"Gemart Special Close Defense Qualifica Advance" |
"Questo corso avanzato di difesa personale istintiva denominato Gemart Special Close Defense stato elaborato sia fisicamente che mentalmente per la sopravvivenza del cittadino, qualunque sia la minaccia o l'aggressione.La caratteristica Gemart non solo la mutazione dell'istinto in un istinto pronto a difendersi fisicamente da un aggressione, ma anche pronto a difendersi mentalmente da un aggressione che essa sia fisica, materiale o semplicemente una nostra angoscia o conflitto interiore."
Price: 84.99 |
"Spanish for beginners: Amazing new method, learn easy & fun" |
"Do you speak Spanish? un poquito? nada? Would you like to learn ? This Spanish course for beginners, it is made, in a simple and didactic way to learn Spanish, without getting bored. Here, the classes are made with innovative elements such as whiteboard and 2d cartoons, and all narrated with the Latin accent of Colombian, who create this course just thinking of you. Enjoy it! And here some reasons to study Spanish... Do you know that Spanish is the most commonly spoken language? Spanish you can find a better job,or increase your salary. experience of traveling , will be enhanced by the ability to speak Spanish.More than 21 million people around the world are currently studing Spanish .And I can give you more and more reasons to learn Spanish ...but I think that these reasons are enough.Entonces....empecemos..."
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Start A Successful eCom Dropshipping Business In 2019" |
"Join us in the most thorough eCommerce dropshipping course on Udemy!With hours of training, assignments and practical steps you can follow - this is one of the most comprehensive eCommerce dropshipping courses available. We'll cover Strategy, Niche Validation, Branding, Design, Building, Optimizing, Marketing & More!Learn By DoingThe course is hugely interactive with walk-throughs, checklists & actionable lectures built into every section.Learn step by step how to create a successful online eCommerce dropshipping business from scratch and bake in the marketing well enough for your audience to find, adore, and buy from you in droves.It's More Like 8 Courses in 1We cover all 8 major eCom topics, compromising hours of videos, articles, and action steps. It's truly a crazy value for your money, as you'll see with what's included: The State Of eCommerce. What you need to know about dropshipping and where it fits in the current state of eCom.Finding Your Niche. The fine art of converging your passions with a rabid niche audience.Niche Validation. How to spy on your top competitors in order to validate your niche (and even see what they sell the most).Finding Hot Products. Where to source the best products, with the best tools, quick and easy.Building Your Store. Only the best, proven practices for building your store - and in no time at all.Branding & Design. How to define, design, and create a brand your audience adores (including the easiest path to a killer aesthetic, slogan and logo).Optimizing Your Store. The only tools we use for social proof, urgency, and increased order volume (game changers).Getting Your First Sale (And Beyond!). How to attract, convert, and build a list of buyers who want to buy all your new stuff.BONUS: Setting The Stage. The art of remote work as a means to the coveted ""digital nomad lifestyle.""By the end of this course, you will be confidently implementing the latest eCommerce strategies to build a thriving brand so you can get paid anywhere in the world from nothing but your laptop.All the strategies, tips and tools recommended are either free or very cost effective.You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDon't Miss Out!Every second you wait is costing you brand advocates and sales.This courses come with a 30 day money-back guarantee - so there's no risk to get started.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start building your very own eCommerce dropshipping business online today!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Practice Test: 70-761 Querying Data with Transact-SQL" |
"This course contain Practice test for Microsoft Certification exam 70-761 for SQL server 2016Question database contains 310 questions - It's the biggest database for this exam on udemy (Cover 100% microsoft syllabus). At the end of this course, you will have developed the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the Querying Data with Transact-SQL Exam. In this course, you'll learn:Manage data with Transact-SQLCreate Transact-SQL SELECT queriesQuery multiple tables by using joinsImplement functions and aggregate dataModify dataQuery data with advanced Transact-SQL componentsQuery data by using subqueries and APPLYQuery data by using table expressionsGroup and pivot data by using queriesQuery temporal data and non-relational dataProgram databases by using Transact-SQLCreate database programmability objects by using Transact-SQLImplement error handling and transactionsImplement data types and NULLs"
Price: 69.99 |
"Practice Test: 70-762 Developing SQL Databases" |
"This course contain Practice test for Microsoft Certification exam 70-762 for SQL server 2016.database for this exam on udemy Cover 100% microsoft syllabus. At the end of this course, you will have developed the knowledge and skills necessary to pass Developing SQL Databases Exam. In this course, you'll learn:Design and implement a relational database schemaDesign and implement indexesDesign and implement viewsImplement columnstore indexesEnsure data integrity with constraintsCreate stored proceduresCreate triggers and user-defined functionsImplement transactionsManage isolation levelsOptimise concurrency and locking behaviourImplement memory-optimised tables and native stored proceduresOptimise statistics and indexesAnalyse and troubleshoot query plansManage performance for database instancesMonitor and trace SQL Server baseline performance metrics"
Price: 69.99 |
"Curso de Planejamento Express" |
"O curso tem como objetivo apresentar de maneira dinmica e objetiva o raciocnio por trs de um bom planejamento voltado para o mercado de trabalho.Ao fim do curso voc ter uma base slida de como um planejamento deve ser feito e como ele tem um papel fundamental para o mercado de trabalho."
