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"Meditation For Beginners - How To Meditate Successfully!"
"This meditation course will provide the foundation for learning how to meditate quickly and how meditation can help you with everyday challenges of life.This course is for those who would like to try meditation or who feel they cannot meditate for one reason or another. If youve tried meditation before and closed your eyes unable to connect to the meditation, this course will teach you an effective method for being a successful meditator. Studies show that people who meditate regularly experience improvement to levels of stress and anxiety. If you have stress and anxiety in your life, this course is for you!With meditation, you will learn to control your internal dialogue. When challenges come up, you will be able to respond with a balanced and focused mind. Your concentration will improve and you will learn how meditation techniques can assist you as you are going about your day to day routine.As a bonus, Ive Included two additional advanced meditations. One is a short guided meditation for protection. The second, is a demonstration of a healing meditation with immersions in water.The course outline is detailed below. I hope you will join me and begin your journey today!Course Outline:IntroductionWelcomeMeditation and Your Mind The Super Highway Of ThoughtYour Undivided AttentionBut I Cannot! Addressing DoubtsThe Meditative System        Why It WorksLearning The Tools To Meditate Exercise 1: Setting Up A Space To Meditate Practicing Meditation Choosing You Meditation PhrasePracticing Your Meditation PhraseGuided Meditation-Meditation PhraseChoosing You Meditation PassagePracticing Your Meditation PassageGuided Meditation-Meditation PassageMeditation With Focused Attention The Next Level-Incorporating The Tools Into You Daily LifeAssignment 4: Focused Attention ClosingBonus Guided MeditationsGuided Meditation For ProtectionDemonstration Of Healing Water Meditation "
Price: 19.99

"Agile Beyond IT, how Agile, Scrum and Kanban can help you"
"Have you heard the term Agile and wondered what the hype was? Or maybe you've heard terms like MVP and User Stories thrown around and you want to know what they are (and whether they are being used correctly!). This course will introduce you to Agile Software Development - its history, values and principles - and then help you to consider how this mindset could help you and your team become more effective, efficient and engaged. This course is designed specifically for professional knowledge workers - helping them to utilise the practices software engineers have developed to help them manage workflow, communicate and continuously improve. If you work in Marketing, Human Resources, Learning and Development, Consulting or a similar field this course has been created with you in mind. The course covers the Agile Manifesto, Scrum, Kanban and some of the common supporting practices such as User Stories and Minimum Viable Product. By the end of the course students will be able to confidently discuss what Agile is and the parts that are applicable to them. They'll be able to see through pretenders and have the ability to apply some of the tools and practices into their own teams."
Price: 99.99

"AptiWizard's Comprehensive GRE Verbal Text Completion Course"
"Do you feel that despite having a good Vocabulary, it is difficult for you to get the Text Completion questions correct? Or do you question the myth that cramming Vocabulary is all that is required to score on GRE Verbal?!This course will break this myth for you. Vocabulary is not all that it takes to solve Text Completion!Welcome to AptiWizard's Comprehensive GRE Verbal Text Completion Course.Here, you will learn the correct way of solving the Text Completion questions and the strategy used by the top scorers in an easy to understand manner.Here is what makes this course unique for you:2.5 hours of cutting edge instructional videos, available on demand.Concept wise short segregated videos to help you learn a particular concept in one go.A tried and tested trick used by top scorers to remember the steps in solving Text Completion questions.Bonus Section- Strategy: Pro tips and strategy to solve these questions in the most efficient manner.Solved questions where you will learn the correct approach to attempt the questions.5 downloadable Practice questions sets which will allow you to test your understanding of the topic.Solution videos for all the Practice question sets which will help you check your approach and thought process while solving the questions.Who is this course for?This course can be taken by any student appearing for GRE, irrespective of the current level of preparation. The course covers A-Z of Text Completion and hence can be used both to learn the topic for the first time and to improve the topic. I highly recommend that you go through the course once around the start of your GRE preparation and again in the next stage when you have completed all the topics once, and are taking your mock tests. This will definitely help you in increasing your Verbal score."
Price: 34.99

