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"Scrum Master"
"Herzlich Willkommen zu IhremScrum Master Kurs!gestiegene Komplexitt und Vernderungsgeschwindigkeit zwingt Unternehmen zum Umdenken. Man erkennt, dass herkmmliche Modelle zur Projektabwicklung und hierarchisches Vorgehen in der Linie zunehmend schlechtere Ergebnisse liefern. Agile Methoden bieten einen besseren Ansatz fr den Umgang mit Komplexitt. Scrum nimmt eine besondere Stellung innerhalb der agilen Methoden ein. Das Rahmenwerk wurde ursprnglich fr die Softwareentwicklung beschrieben, ist aber so allgemein gehalten, dass es auch in anderen Bereichen eingesetzt werden kann. Dieses Training eignet sich fr alle, die in agile Projekte involviert sind und die Regeln und Begriffe von Scrum verstehen mchten. Darber hinaus kann das Training eine gute Basis fr die Zertifizierung zum Scrum Master sein. Dieser Kurs hat bereits hunderte Teilnehmer auf dem Weg zum ""Professional Scrum Master 1"" der Scrum-Org begleitet. Viele ehemalige Teilnehmer sind heute erfolgreich als Scrum Master oder auch agile Coach ttig.Sie erhalten ber das Basiswissen aus dem Scrum Guide hinaus, wertvolle Tips fr den agilen Alltag und wir gehen auf mgliche Herausforderungen ein.Trainingsinhalte: Der Scrum Guide mit seinen Rollen, Events und ArtefaktenAgile Prinzipien und WerteSelbstorganisierte TeamsServant Leadership Skalierung von Agilitt im UnternehmenZusatzmodul: Management 3.0*** Jetzt neu mit vielen Quizfragen und bungen zur Lernerfolgskontrolle *** Und das sagen unsere Teilnehmer: Claudia S. ""... die Videos fand ich toll, zumal Sie dort auch zu sehen waren und nicht nur die Folien vorgelesen, sondern auch unter Zuhilfenahme eines Flipcharts etc. erklrt haben. Dadurch habe ich sehr gut das Wissen aufnehmen und auch bis heute im Kopf behalten knnen!! ""Bjrn F. "" ... Ich schaue mir akt. Ihr Udemy-Seminar zum Thema ""Scrummaster"" an, welches ich sehr gut finde. Ich wende Scrum in meinem Softwareentwicklungs-Team bereits an, lerne aber trotzdem noch in Ihrem Seminar hinzu. Nun beabsichtige ich auch, den Scrummaster als Zertifizierung durchzufhren. "" Dr. Laura P. ""Hallo Nadine, a) kurz die Info,dass ich gestern die Masterprfung mit 88% bestanden habe und b) nochmal vielen Dank fr die spitzeVorbereitung, den kurzatmigen/spannenden Kurs mit den vielen praktischen Tipps & Anekdoten. ""Ich freue mich auf Sie!Ihre Nadine Wischmeier"
Price: 24.99

"Mastering Landscape Editing Using Lightroom"
"Do you want to edit a breath taking images like a professional ?You just started with landscape photography and do not have any experience with editing.You want to master Adobe Lightroom ?Then this course is for you. In this course I am going to teach you how start editing your landscape photos using Lightroom only. we will start from very basics and dive through the Lightroom until we master it. I will teach you how to master the colors,lights and shadows. how to create a balance image using single and multiple Raw files."
Price: 29.99

