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"CFA Level 1 (2020) Financial Reporting and Analysis"
"This course includes:Videos covering each Financial Reporting and Analysis reading (downloadable)Downloadable Powerpoint slides (in PDF format)144 Financial Reporting and Analysis practice questions with detailed answers (PDF files)Professor James Forjan has an undergraduate degree in accounting, a Ph.D. in Finance, his CFA charter, and over 25 years of teaching in Business schools across the glove. In this video series, Professor Forjan goes in-depth into all of the concepts and calculations required to pass the Financial Reporting and Analysis portion of the CFA Level 1 exam.This course also includes 144 Financial Reporting and Analysis practice questions in PDF format from AnalystPrep's mock exams. The answers file includes detailed explanations and the referring LOS. Learn from the #1 rated CFA & FRM preparation institution AnalystPrep.The readings covered in this course are:Reading 21 Financial Statement Analysis: An IntroductionReading 22 Financial Reporting StandardsReading 23 Understanding Income StatementsReading 24 Understanding Balance SheetsReading 25 Understanding Cash Flow StatementsReading 26 Financial Analysis TechniquesReading 27 InventoriesReading 28 Long-Lived AssetsReading 29 Income TaxesReading 30 Non-Current (Long-Term) LiabilitiesReading 31 Financial Reporting QualityReading 32 Financial Statement Analysis: Applications"
Price: 149.99

"CFA Level 1 (2020) Corporate Finance + Practice Questions"
"This course includes:Videos covering each Corporate Finance reading (downloadable)Downloadable Powerpoint slides (in PDF format)96 Corporate Finance practice questions with detailed answers (PDF files)In this video series, Professor James Forjan summarizes the CFA Level 1 Corporate Finance chapter. Prof. Forjan currently teaches Corporate Finance classes at U.S. colleges and has taught undergraduate and graduate business classes for over 25 years. All of the important concepts from the CFA Level I Corporate Finance chapter are explained in details and include many questions examples.This course also includes 96 Corporate Finance practice questions in PDF format from AnalystPrep's mock exams. The answers file includes detailed explanations and the referring LOS. Learn from the #1 rated CFA & FRM preparation institution AnalystPrep.The readings covered in this course are:Reading 31 Corporate Governance and ESG: An IntroductionReading 32 Capital BudgetingReading 33 Cost of CapitalReading 34 Measures of LeverageReading 35 Working Capital Management"
Price: 149.99

"CFA Level 1 (2020) Portfolio Management + Practice Questions"
"This course includes:Videos covering each Portfolio Management reading (downloadable)Downloadable Powerpoint slides (in PDF format)56 Portfolio Management practice questions with detailed answers (PDF files)In this video series, Professor James Forjan summarizes the CFA Level 1 Portfolio Management chapter. Prof. Forjan has taught undergraduate and graduate business classes for over 25 years and is a co-author on investments books. All of the important concepts from the CFA Level I Portfolio Management chapter are explained in details and include many questions examples.This course also includes 56 Portfolio Management practice questions in PDF format from AnalystPrep's mock exams. The answers file includes detailed explanations and the referring LOS. Learn from the #1 rated CFA & FRM preparation institution AnalystPrep.The readings covered in this course are:Reading 51 Portfolio Management: An OverviewReading 52 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part IReading 53 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part IIReading 54 Basics of Portfolio Planning and ConstructionReading 55 Risk Management: An IntroductionReading 56 Technical AnalysisReading 57 Fintech in Investment Management"
Price: 149.99

"CFA Level 1 (2020) Equity Investments + Practice Questions"
"This course includes:Videos covering each Equity Investments reading (downloadable)Downloadable Powerpoint slides (in PDF format)111 Equity Investments practice questions with detailed answers (PDF files)In this video series, Professor James Forjan summarizes the CFA Level 1 Equity Investments chapter. Prof. Forjan has taught undergraduate and graduate business classes for over 25 years and is a co-author on investments books. All of the important concepts from the CFA Level I Portfolio Management chapter are explained in details and include many questions examples.This course also includes 111 Equity Investments practice questions in PDF format from AnalystPrep's mock exams. The answers file includes detailed explanations and the referring LOS. Learn from the #1 rated CFA & FRM preparation institution AnalystPrep.The readings covered in this course are:Reading 36 Market Organization and StructureReading 37 Security Market IndicesReading 38 Market EfficiencyReading 39 Overview of Equity SecuritiesReading 40 Introduction to Industry and Company AnalysisReading 41 Equity Valuation: Concepts and Basic Tools"
Price: 149.99