Price: 39.99 |
"Die IIFYM Masterclass - Die If it fits your macros Ernhrung" |
"If it fits your macros - Die ErnhrungsmasterclassWie du ohne Verzicht deine Traumfigur erreichst!Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle, die Interesse haben Kenntnisse ber die Ernhrungsweise If it fits your macros zu erwerben und diese auch letztendlich privat nutzen mchten. Er eignet sich fr Anfnger, die entweder langfristig abnehmen mchten, aber eben auch genauso fr erfahrene Sportler, die langfristig Muskelmasse aufbauen wollen.Mit diesem Kurs wirst du zum flexible diet ProfiIn diesem Kurs nutzen und lernst du die Ernhrungsweise aus der Sicht eines noch jungen Ernhrungsberaters. Du lernst (ohne groe Theorie) praxisnah die Gestaltung von Ernhrungsplne, praktische Ernhrungstipps, viele neue leckere Rezepte und vieles mehr (der Kurs wird laufend aktualisiert!).Zustzlich lernst Du: Bestimmen deiner Haltekalorien nach der 14-Tagesanalyse Bestimmen deiner Makronhrstoffe sowohl in der Dit als auch fr den Muskelaufbau Den Umgang mit der App Myfitnesspal Zahlreiche Ernhrungs -TricksScrolle am besten jetzt ganz runter und schau Dir den Lehrplan an. :)Das Beste: Dieser Kurs wird laufend aktualisiert und erweitert. Inkl. PDF und Excl.-Dateien (zur eigenen, weiteren Verwendung!) Ich beantworte Dir alle, zum Kursthema betreffenden, Fragen innerhalb einer kurzen Zeit (persnlicher Support!). Bonus 1: Meine 35 Lieblingsrezepte Das Kochbuch als Ebook Bonus 2: Ein Basic-Trainingsplan fr alle EinsteigerDein Dozent:Mein Name ist Matthias Zoller. Ich bin selbststndiger Personaltrainer und Ernhrungsberater. Seit mehr als 5 Jahren habe ich tglich mit den unterschiedlichsten Klienten zu tun. Vor allem bin ich im Ernhrungsberatungssegment aktiv und helfe Menschen Ihre individuelle Traumfigur zu erreichen, indem Sie Ihre Ernhrung an Ihren Alltag anpassen. In diesem umfangreichen IIFYM-Videotutorial, zeige ich dir alles Wichtige, was du in diesem Bereich der Ernhrung wissen musst um es anschlieend alles Gelernte spielend einfach umzusetzen.Viel Spa beim Kurs,Matthias ZollerDas wirst du lernen Professionelles Arbeiten mit der IIFYM-Methode Lerne die Grundlage fr ein erfolgreiches und starkes Mindset. Lerne wie du deine Ziele klar nach der Smartregel definierst. Lerne wie du deine Haltekalorien berechnest. Lerne wie du deine Makronhrstoffe berechnest. Lerne wie du optimal deine Dit startest. Lerne wie du optimal Muskeln aufbaust. Lerne deine Kalorien zu tracken. Lerne den Umgang mit der App MyfitnesspalBestehen fr den Kurs bestimmte Anforderungen oder Voraussetzungen? Einen PC oder Mac Empfohlen wird Photoshop CC (mit Einschrnkungen: ab Adobe CS5)Fr wen eignet sich dieser Kurs: An alle Einsteiger, die sich mit der Ernhrungsmethode If it fits your macros noch nicht auskennen und es nher kennen lernen mchten. An alle, die Ihren eigenen individuellen Ernhrungsplan erstellen mchten. An alle, die lernen mchten, wie man optimal Muskeln aufbaut. Alle, die endlich Ihrer Traumfigur ein Stck nherkommen wollen. Alle, die bereits aktiv IIFYM anwenden."
