"Creative Powerpoint: Design Title Slides with Simple Shapes" |
"A professional-looking PowerPoint Title Slide starts with making great first impressions.Create a stunning title slide in 5 minutes or less. Not hours or days. Boost your productivity & professional profile. And leave a lasting impression in the minds of your audience.I will teach you 6 creative title slide designs that will give great first impressions. And then, show you 2 more ways to create simple title slides for online courses and speaking engagements. Clean and simple designs, quickly and easily.Elevate your presentation with simple shapes and a suitable image. In this course, you will learn 8 ways to create a title slide in PowerPoint that looks great. With or without using any images using rectangles, triangles and curves. Learn to select colours in branding - for corporate, institution or own branding. The use of colours in presentations help to in promoting and enhancing your professional image.You dont have to spend your money on 100s fancy templates or be a professional designer to create an awesome title slide. You can create a professional-looking title slide using the existing PowerPoint application from your laptop or desktop. I show you my processes in PowerPoint using colours, transparency, picture and shape format. I guide you step-by-step in this course. It's really quick and easy.Transform a plain-looking boring text-only title slide in minutes. In the bonus lecture, learn to create a title slide for speaking engagements and boost your professional profile!Enrol now. See you in the course! =)---Requirements 1. PowerPoint 2016 and upwards2. Professionals with some basics in PowerPoint - who wish to elevate their presentations but don't want to spend precious hours figuring out how to achieve a professional-looking presentation. This course is for you."
Price: 24.99 |
"Playing with Procreate: Create an Isometric Illustration" |
"Turn your existing PowerPoint slides into a simple isometric illustration in Procreate.By default, Procreate generates a time-lapse video of your work - so you can use the video as promotional materials for your online courses, showcase your work or research studies - during presentations or for marketing purposes.It's a smarter way to work, with less effort. And unleash your creative side!In this class, I share my process in creating a basic isometric illustration in Procreate from my PowerPoint slides. Straight to the point, so that you can get to what really matters and acquire the skills.You will learn step-by-step how I use Procreate to transform screen captures of my PowerPoint slides into a time-lapse video drawn using isometric grids.Briefly, you will learn:my creative process to help you find design inspirations.how to set up the canvas and isometric grids in Procreate.a quick overview of Procreate to help you familiarise with menus and tools to create a basic isometric illustration.laying out the PowerPoint Slides on the isometric grids and fine-tuning the designs.how to export your work as a time-lapse video.What I love about this process is you can easily use your existing PowerPoint slides to turn them into creative promotional video materials in Procreate. You can add more slides to the isometric design as you go along. And present your work to your superiors and colleagues in a more interesting manner.Productivity could also mean accomplishing more and have fun at work, while being strategic at the same time.All you need to follow this course are an iPad, the Procreate app & a stylus. And of course, a dose of imagination.Enrol in the course, and lets get started =)"
Price: 24.99 |
"Devenez Investisseur Immobilier" |
