"SAP C_HANATEC_1 Certified Technology Associate Practice Test" |
"Are you ready to pass the SAP C_HANATEC_1 Certified Technology Associate Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam. What you get from this course150 UNIQUE practice questions SAP C_HANATEC_1 Certified Technology Associate Certification Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers Official Exam DetailsExam Name : SAP C_HANATEC_1 Certified Technology Associate Certification Practice TestTotal Questions : 150Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed : 165minsPassing Score : 75 (123 of 165)"
Price: 184.99 |
"CT0-101 CompTIA Convergence+ Certification Practice Test" |
"Are you ready to pass the CT0-101 CompTIA Convergence+Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam. What you get from this course240 UNIQUE practice questions CT0-101 CompTIA Convergence+Certification Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers Official Exam DetailsExam Name : CT0-101 CompTIA Convergence+Certification Practice TestTotal Questions : 240Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed : 260minsPassing Score : 75 (195 of 260)"
Price: 199.99 |
"TE0-123 Teradata 12 Physical Design & Implementation Test" |
"Are you ready to pass the TE0-123 Teradata 12 Physical Design & Implementation Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam. What you get from this course105 UNIQUE practice questions TE0-123 Teradata 12 Physical Design & Implementation Certification Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers Official Exam DetailsExam Name : TE0-123 Teradata 12 Physical Design & Implementation Certification Practice TestTotal Questions : 105Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed : 120minsPassing Score : 75 (90 of 120)"
Price: 159.99 |
"156-315.65 Check Point Security Administration NGX II R65" |
"Are you ready to pass the 156-315.65 Check Point Security Administration NGX II R65 Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam. What you get from this course195 UNIQUE practice questions 156-315.65 Check Point Security Administration NGX II R65 Certification Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers Official Exam DetailsExam Name : 156-315.65 Check Point Security Administration NGX II R65 Certification Practice TestTotal Questions : 195Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed : 210minsPassing Score : 75 (157 of 210)"
Price: 179.99 |
"VMCE_V9 Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) Certification Test" |
"Are you ready to pass the VMCE_V9 Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam. What you get from this course160 UNIQUE practice questions 156-315.65 Check Point Security Administration NGX II R65 Certification Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers Official Exam DetailsExam Name : VMCE_V9 Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) Certification Practice TestTotal Questions : 160Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed : 180minsPassing Score : 75 (135 of180)"
Price: 179.99 |
"Este curso se enfoca en la construccin de un embudo de atraccin de prospectos o lead magnet usando la herramienta Builderall. Para la creacin del embudo utilizaremos la herramienta Builderall donde te ensear a crear la pgina de aterrizaje, el formulario de captura de informacin, la conexin con el autorrespondedor de correos. Para realizar el curso podrs usar la prueba gratuita de la herramienta, as que no te preocupes y vamos aprender."
Price: 19.99 |
"Crello herramienta de diseo para redes sociales y negocios" |
"Este curso explica el funcionamiento de la herramienta Crello para diseo de imgenes y animaciones. En este curso aprenders a usar la herramienta de diseo grfico Crello para realizar fcilmente diseos profesionales increbles y de forma gratuita o animaciones usando la versin premium de la herramienta.Con la herramienta Crello podrs ahorrar dinero y tiempo ya que te permitir crear piezas grficas y animaciones desde cero o usando las cientos de plantillas prediseadas.Considero que Crello es la MEJOR HERRAMIENTA para tomar el control de sus creaciones, si usted tiene una marca personal o es un emprendedor que esta empezando, incluso si es una agencia de publicidad o una empresa que quiere experimentar con diseos innovadores, CRELLO ES LA SOLUCIN PERFECTA.Este curso es ideal para emprendedores, comerciantes, influencers, creados de contenido, dueos de negocio, marketers, diseadores grficos, empresarios y estudiantes.No esperes ms, inscrbete en este curso ahora mismo!PD: No se preocupe por el dinero que paga por este curso, si al comprarlo ve que este curso no es bueno para usted por alguna razn, tenemos una GARANTA DE DEVOLUCIN DE DINERO DE 30 DAS. Para que no corra riesgos y pueda comprar con tranquilidad! UDEMY siempre piensa en usted y su satisfaccin.Para quin es este curso?Toda persona que desee crear contenido impresionante para sus redes sociales, sus presentaciones y su negocio de forma fcil.Toda persona que desee tener el control de sus contenidos e incluso liderar el diseo de sus propias piezas para negocio o marca personal.Personas o empresas que desean optimizar tiempo y producir grandes cantidades de piezas grficas.Especialistas en marketing que deseen experimentar con diferentes contenidos al momento de crear campaas de publicidad."
