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"Aprendizagem por Reforo com Deep Learning, PyTorch e Python"
"A rea de Deep Learning (Aprendizagem Profunda) est relacionada a aplicao das redes neurais artificiais na resoluo de problemas complexos e que requerem artifcios computacionais avanados. Existem diversas aplicaes prticas que j foram construdas utilizando essas tcnicas, tais como: carros autnomos, descoberta de novos medicamentos, cura e diagnstico antecipado de doenas, gerao automtica de notcias, reconhecimento facial, recomendao de produtos, previso dos valores de aes na bolsa de valores e at mesmo a gerao automtica de roteiros de filmes! Nesses exemplos, a tcnica base utilizada so as redes neurais artificiais, que procuram ""imitar"" como o crebro humano funciona e so consideradas hoje em dia como as mais avanadas no cenrio de Machine Learning (Aprendizagem de Mquina).Tambm dentro do contexto da Aprendizagem de Mquina existe a rea de Aprendizagem por Reforo, que um tipo de aprendizagem usado em sistemas multi-agente no qual os agentes devem interagir no ambiente e aprenderem por conta prpria, ganhando recompensas positivas quando executam aes corretas e recompensas negativas quando executam aes que no levem para o objetivo. O interessante dessa tcnica que a inteligncia artificial aprende sem nenhum conhecimento prvio, adaptando-se ao ambiente e encontrando as solues sozinho!E para levar voc at essa rea, neste curso voc ter uma viso terica e principalmente prtica sobre a construo de um carro autnomo virtual utilizando aprendizagem por reforo! Vamos trabalhar com tcnicas modernas de Deep Learning com a biblioteca PyTorch e a linguagem Python! Ao final voc ter todas as ferramentas necessrias para solucionar outros tipos de problemas com aprendizagem por reforo. O contedo do curso est dividido em trs partes:Teoria sobre aprendizagem por reforo com o algoritmo Q-LearningTeoria da aprendizagem por reforo com Deep Q-Learning, com a utilizao de redes neurais artificiaisConstruo passo a passo da inteligncia artificial para controlar o carro autnomoVoc ainda conta com um anexo sobre o bsico das redes neurais artificiais caso voc no tenha muita experincia na rea.Este curso categorizado como nvel intermedirio, pois apesar de existir o anexo para a reviso do contedo bsico, interessante que voc j tenha uma certa experincia com a rea de redes neurais.Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardamos voc no curso! :)"
Price: 39.99

"Teach English as a Foreign Language for 2-10 y.o. Kids (ESL)"
"In this step-by-step course, you'll learn pro practical skills and tips that you'll need to use in any class with yang learners from 2 to 10 years old in kindergartens, training centers, and even schools.Until the end of the masterclass you'll be able to:preapare your classteach your class andcontrol your class like an experienced teacher!This is a complete guide made up for Masters of education, TEFL or TESOL holders or even those who have no background education, basically, it is for complete beginners or for experienced teachers who want to master basics.The course is comprehensive but at the same time very concise.No boring theories, just meat only!"
Price: 199.99

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Price: 4299.00

"Aprenda captar e enviar milhes de mensagens whatsapp"
"Aprenda Captar todos os nmeros de Whatsapp do teu Estado, do Brasil ou de qualquer Lugar do mundo.E enviar milhes de mensagens para o lugar desejado e ofertar teus produtos ou teus servios.J pensou no retorno que isso produz? hoje os maiores Publicitrios do mundo enfatiza que o Whatsapp hoje a maiorFerramenta de Publicidade do Mundo, porque alcana diretamente o possvel futuro cliente, j que as pessoas passam 70% do dia no whatsapp e quem recebe a mensagem visualiza ou seja, muito eficiente para Publicidade sem contar quevoc alcana muito mais do que a prpria televiso e por um custo muito menor, mas muito menor.OBS: NO CURSO NO EST INCLUSO OS SOFTWARES, OS 3 SOFTWARES SO VENDIDOS PELO LINK OU PELOS CONTATOS INFORMADO NA ULTIMA AULA POR 550 USD, LICENA VLIDA DOS SOFTWARES POR 6 MESES. A REATIVAO DOS 3 SOFTWARES APS 6 MESES DE 500 USD."
Price: 199.99

"Desktop Publishing with Adobe InDesign"
"Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing software. Its primary use is in layout work for print such as Magazines, books, posters etc. Additionally, it can be used to produce electronic content such as interactive PDFs. Adobe InDesign's strength lies in the integration of powerful word processing and graphics/image integration, without the creative limitations of a pure word processor such as MS Word.If you have to produce content for print and are looking for a jack-of-all trades, InDesign is a worth while investment. And best of all, its quick to learn with satisfying results."
Price: 19.99

