suyoung4 |
"44,000 SUYOUNG4 23,000 ! , , , , 3 /// .-- -- ? 10 . 1. 2. 3. 4. . 4 PPT . TV 5 2 . ? 2018 11 2019 4 --- 4 1 2, 2 1 19 2,562 . , , , , , . , , . ? ?4 1,2,3,4 . 1 96.6%, 2 92.1%, 3 94.3% 4 95.6%, 94.6% . 1,2,3,4 98% . ? Q&A . . Q&A , . ? , , . ( ^^) 5 . , 1,2,3,4 . ? . 2019 8 (), (), (-) . , , , . . 3 4 . ."
Price: 44000.00 |
suyoung2 |
"44,000 SUYOUNG2 ! 2 , 3, 4, , . . -- -- ? 10 . 1. 2. 3. 4. . 4 PPT . TV 5 2 . ? 2018 11 2019 4 --- 4 1 2, 2 1 19 2,562 . , , , , , . , , . ? ?4 1,2,3,4 . 1 96.6%, 2 92.1%, 3 94.3% 4 95.6%, 94.6% . 1,2,3,4 98% . ? Q&A . . Q&A , . ? , , . ( ^^) 5 . , 1,2,3,4 . ? . 2019 8 (), (), (-) . , , , . . 3 4 . ."
Price: 44000.00 |
"Learn Python in 24 Hrs" |
"If you have just started thinking to learn Python in 2019 then you have come to the right place. In this Course, I am going to share the best online course to learn Python which overs basics, detailed & programming information.In this course, you will learn Python in a practical manner. You will start by downloading and setting up Python on your machine and then slowly move on to different topics.The course covers all major Python topics like Data Types, Modularity, Objects, Collections, Handling errors, Iterables, Class, Files and well deployment of Python applications."
Price: 1280.00 |
"SQL - The Query Writing Bootcamp [2019]" |
"In this course you will learn SQL by working hands on with a Relational Database - [RDBMS]. At the end of this course you will know how to CREATE Tables in a Relational Database [RDBMS], using PRIMARY and FOREIGN Keys. You will also know how to modify an existing database, to either ALTER or UPDATE the information. This is a SQL programming course with extensive training and practice exercises. The objective of this course is to teach you SQL, so you are confident and prepared to become a skillful SQL Developer from day one!CREATE a Relation Database Using: Tables, PRIMARY KEYS and FOREIGN KEYSINSERT Data into TablesUPDATE and ALTER TablesRETRIEVE Data from a Relational Database using SQL AGGREGATE FunctionsJOINSPRACTICE Questions in Every Lesson & Hands On ExamplesMASTER The SQL LanguageNO Software Download Required! Become Job Ready as a SQL Developer!"
Price: 199.99 |
"MongoDB - The Beginners Bootcamp" |
"This is a hands-on learning course for anyone looking to learn or refresh their skills with MongoDB. The objective of this course is to teach you all of the basic functions and methods of MongoDB in an easy and direct manner. By learning the basics of MongoDB first, you will prepare yourself well for more advance MongoDB database development projects in the future. In this course you will learn How to CREATE COLLECTION's, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and DROP. In addition you will also learn how to use COMPARISON & LOGICAL OPERATORS, and AGGREGATION. Here is a complete list of the topics in this course:CREATE / USE a DatabaseCREATE a CollectionINSERT ( ) Methods - Documents into a CollectionUPDATE a CollectionFIND ( ) COMPARISON Operators: $eq $gt $lt $gte $lte $ne $in $ninLOGICAL Operators: $and $or $not $norQUERING a Collection SORT ( )LIMIT ( )SKIP ( )MAX & MIN ( )PROJECTION QueriesQUERING an ArrayCREATE Relationships$LookupDELETE / DROP"
Price: 199.99 |
"Guide complet du nouveau manager" |
"Aujourd'hui le monde du business est caractrise par une complexit croissante et un rythme de changement perptuel.Manager devient de plus en plus difficile, le nouveau manager doit faire face des performances nouvelles, des objectifs ambitieux, des contextes incertains et une ncessit de travailler en quipe et de grer les conflits.Le nouveau manager est souvent confront ds sa prise de fonction des injonctions fortes, parfois paradoxales, qui lui donnent le sentiment parfois d'tre coinc entre le marteau et l'enclume.Ce cours permet tout nouveau manager de trouver des rponses prcises et immdiate aux problmes de management auxquelles il doit faire face.Il lui permet de maitriser les attitudes et les comportements cls pour maitriser son rle de manager au quotidien.A propos du formateur :Mrs Klouz est manager, et consultante en Coaching & Dveloppement Personnel.Depuis des annes elle aide ses clients dans les plus grandes entreprises du CAC 40 se surpasser et pousser leurs limites pour maximiser leur potentiel et atteindre leurs objectifs.Former, coacher et accompagner des personnes dans un processus de transformation personnelle ou professionnelle est une passion qu'elle continue exercer tous les jours.Via Udemy, Mrs Klouz partage son expertise avec le plus grand nombre dentre vous travers des cours de qualit et une prsence continue pour rpondre vos questions.Si vous souhaitez donc vous rconforter dans votre rle de manager alors ce cours est pour vous! Bienvenue!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Data Types in Python - Fundamentals of Programming in Python" |