Price: 24.99 |
"PinHeroes - Advanced Guide for Beginner Growth on Pinterest." |
"Hey there, Nick Nyxson here.Welcome to PinHeroes.Only Pinterest course EVER to teach you how to grow your profile on Pinterest from 0 to 1 Million monthly viewers in just short few months.Here you will learn how to set up your Pinterest profile for the win, how to create and manage content for your profile and maintain explosive growth on your profile.Start now and CRUSH Pinterest for the years to come."
Price: 49.99 |
"Ultimate Guide to LumaFusion 2.0+ for Complete Beginners" |
"In this course, you will learn all you need about the best video editing software on mobile devices - LumaFusion.After you are done with this course you will have enough knowledge to start editing your videos right away.Here you will learn:All about LumaFusion interface;What are the best settings to start editing;All about footage;How to properly edit any video;How to add effects;How to properly Export;And Many More.Start your journey to mobile video editing NOW.Disclaimer: LumaFusion is only available on iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)."
Price: 39.99 |
"Mass Pin Scheduling for Pinterest with Tailwind" |
"Having a lot of pins on Pinterest is a difficult task.However, there is the way to have tons of Pins ready weeks, months or even year ahead!In this course you will learn:How to find pins to repin in bulk;How to repin a massive amount of pins at once using Tailwind;How to never run out of pins on your profile."
Price: 19.99 |
"Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Open Broadcaster (OBS Studio)" |
"Hello there, Nick Nyxson here.In this course, you will learn how to start using Open Broadcaster Software (OBS Studio) for Live streaming on Twitch, YouTube, Mixer, and other platforms, even if you have no idea where to start.In this course You Will Learn:Which version of OBS Studio (Open Broadcaster Software) You need to use;How to download OBS Studio;Settings Walkthrough;Sources and Scenes;Audio setup;Effects;and Many More!This course is made for the complete beginner of Open Broadcaster Software (OBS Studio). For more advanced users another course is available as well."
Price: 19.99 |
"Ultimate Beginner Guide to Livestreaming with Streamlabs OBS" |
"Hello there, Nick Nyxson here.In this course, you will learn how to start using Streamlabs OBS which is live streaming software made by Streamlabs and is a modified version of Open Broadcaster Software (OBS)In this course You Will Learn:What is SLOBS (Streamlabs OBS);How it is different from OBS Studio;Settings Walkthrough;Sources and Scenes;Tabs;and Many More!This course is made for beginners in live streaming and Open Broadcaster Software (OBS). For more advanced users other courses will be available."
Price: 19.99 |
"Advanced Guide to Live streaming (OBS, SLOBS)" |
"Hello there, Nick here.In this course, you will learn more advanced features, tips, and tricks of Live streaming (mainly using Open Broadcaster Software and Streamlabs OBS).In this course You Will Learn:Which Live Streaming Software You Need to Use;How to Use Alerts;How to Live Stream and Chat on Multiple Platforms at Once;Mandatory Scenes;Controlling Your Live Stream;Advanced Layouts;and Many More!This course is made for Intermediate to Advanced users of Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) and Streamlabs OBS (SLOBS). For complete beginner users, other courses are available as well."
