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"Curso Online de Colorizao de HQ"
"Indicado para iniciantes e para quem quer aprimorar seu trabalho adquirindo conhecimento direto de quem trabalha em grandes editoras do mercado internacional.Primeira parte do curso: tcnicas e ferramentas de colorizao no Photoshop, variedade de estilos de colorizao.Segunda parte do curso: conhecimento do cotidiano de trabalho, exerccios focados em estudo de cor e narrativa.Concluso do curso: o aluno ter conhecimento para colorir diversos estilos de quadrinhos e saber usar a cor para auxiliar a narrativa."
Price: 489.99

"Curso Online de Ilustrao digital"
"Conhea diferentes processos criativos para a construo de ilustraes.Esteja bem preparado para atuar em diferentes tipos de mercado onde a ilustrao est presente.Indicado para quem quer comear a trabalhar nessa rea ou j trabalha e quer aprimorar o seu conhecimento de ilustrao.O curso explora vrias possibilidades do uso das cores e composio que contribuem com a narrativa da imagem.Aprenda vrias maneiras de comear, renderizar e finalizar uma ilustrao.Descubra qual processo e tcnica ideal para cada tipo de trabalho."
Price: 489.99

"Neuroplasticity: Changing your Brain for Improving your Life"
"""Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power only when, and if, it is organized into definite plans of action, and directed to a definite end.""This course ""Neuroplasticity: Changing your brain for improving your life"" is here to truly empower you.You'll get the knowledge about how the brain and neuroplasticity work, but also a practical program of how to apply and use the theory in order to create the desired results. I invite you to enter the fascinating world of neuroplacticity, neuroscience and brain training, not only to understand the concepts (how to rewire your brain, how to train your brain), but to start the changes for the better by applying proven strategies that really work. You'll have the tools to change your thinking pattern, your limiting beliefs, your habits and to make positive changes that last.This program will give you:The awareness about what in your brain is holding you back, what can help you move forward and how to work with your brain and neuroplasticity to achieve the better life you wantThe tools and techniques on how to improve certain areas of your life you are not currently happy aboutThe tools on how to reduce the resistance to change to be able to make the changes you want in your lifeAfter watching Neuroplasticity: Changing your brain for improving your life, you will know:How to become a positive person and stop worryingHow to improve your self-image and self-esteemHow to identify your supporting beliefs and activate them in all areas of your professional and personal lifeHow to identify and change your limiting beliefs into supportive ones using neuroplasticityMore concretely, at the end of the program you will have also on written support:A 7-step process to change the neuropathways (beliefs) which no longer serve you and develop new supportive beliefs4 techniques to help you change the non-productive habits and beliefs that are holding you back4 main barriers that might prevent you from implementing the changes that you want and how to overcome themVarious tips & tricks to help you in your processA concrete action plan to help you create and consolidate the new neuropathways you need for self growth and life improvementA self-observation chart that will help you monitor your progress and celebrate success""Neuroplasticity: Changing your brain for improving your life"" course style is dynamic; it includes exercises and other surprises that will keep you engaged while watching the lessons. We really enjoyed filming the Questions & Answers sessions and we are looking forward to receive and answer YOUR questions. This course is a great place to ask in case of any doubts related to neuroplasticity, I'll be here to personally answer you. ""I really like how the course is presented in a very structured way, giving you all the details and insights about how you can better develop your abilities to overcome old habits, wrong beliefs and be more positive and also explains how your brain function and how to apply all the techniques. Great course! Totally recommend!"" - Dragos M. ""This is so awesome and clearly presented, love to watch it and take notes. I find a lot of useful techniques and solutions for the problems that we have in this busy era and with the beliefs that we are facing from our life. I am 100% sure that I will overcome them with ease if I follow the steps! super exited"" - Razvan R. ""The instructor can summarize the principles clearly and easily understood."" - Panadis N. ""Nice experience with the course. You must take this course if you want to make good changes in your life and grow as a person."" - Muhammad M.""Neuroplasticity: Changing your brain for improving your life"" course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with the process, simply let me know and you'll get a full refund, no questions asked.You literally cant lose. Enroll now and see you inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Curso bsico de APIs com Nodejs + Express + Mongodb"
"Curso bsico criao de API's com nodejs + express + mongo. Nesse mini curso voc ir aprender conceitos bsicos de node.js com express e mongodb, como criao de endpoints, rotas, banco de dados (com modelagem utilizando mongoose), criptografia utilizando bcrypt, autenticao utilizando jwt (jsonwebtoken), um pouco de async await do javascript, alm de http status codes apropriados para as respostas da API. Tambm pode aprender alguns macetes e boas prticas de javascript."
Price: 39.99

