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"Chinesische Sprache und Chinesische Kultur"
"Hallo zusammen. Herzlich willkommen bei Chinesische Sprache und Chinesische Kultur Kurs. Ich heie Sally. Ich bin Chinesischlehrerin aus Beijing, China. Ich habe einen Magister Artium der Sprachwissenschaft. Seit 15 Jahren arbeite ich als Lehrerin.Es freut mich, dass Sie Interesse fr Chinesisch haben. Ich hoffe, dass Sie in dem Kurs besser Chinesisch lernen und mehr von chinesischer Kultur wissen. In diesem Kurs werden Sie heiter Chinesisch lernen.In dem Kurs gibt es acht Lektionen. Es gibt entsprechende bungen in jedem Unterricht.Jede Lektion hat einen Chinesische Kultur Teil.Ich erwarte, dass Sie diesen Sprachkurs besuchen. Viel Spa beim Lernen!"
Price: 39.99

"Chinese Exercises for Non-native Chinese Learners"
"Hello and welcome to the Chinese Language and Chinese Culture Course. My name is Sally. Im a Chinese teacher from Beijing, China. I have a masters degree in linguistics. I also have 15 years teaching experience. Are you a non-native Chinese learner? Do you have a foundation of Chinese? Are you preparing for a Chinese exam? This course is designed for you. E-mail"
Price: 19.99

"Chinese Exercises for Non-native Chinese Learners"
"Hello and welcome to the Chinese Language and Chinese Culture Course. My name is Sally. Im a Chinese teacher from Beijing, China. I have a masters degree in linguistics. I also have 15 years teaching experience.Are you a non-native Chinese learner? Do you have a foundation of Chinese? Are you preparing for a Chinese exam? This course is designed for you. E-mail"
Price: 19.99

"Essential Study Skills - Improve your marks!"
"This course will teach everything you need to know about preparing for important tests and exams. Some of the topics include: Study techniques, material preparation, mental preparation and many other crucial pieces of information revolving around evaluations. I will also share with you some of the tips and tricks I have personally learned over years of evaluations to ensure that you don't make these same mistakes!"
Price: 19.99

"WordPress For Beginners: Make WordPress Websites Quickly!"
"This course teaches an overview of WordPress and guides you on how to create your first website in just under an hour. Some of the topics covered in lecture include how to start with WordPress, how to use the Sites, Design, Tools, and Manage tabs. Start turning your passion and idea's into reality with WordPress!"
Price: 19.99

"Cancer: risk factors, prevention and screening"
"Would you like to get clear and evidence-based information about risks of the most common types of cancer? Would you like to reduce risk of cancer development? Would you like to receive accurate guidance on which screening tools you should use to check your body?If you answered yes to any of the above questions this course is for you!In this course you will:Know how can smoking cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, marijuana can influence the risk of lung cancer.Find information about which test you should choose for lung cancer screening, x-ray or CT scanLearn how lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of breast cancer.Understand when you should do mammography to screen your body for breast cancerRecognise the role of hereditary conditions for developing colorectal cancer.Choose which screening exams you should do to check your body for colorectal cancer.This course is for non-medical professionals, without basic medical knowledge. For everyone, who takes care about their health and would like to prevent cancer-related death. Who would like to know how can lifestyle changes can reduce risk of cancer and who should be screened for cancer.At the end of my course, you will be able to modify your lifestyle to reduce the risk of lung, breast and colorectal cancer.You will plan your cancer screening exams, based on your personal risks, to detect cancer at earlier stages before symptoms appear.Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

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Price: 19.99

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Price: 19.99

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Price: 19.99

"Learn the basics of React Hooks and create a Weather App"
"React Hooks are the latest features of React. They were introduced in version 16.8. If you want to keep your React knowledge up-to-date then you definitely should learn React Hooks.But what is a React Hook?A React Hook is a function which lets you hook into function components and use the React features like lifecycle methods and state. Before React Hooks this was only possible with class components.Why you should learn it?Even though the creators of React do not recommend migrating existing codebase to React Hooks but they strongly suggest that you create your new components using React Hooks. So if you want to keep up with React then it's time you learned React Hooks.What can you learn in this course?This course introduces React Hooks from the beginning. We're going to look at some of the mostly used built in Hooks (useState, useEffect). We'll create our own React Hook as well, so after this course you'll be able to create your own React Hook. We're going to finish this course by creating a Weather App which is going to call a real API to fetch real weather data. This course will give you the solid foundations of React Hooks which then you can apply to your projects too.When is this course not for you? I want to be upfront here. This course is not for you if you've created many projects with React Hooks, you already know the main concepts of React Hooks and you've created your own custom Hooks as well. This course gives an introduction to React Hooks though we're going to cover the two most used built in React Hooks extensively."
Price: 29.99

