"The Empowered & Equipped EMPATH" |
"Empaths are highly sensitive and have the ability to be finely tuned instruments for emotions experiencing the world though intuition. Naturally giving and excellent listeners, empaths are world-class nurturers!My Intention of this course : Increase your ability to sense subtle energy in yourself, in otherpeople and the environment. Enhance your understanding of the gifts we have all been given Shield yourself from negative energy and people in your environment Develop the ability to remove dense or negative energy in yourself"
Price: 39.99 |
"Automao de Testes para Mobile para Iniciantes" |
"Uma introduo sobre as ferramentas ROBOT Framework, APPIUM e Genymotion ser mostrado detalhadamente. O objetivo desse curso mostrar como o funcionamento e configurao do ambiente para testes mobile usando essas 3 ferramentas citadas. O curso ir auxiliar voc a ter um conhecimento geral na rea de testes para mobile, ser disponibilizado manuais e exemplos completos para seus estudos."
Price: 29.99 |
"Introduction to MongoDB for Data Analytics" |
"In this course, we'll begin by covering the basics of MongoDB and the key differences between NoSQL and SQL to help you build an intuitive understanding of foundational concepts for the course. This will be followed by engaging practical exercises to help you understand how to use database operations in the Mongo Shell.You'll then move on to designing your own database to store data for a blogging website, exploring how different data structures can be best-suited to solve different problems depending on the use case. Finally, we'll move on to data analysis. You'll use filtering, projection, sorting, and querying complex data structures to extract actionable insights from real world datasets. You'll build these skills through a blogging website case study and then apply them on an E-Commerce data analysis challenge."
Price: 199.99 |
"Basic cathodic protection - Proteccion catdica Basica" |
"Nivel 1 proteccion catodica. El curso basico contempla 11 modulos lo cual dara las bases necesarias para la formacion profesional en el area del control contra la corrosion.Curso dirigido a estudiantes, aprendices, ingenieros que comienzan en el mundo de la corrosion.Todos los casos que se presentaran en dicho curso son de las experiencias adquiridas a lo largo de mi trayectoria en este emocionante mundo en done sin lugar a dudas todos los dias se aprende algo nuevo."
Price: 199.99 |
"Este curso se enfoca en los principios y procedimientos para el diseo de proteccin catdica en una variedad de estructuras de los sistemas actuales, tanto galvnica como de corriente impresa. El curso aborda los conceptos tericos tras el diseo y las consideraciones que influyen en el diseo (medio ambiente, la estructura tipo o materiales de construccin, revestimientos), los factores de diseo y clculos (incluyendo atenuacin).Dirigido a apendices, tecnicos, ingenieros, supervisores, custodios de instalaciones que desean adentrarse al mundo del Conttrol Contra la Corrosion.Si deseas evitar los daos y perdidas que causa la corrosion entonces este curso es para ti."
Price: 199.99 |
"Redaccion y estructura de Informe Tecnico en la industria" |
"TABLA DE CONTENIDORESUMEN EJECUTIVO 1 INTRODUCCIN 2 OBJETIVOS 2.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECFICOS 3 DOCUMENTOS Y NORMAS TCNICAS APLICABLES 4 EQUIPOS UTILIZADOS 4.1 INTERRUPTORES DE CORRIENTE 4.2 MEDIDOR DE ATMSFERAS 4.3 EQUIPO PARA INSPECCIN DEL ESPESOR DE TUBERIA 4.4 PINZA VOLTIAMPERIMTRICA 4.5 MULTMETRO DIGITAL 4.6 HERRAMIENTA COMPLEMENTARIA 5 DESCRIPCIN DEL SISTEMA DE PROTECCIN CATDICA INSTALADO 5.1 LECHO ANDICO 5.2 CONEXIN ELCTRICA 5.2.1 Cable Negativo 5.2.2 Cable Positivo 5.2.3 Caja de conexiones 5.2.4 Rectificador 5.2.5 Puentes elctricos. 5.2.6 Puentes elctricos complementarios. 5.3 ESTACIONES DE MONITOREO. 6 INSTALACIN 6.1 LECHO ANDICO 6.1.1 Perforacin. 6.1.2 Excavacin manual. 6.1.3 Instalacin caja de positivos. 6.1.4 Soldadura exotrmica. 6.1.5 Instalacin de unidad rectificadora. 7 PUESTA EN MARCHA DEL SISTEMA 7.1 DATOS NOMINALES DEL RECTIFICADOR 7.2 PRUEBA EN VACO DEL RECTIFICADOR 7.3 PUESTA EN OPERACIN DEL SISTEMA 7.4 CALIBRACIN DEL SISTEMA DE PROTECCIN CATDICA 7.5 DATOS OPERACIONALES DEL SPC 7.5.1 Datos operativos de la URPC. 7.5.2 Datos operativos caja de positivos. 7.5.3 Datos estaciones de monitoreo. 