"Si cree que la buena arquitectura es cara, pruebe la mala. Brian Foote y Joseph YoderDesarrollo temtico, resumen y profundizacin basado en contenidos de evaluacin Microsoft 70-486APRENDE YA! con vdeos prcticos y breves:Toda la Teora ampliada con base el el contenido del examen 70-486Planificar EL SEO - Intro, teora y prcticaDefinir la ESTRATEGIA DE GLOBALIZACIN - Intro, teora y prcticaDefinir la ESTRATEGIA DE LOCALIZACIN- Intro, teora y prcticaAcceso A UML - FUNDAMENTOS . 5 DIAGRAMAS CLAVE - CASO DE ESTUDIOBIENVENIDO!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Si cree que la buena arquitectura es cara, pruebe la mala. Brian Foote y Joseph YoderDesarrollo temtico, resumen y profundizacin basado en contenidos de evaluacin Microsoft 70-486 APRENDE YA! con vdeos prcticos y breves:Toda la Teora ampliada con base el el contenido del examen 70-486Fundamentos de ROUTERS (teora y prctica)Tipos de ENRUTAMIENTO (teora y prctica)Aplicar la utilidad de la REAS (teora y prctica)Optimizar el ANCHO DE BANDA (teora y prctica)Agrupar y minimizar Scripts (CSS y JavaScript) (teora y prctica)Acceso A UML - FUNDAMENTOS . 5 DIAGRAMAS CLAVE - CASO DE ESTUDIOBIENVENIDO!"
Price: 19.99 |
"""LO DIFCIL, LO HACEMOS FCIL!""INCLUYE CASO DE ESTUDIO DE UMLNOTA: Entity FrameWork, se estudia en curso avanzado aparteEn este curso, aprenders a utilizar ADO.NET para acceder a SQL Server desde formularios Web. Aprender acerca de las herramientas de datos incluidas con Microsoft Visual Studio .NET y cmo usarlas para crear conexiones, obtener registros de una bases de datos. Revisa ahora la seccin de los OBJETIVOS.NOTA: Entity FrameWork, se estudia en el siguiente nivel de MVCBienvenidos!CSAR"
Price: 19.99 |
"Este curso corresponde a la continuacin de ADO.NET Desde cero.Diseo de conexin en modo Desconectado. Introduccin a Transacciones. Inicio en el manejo de Excepciones, control y redirecionamiento.Cookies, creacin y uso de XML para su reuso.Fundamentos de gestin de seguridad. Autenticacin y validaciones va correo electrnicoIntroduccin a UML . Desde cero.5 diagramas bsicos. Caso de estudio."
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduccin a UML con Caso de Estudio*Para una buena comprensin del tema, debes leer la teora que soporta cada vdeo tutorialAprenders a disear:Diagramas UML. Casos de uso, Subescenarios, Diagrama de secuencia, Diagrama de colaboracin, Diagrama de Clases (Main - Herencia - Atributos - Acciones)Modela un sistema de informacin haciendo uso de UML aplicando la Metodologa gil Posmarket Pro. Comprende la secuencia en el diseo de Software con este paradigma de ingeniera. A partir del modelo, identifica los Objetos iniciales que conformarn tu sistema de informacin"
Price: 19.99 |
"Exploration & Development of Oil & Gas Projects" |
"This course is designed to help students (including but not limited to; oil and gas analysts, energy traders and Energy Risk Professional (GARP) candidates), understand how oil & gas companies explore for hydrocarbons, as well as how oil & gas projects are developed AFTER discovery is made and/or legal access to the deposit(s) is gained.The course covers the first two readings from ""Crude Oil Markets & Refined Products"" section from GARP's Energy Risk Professional certification curriculum & is also suitable for anyone trying to understand the basics of oil and gas exploration and development.The two readings cover the following learning objectives:Reading 01: Access, Leasing & Exploration; which discusses the following (GARP specified) Learning Objectives:Summarize the process of accessing new reserves & outline the steps involved in developing a petroleum project.Identify key subsurface geological structures that impact oil and gas production;e.g., permeability vs porosity.Identify the owner of subsurface mineral and resource rights based on jurisdiction & market assumptions.Compare & contrast the fiscal regimes of international petroleum agreements.Describe the typical components of a lease agreement and methods used to establish royalty payments.Understand reserve valuation & reporting requirements.Compare and contrast the physical and economic factors associated with various reserve classifications (proved, developed, undeveloped, p90, etc.) & understand the differences between conventional and unconventional reserves.Define and calculate reserve replacement & reserve life given a set of market assumptions.Reading 02: Developing Oil and Gas Projects; which discusses the following (GARP Specific) Learning Objectives:Describe & identify the various steps & associated risk elements that may be considered in taking an upstream project from concept to completion.Explain & apply the concept of unitization in the development of Joint Development Zones.Calculate & interpret relative project economics using following metrics: Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Weighted Average Cost of Capital & Risk-Adjusted Return.Classify pre-completion, post-completion & macro-economics risks & explain their impact on project development decisions.Describe potential risk exposures related to the use of contractors and sub-contractors in petroleum projects.