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"Hands-On jQuery: jQuery Examples"
"Many times, just knowing the syntax of aprogramming language might not help you while working on projects. Instead, you should be able to apply your programming language skills in real-world projects.Are you struggling toapplyyour basicjQuery skillswhile working on jQuery projects? Do you feelyou need more practice to become really confident injQuery programming?Do you think ready-made code examples could save your time and effort during code sessions?This course ""Hands-On jQuery: jQueryExamples"" includes a number of unique and useful jQuery code examples of different levels that illustrate various concepts in jQuery. So, you get a chance to practice jQuery with real-world jQuery programs. Thus, it helps you become really confident in jQuery programming. In short, you will be able totake your jQuery knowledge to next level.Moreover, you get ready-made code examples andunique ideas on how to proceed while working on different jQuery projects.This course is NOT meant for people who are new to jQuery as it does not teach you jQuery from scratch. Instead, you need to have a basic knowledge of jQuery which can be polished and improved by completing this course. This course proceeds gradually starting from basic to advanced jQuery examples.So, what are you waiting for? Join this course to polish your jQuery skills and to become more confident in jQuery programming!!!"
Price: 49.99

"jQuery UI in Action: Build 10 jQuery UI Projects"
"*** 19.5 hours of content******Quizzes, Exercises, Hands-On Practices and 10 Unique Projects are Included***---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you want to develop highly interactive and rich applications easily? jQuery UI is a collection of widgets, interactions, effects and themes built on the top of jQuery library. ""jQuery UI in Action: Build 10 jQuery UI Projects"" is a  100% hands-on jQuery UI course with lots of code activities, quizzes, exercises and projects. By completing this course, you will be confident enough to develop jQuery UI projects on your own from scratch.In this course, you learn what jQuery UI is, how to setup the jQuery UI development environment and how to use different interactions, widgets and effects. Different interactions discussed in this course are draggable, droppable, resizable, selectable and sortable. You will also understand different widgets such as accordion, tabs, autocomplete, dialog, datepicker, progressbar, slider, menu, tooltip, spinner, button, checkboxradio, select menu and control group in detail. The last section is the Let's Develop section where you will develop 10 jQuery UI projects from scratch. This will help you really boost your confidence in applying your jQuery UI knowledge to develop real-world jQuery UI projects. The projects developed as part of this course are:Fruits Matching GamePassword Strength MeterVideo Speed ControllerTo Do List ApplicationTrain Enquiry SystemOnline Sticky NotesColor PickerPrice Range FilterImage MagnifierJigsaw PuzzleSo join this wonderful jQuery UI course and have a great time learning jQuery UI."
Price: 179.99

"C#, TFS, Entity Framework ve DevExpress ile CRM Uygulamas"
"INDIRIM KUPONU ICIN LUTFEN ILETISIME GECINIZ.KURS TOPLAM 15 SAAT OLACAKTIR.KALAN VDEOLAR SSTEME YKLENMEKTEDR.TM VDEOLARIYAKIN ZAMANDA SAYFA ZERNDE GREBLRSNZ.TANITIM VDEOSUNDA GRDNZ TM MODLLER KURS ERSNDE BULABLRSNZ.SORULARINIZ N LTFEN MESAJ ATINIZ.Bu eitim seti ierisinde kurumsal dzeyde bir yazlm projesi gelitirme aamalar anlatlacaktr. Bu eitim setini tamamladnz zaman bir uygulamann genel hatlar ile nasl tasarlandn ve gelitirildiini deneyimlemi olacaksnz. Gncel teknolojiler kullanlacak gelitirilen bu uygulamann her admn videolar ierisinde bulabileceksiniz. Kurumsal bir projede almadan nce bu eitim seti ierisinde edineceiniz bilgiler size karlaacanz durumlar ile ilgili bilgiler verecektir. Eitim seti ierisinde kurumsal, grsel ve teknik olarak yeterli dzeyde bir uygulama bulacaksnz."
Price: 69.99

"Learning Microsoft Windows and Linux with Security Built-in"
"This course covers concepts relating to the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. You will learn techniques for completing common tasks such as gathering system information, working with files, and managing users. Finally, you will acquire an awareness of important security concepts. The course is designed for beginner to intermediate users. Those who want to become software developers, web developers, system administrators, software testers, or simply want to improve their skills will benefit from establishing a strong foundation in operating systems.The class videos are supported by a downloadable reference guide so there is no need to take notes along the way. Watch three hours of class videos, and obtain a lifetime of skills."
Price: 19.99

"C++ Quick Start Workshop"
"If you're a student, hobbiest, or just want to become more productive with your computer, programming will allow you write code that can automate tedious tasks.Want to get up to speed writing small programs that that teach you the fundamentals of programming. You don't need to know sorting algorithms or object-oriented programming to begin this course. I will teach you those concepts along the way.This course is for complete beginners and covers the popular C++ programming language. By the end of this course, you'll be able to write code that not only dramatically increases your knowledge of how computers, hardware and software communicate, but also be able to list this your resume. Understanding C++ will enable you to learn any other language out there. All of the hot topics in R, Python, Go and data science all have one thing in common, C++ is lying underneath optimizing for efficiency.The course breakout:First C++ Program 17:42Using Integers and Simple Math 7:18If Statements and Operators 11:28Dev C++ Download and For Loops 17:09Arrays, For Loops and Const - Online Compiler 8:54While Loop 5:09 Do While Loop 2:52Functions Part One 4:16Functions Part Two 6:01Functions Part Three 5:50 Another Pause Function 2:53Dereferencing Operator and Pointers / References 6:19Pass by Value and Reference 6:19Guess Random Number 7:53Enumeration (enum) 3:36Structures (struct) and Standard String Intro 11:13Automate tasks on their computer by writing simple C++ programs.Any course requirements or prerequisites?No programming experience is required.Downloading and installing C++ is covered at the start of the course.Basic computer skills: surfing websites, running programs, saving and opening documents, etc.Who should take this course?:Programming hobbyist, data science enthusiasts, students, small/home business workers, and anyone who would want to improve their skills with other languages.Aspiring software engineers, data scientists, and data analysts who want to add skills to their resume.Experimentalists who want to see what C++ language has to offer."
Price: 19.99