"Google suite para profesores"
"Este es un curso para principiantes y usuarios con nivel intermedio que deseen aplicar los recursos de las aplicaciones de Google en el aula. Aprenders a organizarte con toda la informacin digital que consumimos da a da. Adems, voy paso a paso con las aplicaciones y se encuentra en constante actualizacin, asi que obtendrs recursos y podremos intercambiar documentos, plantillas, y ms.Mi objetivo principal es que los profesores de cualquier edad y nivel educativo puedan utilizar estas herramientas, y as sus alumnos podrn interactuar sin el uso del papel e interactuando con informacin en tiempo real, as como utilizar Google Earth para dar clases en asignaturas como Historia, Geografa, Biologa, Fsica y ms."
Price: 270.00

"Diseo Web Profesional y Completo con HTML5 Y CSS3"
"Con este curso aprenders a disear Pginas Web modernas sin necesidad de tener ningn conocimiento previo.Si ests buscando iniciarte en el mundo del diseo web, este curso es para ti.Al inscribirte en este curso podrs acceder a un grupo de estudiantes de TELEGRAM en el que podrs preguntar todas tus dudas y as nos ayudaremos entre todos, al mismo tiempo que podrs enviarme mensaje privado a mi telegram para resolver cualquier problema.Ya suman ms de 1500 estudiantes satisfechos con el curso!Aprenders lo siguiente:HTML5CSS3AGREGAR ANIMACIONES A TU WEBADAPTAR UNA WEB A CUALQUIER DISPOSITIVO(CELULARES, TABLETS, COMPUTADORAS).Adems, aprenders a crear pginas con imgenes, videos, formularios, fondos, transparencias, distintas fuentes, colores y mucho ms! Tienes alguna de las siguientes preguntas? Quieres convertirte en desarrollador web pero no sabes por dnde empezar?Con este Curso de Diseo Web te convertirs de principiante a experto en el desarrollo de pginas web.Para qu me sirve este curso?Con este curso podrs comenzar en el mundo del desarrollo web, aprenders a crear pginas web y posteriormente a venderlas si t lo decides.Para quin est dirigido este curso?-Cualquier persona interesada en aprender diseo web.-Programadores principiantes.-Ingenieros interesados en desarrollo.-Informticos interesados en diseo web.Te invito a leer las reseas de muchos alumnos satisfechos con nuestros cursos:Harold Jos Andrade EspnExcelente curso. Se adquieren los conocimientos con la explicacin puntual sobre los temas como indica el instructor. Recomendado!-------------------------------Ricardo Ccoica GonzalesMe agrada la voz clara del instructor y que da sus clases sin rodeos. Tambin me gusta que brinde consejos de buenas prcticas como medidas en caso no resulte lo que planeamos y orden en el cdigo que a veces a algunos suelen dejar pasar.-------------------------------Alexander TorrijosUn curso bastante practico. El instructor bastante conciso en la manera de explicar. Sin duda me inscribira a futuros cursos.-------------------------------"
Price: 199.99

"Wordpress Tienda online con Woocommerce de cero a experto."
"Con este curso aprenders a crear pginas web con wordpress sin conocimientos previos, S, como lo escuchaste, NO REQUIERES NINGN CONOCIMIENTO PARA TOMAR ESTE CURSO.Al inscribirte en este curso podrs acceder a un grupo de estudiantes de TELEGRAM en el que podrs preguntar todas tus dudas y as nos ayudaremos entre todos, al mismo tiempo que podrs enviarme mensaje privado a mi telegram para resolver cualquier problema.Ya suman ms de 1000 estudiantes satisfechos con el curso!Qu aprenders en este curso de wordpress? Wordpress Crear tiendas en lnea paso a paso Como hacer una pagina web en wordpress Como crear un blog en wordpress Instalar template wordpress Utilizar e instalar wordpress plugins Subir tu pgina a un wordpresshosting Crear mens wordpress Recibir pagos Vender productosY muchas cosas ms!Te invito a leer las reseas de muchos alumnos satisfechos con nuestros cursos:Harold Jos Andrade EspnExcelente curso. Se adquieren los conocimientos con la explicacin puntual sobre los temas como indica el instructor. Recomendado!-------------------------------Ricardo Ccoica GonzalesMe agrada la voz clara del instructor y que da sus clases sin rodeos. Tambin me gusta que brinde consejos de buenas prcticas como medidas en caso no resulte lo que planeamos y orden en el cdigo que a veces a algunos suelen dejar pasar.-------------------------------Alexander TorrijosUn curso bastante practico. El instructor bastante conciso en la manera de explicar. Sin duda me inscribira a futuros cursos.------------------------------- Tienes alguna de las siguientes preguntas? Quieres convertirte en desarrollador web pero no sabes por dnde empezar?Con este Curso de Diseo Web te convertirs de principiante a experto en el desarrollo de pginas web con wordpress.Para qu me sirve este curso?Con este curso podrs comenzar en el mundo del desarrollo web con wordpress. crears una tienda en lnea y un blog muy elegante, es un proyecto de la vida real.Para quin est dirigido este curso?-Interesados en wordpress.-Gente que necesita una tienda en lnea.-Personas interesadas en hacer un blog con wordpress.-Cualquier persona interesada en aprender diseo web.-Programadores principiantes.-Ingenieros interesados en desarrollo.-Informticos interesados en diseo web."
Price: 199.99