**********Disclaimer: This course is not GARP endorsed**********"
Price: 79.99 |
"Production Of Oil & Gas Products" |
"This course is designed to help students (including but not limited to; oil and gas analysts, energy traders and Energy Risk Professional (GARP) candidates), understand; managerial challenges faced by oil and gas companies in producing crude oil and natural gas with an emphasis on costs & cost advantage as a strategic objective.This course, Production of Oil & Gas Products, is the 3rd reading from the Crude Oil Markets & Refined Products section of the Energy Risk Professional curriculum and covers GARP specified Learning Objectives in detail.The Learning Objectives of this reading are as follows:Explain how specific upstream costs impact an energy companys earnings; & why production costs may vary by location.Assess the economic performance of an oil well, including; operating profitability, break-even price, working interest and tax allocations.Classify and describe the costs and factors associated with the production of an oil field, with focus on primary, secondary & tertiary recovery methods.Assess the terms & conditions of partnership management agreement; understand how duties are shared & disputes are settled between parties involved.Describe the nature of relationships, incentives, and potential conflicts among various stakeholders along the oil and gas supply chain.Identify & assess political risks that impact crude oil production decisions.Disclaimer: This course is NOT GARP endorsed."
Price: 79.99 |
"The Investing For Beginners Animated Course" |
"WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE? THIS COURSE IS DESIGNED TO HELP PEOPLE WHO ARE NEW TO THE WORLD OF INVESTING AND KNOW VERY LITTLE TO NOTHING ABOUT INVESTING OR FINANCIAL MARKETS.INTRODUCTION TO COURSE:Trying to understand how to invest (your hard earned money) in the highly lucrative yet complex financial markets can be a huge headache...For one thing, most investment courses use difficult to understand language, so students who are just starting out on this journey are often left feeling bewildered, clueless and frustrated....You also have to read a lot of boring (black & white) text....which makes it difficult to stay awake as you listen to the instructor.Plus, theres the challenge of finding a knowledgeable and experienced instructor whom you trust understands what works in today's markets.As a result, trying to wrap your head around how investing works can be difficult, boring and a unreliable.Fortunately, theres a better wayIntroducing The Investing For Beginners Animated Course; which is a one-stop-shop investing course for complete beginners that checks all the boxes so you can easily grasp investing fundamentals, in a fun and easy way from someone who has not just studied what he teaches but is an experienced investor himself.....so you can relax, knowing youve left your learning to an expert.In this course you will slowly and gradually be introduced to the world of investing in a way that even an 8th grader can quickly and easily comprehend.And the course uses lots of images, icons and other visual aids, so you can grasp the more complex concepts with easy. This will also make learning a lot more fun as you wont have to rely on just boring black and white text.And because the instructor has 14 years of investment management experience, you can rest assured you are in good hands.But perhaps the best thing of all is that we the course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee where you pay once is the course is yours to keep FOREVER!.ENROLL NOW TO START YOUR INVESTING JOURNEY.............SO YOU CREATE HISTORY!DISCLAIMER: KEEPING IN MIND THAT INVESTING REQUIRES TIME, DEDICATION AND EFFORT TO TURN YOU INTO A PROFESSIONAL, THE COURSE IS NOT DESIGNED TO MAKE YOU A PRO INVESTOR BUT TO SIMPLY INTRODUCE YOU TO THE VERY BASICS IN A FUN AND EASY WAY."