"ECO21: The Bitcoin Standard"
"Dr. Saifedean Ammous teaches an online course based on his book, The Bitcoin Standard. The course expands on the material in the book, and delves deeply into the sources and readings that shaped it. The Bitcoin Standard analyzes the historical context to the rise of Bitcoin, the economic properties that have allowed it to grow quickly, and its likely economic, political, and social implications.While Bitcoin is a new invention of the digital age, the problem it purports to solve is as old as human society itself: transferring value across time and space. This course embarks on an engaging journey through the history of technologies performing the functions of money, from primitive systems of trading limestones and seashells, to metals, coins, the gold standard, and modern government debt. Exploring what gave these technologies their monetary role, and how most lost it, provides the reader with a good idea of what makes for sound money, and sets the stage for an economic discussion of its consequences for individual and societal future-orientation, capital accumulation, trade, peace, culture, and art. Compellingly, Ammous shows that it is no coincidence that the loftiest achievements of humanity have come in societies enjoying the benefits of sound monetary regimes, nor is it coincidental that monetary collapse has usually accompanied civilizational collapse.With this background in place, the course moves on to explain the operation of Bitcoin in a functional and intuitive way. Bitcoin is a decentralized, distributed piece of software that converts electricity and processing power into indisputably accurate records, thus allowing its users to utilize the Internet to perform the traditional functions of money without having to rely on, or trust, any authorities or infrastructure in the physical world. Bitcoin is thus best understood as the first successfully implemented form of digital cash and digital hard money. With an automated and perfectly predictable monetary policy, and the ability to perform final settlement of large sums across the world in a matter of minutes, Bitcoins real competitive edge might just be as a store of value and network for final settlement of large paymentsa digital form of gold with a built-in settlement infrastructure.Ammous firm grasp of the technological possibilities as well as the historical realities of monetary evolution provides for a fascinating exploration of the ramifications of voluntary free market money. As it challenges the most sacred of government monopolies, Bitcoin shifts the pendulum of sovereignty away from governments in favor of individuals, offering us the tantalizing possibility of a world where money is fully extricated from politics and unrestrained by borders."
Price: 84.99

"Gesto Emocional"
"Gerenciar emoes no uma discusso nova e apesar disso poucos de ns sabem exatamente o que isso significa e para que serve.Quantos conflitos foram causados por uma exploso, o famoso: fiz sem pensar, falei sem querer?Quantos relacionamentos acabaram ou ficaram abalados por impulsos seus?Quantas vezes seu filho, seus familiares, amigos ou amores, se entristeceram ou assustaram por uma reao sua?Voc j perdeu alguma oportunidade profissional por conta de como se sentia em relao a algo ou algum?A falta de gesto emocional pode ter consequncias muito graves em todos os mbitos de nossa vida:Profissional: demisses, conflitos, inimizades, ansiedades e estresse, baixa produtividade, desorganizao, falta de foco, falta de criatividade, dificuldades de tomar decises e solucionar problemas, so algumas das consequncias negativas da falta de gesto emocional. Pessoal: relacionamentos superficiais, brigas, desentendimentos, dificuldades de comunicao, trminos, perdas, cimes, insegurana, baixa autoestima, violncia, isolamento, baixa atividade social, dificuldade de expressar e demonstrar sentimentos, pensamentos destrutivos, sofrimento alheio provocado por ns. Para si: problemas de sade, insnia, ansiedade, depresso, auto sabotagem, crenas limitantes, autodestruio, desnimo, frustrao, apatia e tantas outras situaes de sofrimento e fracasso por conta da falta das habilidades de usar as emoes de forma inteligente. Portanto, podemos dizer que aprender como as emoes funcionam e como reagimos o fator mais importante do desenvolvimento pessoal em busca de uma vida de bem-estar. E para quem se destina esse curso?Esse curso para voc que sente que pode mais, que quer mais, que inconformado, que sofre por conta de aes e sentimentos que podem ser melhorados."
Price: 159.99

"Curso TQS Online na Prtica"
"Sobre o Curso:Este este curso para estudantes de engenharia civil e reas afins que queiram aprender em um curso a distncia e na prtica automatizar os clculos estruturais de seus projetos com o software CAD/TQS,Vamos fazer um projeto de um sobrado passo a passo em vdeo aulas do bsico ao avanado, ensinando a inserir pilares, vigas, lages, cargas, etc at a impresso das pranchas. O Tempo mdia para o aluno terminar o curso de 3 a 6 meses. Material do Curso:O Curso estrutura em mdulos com vdeo aulas passo a passo. Contm tambm apostilas, arquivos do curso e link para o software verso treinamento. Porque fazer este curso?O mercado de calculista muito promissor, h poucos profissionais na rea e paca timos salrios para o melhores profissionais que saibam um software como o TQS. Os Salrios podem chegar at R$12.000,00 (Guia de Carreira)"
Price: 129.99

"Passo a Passo com Elastix PBX: Seu PBX IP na Prtica"
"O curso ir preparar voc com a base necessria para efetivamente instalar, configurar e administrar o Elastix, um dos produtos que est revolucionando as comunicaes via Internet, utilizando os sistemas PBX IP baseados no Asterisk, sendo a distribuio mais recomendada atualmente, devido as grandes funcionalidades e facilidades na configurao e utilizao.* Um certificado de concluso digital vlido oferecido para os estudantes que completarem o curso. O seu certificado tem um cdigo de verificao para autenticidade.O aluno realizar na prtica a criao e configurao de uma Central Telefnica IP a partir do zero, criando os ramais, troncos, gravaes de chamadas, relatrios, URAs, conferncias, gerenciamento de filas, etc. O curso 100% prtico. Atravs de laboratrios prticos, voc poder adquirir experincia em: Gravao de chamadas com interface va WebCall Center com Discador AutomticoIVR(resposta interativa de voz) configurvel e bastante flexvel Provisionador de telefones via Web. Isto permite instalar nmeros de telefones em curto tempo.Interface de deteco de hardware de telefonia Painel de operador. Onde o operador pode ver toda a atividade telefnica de maneira grfica e realizar aes simples como como transferncias, estacionar chamadas, etc Relatrios de Chamadas detalhadas (CDRs) com apoio para a pesquisa por data, dimenso e outros critrios Tarifao informando o consumo por destino Informao sobre o uso dos canais de tecnologia (SIP, ZAP, IAX, Local, H323)Suporte protocolo SIP, IAX, H323, MGCP entre outros. Codecs suportados: G.711 (A-Law & -Law), G.722, G.723.1 (pass through), G.726, G.729 (sem comprar licena comercial), GSM, iLBC Suporte para interfaces analgicas FXS/FXOTroncalizao Rotas de entrada e sada pelas quais poder ser configurada por marcao correspondncia padro, que d grande flexibilidadeEditor Web de arquivos de configurao Acesso interativo via Web ao consoleVirtualizao com VirtualBoxConfigurao e instalao de telefones IP e SoftphonePlano de discagem para categoria dos ramais Contedos Este curso destinado a qualquer pessoa interessada em aprender sobre Telefonia IP. No necessria experincia, e tudo que voc precisa de um micro ou notebook, onde iremos virtualizar uma instalao do zero e utilizaremos alguns software livre durante o curso. Com mais de 8 horas de contedo em 80 aulas divididas em tpicos, este curso ir lev-lo a partir de zero de experincia em estar apto a administrar a plataforma Elastix PBX.."
Price: 19.99

