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"Colorful Silver Jewelry - A Comprehensive Jewelry Course"
"Fun, informative step-by-stepvideos, will teach teach youthe skills necessary to design and make a wide variety of colorfuljewelry items. Follow along at your own pace and make anamazing fashion jewelry necklace from silver wire, sheet metal, and epoxy resin. No previous experience is necessary. You'll be surprised how easy it is to make professional quality jewelry."
Price: 24.99

"Making Beautiful Articulated Hinged Jewelry"
"Fun, informative step-by-stepvideo lectures, will teach teach youthe skills necessary to design and make hinged jewelry items. This course is designed for intermediate to advanced jewelry students. Those who have taken our introductory course entitled ""Colorful Silver Jewelry"" are well prepared to move on to this project. This is a foundational course for anyone interested in creating fine jewelry items that exhibit refinement of detail and articulation."
Price: 19.99

"Wordpress devops: deploy Wordpress using Kubernetes & docker"
"This is a practical course that presents an intuitive way of deploying Wordpress on Kubernetes.While Wordpress is one of the most used CMS or blogging platforms in the internet ( 26 % of Internet sites run on Wordpress), managing its infrastructure can be challenging. This course proposes a solution based on devops best practices. Itbetson theflexibility offered by docker and Kubernetes asa major gain in terms of efficiency, scalability, and ease of management compared to a traditional Wordpress set up on the host machine. Upgrading or changingany component of the Wordpress stack including Wordpress versionbecomes effortless and worryless."
Price: 99.99

"Domina CINEMA 4D desde 0 de forma sencilla."
"Trabajo como profesor de visuales en un instituto, y gracias a ello he aprendido a planear clases para ensear a mis alumnos a dominar este software desde cero, teniendo muy pocos conocimientos previos del mundo del 3D.Explico todo con video tutoriales muy sencillos pero que abarcan todos los efectos y las posibilidades en general del programa, y que lo han hecho casi imprescindibles para cualquier proyecto audiovisual.Con este curso, podrs tener una buena introduccin a este software.Son video-tutoriales cortos explicando ejercicios concretos.Es un primer paso donde ya conseguiras resultados muy ptimos.Te ayudar a conocer Cinema 4D y te animar a seguir aprendiendo.."
Price: 19.99

"The 11th Step"
"For the Addict Who Still Suffers:In this course we will explore how contemplative prayer and meditation can help us to recognize and begin to heal from our addictive desires and patterns and the underlying wounds that drive them. In doing so we begin to reclaim the experience of freedom and joy, and we move toward sharing those gifts with others in healthy communities and relationships.Learning Outcomes:Participants will... Cultivate a holistic approach to 12-step recovery so that contemplative prayer and meditation infuse and support recovery and new, healthy behaviorsPractice using simple forms of contemplative prayer and meditation in order to develop more wise and skillful means for responding to addictive triggers Develop more intimate and trusting relationships with the God of your understanding and with othersSet goals and intentions for developing daily practices that support a life-long program of spiritual recoveryEach daily lesson uses a 12-step slogan* to introduce the topic or theme of the day, and then follows the following pattern:Brief intro and background on the daily topic (5-10 min)Guided meditation to explore the daily topicSuggested reflection exercises and/or optional journaling prompts"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Marketing para Ejecutivos y Emprendedores."
"Este curso est especialmente diseado para emprendedores que estn pasando un mal rato con su marketing, en este curso aprenders de manera muy rpida y simple que hacer cuando las cosas no van bien.Analizamos las mtricas ms importantes que se desprenden del marketing digital o tradicional y te aportamos una correccin sencilla en caso de que el valor encontrado no sea el satisfactorio.Revisa y corrige para proteger tu dinero.En este curso aprenders:- Que informacin necesito para poder revisar y corregir mi marketing- Donde obtener la informacin- Formatos para ordenar y preparar la informacin- Como analizar la informacin obtenida- Como corregir como los profesionales (con fundamentos de neuro economa y PNL)- El marketing desde el punto de vista del clienteDirigido a negocios ( pymes ) y emprendedores."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Finanzas para Ejecutivos y Emprendedores."
"Este curso esta especialmente diseado para emprendedores que estn pasando un mal rato con sus finanzas y batallando con su flujo de efectivo, es un curso simple y rpido para entender de manera cotidiana como poner una solucin a los problemas mas comunes que tenemos con el dinero.Revisa y corrige para proteger tu dinero y hacerlo crecer.En este curso aprenders:- Que informacin necesito para poder revisar y corregir mis finanzas- Donde obtener la informacin- Formatos para ordenar y preparar la informacin- Que es el flujo de efectivo y como lo soluciono.- Como analizar la informacin obtenida- Como corregir como los profesionales de manera simple- Consejos para mejorar las finanzasDirigido a negocios ( pymes ) y emprendedores."
Price: 19.99