Price: 99.99 |
"Sklep Internetowy na Messengerze 2019 Czatbot Messenger" |
"Ten KURS to przewodnik po platformie do tworzenia czatbotw MESSENGERA. Nauczysz si krok po kroku tworzy pikne sklepy Internetowe w najpopularniejszym komunikatorze. Nie potrzebujesz inwestowa wielu ty. w postawienie tradycyjnego sklepu internetowego. Jeeli masz pomys na mniejszy projekt i chcesz zacz tu i teraz zacz sprzedawa swoje produkty w Internecie nie ma lepszego rozwizania jak Twj wasny SKLEP na Messengerze.W kursie dowiesz si jak dobra odpowiedni bramk patnoci. Dodatkowo dowiesz si jak w prosty sposb prowadzi sprzeda online nie posiadajc swojej firmy. Aby postawi swj pierwszy sklep spokojnie moesz by pracownikiem etatowym bez dziaalnoci gospodarczej. Co ciekawe bdziesz w stanie tworzy sklepy wielojzyczne, aby dociera do szerszej publicznoci. Kurs Gwarantuje Ci rwnie wprowadzenie do reklam na Facebooku tak, aby Twj SKLEP od samego pocztku generowa ruch i sprzedawa Twoje produkty. Wiedz z kursu moesz wykorzysta do sprzeday zarwno produktw fizycznych jak i cyfrowych jak np. ebooki czy kursy.Po kursie bdziesz w stanie tworzy sklepy dla Siebie, ale rwnie proponowa firmom postawienie takiego sklepu dla nich. Ten kurs to piguka wiedzy, ktra pozwoli Ci w bardzo krtkim czasie postawi dobrze prosperujcy biznes online. Ju po kilku godzinach od ukoczenia kursu bdziesz mie podstawowy sklep z kilkoma produktami i bdziesz potrafi/a doda rne warianty produktw jak np. rne rozmiary ubra, czy kolory. Nauczysz si wysya automatycznie powiadomienia do klientw o statusie przesyki. A to wszystko w bardzo przystpnej cenie."
Price: 19.99 |
"Full Rankine Cycle" |
"In this course you are going to learn how to determine thermodynamic properties of pure substances by several approaches, and also how to derive energy balances for all the operations (condensers, pumps, heaters and turbines) involved in the Rankine Cycle. Learn everything you need about specific and molar properties, ideal gases, cubic equations of state and thermodynamic tables."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn How To Communicate Successfully With U.S. Americans" |
"Confused or misunderstood by the Americans you have found yourself interacting with? Wondered how to communicate successfully with them? Through stories, shared experiences and insights David C Sanford, an American author, identifies the values of both cultures (Indian and American) and explains how to understand and dance with our differences. Offering key tips for how to be successful, this course is a must-take for anyone who interacts with US Americans. If you are a university student, business consultant, H-1B or H-4 Visa holder, employee of an American company stationed in India or the USA, an Indian tour guide, a virtual IT consultant, or in the hospitality business, this course will be of interest to you."