"Mindfulness Meditation with Jack Kornfield is a complete course in practicing mindfulness by one of the worlds leading experts. Decades of neuroscience studies show the power of mindfulness to relieve stress, awaken our positive capacities, and bring balance to our lives. Mindfulness gives us the power to meet any situation wisely, to be fully present, and to operate with compassion. When we can look more clearly into ourselves and our life situation, new possibilities naturally open up for transforming difficulties and emerging stronger and wiser.This comprehensive training in all the fundamental mindfulness practices is entirely accessible to everyone, from beginners to those with prior meditative experience. Rich with stories, practices, teachings and good humor, it features eight complete sessions of guided exercises in sitting meditation including mindfulness of breath, body, feelings and thoughts; walking meditation; mindful eating; compassion practice to free the heart; and connection with our deepest aspirations and intention. These guided segments are a valuable resource that can be used again and again to sustain or refresh your regular, ongoing practice.Here is the benefit: We all know how busy and divisive modern times can be, and how easily they can fuel stress and anxiety. Mindfulness is both healing and liberating. Learning to meet our complex world and our own changing mental states with mindful loving awareness and courage allows us to find spacious, clear and healthy responses to life, rather than be caught in habitual reactions and struggle.Mindfulness quiets the mind and heals the heart. Systematically practicing mindfulness, we can recognize and foster positive states of mind like kindness, generosity, steadiness, and love -- discovering how they are natural to us; and learn to nurture and strengthen them into a new, more gracious life of well-being."
Price: 49.99

"Cajon Crash Kurs"
"Du interessierst dich fr die Cajon? Hast aber keine Ahnung wie man mit der Kiste umgeht?! Kein Problem! In diesem Kurs lernst du die wichtigsten Grundlagen um schnell einfache Rhythmen (""Grooves"") spielen zu knnen. Mit diesen Grooves bist du in der Lage zusammen mit anderen Musikern, z.b. einem Gitarristen Musik zu machen. Du lernst die gebruchlichsten Sounds, Grundkenntnisse ber das Notenlesen und natrlich wie aus dem ganzen dann ein Rhythmus ensteht. Du brauchst keine Vorkenntnisse, und auch eine Cajon ist fr den Anfang nicht zwingend notwendig. Eine andere Kiste tut es auch :) Wenn Cajon dein Ding ist, dann melde dich an, und wir sehen uns im Cajon Crash Kurs.Viele Gre,Tommy"
Price: 24.99

"Perdre du poids facilement et sainement"
"Perdez du poids sainement et avec simplicit, fini les rgimes et les ides reues place un plan efficace et des habitudes mettre en place pour vos objectifs, vous en tes capable et vous tes a un clic de changer littralement de vision et d'alimentation ! C'est par ici !"
Price: 49.99

"COMPLETE Creative Writing - All Genres - THE FULL COURSE!"
"Course Overview:This is a fun and practical creative writing course designed to get YOU excited about creating your own works of fiction, poetry, drama, and creative non-fiction - the four genres of creative writing.Writing techniques, literary devices, and specialized skills will be covered to help you discover, perfect, and share your own writer's voice.While review quizzes over major concepts are provided along the way, the true measure of progress will be in the authentic writing assignments that you will complete as you progress toward your goal of becoming a successful and confident writer! The Course Includes: 43 Video Lessons Each lesson is broken down into multiple video lectures that include:A quick writing assignment aligned with the day's goalsA lesson covering an area of course contentA practical application project37 online review quizzes over major conceptsQuizzes are designed to reinforce major concepts discussed in the classGraphics, notes, assignment sheets, or outside resources are provided for every lessonOver 12 hours of video lessonsCourse Goals:Through taking this course, you will develop and perfect your personal writer's voice as you:become familiar with the four genres of creative writingapply writing techniques for successexamine a multitude of writing concepts to relate to your own writingevaluate the strengths and weaknesses of writing projectscreate scaffolded examples of a variety of writing stylesAdditionally, you will discover multiple public outlets with which to share your writing with others as you experience success and develop confidence in your writing ability."
Price: 29.99