"In this course, you will get understanding of Data types in Python including examples, illustrations, related functions, methods and operations.By the end of this course, you will get a clear understanding of;-List-Tuple-Set-Dictionary and-other regular data types that are string, integer, float and boolean in python.You will definitely love this course because it is simple, easy and takes levels ahead in programming with even noticing :)"
Price: 199.99 |
"Flow Controls - Fundamentals of Programming in Python" |
"This is a Simple and Short Course for People who are new in Python, looking to have better understanding of python as a programming language.This course includes Flow Control topics;# -If else statements# -For loop# -While loop # -Break & # -Continue in PythonFor learners, I have put special attention to simplicity, diagramming to explain syntax and using simple use cases and examples for discussion to help aid concept building.Happy LearningCheers!!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Object Oriented Programming in Python - Aided with Diagrams" |
"This course includes;-Class,-Objects,-Inheritance (Multi-level and Multi-layers of Inheritance)-Overriding the functionality of Parent Class-Method Resolution Order-Operator Overloadingwith concepts, diagrams, syntax and examples andSome of the Common Operator Overloading Special Functions in Python# Operator Expression Internally# Addition p1 + p2 p1.__add__(p2)# Subtractionp1 - p2 p1.__sub__(p2)# Multiplicationp1 * p2 p1.__mul__(p2)# Power p1 ** p2 p1.__pow__(p2)# Division p1 / p2 p1.__truediv__(p2)"
Price: 199.99 |
"Decorators - A milestone for any serious python programmer" |
"Python DecoratorsIn this course, you will get an understanding of Decorator in Python including its importance (in the form of a story), definition, examples, illustrations, use cases, and related topicsBy the end of this course, you will get a clear understanding of;-Python Decorator-It's importance-Definition-Decorator Syntax-Decorating functions with parameters examples-Chaining decorators in python Applying multiple decorators to a single function-Debugging decorators-Examples-Simple to complex examples.You will definitely love this course because it is simple, easy and takes levels ahead in programming without even noticing :)Good Bye, or if you are looking to connected, use the following.Thank You"
Price: 199.99 |
"Python Programming Generator Yield - Aided with examples" |
"Python Generator Yield StatementIn this course, you will get an understanding of Generator in Python including definition, examples, illustrations, use cases and exercise with solution. The solution is created with discussion to enhance concept building .By the end of this course, you will get a clear understanding of;-Generator-Yield Statement-Syntax-Use cases-Simple to complex examples.-Exercise with solutionAt the end of the course, you can access jupyter notebook code file."
Price: 199.99 |
"Milestones in Python 3.8 with exciting new features" |
"New Features in Python 3.8 In this course, you will have an understanding of some the exciting new features in Python 3.8 -Downloading and Installing Python 3.8-Walrus Operator -Position Only Operator -F string support -isqrt function -Continue with finally -Iterator Unpacking -Reversed dictionary -Syntax warning You will definitely love this course because it is simple, easy and takes you levels ahead in python programming without even noticing :)"
Price: 199.99 |
"Speeding Up Your PC" |
"Sometime When Your Computer Does Not Work at its Full Capacity You End Up getting angry On your Own Computer,and Start Thinking It's Getting Old And You End Up BUYING new Computer Where As There are Some Setting You need to Make And That Can Help You get it Perform at its Full Capacity Things You Will Learn In is Course are as Follows 1) Short Cut Icon That You didn't Know Takes Space in Your C drive2) Disk Clean Up3) Anti Virus4) Uninstall Useless Software5) Ms-config6) Defragmentation7) Optimize C drive 8) C cleaner 9) Delete Temporary Files 10) Ready Boost11) Get Space In C drive12) Set High PriorityThis Few Important Things Will Help You To Make Your Computer Run Its Best Capability "
Price: 6080.00 |
"Java Programming Fundamentals" |
