal here is to get you to launch a good product, so you can help people and, in the end,, you will make the profits you want.Remember...Help people get what they want, and theyll help you get what you want.Now, keep in mind that this is not a get rich quick system either, and it takes hard work to make these videos. But, just with any business, if you have the right plan to go by, then your chances of doing well is greater.Ready to learn how to create the buzz around your produce?Enroll now"
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Marketing: How to Build Facebook Messenger Chatbot"
"Youre probably here because youre interested in learning how to use Facebook Messenger to generate leads or semi-automate your customer support.According to Facebook - On average, there are over 7 billion conversations taking place on Messenger every single day.Messenger is growing bigger than Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter combined, every day, so theres a lot of opportunity for your business.Many businesses are building Facebook Messenger chatbots to generate leads and semi-automated customer support.But the big roadblock that a lot of people face is trying to figure out how to do this.It takes a big technical learning curve to create them unless youre a tech savvy person.So, if you want to be able to create Facebook Messenger Chatbot without learning how to code - look no further because were going to be talking about that in this video course.And remember we have 30-days guarantee"
Price: 199.99

"Mobil UI/UX Tasarm Kursu"
"Adobe XD sfrdan temellerinden alp bir tasarm yapmak iin gerekli olan tm bilgileri ve ek verileri sizlere verip kafanzda hayal ettiinz site, mobil tasarmlar bu program sayesinde vede kurs sayesinde protatip bir hale getirebilirsiniz tamamiyle tasarm iin dizayn edilen bu program photoshoptan ayran faktrler photoshopta her trl alma yaplabileceinden program ar arlayor ama bunda bi tasarmcnn ihtiyacna yarayabilecek olan materyaller bulunmakta ve tamamiyle cretsiz bir biimde kullanlabilmektedir. Bu kurs ile hayallerinizi geree dntrmeye hazr msn? e hadi daha neyi bekliyorsun"
Price: 409.99

"Profesyonel Web Tasarm Yapmay renin"
"Bu web tasarm kursu, web tasarmn profesyonel bir ekilde renmek isteyen programclar ve tasarmclar iindir, zira tasarm sreci bir internet sitesi oluturmann en ehemmiyetli mertebelerinden biridir ve bu sayede internet sitesinin eklini ve grnmn belirleyeceksiniz. nternet sitenize ziyareti ekmede ehemmiyetli bir rol oynar ve programcnn veriyi veriye dntrd programlama srecine gemeden nce internet sitesinin tm zelliklerini ayarlayabilirsiniz..Bir programcysanz bu kursun avantajlarndan faydalanabilirsiniz nk projelerinizi kendi vizyonunuza gre gerekletirebilecek ve istediiniz sonucu minimum aba ile elde edebileceksiniz.Ve tasarmclar iin bu kurs becerilerinizi gelitirecek ve kendi web sitelerini tasarlamak ve web tasarm irketleri iin almak isteyen bireyler iin alarak size daha fazla para kazanma olana verecektir.Ve web sitesi sahipleri iin bu kurs, herhangi bir d yardm olmakszn web sitenizi kendiniz tasarlamanza yardmc olacaktr.Photoshop ile web tasarm kursunda neler olacak?Hibir bilgi sahibi olmadan tasarm yapacamz photoshop'u temel konular anlatlacak, daha sonra bu anlatlan konular ile eitli projeler yaplacak ve bu projeler indirilebilir ve dzenlenebilir olacak. Bu kurs sonunda hayallerimde olan site tasarmlar yapabilecek miyim?Zaten bu kursun amac tamda bu hayallerini somutlatrmak iin gerekli olan aralar size gsterip onlar kullanmay retiyorum. Bylece artk iin tekniine hakim olduktan sonra istediin tasarm photoshopta etkin olarak tasarlayabilirsin.Kurs srekli gncellenecek mi?Kurs gncel tutulacak tabi anlatlacak eyler bittiinde sizlerde gelen sorunlara ynelik dersler olsun, yeni yeni tasarmlarn yapm olsun eitli veri gncellemeleri, bunlar srekli yenilenecek olduundan kursu da srekli gncel tutacamKurs sonunda sertifika alabilecek miyim?Kurs %100 tamamladnzda size bir sertifika ve sertifika numaras verilecek, yani sertifikay istediiniz yerde kullanabileceksiniz"
Price: 409.99