"What is Theatre? The Introduction to Theater Basics You Need"
"Course Overview:So what the heck is theatre, anyway? This is a fun and practical course designed to answer just that! This class will give you the general knowledge that you need to be able to better understand and appreciate theatre when you see it, as well as to intelligently discuss it with others.Major theatrical elements, concepts, and methods of dramatic criticism will be covered to help you improve your appreciation of and/or ability to create theatre.Review quizzes over major concepts are provided all along the way to ensure your comprehension of big ideas, as is a theatre criticism application project designed to help you build your confidence in your ability to successfully analyze and enjoy theatre in all its forms.The Course Includes: 39 video lectures organized into 5 easy to understand lessons/subject areas Each lesson is broken down into multiple video lectures that include:An important general theatre term that you should knowA series lectures covering an area of course content 6 online review quizzes covering each section of the courseQuizzes are designed to reinforce the major concepts discussed in the class62 graphics, notes, assignments, or outside resources to further your knowledge baseSupplemental materials are provided for every lessonA practical application project to practice theatre criticismOver 2 hours of video lessonsCourse Goals:Through taking this course, you will increase your understanding of theatre as you:become familiar with the five basic elements of theatredifferentiate between analysis of a script vs. a productionexamine the parts of a play and how to determine a play's stylerecognize the different types of stage arrangements and the 9 basic stage areasmaster the 25 most important theatre terms that EVERYONE should know"
Price: 19.99

"Beginning Playwriting - Write a Play and Get Produced!"
"Course Overview:So, how do you write a play? This is a fun and practical creative writing course designed to get YOU excited about creating your own original plays and give you the confidence you need to get them produced.Writing techniques, literary devices, and specialized skills will be covered to help you discover, perfect, and share your own unique writer's voice.While review quizzes over major concepts are provided along the way, the true measure of your progress will be in the authentic writing projects that you will complete as you progress toward your goal of becoming a successful and confident playwright! The Course Includes: 49 video lectures organized into 12 easy to understand lessons/subject areas Each lesson is broken down into multiple video lectures that include:A quick writing assignment aligned with the day's goalsA lesson covering an area of course contentA practical application project to get you using your new skill9 online review quizzes presented throughout the courseQuizzes are designed to reinforce the major concepts discussed in the class39 graphics, notes, templates, assignments, or outside resources to further your knowledge baseSupplemental materials are provided for every lessonOver 3 1/2 hours of video lessonsBy the end of this course - you WILL have written a play!Course Goals:Through taking this course, you will increase your understanding of playwriting as you:begin thinking of story in terms of dialogueemploy powerful strategies for developing interesting and engaging charactersdetermine how to effectively use punctuation to increase meaning, character, and conflictlearn the questions you need to ask yourself as you write and reviseutilize solutions to fix the most common problems in dialogue, plot, character, and conflictapply correct script formatting to your original scriptsmaster the most important playwriting vocabulary that every script writer should know"
Price: 19.99

"Fiction Crash Course - Writing Skills & Methods for Success!"
"Course Overview:This is a fun and practical creative writing course designed to get YOU excited about creating your own works of fiction!Writing techniques, literary devices, and specialized skills will be covered to help you discover, perfect, and share your own unique writer's voice.While review quizzes over major concepts are provided along the way, the true measure of progress will be in the authentic writing projects that you will complete as you progress toward your goal of becoming a successful and confident writer! The Course Includes: 49 video lectures organized into 13 easy to understand lessons/subject areas Each lesson is broken down into multiple video lectures that include:A quick writing assignment aligned with the day's goalsA lesson covering an area of course contentA practical application project to get you using your new skill13 online review quizzes presented throughout the courseQuizzes are designed to reinforce the major concepts discussed in the class39 graphics, notes, templates, assignments, or outside resources to further your knowledge baseSupplemental materials are provided for every lessonOver 3 1/2 hours of video lessonsCourse Goals:Through taking this course, you will develop and perfect your personal writer's voice as you learn about:Types of characterization and character development exercisesThe six basic types of plotsBasic elements of fiction such as theme, tone, setting and point of viewLiterary devices and writing techniques you can start using todayThe need for writing good descriptionThe importance of writing satisfying endingsAdvanced writing techniques such as the use of motif, irony, and ambiguityHow choosing the right word can mean everythingThe function of fiction in life and its ability to reshape reality"
Price: 19.99