"Bootstrap 4 de cero a experto en responsive design"
"Con este curso aprenders a crear pginas web con BOOTSTRAP 4, lo nico que necesitas es tener conocimientos bsicos de HTML Y CSS.Al inscribirte en este curso podrs acceder a un grupo de estudiantes de TELEGRAM en el que podrs preguntar todas tus dudas y as nos ayudaremos entre todos, al mismo tiempo que podrs enviarme mensaje privado a mi telegram para resolver cualquier problema.Qu aprenders en este curso de Bootstrap 4? Bootstrap 4 Crear un diseo para tienda en lnea Diseo web responsive (Adaptable a todos los dispositivos) Utilizar la grid de bootstrap Como crear un blog en bootstrap Utilizar componentes de bootstrap Veremos todas las utilidades de bootstrap Diseos web desde bsicos hasta avanzados Crear mens con bootstrap Crear Sliders Crear Ventanas FlotantesY muchas cosas ms!Te invito a leer las reseas de muchos alumnos satisfechos con nuestros cursos:Harold Jos Andrade EspnExcelente curso. Se adquieren los conocimientos con la explicacin puntual sobre los temas como indica el instructor. Recomendado!-------------------------------Ricardo Ccoica GonzalesMe agrada la voz clara del instructor y que da sus clases sin rodeos. Tambin me gusta que brinde consejos de buenas prcticas como medidas en caso no resulte lo que planeamos y orden en el cdigo que a veces a algunos suelen dejar pasar.-------------------------------Alexander TorrijosUn curso bastante practico. El instructor bastante conciso en la manera de explicar. Sin duda me inscribira a futuros cursos.------------------------------- Tienes alguna de las siguientes preguntas? Quieres desarrollar pginas web ms rpido pero no sabes como?Con este Curso de bootstrap aprenders como desarrollar pginas web de manera rpida y fcil.Para qu me sirve este curso?Este curso te sirve para aprender a desarrollar sitios web responsive, esto quiere decir que se vern bien en celulares, tablets y computadoras sin necesidad de usar mucho CSS. Adems aprenders a agregar muchas cosas que son complejas de una manera muy rpida.Para quin est dirigido este curso?-Interesados en bootstrap 4.-Cualquier persona interesada en aprender diseo web.-Programadores.-Ingenieros interesados en desarrollo.-Informticos interesados en diseo web."
Price: 199.99

"Con este curso aprenders la forma adecuada de construir un equipo altamente productivo y con una mentalidad enfocada a resultados, desarrollando los mejores talentos de cada miembro de tu organizacin para beneficio de todo el equipo con una actitud mental positiva y un pensamiento enfocado a soluciones y no problemas."
Price: 19.99

"Excel - O bsico do bsico - Frmula Simples"
"MATERIAL:- Apostila didtica de contedo (.pdf)- Arquivo de curso (.xlsx), com os exemplos abordados na apostila- 48 minutos de contedo em vdeoCONTEDO DO CURSO:1. Inserir, formatar e limpar contedo     1.1. Antes de criar a planilha de Excel     1.2. Quase um Batalha naval     1.3. Entendendo o que se v na tela do Excel     1.4. Formatar clulas e contedo     1.5. Inserir contedo     1.6. Limpar dados     1.7. Pincel de formatao2. Localizar, substituir e dar nome a clulas     2.1. Localizar e substituir     2.2. Nomes de clulas3. Tipos de dados4. Formatao condicional e estilos de clula"
Price: 54.99

"Funes do Excel e quando us-las - Frmula Simples"
"MATERIAL:- Apostila didtica de contedo (.pdf)- Arquivo de curso (.xlsx), com os exemplos abordados na apostila- 120 minutos de contedo em vdeo- Exemplo prtico para rever o contedoCONTEDO DO CURSO:1. Funes    1.1. Referncias relativas e absolutas2. Explorando as funes do Excel    2.1. Texto    2.2. Lgica    2.3. Matemticas e estatsticas    2.4. Financeiras    2.5. Data e Hora    2.6. Pesquisa e Referncia"
Price: 279.99

