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"Javascript para principiantes"
"Bienvenidos al curso JavaScript: para principiantes.En este curso vamos a aprender a utilizar el lenguaje de programacin JavaScript desde un nivel cero hasta un nivel avanzado, este incluye ejercicios y explicaciones graficas. Si estas desde cero eso no importa, ya que veremos desde la lgica hasta lo mas complicado, el porque de muchas cosa, y a fondo que trae el lenguaje de programacin JavaScript.Tener un base, para un nivel donde puedas ser capaz de incluir nuevas tecnologas donde su base sea JavaScript como por ej: frameworks o bases de datos :MongoDBAngularJSjQueryIonicNodeJSReactAngularTendremos en cuenta en hacer las mejores practicas del lenguaje, y saber que se puede hacer y que no, para que no tengas problemas a la hora de hacer tu cdigo, s entras en un trabajo nuevo y ves un cdigo spaghetti y te toca organizarlo saber como mejorar dicho cdigo.Objetivos del cursoLlevarte del nivel 0 a  un buen nivel.Retroalimentar tus conocimientos en caso de tener alguna experiencia con el lenguaje.El curso es prctico e interactivo , aprenderemos con muchos ejemplos. Recuerda que: La prctica hace al maestro pero el vicio hace al verdugo.Qu vamos a aprender en este curso?Programacin desde cero: Si no tienes conocimiento previosHabilidad: Manejo correcto del lenguaje y editor.Buenas practicas: No reinventar la rueda y usar lo que ya tenemos.JavaScript: El mejor lenguaje de programacin.Api: Veremos como utilizar datos externos.Firebase:  Nociones de Base de datos en tiempo RealAs que espera para adentrarte en javaScript y sus frameworks?Gracias por participar en este curso disfruta, se viene mas cosas..."
Price: 19.99

"Learning Diabolo with Britney--zero experience"
"I am Britney your diabolo teacher. I was a diabolo performer for 8 years, I've been teaching and coaching diabolo for more than 12 years. I am a certified coach and referee. I can teach you the most efficiency way to start it. Diabolo is one of the traditional sports in Taiwan and China. Also is one of talents in circus. Various tricks and you can definitely perform with it at any level.    In this course, you'll learn what diabolo really is. Most simplest way to start diabolo and start to learn tricks.-how to start diabolo-balance your diabolo-control direction -10 beginner tricks -2 combination of performing routine"
Price: 49.99

"Learning Diabolo with Britney--low intermediate"
"I am Britney your diabolo teacher. I was a diabolo performer for 8 years, I've been teaching and coaching diabolo for more than 12 years. I am a certified coach and referee. I can teach you the most efficiency way to start it. Diabolo is one of the traditional sports in Taiwan and China. Also is one of talents in circus. Various tricks and you can definitely perform with it at any level.    In this course, you'll learn: -how to properly accelerate your diabolo (4 different ways)  -9 low intermediate tricks -2 combination of performing routine-3 duo fun -2 bonus videos"
Price: 59.99

"Learning Diabolo with Britney--Intermediate"
"I am Britney your diabolo teacher. I was a diabolo performer for 8 years, I've been teaching and coaching diabolo for more than 12 years. I am a certified coach and referee. I can teach you the most efficiency way to start it. Diabolo is one of the traditional sports in Taiwan and China. Also is one of talents in circus. Various tricks and you can definitely perform with it at any level.    In this course, you'll learn: -preparation for learning vertical diabolo**-12 intermediate tricks -2 combination of performing routine-2 bonus videos"
Price: 74.99

"Learning diabolo with Britney--high intermediate"
"I am Britney your diabolo teacher. I was a diabolo performer for 8 years, I've been teaching and coaching diabolo for more than 12 years. I am a certified coach and referee. I can teach you the most efficiency way to start it. Diabolo is one of the traditional sports in Taiwan and China. Also is one of talents in circus. Various tricks and you can definitely perform with it at any level.    In this course, you'll learn: -How to play two diabolo in one time-Two ways of doing infinite suicide-Two whipping tricks-prepare for pre-expert level"
Price: 84.99