"Django 2.0 po polsku (podstawy)"
"Bdziemy robili wpeni funkcjonaln aplikacje Django 2 napisana w Python wersji 3.6. Zawarte bd wszystkie podstawowe metody CRUD: Create, Read, Update, Delete. Rejestrowanie i login uytkownikw. Token authentication. Template system oraz RESTfull API - i jakie s rnice.Synchronizacja z baza danych (sqlite3 oraz postgres). Aplikacjadziaajca za darmo na serwerze - jak wysai skonfigurowaDjango na darmowym hostingu."
Price: 204.99

"NativeScript - prepare, optimise and publish app"
"First we will prepare our application for a release. We will set a various metadata for the app: name, unique ID, version number and name. We will also prepare assets for the app: icons and splash screen graphics. We will build our firs app file for Google play store and also I will show how to optimize it to reduce file size and make it run faster. We will publish our NativeScript app on Google Play store for android. Once we deal with google, we will move to Apple developer account and I will explain quite complicated process of having certificates, identifiers, devices and provisioning profiles. When all done and prepared, we will create our file and publish it in Apple Store connect."
Price: 19.99

"Django RESTfull API - po polsku"
"W tym kursie dowiesz si jak zrobi w peni dziaajc aplikacje API. Moim celem byo nie tylko pokazanie jak mona co zrobi ale rownie stworzenie w peni funkcjonalnego API. Kurs zawiera wiele praktycznych porad jak poradzi sobie z niektrymi problemami jakie moemy napotka podczas konstruowania naszego API.Zaczniemy od tego jak zainstalowa Django i jakich narzdzi bdziemy potrzebowa by nasz aplikacje zbudowa i testowa. Zbudujemy swj pierwszy model i pokaemy jak dziaaj wszystkie metody CRUD (Create, Read, Update i Delete). Potem z kad z tych metod stworzymy samodzielnie. Dodamy wicej models z rnymi relationships (OneToOne, OneToMany i ManyToMany). W kolejnej sekcji pokarze jak moemy sortowa nasze rekordy, jak je filtrowa, jak moemy zrobi paginacje itd. W ostaniej sekcji zajmiemy si tworzeniem nowych uytkownikw i ich logowaniem. Oraz jak autoryzowa uytkownikw przy uyciu Auth Token.Jest to kompletny kurs dla pocztkujcych wic wczeniejsza wiedza na temat API czy Django nie jest wymagana.Tutaj na Udemy mam rwnie kurs w caoci powicony Django wic jezeli chciaby zacz od podstaw Django to zapraszam rwnie do tamtego kursu."
Price: 204.99

"NativeScript with Angular code sharing"
"This tutorial focus on the code sharing between mobile NativeScript and and Angular web app. I will show how we can have one single repository to handle the both projects and code sharing maximum code in-between the project.We will start from scratch with a blank new project. I will start showing how to create Angular app and NativeScript separately and we will go through the content for each of them. Then we will create our code-sharing application. We will create classic master-detail view. List of items with images will be displayed and you can click on the item to load new page with more detailed information in. We will do styling the component and I show you how to communicate to external API with http requests. (I also provide that API for you). We will finish with having 3 working applications on different platforms (web, iOS and Android).All that will be done using one source code and share maximum code between web app and mobile app using Angular and NativeScript."
Price: 29.99