"ReactJS For Beginners"
"Welcome to my ReactJS course for beginners! In this course, I will highlight the basics and essentials of ReactJS that you need to understand to build your own projects. In this course, I will go through how to create a React App, what components are, react routing and the main fundamentals of ReactJS and how it works."
Price: 29.99

"Responsive Web Development"
"This Web Development course is designed to provide you with the necessary knowledge and tools to enable you to start building your own personal web development projects. This Web Development course is the perfect choice for beginners who are interested in learning Web Development as it covers the core principles of HTML and CSS."
Price: 39.99

"Limit Trev 2020"
"Kursumuzun amac ayrlmaz ikili Limit ve Trev konusunu hi bilmeseniz bile size sfrdan tam renme prensibiyle renme amacyla balayacaz sizlerden ricam yorumlarla beni destekleyip konunun tamamn renmeden videodan kalkamamnz Limit ve Trev konusunu zel konu zetleriyle sizlerle paylacam.Kafanizdaki btn soru isaretlerini yorum olarak belirtirseniz sevinirim. Matematik temelden alinmali ve ilerlemeye dikkat edilmesi gereken bi ders olduunu unutmayin.Unutmayn matematik niversiteye girince bitmiyor.Beraber ilerleyeceiz arkadalar. zlemede kaln tekrar yapmay unutmayn.Salcakla :)reneceklerinizLimit ve Trev  konusunu renecekMatematik dersi iin zel eitim alma ihtiyacnz bu kurs ile gidereceksiniz.Sorular en ksa yoldan zmeyi renerek zaman kazanacaksnz.Tm soru tiplerini ve zm yollarn grebileceksiniz.Her dersin notlar blm tamamlanmas sizi daha da gelitirecektir.Pratik ve hz kazanmaya ynelik eitimlerle kendinizi gelitireceksiniz.Konu eksiklerinize gre alma plan yapabileceksiniz.lem becerisi kazanacaksnz.Kurs gereksinimleri veya n koullar var m?Toplama karmay bilen btn rencilere reteceime dair szveriyorum sizlere.Bu kurs kimler iin uygun:her seviyeye uygun bir anlatm bulunmaktadr."
Price: 49.99

