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"Sanando el rbol genealgico"
"Como hacer y sanar el rbol genealgico, es una invitacin a reparar nuestra historiaEste curso es un Curso de sanacin del alma, en l nos encontraremos con nuestra historia con nuestra gentica y entenderemos, Por qu tenemos la vida que tenemos?, Por qu elegimos una pareja?, Por qu no tenemos pareja?, Por qu nos falta el trabajo o el dinero?Y no solo vamos a entender, sino que entregare las herramientas de sanacin.En sus manos esta sanar su historia"
Price: 19.99

"Emotional Intelligence in Leadership"
"Welcome to Emotional Intelligence. This course will help you outline the theories of EI, facilitate change within yourself and your organization, align concepts to team management, and process the ""why"" behind employee behavior. The course has outlined the basic concepts of emotional intelligence. Additional resources and books are recommended. Now, let's get started."
Price: 19.99

"Encontre seu Propsito de Vida"
"da natureza humana querer entender o sentido da vida. Muitas pessoas que podem estar criando sucesso, mas no se sentem completos ou preenchidos. Viver uma vida de propsito e significado essencial para o bem-estar geral, a felicidade e o sucesso.Neste curso, voc ser convidado a interagir, participar e refletir no que realmente quer, para finalmente identificar seu propsito. a sua oportunidade de passar pelo processo de coaching de forma autnoma, no seu ritmo.Ao longo de 12 sesses, esse curso vai te guiar para dentro de voc mesmo, como um canal que para reconexo com sua essncia, mostrando ferramentas para colocar tudo de forma prtica, te ajudando a viver a vida que sempre sonhou.Esse programa vai te desafiar a olhar pras suas experincias de vida e ver como elas foram te guiando... Vai te ajudar a identificar como as peas do quebra cabea se encaixam...Sua viso clarear apenas quando voc conseguir olhar para seu prprio corao. Aquele que v o lado de fora, sonha; aquele que v o lado de dentro, desperta.Tenha a coragem de sair do piloto automtico e parar de produzir coisas que no ressoam com seu corao.DESPERTE!!!"
Price: 324.99

"Machine Learning Model To Simple API"
"This is the most comprehensive, yet easy to follow, course for creating a machine learning model API. Throughout this course you will learn a variety of techniques used worldwide for API creation from machine learning model. I have gathered information from data competition websites and white papers, blogs and forums, and from the instructors experience as a Data Scientist.You will have at your fingertips, altogether in one place, a variety of techniques that you can apply to make real time use of your machine learning model.The course starts describing the most simple and widely used methods for creating an API for the real time use, and then describes more advanced and innovative techniques that automatically capture insight from your variables. It includes an explanation of the machine learning model techniques, the rationale to use it, and the pros, cons and assumptions it makes. It also includes reading material that you can go through to get deeper knowledge."
Price: 19.99

"Curso bsico: Expressividade & Oratria"
"Hein, psiu! Voc j pegou exerccio na internet, livros, dicas de amigos aplicou tudo certinho e mesmo assim no viu resultado na sua oratria? Eu posso at adivinhar que ficou frustrado(a). Caro(a) amigo(a), voc no est sozinho(a), vrias pessoas fazem isso diariamente , ento comemore. S que uma coisa eu vou te falar , posso te ensinar os mesmos exerccios que voc j aplicou e mais alguns novos, s que o diferencial a didtica que vai tir-lo do zero a zero e te tornar um(a) iniciante feliz. Se quer descobrir, vem comigo. Voc  pode at reclamar que tem pouco contedo , mas pra qu vou colocar uma overdose  de informao se agora que vai sair do zero a zero? Ento, muita calma.Quando finalizar o curso me mande um feedback e pede que te envio gratuitamente o livro Melhore, SupEre, Desmistifique, Oratria: Vamos combater o medo que existe em ns? Esse livro se encontra a venda no site Amazon - Kindle Unlimited (ebook) ou fsicoNo livro tem o guia visual para construir uma comunicao eficiente.Vamos com tudo!"
Price: 69.99