"Fitness ninja masterclass(Flips, Martial arts, Calisthenics)"
"Urban Ninja is the only place on Udemy where you will learn several different Urban arts all in one course. The instructor has over 15 years experience and is a professional Martial artist, Breakdancer, Calisthenic artist and a Gymnast. You will gain quality information, tips, guidance and drills to make something that you dream of doing into reality. Would you like to learn to do a Back flip, Flying kicks and Bar skills? Urban Ninja course has over 25 different movements that are the basis for elite fitness. You will develop skill, agility, quickness, power, strength and flexibility all in one video. The movements have basis from all different form of Martial arts, Flips, Breakdance and Calisthenic. You will develop many different arts from just one video. If you are trying alternate ways to stay fit and develop a skill then this is the course for you. This course has live tutorial to help you achieve your dream moves with very easy breakdowns achievable by most people. You will be highly skilled, technical and fit. All at same time! Furthermore, combine the movements to make your own movement and advance your skills. With this course you can become a good dancer, athlete, elite sports athlete, martial artist and best of all the best balanced physique for both upper and lower body. Please leave a review for Urban Ninja, I will really appreciate it!You will learn following skills: Content: HandstandForward rollDive rollBack HandspringBack Tuck / FlipFront HandspringRound-offAerial WebsterGainer FlashMuscle-upFront Knee GiantBack Hip Circle180 GrabHook KickTornado Kick360 Kick540 Kick720 KickButterfly KickSwipeKip-upBronco MacacoKnee spring upLeg FlicksOnce accessing this course with the link below. You can further your knowledge and skills on:Second part of Urban Ninja: Urban NInja Flips, Martial arts, Powermoves and CalisthenicFinal part of Urban Ninja: Principles of flips and tricks Combination"
Price: 59.99

"Mapas Mentais sobre Logstica Reversa"
"Este curso, tem como objetivo criar dois eixos de aprendizagem:1 Mostrar aos alunos o conceito do ensino atravs de Mapas Mantais, quebrando um pouco do mtodo convencional no Ensino Distncia.2 Apresentar no curso, conceitos, normas, regulamentaes, leis e condutas na logstica reversa, que muitas entidades j aplicam, mas no mtodo convencional, neste curso adquirimos as formas convencionais, mas repassamos no conceito de aprendizagem em Mapas Mentais(...) ""Alunos est metodologia de ensina vai ampliar, sua viso no planejamento estratgico, ttico e operacional, e vai facilitar no entendimento de processos e conceitos""."
Price: 54.99