"Java Programming FundamentalsA step-by-step beginner's guide to programming in JavaLearning Java and Having A Clear Concept may help You To Develop Skills Here In this Course, You Will Learn The Following All The Required Skill Would Be To make Your EXPERT in JavaYou, Will, Learn Following Things INSTALLING JAVA JDK INSTALLING JAVA ECLIPSESETTING UP ECLIPSE, CREATE HELLO WORLDSYNTEX AND VARIABLE INDEPT OF VARIABLE DECLARATION AND COMMENTIF ELSE STATEMENTBOOLEAN AND NESTINGWHILE LOOP AND DO LOOPFOR LOOP SWITCH STATEMENT, LOGICAL OPERATORS ARRAY Feed To me On How did You Like My Course How It Works And The Explanation For ItBest of Luck"
Price: 1600.00 |
"How To Rank Videos On YouTube" |
"How to rank videos on YouTube People Now a days Want Fame and also Need Some Exposure to What Kind of Video They Are Creating ButThere are Many Mistake Done While Starting Out With No ExperienceSo Clear Guidance can Push Your Skill And Help Them To They Best Skills and Improve There KnowledgeFollowing My Course That Will Develop Your Skill To Perform Better IntroductionGet Custom URL for Your Youtube ChannelSub ConfirmationOptimizing Your VideoTitle For Youtube VideoDescription with social LinkAdding TagsHastag for youtubeCustom ThumbnailTube BuddyGet Tubebuddy Star licence For Limited TimeHow to Use Star licence On TubebuddyTubebuddy Keyword Ranking TagsPromoting On WebsitesHow to share Youtube Video With Share ButtonCreate Blogger and Add Your Video To ItGet Facebook Group ViewsBig Thumbnail On Facebook So People Drive To Your VideoSharree WebsiteUse Reddit Website And Share Videos In subredditsGetting Contact with other YoutuberSetup campain In google adsPaid Promotion Using PramoltaPromote Using Community Tab7 Places To Post YouTube Videos To GET VIEWSCopy Right Free ContentHow to Use Royalty free ImagesHow to use Copy Right Sound On YoutubeSome Additional TipsWhats Wrong With Your Youtube channel That its Not GrowingWatch time To get 20 Thousand MinutesSend Notification of Your VideoBest Time To Upload Video"
Price: 12800.00 |
"Digital Marketing Secrets for Beginners" |
"Most of the people share they knowledge Which is actually The talking but Learning that By the talking is not useful ButWhen You Actually See thing like What steps you can do with some Visual type of Tricks and Share it by having knowledge of how things work in internet and Working on it with some useful tools Which is provided to us for free it can be so Easy to become famous but don't let me go wrong you need to work for it. as your taking my course now you will work the same way but which a Useful and in Smart way In This Course You Will be Learning Introductionindex in Google CrawlerMake Long url ShortKey Word ResearchGoogle Keyword on google pageHow to Find Searched Topic On GoogleKeywords EverywhereKeyword shitterPaid Tools To find competitor Details using spyfuOnline MarketingHow To Get Email Address Online Using FacebookHow to send bulk emails using gmailPromote with SMSCreate Blogger and Add Your Video or Image to itImage submissionVideo SubmissionYoutube MarketingGet Facebook Group ViewsBig Thumbnail On Facebook So People Drive To Your VideoSharree Website7 Places To Post YouTube Videos To GET VIEWSBest of Luck in your digital marketing career#beAble"
Price: 12800.00 |
"Android App Development For Beginners" |
"Today's World is Spread With a Mobile phone it's like when people talk about technology what comes in people mind is Smartphoneand when we talk about smartphone People talk about apps Now people don't just want to download apps they want to create they Own Apps So To Develop a professional app You need to learn some Programming Here I am to teach you the basic Structure to start with Android app development and this is very basic app development to get your hands dirty to get into the industry of how it feels like to create a single and Simple app in android Studio and Learn the Basics of Java Programming Introductioninstalling JDK for Android Studio Detailed Video in java fundamentalsinstalling android studioUnderstand android studioinstalling Geny MotionUSB driver to connect Your Physical DeviceUnderstand XMLTextView and ImageViewViewGroupsMargin Paddingcopy image in android studioImage AppOverview of Android StudioApp LauncherInterActive AppCreating Cricket AppAdding Method In ApponClickMethodCalculationAdding Java In team BAdding Team B XMLAdding Reset ButtonStyling_Cricket_appSome Important Theory ExplanationAndroid Update Google IOToast Message and Surprise Fidget Spinner AppHow to add Custom Button in ApplicationExplanation OF Manifest File in Android StudioFind Drinks AdviserFind Drinks XMLFind Drinks JavaLudo Dice Roll AppLudo Dice adding Logo and ImagesLudo Dice XMLLudo Dice JAVA Ep1Ludo Dice Complete App"
Price: 1280.00 |
WebSite |
"""WebSite : "" , : , , ."
