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"Azure Security"
"Analytics India lists ""Cloud Security Engineer"" as one of the top roles to be filled in 2020!. The World Economic Forum reported a shortage of people trained in cybersecurity in 2017, and that shortage has only increased since. Its been projected by Cybersecurity Ventures that there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs globally by 2021, up 350 percent from 2014. In the U.S. alone, the total cybersecurity workforce consists of nearly 1 million people, and there are currently around 500,000 unfilled positions. With the list of security-training companies and security certifications only growing, employment in this space is almost certain if you are qualified. The time to secure your spot has arrived. OUR PROPOSALDeliver industry-focused; job-satisfying training bundles supporting the performance, effectiveness and attractiveness of each student we prepare for a highly-demanding work environment.  THE COURSESection 1: By adding a full Cloud Certified Security Professional (CCSP) course, we provide you with proven way to build your career and better secure critical assets in the cloud (all-round). Section 2: The second segment  introduces you to a high-level structure of Azure and how to effectively govern your environment using management groups, policies, Azure Blueprints, Resource Graph and Azure Monitor. Section 3: The third segment of the course introduces you to a massive pool of information needed to successfully construct, design and deploy applications for the Azure cloud infrastructure.Section 4: The fourth segment details how you can secure your storage environment, and data assets.Section 5 (Upcoming): The last segment is a deep dive into practical labs demonstrating hands-on exercises in building security into your infrastructure."
Price: 24.99

"Trade Stocks, Shares, Currencies with candle Walk Strategy"
"Millions of Students are searching for a complete trading course on Udemy primarily in hope of finding a lasting solution to the common problems they face namely : 'Emotional trading!""I have been trying to live on trading the global markets, but most often I am being overpowered by fear, greed and lack of a reliable trading strategy. I really need help .""-Ovie OtomiInvesting in the global markets can be mastered by anyone and for those who really learn the key concepts and best practices they will be able to reach their most challenging financial goals and lead the life they dream about.Unfortunately, many people do not receive the key educational information and best practices that make the difference between success and failure when Trading.THIS COMPLETE COURSE WILL TURN YOU INTO A SKILLED TRADER.The underlying theories are very interesting. You will learn practical tips and best practices from an instructor who started with a tiny capital to building a hundreds of thousands of dollars in investment portfolio with good sound steps over the years that you will learn about in the course and can replicate for your own personal situation.This course is not designed to sell you consulting services, it has one mission and that is all about sharing of experience and wisdom from a successful long-term Trader and teaching you how you can apply it to your own goals and time horizon. The course is truly universal, it can be applied to any of the global markets of your choice and can be adopted by any trader.In this course you will learn;How to build a consistent income on a monthly, quarterly or yearly bases.How to interpret the movements of Price action.How to select the right trade setups to trade and how to easily determine the risk and volatility of any Instrument using concepts such as the risk curve.How to calculate the risk before you plunge in.Key strategies you can use such as Convergent walk, Moving Average reflection, Momentous Growth and more.How to easily determine level of significant change on your trading chart.How to determine a trade signal that would not work.Determine good entry and exit points with zero draw downHow to actually place an order such as Market Orders and Stop Loss OrdersTechniques to reduce risk while growing your Money Key Action Steps you can take to get started applying what you have learned.This is an awesome flagship course which means you get:Hours and hours of video based lessons.Lifetime access to the course so you get updates and new bonus lessons for FREE.Quizzes that will test and confirm your knowledge.Ability to participate in online discussions to share ideas with other students and get answers to your questions from the instructor who will answer every question.Ask questions directly of the instructor and every one of those will also be answered.30 day money back guarantee-love the course or return it with Udemy easy no questions asked policy.Disclaimer Note: This course is for educational and informational purposes only. There will be no recommending of any particular investments such as a particular financial instrument as only you know what is right for your portfolio and your comfort with risk and volatility. Consult with a Professional for specific advice. Course is for education purposes only and instructor will have no liability related directly or indirectly to any loss or damage.Investing in the global markets can be fun and really fun when you do it well!No risk to sign up and impact could be life-changing. Learn from my experience and rapidly move ahead faster with the knowledge I will share with you. Don't delay.Please click the TAKE THIS COURSE button in the upper right corner and let's get started!Many thanks and I appreciate your interest and hope to see you in the course!-Gbenga Kodson.Who this course is for:Course is perfect for the Beginner or Newer Trader who wants to learn all the key practical aspects when investing in the global Markets as they will become an expert by the end of the course.Excellent for more experienced investors who want to improve their skills, learn new insights, or gain more confidence when it comes to TradingDay Traders, Swing Traders, Position traders and longer term Traders can adjust the candleWALK strategy to suit their trading style."
Price: 199.99