8 LISTADO DE MATERIALES 9 CONCLUSIONES 10 RECOMENDACIONES 11 ANEXOS LISTADO DE ILUSTRACIONESIlustracin 1. Esquema general de lecho andico instalado. Ilustracin 2. Esquema general caja de positivos. Ilustracin 3. Puentes elctricos instalados en XXXXX. Ilustracin 4. Excavacin y relleno para inicio de perforacin. Ilustracin 5. Adecuacin para instalacin de piscina. Ilustracin 6. Adecuacin para la circulacin de lodos. Ilustracin 7. Anclaje e izaje de carga. Ilustracin 8.Inicio de perforacin. Ilustracin 9. Ampliacin de perforacin con broca de XX. Ilustracin 10. Aditamento durante prueba de verticalidad. Ilustracin 11. Resultado prueba de verticalidad. Ilustracin 12. Excavacin entre cabeza de pozo y caja de conexiones positivas. Ilustracin 13. Excavacin entre caja de conexiones positivas y unidad rectificadora. Ilustracin 14. Excavacin para tendido de cables negativos. Ilustracin 15. Excavacin para soldadura de cables negativos. Ilustracin 16. Excavacin para puente elctrico en XXXX. Ilustracin 17. Excavacin para puente elctrico en XXXXX. Ilustracin 18. Excavacin para puente elctrico en XXXXXX. Ilustracin 19. Excavacin para puente elctrico en XXXX tubera de X. Ilustracin 20. Excavacin para puente elctrico en XXXX entre las tubera de X y X. Ilustracin 21. Instalacin de caja de positivos. Ilustracin 22. Soldadura exotrmica sobre tubera de entrada a XXXXX. Ilustracin 23. Soldadura exotrmica sobre tubera de salida de XXXX. Ilustracin 24. Soldadura exotrmica puente elctrico GCP01 Entrada. Ilustracin 25. Soldadura exotrmica puente elctrico GCP01 Salida. Ilustracin 26. Instalacin de unidad rectificadora. Ilustracin 27. Instalacion de interruptor de corriente Ilustracin 28. Verificacion potencial On e Instant Off en el punto de drenaje. Ilustracin 29. Corrientes medidas en la caja de conexiones positivas. Ilustracin 30. Potencial Instant Off medido en estaciones de prueba. LISTADO DE TABLASTabla 1. Interruptor de corriente. Tabla 2. Medidor de atmsferas. Tabla 3. Medidor de espesores. Tabla 4. Pinza voltiamperimtrica XXXXXXXX. Tabla 5. Multmetro digital. Tabla 6. Equipos y herramientas complementarias. Tabla 7. Excavaciones tendido cable negativo. Tabla 8. Excavaciones tendido cable para puentes elctricos. Tabla 9. Espesor de pared para soldadura de cables negativos. Tabla 10. Espesor de pared para soldadura de puentes elctricos. Tabla 11. Datos nominales del rectificador ubicado en xxxx. Tabla 12. Parmetros operativos del rectificador. Tabla 13. Corrientes en caja de positivos. Tabla 14. Potenciales obtenidos durante la puesta en marcha. Tabla 15. Listado de materiales principales usados en la construccin del SPC. LISTADO DE GRFICASGrfica 1. Prueba en vaco. Grfica 2. Corrientes drenadas por la cama andica. Grfica 3. Comportamiento de potenciales On Instant Off. Grfica 4. Comportamiento de voltaje AC."
Price: 19.99 |
"Seasonal Wardrobe System" |
"In this course included all basic knowledge about seasonal wardrobe system and how to use your clothing potential each season without many investments and everyday stress when you realise that you dont have much to wear.Examples in this video are based on the women's wardrobe basics and trends of the spring-summer 2019 but you can use all recommendations when it comes to any other seasons. They are general so, have mentioned in this course current trends in your mind, because they are likely to hold sway, and follow basic rules to built your cohesive wardrobe.This course divided into 5 main chapters. In the first parts we will be talking about seasonal wardrobe itself. What is it actually? What key parts true to everyone does it include? Then we will discuss the basic strategy of a wardrobe building and how this logic differs from person to person? What are the differences between your and your friends clothing choices? And then we will talk about modern basics of a consistent womens wardrobe. And the last part is dedicated to this year spring-summer trends which are really wearable and potentially could be used in many feature seasons as well. I included the most common clothing brands. But really my clothing choice is more about references of the modern silhouettes and items combinations.By the end of this course you will be able to check up your wardrobe and understand what is the logic of your clothing, what are the basic items and what are the specials. How to set them logically apart and how to trendy combine them in your outfits together."