"Curso De Persuaso Em Vendas"
"""Uma coisa certa, se voc no estiver tentando persuadir algum a aceitar suas ideias, algum estar tentando lhe persuadir a aceitar as ideias dela. Em caso de disputa, vence aquele que tiver maior poder de persuaso.""Os primeiros estudos sobre o poder da linguagem datam do sculo V antes de Cristo, na Siclia.Na Grcia antiga, advogados e polticos utilizavam o poder da linguagem com o objetivo de conquistar a audincia, assim como hoje.De l pra c, a persuaso tm sido alvo de estudo de vrios autores, dentre eles, Aristteles talvez tenha sido o mais conhecido atravs de sua obra - A Retrica.Hoje, profissionais da comunicao, propaganda e publicidade, marketing, vendas, neurocincias e atividades relacionadas se dedicam cada vez mais ao estudo da persuaso e o efeito que ela exerce sobre as pessoas.E toda esta ateno ao tema persuaso no a toa:Persuaso PODER! O poder de conquistar o SIM!*****O Que O Curso Prtico De Persuaso Em Vendas? *****O Curso De Persuaso Em Vendas foi desenvolvido com o conhecimento prtico e terico que adquiri em mais de 20 anos de experincia no setor comercial e milhares de reais investidos em livros, palestras, workshops, treinamentos presenciais e online, graduao e MBA especializados, e que agora disponibilizo para que voc tenha o mximo aproveitamento em sua carreira profissional.Este um dos cursos de persuaso mais avanados do Brasil, focado no desenvolvimento de uma comunicao persuasiva e de alta performance para profissionais do setor comercial.Atravs do Curso Prtico De Persuaso Em Vendas, voc poder:Aumentar consideravelmente seus resultados e consequentemente seus lucros;Ampliar suas habilidade, capacidades e competncias atingindo uma alta performance;Alavancar sua carreira destacando-se em um mercado em expanso ;Construir uma imagem pessoal poderosa e altamente persuasiva.No final desse curso voc ter em suas mos as mais modernas e poderosas tcnicas e estratgias que vo transformar sua comunicao, possibilitando gerar grandes resultados em sua vida e em seus negcios. Confira:***** Descrio Dos Mdulos *****Mdulo 01 - Investigando A Mente Do Cliente.Neste mdulo:Voc vai entender como as 03 partes do crebro responsveis pelos nosso instintos, emoes e raciocnio lgico agem em conjunto no momento da compra.Voc vai descobrir quais os 06 estmulos bsicos no processo de deciso, e como utiliz-los para criar uma comunicao altamente persuasiva.Voc vai aprender como se tornar uma autoridade aos olhos do cliente, eliminando eventuais concorrentes.Voc vai entender porque as pessoas compram emocionalmente e depois tentam explicar racionalmente o motivo da compra.Voc conhecer o processo mental que leva uma pessoa a escolher um determinado produto e no o outro.e mais...Mdulo 02 - Comunicao PersuasivaNeste mdulo:Voc vai conhecer os 03 pilares da persuaso e como aplic-los durante seus atendimentos.Voc vai conhecer os elementos da comunicao e como os as funes e objetivos destes elementos de linguagem podem interferir diretamente no seu discurso de vendas. Voc vai aprender os Critrios Da Linguagem Persuasiva, que uma vez aplicados fazem com que o cliente se sinta realmente convencido de que est fazendo a melhor escolha e se sinta a vontade para realizar a compra.Voc vai aprender como se tornar um mestre na linguagem verbal e corporal, transmitindo confiana e autoridade.Voc vai descobrir como evitar os erros mais comuns em uma apresentao de vendas e com isso se tornar algum digno de ateno e confiana.Voc aprender a utilizar os Gatilhos Mentais, poderosssimas  tcnicas de persuaso que envolvem nossos instintos, emoes e raciocnio lgico,  fazendo com que tomemos aes que estejam de acordo com a inteno de cada gatilho disparado.e mais...Mdulo 03 - Aplicaes Prticas Das Tcnicas De PersuasoNeste mdulo:Voc vai conhecer as prticas isomrficas do espelhamento comportamental, que uma das mais conhecidas tcnicas de rapport, utilizada para gerar confiana e proximidade durante os atendimentos.Voc vai descobrir os segredos de uma primeira abordagem pessoal altamente persuasiva gerando conexo de modo mais intenso.Voc vai aprender como estruturar uma sequncia de perguntas inteligentes para levantar e reunir o maior nmero de informaes relevantes para uma melhor compreenso das necessidades do cliente e que vo ajudar e muito no fechamento.Voc vai conhecer a escuta ativa, que se refere capacidade que uma pessoa possui de se concentrar e perceber informaes verbais e no verbais que a pessoa sua frente diz e demonstra naquele momento.Voc vai conhecer a Trade Da Negociao que so as trs foras que podem te colocar em vantagem, desvantagem ou igualdade de condies em uma da negociao.Vai aprender as  Tcnicas De Fechamento mais utilizadas por grandes profissionais de vendas e que parecem mgicas.A partir de agora a deciso est em suas mos.Muito obrigado e nos vemos no curso."
Price: 114.99