"Creative Non-Fiction Writing - You Can't Make This Stuff Up!"
"Course Overview:This is a fun and practical creative writing course designed to get YOU excited about creating your own works of creative nonfiction!Writing techniques, literary devices, and specialized skills will be covered to help you discover, perfect, and share your own unique writer's voice.While review quizzes over major concepts are provided along the way, the true measure of progress will be in the authentic writing projects that you will complete as you progress toward your goal of becoming a successful and confident writer! The Course Includes: 26 video lectures organized into 7 easy to understand lessons/subject areas Each lesson is broken down into multiple video lectures that include:A quick writing assignment aligned with the day's goalsA lesson covering an area of course contentA practical application project to get you using your new skill7 online review quizzes presented throughout the courseQuizzes are designed to reinforce the major concepts discussed in the class16 graphics, notes, templates, assignments, or outside resources to further your knowledge baseSupplemental materials are provided for every lessonAlmost 2 hours of video lessonsCourse Goals:Through taking this course, you will develop and perfect your personal writer's voice as you learn about:What exactly creative non-fiction is and what it isntWhat makes for a good storyteller across any genreHow to effectively utilize descriptive language in your writingThe ""motto"" of creative non-fictionHow you can write in scenes to improve your creative non-fictionHow to effectively use and manipulate a plot diagram for writing creative non-fictionWays to get the most out of your revisionThe importance of making personal experiences feel universal"
Price: 19.99

"Poetry Primer - Survey of Poetic Writing Styles and Projects"
"Course Overview:This is a fun and practical creative writing course designed to get YOU excited about creating your own poetry!Writing techniques, literary devices, and specialized skills will be covered to help you discover, perfect, and share your own unique writer's voice.While review quizzes over major concepts are provided along the way, the true measure of progress will be in the authentic writing projects that you will complete as you progress toward your goal of becoming a successful and confident poet! The Course Includes: 47 video lectures organized into 11 easy to understand lessons/subject areas Each lesson is broken down into multiple video lectures that include:A quick writing assignment aligned with the day's goalsA lesson covering an area of course contentA practical application project to get you using your new skill8 online review quizzes presented throughout the courseQuizzes are designed to reinforce the major concepts discussed in the class50 graphics, notes, templates, assignments, or outside resources to further your knowledge baseSupplemental materials are provided for every lessonOver 3 hours of video lessonsCourse Goals:Through taking this course, you will develop and perfect your personal writer's voice as you learn about:The overall concept of poetry and how it has changed over timeThe important literary terms that every poet needs to be able to understand and useVarious types of poetic meter and how they are used.How to create a physical or digital portfolio of your poetryRecording your poems for poetry podcastsProjects which will allow you to create a minimum of 11 new original poems including:""Where Im From"" PoemAbstract Noun PoemUsing Another's Voice PoemNarrative PoemSatirical PoemTraditional Poetic Forms of JapanOdesSonnets"
Price: 19.99

"The 30 Day Creative Writing Challenge!"
"Do YOU have what it takes to beat the 30 Day Creative Writing Challenge?For the next 30 days I will be your creative writing personal trainer -- helping to ensure that you make it all the way to the finish line.Whether you are just starting out or are a veteran writer looking for a little inspiration and reinvigoration, you will be so happy that you decided to take on the challenge.By the end of this writers intensive, you will have completed a portfolio of 30 unique pieces of creative writing. Additionally, every project has been designed so that you can complete the 30 Day Challenge writing in any style or genre that interests you - be that fiction, non-fiction, drama, or poetry.Do you have what it takes to beat the challenge and take your writer's output to places you never thought possible?Welcome to what could be the most helpful 30 day writer's intensive of your life.Course Overview:Each day of the challenge will feature a targeted writing project - one that you can choose to complete in whatever style of writing suits your personal writing goals. Once you have been at it for a bit, well then also add an additional layer to some of the projects -- giving you the opportunity to target the specific writing techniques, literary devices and special skills that you need to be able to discover, perfect and share your unique writers voice and help you to progress toward your goal of becoming a successful and confident writer.Science will tell you that developing a new habit is hard. But anyone can jumpstart a new pattern of behavior in just 30 days.  Even better, when you complete the 30 Day Challenge - Ill give you a special bonus with over 30 more writing projects for you to complete on your own - not coincidentally the exact number of daily projects necessary (according to science) to develop a lifelong habit.The Course Includes: 43 Video Lessons, including:A brief look at all four genres of creative writingSpecific writing tips and strategies for success30 Days worth of motivationmini-lessonsand writer's prompts designed to get you excited about your writing!A special incentive when you complete the challenge - all the materials needed to go for a SECOND 30 Days (and MORE)! - OVER double the content - ALL INCLUDED!94 Graphics, notes, assignment sheets, or outside resources are provided throughout the courseOver 2 1/2 hours of video lessonsCourse Goals:Through taking this course, you will develop and perfect your personal writer's voice as you:increase your writer's output, creating a portfolio of 30 new pieces of creative writingbecome familiar with the four genres of creative writingapply writing techniques for successexamine a variety of writing concepts to apply to your own writingdevelop and nurture the personal discipline you desire to have and apply it to your own writing projectsGet ready to start the most important 30 days of your life as a writer!"
Price: 29.99