"CFA Level 1 (2020) Fixed Income, Derivatives & Alternatives"
"This course includes:Videos covering each Fixed Income, Derivatives, and Alternative Investments reading (downloadable)Downloadable Powerpoint slides (in PDF format)217 Fixed Income, Derivatives, and Alternative Investments practice questions with detailed answers (PDF files)In this video series, Professor James Forjan summarizes the CFA Level 1 Fixed Income, Derivatives, and Alternative Investments chapters. Prof. Forjan has taught undergraduate and graduate business classes for over 25 years and is a co-author of investment books. All of the important concepts from the CFA Level I Fixed Income, Derivatives, and Alternative Investments chapters are explained in details and each video includes many questions examples.This course also includes 217 Fixed Income, Derivatives, and Alternative Investments practice questions in PDF format from AnalystPrep's mock exams. The answers file includes detailed explanations and the referring LOS. Learn from the #1 rated CFA & FRM preparation institution AnalystPrep.The readings covered in this course are:Reading 42 Fixed-Income Securities: Defining ElementsReading 43 Fixed-Income Markets: Issuance, Trading and FundingReading 44 Introduction to Fixed-Income ValuationReading 45 Introduction to Asset-Backed SecuritiesReading 46 Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and ReturnReading 47 Fundamentals of Credit AnalysisReading 48 Derivative Markets and InstrumentsReading 49 Basics of Derivative Pricing and ValuationReading 50 Introduction to Alternative Investments"
Price: 149.99

"FRM Part 1 (2019) - Book 1 - Foundations of Risk Management"
"In this course, Prof. James Forgan, PhD, summarizes each chapter from the Foundations of Risk Management book so you can learn or review all of the important concepts for your FRM part 1 exam. James Forjan has taught college-level business classes for over 25 years. This course includes the following chapters:1. Risk Management: A Helicopter View2. Corporate Risk Management: A Primer3. Corporate Governance and Risk Management4. What is ERM?5. Risk Management, Governance, Culture, and Risk Taking in Banks6. Financial Disasters7. Deciphering the Liquidity and Credit Crunch of 2007-20088. Getting Up to Speed on the Financial Crisis9. Risk Management Failures10. The Standard Capital Asset Pricing Model11. Applying the CAPM to Performance Measurement12. Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return13. Principles for Effective Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting14. GARP Code of Conduct"
Price: 34.99

"FRM Part 1 (2019) - Book 2 - Quantitative Analysis"
"In this course, Prof. James Forgan, PhD, summarizes each chapter from the Quantitative Analysis book so you can learn or review all of the important concepts for your FRM part 1 exam. James Forjan has taught college-level business classes for over 25 years. This course includes the following chapters:1. Probabilities2. Basic Statistics3. Distributions4. Bayesian Analysis5. Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals6. Linear Regression with One Regressor7. Regression with a Single Regressor8. Linear Regressions with Multiple Regressors9. Hypothesis Tests and Confidence Interval in Multiple Regression10. Modeling and Forecasting Trend11. Modeling and Forecasting Seasonality12. Characterizing Cycles13. Modeling Cycles: MA, AR, and ARMA Models14. Volatility15. Correlations and Copulas16. Simulation Methods"
Price: 34.99

"FRM Part 1 - Book 3 - Financial Markets and Products (1/2)"
"In this course, Prof. James Forgan, PhD, summarizes the first 10 chapters from the Financial Markets and Products book so you can learn or review all of the important concepts for your FRM part 1 exam. James Forjan has taught college-level business classes for over 25 years. This course includes the following chapters:1. Banks2. Insurance Companies and Pension Plans3. Mutual Funds and Hedge Funds4. Introduction Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives5. Mechanics of Futures Markets6. Hedging Strategies using Futures7. Interest Rates8. Determination of Forward and Future Prices9. Interest Rate Futures10. SWAPS"
Price: 24.99

"FRM Part 1 - Book 3 - Financial Markets and Products (2/2)"
"In this course, Prof. James Forgan, PhD, summarizes the last 11 chapters from the Financial Markets and Products book so you can learn or review all of the important concepts for your FRM part 1 exam. James Forjan has taught college-level business classes for over 25 years. This course includes the following chapters:11. Mechanics of Options Markets12. Properties of Stock Options13. Trading Strategies involving Options14. Exotic Options15. Commodity Forwards and Futures16. Exchanges, OTC Derivatives, DPCs and SPVs17. Basic Principles of Central Clearing18. Risks Caused by CCPs: Risks Faced by CCPs19. Foreign Exchange Risk20. Corporate Bonds21. Mortgages and Mortgage-backed Securities"
Price: 24.99