"Apache Airflow A Real-Time & Hands-On Course on Airflow"
"""Apache Airflow is a platform created by community to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows."" Airflow is going to change the way of scheduling data pipelines and that is why it has become the Top-level project of Apache.What's included in the course ?Complete Apache Airflow concepts explained from Scratch to ADVANCE with Real-Time implementation.Each and every Airflow concept is explained with HANDS-ON examples.Includes each and every, even thin detail of Airflow.XComs, Hooks, Pools, SubDAGs, Variables, Connections, Plugins, Adhoc queries, Sensors and many more....Include even those concepts, the explanation to which is not very clear even in Apache Airflow's Official Documentation.Exclusive Features - Data Profiling, Charts, Trigger rules, airflowignore file, Zombies, Undeads, LatestOnly operator.Learn Best practices / Do's & Dont's to follow in Real-Time Airflow Projects.Build data pipeline of a Real-Time case study using Airflow.After completing this course, you can start working on any Airflow project with full confidence.Add-OnsQuestions and Queries will be answered very quickly.Airflow codes and datasets used in lectures are attached in the course for your convenience.I am going to update it frequently, every time adding new components of Airflow."
Price: 49.99

"Test your Java 8 Knowledge"
"This test is for the java 8 students who want to test their knowledge before appearing for the interview.Also it can be undertaken by the enthusiasts who want to check on the level of skills in java 8. Each question has a topic area assigned to it, so that student can go and research on it and find the answers to the questions. All the best to you for the test!!"
Price: 1280.00

"Belajar GF Akuntansi Express"
"GF Akuntansi merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan untuk pengontrolan stock, hutang piutang  hingga menghasillkan laporan keuangan.GF Akuntansi bisa digunakan berbagai jenis usaha dagang dan jasa.Untuk saat ini, GF Akuntansi sudah bisa digunakan untuk usaha Supplier / distributor / grosirSupermarket /  minimarketRetail seperti usaha toko baju, toko sepatu, toko sandal, toko bangunan, online shop, dan lain-lainCafe / restoranHotelSelain itu, GF Akuntansi juga mempunyai aplikasi pendukung seperti GF POS dan aplikasi add ons yang dinamakan GF Akun Android.Yang mana, GF POS merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan untuk transaksi penjualan kasir dan GF AKun Android merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan untuk melihat harga beli, harga jual, sisa stock, penjualan, hutang , piutang ,laporan penjualan secara online."
Price: 19.99

"Hypnose lernen - Zertifikations Kurs"
"Du mchtest Hypnose lernen ?Dich hat das Thema Hypnose schon immer Interessiert?Dann bist du hier genau richtig. In diesem Online-Videokurs lernst du alles rund ums Thema Hypnose. Du lernst alles, was du brauchst, um nach diesem Kurs direkt Hypnosen an anderen Menschen durchzufhren. Du lernst unter anderem: Was Hypnose berhaupt ist, und wie viele Mythen es gibt. Wie man Menschen in tiefe Trancezustnde bringt, mit diesen Zustnden zu arbeiten und die Menschen natrlich wieder auch sicher aus der Hypnose ausleiten. Und noch vieles mehr!"
Price: 129.99

"Selbsthypnose lernen - Meisterkurs"
"In diesem Kurs lernst du alles rund ums Thema Selbsthypnose. Du wirst lernen was Hypnose und Selbsthypnose ist und wie man diese bei sich selbst herbeiruft. So kannst du die Ziele erreichen, die du dir wnschst, weil du hier lernst dein Unterbewusstsein nach deinen Wnschen zu beeinflussen.Auerdem werde ich in diesem Kurs dich hypnotisieren und den Zustand der Hypnose ganz tief in dir verankern. So kannst du jeder Zeit, wann und wo du willst, in Selbsthypnose gehen!"
Price: 139.99

"Crer des cartes pour la recherche"
"Apprenez crer des cartes partir de toutes sortes de donnes de recherche, pour ensuite les inclure dans des prsentations, articles ou thses.Vous tes un chercheur, doctorant ou tudiant dans n'importe quelle discipline, et vous tes amens devoir crer des cartes:Quelles sont les zones de contamination au paludisme en afrique ?Quelle tait l'extension du duch de Bourgogne sa fondation en 800 ?Quelles coles ont fait partie du projet pilote de recherche sur l'intgration des minorits ?Vous avez fait appel des collgues ou amis pour raliser vos cartes mais vous avez des ides bien prcises du rendu final et souhaiteriez le faire vous-mme, ou encore vous pensez qu'au cours de votre carrire vous serez amens raliser plusieurs cartes et il serait utile d'apprendre ds maintenant les techniques."
Price: 49.99