"Como Montar Chipeira Dongle GSM com Elastix PBX"
"Mais uma vez a Komunyka d um passo a frente e oferece ao mercado um novo curso online, com tecnologia para interface celular GSM, capaz de proporcionar redues realmente fantsticas nos gastos com chamadas telefnicas.O Celular Siga-me externo com Mini Modem ou Chipeira GSM um curso onde voc ir construir um sistema de interface celular para entroncamento analgico FXS, tronco GSM ou tronco VOIP. Ele permite a converso de chamadas dos troncos na central para a rede GSM e vice-versa, atuando praticamente como uma mini central pblica, porm operando com tecnologia GSM.O sistema poder receber chips de vrias operadoras e realizar consultas base de dados da portabilidade. Isso permitir ao Celular Siga-me identificar a operadora para a qual a chamada est sendo realizada e escolher um chip pertencente mesma operadora, gerando uma considervel reduo no custo das chamadas."
Price: 19.99

"Como Montar um Call Center com Elastix PBX"
"No curso Como Montar seu Call Center com Elastix PBX,voc ver passo a passocomo montaressa poderosaferramenta estratgica para serimplementadanos servios de venda de produtos, pesquisa de mercado, cobrana de inadimplentes, atualizao de cadastro, confirmao de presena em eventos, agendamento de visitas tcnicas e atendimento s sugestes, reclamaes e demandas de clientes. Trata-se de um importante canal de contato com os clientes e fornecedores, capaz de alavancar a imagem de uma organizao."
Price: 19.99

"Shoot & Edit Social Videos - Video Marketing iPhone Video"
"Visual storytelling literacy is the foundation skill that resonates in a world dominated by small screens and short attention spans.This course will teach you everything you need to know how to make social video with the video camera you already have - your mobile phone.You willlearn to make many types of originalvideo content with your mobile phone.Enroll now tostart making social video with your mobile phone.Robb's knowledge and experience are top notch and his many training programs are always presented in a clear, concise way. Janet Vasil This course offers amazing value and is easy to follow. Leah DodrillWho is this for?This course is designed for social media Storytellers: Journalists, Media educators, Classroom teachers, Communications teams, New media managers, Correspondents, Online producers, Content marketers, and Video producers.Smart Film School certificate courses are being used by media professors in journalism schools to train the next generation in smartphone video reporting.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -My courses are best-sellers on Udemy becuase I keep the materialsupdated and relevant to the student that each course is designed for.""Once I started the course, I could not quit until I had completed it. Each segment was interesting, informative, creatively presented and edited with precision. I loved the course and learned a lot from it. Randy Hendricks- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Robb shows you step-by-step how to turn your smartphone into a mobile newsroom or documentary studio. Plus he gives great tips for the new as well as experienced videographer. The quality is what you would expect from Robb and as the obvious expert, Robb shares his passion for mobile video journalism throughout this must-have course. Scott Paton- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Save time and money making social video.Communications officers, journalists and media outlets are quickly turning to the iPhone to produce high quality video at lower cost than hiring a DSLR film crew.Improve your career.This course will give the video skills that can help you get a better job.Journalism professors use this course in their classrooms.""If you are a student, media practitioner., or just a person wanting to use new technologies to tell a visual story, then the Smart Film School will give you the skills and foundation.The course has helped me in my teaching at the University of Notre Dame. Len Clark - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Social video allows your news stories, sponsored content, brand messaging, and native advertising to travel across social media channels and chat app platforms, with your branding and message intact.First well go over the apps and gear that will transform your phone into a video camera and then each video lecture will show you the step-by-step techniques for making mobile video stories.In this crash course you will learn how to:Reach mobile millennials. Learn how to make social video with the video camera you already have - your mobile phone.Make 10 different types of social video content.Produce short-form video content for Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook and other social platforms.Make video story cards to share with social media followers.All you need is a mobile phone and some imagination to get started.Robb is very clear and straightforward in his teaching, and I appreciate the way his lectures are backed up with slide or text reviews. Production quality is professional. Highly recommended! Stephen Box- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I encourage you to learn how to make social video stories and take your job to the next level.No previous video production experience is required.Excellent content, very well presented. Leah Dodrill- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -All students earn a certificate when they complete all assignments for their class.I liked the way this course flowed from topic to topic with bite size chunks of useful information that made it easy to understand. Definitely worth the time invested in studying. Stephan Hendricks- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Enroll now and start making social video with your mobile phone.Lets get started!"
Price: 99.99

"Make 10 social video projects - Editing mobile videos"
"Master the art of video editing with your iPhone with 10 easy to follow (and easy to teach) video projects.High-quality and easy to follow course, not overwhelming for a beginner. Gear and app recommendations are very helpful. Also it expands one's perspective greatly about what can be done with a Smartphone. Thank you!"" ArzuThis video editing course will teach you proven visual storytelling fundamentals by making 10 visually-led video story projects. Create compelling interactive visual stories using your phone.Master visual story planning and writing to picturesStep-by-step tutorials for creating interactive images (with Web links, audio and more)The best apps for making and editing shareable and snackable multimedia content.Best practices for sharing your stories on social platformsFrom animating photos to filming and editing video, you will learn the art of crafting incredible multimedia packages that can be easily shared.YOU WILL MAKE 10 PROJECTS Daniel Clifton writes:""I've taken a couple of courses from Robb and found them extremely informative. I feel this course has really prepared me to make some great iPhone stories. Plus, Robb does a great job through his newsletter and other ways to inform you of updates on new apps and gear that make it even better. I really enjoyed this course and look forward to taking more of Robb's courses in the future.Each story project in this easy-to-follow course builds on the previous lesson. By the end of the course you will be a mobile multimedia master.""Inside you will find 37 lessons and 2.5 hours of highly-professional lesson content.Enroll now and get started making incredible multimedia stories today!Media professors are assigning this course to university students at many top schools.This course will help journalists, writers, interns, NGOs, communications officers, freelancers, journalism faculty, content marketers, PR pros, and media trainers.Daniel Clifton writes:""I've taken a couple of courses from Robb and found them extremely informative. I feel this course has really prepared me to make some great iPhone stories. Plus, Robb does a great job through his newsletter and other ways to inform you of updates on new apps and gear that make it even better. I really enjoyed this course and look forward to taking more of Robb's courses in the future.Each story project in this easy-to-follow course builds on the previous lesson. By the end of the course you will be a mobile multimedia master.""You can take this course with your smartphone and you will earn a certificate when you finish the course. The instructor is a journalism professor who knows how to take reporters through the steps of making mobile multimedia stories. Enroll now!"
Price: 74.99