"FRM Part 1 - Book 4 - Valuation and Risk Models (Part 1/2)"
"In this course, Prof. James Forgan, PhD, summarizes the first 9 chapters from the Valuation and Risk Models book so you can learn or review all of the important concepts for your FRM part 1 exam. James Forjan has taught college-level business classes for over 25 years. This course includes the following chapters:1. Quantifying Volatility in VaR Models2. Putting VaR to Work3. Measures of Financial Risk4. Binomial Trees5. The Black-Scholes-Merton Model6. The Greek Letters7. Prices, Discount Factors, and Arbitrage8. Spot, Forward, and Par Rates9. Returns, Spreads, and Yields"
Price: 24.99

"FRM Part 1 - Book 4 - Valuation and Risk Models (Part 2/2)"
"In this course, Prof. James Forgan, PhD, summarizes the last 9 chapters from the Valuation and Risk Models book so you can learn or review all of the important concepts for your FRM part 1 exam. James Forjan has taught college-level business classes for over 25 years. This course includes the following chapters:9. Returns, Spreads, and Yields10. One-Factor Risk Metrics and Hedges11. Multi-Factors Risk Metrics and Hedges12. Country Risk: Determinants, Measures and Implications13. External and Internal Ratings14. Capital Structure in Banks15. Operational Risk16. Governance and Stress Testing17. Stress-Testing and other Risk Management Tools18. Principles for Sound Stress Testing Practices and Supervision"
Price: 24.99

"Laravel 6 File Storage - Crer une galerie d'images"
"Dans cette formation Laravel 6 en vido, vous apprendrez vous servir du systme de File Storage de Laravel au travers de la cration d'une application de galerie photos.A la fin de cette formation, vous serez capable de mettre en place un formulaire d'upload, de valider les donnes postes via ce formulaire et de les insrer en base de donnes.Vous serez galement capable de redimensionner des images en gardant leur ratio, c'est dire sans les couper ni les dformer par rapport l'image d'origine, vous saurez galement rcuprer les dimensions, ainsi que le poids des images, puis leur chemin et leur URL.Vous saurez comment mettre en place la possibilit de tlcharger une image en cliquant sur un bouton, et vous saurez aussi comment les supprimer du serveur et de la base de donnes.Nous aborderons galement une partie Javascript dans laquelle vous apprendrez utiliser Laravel Mix afin de minifier et versionner vos fichiers Javascript, et installer des dpendances Javascript l'aide de NPM ou Yarn.Vous utiliserez le client HTTP Axios, afin d'uploader vos fichiers en AJAX et d'implmenter une progress bar indiquant la progression d'upload du fichier en temps rel. Vous serez aussi capable de grer les erreurs et de les afficher en fonction des codes HTTP renvoys par le serveur.Enfin, pour finir, vous verrez comme il est facile de mettre en place une Lightbox afin d'apporter un plus vos visiteurs.Cette formation s'adresse tous les dveloppeur dbutants ou non, qui dsirent savoir comment utiliser le systme de Storage de Laravel 6.Je vous souhaite une bonne formation, je reste disponible pour rpondre vos ventuelles questions."
Price: 59.99