"Bootcamp programistyczny 2019 (PL): Web dev Full stack"
"W tym kursie zaczniemy od pocztku. adna wczeniejsza wiedza nie jest wymagana. Jest to wprowadzenie w wiat web development. Po skoczeniu tego kursu bdziesz nie tylko wiedzia jak wykona rzeczy w rnych jzykach programowania ale rwnie bdziesz wiedzia jak to wszystko jest poczone. Bdziesz wiedzia jak zrobi:- stron internetow- interaktywna stron lub aplikacje webow- aplikacje jednostronicow (SPA - Single Page App: Angular i React )- aplikacje lub stron z poczeniem z baz danych- aplikacje serwerowa (backend z baza danych)- mobiln aplikacje na systemy Android i iOSTen kurs podzielony jest na sekcje. S sekcje teoretycznie gdzie wprowadzam w tajniki i syntax danego jzyka a po sekcje teoretycznej jest zawsze test praktyczny gdzie wykorzystujemy wczeniejsz wiedz by wykona praktyczny projekt.Wprowadzenie:Omwienie podstawowych zagadnie zwizanych z programowaniem webowym. Jakich narzdzi bdziemy potrzebowa. Pokae rownie jak ich uywa. Omwimy rwnie co poszczeglne zagadnienia zwizane z programowaniem webowym znacz.HTML:Teoretyczna sekcja o jzyku html (HyperText Markup Language). Bd pokazywa jak pisa html syntax. Przejdziemy przez wszystkie podstawowe html tagi dostpne w jzyku. Bdziemy uywa najnowszego jzyka HTML5.CSS:Teoretyczna sekcja o jzyku CSS (Cascading Style Sheet). W tej sekcji pokae w jaki sposb moemy stylizowa nasz stron internetow by wygldaa tak jak chcemy. Bdziemy rozmawiali o jednostkach, kolorach, layoutach, animacjach i wielu innych rzeczach.Projekt Praktyczny 1 (Strona WWW):W tej sekcji dostaniemy gotowy layout strony od grafika i odtworzymy go razem uywajc wiedzy z HTML i CSS. Pokae krok po kroku jak si zabra za robienie strony i jak moemy wykorzysta gotowe grafiki. Po tej sekcji bdziesz potrafi zrobi swoja pierwsz stron internetow. Javascript:Sekcja powiecona teorii jzyka JavaScript. Pokae co moemy zrobi w jzyku JS. Bd omawia syntax i zastosowanie jzyka. Zaczniemy od teorii programowania takich jak zmienne, ptle, tablice, funkcje, warunki itp . Potem przejdziemy do manipulacji DOM (Document Object Model). Jak moemy dynamicznie wpywa i kontrolowa na nasz html i css.Projekt Praktyczny 2 (Aplikacja webowa):W ten sekcji stworzymy interaktywn stron gdzie po klikniciu na dany kubeek nalejemy do niego wicej pynu. Ten przykad pomoe nam wykorzysta wiele z wczeniej nauczonych technik w Javascript. Cao projektu bdzie wykonana w JavaScript.Angular 7:Wprowadzenie do framework Angular. Bdziemy uywa wersji Angular 7. Bdziemy mwi o strukturze Angular, jak uruchomi aplikacje, jak j przygotowa do produkcji (gotowej na serwer). Bdziemy uywa komponentw, serwisw i wszystkiego co najlepsze w Angular. Pokae rwnie jak mona uywa narzdzia Angular CLI (Command Line Interface).Projekt Praktyczny 3 (Single Page App):W ten sekcji stworzymy SPA (Single Page Application). Aplikacje jednostronicow gdzie nie musimy odwiea strony by wczyta nowy kontent. Aplikacja bdzie oparta na Angular 7.Python 3Podstawy jzyka programowania Python 3. Pokae jak zainstalowa python i potrzebne narzdzie na systemach operacyjnych windows i mac OS. Pokae jak pisa skrypty pythona i jak je wywoywa. Pokae jak programowa w python: zmienne, funkcje, warunki, ptle itp.Projekt Praktyczny 4 (Python Baza Danych w pliku):W tym projekcie pokae w jaki sposb moemy spyta uytkownika o dane i zapisa je w pliku. Bdziemy czyta dane z lokalnego pliku CSV, i dopisywa dane na podstawie input uytkownika. Ten projekt pozwoli utrwali nam wiele z rzeczy ktre przerobilimy w rozdziale Python.Django 2Wprowadzenie do framework Django. Bdziemy uywa Django wersji 2+. Pokae jak mona wykorzysta Django do tego by stworzy pen aplikacje webow z podczeniem do bazy danych. Pokae rwnie jak moemy wykorzysta Django do tego by zrobi wasne API (Application Programming Interface). Bdziemy mwili o models, views, serializers, urls i templates.Projekt Praktyczny 5 (Django API):W ten sekcji stworzymy API z Django framework. Bdzie to gotowe REST API z uyciem Django Rest Framework i bdziemy mogli uy tego API w nastpnej sekcji w aplikacji Angular.Projekt Praktyczny 6 (Aplikacja Angular z Django API):W ten sekcji bdziemy kontynuowa aplikacji Filmy ktr stworzylimy wczeniej i dodany do niej dane z API. Bdziemy uywa HTTP requests po to by dosta dynamiczne dane z naszej lokalnej bazy danych Django. Bdziemy rwnie rozwizywa problemy z CORS i plikami media.NativeScript 5Bdziemy uczyli si jak zrobi wasn aplikacje na komrki. Bdzie to aplikacja cross platform ktra bdzie wywietlana jako natywna dla systemw Android i iOS. Bdziemy uczyli si jak zrobi aplikacje wykorzystujc wiedz ktre wczeniej zdobylimy z Angular.Projekt Praktyczny 7 (Mobilna Aplikacja):W ten sekcji stworzymy aplikacje na komrki na systemy iOS i Android. Wykorzystamy do tego NativeScript i Angular. W naszej aplikacji cigniemy rekordy z bazy danych uywajc naszego Django API i http. Aplikacja bdzie bardzo podobna do tej, ktr zrobilimy w Angular.React 16:W ten sekcji pokae jak dziaa kolejny front-end framework ReactJS. Pokae wszystkie postawowe rzeczy ktre bd nam potrzebne by stworzy aplikacje podobna jak stworzylimy z Angular. Bdziemy omawiali podstawowe koncepty jak components, props, state itp.Projekt Praktyczny 8 ( Webowa Aplikacja React):W ten sekcji odtworzymy aplikacje Filmy ktr stworzylimy wczeniej z Angular razem z HTPP z danymi z API. Bdziemy uywa HTTP requests po to by dosta dynamiczne dane z naszej lokalnej bazy danych.Dodatkowe Info:W ten sekcji skupimy si na dodatkowych informacjach ktre kady deweloper webowy powinien wiedzie."
Price: 49.99