Price: 34.99 |
"Principal of Coastal Engineering" |
"In this course we will learn the basics of coastal engineerings with the following topics;Ocean System,Wave Hydraulic, Small Amplitude Wave Theory.Course might help for those who currently work on coastal structures or planning to work on, civil engineering students in both master's or bachelor's degree.This course is a brief entrance to the topic of coastal engineering with some solved examples, further calculations or design of structures in this area will require more work and new courses. If you are up for the follow up course of this be sure to let me know. Lastly, since it's my first course please be kind about your comments, every comment is welcome here."
Price: 19.99 |
"Cozmik Training Academy" |
"This course will help you to take your business idea from concept to creation. CTA helps the entrepreneur avoid pitfalls and time waste so that you can get your business started sooner. This course adds information that would require many hours and time that doing a business alone would require in research"
Price: 199.99 |
Price: 143000.00 |
"6 figures Facebook Ads Winning Strategy & Free Product Hack" |
"Scale Your Business To 6 Figures revenueLearn to scale and retarget, Facebook advertising strategies From A to Z Scaling and Retargeting, Budget Optimization, Winning Products Hack ""Free Method"" which is denied by all the marketers, They won't tell you about it.Do not waste your money on advertising and finally target the Interests!Despite recent algorithm changes and platform restrictions, Facebook remains by far the most efficient and accurate way to target users interested in your products.But as much as it is necessary to know how to find them!The majority of people do not understand why their results do not take off. Why they don't make sales, even though they have traffic!This majority forgets an important principle: Target Buyers, not interests."
Price: 199.99 |
"Make your Life a Joy Ride with HUMAN DESIGN!" |
" Imagine for a moment how different your life could have been for You, if your parents received a User's Guide for their new baby at the time of your your birth. Imagine if they could guide you properly from the very moment of your birth: correct diet, correct way of communication, encouragement of your unique talents and abilities, correct environment etc. Imagine being confident in your every decision in life by the age of 7. Imagine trusting your life and feeling supported throughout your journey on the physical plane. I know, it sounds too good to be true, but that is precisely what Human Design System (HDS) offers us! Gift Yourself and/or Your children a priceless gift of understanding and acceptance. Make life easier and more enjoyable for You and/or Your children. If you want to improve your life, this course is one of the things that you need right now to see results."
