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"How to write sales page for your info product (copywriting)"
"Imagine having the best sales person who believes in your products,     works 24/7,     can be in a million places at once,     and doesn't demand a paycheck!     And is selling your products like crazy!   Sounds like a fluff. Huhh?     Especially if you are feeling the frustration and overwhelming with all the hard work but still your sales number is way less than your desire,     Right?     Ill tell you how it is possible     to persuade your customers in the next few minutes     but first please     let me tell you a small true story.       Once upon a time I had a struggling online business. In the best month, Id had 10 sales.       I wished there was a magic fairy with a golden wand that will say abracadabra and Ill have at least 10 sales a day       (I was so desperate, can you imagine?).      Then one day, I read a sales page about a copywriting course.     It was so persuasive that I pulled my credit card to buy the product with no hesitation.     Then I my eyes were opened to a whole new Path   I can sell my products using words what?  I used to write something li''Hey, I made a product called . Click here to get it for 9 USD.''But guess what .. No one bought it   Why?    What a weird sales message I had written ..   No benefits   No results ..   No credibility     plus no persuasion     My main obstacle was that all professional sales page were so perfect   with all the design and professional photos plus many many books and tips and tricks to test.    That will cost by the minimum 1000 USD to buy all these products and 100s of hours to study them.         Why they are making it so hard for bootstrapped busy start-up to do his job in selling his products?  As a bootstrapped start-up I had to figure how to write a  persuasive sales page with little or no cost at all and in the min. time possible.     Would you like to know what I did?    I studied psychology of copywriting (which is sales in print),     made my own checklist and  the templates     and     My own step by step system       Want my step by step system?By the way my name is Heba Mahdy ..    I help microbusiness owners turn their business from money eating monster to a cash pumping ATM using marketing psychology.  You probably want to know the persuasive formula that I used?     it is a simple step by step process with templates, checklist and working examples.    When you apply this formula     in less than one week you will have your persuasive sales page       Ok, you want to put your hands on the step by step process?     Just click on the button enroll in this course ,     add your payment details      Voila     you have access to my formula, template and checklist.      Oh the price!!!     Lets do the math    If you will hire an agency to write a sales page to you, you will easily pay 1000 USD. Right?    Or if you hire a copywriter to write your sales copy, he will probably ask for 700 USD or more?    And still you are a hostage to their schedule and their experience level.     You can save all the hustle, time and money             And no risk at all,     you have 30 day money back grantee     so you can try the course,   write your  sales page test it and have more sales.    and if you feel unsatisfied .. you have Udemy 30 day money back grantee.        But you have to hurry,     because your competitors are also here.      And to be honest with you, I may increase the price because of the value of this product and the return of investment is wildly big.          You can take control of your sales message and start making sales TODAY!          Just click on enroll in the course,     enter your data and credit card numbers     and see you inside the course.        "
Price: 199.99

"21 Copywriting Hacks (Marketing psychology and Persuasion) ."
"21 Copy-writing persuasion Hacks based on psychology of marketing and consumer behaviour.Do you write sales page fro your info product or your digital product spend hours and hours to write and rewrite yet no satisfactory sales?I have been there ... where writing my sales page and publishing it was like selling in a ghost town....Until .. I learned about marketing Psychology and how little twist in writing can make all the difference.I've read almost 130 book and listened to over than 156 hours of courses on marketing, business, info products, Copywriting and consumer psychology.My online side business changed from a money eating monster to a cash Pumping ATM when I applied the marketing psychology.My confident in the marketing tactics and my marketing strategy made me sleep at night while making money (not in my dreams but real money).So you want to put your hands on 21 copywriting hacks packed by psychology and topped by success.All 21 hacks ...with real world working and approved examples...Just enroll in the course and see by yourselfand No risks you are all safe by 30 day full money back grantee from Udemyso why not steal an hour of your busy life and apply these hacks and enjoy your sales success."
Price: 179.99