Price: 79.99 |
"Solfege and Music Fundamentals Book 1 Part 2" |
"What is the worst mistake a beginner-level musician can make?Answer: Not finding the correct teaching methodology. Let's compare and contrast my sister's and my childhood music education with our father's.Our father got his Ph.D. from Cornell, worked for decades at Bell Labs and Bellcore, and has nine patents, so he is a pretty smart guy. He has had a lifelong passion and dedication to music. From age ten, he took piano lessons for over seven years, practicing up to eight hours on weekends. In spite of this dedication, he was unable to achieve more than intermediate level proficiency as a pianist. No one who is passionate about music should yield that kind of result for that amount of effort expended - this is absolutely heartbreaking. But when you are not taught music fundamentals the correct way, and not taught how to practice an instrument the correct way, this is the normal result. Heaven forbid if you run into the wrong teacher, and end up thinking you have no talent.For the first seven years of my life, my mom taught me what she could. She tried to get me to read music but probably wasn't patient enough, and I learned to play by ear. Then my father's boss at Bell Labs told him there was a prestigious piano school called The French School of Music, in Plainfield, NJ. The teacher and founder of the school had studied at Paris Conservatory when four famous French composers were alive and Gabriel Faur was director of the conservatoire. I began taking private piano lessons and attending solfege classes there, eventually taking lessons for ten years. The solfege training was ""fixed do"" training and taught:sight-singing while conducting time,two piano ear training (where the teacher would play a note, series of notes, or chord, and students had to replicate this on a second piano), andmusic dictation where the teacher would play something and students would have to figure it out and write it down.Almost immediately, they discovered I had absolute pitch. The teacher also taught efficient piano practice methods. Three months after starting lessons, I competed in the NJ Music Education Council piano competitions, made it to the finals, and came in third place. The next year, first place.My little sister was three years old at the time, and sitting in back of solfege class with the parents when I started taking lessons. Six months later, she leaned over to mom one day and asked during the two-piano ear training portion: ""why can't he get those? Those are so EASY!"" A mother turned around in complete shock, the class stopped while the instructors tested my sister, and they discovered she also had absolute pitch. Eventually, I performed in Carnegie Recital Hall nine times, and sis played there ten times.During the 14 year period when sis and I studied at French School, and over the 92 year history of this school until transitioning to a new partnership with duCret in 2019, numerous French School students also played at Carnegie, went on to attend top notch conservatories, became professional musicians, and / or excelled in other disciplines as doctors, lawyers, technologists, etc.Why did this school get such outstanding results? Solfege classes focused on learning music fundamentals. Every week we would break down and sightread a new piece of music. That meant by the time we went to our instrument lessons, we could focus on technique and musicality, because what was in our brains already mirrored what was in our teacher's brain.There is so much more to say, and to this end, our family has attempted to explain this school's methodology so that future music students have access to what we once had. At the very least, it would give people enough information to recognize the right teacher and teaching methodology, even if it differs from our experience. My dad has dedicated the decades of his retirement to writing a book called ""Fundamentals of Piano Practice"", available online in PDF form and for sale in paperback form. I realized in 2017 that the solfege portion was missing and wrote the ""Solfege Teaching Guide"", which is readable by all, not just music teachers. In fact, if you are a parent or prospective parent you must read this, so that your child has the best possible head start with respect to developing a solid foundation in music fundamentals. This is also online in PDF form and for sale in paperback form.A quick summary in terms of efficient piano practice - the most important techniques to learn a new piece quickly include:Focusing on the hardest parts first, often both the beginning and the endPracticing hands aloneUsing the ""continuity rule"" (explained in my father's book) to practice one bar at a time plus the next note repeatedly until you get it, then the next bar plus the next note repeatedly, string together the first two bars plus the next note, etc. After gaining proficiency with a particular section hands alone, try hands together also using the continuity rule, such that you have full overlapping coverage in practice and can eventually play a piece from start to finish without stopping.Using the ""got it, forgot it"" method where, instead of practicing for two hours straight, maybe practice for 15 -20 minutes using the continuity rule, go eat breakfast, come back for another 15 -20 minutes to practice again, doing this periodically throughout the day. This technique engages the subconscious in piano practice as well, such that by the end of the day, instead of one large practice session, students have run through multiple practice sessions and may discover something that seemed impossible in the morning is now playable by end of day.In terms of solfege, I'm working to put all 171 exercises from Dannhuser Solfge des Solfges online in a Udemy series titled ""Solfege and Music Fundamentals"". As of September 2019, Part 1 - 3 are available. Part 1 is free and covers exercises 1 - 3, has lectures on ear training and music dictation, and explains the structure of the course and what our solfege classes were like (as best as possible, given that the training is online versus the brick and mortar experience we had). Part 2 covers exercises 4 - 19. Part 3 covers exercises 20 - 39, Part 4 will cover exercises 40 - 59, etc."