"La Mappa dei Talenti e dei Conflitti con i Tarocchi"
"Ciao e benvenuto in questo Corso di Numerologia Esoterica. Con questo corso imparerai a conoscere quali sono i TUOI TALENTI su cui investire e quali invece i CONFLITTI che ti impediscono di fare e avere le cose che vorresti. Attraverso la tua data di nascita e tramite gli Arcani Maggiori dei Tarocchi di Marsiglia potrai conoscere molto di te. Non solo, potrai capire molti dei comportamenti delle persone che vivono e lavorano con te o che entrano in contatto con te. Questa abilit ti permette non solo di migliorare le relazioni ma soprattutto di vivere una vita pi degna, pi bella per te. Al termine del corso dopo un breve Test di valutazione potrai richiedere l'attestato di partecipazione.Scrivimi per maggiori informazioni e per richiedere l'attestato a fine corso.Spero che ti piaccia e che rimarrai soddisfatto, per qualsiasi cosa resto a tua disposizione.Buon corsoPiergiorgio Carlini"
Price: 149.99

"The Success Blueprint"
"A Success Blueprint:  Seven Excellence Tools for Small Businesses provides a series of practical step-by-step actions that are easy for even busy business owners to follow. It is an action orientated, easy to follow, low-cost programme that helps small businesses to get to the next level.The programme identifies the core high performance entrepreneurial habits that small business owners need, including operating with clarity, energy, and focus, plus being productive, having influencer skills and the courage to take action in relation to particular challenges. It also focuses on particular consumer research techniques in areas that will help any small business grow survive. At Excellence Tools, we feel it is essential that advice for small businesses is tailored to their exact needs, empathises with the highly emotional nature of the small business journey and focuses on the following critical areas:Having a clear business focusEngaging in a robust business mindset Adopting a can do approach to building business capabilitiesOur course addresses each of these key areas:BUSINESS FOCUS - KNOWING WHERE TO WINOur Excellence Tools Programme contains tools that will help any business owner get clarity around business focus and help them operate with purpose and intentionality.The Differentiator Tool: How to start with a compelling irresistible offerThis is about helping SMEs stand out from the crowd and differentiate their offer from the competition. We show how customer feedback can be used to create a product/service that provides transformational value.The Positioner Tool: How to play where you will winEnsure you have a distinctive strategic positioning. Clearly SMEs need to pick a space in the market where they will excel. So, we provide a range of techniques to understand what is happening in the marketplace and what competitors are doing and help businesses decide on the positioning where they are most likely to win.The Message Tool: How to showcase your brandThe brand is at the heart of what a business is all about. It is important for a small business to showcase its strengths and win with a compelling brand message. Specifically, we show how feedback from customers can be used to give a brand message the wow factor.In sum, by applying these Tools, the business owner would be crystal clear on the business goal. They will be focused on what is important and not get distracted by working on less important aspects of the business. There will be a clear differentiated offer, clear positioning and a clear message. These will be the North Star that will give the business the focus it needs.BUSINESS MINDSET - KNOWING HOW TO WINThis is about cultivating a growth mindset one that is constantly positive, confident and able to seize opportunities rather than negative and hesitant in a way that limits beliefs and opportunities. Here we have the following Excellence Tools:The Performance Tool: How to cultivate high-performance habitsSuccess in setting up and growing a small business is about cultivating high performance habits focusing on the right things in the right way at the right time. In this Tool, we recommend that small business owners use customers to guide decisions on where they should focus their efforts and energies to drive their business forward.The Renewal Tool: How to keep pace with changeThis tool is all about constantly adapting to the changes that are taking place in the marketplace. It is about helping businesses constantly change and improve by following the principle of success leaves clues applying best practiceTogether these Tools encourage a positive mindset that facilitates responsiveness to change it is about knowing how to future-proof the business and adapt to the dynamic nature of the market in which the business operates.BUSINESS CAPABILITIES - KNOWING HOW TO GET THEREWith regard to having business capability, we have stressed that this is only in part about existing knowledge and skills. It is more about having the confidence and belief that the required skills can eventually be mastered and taken to the next level. It is about being confident in ones ability to sort out problems. It is about being able to take a business challenge, marshal resources, get advice, be persistent and work out a way of doing this in the optimum fashion. Here we have the following Tools:The Optimiser Tool: How to make the right product, pricing and promotion decisionsWe look at how simple consumer research techniques can be applied to make sure that a businesss processes are lean, they are not undercharging, and that they always test out promotional ideas before they are introduced.The Experience Tool: How to deliver outstanding customer experienceWe demonstrate how to create a great customer experience. Specifically, we show how small businesses can identify and monitor their performance at each customer touchpoint. We also explain how they can learn from what others in the marketplace are doing."
Price: 199.99

