"(ISC) Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) Practice" |
"Exam-like practice tests with a mix of scenario and knowledge-based questions covering all 6 domainsIncrease your chances of passing the exam in your first attemptUnderstand which concepts you have not yet fully grasped and revisit themGet confidence by understanding how to identify the BEST answer among multiple correct ones200+ original questionsUpdated to reflect the August 2019 changes in the syllabus"
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprende Node.js, Express y MongoDB rpido y fcil" |
"S quieres aprender Node.js desde cero y en pocas horas, ste videototorial es para t. Podrs entender de qu se trata Nodejs rpidamente. El mtodo para crear una aplicacin web usando Node.js es diferente al mtodo tradicional y al principio puede parecer complicado entender Node.js. Sin embargo, con ste curso podrs entender rpidamente Node.js y sers capaz de crear tus propias web apps con las habilidades que se ensean en ste curso. Se muestra cmo interactuar con la base de datos MongoDB, sesiones de usuario, routers, middleware, como configurar un servidor desde cero y mucho ms!!"
Price: 44.99 |
"Learn Node.js , Express and MongoDB from scratch" |
"If you are a web-developer without expertise in Node.js and want to understand it in a few hours, then this course is for you!!! This course covers all the topics necessary for you to start creating your own web applications with Node.js and MongoDB. The course is divided into three main sections: First Section is about Node.js and ExpressSecond section is about MongoDBThird section is about Login Systems and SessionsThe lessons contain step-by-step explanations on how to use Node.js and MongoDB. All the lessons are easy to understand."
Price: 49.99 |
"Crea una aplicacin web con React, MongoDB, Express y Nodejs" |
"ste curso te mostrar como crear una aplicacin web paso a paso. La idea es que puedas entender fcilmente cuatro temas :ReactMongoDBExpressNodejsLas cuatro tecnologas forman lo que se conoce como full-stack MERN. El videotutorial es claro y fcil de entender ya que explico a detalle todos los pasos que se realizan. S quieres aprender a crear una aplicacin web usando Nodejs en pocas horas ste curso es para t!! inscrbete ya!"
Price: 89.99 |
"Create a web app with React, MongoDB, Express and Nodejs" |
"This course shows you how to create a web application using full-stack MERN from scratch. This course is intended for developers who want to learn MERN stack by doing a web app instead of by reading tutorials or ebooks. You will create the backed of the web application with Nodejs, Express and MongoDB. The frontend will be created with React. React will be configured using Webpack. All the lessons are clear and easy to understand!!! Enroll today!!!"
Price: 99.99 |
"How To Read a Work of Art" |
"Whether it's abstract, non- objective or realistic, all works of art have hidden and alternative meanings. Quite often the average person with no education in art, gets frustrated with a work of art that they just don't 'get.' They can even begin to dislike all 'modern' or contemporary art because the artist's intention is not clear. This course will train your eyes and brain to search for and find answers when they are not completely clear. We will start with basic and familiar works that are easy to understand by understanding the deeper meaning behind them. Once the student becomes comfortable interpreting realism, we shall move on the the more abstract works."
Price: 19.99 |
"Solve Rubiks Cube in 2 minutes" |
"My course is the easiest way to learn how to solve the Rubik's Cube 3x3x3. In my course there are no cheats. It will show all the possibilities that a Cube may have and all of their solutions for about 40 minutes. I will use 5 algorithms and they are all written while performing them in video and written in the Lecture 3.I will also explain every possibility with photos, for example watch Lecture 8."
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduccin al Trading Algortmico en Forex y CFDs" |
"Este curso est concebido para todos aquellos que quieran comenzar a aprender sobre Trading con ventaja estadstica y como automatizarlo, es decir, operar con modelos vlidos para especular en mercados financieros siendo previamente estudiados y validados, en vez de recaer en azar o metodologas no validadas o subjetivas cuyo futuro es completamente incierto.Aqu aprenders desde cero todo lo necesario para iniciarte en el mundo del Trading Algortmico/Sistemtico, desde los conceptos ms bsicos de ventaja estadstica hasta el estudio y desarrollo de las principales familias de sistemas para su posterior filtrado y explotacin, pasando por el desarrollo de plantillas para facilitar el proceso.El temario est enfocado al uso de CFDs (Forex principalmente) por ser uno de los instrumentos ms usados por sus bajos requisitos de capital, mencionando los problemas de prdida de ventaja estadstica que nadie ms cuenta y porque es muy importante la validacin de sistemas debido a esto. No obstante es vlido para cualquier tipo de activos."