Price: 59.99 |
"7 Keys To Great Relationships" |
"Life. What is it? What do we know about it? We definitely know that we are somehow a part of it. How do we know that? Because we are constantly interacting with it! Be it objects, feelings, thoughts or people - we are always in a process of interacting with life. Because of these interactions we have some ideas of who we are, about our personality, purpose, likes/dislikes, character, our bodies etc. We learn all these things from our RELATIONSHIPS with objects, ideas, people, nature etc. So, you see, your life consist of a these numerous relationships, big and small. As Human Beings, we always strive to have better relationships with a partner in marriage, with parents, with children, with co-workers, with pets, with plants, with nature, with universe, with GOD, with Yourself... you get the idea! Somehow, deep down we know that the better the relationships in our lives, the better is our quality of life, the happier we are and more content with our lives.Having said that, what do see around us? Broken marriages, unhappy couples, parents that can't find an approach to their kids, suicidal teenagers, aggression on the roads and in business, competition and survival. It is a sad picture, considering that building and maintaining great relationships is quite easy. So what is the problem then? Education, of course. We are raised without a proper education on how to build successful relationships. We are educated to be convenient parts of the system, no more no less. The only things we know about relationships, we've learned by observing our immediate family and by making friends or enemies while growing up. If you had the same quality education for any technical profession and demonstrated your knowledge pros, you'd just get laughed at. So, why do you expect yourself and others to be able to build great, long lasting relationships without a proper education? Want to do it Trial and Error style? Good luck, see you in 30 years! Why don'd you learn organic chemistry that way too? Alternatively, there are many great books out there that teach people to excel in one area of life or another. Of course, you can't dramatically improve your life just by reading a book, you have to analyze and process information in it and apply the knowledge. Only then you'll know if it works for you or you need to read another book. We've read tons of books, experimented a lot, learned from the best and perfected our relationships for over 10 years intentionally. The result is amazing! Our love relationship has never been stronger, more beautiful or more loving. All of our relationships are exactly where they should be and we are totally happy with them.Over the years, we've become an example of a great relationship and people who know us started asking for advice on how to improve their relationships. Finally, we've decided to go online and make our knowledge and experience available for everyone who wants to improve their life. That is how this course was born. This course is about the 7 main principles that every great relationship is build upon. If you know them, you can diagnose your current relationships and start improving them today. When you master them, you'll be able to easily and effectively build new ones! This course is one of the best investments you'll make into yourself and your relationships and therefore into your LIFE! "
Price: 59.99 |
"Grow confident in your self-esteem!" |
"Do you want to go deeper than the quick-fix, positive attitude confidence? Start accepting yourself with techniques proven to work in coaching and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, over and over again!The patterns that limit us, are formed many years ago. If you believe ""speaking up"", ""adapting your body language"" will provide lasting change, this course is not for you. There are others that help you this way. If you tried those and still have a nagging feeling ""there is something else out there"". If you - are brave enough to face your demons, to take a honest look in the mirror, with an open mind- are hungry enough to get more out of your life, to challenge your own status quoI encourage you to take this leap with me and experience lasting change!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Android Mobile App Development with Onsen UI and Phonegap" |
"If you already know how to create web pages using HTML, CSS and Javascript and want to create mobile apps, then this is the course for you. Using your existing knowledge, you can make beautiful native looking apps. You will learn how to use Onsen UI style frameworks to create stunning looking modern UI's that users have become accustomed to. No need to learn any new programming languages. This is the simple and easy way to make apps, ie. using pure HTML, CSS and Javascript.You will learn how to easily use phonegap build, to convert your code to apk files. No need to download a huge set of tools. No need to waste time generating tons and tons of packages and libraries to make your apps bloated. No need to suffer the headache of trying to fix missing dependencies, or, incompatible libraries. Everything is done for you by phonegap build. Your codebase is simply pure html, css and javascript - easily portable and shareable. The project files are also very small and the apk that is generated is a fraction of the size of apps built with ionic or react native. I have been developing apps since Android first came out and have tried almost all the major frameworks out there. But at the end of the day, I still prefer the simplicity and ease of pure HTML, CSS and Javascript and I am pretty sure you will too.Whether you want to build apps professionally or simply want to enjoy making apps as a fun hobby, this course will make it easy for you to achieve your goals.If you are unsure about this course, just go ahead and enroll anyway, you have a 30-day money back guarantee. See you inside!"