"Presentation that sells Blueprint (webinar or on stage)"
"If youreIn any type of selling industry: health, personal services, marketing, relationships, parenting....? A small business owner, a start up or entrepreneur?Wanting to break out and get sales by speaking ???...Then I give you the guide you need to craft and write the script of YOUR irresistible presentation.The first time I tried this outline ... I closed over 30% of the audience in just 55 minutes.I only teach what I tried and gets results on real life. Imagine if you can motivate your audience to decide on buying without resistance Picture yourself helping more people by selling them what they need and what they want ... and they take action ... in Just less than 60 min .. I will show you the scientific-backed blueprint for scripting the perfect presentation or webinar. This presentation blueprint is full of consumer psychology and persuasion tactics that will make your audience beg you to buy. Plus a template you can use right NOW to put out your presentation slides and write the script in less than 30 mins and get results. When you use this blueprint .. Your sales will be Faster, Easier, More Profitably! Here is a glance of what is inside 1- Your mindset about selling is all wrong .. Why??? Because selling is not about money ... True selling is about adding value ...True selling is about helping people... True selling is a long long relationship...2- Your slide deck plus what to say in every slide 3- Timeline for your presentation and for slides 4- Deep psychological tactics to get yes and yes to you and your product. What do you gonna loose to enroll in this course? ..nothing ... why???You have 30 day money back grantee so listen to this short course , Use the template , Do your webinar or presentation and if you did not get any sales (that won't happen , I'm sure) ... you can refund all your money ... and we still be friends, right? P.s. This course is about the presentation itself and what to say and how to plan your presentation slide by slide, line by line. This Course is NOT about how to market your webinar This Course is NOT about the technology you need This Course is NOT about public speaking P.P.s. This course is about crafting and writing your presentation or webinar script (exactly what to say in the webinar)."
Price: 199.99

"Estratgias para Preveno da Obesidade Infantil"
"A obesidade aumentou muito nas ltimas dcadas, e deixou de ser um perigo apenas para os adultos e agora ameaa tambm as crianas e adolescentes. As consequncias do excesso de peso so muitas e isso preocupante, uma vez que a obesidade, principalmente na adolescncia, fator de risco para a obesidade na vida adulta.Considerando que a obesidade infantil difcil de ser tratada, a preveno a melhor soluo, desta forma neste curso serensinadoestratgias simples e prticas para serem inseridas no dia-a-dia que preveniro a obesidade."
Price: 69.99

"Desarrollo y Transformacin Personal con Psicoterapia - TREC"
"Ahora el Desarrollo y Transformacin Personal o la Inteligencia Emocional no sern solo temas interesantes, si no realidades palpables en tu vida. Con este curso podrs aprender una de las mejores y ms simples tcnicas de Psicoterapia. En otras palabras podrs convertirte en tu propio(a) terapeuta y as, superar cualquier tipo de bloqueo mental, emocional o conductual que est saboteando tu vida. Bienvenido o bienvenida a nuestro curso sobre uno de las mejores y ms prcticas terapias psicolgicas, la Terapia Racional Emotiva Conductual, conocido como la TREC. Esta fue una de las primeras tcnicas de psicoterapia. Pero por su sencillez y poder transformador se ha convertido en una de las ms usadas por consejeros, terapeutas, coach, y dems profesionales que ayudan con el desarrollo y transformacin personal. Pero en esta ocasin queremos ensearte cmo puedes aplicrtela a ti mismo. As no tendrs que depender de un terapeuta, cada que necesites superar algn bloqueo interior.Por medio de este curso:Aprenders a superar cualquier tipo de bloqueo mental, emocional o conductual.Elevars tu nivel de inteligencia EmocionalAprenders a Transformars tus pensamientos txicos por otros ms saludables. Podrs ayudar a otras personas. Djame presentarme. Soy Jota, he sido mentor de vida por ms de 15 aos ayudando a personas y grupos en sus procesos de crecimiento. Soy Teologa con estudios en psicologa, liderazgo y comunicacin y he compartido principios de vida en casi todas las ciudades principales de donde vivo actualmente, varios pases de Latinoamrica y diferentes ciudades de los EEUUJunto a mi esposa hemos fundado el Colegio de Vida, una organizacin de educacin para la vida, por medio de la cual queremos impartir principios que ayuden al mayor nmero de personas posibles a vivir sus vidas al mximo. No permitas que el desarrollo y la transformacin personal, sea solo temas interesantes. Con la TREC podrs hacerlo una realidad en tu vida.Te espero adentro del curso."
Price: 99.99