Price: 79.99 |
"Edicin de video con Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"Hola! Queres aprender a editar videos de forma profesional? Vas a necesitar empezar desde lo mas basico. En este completo curso para principiantes te voy a ensear todo lo que necesitas saber para que edites tus videos de YouTube de una manera profesional o para que simplemente edites videos caseros, sea cual sea el uso que le des, al finalizar este curso vas a tener los conocimientos bsicos y necesarios para editar tu primero video.Partiendo desde lo mas bsico vas a aprender:Leccin 1: Fotogramas y FPSEs importante que entiendas como esta formado y como funciona un vdeo, as que en tu primera leccin vas a aprender de una manera rpida y sencilla de entender dos conceptos esenciales para la edicin de vdeo.Leccin 2: Organizacin y espacio de trabajoCuando abras tu programa de edicin (Adobe Premiere Pro) es importante que te mantengas organizado, as que te voy a ensear como ordenar tu espacio de trabajo y tus archivos para que nunca pierdas nada y trabajes de la manera mas eficiente posible.Leccin 3: Secuencia, linea de tiempo y cortesEl proceso mas bsico de la edicin de video es cortar y ordenar clips de una forma que le de sentido a tu historia, en esta leccin vas a aprender como cortar y como trabajar con las herramientas mas bsicas de Premiere Pro.Leccin 4: Efectos bsicos y textoLa mayora de los videos necesita efectos para atraer a la audiencia y no se aburrido, as que en esta leccin vas a descubrir como crear efectos bsicos.Leccin 5: Animacin con fotogramas clavesLos fotogramas claves te permiten animar tus efectos y videos para lograr todo tipo de efectos visuales, es importante que aprendas a usarlos con esta leccin.Leccin 6: MascarasLas mascaras son sumamente importantes a la hora de editar video como por ejemplo cuando a veces en un video te encuentras con objetos que no deseas que salgan en cuadro, mediante el uso de mascaras se pueden borrar y te voy a ensear como en esta leccin.Leccin 7: Correccin de colorEl color juega un rol super importante en tus videos, necesitas saber utilizarlo bien y en esta leccin vas a aprender como.Leccin 8: Ms sobre efectos de videoLos efectos visuales son tema complejo y que merecen sus propios cursos de aprendizaje pero en esta leccin vas a aprender un poco mas sobre ellos.Leccin 9: Ms sobre efectos de audioTrabajar con audio para que suena correctamente es parte del trabajo de un editor profesional asi que necesitas aprender como hacerlo en esta leccin.Leccin 10: Final, formatos y exportacinLlegamos al final del curso y necesitas saber como exportar tu video correctamente y en el mejor formato.As que espero que te unas a mi curso y te pongas ya a aprender sobre el increble medio audiovisual y una de sus partes mas importantes: La edicin!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Spring Cloud" |
"Spring Boot web Spring Cloud Spring Cloud"
Price: 94.99 |
"OODFLAGOOD FacebookBloombergLinkedinMicrosoftAmazonAirbnb Google"
Price: 89.99 |
"4 Pillars of Performance" |
"Learn what drives your underlying behaviors in all areas of life to help you take control and improve your performance allowing you to accomplish tasks faster and more efficiently.Most courses, blogs and seminars will teach you different strategies to improve your productivity but generally do not address the underlying issues that have developed the performance habit that you currently experience.While they are fantastic, strategies only go so far, when you address the underlying issue causing your reduced performance, you can increase your productivity exponentially.This course will teach you how to identify your limiting beliefs (which you might not know you had), restructure them by dealing with the fundamental cause allowing you to radically alter your future outcome immediately.What would you be able to accomplish if you were operating in a peak state by not being bound by the past and the story you might tell yourself which may sound like this. Im not good enough, Its a struggle to do better, I dont feel like itTransforming I can do better into I am the best.So is it actually possible to have extraordinary results?This course begins with setting a foundation of understanding in theory. Teaching you how your brain processes information, and ultimately turns it into your results.Having an understanding of this process, the course then goes into a step by step approach on how to address each of these areas individually.As we go through this course and dive into various elements of performance. We will assess what your true values are and what order you hold them in. You will discover more about your personality and we will create a snapshot of it. We will also evaluate your behaviors and look at which behaviors are limiting your productivity.The course takes a underlying approach towards improving your personal performance, developing your mindset to take on every area of your life in the realms that really matter to you. This course will grow and evolve based on your feedback, so dive in and get started today."