Price: 19.99 |
"CATA : A'dan Z'ye Profesyonel Tasarm ( Herey Dahil )" |
"Endstriyel Catia'y Sfrdan leri Dzeye Kadar Gerek Projeler Yaratarak renin !Bu kursta Catia programnn hzl uygulama gelitirmeye ynelik avantajn kullanarak hemen her blmde uygulamalar gelitirerek Catia programn tmyle kavrayacaz. Yalnzca Catia programn ierdii izim ksmlarn deil retimde izlenen yollarda reneceiz.Kursun erii:Catia Tasarm MantAralar /Part Dizayn /Moussa Kontrl /Kompas /Dosya AmaSketch Tools /Grid /Construction Elements /Geometrical-Dimensional ConstraintsLine Komutlar / nfinite / Bi-tangent / Bisecting / Normal to CurveCircle /3Point Circle /3Tangent Circle /Arc /3Point Arc /Polar Koordinatla DaireRectangle ve Centered Rectangle /Elongated Hole / Parallelogram / HexagonPoint (nokta) /Equidistant Points /Intersection Point /Projection PointProfile Komutu / Spline / Connect SplineDistance /Length /Angle /Fix / Parallelisim /Perpendicular /Horizontal /VerticalCoincidence / Concentricity / Tangency / Constraint DefinitionConstraint /Contact Constraint /Auto Constraint /Animate Constraint/Fix TogetherAnimate Constraint / Sketch Animation / 2d AnimasyonCorner/ Chamfer / Radyus Krma / Pah KrmaTrim / Break / Quick TrimClose / Complement / Mirror / Symmetry / Translate / RotateStandart Ara ubuklarinin KullanimiSketcher KomutlariSketcher OperasyonlariCatia`da Para TasarlamaPara Tasarim AsamalariPart DesignPart Design Ana Men ve ArayzProfillerden Katiya GeisKatilarda OperasyonlarPara dizayni yardimi ile sekillendirmeMontaj ModellemeParalarin Montaj ekraninda grntlenmesiMateryal AtamaRender AlmaTeknik Resim Dkmanlarinin OlusturulmasiKesit GrnslerllendirmeGrns ikarmaStandart Analiz AralariSonlu elemanlar metodu ve mesh uygulamalariStatik AnalizCatia ile Kati Modellerin AnaliziAnaliz sonularinin elde edilmesiMontajlarin Analiz edilmesiAnaliz sonularinin ikti sonularinin alinmasiAnalizlerin animasyonlarinin olusturulmasiAnalizi Rapor Haline GetirmeCatia Snav Sisitemleri , km Sorular ve Catia Sertifikas AlmDesert Eagle Silah TasarmPhantom F-4 American Jet Ua TasarmSU-47 Berkut Avc Ua TasarmLockheed F-117A Nighthawk Hayalet Uak TasarmA-10 Thunderbolt Uak TasarmLCA - TEJAS Hindistan Sava Ua TasarmSkyrm Sava Baltas Tasarm40+ saat istee bal videomr boyu eriimMobil ve TV'den eriimBitirme SertifikasKurs boyunca yardma ihtiya duyduunuz konularda hi ekinmeden bize mail zerinden yahut soru-cevap ksmndan sorularnz iletebilirsiniz."
Price: 59.99 |
"OSLO Optik Lens Tasarm ve Yazlm Kursu Part - 1" |
"OSLO Optik Dizayn Programn Sfrdan leri Dzeye Kadar Gerek Projeler Yaratarak renin !Bu kursta OSLO EDU programnn hzl uygulama gelitirmeye ynelik avantajn kullanarak hemen her blmde uygulamalar gelitirerek OSLO EDU programn tmyle kavrayacaz. Yalnzca OSLO EDU programnn ierdii izim ksmlarn deil retimde izlenen yollarda reneceiz.Part 2 ve Part 3 Blmleri yaknda yaynda olacaktr.Kursun erii:Program Tantm ve KurulumuArayze Genel BakMen AnlatmOptik Bilimine Ait Terimlerin Trke Karlklar ve AnlamlarSpreadsheet HiyerarisiLens SpreadsheetText Window ve Command LineCheck Mark ve X MarkGraphic Window alma PrensibiText Editr alma PrensibiOslo Catalog Lens Presentasyonurnek Galileo Teleskobu Yapm mr boyu eriimMobil ve TV'den eriimBitirme SertifikasKurs boyunca yardma ihtiya duyduunuz konularda hi ekinmeden bize mail zerinden yahut soru-cevap ksmndan sorularnz iletebilirsiniz."