"REBT - Development and Transformation with Psychotherapy"
"REBT (Rational Emotional Behavioral Therapy) Psychotherapy, CBT, Development and Personal Transformation, Emotional Intelligence.Welcome to our course on one of the best and most practical psychological therapies, Rational Emotional Behavioral Therapy, known as REBT. This was one of the first techniques of psychotherapy. But because of its simplicity and transforming power it has become one of the most used by counselors, therapists, coaches, and other professionals who help with personal development and transformation. But this time we want to show you how you can apply it, to yourself. This way you won't need to depend on a therapist, every time you need to overcome some inner blocking.Through out this course:- You will learn to overcome any type of mental, emotional or behavioral block.- You will realize your level of Emotional intelligence- You will learn to Transform your toxic thoughts into healthier ones. - (and) You will be able to help other people. Let me introduce myself. I am Jota, I have been a life mentor for more than 15 years helping people and groups in their growth processes. I am a Theologist with studies in psychology, leadership and communication. I have shared life principles in almost every major city where Im currently living, several Latin American countries and different cities in the U.S.Together with my wife we have founded the Life College, an organization of life education, through which we want to impart principles that help as many people as possible to live their lives to the fullest. - If you want to become a better version of yourself- If you want to overcome any type of blocking that is preventing you from advancing in life and reaching fulfillment.- If you want to help others in their transformation processes. Then this course is for you. Do not allow personal development and transformation just to be an interesting topic. With the REBT you will be able to make it a reality in your life.I wait for you inside the course."
Price: 99.99

Price: 29.99

Price: 29.99

Price: 29.99

Price: 29.99

"Microsoft Windows 10 Tips and Tricks Part 2"
"Windows 10is the latest release of Microsoft'sWindowsoperating system and the successor to the underwhelmingWindows8 (andWindows8.1).Windows 10 featuresThe familiar Start Menu, which Microsoft replaced with Live Tiles in Windows 8, returned in Windows 10. Users can still access Live Tiles and the touch-centric Metrointerface from a panel on the right side of the Start Menu, however.Microsoft Windows 10 Continuumallows users to toggle between touchscreen and keyboard interfaces on devices that offer both. Continuum automatically detects the presence of a keyboard and orients the interface to match.Windows 10'sintegrated searchfeature allows users to search all local locations, as well as the web simultaneously.Windows 10 securityThe operating system also includes virtualization-based security tools such asIsolated User Mode, Windows Defender Device Guard and Windows Defender Credential Guard. These Windows 10 features keep data, processes and user credentials isolated in an attempt to limit the damage from any attacks."
Price: 124.99

"Cloud Computing and Virtualization: An Introduction"
"Overall Course Objective: To understand basic concepts of Cloud Computing, Virtualization and Computer Networks. Learning Outcomes: Understand what is Cloud Computing. Understand What is Virtualization. Understand Cloud Types and Cloud Service Deployment Models (IaaS*, PaaS*, SaaS*). Learn How to Create Virtual Machines (VM) using Hypervisors (type-2). Understand Computer Networks and IP Addressing. * IaaS Infrastructure as a Service* PaaS Platform as a Service * SaaS Software as a Service Course Outline: Cloud Computing: Concept, Definition, Cloud Types and Service Deployment Models. Concept of Virtualization Demonstration of Virtualization using Type-2 Hypervisor and VMs Creating a VM and install Kali Linux on the VM Demonstration of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS through real life examples Computer Networks: Concept, Gateway, Router, Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN). IP Address: Concept, Public IP, Private IP, IPv4, Subnet. AAA (Accounting, Authentication and Authorization): Concept, Real Life Demonstration of AAA."
Price: 99.99

"Curso de Perfeccionamiento de Escritura Profesional"
"NOTA: ESTE CURSO DEBE REALIZARSE DESPUS DEL TALLER DE ESCRITURA DE RELATOS Y DEL TALLER DE INICIACIN A LA ESCRITURA PROFESIONAL.En esta segunda parte para lograr convertirte en escritor/a profesional aprenders tcnicas, mtodos y estructura de la escritura, as como a dar forma a un manuscrito con todas sus caractersticas generales para que lo presentes a una editorial o a un concurso literario. Tambin aprenders a documentarte y seleccionar la informacin necesaria para dar vida a las ideas de las cules quieras crear tus historias."
Price: 99.99