"Mobile Video Journalism - Pro iPhone video editing course"
"Mobile Video Journalism Certificate CourseThis course is by the best-selling mobile journalism trainer who has taught thousands of reporters mobile video reporting methods.Journalists, editors, producers, media instructors, and journalism professors use this course to learn how to shoot, edit and share professional video stories with a mobile phone. This highly-rated course will guide you step-by-step through the reporting and production methods for mobile journalism. ""Robb is an excellent instructor. He knows his subject matter and teaches each module clearly. I highly recommend his course. Enroll now!""  Jayson Guerrero  At the end of this course you will be able to: Use smartphones for news gatheringShoot high quality video clips  Organize visual elements into a video storyProduce live streams  Conduct interviews  Edit video with various appsProduce stories for social audiencesEdit videos for different social platformsWrite a script for voice-over narrationProduce reporter-led stories Report character-led stories with sound bitesProduce piece-to-camera segmentsProduce vertical video storiesMake a video from 10 photos and a scriptFilm in shot sizes and patternsUse the correct apps for each type of videoPerform simple, but powerful video editingCompress time with sequencesStoryboard a short video reportThe methods and lessons in this course are concise, practical and information rich. ""Robb is very clear and straightforward in his teaching, and I appreciate the way his lectures are backed up with slide or text reviews. Production quality is professional. Highly recommended!  Stephen Box  This course is used by reporters at The New York Times, Reuters, 24SATA, RT, AP, Mediacorp, Channel News Asia, The Straits-Times, SPH Magazines, TVN24, VRT Belgium, and CNN.This digital skills training is designed for active journalists by the journalism professor who wrote the book on smartphone video storytelling.The lessons in this course are a well-curated library of journalism-oriented training materials with explainers, videos and real-world reporting exercises. You can select new skills to learn on your time and at your pace.The on-demand lesson modules are short in length, straight to the point, well-illustrated and shares in a conversational style.You can take the lessons on your phone, tablet or computer and replay any content until you get the hang of it.The syllabus is similar to the courses the instructor has designed for university journalism degree programs worldwide. This course is mandatory for all incoming journalism students at the schools where the instructor teaches in Europe.Smart Film School lesson content is frequently refreshed to remain current and vital. The lessons are filmed from stories that take place on five continents. The video tutorials are entertaining and inspiring. If you tell stories for a living or teach storytelling skills, this course is for you.What's do the lesson's teach?Many storytelling techniques and exercises for creating snackable and shareable visual content for mobile audiences.Visual story planning, visually-led reporting techniques and writing to pictures.How to create awide range of multimedia content and how to organize workflows.How to quickly film and edit videos for Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Youtube, and Snapchat audiences.""I am a senior at Notre Dame in a Multimedia Journalism class with Len Clark and I found this course to be extremely helpful and interesting! Definitely many tools that I can utilize in my future career!"" Elizabeth Carson  NOTE to Professors: This video course content is also offered as a campus license to universities worldwide at the Smart Film School web site.Enroll now!"
Price: 194.99

"Learn Piano: Scales and Chords"
"Hey whats up!If you are new to playing the piano or need a good refresher course, then pay close attention!In the next few minutes I am going to explain how I can help YOU, a complete novice to playing the piano, play chords and scales in different keys and octaves like a pro!Thats right even if you have never played a piano before or taken lessons, by the end of this short course you will be able to Play ANYbasic chord or scale on the piano in ANY key, using a simple formula even a 3 year old child could use and learn.Most of the lectures are only 2 to 5 minutes long and the whole course can be finished in under an hour. This means you can learn at your own pace or quickly get the information you actually need to start really playing the piano, now!Also even if you don't currently own a piano or keyboard, don't worry! You can still benefit from taking this course because will be using several virtual pianos and keyboards you can find online.We will start out with an overview of the piano, the note names, how to find middleC, and several other basic principles. Then we will go over octaves, half steps, and whole steps. And after that, we will wrap up with the secret formulas used to play ANY basic scale or chord in ANYkey on the piano, as well as a few practice exercises you can use daily to improve your skills. A little background information about me, both my parents were ministers and played multiple instruments when I was growing up. So at a young age I was surrounded by music at home and church, and was classically trained in the piano. So I know for a fact this formula works, cause it's worked for me. And not only that, it will save you a lot of time trying to learn and make sense of everything on your own.Just read what others have to say about their experience after taking this piano course.""wonderful way to learn and have fun doing it at the comfort of home"" - Jesse Rivera""this is a very basic course for beginners, but gives you the foundation building blocks with which to build your playing on. It's a short course but gives you scales chords and exercises you can go on to practice and improve on in your own time. I like his style, it was enjoyable to go through."" - Steve""Dude, I loved the way you taught major and minor chords. You mad the whole 88 keys easier to understand as a whole...."" - CGIf you still aren't convinced that this is the course for you, don't worry. This course comes with a 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. This means that you can take and complete the whole course, and if you aren't happy or satisfied for any reason, you can get a full refund of your money with in the first 30 days, no questions asked.If you do a google search on the benefits of playing the piano, here are some of the things you will find:Playing the piano sharpens your concentrationPlaying the piano teaches you perseverancePlaying the piano teaches you disciplinePlaying piano improves your time management skillsPlaying the piano improves your emotional intelligencePlaying the piano relieves stressPlaying the piano stimulates the brainPlaying the piano strengthens hand musclesPlaying the piano Improves language skillsPlaying the piano improves vocabulary and other classroom skillsPlaying the piano stimulates growth hormonesPlaying the piano helps children accept criticism gracefullyPlaying the piano helps you make better musicSo save yourself time and money trying to learn on your own and improve your skills NOW!Enroll Today, Ill see you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99

"Speak English Better with Natives and Abroad Now! ESL Course"
"When my ESL / EFL English students travel abroad, one of the first things they tell me is, natives speak really fast. I developed this course to help them and you solve this problem in real time, as well as 4 other difficult and frequent situations my ESL / EFL students have when speaking English to natives and abroad. If you are an intermediate English speaker (or higher), these 5 Solutions will help you speak better English now, by teaching you how to solve communication problems in real time so that you are successful in your conversations with natives and abroad, or other day to day interactions by telephone and video conferences. Solution 1 helps you to understand natives that speak fast.Solution 2 teaches how to express yourself when you forget or don't know vocabulary. (This always happens speaking a 2nd or 3rd language.)Natives use phrasal verbs and idioms all the time. You can memorize hundreds, even thousands, of phrasal verbs and idioms, or use Solution 3 to learn them in real time.Solution 4 is the answer to most people's problems with numbers.And Ive included Solution 5 to make sure you get your hotel reservations, emails, and order numbers done correctly the first time.These 5 Solutions have helped my ESL / EFL English students many many times. (And they have saved me tons of times too in my second and third languages - Spanish and Portuguese.) Thats why I developed this dynamic course.Plus, there are 2 extra lessons so you can sound like a native when you meet new people and go shopping.Click the take this course button now and use these 5 Solutions to improve your fluency with natives and abroad!"
Price: 19.99