Price: 19.99 |
"React Hooks Projects Course 2019 : Build 4 Real Applications" |
"What are react hooks?React hooks are the biggest update to the react core up to dateHooks let you get the advantages of using a class component in function componentsWhy should I care about hooks?Because this feature is the future of React and learning this feature now while building projects using it will set you apart from the competition since it's still very new.What will this course cover?We will begin by explaining all the major hooks and learn about the general rules of using React hooks while building a form and using an external APIand then you will :****************Learn how to use react context with react hooksLearn about and use React-RouterLearn about using the local storage to save our dataLearn how to build your own custom hooksLearn how to deploy your applicationsBuild 4 projects that will teach you all the main aspects of using React hooks, React-Router and React Context in actual projects **************************************************************Who this course is for :Those interested in learning about React hooks.Those who want to learn about React context and/or how to use it with hooks.Those who want to learn about using local storage.Those who want to learn about using React-Router.Those who want to know how to use the latest React features to build real projects, as well as how to deploy them."
Price: 49.99 |
"Convivencia escolar" |
"Conocer el concepto de la convivencia escolar. Favorecer las relaciones entre los distintos actores de la comunidad escolar. Determinar las funciones que le compete a los integrantes de la comunidad. Generar una cultura escolar propia de cada comunidad. Establecer un modelo escolar, con una lnea clara de estilo de relaciones humanas. Trabajar sobre el modelo inclusivo participativo, abierto al dilogo, en una construccin permanente, colectiva y dinmica. Desarrollar relaciones sociales que crean y recreen en la cotidianidad. Construir un convivencia dinmica, cotidiana con espacios sociales que permita expresar una cultura propia."
Price: 19.99 |
"Convivencia Escolar Nivel Avanzado" |
"Las clases contienen estrategias para mejorar la convivencia escolar de las instituciones educativas. Cuatro secciones con una clase llena de animaciones en cada una, que contienen las temticas ms relevantes necesarias para desarrollar un plan para fortalecer la educacin, para desencajar pensamientos, cuestionando paradigmas y proponiendo argumentos consecuentes, basados en : Entender el impacto de la autoridad, la obediencia, la resistencia al cambio y el concepto de premios y castigos sobre la educacin de los jvenes. Fortalecer las normas, las necesidades, la empata, la socializacin, la instantaneidad, la innovacin y el propsito educativo, sobre la formacin humana. Desarrollar un espacio formativo, abierto al dialogo, fortaleciendo los vnculos entre las personas, en un espacio sin violencia, centrando el aprendizaje en el proceso, promoviendo la ciencia en y desde el aula, despertando as la atencin de los alumnos con clases motivadoras, estimulando de manera positiva, haciendo del conocimiento una inteligencia divertida, formando a los alumnos en el respeto, en un clima de amor, afecto e inclusivo.Promoviendo estrategias para mejorar la convivencia escolar en los alumnos, docentes, apoderados y en el modelo educativo."
Price: 24.99 |
"Escritura creativa - Problemas frecuentes y estilo." |
"Destinado a quienes comienzan a escribir y aquellos que llevan tiempo hacindolo pero no encuentran los modos adecuados de lidiar con los problemas comunes y sienten que sus textos no brillan. Estilo, correccin a ojo de pjaro, la tijera como herramienta, economa de palabras, lo presumiblemente potico, el problema de los adjetivos, ventajas y desventajas de la redundancia, los sobreentendidos, la voz pasiva, la velocidad de las escenas, sus sentidos y sensaciones; y mucho ms."