"Real World Product Marketing Academy"
"Tired of courses that are death by powerpoint or just high level generalities of how to bring products to market? Me too.I've been building, leading, and coaching product marketing teams for 10+ years, and I want to teach you how to grow your skills to be a top Product Marketer.Real World PMM is the only online Product Marketing course that takes a hands-on approach to learn PMM. We use a case-based methodology to encourage strategic thinking. You'll learn:How to rally a company to around the art and science of persona developmentFrameworks to create impactful messaging and positioning for category creationGo-To-Market frameworks for different types of product launches to most effectively launch products"
Price: 199.99

"UVW Unwrapping in 3ds Max Mastered - From Beginner to Pro"
"In this in-depth course, we'll cover everything you need to know to simplify the often antagonizing process of UVWUnwrapping. Using simple, functional, and quick tools at your disposal - we'll show how to master every aspect of UVWUnwrapping in a simplified way within 3ds Max. Stop struggling with out-of-date-methods, confusing 3rd-party softwares, or techniques that are losing you valuable time (and even precious money) Master the simple UVWunwrapping techniques with this course, and learn to UVWUnwrap everything from simple primitives to complex assets."
Price: 19.99

"Masterizao de udio com Plugins Gratuitos para Spotify"
"Neste curso, voc ir aprender a realizar uma masterizao profissional utilizando apenas plugins free (gratuitos) encontrados na internet, Desde a DAW, at o ultimo plugin (limiter).No se engane, pois, plugins gratuitos, no s podem ser uteis, como tambm, lhe proporcionar resultados incrveis, bastando ter conhecimento e controle sobre eles. E justamente isso o que voc ir aprender neste curso.Download de todas as ferramentas e msicas utilizadas no curso."
Price: 54.99

"Energia Emocional - Inteligncia Emocional na Prtica!"
"Muitas pessoas ficam estagnadas na vida e nos negcios por sabotarem a si prprias: procrastinam, so perfeccionistas, inquietas , controladoras, dentre outras formas de sabotagem.Elas desejam obter sua melhor performance, mas no sabem como aumentar seu nvel de energia emocional.Esta um curso prtico e eficiente para a resoluo desses problemas.Este um curso para quem realmente deseja AGIR com consistncia com base nos exerccios propostos, na busca de uma vida de maiores realizaes.O grande diferencial a sua praticidade. Voc no precisar ver longas horas de vdeos que discorrem sobre aspectos profundos da psicologia. Isso j existe de graa na internet. Aqui, voc obter um mtodo passo-a-passo que realmente funciona.Ah! O curso pode ser atualizado para sanar as dvidas que possua, por meio dos canais de comunicao da Udemy, afim de melhor instruir-lhe. Ou seja: acha que faltou algo? Fale comigo que incluirei as respostas as suas dvidas no programa do curso.No perca tempo. Sua vida no espera. Adquira j, e tenha mais vida em sua vida.Um abrao, Mrcio Silveira"
Price: 579.99

"Aprenda a livrar-se das dvidas de forma definitiva"
"Este curso para as pessoas que querem eliminar as dvidas e ser mais feliz. Neste curso tem um passo a passo de como melhorar, organizar sua vida financeira. Como gastar menos no carto de crdito, parar de pagar tantos juros para o sistema financeiro, tentar viver em equilbrio e feito de uma forma didtica que todos possam compreender. A primeira pergunta que o curso faz se voc sabe administrar bem suas finanas, se quando recebe o salrio ele sobra no banco. Este curso ensina a voc no cair nos mesmos erros da maioria que vive num padro acima dos seus ganhos. E se voc gasta mais do que ganha este curso ideal para voc."
Price: 19.99

"Quero ser batizado!"
"""Voc no tem idade para se batizar!"" Essa a frase que as crianas mais ouvem quando dizem aos seus pais que querem ser batizadas. Contudo, o nico requisito bblico para o batismo CRER! E crer envolve entender e querer. Por muito tempo, as igrejas se esconderam atrs do mito de que as crianas no tem capacidade de entender os conceitos do batismo e, por isso, no podem ser batizadas, quando, na verdade, o problema no que as crianas no tenham capacidade para entender, as igrejas que no tinham capacidade de explicar de uma forma que as crianas pudessem entender. Mas isso est para mudar! Com o curso QUEROSERBATIZADO! As crianas podero entender de forma clara e plena todos os conceitos que envolvem essa deciso to importante na vida de um ser humano, habilitando-as para passar por essa cerimnia. Esse curso tambm uma ferramenta muito til para ajudar:Pais que querem ensinar ou ou trazer a memria de seus filhos os conceitos relativos ao batismo;Pastores que precisam adequar sua linguagem para se fazerem entendidos pelo pblico infantil; Ministros de crianas que queiram desenvolver ou j desenvolvem um ministrio de batismo com crianas."
Price: 39.99