Price: 19.99 |
"Online Course Essentials - Online Course as Fast As Possible" |
"Hello there, Nick here.In this course, you will learn everything that will allow you to start creating your first online course and become an online instructor with a steady online income.In this course You Will Learn:What is an Online Course;Why You Should Create an Online Course;How to Choose Topics for the Course;What Skills are Required for an Online Course;How Much Money You Can Realistically Expect to Make;and much more!This course is made for complete beginners of online course creation and works as a gateway to online courses and covers the concepts that are necessary to understand in order to create the first online course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Contabilidade Geral com Tecnologia na PRTICA" |
"Quer aprender contabilidade com a utilizao de tecnologias, na PRTICA? Saiba que voc est no lugar CERTO! Conhea este curso completo em matria de Contabilidade Geral com a utilizao de ferramentas tecnolgicas para o sucesso da sua atuao profissional na rea contbil.Curso com linguagem objetiva;Abordagem prtica;Clara;Foco na potencializao do conhecimento.Bora aprender? Vejo voc, no incio nas aulas! At breve!"
Price: 129.99 |
"A sociedade enquanto sistema: entenda as regras deste jogo" |
"Um curso instigante que consegue conectar pontos aparentemente desconexos afim de criar uma viso holistica e sistmica da sociedade contempornea. Neste curso voc aprender os conceitos bsicos sobre sociedade de uma maneira objetiva e direta de forma que possa aplicar esse conceito em suas leituras cotidianas. Na sequncia compreender como a sociedade tem como suporte fundamental os conceitos de cultura, econmica e poltica. Todavia, voc vai se surpreender ao se defrontar com os conceitos originais destes trs elementos fundamentais da nossa sociedade compreendendo como de suma importncia para o seu desempenho social. Com base nas idias de Scrates, Plato e Aristteles voc compreender como o atual sistema dominante literalmente faz uma campanha de desinformao sobre o funcionamento bsico da nossa sociedade gerando descrdito e confuso na grande maioria da populao que se tivesse a exata compreenso dos termos sobre esses termos jamais entraria na era da chamada ""ps-modernidade""."
Price: 39.99 |
"O gegrafo Milton Santos: a geografia sob uma nova tica" |
"O curso visa retroceder no tempo para compreender o contexto de formao do Professor Milton Santos afim de compreender a tenacidade e o brilhantismo deste baiano que no somente superou os preconceitos de seu perodo histrico, mas alcanou um status que poucos alcanaram em termos globais. O autor praticamente uma unanimidade e percorreu as mais diversas universidade no mundo sempre acompanhado de muito reconhecimento por seu brilhantismo e erudio..."
Price: 39.99 |
"Teoria de Sistemas e os relacionamentos afetivos:" |
"Esse curso tem como objetivo aumentar sua capacidade de compreender e fazer co-relaes entre os mais variados fatos e eventos atravs da Teoria de Sistemas. Utilizando-se de exemplificaes simples como a ""histria do autmel"" e o ""sistema do corpo humano"" introduziremos o aluno na complexidade da Teoria de Sistemas para depois navegarmos entre os sentimentos, comportamentos sociais e a prpria dinmica biolgica do crebro para entender com profundidade essa ""nova"" forma de ver o mundo. Bem vindo ao curso!!"