Price: 19.99 |
Vertriebsakademie |
"EinKomplettpaket fr Deine persnliche und vertriebliche Weiterentwicklung!Hier lernst Du alles, was Du brauchst, um inneren und ueren Erfolg anzuziehen und deine Fhigkeiten im Verkauf zu verbessern!Egal, ob Du Unternehmer oder Angestellter, Networker, Vertriebler bist oder einfach mehr ber die Themen erfahren mchtest und Dich in die Themen einarbeiten mchtest.Unserer Meinung nach brauchst Du fr Deinen Erfolg immer ein auerordentliches Mindset, Fhigkeiten im Vertrieb (egal in welcher Nische/Branche Du ttig bist) und stndige Motivation, damit Du auch Deine Ziele erreichst und kontinuierlich dran bleibst!Dafr haben wir unsere Vertriebsakademie ins Leben gerufen und diesen Kurs fr Dich entwickelt.Wissen anzueignen ist die eine Sache, das Ganze umzusetzen, die Andere! Deshalb bekommst Du hier auch praktische Umsetzungstools mit an die Hand, die Du Dir herunterladen und beliebig oft ausdrucken kannst.Bei Fragen, kannst Du uns jederzeit ber Facebook, Email oder Instagram kontaktieren:Matthias:Facebook: matthias.baum.3Instagram: matthias__baumFlorian:Facebook: schmidbauer.florianInstagram: florian_schmidbauer_businessEmail: info@gibgashabspa.deBleib dran und werde die beste Version Deiner selbst! :)"
Price: 49.99 |
"RICS APC from enrolment to final assessment explained" |
"This course, delivered by APC Assessor Chairman and practising Chartered Surveyor David Inman FRICS, outlines what you need to do from enrolment to the final assessment itself to be successful with the RICS Assessment of Professional Competence (APC).The is the first of the DIEM Ltd APC PASS courses that show you how to undertake your APC in a way that it is:ProfessionalAchievable, giving you theSpecialistSkills to succeed."
Price: 19.99 |
"RICS APC Ethics, Rules of Conduct and professionalism" |
"This course, delivered by APC Assessor Chairman and practising Chartered Surveyor David Inman FRICS, outlines what you need to understand in terms of the RICS regulatory requirements to be successful with the RICS Assessment of Professional Competence (APC).This course is designed for levels 1, 2 and 3 for the RICS APC competency ""Ethics, Rules of Conduct and professionalism"".It is well known that if you get any item of this competency wrong your final assessment, you will not pass and be referred.This is the second of the DIEM Ltd APC PASS courses that show you how to undertake your APC in a way that it is:ProfessionalAchievable, giving you theSpecialistSkills to succeed.All RICS members are required to undertake learning in relation to the RICS Global Professional and Ethical Standards at least once every three years and this course, whilst tailored to APC candidates, will support this requirement."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to implement ISO 14001 in your organisation" |
"Leading Chartered Environmental Surveyor and Chartered Environmentalist David Inman details the steps needed to implement an environmental management system to the ISO 14001:2015 standard.As part of this he will discuss how you can protect the environment and audit your environmental management system.This course is designed for people working for organisation who want to work towards certification to ISO 14001 and people working for organisation who already have ISO 14001 and need formal training on the subject.There are practical exercises in the course to practice your environmental management skills and knowledge.David has supported a wide range of organisations with ISO 14001 for 20 years ranting from UK governmental organisations to some of the largest UK brands. He is also lead auditor for a UKAS certification body for ISO 14001:2015."
Price: 19.99 |
"Effective communications skills for business" |
"Do you want to become the best business communicator that you can?This course looks at verbal and written communications including:Accurately and successful verbal communicationsProfessional and meaningful written communicationsMeeting important peopleBeing an effective presenterProducing video mediaEffective sales communicationsListening skills. The course tutor, David Inman, is an experienced public and professional speakers, plus working as a Chartered Surveyor, he has to negotiate on complex business issues in the land, real estate and construction sectors.David is a qualified lecturer, holding the Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector from the University of Central Lancashire and he also holds the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Professional Trainer Certificate."
Price: 19.99 |
"Russian language for tourists." |
"Have you ever dreamed to travel to Russia, to see Moscow and Saint Petersburg, the cities of the Russian Golden Ring; to make Trans Siberian train tour (the weekly Trans-Mongolian train leaves Moscow for Beijing and the 7,621 km (4,735 miles) long journey takes 6 nights. This train crosses Siberia, cuts across Mongolia and the Gobi desert, then enters China)? Or may be you have an idea to start your business in Russia? Are you inspired by the world famous Russian literature? Whatever will be your desire, it is always better to know some phrases in Russian and to start your linguistic journey before departure. Everybody will advise you to know at least several Russian phrases to be able to feel yourself psychologically free and to be perfectly accepted by the friendly Russian people.The offered here the Russian language conversation course will help you to learn quickly the most frequently used phrases and to begin to express yourself in the Russian language useful for everyday life. All given Russian phrases are translated into English and you will find the precise following of Russian subtitles together with the English one. This will help you to learn quickly the Russian pronunciation read by the native speaker with precise Russian voice intonations. This video course represents a word by word reading of all Russian phrases of the textbook, that you can download in pdf format. The reading is made two times for all texts: one is slow, that helps to understand syllables, and the second reading is at a normal conversation speed with precise native intonation, that is very rare for Russian conversation courses. Even the most popular Russian language course on this website is pronounced by non native speaker with some errors in pronunciation. The approach is based on memorizing of different phrases by passively listening to a speaker and by repeating exactly what was heard. This is an easy, quick and fun way of learning of a foreign language. This approach will help to learn the everyday Russian language in no time. This course will be useful for non native Russian students of all levels."