"Impara a risolvere facilmente problemi matematici da liceo!"
"Padroneggia un metodo inedito, efficace ed universale, per risolvere problemi matematici da liceo in modo rapido e senza errori di calcolo, rendendo finalmente CONCRETA la materia pi astratta di tutte! Adatto anche a studenti DSA o BES, poich quasi esclusivamente grafico... e i calcoli necessari sono sempre il minimo possibile. Anche se parti da zero, anche se ti hanno fatto odiare la matematica, anche se hai poco tempo, anche se credi che per te sia quasi impossibile!Ecco una testimonianza sul metodo che mi ha fornito un ex-studente della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa cio la ""elite"" delle universit italiane:""Tutti abbiamo imparato a scuola a fare le operazioni a pi cifre (somme, moltiplicazioni, etc.) con carta e penna seguendo rigidi schemi grafici, in cui la giusta posizione dei numeri la chiave per evitare gli errori. Cos operazioni che a mente sono impossibili, diventano facili perch basta seguire lo schema giusto. Se invece non potessimo mettere in colonna i resti, riusciremmo davvero a fare le divisioni con numeri a tre cifre? Questa la potenza dei metodi grafici.Bene, la rivoluzione di questo corso stata portare lo stesso principio ai problemi di algebra, inventando uno schema grafico che ti guida a risolvere il problema. La cosa incredibile la sua semplicit, tanto che viene naturale chiedersi come mai nessuno ci abbia pensato prima. Per devo avvertire che rovina un po' la magia ed il brivido che si prova nel trovare la giusta soluzione in modo 'intuitivo e geniale'! Come col fare le operazioni in colonna, tutto diventa semplice e meccanico! - Livio Cocconcelli""Ecco cosa troverai in questo corso:Video-lezioni scaricabiliAudio-lezioni scaricabiliMappa mentale del metodo stampabileTesto completo del metodo stampabileRiassunti per ognuno dei 7 passi del metodoEsercizi interattivi multimedialiEsercizi proposti dai partecipanti risolti & commentatiUna guida ""Quick Start"" per iniziare a risolvere con successo problemi matematici gi nel giro di pochi minuti. ...e tanto altro, perch il corso crescer e diventer sempre pi ricco nel tempo grazie anche al TUO contributo!...In meno di 40 minuti avrai gi visto pi volte in azione il metodo ""dal vivo"" e sul tuo schermo, capito in cosa consiste e scoperto quali sono le domande-guida sempre valide che ti aiuteranno a risolvere tutti i problemi.In meno di 4 ore sarai gi in piena operativit e potenzialmente in grado di risolvere almeno il 90% dei problemi da prima liceo (e molti anche di seconda!) con una facilit che ti lascer a bocca aperta.Il corso procede per approfondimenti successivi, in modo che chi ha intuito e/o conoscenze possa apprendere il metodo nel minor tempo possibile ed iniziare ad usarlo anche senza conoscere tutti i dettagli. Ma dando modo a chi vuole maggiori approfondimenti di trovarne a volont, fin al pi piccolo dettaglio, spiegato in modo semplice, chiaro, conciso e.... divertente!Non troverai da nessuna parte un'opportunit simile per:imparare a risolvere problemi matematici da liceo, in un modo innovativo ma di provata efficacia e validit, anche per studenti DSA o BES, perch principalmente grafico.padroneggiare (quasi senza volerlo) tutta l'aritmetica e l'algebra che usa il 90% delle persone nel corso della sua intera vita!divertirti nel frattempo ...e capendo finalmente tutto e solo quello che serve sapere per risolvere problemi matematici da liceo, nel giro di pochi minuti.Niente fronzoli, SOLO SOSTANZA. Garantito!"
Price: 199.99

"Work From Home: The Amazon FBA MasterPlan"
"""My Private MasterPlan Takes Selling Physical Products On Amazon Into An Entirely Different Dimension!""Already Selling On Amazon? I'll show you how to boost your rankings traffic and sales literally OVERNIGHT.Not Selling on Amazon? I'll show you how to quickly build a massively profitable Amazon business following a fine-tuned roadmap containing EVERYTHING you need to know!""Every last detail of building a huge physical product business on Amazon is covered... from product research... to supplier search and inventory ordering, marketing and promotion, packaging and premium branding... list building, external traffic sources and much much more...""-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Over the past 9 years I've done dropshipping, Forex, MLM, Adsense, affiliate marketing, apps, selling Clickbank products (both as a vendor and affiliate) and that's just a start.You name it. I've likely done it.I've had some big successes, such as:Building two 6-figure/year health businesses selling products on Amazon.One 7-figure per year software business.3 successful apps, two in the health market, one in the gaming market.I even once bought a one word dictionary .com domain name for $32,000 in cash and sold it 15 days later for $125,000 (making almost $100K in profit for doing NO work whatsoever).Other good things have happened too.So yes, some of my ventures have worked out well. The journey, however, has not always been easy...I've also had my fair share of disasters, some of which have been truly COLOSSAL.For instance:I wasted 2 years of my life (along with $150K cash) on a project that fell at the FINAL hurdle, when just before launching, Apple brought out an exact version of the app I was building, available for free and as default on iOS 7. and:A few years back, I bought a one word .com finance related domain name for $64,000, invested an additional $60K in development and SEO, spent 18 months getting onto the first page of Google US for the term 'credit cards', did so successfully, started making around $1000 in commissions per day......and then BAM! Google's Penguin update hit the site literally 7 days after I got there, obliterating the rankings and causing the business to die overnight. Ouch... (x 2)I've had other disasters too, but the above are particularly depressing examples!The point of me telling you all this is that due to the successes I've had, along with the (frankly unwanted) opportunities to learn from my failures, I have been able to develop a complete understanding of the following when it comes to making money online: What NEVER works What SOMETIMES works What ALWAYS works ...And most importantly, which online business types and markets are realistic to compete in, but are still scalable into 6, 7 or even 8 figure operations that would continue to be manageable working from home.One of those business types is SELLING ON AMAZON....and I'm here to help you take selling on Amazon into a WHOLE New Dimension.There are many courses out there on building Amazon businesses... some cheap, some hugely expensive, but this is different.My Amazon MasterPlan contains ALL the information you need.But... why should it matter to you?Well, let me ask...Are you already selling on Amazon?or looking for a way to make a great living online?or do you want to add a bow to an existing online business?Maybe you have an eCommerce or dropshipping website?If any of the above apply, my Amazon Masterplan MATTERS.Not only does it consist of EVERYTHING you need to know about how to make money selling physical products on shows you how to capitalize on the exposure that Amazon can bring, enabling you to expand and build out into additional platforms quickly,creating high value (and if you wish, sellable) brands, as well as multiple income streams a very short period of time.And one thing I must add...The great thing about Amazon is this:The Traffic and Buyers Are ALREADY There.You don't need to grind to get them...You simply need to get in front of them.In other words...X - You don't need to do traditional SEOX - You don't need to do link buildingX - You don't need to pay sky high costs for Google ads...and you don't need that whole list of other time consuming and frustrating stuff either.There is, however, one important thing to remember....and this is relevant no matter what type of business you are in or want to pursue...The success (or failure) of any business is usually down to one thing: EXECUTIONTake it from me...Good ideas and effort are simply NOT enough.In my view most people fail to make a living online, not because of lack of effort, but because they don't know how to execute their plan properly. (which mostly tends to be unstructured, if there is a plan at all).And even those who have done it all before and know how to run and scale a business, STILL need a structured plan in place in order for their execution to be efficient, seamless and successful.And that is exactly what this course is...It is the private Masterplan originally for MY use, *remastered* for YOUR use......with NOTHING left out.It really is everything you need to know about making money on Amazon and beyond, condensed into detailed manuals and videos with, zero-fluff, direct to the point step-by-step instructions that anyone can follow.However, you genuinely have to be prepared...It is BRUTALLY comprehensive and not for the faint hearted. It is a full-on A Z, militarily precise course.No waffle. No filler. No BS.Even if you have no experience selling on Amazon, or indeed any experience doing anything at all online, that is A-ok....Because this course is so step-by-step and uber-focused, all you need to have is the ability to follow very clear instructions.Here are 7 reasons why you should download this course today: 1. You will get exclusive access to a complete PROVEN roadmap featuring fine-tuned instructions revealing how to make money selling physical products on Amazon with nothing left out.2. Every stage of selling on Amazon is covered... from product and niche research, marketing and promotion, supplier search and inventory ordering, packaging, premium branding, list building, external traffic sources and much more.3. If you already sell on Amazon, you can use this information to boost your rankings, traffic & sales overnight and expand into additional platforms to increase brand exposure and revenue.4. If you have an ecommerce or dropshipping website, my Masterplan will show you how to sell on Amazon for an easy increase in traffic and profits.5. This is a complete package and all the training is included in the core Masterplan course.6. I include helpful spreadsheets, templates and will add additional training modules that will help you get more traffic, save more time and make more money.7. You will get access to me if you have questions. My support is not outsourced....Download My Course Today!!"
Price: 94.99