Price: 59.99 |
"YouTube'da 7/24 Kesintisiz Canl Yayn Yapma Eitimi !" |
"YouTube ve YouTuber lk kavramlarna yeni soluk getiren kursumuzda , anlk trendleri kovalayarak sizlere en nemli ip ularn vermekteyiz.ou kii eline kamerasn alp vlog ekerek veya montaj yaparak YouTuber olmaya alsn , siz ise sadece verdiimiz fikirleri uygulayarak canl yaynnz an ve kitlenize erimeye balayn. Yurtd rneklerinin aylk kazanlarnn ok yksek olduu bu sistemde, canl yaynnz serverlar zerinden nasl yapabileceinizi anlatmaktayz. Yaklak 1 saat ierisinde canl yaynlarnz ap YouTube'da trend kanallar arasna girebilirsiniz veya bu ii sadece para kazanmak adna yapabilirsiniz. YouTube'da neden canl yayn ieriine giri yapmalyz ?Daha abuk kitle edinebilirsinizKitlenize daha hzl ulaabilirsinizYouTube kriterlerini ok daha hzl aabilirsinizDaha ksa zamanda poplerite kazanabilirsinizCanl yayn yaparak YouTube'un sizi ne karmasn salayabilirsinizTwitch canl yaynlarna karlk YouTube'un canl yayn desteklemesini (sayfalarda ne karma, aramalarda ne karma vb...) kazanabilirsinizByk maddi kazan elde edebilirsinizmr boyu eriimMobil ve TV'den eriimBitirme SertifikasKurs boyunca yardma ihtiya duyduunuz konularda hi ekinmeden bize mail zerinden yahut soru-cevap ksmndan sorularnz iletebilirsiniz."
Price: 59.99 |
"Free Yourself System" |
"HOW TO FREE YOURSELF FROM THE CUBICLE AND CREATE THE LIFE OF FREEDOM YOU CRAVE WITHOUT STRUGGLING FOR PAYCHECKSThe TRUTH about living and creating a life you actually LOVEHave you ever thought to yourself: Why do I have to work crazy hours and be stuck in an office I dont like, when I see so many of people my age working from coffee shops, or traveling the world? How can they do it and not me?Do you feel stuck?Imagine this what if you were able to suddenly turn your dreams into reality? What if suddenly you became the YOU youve always wanted to be? What if you were able to attract, create, and live the most extraordinary life you ever imagined?Imagine waking up in the morning, with the satisfaction of knowing the day ahead is fully under your control, fully created by YOU. Imagine making your cup of coffee and sitting down at your home to do a bit of work, but managing exactly how you prefer to organize your day. Imagine that you decide to go on a trip, visit some family, and not have to stress about using vacation time or not getting paid that week.You can create this reality, or any reality you crave. You first have to believe in your own power.Ok, so listen, youre sitting at your computer, or maybe on your phone and youre reading this today for a reason. Something in your life isnt perfect, and you want more.And you know that IT IS possible to turn your dreams into reality, love yourself unconditionally, and be the YOU youve always wanted to be.So let me ask you does that sound like something youd want to start to take action on? Because right now you have the chance to grab the roadmap that shows you exactly how.This is a step-by-step blueprint that shows you exactly what you need to do to eliminate self-doubt, unlock your potential and live your life the way you always believed you could.It tackles the self-imposed limitations, teaches you how to create your dream travel experiences, and goes into kinds of work that will let you be free and earn an income that allows you to travel or work from home!Heres what were going to coverIn MODULE 1 Open Yourself off to the Possibilities Im going to introduce the course and get yourself ready for all the possibilities that lie ahead of youIn MODULE 2 Become the Badass You Are and Believe Ill show you how to break those self-imposed limitations, stop being afraid of what others will say, and be brave enough to go for what you wantIn MODULE 3 Travel with the Confidence of a Diplomat youll learn tricks on traveling and picking places that will fit your plans, you will learn how to prepare for long and short term travels, among other exciting thingsPlus, when you enroll today you will also get two Bonus Lectures, a Travel Resource Booklet AND a Career Resource Booklet (both filled with tons of useful information)In BONUS 1 Working on Your Terms I will get into types of work you can do to set your own schedule and design your days to your preference. I will talk about Freelancing, Entrepreneurship, and Seasonal Jobs for those interested in getting jobs while traveling.In BONUS 2 Employees - those who enjoy the stability a company provides for them and like their company, but want also to create remote opportunities, will learn exactly HOW to do that while remaining employed."