"Apprendre comment avoir un blog RENTABLE en partant de zro."
"Cette formation vous explique comment crer un blog et gnrer des revenus en continue. Gnrer des revenus en automatique avec votre blce l'affilation et aux contenus sponsoriss. Avoir un blog, c'est bien, pouvoir en vivre ( et confortablement), c'est encore mieux, n'est-ce pas?C'est certainement l'une des meilleures choses qu'Internet nous a apport. La possibilit de gnrer de l'argent en ligne dans un domaine qui nous intresse. Pouvoir travailler quand vous le voulez, o vous le voulez, et surtout dans un domaine qui vous plait; Pensez-vous qu'il y a un quelque chose qui peut vous motiver autant? Si c'est votre objectif vous aussi, alors, la solution ppur vous serait d'avoir un blog rentable qui vous permettra de gagner de l'argent tout en faisant quelque chose de simple et qui vous plat.Oui, il est VRAIMENT possible de gagner de l'argent, en bloguant ( en crivant ou en parlant) d'un sujet qui vous passionne. Oui, il  existe des mthodes simples mettre en place pour pouvoir avoir un blog qui vous rapportera de l'argent. Il suffit de les appliquer.       La premire bonne nouvelle, est qu'en tant sur cette page, cet instant prcis, vous tes dj sur la bonne voie! Vous tes deux doigts de raliser votre objectif. Vous pouvez dj vous fliciter d'tre dans la voie du changement.  Pourquoi cette formation est faites pour vous:Je vous montre les tapes de faon claire et dtaille. Je ne met que le contenu utile. Je ne vous donne que ce dont vous avez besoin pour russir. Pas de blabla inutile. Je donne aussi des astuces et ides que trs peu de formateurs donnent. Je me suis efforce galement de crer un visuel dynamique avc des powerpoint moderne. J'essaye de rendre l'information la plus accessible possile. chaque fin de module, vous pouvez appliquer les consignes et avancer progressivement, votre rythme. Je vous donne galement des fiches rcapitulatives. + 7 heures de formation complte 10 ides de blogs de niches que vous pouvez exploiter ( en pice jointe) Tous les logiciels et outis gratuits que j'utilise pour mes blogs qui rapportent. Mon cran film avec des squences claires suivre. Je rponds personnellement aux emails des personnes qui ont besoin d'aide. Amliorer sa qualit de vie grce ses revenus en ligne.Je ne connais vos objectifs professionnels, certes. Ce que je sais, c'est qu'avoir un blog peut vous ouvrir d'incroyables opportunits. Cela peut mme changer votre vie. Tout dpend quoi vous aspirer, mais votre blog, peut vous rapporter autant d'argent que de satisfaction personnel.C'est aussi dans ce sens que j'ai orient cette formation. Mler l'utile et l'agrable. Vous montrer comment votre pasison ou vos intrts peuvent vous rapporter de l'argent. Peu de personnes ont en conscience et c'est dommage...On imagine que c'est difficile ou pas notre porte.Or,  avoir un blog aujourd'hui, c'est devenu plus facile que jamais, car la technique a t simplifie, les mthodes pour le montiser sont de plus en plus nombreuses et efficaces de mme que nous savons ce qui fonctionne et ce qui ne fonctionne pas. C'est pour cela que j'ai crr cette formation. Vous vitez de perdre du temps concevoir votre blog. Vous aider tout de suite rflchir un blog qui sera pertinent et surtout qui va vous permettre d'en vivre. Je veux avec cette formation, vous accompagner main dans la main ( travers mon cran et je reste disponible par email) crer un blog, dans un sujet qui ovus intresse vraiment, et vous montrer comment faire concrtement pour qu'il vous rapporte de l'argent.  Quel est l'objectif de cette formation?L'objectif de cette formation est de dmarrer avec un sujet qui vous passionne. Beaucoup de personnes abandonnent aprs 6 mois leurs blogs, car ils ne sont tout simplement pas ""fan"" de leurs domaines. Trop souvent, on nous explique qu'il faut crer un blog et vendre des produits. Or, c'est faux. Si l'on aime pas ce que l'on fait, on risque d'abandonner.Je ne veux pas que cela vous arrive. - Vous avez une passion? Un sujet qui vous intresse ? Eh bien, on peut crer un blog et business autour de cette activit. Vous pourrez rapidement vous consacrer cette passion et gnrer des revenus probablement bien plus lvs que ceux de votre activit actuelle.- Vous n'avez pas de passion? C'est tout aussi intressant et possible. On va trouver des domaines plus gnraux et crer un blog qui va devenir une vraie activit qui va gnrer de l'argent. Aprs cette formation,  vous serez autonome pour agrandir votre business ou pour en lancer de nouveau. Les mthodes dcrites peuvent tre dupliques autant de fois que vous le voulez.  Une formation qui explique tape par tape: Le but de cette formation n'est pas simplement de vous apprendre comment crer techniquement un blog. Le but et la finalit de cette formation est de vous montrer clairement et tape par tape, comment faire pour gnrer de l'argent de faon continue avec votre blog.Je vous explique  comment vous pouvez transformer votre passion  en une vritable activit en ligne qui gnre de l'argent. Qu'importe les domaines qui vous intresse, tous les domaines peuvent rapporter de l'argent. La seule condition est de savoir orienter ds le dpart votre activit. Ds le dpart, avant mme de se lancer, il faut connaitre les retombes et trouver la manire de gagner de l'argent avec son blog. C'est ce que je vous dvoile, notament, dans cette formation. J'ai en effet, observ que beaucoup de personnes s'orientent mal ds le lancement de leur blog. Je veux, avec cette formation, vous guider faire les meilleurs choix. Je vous montre, ainsi, toutes les tapes mettre en place pour commencer gagner de l'argent.  Gnrer des revenus de manire automatique, passive et vie!Je vous montre dans cette formation comment gnrer de l'argent avec votre blog, en effet. Surtout, je vous montre comment gnrer de l'argent avec l'affiliation et une autre mthode pour complter vos revenus affilis.Beaucoup de personnes choisissent l'affiliation pour rmunrer leurs blogs car aprs un travail unique, vous gnrez de faon continue des revenus. De mme, vous n'avez pas besoin de crer de produit, de crer uns upport client ou quoi que ce soit. C'est bien les rares fois o l'on peut dire que 'lon travaille moins pour gagner plus. Oui, je sais a parait fou. Mais, c'est bel et bien la ralit de beaucoup de blogeurs qui vivent grce l'affiliation.Ce n'est pas anodin que ce soit mme la mthode numro 1 pour gnrer des revenus passifs. Cela dit, bien que l'affiliation soit accessible, cela n'en est pas moins facile quand on a pas les mthodes relles qui fonctionnent vraiment.C'est ce que je vous montre, justement dans cette formation : uniquement la mthode qui permet RELLEMENT  de gagner de l'argent avec l'affiliation.  Ce que vous allez apprendre savoir faire:Choisir une niche rentable avec une mthode claire et dtaille.Trouvez rapidement les bons produits qui vont vous rapporter gros.Crez votre blog sans la moindre notion technique. Appliquer des astuces pratiques pour faire de l'affiliation rentable!Attirer des  viisteurs qualifis avec un trafic gratuit.Vendrede  faon automatique, sans avoir travailler.Exploitez les rseaux sociaux pour booster votre traffic.Fidliser vos lecteurs et crer une vritable audience qui vous apprcie.tre rmunr pour poster des contenus trs bien pays. Pouvoir dupliquer ces mthodes pour crer autant de sites que vous le voulez.En fait, ds le premier mois, en appliquant ces mthodes, vous pourrez gnrer de l'argent en ligne de manire automatique. Je prcise que je ne parle pas dans la formation dans l'affiliation pour Amazon. Gagner des centimes n'est pas l'objectif de cette formation. Commencez ds maintenant cette formation, si : Vous voulez gagner de  l'argent rapidement et facilement.Vous voulez travailler de chez vous, ou pendant vos voyages dans le montier entier.Vous n'avez pas beaucoup de temps ni d'argent investir.Vous voulez avoir un business et une activit lucrative qui ne demande pas de temps, ni de gestion.Vous voulez enfin vivre libre, avec simplement une activit en ligne.Obtenez un accs immdiat cette formation. C'est accessible toute personne qui le dsire. Faites exploser votre blog en gagnant un salaire 5 chiffres grce votre blog!------>Petite remarque : Peut-tre que cela fait dj trop longtemps que vous attendez de passer l'action. Si vraiment, votre objectif dans la vie, tout comme moi et de nombreux blogeurs, c'est de pouvoir travailler quand vous voulez, o vous voulez et sur quelque chose qui vous appartient et qui vous plat, n'attendez plus et commencez ds aujourd'hui!Vous pouvez le faire, vous aussi! tout de suite, je vous attends de lautre ct !"
Price: 49.99