Price: 39.99 |
"How to get Started as an Entrepreneur (2019)" |
"Hello there ladies and gentlemen. My name is Dennis Vang and welcome to the landing page of ""How to get started as an Entrepreneur (2019)"". In this course you will learn how to turn your dreams into reality or come into realization that it's not realistic or just need a bit of tweaking in some aspect to get it going. By dreams, I mean ""you"" will be learning how to make a living doing what you love. For example, maybe you have been wanting to be your own boss or own a business that generate income whether you work in it or not. Either way this course will teach you everything from the very beginning stage of your business, to making sense of the numbers, to advertising and finally closing a deal. Basically, you will learn what Entrepreneurship is all about in my very own definition and experiences.Even MORE Example:This course will help you build an online or physical business. The fundamental that I teach is designed in a way so if you want to be a Youtuber or Twitch Streamer and get paid, this will help you understand the business/entrepreneur side of it. Or maybe you want to run a service base business such as house cleaning or grass cutting. This course will offer you the knowledge just to achieve that as well.With that said, put on your gear and dive into a world that will change your life forever."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to do a hand poked / stick and poke tattoo" |
"In this course, I will cover all you need to know to be able to do your very own hand poked tattoo. Stick and poke tattoos, also known as machine free tattoos or hand poked tattoos, have been around for thousands of years but there has recently been a surge of popularity and very little information online about how to do them well. With a few pieces of professional equipment and knowledge on technique, you can seriously up your tattoo game. This course will cover:Coming up with a good designEquipment overviewHealth and Safety and how to avoid cross-contaminationHow to apply stencilsTattoo techniqueTattoo basics, including depth and angleDifferent needlesFine lineGradientsBlack fillAftercare advice"
Price: 24.99 |
"Aprenda a Criar um Servidor Proxy do Zero com Ubuntu Server" |
"Ol! O setor de Tecnologia da informao um dos mercados que mais vem crescendo nos ltimos anos. Muitas empresas buscas mo de obra especializa com conhecimento e prtica para gerenciar e garantir o bom funcionamento de sua infraestrutura.Se a rede est cresce papel da T.I acompanhar e gerenciar todo esse crescimento. O profissional de TI. deve estar cada vez mais conectado e antenado para fazer o controle de banda, bloquear sites que esto fora do ambiente de trabalho, gerir recursos e dar suporte para o crescimento da rede e da emrpesa.No curso Aprenda a Criar um Servidor Proxy do Zero com Ubuntu Server voc vai aprender o passo a passo na criao e configurao de um servidor que ser o gateway.Vamos aprender desde a instalao do Ubuntu Server at a configurao de cada pacote que ser necessrio para gerncia nosso servidor.No decorrer do curso voc se sentir confiante e capaz para colocar o servidor para funcionar dentro da sua rede garantindo um bom desempenho para a infraestrutura de informao da sua instituio."
Price: 99.99 |
"Yoo: Develop Confidence; Build Relationships; Make Changes!" |
"A Quick StoryA man once approached me after I had given a talk in a beautiful venue in the Middle East.Andy, he asked, Is it possible for me to read someones thoughts?Do you have someone in mind? I replied. The man looked down. Someone close to me. He offered (I reckon it was probably his wife).Jack (I read his name badge), I have a method that works nearly every time I use it to find out what someone is thinking Jack looked up, raised eyebrows and expectant. I paused and said slowlyI ask them, Jack, I ask them! Jack opened and closed his mouth, frowned then slowly looked up as a grin formed on his face. He nodded and walked awaySOMETIMES THINGS ARE A LITTLE EASIER THAN YOU MIGHT IMAGINE!Andy Edwards is an international speaker and widely published author, who's been teaching relationship and soft skills to companies and individuals for over 25 years. He's taught all over the world, as well as online, and has an entertaining and practical teaching style. This course is guaranteed to keep you engaged, motivated, fascinated and even (at times) amused. The Yoo course aims to teach you life changing skills to transform your approach to three key areas of your life.And, like Jack discovered in the story above, its simpler AND MORE PRACTICAL than you might think!The Yoo course could help you