Price: 39.99 |
"How to Paint a Rainbow Waterfall with Acrylics" |
"Ever Wanted to Paint a Beautiful Waterfall But Had NO Idea How?Are you new to acrylic painting? Do you want to recreate a beautiful waterfall landscape but feel stuck or have NO IDEA where to start?In this course, you will learn how to paint your very own waterfall using easy, step-by-step techniques that will help you master your art skills and grow more comfortable when painting waterfalls.This is a great course for beginners to learn how to handle acrylic paint and make something truly beautiful.In this course, you will learn and master the following:Art Composition: How to Place Objects on a CanvasColor Mixing: How to Create a Rainbow of Colors with just 3 Primary ColorsBrushes: What brushes to use for specific brushstrokes and ""looks""Color Values and Tones: How to Choose Colors in various shades to achieve a more realistic paintingConfidence: You will grow more confident as an artist and learn to just enjoy the processAs a beginner, painting can seem pretty intimidating. So, I split up this course to give you BITE-SIZED INSTRUCTIONS. You can take this course at your own pace, starting and stopping whenever it is convenient for you.I also provided a complete list of all my art supplies and materials I use for this coursePLUS, I give you my tips on what to look for when it comes to brushes, supports, and paint!I am super stoked to walk you through this process! And of course, if you have questions, you can comment within the course, and I will help you out!So, you ready to paint your very own waterfall with acrylic paint? Let's do this!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Wicked Witch Acrylic Painting Tutorial for Beginners" |
"The Wicked Witch Acrylic Painting Course is designed for beginner and novice artists with a desire to learn how to paint and gain more confidence in their work.In the Wicked Witch Acrylic Painting course, you will learn how to get started with composing and painting an entire Halloween-inspired theme, featuring a full moon, witch, and spider.By following along with what you learn you will complete a painting at the end of the course that you will be proud to hang on the wall or give as a gift.The Acrylic Painting course is designed for beginners who have never picked up a brush before, through to intermediate level artists who are looking to try their hand in painting an entire scene with acrylics, and learn crucial mixing, composition, and brush techniques along the way.The course covers some of the key things you need to know about painting with Acrylic paint including:How to Properly Load and Mix ColorsHow to create beautiful blended backgroundsHow to Compose your DrawingHow to Look at Your Image with an Artist's eyeHow to Properly Handle BrushesProper Brush Application TechniquesThe basic equipment to use for acrylic paintingThis course also includes the following downloadable resources:The Witch Traceable to better fast-track your successHigh Resolution Photo of the completed Witch PaintingHelpful Bonus videos to better hone your painting skillsBy the time you have completed this Wicked Witch Acrylic Painting course you will have developed the skills and knowledge to continue on in your learning of how to paint and absolutely fall in love with the process.Join us today for the Wicked Witch Acrylic Painting course and let's have some fun doing your first (or bajillionth) Halloween painting today!Who this course is for:Beginners who have never painted or drawn beforeIntermediate level painters who want to learn other styles of paintingArtists interested in expanding their art skills and trying a whole new style of art"
Price: 19.99 |
"Fall Pumpkins Acrylic Painting Tutorial for Beginners" |