"Curso Suplementos Nutricionales en Diabetes"
"Este curso es para t si:Eres mdico, nutrilogo o atiendes pacientes que viven con Diabetes.O si eres tu quien vives con Diabetes y quieres saber como puedes mejorar tus niveles de glucosa, de hemoglobina glucosilada, tu colesterol y triglicridos, mediante la suplementacin nutricional eficiente.Porque en este curso podrs aprender:Cules son los micronutrientes reducen la resistencia a la insulina.Cmo preservar la funcionalidad de la clula Beta con micronutrientes.Cmo reducir el estrs oxidativo de manera eficiente.Como reducir la inflamacin de bajo grado con alimentos funcionales.Cmo remitir la Diabetes tipo 2.El estilo de presentacin no es tcnico sino didctico debido a que es muy importante entender los fundamentos, de esta manera podrs enfocarte tomar los suplementos que realmente te pueden funcionar con un fin especfico y as no perder tu tiempo, ni tu dinero en cosas que no funcionan."
Price: 1470.00

"Indian Cooking in the Oven: Hassle-Free Bakes Anyone Can Do"
"Do you like Indian food, but have no clue how to cook it? Have you cooked Indian food, but wished you could do it without standing over a stove top during and cleaning up the splatters after cooking? Are you a baker who is looking to venture into new recipes to try in your oven? Are you having large house party soon, and are looking to impress your guests? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you have come to the right place. In these classes, I will show you step by step the recipes Ihave invented to make delicious Indian food in the conventional oven. Yes, you read that right: in the conventional oven! In contrast with the traditional method of cooking Indian food on the stove top, the unconventional, oven-based recipes Ihave created offer a number of advantages without compromising the taste or nutritional content. First, with an oven, you can set the temperature and timer, and walk away to do something else. This makes my recipes very time-efficient for you, if you are a busy person, like parent, professional, or university student. Second, the oven keeps contained the splatters of oils, a common nuisance while cooking Indian food. As a result, you have fewer cleanups to do after cooking. The oven even keeps the odors of Indian cooking better contained, helping to protect your house, apartment, or clothes from unwelcome smells afterword. Third, ovens cook food more evenly than a stove top, with less hot spots and risk of burning. This means that the amount of stirring needed for these recipes is minimal, which in turn means that you can cook large amounts of food with less effort than on a stove top. Finally, all of my recipes use the same temperature of 400F, allowing you to use energy efficiently to make multiple dishes in parallel, as your oven space allows. These last two advantages make my recipes ideal for entertaining your guests.Additionally, these recipes incorporate pre-cut ingredients, frozen or canned, whenever possible, making them easy for anyone to cook without compromising nutritional value. The videos Ihave made use an overhead Tasty-style recording, offering a clear unobstructed view of all preparations. The audio provides detailed descriptions of each step. PDFversions of all recipes are available as downloadable resources through this course.The recipes in this course are a result of over a decade of experimentation and research that Istarted when Iwas a busy student and researcher in graduate school looking for inexpensive, efficient, hassle-free ways to cook Indian food in large batches, for myself and for occasional parties Ihosted. Now, as a busy engineer, husband, and father of two children, Iregularly use these recipes. Ihope you will find them as helpful, convenient, and delicious as my familydoes."
Price: 49.99

"Health and Safety- Risk Assessment"
"General health & safety Risk assessment course will enable the participants to identify hazards, evaluate risks, suggest control measures and recovery measures against direct risk and residual risk in a cost effective manner. It will also help students to understand what is hazard, risk, how to identify risk, hierarchy of control etc"
Price: 19.99

"Possibilities in Adversities"
"Possibilities in Adversities will enable the participants to practice positive re-enforcements and faces adversities in life positively. It would enable them to see the brighter side of life than the other. The success principles discussed in this would be a life term lesson for ambitious people. Possibilities in Adversities would be an ideal choice for those who want to make changes in self and others life around them."
Price: 164.99

"Transformational Leadership A Psychological Approach"
"Transformational Leadership A Psychological Approach will enable the participants to understand the basic requirements to be successful leader in their personnel & professional life. It emphasis the need of SWOT analysis so that individual would be able to perform well on their present. Transformational Leadership A Psychological Approach gives more importance in communication than any other."
Price: 124.99