"O que nos faz perder a cabea?Por que somos tomados por emoes to fortes que nos fazem agir de forma errada?O que est por trs desses fenmenos?Oque podemos fazer a respeito?Como ter uma vida equilibrada, onde as emoes no dominam nossas atitudes?Neste curso de INTELIGNCIA EMOCIONAL iremos viajar por uma jornada de autoconhecimento interior. Falaremos profundamente dos 5 princpios fundamentais da Inteligncia Emocional, dos sentimentos de raiva, ansiedade e tristeza. Abordaremos a influncia de diversos aspectos na inteligncia emocional. Alm de um mdulo inteiro de tcnicas para voc aplicar em sua vida e ser muito mais emocionalmente inteligente.Os mdulos do curso so:IntroduoOs 5 princpios fundamentaisRaivaAnsiedadeTristezaEmpatia e AltrusmoFlowO agoraVida em sociedadeTcnicasPontos importantesFinalizaoSo mais de 80 aulas que te levaro a um conhecimento profundo das suas emoes e transformao seu modo de ser.A inteligncia emocional vai mudar sua vida!"
Price: 279.99

"PNL Programao Neurolingustica (Cert. bsico ao avanado)"
"Por que fazemos o que fazemos?Por que fazemos como fazemos?O que verdade e o que iluso?Como chegar onde quero sem que minha mente de segure para trs?Neste curso faremos uma viagem pela PNL ( Programao Neurolingustica )descobrindo novas formas de pensar e agir. Falaremos sobre a experincia humana, como avaliar resultados e criar metras, aprendizado, os sentidos, estado emocional, como funciona a mente, estratgias e linguagem.Voc vai descobrir o que verdade na sua vida e o que iluso, descobrindo como essas iluses so criadas.Ocurso vai do bsico ao avanado, sendo assim voc poder ser beneficiado seja qual for o nvel que voc se encontre.So mais de 12 horas de contedo em mais de 90 aulas.Nossos mdulos so:A PNLA Experincia HumanaResultados e metasAprendendo a aprenderOs sentidosEstado emocionalA menteEstratgiaLinguagemModelosExtraFinalizaoTe aguardo nessa incrvel jornada!Vamos comear?"
Price: 489.99

"Introduction to the Art of Comedy"
"W.Churchill once said that ""A joke is a serious thing"". And he was right. Writing comedy and making people laugh is not easy, but when achieved its very rewarding. Why do people laugh? We take our hero and we put him/her in a very unpleasant, dramatic, I would say situtation, where he/she has to solve problems and conflicts. We describe and present our hero's adventure from a humoristic point of view and our audience will laugh. Why? Because our audience is watching from the safety of their living room (TV) or cinema, safe, knowing that what our hero is going though, won't happen to them! And that triggers the laughter. That's right! It's brain hormons: first fear that turns after into laugther!Looking into the art of cinematic comedy, we may identify a lot of ""laughter thematics"", ""laugther tricks"" used, as well as techniques, to render our joke even funnier. In addition, one could identify certain mechanisms for making jokes. To this end, objective of this class is to-analyze the theory on laughter: we do we laugh-talk about the first organised comedy ever-look into existing writers' techniques-talk about comic tricks-analyse joke-making mechanisms"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to the art of argumentation"
"The Art of Argumentation -How to pursuade by building effective argumentsOur language is an impressive achievement. We use our language skills in our everyday life, when we speak, read, write or talk. We support our position/belief by presenting arguments that prove us wright or wrong. The more solid the arguments, the higher our chances to pursuade the others.That's what his course aims at:to show what the art of making correct arguments mean, while talking or writing andhow valid and correct arguments can be made, in a way that they cannot be doubted.The art of persuasion through valid arguments is the basis of all sciences, an art that was thoroughly studied in ancient Greece for years. To this end, the class will:explain what an argument islook into the kind of arguments there existexplain how a valid and true argument is formulatedgive lots of examplesIn particular classes focus on the following:-The first class is an introduction in the art and the importance of Rhetoric as well as the strength of pursuation.-In the second class we talk about arguments and their meaning.-The third class is related to the types of arguments that exist.- In the fourth class we analyse the first category or arguments, ie. the productive arguments.-In the class we look into the second category of arguments, the analogical arguments.-Our sixth class is about the epagogic arguments.-In this context we analyze the logic of cause-effect-In our eighth class we talk about the good vs. the bad argument.-The ninth class gives an example of a worth analyzing rhetoric speech as well as its argumentation-The last class is composed of tips and exercices*Exercises are also included in most of the classes."
Price: 19.99