"How to Paint Flowers with Watercolor Pink Roses"
"Welcome! In this tutorial, we will be painting pink roses with watercolor. I chose this subject since many students ask for help while painting with light colors. Often times, their paintings end up becoming muddled or darkened.In this class, Ill be showing you how to avoid these mistakes and what we need to focus on for each step.First, Ill introduce the watercolor supplies that I used for this class and give an analysis of the reference photo. Then Ill break down the painting process into 5 steps. Ill also be explaining how to trace a reference photo for those who might find the sketch difficult to complete on their own.This is an intermediate level class; however, beginners will also benefit from this class because I will take you to step by step through the entire painting. Also, Ill upload reference materials for those of you who may need them.After finishing this class, youll be able to master how to paint a pink rose. Then, youll be drawing and painting your own pictures in no time."
Price: 29.99

"Reinforcement Learning #1: Fundamentals"
"This course gives fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning in a clear and precise manner. The course is broken down into 10 video lectures.12 Lessons1 hour of video tutorialAudience: BeginnersCourse 1 of 10 (Reinforcement Learning)Introductory knowledge of Reinforcement Learning conceptsCourse contents are:OverviewAgent and EnvironmentHistory and StateMarkov Decision Process (MDP)Components of RL AgentCategorising RL AgentsLearning and PlanningExploration and ExploitationPrediction and ControlAfter completing this course one should be able to:Understand the basics of Reinforcement Learning (RL).Understand Key terminologies used in RL.Get ready to dive into Advanced courses on RL."
Price: 199.99

"Master C++ Pointers and Smart Pointers"
"Pointers are one of the most fundamental and powerful concepts in C and C++ programming. This course starts with C/C++ pointers and in second part of the course it covers Smart pointers concepts. Smart pointers in C++ are template classes that ensure memory and other resources are managed efficiently. Smart pointers are a key component of C++ resource management and a valuable skill for any developer. In this course, Abhishek Kumar explains different types of Smart Pointers and how to use those. You can choose the right smart pointer for your programming needs."
Price: 199.99