"Rckenschulkurs ""Schmerzfrei Basic "" Rckentraining"
"Schmerzfrei Basic 8 ist ein Online Rckenschulkurs und damit einzigartig auf dem Markt.Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle Menschen, vor allem aber an Menschen mittleren Alters, weil gerade in diesem Alter die meisten Rckenschmerzen und Bandscheibenvorflle auftreten.Um aber gerade diesen Problemen vorzubeugen und sich lstige Rckenschmerzen oder im schlimmsten Fall einen Bandscheibenvorfall zu ersparen, sollte eigentlich JEDER mal einen Rckenschulkurs prventiv machen.Gerade viele Jugendliche haben schon eine so schlechte Haltung, das fr sie eine Rckenschule dringend angeraten wre, um zuknftige Beschwerden noch rechtzeitig in den Griff zu bekommen.Im Schmerzfrei Basic 8 lernen Sie nicht nur die richtigen bungen um Ihren Rcken und Bauchmuskeln gezielt und trotzdem schonend zu strken, wir zeigen Euch auch tolle bungen fr alle anderen Muskelgruppen die eventuell fr Eure Rckenschmerzen verantwortlich sind.Das wird nmlich in der Regel vergessen. Wie oft sind verkrzte Beinmuskeln, sei es der Quadrizeps oder der Beinbizeps, selbst die Adduktoren oder gar Waden knnen die Ursache von Rckenschmerzen seinUm eben dieses auszuschlieen bzw. diese Problematik zu beheben gehen wir in unserem Online Kurs ""Schmerzfrei Basic 8"" auch darauf ganz gezielt ein.Ebenso fhren verkrzte Hftlendenmuskeln ( Ilopsoas ) dazu das wir ein verstrktes Hohlkreuz haben.Da bereits circa jeder zweite Mensch ein anatomisch zu stark ausgeprgtes Hohlkreuz hat, fhrt ein verkrzter Hftlendenmuskel dazu diese Fehlstellung noch weiter zu verstrken.Auch dieses Problem wird von uns gezielt angegangen um eben diese Verstrkung der Fehlhaltung zu vermeiden und sogar im Rahmen des mglichen zu verbessern.Genauso wichtig wie die Krftigung , Strkung und Dehnung der Muskulatur ist uns auch die Mobilisation der einzelnen Wirbelsulenabschnitte.Hier zeigen wir Euch wie man ganz gezielt die einzelnen Wirbelsulenabschnitte mobilisiert.Schmerzfrei Basic 8 trainieren Sie gezielt und damit effektiv die einzelnen Partien Ihrer Wirbelsule. Von der Halswirbelsule ber die Brustwirbelsule bis hin zur Lendenwirbelsule.Gerade dies Isolationsbungen fr die einzelnen Wirbelsulenabschnitte sind soooo wichtig und werden leider viel zu selten vermittelt.Als dritten und letzten aber ganz elementaren Punkt haben wir fr Euch die Verhaltensschulung fr den Alltag auf dem Programm.Dafr haben wir uns auch viel Zeit genommen.Denn nur wenn Ihr bereit seid auch die Fehler des Alltags abzustellen bzw. mindestens zu minimieren, steigert Ihr erheblich die Chance, dauerhaft Eure Rckenbeschwerden zu beheben bzw. erst gar keine zu bekommen.Wie Ihr seht haben wir hier einen Hammer Kurs fr Euch aufgelegt, der nach neuesten medizinischen und wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen erstellt wurde.Dieser Kurs macht nicht nur viel Spa sondern trgt vor allem dazu bei Eure Lebensqualitt wieder erheblich zu steigern, bzw. trgt prventiv dazu bei das sie erst gar nicht in Mitleidenschaft gezogen wird.Jetzt liegt es nur noch an Euch den Weg in eine dauerhafte schmerzfreiere Zukunft in Angriff zu nehmen."
Price: 34.99

"Selenium Tutorial Adv. Framework for beginners & Experienced"
"Hello Folks!Welcome to the course.The audience of this course are manual testers, freshers & automation testers who are willing to brush up their automation skills.Many training programs in market teach more concepts than what is expected which may lead the student to confusion. In this course you get trained with the right concepts with framework which enables you to jump-start coding, quickly.The purpose of this course is to help manual testers and freshers to jump start their career in test automation within short duration.This course offers the Page object model Selenium Framework that you can download. And this course will offer you the video lectures of how to use the framework , how to write test case step - by - step.This framework comes with the following features,SeleniumMany of java concepts required to answer in interviewsinheritanceMethod overloading and method overridingConstructor and Constructor overloadingJava coding standardsJava CollectionsSingleton approach for webdriver instance etc.,Excel data readingDatabase connectivityWebservices testing [coming soon....]HTML ReportsLogger file generationMaven ProjectTestNGReal-time test process of manual testing and automation testingNote: The framework gets an update whenever needed."
Price: 19.99

"On-premise Kubernetes clusters with RKE and vSphere (ESXI)"
"In this video course I'll walk you through the easiest and most affordable way to deploy Kubernetes clusters on-premise. We'll talk about deploying, maintaining and troubleshooting your Rancher Kubernetes cluster.While not being boring for experienced Kubernetes administrators, this course is easy enough for beginners and ideal for developers looking to build a Kubernetes cluster without a lot of knowledge about infrastructure."
Price: 34.99