"A travers des dizaines de vidos ludiques, je vous accompagne pas pas vers votre objectif final.Je vous montre comment rechercher et trouver votre bien, le ngocier , l'acheter, le louer et le rentabiliser.Toutes les vidos sont relativement courtes et optimises pour une bonne comprhension.Vous n'aurez qu' suivre et appliquer mes instructions et conseils, au fur et mesure de votre progression.3 Objectifs Principaux:Acheter un premier appartement sans apport conomiser des milliers d'euros ds l'achatLouer le bien et dgager un bnfice mensuelA l'issue de la formation vous connatrez toutes les ficelles pour raliser votre premier investissement locatif rentable"
Price: 59.99 |
"Personal Development Bootcamp: Achieve your goals in 30 days" |
"Always feeling underachieving or always lagging behind when compared with your peers? No matter you are fresh graduate or managers, you want to have a better career and a better life. Seeing your peers drinking 80s Lafite, driving a luxurious car or getting promoted every year low-key, you will say to yourself I must change. I must change now. Everyone embarks on ones Journey from different stages. When you are new to climb a mountain, you have no idea how to start. You feel helpless and need to grind through the obstacles. Even when you are near the top of the mountain, you want to climb higher to the top as soon as possible to become the first. Their similarity is that they have to put in work.This online personal-development course is going to push you to become more successful in your career.It is a bespoke curriculum to teach you how to find your purpose, devise a plan and set the right goals. Inside you will be provided with the right strategies and techniques that can help you envisage what you need to put in work to turn your dreams into reality, step by step.What makes me qualified to teach you?More than ten years ago, I started my career as a software developer. Then I advanced to a senior role and became a Team Lead a couple of years ago. Now, I am an advisor and a coach, focusing on helping others become leads to inspire their teams.The key element contributing to my success is to always have the next target in mind and focus on actions which get me closer to it every single time.Over these years, I observed team members who were struggling or not realizing their full potential. As we worked out solutions together on how to overcome these issues, patterns started to appear. Not only do simple changes in their routine impose positive domino effect on work-related goals, but they can also work decently on private goals.Are you ready to take action?With our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, there is nothing holding you from giving it a shot.Click the enroll button, and Ill see you in lesson 1.Make It a Great Day,Andrei"
Price: 49.99 |
"CYPECAD - Curso Bsico" |
"""Promoo"" de 19,99 at o dia 27/01/2020, cupom: CYPEPROM11Objetivo do Curso:O Curso tem como objetivo proporcionar o conhecimento Bsico do Software CYPECAD, atravs de aplicaes de exemplos prticos de dimensionamento Estrutural em Concreto Armado.Pblico:O Curso destinado para profissionais de Engenharia, Arquitetura e estudantes da rea. recomendado que o aluno tenha noes bsicas de dimensionamento estrutural e leitura de projetos.Projeto Prtico:Vai ser dimensionado elementos estruturais em Concreto Armado de uma pequena Estao de Tratamento de Efluentes (ETE) na rea Industrial.Estruturas Dimensionadas no Curso:A) 1 Casa de Controle.B) 1 Base de Apoio do Floculador (Radier).C) 1 Escada Tpica de um Sobrado (*material bnus).Material:- 1 Apostila de apoio, exclusiva para o Curso em formato pdf.- Arquivos para visualizao do Projeto Executivo de Arquitetura, Forma e Armadura no formato pdf.- Arquivos de Forma de todas as Estruturas para ser usado no CYPECAD no formato DWG (AutoCad).- Arquivos 3D das Estruturas no formato DWG (AutoCad).- 1 Planilha do Excel para clculo de Sapatas retangulares.Software utilizado no curso:- CYPECAD 2016 ou superior.Carga Horria do Treinamento:7 horas (estimado).Objetivo Final:Transmitir o conhecimento bsico do software CYPECAD, para que o aluno tenha capacidade de dimensionar uma casa/sobrado e ter condies de verificar um projeto estrutural de uma obra de pequeno porte."