"Learning Diabolo with Britney--Pre-expert"
"I am Britney your diabolo teacher. I was a diabolo performer for 8 years, I've been teaching and coaching diabolo for more than 12 years. I am a certified coach and referee. I can teach you the most efficiency way to start it. Diabolo is one of the traditional sports in Taiwan and China. Also is one of talents in circus. Various tricks and you can definitely perform with it at any level.    In this course, you'll learn: -2 pre-vertex exercise-How to play properly shuffle your vertex-1 vertex trick-3 two diabolo tricks-3 variation of learned tricks"
Price: 94.99

"Learning Diabolo with Britney--Expert"
"I am Britney your diabolo teacher. I was a diabolo performer for 8 years, I've been teaching and coaching diabolo for more than 12 years. I am a certified coach and referee. I can teach you the most efficiency way to start it. Diabolo is one of the traditional sports in Taiwan and China. Also is one of talents in circus. Various tricks and you can definitely perform with it at any level.    In this course, you'll learn: -advanced infinite suicide (ZhuanZhuan)-5 vertex tricks-6 two diabolo tricks"
Price: 94.99

"Learning Diabolo with Britney---Nothing but Vertex"
"I am Britney your diabolo teacher. I was a diabolo performer for 8 years, I've been teaching and coaching diabolo for more than 12 years. I am a certified coach and referee. I can teach you the most efficiency way to start it. Diabolo is one of the traditional sports in Taiwan and China. Also is one of talents in circus. Various tricks and you can definitely perform with it at any level.    In this course, you'll learn nothing but vertex."
Price: 94.99

"Taller Hilomandala Basico (Basic course of String Art)"
"Basic course of hilomandala - Curso Bsico de hilomandala ENGLISHThe Hilomandala is a variant of the String Art technique, or art of tensioned thread, which specializes in geometric designs. This course is made to begin in this technique, along 4 beautiful designs, you will acquire the basic tools to start making your own creations and explore this beautiful art. We will make 4 circular designs, preparation of materials, color combination, preparation of templates, racks and weaving techniques. In a didactic and entertaining way step by step.ESPAOLEl Hilomandala es una variante de la tcnica de String Art,o arte de hilo tensado, la cual se especializa en diseos geomtricos. Este curso esta hecho para iniciarse en esta tcnica, a lo largo de 4 hermosos diseos, adquirieras las herramientas bsicas para comenzar a hacer tus propias creaciones y explorar este precioso arte.Portugues.O Hilomandala uma variante da tcnica String Art, ou arte de fios tensionados, especializada em desenhos geomtricos. Este curso feito para comear nesta tcnica. Ao longo de 4 belos desenhos, voc adquirir as ferramentas bsicas para comear a criar suas prprias criaes e explorar esta bela arte.Fazeremos 4 desenhos circulares, preparao de materiais, combinao de cores, preparao de modelos, prateleiras e tcnicas de tecelagem. De uma maneira didtica e divertida, passo a passo.Haremos 4 diseos circulares, preparacin de materiales, combinacin de colores, confeccin de plantillas, bastidores y tcnicas de tejido. De forma didctica y entretenida paso a paso.#Online String art#Hilorama online#String mandala#Mandala#Hilomandala online#fractaleria#Curso online string art#lifecouch"
Price: 44.99

"Certified Ethical Hacker CEH 312-50 v10"
"These are simulation exams you need to prepare CEH v10 certification; with the latest real questions (updated on July 2019) you will have an idea what topics you must review again before you take the real certification exam. These questions will help you to get CEH v10 certification. Before you take this simulation exams is recommended to study all topics included on CEH v10 training course, don't forget study NIST 800-XX Frameworks, Compliance regulations e.g. PCI Security Standards, N-tier architecture, Ethics, among others."
Price: 24.99

"Synthesis 101"
"This course is targeted at beginners and intermediate level students.It covers the fundamentals of audio synthesis.The software being used is Logic Pro Xs Retro Synth, but the underlying concepts are transferable to the majority of other software and hardware synthesizers on the market.The course is structured progressively, covering all the building blocks and different methods of synthesis commonly used.Throughout the course there are animations demonstrating the concepts visually, so you can see as well hear the sound.There are also example patches available to download that cover common types of sounds such as basses, leads and pads.This course is designed to be an in depth, comprehensive look at synthesis and on completion you will have all the basic knowledge required to kick start your own sound design journey."
Price: 19.99

"The art of designing gourd lantern"
"You will learn an excellent hobby on designing natural grown gourds.You will learn handcrafting  Unique Creative Gifts from gourdsYou will learn how to customize your Lamps to your tastes at home- Beautiful and Functional Option for your  Business LightingYou will learn a great hobby which you can turn into a profitable business."
Price: 49.99