Price: 59.99 |
"Introduction to PHP7, Bootstrap 4 and JavaScript." |
"If you are beginner who want to learn PHP, Bootstrap 4, MySQL and JavaScript then this course is perfect for you. In this course you'll learn to create a mini CMS practically.This course contains of live project where you create PetNotes app. This app has a features like CREATE, UPDATE and DELETE. In validation we are using JavaScript and Ajax to perform operations Asynchronously. You'll also see the beautiful confirm box using SweetAlert Js.Who this course is for:Absolute Beginner"
Price: 1280.00 |
"PLC Programming From Scratch To Advance" |
"This course is designed to equip the novice with no prior PLC programming experience with the basic tools necessary to create a complete PLC program using ladder logic common to most current platforms.In this course we will be solving different problems by making ladder logic's which will help students to make there own logic's according to required functionality.In this course we will be working on multiple software's :1. Automation Studio2. Factory I/O3. WinSPS S7 (Siemens S7-PLC (S7-300 & S7-400) programming from scratch)Automation Studio is one of the best simulators on which we will be creating different ladder logic's and simulating them. Factory I/O is a 3D factory simulation for learning automation technologies. On this software we will be creating different factory environments and then making ladder logic's to simulate those environments. We will be also working on Control I/O which is the built in tool to automate different environments.WinSPS-S7 is a complete programming software for S7-PLC. On this software we will be making ladder logic's and then connect it with Factory I/O to simulate different environments.This course will make you from zero to hero in PLC programming. No prior software or hardware skills required."
Price: 24.99 |
"AutoCAD 2020 2D-3D & Electrical" |
"This is the only course you will ever need to learn AutoCAD 2020 right from scratch.KEY FEATURES1. Learn AutoCAD 2020 in 50 lectures (FAST TRACK).2. Detailed discussion on different commands.3. Making 2D & 3D drawings for practice.4. Practice drawings provided at the end of every drawing lectures.5. Learn AutoCAD 2020 Electrical by making different electrical panel circuits.6. On completing the course get certificate by Udemy.ABOUT THIS COURSEIn this course you will learn AutoCAD 2020 from scratch. If you are new to AutoCAD then this course will give you a great start. This course covers almost every topic in the new AutoCAD version 2020. In this course you will cover different commands in detail required to make different 2D and 3D objects. We will be practicing different 2D and 3D objects so that you can become more strong on using different commands in Autocad. In this course we will also cover Autocad electrical that how to make different electrical panel circuits.I have also placed a wiring diagram book containing different electrical circuits so you can download it and practice.The course will update frequently so that you can learn new things with time. INSTRUCTOR SUPPORTI understand that students will have questions related to the course and its necessary also for a healthy learning process hence I encourage students to ask their questions related to the course in the Q&A section of the course.Finally, if you are still thinking weather you should enroll or not then I encourage you to watch some of the preview videos and test the waters before you actually enroll in the course and even after enrolling if you feel that this course failed to meet your expectations then you can always ask for a refund within 30 days of purchase."