Price: 84.99 |
"Yurtdndaki letmelerden Dolar Kazann" |
"Dolar'n bu kadar gl olduu bir dnyada elimizdeki imkanlar kullanarak onu elde etmemiz gerekiyor. Bunun en basit yollarndan biri yurtdndaki iletmelere yeteneklerimizi satmak. Bu yzden hemen kollar svayn ve yetkinlik kazanmaya balayn. eitli freelancer platformlarna kayt olup deme sisteminizi aktif ettikten sonra yapmanz gereken tek ey elde ettiiniz yetkinlikleri yurtdndaki potansiyel mterilerinizle buluturmak ve dolar kazanmann keyfini karmak!:)"
Price: 149.99 |
"O curso construindo Dashboard em Excel do Zero: Passo-a-Passo Fcil, vai gui-lo atravs de uma incrvel jornada pela Excelncia. Ele aborda conceitos essenciais e tcnicas avanadas de formatao de Excel para ao fim fechar com chave de ouro 2 projetos completos de Dashboard, feitos passo-a-passo com voc.No mdulo 1, Introduo, o mdulo que voc est agora, onde abordaremos conceitos que teremos como base em aplicaes futuras. Veremos em detalhes o que um Dashboard, o que so KPIs e como relacionar esse conhecimento com o Excel para automatizar a informao.No mdulo 2 veremos como podemos formatar as clulas do Excel para exibir a informao da melhor forma possvel, na formatao simples, Condicional e Personalizada.No mdulo 3 faremos um aprofundamento nos grficos disponveis no Excel. Veremos qual o grfico mais adequado para cada situao, assim como veremos como adicion-los, edit-los e format-los.No mdulo 4 colocaremos em prtica os conhecimentos vistos nos mdulos anteriores e desenvolveremos grficos personalizados onde o cu o limite para criao, como grfico de termmetro, Velocmetro, e de imagens personalizadas.No mdulo 5 mostraremos os elementos de interao com o usurio, como Caixa de combinao e Caixa de seleo, para que voc aprenda como criar grficos interativos, de forma a exibir especificamente as informaes que foram selecionadas pelo usurio.E finalmente no mdulo 6, criaremos do zero, dois projetos, um Dashboard de mtricas digitais e um Dashboard de Vendas. Neste mdulo usaremos todo o conhecimento aprendido no curso para transformar dados em informao, a ser exibida de forma rpida e eficiente."
Price: 39.99 |
"Macros no Excel: VBA Passo-a-Passo Fcil - Projetos inclusos" |
"O curso VBA E MACROS NO EXCEL: GUIA PRTICO PARA AUTOMAO NO EXCEL vai mostrar a voc como aplicar tcnicas simples de automao para que voc possa hoje mesmo aplicar em seus trabalhos com Excel. Em diversos casos, em nossas organizaes, percebemos que algumas atividades no Excel, em nosso dia-a-dia so repetitivas. Seja ela criar um filtro, cabealhos, adicionar um PROCV, etc. Nos vemos repetindo as mesmas funes. As Macros vm para aqueles que desejam somente uma coisa. Automatizar! Uma funo que era feita em 10 minutos, formatando, inserindo, ajustando, colorindo, agora pode ser feita com apenas 1 clique de um boto. Isso se torna muito valioso para as organizaes visto que lhes poupa tempo e dinheiro!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Redao ENEM e Vestibular - O Bsico para voc ser aprovado!" |
"Esse curso vai gui-lo pelos principais temas da redao do Vestibular e ENEM. Voc far uma reviso sobre como utilizar esses conhecimentos e fazer uma pontuao alta.A estrutura do Curso a seguinte:Linguagem oral e linguagem escrita;Coeso e coerncia textualAutor, Narrador e Foco NarrativoNarrao, Descrio, DissertaoEstrutura do texto dissertativoComo planejar sua redaoMorfologiaSemntica I: Sinnimos e antnimos, Homnimos e parnimosPontuao I: Uso da vrgula, Ponto-e-vrgula, ponto-final e dois-pontosAcentuao I: Acento agudo, acento circunflexo, til, trema e apstrofo, Oxtonas, paroxtonas e proparoxtonasAbreviaes, siglas, smbolos, datas e nmerosConcordncia verbal e Concordncia nominalUso da Crase e Uso dos porqusO que EVITAR na sua redaoOs erros mais comuns em redaesQual vai ser o Tema da redaoDicas FinaisDesde j muito obrigado!"
Price: 39.99 |
"En este curso aprenders a revelar y retocar imgenes con las tcnicas mas novedosas y profesionales que se usan actualmente en el mundo de la fotografa, daremos un paseo por la interfaz de ligthroom donde aprenderemos a revelar para luego llevar el archivo a photoshop donde haremos retoque de piel, colorimetria, usaremos las ultimas tcnicas de enfoque y le daremos los toque finales para luego exportarla en la mejor calidad para subir a las redes sociales o a cualquier web."