"AWS Networking in depth: Learn practically in 7 hours"
"This course aims to build the complete understanding of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Networking from ground up where students will understand the networking core concepts by doing exercises on their own.This course contains 2 sections. First section is about Understanding AWS Networking where I have explained starting from very basics the AWS VPC, VPC components and Private connectivity options in AWS . If you are already aware of AWS networking components, then you may want to skip this section and jump directly to hands on exercises section.1. Understanding AWS Networking in depthPhysical on premises networking vs AWS VPCGetting familiar with AWS VPC terminologies - VPC, Subnets, Route tables, Internet Gateway, Security Group, Network ACLUnderstanding VPC CIDRUnderstanding Subnets and Route TablesPublic Subnet vs Private SubnetUnderstanding NAT (Network Address Translation) ConceptNAT Gateway and NAT instanceAWS Private Connectivity optionsUnderstanding VPC PeeringVPC Endpoint and Privatelink for private connectivity to AWS ServicesVPN connection / Direct ConnectTransit VPCTransit Gateway2. AWS Networking Hands on exercises (Basics to Advance)Create VPC with single public subnet, launch EC2 instance and connect over internetCreate VPC with Pubic and Private subnet, connect to EC2 instance in Private subnet via EC2 instance in Public subnetCreate NAT Gateway and allow EC2 instances in Private subnet to access internet through NAT GatewayCreate and use NAT EC2 instance instead of NAT GatewayCreate VPC Peering between VPCs across AWS regions and connect to EC2 instance over private IP by using VPC peering connectionCreate VPC endpoint gateway for S3 and access S3 contents from EC2 instance in Private subnet without requiring internet connectionCreate and use VPC Private Link to expose your Web service privately to application hosted in another VPCImplement AWS region level failover using AWS Route53Hosting website on S3 using custom domain name from GoDaddyHosting HTTPS enabled website using S3 and CloudFrontAdvanced Networking: Setup Site-To-Site VPN between AWS VPC and simulated on-premise networkAdvanced Networking: Setup AWS and Google Site to Site VPN using Dynamic BGP RoutingTransit Gateway - Setup communication between multiple VPCs and On-premise networkAdditional exercises:Application Load Balancer - distribute traffic to backend EC2 instancesEnable Sticky session on ALBEnable HTTPS on Application Load BalancerALB Path based Routing"
Price: 99.99

"Python Programming MADE EASY"
"Yes, Python developers are in high-demand !They are also amongst the highest-paid software developers today, earning an average income of $150,000 a year !The Python language is EASY to learn, yet very POWERFUL.YouTube, Dropbox, Google, Instagram, Spotify, Reddit, Netflix, Pinterest - they are all developed using Python.Learning Python opens up the possibilities of a whole new career in Data Science.The course is presented in an easy to follow format with animation and graphics.I put in my very BEST to make it as easy to understand as possible for EVERYONE !There will be no quizzes, no assignments, no exercises, no printable resources. These are too academic. The focus in this course is to reinforce the concepts through interesting video presentations.This is a hands-on course which provides the student with step-by-step guidance in coding Python programs, explaining the syntax and concepts behind every piece of code that is shown. Variables, Data Structures, Algorithms, Control Structures, Functions, and Language Syntax, and more, are all taught in this course.For the benefit of those who are new to programming, there is a video on what programming is all about.This course does not use Udemy's auto-generated English closed-captions. Instead, I provide my own ""precise"" English closed-captions /subtitles.There are no prerequisites for this course.This is a foundation course in Python that does not assume any knowledge of programming.This course DOES NOT CLAIM to teach everything, just as no other courses can ever teach you everything you need to know about Python.The main purpose of this course is to ensure students MASTER the essential concepts of the Python language so that they will begin to LOVE the language.This course wants you to be inspired to learn Python.Come on and join me in my lesson ...So let's get started !... Cheers and Happy Learning !"
Price: 19.99

"Temel Elektrik Elektronik Robotik Kodlama Pc Parsic Eitimi"
"Bu egitimde parsic ile daha kolay daha hzl bir programlama ilemi yaplabilir anlk olarak zamandan kazan saglanabilir hatta projelerinizi tasarm aamasndayken bile almasn grebilirsiniz Hi bir kod yazmadan sadece grsel olarak srkle brak ile istediginiz projeleri daha kolay ve hzl bir ekilde yapmak parsic ile mmkn, sizde parsic ile tansn ve bu programn size sunacag rahatl kefedin."
Price: 59.99