"El objetivo de este curso es poder realizar correctamente una reparacin en manual de unos esqus o una tabla siguiendo los pasos establecidos para ello. Tambin dar a conocer cmo trabaja un skiman profesional y cmo se usan las principales mquinas. Introducimos los conceptos de los cursos avanzados y profesionales y los materiales y herramientas que se usan.Al final de cada captulo obtendrs unas conclusiones y un glosario, as como un detalle de los materiales a usar que se podrn adquirir mediante nuestra web on-line. Cada ao existen cursos presenciales para poner en prctica el curso terico."
Price: 149.99

"Web Development HTML CSS & JS a 2020 Beginner to Advance"
"This is a beginner friendly course. This course will tech you the Foundations of Web Development. This a more practical orientate Course. Aldo we will start up slow with some basic definitions, the main focus here is to have as much as possible hands on experience. Learning by doing is the key word. That means Examples, Assignments and Exercises!At this point I would like to invite you to join me on this journey and enrich yourself with the foundations of web development. In this Course You will learn Modern HTML 5, CSS 3, and JavaScript, and through applying them you will be able to building from Easy to progressively more complex responsive Responsive Web Pages.Throughout the course we cover tons of tools and technologies including:HTML5CSS3CSS FelxBoxCSS Grid LayoutProjects SASSJavaScriptDOM ManipulationJSONProjects , Projects and more Projects :)Two Important Notes about this Course:1. This is a hands-on Learning by doing Course. This means that we are going to start up Slowly with basic definitions in HTML and CSS and then we will combine them together by building the structure and applying design to our sites. After that we will apply JS in order to make the Site do Thinks.2. Is that I will be constantly Updating the Content with New Documentation, Examples and Exercises in order to bring you as much value as possible. So you can always lean beck on this Course if you want to refresh your memory about something.Bonus!3. The most important thing the you need to know in life is where to find the information you need!"
Price: 199.99

"HTML 5 Test your Might quizzes for Junior Developers"
"Are You or someone you know a Jr. Developer?Thats great because in dis Course we are  going to consolidate your knowledge about JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 .Its not easy being new and theres a lot to learn. Which programming language should I choose? How can I find a mentor? You can also prepare by chaking out my Course about: Web Development HTML CSS & JS a 2020 Beginner to Advance"
Price: 44.99

"Hackez votre cerveau grce la PNL"
"Si comme moi vous tes dsireux de passer un niveau suprieur dans votre vie je vous partages ce qui a fonctionn pour moi. Dans cette formation je vais vous donner des techniques de PNL pour hacker votre cerveau, pour mieux vous comprendre vous-mme et pour mieux interagir avec les autres. Vous allez dcouvrir comment dployer votre plein potentiel !"
Price: 34.99

"Como aplicar Feedback e Motivar sua Equipe"
"Objetivos:Voc ir aprender a dar feedback;A fazer Follow-UP para gerar resultados;E a utilizar com mxima eficcia essa poderosa ferramenta para:Aumentar a performance e o entendimento;Acelerar o desenvolvimento dos seus funcionriosCorrigir o que no funciona e estimular comportamentos mais proativos e eficazes.Contedo (O que voc ir aprender):O que feedback e como us-lo;Como utilizar a Tcnica para Feedback Sanduche;Como utilizar a Tcnica para o Feedback Corretivo;O que Follow-UP;Como utilizar a Tcnica Follow-UP para gerar e garantir os resultados.Benefcios:Voc sabia que o feedback est entre as 12 regras para o sucesso do Esteve Jobs, o fundador da Apple?Um lder com foco em resultados utiliza essa ferramenta transformadora para estimular as pessoas a desenvolverem seu potencialO Feedback encoraja as pessoas a:Ter uma viso clara e segura de sua performance e dos modos de melhor-la;Descobrir e maximizar seus pontos fortes e minimizar seus pontos fracos;Aumentar o Foco e a Produtividade; Responsabilizar-se pela busca de solues.Tudo isso favorece a elevao dos resultados individuais, dos lderes e dos resultados organizacionais.Ento se voc:J Lder e deseja aprimorar suas habilidades; Empresrio e deseja aumentar a Performance dos seus funcionrios e corrigir e estimular os liderados de baixa performance;Ou voc que almeja o cargo de Liderana e quer estar preparado para o desafio.Esse treinamento lhe ajudar muito a alcanar os resultados que voc deseja!Lembre-se, aprimorar suas habilidades, s depende de voc!Seja Bem-Vindo e tenha um excelente Treinamento!"
Price: 39.99