"Ecommerce Rentable: 10 claves para vender online con xito"
"Este es un curso que ayuda a conseguir ms rentabilidad en proyectos de ecommerce.Las valoraciones y comentarios de los alumnos te darn pistas de lo que vas a encontrar dentro: en menos de 40 minutos de vdeo, repartido en 21 clases, te vamos a cambiar la manera de entender el ecommerce y de hacerlo rentable. Ser intenso, te lo aseguramos.El comercio electrnico ha cambiado y tienes que conocer las nuevas reglas de juego para tener una tienda online que funcione en la actualidad y genere beneficios. Tanto si ests empezando, como si eres veterano, estas nuevas tcticas son imprescindibles en tu comercio online.Qu aprenders en este curso?Aprenders a poner en prctica diez estrategias para optimizar la rentabilidad de tu tienda online, entendiendo y aplicando los principios del e-commerce rentable, presentes en cientos de proyectos exitosos de comercio electrnico que hemos analizado en los ltimos aos.Son diez principios que FUNCIONAN. Los puedes ver en accin en cualquiera de tus marcas nativas digitales (DNVB) favoritas hoy. Busca en Google ""Listado DNVB"" y vers casi 100 ejemplos de estas ideas.Quienes estn aplicando estos principios?Casos de xito espaoles como HAWKERS, POMPEII, MUROEXE, MINIMALISM,  son ejemplos de esta nueva forma de hacer ecommerce que est creciendo de forma exponencial desde hace un par de aos y hasta la fecha es la tendencia ms rentable en comercio online.Proyectos internacionales como CASPER, DOLLAR SHAVE CLUB, WARBY PARKER o BARKBOX son verdaderos exponentes de esta forma de hacer ecommerce y facturan cientos de millones de euros al ao.  Lo primero que debes de saber de este conjunto de estrategias de rentabilidad es que no hay una frmula secreta para que tu proyecto de e-commerce sea rentable. Si buscas eso, no ests en el curso adecuado. Qu hay dentro del curso?Este curso detalla estrategias, anlisis, herramientas, conceptos y decisiones que debes entender y aplicar en tu ecommerce para tener mayor rentabilidad. Y contiene muchos ejemplos reales.No vas a encontrar matemtica difcil, ni conceptos complicados en este curso. No es el objetivo. Queremos primero abrirte la mente a la nueva realidad del negocio online que est funcionando y creciendo de manera exponencial. Y que es fcil de replicar en innumerables nichos de mercado todava. En este curso vas a encontrar ideas, algunas contraintuitivas; tambin consejos directos y mucha experiencia acumulada, que te puede servir precisamente para ahorrar tiempo, esfuerzo y no cometer los errores que hemos cometido otros antes que t.Y todo ello explicado de forma clara, al grano, para que no pierdas tu valioso tiempo. Te contamos lo que tienes que hacer si quieres aprovechar esta nueva ola de ecommerce de nueva generacin.Cmo se explica cada principio del ecommerce rentable?Cada concepto se explica en un vdeo corto y lleno de valor; sin paja.Se indican ejemplos de proyectos de ecommerce que estn aplicando estos principios con xito.Se ofrecen recursos extra descargables para profundizar en cada concepto.Se tiene acceso directo al profesor para resolver cualquier duda.Objetivo: que te pongas a experimentar cuanto antes.Por qu slo hay 40 minutos de vdeo?Podramos haber hecho un curso de 6 horas de vdeo y decenas de PDFs adjuntos, pero hemos preferido sintetizar las claves en un curso que puedas realizar en el menor tiempo posible, para que adquieras el 80% del beneficio, con el 20% de esfuerzo. Y para que te pongas a experimentar cuanto antes, esa es parte de la receta del xito.Estaremos a tu entera disposicin para responder a cualquier pregunta sobre estos diez secretos del ecommerce rentable. Aprovchalo.Pensamos que esto lo que necesitas para que finalmente tu ecommerce sea rentable: entender estas bases slidas del ecommerce rentable, para luego ponerlas en prctica en tu proyecto. Empezamos? Cada da que pasa es un da menos de rentabilidad."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Foundation to Fasting"
"Hi there! Welcome to the Easy Guide to Fasting, theonly course you need to learn about fasting.While there are tons of courses on health, fasting, and so on, I'm going to break down to you why this one is the best one.Here are the facts:My profession and passion involves health. I have done everything in this course.Most people want to fast.Many of them don't know how or scare, that's where I come in.Clients pay me as much as $3,000 forcoaching. In this course I will give you the same insights I gave them.This course will be raw, real and relevant.I'm going to spell the beans to you and help you get that healthy body back!Anyone who wants to take their life back is welcome.When you leave this course, you'll have the confidence and knowledge to be able to do this on your own and help others.You'll have access to me, as long as you sign up to answer all your questions!Fasting can be scary and difficult for most people. No you're not going to die. Here's were going to be exploring why western medicine and doctors are even recommending fasting. The best part is that I'm going to make this a habitual lifestyle for you so that you get the best benefits and results.Within the modules, we'll go thrucourses and learn the key benefits and outcomes:Weight LostIncrease HGH (Human Growth Hormones)More EnergeticReduce ImmflammationIncrease MetabolismSlow Down AgingSave Medical BillLess Doctor VisitsMore Brain PowerMore StaminaReduce StressLive LongerSo so much more!The way this course stands out from the others, are a couple of major pointers. You'll going to be given actionable steps and guidance to follow along. In other words, you are actually starting to fast within 24 hours or even sooner! Some other resources you'll be given are:VideosSlidesExercisesDownloadsDocumentsFeel free to reach out to me, I'm here for you.Health is the greatest wealth you can have so Iwant to be able to help you get what you deserve. Go ahead and take the first step, I'll be seeing you soon!Who is this for?This fasting course is for those who want to improve their health and lifestyle.Great for those who have never fasted beforeIf you're a veteran, this course is also for youRemember this is about you're future and everyone wants to have a healthy and fun future!"
Price: 124.99

"(PKI). 2."
". PKI Microsoft Server . , . . PKI."
Price: 49.99

"Software Testing Fundamentals + Common Interview Q&A."
"Learn and Start your career as Software Quality Assurance field from the experienced professional.ThisSoftware Testing Fundamentals Course covers Software Testing topics like Testing techniques,TestingTypes, Software DevelopmentLife Cycle, Test Case, Bug Report, Bug Life Cycle, Common Interview Questions and Sample Answers. In this course you will learn how to write software testing documents, and communicate with engineers in various forms and how to gain the techniques and skills on how to use modern software testing tools to support software testing projects."
Price: 79.99