"Cmo componer canciones para tus vdeos con tu iPhone o iPad"
"Componer canciones para tus vdeos es mucho ms fcil de lo que crees. Te imaginas crear tu propia msica, perfecta para las imgenes de tus vdeos? Una msica hecha a medida? Hacerlo es posible. Tan solo necesitas tener un iPhone, un iPad o incluso un iPod Touch y conocer el mtodo que hemos creado para ti. Conocerlo incrementar tu creatividad de forma exponencial. Comenzamos?"
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentos de GitHub: Aprendizaje Aplicado a Proyectos"
"Domina la dinmica de trabajo de git/GitHub con aplicaciones prcticas reales en la plataforma con un proyecto creado especialmente para el curso en GitHub, grficos cuidadosamente diseados, lecciones en video y constante apoyo en los foros de discusin.GitHub es tu prximo paso para un futuro brillante en desarrollo de Software!===================Testimonios de Estudiantes:""Recomiendo el curso para darte una idea general de github y a detalle si te sientes perdido, animo. ... empieza con este curso y vers la diferencia al final."" Erick Pacheco Brcenas===================Aprenders lo poderoso que puede ser GitHub y sers capaz de:Crear, actualizar y administrar un repositorio.Bifurcar (Fork) un repositorio.Administrar ramas en tu repositorio local y remoto.Contribuir a otros repositorios y actualizar cambios hechos.Usar GitHub Flavored Markdown para escribir READMEs y comentarios en tus discusiones.Leer READMEs escritos para proyectos reales.Aadir colaboradores a tu proyecto y analizar las estadsticas de tus repositorios.Usar las etiquetas de GitHub y la barra de bsqueda para categorizar issues y encontrar en los que te gustara trabajar.Crear, editar y Bifurcar (Fork) gists.--------------Proyecto del Curso:La mejor forma de aprender es trabajar en un proyecto real para el cual puedes colaborar. Eso es exactamente lo que el curso ofrece! Aprenders aplicando tu conocimiento en un proyecto en GitHub especialmente creado para el curso. Puedes contribuir desde el primer da!Este curso de GitHub incluye: Lecciones en video.Foros de discusin - Siempre disponibles si necesitas ayuda.Guas PDF.Artculos.Enlaces a recursos tiles y lecturas e incluso ms contenido ya que el curso est siendo actualizado constantemente.Usaremos git bash y aprenders los comandos de git necesarios para trabajar con git y GitHub.Los conceptos y procedimientos sern explicados paso a paso tanto para git como para GitHub, y como estudiante del curso recibirs una Gua PDF con todos los comandos usados en los videos y un glosario que podrs descargar para introducirte a estos temas.Analizars ejemplos de proyectos reales con los elementos que aprenders, tales como pull requests, issues, etiquetas, READMEs y mucho ms.Si aprendes de forma visual, este curso es exactamente para ti! Lo dise con grficos y diapositivas cuidadosamente creadas con explicaciones grficas para aclarar conceptos detalladamente.Aprende git y GitHub a travs de una experiencia de aprendizaje divertida, interesante y con aplicaciones reales a travs de la prctica! La prctica lo es todo y practicars git y GitHub en detalle durante las asignaciones.GitHub es una plataforma asombrosa, empieza a sumergirte en sus increbles funcionalidades y desata tu verdadero poder como desarrollador(a).Inscrbete ahora e inicia tu viaje para aprender GitHub, Te veo en el curso!"
Price: 19.99

"Git Fundamentals: A Practical and Visual Learning Approach"
"Do you want to learn git in 1+ hour?If your answer is yes....You Found the right git course for you!Git is your next step to a bright future in software development.=======================Student Reviews:""This is a wonderful course! I went from not knowing anything about git to feeling comfortable to use this on my own!"" Amanda Brioche""Very good entry level course for beginners."" Kozma Jnos""Very nice for begginers! All the basics in one place."" Tomasz Czaplicki=======================Why is this git course unique?Because it is specially designed for beginners just like YOU, who want to learn git very fast, and truly understand the concepts behind version control!Why should I enroll in this course?Because you will learn git in just 1 Hour and apply your knowledge while having fun!You Will Learn:- The git Workflow.- What repositories are and how to create, edit, modify and delete them.- What commits are and how to create, edit, modify and delete them.- What branches are and how to work with them.- How to customize git to set your username and email address.- What Merge Conflicts are and how you can solve them.- How to save changes for later by stashing them.- and much more!NO PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED!You will apply your knowledge on a final capstone project!The Course Includes:- Engaging video lectures.- Slides specially designed with engaging visuals.- Assignments and Quizzes to test your knowledge.- Support on the discussion forums if you have any questions (I will be very glad to help you!).You will have LIFETIME ACCESS to the course and receive all the updates and new content.Start your journey to success with the amazing power of git and version control,Enroll Now, See you inside!"
Price: 19.99