"Introduo e Lgica de Programao com Javascript"
"Quer aprender a programar mas no est conseguindo? Que tal aprender a programar com exemplos, totalmente mo na massa, onde voc vai digitando os cdigo e entendendo programao junto com o professor.Cansado de aula de lgica de programao terica e cheio de slides? Venha aprender com a gente colocando a mo na massa.Porque aprender Portugol ou escrever algoritmos e um pseudo linguagem, sendo que voc pode aprender a programar e usar a linguagem mais popular e com alta demanda de emprego com Javascript?Comece agora :)"
Price: 39.99

"Amazon Cognito: The Complete Introduction (2019)"
"Implementing security for your application is not easy, starting with managing username and password in a database it quickly gets complicated with authentication flows, access control and token management. Amazon Cognito provides a simple and secure way to add authentication and access control to your application. Amazon Cognito is a serverless service and scales to millions of users without any further configuration. Amazon Cognito supports sign-in with social identity providers like Facebook, Google, and Amazon and enterprise identity providers via SAML 2.0.Some of the core features of Amazon Cognito are:Secure and scalable user directoryIdentity federation with social and enterprise identity providersAccess control for AWS resourcesEasy integration with SDK and built-in UIThis course is a technical hands-on course to use Amazon Cognito for securing your application. The primary objectives of this course are:Understand the importance of identity, authentication and authorizationUnderstand Amazon Cognito's core featuresDetailed look at tokens and token managementAdd single-sign-on feature to our applicationSecure API gateway API using Cognito user pool authorizerUnderstand and implement Amazon Cognito identity pool to securely access AWS services or other backend resources directly from applicationImplement identity pool with user pool and other identity providers like Facebook, Amazon, etc.Common usage scenario for user pool and identity poolAll the source code for the lab exercises is attached to the first section and individual lab lecture."
Price: 29.99

"Introduction to Cloud Computing with AWS, Azure and GCP"
"Getting started with cloud technologies can be daunting with the number of cloud providers in the market and also hundreds of services, in the form of building blocks, offered by each cloud provider. But it is important to understand these services or building blocks which are used to create and deploy any type of application in the cloud. Also, cloud providers offer on-demand computing resources and services in the cloud, with pay-as-you-go pricing which saves cost. So, every organization is migrating to the cloud in order to save money.This course is an introductory level course for understanding the cloud technology concepts and gives a detailed introduction to the three largest cloud providers: Amazon Web Service (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).Summary of the course:The course is divided into 5 main sections.In the first section, we will look at basic cloud concepts and compare cloud with the alternative self-hosted IT infrastructure. We will understand the difference between Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).In the following three sections, we will introduce each of the three public cloud providers in detail: Amazon Web Service (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).In each of these section, we will take a look at the brief history of the cloud provider and its reach with its global infrastructure. As this is a beginner level course, we will go through step-by-step instructions on creating a new account on the cloud providers' web portal. After that we will take a quick tour of the portal.We will go through all the categories of services provided by the cloud provider and core services in each category. We will design a simple architecture using the core services we learned to understand how cloud can be used in real world scenarios.For experimenting with services, each cloud provider offers 'Free Tier' either limited by time or amount of usage after creating a new account. It is important to understand the free tier limits to minimize the cost and optimize the usage.We will look at ways of interacting with the cloud provider services and their infrastructure like API, CLI and SDK.For those who are interested in learning more about the cloud provider or cloud technology in general, Ill list some podcast, blog and events that I recommend.For those interested in certifications, we will look at the official certification offered by each cloud provider and figure out which certification path you should choose.And in the final section of the course, we will compare the three cloud providers and discuss which one to use in a particular use case.This course is approximately 5 hours long in total, and the approximate time division is as follows:Overview of cloud - 30 minAWS Introduction - 1hr 30 minAzure Introduction - 1hr 25 minGCP Introduction - 1hr 14 minComparing AWS, Azure and GCP - 15 min"
Price: 19.99