"Electronics - for Complete Beginners"
"Electronics has become important to many fields; communications, automotive, security, defense and consumer electronics, to name just a few. This course will familiarize you with the theory behind various types of electrical and electronic circuitry. It concentrates on practical aspects of the technology, rather than delving into depths of theory that will be of little value in real-world working situations.The teaching style is conversational one-on-one, the course consisting exclusively of short video presentations. PowerPoint, screen captures, text files, and the like are not used. A PDF version of each session is provided, which you may download and combine as your own searchable resource for future reference.If you are a person who likes to know how things work, and enjoys the challenge of figuring out why not when they don't, the study of electrical engineering technology is sure to offer knowledge and skills that will interest you, and opportunities in the workplace that you will find personally rewarding, and financially attractive.This course can help you qualify for careers in a variety of entry-level positions, such as electronics technician, service technician, telecommunications technician and engineering technician.Technology-focused companies and organizations hire employees who understand analog and digital electronics. Your understanding will be complete; comparable to what you might achieve in a more formal learning environment. You will be prepared to seize opportunities that come your way in the future, and ready to go on to further, more narrowly-focused training in whatever related specialty you choose."
Price: 44.99

"Better Business Writing Skills"
"Better Business Writing will help you to develop clear, concise and powerful writing skills. Better Business Writing will help you to be a better writer and, through your words,change the way thatpeople think, feel or act. 5 STAR REVIEW - ""High quality presenter with fantastic ideas."" C.L. This is not a technical course full of complex grammar. It looks at the timeless principles that can take your writing to the next level. The simplethings thatyou can change to start having animpact TODAY! 5 STAR REVIEW - The instructor teaches simple yet effective tactics to improve your writing. You'll like his direct and no-nonsense style of teaching. I am enjoying this course. Great work, Mark! Keep it up!"" V.B. The course is divided into three main sections: before you write (planning), while you write (writing), and after you write (editing). In each section, I will take you step-by-step through thesimple techniques, tricks and habits that will transform your writing and your career. 5 STAR REVIEW - This course very helpful for my personal writing, I love it so much. T.T. If you want to promote your business, excel in your career and be admired by your colleaguesfor your writing skills, Better Business Writing is the course for you. 5 STAR REVIEW - I thoroughly enjoyed this course. It was fully comprehensive and packed with valuable tips to improve any type of writing. The tutor obviously had a lot of writing experience and didnt hold back in sharing his knowledge. I liked the way he explained how to deal with writers block as it sounds very effective. Ill definitely use it the next time my head feels empty. S.M.So join thousands of people improving their writing skills today and let's get started!"
Price: 99.99

"Learn to trade in the modern market"
"Are you interested in trading, but do not know how to start out? We look out for the novice traders and take strategies that fit the ""novice"" person's risk tolerance(tight small risks) and goals(consistent yet alsonot difficult to execute), but are proved to workby professional traders.You will learn why technical analysis works and understand how to utilize price action to give you the biggest advantage in trading. This will be a strategy that will work for the rest of the time until people's biochemistry changes( so probably forever).The topics included are the most important yet simple and easy to understand. You willnot need anydifficult strategies to make money... And with practice, you canbefinancially independent and become your own boss. This course is meant to be short and simple and gets right to the point, but powerful enough to show you a lifetime advantage.Requirements:Absolutely no prerequisite knowledge needed... Just be prepared to learn and practiceAudience: -For those that are interested in the financial markets. -Want to be a full time trader -Want to make some extra income on the side"
Price: 19.99