"Effective Selling A Hero's Business"
"Effective Selling A Heros Business is one of the best sales management programs which would help the participants to learn the basics of selling, gaining customers acceptance and negotiation skills. This program would be an eye opener for both employer and employees. Sales barriers are easily met and challenges are overcome through systematic approaches being taught through this Programme."
Price: 154.99

"Wealth Strategies & Personal Finance"
"Let Dolan Ingraham (financial literacy instructor, taught by multi-millionaire Paul Orfalea) teach you how to manage your finances, grow your wealth, and have your money work for you even if you're starting out with little or no money or knowledge.The truth is, most of us are starved for time, freedom, or security, because of a lack of money. That is, we have enough to get by but only because we have to work 9-5 jobs, doing what a boss tells us to do, selling our time, so we can earn a living. (Or doing pretty much the same thing while in school just not getting paid for it. Does that sound about right?) All this, when we'd rather be spending time with loved ones, or pursuing our passions. Honestly, it's not your fault. I'm speaking particularly to any students right now, when I say this:Our school system is a relic from an industrial economy, where our society needed to churn out factory workers with basic skills, that followed directions and worked long hours.In other words and I cannot emphasize this enough our school system did not teach you to be financially successful.(Sorry if that sounds harsh.)Maybe a part of you already suspected that. I hate to say it, but it's the truth.Anyway, frankly, it doesn't sit well with me. So that's where I come in.In this course, youll learn powerful financial concepts that werent taught to you at school, but probably should have been.Before I get into specifics (in about 5 seconds), let me pose one question particularly for any young adults out there for you to ponder: Would you like to have the option to not have to work for your money?(To be able to keep working if you want, but always have enough wealth to the point where you could walk away from your job at any time?)By the end of this class, I'm going to equip you with every skill I have, to make that a reality. Youll not only have your own portfolio growing and compounding, but youll also be savvy with regard to:Banking (earning 70 times the interest most people make in savings accounts)Credit cards and how to ethically hack your credit score and beat credit companies at their own game and why it's so importantBudgeting (designed to be extremely user-friendly for those who hate budgeting)Mindset shifts regarding money that are simple yet highly effective, designed to increase your wealth Investing including stocks and tactics to greatly reduce your risk, as well as how to ACTUALLY get started NOW, even if you don't think you have enough money or knowledge to be an ""investor""BONUS: Exclusive, Lifetime Group Member Access to me and to other members of the course, so we can all continue to help each other out, long after you finish the courseAnd More  from specific tips of how your accounts should flow to investments that you should avoidI want to equip you with the foundations to achieve financial security, and ultimately financial freedom (having enough money to the point where you don't HAVE to work, if you don't want to).Now if you're anything like me, a few seconds ago you read the word ""investing"" and immediately thought ""nope, that can't be for me."" Immediate knee-jerk thoughts are usually something like:""I don't have enough money; you have to have money to make money""""I don't know enough where on earth would I even start?""""what if I don't get enough guidance and I mess up???""Here's the deal. FIRST of all, the entire game of investing has changed over the past few years. Today, you DON'T need to have more than a few dollars to start, you DON'T need a ""stock broker,"" and you can do it all from your phone, so it's never been easier for anyone to get started.And SECOND: I personally promise to hold your hand and walk you through each step of the way.I mean, even if you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the topic right now, I will walk you through each tiny little baby step and make it extremely easy for you to get started. This is my personal promise to you. (Honestly, I HATE when teachers leave me with unanswered questions, don't walk me through everything, or in any way leave me feeling stupid. Has that ever happened to you? That teacher's doing a bad job. And that's unacceptable.)If you still don't understand something after a ""teacher"" has ""taught"" it to you: It's not your fault, it's theirs. (No offense to teachers in general! There are a lot of great teachers out there. I'm just saying if you're not learning something well, you might want to consider if the teacher's approach might have something to do with it.)Anyway, I will never do that to you.(I'll never leave you with unanswered questions, or feeling stupid.)I personally promise to be here for you every step of the way.So yes, the possibility of you becoming an investor in a few days is very real. You can literally have your money start making money for you, in a few days.But other fears come up:""What if I lose all my money somehow, if I start to try to manage and invest it?""That's a scary thought. When we worry about things, we tend to think in black and white like that...And then we do nothing.(Which is usually much worse than at least trying.)Here's the truth: you won't lose all your money. And there are two reasons you won't.1.) I'll teach you exactly how to put as much of your money as you want into absolutely safe investments. (You get to choose how aggressive you want to be. You get to CHOOSE how much risk you want to take on.)If you want to play it safe, and be assured to lose nothing you can do that.If you want to take on a bit more risk, for the possibility of higher reward you can do that.2.) There is a section of the course purely devoted to teaching risk mitigation techniques so if you do choose to take on a bit more risk, I'll teach you how to manage that risk.As Warren Buffet put it, regarding investing: ""Rule number 1: Don't lose money. Rule number 2: See rule number 1."" I'm going to help you follow that advice...But sometimes a broader fear comes up:""What if I purchase this course, and then it doesn't work for me, and then I look stupid?""(I mean, that's an understandable fear. No one wants to try something and have it not work, and feel stupid.)But this also won't happen for two reasons:1.) If for any reason you try this course, and feel it's not a good fit for you, you can just return it. Easily. I mean really easily.For a full refund.It is super simple to return courses on Udemy. If you don't absolutely LOVE this course, then I want you to return it. Simple as that.2.) This knowledge (when used over the course of you lifetime), will literally gain you thousands of dollars, at least. (Obviously, I don't mean all right now!!! BUT over your lifetime it will.)(I know, it sounds big, unbelievable that's okay if you don't believe me right now, you don't have to, whatever.) Either way, at the end of the day, this course is an investment in yourself. And the return on that investment, the ROI, is quite high.This stuff took me years to learn. SO many books, courses, paying $60,000/year at Loyola Marymount University to have access to training with multimillionaire Paul Orfalea, etc etc. It'll definitely be much cheaper, simpler, and easier, for you to just let me walk you through it all right now.I guarantee that by the end of this course youll be very glad you took it and if you dont feel that way, please, just return it, for a full refund.Check it out, join everyone whos learning these concepts, and let me walk you through it step by step.I know, I know there are other courses out there I know Udemy likes to push the cheapest courses they have, on unsuspecting customers:) and if I genuinely thought any of them were better than this one, I'd recommend them instead. I personally have found that many of the other personal finance courses are dreadfully boring once you actually start them (though some have really catchy intro videos!) . They contain excessive superfluous and sometimes dated material, are prohibitively time-consuming, lack emotional engagement, and are ultimately less effective. People start them, get bored, and just give up. (However, I would like to emphasize that taking ANY course on the subject is far better than doing nothing.)Anyway, I'm a bit of a biased source, but I personally recommend this one.I just think it's much, much better.(I truly believe that, otherwise I wouldn't be here.)Get inside right now:) I'll teach you this stuff.Mission Statement:Wealth Strategies seeks to equip young men and women across the globe - as well as anyone who should seek our guidance - with the tools to become financially successful.We promise to always provide these tools in an exceptionally engaging, accessible, and highly actionable manner.We aim to assist the underdog in achieving financial freedom, and pledge to help as many people as possible, as effectively as possible, to succeed in this respect."
Price: 74.99