Price: 29.99 |
"O Segredo para Vender Mais no Instagram" |
"O segredo para vender mais no Instagram trata de todos os aspectos importantes dessa plataforma social de forma didtica e com exemplos. Ele o curso perfeito para quem precisa ter visibilidade na rede social e vender seus produtos ou servios!Nesta jornada, 5 especialistas em marketing no Instagram compartilham seu conhecimento e as aes infalveis para voc construir um perfil de sucesso, com seguidores engajados e com potencial de serem seus clientes.O curso online de Instagram do Bume aborda com profundidade todos os aspectos importantes para que profissionais de marketing, influenciadores e marcas possam:definir, entender e conhecer seu pblico-alvo e sua persona21 recursos que vo facilitar a gesto e produo de contedo no Instagramproduzir contedo de tima qualidade, alinhado aos interesses da sua audincia e conectados com seu negcioproduzir contedo para o Instagram de forma prtica, usando recursos essenciais e apps que economizam seu tempousar vdeos no Instagram, seja no feed, nos Stories, em Lives e no IGTVproduzir contedo para os Stories aproveitando todas as vantagens para realizar converses com este recursoentender o funcionamento do algoritmo do Instagram, saber como ele afeta a visibilidade do seu contedo e trabalhar para atrair visualizaes e gerar interaes11 prticas incrveis que vo deixar seu perfil no Instagram atrativo, objetivo, cheio de contedo relevante e funcionando como uma mquina de vendasProduzido pela equipe de marketing do Bume, este curso traz nossa experincia ao usar o Instagram e ao acompanhar o que nossos milhares de clientes tm feito para se destacar.O segredo para vender mais no Instagram o nico curso sobre a rede social com dicas validadas na prtica.**Contedo do curso O segredo para vender mais no InstagramMDULO 1Conhea seu pblicoQuem seu pblico e como a ferramenta persona pode te ajudar nissoQual contedo produzir para a persona no Instagram?MDULO 2Crie contedo de qualidadeDefinindo o contedo para o InstagramFotos com cmera ou fotos com celular? Entenda quando usarDicas de produo para fazer fotos autoraisProgramas para edio de imagemComo produzir peas grficas para o feedFormatos para o InstagramUtilizando refernciasO que essencial para produzir um bom vdeo para o Instagram: tcnicas e equipamentosProgramas de edio de vdeoCriando Stories e usando o melhor desse recursosAplicativos para StoriesMDULO 3Engajamento tudoEntenda o algoritmo do InstagramPor que todo mundo precisa de boas taxas de engajamento4 aes que realmente funcionam para melhorar o engajamentoMDULO 4Boas prticas para o InstagramEscolha a foto de perfil idealVantagens da conta businessUtilize bem os linksComo criar uma biografia para te ajudar a vender maisEscolha das hashtags ideaisQuando publicar no InstagramConquistar muitos seguidoresDiversificao de contedo**O curso O segredo para vender mais no Instagram um contedo produzido pelo Bume, plataforma para crescimento e gesto de Instagram.Este um treinamento para ajudar profissionais como voc com dicas alm do bvio e, assim, transform-lo em um expert no tema e alavancar sua visibilidade e, consequentemente, as vendas. um material aberto a todos, mas clientes Bume tm acesso gratuito ao material.*Se voc um cliente Bume entre em contato com a gente pelo e-mail suporte@bume.io solicitando seu acesso gratuito.Recomende este curso de Instagram online!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Noes de Gesto Empresarial" |
"O curso composto por uma srie de vdeos para direcionar o aprendizado em um processo de alto consultoria. O objetivo principal direcionar novos lderes para que possam se capacitar de forma a estruturar processos e suas viso gerencial para obteno de resultados quantitativos e qualitativos. Atravs da reflexo gerada pelos contedos voc poder validar e desenvolver pontos que sero relevantes para modelar seu estilo e processo de gesto empresarial."
Price: 29.99 |
"How to Redefine Failure in 24 hours or less" |
"A revolutionary approach to advance achievement by using past challenges as a catalyst for future growth in personal or professional endeavors.This course focuses on preparing students for a critical, dynamic and culturally responsive leadership by learning how to redefine past failures, challenges or struggles and empowering participants with tools that enable help them achieve their major aim with a greater degree of certainty. Participants will also gain the knowledge and skills necessary for self-mastery and self-reliance."
Price: 149.99 |
"Lighting Fundamentals" |
"This short course is here to lay the groundwork for you to have a solid understanding of lighting and the effect it has on your scene. I tried to deliver the content without leaving much room for fluff. The course format is pretty consistent and fast paced. Understanding lighting even at a basic level will build and improve your overall production quality. I've experienced this bump myself a couple years ago.Learn Lighting Fundamentals in This Comprehensive Course.Master the lighting essentialsChange the game once you learn how small adjustments have big impacts on your scenesUse tricks to illuminate your subject and sceneWalk away with a strong understand of the lighting basics in just 30-40 minutes"
Price: 24.99 |
"Entrepreneurship MasterClass: Ideate, Validate & Accelerate" |
"Join the Entrepreneurship program made by the India's Largest Educational organisation ""Metamorphosis""The curriculum specially designed for students to experience an Entrepreneurs Life Cycle, right from the stage of getting an idea for solving a problem to the stage where they create a feasible Business Model out of it and start their business."