Price: 39.99 |
"How to monetize your Construct 2 games using Admob ads 2019" |
"This course will teach you how to insert AdMob ads into your Construct 2 Android mobile games, and build it using PhoneGap build. At time of writing, trying to find out how to do this from the Internet, is almost impossible as there is no one reliable source that seems to work. Everything seems to be in bits and pieces all over the Internet. Some partially works, and some just fails. I have done the research and put together everything you need to know to get it to work. And this course is the culmination of my work. The contents of this course is geared towards Construct 2.I created this course because CocoonIO has died. Yes, you heard it right. CoccoonIO by Ludei was the only workable way to add AdMob into your Construct 2 Android mobile games. Unfortunately, the owners decided to close it all down in early 2019, leaving us with nothing. So what else is there? PhoneGap. But getting AdMob and PhoneGap to play along was no easy task. It was almost a hackish activity trying to figure how to put AdMob into your Construct 2 game and yet be able to convert it to an apk file for publishing on Google Play. So I started experimenting with AdMob and PhoneGap, and had to endure the frustration of the lack of support and tutorials from Scirra . After much sweat and tears, I finally found out how to put AdMob into your Construct 2 and make it work with PhoneGap. Hence this course. This course was created for 2 reasons. First, it is to document what I have found and second to help others who are facing this issue as well.If you are unsure about this course, just go ahead and enroll anyway, you have a 30-day money back guarantee. See you inside!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Create Mobile App Icons Using Inkscape" |
"If you would like to create beautiful looking modern looking mobile app icons the fast and easy way using free software then this course is for you. In this course, you wil learn how to use the free software called Inkscape to create mobile app icons for Android and iOS. This course assumes no prior experience with Inkscape. Everything will be explained in detail. I will teach you everything you need to know starting from downloading Inkscape and installing it. Then, how to use the Inkscape tools to create icons and modifying your icons to easily create multiple variations.Everything you need to know will be covered in this practical step-by-step tutorial style approach. You will learn how to create icon frames with rounded corners, setting gradient colors, drop shadows, long shadows and more. Make modern looking icons that users have become accustomed to seeing in Google Play and the App Store.All course videos will show exact keys and mouse actions in pop up captions so that you can easily follow along. Did you know that having a good icon is the most important thing that determines whether or not a user decides to download your app. That is right, like it or not, your app is initially judged by its icon. This course will show you how to make your icon stand out amongst the thousands of other apps in the app store. You only have a split second to make a first good impression of your app. Good icons are simple, clear and uncluttered. This course will show you the tricks and secrets of making such icons!This course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose but everything to gain! See you inside!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Monetize Your Mobile PhoneGap Apps Using AdMob Ads 2019" |
"This course will show you how to create a simple PhoneGap App using Onsen UI framework and then to insert AdMob ads into it. You will learn how to create test ads using the test ad units that Google provides, and create buttons to test them, and also how to build apk files using Adobes phonegap build. Then, you will learn how to create keystores and sign your apk file and how to use live ads for publishing your app to the Google Play Store.I created this course because there is no one single place on the Internet that taught me how to add AdMob into a PhoneGap app. I had to piece it together painstakingly from bits and pieces all over the place. PhoneGap is such a common platform for building apps yet no one has taken the trouble to write a guide or write a step-by-step tutorial on how to do it. Trying to get AdMob onto your PhoneGap app was such a hackish activity that it tends to put many people off. So, I decided to put together all my notes into a neat little course so as to document what I had done and also hopefully to help people out there who are facing the same problems.This course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose but everything to gain! So go ahead and enroll now. See you inside!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Internet of Things IOT, Robotics and Hacking with NodeMCU" |
"Learn about Internet of Things (IOT), Robotics and Ethical Hacking using the low-cost NodeMCU. This course consists of step-by-step clear video tutorials which shows close-up point-of-view videos of what the instructor is doing and which are easy to follow along. No need for any in depth technical knowledge. This course focuses on hands-on practicals right away. Start with simple projects and gradually build up to more advanced projects as you gain more skills and experience.This course makes it easy for you to get started by giving you exposure to a wide variety of things you can do with NodeMCU. You will learn how to build remote monitoring systems, remote control devices through Internet, mobile phone controlled robotic cars and Hacking using NodeMCU. The robot you build will be directly connected to using any Android or iOS device with a web browser. There is no need for a separate Wifi Access Point. There is also no need to build a separate app for your mobile phone.IOT is the hot thing today with more and more devices getting connected to the Internet. This course gives you a wide exposure to the many things NodeMCU can do. It is tailored for the beginner who has little knowledge about IOT. This makes it easy for you to get started and is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. See you inside!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Learn Ethical Hacking By Hacking Real Websites Legally" |
"If you want to learn ethical hacking the fun and easy way like playing a computer game, then this course is for you. There exists on the Internet several websites which allows people to hack and learn hacking. These websites typically have different levels from easy to advanced. By hacking each level and gradually levelling up, you will learn hacking. Traditionally, ethical hacking is taught by installing virtual machines on your PC and hacking the virtual machines inside your PC. This way of learning hacking can be pretty boring as there are no challenges or rewards. Also it can be quite laggy unless you have a high end machine. In addition, some people find learning Linux and installing virtual machines too troublesome. In this course, I will show you an alternative way, which is more fun and where you will enjoy the thrills of hacking real websites legally and solving each level and going from easy and gradually to more advanced levels - just like paying online games. The website we will be hacking is DefendTheWeb which is a popular hacker's playground where hackers play hacking games reminiscent of CTF (Capture the Flag) and learn at the same time. However, without some help and guidance you will find it quite challenging. Hence this course. I will walk through each level from Intro to Advanced.You do not need to go through the hassle of installing virtual machines or Linux on your computer. All you need is a PC. In this course I am only using a Windows PC to do hacking.This course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. So, go ahead and enroll in this course now and start hacking the fun and easy way!Note that DefendTheWeb was previously called HackThis."