"Animao de Personagens no Toon Boom"
"Nosso curso se define em trs etapas principais:1- Aprender o Software: Iremos passar o conhecimento geral do software Toon Boom e as melhores formas de fazer uso do programa.2- Construo de  Personagem: Aqui ensinaremos a criar estruturas feitas para controlar o personagem de forma pratica e lgica.3- Animao: Nesse modulo, aprenderemos os 12 princpios da animao e como aplica-los e ainda, animar personagens rigados."
Price: 279.99

"Excel - Beginner to Advanced in 4 Hours"
"This course will cover everything from Excel fundamentals to advanced tools and functions. Whether you're just learning to navigate Excel or are already using it regularly but don't quite have a grasp on all of its tools, this course will teach you so many things that will make your job easier and beef up your resume. For a complete breakdown of the course, check out the curriculum."
Price: 49.99

"Como pagar menos impostos? Para mdicos"
"Nossa carga tributria no Brasil j altssima, no verdade?Nesse curso te ensinaremos de forma resumida quais so as modalidades tributrias possveis para a categoria mdica. Com expertise de anos trabalhando com contabilidade exclusiva para mdicos, separamos algumas dicas e informaes que sero teis para voc identificar e aprender o que deve fazer para economizar e pagar o menor valor de impostos possvel. Tudo, sempre, prezando pela legalidade. Aprenda sobre as formas de trabalho, obrigaes e benefcios sobre cada forma de encaixe tributrio. Ao final saiba avaliar qual modalidade tributria se encaixa melhor para voc, quais so as vantagens e desvantagens dela, quais as suas obrigaes e direitos e por fim, economize impostos!"
Price: 279.99

"Caregiver Support Services Training:"
"In the movie Grumpy Old Men, the main character, John (Jack Lemmon), and his lifelong friend Max (Walter Matthau) personify what it means to be grumpy grandpas. John and Max are both retired widowers who live mostly sedentary lives but enjoy fishing and socializing with family and friends. The characters they play suggest that the tendency to be moody or a grumpy grandpa is a normal part of aging, when in fact, it is not. However, there are some common occurrences as one ages that may impact the ability to participate in everyday activities.The truth is that it is almost impossible to provide adequate support, when you are uncertain about what is attributed to the normal aging process as opposed to what is associated with disease. It is vital to ensure that as a frontline caregiver you have access to the information needed, so that you can manage the care of a client in a loving, efficient, and practical manner that is easily understood. In this course, the normal aging process is discussed. The differences between acute and chronic diseases are explored. The course concludes with suggestions so that you may assist those for whom you care maintain their highest level of functioning."
Price: 24.99

" 3.- 4.,5.6. !!!~"
Price: 199.99

"The MatheMagical Nature of the Universe"
"Why do we have to study mathematics?  This four part series has you look at some aspects of daily life that not only are mathematical but part of a series of 'harmonies'.  Very 'hands-on', as part of the process you will be invited to make beautiful geometric art, learning mathematically, artistically and experientially while making connections between both sides of your brain, and through your head, heart and hands!"
Price: 39.99

"Gentle Introduction to Dependency Injection by Google Guice"
"This course is a clear and simple guide for learning Google Guice from scratch. To start this course, you are not required to know anything about Google Guice.Prerequisite :Core Java : Should be aware of basic functionalities of core java. Eclipse IDE : Should be aware of how we write/run programs in eclipse.Whats covered in the course ?The course starts from zero & covers all the basics like what are Dependents, what are Dependencies and what is Dependency Injection.  After this, course introduces you to Guice with which we can do Dependency Injection. Further, course covers in what all ways, we can do injection and what is the internal life cycle which guice follows to do it. Course covers most of the important core concepts of guice. This is a beginner's level course on Guice. So, if you dont know guice at all and want to learn it, this is definitely the course to go for without reading further !!.  If you already know guice to some extent, then pls refer below to see whats covered in the course & decide if its suitable for your needs:Understanding of Dependency, Dependents and Dependency InjectionEnvironment set up to get started Bindings/ModulesConstant BindingObject graph Building Life cycle / mechanismWays of injection - Constructor, Field and MethodCreating SingletonsInjecting objects with custom annotationsInjecting objects with Named AnnotationCreating Objects with @Provides methodCreating Objects with @Provides method with some additional configurationCreating Objects with Provider classCreating Objects with Provider class some additional configurationJust in Time/ Built in Time bindingsHaving and combining multiple modulesWhat is Google Guice ?Google Guice is an open-source software framework for the Java platform released by Google. It provides support for dependency injection. Why you should buy this course ?If you want to learn Google Guice and know nothing about it, you should buy this course because :1. The course gently introduces you to the new concepts and then explains you in step by step manner everything around it.2. One video just explains you one topic  so that its easily understandable.3. You will get access to the source code, which i write in the videos4. This course takes you through the development of a simple and real time application, in which we use Google Guice5. Your instructor(me) has a good prior experience on training & teaching courses online and in classroom"
Price: 39.99