"Mystical Qi Gong: Healing & Balancing of Body & Mind"
"At the end of the course, youwill be able topractice a full Qigong sequenceat home and implement it in yourdaily lifetoreduce stress, solveany imbalance,calm the body & mindandstrengthen the immune system.Learn great Qigong movements and understand coordination of breath and movement. It starts with avery detailed and precise stretching flow that opens all energy channels in the body and prepare it to absorb the best Qi/Energy, as well as to release any toxins.In this course you will learnThe proper basic stance or posture, that will follow you the whole practice. It is important to maintain this posture because it aligns the meridians the channels of energy in our body, and allow the Qi to flow better and smoother. It will also help with opening blocks and remove QI stagnations in the body hence bring healing in a deep and natural way. To let go of your mind. To be more relaxed and focus. To find inner peace and balance. To breath better, smoother, deeper. Abdominal breathing is an essential part of Qigong so please pay attention to it and practice it even by itself, as a holistic practice, prior or post Qigong training. To be soft and nimble. To let the Qi guide you rather than you trying to guide the QI or force it to move somewhere. It is said in the Tao Te Ching that the best motion is stillness. The strongest force comes from softness. Requirements No prior knowledge of Qigong required. This course is for all levels, beginners or advanced. For advanced students, this course will be a great way to shift into the professional course of Wu-Ji Qigong. Background of Qigong & this Course Qigong means the cultivation of life force energy by practicing the right or correct exercise. Qi meaning energy (life force energy) and gong meaning work, or skill. The name Qigong was first used about 300 years ago, while before-hand evidences were found in china (as far as 7000 years ago) that demonstrates pictural postures of similar type as the Qigong we practice today. Systems that were integrated into Qigong wereDao Yin, theguiding and directing of Qi, Xing Qi - which refers to circulating Qi, and Nei gong, which can be translated as internal movement, or standing postures. Even though these days some of Qigong movements became purely external, in our practice here, we put attention to what is happening inside our body, not only outside. We pay attention to the holistic movement of the whole body as one unit, and the coordination of breath and motion. step by step while learning the movements and practicing them more and more you can get the sensation of Qi. It will be felt between your palms, maybe around your arms, and gradually your whole body will feel a buzzing sensation of Qi, energy. This means that your training is successful and that you generate good Qi that replenishes your cells. This course is based on Orpheus own practice and the skills he gained by learning under many masters. He designed the set of stretching specifically to allow the body to be open to receive and release Qi according to its needs. Orpheus teaches here several movements fromWu-Ji Qigongthat he has learnt directly from Master Duan Zhi Liang in China. Master Duan gave Orpheus the authority to teach this family tradition in the west, and since Master Duan left the world,Orpheus is now dedicated to spread this beautiful art.Orpheus intends to release the full set of 18 movements of Wu-Ji Qigong in the near future. Curriculum Full course of 28 video clips, 118 minutes Introduction About the instructor History of Qigong Important points of focus Stretching clips Qigong clips A full stretching set A full Qigong set After practice"
Price: 64.99

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Price: 94.99

"Create Brand Messages: Differentiate and Sell More"
"EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO CREATE A KILLER ELEVATOR PITCH, KEY MESSAGES AND CUSTOMER VALUE PROPSIn under 90 minutes you'll know how to craft highly differentiating messages that will boost yoursales conversion 20%+!!A good branding story can make or break your sales success. Buyers want to know ""why"" they should choose you over the competition, and this all comes down to differentiation. You must communicate to would-be buyers today through succinct, clear, differentiating brand messages through your website, collateral, presentations, phone scripts, etc. This course helps you assess your competition, discover your key differentiators, and walks you through the development of your own brandingpositioning statement, key messages and customer value propositions. By the end, you'll have a truly differentiated brand and a very unique selling proposition (USP)! No other course provides the step-by-step instructions and insightwhich this course does."
Price: 64.99

"Beginners Guide to Creating Success in Personal Finance"
"This course was created to help those looking to better understand and take control of their finances! This coursewill guide you through a basic understanding of personal finances that will place you on the right path to achieving financial freedom. Avoid getting yourself into a financial disasterby applying the principles that you learn in this course.This course covers...The 10-10-80 principle and how it can transform your financesCreating a dynamic budgetHow to effortlessly save for your dream car, vacation, etc.EliminatingdebtUnderstand your credit score and what affects itLearning the mindset of the wealthy"
Price: 19.99

"Sea productivo con mapas mentales"
"Estaexperiencia de aprendizaje instalar un concepto de orden en las rutinaslaborales y personales que desarrollas diariamente. A travs de las leccionesconocers el funcionamiento del cerebro aumentando la capacidad creativa delhemisferio derecho. Aprenders a desarrollar tus tareas cotidianas siguiendo elesquema del cerebro mediante la adquisicin de habilidades para manejar lainformacin acumulada por aos y ser ms eficiente en la toma de decisiones.Desaprendersel mtodo lineal con que fuiste educado parareprogramar tu mente y aprender a usar el cerebro creativo para ser msproductivo usando mapas mentales."
Price: 59.99

"The Complete Excel 2016 Head Start"
"An essential guide to hitting the highest productivity in any setting that relies on Excel. The course fills the gaps in skills of the application whilst being sufficientlyshort.It covers the basic features highlighting particularly thenew features in this 2016version of the application. Normal operations such as printing and collaboration as well as formulas and functions that are very useful in ramping up productivity in workplaces."
Price: 199.99