"Azure Serverless - Hands on Learning!"
"Serverless computing is the future of Cloud Computing and Serverless is the tool that you need to grow your career!!! Learn Azure serverless services with this hands-on, project-based course and truly internalize some highly valuable skills in the world of technology. We will build a serverless web application from start to deployment on the web using Azure services - and with no standalone services or server instances at all! Azure will add more server power when your application needs it, and will take care of scaling back down when you don't. And you only pay for what you use.Building a serverless app using Azure services is a great introduction to the core services Azure offers. As you build the application, you'll learn and use the following Azure services:Azure Functions - Run code on demand that scales automatically.API Management - Create and publish secure APIsCosmos DB - For storing and retrieving data at scale.Azure ADB2C - For managing users, account creation, and logins securely.Azure Blob Storage - Host Single Page Applications (React JS) by enabling static website hosting.Section Outline:Section 1 Getting Started: We will get understanding of the course objectives, basics of cloud, Azure & Serverless and how the course is structuredSection 2 - Azure Serverless Services and Sample Use Cases: We will look at various serverless services offered by azure and a few real world serverless architecture use casesSection 3 - Course Project Overview: We will understand the course project architecture, look at the final course project demo and download the project codeSection 4 - Storing Data in Cosmos DB: We will introduce Cosmos DB which is Azure's multi-model database offering and create database for our course projectSection 5 - Compute with Azure Functions: We will learn and create event driven serverless functions in Azure.Section 6 - Creating API using API Management: We will create and publish secure API for the course project. This is the base for you to start implementing a complicated API!Section 7 - Hosting Serverless UI on Azure Blob Storage: We will use Azure Blob storage container to host our static website in serverless manner and understand security policies to enable it.Section 8 - Securing Serverless Applications: We will implement user authentication (sign up/sign in) for our course project using Azure ADB2C service.Section 9 - Wrap Up: We will look at pointers to continue your learning adventures of Azure and other cloud technologies.This Course Also Comes With:Lifetime Access to All Future UpdatesLinks to interesting articles, and lots of good code to base your next template ontoA 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!Although this course isn't targeting any specific Azure certification exam, you'll leave it with a great foundation of Azure knowledge that will begin to prepare you for them.Serverless is the way of future and you can get started today and become an expert. Let's have some fun and build some awesome stuff in cloud together!"
Price: 39.99

"Programando plugins para o Minecraft do zero!"
"Quer comear a criar plugin para Minecraft da melhor maneira possvel? Vender e conseguir uma grana extra ou at mesmo abrir um servidor? Esse curso para voc.O curso no s a programao para o Minecraft em si. Aqui voc aprender muito mais coisas que poder levar para projetos que no necessitam ser somente sobre o jogo.Nele, eu ensinarei como voc comear a criar plugins de Minecraft. Mexeremos com eventos, comandos, programao orientada a objetos, banco de dados, algumas funcionalidades do Java 8 e muito mais!Irei tambm passar uma breve introduo sobre como trabalhar com o Github e postar os seus projetos.E ai, t esperando o que? Embarca comigo nessa aventura!"
Price: 24.99

"Mindful Parenting"
"Are you a parent feeling overwhelmed, and over stressed? Do you feel like your living in chaos and you know that there has to be an easier way? I'm here to share with you all the mindfulness tools that will help you de-stress and manage your emotions so you can have access to an essential life long skill that will positively transform your relationship to yourself and others. Transform your mind! Get into the right state of mind to make your life easier and support your family thriving."
Price: 29.99