"Questo un corso per trader sul mercato del forex o appassionati di finanza che vogliano iniziare ad apprendere delle competenze sullo sviluppo di expert advisor o come pi comunemente chiamati trading system automatici rivolti principalmente al mercato forex. Il linguaggio usato in questo corso MQL5 e il software che useremo per implementare i nostri progetti sar Metatrader 5. Questo corso parte da zero e le uniche competenze necessarie sono una minima conoscenza  di un qualche linguaggio di programmazione e una conoscenza dei termini che vengono usati nel trading."
Price: 59.99

"Ukrainian Cases Cooking Course for Beginners"
"I believe that learning languages is similar to cooking: you have the ingredients (words), you use some cooking technique (grammar) and you cook a dish (a story) to taste it and share. I invite you to my Ukrainian language kitchen where I will teach you that the Ukrainian case system is not only for chefs it is for you. It helps to serve delicious stories that everybody enjoys. Our cookbook is already on the table, surrounded by juicy and savoury ingredients are you ready to roll up your sleeves and enjoy the taste of Ukrainian?"
Price: 49.99

"Social Media App Development and It's Impact on Logistics"
"Hello and welcome to the course. In this course you will learn all the basics  of social media app developments and impacts on Logistics. Whatever your current position is, this course will provide you a basic understanding of some topics of the social media app development and its consequences.I have incorporate my practical real time experience, giving you real time comprehension of operations in SC&L.If you are working in SC&L in roles such as; procurement, operations, distribution, sales and marketing, distribution, freight management and manufacturing functions . This is the best course designed for beginners that will give you some valuable information and basic understanding of social media impacts on logistics."
Price: 49.99

"Christian Life Ideas from 19th Century British Fiction"
"Stories can become vehicles to flesh-out Christian concepts to see what they look like. Mary Elizabeth Braddon did this in what was, for her time, a cutting-edge writing style. In John Marchmonts Legacy, she wrote a story of good intentions gone awry, unrequited love, deception, and despair. This course walks through the story, highlights Braddons own clear Christian commentary, and helps us feel the relevance of her lessons for life today.Learn Spiritual Truths from Sensation Fiction LiteratureEnjoy the Story (Either reading the book or just hearing the overviews)Hear the Authors Christian Perspectives in Her WordsConnect the Truths to Bible PassagesApply the Truths to Your LifeExperience the Enjoyment and the Life Lessons of a Great StoryMary Elizabeth Braddon was a 19th century British author of sensation literature, which was a forerunner to contemporary mystery and detective stories. She was a leader in this new and popular style. Her stories were controversial to the British literary and religious establishment. Sensation literature was thought to stir the readers vulgar emotions. In spite of this, she applied herself to writing enjoyable stories for her readers and to communicating what, to her, were important spiritual truths. Human nature has not changed. Her insights are valuable even now in our 21st century world.You may worry about problems you face or about your future or the future of your loved ones, as did John Marchmont in the story. You may wrestle with unmet desires, unanswered questions, or unforgiveness. Have you ever criticized someone, then found yourself doing the same thing? Have you ever wondered how God can be involved in your daily life? These are some of the issues addressed in the lessons in this course.Contents and OverviewThis course contains 30 lectures and over 7 hours of content. It is designed for anyone desiring to explore ideas concerning Christian living in an enjoyable story-driven setting.In this course, you will hear Mary Elizabeth Braddons spiritual comments concerning elements of her story, John Marchmonts Legacy.You will then hear how each of her ideas is reflected in a specific passage from the Bible.And finally you will think about how her insights could apply to life in the 21st century.By the end of this course, you will have challenged yourself to grow spiritually as you appropriate ideas from these timeless truths. You will have the chance to consider what God may be speaking to you right now.Stories are fun. Humans create stories to entertain. Stories, however, also convey meaning. With this course, we seek to enjoy the story and take seriously the meaning."
Price: 34.99