"Organize your thoughts using mindmaps and checklists"
"Writing a story, an essay, preparing a slide presentation or a speech is not an easy thing. It requires concentration as well as a clear and consistent line of thought. It our effort to complete our task we might get stuck, stressed, nernous, disappointed. It can happen to anyone, as one of the main problems is how to organize our thoughts, how to start, how to structure and continue our writing work. To this end, we need to organize our thoughts. Organization of thoughts will make things much easier for us and will facilitate our writing, leading to a fasteer decision taking process and thus, why not, to a better life organization.In this context, drawing mind maps may prove to be the right tool with regards to thought organisation. It's a very useful technique that can help us store all the information we have in mind, better comprehend our subject and render, thus, intellectual transparency easier. To this end, the course will:-Give a brief introduction and share tips and advice on writing and thought organisation-Introduce the concept of a what a mind map is and how to start creating it-Give examples of mind map formulation and in particular a)drawing a mind map while preparing an essay and b) drawing a mindmap while preparing a speech-Give further tips and advice of how to ""store"" ideas."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to Paint a Sea Turtle Step-by-Step!"
"Learn to paint a sea turtle step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James CorwinAdditional material included!! Learn how to frame your painting!Learn how to price and sell your artwork for extra income.And learn how to ship it safely to customers!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn to Paint an Elephant Step-by-Step!"
"Learn to paint an elephant with egrets step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James CorwinAdditional material included!! Learn how to frame your painting!Learn how to price and sell your artwork for extra income.And learn how to ship it safely to customers!"
Price: 19.99

"Pentatonic Scale Crash Course for Bass Guitar"
"The Pentatonic Scale is the most used scale in popular music today. From Rock, to Blue, to Country, the Pentatonic Scale is everywhere.Understanding the Pentatonic Scale will unlock your playing and take your bass lines, solos and jams to the next level.Inmy crash course, you will quickly learn how to play and memorize the Pentatonic scale in order to use it in yoru music today!"
Price: 19.99

"Quora & Reddit Ads: Driving Traffic & Increasing Sales"
"Quora & Reddit are two of the biggest online communities in the world.Quora and Reddit users tend to be absolutely invested with the topics they follow. If the product or service you offer are related to the topics being discussed, it may appeal to Quora and Reddit users which will increase your chance of gaining a new customer.Quora and Reddit's advertising platforms may not be popular as Facebook and Google Ads, but if you go about it the right way, both of these platforms can help you reach millions of potential customers in the process."
Price: 99.99

"Building an Online Portfolio for Photographers"
"Photography is an art, which is now taking on a commercial prospect with time. It used to be just a hobby but now it has become a competitive profession. Having an online portfolio is essential for professional photographers to set themselves apart.Many photographers havent launched their online portfolio yet, either because they cant afford hiring someone to do it, or simply because they dont know how to create it themselves.After completing this course, I assure you that youll be able to easily and quickly create an attractive website and portfolio, even if you dont have any programming or coding experience.This experience isnt required because well building the website using Wix, which is a platform used for creating websites using online drag & drop tools."
Price: 99.99

"+17 Tutorials to Rocket Your Ping Pong Level (Intermediate)"
"Table Tennis Coaching for Adults - Learn ping pong at homeBasic table tennis techniques by the Chinese table tennis coach.Analyze the common error of new playersCorrection and tipsFundamental strokes in table tennis: backhand topspin, backhand drive, backhand flipForehand strokes: forehand topspin, forehand drive, forehand pendulum serveBest 5 tips to improve in table tennis, based on Chinese philosophyHow to improve the feeling of table tennisAdjust your table tennis gripTable Tennis FootworksAdvanced table tennis techniques: Tactics, Mental, CoachingHow to win more with 3rd ball attack (Chinese Method)Good coach tips from Chinese coaching"
Price: 24.99