develop tons of confidence and self-esteem; increase your popularity, find you a soul mate, get a new job make you happier! Bold claims indeed however, any and all are entirely feasible with the right awareness and approach.Andys story of developing the Yoo approachBack in 1990 Andy himself was in a bit of a mess. Unemployed for two years, no real friends a failing marriage, his family homeless at one point; he didnt think things could get any worse.Then, on November 6th 1991, things got MUCH worse.A personal tragedy (every parents worst nightmare), showed Andy what it was like to be at the very bottom of lifes barrel. He takes over the story:Well, over the following few years, I grieved, reflected a lot. I read a lot. I learned a lot Even went on a couple of personal development courses. I now completely understand (from a psychological perspective) exactly what I was going through but not at the time! Unsurprisingly my marriage finally failed. It dawned on me that I needed to effectively reinvent myself.And, in doing so, I started experimenting in what I could do to make a difference in my life I initially thought it was about money. However I was wrong. After exactly a year of trial and experimentation, I decided to make a specific effort to study and practice just THREE particular areas.More by luck than judgement I believe I got these three things absolutely right.It is those three areas that have made fundamental differences in my life such that, these days, I can claim to be a very different person.People still meet me and call me Lucky for what I have. But I know better. They didnt see me back in the early 90s!! Yeah Luck may play its part but I tell you, the Yoo approach, for me, has been the Luck Generator. And its simple to learn!The three areas of studyAndys successful Personal Development approach (which he now calls Yoo) boils down to three interrelated areas:1. Self awareness to build esteem and confidence2. Understanding others to build and maintain (even repair) relationships3. Personal resilience to face (or create) important changes in our livesThe Yoo course covers these three areas showing how each are interrelated. You literally cant address ONE without affecting the other two.Contents and overviewAfter an introduction you get an immediate opportunity to Self-select your personality type based on descriptions on a set of colour cards. You end up with a Colour Order to which you can refer as you learn more about yourself and other people during the course.Then its time to understand the underpinning psychology starting with Hippocrates and some pretty gross-out medicinal practices, through to Carl Jung, one of the Fathers of modern psychology.We learn that our fundamental, psychological differences are based on just a few preferences and traits. Once we know what these are, we can start to recognise such traits in real life through observing our own and others behaviours.All well and good. However, we need to also understand what happens to our behaviour on a BAD day. The answer will surprise you because Bad day behaviour is directly related to Good day behaviour and we find out exactly how.Bear in mind that, throughout the course, there are downloadable exercises and information sheets to help you apply your new-found learning.Next up is the four Rs. A simple model to help us understand how a relationship develops and why it has to happen in a particular order. Here, we also examine whether you want to kill me or have babies with me! This is because we are still subject to primal human reactions even though, these days, political correctness demands we largely keep these things to ourselves!Now is the time to review the colour energies to be able to read others. We look at typical Body language, Tone and likely Content of speech. We even have the basic motto for each type. From this its a short hop to a fascinating model (Created by the author Gary Chapman) called the 5 Love languages. Theres no better insight into your significant others preferences.Emotional intelligence (or EQ) marks our next stop. The basic components of EQ speak of self-awareness and understanding others, so its a no brainer as part of the Yoo course. We also explore Psychological Payoffs which can often be our unconscious barriers to making the changes we want to make in our lives.By the end of this coursePeople will be drawn to you and they wont know really know whyYou will have the knack of being able to read someone almost instantaneouslyYour Communication with others will improve misunderstandings dropYou will be far more self-accepting and confident in who you areYou will find it easier to forgive