"Trading sur Forex 2 - Mthode Day Trading"
"                                                                          Le Trading est un Jeu MRBT. Finance a dcid de partager ces indicateurs sur la plateforme udemy en proposant a ces participants une mthode de Day trading rvolutionnaire et facile comprendre, utilisable sur tout les types des marchs  .La Mthode est sous forme d'une mcanisme de trading qui se construit par 3 indicateurs bas sur Mathmatique .- MRBT PW : pour savoir la tendance dominante sur le marchs .- Scanographique : pour savoir l'tat actuel du march ( la main qui ) .- Requin 1.7 : pour avoir un bon point d'entre .La mthode est utilisable sur le FOREX, L'Or, Ptrole et Indices ."
Price: 199.99

"Day Trading Method + 2 professional indicators"
"Trading is a game ! master this gaming easily by using the Trading method MRBT 1.7 for Day Trading .MRBT. Finance has decided to share those indicators on the platform udemy by proposing to it's  participants a revolutionary Day trading method,  easy-to-understand  usable on all types of markets .The Method is in the form of a trading mechanism which is constructed by 3 indicators based on Mathematics :- MRBT PW : to find out the dominant trend on the market.- Scanographic : to know the current state of the market (hand to whom).- Shark 1.7 : to have a good entry point.The method can be used on FOREX, Gold, Oil and Stocks ."
Price: 199.99

"How To Have A Successful Emergency Medicine Rotation"
"This course provides the learner with an overview of an emergency medicine rotation from the perspective of an attending physician.  Emphasis is placed on understanding the landscape of the rotation rather than the clinical aspects that are typically emphasized in emergency medicine rotation preparation courses. The lay of the land, highlights of the clinical aspect, tips for managing multiple patients and the importance of character are discussed. This course is designed for anyone interested in emergency medicine as a career."
Price: 19.99

"Accounting 101: Understanding Business Accounting"
"The course ""Accounting 101: Understanding Business Accounting"" will be a foundation level to all accounting courses. Elizabeth Graham from YouTube channel Business Education with Elizabeth Graham  will teach the students about the Origin of accounting, Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Accounting Principles, Fraud Triangle, Assumptions Of Accounting, Transaction Analysis and The Accounting Equation, Assets, Liabilities, Equity, and Transaction Analysis, plus much more."
Price: 19.99

"How to Prepare 100% Error Free Accounting Journal Entries"
"This course is intended to help the student prepare journal entries as easy as possible. There are only 4 variables that he or she needs to use in order to guide him or her. These variables are discussed in the ordinary lectures of accounting but are not expounded very well and are not pointed out as the keys to easily formulate journal entries, that is why, the accounting student is confused at the start of the first stage because in the midst of many lectures, he or she does not have the specific way on how he or she could get the accurate journal entry. The four variables are: the separate business concept, business equation default setting, the account title and the transactional analysis. "
Price: 19.99