Price: 19.99 |
"Solfege and Music Fundamentals Book 1 Part 3" |
"What is the worst mistake a beginner-level musician can make?Answer: Not finding the correct teaching methodology. Let's compare and contrast my sister's and my childhood music education with our father's.Our father got his Ph.D. from Cornell, worked for decades at Bell Labs and Bellcore, and has nine patents, so he is a pretty smart guy. He has had a lifelong passion and dedication to music. From age ten, he took piano lessons for over seven years, practicing up to eight hours on weekends. In spite of this dedication, he was unable to achieve more than intermediate level proficiency as a pianist. No one who is passionate about music should yield that kind of result for that amount of effort expended - this is absolutely heartbreaking. But when you are not taught music fundamentals the correct way, and not taught how to practice an instrument the correct way, this is the normal result. Heaven forbid if you run into the wrong teacher, and end up thinking you have no talent.For the first seven years of my life, my mom taught me what she could. She tried to get me to read music but probably wasn't patient enough, and I learned to play by ear. Then my father's boss at Bell Labs told him there was a prestigious piano school called The French School of Music, in Plainfield, NJ. The teacher and founder of the school had studied at Paris Conservatory when four famous French composers were alive and Gabriel Faur was director of the conservatoire. I began taking private piano lessons and attending solfege classes there, eventually taking lessons for ten years. The solfege training was ""fixed do"" training and taught:sight-singing while conducting time,two piano ear training (where the teacher would play a note, series of notes, or chord, and students had to replicate this on a second piano), andmusic dictation where the teacher would play something and students would have to figure it out and write it down.Almost immediately, they discovered I had absolute pitch. The teacher also taught efficient piano practice methods. Three months after starting lessons, I competed in the NJ Music Education Council piano competitions, made it to the finals, and came in third place. The next year, first place.My little sister was three years old at the time, and sitting in back of solfege class with the parents when I started taking lessons. Six months later, she leaned over to mom one day and asked during the two-piano ear training portion: ""why can't he get those? Those are so EASY!"" A mother turned around in complete shock, the class stopped while the instructors tested my sister, and they discovered she also had absolute pitch. Eventually, I performed in Carnegie Recital Hall nine times, and sis played there ten times.During the 14 year period when sis and I studied at French School, and over the 92 year history of this school until transitioning to a new partnership with duCret in 2019, numerous French School students also played at Carnegie, went on to attend top notch conservatories, became professional musicians, and / or excelled in other disciplines as doctors, lawyers, technologists, etc.Why did this school get such outstanding results? Solfege classes focused on learning music fundamentals. Every week we would break down and sightread a new piece of music. That meant by the time we went to our instrument lessons, we could focus on technique and musicality, because what was in our brains already mirrored what was in our teacher's brain.There is so much more to say, and to this end, our family has attempted to explain this school's methodology so that future music students have access to what we once had. At the very least, it would give people enough information to recognize the right teacher and teaching methodology, even if it differs from our experience. My dad has dedicated the decades of his retirement to writing a book called ""Fundamentals of Piano Practice"", available online in PDF form and for sale in paperback form. I realized in 2017 that the solfege portion was missing and wrote the ""Solfege Teaching Guide"", which is readable by all, not just music teachers. In fact, if you are a parent or prospective parent you must read this, so that your child has the best possible head start with respect to developing a solid foundation in music fundamentals. This is also online in PDF form and for sale in paperback form.A quick summary in terms of efficient piano practice - the most important techniques to learn a new piece quickly include:Focusing on the hardest parts first, often both the beginning and the endPracticing hands aloneUsing the ""continuity rule"" (explained in my father's book) to practice one bar at a time plus the next note repeatedly until you get it, then the next bar plus the next note repeatedly, string together the first two bars plus the next note, etc. After gaining proficiency with a particular section hands alone, try hands together also using the continuity rule, such that you have full overlapping coverage in practice and can eventually play a piece from start to finish without stopping.Using the ""got it, forgot it"" method where, instead of practicing for two hours straight, maybe practice for 15 -20 minutes using the continuity rule, go eat breakfast, come back for another 15 -20 minutes to practice again, doing this periodically throughout the day. This technique engages the subconscious in piano practice as well, such that by the end of the day, instead of one large practice session, students have run through multiple practice sessions and may discover something that seemed impossible in the morning is now playable by end of day.In terms of solfege, I'm working to put all 171 exercises from Dannhuser Solfge des Solfges online in a Udemy series titled ""Solfege and Music Fundamentals"". As of September 2019, Part 1 - 3 are available. Part 1 is free and covers exercises 1 - 3, has lectures on ear training and music dictation, and explains the structure of the course and what our solfege classes were like (as best as possible, given that the training is online versus the brick and mortar experience we had). Part 2 covers exercises 4 - 19. Part 3 covers exercises 20 - 39, Part 4 will cover exercises 40 - 59, etc."
Price: 19.99 |