Price: 19.99 |
"Complete Python Course - Learn From Scratch" |
"Welcome to this course ""Complete Python Course - Learn From Scratch"". In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 199.99 |
"Complete Ethical Hacking Masterclass - Learn From Scratch" |
"Welcome to this course ""Complete Ethical Hacking Masterclass - Learn From Scratch"". In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Complete Machine Learning Course: Beginner to Expert" |
"Welcome to this course ""The Complete Machine Learning Course: Beginner to Expert"". In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 199.99 |
"Complete Machine Learning Bootcamp - Learn From Scratch" |
"Welcome to this course ""Complete Machine Learning Bootcamp - Learn From Scratch"". In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 199.99 |
"Complete SQL Injection Course: Beginner to Advanced!" |
"Welcome to this course ""Complete SQL Injection Course: Beginner to Advanced!"". In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 199.99 |
"Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced" |
"Welcome to this course ""Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced"". In this course you will learn from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on the Real-World as a professional.Enroll Now! Get the opportunity to learn from this complete course."
Price: 199.99 |
Scala |
" Scala JVM Java : Auto (1080p)"
Price: 1600.00 |
"Internet of Things (IOT) - Complete Combo for Learners" |
"Imagine a world of connected ""things"" (devices, vehicles, buildings) able to talk to a network, internet, to themselves and be able to take actions ?Welcome to the IOT(Internet of Things) space, a new revolution, which will have 212 Billion Installed things, 30 Billion autonomously connected things, 3 Million Peta Bytes off Embedded Systems Data by 2020, spanning across all verticals estimated at a value of $8.9 trillion.If you want to make career in Internet of Things: an evolving technology than this course is for you. You will learn everything from high level controllers to interactive dashboard designing. Definition of Internet of Things:Internet of Things is a general term used for devices talking over a network for the purpose of Monitoring, Analysis & Control without any human interference.As per the definition you will learn the design for all three aspects of IoT i.e. Monitoring, Analysis & ControlIoT is a hot area and it has the potential to impact a variety of industries. This course is designed to initiate the widest possible group of people to the field of IoT and will be comprehensive in its scope. This course supplies in-depth content that put the theory into practice.You will do Major Projects which you can include in your CV as well such as Camera interface with Raspberry pi.You will do projects with Arduino like, LCd interfacing,LED matrix, Sending SMS and Calls,Bluetooth interfacing Might sure that you will learn from another instructor as our trust connected to severe of them.Yo will be given examples as much as possible projects which can be build by using IOT.Finally you will be given some project booklet ,Cookbook of boards , and some material regarding IOT.You will be also given Arduino cookbook for free ,so you can build your own projects.At the end you will be provided some interview question from Arduino"
Price: 19.99 |
"Artificial Intelligence- Full course with Deep learning" |
"Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. These processes include learning (the acquisition of information and rules for using the information), reasoning (using rules to reach approximate or definite conclusions) and self-correction. Particular applications of AI include expert systems, speech recognition and machine vision.AI can be categorized as either weak or strong. Weak AI, also known as narrow AI, is an AI system that is designed and trained for a particular task. Virtual personal assistants, such as Apple's Siri, are a form of weak AI. Strong AI, also known as artificial general intelligence, is an AI system with generalized human cognitive abilities. When presented with an unfamiliar task, a strong AI system is able to find a solution without human interventionSome of the activities computers with artificial intelligence are designed for include:Speech recognitionLearningPlanningProblem solvingYou are going to learn hot topic Ai viia using Deep learningWhat materials you will get in this course?You will some books related to AiYes , you will get study materials from MIT at end of the courseso hurry up and don't miss our latest updates regarding this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Python for Everybody- Learn Python 3" |
"This course will teach you Python in a practical manner, with every lecture comes a full coding screencast and a corresponding code notebook! Learn in whatever manner is best for you!We will start by helping you get Python installed on your computer, regardless of your operating system, whether its Linux, MacOS, or Windows, we've got you covered!Become a Python Programmer and learn one of employer's most requested skills of 2019!this course is for you whether you want to:- build the skills you need to get your first Python programming job- move to a more senior software developer position- get started with Machine Learning, Data Science, Django or other hot areas that Python specialises in- or just learn Python to be able to create your own Python apps quickly.then you need a solid foundation in Python programming. And this course is designed to give you those core skills, fast.Questions arises in every single mind before opting any courseWill this course give you core python skills?Yes it will. There are a range of exciting opportunities for Python developers. All of them require a solid understanding of Python, and thats what you will learn in this course.What if you have questions?As if this course wasnt complete enough, we offer full support, answering any questions .If you want to take ONE COURSE to master Python take this course.What material i will get in this course?Yes, you will get study materials likeFree books on Python.Free interview questions (frequently asked by most Industries)Free notes from MIT Press."