"13 Crucial Table Tennis Skills You Need to Master (Beginner)"
"If you want to advance your table tennis to the next level, you must have solid foundation techniques. This course will provide the basic techniques and the first strategy concept in ping pong.There are more than 13+ fundamental skills that are presented by the Chinese coach. And you will understand why the Chinese players are so strong in this sport. Because they master solid and superior skills.Technical notes and explained by coach EmRatThich, one of the best online table tennis coach."
Price: 24.99

"Desarrollo de juegos en Android con LibGDX creando Snake"
"Alguna vez tuviste la intencin de programar este juego clsico? Pues ahora es la oportunidad de aprender a programarlos desde cero. Este curso est destinado para personas que desean aprender como programar un juego desde las bases, dotarlo de una interfaz grfica amigable con el usuario, animaciones, botones y llevarlo hasta el punto de su publicacin en Google Play."
Price: 49.99

"Por que voc deve criar vdeos de vendas.A menos que voc viva EM UM mundo paralelo, o vdeo tem sido um grande tema para os profissionais de marketing este ano de 2018. Na verdade, o vdeo representa atualmente trs quartos de todo o trfego da Internet, e esse nmero est projetado para aumentar nos prximos anos. Para voc empreendedor, existem vrias maneiras de se beneficiar com o uso do vdeo em seu marketing. Os vdeos no apenas colocam marcas na frente do pblico, mas tambm os ajudam a contar uma histria. Vou te dar 3 razes diretas pra voc comear gravar vdeos o mais rpido possvel: 1. O vdeo est tomando conta da internet. Hoje, mais de 20 bilhes de vdeos esto sendo visualizados on-line, todos os dias. As pessoas querem assistir a vdeos! 2. A maioria dos seus compradores est assistindo a vdeos. pense na sua vida pessoal, como na ltima vez que comprou um produto, POR EXEMPLO um SMARTfone, provavelmente assistiu a vrios vdeos, afim de entender melhor sobre esse produto antes de tomar essa deciso. Isto tambm acontece na vida do seu cliente. As pessoas j esto assistindo a todos os tipos de vdeos on-line. Muitos desses vdeos afetam diretamente suas decises de compra. No importa o tipo de produtos ou servios, as pessoas assistem a vdeos para ajud-los na deciso da compra. 3. Vdeo converte melhor. Quando os vdeos so includos em uma pgina de destino, os clientes em potencial se envolvem com o contedo por mais tempo. Da voc pode estar pensando: Mas eu sou vendedor, no fao vdeos! Voc sabia que que a taxa de clicks em e_mails com vdeos de 65% a mais que os e_mail sem vdeos? Esse um timo motivo para experimentar mtodos novos e diferentes para se destacar NA caixa de entrada do seu cliente. Neste curso eu quero te mostrar que gravar um vdeo que converte pode ser muito eficaz e extremamente simples de adicionar ao seu processo de vendas. Fazer um vdeo pode parecer intimidador no comeo, mas preciso praticar (como a maioria das coisas) O vdeo uma maneira fcil de humanizar suas conversas de vendas. Aqui voc aprender os conceitos e tambm o passo a passo para criar vdeos que convertem. Voc vai aprender sobre: StoryTelling Como contar histrias engajadoras. Vdeos de Review Para Infoprodutos Vdeos de vendas O passo a passo de um vdeo de vendas Se inscreva agora e ao final do curso deixe sua avaliao. Comece hoje ainda a pensar em um projeto de videomarketing para o seu negcio. Te vejo dentro do curso!"
Price: 69.99