Price: 24.99 |
"Learn How To Stop Stuttering" |
"You deserve to live life stutter-free.In this course, you will learn the unconventional, neuroscience based strategies and techniques I've used to personally transform not only the quality of my communication & speech, but also the quality of my life.The Lifetime Fluency Total Speech Transformation Training Program consists of step by step strategies and exercises designed to rapidly transform the way you speak.Gain access to proven strategies and techniques that are designed to accelerate your quest to speak fluently and without a stutter.Improve not only the quality of your communication, but also your mental strength, financial strength and your life overall.Easy to follow & applicable to any level (Perfect for those with a small speech impediment and equally for those with complex speech impediments)You will receive:Lifetime Access to 8-Week Challenge Video Training SeriesCopy of my book: The 5 Golden Steps To Overcome Your Stuttering8-Week Challenge Weekly Action PlannerAccess to our custom-designed accountability tracker8-Week Challenge Daily ChecklistLifetime Access to the Lifetime Fluency Facebook GroupExclusive VIP ContentExclusive Q&A WebinarAccess to Expert Advice and Interviews"
Price: 99.99 |
"CompTIA CySA+ Cybersecurity Analyst+ practice exams" |
"CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) is an IT workforce certification that applies behavioral analytics to networks and devices to prevent, detect and combat cybersecurity threats.CySA+ is the only intermediate high-stakes cybersecurity analyst certification with performance-based questions covering security analytics, intrusion detection and response.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 265 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"CFR 210 Logical Operations CyberSec First Responder exams" |
"By taking an approach where an understanding of the anatomy of an attack is developed, the CyberSec First Responder (CFR) cyber security certification validates individuals have the high-stakes skills needed to serve their organizations before, during, and after a breach.A CyberSec First Responder is the first line of defense against cyber attacks that can cost an organization valuable time and money. The CyberSec First Responder cyber security training and certification program will prepare security professionals to become the first responders who defend against cyber attacks by teaching students to analyze threats, design secure computing and network environments, proactively defend networks, and respond/investigate cyber security incidents.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 96 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 |
"CAP Certified Authorization Professional practice exams" |
"Be the Expert in Risk Assessment and Security AuthorizationThe Certified Authorization Professional (CAP) is an information security practitioner who advocates for security risk management in pursuit of information system authorization to support an organizations mission and operations in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements.The broad spectrum of topics included in the CAP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) ensure its relevancy across all disciplines in the field of information security. Successful candidates are competent in the following 7 domains:Information Security Risk Management ProgramCategorization of Information Systems (IS)Selection of Security ControlsImplementation of Security ControlsAssessment of Security ControlsAuthorization of Information Systems (IS)Continuous Monitoring*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 333 questions ***"
Price: 39.99 |
"Wireshark Certified Network Analyst WCNA practice exams" |
"he WCNA Certification Exam (formerly referred to as the Wireshark Certified Network Analyst Exam) was designed to confirm individual competencies in network/protocol analysis for the purpose of troubleshooting communications, network optimization, network forensics (security), and confirm in-depth knowledge of TCP/IP.The four primary areas covered in this Exam are:Wireshark FunctionalityTCP/IP Network CommunicationsNetwork TroubleshootingNetwork Security*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 329 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"Certified Cyber Forensics Professional CCFP Practice exams" |
"The CCFP certification indicates expertise in forensics techniques and procedures, standards of practice, and legal and ethical principles to assure accurate, complete, and reliable digital evidence admissible in a court of law. It also indicates the ability to apply forensics to other information security disciplines, such as e-discovery, malware analysis, or incident response.CCFP addresses more experienced cyber forensics professionals who already have the proficiency and perspective to effectively apply their cyber forensics expertise to a variety of challenges. In fact, many new CCFP professionals likely hold one or more other digital forensics certifications.Given the varied applications of cyber forensics, CCFP professionals can come from an array of corporate, legal, law enforcement, and government occupations, including:Digital forensic examiners in law enforcement to support criminal investigationsCybercrime and cybersecurity professionals working in the public or private sectorsComputer forensic engineers & managers working in corporate information securityDigital forensic and e-discovery consultants focused on litigation supportCyber intelligence analysts working for defense/intelligence agenciesComputer forensic consultants working for management or specialty consulting firms.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 100 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 |
"Certified Cloud Security Professional CCSP practice exams" |
"Become a CCSP Certified Cloud Security ProfessionalEarning the globally recognized CCSP cloud security certification is a proven way to build your career and better secure critical assets in the cloud.The CCSP shows you have the advanced technical skills and knowledge to design, manage and secure data, applications and infrastructure in the cloud using best practices, policies and procedures established by the cybersecurity experts at (ISC).Prove your skills, advance your career, and gain support from a community of cybersecurity leaders here to help you throughout your professional journey.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 290 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"Leadership: the essential skills you need" |
"With todays business world in unprecedented flux, volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity are the norm. But dont despair its the same for your competitors, and if you turn this obvious pain into gain, youll create a sizeable advantage for yourself. This masterclass explains how to do that by: Becoming more curious and getting out of your comfort zone Developing deeper understanding to overcome uncertainty Seeking clarity, and making sense of chaos Talking to others, and collaborating to seek different perspectivesDesigned and delivered by leadership expert Professor Ben Laker, youll learn how to prosper and capitalise on the situation at hand through an immersive, content-rich experience.This masterclass will explore the emotional impact of change, and the double-helix concept, where leaders manage themselves through change at the same time as leading and inspiring others. Leaders will be introduced to new models of working such as the flexible firm and learn how they impact those they lead."