"Performance Mgt : PM (F5) ACCA CommerceACCAClassesCost"
"ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the global body for professional accountants.The syllabus for Performance Management (PM), builds on the knowledge gained in Management Accounting (MA) and seeks to examine candidates understanding of how to manage the performance of a business. It also prepares candidates for more specialist capabilities which are covered in Advanced Performance Management (APM). The syllabus begins by focusing on the information needs, technologies and systems required by organisations to manage and measure performance in the modern, competitive environment. It is vital for an accountant to understand how information systems and developments in technology influence the management accounting techniques employed and how vital information systems are in the mechanisms of managing and controlling an organisation. The syllabus then introduces more specialised costing and management accounting topics. There is some knowledge assumed from Management Accounting (MA) primarily overhead treatments. The objective here is to ensure candidates have a broader background in management accounting techniques. The syllabus then considers decision making. Candidates need to appreciate the problems surrounding scarce resource, pricing and make-or-buy decisions, and how this relates to the assessment of performance. Risk and uncertainty are a factor of real-life decisions and candidates need to understand risk and be able to apply some basic methods to help resolve the risks inherent in decision-making.Budgeting is an important aspect of many accountants lives. The syllabus explores different budgeting techniques and the problems inherent in them. The behavioural aspects of budgeting are important for accountants to understand, and the syllabus includes consideration of the way individuals react to a budget. The preparation of fixed, flexible and incremental budgets is assumed knowledge from Management Accounting (MA).Standard costing and variances are then built on. All the variances examined in Management Accounting (MA) are assumed knowledge in Performance Management (PM). Mix and yield variances, and planning and operational variances are explored here and the link is made to performance management. It is important for accountants to be able to interpret the numbers that they calculate and ask what they mean in the context of performance.The syllabus concludes with performance measurement and control. This is a major area of the syllabus. Accountants should appreciate the importance of both financial and nonfinancial performance measures in management and should also appreciate the difficulties in assessing performance in divisionalised businesses and the problems caused by failing to consider external influences on performance. This section leads directly to Advanced Performance Management (APM)."
Price: 1920.00

"Microsoft Excel - From Beginner to Advanced User"
"Microsoft Excel is the most used application in Business today but unfortunately the majority of users either only know how to do a few basic formulas or simply dread having to use spreadsheets... and that is where I come in.My name is Ben and having worked as an Excel Analyst in the City of London for 10 years Iwant to share with you the experience and tips I have learnt. So whether you are a complete beginner or wanting to further your existing knowledge, this course will start from scratch and take you through the formulas, functions and even ""tips and tricks"" required to make you an advanced user. Excel really shouldn't be feared and you will soon see just how easy and straight-forward it really is!Take this course and see for yourself what you can achieve!...oh and don't forget to let us know about all the amazing feedback you receive from your co-workers once you put the content from this course to use!Ben"
Price: 44.99

"Beauty of Vedic Speed Mathematics"
"Vedic Speed Mathematics is a collection of simple one liner formulas to solve mathematical problems in easy and faster way. It is Very Simple, Efficient, Fast, Coherent, Flexible, Original & Straight Forward. It is Amazingly Compact and Powerful System of Calculation. India's next gift to the world could be Vedic Speed Mathematics. You can solve mathematical problems in just few seconds. Students just loves it."
Price: 1280.00

"Curso - Operao Bsica De Drones"
"Nesse curso voc dar seus primeiros passos para os primeiros voos com o seu drone, abordaremos assuntos importantes para maior segurana e tranquilidade.Esse curso est dividido entre teoria e prtica. Na parte terica voc vai aprender sobre a regulamentao no Brasil e os documentos necessrio para que voc esteja de acordo com a nova regulamentao. Conhecer algumas funcionalidades e configuraes necessrias para o primeiro voo, vamos falar tambm sobre condies de voo, segurana das baterias, checklist para o primeiro voo e muito mais, confira nosso contedo programtico abaixo.Curso excelente para amantes da Tecnologia em geral e profissionais que buscam uma nova oportunidade em um mercado totalmente em ascenso."
Price: 399.99