"Complete Graphic Design Boot Camp Zero to Master 2020"
"This course is for anyone who is interested in becoming a graphic designer, and especially Complete beginners. we will show you how to make some of the most popular projects in the industry, like:BannersADsRetouchingand more.What to Expect:We will be using Photoshop and Illustrator; the industry-standard applications for graphic design. we'll also review relevant terms and design practices to help you create pixel-perfect projects for print and web, with the goal to get you up and running as soon as possible so you can start your new and exciting career as a graphic designer. If you aren't looking to learn design for a job, don't worry - this is a great course for you too! There is also a private Facebook group, Graphic Zone  which is an awesome resource for you to take advantage of while you go through the course. The group is an excellent place to post projects, get insightful critiques, and network with other like-minded students and working professionals all over the world.All project files are included as a free download at the beginning of course, and you are welcome to use the files however you want, or simply to follow along with the projects as you move through the lessons.we cover a lot of program shortcuts in this course as well!For the most part, all of the principles you will learn in this course transcend the tools you actually use - There are students using Adobe versions from CS3 up to CC 2019,If you see anything in any of the lectures that no longer apply with the software update, please let me know! Im doing my best to keep this course up to date and continue to add value for you."
Price: 19.99

"IT/NON-IT Recruiter Training to become a Recruiter (Junior)"
"End to End IT/Non IT Recruitment Process TrainingPractical Knowledge with job boards like Indeed and Linked InUnderstanding the complicated IT job descriptionHands on with simple and advanced Boolean SearchTemplates for Full Time and ContractTemplates for TrackingIdentifying the Mandatory skills, Desirable/Optional skills and how to exclude skillsQuestions to be asked to the candidate for full time and contractDifferent tools used in Recruitment ProcessExplanation about W2, 1099, Corp2CorpExplanation about CPT, OPT EAD, STEM EAD, L2 EAD, H4 EAD, GC EAD, E3D EADExplanation about H1B Visa.I have added and analyzed  recruiter job descriptions of countries like USA/India/Canada/Mexico/Brazil/China/Apac/Singapore and will be adding more.I have listed top 100 recruitment firms in US.I have provided Boolean search, questions to be asked for job descriptions like Oracle DBA, Mechanical Engineer,  Registered Nurse, Accountant,  Technical Executive, Immigration Attorney, Mortgage Loan Officer, etcI am working on different job descriptions and within 6 monthos(before feb 2020), the video content will be around 10 hours plus.After the completion of the training one can answer the following Recruitment Interview Questions.1. What is IT Recruitment?2. What is Non-IT Recruitment?3. What is Full Time?4. What is Part Time?5. What is Contract?6. What is Contract to Hire - Individual?7. What is Contract to Hire - Corp to Corp?8. Who is an Independent Contractor?9. What are the different IT and NON - IT jobs that you know or you worked?10. Who is End Client / Tier1 Client?11. What is the importance of Tier1 Client / End Client?12. What is End to End Recruitment Process?13. What are the Boolean Operators you have used so far?14. What are the important points in a Boolean Search?15. How do you pick skills from the Requirement for the Boolean Search?16. How do u analyse a job description?17. What are the important points in Job Description Analysis?18. How do you source resumes?19. How do you validate a resume?20. Mention few reasons for rejecting the candidates?21. What details you collect from the candidate?22. How do you track Client Details, Vendor Details and Candidate Details?23. How do you track Daily submission Details?24. How do you speak to the candidate?25. How you understand the technology from recruitment perspective?"
Price: 1920.00

"Intro to C++ Programming Using Command Line"
"This is a C++ course that assumes no previous knowledge and goes all the way from HelloWorld and variables to more complex topics like functions and pointers. Whether you are coming from another language or this is your first programming language, this course will give you the basics and many tools the c++ language has to offer. Along the way we will also be discussing many topics that apply to many other languages including branching and looping."
Price: 19.99

"Flask: What's in it For You"
"Web application development has become a much sought after skill in the information technology industry. And Python is one of the most sought after languages. Flask combines the two and gives developers the best of both worlds to maximize their reach in potential jobs and clients. Like Python, Flask is simple and easy to use. It stays out of your way and doesn't present itself until asked. But with many extensions it is ready to provide powerful features such as database integration, authentication and web services. This course will build a web application including all of these features in only a few hundred lines of code and deploy it to the public web. You can use any tools and any platform to develop with Flask. I think everyone will discover that there is something in it for you."
Price: 39.99

"Core & Cardio Chair Fitness!"
"Join senior fitness instructor, Jake Tunney, on 6 part workout series. The Seated Core Cardio workout program is a progressive 6 video series focused on the abs and fat loss. We use a HIIT (high-intensity interval training) approach from the chair to increase the heart rate, burn calories, and target the abs while making it accessible to all fitness levels, including beginner."
Price: 34.99