"3 Pasos Sencillos para Descubrir Una Vida Con Propsito"
"Nota: Este curso estar gratuito por dos semanas mas, aprovecha en tomarlo y espero que te sea de gran ayuda.gracias.Si usted ha estado buscando su verdadero propsito en la vida, Descubrir su propsito le dar una satisfaccin de gozo,deseo, pasin, prosperidad y sobre todo el xito verdadero que tu estas esperando.En este curso le revelare la formula secreta para hallar su propsito.Este es un gran momento para usted: Usted ser el descubrimiento y descubrir su propsito verdadero en el planeta Tierra. Conocer esta informacin le dar la capacidad en el hogar, en el trabajo, y - sobre todo - en el interior de s mismo.- Al Finalizar el curso usted tendr la clara idea de su verdadero Propsito yposteriormenteel xito verdadero.Ahora es el momento de que tome una decisinpara transformar su vida.Gustavo Orosco su instructor.Este curso se ofrece con 30 das de garanta, si no ests 100% satisfecho te reembolsaremos tu dinero. Sin preguntas."
Price: 19.99

"YouTube Premium: YouTubeSEO Tips +Crear Videos Profesionales"
"NOTA. ESTE CURSO ES GRATIS SOLO POR ESTE MES, APLICA SU CONOCIMIENTO. SALUDOS.Versin: 2.00 Actualizado Diciembre 2016.Ests aqu porque desea crear un popular canal de YouTube, verdad?Tal vez usted es nuevo en YouTube, o tal vez usted tiene un poco de experiencia, pero necesita ayuda para hacer crecer su canal existente.YouTube es el lugar perfecto para hacer crecer su propia marca, dirigir el trfico a su sitio web y ganar dinero con los anuncios de YouTube y sus promociones de productos y servicios.Y este es el curso perfecto para poner en marcha su canal de YouTube.Soy Gustavo OG. un instructor en lnea a tiempo completo.Voy a estar aqu para usted en cada paso del camino.Si usted tiene alguna pregunta sobre el contenido del curso o cualquier cosa relacionada con este tema, siempre se puede plantear una pregunta en el curso o bien, enviando un mensaje directo.Si usted estbuscando para hacer crecer su propia marca, obtener ms reproducciones y suscriptores, o iniciar un canal desde cero,este es el curso ideal para ti!Sea cual sea su motivacin para iniciar un canal de YouTube, usted ha venido al lugar correcto.Monetizar Youtube: Como Ganar Dinero en YouTube + Free Bonus.Es un curso rpido y eficaz que le lleva desde cero habilidades a un canal de YouTube completa con vdeos de alta calidad, vistas y suscriptores.Si bien hay un montn de cursos de YouTube que se centran en aspectos especficos de la construccin de un canal de YouTube, es difcil encontrar un curso completo como ste, que es para principiantes y cualquier persona que necesita para crecer rpidamente su audiencia de YouTube.Este curso est diseado para cualquier persona que hace vdeos (o quiere hacer videos) y quiere hacer crecer su marca con un canal de YouTube.As que si eres un novato o alguien con un canal que necesita ayuda, ests en el lugar correcto.Qu vas a ser capaz de hacer despus de tomar este curso?Iniciar un canal desde ceroObtener puntos de vistaConvertir a los espectadores en suscriptoresCrear vdeos en un presupuestoNavegar por la plataforma de YouTubeConvirtase en un socio de YouTubePublicar y optimizar su vdeo con grandes ttulos, descripciones, etiquetas y miniaturasHacer crecer su marca a travs de los vdeos de YouTubeMejora tu canal mediante el uso de la analticaGanar dinero con sus videos de YouTube - con anuncios, productos y servicios.Utilizar las mejores prcticas para la creacin y el crecimiento de un canal de YouTubeMejore su canal de YouTube, obtener ms Vistas y suscriptores y ganar ms dineroIndependientemente de cul sea su nivel de experiencia es o qu tipo de cmara que utiliza, este curso en profundidad est diseado para ofrecerle todo lo necesario para poner en marcha un exitoso canal de YouTube.Si usted quiere hacer un canal para promover su negocio, ensear una habilidad, o simplemente compartir su historia de vida a travs de los vlogs, mediante la comprensin de lo que hace que un canal de YouTube con xito, puede reproducir y obtener ms puntos de vista, ms suscriptores, y hacer dinero en su propio.Este curso le muestra exactamente cmo hacerlo.Despus de aprender cmo crear maravillosos videos, aprender cmo publicar a su canal de YouTube con grandes ttulos, descripciones y etiquetas que son SEO amigable y les permite conocer la mayor cantidad de puntos de vista.Adems, podr aprender cmo disear y subir una miniatura personalizada que aumenta sus puntos de vista.Vas a aprender otras estrategias de optimizacin para obtener la mayor cantidad de puntos de vista y los suscriptores.Al aprender cmo utilizar la analtica, sabr qu vdeos trabajar y los vdeos que no lo hacen.Esto le ayudar a crecer rpidamente su canal de YouTube con la creacin de vdeo inteligente - solamente hacer videos que sabe que va a funcionar.Por ltimo, aprender cmo hacer dinero con YouTube.Hay un nmero de maneras que usted aprender cmo hacer dinero con sus videos de YouTube incluso con anuncios, YouTube rojo, digital y fsica productos, el patrocinio y la financiacin colectiva.Para el final de este curso, tendr un canal de YouTube que son orgullosos.Se le toma videos de alta calidad que le gusta a su pblico.Que voy a recibir ms y ms suscriptores para aumentar su fortaleza de marca.Y se le toma el dinero de su canal de YouTube.Por tuxitoy Conocimiento.Tu amigo: Gustavo OG.NOTA. ESTE CURSO ES GRATIS SOLO POR ESTE MES, APLICA SU CONOCIMIENTO. SALUDOS."
Price: 19.99