"Danceable Combinations ~ Intermediate Bellydance Series"
"This course is tailored to the advanced beginner and intermediate student. At around twenty minutes in length, these classes fit neatly into your day. We start with a dance focused warm up, then move right into a breakdown of the technique used in the combination. The combination is then taught step-by-step. Finally we drill the combination, often at slower temp and then full-speed. To work on musicality, most combinations are drilled to common bellydance rhythm such as Saidi, Maqsoum, and Chiftitelli. Foundational traveling steps are introduced, such as the Basic Egyptian, Twist Step, Comptons, and the Samia step. Every class teaches a full combination which will add movements, transitions, and pathways to the dancers repertoire so that as a by-product, she will be able to better access a fuller range of movements, in respect to musicality, when its time to dance."
Price: 34.99

"Google Cloud Architect (GCP) practice exam 100% Real Exam"
"DescriptionIf you are not prepared for Google Cloud Professional (GCP)  Architect Certification Exam questions and want to get some help so, now you do not need to take tension. You can practice Google Cloud Professional (GCP)  Architect Certification Exam very simply and easily with this practice exam questions . Not getting proper interview call or your resume not getting shortlisted because of certification?You are a working professional in Scrum but not getting enough time to prepare for the Certification?Rate the course after exam with genuine review  :)Be a  Google Cloud Professional (GCP)  Architect Certification Exam"
Price: 34.99

"Microsoft Azure Architect Certification AZ-300 100% real"
"This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: deploy and configure infrastructure; implement workloads and security; create and deploy apps; implement authentication and secure data; and develop for the cloud and Azure storage.Skills measuredDeploy and configure infrastructureImplement workloads and securityCreate and deploy appsImplement authentication and secure dataDevelop for the cloud and for Azure storage"
Price: 34.99

"GCP Data Engineer 2019 Certification 100% real"
"Hi Guys,I recently passed Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer 2019 exam.I thought to genuinely help people who are preparing for this exam by utilizing my exam study and with my exam experience.So on these terms I created these highly simulated practice tests considering exam objectives, exam experience and brainstorming with all people who appeared for 1st, 2nd and 3rd attempts of this GCP Data Engineer exam.This practice test will fill all the gaps between your knowledge and real exam requirements.This practice test covers additional questions related to new GCP components included like Cloud Composer, Cloud Auto MLThis practice test will help all people considering 1st, 2nd and 3rd attempt of GCP Data Engineer exam.Please note: These are not dumps which will provide shortcut to pass exam, indeed this is high quality simulation practice test which will give confidence to you while attempting questions in real exam."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Database Administration for Junior DBA"
"'Oracle 11g/12c DBA' course follows a step by step methodology in introducing concepts and Demo's to the students so that they can learn with ease.If you want to become an Oracle Database Administrator(Oracle DBA), this course is right for you!!!!Almost in every organization, you will find Database Administrator's (DBA's) to maintain the organization's database. Becoming a good DBA depends on the knowledge you have in the overall architecture of Oracle Database.In this course, I have covered both Oracle Database 11g and Oracle Database 12c so that you get to know the differences and can work in organizations, who are still in 11g."
Price: 19.99