"Ethereum and Solidity : Become a Blockchain Developer Today"
"Become a Blockchain developer by learning how to build Ethereum Smart Contracts using Solidity. This course is a complete hands on learning right from scratch. You can learn blockchain programming using this course in a week.This course will take you through a journey in the world of Ethereum and solidity right from scratch, we will start with basics of blockchain, how it works, we will then take a look at concept of mining, Ethereum concepts like gas, gas price, ether wei and more. By then you will have a solid understanding of what is blockchain, Ethereum and its underlying concepts, then we will dive into solidity which is programming language for smart contracts. In solidity we will cover step by step of everything that we will need to start building smart contracts. We will learn solidity by example.At the end of this course we will do a project that will help us use the concepts that we learnt throughout this course.GUARANTEEThis course is backed by Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee. If after taking this course you realize that this is not for you. Please request a refund, I only want satisfied studentsWHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THIS COURSE?Understand the crux of Ethereum and smart contractsLearn and understand what are Ethereum networksLearn about Ether and wei. Understand how they are related.Learn about Gas and gas price. How are miners paid in Ethereum network.Learn the fundamentals of solidity and smart contractsLearn about functions in solidity, their types and how to use themLearn how solidity smart contracts are deployed and what happens behind the scenesLearn about value types and reference types in solidity and how to use themLearn about mappings in solidityUnderstand how to interact with Ethereum network using Metamask hands-onLearn about accounts in Ethereum and what are its typesTransfer ether from one account to another and learn what happens in backgroundUnderstand what are transactions in Ethereum and their typesLearn what is Proof of workUnderstand how to deploy your smart contract to Ethereum main network and Ethereum test network"
Price: 199.99

"Blockchain Technology and Bitcoin Fundamentals for Beginners"
"If you are looking for a starting point to understand Blockchain, how it works and bitcoin - then you are at the right place.WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THIS COURSE?Understand BlockchainUnderstand BitcoinLearn how to store and use BitcoinLearn about different kinds of walletsLearn about buying and selling cryptocurrenciesLearn about what is mining and cloud miningWHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?People who want to learn about how bitcoin and blockchain workProfessionals or business-mens who want to learn about blockchain and bitcoin for their businessSO ARE YOU READY TO GET LEARNABOUTBLOCKCHAINANDBITCOIN?What are you waiting for? Press theENROLLNOWbutton and start the course. See you inside."
Price: 199.99

"Java for complete beginners Learn core java using IntelliJ"
"This course teaches you everything you should know to about Java Programming to become a java developer and get the job. This is not a theoretical course, but instead I will teach you step by step, practically, by writing programming examples. This course also helps you get started as a java programmer from scratch (Java for beginners).Its time to learn java using intellij. This course is java for complete beginners. If you are looking to be android developer, you need to learn java programming and that's where this course can help you.This course is designed keeping beginners in mind, we have made sure that each and every concept is clearly explained in a easy to understand manner. So if you are a beginners, don't worry, I am 100% committed to help you succeed.WHY TAKE THIS COURSE?This is a practical course, where in in every lecture, I will actually write a example program to make you understand the conceptClear and simple explanationsThis course isupdated regularlyGUARANTEEThis course is backed by Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee. If after taking this course you realize that this is not for you. Please request a refund, I only want satisfied studentsWHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THIS COURSE?Learn concepts of core java and write programsIn this course, you will learn what is java and how it worksI will teach you about variables, data types and different operators in javaI will teach you about loops in java and conditional statementsI will also teach you how to create methods, constructors, classes and objectsI will also teach you about object oriented concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation and abstraction in javaIwill also teach you how to build interactive programs by accepting input from the userWHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?Students who want to start their career working as a java developerPeople who are looking to transition their way to become a java developerStudents who want to learn java academicallySO ARE YOU READY TO GET STARTED AS A JAVA DEVELOPER?What are you waiting for? Press the BUY NOW button and start the course. See you inside."
Price: 199.99

"Disear web photoshop CC 2017 para vender Themeforest"
"Aprender disear web photoshop cc 2017 para vender Themeforest desde cero, va a ser profesional. Es muy bueno video tutorial para aceptar vender web psd enThemeforest, de poco a poco aprender con paciencia pero no uso audio y voy a usar titulo con video, con cualquier duda por favor preguntas mandar un mensaje privado, muchas gracias saludos."
Price: 29.99

Price: 9600.00

"Curso de ArcGIS 10"
"Te gusta el SIG, entonces aqu puedes aprender ArcGIS 10 desde cero y obtener un certificado.Este curso esta 100% elaborado por el creador de ""El blog de franz"", si has visitado aquella pgina sabrs que si vas a aprender, sino hazlo antes de iniciar.Incluye los ejercicios y el libro: Fundamentos de SIG.Si bien la mayor parte es prctica, paso a paso. Tambin combina una parte terica que permitea los estudiantes fundamentar sus conocimientos en SIG, porque no se pretende impartir unaprendizaje mecanizado, sino integral."
Price: 194.99

"The Magician - Double your Sales through NLP"
"HOW NLP CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCEBENEFITS IN BUSINESSIn business the challenges are numerous and varied. Consider some of the following challenges and how you can incorporate NLP:- Communicating, eg learning to create rapport with others, understanding the use of all of the senses- Goal-setting and achievement, eg visualizing success, modelling excellence, managing time- Dealing with change, eg flexibility, being aware of different perspectivesIncorporating the principles of NLP into your business (and personal) life can help you discover new insights and different approaches, thus improving the way you interact and communicate with other people, and increasing your self-esteem and motivation."
Price: 194.99