"This course is designed to help new traders understand, and breakdown the markets. so many traders don't know where to start when it comes to trading, here at learn to trade we give you the keys fundamentally and technically, to start and propel your trading career! too many people over complicate trading. while it may have its battles and rough roads, we give you the keys to over come those paths and become apart of the successful traders in the market!WHAT WILL I BE LEARNING? What is day trading?1. How to day trade stocks and what day trading means.FUNDAMENTAL OF TRADING2. the fundamental balance of trading and how we use it to our advantage! we use things such as short float, shares outstanding, relative volume, volume, volatility and much more to get more of an idea from the marketsRELATIVE STRENGTH INDEX (RSI)3. relative strength index is a gauge on how a market performs and if it is either overbought, or oversold, and we explain and share how to use it.BASICS OF TRADING4. we give you different types of basics you need to know and what techniques and approaches you need to come with when it comes to trading PSYCHOLOGY OF TRADING5. the biggest game in trading is the mind. so many traders have the techniques of trading and how it works but the biggest failure they have is the mind. we give you some of the biggest reasons why traders fail mentally and how to avoid it! HOW TO GO LONG IN THE MARKETS (TRADING STRATEGY)6. how to go long is the most talked about strategy in trading and we break down a trade to show you how you profit and what going long even means! and how that ties in to being bullish in the markets HOW TO MAKE GAINS FROM GOING SHORT (TRADING STRATEGY)7.we have a strategy in place to help you not only profit from the long side of trading, but the bearish side as well. we help you profit from a stocks downfall"
Price: 199.99 |
"This course is designed to help new traders understand, and breakdown the markets. so many traders don't know where to start when it comes to trading, here at learn to trade we give you the keys fundamentally and technically, to start and propel your trading career! too many people over complicate trading. while it may have its battles and rough roads, we give you the keys to over come those paths and become apart of the successful traders in the market!WHAT WILL I BE LEARNING? What is day trading?1. How to day trade stocks and what day trading means. FUNDAMENTAL OF TRADING2. the fundamental balance of trading and how we use it to our advantage! we use things such as short float, shares outstanding, relative volume, volume, volatility and much more to get more of an idea from the marketsBASICS OF TRADING4. we give you different types of basics you need to know and what techniques and approaches you need to come with when it comes to trading . techniques that include 2 live trading strategies, how to manage risk,how to use the VWAP line on your charts, how to read a chart, candelsticks,difference in proprietary trading firms and retail traders, bullish and bearish, driving markets, And much More!PSYCHOLOGY OF TRADING5. the biggest game in trading is the mind. so many traders have the techniques of trading and how it works but the biggest failure they have is the mind. we give you some of the biggest reasons why traders fail mentally and how to avoid it! ResearchPosition sizingFOMOHow to Manage riskGreedmoving on2 LIVE TRADING STRATEGIES IN THE MARKETS (TRADING STRATEGY)6. how to go long is the most talked about strategy in trading and we break down a trade to show you how you profit and what going long even means! and how that ties in to being bullish in the markets. We implement the line strategy (a long type play) and the under vwap pop and drop strategy (shorting strategy)AND MUCH MORE!We go in to the language of the markets, and how to get you in the right direction of becoming a successful Day Trader"
Price: 199.99 |
"Seminario de Reiki Tera Mai Niveles 1, 2 y Maestra" |
"Soy Natalia Ramos, Shihan en Reiki Tera Mai.El Reiki Tera Mai nos ayuda a enfocarnos en la sanacin mediante los smbolos terrestres y a mejorar nuestra vida en la Tierra para llegar a un mejor lugar espiritual.Reiki no slo es una terapia alternativa, pasa a ser un estilo de vida y disciplina que trae muchos beneficios para quienes siguen este camino.Dentro del curso, en el nivel 1 aprenders lo bsico del Reiki tradicional (bases, historia, tcnica) as como sobre el Reki Tera Mai (historia, el camino del Reiki Tera Mai, su enfoque y tcnicas). Aprenderemos sobre el cuerpo holstico, la sanacin de nuestros 4 cuerpos y el camino para no enfermar nuestro cuerpo fsico. Incluso aprenderemos lo esencial para aplicar Reiki a animales y plantas.Pasando al nivel 2 te encontrars con el camino, tcnicas y smbolos del Reiki Tera Mai que van directamente a tu sanacin mental y emocional y aprenders a utilizar el Reiki a travs del tiempo y el espacio. Adems conocers tcnicas especficas para solucionar problemas en concreto y mejorar tu abundancia en todo mbito de cosas.La maestra es un regalo a tu conexin espiritual. Con las ltimas tcnicas, smbolos y enseanzas al maestro sers capaz de conocer y trabajar por tu esencia, tu ser interior, tu camino, no importa cul sea. Aprenders a sanar desde tu ser divino as como los pasos en concreto para activar a tus propios discpulos, si as lo quisieras.Dentro del curso inclumos:- 50 videos explicativos con toda la teora y prctica del Reiki (ya subiendo los de Maestra)- Manuales en formato pdf imprescindible para trabajar el curso de Reiki- Grupo privado de Facebook donde compartimos experiencias, dudas y temas de inters para seguir aprendiendo (en cada niel)- Contacto directo conmigo e iniciacin personalizada con certificacin incluidaTe invito a formar parte de nuestra bella familia de Reikidokas que buscan el camino de la sanacinNo te quedes fuera de esta bella disciplina de sanacin!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Facebook - Ultimate Guide to Set Up & Brand a Business Page" |
"This is the first course anyone should do when starting to use Facebook as a marketing tool.Consumers are moving at speed, generally on a mobile device. Only businesses and organisations that effectively brand their channels and stay on message will catch the attention of fast moving consumers. To be successful, businesses should clearly position themselves by communicating to prospects why they are different and why they should do business with them.In this course learn The fundamentals about branding and why you need to brand your Facebook pageBest practice for profile and cover imagesAll about page set upLouise McDonnell has developed this course having trained and mentored over 8000 businesses and non profit organisations. She knows the issues they face, and the common mistakes they make. This course is clear, concise and is the fist step in any Facebook marketing strategy."