Price: 19.99 |
"React TypeScript Course Start Up Ready Application 12/2019" |
"Pre-requirements:An experienced React Developer familiar with TypeScript, or an Angular developer with basic React knowledge or a developer who can fluently use google to understand technologies.Node.js >=10, PostgreSQL 11, Python 2.7, node-gyp and Desktop development with C++ (all links and instructions are provided within the course), Git.The course contains production and mobile ready React application for a large project, dirty backend on Node.js and PostgreSQL database for store users and sessions.I'm going to show you how to cook: One of the best architectures for React. Redux + React hooks (you should use Redux in 2019 for best performance). Login, registration, logout and check authentication flow (administrators can drop session for the target user). Security authentication using http only cookie. Universal error handlers for request/response. Errors are shown for fields, forms, connection. Written once. Use anywhere. Form validators (i18n support). Dynamic breadcrumbs. Inserted once. Working anywhere you wish. Internalization (multi-language support). Your customers will be thankful for concern. Conquer different markets now. Permissions (static and dynamic) based on roles and access rights. User search and User Edit Page (for admins, self-edit for moderators). A11y ready. Try to use without a mouse. It's possible. SEO module for different titles and descriptions in the app. Just add text for new page, not more action required. i18n support. Universal UX guard. Your users will not lose important changes in forms. Site prevents internal and external navigation while there are some changes in fields. Live color changer. Every user can use their own colors. Right way to Cache data in Redux. Live chart with real-time data using Plotly and WebSockets. Cancel http request that you want. Jest, Enzyme configuration. Webpack for development and production (with chunks and optimizers). TSconfig (and cheat: write your aliases in one place, they will be applied to Jest and Webpack). Cache using Service Worker. Jest and Enzyme with TypeScript test examples (basic; how to mock redux, test axios, mount and shallow, work in progress).All components are written the way that they are inserted in one place and work everywhere.You will see how to type functions, components, wrappers, axios, redux-forms and etc.Be smart, be passionate, be happy!Save up to 4 months of development with this course!Im going to update this course.Just message me what you want to know.My ideas:- User self-edit page.- Handle on backend and show on UI unhandled phrases in i18n (if you forget to translate something).- Edit page for languages.- What is Idempotency and why we should use it in our app.- Add support for oldest browsers.- Infinite table/scroll.- Dynamically add field in form.- Collapsed menu (children support)- Monorepo.After 100 000 a new course will be developed:How to create safe backend using Node.js or Golang.Notice:You get the finished application and concentrate on the processes. The lecturer explains what the thing is and how it works.My main task is that you can start doing the right things as soon as possible.Video: 1920x1080 (Full HD)Lexicon: simple English.Our goal is to be understood by the whole world.There is a killer feature of this course.You can contribute to this React course!Your name will be in the title of the lecture, as well as at the beginning of the video with your github page.How is it possible?See the chapter: How to contribute?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Redao sem enrolao" |
"Redigir um texto no resultado de uma inspirao que aparece do alm, como muitos pensam. Redigir um texto exige um trabalho intenso de pensar e planejar, que envolve tanto o domnio de dados sobre a realidade como ferramentas que nos permite apresentar os textos com clareza ao leitor.Cansado das aulas tradicionais de redao? Aqui ns condensamos TUDO o que voc precisa saber para fazer uma redao extraordinria sem nenhuma enrolao de 6 meses dentro de uma sala de aula. Vamos apresentar agora algumas super ferramentas que te ajudar a construir uma redao nota 1000."