Price: 19.99 |
"Deep Learning- Learn With Tensor Flow and Python" |
"Welcome to the Complete Guide to TensorFlow for Deep Learning with Python!This course will guide you through how to use Google's TensorFlow framework to create artificial neural networks for deep learning! This course aims to give you an easy to understand guide to the complexities of Google's TensorFlow framework in a way that is easy to understand. Other courses and tutorials have tended to stay away from pure tensorflow and instead use abstractions that give the user less control. Here we present a course that finally serves as a complete guide to using the TensorFlow framework as intended, while showing you the latest techniques available in deep learning!This course is designed to balance theory and practical implementation, with complete jupyter notebook guides of code and easy to reference slides and notes. We also have plenty of exercises to test your new skills along the way!This course covers a variety of topics, includingNeural Network BasicsTensorFlow BasicsArtificial Neural NetworksDensely Connected NetworksConvolutional Neural NetworksRecurrent Neural NetworksAutoEncodersReinforcement LearningOpenAI Gymand much more!I hope youre excited to learn about these advanced applications of CNNs, Ill see you in class!AWESOME FACTS:One of the major themes of this course is that were moving away from the CNN itself, to systems involving CNNs.Instead of focusing on the detailed inner workings of CNNs (which we've already done), we'll focus on high-level building blocks. The result? Almost zero math.Another result? No complicated low-level code such as that written in Tensorflow, Theano, orPyTorch (although some optional exercises may contain them for the very advanced students). Most of the course will be in Keras which means a lot of the tedious, repetitive stuff is written for you.TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Nodes in the graph represent mathematical operations, while the graph edges represent the multidimensional data arrays (tensors) communicated between them. The flexible architecture allows you to deploy computation to one or more CPUs or GPUs in a desktop, server, or mobile device with a single API. TensorFlow was originally developed by researchers and engineers working on the Google Brain Team within Google's Machine Intelligence research organization for the purposes of conducting machine learning and deep neural networks research, but the system is general enough to be applicable in a wide variety of other domains as well.What material you will get in this course?you will get study material .like notes from MIT and other reputed universities.you will get interveiw question Also"
Price: 19.99 |
"Become Google Cloud and AWS Engineer - Combo course" |
"Google Cloud is growing quickly as companies increasingly adopt multi-cloud strategies. It was named a Leader in the 2018 Gartner Infrastructure as a Service Magic Quadrant, and demand for people with Google Cloud skills is running high. To meet this demand and help organizations identify knowledgeable talent, Google has created their Associate Cloud Engineer certification.""According to Global Knowledges Survey for 2018 a GCP Cloud Architect had the highest salary at $139,529"". Getting Google Cloud Certified or even just learning more can add value to your career earningsLets get you certified on GCP.An Associate Cloud Engineer deploys applications, monitors operations, and manages enterprise solutions. This individual is able to use Google Cloud Console and the command-line interface to perform common platform-based tasks to maintain one or more deployed solutions that leverage Google-managed or self-managed services on Google Cloud.The Associate Cloud Engineer exam assesses your ability to:check Set up a cloud solution environmentcheck Plan and configure a cloud solutioncheck Deploy and implement a cloud solutioncheck Ensure successful operation of a cloud solutioncheck Configure access and securityIn the end of this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge about GCP to help your company or your own project to get on GCP, make use of the correct component on GCP, and continuously deliver better software. Learn AWS also for Enhancing your knowledge! and become AWS Certified Engineer.What material you will get at the En d of this course?You will get some study material from MIT press and from other universities."