Price: 29.99 |
"Sell More on Facebook - The Ultimate Sales & Marketing Guide" |
"Expertly grow your Facebook audience! Learn the skills Louise McDonnell has shared with over 8000 businesses about how to target, build and retain a desirable audience. Louise is a Digital Marketing Expert and Author who has been working to support businesses and non-profit groups since 2009. Louise is a successful and highly sought after Keynote Speaker who in 2018 was listed as one of the Top 10 Worldwide Facebook Experts by Blogger.Local and more recently, Designwizard listed Louise as number 16 on the list of Ireland's Top 50 Marketers.This course offers in-depth and detailed content on aspects of Branding, Content Marketing, Beating the Facebook Algorithm and much more! Easily optimize your Facebook Ads to realize greater conversions and reduce your financial costs, grow likes and post engagements, and learn about some of the pitfalls that lead to Facebook failures.Join now to take control of your Brand, Product or Service and excel the world of Facebook Marketing!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Elevate Your Research Presentations!" |
"Do you want to transform your slides to look polished and professional for your research presentations? Do you want to engage with your audience during your research presentations? And take your research presentations to the next level? You have come to the right course!Preparing 20-minute presentation would often take 3-5 days... from scratch, to say the least. That is, a researcher may take about close to 1500-2400 minutes (~100-240x longer) to prepare a presentation. Preparing a presentation doesn't have to be that hard! In this course, I'll guide you in creating a beautiful and engaging presentation quicker. And easier. Learn to use proven methods in crafting your presentations. This course is for postgraduates, researchers, scientists, Professors, academicians, lecturers and professionals in higher education institutions. Or anyone who wishes to learn how to improve and transform their presentations.Find out four common habits that could undermine a research presentation, yet many continue doing so. Many academic presenters seem unaware... Learn simple ways to improve or overcome such habits - to raise to the next level.The next level of presenting must involve you, your key messages and your audience. Think 'ELEVATE' as a bridge thatconnects you with your audience. Each letter in 'ELEVATE corresponds to elements of an effective presentation:E Extract the essenceL Lay out your ideasE Engage with Your AudienceV Visual communicationA Anchor attentionT Tell a storyE EmotionUse this 'ELEVATE' acronym in how you approach a presentation a thought process/workflow when you start a new presentation or editing an existing one. You'd find in this course, methods, strategies and tools to help you to communicate your work - with clarity, relevance and simplicity - to your audience. Since presenting and networking in research seminars and conferences usually go hand-in-hand, you will learn how to extract the essence of your work. And use them in meeting and connecting with your peers or potential collaborators. Learn to integrate your key messages in planning and building an engaging presentation using a presentation outline. Check out my pro tips in ""From Stickies to Slides"". Simplicity and brevity are hallmarks of successful research presentations. In this course, you will also learn to transform your slides into professional-looking slides in minutes - using my SP1CE formula. We learn by doing, so included in this course are 2 practice sessions. I take you step-by-step on how to apply my SP1CE formula for your slide(s). Share your makeover slides to get my feedback.Simple and clean slides will clearly communicate the essence of your research work. You will also find simple delivery tips that have proved effective and useful in conducting my own workshops. Download unique, handcrafted templates for your next preso. Together, these will help you maximise the impact of your research presentation.---------------------------Why is this course is for you?You no longer have to spend long hours sifting through hundreds of youtube videos and websites to look for ideas, tips to improve your research presentations. You no longer need to sit in a 600-dollar workshop for a full day to learn many advanced strategies and tactics in presenting your work. This course is based on distillation of real experiences, not simply concepts.I've made these concepts simple, to the point - with examples related to science and research. So that, in less than 1.5 hours, in less than the amount of time spent reading a full research article, you will learn the exact things you need to know to start creating your presentation. If you prefer, you may head straight to the heart of elevating your presentation, Sections 2 and 3.So, no faffing about. Just what you need to get things done. Plan, design and then deliver that impactful, engaging presentation. Come join me in this course.---------------------------Elevate Your Research Presentations! is not only an online course, it is also a call-to-action to raise the quality of presenting research and work in higher education institutions around the world."