"Python OOP - Object Oriented Programming for Beginners"
"Learn Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python with mini projects, hands-on practice, and carefully designed visual explanations. Understand how the elements and abstract concepts of OOP work behind the scenes. Apply your knowledge to new scenarios.Object Oriented Programming is Your Next Step Into the In-demand and Powerful World of PythonCreate and work with classes and instances to write Python programs.Understand how they work behind the scenes. Learn when to use instance attributes vs. class attributes.Implement and call methods. Understand their purpose. Take advantage of the power of inheritance to avoid code repetition.Use key concepts like Docstrings and Special methods in your programs.-----------------------------Student Reviews:""Even total noob will understand the OOP here :)"" ukasz Bryzek""I love how the instructor explains things in simple language and relates it to everyday life. I actually understand! I'm just at the beginning of the course and am excited about continuing."" Donny Lobree""I would strongly recommend this course if you are new to programming and want to master the basics of OOP."" Demayne Collins""The learning sticks. The coverage of Python classes here, for me, has been better than how this topic has been covered in a couple of other Python classes I have from more well-established Python instructors. Hats of to the instructor for putting this together."" Thomas P""Perfect for persons without any clue in oop!"" Patrick Onegin-----------------------------Add New Python Skills To Your ResumePython is currently one of the most popular programming languages and its popularity continues rising every year. It is used for real-world applications in diverse areas such as Data Science, Game Development, Web Development, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and many more. Learning Object Oriented Programming in Python is your next step into the powerful world of computer science. Object Oriented Programming is key if you wish to expand your computer science skills and create maintainable and scalable programs. You will need to learn these concepts to implement data structures like trees, graphs, and linked lists. It's also key for game development, GUI programming, artificial intelligence, and many other areas. The concepts and techniques that you will learn in this course are easily transferable to other programming languages like Java, JavaScript, and many more. Content & OverviewWith high-quality video lectures that include graphics and animations, you will learn and work with these concepts:ClassesInstancesInstance AttributesClass AttributesMethodsThe 'self' parameterInheritanceDocstringsSpecial Methods.... and more!You will create a mid-term course project, a text-based version of the Blackjack game following the principles of Object Oriented Programming. Learning Material & ResourcesThroughout the course, you will find these resources:Video lectures: carefully designed graphics, animations, and explanations.Mid-term Course Project: you will create a text-based version of the Blackjack game using the principles of Object Oriented Programming.Mini Projects: apply your knowledge at the end of each section with these mini projects. Solutions to the Mini Projects: each mini project has its corresponding solution.PDF Handouts: unique study guides with a graphical summary of the key aspects of each section. Coding Exercises: practice key concepts with the coding exercises.Solutions to the Coding Exercises: each coding exercise has its corresponding solution.Quizzes: check your knowledge interactively after each lecture with short quizzes that have unlimited attempts.PDF Slides: download the slides used in each section as a pdf file. Take your learning with you anywhere you go.Python Files: download the code used for each section as a compressed (.zip) file with individual python (.py) files. Articles: read complementary articles to expand your knowledge.Capstone Project: apply your knowledge in a final capstone project.Discussion Forums: ask questions on the discussion forums and discuss interesting topics with your peers.Why is this course unique?This course is unique because of its emphasis on providing visual and detailed explanations of how the elements of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) work behind the scenes, so you will not only learn how to use them in Python, you will actually understand what each line of code does behind the scenes.During the course, you will apply your knowledge by completing mini projects that simulate simplified real-world scenarios such as fixing classes in a bakery system, representing bacteria for educational software using instance attributes, implementing inheritance for a videogame, completing the system of a vending machine, and many more. Each mini project includes its corresponding solution.Unique study materials complement the course experience. You will find PDF handouts specifically designed for the course with a graphical summary of the key aspects of each section. You will solve coding exercises directly on the browser and you will receive instant feedback for your submission. You will check your knowledge with short Quizzes after each main lecture. The Quizzes provide instant feedback, so you can see the correct answer immediately. The quiz questions were designed to make you think more deeply about the topics presented.You will receive a certificate of completion that you can add to your social media profiles to showcase your new skills. You will also have lifetime access to the course and to all the new additions. ---------You are very welcome to watch the preview lectures and check out the full course curriculum. If you are looking for an engaging, visual, and practical course, you've found it.Add ""Object Oriented Programming in Python"" to your resume and showcase your new skills!"
Price: 34.99