Price: 39.99 |
"Excel cada vez adquiere mayor protagonismo por sus herramientas, opciones y automatizaciones que con el se pueden hacer. No hay empresa que escape de ser gestionada de alguna manera por Excel donde prima la gestin del trabajo de manera manual; sin embargo, en Excel tambin se puede programar..lo sabias?Gracias a VBA para Excel se pueden CREAR SISTEMAS y/o AUTOMATIZACIONES! y en este curso aprenderemos a abordarlas por medio de un mantenimiento de datos (consultar, agregar, modificar y eliminar) y no una vez sino 4 veces (una ms compleja que la anterior).Por ello, Excel, gracias a VBA te permitir ser ms eficiente y productivo, hars ms rpido tu trabajo o lo mejor Excel lo har por ti!"
Price: 19.99 |
"BYOB Academy (Be Your Own Boss)" |
"From mindset and branding to making $10k/month, this course covers all the basics needed to have a successful online business and becoming a ""digital entrepreneur"". This course covers several different types of business you can start and succeed at. With ""how to's"" and tutorials showing you step by step how to set up your business, there's no denying you won't be making your first $1k/month.The society we live in today is becoming more and more ""digital"", so why not get in now, take advantage of this course so you can set yourself up for a truly passive, financially free future."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Secrets Of Film Photography" |
"How long have you been wanting to try film?A week? A year? Maybe more? It took me a while to get started too. In fact, I didnt even know film was the answer. I just knew I wasnt happy with my work and there was something missing. I just couldnt figure out what that was. I was scared of trying film... because it seems so hard.. I thought it would be impossible to do this if I couldnt see the back of my camera! And guess what? I tried it and messed up a few rolls in the process. BUT I STUCK WITH IT and now my images are prettier than ever and I finally can say that I LOVE MY IMAGES. NO more trying to find that perfect preset. I mean, is there really a perfect preset out there???THIS. WAS. IT. FILM WAS THE ANSWER. While trying, I learned a few things.... And, I want to share it with you! Join me in The Secrets of Film Photography so I can teach YOU the right way to learn and apply film to your digital photography workflow. Ill teach you the right way to get started, how to shoot film, which camera to buy, editing tips and so much more. Its time to finally produce photos you absolutely LOVE"
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduction to Fashion" |
"This course is an introductory course to entering the fashion industry. The course will go in depth about all things fashion....Fashion Industry - this part of the course will go into depth about the business of fashion itself. It will provide detailed information about all the different areas of work within fashion. It will also go into the basics of fashion itself - general information and knowledge needed for any fashion job.Styling - this part of the course is only about style. Explaining how to style yourself in a way that makes your confidence soar. It will also go into personal styling as a career and the basics of styling (color coordination, rules, etc.)Trends - this section will go into depth on how trends are made and how they change over time. It will also address past trends, current trends and any upcoming trends in the next year. Getting into the industry - this section will go into depth on how to get into the industry, from perfecting your resume to nailing the interview - we will go through every step. ALSO included are contacts in the industry to reach out to for internships, jobs or even just questions. These contacts range from Vans to Vogue."