"Ebay From Scratch in 2019 - Hidden Secrets Never Revealed"
"Ello There!Imagine waking up to $100,000+ in sales a year from working a 4 hour work week.What you do for the rest of the day, that's totally up to you!No more waking up an hour early for that 1-hour commute through traffic, no more having to stay late at work because of your boss's irrational last minute requests. You are in control of your life now!Your time is more valuable than money, so why waste it every day driving back and forth from work?The 1 thing rich people do is they spend their money on assets instead of liabilities and knowledge is one of the best assets in the world. Dont believe me? How much would you pay to know the upcoming Powerball lottery numbers?Investing in this course is one of the biggest assets you will ever purchase. You will learn how I turned $500 into a $100,000 in as little as 2 years only working 30 minutes a day and playing video games.One of the best investments you can make is investing into yourself, because that's the one investment that will give you the biggest Return on investment.This is the introvert proof foundationSo you have zero marketing experience, zero email list, zero sales experience, and dont even want to leave your house? NO PROBLEM!I have created a step-by-step formula for you go from ZERO TO HERO in less than a week! No fluff, no fillers, no 1-hour discussions, just all action steps to get you to the finish line as fast as possible. The one thing I hate the most is wasting time, so I would never waste your time with meaningless discussions.In this course you will learnHow to create and run a successful long-term eBay business even if youre starting with zero dollars!Where to find hot-selling products to list on your eBay store right away instead of spending countless hours trying to find good deals only to make a couple bucks.Exactly how I do my description and titles to maximize visibility and sales; the worst thing in business is not being seen!Exactly how to get back on eBay and Paypal if you were ever suspended or limited!How does it sound having that financial freedom you always wanted turn into a reality?"
Price: 149.99

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Price: 29.99

"Solid State - Chemistry"
"Different types of Crystal geometries and shapes. A solid is defined as that form of matter which possesses rigidity and hence possesses a definite shape and a definite volume. Unlike gases and liquids in which the molecules are free to move about and hence constitute fluid state, in a solids the constituent particles are not free to move but oscillate about their fixed positions."
Price: 19.99

"Industrial Metallurgy"
"The natural substances found inside the earth which contain metals in their combined states mixed with gangue are termed minerals. All minerals are not suitable for the extraction of metals. A mineral from which the metal can be extracted easily and economically is called an ore Thus. an ores are minerals, but all minerals are not ores. The scientific and technological process used for isolation of a metal from itsore is called metallurgy."
Price: 19.99

"Electro Chemistry"
"In electrochemistry, we study reactions which produce electricity and otherchemical reactions which take place with the help of electricity. The first typeof reactions occur spontaneously but second type of reactions are forced tooccur and work is done on the system.Electrolytes conduct electricity in their aqueous solution or in molten state. Theelectrolytic conductance depends upon concentration of electrolyte, nature ofelectrolyte, etc.Electro-chemistry: The branch of chemistry which deals with relationshipbetween chemical energy and electrical energy and how one can be convertedinto another is known as electrochemistry."
Price: 19.99

"Surface Chemistry"
"Many chemical reactions take place at the surfaces of solids, e.g., at the surface of solid catalysts. Corrosion of metals takes place at their surfaces. Surface means the topmost layer on the very exterior of a solid. Now-a-days, there are ways of studying the top 0.5 to 2 nm, i.e., two to five of the topmost layers of atoms of the solid surface.Adsorption. The existence of a substance at a surface in different concentration than in the adjoining bulk is called adsorption. It is selective absorption.Absorption. It is the phenomenon in which a substance is uniformly distributed all over the surface.Adsorbent. The substance present in bulk, on the surface of which adsorption is taking place is called adsorbent."
Price: 19.99

"Basic Concepts of Chemistry"
"Matter is defined as anything that has mass and occupies space, e.g., water, air, wood, metals, trees, animals etc. Matter can be classified as follows:A.Physical classification of matter (i.e., solids, liquids and gases)B. Chemical classification of matter.(i.e. Elements , Compounds and Mixtures)Element. An element is the simplest form of matter and therefore, can not be split into simpler substances by any chemical or physical method. Elements can be classified as(a) Metals, (b) Non-metals and (c) Metalloids.Compound. A compound is a pure substance made up of two or more elements combined in a definite proportion. Compounds are homogeneous and have entirely different properties as compared to the individual elements. There aretwo types of compounds."
Price: 19.99