Price: 19.99 |
"Python For Vision and Detection : OpenCv Python" |
"Welcome to the ultimate online course on Python for Computer Vision!Computer Vision is an AI based, that is, Artificial Intelligence based technology that allows computers to understand and label images. Its now used in Convenience stores, Driver-less Car Testing, Security Access Mechanisms, Policing and Investigations Surveillance, Daily Medical Diagnosis monitoring health of crops and live stock and so on and so forth..A common example will be face detection and unlocking mechanism that you use in your mobile phone. We use that daily. That is also a big application of Computer Vision. And today, top technology companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook etc are investing millions and millions of Dollars into Computer Vision based research and product development.Computer vision allows us to analyze and leverage image and video data, with applications in a variety of industries, including self-driving cars, social network apps, medical diagnostics, and many more.As the fastest growing language in popularity, Python is well suited to leverage the power of existing computer vision libraries to learn from all this image and video data.In this course we'll teach you everything you need to know to become an expert in computer vision! This $20 billion dollar industry will be one of the most important job markets in the years to come.What Material you will get in this course?you will get MIT press notes , some study materials ,real life working projects and many more."
Price: 19.99 |
"C Programming : Absolute For Beginners" |
"This course is specially designed for beginners.Learn the mother of every programming language the C language. Through this crash course your mind will surely not crash, but you will dive into the deep concepts of C language.This course on C language covers all the basic C concepts with practical real-world example.This course covers all the main and to know topics of the C language. As you will find it contains all the topics discussed in wide insight with proper detailing and examples .This course on C language will surely help you develop a techy outlook. This course will surely help you develop any of the projects related to operators, decision making using if, if else and switch statementsThis course targets both the Beginners and the Intermediate level learners. Since this is a crash course it will take you to a rapid ride of all the concepts but in detailed manner.Why learn C ?C is often considered to be the mother of all languages because so many other languages have been based on it.Though C is simple it is one of the most powerful languages ever created. Considering it was created over 40 years ago, it is still used heavily and is usually in the top 5 or 10 most popular and most widely programming languages in the world.Learning C can actually make you a better programming in other languages like C++, Java, or C# by equipping you with a mental model of what the computer is actually doing when you run your programs.By learning how things really work ""under the hood"", and understand memory space, CPU architecture and so on, you can create more efficient programs, and obtain a huge advantage over other programmers in the process.If you want to become a better developer, learning C is a great way to start!Learn C from scratchThis course is best suitable for beginners wanting to learn from scratch. It also aims at the intermediates finding it difficult to make firm grounds in the programming sector. What you will get in this course? You will get study materials, Notes, Articals and Quizzes.You will get study materials from MIT and Standford like Universities."
Price: 19.99 |
"Machine Learning - A-Z Full Course" |
"Interested in the field of Machine Learning? Then this course is for you!As,AI and machine learning have the potential to create an additional $2.6T in value by 2020 in Marketing and Sales, and up to $2T in manufacturing and supply chain planning.Gartner predicts the business value created by AI will reach $3.9T in 2022.IDC predicts worldwide spending on cognitive and Artificial Intelligence systems will reach $77.6B in 2022.23% of North American enterprises have machine learning embedded in at least one company function as of last year.19% of enterprises in developing markets including China and 21% in Europe also have successfully integrated machine learning into functions. The graph below shows the results of a McKinsey & Company survey of 2,135 enterprise senior executive respondents. The graph displays the percent of respondents whose organizations have embedded AI capabilities in at least one function or business unit. Respondents can select multiple AI capabilitiesScopes of Machine LearningThe machine learning technology is used in most banking and finance industry because the proper implication of technology can give the outstanding result and significant improvement can be seen in terms of replacing legacy system and developed enterprise. The machine learning technology helped the banking & Finance sector in taking companys decision making, improving customer experience, increasing the backend and frontend staff efficiency.Improved customer servicesImproved customer servicesInvestment PredictionsFraud PreventionsPersonalized Digital AssistantMarketingNetwork SecurityProjects In this courseYou will get projects with source code , so it will be more understandable and rich for learning.Like speech and face recognition, Bluex and many more.What materials you will get int this course?You will Get MIT press Notes on Machine learning and yes some of E- BooksSo Hurry ! Get this course and Get in the Field of Machine Learning.Quiz and Interview question will updated soon."