"Hacking Laboratuvarnz Oluturun"
"Sanal dnyada test etmek istediiniz pentest ve hacking ilemlerinidaha gelimi aralarlave detayl incelemek iin kendi laboratuvar ortamnz kurun.Web,Network,Wireless,Mobil Hacking/Penetrasyonilemlerini daha salkl ve gvenle test etmenize olanak salayan bu yapda ou cretsiz ve ak kaynak kodlu aralarla tecrbenizi arttrabilir ve bu alanlarda uzmanlaabilirsiniz.Kendi laboratuvar ortamnzda;Web hacking Network Hacking Domain ortamna ynelik saldrlarWireless Network SaldrlarnMobil Saldrlarn ok rahat bir ekilde test edebileceksiniz.Ayrca temel baz konfigrasyonlar hakknda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.Lab ortamn daha gelimi aralarla donatarak kapsaml hacking / pentest ilemlerinigerekletirebilirsiniz. IPS-IDS sistemlerinilaboratuvar ortamna tayarak gelimi atak eitleri iletecrbenizi arttrabilir ve gerekli gvenlik testlerini yapabilirsiniz.Bu eimden sonra yine oluturduumuz lab zerinden srasyla web,network,wireless,mobil hacking / pentest veNetwork Forensic,Kali 101 eitimleri gerekletirilecektir. Bu sayede hem laboratuvar kurma hem ataklar gerek laboratuvar ortamnda test etme imkanna kavuacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"Easily Create WordPress Website - Fast!"
"Let's Work Side by Side To Create Your Website Right Now.Ever have a great idea and then see someone doing YOUR idea?Same here!This happens to all of us.I have had plenty of ideas and do you know what happened to most of them? Nada.My ideas stayed in dream world. That is because I never took action. Someone else did and I set back and watched. Then I asked myself these questions.Were they smarter than you. No.Were they better than you. No.They just decided to take action.It seemed that most of my ideas needed one special key: creating my own website. After seeing people time and time again doing my ideas, I finally decided to learn how to create a website.Benefits of A Website: 24 / 7 digital marketing and sales team working for youExpands your visibility by helping customers easily find youSaves you time with a create once distribute everywhere modelCreates mores opportunities to increase your client listWe live in an era where there are over 3 billion web users. These web users are looking to buy your products and your servicesif you are on the web. You can't afford to miss this opportunity.Take this course if either of these apply to you:Ready to take action on your idea and bring it to the webHave a product or service that you want to share with the worldAre an entrepreneur and want to add tremendous value onlineOwn a business with a physical location and want to gain a web presenceNever build a website before? Great.This course was created just for you.Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Creative people such as you are passionate about helping people. Every where you go, new and fresh ideas pop in your mind that will make an impact in people's lives. But at timestechnology can get in the way.I personally taught myself how to create websites in WordPress and have gone through the struggles of learning the ins and outs so you won't have to. You are not alone. I will be with you every step of the way showing you how to take your website from idea to reality.I'll walk you through each and every step to show you how to use WordPress. I have also included a helpful website checklist and useful resource documents for you to refer to during the course.Think creating a great website is too expensive, too time consuming, or just plain too hard? I know, I've felt that way before.I know where you are coming from.That is because I have walked in your shoes.I understand how busy life can be and how just having a person there to help you create your website can make things so much easier. Someone there to show you how. That is why I created this course.How is that possible? - It's possible with an instructor who understands and a great web software to craft your website.You will know exactly what I mean once you starting watching the videos.These next few hours could really change your lifeif you let it. It is up to you.All the best and start building the website you have been dreaming about right now. Don't wait. Start now."
Price: 49.99

"How I trade the Dax indice"
"This course is about how to successfully trade the German DAX indice (GER30) with a simple, easy-to-learn tradingstrategy that anyone can learn and apply in a short time. The so-called range breakout strategy is a daytime trading technique that requires very little time in front of the computer so it is ideal even for full-time employees."
Price: 199.99

"Learn PHP Programming From Scratch"
"Do you want to be a web developer? Do you need to brush up on your PHP skills? Then you're in the right place! This is the most comprehensive PHP course on Udemy. You will learn everything from the basics to more advanced PHP programming using real world examples and sample projects. Check out the free sample videos to get a free taste of PHP! This course is updated regularly with new content and new projects to work on, so even if you get through the entire course, there will always be more the next time you log in. What Is PHP? PHP is an open source (free) scripting language that allows you to create dynamic websites and work with servers. PHP is now used on over 20 million websites and over 1 million servers worldwide."
Price: 199.99