or at least understand why people behave in negative waysYou may become more tolerant and yet more assertiveYou will be able to anticipate how certain people will react to certain situationsYou might even find out what people say about you when youre not there!And thats just for starters it all depends on how you apply your learning and in what context.Who this course is for:Those who work, play, meet and interact with other people on a daily basis (at work you might be in sales, teaching, management, professional services, a therapist, hospitality, customer services or the caring professions. Or simply a member of a team).Not suitable for those wanting an advanced academic qualification in psychology.People looking for the most accessible, practical and easiest elements of psychology to apply to their daily lives.Testimonials for Andy and the Yoo materialWorking with the Yoo process has been a voyage of discovery, learning more about myself than I ever imagined. Mary (Female late 70s).You are inspirational to me and what you have passed on. I would like to think I am also a better husband, father, son and friend to those in life through what I have learnt. Richard (Male early 40s)The course has had quite a profound effect on me, I feel lighter, more free (less burdened) empowered, energised and above all more at peace with myself. Alex (Male mid 20s)For me personally this has been a game changer. Abbie (Female early 30s)This stuff really made me think. I can fully understand why so many people find it fascinating and useful. Richard (mid 50s)I would recommend Andy in every capacity as a speaker, trainer, coach, a mentor, a motivator, an inspiring force Andy is beyond good at what he does. Hes the best. He lives it, practices it always with incredible results. Mohammed (Male late 30s)"
Price: 89.99 |
"API Development with Postman" |
"Postman is used by 6 million developers and more than 200,000 companies to access 130 million APIs every month.Postman is essentially like a graphical version of the cURL command line utility. cURL provides a rich structure for controlling most aspects of individual http requests. By comparison, Postman gives us a convenient graphical interface for issuing http requests against a website or API.Postman is a great tool when trying to dissect RESTful APIs made by others or test ones you have made yourself. It offers a sleek user interface with which to make HTML requests, without the hassle of writing a bunch of code just to test an APIs functionality.In this course, you'll learn API Development with Postman. We'll go over the main functionality of Postman and how to best leverage it to enhance your API development experience. You'll learn how to work with a sample API to compose and authenticate requests, how to view and publish documentation, how to manage environments and variables, and much more."
Price: 19.99 |
"4 Week Core Bootcamp - Firm And Flatten Your Midsection!" |
"Your core is one of the most crucial parts of your body. Its literally the core of your balance and the center of control for moving your arms, legs and spine. A strong core is even more important to retain a wide range of motion and be able to easily complete many everyday tasks that require balance and coordination. But the core is also one of our biggest problem areas. Flabbiness, lack of balance, poor posture and the dreaded muffin top all stem from having a weak core. This four-week program was designed to help you zero in on your core, strengthen this critical zone of the body and above all else, feel great about yourself WITHOUT high impact moves. We understand not everyone is comfortable working out lying down on a mat. Thats why each week, youll have your choice between a mat workout option or a standing/seated option. Choose the format youre most comfortable with, or mix it up and try both! Exercises are led by AFAA certified group fitness instructor Cindy Brehse."
Price: 19.99 |
"Plan de Negocios Simplificado: Emprender con Lean Startup" |