"The Fall Pumpkins Acrylic Painting Course is designed for beginner and novice artists with a desire to learn how to paint and gain more confidence in their work.In the Fall Pumpkins Acrylic Painting course, you will learn how to get started with composing, creating tonal values and painting an entire Halloween-inspired theme, featuring a white pumpkins and a central orange pumpkin.By following along with what you learn you will complete a painting at the end of the course that you will be proud to hang on the wall or give as a gift.The Acrylic Painting course is designed for beginners who have never picked up a brush before, through to intermediate level artists who are looking to try their hand in painting an entire scene with acrylics, and learn crucial mixing, tonal values, composition, and brush techniques along the way.The course covers some of the key things you need to know about painting with Acrylic paint including:How to Properly Load and Mix ColorsHow to create beautiful blended backgroundsHow to Create Realism with Tonal ValuesHow to Compose your DrawingHow to Look at Your Image with an Artist's eyeHow to Properly Handle BrushesProper Brush Application TechniquesThe basic equipment to use for acrylic paintingThis course also includes the following downloadable resources:High Resolution Photo of the completed PaintingHelpful Bonus videos to better hone your painting skillsBy the time you have completed this Fall Pumpkins Acrylic Painting course you will have developed the skills and knowledge to continue on in your learning of how to paint and absolutely fall in love with the process.Join us today for the Fall Pumpkins Acrylic Painting course and let's have some fun doing your first (or bajillionth) Halloween painting today!Who this course is for:Beginners who have never painted or drawn beforeIntermediate level painters who want to learn other styles of paintingArtists interested in expanding their art skills and trying a whole new style of art"
Price: 19.99 |
"Skeleton Tree Halloween Acrylic Painting" |
"The Skeleton Tree Acrylic Painting Course is designed for beginner and novice artists with a desire to learn how to paint and gain more confidence in their work.In the Skeleton Tree Acrylic Painting course, you will learn how to get started with composing and painting an entire Halloween-inspired theme, featuring a full moon and spindly tree with the optical illusion of a skull face.By following along with what you learn you will complete a painting at the end of the course that you will be proud to hang on the wall for Halloween or give as a gift.The Acrylic Painting course is designed for beginners who have never picked up a brush before, through to intermediate level artists who are looking to try their hand in painting an entire scene with acrylics, and learn crucial mixing, composition, and brush techniques along the way.The course covers some of the key things you need to know about painting with Acrylic paint including:How to Properly Load and Mix ColorsHow to create beautiful blended backgroundsHow to Compose your DrawingHow to Look at Your Image with an Artist's eyeHow to Properly Handle BrushesProper Brush Application TechniquesThe basic equipment to use for acrylic paintingThis course also includes the following downloadable resources:The Tree Traceable to better fast-track your successHigh Resolution Photo of the completed Witch PaintingHelpful Bonus videos to better hone your painting skillsBy the time you have completed this Skeleton Tree Acrylic Painting course you will have developed the skills and knowledge to continue on in your learning of how to paint and absolutely fall in love with the process.Join us today for the Skeleton Tree Acrylic Painting course and let's have some fun doing your first (or bajillionth) Halloween painting today!Who this course is for:Beginners who have never painted or drawn beforeIntermediate level painters who want to learn other styles of paintingArtists interested in expanding their art skills and trying a whole new style of art"
Price: 24.99 |
"Analysing and Evaluating Historical Sources" |
"This course will explain each of the source analysis and evaluation skills used in History classes, including bias, perspective, purpose, reliability and contestability. This will allow you to complete all History assessment tasks with confidence. The content is appropriate for all students and teachers at high school and college level. It is presented by an experienced and award-winning History teacher from Australia."
Price: 19.99 |
"Filmer, monter et diffuser une vido avec son iPhone" |
"Cette formation s'adresse aux dbutants propritaires d'un iPhone, particuliers ou professionnels, qui souhaitent acqurir les bases techniques et artistiques pour raliser des vidos simples et qualitatives. Vous apprendrez matriser les paramtres techniques vido de votre iPhone et filmer avec votre appareil, puis monter dans l'application gratuite native iMovie."