"Tableau for Data Science with R & Python Integration"
"Learn data visualization and improve your data science skills through Tableau Desktop with R & Python integration.This course helps you master Tableau Desktop software quickly and easily. Using real open source data, you will become technically fluent in using Tableau, the leading data visualization software on the market.What I will teach you here is what I have been doing at work on a daily basis.You'll learn a lot of features in Tableau that allow you to explore, prepare, analyze data and present results professionally. Also, you will learn how to boost up your data analysis power, integrating R and Python into Tableau. If you don't know R or Python programming, you can skip those sections in the course. Since this is not an R or Python course, I will not be teaching you these languages. If you already know R or Python and they are installed into your computer, you will learn how to integrate these languages into Tableau to start creating magic.Statistics for Data Science section in the course, will help you understand statistics concepts in an intuitive way.It is aimed at anyone who wants to be able to use this award winning product to analyze and visualize data - both experts and non-experts.Content will be updated based on the requests I will get as feedback to this course. Currently Tableau version 10.5 and 2018.1.3 are being used in this course.I am sure this course will give you the knowledge and confidence to be able to use Tableau Desktop in your projects and create some amazing and insightful data visualizations and dashboards."
Price: 199.99

"Learn 2D Game Development with Unity and C# Programming"
"Do you want to learn to make awesome games and apps using Unity3D, but know nothing about where to begin? No problem! In my course, we'll go over all the basics you need to get started, and learn how to make great games with Unity. In this course, we'll be going over:Unity3D's user interface, and using the different windows to develop your project.An introduction to the C# programming language, where we'll make our script and learn to work with components in Unity to make our game come to life.How to make a visually appealing game scene and properly adjust and align UI graphics like text, buttons and graphics.How to export your project to computer and mobile devices.Learn to build a game of Blackjack, the popular card game. With input like Hitting & standing, and being able to place your bet with in-game money. With win, lose and game over events.At the beginning of the course, we'll introduce you to downloading Unity and good places to download royalty free assets online for us to work with in our game. And then we'll get familiar with Unity3D's setup and development environment. So we can build our game scene.Next we'll get familiar with the C# programming language, and how easy it is to integrate our scripts into Unity. In the course, we'll go over basic programming fundamentals such as:Variables and Arrays.Methods and Functions.Loops and Keywords.Towards the end of the course, we'll be putting the rest of our Blackjack game together with what we learned. And then we'll go over how to build our project to platforms like computer and mobile devices.This course is perfect for student who want:To learn Unity3D one ofthe most popular game engines out in the industry.To learn programming basics and coding in the C# language.To be able to make a game from start to finish.Enroll in the course and get started learning how to make awesome games & apps!"
Price: 19.99

"Basics of Accounting For CPA CA Masters and bachelor courses"
"The course is designed to help students learn the very basics of accounting so that they can comfortably take up advanced level courses based on this. In this in a simple way the course will help you to understand the Basic from Basic term till maintaining of the summarized Trial Balance."
Price: 19.99