"C++ 11 Move Semantics and rvalue reference"
"Move Semantics in C++ are a valuable addition to the language after C++ 11 standard. It helps in avoiding unnecessary copies created due to temporary objects.In this class we explore the new features of C++ move semantics in detail. The course covers:Introduction to C++ Move Semanticslvalue and rvaluelvalue and rvalue referencestd::moveMove Constructor, andMove Assignment Operator"
Price: 199.99

"Master C++ Type Casting in 1 hour"
"Type Casting in C++ are explicit type Conversion from one data type to another. These are divided into 5 parts:C Style Caststatic_castdynamic_castconst_cast, andreinterpret_castIn this class, we study about all of these type casts in detail.The course starts with an introduction to Type Conversion in general and Type Casting in C++ in particular. In the further lessons the different types of type casting in C++ are explained along with running code examples.Happy Learning."
Price: 199.99

"Dynamic Programming for Competitions and Interviews"
"This course starts with explaining the need for applying Dynamic Programming, followed by the 2 approaches of Dynamic Programming namely Bottom-Up (Tabulation) and Top-Down (Memoization).And finally explanation and codes for some of the major Dynamic Programming Problems are given.Dynamic Programming is an important component of Programming Interviews at Big Software companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Adobe, etc. It's also useful for Competitive programming."
Price: 19.99

"Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python and NLTK"
"Natural Language Processing or NLP is a very popular field and has lots of applications in our daily life. From typing a message to auto-classification of mails as Spam or not-spam NLP is everywhere.NLP is a field concerned with the ability of a computer to understand, analyze, manipulate and potentially generate human language. In this course we study about NLP and use the NLP toolkit or NLTK in Python.The course contains following:Introduction to NLP and NLTKNLP PipelineReading raw dataCleaning and Pre-processingTokenizationVectorizationFeature EngineeringTraining ML Algorithm for Classifying Spam and non-spam messagesThis course would be very useful for Applied Machine Learning Scientists and Data Scientists who are working on NLP/NLU."
Price: 19.99

"Linked List Data Structures and Algorithms for Interviews"
"Linked Lists are the a fundamental data structures and form a major component of questions in Programming Interviews at the major Software firms. This course tries to build the foundations of Linked List Data Structures starting with introduction the gradually diving deeper into it. Most part of the video lessons are geared towards explaining the problems and how to approach the solution, followed by implementation of the solution in C++ code.So welcome to this course on Linked List Data Structures and Algorithms."
Price: 199.99

"Rust Programming Language: The Complete Course"
"    Rust is an open-source Systems Programming language that focuses on speed, memory safety, and parallelism. Developers use Rust to create a wide range of new software applications, such as game engines, operating systems, file systems, browser components and simulation engines for virtual reality.     This course teaches you how to install Rust and then familiarize yourself with basic concepts like variables, data types, method syntax, enums, and more. Discover how the unique Ownership Principles of Rust impact the language. Data Handling, Pattern Matching, and Error Handling are also covered. The course also demonstrates use of generic types and traits, File I/O, Iterators and Closure. Then we explore Smart Pointers, Concurrency and Object-Oriented programming in Rust.Course Contents:Installing Rust and IDEData typesRust Ownership ModelMemory allocationsRace conditionsFunctionsReferences and BorrowingStructsMethod syntaxDemonstrating recoverable errors with ResultWorking with enumsGeneric Types and TraitsInput/OutputFile I/OIterators and ClosuresSmart PointersConcurrency in RustSo let's dive into the course."
Price: 19.99

"Master Cluster Analysis in Data Mining - Complete Course"
"    Welcome to Cluster Analysis in Data Mining! The problem of clustering is to take a collection of points and group them into ""clusters,"" such that members of the same cluster are close, while members of different clusters are far.    Clustering is an Unsupervised Learning subject and is very crucial for various applications like Categorization, Data preprocessing, Data Visualization, Outlier mining and many more. In this course we explore the different techniques used for clustering data.Good luck as you get started, and I hope you enjoy the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Master Autoencoders in Keras"
"Autoencoders are a very popular neural network architecture in Deep Learning. It consists of 2 parts - Encoder and Decoder. Encoder encodes the data into some smaller dimension, and Decoder tries to reconstruct the input from the encoded lower dimension. The lowest dimension is known as Bottleneck layer. So, it can be used for Data compression.In this course we explore the different types of Autoencoders, starting from simple to complex models. We'll also look at how to implement different Autoencoder models using Keras, which one of the most popular Deep Learning frameworks."
Price: 199.99