"Has pensado ya en una idea de negocio, pero todava no sabes cmo montar las diferentes piezas para que tu negocio sea viable?Si es as, no eres el nico! Crear un negocio no es fcil ya que hay que tener muchas cosas en cuenta. Por suerte, hay una revolucionaria forma de emprender que podemos usar y que se llama el mtodo ""lean"". Eric Ries nos explica en su libro Lean Startup un mtodo que utilizan empresas como Toyota, Amazon o Google y lo mejor de todo es que este mtodo tambin est al alcance de tu mano.En este curso vas a aprender a crear tu propio plan de negocios lean, un plan estratgico y simplificado con el cual vas a poder optimizar tus recursos, descubrir las tcticas que mejor resultados te producen y adaptar tu negocio a los cambios en tu camino al xito.Adems, he incluido materiales adicionales que te van a ayudar en este proceso. Voy a ir de la mano contigo, acompandote en cada paso que demos, guindote a travs de cada apartado de la plantilla de nuestro plan de negocios simplificado y explicndote qu escribir en cada seccin. Al final del curso tendrs tu plan de negocios terminado para que puedas comenzar con tu negocio inmediatamente.Inscrbete ahora y lleva tu negocio al xito!=====================================ESTE CURSO ES IDEAL PARA TI SI:Ests creando un negocio o ya has montado una empresa anteriormente pero sin mucho xitoNo sabes cmo redactar tu plan de negocios o ests un poco atascado y nos sabes que escribirLlevas ya meses pensando en tu negocio pero todava no has dado el primer pasoNo sabes si tu idea de negocio tendr xito y temes arriesgar tu tiempo y tu dinero para descubrirloQuieres crear un negocio online poco a poco, sin invertir mucho capital inicial y teniendo en todo momento el control de este.=====================================LO QUE APRENDERSMdulo 1 - Metodologa Lean: Cmo aplicar el mtodo lean para tu empresaMdulo 2 - Estrategia: Cmo definir una estrategia ganadora para tu negocioMdulo 3 - Tctica: Cmo usar tcticas que desarrollen tu estrategia y te den una ventaja sobre la competencia.Mdulo 4 - Modelo de negocio: Cmo calcular los ingresos, los costes y los beneficios de tu empresaMdulo 5 - Planificacin: Cmo crear hitos, planificar y poner a prueba tu idea de negocioMdulo 6 - Lean Planning: Cmo usar este mtodo correctamente una vez hayas creado tu planA parte de los diferentes vdeos donde te voy explicando paso por paso cada parte de tu plan de negocios, tienes acceso a hojas de clculo, ejercicios, guas y todas las diapositivas de los vdeos para que puedas implementar lo que has aprendido desde el primer minuto. Si necesitas an ms ayuda, puedes concertar una llamada de coaching gratuita conmigo.=====================================OPINIONES DE OTROS CLIENTES""Me ha sorprendido el curso para "" MUY BIEN"", ya que est todo muy bien estructurado y explicado de manera breve y sencilla ... con este curso me ha vuelto el ansia de conseguir mi sueo e ir a por l, sabiendo bien las pautas que tengo que seguir. Muchas gracias por todo!!!!"" - Carmen M.""Buen material. Fcil y sencillamente explicado. Con conceptos claros que facilitan la puesta en marcha. Excelente! Lo recomiendo."" - Benjamin Gutierrez ""David tiene un gran carisma para motivar. Lo que me gusto es la buena actitud que l tiene para transmitir sus conocimientos."" - Diana Nieto=====================================FORMACIN COMO INSTRUCTORMe llamo David y despus de mucho esfuerzo he conseguido crear un negocio de 6 cifras vendiendo libros electrnicos online.En mis inicios como emprendedor comet muchos errores hasta que adopt el mtodo lean y me centr en mi estrategia. Ese fue el punto de inflexin en mi aventura como emprendedor, porque a partir de ese momento mi negocio literalmente explot.No hice nada fuera de lo comn, sino que solamente fui haciendo experimentos una y otra vez y en funcin de los resultados que obtena, iba adaptndome y mejorando mi negocio.Lo que he hecho yo, lo puede hacer cualquiera. Y por eso quiero ensearte lo que he aprendido durante todos estos aos, para ayudarte con tus objetivos en tus inicios como emprendedor. Si tienes cualquier pregunta, estar a tu entera disposicin y responder todos tus emails tan pronto como me sea posible.=====================================CERTIFICADO AL FINALIZAR EL 100% DEL CURSOAl completar el 100% de los vdeos de este curso, Udemy te enviar por correo electrnico un certificado para que puedas demostrar tu experiencia, indicando el nmero de horas de aprendizaje y la temtica del curso.=====================================GARANTA DE DEVOLUCIN DE DINEROEl curso viene con una garanta total y absoluta de devolucin del 100% de tu dinero durante 30 das desde la compra del mismo y est respaldada por Udemy. Este es mi compromiso contigo, de forma que si piensas que este curso no es para ti, yo asumir el riesgo. As que, ya no hay excusas para no hacer nada. Inscrbete ahora e invierte en tu futuro!=====================================ACCESO DE POR VIDAUna vez te inscribas en el curso, tendrs acceso de por vida a todos los contenidos, materiales adicionales y actualizaciones del mismo.=====================================ETIQUETASPlan de negocios, business plan, plan de empresa, emprendimiento, startup, canvas, lean startup, lean canvas, mtodo lean, modelo de negocio, planificacin, estrategia, emprender, negocio online."