"2019 Photoshop CC"
"Photoshop CC Photoshop4PRPhotoshop14715Web2PhotoshopPhotoshop CCPsPhotoshop"
Price: 10800.00

"NEXTAE3D #VOL1After Effect CC"
"WithFunOnlineAfter Effect3D3D3DPDF3D63D#VOL13D #VOL13DUPetc3D2PART2 3D3DAfter Effect CC 3DAnimation"
Price: 10200.00

"Medical English vocabulary for medical professionals"
"10 short videos with everyday medical terminology, with pronunciation practice, reading, understanding, use in a typical sentence and vivid graphics.Each lesson focuses on about 12 vocabulary items commonly used in everyday medical practice from private practice to hospital use.Each lesson is divided into alphabetical order, and includes a comprehension review at the end."
Price: 24.99

"Basic body parts vocabulary for medical use."
"A short course of 5 videos PLUS quiz. Everyday English is used -no medical terms-A running commentary starting at the head and ending at the toenails, discussing the major body parts in ""layman's"" terms-the sort of language a patient might use.Read the commentary, listen to the commentary, view a vivid graphic indicating the body part, listen and pronounce the vocabulary and commentary, and in the end, take a quiz to see if you have remembered."
Price: 19.99

"Basic English no reading or writing"
"This course is extracts from a longer course which I was asked to develop to assist refugees to assimilate into western culture. It involves no heavy reading and no writing as many refugees are unable to read or write.There are 5 lessons dealing with the basics of everyday life, and the lessons rely heavily on repetition, pronunciation, and the different ways in which sentences concerning the vocabulary could be used in the most common ways."
Price: 19.99

"Basic English for Beginners 2"
"If you are a beginner in English, and want to know how to talk about things you will encounter every day in English, this is the course for you. It is an extension of my previous course ""English for Absolute beginners"". If you want to go just a bit higher, but not strain your brain, try this course."
Price: 19.99

"English for Absolute Beginners # 3"
"This is the third in my series of Basic English for Absolute Beginners in English. The series was designed for refugees with little ability to read or write so it is very visual. It is suitable for Absolute beginners of all ages from 6 year olds to 60+ year olds."
Price: 19.99

"Sales Recruitment Training Motivation and Evaluation"
"The modern market dynamics for business have change drastically, every company is positioning itself skillfully to have competitive advantage and increase market share.The key point hear is the human capital assembleto achieve the goal of the organisation, a good organisation is one that isable to organize talents to achieve a target out come it is better for professional or business owner to understand that from sales recruitment which encompass job description, job advertisement and interview need to done properly to employed the right skills for the job.The ultimate goal of every organisation is to sell what it produce, beside we need to train the sales professionals to understand and have detailed appreciation of legal /ethical issues, product knowledge and how to work to satisfy the customer.I say the customer is the owner of our business, a motivated staff, is an energize person who goes all out delight the customer, it is important to note that know evaluation can surpass the evaluation of the customer opinion towards the company or the staff, so it is better to holistically work towards satisfying the customer and retaining them to become loyal customers."
Price: 99.99