"Bitcoin, Altcoinler ve Forex Trend Temelli Teknik Analiz"
"Temel dzeyden itibaren, kripto para piyasalarnda teknik analiz nasl yaplr ve pozisyon nasl alnr renin!Bu kursta, balang seviyesinden itibaren, teknik analizin nasl yapldn sizlere mant ile birlikte, ezber bilgi olmakszn aktaryorum. Kurs boyunca ise reneceiniz Trend Temelli Teknik Analiz metodolojisini; Trade Psikolojisi ve Risk Analizi yntemleriyle birletirerek, ok daha gvenli ve az riskli pozisyonlar amay reneceksiniz. Trend Temelli Teknik Analiz sistemi sayesinde, formasyonlarn oluma mantn kavrayacaksnz ve ileyeceimiz rnekler ile de Bitcoin ve dier altcoinlerde ok daha salkl pozisyonlar aabilecek ve psikolojiniz ile paranz iyi ynetebileceksiniz.Kurs sresince ileyeceimiz birtakm konu balklarmz;Piyasa ve BizGrafik Analizi in Kullanacanz PlatformlarMumPozisyonStop-LossTrendDestek Dirennemli FormasyonlarTrend Based Fibonacci ExtansionKriptodaki nemli EndekslerTricklerKurs eriilgili kursumuz, Trend kavram ile kendi zelinizde teknik analizinizi yapmanz ve bu dorultuda aacanz pozisyonlarn; Trade Psikolojisi ve Risk Analiz yntemleri ile ok daha sistemsel bir ekilde baarl olmanz amalayan 84 ders/10,5 saatten oluan bir ierie sahip.Kurs ierisinde yer alan her konu balnda ileyeceimiz derslerin ardndan rneklerimizi yapacaz. Kurs boyunca ise znel olarak ele aldmz konular, kurs sonunda, ayrntl bir Bitcoin Teknik Analizi ve Pozisyon Am rnekleri ile tamamlayacaz.   "
Price: 199.99

"leri Dzey Teknik Analiz Program statistiksel genler"
"Alalan, Ykselen ve Simetrik gen formasyonlarna dair doru bildiiniz yanllar ve eksik bilgilerinizi tamamlamak adna, sizlere 7 saatlik leri Seviye Teknik Analiz Program'nn ilk blm olarak nitelendirdiim bu kursu hazrladm. Youn istatistik bilgileri ve backtestler ile rettiim farkl stratejilere yer verdiim kursumuzda, sizler de kursta yer alan istatistikler sayesinde farkl stratejiler retebilirsiniz.Ayn zamanda, gen formasyonlar nasl izilir ve nasl izilmez, sorularna da oka yantlar bulduumuz kursumuzu tamamladnzda, sosyal medyadaki bilgi kirliliinden etkilenmeyeceksiniz ve matematik sayesinde edindiimiz istatistiksel veriler ile en doru teknik analiz ile tradelerinizi yapabileceksiniz. Ayn zamanda ise psikolojinizi iyi ynetebilecek, pozisyonlarnz ise daha objektif ele alacaksnz.Kurs sresince ileyeceimiz birtakm konu balklarmz;*Ykselen genler Karakteristik Tanmlamalar*Ykselen genler Ykselen gen statistikleri*Ykselen genler Boyut ve Hacim statistikleri*Ykselen genler nemli Bilgi ve Stratejiler*Simetrik genler Karakteristik Tanmlamalar*Simetrik genler Ykselen gen statistikleri*Simetrik genler Boyut ve Hacim statistikleri*Simetrik genler nemli Bilgi ve Stratejiler*Alalan genler Karakteristik Tanmlamalar*Alalan genler Ykselen gen statistikleri*Alalan genler Boyut ve Hacim statistikleri*Alalan genler nemli Bilgi ve Stratejiler*statistiksel KarlatrmalarKurs eriilgili kursumuz, 91 videodan ve 7 saatlik zengin ierikten olumaktadr. erdii youn istatistiksel veri ve geerli - geersiz formasyon izim kurallar/rnekleri ile birlikte, istatistiksel veriler aracl ile rettiimiz stratejileri barndrmaktadr. Birok farkl parametrede hazrlanan veriler ile birlikte, market trendi koullar altndaki durumlara hakim olmanz hedeflendi.Kurs ieriinde bir de farkl bir devlendirme sistemine gidildi. nteraktif olmas amalanan bu sistem ile birlikte, kursu bitirdiinizden sonra da almalarmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 199.99

"Jak sta si bogatym dziki inwestowaniu w nieruchomoci"
"Ja swoje pierwsze prawdziwe pienidze zarobiem na flipach. To wanie ten biznes doda mi wiatru w agle.Dlatego powiem Ci jak zacz biznes flipowy.Po 10 latach w tym biznesie jestem tego pewien: znalezienie okazji inwestycyjnej to jedno. Sprzeda z zyskiem, to drugie. Ale przygotowanie mieszkania do sprzeday, maksymalnie optymalizujc koszty, to ju zupenie co innego. Podobnie wiedza przed zakupem mieszkania, ile na tym zarobisz i czy nie lepiej nie zamraa pienidzy i poszuka lepszej okazji.Przeprowadz Ci przez moj autorsk metod robienia flipw: System Nowoczesnego Inwestora.Od momentu, gdy zaczniesz stosowa 7 prostych zasad biznesowych, zaczniesz robi rzeczy, ktre inni uznaj za niemoliwe."
Price: 204.99