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprende creole como se habla en Hait: Curso bsico #1" |
"Pale Kreyol es un proyecto de enseanza virtual de Creole pensando para ensear este idioma de forma simple y dinmica. El mdulo 1 del curso bsico es el primer paso para conocer los aspectos bsicos del idioma. En este curso empezars a entender cmo funciona el idioma y el vocabulario bsico que necesitas para empezar a establecer una conversacin en Creole. Las lecciones son grabadas en calidad profesional HD con materiales descargables que te ayudarn a repasar cuando lo necesites. Si necesitas aprender creole has llegado al lugar correcto. Para ms informacin del proyecto puedes acceder a nuestra pgina web."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso creole de atencin mdica para profesionales de salud" |
"Trabajas en un hospital, fundacin u organismo internacional? Conoce el curso de creole especializado para doctores, voluntarios, enfermeras y profesionales del rea de salud donde podrs aprender el vocabulario esencial para brindar una atencin mdica de calidad a pacientes de nacionalidad Haitiana. Dirigido a:1-Enfermeras2-Doctores3-Voluntarios4-Asistentes mdicos5-Estudiantes de medicina6-Hospitales7-Fundaciones internacionales8-Organismos internacionales en general"
Price: 19.99 |
"Criao de sites com WordPress" |
"--> Ao concluir o Curso, voc receber 2 certificados:- Certificado da Udemy - Tema: Criao de sites com WordPress- Certificado enviado para o seu e-mail - Tema: WordPress do bsico ao avanado ( JH cursos online )--> Nesse curso voc aprender a dominar a plataforma WordPress e como fazer um site profissionalPor que aprender a criar sites usando o WordPress ?O WordPress Gratuito; uma plataforma que se adapta a voc, para fazer qualquer tipo de site;Suporta vrios tipos de mdias; fcil de aprender e a sua comunidade enorme;Poder ampliar e expandir seu site com temas e plugins;No preciso ser um gnio para gerenciar o WordPress;Pode ser anexado facilmente ao Google atravs do SEO;Voc tem controle total do seu site;Voc cria o site exatamente do jeito que voc imagina;Todo mundo est usando o WordPress."
Price: 39.99 |
"MVC DESDE CERO: Introduccin & Arquitecturas con ASPNET y C#" |
"Si cree que la buena arquitectura es cara, pruebe la mala. Brian Foote y Joseph YoderDesarrollo temtico, resumen y profundizacin basado en contenidos de evaluacin Microsoft 70-486 APRENDE YA! con vdeos prcticos y breves:Toda la Teora ampliada con base el el contenido del examen 70-486La metodologa de MVCSu Arquitectura Multicapa : CodeFirst-ModelFirst-DBSFirst (Teora y prctica)Paso de datos entre pginas Web (Teora y prctica)Diseo de Reportes con 1 o varias entidades (Teora y prctica)Acceso A UML - FUNDAMENTOS . 5 DIAGRAMAS CLAVE - CASO DE ESTUDIOBIENVENIDO!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Si cree que la buena arquitectura es cara, pruebe la mala. Brian Foote y Joseph YoderDesarrollo temtico, resumen y profundizacin basado en contenidos de evaluacin Microsoft 70-486 APRENDE YA! con vdeos prcticos y breves:Toda la Teora ampliada con base el el contenido del examen 70-486Introduccin a RESTFul Service & CRUD & Web API (teora y prctica)Estrategias de Cach (teora y prctica) Introduccin e Implementacin a WebSocket (teora y prctica)Estrategia, SignalR con Entity FrameWork (teora y prctica)Introduccion terica a: Aplicacin Hbrida - WebFarm - Cloud Computing (Estados de Sesin y Servicios)Acceso A UML - FUNDAMENTOS . 5 DIAGRAMAS CLAVE - CASO DE ESTUDIOBIENVENIDO!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Si cree que la buena arquitectura es cara, pruebe la mala. Brian Foote y Joseph YoderDesarrollo temtico, resumen y profundizacin basado en contenidos de evaluacin Microsoft 70-486 APRENDE YA! con vdeos prcticos y breves:PARTE AToda la Teora ampliada con base el el contenido del examen 70-486Introduccin a diseo de Interfaces con CSS3 (teora y prctica)Introduccin a Boostrap (teora y prctica)Introduccin a HTML Helpers (teora y prctica)Usando JQuery, Ajax en una Interfaz MVC (teora y prctica)Uso del control Login (teora y prctica)Diseo de una Single Pages Application (SPA) (teora y prctica)Diseo de formularios Modales (teora y prctica)PARTE BToda la Teora ampliada con base el el contenido del examen 70-486Introduccin a diseo de Layouts Maestros (teora y prctica)Diseo de Layouts Vistas Parciales (teora y prctica)Diseo Responsive, mltiples dispositivos, Tcnicas, etc (teora y prctica)Acceso A UML - FUNDAMENTOS . 5 DIAGRAMAS CLAVE - CASO DE ESTUDIOBIENVENIDO!"
Price: 19.99 |