Price: 109.99 |
"Teach Online Secrets to Udemy Course Creation (Unofficial)" |
"Do you want to create a great quality online course on Udemy? Do you want to learn simple ways to start creating teaching videos?Do you want to share your passion and knowledge with your audience - to go beyond brick and mortar?If you have answered yes to these, this course is for you! This course is for anyone who wants to start creating an online course but don't have much time on hand. Learning how to create an online course often take hours to master all the skills. If you're busy, that may take ages to release a great quality online course on Udemy. Learn what you need to publish a course on UdemyThis course, however, provides you with the know-how based on 'What I need to know' to get things done, rather than 'What would be nice to know'. I've extracted the essence of creating an online course, so that you will understand what is essential to produce a course in Udemy. That will allow you to maximise your time and effort on getting a course out, without compromising on quality. This course is also for trainers or instructors who already have Powerpoint or presentation slides. Don't keep those slides tucked neatly in your computer or hard drives... It's time to convert them to online courses, share your passion and knowledge with the rest of world. Re-purpose those Powerpoints and start boosting your income. In this course, I will guide you step-by-step in creating a great quality Udemy course using my own formula. You don't have to know much to start creating an online course. I will guide you from planning your own course to equipment and office setup, creating teaching videos and course promotions. Even though I'm new to the Udemy platform; previously I served as university Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Manager, Trainer and Instructor since 2015. I had led dozens of MOOCs and online course training workshops for educators and professionals at university, national and international levels. And I worked with professional video producers, production team and educators coming from different disciplines and fields in that capacity.These are also in harmony with my passions in presentation, technology and education namely, in presentation design and online education. Learn secrets in creating awesome online coursesFrom those experiences, I learned how to optimise setups for video production and shoot great quality own teaching videos for my students and online courses.I also learned that many instructors and professionals are reluctant or unable to effectively convert their Powerpoint or training modules into an online course due to the lack of knowledge and skills in learning technologies and hardware. So in this course, you will learn my secrets and insights in creating awesome online courses. I take you behind the screen and walk with you in this journey of creating your own online course. Guiding you towards a successful creation of a Udemy courseWhen you are willing to put in the time and effort, I want to help you in every way towards a successful creation of a Udemy course. I can help you with the course designs and technicalities involved in content creation. Don't hesitate to post your questions related to the course contents or about teaching online. Hit 'Ask New Question' in the Q&A section, just ask me. Every questions matter - I want to help you increase your confidence in creating an online course on Udemy. Providing you the best learning experience possible in creating a course on Udemy is what I aim for. If you think I could improve this course in any way, please let me know. I'll do my best to make it happen for you. Start sharing your passion and knowledge to a global audience. Your global audience.Start earning extra income.Enrol in this course!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Create an Attractive Udemy Course Image (Unofficial)" |
"Do you want to create your own Udemy course image that you like?An attractive course image that has your own photo or branding?People look at visual first when they are browsing courses on Udemy. A well-designed course image can make a big differencepeople often click on the course images that appeal to them. Catchy Udemy course images will attract and drive new students to your new course. That, in turn, will help boost the ranking of your course in Udemy.Now, what if I have no Powerpoint? No GIMP. No Photoshop. No fancy image or graphic editor.Well, no problem. In this course, I will teach you, step-by-step, how to design a simple and amazing Udemy course image in minutes. You will learn to use Canva in no time. Canva is a free online web-based image editor with intuitive drag-and-drop actions for anyone with little design background. It has plenty free, pre-designed templates, fonts and colours. What matters most is Canva makes it super duper easy for you to design attractive Udemy course images with your own branding and photo.What you need is your own photo(s) or from public domain. Some keywords, and a dash of creativity.When you have learned the basics in course image designs using Canva, you can now extend your skills to Youtube Thumbnail designs. I include this as a short video in the Bonus Lectures section. What are you waiting for? Learn this new skill to start driving students to your Udemy course (and Youtube!)Click 'Enrol' in the course now!I look forward to see you in the course=)"
Price: 89.99 |
"Powerpoint Alternative: Blendspace" |
"Unstuck yourself from Powerpoint. Many teachers, instructors, technical experts and specialists are stuck for hours and days behind the screen, working on their presentations. Be it a Powerpoint or other presentation software. Don't spend hoursOften they are stuck in designing slide decks with text, colours and shapes while figuring out how to add various multimedia contents for example images, videos, pdf files to Powerpoint slides. After bursts of temper, a couple of aspirins and hours later, a slide deck may be ready for presentation.One of the bottlenecks of most presentation software lies in the design part. Countless edits are a norm for anyone who has worked in Powerpoint or similar presentation software. Save yourself the troubles.Blendspace cuts through the chase. You don't need any design skills to create a presentation in Blendspace. Just the ability to search, select and organise relevant multimedia contents in your field of expertise - via Google, Flickr and Youtube. Keep those little ideas and inspirations together in Blendspace lessons, as invaluable resources. Share and present the resources in classes, workshops, meetings and talks. Needless to say, I love it.Blendspace is a content-focused multimedia web-based tool that lets you curate, store and present a variety of digital contents. Without breaking a sweat. You will learn ideas and tips to embed existing Powerpoint, GoogleDoc and Google Forms in Blendspace and make your classes more interactive and encourage peer collaborations, an important 21st century skill.Blendspace is a great fun - learn to turn your classes and workshops in active, interactive and collaborative sessions.Find out how to create a multimedia lesson or presentation in minutes.Enrol in this course!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Powerpoint Alternative: Canva" |
"Unstuck yourself from Powerpoint! Many professionals, entrepreneurs, teachers and creatives spend countless, painful hours and days designing presentations on Powerpoint. With Canva, those long hours may be a thing of the past.Because Canva lets you focus on your content. Save time and boost your productivity when designing a presentation with Canva. Create a modern and contemporary-looking presentation that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.In this course, I will take you slide-by-slide, step-by-step in designing a beautiful slide deck of 16 slides for business or professional use. The slides we are going to design are typically used in many presentations; they are:Title SlideOutline - 2 typesOpening Slides - 2 typesContent Slides - Text and ImagesIcons, a Chart and InfographicsMeet the TeamReferences and ResourcesContact Us Learn simple and intuitive design tools in Canva in minutes. I will teach you how best to use simple design elements (fonts, colours, images and icons) in designing a presentation. I will show you how you can use Canva's stunning designs to help create a beautiful presentation. Turn your ideas into reality. Get inspired, get MORE things done - easier and quicker. Enrol in this course!"
Price: 99.99 |