"Masterclass: Ultimate Field Guide to Wildlife Photography"
"The most comprehensive course on wildlife photography on the Internet. This is the only course you need to complete, to learn in-depth all facets of wildlife photography. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned photographer with or without experience in wildlife photography, you will still find this course extremely valuable.Sudhir has distilled his 23+ years of experience shooting in the wild in this single most comprehensive field guide for wildlife photography.Through this tutorial, he has striven to cover every tiny detail pertaining to this genre of photography.At the outset, he introduces the topic of wildlife photography and goes on to talk about the ideal equipment for wildlife photography.There are several chapters dedicated to highlighting some of the best wildlife destinations in India and the opportunities present there to sight and shoot wildlife.Sudhir places a lot of importance on subject knowledge in photography, more so wildlife photography. He has covered this subject in great detail and has talked about understanding animal behaviour and how to make use of this knowledge to get superlative shots. He emphasises how subject knowledge can help with pre visualisation another vital concept in wildlife photography. Again, he drives home the point with numerous real-life examples.Sudhir has dedicated several videos to illustrate the various challenges one may encounter while shooting during a safari and the ways in which to overcome these challenges. He also talks about the numerous accessories that help during safaris, some techniques and workarounds for shooting with long tele lens and many other tips and tricks to make the most of your safari experience.Then there is also a whole set of videos where Sudhir has picked specific actions by the subjects and explained how to capture those flawlessly. In parallel these videos also deal with core technical aspects including shutter speed, focussing modes, auto focussing points in different cameras and so on. Composition is another topic he has dealt with in great depth.He then covers the topics of post processing which is an integral part of digital photography and takes you through the various steps he follows to get back that life in the images.Apart from the core photography aspects, Sudhir has covered numerous other topics including the ethical aspects of wildlife photography; equipment care and safety and healthcare during safaris; post processing and more.Finally he has a few chapters which are dedicated to real life examples from the field.In a nutshell, this is the one course you need to sign up for if you are an aspiring wildlife photographer or for that matter even a fairly seasoned one, for there is so much to learn here for everyone."
Price: 2880.00

"Power Electronics: Control and Simulation of PWM Inverters"
"Nowadays, ""Power Electronics,"" basically deals with conversion and control of electrical power using electronic converters based on semiconductors power switches. Among all the different kinds of converters, three-phase Voltage Source Inverters based on IGBTs are one of the most widely used topologies. DC to AC inverters provide natural interfaces with direct energy sources such as solar cells, wind turbines and batteries. They are also used to feed industrial motor drives, electrical vehicles, and control generator systems. With this course, you will lern how to control, model and simulate Three Phase Voltage Source inverters."
Price: 19.99

"Band 7 IELTS Opinion Essay tutorial"
"This course will help you to achieve the desired band in the most frequently asked question in IELTS Writing section, i.e Opinion essay. Most common questions in an IELTS aspirant's mind are:How should I address all parts of the task?How  should I check my essay keeping in mind all the four criteria?What is the examiner exactly looking for?Why do I always get a 6.5?This course will answer all these questions (and many more) plus give you an insight into the strategies and structures which are indispensable for a high band score in IELTS Writing. After helping students independently, now I have decided to share my tips and tricks here. Hope it helps! All the best !!"
Price: 24.99

"Non-techie guide to hiring web builders for business owners"
"The Non-techie guide to hiring web builders for business owners assists non-techies to define, develop and maintain a web presence with the help of a designer/developer even if you have a struggling existing site. Broken into easy to follow sections, this guide takes you step-by-step through the process of launching a successful website."
Price: 19.99

"Architectural Case studies"
"This course is designed to help you learn how to go about a Pre-Design process and how to do Final Presentation.With simple tricks, lessons and exercises youll not only know how to do Case Studies  but also learn simple tips on documentation and final presentation. With these methods, youll learn how to implement the learnings to start with a Good Design!Importance of case studies and site analysis. Identification and selection process for case studies. Live and Book case studies. Different  tools, check lists and methodologies to conduct site analysis and case studies. Representation techniques. Implementation of inferences, learning on final design."
Price: 1280.00