"Understanding First Impression"
"Communication is the imparting or exchange of ideas, information or feeling. Why we all interpret non verbal communication in our own way to suit our situation is an issue you cannot force any body to explain because each of as have their own sense of judgement.first impression play a vital role in our communication as business people and students we all need to take it serious because once any body form their impression about you which analyse say it take less than one minute for people to form their opinion . it is better we learn it seriously to affect our business and life.knowing the benefits of first impression will help as understand more about the usage of first impression. Strategies to form a good first impression is the catalyst and keys to observe first impression critical in any conversation or meeting either in business of life situation. We all need to be a good communicators by being observant in both verbal and non verbal cues, gestures, facial expression etc all need to be observed carefully to aid our communication effectively and efficiently."
Price: 19.99

"Body language is one of the most important aspect of communication we have all taken for granted, as William shake speare one said "" there's language in her eye, her cheek, her lips"" this means every part of ourbody communicate with meaning. The pride of any body on this earth is your unique identity that is culture, which is the way of life of a group of people, understanding people means understanding their culture and respecting the culture.As long as the world is a global place we need to learn other people body language to enable as fit in every environment. It is time that multinationals add body language as a course to enable the global staff understand and respect cultures.This course most be learn by all to enable as apply body language in a professional way the eye contact, winking, thumps up etc all have a role to apply in business. All of as must take body language serious because it have effect in doing business.I edge every body to use body language for business and personal advantage."
Price: 94.99

"Marketing Fundamentals In Practice"
"The key objective of this course enable people to understand the basic marketing fundamental concept to enable their business to grow. It is important for organisation to know which objectives they are centered on, the efficient and effective use of organisation corporate resources is very important for the growth and development of the organisation, it can also be used as a mean of competitive advantage.The extended marketing mix is the marketers key to make the success of every organisation, in fact billion dollar organisation or market leaders are applying this mix to their advantage, because you can never satisfy your customer or grow without using the marketing mix effectively and efficiently, because customer dissatisfaction comes through the marketing mix, it is important every serious organisation take care of it and use it to their advantage.Building great relationship with the customer is an important asset to an organisation, it is through relationship that develop customer loyalty. customers taste and preferences changes it's important that research are down consistently to know when new product or service are develop to meet customer need and expectations, following it's progression carefully through the product life cycle to ensure profitability."
Price: 94.99

"Sequelize ORM with NodeJS"
"Sequelize is a promise-based ORM for node.js, Its easy to learn and use. Sequelize has lots of features like Associations,Transaction,Hooks, Migrations, etc. It also support for MySql, Sqlite, Postgress, MsSql.Sequelize is feature rich. It has extensive documentation, and makes possible all kinds of needs from the database, very very easy to implement."
Price: 1280.00

"Understanding Javascript Document Object Model (Browser DOM)"
"This course delves into the fundamentals of how Javascript interacts with web pages and documents. Whether you are a beginner or intermediate web developer you'll appreciate understanding how Javascript interacts with the 'DOM' and what can affect performance of Javascript in browsers.In this course we cover Introduction to the Document Object ModelParent/Child/Sibling Nodes and traversalReplacing nodes, replacing data inside nodesUnderstanding performance aspects of innerHTML vs createElement"
Price: 1280.00

"Introduccin al Marketing en Instagram para tu empresa"
"En este curso aprenders nociones bsicas de manejo de Instagram:Si Instagram es apta para tu empresa.Cmo instalar Instagram en tu celular.Distintos tipos de esttica que se pueden trabajar en Instagram.Una variedad de aplicaciones para complementar el uso de la herramienta: edicin de fotografa, diseos para Instagram de publicaciones y stories, herramientas para edicin de video, de utilizacin de hashtags y otras.Adems te explicar como utilizar de forma bsica PowerPoint para hacer diseos de Stories y te mostrar una herramienta online para crear publicaciones grficas en pocos minutos.Te explicar las posibilidades que tienes de hacer promociones para Instagram.Creo que con este curso te llevars un panorama de las variedad de posibilidades que le puede aportar Instagram a tu negocio para ayudarte a cumplir tus objetivos empresariales."
Price: 19.99