"A Beginner's Crash Course Into The Ketogenic Diet"
"In This Course You Will Learn All About Different Topics :You Will Find Out What A Ketogenic Diet ; It's Characteristics And The Different Types Of Ketogenic DietsProper Nutrition, What To Eat And What Foods And Drinks To Steer Clear OfYou Will Be Given Tips And Tricks On How To Deal With The Keto FluYou Will Learn About The Theory Of Ketosis, How To Get Into Ketosis And How To Stay In KetosisAll About The Different Macronutrients, Their Role In Your Body, How To Count Them And Why They Are ImportantYou Will Also Learn About Cholesterol And The Benefits Of The Ketogenic DietAll About Sleep And Exercises, How To Lose Weight On The Ketogenic Diet And How To Keep The Weight Off"
Price: 199.99

"Become A Fat Burning Machine With Ketosis"
"In This Course You Will Learn All About Different Topics :You Will Find Out What A Ketogenic Diet And It's CharacteristicsYou Will Learn About The Theory Of Ketosis, How To Get Into Ketosis And How To Stay In KetosisYou Will Learn What The Benefits Of Ketosis Are And The Dangers Of KetosisYou Will Also Learn The Correlation Between Ketosis And Insulin LevelsYou Will Learn What Keto Adaptation Is And How To Know If And How To Reach ItProper Nutrition, What To Eat And What Foods And Drinks To Steer Clear OfYou Will Be Given Tips And Tricks On How To Deal With The Keto FluAll About Sleep And Exercise, How To Lose The Optimal Amount Of Weight On Ketosis And How To Keep The Weight OffYou Will Be Given Hacks On How To Stay In KetosisAll About The Different Macronutrients, Their Role In Your Body, How To Count Them And Why They Are ImportantYou Will Also Learn About Cholesterol, Sneaky Sugars And The Signs Of Low Sodium, Magnesium And PotassiumYou Will Learn When And How To Test Your Ketone LevelsYou Will Also Learn What To Do If You Get Kicked Out Of Ketosis"
Price: 199.99

"7 Passos para um bom Planejamento"
"Este curso pretende lhe oferecer noes bsicas de planejamento e um direcionamento atravs dos 7 passos para que voc possa desenvolver uma equipe de planejamento na sua empresa. As metodologias e conceitos so baseados em casos reais e foram utilizados pelo instrutor em empresas de grande porte. Os 7 passos contemplam:Anlise de histrico e criao de KPIsDeterminao de metasGesto de despesasDefinio dos nveis ideias de produtividadeGesto da escala de funcionriosDesenvolvimento de Dashboards para gestoRotina de gesto para acompanhamento de resultados"
Price: 189.99

"Productivity Masterclass: Be a Productive Person in 21 days!"
"This course will teach you productivity, time management and efficiency. 21 days in the span of your life isn't a lot. These bite sized course times will make it that much easier to consume for those struggling with procrastination. Time is valuable, take the course to have more to spend.Does completing your work in less time sound nice? What about having more of it to spend? What about simply being less stressed?Most of us probably procrastinate. And it's easy to! We have so many distractions, things on our minds and tasks at hand. Most schools don't teach how to procrastinate less, increase productivity and utilize tactics to have more time to spend, so it leaves us with a lot of stress and what feels like not a lot of time.In this course I'll show you how to fix everything that is stated above and utilize tactics to take your productivity to the next level.I used to struggle with procrastination too. I used to be stuck doing pointless tasks and I used to be glued to my distractions. I didn't have any techniques to help and I was never taught any tactics. This led me to doing massive amounts of research, spending hours and hours on end trying to learn anything I could to help me change, help me be more productive.But I don't want you to spend that time, because chances are if you're reading this, you don't have that time to spend.The course is designed to take you from the very pits of procrastination and turn you into a the most productive type of person. In only 21 days. The structure of the course doesn't need to be taken over the course of 21 days however. That's the beauty of it. The course is created in short consumable videos so you can go through it at your own pace. For the ultra busy this is beneficial, for those that find they have enough time, can easily finish it in a day.This course will take you from sitting on the couch hours on end, scrolling through Instagram, mindlessly reading tweet after tweet while the stress of knowing you have 8 things to do today is in the back of your mind. To completing those tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible leaving you feeling accomplished and free to spend the day however you like.With all this being said, there's no obligation. If you don't find the course useful in the first 30 day you can get your money back. So there's no risk. Start it today!"
Price: 24.99