"3 Tricks to Perfect Pie Crust"
"In this course, you will learn my secret to making the best tasting, perfectly flaky pie crust along with my recipe for a tart apple pie that will guarantee compliments from all yourfriends and family. Included is a complete video showing how to create and put together all your ingredients to assembly to the finished pie.This course is for beginner bakers, who have either tried to make pie or want to learn to make pie and have their crust come out perfect both tasty and flaky.This recipe has earned me the ""pie maker"" for all holidays and bake sales.This course would make an excellent gift for a co-worker, friend or family member who enjoys cooking and getting compliments when they share their masterpiece.This course includes list of materials, video instruction, printable instructions, and recipes.Some skills you will learn:How to make and prepare pie crust for any recipeWhat are the secrets to ensuring that your crust is flaky (and tasty)Tips and tricks on making your baking experience successful and easier to clean up afterHow to put your pie together and make it look as good as it's going to tasteAdditional recipes including the all the ingredients for the apple pie and crust, plus additional recipes for Turkey/Chicken Pot Pie, Pumpkin Pie and a secret family favorite pudding pie Crust/Apple pie reviews:Pie crust was light, buttery and flaky. Pam made me one for my wife on her birthday and she said it was one of the best pies she has ever had. I am not a big fruit pie eater per se, but I enjoyed it as well and will use the crust recipe for my next Chicken Pot Pie. Mike, Tolland CTOMG! Best apple pie ever! Considered not sharing with my family, but decided I better. Crust came out really light and flaky. Don't forget the ice cream... Dawn, Coventry CT"
Price: 19.99

"Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms in Java"
"This ""Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms In Java"" course is thoroughly detailed and uses lots of animations to help you visualize the concepts.This ""Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms in Java"" tutorial provides a comprehensive explanation of different types of graph and various graph algorithms. Throughout the course a step by step approach is followed to make you understand different algorithms. Through this course you can build a strong foundation and it will help you to crack Data Structures and Algorithms coding interviews questions and work on projects. Good foundation on Data Structures and Algorithms interview topics helps you to attempt tricky interview questions.This course covers following topics with Java implementation :Trees : AVL Tree, Threaded Binary Tree, Expression Tree, B Tree explained and implemented in JavaGraphs : Adjacency matrix, Adjacency list, Path matrix, Warshalls Algorithm, Traversal, Breadth First Search (BFS), Depth First Search (DFS),Dijkstras Shortest Path Algorithm, Prim's Algorithm and Kruskal's Algorithm for minimum spanning treeThe course is broken down into easy to assimilate short lectures and complete working programs are shown for each concept that is explained. The algorithms and examples are explained with figures and animations to simplify the learning of this complex topic.  You will see code implementation of different data structures in Java and algorithms are explained in step-wise manner.In this Data Structures and Algorithms course, Java programs are used for implementing various concepts, but you can easily code them in any other programming language like C++, C#, Python. What students are saying about this course - ""One of the only courses available on udemy that includes the coding implementation. Brilliantly explained and quite easy to follow.""""This is really revision experience for me. I have forgotten few basic concept regarding data structures and this tutorial helped me big way to revise it all.""""Thanks dear.""""Good course. Explain difficult concepts like AVL tree and B tree very well.""""Super. Enjoyed learning the data structures. Very detailed explanation. Thank you.""""One of the best ways, she has explained. After going through the course I highly recommend her.""""The best tutor I ever seen before.""""Excellent data structures and algorithms tutorial with practical examples and lots of hands on coding...""""Very informative with great examples to help you visually understand the concepts of data structures and how they can be applied with examples of java code snippets.""""Amazing Lecture Videos. So glad i bought it""""Explained the concept and continued with multiple examples so it was easy to learn.""""Great Course!""""Very good instructor and materials presented in professional manner. it is recommended.""""Great.""""Overall a good course, I used it to get understanding of the algorithms, Instructor explains concept clearly and patiently""This Data Structures and Algorithms In Java online course on udemy will help software developers to refresh the concepts studied in books / pdf and also to students learning from referred books / pdf.So what are you waiting for, click on Buy button to enroll now and start learning."
Price: 149.99

"Linux Bootcamp : Command Line, AWK and SED, vi editor, GREP"
"This ""Linux Commands, AWK and SED, vi, GREP"" course provides good understanding of Linux/Unix command, AWK, SED, vi, GREP to work efficiently on Linux/Unix command line.Subtitles are available for the first section only. Closed Captioning for rest of the sections is in progress and are available as [Auto-generated]. Linux is a powerful and widely used operating system, it is free and open source software. It can run on wide range of hardware platforms like desktops, servers, mobile devices and even supercomputers. Most of the top companies in the world use Linux servers. Linux is growing very rapidly and demand for Linux talent is on the rise. So acquiring Linux skills can help you land a job and get ahead in your career.   This ""Linux Bootcamp : Linux Commands, AWK and SED, vi, GREP"" tutorial is designed for computer users who have limited or no previous knowledge of Linux. If you are complete beginner in Linux or have never worked on command line, then this course is for you. In this course you'll learn Linux from scratch.     This course will give you a good working knowledge of Linux, especially the Linux command line, AWK and SED, vi, GREP. The real power of Linux lies in the command line, many complex tasks can be done easily using the command line. So you need to have a solid understanding of the Linux commands, and in this course we'll explore them in detail. There are in-depth explanations and clear instructions for each topic. First the basic commands are introduced and then we move on to more advanced topics. The topics are presented in a step-wise and easy to understand manner.    What you will learnLinux DistributionsInstalling Linux using virtual BoxLinux File systemUsing Linux DocumentationCommands for Managing FilesCreate, copy, move, rename, delete filesComparing, Sorting, Finding FilesSearching inside files using grepWildcardsnano EditorTranslating and deleting characters from a filePipesI/O redirectionvi EditorLinksUser ManagementPermissionsAliasSEDAWKWhat students are saying about this course-""Great course, I was looking for a course to learn sed and awk. I did not even get into that section yet and I have learnt a ton of how to properly use other commands and how powerful the terminal can be. The instructor is great. She provides good explanations and good examples for each command, and she follows a logical order through the commands that she teaches along the course. Totally recommended.""""Very easy and clear explanation for a novice like me.""""The commands were explained clearly along with examples and multiple scenarios.""""Very very complete & very understandable for me as a old guy. I like this teacher. Everything is well planned & well presented. The explanations are very good. Excellent +++ Super Job!! i would like to take more classes from this teacher""""Very Nice Explanation. No unnecessary things. only subject is present.""""I started this course almost 2 months ago and finished it today. Though I would consider myself at an intermediate level with respect to Linux, this course really exceeded my expectations and I learned quite a bit with certain new concepts viz., awk and sed programming the ""cut"" command. This is indeed a bootcamp programme and certainly goes in depth. I could understand the instructor very well and she is quite knowledgeable.""""It is thoroughly explained and important parameters are discussed""""Very nice material""""Very well and structured explanations""""So far content and concepts are easy to grasp. The instructor is easy to understand. I am learning a lot.""""Sure helped out understanding how some of the shell code that I was given, that's exactly what I was looking for.""""The course is very easy and clear to follow!""""Excellent Linux course on Udemy, pretty much everything covered in depth. I really enjoyed and learnt from SED and AWK.""""This course very useful to me. I am a fresher to Linux, your way of teaching is easy to understand the concept.""""Excellent course, I liked it very much! It easy to learn Linux commands because the explanations are very clear and very cleaver. The professor shows simple uses of the commands and also advanced ones. Perfect!""""Very Good Course, Like the presentation which is logically explained with a lot of details so that we would be experts in using the basics well. Good""""Pretty informative and systematic introduction of the concepts for someone new to these commands""""amazing videos, any person who don't have any knowledge on LINUX can learn. best part is each command is explained in details with lot of examples.""""its too concise is what i felt""""Course appears to be detailed and Iam learning about some new things""""she has a very good way of explaining the course material by onscreen demonstrations.""""Very Nice Explanation. No unnecessary things. only subject is present.""""Very details and good explanations""""Precise and clear""So what are you waiting for, click on Buy button to enroll now and start learning."
Price: 149.99