"Everything in the world undergoes change. The change may be physical or chemical. A change is said to be physical when it does not involve change in chemical composition of the substance. But when the chemical composition of a substance is changed, the substance is said to undergo a chemical change or it is said that a chemical reaction takes place. Thus during a chemical reaction, the chemical composition of the substance is changed and new substances having new properties are formed. Thus a chemical reaction may be defined as the process in which original substances disappear and new substances are formed. In fact, during a chemical reaction, old bonds are broken and new bonds are formed. In other words, atoms are rearranged to form new substances."
Price: 19.99

"A wide variety of material consists essentially of elements and compounds having different characteristics exist around us. Some of them are sour, some are bitter, while some are salty in taste.For Example Sour and bitter tastes of food are due to acids and bases, respectively, present in them.Acids react with bases to produce salt whose properties are different from acid and base."
Price: 24.99

"This Course deals with the Extraction of Metals and Non Metals, Physical and Chemical Properties of Metals and Non Metals and Uses of Metals and Non Metals.The elements which are quite reactive and have a tendency to react with moisture, carbon dioxide, oxygen, sulphur, halogens, etc., are found in combined state. Most of the metals are found in the combined state as minerals."
Price: 24.99

"Carbon is the most important element to life. Without this element, life as we know it would not exist. As you will see, carbon is the central element in compounds necessary for life. Carbon is most important element because it forms largest number of compounds which are useful in our daily life."
Price: 19.99

"Before the beginning of the eighteenth century when there were only 30 elements known, it was easier to study and remember their properties. In later years when number of elements discovered were increased then it become difficult to study them. So scientist felt the need of simple method to facilitate the study of the properties of various elements and their compounds. After numerous attempts they got success and elements were arranged in such manner that similar elements were grouped together different elements were separated. This arrangement of elements is known as classification of elements which led to the formation of periodic table."
Price: 19.99

"Early Indian philosophers and ancient Greek philosophers classified matter in the from of five basic elements Panch Tatva - air, earth, fire, sky and water. All living and non living things are made of these five basic elements.In our surroundings, we see a large variety of things with different shapes, size and textures. Everything in this universe is made up of material which scientists have named Matter for example air, food, stones, clouds, stars, plants and animals, even a small drop of water."
Price: 19.99

"We know all the matter around is not pure. If we observe some soil (Mitti) and some surge placed on two different sheets of paper with a magnifying glass, we find soil contains clay particles, some grass particles and even some dead insects etc. That is soil particles of different kinds is called an impure substance."
Price: 19.99

"Dalton's Atomic Theory: According to this theory, all matter whether element, compound or mixture is composed of small particles called atoms. The theory proposed by Dalton may be stated as follows:(i) All matter is made up of atoms.(ii) Atoms are tiny, indivisible and in destructive ultimate particles.(iii) Atoms of a given element are identical in mass and chemical properties.(iv) Atoms of different elements have different masses and chemical properties. (v) Atoms combine in the ratio of small whole number to form compounds.(vi) Atoms are neither created nor destroyed."
Price: 19.99

"Atom was considered as the smallest particle up to 19th century. A series of experiments were performed to explore the structure of atom. We shall discuss the structure of an atom and study the characteristics of atomic spectra and chemical properties of various atoms. An atom is made up of three subatomic particle electron, proton & neutrons. These three particle are called fundamental particle of matter.The size of nucleus of atom is very small in which neutron and protons are present so the entire mass of the atom is situated in nucleus. Protons and neutrons present in the nucleus are collectively termed an nucleons. Number of neutrons is called mass number of the element."
Price: 19.99