Price: 39.99 |
"Master Wifi Ethical Hacking - Evil Twin Attacks Complete" |
"If you want to learn how to ethically hack any WEP/WPA/WPA2 and easily capture the wifi password keys instead of wasting time cracking password keys, then this is the course for you. Many wifi ethical hacking techniques out there teach you to use wordlists to crack the keys. If you have ever tried to do it that way, then you will know by know that it fails most of the time. The only technique that can bypass WEP/WPA/WPA2 is the Evil Twin Attack method. Kevin Mitnick, the world renowned hacker has said that a security system is only as strong as its weakest link. This is more so in network security where the users are the weakest link. Trying to crack WPA2 is an attack on technology. WPA2 is difficult to crack if the keys are long. There is an easier way. And that is, to attack the users by using a social engineering attack known as the Evil Twin attack. This attack consists of 3 stages. The first stage is to capture the handshake so that we can test the wifi key which we will capture next. The second stage is to create an identical Fake Access Point with the same SSID as the target you are attacking, hence the name Evil Twin Attack. The third stage consists of disconnecting the target user from her own Access Point using a deauthentication attack. This forces the target user to connect to your fake access point where she will be tricked into entering the wifi password key via a captive portal. There are many Evil Twin Attack programs out there but not much helpful guidance on how to use them and you could easily get lost. Hence this course. In this course I will show you how to use the most common and effective Evil Twin Attack programs available and also teach you how to build one yourself. You will learn how to use the most popular Evil Twin Attack programs like Airgeddon, Fluxion and Wifiphiser. I will show you in detail, step-by-step how to setup the programs, configure and run the attacks. Not only that. I will also teach you how Evil Twin Attacks work by studying each components like access points SSID broadcast, DHCP, DNS redirection, bypassing SSL, HSTS and more. Towards the later parts of the course we will make use of this knowledge to CREATE AND BUILD YOUR OWN EVIL TWIN ATTACK SYSTEMS FROM SCRATCH! At the end of this course, you will be a master in Evil Twin attacks and will know how to attack any wifi anywhere - the easy way - without bruteforcing or cracking any passwords. You will also have the skill and knowledge to customize your own Evil Twin Attack system for any scenarios. This course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. Enroll today and learn how to hack any wifi - the smart way that actually works. Note that this course is only for educational purposes, so that you will be aware of such attacks and how it is carried out so that you can avoid falling into such traps. Please only try this on networks where you have permission to do so. Thank you. See you inside!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Pregnant and Nervous? Lets deal with it. Together." |
"Having a baby and want to feel less nervous & anxious? Instead, would you prefer to feel empowered and prepared for the arrival of your baby? Lady, do you want to kick your fear in the rear & aim for a better labour, birth and cesarean experience? Great, because we are right here for you.My name is Bec, and I'm a Registered Nurse, Childbirth Educator and passionate Perinatal Mental Health advocate. I'm so lucky to say Birth Sense Australia has now taught 1000's of expectant parents & health professionals (both locally & different parts of the globe) sensible skills and tools for pregnancy, labour and birth... and I badly want to share with you, how you can be less anxious for your labor, birth and cesarean experience too.Because being afraid is THE WORST at any time, let alone when you're having your beautiful child!I have a fair idea how you may be feeling, because I was nervous about birth too....until I got to know some stuff that really helped my hubby and I out, which was a real game changer for us both.Like how my Hubby could help, and how to get my head out of the way with skills, tools, knowledge & techniques that worked really well to reduce stress for birth - and life!Sign up to skill up - and know this info applies to all kinds of birth's from natural to C-section and everything in between.Hustle girl - baby is coming!You'll feel better when you're prepared. X"
Price: 189.99 |
"Design of Solar PV Systems" |
"This course explains the basic system components and its functions, structure and performance under different operating conditions. As the solar radiation are every imprtant for the estimation of amount of energy generated from the solar PV system, a sperate part of the course is dedicated to talking about solar radiation and it's data sources. In addition, a case study to design a grid connected solar PV system using PVSYST software is implemented. Moreover, questions and assignments which help to get the most out of this course are included for most lectures."