"Gatilhos Mentais No Atendimento Ao Cliente"
"Ol, seja bem vindo, seja bem vinda ao Curso ""Gatilhos Mentais No Atendimento Ao Cliente - Como Persuadir E Influenciar A Mente Do Cliente No Momento Da Compra"".Este curso foi desenvolvido com o conhecimento prtico e terico que adquiri em mais de 20 anos de experincia no setor comercial e milhares de reais investidos em Livros, Palestras, Workshops, Treinamentos Presenciais E Online, Curso Superior E MBA Especializados e que agora disponibilizo para que voc tenha o mximo aproveitamento em sua carreira profissional.Este um curso rpido, prtico e didtico, focado no desenvolvimento de uma comunicao persuasiva e de alta performance para profissionais de vendas.Atravs do Curso Gatilhos Mentais No Atendimento Ao Cliente, voc poder:Aumentar consideravelmente seus resultados em vendas e lucros;Ampliar suas habilidades e se destacar no mercado;Alavancar sua carreira;E mais...Por que fazer o Curso Gatilhos Mentais No Atendimento Ao Cliente?No final desse curso voc ter em suas mos as mais modernas e poderosas tcnicas e estratgias persuasivas - os gatilhos mentais - que vo transformar sua comunicao, possibilitando gerar grandes resultados em sua vida e em seus negcios.A partir de agora a deciso est em suas mos.Obrigado e nos vemos no curso."
Price: 84.99

"Educao Possvel, por uma disciplina sem dramas!"
"Quantas vezes voc  pensou que no conseguiria e se sentiu perdido na hora de educar?A culpa e os medos do futuro ti perturbam?Voc no sabe por onde comear ou recomear?Este curso para voc.Juntos vamos aprender, sorrir, refletir e encher-nos de novo nimo. possvel educar e pela educao sim que mudamos a ns, os que nos cercam, ou seja, o MUNDO!"
Price: 54.99

"Mathe Nachhilfe Grundlagen"
"Knapp zwei Stunden Videomaterial um Ihnen die Grundlagen der Mathematik nah und verstndlich beizubringen.Es gibt in der Mathematik ganz Elementare Dinge. Elementare Dinge haben die Eigenschaft, dass man sie blderweise meistens nicht durch Logik erschlieen kann. Ein bisschen jedoch geht es schon. Ich habe versucht euch alle Grundlagen, die ihr so braucht hier aufzulisten.Mathe NachhilfeThemen:Zahlenbereiche, Rechenregeln, Brche (27:58 Minuten)Prozent- und Zinsrechnung (23:54 Minuten)Potenzen, Wurzeln, Binome (14:24 Minuten)Logarithmen und Proportionen (12:03 Minuten)Binomische Formeln (6:04 Minuten)Der kleine Gau (4:35 Minuten)Gau Verfahren - Lsen eines Gleichungssystems (11:36 Minuten)Lsen linearer Gleichungssysteme: Was nutze ich wann? (13:20 Minuten)"
Price: 89.99

"Mathe Nachhilfe Geometrie"
"Etwas mehr als eine Stunde Videomaterial um Ihnen die Grundlagen der Mathematik nah und verstndlich beizubringen.Striche, Linien, Kreise, Dreiecke, Vierecke, Winkel in Grad- und Bogenma. All das gehrt in den Bereich der Geometrie.Eigentlich sind die Sachen hier alle ganz einfach. Man muss nur erst einmal davon gehrt haben. Aber eigentlich vergisst man sie nie.Geometrie Mathe NachhilfeThemen:Geraden, Strecken, Strahlen, WinkelViereckeBogenmaDas Rechtwinklige DreieckSinus, Kosinus, TangensKreiseEbene GeometrieWinkelBerechnungen von Vierecken"
Price: 89.99