"Intros o cortinillas animadas para tus vdeos en PowerPoint"
"Comenzaremos con un repaso de las pestaas de PowerPoint y cuales utilizaremos ms a fondo.Tambin veremos que son las transiciones y las animaciones, repasandolas completamente.Te mostrar como insertar formas y como utilizarlas de forma inteligente para lograr resultados asombrosos.Comenzaremos haciendo pequeas introducciones hasta lograr algunas ms complejas.Durante el curso vas a encontrar documentos adjuntos como ebooks hechos por mi que te facilitarn la consulta de las funciones.Cada una de las introducciones lleva su explicacin al detalle, pero adems te las adjunto para que puedas descargarlas y utilizarlas en tus proyectos si es que te da pereza seguir el paso a paso o por si tienes dudas de como realizar los procesos.Entonces:Te llevas un montn de plantillas por un precio ms que econmico, adems de un curso que puede revolucionar tu forma de trabajar con PowerPoint.Puedes consultar en mis calificaciones para que veas que mis cursos tienen buena aceptacin.Al finalizar el curso recibirs tu certificado de participacin que puedes adjuntar a tu curriculum o simplemente dejar asentado tu hito!.Por cualquier duda, podes contactarme en la seccin de preguntas.Te veo adentro!"
Price: 29.99

"Beginners Kundalini Yoga Course for a Healthy Belly"
"Doing kundalini yoga is a life-changing experience. If you have never tried Kundalini Yoga before I am happy for you to arrive here today. If you are an experienced Kundalini Yogi You know exactly what I am talking about. There is no other form of yoga that helps you to achieve results faster A balanced body and mind and a deep connection to yourself.The amazing feeling I got from my first yoga class and the fascination I have with this powerful yoga form has never left me ever since I took my first class more than 10 years ago. There were times, when there were no classes nearby or my schedule didnt allow me to attend any classes. I know, how it feels I kept practicing Kundalini yoga with some dvds at home every day and Kundalini yoga transformed my life I have been teaching Kundalini Yoga for 3 years now. The best reward for me is to see my students becoming a happier, healthier, more relaxed version of themselves. I exactly know, how it feels to practice at home and the guidance you need. I kept that in mind, while creating this course for you. You can easily adjust this course to your own needs and the amount of time you have. I teach you all the basics, whatever you need to know for a safe practice. As a physiotherapist I pay great attention to a safe practice. I had students well in their 70s With the right guidance and adjustments everyone can do Kundalini Yoga!The health of our guts is the core of our health. Thats why I chose this topic as a starting point. If you have any kind of trouble in this area or you would like to prevent problems, you will be amazed what kundalini yoga can do for you. These exercises also improve your metabolism, so you can effortlessly achieve your optimal weight. When your digestion is working well, you feel energetic, radiant and you feel good in your body. Meditations are an essential part of a Kundalini Yoga practice. Powerful techniques to quiet your mind. They may not be, what you expect, but trust me, you will love the benefits. You will also learn some basic and practical tips from Ayurveda - an amazing medicinal tradition from India that you can easily fit into your daily life and into your yoga practice. Kundalini Yoga is a powerful technology that was kept us a secret in India for centuries. It was brought to the West in 1968 by Yogi Bhajan. I am happy and grateful that I can share these teachings with you. The course also includes an ebook - Healthy Belly Challenge. Practical Ayurvedic and Yogic health tips to improve your digestive health and to become the healthiest, happiest, most radiant version of yourself."
Price: 39.99

"Waschmittel selbstgemacht - gnstig und umweltschonend"
"Hier zeig ich dir/euch, wie man mit wenigen Mitteln tolle Waschmitteln zaubern kann.. Ihr bentigt kein teures Waschmittel mit allergieauslsenden Stoffen, Weichmachern, Farb und Duftstoffen und somit sind die Waschmittelalternativen auch fr Allergiker und Babys/Kleinkinder geeignet. Viel Spa dabei und bei Wnschen und Anregungen steh ich euch sehr sehr gerne zur Verfgung."
Price: 29.99