Price: 19.99 |
"Plan Your Non-Fiction Business Book For Success" |
"To set your book up for success you need a clear, structured plan.If you are an entrepreneur, a business owner, a coach, blogger or someone with an idea and the expertise then this course is for you. Within a matter of days you will be able to plan your non-fiction book to set yourself up for success. The plan will give you a clear direction leaving you with the ability to just flesh out the framework with your content. The course will take you through determining whether there really is a book in you, validating your idea, working through a bestselling formula and planning for success. There are also bonus chapters on editing and productivity techniques for writers. The lessons are accompanied by worksheets to enhance learning and maximise the process."
Price: 34.99 |
"Apple macOS and iOS System Administration" |
"Apple macOS and iOS System Administration will teach you how to use Apples first party software in conjunction with various open source tools to manage iOS and macOS devices easily and inexpensively. If you have familiarity with Apple's operating systems from an end-user perspective but need to manage an office (or multiple offices) of macOS or iOS endpoints, this course is for you. This course assumes no experience with system administration on Apple platforms so no prior experience is required.If you are new to system administration or just new to administrating Apple operating systems, this course will introduce you to the basic concepts of managing a handful of devices and scales to how to provide effective support to thousands or tens of thousands of devices. The course begins by introducing the basics of Apple hardware and local system management. Tools like Apple Remote Desktop and Apple Configurator are used to demonstrate how to manage a handful of devices.As the course continues, you will be building an automation environment using macOS Servers Profile Manager and open source tools like Munki, AutoPkgr, and bootsrappr. You will learn to configure over-the-air activation and device management to iPhone and iPad endpoints including device restrictions, managed AppleIDs, managed iOS Apps, and more. You will move on to macOS administration and learn to automate software installations, updates, and customize the user experience all without having to do any thick imaging. Unix scripting is extensively used in managing macOS clients and special topics include encryption, zero-touch deployments, and integration with Microsoft technologies like Active Directory and Office365.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using macOS, macOS Server, Apple Profile Manager, Apple DEP, and Munki to administer hundreds or thousands of endpoints across businesses big and small including the enterprise."
Price: 199.99 |
MS.Excel |
"Story for Salary man This is my experience knowhow of Microsoft Excel that improve skill and we can do quickly report from many data.Basic Excel that school or University do not teach you. Now we should be learn just 2 hours for improve your skill.I create example by 1 case and use several formula that easy for you to get this example and use in your work.Good luck."