"30 Minutes to Better College Essays!"
"Have you ever received an essay assignment from your college professor, and wondered:How will Istart?How will Ireach the word count?How do Iavoid 'filling up space'?If you've ever asked any of these questions, then this is the course for you!In under thirty minutes you will learn:How to start an essayHow to reach the word countHow to make sure every sentence has a purposeAfter each lecture there is either a quiz or a practice assignment to help you utilize the tool you just learned in real time, complete prompts and specific examples of the methods being taught."
Price: 99.99

"Chinese Pronunciation Pinyin Courses for Beginners & HSK"
"This course will teach you how to learn Chinese Pinyin and learn to read Chinese correctly.1.Why should we learn Pinyin as the first step for Chinese learningPinyin is a pronunciation system for transcribing or spelling out the Chinese just like phonetic symbol for English.The correct Chinese learning method is, Pinyin first, Characters is the next part, then practice listening, speaking, structure of Chinese at the same time so that you can speak fluent Chinese or you can pass the HSK test. Because if your pronunciation is wrong, people can't even understand you.So you know Pinyin, you know how to pronounce Chinese. 2.Our courseOur course is divided into 6 parts: introduction of Pinyin, tones, finals, initials, special syllables, and Chinese dialogue exercises. You can get the specific pronunciation, phrase exercises, and course tests. Each lecture video will set tests and after-class exercises to give more practice with your spelling skills along the way.We also designed unique learning materials free to reference as you go along through that course.You can review and practice with a complete learning package to help you learn Chinese quickly.3.After learning Pinyin,:You will get a quiz to find out what you know, what your weaknesses are, then improve them. After completing the course, you can have a standard Chinese pronunciation and start wowing everyone around you, you can spell every Chinese character in Pinyin freely and chat with Chinese in some dialogues .4.This course is for:Those who have not studied Chinese before or want to start from 0 to lay a solid foundation of Chinese speaking and listening.So,let's start a Chinese learning journey!"
Price: 19.99