"Financial Statement Analysis in 1:30 hr with Live Demo!!"
"This course is designed for the students who wish to understand how any company's' financial records are analysed by seeing their financial reports. Short to Long term financial position and Efficiency of resources will be understood in the course.Students who are willing to take up the career as Analyst, they must enroll in this course for more clarity of concepts."
Price: 24.99

"Drupal per strutture ricettive"
"Drupal per strutture ricettive il corso che permetter a tutti i gestori di piccole strutture ricettive come B&B, Affittacamere, Hotel di conoscere il CMS Drupal e di poter realizzare nel proprio sito, realizzato con Drupal, un sistema di Booking Engine, cio un sistema di prenotazione online, oppure di integrare Drupal ad un sistema di Channel Manager come Planyo.Durante il corso l'allievo potr imparare come virtualizzare sul proprio PC o MAC un server e avere una panoramica del funzionamento di Drupal."
Price: 49.99

"Joomla: le Basi!"
"Nel corso ""Joomla: le basi"" l'allievo potr imparare tutto ci che compone il famoso CMS, o gestore di contenuti online, Joomla. In particolare potr imparare tutte le risorse e le community dove potr chiedere aiuto, imparer a creare contenuti, categorie, menu. Durante il corso proveremo a realizzare un sito internet di prova, attraverso l'utilizzo anche di software come MAMP, in grado di trasformare il PC o MAC in un server virtuale. Si studieranno anche le estensioni, i moduli ed i plug in tracciando una veloce panoramica di come si installano e si utilizzano, senza dimenticare l'importanza di saper gestire impostazioni del core di Joomla. Qualche piccolo trucco verr spiegato anche sulle impostazioni di un template e su come creare, grazie a framework specifici, template a griglia mobile."
Price: 79.99

"Finanzielle Intelligenz - Dein Weg aus dem Hamsterrad"
"Niemand spricht gern ber Geld, aber alle trumen vom Reichtum und finanzieller Freiheit. Unwissenheit und Vorurteile zu diesem Thema berdecken die oft einfachen und schnell umsetzbaren Lsungen.Die meisten Menschen spren derzeit den massiven Wandel im Arbeitsmarkt, in der Wirtschaft und in der Gesellschaft. In solchen Zeiten wchst die wahrgenommene Unsicherheit und viele Menschen suchen nach neuen, zuverlssigen Einnahmequellen. Am besten neben dem Hauptberuf.Dieser Videokurs ist eine kleine Sammlung von selbst getesteten Geld Rezepten, die jeder fr sich ""nachkochen"" kann. Mit ihnen kannst du in Zukunft mehr Geld verdienen, wirst weniger Geld verlieren und du kannst das Geld effektiver fr dich arbeiten lassen. Bitte verstehe es als Buffett. Nichts muss, alles darf. Mit Sicherheit ist auch das eine oder andere Geldrezept fr dich dabei."
Price: 99.99