"20!(PDF)+CAD(dxf dwg jww)"
Price: 2400.00

"Hebrew Grammar - Verbs Master Course"
"The Hebrew Verbs is a very advanced and complex subject, but it's also an important core of the Hebrew language, in this course we are going to dive in and teach you how to fully control this complicated subject:Recognize and understand Male / Female verb forms.Recognize and understand Singular / Plural verb forms.Recognize and understand Past / Present / Future verb forms.Recognize and understand I / You / He verb forms.Full control over the 7 Different Templates (Binyanim) of the Hebrew verbs.Intuition for recognising verbs and understand the context of a sentence without knowing all the words."
Price: 199.99

"React for beginners tutorial"
"You have probably heard of the React library. its a performance-minded view renderer made by the Facebook developers. Open-source,Client-side javascript library,Supported by a large community of contributors, Blazing fast, React is a Javascript library for building user interfaces.Hundreds of developers use react to create dynamic user interfaces and deliver cutting-edge applications with the best user experience possible This course will get you up to speed quickly with easy to follow short videos. It is project-oriented with hands-on examples, from simple to complex, that will help you with the most fundamentals concepts of React:React custom syntax and the JSX transformcomponents, properties and stateThe power of the virtual DOM Topics include:Compiling JSX to plain JSintroduction to Npm react-toolsCreating componentsUsing and populating propertiesAdding and using stateHandling eventsAnd, together we will build a web app - we will put everything together to create a basic Todo App with functions that will allows users to add, edit and delete tasks to do. What are the benefits of taking this class:Hands-on projectsUnlimited updatesIt is fast and intuiveKnowing library in high demand in the tech industryThe popularity of React is growing. So, don't wait - Join the class React for beginners Tutorial to get up and running with React in no-time"
Price: 34.99

"The art of sales and persuasion for serious people"
"Participation in the course will equip you with all the necessary knowledge and skills to increase your influence on other people. You will learn a unique model of influence, tips, and tricks that will increase your repertoire in creating effective intimacy and rapport with others, some simple questioning techniques, presentation principles, etc.You will learn also how to deal with objections and to better negotiate up to the golden moment of closing! "
Price: 59.99

"Tecnologias na Educao 4.1"
"Voc quer utilizar as mais incrveis tecnologias em suas aulas e melhorar a aprendizagem de seus alunos?Por muito tempo eu tentei utilizar a tecnologia digital nas minhas aulas, porm percebi que nem sempre os resultados eram melhores que os das minhas aulas tradicionais. As aulas enriquecidas com tecnologia podem melhorar o engajamento dos alunos, mas isso no significa que eles esto aprendendo melhor.Sendo assim, busquei estratgias inteligentes que promovessem o engajamento, a autonomia e a personalizao da aprendizagem atravs da tecnologia. Encontrei o Ensino Hbrido e tornei-me co-autor do livro Ensino Hbrido: Personalizao e autonomia na educao.Neste curso voc vai conhecer tcnicas avanadas do uso e produo de vdeo- vdeo-aulas, buscar informaes, gerenciar contedos, elaborar roteiros de aprendizagem, avaliaes automatizadas e motivar a colaborao on-line de seus alunos.Uma vez matriculado neste curso, voc poder acess-lo atravs do seu computador ou pelo aplicativo da Udemy, podendo estudar quando e onde voc quiser, em seu prprio ritmo. Ter ainda uma garantia de 30 dias, ou seja, seu risco zero!Como bnus, vamos conhecer 3 modelos de ensino hbrido nos quais voc aprender a aliar com eficcia o ensino tradicional tecnologia.Tambm ter devolutiva de 3 planos de aula, onde eu lhe darei dicas personalizadas que o ajudaro a levar sua carreira de professor ao prximo nvel.Matricule-se agora mesmo!"
Price: 54.99

"Learn 3D Modelling & Rigging in Blender 2.8"
"Interested in 3D modelling? Maybe some Rigging, then join me on this beginner level modelling course as we create an Rigged asset in BlenderThis course is designed to walk you through each step in the modelling process.Firstly we start by creating a basic shape we then add an array and curve modifier to quickly form our tracks. Later on we add some drivers to control the rotation and movement of these tracks.Next we begin modelling the body of the rig. Again we slowly form the body by adding the different meshes available in Blender.Next we move onto and form the stabilizers that can be rotated and placed laying on the ground. This is achieved by selecting pivot points or their origin points and adding drivers to control their rotation.We go through the very fast and effective process of mirroring objects to speed up the modelling process and achieve perfect symmetry.When the modelling process is complete we add a simple armature. The armature begins as a single bone until eventually after editing and adding bones controls the movement of the boom and stabilizers.Next we parent these objects to the armature or separate bones and again we add drivers to control their movements and rotation.Finally we create a simple short animation to demonstrate the rig in motion.So jump on into this modelling course and discover just how easy it is to pick up Blender."
Price: 19.99

"Python for Absolute Beginners"
"Learn the fundamentals of Python through video lectures, quizzes, and practice problems.Python is an easy to learn programming language with a wide variety of well-paying jobs in many fields, including data science, web development, and network programming.  There couldnt be a better time for you to join the world of Python!"
Price: 49.99