"Raspberry PiPythonIoTIoT"
Price: 24000.00

"The Secrets of Confidence and Communication"
"Do you ever feel out of place sociallya little awkward and off balance, and unsure of what to say or do while socializing, or during professional events or even romantic dates?Do you find it hard to get noticed or make a strong impression in your private and professional life?Then you need to learn the secrets of confidence and communication, the ability to stay calm and focused and to shine brightly in social situationswhile remaining authentic to who you are.It boils down to understanding two crucial skillsconfidence and communication. And in this course, youll learn how to channel those two forces to achieve a sparkling presence that everyone will notice.""Brilliant teacher, explains everything excellently and I couldnt recommend this course enough! For me personally, best course on here!"" -- Ben Yates, Udemy studentThe coachs coachWelcome to The secrets of Confidence and Communication"" the unsurpassed personal-transformation program created by Norways most high-profile social coach, TJ Guttormsen. For over a decade, TJ has helped thousands of people suffering from a sometimes crippling lack of confidence to reinvent themselves as socially savvy individuals with endless opportunities.With more than 100 national media appearances to date, TJs expertise on the subject of social confidence is widely sought after by television, radio, newspaper and magazine reporters. He has shared the stage with countless celebrated self-help experts and change-work practitioners and published books, produced courses, taught workshops and performed 1-to-1 coaching with results that have impressed the industry.TJs work is backed up by three university degrees in psychology and pedagogy, as well as a Mensa qualification. His grateful clients include billionaires, CEOs, award-winning musicians and even an Olympic gold medalist.Centered ConfidenceThe concept of centered confidence is rooted in something known as subtractive psychology, the understanding that the less you have on your mind, the more you can get in touch with your naturally confident self and begin to emit a magnetic presence.Instead of giving you more to domore techniques, more affirmations, more stuff that doesnt workhere you will discover how letting go of harmful mental conditioning and how activating your psychological immune system will help your mind clear itself of negative thinking that dims your natural state of radiance.Centered confidence is about returning to your primordial state of calm and contentedness that many of you may have experienced as children but somehow lost as you grew through adolescence to adulthood.All I had to do was to understand this stuff and my life started changing Im getting the kind of results I didnt think would ever be possible for me Martin Hoover, former student.In this groundbreaking program, you will discover why the get-out-of-your-comfort-zone model most self-help gurus tout rarely works. TJ shows that only by understanding two more zonesthe growth zone and the panic zonecan you safely and constructively exit your comfort zone at will and begin seeing a massive difference in your progress.The secrets of Confidence and Communication"" is a deep dive into the negative psychological programming we all experience growing up, but few know how to completely rid themselves of. Youll also learn how to reprogram automatic and subconscious thought processes so that they go from being your biggest saboteurs to your greatest supporters.Among many other advanced mental strategies, you will learn: How to stop the self-critical voices in your head that keep you from taking action How to substitute them for new voices that serve you better Why you should immediately stop comparing yourself to others How to turn your need for approval from an obstacle to social freedom to a helpful tool for growth How and when to confidently say no How never to be disappointed with yourself How to stop feeling frustrated with others How to quickly understand other peoples thoughts and intentions How to accurately predict others behavior How to identify the untested assumptions holding you back How to break free from the social hierarchy, the idea that somehow some people have more social value than othersCentered CommunicationCentered communication relies on three ingredients known to people who excel at sales, negotiation, teaching and influence. Those qualities are also what naturally good communicators, knowingly or not, apply to cultivate deep platonic and romantic relationships.The three ingredients are rapport, tension and escalation, and once you understand how they fit together and how to create each of them your social confidence and results will skyrocket immediately.Once TJ shared this framework with me, I could instantly start to sort things out. It didnt just help me understand things better, its also made it so incredibly easy to know whats missing from a conversation so that I can add it in the moment Mika Vilks, former client.Knowing the three ingredients for communication transformed my relationships to both my family and my girlfriend in days. Amazing! Ivan Shevtsov, former student.You too will discover: How to give clear information that gets you what you want How to master your sub-communication to create a whole new impact from your words The two rules for social success the masters all follow Three simple ways to start conversations with anyone, anywhere How to have a magnetic presence in social situations How to create deep connections faster than ever What makes people want more of you, and how to create it How to boost your ability to make decisions and take initiatives How to create relationships that somehow just workTJ has helped many hundreds of clients leverage these skills to achieve outstanding resultssuch as negotiating $20,000 pay rises, getting new jobs and promotions, healing broken family bonds, building amazing social circles from nothing and creating their dream relationships.""TJ Guttormsen is an authority in his field. He is very knowledgable and bases his teachings on documented and effective strategies, which sets him apart from most coaches out there."" - Lillian Rydning, Psychologist and Author""TJ has a unique ability to teach in an engaging way and his courses are structured so that the content becomes easy to understand and learn Anyone taking his course will be in great hands."" - Lillian Rydning, Psychologist and AuthorConsistent and reliable resultsWith a sharp focus on mind mastery, social awareness and artful communication, the program takes students on a journey of self-discovery rooted in the most advanced and sophisticated modern approaches to human psychology.By unmasking the dark psychological programming holding many people back, the program is designed to quickly and dramatically upgrade your self-confidence, revolutionize your relationships and enhance how others perceive you.The programs focus, like all of TJs courses, is on consistent and reliable resultsnot the boom-and-bust approach of too many fly-by-night personal-change gurus.So come aboard and learn many more priceless skills like:How to bypass small talk and create conversations you actually enjoy with people you naturally click withHow to create and maintain friendly networks of people wholl support rather than pressure, discourage or limit youHow to go outside of your comfort zone at an easy, manageable paceHow to live in your growth zone, where true confidence is built.How to help others understand you better.How to manage and understand your own emotions better than ever beforeHow to boost your emotional intelligence for smoother interactionsThe secret to understanding other peoples insecurities and self-talkHow to understand a person at a deep level the moment you meet themHow to stop worrying about making a good impression, and what to do instead.How to create an attractive personality and sparkling presence that makes people want to spend more time with youHow to go straight into conversations you find interesting and enjoyable with almost anyone you meetHow to become comfortable making the first move with someone you dont knowHow often have you missed out on connections that might have been perfect because you held yourself back or didnt know what to do?How many more professional opportunities do you think you might have had if you knew how to confidently communicate with others?How many times have you felt like you wasted your time and energy on people or situations that went nowhere?After this course, you may never need to deal with such disappointments again. Enroll now and make this the day that everything starts to change for you."
Price: 199.99