"MySQL and PHP Fundamentals"
"Like us on Facebook and/or Follow us on Twitter. Message us to let us know you liked us, or Tweet us @sr_elearning. Link to Our Facebook Page Link to Our Twitter Profile Stone River eLearning _____________________________________________________________________________________ Are you interested in MySQL? If so, you're not alone. MySQL is very popular today, and learning MySQL skills will give you valuable job skills. About This Course This course is meant for beginners. A basic understanding of PHP and programming in general is recommended, but you certainly don't need it. You will learn how to set up a MySQL database, connect to and integrate with PHP. This MySQL / PHP combination is the foundation of most dynamics wesites these days. The Project After we cover some of the basics you'll need to know about MySQL, we'll learn to complete a real life project: A blog. Blogs are database driven, so after you understand how to create one, you will have a good grasp on how to use MySQL for other applications."
Price: 19.99

"jQuery in Action: Build 16 jQuery Projects"
"=> Watch the Promo Video To Know Details of 16 Projects You are Going to Develop=> Over 18 hours of content & 135+ lectures=> Only jQuery course with jQuery Quizzes, Exercises, Hands-On Practices and Unique Projects---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you want to accomplish amazing things by writing just a few lines of code? Do you want to write complicated JavaScript functions easily and quickly? Do you want to create cool visual effects and animations? Do you want to develop impressive games and professional user interfaces easily? Do you want to add nice and unique features to your websites and applications?Then, join this 100% hands-on jQuery course and ease the pain of web development and increase your productivity as a web developer.jQuery is a very popular JavaScript library which makes front-end web development easy. jQuery simplifies JavaScript programming. You can implement a complex functionality in just 5 or 6 lines of jQuery code where it might require 25 or more lines of JavaScript code to implement the same functionality.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Adrian Willsher says""This is a great course for beginners learning jQuery. The instructor is clear and has an excellent grasp on everything presented. The practical applications presented in the second half are good. I have already purchased and am looking forward to the instructor's next jQuery course.""Mihai Enuica says""A very good, useful course, well taught with a interesting jquery projects.""eniyenzima Emmanuel Niyenzima says""Best jQuery class at udemy!""Veeranjaneyulu k says""I don't have any idea about jQuery . After Completing this course, i am able to do my own scripting using jQuery. Thank you for the one of the best course for JQuery. I am excepting more sessions on angular js ,java script.""--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jQuery in Action: Build 16 jQuery Projects course helps you learn jQuery from scratch and apply your jQuery knowledge to develop unique and nice jQuery projects that you can use in your websites, web applications and mobile applications. You are going to develop unique user interface designs, cool visual effects and animations, nice features for your website and even games in this course using jQuery.The Course Structure is as follows:First you will understand what jQuery is and why you should learn jQuery. We will also compare JavaScript and jQuery by implementing a functionality to understand why jQuery is a ""Write Less, Do More"" library. Then, you will learn how to set up the jQuery development environment and the basic syntax of jQuery. Shhh.....I am also going to share a secret with you which will help you write jQuery code easily.Then come the jQuery Selectors. Selectors will help you select the elements upon which you need to perform an action. Next is the Events section. The events are the actual action that is performed. Later, you will learn how to use different Effects and Animations to energise your pages. DOM Manipulation and DOM Traversal are two important sections where we discuss how to handle the web page on the fly. Then comes, the Let's Develop Section where you are going to develop a number of jQuery projects that too from SCRATCH. Trust me, this section is going to boost your confidence as a front-end web developer. Different jQuery Projects available in Let's Develop section areAccordionSlide PanelNew TickerPhoto Zoom In/Zoom Out EffectMemory GameImage SliderAnimated GraphAnimated TooltipFilterable PortfolioClassic Tic Tac Toe GameReading Progress IndicatorFlying Bird Game (Flappy Bird Clone)5-Star Rating SystemMulti Step Form with Progress BarTree ViewTo-Do ListSo, what are you waiting for?? Join this wonderful jQuery course NOW and let's get started !!!"
Price: 189.99