"Discrete Mathematics - Complete Course"
"Discrete Mathematics is the study of mathematics that falls outside the realm of Calculus. Calculus is the study of continuous maths concepts, whereas Discrete Maths is the study of separable, countable or quantified objects.It involves mathematical reasoning along with creativity and problem solving. Key concepts in Discrete Mathematics:Set TheoryLogic (Formal Reasoning)Number TheoryCombinatoricsGraph Theory"
Price: 199.99

"Statistics for Data Science and Business Decisions"
"The ability to understand and apply Business Statistics is becoming increasingly important in the industry. A good understanding of Business Statistics is required to make correct and relevant interpretations of data. Lack of this knowledge could lead to erroneous decisions which could potentially have negative consequences for a firm. This course is designed to introduce you to Business Statistics.Course Contents include:Basic Data DescriptorsCategories of descriptive dataMeasures of central tendencyMeasures of DispersionStandard deviation measure and Chebyshevs theoremDescriptive Measures of Association, Probability, and Statistical DistributionsMeasures of association, the covariance and correlation measuresCausation versus correlationProbability and random variablesDiscrete versus continuous dataIntroduction to statistical distributionsThe Normal DistributionWorking with Distributions, Normal, Binomial, PoissonApplications of the Normal distributionThe Binomial and Poisson distributionsSample versus population dataCentral Limit TheoremRegression AnalysisWelcome to this course."
Price: 199.99

"Lua Programming: Complete Course [2020]"
"Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It supports procedural programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, data-driven programming, and data description.Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, runs by interpreting bytecode with a register-based virtual machine, and has automatic memory management with incremental garbage collection, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping.Topics covered in the course are:Introduction to LuaIDE and installationBasic Language ConstructsNumbersStringsTablesFunctionsInput/OutputBlocks and LoopsClosuresPattern MatchingDate and TimeBitwise OperationsData Structures in Lua - Arrays, Matrices, Linked Lists, QueuesModules and PackagesIterators and generic forMetatables and MetamethodsObject Oriented ProgrammingThe EnvironmentGarbageCoroutinesC APISo, let's dive into the course"
Price: 19.99

"Sentiment Analysis with LSTM and Keras in Python"
"Sentiment analysis ( or opinion mining or emotion AI) refers to the use of natural language processing(NLP), text analysis, computational linguistics, and biometrics to systematically identify, extract, quantify, and study affective states and subjective information. Sentiment analysis is widely applied to voice of the customer materials such as reviews and survey responses, online and social media, and healthcare materials for applications that range from marketing to customer service to clinical medicine.Simple RNNs are not good in capturing long-term dependencies. In this course we unleash the power of LSTM (Long Short Term memory) using Keras."
Price: 19.99

"Reiki Siedmiu Promieni"
"Nie jest to kurs w tradycyjnym rozumieniu, jest to raczej inicjacja dla siebie, do swojej wlasnej Energi. Dla tych ktorzy sa na ich drogach rozwoju, dla tych ktorzy chca pojsc dalej w ich wlasnym rozwoju. Dla siebie nie dla innych. Nie odszukacie tutaj recept jak zyc, jak bys oswieconym czlowiekiem, to wszystko macie juz w sobie. Tylko potrzebujecie tego malego szczegolu jakim jest otwartosc, zrozumienie, ze to moze byc nowy poczatek waszego zycia.Dla mnie zaczelo sie to 7 miesiecy temu, i tak jak to bylo przedstawione w tamtych naukach (tak jak i dzis ) po siedmiu miesiacach bedziecie znali/wiedzieli kim jestescie, jaka jest wasza misja na Ziemi i co daje wam prawdziwa satysfakcje w byciu czlowiekiem tak jak i mi to daloTak moje zycie sie zmienilo, czy pozwolisz sobie na odkrycie siebie? Czy pozwolisz sobie na najwspanialsza podroz swojego zycia w Swietle, ze Swiatlem i Miloscia? To juz pytanie dla ciebieTe lekcje/ nauki sa chennellingiem. Przekazem od Mistrzow Swiatla, dokladnie tak jak mi to bylo dane channelingowac dzis, jako ""kanal przekazowy"" Mistrzow Swiatla,  bez zmian z mojej strony. Poczujcie Energie Milosci, pozwolcie sobie na te Milosc w was samych.Kurs dla osob z poziom 1 i 2 w tradycyjnym systemie Reiki.Dziekuje i do zobaczenia podczas inicjacjiAlexandra Tabaczynska03.06.2019"
Price: 19.99