"Mathe Nachhilfe Ableitungen"
"Mchte man etwas ber die Eigenschaften einer Funktion erfahren, kommt man meist nicht drumrum, Die Ableitung zu bilden. Die Ableitung, das ist eigentlich der Differenzialquotient an der Stelle x. Dieser ergibt sich aus dem Differenzenquotienten. Ach wisst ihr was... Schaut's euch einfach an.Lnge: 1 Stunde 38 MinutenMathe Nachhilfe AbleitungenThemen:DifferenzenquotientDifferenzialquotientAbleitungenAbleitungsregelnAnalysisKettenregelSymmetrie einer FunktionMonotonieverhaltenKurvendiskussionAnwendung von AbleitungenVollstndige Kurvendiskussion einer Ganzrationalen FunktionGrenzwerte an PolstellenGebrochenrationale FunktionenVollstndige Kurvendiskussion Gebrochenrationaler FunktionenOptimierungsproblem"
Price: 89.99

"Beginner Split Training GUide"
"In this course you'll learn how to stretch to become more flexible and eventually learn the split. You can start this course as a total beginner without any experience with stretching. The course includes video instructions per phase of training as well as a guide you can keep with you during your training."
Price: 19.99

Price: 24000.00

"FROM-TO: Change your emotional state of mind, instantly!"
"MENTAL STRESS: YOU'RE NOT ALONE BY ANY MEANS BUT YOU COULD BE ONE OF THE FEW WITH A NEW SIMPLE SOLUTION NOW!As someone that rose from a troubled childhood and tough background to become a senior advertising executive in a global communications company, it would be a surprise to many people to know that throughout all the successes, I still constantly questioned myself. On the outside I was seen as calm, composed and ultra-confident - on the inside though, it was a different story entirely. You often feel that you're the only one who has these mental pressures but the reality is there's a fear on every silent face you see, saying to themselves - set me free.It was only in the process of launching my book and rolling out my main personal leadership course that I came to realise just how many other people put on a brave face to the world whilst dealing with inner conflict and turmoil. Feedback from successful business people in particular who on the surface had it all demonstrated that all was not as it seemed to others, and workload pressures, work-life balance, relationships, self-expectations as well as 'perceived' expectations of others, leading to anxiousness, depression and sleepless nights were causing havoc with their lives, their energy and overall health.This feedback opened my eyes to just how far below the radar the subject of 'inner conflict' really is today.Its with this in mind and feedback from many other beneficiaries of a pilot program I ran, that I decided to expand on my Strong Minds book and original Personal Leadership Mastery course to launch this quick, easy, impactful solution in the form of a stand-alone 1 Hour Mind Hack course.RESULTS Here is just a small sample of feedback from early users of the 'From-To' mind hack formula:This is brilliant. We all want to fix bad habits and behaviours that hold us back, but here's an actual game plan... I absolutely love this! Your ""From > To"" exercise has really helped me. Thank YOU!  Jennifer, Miami, USA""I went from a mixed-up state, full of self-doubt after all the knock-backs to one of clarity, belief and optimism, all thanks to Reeces special FROM-TO method and not long after using it, I closed a Multi-Year 6 figure contract, the single biggest contract win of my entire life. Had I known in advance the difference it would make to my mindset, my negotiations and subsequently the client win, I would willingly have paid thousands for it. Stephen, Palm Beach, USA""It felt like you'd written FROM-TO specifically for me, then I realised that I am no different to anyone else. Generally, it's just that the happy people in life (the lucky people) just live a life of 'TO' whereas the depressed people (the unlucky people) live a life of 'FROM'. The world we all live in though , is in our minds so why not decide to live a positive one. I don't even have to refer to my From-To charts now because whenever I feel I'm being taken over by negative thoughts 'From-To' automatically pops into my head and gets me focusing on the 'To' aspects that are important to me""Its quite a complex situation and one where I am struggling to understand how I should be feeling and what is most positive for me long term have had to revert to the From-To pages quite a bit I will be honest. Its proving a huge help day to day! David, Glasgow, UK""The focus on Mind Management is a subject I know will benefit me immensely and I have already started using the From-To model with great success! Fantastic! Chris, Lancashire, UKThank you... I've been trapped in my own nonsense lately and need this physical aspect to bring me back to who I really am! Sincerest gratitude to you! Carrie, Texas, USAReece Pye, love, love, love this! So simple and yet so effective. Have my FROM-TO message set as my lock screen message on my phone Karen, Southampton, UK"
Price: 19.99