"Investindo do zero com Tesouro Direto"
"Aprenda sobre essa plataforma de investimentos e conhea todas as suas vantagens. Saiba o que o Tesouro Direto e as principais caractersticas de cada ttulo disponvel. Veja como pode ser simples se tornar um investidor e alinhar cada ttulo ao seu objetivo para investir com segurana sem abrir mo da rentabilidade, assim como os custos e tributaes que incidem nessa alternativa. Aprenda a simular e como escolher o ttulo pblico certo para voc.Confira o contedo programtico:Mdulo 1 - O que o Tesouro Direto? Histria do Tesouro Por que investir em ttulos pblicos?Quais as garantias que tenho nesse tipo de investimento?Mdulo 2 - Quais so os ttulos disponveis na plataforma do Tesouro Direto?As principais caractersticas de cada umO que so investimentos prefixados e ps-fixados?O que a Taxa Selic e o IPCA?Qual o valor mnimo para investir?Juros compostosMdulo 3 - Como escolher a instituio financeira para investir no Tesouro? Quais so as taxas envolvidas nessa operao?Posso aportar todos os meses?Mdulo 4 - Como simular a rentabilidade dos ttulos?Como escolher o ttulo certo para meu objetivo? possvel perder dinheiro no Tesouro Direto?Posso vender meu ttulo antes do prazo de vencimento?O que marcao a mercado?"
Price: 129.99

"Finanas Pessoais: Como tomar melhores decises com dinheiro"
"J parou para pensar quantas decises voc toma em um dia?No curso FINANAS PESSOAIS: COMO TOMAR MELHORES DECISES COM SEU DINHEIRO voc ir entender como o seu comportamento pode influenciar no seu processo de escolha e impactar nas suas finanas.Objetivo do curso:Fornecer os principais insights a respeito do comportamento humano em situaes de escolha. O objetivo do curso mostrar como os conceitos das cincias comportamentais podem ser aplicados nas empresas, nas decises de poupana e investimento e at nas relaes pessoais. A rea se faz cada vez mais relevante nos processos gerenciais e poder ajudar em uma srie de fatores impactando diretamente nos resultados.O que voc ir ver no curso:Ser mostrado ao longo do curso alguns conceitos principais das Cincias Comportamentais e debatido como fatores psicolgicos podem impactar no comportamento financeiro. Para isso, sero apontados experimentos e consideraes de grandes nomes da rea.O curso possui uma carga horria de 45 minutos, o formato online e ficar disponvel por tempo indeterminado para que voc possa assistir quantas vezes quiser. Ele composto dos seguintes mdulos:1. Introduo Economia Comportamental2. Como tomamos nossas decises3. Heursticas e vieses4. Nudge: O empurrozinho para melhores decises5. Neuroeconomia"
Price: 159.99

"The Psychology of the Male Brain"
"The psychology of the Male Brain is about understanding and learning how the male brain functions. In this course you will learn what parts are in the brain are important for males, what hormones are essential to growth and maturity of the male brain, and the phases of the males life. The course will be a short and easy to understand so anybody can take the knowledge learned and use it for their own benefits. I hope you have fun and learn something new about the male brain!"
Price: 19.99

"Pilates Home Workout Series"
"Why Did I Put These Workouts Together?Because I wanted to HELP YOU do your Pilates workouts anytime, anywhere!Get ready for convenient and time-saving Pilates Workouts!Having spoken with many of my clients, they often say they get frustrated trying to workout at home because they just dont know what to do or how to do it.Being a mum of 2 little girls I know how hard it is to find time to fit in a workout, thats why I wanted to share my passion for Pilates with you at home.My Home Workout Series consists of 9 Pilates mat workout videos and 1 Stretch session video so thats 10 workouts you can use to create the strong, fit and flexible body you know you DESERVE.All the workouts are 15-20 mins in length so theyre perfect to fit in to your busy day.7 out of the 10 workouts require no equipment and Ive thrown in a few small props like hand weights, a theraband and a Pilates ball for those of you wanting to work a little harder or change it up in the other videos.Ive designed this workout series to cater for the beginner to the advanced with YOU, my clients in the forefront of my mind.Exercise modifications and advancements are offered throughout the videos and you can take it all at your own pace.Need a little more time for an exercise?No worries, press PAUSE and take it.Want to do the same video for a few weeks to really nail it? Go for it! Ill support you all the way.What Workout Should You Do?If youve never done Pilates before or want to re-visit the basics try my PILATES BASICS workout. This the perfect workout if youre just starting out or trying Pilates for the first time.The rest of the workouts are a combination of upper and lower body strength training with different focuses in each video.Want to work the whole body and get your sweat on? Try my PILATES BARRE workout (seriously, Ive told a few of my clients but when I was filming this video, sweat was literally dripping off my nose!!).Want to strengthen your core? Try my FULL BODY FLOW workout for a challenge.Need more upper body strength? Try my STRENGTH WITH WEIGHTS workout and my THERABAND FUN WORKOUT.Plus more!What Are Your Goals?I want you to feel stronger, more confident and energised!Whether that looks like dancing it up on a Saturday night and not waking up in pain on Sunday (weve all been there!), playing with your kids or grand kids or going for a long hike.My goal is NOT to get you looking like a supermodel (but toning and tightening up is always a great bonus!).My goal is to get you to FEEL STRONGER, MOVE BETTER and REDUCE PAIN with Pilates.So, join me on the mat and get ready to take your workouts to a new level!Love and Pilates Always!Kate xxx"
Price: 89.99