Price: 19.99 |
"Docker for Beginners and Intermediate - Hands on DevOps" |
"Docker and other containerization tools have taken the devops world by storm. Knowing at least the basics of docker has become mandatory for any role of software development you are in. However, for devops engineers/ site reliability engineers, a more detailed understanding of docker and other containerization technologies are desired. It does not entirely cut it to know just how to run basic commands on docker and make it work.This course focuses on how docker works under the hood. It will guide you through the internal workings of the docker daemon and its interaction with the linux operating system step by step and explain how docker uses various linux kernel functionalities to make and run containers.Besides a look at how docker operates under the hood, we will also take a look at basic docker commands, structure of build files etc-. We will also take a look at how to use docker compose to stand up a basic development environment for micro services. We will also look at building minimal container images to save on network throughput, disk size and also faster deployments. We will also be looking at what container orchestrators are and will have a hands-on session about the amazon ECS container orchestrator.A bit of networking and linux knowledge is assumed for this course. Linux knowledge will help you all throughout the course and networking knowledge will come in handy when we cover the concepts pertaining to networking namespaces.Course Details:DescriptionIntroduction and why we chose linux for the course.Description on what docker is and why we use itBirds eye view of various components in docker and it's interaction with OSDiffererence between user-space and kernel-spaceDifference between containers and virtual machines.Dockerfile, Docker images, Base image, docker pulldocker build, Running docker without root privilegesdocker history command, From construct, ENV constructLabel construct, RUN construct, WORKDIR constructADD construct, COPY construct, EXPOSE construct, ENTRYPOINT construct, CMD construct, docker run commanddocker repositories,docker hub, docker push,How is traffic routed to docker container?docker ps command, sending signals to a process( docker kill, dockerstop)How docker containers handle signals.Introduction to how docker works under the hoodIntroduction to cgroupsCgroups cpu- hands on 1Cgroups cpu- hands on 2Cgroups cpu- hands on 3(cpu shares)Cgroups cpu- hands on 4( cpuset + cpu share)How docker restricts cpu using cgroups.Introduction to cgoups memory subsystemCgroups memory subsystem hands-onIntroduction to namespacesBasic networking and tcpdumpIp subnetting and arpip,veth pairs, linux software bridgeHands-on networking namespace.How docker uses networking namespacePid namespaces hands-onMount namespaces hands-onUser namespaces hands-onIntroduction to linux capabilities + hands onCapabilities in dockerRunning docker containers as rootDocker compose introductionBringing up an applicationEmbedded dns, docker networksIntroduction to overlayfsHow docker uses overlayfsHow to take advantage of caching in docker buildsBuilding minimal containers in dockerContainer orchestrators introductionOverview of ECS orchestratorHands on(part 1)Hands on(part 2)ECS under the hood.Introduction to docker daemonCommunicating to docker daemon over tcp/unix socket."
Price: 19.99 |
"starting life" |
". "
Price: 139.99 |
Price: 1280.00 |
"Using JSON In Unreal Engine 4 - C++" |
"In this course, we will be looking at how to utilise Unreal's Json implementation to create your own Json files for use in your project. Json is a great method for storing certain data types for all manner of projects, such as pipelines, game data, configs, and more. This course will be written in C++ using Unreal Engine 4.22, however it should apply to previous engine iterations fine, as the library has not changed in some time. After completing this series you should be able to write your own Json systems for your project, build a nice framework from which to automate the process, and be confident in how to approach your json I/O operations."
Price: 34.99 |
"Unreal Engine C++, A Beginners 101" |
"In this series I will be taking you through how to get started using C++ for the Unreal Engine. The course is split into theory first, and then two practical demonstrations, with a small interlude in the middle to cover some quick tips and potential areas of problems. The series is going to explain everything and assumes no prior knowledge to C++ for Unreal."
Price: 119.99 |