"Juniper Networks Certified Associate - JN0-102 (1/7)"
"Adding networking skills to any IT pro's armory is a great idea for enhancing their career. In this course, Juniper Networking Fundamentals, you'll learn the foundations of how networks work and how applications use them to function. First, you'll discover how computers communicate with each other over local and wide area networks, along with the internet. Next, you'll explore examples of computers on a local area network (LAN) talking to each other and other local servers. After that, you'll learn how they communicate over a wide area network (WAN) and the internet. Finally, you'll dive into hands-on demos showing use of a Juniper switch or router running the Junos OS. By the end of this course, you'll have a solid foundational knowledge of networking to enhance your existing skill set, and be on your way to attaining the Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos certification."
Price: 59.99

"Juniper Networks Certified Associate - JN0-102 (2/7)"
"This course for network engineers and other IT professionals looking to understand the basic architecture and functionality of the Junos Operating System from Juniper Networks. This course is one of a complete series covering the Juniper Network's JNCIA Junos certification, providing you with the skills and knowledge required to pass the exam. Some of the major topics that we will cover include how to set up your own Junos Lab. The Junos device product families and their functions. The Junos software architecture, and the separation of the control and forwarding planes within Junos. By the end of this course, you will have taken another big step towards gaining the Juniper Network's JNCIA Junos certification, one of the most sought-after in the networking industry. All you need to have is a basic understanding of the fundamentals of networking before taking this course."
Price: 59.99

"Juniper Networks Certified Associate - JN0-102 (3/7)"
"If you need to prepare for the Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos certification and to better navigate around the CLI, this course, is for you. First, you'll cover working with the Active and Candidate configurations and how to make changes to the configuration. Next, you'll look at how you can revert back to previous configurations, which is useful if the configuration changes and causes problems for the network and you need to revert them. Then, you'll look at modifying, managing, and saving configuration files. Finally, you'll explore the J-Web browser based alternative to the CLI for managing and configuring your Junos devices. When you're finished with this course, you'll have taken another step towards gaining the Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos certification, one of the most sought after in the industry."
Price: 59.99

"Juniper Networks Certified Associate - JN0-102 (4/7)"
"In order to get Junos network devices up and running you need to learn about the main configuration elements for Junos devices and how to configure the basic parameters of a Junos network. In this course, you will first learn about the default state and configuration that you will find on a Junos device when it has been powered on for the first time. Then, you'll look at how to get the device up and running with some initial configuration tasks. Next, you will explore user authentication and the types of user accounts and classes that can be set up on a Junos device and how to configure them. After that, you will learn about the different interface types, what their function is, and how to configure them, including using configuration groups. Finally, you will learn about the different types of log files that are generated on a Juniper device and how to access them. You will also look at how to enable trace options to help troubleshoot problems on a network. Throughout the course you will get hands-on and configure all of this in your lab environment. When youre finished with this course, you will have taken another step towards gaining Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos certification, one of the most sought after in the industry."
Price: 59.99

"Juniper Networks Certified Associate - JN0-102 (5/7)"
"This course is the fifth in a complete series covering the Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos certification track, providing you with the skills and knowledge required to pass the JN0-102 exam. In this course,  you will first learn how to monitor the Juniper system and chassis status with the CLI regardless of the hardware platform. Then, you will move on to monitoring interfaces using the monitor interface command. This is a really powerful command that allows you to monitor interface statistics and traffic in real-time. After that, you will look at the network troubleshooting tools - ping and traceroute. You are probably familiar with these already, but youll take a look at some options you have from within Junos to extend their functionality and youll learn about a couple of the network utilities that are also built into Junos - namely telnet and SSH clients. Finally, youll look at steps involved in the process of recovering the root password. As with all the courses in this series, there will be plenty of time spent on the command line demonstrating all the commands covered to cement your knowledge. When youre finished with this course, you will have taken another step towards gaining Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos certification."
Price: 59.99