"CFA Level 1 (2020) Ethical and Professional Standards"
"This course includes:Videos covering each Ethics reading (downloadable)Downloadable Powerpoint slides (in PDF format)144 Ethics practice questions with detailed answers (PDF files)In this course, Prof. James Forgan, PhD, CFA, summarizes each Ethics reading and standard of professional conduct so you can learn or review all of the important concepts from CFA Level 1 Ethical and Professional Standards. James Forjan has taught college-level business classes for over 25 years. Ethical and Professional Standards represents 15 percent of the total CFA L1 exam, so Prof. Forjan will make sure you understand well all of the intricacies related to this chapter.This course also includes 144 practice questions in PDF format from AnalystPrep's mock exams. The answers file includes detailed explanations and the referring LOS. Learn from the #1 rated CFA & FRM preparation institution AnalystPrep.The readings covered in this course are:Reading 1 Ethics and Trust in the Investment ProfessionReading 2 Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional ConductReading 3 Guidance for Standards I-VIIStandard I Professionalism(A) Knowledge of the law(B) Independence and objectivity(C) Misrepresentation(D) MisconductStandard II Integrity of Capital Markets(A) Material non-public information(B) Market manipulationStandard III Duties to Clients and Prospective Clients(A) Loyalty and prudence(B) Fair dealing(C) Suitability(D) Performance presentation(E) Preservation of confidentialityStandard IV Duties to Employers(A) Loyalty(B) Additional compensation arrangements(C) Responsibilities of supervisorsStandard V Investment Analysis, Recommendations, and Action(A) Diligence and Reasonable basis(B) Communication with clients and prospective clients(C) Records retentionStandard VI Conflicts of Interest(A) Disclosure of conflicts(B) Priority of transactions(C) Referral feesStandard VII Responsibilities as a CFA Institute Member or CFA Candidate(A) Conduct as participants in CFA Institute programs(B) Reference to CFA Institute, CFA designation, and CFA programReading 4 Introduction tothe Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)Reading 5 The GIPS Standards"
Price: 149.99

"CFA Level 1 (2020) Quantitative Methods + Practice Questions"
"This course includes:Videos covering each Quantitative Methods reading (downloadable)Downloadable Powerpoint slides (in PDF format)84 Quantitative Methods practice questions with detailed answers (PDF files)In this course, Prof. James Forgan, PhD, CFA, summarizes each Quantitative Methods concept so you can learn or review all of the important mathematical formulas and calculation steps from the CFA Level 1 QM chapter. James Forjan has taught college-level business classes for over 25 years. Ethical and Professional Standards represents 10 percent of the total CFA L1 exam, so Prof. Forjan will make sure you understand well all of the intricacies related to this chapter.This course also includes 95 Quantitative Methods practice questions in PDF format from AnalystPrep's mock exams. The answers file includes detailed explanations and the referring LOS. Learn from the #1 rated CFA & FRM preparation institution AnalystPrep.The readings covered in this course are:Reading 6 The Time Value of MoneyReading 7 Statistical Concepts and Market ReturnsReading 8 Probability ConceptsReading 9 Common Probability DistributionsReading 10 Sampling and EstimationReading 11 Hypothesis Testing"
Price: 149.99

"CFA Level 1 (2020) Economics + Practice Questions"
"This course includes:Videos covering each Economics reading (downloadable)Downloadable Powerpoint slides (in PDF format)97 Economics practice questions with detailed answers (PDF files)In this course, Professor James Forjan teaches you all of the Economics readings from the CFA level 1 curriculum. James Forjan has over 25 years of experience teaching undergraduate and graduate students in universities across the world. For a number of decades, James has created a number of CFA practice questions, mock exams, video lessons and much more for all levels of the CFA Program.This course also includes 97 Economics practice questions in PDF format from AnalystPrep's mock exams. The answers file includes detailed explanations and the referring LOS. Learn from the #1 rated CFA & FRM preparation institution AnalystPrep.The readings covered in this course are:Reading 12 Topics in Demand and Supply AnalysisReading 13 The Firm and Market StructuresReading 14 Aggregate Output, Prices, And Economic GrowthReading 15 Understanding Business CyclesReading 16 Monetary and Fiscal PolicyReading 17 International Trade and Capital FlowsReading 18 Currency Exchange Rates"
Price: 149.99