"How to make friends and create better social circles."
"Do you feel like you lack friends in your life?Do you ever feel lonely?Or would you simply like to freshen up and increase your social circles a little bit?In this course, Norways most high profile social and communications coach TJ Guttormsen shares the strategies and techniques used by thousands of people across the world to transform their social lives.TJs expertise on social skills and personal networking is highly sought after, and hes done well over 100 national media appearances in his home country discussing the topic.Now living in Las Vegas, TJ is taking his work internationally yet again, and for the first time sharing these strategies usually reserved for workshops and coaching valued in the thousands of dollars - in an affordable online program available for anyone.The problem.More adults are lonely or dissatisfied with their social life than ever before. Studies have shown that at least 20% of Americans feel lonely on a daily basis, and as many as 12% have said that they have no one to talk to.And these numbers are not any lower in the rest of the world.Even many of the ones who arent lonely are still not happy. They feel like they lack opportunities to socialize in the way they want, with the kind of people they want. They have become trapped in routines that keep them from fully enjoying life with other people.As adults we tend to have less exposure to new potential friends than we did as children. We used to almost continuously meet new kids through school, hobbies, sports, or just on the neighborhoods playgrounds. And the simple act of being in the same place repeatedly tended to create bonds and friendships for many.As adults we have lost those arenas. And even when we do spend time in public with other adults, we hardly ever interact with them in any meaningful way that might lead to more than at best - a superficial conversation.Time and energy tend to be in shorter supply too, and many are simply unsure of how to approach someone new, and how to follow up on people we like to create a friendship with them.We have become a population of adults who spend time around each other but not with each other.The solutions.In this course, TJ gives you the solutions to all these challenges, and more.TJs teaching style is clear and straight to the point, with no fluff, abstract concepts, or guessing games. In the first section alone, youll learn simple and easily understandable techniques and tactics that will help you:- Easily and comfortably start conversations with new people.- Create conversations that are interesting to you and that attracts the right type of people.- Go from a superficial first conversation to something more meaningful.- Move potential friendships forward easily and naturally.- Turn acquaintances into friends.- Multiply your friendships with one simple strategy.- And much more.In the second section TJ shares simple and practical advice on how and where to meet other adults who are likely to also be on the lookout for new friendships themselves. Youll, among other things, learn:- Where people open to and even looking for new social connections can most easily be found.- How to find the time and energy to socialize and meet new people.- How to create your own events designed either to increase your social network or attract specific people to it.- How to receive more invitations from others.- How to be included by others in ways that almost automatically increases your social circles.- And more..Theres also a section on how to maintain the new friendships that youre going to be creating.And to top it off, TJ will show you the most effective and most commonly used strategies that professional networkers use and how you can apply those strategies to your own social life. In this section youll learn how to build a relationship with basically anyone youd like whether theyre already in your network, or a complete stranger.In other words.This course will take you step-by-step through the process of finding potential new friends, creating a conversation with them, extending that conversation and creating more time together until a fully formed friendship appears. Youll learn how to use events both yours and others to quickly increase and design your social network. How to be included in the activities of others, and how to deepen and maintain your relationships.This course really is the A Z of making friends and building better social circles, and it has been used successfully by people of all adult ages, all over the world.TJ himself has even used these exact strategies to build his social circles in cities like Trondheim and Oslo in Norway, and Los Angeles and Las Vegas in the US.These strategies work for anyone who learns and uses them, so the only question is if youre ready for a positive change in your life?How often have you been bored or lonely because you didnt have anyone to spend time with?How many times have you felt like life was passing you by socially?How much more would you enjoy your life if you were surrounded by people that you had chosen for yourself, who were eager to do the same things as you together with you?Sign up now, and let TJ show you how to solve all of these challenges, and more."
Price: 149.99