Price: 79.99 |
"Vibrational Oneness Level 1 - Be all that you choose to be!" |
"This is the extensive Level 1 Self-Treatment course in Vibrational Oneness ... the first steps to being a professional practitioner facilitating wellness and wellbeing for others always begins with healing, rebalancing, and opening ourselves to all that we choose to be. Vibrational Oneness is listed as an approved healing modality by the International Institute of Complementary Therapists (IICT) and I am an approved trainer.As a professional practitioner of natural and energy medicines, I am well aware that a vital component of ongoing wellness and well being is the healing and rebalancing that must take place mentally and emotionally. As a Reiki Master and Teacher, I know the power of Life Force; as a practitioner of Crystal Therapy and Flower Essence Therapy I am in constant wonder of the power of vibrational medicines; and as a practitioner of Herbal Medicine and Aromatherapy, I have long been in wonder of the synergy that occurs in a well-constructed blend that delivers so much more than each of the components.At the beginning of 2013 my appreciation of synergy and simplicity, curiosity, and inspiration, led to the creation of crystal combinations and practices for those ready to embrace self-responsibility and a life-enhancing practice and as powerful treatment sessions that facilitate realignment, release, wellness and well being.There is no separation that I knew. I was being guided to be true to all that I knew, all the study I had done, and all that was within me, and make new again the way of the ancients where healing was so much more than the independent modalities I had been drawn to and studied over the years.I virtually withdrew from practice for a year, immersing myself in meditation and the unfolding, trialling, and researching of the new practices that would become the practice of Vibrational Oneness. I lived the practice, allowing the drip and flow of memory as it came, using the guidance at every turn, absorbing all that was on offer ... and releasing more than I realised was there to be released.The unfolding healing modality was shown to me as a way of reawakening our conscious connection with All that we are, that grander part of us, the Divine spark at the heart of each of us and at the Heart of Oneness. We come forth into physical to walk however we choose and to follow any path that we choose but we are not required to walk alone.There is no separation. Connection with All That Is is inherent within us, part of the package when we come forth. However conscious connection and how we consciously connect to live a life well lived seems to have eluded many of us in this modern age. It is time for us to remember and to learn.Each of us is gifted freewill. It is inherent in each of us as human beings, our birthright, part of the package when we come forth into physical. We get to choose every step of the way: the choice to embrace self-responsibility for a life well lived, and enhance our innate connection to All That Is, remains with each of us.Each of us is gifted opportunities to master power, to be self-empowered. Again, it is a sacred gift, our birthright, part of the package when we come forth. As we learn to embrace self-responsibility, self-respect, and self-reverence on our way to self-mastery, we begin to express all that we know ourselves to be in ways that inspire, uplift, and positively impact and help others.For those of us who enjoy honouring our Spirit within, the combinations and practices of Vibrational Oneness are there just waiting to be explored and enjoyed.Vibrational Oneness uses the synergy of high-vibrationally-matched crystal stones, essence blends, and essential oils, combined with energy healing, the power of the heart-mind, and a willingness to release limitation to facilitate a return to balance in all areas and support an ongoing sense of our natural wellness and well being. The synergy of the specially combined gifts from the Earth and Beyond is powerful; the choice to let go remains with us. This is a self-empowering, self-enhancing, and self-affirming practice.Be however you choose to be and then be all that you choose to be, and shine bright!This course is designed to give you all the tools and skills that you need to release all that limits you being all that you choose to be.You will receive 3 attunements to the high frequency resonance of Vibrational Oneness just as you would if you were attending the face-to-face Level 1 Vibrational Oneness WorkshopThe Level 1 Self-Treatment Course Manual, just as if you were attending the face-to-face Level 1 Vibrational Oneness Workshop over 200 pages downloaded throughout the course at the appropriate times to give you the complete Manual, cover to cover, by the end of the course.Full details and descriptions of the 48 healing crystal combinationsLinks to 48 guided meditations for each combination to support you going forwardGuided healing meditations to raise your vibration and facilitate forgiveness, releasing, and alignment with All that you are indeed, you will receive many more healing guided meditations during this course than we often have time for in a face-to-face workshop.On completion of your Level 1 Self-Treatment course you will receive external certification from The Manisha School of the Ancient Wisdom in Vibrational Oneness.Vibrational Oneness brings together specific tools from the Earth and inspired practices that help us to not only survive, but thrive, as we live this life in physical. We come forth to thrive in whatever way is right for us. As we thrive, all that we touch thrives. As we shine, all that touch shines.Choosing to embrace the practice of Vibrational Oneness will enhance your innate connection to Higher Self and All That Is and stimulate the Mind/Body memory of the inherent wellness and well-being with which you came forth into physical.Im Kerry Selman, creator and teacher practitioner of Vibrational Oneness. I hope you choose to go within to meet and greet All that you are so that you can become all that you choose to be.Still the mind Open your Heart and Expect a Miracle. All is Well and so It is."
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