"Microsoft Project 2019 - Do bsico ao Avanado"
"O curso de formao de Especialistas em Microsoft Project 2019 orientado pelas boas prticas de gerenciamento de projetos e conta com os conceitos que j utilizei em mais de 30 projetos que gerenciei ao longo de minha carreira.Este curso capacitar o aluno a controlar e gerir projetos em todas as reas de atuao."
Price: 579.99

"ASANA - Gesto de Tarefas e Projetos"
"O curso ASANA - Gesto de Tarefas e Projetos orientado pelas boas prticas de gerenciamento de projetos e conta com os conceitos que j utilizei em mais de 30 projetos que gerenciei ao longo de minha carreira.Este curso capacitar o aluno a utilizar todos os recurso do ASANA e com certeza agregar muito na vida pessoal e profissional em todas as reas de atuao."
Price: 159.99

"TensorFlow 2.0: A Complete Guide on the Brand New TensorFlow"
"Welcome to Tensorflow 2.0!TensorFlow 2.0 has just been released, and it introduced many features that simplify the model development and maintenance processes. From the educational side, it boosts people's understanding by simplifying many complex concepts. From the industry point of view, models are much easier to understand, maintain, and develop.Deep Learning is one of the fastest growing areas of Artificial Intelligence. In the past few years, we have proven that Deep Learning models, even the simplest ones, can solve very hard and complex tasks. Now, that the buzz-word period of Deep Learning has, partially, passed, people are releasing its power and potential for their product improvements.The course is structured in a way to cover all topics from neural network modeling and training to put it in production.In Part 1 of the course, you will learn about the technology stack that we will use throughout the course (Section 1) and the TensorFlow 2.0 library basics and syntax (Section 2).In Part 2 of the course, we will dig into the exciting world of deep learning. Through this part of the course, you will implement several types of neural networks (Fully Connected Neural Network (Section 3), Convolutional Neural Network (Section 4), Recurrent Neural Network (Section 5)). At the end of this part, Section 6, you will learn and build their own Transfer Learning application that achieves state of the art (SOTA) results on the Dogs vs. Cats dataset.After passing the part 2 of the course and ultimately learning how to implement neural networks, in Part 3 of the course, you will learn how to make your own Stock Market trading bot using Reinforcement Learning, specifically Deep-Q Network.Part 4 is all about TensorFlow Extended (TFX). In this part of the course, you will learn how to work with data and create your own data pipelines for production. In Section 8 we will check if the dataset has any anomalies using the TensorFlow Data Validation library and after learn how to check a dataset for anomalies, in Section 9, we will make our own data preprocessing pipeline using the TensorFlow Transform library.In Section 10 of the course, you will learn and create your own Fashion API using the Flask Python library and a pre-trained model. Throughout this section, you will get a better picture of how to send a request to a model over the internet. However, at this stage, the architecture around the model is not scalable to millions of request. Enter the Section 11. In this section of the course, you will learn how to improve solution from the previous section by using the TensorFlow Serving library. In a very easy way, you will learn and create your own Image Classification API that can support millions of requests per day!These days it is becoming more and more popular to have a Deep Learning model inside an Android or iOS application, but neural networks require a lot of power and resources! That's where the TensorFlow Lite library comes into play. In Section 12 of the course, you will learn how to optimize and convert any neural network to be suitable for a mobile device.To conclude with the learning process and the Part 5 of the course, in Section 13 you will learn how to distribute the training of any Neural Network to multiple GPUs or even Servers using the TensorFlow 2.0 library."
Price: 199.99