"Juniper Networks Certified Associate - JN0-102 (6/7)"
"Building your routing skills is essential if you're working towards gaining your Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos certification. In this course,  you'll master the basics of IP routing specifically for your Junos devices. First, you'll dive into the fundamentals and discover what is meant by routing in the context of IP networks. Next, you'll explore routing information sources that feed into the routing table on a Junos device. Then, you'll learn about routing tables, the forwarding table, and look at how Junos calculates the next hop for a given network destination. Afterwards, you'll cover routing instances, what some of the different types are, and why you would use them. Finally, you'll delve into static routing, along with dynamic routing protocols, and in particular OSPF. By the end of this course, you'll have the necessary skills and knowledge to utilize your new Junos routing skills in practice, and be one step further in obtaining your Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos certification."
Price: 59.99

"Juniper Networks Certified Associate - JN0-102 (7/7)"
"If you are someone interested in gaining Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos certification or simply want to know more about Routing Policy and Firewall filters this course is for you. First, you will take a look at the concept of routing policies and examine the default Junos routing policies for RIP, ISIS, OSPF and BGP dynamic routing protocols. Next, you will move onto how policies can control the flow of routing information into and out of routing tables. Then, you will explore firewall filters and look at how they work and how they are structured, and what the effects are when applied. Additionally, you will examine a Junos feature called Unicast Reverse-Path-Forwarding (RPF) and how it is used to validate the source of packets received on interfaces. Finally, you will wrap up the whole series of courses and provide some links for JNCIA-Junos JN0-102 exam preparation. By the end of this course, you will know more about Routing Policy and Firewall Filters and be better prepared for gaining the Juniper Networks JNCIA-Junos certification."
Price: 59.99

"Risk Management - Introduction to Risk ( ISACA - CRISC )"
"In this course, you'll have the opportunity to gain a high-level understanding of the risk management process. This includes delving into knowledge of threats and attacks and exploring the mysteries and terminologies of risk management. This course helps prepare you for certification under ISACA's CRISC certification. First, you'll learn about the common approaches used to identify and manage risk. Next, you'll learn about the risk management terminology and standards. Finally, you'll wrap up the course learning about corporate governance. By the end of this course, you will have the foundational knowledge needed to perform an effective risk management program.You can expect great video lessons here, but also a lot of reading material. It is impossible to put all the content into cool slides, I hope you will enjoy in this course."
Price: 59.99

"Risk Management - Risk Identification ( ISACA - CRISC )"
"Risk management is a challenge for most organizations. This course, addresses the key parts of the risk management process starting with risk identification. The course first examines the factors that influence risk, from management attitudes and awareness to laws and standards. Next, you will learn about how to identify asset values, threats, and vulnerabilities in your organization. Last, you will learn about management's responsibilities when it comes to risk identification. By the end of this course, you will understand how to perform risk identification in your organization.You can expect great video lessons here, but also a lot of reading material. It is impossible to put all the content into cool slides, I hope you will enjoy in this course."
Price: 59.99

"Risk Management - IT Risk Assessment ( ISACA - CRISC )"
"This course addresses the third part of the risk management effort, the assessment and prioritization of risk. This will ensure that management is provided complete and accurate information required to make the appropriate risk response decision. You will learn the process of risk assessment including threat and vulnerability identification, analysis of impact and likelihood of risk, and the process of communicating risk to management. As a candidate for the CRISC examination, it is essential to have a solid understanding of risk assessment."
Price: 59.99

"Risk Management-Risk Response and Mitigation ( ISACA-CRISC )"
"The development of a risk response strategy is based on many factors including cost, culture, other projects, and available resources. You will first examine the factors that influence the risk response decision and how to ensure that the risk faced by the organization is within management defined limits. Next, you will cover the topics of inherent risk, data protection, and data encryption. Last, you will look at risk areas to consider in your organization. By the end of this course, you will be one step closer to being prepared for the ISACA CRISC certification examination."
Price: 59.99

"Risk Management - Final Course in Series ( ISACA-CRISC )"
"Risk is an ever-changing world as new technologies, threats, and vulnerabilities threaten to affect business goals and mission. The risk practitioner must be ever-alert and diligent to observe and communicate with management on the effectiveness and efficiency of the risk management process. In this course, you will learn about how to monitor risk, evaluate IT controls, communicate risk monitoring results, and update the risk register. By the end of this course, you'll have an understanding of risk monitoring and the way that risk monitoring supports the overall process and goals of risk management."
Price: 59.99