"JavaServer Faces"
"""Das Internet ist eine Spielerei fr Computerfreaks. Wir sehen darin keine Zukunft."" - Ron SommerDa hat sich der ehemalige Telekom-Chef RonSommer im Jahr 1990 leicht getuscht. Das Internet ist inzwischen allgegenwrtig und man kann mit Fug und Recht behaupten, dass es die grte Revolution der Menschheitsgeschichte darstellt. Es hat unser Leben stark verndert und noch immer ist kein Ende abzusehen - eher im Gegenteil. Das spannendste drfte uns noch bevor stehen.Deswegen wird es auch immer wichtiger, dass man Programme fr das Internet schreiben kann. Zahlreiche Frameworks haben sich entwickelt, die es ermglichen, mit der Programmiersprache serverseitige Java Programme zu schreiben, die dynamische Internetseiten anzeigen. JavaServerFaces (JSF) ist ein solches Framework, das zu dem offiziellen JavaEE-Standard (Java Enterprise Edition) gehrt. Es soll die Entwicklung groer webbasierter Unternehmensanwendugen ermglichen. Dabei geht JSF den Weg, dass die Vermischung von Java- und HTML-Code vermieden werden soll. Auerdem mchte JSFdem Programmierer viel 0815-Arbeit abnehmen und die Schwierigkeiten bei der Entwicklung von Web-Anwendungen mglichst vor ihm verbergen. In diesem Kurs sollst du dieses sehr mchtige Java-Framework in all seinenFacetten kennenlernen. Wir starten bei den absoluten Grundlagen und arbeiten uns dann immer weiter in die Tiefen desFrameworks vor. Ich zeige dir neben den grundlegenden Bausteinen, den ManagedBeans, die Datenvalidierung, Konvertierung, Listener, auerdem den Templating-Mechanismus, der die Wiederverwendbarkeit von Teilen der Webseite erhht, und vieles mehr. AmEnde schreiben wir zusammen ein groes Programm, in dem alle Inhalte noch einmal vorkommen. So entsteht vor deinen Augen eine relativ groe Anwendung, die alles miteinander verbindet. Neben den Videos gehren zu dem Kurs noch weitere Materialien:Du erhlst Folienstze als pdf, mit denen du die Inhalte noch einmal wiederholen kannst. In den Videos programmiere ich meistens und arbeite wenig mit den Folien, aber die Folien enthalten noch einmal alle wichtigen Informationen zusammengefasst frs Wiederholen und schnelle Nachschlagen. Auerdem stelle ich dir natrlich smtlichen Quellcode aller Beispiele zur Verfgung, damit du sofort loslegen kannst. Einige Quizes und bungen vervollstndigen den Kurs. Neben dem eigentlichen Thema JavaServer Faces zeige ich dir noch die Grundlagen des Servers GlassFish, der die Referenzimplementierung von JavaEEist, und die wichtigstenElemente vonCDI - ein Bestandteil von JavaEE, der inzwischen zusammen mit JSF verwendet werden kann. Auerdem ist es mir ein Herzensanliegen, auch ein wenig ber eine gute Architektur fr Web-Anwendungen zu sprechen, die ich dann in dem groen abschlieenden Beispiel auch realisieren werde. Als IDEverwende ich Eclipse, aber es ist dir natrlich freigestellt, eine andere IDEzu verwenden. Jede grere IDEsollte hnliche Funktionen anbieten wie ich sie dir in Eclipse zeige."
Price: 49.99

"Datenbanken und SQL"
"""Auch mit Bezug auf den berflu an Informationen, leben wir heute in einer berflugesellschaft."" -- Willy Meurer (1934 - 2018), deutsch-kanadischer Kaufmann, Aphoristiker und Publizist, M.H.R. (Member of the Human Race), TorontoSpeichern und Verwalten von groen Datenmengen ist in aller Munde. Ob nun Schler verwaltet werden, Kunden oder irgendwelche Lagerbestnde - es ist ganz wichtig, dass man schnell und flexibel die Daten verwalten und auswerten kann. Die beste Mglichkeit dafr sind Datenbanken. Sie speichern groe Datenbanken so, dass ein Computer sie schnell und effizient auswerten und verarbeiten kann. Doch es gengt nicht, eine Datenbank aufzubauen. Die Daten mssen auch so strukturiert werden, damit ein Computer sie auswerten kann. Man kann der Maschine das Leben auch unntig schwer machen. Aus diesem Grund sind einige theoretische Kenntnisse ber Datenbanken notwendig, bevor man richtig los legt. Denn nur eine gut durchdachte Datenbank kann auch den hohen Anforderungen stand halten, die heutzutage an die Datenverwaltung gestellt werden.Nachdem wir uns mit der Planung einer guten Datenbank beschftigt haben, starten wir auch schon mit SQL durch. Dieser Kurs beschftigt sich mit allen wichtigen Themen aus der SQL-Welt. Als Datenbanksystem werden MariaDB und MySQL verwendet. Zustzlich zu den Videos gibt es zahlreiche Folienstze mit vielen Informationen und bungen, mit denen Sie das Gelernte vertiefen knnen, damit es richtig sitzt."
Price: 49.99