"Fehu Runenseminar - die Fehu-Rune als Kraftsymbol"
"[!!!spirituelle Runenkunde!!!]: dein persnlicher Leitfaden zur praktischen EnergiearbeitIn diesem Videoseminar erhltst du eine umfassende Einfhrung in die praktische Energiearbeit mit einem der effizientesten Tools, die dafr jemals entwickelt wurden!Bestimmt hast auch Du schon erfahren, dass sich hinter den Runen als uralten Schriftzeichen tatschlich hochwirksame energetische Kraftsymbole verbergen, die auch Du fr deine persnliche Energiearbeit nutzen kannst!In diesem mehr als 10 Videos umfassenden Videoseminar, erhltst du neben einer allgemeinen Einfhrung in die professionelle und zeitgeme Humanenergetik eine umfassende Darstellung von Wirksamkeit und Anwendungsmglichkeiten eines der wirksamsten Tools in der Energiearbeit,das jemals entwickelt wurde: die Fehu-Rune!Hinter diesem antiken Kraftsymbol verbirgt sich eine von vielen unbeachtete Welt der Inspiration und dein persnlicher Schlssel zur heiligen Quellenergie!"
Price: 64.99

"Wunscherfllung - Basics"
"In diesem Kurs geht es um die Grundlagen der Wunscherfllung. Diese ist kein abstraktes esoterisches Konzept, sondern vielmehr die bewusste Anwendung geistiger Naturgesetze. Die Wahrheit ist: alle Menschen haben das Potential ihr Leben durch die bewusste Steuerung ihrer Gedanken und die gezielte mentale, affirmative und imaginative Arbeit zu verndern. Und alle machen das auch - Tag fr Tag. Aber nur ein ganz kleiner Prozentsatz von Menschen, hat es gelernt diese Prozesse und Mechanismen auch tatschlich bewusst einzusetzen - und so erlangen nur ganz wenige das, was sie wirklich wollen. Damit du es besser machen kannst, habe ich dir diesen kurzen Videokurs aufgenommen.Der Kurs besteht aus Prsentationen, die ich zum Thema ""Wunscherfllung"" vorbereitet und als spontane Referate gehalten habe. Er geht weniger auf abstrakte Theorien und Modelle ein, sondern versucht ein praxisbezogener Kurs fr Umsetzer zu sein.Dieser Kurs ist perfekt fr dich, wenn du:+ offen fr neue Ideen und Konzepte bist+ deine Ziele und Trume tatschlich erreichen und umsetzen mchtest+ dein eigenes Leben selbstbestimmt in die Hand nehmen,+ oder aus dem Hamsterrad ausbrechen mchtest.Dieser Kurs ist nicht fr dich, wenn du:- glaubst nichts verndern zu knnen- keine Ziele und Visionen hast, die du umsetzen mchtest- keine Verantwortung fr dein eigenes Leben bernehmen willst- oder einfach weiterhin denselben Alltagstrott immer und immer wieder aufs Neue durchleben willst."
Price: 19.99

"Einfhrung in das hebrische Schriftsystem"
"In diesem Kurs lernst Du den Umgang mit dem hebrischen Alphabet und den ihm zugeordneten Zahlensymboliken. Der Kurs zeichnet sich durch seine lebendig-empathische Didaktik aus, die dir ein intuitives und einfach zu verstehendes Lernerlebnis ermglichen Durch das Zusammenspiel von antiker Weisheitslehre, die dir Einweihungswissen aus erster Hand vermittelt, mit dem dynamischen Vortrag eines Dozenten der seit ber 17 Jahren Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet der hebrischen Sprache hat, hilft dir dieser Kurs wie kein anderer dabei die Grundlage der hebrischen Sprache zu erlernen und ermglicht dir ein tieferes Verstndnis der ueren Weltwirklichkeit auf Basis der alten kabbalistischen Weisheit, die wir sowohl von der Warte des Sefer Jezirah als auch des mittelalterlichen Eingeweihtenwissens aus betrachten."
Price: 39.99

"Hochzeitsredner / Trauredner / Freier Redner werden!"
"Zum absoluten Traumjob mit diesem Kurs! In diesem Kurs lernst du vom Kennen lernen eines Paares bis hin zum halten einer Hochzeitszeremonie alles was dazu ntig ist. Freie Trauungen sind im Trend und ist eine unglaublich erfllende Ttigkeit. Gerade als Nebenttigkeit kann sie perfekt ausgebaut werden und fr schnes Zubrot dienen. Als Bonus on top auch noch einige Hinweise zu Thema ""Start in die Selbstndigkeit""!"
Price: 199.99