"Search Engine Optimization for Small Businesses"
"With so much content available and so many competitors in your area, it takes a lot to make your small business succeed. One area of confusion for so many business owners and creative entrepreneurs is search engine optimization and how to get found.Over the years, I have learned, researched, and tested proven techniques for increasing SEO - in fact, online search engines have become one of my top two referral sources! As social media changes, you can't rely on Facebook, Instagram, or any other social network for business. Take charge of your website, get found on search engines, and become more profitable!This 1-hour video training will give you fresh, relevant, timeless ways to improve in search rankings and move forward with your business. So why wait? Start learning, get found, and get more business!"
Price: 49.99

"Bullet Proof Resume/CV"
"Whats included in the Bulletproof Resume Program?2 hours crash course that takes you to the job you want7 Modules, step by step in-depth video trainingsScripts for exactly what to write to add punch to your descriptions and highlightsThe Perfect Cover Letter TemplateThe Flawless Profile Picture Cheat SheetA step-by-step guide on how to answer the question: Would you please tell me about yourself?"
Price: 199.99

"Empowerment Coaching : The 60-Day Shift Project"
"Move beyond fear, blame, and excuses to achieve what you want.The 60-Day Shift ProjectHack your Mind: Move into the drivers seat to create the life you desire. Shift Perspective: Learn to gear your thoughts towards gratitude and watch your perspective shift.Release Worry and Anxiety: Identify your blind spots that create your anxiety and unhappiness.Let Go of Victim Mentality: Get clear about how you want to show up in life each day. Inspired Action: Learn to take inspired actions steps that will start getting you moving forward.#empowerment #coaching #personal #motivation #goals #transformation"
Price: 19.99

"Machine Learning in JavaScript with TensorFlow.js"
"Updated for 2020! Interested in using Machine Learning in JavaScript applications and websites? Then this course is for you!This is the tutorial you've been looking for to become a modern JavaScript machine learning master in 2020. It doesnt just cover the basics, by the end of the course you will have advanced machine learning knowledge you can use on you resume. From absolute zero knowledge to master - join the TensorFlow.js revolution.This course has been designed by a specialist team of software developers who are passionate about using JavaScript with Machine Learning. We will guide you through complex topics in a practical way, and reinforce learning with in-depth labs and quizzes.Throughout the course we use house price data to ask ever more complicated questions; can you predict the value of this house?, can you tell me if this house has a waterfront?, can you classify it as having 1, 2 or 3+ bedrooms?. Each example builds on the one before it, to reinforce learning in easy and steady steps.Machine Learning in TensorFlow.js provides you with all the benefits of TensorFlow, but without the need for Python. This is demonstrated using web based examples, stunning visualisations and custom website components.This course is fun and engaging, with Machine Learning learning outcomes provided in bitesize topics:Part 1 - Introduction to TensorFlow.jsPart 2 - Installing and running TensorFlow.jsPart 3 - TensorFlow.js Core ConceptsPart 4 - Data Preparation with TensorFlow.jsPart 5 - Defining a modelPart 6 - Training and Testing in TensorFlow.jsPart 7 - TensorFlow.js PredictionPart 8 - Binary ClassificationPart 9 - Multi-class ClassificationPart 10 - Conclusion & Next StepsAs a bonus, for every student, we provide you with JavaScript and HTML code templates that you can download and use on your own projects."
Price: 199.99

"Beginner Photoshop course with spectacular results"
"In this fun beginner course, you will immediately have great results.You will learn all about layers and masks, what are they and why using them can save a lot of time and generate many possibilities. Hands-on you will learn how to use layers and masks by making a levitation photo.You will learn how to make text (or anything else) out of a photo. And have you ever had a great photo with a dull and grey sky? You will learn how you can easily replace the sky.Is there an object in your photo that ruins it? You will learn how to get rid of that object!You can follow along with the photos provided, or you can make your own levitation photo by following the instructions in a bonus video.No prior knowledge of Photoshop is needed."
Price: 19.99

"Ventas de 0 a 100"
"Vender es una actividad que puede asustar mucho, sin embargo, es la actividad ms importante de cualquier empresa. Es muy imponente porque no conocemos los pasos necesarios para lograr un buen cierre de ventas. En este curso te muestro desde cero, cmo puedes iniciar tu carrera en el mundo comercial y las mejores prcticas para cada paso del proceso de ventas. En un lenguaje muy sencillo y con actividades muy concretas, pasars de no saber nada a poder hacer ventas cotidianamente."
Price: 19.99