"Curso Exame de Suficincia do CFC - Contadores"
"Resoluo elucidativa e detalhada das questes dos Exames de Suficincia de Contabilidade para Nvel Superior realizadas pelo Conselho Federal de Contabilidade no ano de 2018. Este curso prepara os seus alunos para realizao do exame e auxilia muito a conquista da aprovao na prova do exame e a definitiva conquista do registro no Conselho Regional de Contabilidade (CRC). Observao Importante: No foram resolvidas as questes de Portugus, Estatstica e tambm as questes anuladas por recursos nas provas."
Price: 174.99

"ISTQB Nivel Bsico - Examenes prcticos en Espaol"
"Ests listo para aprobar el examen de certificacin ISTQB Foundation Level? Descbrelo probndote con estas pruebas de prctica.Las pruebas de prctica brindan una gran cantidad de preguntas para el examen, lo que le permite confirmar su dominio y le brinda la confianza que necesitar para tomar el examen final de certificacin ISTQB Foundation Level.Las pruebas de prctica estn cronometradas, por lo que sabr cundo est tomando ms tiempo del que permite el ISTQB, y al final de la prueba recibir un desglose personal de las preguntas que respondi correcta e incorrectamente para ayudarlo a mejorar continuamente. Tambin podr ver una explicacin de cada pregunta al final de la prueba para ayudarlo a evitar cometer los mismos errores al realizar el examen.Hay muchas preguntas en la web que estn desactualizadas o mal contestadas. Estoy tratando de filtrar todas esas preguntas y proporcionarte una buena herramienta para practicar el examen similar al examen de la vida real tanto como sea posible.El resultado que obtiene despus de completar el examen de prctica ""ISTQB Software Testing Foundation Level"" es solo para evaluar sus conocimientos de pruebas y no debe tomarse como una indicacin del resultado del examen real."
Price: 19.99

"Kotlin from Zero to Hero - Bahasa Indonesia"
"Kursus Kotlin from zero to hero ini adalah isi rangkuman dari buku kotlin from zero to hero terbitan udacoding. Diharapakan dengan adanya kursus berupa video ini, semakin memudahkan pembaca didalam memahami isi dari buku tersebut. Kursus ini membantu anda untuk belajar bahasa pemrograman kotlin untuk mengembangkan aplikasi mobile dari dasar hingga mahir. Kursus ini sangat cocok bagi anda yang ingin mendalami bahasa pemrograman kotlin."
Price: 280000.00

"Happy Flutter- Membuat Aplikasi Android dan iOS jadi Gampang"
"Kursus ini merupakan kursus Bagian I dari Happy Flutter, untuk bagian Ke 2 Bisa cek di Kursus Udacoding Lainnya yang bertema Happy Flutter - Sport News Flutter.Video ini merupakan versi video dari buku Happy Flutter yang di buat oleh Team Udaocoding. Kursus ini sangat berguna bagi anda yang ingin belajar flutter dari dasar . Materi yang dibahas pada kursus ini adalah mulai dari pengenalan tentang flutter, movie apps,penggunaan gambar pada flutter hingga pembuatan apk aplikasi"
Price: 490000.00

"Happy Flutter - Sport News Apps Flutter"
"This course video exactly is the second part of our happy flutter video. In this part, we will learn about Passing Data Value, Return Data, Design Database Mysql, Webservice JSON (Java Script Object Notation), and then make Apps News Sport with Webservice JSONdan Database MySQL (Client Server Concept in Flutter)."
Price: 350000.00

"Membuat Aplikasi iOS dengan Mudah Menggunakan SWIFT & Xcode"
"Kursus Membuat APlikasi IOS dengan Mudah menggunakan SWIFT & XCODEPengisi Content : M Frizar FadhillahMobile Developer at UdacodingPada Kursus ini akan mempelajari tentang cara membuat aplikasi aplikasi dengan menggunakan Xcode dan Bahasa Pemrograman Swift.Kursus ini berbahasa indonesia dan akan mempelajari tentang dasar-dasar bahasa pemrograman swift. Materi yang di ajarkan di antaranya :Cara install Xcode pada mac os, perbedaan Swift dengan Objective C, Pengunaan String pada Swift, OOP pada Swift, dan materi menarik lainnya."
Price: 490000.00