"DSLR Filmmaking Masterclass: Learn to Shoot & Tell a Story"
"Join over 25,000 students learning from our courses!Learn Filmmaking from Pre-Production to Post-Production: In this course, you will learnto capture quality video with yourstandard DSLR. You will learn how to capture quality video, capture clear sound, how to set up lights and much more! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What people are saying about our courses:""By far, the best director and cinematography course on the Internet."" - Nate Carroll""I really enjoyed taking this class. It wasn't just that the subject was interesting to me, but the teacher also made the class intriguing. I would gladly recommend this class to anyone who would be interested."" - Leah AmesVery helpful. Adds depth to your understanding and intuitive insights which you surely had if you happened to play with video shooting and editing without doing any learning beforehand. It's enriching. The movie samples are great as the clarify the points. Love it! -Yosi Tsitsu---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOPICS TO BE COVERED:StorytellingChoosing a CameraCamera Set-upOperating the CameraLensesSound GearCapturing SoundLighting 101Cinematography 101ExposureAperturesShutter Speed Cinematography FundamentalsTop 10 Filmmaking AccessoriesFilmmaking PhilosophyEditing (Final Cut X)We will have several exercises for you to complete as well as at home training. You will also learn to fully function fully operate any DSLR. We have provided ways in which you can learn by doing. Filmmaking has never been so easy. This course has been developed for Beginner and Intermediate Filmmakers. So what are you waiting for filmmakers? Whether you are fresh out of film school, a screenwriter who wants to create his/her own content or just someone who wants to make a feature film this course is for you.They DON'Tteach you this in Film School!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What people are saying about our courses:THIS COURSE IS AMAZING!!! I'm learning SO FREAKIN MUCH from it, and it's totally blowing my mind. Thanks so much to Gil and Alex for putting this course together. I'm a director working on my first horror film, which has a bit of action in it, and this course is totally giving me rocket boots. If you have more courses from Gil, please let me know and TAKE MY MONEY! -Colby R RiceExcellent content. But you'd better pay attention or you will miss something. This course is packed with loads or useful and well explained stuff. -Mr Mick FarmerInstructor is clearly in command of craft and engages with questions, simple explanations and familiar examples. Video and audio are excellent. -Bill Halford---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Join over 25,000students that have already taken Indie Film Hustle filmmaking and screenwritingcourses.If you've got the dream.If you've got the drive.If you've got the passion - but you're missing the knowledge and experience...this coursewill get you on the path to get those images on screen and tell a story.Enroll NOW! Let's get started!"
Price: 189.99

"Final Cut Pro X : Edit like a Pro!"
"Join over 22,000 students learning from our courses!Learn Final cut Pro with a Professional Filmmaker: In this course, you will learnto set up your edit, cut scenes, add titles, shortcuts and more!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOPICS TO BE COVERED:Footage / Organization Project Set upImportingCustom TitlesLower ThirdsSound FXMusicColour CorrectionEditing (Final Cut X)We will have several exercises for you to complete as well as at home training. This course has been developed for Beginner and Intermediate Filmmakers. So what are you waiting for filmmakers? Whether you are fresh out of film school, a screenwriter who wants to create his/her own content or just someone who wants to make a feature film this course is for you.They DON'Tteach you this in Film School!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What people are saying about our courses:THIS COURSE IS AMAZING!!! I'm learning SO FREAKIN MUCH from it, and it's totally blowing my mind. Thanks so much to Gil and Alex for putting this course together. I'm a director working on my first horror film, which has a bit of action in it, and this course is totally giving me rocket boots. If you have more courses from Gil, please let me know and TAKE MY MONEY! -Colby R RiceExcellent content. But you'd better pay attention or you will miss something. This course is packed with loads or useful and well explained stuff. -Mr Mick FarmerInstructor is clearly in command of craft and engages with questions, simple explanations and familiar examples. Video and audio are excellent. -Bill Halford---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Join over 16,000 students learning from our courses!Learn Final cut Pro with a Professional Filmmaker: In this course, you will learnto set up your edit, cut scenes, add titles, shortcuts and more!Enroll NOW! Let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Testes automatizados de Api com Httparty + Rspec"
"Este curso ir te ensinar a fazer automaes em APIutilizando a metodologia:Onde usaremos o Rspec framework.Iremos conhecer oframeworkHttparty queajuda voc a testar APIs, simulando como um os sistemas se comunicam.E iremos usar a linguagem Rubybem como conhecer etrabalhar com Programao Orientada a Objetos"
Price: 99.99