"Basic JavaScript: Build 4 Basic JavaScript Projects"
"*** Learn, Test, Practice and Implement JavaScript ****** Lots of JavaScript Examples, Quizzes, Exercises, Hands-On Practices and JavaScript Projects ***Just learning the concepts of a new programming language is not at all going to help you. After understanding the basics of a programming language, you should have the chance to test your understanding, code it yourself, practice it and finally apply your skills to develop real-world projects.This course Practical JavaScript: JavaScript Basics helps you not only learn the basics of JavaScript, but also learn how to apply your JavaScript knowledge to come up with really unique web applications.Unlike most of the other JavaScript courses available online, this course focuses more on practice. This course is structured in such a way that as a student, you get the maximum coding experience which will boost your confidence to write JavaScript code on your own.The whole course is structured in such a way that you get the chance not only to learn JavaScript concepts, but also to test your knowledge, practice what you have learned and implement applications.In the first section Learn JavaScript (JavaScript Basics), you will learn the basics of JavaScript you need to know. This section follows a Problem-Solution approach. You will find the solution to a specific problem in each lecture. In this section, you will learn how to setup the JavaScript development environment, where and how to write your JavaScript code, how to use JavaScript variables and arrays to store data, how to use functions to make your code reusable, how to make decisions with conditional statements, how to repeat a task with loops and how to perform different operations.Once you understand the basics, next is the Quiz time. You can test your understanding with a number of quizzes available in the Test Your Understanding (Quizzes) section. If you get many wrong answers and also if there is anything you don't understand, please revisit the corresponding lecture in the JavaScript Basics section before proceeding to the Exercises section.Once you are thorough with the basics, proceed to the Code it Yourself (Exercises) section to try the exercises. A number of simple exercises are given that cover all the points explained in the JavaScript Basics section. Try each exercise on your own and once your are done, download the resource file and check whether your solution is correct.By completing these sections, you will be confident enough to write your own JavaScript code. So, it will be easy for you to practice JavaScript. The Practice JavaScript (Hands-On Practices) section offers a number of practices that you will find useful while programming. The last section is Let's Develop (JavaScript Projects). You will develop a couple of real-world JavaScript projects from scratch. The projects available as of now areBMI CalculatorCountry TriviaQuote of the DayDigital ClockAs the section title says, this sections is going to boost your confidence to develop more JavaScript projects.This course will be updated frequently with more lectures, exercises, hands-on practices and JavaScript projects.So what are you waiting for? Join this 100% Practical JavaScript course and be a smart JavaScript developer."
Price: 69.99

"JSON in Action: Build JSON-Based Applications"
"***Quizzes, Hands-On Practices and Unique Projects are Included***------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a popular language independent,data interchange format. JSON has significantly improved server-to-browser communications, especially when it comes to AJAX. Most of today's APIs return the response in JSON format as it is much easier to load, read and process JSON compared to XML, making it very popular. JavaScript Object Notation is text-based and human-readable. JSON is very easy to use with JavaScript as the syntax of JSON is a subset of JavaScript. Though it is a subset of JavaScript, JSON is language-independent. Most of the popular programming languages including PHP, Ruby, C#, Python etc. support JSON making it the widely used data interchange format.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oliver says""Excellent Course. I am learning easily all the concepts. Instructor explain with real examples. I have the feeling to be working online with the instructor. Very well explained.""Rayvn Manuel says""The repetition in the explanation really helps to remember and recall the information. The approach to the topics is gradual; meaning, starting from the basics and slowly introducing more. And I appreciate the comparison of technologies since its really helpful to understand why use one technology over another.""Ido Yogev says""Very nice course, straight to the point. Topics are illustrated simple and professional form. Warmly recommended !!!""---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""JSON in Action: Build JSON-Based Applications"" is a 100% hands-on JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) course. By the end of this course, you will not only understand what JSON is, but also learn how to develop applications making use of real-world APIs that return JSON data. Just learning JSON syntax is not going to help you in anyways. You should be able to use JSON in the development process. Though AJAX and APIs do not come under the scope of this course, here we discuss how to use AJAX to contact APIs and then to collect the JSON result returned by APIs. This course is structured as follows:In the first section, you will understand what JSON is, compare JSON and XML and also learn why JSON is not JavaScript Object.In the second section, you will understand JSON in more detail. You will learn JSON syntax rules and different data types (number, string, boolean, null, array and object) you can use in JSON data. You will also practise to identify different data types in real world JSON data and also to write JSON data on your own.In the next section, you will understand how easy it is to use JSON with JavaScript. You will learn how to use JSON.parse and JSON.stringify methods to convert JSON data to JavaScript objects and JavaScript objects to JSON strings respectively. You will also learn how to get the required information from the available JSON data. You will understand the difference between dot notation and bracket notation. You will also learn how to use XMLHttpRequest object to fetch the .json file from a server.The fourth section explains how to use AJAX techniques to contact an API and to collect the JSON output returned by the API. You will learn how to contact the API using GET or POST methods and also making a synchronous or asynchronous requests. You will also see how you can pass JSON as the input to an API.In the next section, we discuss how to use JSON with PHP. This lecture explains json_encode and json_decode methods. This section will be updated to teach you how to use JSON with other programming languages as well.The last section is the Let's Develop section where you are going to apply your JSON knowledge to develop some applications on your own. Now there are two applications in this section.Currency ConverterBMI CalculatorThe first application ""Currency Converter"" application contacts a real-world API, collects the JSON data, and performs currency conversion. The second application ""BMI Calculator"" is a more detailed one. As part of this application, you will be developing a simple API using PHP. You will contact that API (which you designed on your own), collect the JSON response and then process it to get the result you want.So, what are you waiting for? Join this 100% practical JSON course and start developing API-based applications on your own applying JSON knowledge."
Price: 99.99