Price: 54.99 |
"Electricity In the 21st Century" |
"The course is designed primarily for business college undergraduates interested in commercial opportunities relating to the electricity industry, including conventional and renewable power generation and supply, trading, project development, banking ,finance and investment. The course explores the organization of electricity networks and markets, and explains the commercial strategies and practices used by generators, suppliers, traders, project developers, lenders and investors. Topics include the evolution of industry organization and regulation; generation technologies; generation economics; wholesale electricity market organisation and practice; the role of the network operator and balancing markets; renewable energy project development, finance and investment. Introduction and Course Overview (8:40) Introduction and Course overview (0:00) Some physics (3:45)1. The Evolution of the Electricity Industry (25:20)1.1. The monopoly era (0:00)1.2. The competitive disruption (6:00)1.3. The renewables disruption (14:15)1.4. Intermittence and Stranded Costs (18:40)2. A Still Picture of Electricity Networks (27:00)2.1. Components of electricity networks (0:00)2.2. Nine generation technologies described (8:20)2.3. Nine technologies compared (21:20)3. Generation Economics (27:00)3.1. Shares of capacity and generation (0:00)3.2. Cost structures (6:40)3.3. Combining fixed and variable cost (13:00)3.4. Discounting costs to present value (16:30)3.5. Discounted lifetime generation costs compared (20:00)4. A Moving Picture of Electricity Networks (21:00)4.1. Patterns of network load and generation (0:00)4.2. Balancing load and generation (6:00)4.3. Least-cost generator dispatch (9:00)4.4. Balancing load and generation with wind and solar PV (15:30)5. Introduction to Wholesale Electricity Markets (25:30)5.1. Wholesale market timelines (0:00)5.2. Bilateral contracts between suppliers and generators (6:20)5.3. Supplier PPAs with wind and PV generators (10:30)5.4. Blind auctions and price determination on power exchanges (15:00)5.5. Using power exchange to balance supplier position (21:30))6. Commercial Strategies In Wholesale Electricity Markets (31:30)6.1. Generation supply and demand curves (0:00)6.2. Supply, demand and price determination on day-ahead exchange (8:40)6.3. Managing supplier price risk in the forward market (12:15)6.4. Supplier shifting price risk to the power trader (17:10)6.5. Volume and price risk shifting between gas generator and trader (20:00)6.6. Shifting price risks with derivatives (25:00)7. The Network Operator and the Balancing Market (31:00)7.1. Balancing market timeline (0:007.2. Demand-management providers (4:00)7.3. Energy storage providers (6:10)7.4. Balancing market auction process (11:00)7.5. Frequency response (13:30)7.6. The balancing market settlement process (16:15)7.7. Calculating imbalance penalties (20:00)8. Wind and Solar PV Project Development (31:00)8.1. Predicting solar PV energy yield (0:00)8.2. Wind energy yield calculation (6:15)8.3. Measuring wind speeds (8:00)8.4. Correcting for measurement-period bias (10:00)8.5. Wind turbine power curve and energy yield calculation (16:10)8.6. Correcting for array effects (19:30)8.7. Key project development tasks (22:00)8.8. Price support mechanisms (23:30)9. Renewable Energy Project Finance and Investment Part 1 (25:30)9.1. Financing options for project developers (0:00)9.2. Investing rules and the DCF method (6:00)9.3. DCF Valuation of PV project in south of France (11:30)9.4. Gearing to increase equity IRR (18:30)9.5. Principles of non-recourse project financing (22:40)10. Renewable Energy Project Finance and Investment Part 2 (25:30)10.1. CAPM theory for calculating market discount rate (0:00)10.2. CAPM applied to discount rate for French PV project (3:40)10.3. Probability of exceedance for annual output (7:45)10.4. Risk premium and the market discount rate (11:00)10.5. CAPM discount rate for merchant wind farm in Scotland (15:30)10.6. Wind revenue risk premium and market discount rate (19:10)10.7. Pre-operational revenue risk premium (22:10)"
Price: 44.99 |
"Guitarra para Principiantes (Acstica, Elctrica y Espaola)" |
"El curso esta diseado tanto para que las personas que llevan menos de un ao tocando la guitarra ganen destreza velocidad y precisin en las manos como para que los que acaban de empezar, es decir, iniciados, sean capaces de evitar los errores tpicos que se comenten al principio, tambin vers los acordes bsicos bien explicados y los ritmos bien definidos as como los riffs clsicos que a todos nos suenan, considero que el curso est bastante bien para iniciarse en este mundillo ya que echando la vista hacia atrs a mi me habra venido muy bien para aprender ms rpido.Espero que disfrutes del curso! y recuerda, lo ms importante es la prctica y la motivacin."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso Online de Pintura Digital" |
"O Curso Online de Pintura Digital leva ao aluno vrias tcnicas, teorias e ferramentas de pintura digital no Photoshop com mais de 15 HORAS DE VDEOS!O curso foi feito para voc que se interessa por pintura digital ou ilustrao e quer comear ou aprimorar seus trabalhos de pintura digital adquirindo conhecimento direto de quem trabalha para o mercado nacional e internacional.O contedo das aulas focado em ferramentas, tcnicas de iluminao, texturas e renderizao de pinturas digitais, levando ao aluno um conhecimento necessrio para que possa desenvolver seu prprio estilo de pintura.Na primeira parte do curso o aluno conhece vrias ferramentas e exercita como utiliz-las para conseguir representar diversos tipos de materiais e texturas em diferentes iluminaes. Na segunda parte comeam os exerccios que exigem mais criatividade e fazem com que o aluno aplique em diferentes situaes todo o conhecimento adquirido nas aulas anteriores."
Price: 489.99 |