Price: 49.99 |
"How To Become A Wedding Photographer" |
"Whether you've dreamed of jacking in the day job and becoming a full-time wedding photographer, or you want to earn some extra cash shooting weddings at the weekend, then this is the course for you! Did you know it's possible to make upwards of 2000 per weekend just from photographing weddings? Well, it's true! My name is Tom Calton and I'm a professional wedding photographer based in the UK. In less than 3 years I managed to create a business that captures over 40+ weddings per year. Want to know how I did it? Well, I reveal everything I've learnt in this online course. With my step-by-step online tutorial, I'll guide you through everything there is to know about starting your own wedding photography business from the ground up. That includes establishing your photography style, making a brand, creating a website, pricing/packages and much, much more. To fully understand what is required on the wedding day, we're going to be talking through a typical wedding format and the tips and tricks you're going to need to know in order to maximise your chances of getting that potentially award-winning photo. Capturing the wedding is just half of the job - there's also the editing to think about, too. But don't worry, I've got you covered there too. I'm going to walk you through my own post-processing workflow to show you how to manage your time efficiently and gain top quality edits in the process. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up today and make the first steps towards creating your wedding photography business. I look forward to seeing you on the course. Cheers, Tom"
Price: 99.99 |
"Guitar, Ukulele & Piano for Praise & Worship" |
"Learn how to play an instrument with beautiful songs of praise and worship!You can choose to learn the Guitar, or the Ukulele, or the Piano, or all at once if you want to! Join me on this journey as I take you through the different families of the music scale, and learn the shapes and playing styles that help you to play along to your favourite praise and worship songs! The skills learnt can also be applied to any other pop/rock song out there!In order:C MajorG MajorD MajorA MajorE MajorB MajorF MajorBb MajorEb MajorAb MajorDb MajorF# or Gb MajorC# & Cb Major (known also as Db & B Major)Future topics include:Rhythm structuresStrumming patterns"
Price: 19.99 |
"Rhythm Studies and Strumming Patterns" |
"This course aims to develop your rhythm sense, playing according to time, with a metronome, how to read rhythmic notation, and to train your ears and eyes to recognise strumming patterns. At the end of the series, the learner will be able to recognize and play different strumming patterns with ease and confidence, utilizing in their instruments playing regardless of genre."
Price: 19.99 |
"Gemart Special Close Defense Qualifica Basic" |
"Gemart nasce in Inghilterra nel 1996 inizialmente solo per gli operatori della sicurezza. In Italia nel 2005 viene riconosciuta dallo CSEN-CONI e dall'Israeli College For Security and Investigation e negli anni si evoluta sempre di pi proprio per dare ai civili, un sistema di difesa personale istintivo, non tralasciando il gesto tecnico di una tradizionale arte marziale come il ju jitsu o simili. Il fondatore e ricercatore M Gesualdi Emanuele inizia la pratica di arti marziali nel 1979 e da allora, imperterrito, ha assiduamente studiato per migliorarsi e migliorare il sistema Gemart Special Close Defense."
Price: 44.99 |
"Gemart Special Close Defense Qualifica Intermediate" |
"Prima di iniziare questo corso Intermedio consigliamo di attestare il livello Basic per non perdere concetti fondamentali riguardanti tecniche istintive. Questo corso un proseguo importante sia per la tecnica Gemart sia per la formazione interiore che hanno creato una perfetta e originale sinergia tra le due discipline. Un sistema completo ha bisogno di una crescita interiore ed esteriore ben strutturata e quesa una facolt che pu darvi Gemart."
Price: 44.99 |