"Introduccin al Photoshop y al Fotomontaje"
"Despus de aos de hacer tutoriales y habiendo adquirido el conocimiento necesario y creado mi propio estilo de trabajo he decidido hacer un curso completo de Photoshop con el que ensear desde los primeros pasos con el programa hasta tcnicas ms avanzadas de fotomontaje.En el curso enseo todo lo que he aprendido durante ms de 10 aos trabajando con Photoshop, mi forma de trabajar y consejos para que te acostumbres a trabajar de forma eficiente y profesional utilizando atajos del teclado y tcnicas que utilizo a diario en mi trabajo.Empieza desde la baseEste curso de Photoshop esta pensado especialmente para aquellos que nunca se han atrevido a abrir el programa ya que empieza desde la base. Explicar la interfaz del programa, los paneles, las herramientas ajustes y tcnicas y cmo empezar a trabajar conjuntamente con todo ello. Te ensear el flujo de trabajo completo.Para usuarios principiantesSi ya sabes manejarte con el Photoshop pero quieres aprender a crear foto montajes este curso puede ser para ti. Si ya conoces la interfaz y sabes trabajar con las herramientas de Photoshop, con este curso podrs dar un paso ms aprendiendo tcnicas de fotomontaje empezando con manipulaciones sencillas y poco a poco subir de dificultad.Flujo de trabajo completoUno de mis principales objetivos con este curso es que aprendas un flujo de trabajo completo y sobretodo que entiendas cmo trabajar con todas las herramientas de forma conjunta para que puedas materializar tus ideas en diseos de forma autnoma y empezar crear tus propias manipulaciones a partir de tus ideas.Proyectos de fotomontaje paso a pasoAl final de los 5 captulos haremos 6 fotomontajes paso a paso con diferentes niveles de dificultad. Podrs subir el resultado de tus trabajos para incluirlo en la galera del curso.Beneficios de un curso estructurado versus tutoriales individualesQuizs te preguntes por qu tomar un curso como este en lugar de buscar tutoriales sueltos gratuitos de otras plataformas. Mi respuesta a esa pregunta siempre ha sido la misma.Un curso estructurado por captulos y episodios relacionados tiene la gran ventaja de ensearte a utilizar el software de forma conjunta. Te ayuda a seguir una linea de aprendizaje clara en la cual los conceptos y tcnicas se relacionan mucho mejor. Si quieres aprender a trabajar de forma eficiente y tener una visin de conjunto sobre como funciona el software Adobe Photoshop, un curso estructurado como este es la mejor opcin.El curso est estructurado en 5 secciones o captulos que comprenden los siguientes tpicosCaptulo 1: La interfaz de PhotoshopEmpezaremos el curso aprendiendo a navegar por la interfaz del programa. Aprenders qu es un espacio de trabajo, cmo personalizarlo y cmo crear documentos. Tambin vers qu son los paneles y la barra de herramientas y de opciones y una introduccin bsica al panel de capas y el concepto de capas.Captulo 2: El panel de capasTrabajar con capas es fundamental en Photoshop y el panel de capas es el corazn del programa. En este captulo aprenders a utilizar el panel de capas y veremos qu tipos de capas podemos crear en Photoshop. Aprenders qu son los modos de fusin y los objetos inteligentes y cuales son los beneficios de trabajar con capas.Captulo 3: SeleccionesDominar las selecciones es una de las tareas ms importantes en Photoshop. Las selecciones nos permiten delimitar el rea sobre el que aplicamos cierto efecto y hay muchas maneras de crear selecciones. En este captulo aprenders qu tipos de selecciones puedes crear y las herramientas ms utilizadas para crear diferentes tipos de seleccin. Tambin haremos una explicacin bsica de los canales y trabajar con mscaras de capa.Captulo 4: Ajustes y filtrosPara editar nuestras fotos y fotomontajes utilizaremos ajustes y filtros y en este captulo aprenders qu tipos de ajustes podemos hacer a nuestras fotos. Utilizaremos el panel de capas para crear capas de ajuste y trabajar de forma no destructiva. Entre otros, veremos de forma prctica qu son las Curvas, Niveles o los Mapas de degradado. Tambin veremos qu son los filtros y en qu se diferencian de los ajustes.Captulo 5: Introduccin a la manipulacin fotogrficaste captulo est dedicado exclusivamente a la introduccin a los fotomontajes y al flujo de trabajo que yo utilizo cuando hago un fotomontaje. Explicar de forma prctica las partes ms importantes que hay que tener en cuenta para crear un fotomontaje: fuentes de recursos, combinar fotos de stock iluminacin, sombreado, etc.Proyectos finales de fotomontajeSe trata de una introduccin bsica al fotomontaje en la cual haremos 6 proyectos prcticos de dificultad progresiva para introducirte en el mundo de la manipulacin fotogrfica."
Price: 54.99

"Curso Faixa Preta Carat"
"Este curso voltado para Caratecas que desejam realizar exame de faixa preta e/ou aprimorar seus movimentos e tcnicas. Explicao e repetio dos movimentos, alunos para demonstrao dos golpes e tcnicas. Teoria e prtica com dicas valiosssimas para lapidar seus movimentos.So 66 aulas dividido em 04 mdulos.1. Conscincia do trabalho muscularO objetivo deste mdulo identificar e trabalhar os msculos envolvidos nos movimentos dos golpes, defesas e nas bases. E destaque especial respirao com contrao dos glteos.2. Conscincia do movimentoNeste mdulo voc encontrar trabalho para a execuo correta dos golpes, defesas, bases e deslocamentos.3. O trabalho correto no Kihon4. KataEste curso no substitui o Sensei do Aluno, de extrema importncia que o aluno continue indo ao doj!"
Price: 84.99

"Graphology Level 1"
":1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ( )"
Price: 199.99