Price: 3200.00 |
"Distribua seu Site utilizando o Web Service da Amazon" |
"Este curso nasceu de uma necessidade minha no incio, que era disponibilizar um conjunto de pginas estticas na internet.Voc pode querer ter um site esttico bem otimizado para SEO por exemplo, com objetivo de vender infoprodutos, livros, produtos fsicos, etc.No meu caso, decidi no utilizar nenhum sistema de gesto de contedo, como por exemplo Wordpress, porque eu queria ter a segurana de que o meu HTML estivesse sempre semntico evitando impactos negativos no SEO on page.Alm disso, buscava ter mais liberdade na criao das pginas e o custo para manter um pacote bacana, com domnio prprio e personalizado do Wordpress era maior do que criar o site por conta prpria.Esse curso tem como pblico alvo o programador que pega um job freelancer por exemplo na construo de um site esttico para o cliente e j entrega o site hospedado. Mas se voc no programador, hospedar um site esttico na AWS, apesar de um trabalho tcnico relativamente fcil, pois na grande parte do tempo voc vai trabalhar atravs da interface grfica."
Price: 84.99 |
"Exam AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, Exam Questions" |
"If you want to prepare for AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam, we offer you these exciting and reliable practice tests.Wondering why you should choose this course? Here are 4 reasons why:1. We offer you detailed explanations for every question. No exception!2. We offer you many external links to every question, in case you want to get into the fine details on the matter. No exception!3. No misleading or vague questions. Forget about words like ""evaluate the underlined text to ..."". We changed every question that contains those words so it is easy to see and understand the meaning of the question.4. No missing pictures in the questions. We substituted every image with easy to understand text representation of it"
Price: 24.99 |
"The Complete English Interview Course" |
"Interviewing in English can be a daunting task. This course has been designed based on the experience of a UK career coach who has successfully helped 500+ international clients from Europe, Asia and Africa into top graduate jobs in the UK .You are going to learn many key lessons, that will help you to ace any interview:Most common mistakes from 25,000 non-native English speakers3 most common English grammar mistakesHow to improve your fluency and enjoy it10 ways to speak English with more confidence5 strategies to learn to listenEvery Interview have these 4 things in CommonMotivation: Understanding why you want that jobNailing a great Personal IntroductionUltimate Resources for Motivational ResearchThe 6 types of interview questionsHacking the STAR technique by numbersThe 6 Skills every employer needs"
Price: 49.99 |
"Practical Full Stack Web Development Course (100+Challenges)" |
"Hello there!This 16+ hours course is designed to transform you from complete beginner to employable developer!How many times you've started learning Web Development and gave up after few days? This course will push you to achieve your goals!Few reasons why this course is for you:The course is taught by Senior Web Developer that walked and succeed on the self-taught path.The course is being updated weekly with new videos and learning materials. New sections being recorded for Angular, Symfony, Nodejs and more! (avg 1 new section added per month)The course is designed to teach you everything essential without the need to seek external material.This curriculum and learning materials is proven to turn complete beginner into employeed developer. These are the exact technologies I (Gancho Radkov) learned to get my first developer job.With this course you get private mentorship and code reviews from Senior Web Developer that will guide you through every step on your learning journey!You will learn the skills to build modern, responsive and feature-rich websites.You will practice everything you've learned with 100+ Challenges and Projects.Every topic is this course is presented through engaging lectures with tons of practical activities!Almost each lecture ends with a challenge and each main section with a project!You will build many real-world projects what you can show to a potential employeer.We know that learning Web Development is long and difficult process, this is why Senior Web Developer will be your private mentor and will work with you on every challenge that you encounter.Throught this course you will learn massive amount of tools and technologies such as:HTMLCSSJavaScriptBootstrapPHPMySQLand many more as the course gets updated.By the end of the course you will able to build any website that you can imagine.Start today and you receive:Video lecturesMany Challenges and ExcercisesReal-world projectsProgramming RecoursesPrivate sessions with Senior Web DeveloperIf you are not yet sure, check out some of the feedback I've from existing students:""Excellent course!! The instructor is very knowledgeable. I feel ready to develop websites. The concepts were easily understandable."" - Brava Man""I really learned a alot."" - ViN""It was interactive"" - Adeyemo Yusuf""So far its been laid out in simple steps"" - Stanley Chukwueke""It is accurate and simple"" - Azal Iloki""I'ts simple and easy to understand for beginners. Thanks for sharing your knowledge."" - Mayelis Acosta Last but not least... I've created this course with passion and its sole purpose is to help you achieve your goals!Web Development changed my live, it could change yours too!"
Price: 19.99 |